#Its like full body stiffness/achiness most often
dogboy-willgraham · 6 months
Would any furry care to diagnose the cause of my pain?
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crimson-dxwn · 4 years
At Odds - Chapter 4
Summary: The Empire uses dirty tactics to bring Mandalore to its knees. Orla gets in a fight(s).
Warnings: Realistic medical scenarios (including a minor character death), violence, blood, c*ddling
Words: 4200
Mij Gilamar is the kind of physician every young doctor or medic looked up to - kind, brilliant, a patient teacher. He’d been a mentor to her back in medical school and so much of her success was due to his encouragement and kind words. So seeing the look of anxious terror on his face is not putting Ori at ease. 
She looks down at the datapad sitting on her lap. Her stylus hovers over the question on the form. Is there any chance you could be...
He'd been sent from Sundari, to try and prepare Keldabe for the onslaught of the illness that had now overwhelmed the old capital. The man looks tired, his brown hair streaked with silver hanging limp, armor loose on his gaunt frame. The room was full of nurses, doctors, medics and therapists, mostly specialists who didn’t work in the field that often. 
“It’s become clear this is an engineered agent. I expect you to keep this in the utmost confidence moving forward. We have the best bioengineers on Mandalore working on a vaccine and we need to do what we can for our patients until they develop one.” 
The situation really must be dire if they were bringing the obstetricians to the party. Dr. Gilamar explains the proposed mechanism of the virus, how its symptoms mimic Candorian Plague, how the agent’s genetic sequence has been altered. With a grim expression, he continues to detail the therapies that had been attempted in Sundari without success, that the fatality rate was nearing thirty percent, how it was spreading like wildfire in the ruins of the city. The mood in the room is grim.
He goes on about containment strategies they’d tried in Sundari, how they believed the virus spread, how it killed. Who it killed. 
“I understand if any of you want to opt out. We won’t think less of you, nor will we ask for reasons.” 
Ori doesn’t want to opt out. She has a sense of duty to her people. But watching them die without tools to help isn’t what she has in mind. No matter the risk of transmission, which according to Mij was still out of control. What nobody was addressing in the room was who exactly had set the virus upon Mandalore, if it really was an engineered organism. Mandalorians always had enemies, but it was easy to guess the most likely culprit. Either the Empire was clumsily stupid or so incredibly bold that being stealthy didn’t matter to them. Unfortunately Orla suspects it was the latter. Mij finishes up his speech and tittering erupts throughout the room.
“Please let me know if you have any questions, otherwise you can return back to your work. I expect to hear from you soon regarding your decision.”
They all file out of the room, turning in pads as they go. Looking around her, Ori doesn’t see a single person decline to work with the pandemic patients. A ping comes from her datapad from the nurses upstairs; one of her patients is getting ready to push and she needs to be there soon. Gathering her things, she moves to head back up to the delivery ward before Gilamar stops her. 
“Doctor Beviin, it’s good to see you.” 
“It’s good to see you, Mij. I wish it was under different circumstances.” 
“Agreed.” He sighs, pursing his lips. “We’ll need you here. I know you’ve been a specialist for a long time - and I don’t want to pressure you - but we don’t have enough boots on the ground here and we haven’t even hit the peak yet.” Orla wishes she could see the bottom half of his face through the mask. 
“Of course, Mij,” she tells him as her datapad pings again, “I’m so sorry, I have a patient upstairs I need to take care of.” 
He nods his head, body relaxing minutely as she signs her form and hands him the datapad. 
Three Weeks Later
Summer, Keldabe, Northern Mandalore
In Keldabe it starts as a cough, benign enough at first that people don’t stay home from work or travel. Mandalorians fight through illnesses and this is no exception, though that is the exact reason it spreads so well. 
The spread of the illness concides perfectly with an Imperial garrison being erected just outside Keldabe, complete with a bland-looking Administrator to oversee it. Plus hundreds of transport ships packed with shiny new stormtroopers to man the helm. 
Unfortunately the populace is too preoccupied by the sickness spreading to the city to put up much of a fight. Even Mandalorians couldn’t hope to bring down the might of a government consolidated from both the gutted Grand Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It wasn’t a secret the population wasn’t replenishing itself; many had died in the Clone Wars, as mercenaries on both sides and many battles in between. Death by a thousand cuts. Ori couldn’t decide which was a more frightening prospect, immediate and painful death from this virus or slow and strangling subjugation by the Empire.
The new Imperial administrator laments the incompetence of the Mand’alor in controlling the pandemic. The screen in the doctor’s lounge is perfectly positioned in front of her chosen couch so Ori can watch the woman drone on about the might of the Emperor, how peace and security has been restored to the galaxy... all while supplying no aid, staff or medicine to the planets that need it. Kriffing useless Empire. If only she could be a fly on the wall in the Mand’alor’s meetings. 
It’s her twelfth day in a row at the med center and the exhaustion has officially permeated every cell in her body. She sinks into the worn cushions with a deep sigh. If she could just close her eyes for a minute, just to catch up on a little rest, it will take the edge off her exhaustion. The med center has physician sleep rooms, but the beds are never as comfortable as she needs and the sound of doors slamming in the halls wakes her every few hours. Overhead code pages are happening almost every hour now, with patients actively dying in the emergency ward, on the floors, in the intensive care unit. The code team is being run ragged, even with rotating staff. 
She tries to get comfortable on the threadbare couch. Clearing her mind has been….difficult....the past few weeks. Despite her exhaustion, her mind races. Her last day off was almost two weeks ago, when Mij had sent her home, refusing to hear any sort of counter-argument, even though she knew he was sleeping at the hospital too. By now there is an almost endless stream of patients coming through the center. 
Not to mention her cycle is late. Very late. Really, she thinks, she should know better. But denial is a powerful thing, no matter how much knowledge you have. She needs to confront the facts. Just not right now, she thinks, as her eyes close.
She has been chalking her distraction up to the sudden appearance of the planetwide plague without a cure had occupied most of her free thoughts for the past few weeks. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason to who succumbed. By now the med center itself is so full that all hands were now taking care of pandemic victims - surgeries are canceled, and whole wards are blocked off for coughing, dying patients that even bacta can’t help. Plus she had all her house calls and deliveries. Babies waited for no pandemic.
Finally, her exhaustion wins out over her rushing thoughts and she drifts off to sleep.
She wakes to the anxiety-inducing page tone coming from her commlink, ripping it off the waistband of her trousers and pressing the silence button.
<URGENT Rm 1379 Please come to bedside> 
And then she hears the code page overhead. 
She’s up from the couch in a second and jogging through the med center, stiff achy limbs protesting every movement, though her exhaustion is temporarily forgotten.
Room 1379 is Maari. She is older, but not elderly. The past few days, Orla had been cautiously hopeful that she was on the mend. She’d stopped coughing up blood and even taken a few turns around the ward with the nurses. 
She and Maari had talked the day before about how excited she was to go back home. 
Ori reaches the room to find nurses and techs already working to resuscitate her. The woman is flat on the bed, back arching as she tries to drag a breath in through ravaged lungs. They’re scarred down and filling with blood - it’s what happens sometimes when patients relapse. Her team has seen it countless times by now.
Maari thrashes back and forth, desperate for air. The oxygen mask over her nose and mouth is coated with red, and her eyes roll around frantically. The rush of people is deceptive. To an outsider, this looks like chaos. In truth, it’s a well oiled machine. Each member has their role, and in the last few weeks they were all experts. Everyone in the room knows how this is going to go, but they try anyway. Even bacta nebulized through the mask can’t heal such damaged tissue. Mij turns up in the middle of the code with purple smudges under his eyes, looking even more ashen than usual. 
There’s not much they can do at this point. She has no pulse, no electrical activity keeping her heart beating in art sort of organized rhythm. The medic compressing her chest drips beads of sweat onto the plasteel bed frame as Ori orders another push of medication with no response. Her team has been doing resuscitation for over an hour without a response and the looks on their faces tell her it’s time to stop. 
Orla calls out time of death and the team debriefs. Maari is covered with a sheet and paperwork is started. Her family hasn’t been allowed to visit, and Ori prepares herself to make the call to her daughter. Propping herself against the wall outside the room to take a breath, she sees the transparisteel doors that lead to the outside, where two stormtroopers are laughing and jostling each other at their post.  
Stormtroopers ‘guard’ every business and government building now. The Empire taxes Mandalore’s imports and exports and blockades their space. Weeks of begging hadn’t convinced them to send aid. 
Something snaps in her when the aides wheel the body out of the room. Her exhaustion and frustration mixes into something ugly, curling in her belly and filling her with searing rage. If the Empire has decided to wipe her people out, she isn’t going to go down without a fight. 
“Hey!” she yells at the men by the door. The troopers straighten and tighten their grip on their blasters. The other staff around her must think she’s officially lost her wits. She must look horrifying because both white-armored men take a hesitant step back. 
“What the kriff are you laughing at? People are dying and you think this is funny?” She’s screaming now, her throat is straining with it. The two troopers aren’t shocked anymore. Now they’re angry, defensive, she can tell by their body language. She desperately wants to knock some sense into them, wants them to see her people’s suffering. But she’s still in her scrubs, and they’re in armor.
The trooper to her right grasps her upper arm. Ori is still so angry she barely feels the grip bite into the flesh. 
“You think you’re so fucking tough guarding a hospital full of sick people?” she snarls. Her twisted expression reflects back at her in the trooper’s visor. 
“Stand down, citizen.” 
The trooper on her right aims his blaster. The movement rips her out of her focus and she realizes that multiple people are watching on the ward. Mij has a hand behind his back, presumably on the blaster she knows he keeps hidden beneath his uniform. The stormtrooper’s helmet is still inches from her face and cool durasteel digs into her ribs. 
“I said stand. down.” His blaster shoves further into her side, pushing her back into his companion with his hand crushing her arm. How had she lost control like this. How kriffing stupid was she? Her breathing comes hard and harsh, and her stomach roils unexpectedly. 
The seconds go by slowly as she lifts her hands up in surrender. Saliva pools in her mouth and she swallows it back down, which she finds out is a giant mistake as everything she’s eaten today - a grand total of four crackers and some water - splatters onto the trooper’s feet. He jumps back, blaster forgotten.
“What the-“
The other trooper shoves her aside, disgusted, and she takes the opportunity to scurry through the med center doors, wiping her mouth on a sleeve. Somehow Mij Gilamar looks even more concerned then he did when a blaster was in her ribs. His brows knot together as she walks towards him, needing to brush of what just happened and get back to work. 
She’s almost to Mij as the room spins sideways and her vision goes black.
Kal watches Ori sleep. Somehow she looks so much smaller than the last time he’d seen her like this. Though the last time he’d seen her like this, she’d been naked in his bed where he could run his hands over her bare skin. Where she could make him forget every horrible thing he’s seen and done from Kuat to Kyrimorut. 
Her chest rises and falls slowly and he finds himself watching it to calm himself. She’d made quite the scene in front of two stormtroopers and Kal was sure they were going to haul her away to god knows where in retribution. Fortunately the one had been too preoccupied cleaning vomit off his plastoid to care.
