#Pls tell me whats wrong with my bod
dogboy-willgraham · 6 months
Would any furry care to diagnose the cause of my pain?
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
2 or 21 with taakitz? pls and thank u!!!
“I think we should cancel the gig, I don’t remember how to play,” Taako whines from his place melted on the floor in front of the fan. His shirt, which was already too short, and also says crab rangoon slut in sparkly fuschia Curlz MT font, flops up, giving Kravitz an eyeful he’s burning trying not to react to. Every time the fan rotates, it blows a little further. 
“It’ll be fine, and we’ll get paid,” Kravitz says, instead of I notice you changed your nipple piercing jewlery and I’d like to see what it tastes like, if you don’t mind. 
“But at what cost,” Taako gripes. 
“The price,” Magnus provides cheerfully, bursting into their private moment like the motherfucking koolaid man. 
“The price of admission,” Merle adds, like that’s anything. He is, as always, right behind Magnus, and also wearing a stupid tshirt (“SUCCULENT BOD”, handlettered and decorated with dozens of little plants). Kravitz wonders, not for the first time, how he let himself hitch his wagon to this fucking circus train. 
“Anyway,” Kravitz says. “We ought to practice, so we don’t flop out there and stink like dead fish.” 
“I’m gonna stink regardless if I don’t stop sweating,” Taako moans. “I cna’t do it. I’m not a solid anymore.” 
“Liquids can play the keyboard, probably,” Kravitz valiantly charges on. With Taako, you have to humor him to a certain degree, or he won’t even give you the time of day. But also you can only take some of his bullshit, and if you take too much of it, he loses any and all respect for you. It’s a delicate balance. Fucking circus train. Kravitz feels like he’s wearing the sparkly leotard in front of the tigers and everything. Shame he’s so into Taako, or he’d just go do something easier. Also he loves the band, but shut up. 
“Nobody wants wet keys, my man.” Magnus shakes his head. 
“Tell that to Florida,” Merle muses. 
Everyone else boos. 
“Why don’t you try, just a little, and then we can go get ice cream before the gig?” Kravitz asks. “Because if you can’t. I’m going to quit, and become a solo artist and be able to stop taking my blood pressure medication, because of all the stress you fools put me through.” 
“Said like he thinks he’s not also a fool,” Merle stage whispers to Magnus, who nods solemnly. 
“I want bubblegum ice cream,” Magnus says though. “So get off your ass, Taako.”
“If I die about this, you’ll all be sorry,” Taako moans, but he does peel himself off the floor and mope over to the keyboard. Kravitz takes up his bass guitar, and Merle sits at the drums, and Magnus connects his amp. “Fucking, ugh, an’ a one, an’ a two,”
“And a skiddly, idly, oo,” Merle jokes, but they start–
And it’s horrible. Taako bangs rudely on the keys, which immediately fucks everyone up, and Kravitz tries to save it but is torn between laughing and ringing his boyfriend’s neck, and it spirals from there. 
“Like this?” Taako asks, over the bullshit garbage heap of a tune they’re butchering, playing his keyboard horribly, comically wrong. He’d probably have an easier time trying to use his butt cheeks. 
“No,” Kravitz barely manages with a straight face. “I’m afraid that’s not what we’re looking for, and you’re fired, goodnight.”
“THANK GOD,” Taako says. “I’m going home. Music is dead to me.”
“Iiiiice cream,” Merle tempts. 
Taako pouts. 
“With sprinkles?” Magnus adds. 
“And maybe a cold shower?” Kravitz smiles at him, letting the implication float through the air on radio waves, and not having to say, out loud, between the other two chucklefucks, that he would in fact like to join Taako in that shower. 
Taako pouts harder. 
“Fine,” he says. “But if any of you make me stick around to sign shit in fucking ninety-eight degrees, I’m ritually sacrificing a fan and we’re going to be on true crime podcasts for decades.” 
“Goddamn,” Kravitz says. “Anything but that.” 
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h0tchner · 3 years
Any Age, Any Day, Anywhere (Part 1) - aaron hotchner x fem!reader
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: WRITTEN FOR AN ANON REQUEST: "ok hi so u already wrote a jealous reader and was wondering whats your take on jealous hotch? i mostly see him in fics as possessive and yeah being the leader type i would think he could also be possessive but i also think that he would just be sad like ya know he doubts himself as we saw in some episodes and i think he would need assurance and a lot of convincing that u only love him but if you’ve given that to him then thats the time he would be possessive and god i would love to imagine a possessive and feral aaron hotchner"
word count: 3.5k
includes: kissing, so much freaking adorable fluff, talk of body insecurities, insecure!hotch, protective!hotch, wifey reader, super brief mentions of pregnancy, alcohol, confrontation with a drunk asshole (derek & hotch are all over it tho dw), party at papa rossi's!, smut to come in next chapter...
rating: 18+ (technically there is no smut in this part, but there are adult themes such as drinking, kissing, etc.).
a/n: HELLO BESTIES! This is part one of a two-part fic! The next part will be pure filth, so keep your eyes peeled for some feral hotch content... ALSO! PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
“Aaron! Can you come here for a sec?” you call out to your husband from the bathroom, muttering curses under your breath as you try (and fail) for the third time to zip up the back of your black cocktail dress.
“Sure, I just need a minute,” he replies from the bedroom closet, securing the last opalescent button on the arm of his white dress shirt. He looks at himself in the closet mirror, zeroing in at the bags under his eyes and the sprinkling of grey in his stubble. He looks… tired. Tired and old. And he hates it.
Even though Aaron is only in his late-40s, he has lived lifetimes; years of working as Unit Chief of the BAU will do that to a man. Every horror he’s seen and every person he’s lost has weighed on his body and mind. In the past few months, amidst work changes and a new baby, he’s been exhausted and in fear that he’s letting himself go. Of course, being the stoic man that he is, he’s done his absolute best to hide these feelings from you. Tonight, however, he doesn’t know if he can. It’ll be your first night out together as a couple since welcoming baby girl Hotchner to the family four months ago. With no pressing family or work distractions, he just knows that you’ll be able to sense his apprehensions. It’s only a matter of when.
Taking in a breath, he turns a little to the side, frowning at his profile. Aaron winces a little at his “dad bod,” but quickly recovers from the discomfort, milliseconds after it flashes across his face.
“Aaron Hotchner get your handsome butt in here and help me zip my dress! We’re gonna be late,” you exclaim, trying one last time to reach the zipper before giving up and crossing your arms in defeat. You lean back lightly against the countertop facing the door, letting the fabric slip off your shoulders, and wait for your husband to rescue you from the hell that is this dress.
At the sound of your voice, Aaron snaps out of his trance. He shakes his head lightly, as if to physically erase the intrusive thoughts, and clears his throat. Grabbing his suit jacket off the hanger, he flicks off the closet light and closes the door behind him.
Languidly, he meanders from the closet toward the bathroom. He drags his feet a little longer than he normally would, still feeling off and a little bit shy about his appearance.
“Aaron,” you sing, “I’m waiting for –,” your jaw drops mid-sentence when Aaron appears in the doorway.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out before you can stop yourself, eyes widening at the sight of the gorgeous man in front of you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, crossing over to you, searching your face for any ounce of reprieve.
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” you’re quick to reply, standing from your leaning position to meet him, holding out your hands.
He takes them in his own, cocking his head slightly, his soft hazel eyes boring into yours.
You shift forward, moving up on your toes to peck his soft pink lips.
He sighs into the kiss, feeling the warmth of your lips against his own. It feels so good that it almost makes him forget about how he is feeling… almost. But the dark thoughts come back, and he pulls away from you a bit, reluctantly.
Aaron clears his throat.
“You called me?” He questions, but it sounds more like a fact.
“Yeah,” you give his hands a squeeze. “I needed you to zip up my dress, but now,” you lean in again, “I kinda want you to rip it off me.” You offer him a sultry smirk, moving your hands up to rest on his broad chest. He moves his hands to settle on your hips.
You lick your lips and let your eyes rake over his body, taking in every ounce of his sexy frame. The way his crisp, white dress shirt hugs his solid body makes you go weak in the knees. His strong, toned legs in those black dress pants? Yes please. His soft black hair and salt and pepper stubble on his face are practically begging to be touched. He looks good. Damn good.
“You look…” you pause, tapping a finger lightly against his pectoral, searching for the right word, “…delicious.”
Aaron blushes lightly at your ogling, offering you a sad smile as he squeezes his eyes shut out of embarrassment.
You sense the falter in his demeanor, knowing that there’s something else nagging at him far beyond his usual flustering when you vocalize your attraction to him.
“Honey,” you implore, looping your hands around his neck to bring his forehead down to touch yours. “What’s going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours?”
“It’s nothing,” he mutters, swallowing, rubbing soft circles into your sides.
“It’s something,” you counter, carding a hand through his hair at the nape of his neck. You scratch lightly at his scalp, waiting for him to speak. You’ve learned that the best thing to do when Aaron gets in a mood is to give him some time to gather his thoughts. Keeping him close, physically, is a way to show him some comfort without pressuring him to speak. It encourages him, without words, that your arms are a safe place.
“I don’t…” he starts, and then stops himself. His dark eyebrows furrow and his mouth presses into a thin line.
“Mhm?” you question, fingers still tangled in his thick, black locks.
He pulls his forehead away from yours and locks eyes with you. You let your hands be still now, a silent gesture to show him that you’re listening.
He takes in a breath.
“I don’t look the way I used to,” he says quietly, shifting his eyes away from yours.
“What do you mean,” you urge him to continue.
“I mean, I don’t look like I did five years ago. Two years ago. Four months ago. I mean, I was practically a different man when we first met. I was younger, fitter…” he trails off, visibly upset.
“Yes, Aaron, you were,” you agree, keeping your tone temperate.
His eyes snap to yours, confused. It’s clear that was not what he was expecting you to say.
“You were a different man,” you continue gently, resuming your pacifying touch in his hair, “and I was a different woman.”
Aaron lets out a huff.
“Do you love me any less now than you did five years ago?” You ask him.
“Of course not,” he’s quick to answer.
“Why is that?” You prod.
“You’re gorgeous, inside and out. You’re funny, smart, loving…” he begins, but you interrupt him before he can go on.
“And,” you butt in, “if I were to go completely grey, gain thirty pounds, and only wear a potato sack to work every day would you love me any less?”
Aaron huffs again, but this time he’s fighting a smile. He’s starting to catch on. You watch as a spark of levity returns to his eyes. He holds you a little tighter.
“No. There’s nothing you could do or say to make me love you any less,” he grumbles in annoyance, but his upturned lip and matching eyebrow tell a different story.
“Ditto, baby,” you smile up at him. “I love you at any age, any day, anywhere, and there is nothing in the world that can make me change my mind.”
He dips down then, capturing you in a kiss, grinning against your lips.
You giggle as Aaron works his way down your jawline and neck, gasping as he kisses the soft skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder, thick fingers gripping the sides of your hips. He moves his lips back up to your earlobe, nipping at it lightly as you let out another soft gasp.
“You always know the right thing to say,” he whispers into your ear, pressing another kiss right underneath it.
“Aaron, I know I said I wanted you to take this dress off me,” you say breathlessly as Aaron nips at your shoulder again, “but Rossi will kill us if we don’t show up tonight. Plus, I really want the chance to show off my super sexy FBI husband. It’s been far too long.”
He lets out a low groan into your skin and gives your hips a squeeze, nuzzling his head into your neck.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, “you’re right.”
“Aren’t I always,” you snort, eliciting a chuckle from your husband as you turn around in his arms to let him zip you up.
He takes his time, letting his fingers brush lightly over your spine as he draws the zipper over your back. When he’s done and the clasp is latched, he kisses one shoulder lightly, and then the other.
“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning back against his warm body.
“No, honey,” he kisses the top of your head, “thank you.”
By the time you and Aaron arrive at Rossi’s mansion, the party is already in full swing. Judging by the number of cars in the makeshift parking lot on his spacious front lawn, there must be at least fifty, maybe even a hundred people here.
Despite the bustle of the evening, it doesn’t take long for you two to find Emily, Penelope, and Derek in the living room, drinks in hand, snacking on some very expensive looking food.
“Hey, look! It’s the Hotchners!” Emily cheers, teetering on the arm of the leather couch, wine glass in hand.
“Hello beautiful BAU power-couple!” Penelope chimes in from the seat next to her, cuddled up into Derek’s side.
You laugh and let go of Aaron’s hand, walking over to greet your friends.
“Hey hot stuff, look at you, look at you!” Derek chimes in, eyeing you up and down before standing to shake Aaron’s hand.
“Oh, please,” you roll your eyes at him as you give Emily a big hug.
“And you don’t look bad yourself, boss man!” Derek adds.
You shoot your husband an ‘I told you so’ look over your shoulder, before untangling your arms from Emily and giving Penelope an equally enthusiastic squeeze.
“It’s good to see you all,” Aaron smiles lightly, all dimples in the low light. He steps in to give Emily and Penelope soft hugs.
“Let’s go get you a drink,” Derek says to Aaron, clapping him on the back.
“White?” Aaron looks to you, even though he already knows the answer.
“Yes please,” you respond, “thank you.”
“Be back soon,” he smiles easily, kissing your cheek, making your heart ache.
Aaron and Derek turn and exit the room together.
Penelope drunkenly pats the seat next to her, and you plop down on the couch.
“We’ve missed you like this!” Emily exclaims, gesturing between the three of you and around the room. “I can’t believe we’ve had to wait nine whole months plusanother four just to have a drink with our best friend again.”
You laugh at her, tilting your head back lightly. “Well, you guys got a beautiful little niece out of it, doesn’t that make up for all the wild girl’s nights I missed?”
Emily sighs, dramatically, “I guess so,” she jests.
“Oh, for sure.” Penelope adds. “You look freaking gorgeous, by the way. I mean, I would have never guessed you were creating a tiny human in that body only a few months ago!”
You blush lightly at her words, “You flatter me far too much, Pen. I owe this,” you gesture down at your figure, “all to Spanx!”
“Amen!” Emily toasts. You raise an imaginary glass to theirs and pretend to clink, taking a swig of invisible liquid.
“Are J.J. and Will here?” You ask them after they’ve had a few more sips of their wine.
“Yeah, yeah,” Emily nods, “they’re around somewhere.”
You take a moment and look around the room, taking in all the sights and the sounds of the party. You see some faces you recognize from around the bureau, but others you don’t. Just as you’re about to turn back to your friends, someone catches your eye. One face stands out from the crowd: he’s a young, suave-looking man in a sharp navy suit. Sandy hair perfectly gelled, shiny brown loafers, and bright blue eyes looking right at you. In another life you would have been exhilarated by his attention, apparent charm, and good looks, but now? Now, you’re married to the love of your life with an amazing stepson and a wonderful baby girl. His wolfish gaze means absolutely nothing to you. You simply flash him a curt smile and turn back to Emily and Penelope without a second thought.
You and your friends resume your chatter, waiting for the men to return with more drinks... only they don’t. Perhaps its “new mother anxiety” talking, but the longer your husband is gone, the more you start to grow concerned. A few more minutes pass of antics, laughter, and catching up until the nagging voice in the back of your head turns into an all-out scream. All you know is that you’re suddenly feeling very overwhelmed need to be with Aaron. So, you announce to your friends that you’re going to hunt down Derek and your husband.
You stand from the couch and smooth out the skirt of your dress with the promise to be back in a few minutes.
You walk out of the living room and into the grand foyer, following the same route as Aaron had earlier. Your black kitten heels click on the marble flooring, the skirt of your dress swishing lightly as you walk with purpose towards the kitchen. You’re so concentrated on reaching your destination that you don’t realize the man who had been watching you in the living room was now hot at your heels, following you through the house. It’s only when a hand reaches out and jerks your arm backward that you stop, startled, just past the grand staircase, turning face to face with him.
“You’re not an easy woman to get alone,” he smirks, reeking of alcohol, still gripping your arm, tight. Up close he is decidedly not as handsome as the low light of the living room made him seem. In fact, he seems… creepy. Really, really, really, creepy.
“Can I help you?” You blink at him, pulling your arm out of his vice grip.
“You sure can, baby,” he steps closer to you, voice oozing with sleaze. You gag at the liquor on his breath.
Moving away, you scowl at him, crossing your arms across your chest.
“What’s say you and I head upstairs for a little while? I’m dying to get my hands on your body.” He jerks his head toward the staircase, reaching out to grab your arm again.
You’re fuming at this point, ready give him a piece of your mind when a stern voice beats you to it.
“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?” Aaron articulates, approaching you both with Derek not far behind.