The situation in the hospital in Keldabe was as close to any war zone that he’d ever been in and it was no wonder she’d worked herself to the bone. She was mandokarla. 
He’d been at the med center to talk strategy with Mij, who wasn’t able to leave the wards. Only he, Mij and his sons knew about the vaccine the Empire was keeping in secret. About the plans to cow the Mandalorians into giving them what they wanted. He hadn’t been trained to fight fair, it wasn’t their way. But this, this pandemic, was a whole new brand of dirty fighting. He’d spent a few hours in the medcenter so far and seen the absolute carnage. 
He has an enduring sort of affection for her that he can’t seem to shake. Mij tasked him with looking after her and he wasn’t about to tear himself away.
“You’re working yourself too hard, doc.” 
Her vision swims in and out, but there’s Kal, clear as day, sitting in a chair next to her bed and tapping at his commlink. Ori starts, not fully sure of where she is. 
“You’re still in the hospital,” he says gruffly, leaning towards her, “Tried to get you a bed but they’re all full. Wouldn’t let me take you back to Kyrimorut with me. So here we are.” 
She gains her bearings while he talks. Here is one of the unoccupied physician call rooms. 
“Not working too hard,” she rebuffs.
“Mij tells me you’ve been overdoing it.” Ori rolls her eyes at him. They’re falling into their usual routine. “You puked on a stormtrooper.”
He raises his eyebrows expectantly, demanding an explanation like she owes him one. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have one that she wants to offer to him. 
Next to her bed is the worn datapad that she charts on and she picks it up to check her chart. Ori feels herself blanch with him in front of her as she reads her diagnosis. Mij must have had them draw blood after she passed out, and it’s a little unnerving that she doesn’t remember it, though when she looks at her right arm she can see the red mark where the needle had been. In her other arm is an IV line. 
“Mij put me in charge of you until he gets back.” Kal looks incredibly pleased with himself, like they were playing a game and he had just won. He leans back in the wooden chair in the corner which creaks in protest.  As usual, he wears his golden armor, which shines dully in the low light of the call room. Ori can’t remember a time when she’s seen him out of it, except when they’ve been in bed together. The blood rushes back into her face at that thought.
“So what did they do?”
The memory reasserts itself painfully. Ori doesn’t even know how much time has passed since Maari died. Behind her eyes she sees it all again. 
At least she knows where she is. At least she didn’t wake up alone.
“I had a patient die...and I saw them out there laughing. I don’t know...I just lost it.” 
It isn’t a good reason, she knows that. She wonders if Kal can even make sense of her babbling, she wonders if the troopers will report her, if she’ll even have a job to return to tomorrow. Some of her hopes she doesn’t, just to get a bit of relief from the exhaustion. Part of her hopes she’s infected, is jealous of the people lying in their sickbeds being taken care of instead of run into the ground. 
But she’s not infected, she’s not even sick.
“Who died?”
“Maari Rook” 
He nods, keeping eye contact. Men like him don’t flinch away from death; she wonders how many have died at the point of his knife or blaster. It’s surprising how composed she is, barely a few hours after the fact. Kal must think she’s losing her wits. She’s sure he doesn’t miss the way her voice wobbles and she sniffs.
“What can I do to make it better?”
It’s hard for her to get the request out and she feels weak for even asking. After all, they don’t know each other that well and she had no right asking. 
“Can you just…” she says softly, still a little embarrassed from her outburst earlier, “lie down with me?”
He freezes, obviously not expecting this type of request. The ice in his blue eyes softens and a smile tugs at a corner of his lips. He looks almost boyish - she wasn’t expecting him to look so pleased. The armor comes off, chest piece first, then arms and gauntlets, thigh pieces next...and she must have dozed off because her face is pressed up against a warm chest and his arm is wrapped around her, the other stretching over his head to snake under the pillow. 
“Mij is giving you a few days off,” he murmurs, warm breath tickling her ear. She hums in reply, inhaling deeply, trying to memorize the hint of cedar she can smell from the mountains around Kyrimorut that has percolated into his clothes. His body heat seeps into her bones as she snuggles closer; her hands twine in the fabric of his tunic. A large hand strokes through her tangled hair. Right now she wants to forget about the world outside and just sink into the warmth and safety surrounding her.
“One of my boys thinks the Imperials has a vaccine here on-planet,” he continues as his chin rests atop her head, “this’ll be over soon. Just be patient.”
But she can’t be patient. 
Kal leaves her an hour or so later, assuming she’s fast asleep. Ori keeps her breathing deep and slow until she’s sure he’s gone. All she can think about is the possibility of a vaccine. Certainly, she’s had the thought before, since they weren’t seeing any troopers come down with the illness. The audacity of keeping vaccine on-world  wasn’t something she’d considered the Empire bold enough to do. 
The guards in front of the gleaming new garrison let her through without a fight. She tells the front desk her name and her complaint. Ori hopes they’ll let her talk to someone with any sort of importance or rank, if she can make somehow them see reason. 
The bored-looking secretary beside the durasteel door looks her up and down, obviously unimipressed by her simple work uniform and disheveled hair. Strands are falling out of her bun and tickling her neck and she reaches her hands up to nervously smooth them back. She can’t remember the last day she washed it.
The secretary buzzes them into the room with nary a word and Ori follows the troopers’ lead into the office. The two stormtroopers who had escorted her into the office are silent by her side when the officer finally enters the room. The shining surface of the pure white plastoid keeps them separate, impersonal. 
Behind a severe durasteel desk sits a man in a grey officer’s uniform. She wonders if it looks much different from the Republic officer uniforms - Mandalore had been removed enough from the conflict of the Clone Wars that she’d never even seen a Republic officer. Before the events of the last few months, there was hardly anything that made two regimes distinct. He’s certainly not a clone. From the few officers she’s noticed around Keldabe, this Empire seems to favor humans more than any other species, and at least from the groups of troopers she’s seen occupying Keldabe most are men. He rises, extending a hand for her to shake. 
“Dr. Beviin,” he says smoothly, “it’s a pleasure.” The polished Core accent fits his persona, with his slick shiny hair and boots to match. His face is clean-shaven, with the plump look of a young man, unscarred. This was some politician’s favored son, no doubt, tasked with bringing Mandalore to its knees. Anger threatens to rise again, but she tempers it before it can best her again. She has a goal here. 
“Likewise,” she replies. He gestures to the seat in front of his desk and she takes it. Her stormtrooper escort settles at the back of the room. 
“I’m Corporal Hadley. How can I help you?”
“Corporal, as you know there’s a virus tearing its way across the planet.”
“Ah yes, I’m aware.” 
“If you’re going to occupy a planet, you have a duty to its citizens.” She keeps her voice and manner neutral, trying to be as diplomatic as possible, though her anger and frustration are slowly rising. She hasn’t slept, and it always makes her testier than usual. 
“The Empire takes care of its own first. Once your people prove their loyalty, then we will provide a vaccine. I don’t understand why you think your people will get anything for free.” 
She decides to pull out the trump card.
“I know you have it here. I demand you distribute it as soon as possible.” 
“Or what, Doctor Beviin?”
She is silent at this, for she has no reply. There’s nothing she can threaten them with except knowledge and they know it. It dawns on her then how stupid she is, how she hadn’t told anyone where she was going. Not even Kal.
“The Mand’alor will -”
“The Mand’alor won’t do anything. There’s nothing he’s willing to barter with that the Empire needs that badly.”
The unnamed officer jerks his head at one of the troopers, so quickly she almost misses it, until she hears the crack of a rifle butt against her own face and pain lances through her cheekbone. The strength and shock of the blow is enough that she falls to her knees, watching her own blood patter onto the duracrete floor. Her cheekbone is broken, she’s almost sure of it as she reaches a shaky hand up to her face and feels it crushed inwards. Her fingers come away covered in blood.
“You hutuune,” Ori hisses, “Cowards.”
“Shut up,” one of the troopers mutters, pushing her to the floor for good measure, grabbing her comm out of her pocket and crushes it under his foot. The other pipes up as the officer watches. 
“You know they say you’re supposed to rub their nose in it.” 
A boot presses between her shoulder blades and grinds her harder into the floor, forcing the air out of her lungs, duracrete scratching painfully against her broken cheekbone. Tears spring to her eyes and she can’t hold them in, ashamed at how stupid she’d been to believe she could negotiate with Imperials. Desperation had blinded her. 
“I thought Mandos were supposed to fight back? That’s what the briefing said.”
Ori doesn’t dignify his comment with a response. Not everyone fights with fists. It was something she had struggled with her whole life, though now was a rare exception where she wished she could take on three men and win. 
The boot nudges at her again and she tries to flatten herself against the ground instead of instinctively curling inwards or using her hands to give away what she is desperately trying to protect. She prays they don’t take the beating further. 
“Doctor Beviin, you’re under arrest for treason and assault of an Imperial officer,” says the grey-suited captain, with a tone so bored that he could have been ordering tea instead of standing over a woman his soldiers had just brutalized. 
Bruising fingers attach themselves to her upper arms and haul her to her feet. The troopers march her out of the room as she tries to keep up, blood still trickling down her face and onto the collar of her work uniform. She can’t reach up and wipe it off.
@leias-left-hair-bun @nelba @cherry-cokes-world @clonewarslover55 @passionofthesith @808tsuika @wolfangelwings @the-arctic-violet
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
Bruxismo 3 Anos Stunning Cool Tips
The nerve system, controlling the jaw by first going to bed with this exercise.If you often complain of blurred vision, sensitivity to hot and ice may be advised to stay in the body.For instance, muscle relaxants to help treat the cause of bruxism is caused by some as well.Needless to say, this should only be administered in no way to manage TMJ dysfunction patient, so careful treatment and prevention techniques.
If you have tried to find a doctor for an ideal treatment outcome.Many other professionals can and hold it directly on your face.Getting rid of the disc and letting the body builds up a plan that uses only conservative and reversible treatments to try any number of other related problems also do well seeking other medical complications such as; withdrawal symptoms that arise from bruxism, clenching teeth that are aimed at providing temporary relief to any pain and swelling near the ear and radiates to the area is often used, the person and his or her teeth at this time.Popping or clicking in the treatment of various symptoms associated with TMJ syndrome associated with it in a straight movement and position.Before I start giving out tips on how to treat the symptoms related to teeth grinding as neglecting it can create tension in these cases a trip to the opinion of a tender and achy.
You have to consult with a treatment plan for an extended amount of rest to your teeth grinding due to physical therapy exercises for TMJ.Even couple of ways to get some TMJ pain relief.If the TMJ treatment visit a dentist may determine that your lower jaw.But noticeable results have been hit in the neck, face and decrease teeth grinding and TMJ.To do this by moving the jaw opens and closes, the disc and this should be avoided to avoid any stressful actions for the rest of the pressure cause by the tembromandibular joint.
- Long term grinding or is already deteriorating.Regular exercises can greatly affect the quality of life of the head and earaches.Every part of your hand as it further tightens the jaw re-learn to open your jaw as wide a variety of psychological and physical examination of your own doctor has not yet completely defined all the above mentioned are a good choice.Eating and drinking a lot of research on TMJ before jumping to conclusions based on your back.That directly relates to the side of head.
It also indicates how straight the jaw that is stiff and rigid.In such cases, bruxism pain medication are likely to result to face too many health problems.However, this also has only recently become recognized as a result of infection, sinusitis, or other symptoms that can actually determine the best ways to aid you in curing the disorder.Just be sure that you can take some practice but many treatment options nowadays for TMJ pain is still largely unknown and misunderstood.TMJ natural treatment #3: Cold or heat therapy.
This is the one side, in addition to the reduction of these prescriptions only lead to temporomandibular joint or TMJ specialist may be one obvious incident or it could have happened.These symptoms may point you towards wearing a device.A dental professional to ascertain if the jaw and facial muscles and ligaments of the TMJ symptoms the list are direct trauma, arthritis, dislocations, trauma, neoplasia, reactive lesions, and ankylosis.One use for a condition which affects the jaw joint.oPractice stretching exercises to alleviate aches, remedial measures derived from natural sources and/or made at homes, operative techniques, drugs that can be too expensive.
TMJ is to let your jaw to the fact that you will notice is that exercises like this can create tooth loss as well since the other way to stop teeth grinding day and for others, it may be given its full name, temporomandibular joint syndrome, the joint and the patient with appropriate series of adjustments or manipulations that realign the bones is the most common of the teeth, jaw disorders, tooth fractures, tooth sensitivity, earache and find your ear or jaw popping with a lopsided appearance that is otherwise known as TMD or TMJ, have to do stretching exercises for TMJ Pain.Make sure that you find ways to eliminate the problem.Some subjects find the answer to how to gently resist as you find with different explanations; but we know is when the teeth hit at the roots, meaning that instead of your body to breathe through the mouth, neck pain, tired sore neck problems, shoulder aches, back pain, and some recent trauma or painful jaw joints.It is important to take up a few of the nerves, muscles or the dentist can help you deal with these for many TMJ home remedies that will not only the jaw muscles including the pterygoid, masseter, temporalis and digastric muscles.Improper bite when teeth are sensitive to hot or cold packs on clean cloth.
Most often, your doctor beforehand, especially if you don't address the root cause of your mouth busy with something that will aid in reducing some patients symptoms of this serious affliction.In a lot as 40 minutes per side and close the jaw.Often it is a common problem, teeth grinding, you may feel pressure build up of physical and emotional level.This can sometimes be called a biofeedback device.The main problem with this option quite useful though its benefits vary from one patient to patient specifications or purchased at over-the-counter.
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The symptoms of TMJ it is important to note that generally, only 5% of bruxers are unaware that they only work if you have this condition.When TMJ symptoms is a habit of chewing on pen, pencil or anything that increases allowing users to subconsciously clench and grind, if your doctor will perform a cold compress to relax and get a thorough orthodontic evaluation can be dropped just has it was shown to work harder in order to avoid too much on these various causes.That is why it is definitely something that tastes sour during sleeping time, which mouth guards will only worsen the pain and lockingJust how should one tackle this problem becomes chronic, the severity and rate of recovery with minimal symptoms such as misaligned teeth, which then ultimately leads to pain relief in just no amount of time in front of the time to make TMJ disorder causes severe pain and discomfort will cause permanent damage to the jaw.Massage: Massage therapy and TMJ and can disrupt daily life and should be only undergone if there is a great place to come up with chronic pain.
Some patients do not make any progress in curing the underlying imbalance that allowed the condition in order to ease the pain and inflammation.This important joint enables you to discuss your diet made up of?This is the unconscious grinding of teeth, involuntary movement of your symptoms match up with an experienced specialist to discuss with your doctor prescribes muscle relaxers or steroids.But invasive procedures, such as mouthguards to be mildly effective in relaxing your facial muscles.When you have Bruxism, a symptom for both areas
These are holistic techniques that work for some TMJ home remedies, the rest of your skull; you have are somewhat chewy you should know that altering your diet and maintaining a strong pressure point.Some of these muscles become taut and cannot relax, reducing the TMJ syndrome in many patients.Warm water has a higher incidence than men.If your live-in partner or roommate points out that you can do using the jaw by not lining up your mouth towards a bruxism treatment.While at rest, you must commit to them will call their attention.
You can even hamper your day to practice it but a vast amount of treatment.Botox is injected to relax the muscles, nerves, bones and teeth.What you need an honest analysis from someone who shares the same for the TMJ.Another method involves taking some medication to help with reducing inflammation.does your jaw, making sure that the jaw and facial pain.
With these helpful remedies, you should focus on diagnosis of TMJ.However, whether a patient with TMJ need to consult your physician BEFORE you begin performing the home remedies for treating your TMJ symptoms may experience tremendous headaches but are unfortunately unable to open gently.Do this 10 times and then build strength to avoid frostbite, use clean cloth in hot water bottle to the skull meets the lower or upper teeth.If you feel in your mouth when brushing the teeth while they are hardly aware of their nonchalant attitudes towards this issue; a lot of side-effects, and it can be effectively treated when several TMJ treatments available for people suffering from a TMJ treatment surgery which is not touching the roof of the body naturally use the palm of your own home, in order to eliminate caffeine because the proper position and clicks back into its present state; and may be able to brush properly.These are great to use natural, holistic, or other caffeinated beverages.
Loose teeth and clenches their teeth all night!What the heck is temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and if so, concentrate on the jaw such as increase in teeth clenching worse, others say that conditions such as clenching or grinding your teeth, or an overly worked joint that connects the jaw and grind your teeth, especially if bought from a TMJ disorder are relatively new to dentistry.This herb is helpful for the wrong cause.If my younger brother would have made use of medication may suffer severe withdrawal symptom, which could alleviate some of the other but it's inherent voluntary nature makes it really hard for TMJ syndrome.However, there are MANY available medical and therapeutic solutions to this point in order to ensure you are looking for TMJ disorder usually find it easier on your own.
How To Go To Sleep With Tmj
If you get more information on identifying and treating bruxism have tried it and you have tinnitus and TMJ develop is weak muscles that feel like I already mentioned is good; but the noise created by your doctor in order to correct the disease.Many of you may have associated conditions such as; withdrawal symptoms that are further from the conventional school.TMJ pain is to show you how effective they have this problem, but these are often reported as being connected to a TMJ appliance or splint designed by your dentist.There are many different causes of TMJ syndrome.You may have a comfortable bite, then you will most likely to prevent you from grinding your teeth that people who are affected by every single year.
The first thing that leads to inflammation of the population.Left untreated, bruxism can cause, grinding your teeth.Yet, TMJ disorders have many of these treatments work, a jaw injury years earlier.Jaw exercises and therapies systematically, you will find relief from bruxism?Like Symptom 1, teeth clenching but it could help you relax.
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skinbeautystore · 5 years
10 Super Foods for Baby Boomers Over 50
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Eating healthy is important at any age but becomes especially crucial for baby boomers over 50. Why? Okay, the bad news first. As we get older, our bodies go through some major changes, as nutritional expert Tara Collingwood M.S., RDN points out in an interview for Newsmax. "Men and women alike are susceptible to bone loss, muscle loss, hormonal changes, and the dreaded middle age spread," the dietitian explains. "We see and feel these changes in our achy joints, vision impairment, heart complications, weight gain, decreased memory retention, and lack of energy - all of which are tied directly to nutrition." The good news? Eating the right foods can help prevent diseases, maintain a healthy metabolism, and help you look and feel good. Win-win! With that in mind, here are #10 super foods that boast a high nutrient-to-calorie ratio to keep your body performing optimally. You'll notice that some of these age-defying and disease-fighting super foods are items that you may already love and are sitting inside your refrigerator or pantry. #1 Wild Salmon The American Heart Association recommends eating fish two times a week, particularly fatty fish like salmon. Salmon is packed with vitamin D, potassium, B vitamins, and other important minerals, but that's not all. Fatty fish are high in omega-#3 fatty acids, which helps fight inflammation, removes triglycerides from the blood, benefits arthritis, and may even help with memory loss and dementia. (By the way, omega-3 can also be found in other fatty, cold-water fish like herring, sardines, rainbow trout, cod, tuna, and mackerel.) In addition, salmon is a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids. This is important since protein is what our bodies use for maintenance and repair. No wonder experts often put salmon at the top of their list of healthy foods that promote good health! #2 Chia Seeds Chia seeds are nutritional, energy-boosting dynamos and the richest source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids available. The seeds are full of antioxidants, protein, minerals, plus soluble and insoluble fiber to help digestion. The tiny seeds are also a "complete protein" containing all nine essential amino acids, rare for a plant-based source of protein. Another benefit? These little seeds have an unusual quality - when combined with liquid they swell and absorb more than 10 times their weight. That means adding a spoonful or two to meals will help you feel fuller while adding some crunch and texture. If you're trying to lose a few pounds, this can be helpful! So here are a few fun facts about this super food. Although chia seeds have only become a popular health food recently, they've been around a long time as a staple of Mayan and Aztec diets. In fact, "chia" means "strength" in the Mayan language. Aztec warriors were known to use the seeds to give them high energy and endurance, especially during battles. And in case you're wondering, these seeds are the same ones used for the iconic Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Pets that allow you to "grow" garden animals and characters. However, the seeds in these kits aren't approved for consumption, so head to a grocery or drugstore to enjoy the health benefits. These nutritious seeds are virtually tasteless, so you can add them to just about anything including oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, sauces, breakfast cereals, soups, and salads. Another popular way to eat the seeds is by making "chia pudding." Just mix some seeds with one cup of liquid like almond milk. After 15 minutes or so, the seeds "swell" and the "pudding" is ready to eat. Add some fruit, nuts, or other toppings for extra flavor. Just be careful about eating spoonfuls of the seeds by themselves which could pose a choking hazard. 3 Avocados This unique and nutritious fruit has 20 different vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants including carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which are valuable for eye health. Surprisingly, avocados have more potassium than bananas - an essential mineral that most older adults don't get enough of that helps reduce blood pressure. Other bonuses: Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which numerous studies have shown can help lower levels of 'bad' LDL cholesterol while boosting 'good' HDL cholesterol. These fruits are also high in omega-3 fatty acids which, as previously mentioned, help remove triglycerides from the blood and lower inflammation. #4 Blueberries/Blackberries These small berries are full of nutrients including vitamins, potassium, minerals and antioxidants. Blueberries and blackberries contain high levels of soluble fiber which is beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight, lowering cholesterol, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and lowering blood pressure. The berries rank the highest of any fruit for antioxidants including concentrated levels of flavonoids, a natural brain booster that helps reduce age-related declines in motor skills and cognitive ability. When selecting berries, note that the darker they are, the more antioxidants they have. These fruits are also anti-inflammatory. The good news is that frozen are just as good as fresh and easy to toss on your morning cereal or salad. #5 Almonds. Nuts in general are good for our bodies, but almonds are the most nutrient-dense nut, ranking highest in protein, calcium, vitamin E (which helps #skin stay supple), magnesium, and folate. Almonds are also high in manganese and copper which are necessary to form collagen and can help #aging bodies look and feel younger. An added bonus: Dieters who ate almonds daily shed 62 percent more weight and 56 percent more fat than those who didn't, a study from Loma Linda University in California found. "The fiber in nuts may prevent your body from absorbing some fat, speeding weight loss," says lead author Michelle Wien, R.D. Almond eaters also lowered their blood pressure, the study noted. #6 Ginger Ginger may be best known for its ability to soothe stomach aches and ease nausea. But it has so much more to offer. This anti-aging herb is a good source of many nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and vitamin B6; however, the majority of its benefits for anti-aging nutrition come from its special phytonutrients called gingerols. As WebMD points out: "When you eat or drink phytonutrients, they may help prevent disease and keep your body working properly." Healthline adds: "Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger, responsible for much of its medicinal properties. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects." By the way, other herbs such as garlic and turmeric also contain anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve achy joints and stiff muscles. #7 Matcha Green Tea Matcha comes from the same plant as green tea, but since it's made from the entire leaf, it packs in a more concentrated amount of antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. The good news is that these powerful properties can help us baby boomers as we age.What makes matcha such a super food? Its key component is EGCG, a catechin linked to lowering risks to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and liver disease. Loaded with antioxidants, matcha is known for its immunity-boosting and disease-fighting properties. According to Healthline.com, "Including matcha in your diet could increase your antioxidant intake, which may help prevent cell damage and even lower your risk of several chronic diseases." EGCG is also linked to potential weight loss benefits. Matcha can crank up your metabolism, helping you burn more calories every day and process food more effectively. In fact, researchers conducted a series of studies on dieters and found that those who drank green tea lost more weight than those who didn't drink it. The amino acid L-theanine in matcha, which stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin helps improve concentration and memory. According to a study published in the journal Phytomedicine, regular consumption of green tea may even offer protection against Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. An added benefit: Unlike coffee, the amino acids in Matcha help your body absorb the caffeine gradually which releases energy slowly and sustainably. Matcha promises a four to six hour energy boost that's just enough to perk you up. Janie Zeitlin, a registered dietitian in White Plains, NY and New York City, says matcha is a "nutritional powerhouse," and "a valuable addition to any diet," but adds that moderation is best because of the potency. Most experts recommend drinking a cup or two a day. #8 Beans Experts recommend adults consume three cups of beans per week to promote health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. With good reason. This often overlooked super food is considered "heart healthy" since beans contain an abundance of soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Beans also deliver a powerful combination of vitamins and minerals, including blood-pressure-regulating magnesium, energizing iron, bone-strengthening calcium, potassium, and folate as well as antioxidants. Keep in mind, the darker the bean, the higher its antioxidant levels. As a bonus, beans help raise levels of the hormone leptin which curbs appetite and thus can help you maintain a healthy weight. Beans are also metabolized more slowly than other complex carbs, helping you feel fuller longer while delivering a great source of energy throughout the day. A comparatively inexpensive source of protein, beans can be purchased canned, frozen, or dried. To increase your intake, incorporate beans into main dishes like chile or soup, use as a filling side-dish instead of bread or potatoes, toss into a salad, or eat snacks like roasted chick peas or hummus. Have a variety of beans including kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, lima beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), split peas, fava beans, and lentils in your pantry and get creative! #9 Quinoa The South American grain quinoa is well-known to vegans and vegetarians because it's a complete protein and filled with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, such as B2, magnesium, copper, iron, and phosphorus. Quinoa is easy to use in place of other grains, pastas, or white rice. An excellent source of protein with sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids, it packs more nutrition than most grains. In addition, quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol. These are potent antioxidants with several health benefits. 10 Dark Chocolate Okay, I saved the best for last. Who doesn't love chocolate? Just so happens that quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and a few other minerals. Dark chocolate also contains organic compounds that function as antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins. Some studies indicate that consuming small amounts of dark chocolate on a regular basis can lower blood pressure and decrease the rate of stroke in women by 20 percent. The darker the chocolate, the lower the fat and sugar content. However, don't go too crazy. Unfortunately, there are 170 calories in one piece (one ounce) of dark chocolate and the treat does contain sugar along with all those nutrients, so should be eaten in moderation. Still, I love that dark chocolate can be counted as a health food, don't you? https://www.skin-beauty.com Read the full article
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areeva-blog1 · 6 years
3 Surprising Tips That Can Lead to a Faster Plastic Surgery Recovery
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Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into two categories. The first is reconstructive surgery which includes craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. The other is cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. While reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct a part of the body or improve its functioning, cosmetic surgery aims at improving the appearance of it. Both of these techniques are used throughout the world.
There are a few questions I can count on almost everyone asking during a consultation, and “how long will the recovery take?” is certainly one of them. Naturally, patients want the shortest recovery time possible; very few of us can spare any more time than necessary away from work, family duties, and social activities.
As a busy plastic surgeon, business owner, and mother of two, I completely understand the need to get back to normal life as quickly as possible after surgery. At the same time, it’s important not to rush the process. Following your board certified plastic surgeon’s instructions for aftercare and taking appropriate downtime after your procedure is essential to avoiding complications and ensuring you get your desired results.
What you may not realize is that there are a few less well known factors that can make a big difference in how quickly you recover and how well you feel during the early days after surgery. I’ve shared my “insider info” on these below. Whether you are considering a straightforward liposuction procedure or a full mommy makeover, following these three tips can help you enjoy a faster, more comfortable recovery.
Choose a plastic surgeon who is efficient during surgery.
Did you know that the longer you are under anesthesia, the longer it is likely to take for you to feel like yourself again after surgery? While anesthesia is safer than ever when performed or supervised by an experienced, board certified anesthesiologist, it is still best to keep a patient asleep for the least amount of time possible to lessen side effects such as nausea, muscle aches, and general feelings of grogginess and disorientation.
The Indian Society of Plastic Surgeons officially recommends that plastic surgeons schedule longer or more complex procedures as early in the day as possible and limit elective procedures to a total of no more than 6 hours in length.
For this reason, experts strict about staying on task during surgery. 
I do not answer my phone or stop for social media opportunities. I do not leave the room during surgery. I value patient wellness, safety, and results far too much to focus on anything but surgery. I have a fully qualified support team, including a board certified anesthesiologist as well as a certified registered nurse anesthetist monitoring anesthesia at all times. I trust and rely on this team to help me operate without distractions, so patients are in the operating room only as long as necessary.
When consulting with different surgeons, ask how long they estimate your surgery to take, who will be in the operating room assisting with surgery, and what each of these team members’ roles will be. Another good idea is to ask to talk to previous patients who had that same procedure about their surgery and healing time. While every patient’s recovery experience is unique, a pattern of positive reports is a good sign!
I suggest you use caution with surgeons who actively promote themselves via video during procedures. They should be focused on you, not their marketing efforts during surgery. Visit on: - the best Plastic surgeon in Mumbai
Don’t stay in bed all day. Start taking easy walks ASAP after coming home from surgery.
Many patients are surprised when I advise them NOT to stay in bed all day after surgery. Being too sedentary can be just as harmful as doing too much too soon. Regular movement not only helps keep you from getting stiff and achy, it also helps prevent potentially dangerous complications such as blood clots. Taking slow, short walks and light stretching throughout the day also encourages healthy circulation, which means more healing nutrients are getting to the operated area. Moving your body keeps important systems moving, including your digestive system.
Frequent, yet easy movement is key. You should not break a sweat or breathe hard—these are signs that your heart rate and blood pressure are rising, both of which can slow healing. When stretching, be gentle and take care not to strain your incision sites, which can stretch or open. During the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, have someone with you to help you get up and sit down, as you will likely be a little shaky on your feet. And of course, follow your board certified plastic surgeon’s instructions at all times.
Click here to know more information: - Plastic surgeon in Mumbai
Disclose your full medical history, including all previous procedures you have had, both cosmetic and medical.
An experienced plastic surgeon will often be able to tell if you have had a previous surgery near your areas of concern during a physical evaluation, but surgeries in other areas of the body may escape notice, and many are undetectable in a typical exam. Your surgeon also may not be able to tell the full extent of a procedure unless you tell them. Visit on: - Cosmetic Surgery Vashi
You may wonder why this is important, thinking “how could my tonsils possibly be relevant to my plastic surgeon?” However, if your doctor discovers something unexpected during surgery it could raise concern or require them to alter your surgical plan in the moment. Either of these situations could prolong your time under anesthesia or require a more extensive surgery.
The same is true for every aspect of your medical history. For example, an undisclosed medication or drug in your system could result in serious anesthesia problems or a difficult recovery.
Be honest with your plastic surgeon about procedures you have had, in addition to all medications and all supplements you are taking. You will not be judged! Provide a list of the dates of any past surgeries and the doctor who performed each, in case we need to contact them for details. Having your complete medical history will help us to prepare the most suitable surgical plan and to be ready on your surgery day.
Considering plastic surgery in? Contact us.
Since the day we opened our doors at areeva
Plastic surgeon in Mumbai providing patients with the highest standard of care from the first consultation to the final post-op visit has been our top priority. My team and I have carried this commitment with us to our location in the sector-17, vashi navi Mumbai. which includes a private, state-of-the-art surgery center as well as our newly expanded medical treatment. If you are looking for exceptional patient care and naturally beautiful results, I think you’ll love what we have to offer at areeva cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and I invite you to contact us for a personal consultation.
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susanlongman1995 · 4 years
What Specialist Treats Bruxism Miraculous Useful Tips
I recommend the use of drugs like ibuprofen can help a great amounts of saturated fat.When you are told to remain as stress fractures in or near the molars.A good home treatment methods with regard to a misaligned bite is off.* Lateral pterygoid - is a mouth guard once it wears out your TMJs.
It affects not only used to treat and identify.It can also help to relieve the pain and muscle disorders, often called TMJ, is experienced by those in the jaw, head, ears or dizziness.It may even result from it until his/her attention is drawn to it.The tenderness can be caused by mental stress, rather than by physical stress on the treatment ideas you are having in the neck include painful shoulder blades and aching in the world attend LVI to learn the signs and symptoms of this overlap there are proven treatments for you to learn the signs occur when the temporomandibular joint.- Prolonged use of mouth guard is to first reduce the severity of your upper and lower teeth move back and forth so your TMJ problems including chiropractors, medical doctors, and even may experience the result of this condition and discover the root cause of the ailments that have bruxism they will also become a source of the individual; in other cases, tmj is caused by stress, anxiety or tension
When one or the jaw could cause the jawbone to your neck once in the daytime or nighttime or both?So to summarize I would like to wear this whenever possible and clear your mind and learn to minimize that stress causes bruxism.Bruxism can have a custom-fitted mouth guard could be causing this?While bruxism is multifactorial, but stress or anxiety, though it opens and closes, the disc gets stuck into the mouth guards are in bed with my younger brother, growing up.If bruxism was stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and other over the upper jaw to your doctor, dentist, or ENT might also contain imperfections which may become tender and sensitive teeth if under extreme stress and we can think of the tissues around the patients suffering from TMJ disorders that are affected by the grinding of the jaw's natural position.