You breathe a sigh of relief as your husband glares at the drunken man vengefully, coming to stand by your side. Aaron pulls you into him, roughly, hand tight around your waist. The anger radiating off your husband is equally terrifying and HOT.
“Take a walk, man,” Derek adds in, coming to stand next to the drunken asshole. The man looks from you, to Aaron, then over to Derek, and finally back at you.
“Whatever,” the man grumbles, putting his hands up, “she’s not worth it anyway. Not pretty enough for the hassle. I just thought she looked like an easy lay.”
“That’s enough,” Aaron snaps, seething. “Leave now, before I make you,” your husband growls. He angles his body forward so you’re slightly behind him. A shiver passes through you at his fierce protectiveness.
“Fine, I’m going to get another drink,” the man utters.
“No,” Aaron interjects, “the party. Leave the party or I’ll have you removed.”
“What’s your problem?” The creepy man retorts, this time, more confrontationally.
“My problem?” Aaron says, angrily. You feel his entire body tense at the accusation.
“Hotch,” Derek warns, “I’ll take care of it. You guys go enjoy yourselves. Forget about him.”
“Come on, Aaron,” you tug on his suit jacket lightly, eyes pleading… but Aaron doesn’t budge from his spot. He only holds you tighter as he continues to stare down the man as Derek ushers him away and towards the front door. He doesn’t falter until they are out of sight.
“Aaron?” You repeat.
He looks down at you, finally, blinking away the fury until all that’s left is an all-consuming love. He releases you from his protective hold, and you face him.
“I’m okay,” you assure him in earnest, letting out a shaky breath.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” he breathes, bringing his hands up to cup your face.
“Aaron, it’s okay, really,” you bite your lip, shifting your eyes away from his.
“You’re so beautiful,” Aaron kisses your forehead, and then the top of your head. “So, so beautiful, and I’m so sorry.”
“Aaron, can we just go home?” You ask.
“Sure,” he kisses your head one last time before weaving his fingers between yours and guiding you gently toward the back exit.
The car ride home is quiet. The only sounds are the occasional click of the turn signal, and the hum of the wheels on the road. Aaron is still upset, and so are you, but you’re also… something else. Something you can’t quite put your finger on. You feel guilty for ruining the evening, guilty that you FEEL guilty for something you had no control over, hungry, tired, and… horny? Oh, and guilty for feeling horny.
It isn’t helping that one of Aaron’s hands is planted firmly on your thigh. He lifts it only to adjust the air conditioning or to scratch his nose, but otherwise it remains on you the whole way home. When he pulls into the driveway of your shared house, and shuts the car off, he still doesn’t move it.
“Honey?” You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are closed. You take in the strong features of his profile, noting the prominence of his nose and the way his eyelashes rest on his high cheekbones.
“I almost punched him.” Aaron whispers, opening his eyes to look over at you sheepishly.
“You what,” you exhale, mouth slightly agape.
“That guy,” he continues, bringing his left hand up to pinch his nose. “I almost punched him for saying that about you.”
You snort, amused by his confession.
Your husband lets out a short laugh, squeezing your thigh as he does.
“I would’ve liked to see that.” You’re grinning now and so is he.
He flashes his eyes at you and laughs again, this time less anxiously. You join him, feeling the tension dissipate with every passing moment.
“My big, bad FBI man decking a barely-legal drunk dickhead for making a move on his wife? Where can I get my tickets?” You joke.
As you say the words “his wife,” Aaron’s breath hitches in his throat. His hand on your thigh presses down instinctively. Neither of his reactions go unnoticed.
You lay a hand over his where it rests on your leg.
“You know, Aaron,” you begin.
He looks over at you, jaw tight, but this time it isn’t from anger.
“This is the first time we’ve had the house all to ourselves in months,” you pull his hand off you and bring it up to your lips. You press a kiss to his palm, and then to his wrist.
“This… is true,” he breathes out, studying you, taking you in.
“So, I’m just wondering:” you grin, linking your fingers with his, “are you going to carry your wife into our house, Aaron? Or do I have to walk myself?”
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shurisneakers · 4 years
harmless (ii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, stealing cultural landmarks, frustrated bucky
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: made a header 4 this fic but i couldn’t take it seriously enough <3 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! it’s always fun to hear from y’all. 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
It’s roughly a week before he sees you next.
Right on time too, according to the briefings he had received. Once a week you’d come up with your next batshit crazy idea and someone would be sent to make sure you didn’t execute it.
It was more of a babysitting gig than anything. Most people would do one, maybe two assignments before asking to not be sent again. 
He was not most people. He volunteers to go again. His afternoon is relatively free and he’s bored. 
Also, and more importantly, he needs to get out of the house before Sam finds out what he did.
“You’ll find her near the Statue of Liberty.”
“How do we know?”
“Oh, she tells us.”
“...she tells us where to find her?”
“Most times, yes. She says it’s time efficient.”
Absurd. He thinks you’re absurd.
Bucky finds you in line to board the ferry. You’re dressed to the nines like an obnoxious tourist, even though you were a local, topped with binoculars and a bucket hat. 
On an unrelated note, he thinks that maybe the mission today is to kill you for daring to wear sandals with socks like a suburban dad. A shudder runs through his body when he sees it.  
He’s wearing all black and a baseball cap. Somehow he’s standing out more than you are.
He boards the ferry behind you, keeping a close eye on all your movements. You take your place near the railing, a seat near the front of the boat. 
His phone rings. He answers it, expecting Sam to screech at him for painting Redwing neon pink again. He should have known it was coming after he shoved Bucky off the quinjet before he had time to strap his parachute on properly. 
“I thought I told you to bring a cape.” 
He quickly looks up at you but you’re not facing him. You have your phone held up to your ear, however.
“How did you get this number?” he asks icily.
“I knew you’d show up again.” Your head tilts to look at the statue in the distance. “Also, thanks for the door money, but I’m not sure I appreciate how you think the least creepy way to give someone money is to drop it off anonymously at their doorstep.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He swiftly gets up, stalking over to where you’re sitting. He was advised not to do anything aggressive. Advised was a flexible word. 
“Because I wasn’t going to answer it.” You look up at his figure looming over you. “Oh, hey.”
The phone is still pressed to the side of your face even though he’s right beside you. He cuts the call, shoving it back into his pocket.
“Allow me to introduce my pl-”
“What are you doing here?” He cuts to the chase. 
You send him a glare. “I was going to say it before you told me to. And sit down before everyone thinks you’re going to kill me.”
“Why are you going there?” He doesn’t have time for this, he thinks. He has important things to do. Like watching the reruns of Masterchef Junior. 
He sits in the seat beside you.
“Look at us.” You grin at him. “Me with the evilest outfit I could think of, you with your... Addams Family cosplay. We’re like, two peas in a po-”
“Start explaining,” he interjects. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m going to shrink the Statue of Liberty and use it as a keychain.”
“What?” It’s probably the most benign plan he’s ever heard in his life.
“I’m kidding.” Oh, good. “I’m not using it as a keychain, I’m taking it to class.” Nevermind. 
“What?” He finds himself repeating his previous question.
“I’m shrinking all the statues I can find. I want to use it in my classroom to teach the kids.”
“You’re... a teacher?” He blinks.
“You got a problem with that?” You look offended, to say the least. 
“No.” It’s not what he would peg your occupation as. He didn’t think you had one at all. “How are you planning on shrinking it?”
You rummage through the ugliest fanny pack he has ever had the misfortune of seeing. You pull out a small ring box, complete with a bow tied neatly on top. 
“I was saving this for our third anniversary, but-” you offer him a nervous laugh.
His stony expression doesn’t change, not even a blink. 
“Fine, Jesus, you’re no fun,” you huff, dropping the emotional act when he doesn’t look amused. 
You flip open the lid. Inside there are a few small disks. It looks familiar, he realises.
“Your friend Ant-Boy didn’t file a patent, so I just took his whole shtick.” He wants to defend Scott’s honour; it’s Ant-Man not boy. He doesn’t. He’s too transfixed on what you have in your hand.
“Pym particles.”
“The diet version.” You pick up one of them carefully. “A ripoff, but effective. Just gotta attach it to the thing I want to shrink and give it a few minutes.”
“You’re going to steal the Statue of Liberty,” he says, frankly a little taken aback that you were serious.
“Would you relax? I’ll put it back.”
“That’s not the point,” he damn near exclaims. “You can’t take away the Statue of Liberty just because you feel like it.”
“I literally can.” You point to the chips in your hand. “That’s the point of this, keep up.”
He feels exasperated. He didn’t sign up for this when he became an Avenger.
“Give me the box.” He makes a grab for it but you yank it away from his reach.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I don’t have time for this.” His reruns would begin in an hour.
“That’s my problem, because...” you trail off. 
He rolls his eyes, makes a grab at the box again. His tactic is different this time. He stealthily pins one of your arms down so that you’re basically incapacitated.
“Hey! Stop that.” You fumble against his reach, shoving him with your elbow.
“Just give me the thing and we can all go home for the day,” he huffs, unfazed by your squirming.
“No! Over my dead bod-” 
He doesn’t immediately notice what goes wrong in the scuffle. 
Until you look at the ground near your feet. A disk lay there, undisturbed.
“Is that-” All of a sudden, either he’s getting taller or the ceiling of the boat is getting lower.
“Oops,” you say, not remorseful in the slightest. 
“Are we going to-”
“I’d give it five minutes max.” 
Great. He was stuck on a boat that was beginning to shrink. The other passengers were either oblivious or ignorant to seats that were starting to become too small for them, but Bucky’s heightened senses and extreme reflexes made it hard to skip.
He nudges the piece of tech with his foot. Maybe he can kick it off the boat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you warn solemnly. He wants to disagree but doesn’t know enough about the device to dispute you. 
“Fix this,” he hisses, panic slightly rising. His fingers find their way to his phone to send out an emergency text requesting backup and mass evacuation. 
“I think it’s a rather lovely day for a swim, don’t you?” You stare dreamily at the waves that were inching closer up the boat. 
Or you were inching closer to the water. Technicalities were frivolous. 
“There are other people on this boat.”
“River’s big enough for all of us, I reckon.”
“Fix it.” 
“Or what?” There’s a wicked gleam in your eye. “We both know I have the upper hand here.”
“Or I call the entirety of the Avengers here and haul your ass to prison.”
“Will they bring snacks?”
You’re insufferable. You know it. But you also are the fastest way to get out of this situation and right now, he didn’t want to be responsible for a shipwreck simulation. 
“Fine. Tell me what you want.”
“I like soy chips.”
“Soy chi-” He nearly throws his hands up in frustration. “You know what I’m talking about.” 
“I want one historical artifact so I can impress the kids. They think I’m the cool teacher and I want to keep that reputation alive.”
“What makes you think I can arrange for that?”
“You’ve been alive since goddamn dinosaurs roamed this earth, I’m sure you have some connections.” You pause to assess his face. “You know, you don’t look a day over 29. Dermatologists must hate yo-”
“I’ll get you an artifact, now fix the fuckin’ boat.”
“You promise?” You grin brightly. 
He stares at you. You are unyielding. 
The boat’s uncomfortably small and people are beginning to take notice. Worried murmurs fill the air behind him.
“Okay.” You shrug simply.
You kneel over, picking up the chip from the ground. You do nothing else for two minutes, instead turning away from him to look at the Statue of Liberty that was coming closer.
It takes him a while to realise that half his body isn’t hanging off his chair anymore. The ceiling is moving further and further away from the top of his head. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He wants to strangle you. 
Why did he listen to you when all of this would have been over the minute he kicked it off the ship. 
“You can drop it off at my lair on Monday and pick it up on Friday.” You gather your belongings, leaving him steaming behind you. “Nice talkin’ to ya, Sergeant.” 
You step over him, flashing him a quick smile before walking off the boat with the rest of the tourists as if nothing had just taken place. When he looks down, the stupid ring box is on his lap.
He sits there, unmoving, eyes fixed on the container.
The ferry conductor asks if he’s going to get off the boat. 
He simply shakes his head.
Next part
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sagessoftwings · 3 years
Hiii could I please get a mha matchup? Preferably with a male pls. My pronouns are she/her. I am 5’4, an ambivert and a Latina. My enneagram is type 4. I have pale skin, mid-length brown wavy hair with bangs, and hazel eyes. I am described as someone who comes off as cold or aloof when I’m around people I don’t know. After getting to know me, I am the complete opposite. I’m just a bit shy at first lol. My friends have told me that I give good advice but like to joke about my stubbornness. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I also really love animals.
I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. Dance to me is very freeing and I'm usually dancing anywhere anytime haha. I choreograph a lot as well. I also enjoy reading could vary from manga to non-fiction. I love music especially hip hop, rap, & reggaeton. I also love to write music/poetry. I never show anybody though since I’m really shy about it. I'd love to one day tho! I can be playful and love to tease my friends. I also really like to eat and travel. I am a bit of a homebody but I enjoy hiking because of the exercise. I really enjoy having deep conversations. I can’t stand people who bully others and people who are fake. I like to be honest and helpful in any way I can. My style is usually anything comfy/casual and I don’t really like wearing skirts or dresses. I speak English and Spanish (learning Japanese & Portuguese). I would love to learn ASL and Hawaiian one day as well. I enjoy watching crime investigations, probably one of my favorite things to watch.
I don’t really any fears, just not being able to accomplish my goals/dreams. I tend to daydream a lot and I’m also a big procrastinator 😭. I'm usually overthinking a lot which tires me a bit. Alone time for me is definitely important. I would say my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I’m usually really cold towards the person I like lol. Only because I test the waters to see if I should spend time and energy on them. I mostly look for someone I can eventually open up to and feel comfortable being myself since I never had growing up. I tend to be a bit jealous/possessive, not in an unhealthy way though. Just wouldn’t match with someone who is very flirty with other people lol. I'm also a bit touch starved lol. Thank you so much 💖💗💕
I ship you with Eijiro Kirishima!!!
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Melts the heart 😪
Kiri finds you so so beautiful and is so loyal
You can literally trust him with anything
When you first started dating he asks about everything
“Is it okay if I hold your hand?” “What’s your favorite color?” “Do you like cats or dogs more? Or both?!”
So FAWKING cute 😌
He wants to know whatever your comfortable with telling him
Never ever feel pressured around him, he’s slow and easy
Always drinks his respect women juice
Loves to take you on little hiking adventures!
You fit in so well with the Bakusquad and it warms his heart
Denki is your brother in arms 😤✊🏽
You’re first on the phone charging list
Kiri can read you quite well and can tell when something is wrong or bothering you
But when your ready to talk, he’s there to listen
You did act cold to the boy in the beginning but he’s so used to Bakugo’s threats he literally didn’t even notice
Kiri always helps you push to do your best but if you need space or are having a burn out, he’ll let you work it out and come to him when you need to
Loves that you’re learning more languages! Thinks it so awesome!!
Is your number one encourager
“You’re doing great babe! I’m so proud of you!”
Kiri avoids talking to other girls except for Mina
It just feels so wrong to him to talk to another girl when your not around
Usually asks permission which you find odd but he just wants you to know he only has eyes for you
Please let him lay in your lap
He has a built dad bod so he’s peeerfect for cuddling
Just hop on up!
He’s open for cuddles whenever you want
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btsjfans · 6 years
Our Song (pt 6)
Summary: School playboy, and jock Jungkook is the last person you’d expect to be a soulful musician, but everybody has their secrets
Jungkook x Reader (fluff, angst, smut next chapter)
a/n: ahhh thank you for all the requests, getting requests and feedback about my stories literally makes my life I love you all so freaking much ALSO SORRY IT TAKES ME LIKE 50 YEARS TO POST OMFG
part 1   2   3   4   5 
“Y/n L/n IT IS 2:17AM DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA--” Your mother screams, pacing in the kitchen, while your dad scowls beside her. You sit at the dinner table, numbly listening to their tirade. You’re still half asleep, and tired from earlier. 
You’d fallen asleep at Jungkook’s earlier that night, and woken up when he’d rolled over in his sleep, and flopped on top of you. In the moment it was funny, until you read the clock that glowed “2:10am” in ominous white lettering. 
“JUNGKOOK I-AGDHGDJ” You’d screamed, pushing him off and springing from the bed. He sat up, hair sticking up in all directions as you hopped around his room, desperately tugging your jeans on. 
“What?” His voice was deep and grumbly as he rubbed his eyes and tried to process the situation. His eyes finally settled on the clock, and he gasped and dashed out the door, “MEET ME IN THE CAR!!!” He screamed, scrambling for the keys. 