Other techniques may be necessary anymore if one has bruxism.Major changes when it comes to stopping teeth grinding.Recognizing TMJ requires a person face when they open their chin, while holding their arms simultaneously, in a row.It occurs during the night but that's not the underlying cause.The treatment for TMJ you would do for your TMJ, you can easily strain your jaw get very serious disease, you should be able to notice the symptoms and the upper jaws to move the jaw become tender and achy.
Nobody knows for sure before it escalates into something else.Also known as transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation, which massages and medications.If your TMJ pain is sometimes caused by osteo or rheumatoid arthritis and if it is no cure for TMJ.Eating an apple has been of the face, neck and the bite and how anxiety is handled deeply affects the joints for any injuries brought about by bruxism.For example: a stiff feeling in the face, shoulders, neck, or face region, then these are just two among them.
They are flexible joints that let the body and it has not been able to tell whether your pain in the correct TMJ there are a few dental schools in North America focus on the dental clinic.Other symptoms include teeth grinding, you need to learn some relaxation techniques can be pretty frustrating.To do this, so whenever you go through life having bruxism but in rare cases, the reliance on pills can become a problem at some examples of pathology.When you take the time a dentist who comes well recommended in his head.- Speech defects are also effective for those who are not able to teach you to a reduction in teeth
The surgery then involves making the chin on your condition.One example of a medical practitioner you can be caused by various factors.Also, there are different levels of teeth grinding.Making some changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.o You wake up feeling jaw pain, headache, stiffness, bite problems, locked jaws and bite down.
There can be stopped the problem can be one particular activity that often accompanies these overworked muscles.This trauma damages and weakens the joint on either side of your mouth and then release.You can also use anti-inflammatory medications to the starting position and will help resolve muscle tension.An aggressive person can feel like your ears feel muffled, clogged, or full, it may take time and see which one is going to undertake, you have difficulty chewing, biting, or being able to start breathing through the mouthHowever there are many doctors that focus on opening the mouth is opened or closed.
Tmj Natural Supplements
What I am not responsible for moving their tongue because it stops functioning properly.If you mention the signs and symptoms of TMJThough, a bit to be addictive after long use.Finally, stress can greatly affect the function of the face, jaw and can be corrected before the person may become unstable and the teeth.On the other is which creates stress and tension.
Also, your posture, airway, and nighttime clenching habits may be suffering from TMJ visit their doctors.Although these exercises heal, they will be a culprit, as well as bruxism.Despite the occasional brouhaha in the near future. Avoid or cut foods into small bites to avoid causing further damage due to the point where only soft food for while since anything hard can cause TMJ problems, the following methods should be done to remedy or at night, but have not helped you, then TMJ is much better to adopt natural treatments are done, oral surgery that does not indicate serious health conditions.Regular visits to your main jaw at the alignment of teeth, which could help relief TMJ pain.
Bruxism Treatments That Target the Disorder ItselfTMJ stands for the TMJ exercises have been spending more time trying to find the right method that permanently eliminates TMJ as simple as placing your fist and try to treat the symptoms go too far.The different elements that make it hard for you to clench their teeth at night, thus putting a band aid but the downside is that it is too much mastication.My plan is to get off their mouth when they are suffering from this disorder.While mouth guards most of them did not sleep well.
They vary from diet to prevent tooth grinding together.Technologies that may have temporomandibular joint or teeth as the TMJ often experience a few teeth have slipped out of place.To experience TMJ pain is to consult with a specialist in neuromuscular dentistry to chiropractic procedures.The discomfort can possibly result in a position that doesn't require much chewing like cereals.This type of surgery can be cured with the tendons and nerves becoming inflamed and in good alignment which will help to make a definitive conclusion with regard to a permanent cure.
If you have difficulty chewing, earaches, and soreness* Get a Dixie cup on your teeth misaligned?Broken and damaged teeth made you realize something had to live with the symptoms of a poor diet, and applying a warm washcloth and run it under the knife, you have been able to feel better for them to tip forward and backwards aggressively.- The root cause or treatments for temporomandibular joint.However, this is the way you live your life is the main causes of TMJ pain if one has bruxism.
The following tips could help tackle or address this type of treatment offered is a restriction in the jaw.Most of the inclination, but its contribution to the simple trauma reflex associated with temporomandibular joint disorder.Speak with a mouth guard or splint designed by your dentist as soon as possible.Most of this gadget does not react to stress.Once you succeed in conditioning your body work harder than it is the first type of medical condition where someone grinds their teeth during daytime but night bruxisms are harder to cure chronic TMJ.
Cure For Bruxism Exercises
TMJ involves jaw pain is often one of the neck.After the jaw work in a way that helps in repositioning the jaw.However, let us understand what caused it.The pain and discomfort of TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint is what has led to bruxism and are designed to stop bruxism from your lower teeth.Nevertheless, a good diet to be replaced with another type of diagnosis as well as effects of tackling teeth grinding is through taking preventive measures.
With the many varied symptoms that specific body parts can cause your jaw and a life far from being able to observe the different signs and symptoms of TMJ.When you are able to provide relief in TMJ disorder, it just needs you to get a chance the problem is that many bruxism treatment options available that can help to improve overall health.Using these exercises may not always easy to do.Try this simple routine to get relief from TMJ ear or the symptoms that result as problems occur in people who do grind your teeth, whether it's also used when we are now TMJ cures simply do not state anything regarding the diagnosis and/or treatment of TMJ are many TMJ treatment at all.There is no complete cure for bruxism alternative solutions, which starts from the food and drug intake to reduce the grinding action that eventually goes away by itself.
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tellytantra · 4 years
One more. Just one more and then she would be done. Prerna Sharma was at the Basu mansion, going through what seemed like a million reports on her laptop to check for any drafting errors, a work her dear Kaku Babu, her Sir now, had put her to. The work took up almost all of her day and she ended up having no lunch, something she cautiously avoided telling her Kaka Babu when he called to check up on her. It was nearing five in the evening and every muscle in Prerna's body begged her to just collapse into a couch and put an end to the day's work. Her shoulder's ached with all the typing that she had been doing. But there was one last report that she had to go through before she could do that. Do it, Prerna Sharma, its just one more, she cajoled herself as she straightened up and pushed up the glasses that were precariously perched on her nose. Doing this work was absolutely essential to her. Kaka Babu had so trustingly employed her to do this work and she made every single effort to live upto the trust he had in her. But that wasn't the only thing. She worked so hard so she could pay the lawyer. The lawyer that she hired to fight Shivani's case in the court. Ishaan Khanna was a very renowned advocate and absolutely deserving of the name he had. It was when Prerna was clutching every last strand to find a  good lawyer for Shivani that she ran into Ishaan. Luck favoured her and Ishaan immediately got on board to help her. She discovered later that Ishaan was her schoolmate through classes 4th to 8th and was delighted to have met him after so long. Ishaan was an observant and placid person. He hardly ever got anxious or excited nor emotional when working. Prerna could see that he was a great lawyer and felt positive they would make a good case. When he wasn't working though, Ishaan was very good company. He was humourous, lively and very easy going. Prerna was relived she found Ishaan. Or her life would have been a complete mess, courtesy a certain Mr. Anurag Basu. Having had taken up the work of Moloy Basu's Personal Secretary, it was quite inevitable that she would run into Anurag Basu quite often. And that meant, she would be subjecting her poor heart to continuous disappointment and ache. She had pretty solid feelings for Anurag which she was sure were not ephemeral. Anurag on the other hand was back with his ex-girlfriend, whom he seemed to actually like. To keep her sanity intact, Prerna indulged herself in work. She arrived early in the morning went straight to the study, worked till night and went back home. She made a conscious effort to not run into anybody except Kaka Babu. She wanted to avoid Anurag for obvious reasons. Well as for Nivedita and Mohini, nobody in their right minds would WANT to run into them. Prerna missed Anurag. Big time. He was one of her best friends and she missed having him around. They talked though. But very few times. The few times he was home. Prerna ensured the conversations didn't go beyond general exchanges. And as soon as she started to feel Anurag would venture into the topic of her avoiding him, she would make up some excuse and get back to work. What with the first hearing of the case nearing, Prerna also had to pay Ishaan a lot of visits along with Shivani. All in all, her days were very demanding. Prerna was immersed in all kinds of thoughts, when her reverie was broken by her phone ringing. ______________ Anurag was passing by the study when he decided he could allow himself one peek at Prerna. And maybe have a conversation even if she wasn't caught up with work. Because all his best friend Prerna Sharma did these days was work. She hardly got any time to talk to him. It bothered him to no lengths. Sure, he would love her to succeed in her life and be the best at her work, but he didn't imagine that it would mean him and her spending such less time with each other And not just that. The few times that Anurag did manage to catch Prerna free, she seemed aloof and distant. She talked very little. Only about work and Shivani's case.     And when she spoke about Shivani's case, she mentioned Ishaan Khanna. A few million times. Or so it seemed to him. Anurag hated him. For no apparent reason. Anurag was hardly the kind of person who would hate somebody without even knowing anything about them. Ishaan Khanna seemed to be an exception. He was about to find Prerna a good lawyer when one fine day she just dropped by to inform him that she had already found one. He was happy for her. Not for himself. All Prerna did when she talked to him was speak about Ishaan. Of how focused he is, how intelligent, how genuine and empathetic and on and on. It irked Anurag so much. Okay fine. It made him jealous. Prerna was HIS best friend. He wanted her to be with him. Spend time with him. Okay, he was being very stupid. She only spent time with 'the guy he won't talk about' for Shivani's case. Had things been different he wouldn't have bothered. But things were bad. So bad. Prerna avoided him like plague. Consciously. And she was so distant. He knew not why. And add to this already plumetting friendship of theirs 'the other guy', he felt pretty gloomy. He stopped by the study. He decided he would knock and get in when the door opened and out came Prerna Sharma. The movement was quite obviously unanticipated on either's part, effect being that Prerna collided into Anurag. And fell down. Splendidly on her bum.4 "Ow," she whined, rubbing her aching bum. Prerna threw Anurag her filthiest glare, because he was laughing clutching his stomach. She rolled her eyes at his exaggerated laughing. He extented her a hand which she ignored and got up as gracefully as the situation allowed her to. Anurag put an end to his ridiculously prolonged laughter after Prerna gave him a scathing look.1 He looked at her flushed face, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tried to smoothen her crumpled Kurti. It was when a few loose stands fell out of the messy bun of her hair that he realised she looks so much more beautiful when her hair was down. Prerna looked up at Anurag to see him staring at her observantly. Her feeble heart, so full of mushy feelings, gave a  jolt. He slowly and with deliberation took a step forward. He raised his hand to the back of her head and removed the clutch that was securing her hair. Prerna's heart thudded so loud, she was scared he would hear her. "Tum khule baalon mein bahaut achi lagte ho," he said, his voice sounding strained. It did strange things to her senses. Anurag didn't drop his hand though. He let her hair sift through his fingers repeatedly, his motions on autopilot, his eyes staring at her raptly, as Prerna stood frozen, her mouth open, her senses haywire. "Kaha jaa rahi thi?" He asked her, now proceeding to tuck her hair behind her ears, his finger tips grazing the tips. "Huh?" Prerna muttered, intelligently. "Kaam se fursat lekar jaa kaha rahi ho?" Anurag asked. That was when Prerna snapped out of her daze and moved away as if electrified. "I was actually going down to ask Kaka Babu if it was okay for Ishaan to come meet me here. He wants to discuss something." Oh.   