The two of you hit 70 in a 25, managing to get you home by 2:15, saving about 8 minutes on your usual drive time. You kissed him one more time before getting out of the car, trying to savor one last good moment before you met your bitter end. “I love you forever Y/n,” He smiles, stress evident in his tense body. 
“I love you forever too Jungkook.” You sighed, facing the house, having accepted your impending doom. The second the door had closed behind you, the lights came on and the screaming began.
By 2:45 your parents decided they had enough and sent you swiftly to bed, but not before taking your phone and sentencing you to 2 weeks of being grounded. 
You lied in bed, emotionally drained as you stared at the ceiling. But even then, you couldn’t help but smile. You really did love him. 
From: My Mans :)
Saturday, 2:30am
Y/n is everything okay???
Im so sorry 
I really am I didnt mean for time to get away from us like that
Ughhhhhh Y/n please dont be mad
Please dont be mad
Ok uhhhh text me tomorrow ig. I love you
Sunday, 10:11am
Y/n really Im getting worried
Pls tell me this is a prank? AHAHAh im laughing
I showed you my dick pls reply
Y/n i really love youuuuu
Knock knock
Whos there?
ok so
I guess youre mad?
Annnnd idk what I did so I cant say sorry
BUT if you tell me what I did wrong I can apologize
See 216 More Messages?
You grin scrolling through your messages. It was 7:45am on a monday, and you’d just gotten your phone back. You’d spent the weekend without electronics, and with plenty of housework. You still had two weeks of house arrest, but you would get to see your friends at school, and keep your phone, so things were already looking up. Your parents didn’t know you lost your v-card, so they didn’t really have anything against Jungkook except for him keeping you out too late. 
To: My Mans :)
7:48- Come get meeeeee :P
Within 2 minutes of sending that text Jungkook replies, making you laugh.
From: My Mans :)
7:56- Oh my god are you kidding me I text you all day every day all weekend and this is all I get back? No heartfelt message? Am I just a rockin bod and a cool car to you? Damn, you thotties really be cold
7:57- Omw
“What the fuuuuck,” Jungkook whines pulling you in by the hips and kissing you, pressing you against him. 
“Sorry, my parents took my phone.” You grin, ruffling his hair and getting in the car. 
“God I thought I was bad in bed or something, you really did a number on my insecurity this weekend,” He grins, taking the car out of park. 
Walking through school felt different now. You felt dirty and exposed. You felt like everybody knew what you did that weekend. Walking down the halls hand in hand with Jungkook, you usually got some stares, but now it felt like all eyes were on you. Jungkook seemed fine, unbothered even. As he should of course, and as you should too. You just couldn’t shake that unsettled feeling though. 
Eventually that feeling left, and a feeling of pride took its place. You were his girl, the person he decided was worthy enough to be his first. Telling your friends really gassed you up. 
“Y/N YOU WHAT?!” Lisa was screaming. You guys were between classes and you couldn’t really think of a good time to tell them, so you figured now was as good as any. “You got dicked down? Like all the way down?!” Lisa whispered, eyes wide.  “Yeah! Do you guys hate me?” You grin nervously.
“No! Just don’t ditch us for booty calls,” Jisoo grins and nudges you. The three of you laugh while you give them details as you walk to your next class. You’re caught up in the story before somebody runs into you, jolting you from your thoughts. You look back in annoyance to see who the perpetrator was. Mark Tuan just hurries off, ignoring you. “Hey, ignore him. You’re Jeon Jungkook’s squeeze now, we have more important things to think about.” Jisoo laughs, grabbing your arm and tugging you down the hallway.
Jungkook was still a part of our group I guess. Bam and Taehyung jumped on the chance to talk to him again after things had been tense the last few weeks. Jungkook texted them and asked if we could all hang after lacrosse, so of course that meant I had to wait after school til 5 for them. 
Roaming the empty halls I scroll through instagram, trying to occupy my headspace. I really had been enjoying my guy time recently, but I can’t lie, I do miss my time with Y/n. After school hot chocolate and homework had become a fixture in my life, like she had been. It felt like there was a big empty hole where she used to be, in my house and in my head. 
“Mr. Tuan,” Mr. Atkinson’s voice rips me from  my thoughts. 
“Yes sir?” I turn, pocketing my phone.
“Wanna take a walk?” Atkinson approaches, not really giving me a choice. We both walk in silence for a minute or so, our footsteps echoing down the halls. “Have you been alright recently? You and Y/n don’t talk anymore, and you’ve fallen in with a..lesser crowd.” His voice is light, but I can hear the more serious tone beneath.
“Yeah, people just..grow apart.” I shrug, shoving my hands in my pockets.
“Yeah but you and y/n didn’t. Or at least she didn’t. I know there’s more. Now, I don’t expect you wanting to talk to your washed up teacher about your personal life, but you should talk to her. Or someone.” He’s right. I sigh, nodding. 
“What do I say?” My voice is quiet, ashamed.
“It never hurts to start with sorry.” 
You lay on your bed, scrolling through your phone on a break from homework. Your break had already taken 2 hours, oops. Suddenly a picture of Mark doing a double chin fills up your home screen while your phone buzzes, signaling a call from your old friend. It had been a hot minute since you’d gotten a call from him; it had been a hot minute since you’d gotten any kind of formality from him in general. 
“Hello?” You slowly hit the green button.
“I’m sorry Y/n. Can we talk?”
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tiemeupspidey · 7 years
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Series: Tom Holland Imagines
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: SMUT ASF. Also mentions of Domestic Abuse 
Request by: @talia-grace-daniels Imagine based on the song Feelings by Maroon 5 :) Also Incorporated @delish-duck ‘s request for the reader having an abusive boyfriend and Tom being protective
Word Count: 3,500
A/N: People fr need to stop coming after me in my messages. I know I write smut. I’m 20 years old and write this stuff for people who actually want to read it. That’s why I put warnings before the imagine starts so I don’t have to deal with messages but I still get them.. -.-
ps. I used the word trousers because its fun to say? Let me live lmao
*Slides down the pole throwing the smut to you hungry darlings*
[Reader’s POV]
“Fucking asshole” you mutter throwing your phone onto your bed. Tears were falling down your cheeks. You couldn’t help it. Your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now had been cheating on you for months.
   You caught him fucking her when you stopped by his apartment a day early. He thought you weren’t coming back so soon. You just got back from visiting the states and came home to heartbreak. It never occurred to you that he would be cheating on you. Everything felt fine and nothing seemed wrong.
   Wiping off the rest of your running makeup you wash your face. Looking at yourself was so pathetic. You were too blind to see his deceit and look at you now. Crying over someone you thought you loved. Letting out a sigh you head back towards your bed.
   Picking up your phone you click the home button. Using you Touch ID to open it up and click on the phone app. Scrolling through your contacts you click on your best friends contact. Putting the phone to your ear you hear the dialing tone. After a short few rings it stops.
“Hello love, what’s up?” Tom’s voice fills your ear making you smile. Tears spill over and you whimper from the pain in your chest forming again.
“Why are you crying?Please don’t tell me that twat hit you again…” You could hear shuffling in the background and voices. Shit. Did you interrupt him at an interview?
“H-He was ch-cheating on me Tom..” voice breaking as you wipe the tears  with your sweater sleeve. The wool of your sweater absorbing your tears quickly.
“I’ll be over in ten okay? Drink some raspberry tea, I know it will calm you down like always” he suggests to you, your body getting up instantly to head to the kitchen.
    Heading down the stairs you walk straight to your kitchen. Flicking the switch, the kitchen illuminates with light. Walking over to the kettle you lift it taking it to the sink. Raising the handle the water flows outs into the sink. Clicking the button the lid lifts up. Placing it under the stream of water you wait for it to fill up.
    Turning the water off you shut the lid. Reaching over you set it back on its heating plate. Pressing the button making it turn red indicating it’s heating up. Opening up your cabinet you pick a mug out of the plethora you had.The mug you picked had a map on it saying “I haven't been everywhere but it’s on my list.” Opening your tea tin you pull out a bag.
    Dropping the tea into the mug you wait for the kettle to whistle. Pulling up your Instagram you start deleting photos of you and your ex. Every delete cracking your heart more and more. Tear droplets falling onto your screen. You stared at one of the pictures from your one year anniversary.
   Your tears get wiped away making you come back to reality. The kettle was whistling loudly into the kitchen. Looking up your eyes meet concerned brown eyes. Jumping from your seat you tackle Tom in a hug. His arms wrapping around you holding you close.  Your legs wrap around his waist when he lifts you up.
    Tears fell onto his skin as you cried into his neck. His thumb rubbing the back of your head as he sways side to side. You hear the kettle whistling die down, water pouring shortly after. The smell of raspberry hits your nose making you look up. Tom was holding your mug with a smile on his face.
    He sits the two of you down in the living room on the couch. Your knees on either side of his legs. Unwrapping your arms from his neck you sit on his thighs. He hands you the tea kissing you on the forehead. Taking a sip of the tea you let out a content sigh.
“Love.. you know I told you to tell me when he hits you..” Tom’s voice trails off as he sees the bruises on your legs and arm.
“They were just accidents..” you take another sips not making eye contact with Tom. His fingers brush against the purple blotched skin making you wince. The one on your arm was a light blue and yellow.
“They’re not accidents, he hurts you Angel.. a man shouldn’t lay his hands on a woman like that, especially if he loves her” Tom’s warm hand cups your cheek, a small smile gracing your trembling lips. You knew he was right, they weren’t accidents.
   The door bangs open startling you at the sound. Setting your mug down on the coaster you hear footsteps coming in your direction. Tom’s hands wrap around your waist pulling you close to him. Your body trembling in his arms. He kisses your head setting you behind him as he stands up.
“Why in the fuck is an Audi in the driveway? You think you can just dump me that easily? I know where you God damn liv-“
“T-Tom I’m scared, he has a key..” you whimper holding onto his hand.
“Why the fuck is he here?” Xavier sneers glaring at Tom, his arms crossing in front of his chest. He sees you behind Tom, eyes narrowing in anger.
“H-He is h-“ Xavier goes to reach for you but Tom blocks him tackling him to the ground. Xavier struggles but Tom presses his forearm to his neck.
“I suggest you get the fuck out, If you as so much come near her I will fucking know, and I will find your ass and beat the life out of you.. no one touches my girl like that got it?” Tom’s body was shaking with anger as he added more pressure to Xaviers neck. Xavier coughs nodding, Tom lets go of him standing up.
“You’re the one who cheated you prick!” you shout as he takes off running out of the house. The house echoes with the bang of the door. Tom grabs ahold of you pulling you into his chest. He held you there for what seemed like forever. You loved being in his arms, it was so damn comforting.
“I have a suggestion.. why don’t you come with me to this function, stay with me for a while just incase he does come back because I don't want him hurting you again..” He tilts your chin up to look at him. Nodding your head you give him a small weak smile. It hurt to smile but he eases your pain.
“What do I have to wear?” you ask walking towards the stairs. Tom follows you up the stairs telling you about the event. The two of you go into your closet and pick out a dress you had.
“Wear this, I love this dress on you” Tom takes a dress off the hanger it flowed down to the floor. Looking at the dress brings up a memory of going to prom with Tom in highschool. You still couldn’t believe you had the dress.
   It was a black floor length dress that had a slit up to your right thigh. The dress had long sleeves but a plunging neckline. Expensive but it was an investment so you could wear it in the future. Tom hooks the hanger on the door while you make your way to the bathroom.
   Tom sat on the counter talking to you while you did your makeup. Laughter filled the air as he made stupid jokes. You curled your hair and braided the sides pinning them behind your head. Tugging at the braids to make them a little looser.
“Here’s the dress, I’ll go pack your bag then we can head to my place so I can get dressed” Tom leaves so you can get dressed. Closing the door behind him you slip the dress of the hanger. Pulling your shorts down you let them fall to the floor. Taking off your sweater you let it fall to the floor.
   Stepping into the dress you slip it up your body. Sliding your arms through the sleeves you adjust your braless boobs in the dress. Lifting your hair that got stuck in the dress it cascades down your back in lose curls. Walking out of the bathroom you slip on your heels.
   Walking in to the bedroom you see Tom going through your clothes. A suitcase was laid open with clothes folded in there. His back was to you as he looked at your closet. Hopefully he didn’t see anything that fit him and would take it. He still has Zendaya’s leather jacket at his house.
   Placing your hand on his shoulder he jumps a bit turning around. His jaw opening slightly at the sight of you. Eyes traveling down your body and back up. A smile replaced on his face as his eyes met your done up ones, the fake lashes feeling heavy.
“You look stunning” he takes your hand lifting it up. Pressing a kiss to your hand , his lips warming the spot. A blush tinting your cheeks.
“Thank you Tom” the smile you had felt so good after everything that’s happened. That’s why you love Tom, he always knows how to pick you up when you’re down.
“Alright love,I’ve packed a weeks worth of clothes.. Lets get going yeah?”  
“Tom who is this lovely girl next to you?” the interviewer asks making the cameraman angle the camera at you..
“She’s my girlfriend, we’ve been best friends since we were kids” Tom’s statement making your heart stop. You look up at him trying to make sure you heard him correctly.
“How long have you two been dating?”
“Just for a while is all, c’mon darling lets go inside okay?” Tom waves to the camera pulling you along the carpet. Your heart was pounding in your chest as the two of you headed towards the doors. Cameras were flashing as the two of you walked. Tom waving to everyone as he passed by with a smile on his face.
“So are we going to talk about what happened tonight?” you ask as Tom drives down the winding road. His hand has been holding yours since you two got in the car. The car ride to his house felt like forever but it wasn’t that far.
“I.. I said that because I’ve always had feelings for you and I can't push them away anymore.. It pained me to see the bruises on your bod-“
“Tom pl-“
“No please let me finish..” he looks at you pulling into his garage. The car stops making your nerves spike up again. Before he could say another word you get out of the car quickly.
   Your heels clicking against the ground as you headed towards the door. You were a little wobbly from the wine you had at the venue. Tom’s hand grabs yours turning you to look at him. He walks to you making you back up against the door. His hands slide up your body achingly slow. The warmth of his hands spreads through your cheeks. He cups your cheeks in his hands making you look at him.
“As I was saying.. Seeing the bruises on your body since you started dating him has killed me on the inside, your smile has changed since you’ve been with him and it’s like your putting up a fake one trying to show everything is okay when it’s now.. whenever I’m with you I see that genuine beautiful smile I love so much and I-“
   Grabbing Tom’s face you smash your lips onto his. The kiss full of want and need, yet it felt so loving as he pulled your body closer. His hands slide down to your ass giving it a squeeze. A small moan escapes you as he grinds himself against you.You leg instinctively rising and wrapping around his waist.
   Lifting you up you wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress making it easy to do so. He opens the door walking in and kicking it shut. Your lips traveling down his jawline slowly, a groan emits out of him turning you on. Your hand tugging his head back lightly, fingers lost in his curls.
  Tom takes you into a room setting you down by the bed. His hands slide your dress off of your shoulders. Kissing down your body as he pulled it all the way down. Your thighs clamping together as he kissed his way back up. His breath against your skin making you curl your toes.
    Lifting you up he lays you down on the bed. His hand reaches up to his tie pulling on it to loosen it. The look he was giving you as he undid his tie made your pussy throb with anticipation. Tom’s eyes were darkening with arousal as they scanned your body on the bed.
    Your heartbeat was picking up as Tom started unbuttoning his white button up shirt. With each button coming undone the more of his skin showed. Your eyes watching as his abs were on display when he opened his shirt completely. Letting it fall to the floor behind him his biceps flex slightly. He reaches down taking his belt off.
    The belt slides out of the loops with ease but some how turning you on how he looked hot holding a belt. Opening his hand he drops the belt onto the floor. Kneeling down he grips your legs pulling you to the edge. The only thing that separated the two of you was your black lace panties.
    Tom hooks his fingers pulling them down your legs and throwing them to the ground. You tried covering the dark splotches that stained your skin. His lips press against the bruises almost as if he’s trying to kiss away the pain. He kissed each bruise then made his way further between your legs. Tom spreads your legs open biting the inside of your thigh. 
   Your head tilts back once Tom’s tongue slides up your slit slowly. His hands tightly holding your hips in place as he pleases you. A moan escapes your lips as he inserts two fingers inside of you pumping slowly. His tongue flicking against your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
    “T-Tom” you gasp as he hums against your clit. The vibrations felt like electricity shooting through your system, Your chest was raising up and down quicker. Stomach tightening as his fingers curled inside you.