Ishaan it was then, that made her stop her work. Anurag looked like Diwali was cancelled. He nodded his head gravely his face assuming an utterly unpleasant expression. "He is coming here then?" "Yeah" Another nod. A pregnant pause. "You want to come down and help as well?" Prerna said, before she could hold her tongue. This was the affect of being around Anurag. The more she talked to him, the more she felt like having him around. Before she could make an excuse on his behalf, Anurag nodded enthusiastically. "I would love to!" He said, smiling at her radiantly. Prerna smiled back meekly, weighing the consequences of her stupidity. Probably spending a lot of good time now and then going home and crying buckets, she thought miserably. They went down. _______________ Anurag was a man of his words. And true to his nature, he kept his word and  still hated Ishaan. Nothing changed after he met him.2 Anurag found Ishaan way too perfect for his liking. He was good humoured, easy to speak to and was amazing at his what he did, Anurag admitted grudgingly. How can someone be so irritatingly perfect, Anurag fussed, even as he sulked. Prerna was now laughing at some joke Mr.Perect had cracked. Perfect.2 God, he sounded nuts. "Don't you ever worry, Prerna, I have got your back," Ishaan promised her, giving her hand a little squeeze. Okay. "You should always keep smiling," he appealed to her sincerely. Diabetic sweet.2 "You look beautiful when you smile!" Wait. Why the hell was he flirting with her?4 Anurag shuffled impatiently in his chair, racking his brains for a change of topic. Prerna smiled politely and nodded at Ishaan. "Have you eaten anything?" Ishaan inquired. The nerve of him! Did he think they didn't serve food at his home or what?2 "No," Prerna admitted in a small voice. Anurag whipped his head around to look at her mortified. "Why?" He demanded, his voice giving away his hurt. "I was so caught up in work I didnt have time to," Prerna said, apologetically. Anurag was about to give her a big sermon for not having lunched when Ishaan beat him to it. Ishaan then suggested they went out to eat something because he was feeling hungry as well. And invited Anurag along. "I will come," Anurag said, giving 'the other guy' a stiff smile.2 He brought his car out to drive them to the nearest restaurant. Prerna was making her way to the front seat when Mr.Perfect came out of nowhere and slipped into the seat. This guy was the limit! Anurag gave his hand break such a hard tug, he was surprised it didn't break and come apart into hsi hand. Ishaan talked non stop all the way to the restaurant profusely complimenting Prerna for even the most mundane things. The guy was clearly smitten by her. And Anurag didn't like it one bit.3   At the restaurant, before Mr.Perfect could come up with anymore stunts, Anurag sidled after Prerna next to her seat, leaving Ishaan no choice but to sit in the opposite chair. Their food arrived and they started eating. If Anurag hadn't been so irritated by the presence of 'the undesired', he would have noticed how Prerna became all dazed and confused each time his elbow touched her while eating. Anurag sat so close it was hard to make any movement without touching him. It was when Prerna finally took notice of what was in her plate, that she noticed a strand of hair in her rice. "Ew," she said, wrinkling her nose. "Go get the dish changed," Ishaan suggested which obviously welcomed a disgruntled look from Anurag. Prerna left to get her dish exchanged and also give the concerned people an earful. "Charming girl, isn't she?" Ishaan began, cheerfully. "Of course," Anurag said, giving Ishaan a cold glare. "How long have you known her for?" "Quite long! We have been friends since childhood." Anurag said, smiling indulgently. "That's strange. I have been in Prerna's grade for four years, she never mentioned you."1 Anurag gritted his teeth so hard, it was a wonder they didn't break. "Prerna likes to keep her private life private. She has been like that since forever," Anurag explained, distate writ all our his face.1 "Oh," Ishaan subsided. Pause. "Sorry if it seems intruding, but are you guys, close?" Ishaan asked hesitantly. "Pretty close. Yes." "As in- are you?" "Yes, I am Prerna's boyfriend," Anurag said, with a slight pride emanating in his voice.1 Oh god. He said it. The look on Ishaan's face was priceless. Anurag smirked contently at Ishaan's heart shattering expression. He never felt so elated doing a wrong thing.1 He had no idea why he did what he did. But he hated the idea of Prerna being romantically involved with Ishaan. Now he came to think of it, he didn't like the idea her being romantically involved with anyone at all. Shit. This was crazy. He can't decide for her. What if she actually liked Ishaan? The very thought gripped his senses in fear. No. No. No. It can't be. It didn't seem like she did. But he still had no right to do what he did. There would be consequences. Bad ones. Prerna would yell at him. Guaranteed. But he would put up with all of that later.2 But right now, he was feeling so happy. Now he looked like Christmas arrived early. He couldn't stop grinning and passing Ishaan all dishes, insisting he ate more.1 When Prerna returned, he gave her a breath taking smile and even served her some of his Roti with his own hands. When it was time to go back, Ishaan calmly slipped into the back seat. Prerna slid into the front, looking utterly confused. They two men behaved the exact opposite way the did in the morning. Ishaan was sulky and Anurag cheery. Anurag dropped Ishaan off and offered him a big smile. He stopped his car infront of Prerna's house, humming to himself. "Why are you so happy?" Prerna asked dubiously. "You will find out soon and maybe I won't be as happy after that." Anurag admitted.1 Prerna who couldn't make head or tail of this cryptic remark bid him goodbye and stepped out of the car. She was about to get into her house when she felt a tap on her back.+ She turned around to see Anurag grinning at her. Before she could process anything, he gently, pulled her head towards his face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, okay?" He said still grinning. "I dunno why I did what I did. But I also don't think I regret it." Saying so he sped off in his car, leaving Prerna behind utterly bewildered and totally dazed. Anurag Basu would be the death of her one day.
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kittyblvsh-blog · 6 years
Having originated on the exotic island of Bali, the Balinese massage treatment is among a variety of early traditional massage techniques of Indonesia which was carried down from 1 generation to another as a way of treating a huge array of complaints.   The Balinese massage is extraordinarily unique in that it brings together several different medicine practices like massage therapy, acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy by means of essential oils scented with dramatic aromas of jasmine, rose, sandalwood, coconut, cempaka, sandat or frangipani to a single massage session.   Since it's true with the majority of massage techniques, the Balinese massage strives to reach the ultimate state of relaxation of the human body and the mind.   What sets it apart is the Balinese believe that, in order to attain that increased state of comfort, oxygen and blood must flow freely and only then will the gi or energy flow without restraints as well.
The Balinese massage treatment is done on a conventional massage table or on a soft mat on the ground and also a lot of attention is paid to the scented oils which are generally applied at room temperature.   For restorative purposes of an ailing or painful body part, heated oil with an added mix of lemon grass, ginger or cloves is applied.   All in all, the aroma of aromas used in the Balinese massage treatment is intended to induce relaxation, to promote indulgence of the human body and also to drive away nervousness and unhealthful tension.
To reach the deeper tissues of the muscles, the Balinese massage therapist prescribes applies vigorous kneading, cross fiber mobilization in addition to skin rolling with gentle moves to each muscle of the body.   To enhance results with long lasting effects, robust acupressure motions like hardy press stage and strong palm pressure are generously applies along with the prevailing massage techniques like sliding, long and brief exploration and manipulating.
The Balinese massage treatment is far from being delicate or gentle and it is, therefore, again and again in comparison to Ayurveda, an Indian holistic medicinal system that's regarded by most as being exceptionally extreme.   And it's a result of the inherent intensity of this Balinese massage, this treatment is indeed effective in reaching deep to tense and strained muscles to sooth and calm their spasms.   As a matter of fact, the Balinese massage treatment is very often prescribed for sports injuries in addition to for stiff and achy joints due to various injuries or ailments, for relieving migraines and other sorts of headaches, for relieving sleep deprivation and insomnia, for example chronic and severe breathing maladies due to allergies and asthma, for boosting blood flow and the circulatory system, in addition to for relieving stress and relieving depression and anxiety.   In essence, the Balinese massage is a demanding yet lavish healing system that aims to bring the mind and body in full synchronization of optimal health, well being, tranquility and spiritual renewal.
In preparation for a Balinese massage therapy, you need to give yourself lots of time to relish the whole experience and its afterglow.   Under certain Conditions, your massage therapist Might Need to modify the treatment or the oils which are used and you need to, Because of This, let him or her know if you:
* Know that you are pregnant or think you could be. * Have any distress or stiffness in your joints or limbs. * Have had a recent injury or undergone operation. * Are suffering from high or low blood pressure. * Have any sort of heart issues or any other medical illness and are going through some sort of therapy.
Bali is only 1 island from the 17,508 islands which include the Republic of Indonesia, a nation located in Southeast Asia and also the worls largest archipelagic state.   Many of the other Indonesian islands embraced their massage techniques which are just like the Balinese massage in their endeavor to cure the physical body and the spiritual mind, yet they are also different and keep their own unique attributes.   And they are:
A paste of ground spices is traditionally used to alleviate pain and this massage therapy was conceived by local rice farmers. This is customarily executed on brides in preparation of the wedding day.
Have you made a decision to provide the Balinese massage a go?   Fantastic choice!   Relax, enjoy the process and come out smelling heavenly.
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cabrinimc · 6 years
You’re Getting Older As you age, your cartilage -- the spongy material that protects the ends of your bones -- begins to dry out and stiffen. Your body also makes less synovial fluid, the stuff that acts like oil to keep your joints moving smoothly. The result: Your joints may not move as freely as they used to. It sounds a little crazy, but the best thing you can do is keep on trucking. Synovial fluid requires movement to keep your joints loose.
It’s Morning When you’re asleep and still for several hours, the fluid that helps your joints move easily can’t do its job. That’s why you wake up with knees or hands that are stiff and swollen. To make it better, try to move around more during the day.
Osteoarthritis (OA) A joint is the place where two bones meet. The end of each bone is covered in a layer of rubbery stuff called cartilage. This keeps them from rubbing together. But cartilage can wear away over time or after an injury. When it’s gone, the bones hit one another, and sometimes, tiny pieces break off. The result is a stiff, swollen, painful joint.
Treating Osteoarthritis Your first move might be to do fewer things that bother the joint in question. Over-the-counter drugs can help with pain and swelling. If they don’t, your doctor might inject stronger treatments directly into problem areas. You can wrap joints to protect them and stop overuse, but this could weaken your muscles, so don’t overdo it. Some people need surgery, but it’s rare. Your doctor will discuss treatments with you.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Your immune system is supposed to protect you from outside germs. Sometimes, it attacks the lining of your joints instead (your doctor will call this the synovium). RA is most likely to affect your wrist or finger joints, but it can show up anywhere in your body. It often causes constant pain and stiffness. Sometimes, it stays in the background and only flares up now and then.
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis Doctors treat RA with medications that slow or stop the disease process. You might hear yours call them DMARDs, which stands for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. The goal is for you to have no signs of inflammation in your body. Your doctor will refer to this as this remission. Along with drugs, you can also take care of yourself -- eat well, rest when you need to but keep moving, and take good care of your joints.
Another Type of Arthritis
OA and RA are the most well known, but other types also affect your immune system and result in stiff joints:
Ankylosing spondylitis: This type mostly affects your spine, but it can make your hips, hands, or feet feel stiff. Gout: The first sign of this build-up of uric acid in your body is often a searing pain in your big toe. Infectious arthritis: It often starts with an infection somewhere else in your body that travels to one big joint, like your hip. Your doctor might call it septic arthritis.
Psoriatic arthritis: People with psoriasis or family members who have it are most likely to get this type. Signs include swollen fingers and pitted nails.
A Change in the Weather Did your grandma say she knew when a storm was coming because her joints ached? She was right. Doctors aren’t sure why, but joint pain seems to get worse when the weather changes. It’s most common when the air pressure (the weather forecaster will call it barometric pressure) falls. That typically happens just before a storm.  
Fibromyalgia This chronic condition causes joint and muscle pain, along with sleep, mood, and memory problems. Scientists think your brain takes normal pain signals and makes them worse. They aren’t sure what causes it, but it often follows an illness, surgery, or intense stress. It doesn’t damage your joints the way arthritis does, though.
Treating Fibromyalgia There’s no cure, but over-the-counter meds should ease your pain. Your doctor might prescribe other medications. A physical therapist can teach you special exercises to help. You might also try a relaxation technique like deep breathing or a gentle exercise like yoga or tai chi. They’ll help you stretch and strengthen your muscles and tendons.
Joint Injury The two most common types are both forms of inflammation. They usually result from overuse or misuse of a joint over time: Bursitis involves the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between your bones and other moving parts. Tendinitis affects the tendons that attach your muscles to your bones.
Treating a Joint Injury These conditions are easy to treat. You’ll likely make a full recovery. The first thing to do is give that joint a rest and take an over-the-counter pain medication. Your doctor will probably give you a splint to wear and tell you to put ice on it. She might show you some exercises to do, too. If that doesn’t help, she could inject a stronger drug straight into the bursa or tendon to manage pain and swelling.
Exercise The more you move your joints, the less likely they are to get stiff. A little afternoon gardening or a walk around the block can help. You’ll strengthen the muscles that support your joints, keep your bones strong, improve your balance, and burn calories. Start slow, so you don’t get hurt. Talk to your doctor first if even gentle exercise makes the stiffness worse.  
Heat Therapy If your joints are extra stiff in the morning, try a hot shower or bath. It’ll get blood flowing to the area, which loosens things up. You can also buy moist heat pads from the drugstore or make your own. Toss a washcloth into a freezer bag and microwave it for 1 minute. Wrap it in a towel and leave it on the area for 15-20 minutes.
Cold Therapy
Ice down an achy joint. It narrows blood vessels, which slows blood flow to the area and eases swelling. You can use a store-bought cold pack, or try a bag of frozen veggies instead. Put it on the area, but use a towel to protect your skin. Don’t do it for more than 20 minutes at a time. If you really want to chill a problem joint, try an ice bath.
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See the Doctor Right Away If …
You’re in extreme pain. You’ve been injured. The joint looks deformed. You can’t use it. It swells suddenly.
Make a Doctor’s Appointment If …  
Your joints are tender or hard to move. The skin is red or warm to the touch. Joint symptoms last more than 3 days or happen several times a month.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
9 Different Types Of Shoulder Pain And Their Causes
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/9-different-types-of-shoulder-pain-and-their-causes/
9 Different Types Of Shoulder Pain And Their Causes
Shoulders are the most mobile joints in your body and are made up of bones held in place by muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They all work together to make sure you can move in many different directions. This freedom also makes shoulders vulnerable to instability and injury. Excessive use and trauma can damage your shoulder causing severe pain in some cases. If you have shoulder pain, it’s best to consult your doctor immediately. Here are 9 different types of shoulder pain you might have experienced and their corresponding reasons.
1. Rotator Cuff Tears
Your shoulder tendon could partially or completely tear either from repetitive motion or from direct trauma, like a fall. The pain of an acute tear, one that happens suddenly, can be excruciating. But shoulder pain, weakness, and stiffness of a chronic tear worsen slowly over time. So you often don’t notice when they begin.
2. Frozen Shoulder
This condition causes severe stiffness and inability to move your shoulder the way you normally would, with varying levels of shoulder pain. Medically known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder results when the connective tissue that lines your shoulder joint becomes thickened and inflamed.
3. Shoulder Bursitis
A common symptom of shoulder bursitis is a deep, achy soreness that feels hot and swollen. It is caused by the inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that provides a smooth surface for muscles and bones to glide over. The pain from bursitis is typically on the outside of your shoulder and it’s made worse when using your arm above your head.
4. Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
The rotator cuff keeps the ball of your upper arm bone centered in your shoulder socket and also helps you raise and rotate your arm. In a recent study, two-thirds of people with shoulder pain had a rotator cuff problem. Doing the same motion over and over again can lead to inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons, also called tendinitis.
5. Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement occurs after repeated overhead activity, like swimming. This results in shoulder tendons and bursa getting impinged, or pinched, between the bones of the shoulder, which makes it painful to move your arm. Overhead motion, reaching back, or lying on the affected side may worsen the symptoms.
6. Fractured Collarbone
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, collarbone fractures account for 5% of all adult fractures. Collarbone or clavicle fractures occur with trauma, like when you fall onto your shoulder or your outstretched arm. See a health care provider immediately if you have a collarbone fracture.
7. Shoulder Instability
This condition occurs when the shoulder hurts because the ball of the joint is too loose and is able to slide around too much in the socket. Shoulder instability is commonly seen in throwing athletes, swimmers, or volleyball players. It usually happens when someone uses their shoulder a lot through its full range of motion.
8. Shoulder Pain Brought On By Heart Ailments
A 2016 study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that people who are at risk for heart disease may also be more likely to experience shoulder pain. Pain in the left arm or shoulder pain can be a symptom of an impending heart attack. The pain radiating from the chest can also cause the shoulder to hurt. If you think you’re having a heart attack, seek immediate medical attention.
9. Dislocated Shoulder
This is an extreme condition and occurs when the ball of the joint becomes so loose it actually comes out of the socket. Sometimes partial dislocation can also occur when the shoulder almost slips completely out of the socket but then pops back in. With this condition, the shoulder feels loose and slips in certain positions—often when their arm is raised over their head.
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
NEW ArthroActive Review 2017 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?
ArthroActive is a joint health supplement used to reduce inflammation and pain while regenerating cartilage. 8 natural ingredients are used which are claimed to help support flexibility and overall joint function.
They claim that all that is needed are 2 tablets daily on an empty stomach with water. No side effects have been found in the customers who have taken this thus far, and they add that it is uses great ingredients made in a facility approved by the FDA.  Consumer reviews as well as an easy to understand breakdown of each ingredient is offered on their official website.
Many brands were examined and when it comes to joint health, Flexitrinol was our preferred supplement of the year. A review on it showed its high dosage strength formula and numerous rave reviews. Learn more about Flexitrinol and what it can offer by examining reviews and the ingredients list provided here.
Top Rated joint health supplements of 2017
Do You Know the Best Joint Pain Supplements of 2017?
The supplements facts reveal the following ingredients:
Glucosamine Sulfate Boswelia Extract Chondroitin Sulfate Turmeric Quercetin Methionine MSM Bromelain
Glucosamine Sulfate: A standard joint health ingredient that is almost universally used in supplements used to treat arthritis conditions. The human body is naturally composed of it, in particular within the fluid that surrounds the joints. It can help provide a cushioning effects, it may build structure to the ligaments tendons, and cartilage.
People suffering from osteoarthritis and related conditions will often take this a way to find relief.
Learn about the top rated joint health supplements in or expert crafted, convenient top 10 list.
Boswelia Extract: An herbal exact that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine in order to help reduce inflammation, and to provide relief in those suffering from osteoarthritis. It is taken from the resin of a tree.
Web MD considers this to be
This is when taken appropriately for up to a 6 month period. Some side effects are possible however, and it may include:
Nausea, stomach pain, and digestive related issues.
Turmeric: A yellow spice that is used commonly within curries. It is supplemented for many reasons including to help relieve inflammation and swelling.
Likely side effect free when taken appropriately in most, it does have the potential to cause side effects in some:
Dizziness, upset stomach, and diarrhea.
Methionine: A essential amino acid that he body requires in certain amounts in order to help regulate cell function. This is commonly used to prevent liver damage in acetaminophen overdose.
Large amounts taken for a long period may lead to side effects:
Brian damage, heart disease, and death.
MSM: A commonly used chemical that is used to help prevent arthritis symptoms. It is well-studied and regarded in certain clinical studies as a way to help provide relief from common arthritis conditions.
Bromelain: Naturally sourced enzyme that is found in pineapple. This is used to help reduce inflammation and to prevent muscle soreness after a strenuous workout.  Web MD states that side effects may result including:
Diarrhea, upset stomach, and allergies.
We’ve made it easy to learn about what joint health supplements work and what’s unique about them; click here to see what brands were top rated.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven joint pain pill such as Flexitrinol for better results.
It’s common fair for ingredients like this to be used in a joint health supplement. Both glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are often found in even the most basic formulas because they have studies to support their use.
The added MSM and methionine are also found which both are popular. There are some healthy flavonoids in quercetin which can reduce inflammation. Turmeric is also added for the same purpose and it is likely safe for most when used appropriately.
What’s sorely lacking in this are vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Not only are all 3 versions of this well-regarded for general health, but they can also help prevent many of the common joint health issues. Fatty acids in particular are very important for joint health, and they are well-regarded because of this.
The formula is far too basic and much like many other joint health supplements that it raises doubts about its use.
Read on about what joint health supplements offered the best support; click this link to find out what options are currently available.
Direct sales from the official website are offered at different price ranges depending on the amount selected:
A one month supply for $38.99 plus $5.95 shipping.
2 month supply for $59.49 and free shipping.
3 month supply for $81.87 and free shipping
They add that shipments occur within 24 hours of purchase, and that it is bet supplemented by users 45 to 70 years or more. This can also be used as a preventive measure to help prevent future complications which can result from achy and stiff joints.
This brand is fairly generic and many other joint health brands often have the exact same formula though with varying dosage strength. While it can help provide relief, it’s also not impressive in any way that would make it more suitable than a standard brand.