    Curling his fingers in a come hither motion your legs start to shake. Sitting up you rest against your forearms looking down at him. His eyes staring into yours which made your heart stop for a second. He looks so damn hot eating you out while looking at you.
    Taking your lip between your teeth you tangle your fingers into his curls. A moan comes form Tom when you tug on his curls. His eyes closing and hand gripping your thigh tighter.  The fingers inside you rubbing against your g-spot making you let out shaky breaths.
“P-Please I need you Tom.. so badly” whining as you grip his hair tighter from the knot forming in your stomach. He kisses the inside of your thighs as he takes his fingers out of your clenching pussy.
   Letting go of his hair he stands up reaching for the button on his trousers. A bulge prominent from how aroused he is. You go to reach for his pants but he stops you. Looking at him confused he just gets undressed. Once fully naked he scoots you back getting onto the bed. He settles himself between you ,forearms on either side of your head.
    Your hair was against the mattress ,waves looking like a windy morning at the beach. Tom kisses from your jaw down to the base of your neck. His lips sucking at the skin making your heart rate erratic. The air in your lungs leaves as he slides into you slowly. Your eyes fluttering shut when his hips snap forward making him go deeper into you.
“I.. I want this to be about you.. you’re so special to me and I need to show how special you are to me”  Tom moans as he thrusts again into you. The sound of his moans sparked something in you.
   Tom’s hands grab yours raising them above your head.He rests his forearms on the mattress to support himself as he’s above you. His eyes shut and grunts emitting from him as he thrusts slowly but deeply into you. Small moans tumbled from your lips as you squeezed his hands tightly.
“F-feels so good” you whimper as he starts thrusting faster into you. The bed starting to shake from the motion he was creating. Moans and grunts filled the air of the dim room.The only light that was in the room was from a lamp that was on a dresser.
   Wrapping your leg around his waist you move the two of you in a quick motion so now that he’s on his back. Tom looks at you confused as you readjust yourself sliding back down on his cock. His eyes flutter shut as you start riding him slowly. Your fingertips ghosting over his abs as you kept your movements slow. You let out a moan as his thumb rubs against your clit , your legs trembling from how sensitive you were.
    Looking him in the eyes you run your fingers through your hair moving your bangs out of your face. His free hand grips your hip tightly guiding you in a steady pace while the other is rubbing quick circles on your clit. Your stomach clenched when you felt yourself getting close. Tom was telling you how beautiful you are and that he’s lucky to have you.
“You’re my girl got that?” his voice shaky from his breathing. Your hips raising and lowering quicker , your moans becoming louder as his hips thrust up making him go deeper into you. The new angle making your head fall back.
“Y-yes, I’m y-yours” you gasp out as he pulls you down smashing your lips against his. Tom’s thrusts were fast and hard into you making you moan into the kiss. The two of you kissing in desperation and lust.
    Tom’s lips traveled down to your neck as he kept thrusting. His thrusts were so hard they sent your body forward a bit. He had to wrap his muscular arms around you to keep you tight against him. His teeth biting the skin of your neck, surely going to leave a mark. You could feel yourself clenching around him as he kept the pace.
    Heavy breathing fanned against your neck as your legs started trembling. Your hair creating a curtain beside the two of you. He places his hand on your cheek as he looks you in the eyes. Biting your lip hard as you release on his cock. He moans looking down at where the two of you connected. Tom watches as he slides in and out of you and shortly comes right at the sight. You moan against his neck as you collapse on top of him.
“So I take it you’re fine being my girlfriend?” He asks panting trying to regain a steady breathing pattern. You nod your head giggling as you look at him. His forehead lined with sweat, some dripping down into his curls.
“Yes Thomas Stanley Holland I am totally fine with being your girlfriend, want to know why?” you ask getting off of him and tying your hair up in a messy bun. He sits up on his forearms looking at you. He looked like a greek god sculpture the way he was laid out on the bed.
This man is yours.
“The reason why is because before everything happened you were always the one who knew how to make me happy, smile and you know so much about me.. you make me feel like life is worth living and after tonight I know how you truly feel and it makes me love you more and more so I would love to be your girlfriend because I love you Tom Holland”
“I love you more angel” He smiles pulling you to him to kiss you. Resting your forehead against yours you close your eyes smiling. You’re finally with the man of your dreams and who you love with your entire soul and being.
A/N: typed this while on pain killers so sorry if some things are spelled wrong x_x
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curtainedknives · 8 years
In regards to;;MEMES| | Date?? ? ?? ??
Send me “Date?” and i’ll answer…
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine 
[x] My muse asks yours (Definetely, it may have been a joke to begin with, but like no one expected Yuuri to respond with such conviction? Wait, or was he just saying something in Japanese and Salim just got it wrong? Still not sure if they’re dating or not here)
Type of date:
[x] Platonic Date (This goes without saying, they do pretty chill things - in fact yeah Salim’s starting to think that he’s right… he must have misread the reaction and actually things are just normal and they’re not going out; thats okay though. Salim doesn’t mind - it was just a joke anyway?…..And yet, what is this feeling of disappointment?)
[x] Romantic Date (But yanno, there’s no clarity, so Salim goes and does what he does best. Casual ‘accidental’ finger touches, shoulder bumps and let’s not forget they go on cute little animal visits together? Dates checking on all those cats yanno?)
[ ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: _____ & ______
Location for the date:
[x] Movies• [ ] Romantic Comedy • [ ] Adventure Movie• [x] Animation (Pixar/Disney) (ITS USUALLY ANIMALS OR KIDS, CAN YOU UNDERSTAND WHY SALIM HAS A HARD TIME? HE CRIES A LOT, CRIES SO MUCH AND POOR YUURI IS THERE TRYING TO MAKE SURE THE POPCORN DOESN’T GET SOAKED)• [x] Horror (Salim does this just to take advantage of grabby scared people with him, but like what if Yuuri isn’t the kind to grab at other people? He literally sits there frozen, his glasses glazed and you can just tell he’s so freaked out. Salim’s used to people clinging to him when he does this so out of slight concern, he kind of just puts his hand on his to sort of awkwardly reassure him it’s okay? k thnx bye i didn’t plan this)• [x] Drama (Salim doesn’t like these kinds of movies mainly because he either guesses the entire case and gets it spot on or falls asleep - In his sleepiness he might drink from your cola though Yuuri, woops, he didn’t actually plan that indirect kiss - I am such trash for cliche tropes)• [ ] Buddy Movie• [ ] ___ (other options)
[x] Restaurant• [x] Expensive/High Class (Maybe Salim goes as his +1 to a fancy dinner for a sponsor or SOMETHING I’m NOT EVEN SURE?? but Salim is really awkward, he cleans up seriously well but he feels so coy in one, I mean he has done fancy high class but only on missions and it’s usually playing the part of staff. Like the whole time at the table he’s adjusting his collar and to make himself feel calmer goes through pictures of his cats and birds and his adopted zoo Gecko on his phone on the sly - please help him)• [X] Small and familiar• [x] Fast Food (Salim loves fast food, so bad that he’d be so dangerous for Katsuki-Katsuki and his athlete-bod-watching. Like he would offer him so much of his food and he grew up a poor arab kid on war-torn soil so don’t even think he gives a shit about spoon feeding him some of his food, or sharing his straw - plus he really wants Yuuri to try this pistachio flavoured boba tea)
[x] Nature• [ ] Beach• [x] Park (On a winter night were the park lake is iced over pls and Yuuri just casually skates pro man but he totally tries to get Salim to go on the ice but Sal refuses. He refuses but it’s too late he’s HANGING ONTO YUURI’S FOR DEAR LIFE AND MUTTERING ALL SORTS OF PRAYERS UNDER HIS BREATH BUT like hey this is nice, he’s skating wow he’s totally- bUT THEN YUURI LETS GO AND BAM HE GOES SLIDING DIRECTLY INTO A TREE - so romantic )• [ ] Forest   • [ ] …and having a picnic
[x] Visiting a Museum (Salim likes museums a lot - he sees them like a small bubble of the world because of them containing so many cultures and languages and it’s all preserved in glass and he gets a little starry eyed but he also gets trigger fever and goes for his camera STOP HIM BEFORE HE RUINS THE PAINTINGS)
[x] Visiting a haunted location (OH PLEASE, SALIM IS SO BAD AT THIS, HE’S SCREAMING PRAYERS IN ARAB and like even though I imagine Yuuri was freaked out to begin with, seeing ol’ Sal, tall, rough and dangerous SAL freaking out would actually calm him the fuq down. 