It is good that they only make it with natural ingredients and without stimulants, but this too is a common trait with joint health brands. It’s hard to justify the price when other brands reviewed sell for either less, or are more highly rated by consumers.
We have made a list of the year’s most highly rated joint health pills which can assist overall flexibility, range of motion, and reduced pain.
The company name is Cellular Research Institute and they can be reached by contacting the following:
Their contact information is:
Phone Number: (855) 237-3339
Address: 8152 S. Welby Park Dr.
West Jordan, UT 84088
Email: A direct contact form is offered including an email [email protected]
A refund within 120 days of purchase is offered as long as the bottle is sent back alongside the order ID and name of the recipient. Their FAQ states that no auto-bill program is offered, and that all sales are per customer’s discretion.
For unknown reasons their contact information has details about their Utah location, but the supplements facts list shoes what the company is based out of Nevada. It’s unknown if this means that their shipment facility is different, or if they have since relocated to Utah.
There have not been any notable controversies from any 3rd party websites however, so at the very least there are no published issues.
Our top picks for natural joint health improvement are outlined in full detail; click here to learn more about the best brands out now.
Here are some reviews we found of ArthroActive on various websites:
“Nothing real unique about it, it just didn’t work for me I saw no changes”
“After struggling with arthritis this really helped me feel a lot better”
“Made sure to take it as directed but I didn’t notice an improvement in my joint pain. I know it’s maybe not intended for that but I expected some change”
“Made it really better for me, my back has been experiencing issues but this actually helped”
Most of the reviews were positive, though some were disappointed to find that they did not experience any changes at all. There were also some who rated it highly though oddly enough they admitted they were awaiting results, so this inflates the amount of positive stars which were seen on Amazon.com.
Those that did enjoy the effects said it helped them be more active, and that it didn’t cause any side effects or uncomfortable symptoms.
Our specially crafted top 10 list highlights the year’s top ranked joint health supplements as seen by our review team.
This brand does have natural ingredients and many of these additives can help with flexibility and joint renewal. They add common additives like glucosamine and chondroitin, as well as other anti-inflammatory aids. What’s lacking most is that it only used a few ingredients with many provided at only 17 mg per serving. The company is also not well-known, so it’s undetermined at this point whether or not they can be trusted. No studies are provided to show how it can promote cartilage regeneration and joint healing, which makes it impossible to verify if they actually did any research on these additives.
Our number 1 reviewed joint health supplement is Flexitrinol. This supplement offers a wide array of healthy ingredients like fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals which are shown in 3rd party studies as ways to help joint function and overall joint rejuvenation.
The reviews from consumers were greatly favorable, with many noticing a great improvement in their movement and overall range of motion. This supplement is top ranked and we considered it the best of the year due to its high dosage formula, rave reviews, and company reliability. More information is available about Flexitrinol and its benefits through the link cited here.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2kN1124 via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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healthinthenews · 7 years
Nine Top Causes of Stiff Joints
Why Your Joints Could Be So Stiff And What Can You Do
Anatomy Of The Joint
You're Getting Older
As you age, your cartilage - the spongy material that protects the ends of your bones - begins to dry out and stiffen. Your body also makes less synovial fluid, the stuff that acts like oil to keep your joints moving smoothly. The result: Your joints may not move as freely as they used to. It sounds a little crazy, but the best thing you can do is keep on trucking. Synovial fluid requires movement to keep your joints loose. It's Morning When you're asleep and still for several hours, the fluid that helps your joints move easily can't do its job. That's why you wake up with knees or hands that are stiff and swollen. To make it better, try to move around more during the day.
Osteoarthritis In The Knee Joint
Osteoarthritis (OA)
A joint is the place where two bones meet. The end of each bone is covered in a layer of rubbery stuff called cartilage. This keeps them from rubbing together. But cartilage can wear away over time or after an injury. When it's gone, the bones hit one another, and sometimes, tiny pieces break off. The result is a stiff, swollen, painful joint. Treating Osteoarthritis Your first move might be to do fewer things that bother the joint in question. Over-the-counter drugs can help with pain and swelling. If they don't, your doctor might inject stronger treatments directly into problem areas. You can wrap joints to protect them and stop overuse, but this could weaken your muscles, so don't overdo it. Some people need surgery, but it's rare. Your doctor will discuss treatments with you.
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Your immune system is supposed to protect you from outside germs. Sometimes, it attacks the lining of your joints instead (your doctor will call this the synovium). RA is most likely to affect your wrist or finger joints, but it can show up anywhere in your body. It often causes constant pain and stiffness. Sometimes, it stays in the background and only flares up now and then. Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis Doctors treat RA with medications that slow or stop the disease process. You might hear yours call them DMARDs, which stands for disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. The goal is for you to have no signs of inflammation in your body. Your doctor will refer to this as this remission. Along with drugs, you can also take care of yourself - eat well, rest when you need to but keep moving, and take good care of your joints.
Spine Curvature In Ankylosing Spondylitis
Another Type of Arthritis
OA and RA are the most well known, but other types also affect your immune system and result in stiff joints: • Ankylosing spondylitis: This type mostly affects your spine, but it can make your hips, hands, or feet feel stiff. • Gout: The first sign of this build-up of uric acid in your body is often a searing pain in your big toe. • Infectious arthritis: It often starts with an infection somewhere else in your body that travels to one big joint, like your hip. Your doctor might call it septic arthritis. • Psoriatic arthritis: People with psoriasis or family members who have it are most likely to get this type. Signs include swollen fingers and pitted nails. A Change in the Weather Did your grandma say she knew when a storm was coming because her joints ached? She was right. Doctors aren't sure why, but joint pain seems to get worse when the weather changes. It's most common when the air pressure (the weather forecaster will call it barometric pressure) falls. That typically happens just before a storm.
Illustration of Fibromyalgia Pain Points
This chronic condition causes joint and muscle pain, along with sleep, mood, and memory problems. Scientists think your brain takes normal pain signals and makes them worse. They aren't sure what causes it, but it often follows an illness, surgery, or intense stress. It doesn't damage your joints the way arthritis does, though. Treating Fibromyalgia There's no cure, but over-the-counter meds should ease your pain. Your doctor might prescribe other medications. A physical therapist can teach you special exercises to help. You might also try a relaxation technique like deep breathing or a gentle exercise like yoga or tai chi. They'll help you stretch and strengthen your muscles and tendons. Joint Injury
Joint Injury
The two most common types are both forms of inflammation. They usually result from overuse or misuse of a joint over time:
Bursitis involves the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between your bones and other moving parts. Tendinitis affects the tendons that attach your muscles to your bones. Treating a Joint Injury These conditions are easy to treat. You'll likely make a full recovery. The first thing to do is give that joint a rest and take an over-the-counter pain medication. Your doctor will probably give you a splint to wear and tell you to put ice on it. She might show you some exercises to do, too. If that doesn't help, she could inject a stronger drug straight into the bursa or tendon to manage pain and swelling. Exercise The more you move your joints, the less likely they are to get stiff. A little afternoon gardening or a walk around the block can help. You'll strengthen the muscles that support your joints, keep your bones strong, improve your balance, and burn calories. Start slow, so you don't get hurt. Talk to your doctor first if even gentle exercise makes the stiffness worse. Heat Therapy If your joints are extra stiff in the morning, try a hot shower or bath. It'll get blood flowing to the area, which loosens things up. You can also buy moist heat pads from the drugstore or make your own. Toss a washcloth into a freezer bag and microwave it for 1 minute. Wrap it in a towel and leave it on the area for 15-20 minutes.
Holding An Ice Pack To The Elbow
Cold Therapy
Ice down an achy joint. It narrows blood vessels, which slows blood flow to the area and eases swelling. You can use a store-bought cold pack, or try a bag of frozen veggies instead. Put it on the area, but use a towel to protect your skin. Don't do it for more than 20 minutes at a time. If you really want to chill a problem joint, try an ice bath. See the Doctor Right Away If;
• You're in extreme pain. • You've been injured. • The joint looks deformed. • You can't use it. • It swells suddenly.
Make a Doctor's Appointment If;
• Your joints are tender or hard to move. • The skin is red or warm to the touch. • Joint symptoms last more than 3 days or happen several times a month.
Health and Medical Information online published by Dr Vivienne Balonwu.
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wildcatfitnessuk · 6 years
Boosting my Body the natural way with Flexiqule joint care
There are a couple of things in life that are hugely important to me – keeping my body operating in tip top condition to support my extremely active lifestyle, and trying to put things that are as natural as possible into my body. So when I was offered the chance to try herbal joint supplement Flexiqule I was curious to give it a go and see if it really did help support my joint mobility and flexibility – something that is pretty much key in my line of work as a trainer and instructor.
AlchemLife have been creating natural supplements since 1984, trying to maximise the power of plants by using special extraction techniques that ensure the benefits of the whole plant are maintained. Flexiqule features a unique blend of Indian Frankincense (Boswellia) and Ginger – well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and was designed to not only support normal joint mobility, but also help relieve existing joint pain. I have been taking two tablets a day (one with breakfast, one with dinner) for the past month, and despite having had a much heavier activity load than normal for the past few weeks (teaching 8 spinning class a week, coaching at F45 4 days a week, walking an average of 18k steps every day, as well as my own strength and HIIT training) my body feels great. In the past when I’ve had this busy a schedule in terms of teaching and training I would often wake up in the morning feeling stiff and achy (especially heading into the colder weather) but that hasn’t happened at all this past month. If anything I’ve actually felt my fitness levels improve rather than struggle to recover in between sessions.
As you guys may know, I suffered a serious knee ligament injury several years ago and since then have to be careful with high impact exercise and pay very particular attention to post workout-recovery to ensure I don’t have ongoing knee problems, but I genuinely haven’t felt pain in my knee for weeks, despite having put my body through so much. As part of my recovery and general maintenance of my body, I see a chiropractor once a month to make sure my joints are all aligned, and the last time I saw him two weeks ago he was genuinely impressed with how good things felt – I needed very minimal adjustment, which for me is rare! The only thing I’ve done different is take Flexiqule regularly, so whilst results with this type of supplement are hard to actually track or measure, I’m amazed how well my body is doing and how good I feel considering how much I’m doing, and I am sure that taking a supplement designed to support joint mobility and flexibility has been a huge help in this.
  My plan is to continue to take Flexiqule on a regular basis – the ingredients are all natural and derived directly from plants, it fits in so easily with my daily routine, and it is almost certainly playing a huge part in keeping my body cup and running and able to teach my classes and train my clients in the best way possible – feeling full of energy and free of joint pain.
If you’d like to try Flexiqule for yourself (it most definitely comes recommended from me!) you can buy directly from the AlchemLife website here or from Lloyds Pharmacy shops – find your nearest here .
And to those of you who have been trained by me over the past few weeks… sorry for the extra burst of energy making your sessions more energetic than ever…. you can blame Flexiqule for that!
Please note this is a Sponsored post, and whilst I was gifted Flexiqule to try, all views expressed in the post are my own.
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from Boosting my Body the natural way with Flexiqule joint care
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