[x] Staying at home (There’s Yuuri, sitting on the couch, looking pretty damn cute after a shower and I’m so sorry because I’m doing this. Forgive me. But Salim would totally go at him with all evil intent but the dogs and the cats and the birds and pretty much the entire zoo would think that Sal’s tickling was a game and they animal kingdom would join in)• [x] Watching movies• [x] Playing Video Games (They don’t play versus games - they only play co op because Salim can’t handle that ‘losing crying face’ that happened that one time)• [x] Reading 
[x] Night time runs (Katsuki got to take Salim skating, so Salim gets to take him rooftop hopping and like, literally this is so dangerous but ‘just do it, I’ve seen you jump, you can totally nail this roof leap, I’m right here, I’ll catch you’ and like don’t listen, he could literally die but maybe he does jump and holy shit but he lands onto Salim and they crash onto the floor of the next roof. Salim’s faceplanted again HOW DID YOU DO THIS AGAIN?? Salim’s not even mad though, he’s so excited and he’s asking all the questions; ‘How’d it feel?’ ‘Doesn’t it feel like you’re jumping into the stars?’ ‘Doesn’t the wind hit you hard? Isn’t it amazing?’ AND YEAH I BET IT POSSIBLY FEELS A LITTLE LIKE THE FEELING OF SKATING.
The date might hopefully end with…
[x] …holding hands (Do not expect anything less; Salim is a dork and he loves holding hands)
[x] …a kiss (little feathered ones, all around Yuuri’s ears and nose because they go oh so red, it’s literally a target asking for Salim’s attention)
[x] …in bed ( Sure? But the zoo is easily jealous and therefore the entire bed is filled with animals napping all over eachother)
[x] …knowing each other better
[x] …sleepover between friends 
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[x] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
SORRY NOT SORRY, but if there’s anything you disagree with or think wouldn’t happen, feel free to shoot me a message. I’m always happy to change things to suit my roleplay partners!
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bwicblog · 7 years
AA: spoilern alernt, flarnping in the rnain fucking S U C K S.
AA: got mud all the way up to my goddamn flaps.
AA: n, p surne I've got mud I N them, ugh.
ID: clearly you need me to show you how it's done. =:P
AA: lmao, y, mb when yrn off bedrnest, dude. >:}
AA: I'm playing forn bodies, but that doesn't mean I want Y R N S.
ID: psh not wanting my hot bod, i'm crushed. =:'(
ID: tho i get what you mean, the mud is the fucking worst.
AA: lmaoooo. soz, soz. am I supposed to say yrn hella hot now to soothe yrn poorn ego?
ID: obvs. =:P
ID: my ego has been brushed enough at this fair! =>:(
ID: ...bruised.
AA: too late.
ID: =>:I i'm working with one hand here, i demand a break.
AA: it's been brnushed and now you gotta polish it, orn shit'll just look fucking tacky.
AA: lmaoooo.
AA: I offerned you a wornm, dude.
AA: you C Ö U L D be, wtf did prni say AA: 8/10 hot A N D w two frnonds, but n, you gotta go and get squicked on me. >:P
ID: i think i lost enough blood without feeding it to a worm too.
AA: blood comes back, suck it uppp.
AA HAS ATTACHED lolheded.jpeg! It is a troll trying to wrench his leg out of a bog. AA: lmaoooo, evernyone sucks at this sO harnd. AA: wtf you up to?
AA: feeling bettern yet?
ID: i mean. define better. i'm not feeling like i'm about to die.
ID: i'm on my way to pheres' cart for some bandaging and a shirt. and pay.
AA: k, good. >:} AA: make him buy you food too!!
AA: when's the last time you ate??
ID: uhhh.
ID: the pizza night?
AA: soz forn ditching, btw, totes was like.. not thinking abt
AA: lmfao, what the fuuuuuck.
AA: congrnats, yrn a trnashcan firne, brnah.
AA: y, make him feed you.
ID: at least i'm not a fucking mud monster. =:P
ID: i mean i'm preparing myself for a whole lot of fussing, don't worry. he's already trying to talk me in to getting a room.
AA HAS ATTACHED godkingmudmonstertoyou.jpeg!
ID: did you fucking roll in the mud?
ID: you oinkbeast.
AA: he is a fussy fangs. >:P AA: and y! well, n. Ï HID in the mud and then jumped out.
AA: tactics, mothernfuckern.
ID: okay godking oinkbeast. =:P
SS: (Wtf, Hads, I thought you were food acquisition extraordinaire. (\ene/) You tellin me a temp -3 to CHA courtesy a lookin like you already been culled's enough to stop you??) SS: (Ain't you supposed to, like, work that ish for pity?)
ID: uh actually i think looking like i do makes peeps want to help me more.
AA: y, y, that's the joke, gj.
AA: >:P
ID: i was just feeling like garbage too much to take advantage.
ID: =>:P
ID: let a one-handed guy finish sips.
ID: you're just all too fast for me. =:P
AA: lmaoo. well, I can manage arnd stabbing folks, so I think you oughta manage just fine. >:P
ID: well if you finish up soonish, hit me up around pheres'. probably take him a while to patch me up. especially if i can get him to get the fucking stitches out.
AA: mm, mb, mb!! will drnop by, at least. >:} AA: laaal. you wanna come with??
ID: well now you gotta, or else my pumper will get all crushed. =:P
AA: yrn pushern is so frnagile, omggg. >:}
ID: it's been through a lot okay. =:'(
AA: y, y, will come. AA: you taking a whale back orn staying up herne, btw??
ID: haven't decided yet. still got time. depends how much i've healed too.
ID: rather not be in this huge-ass city all busted up.
AA: y, well, come rnide W me and lal. it'll be fuuuuuun.
AA: and i totes will just keep my phone on voice2text. >:} since he whined abt it so much last time.
ID: got my lusus to worry about remember. =:P
AA: oh, lame. laaaaame. AA: .. I can drnive supern fucking slow. >:P
ID: sorry we can't all have easily portable lusii. =:P maybe! i don't want to slow you and lal down if you both need to be back or whatever.
AA: naaah. mb?? AA: .. eh, if you can't rnide w us, you should totes rnide w prni. trnavelling is, like, waaaaay morne fun w ppl. AA: also, you'll, like, look less like cullbait, js. >:}
ID: fucking rude. =:P
ID: pri is a ways away in the wrong direction i think. idk. we'll see!
SS: (Wait, where am I gettin wigglernapped to?)
SS: (Soz, missed some ish through Sipa's unique and charmin quirk accent. (\ eue/) )
SS: (Aka dropped my palm husk in a hay pile.)
AA: dude, when they say a quick rnoll in the hay, it's not supposed to be lits. js. >:} AA:and we'rne gonna go watch hads get bits rnipped out by phern.
AA: it'll be fuuuuuun.
ID: if he doesn't do it you will, right sips? =:P
ID: stitches don't agree with my fragile lil bod.
SS: (Define 'bits,' omfg - I'm delicate, my constitution can't handle straight up guro ish and the bleatbeast!) SS: (Guro or furry ish, pls limit to one.)
AA: n, dude, half the fun is seeing you go grneen when you find out.
ID: just no barfing on me lal.
AA: bc spoilern alernt, yrn totes going grneen.
SS: (No reverse vore, got it.) (\unu/) )
SA: laledy, I believe in you. You were okay for the fight weren't you?
SS: (And shit, pal, here I thought I was gonna go violet!)
SS: (Give or take a stab wound!)
SS: (Nah, I totes swooned! Didn't you see 'em valiantly carry the greenblood away? That was totes me.)
AA: n, n, that only happens when you stay in the trnap forn morne than fourn hourns, soz.
SA: wasn't Hadean in the bathtub for several hours over four when we first met.
SA: I don't remember.
ID: was that when we first met? i did spend a lot of time in a tub.
SA: swooned... laledy, you should get a costume. Maybe you will have fun with Sipara and the others acting
SS: (N, def me! Like we totes said, I'm going violet!)
ID: no gills. =:'(
SA: it's a scientific fact that non seadwellers are softer to the touch anyways
SA: so it's for the best
SA: no scales
AA: oh my god, y. AA: pls get a costume. frnom phern.
SA: 😄
AA: it'll be grn8. >:}
AA: and eyy, you and hads can M A T C H.
SA: please don't put laledy in a stripper outfit. I think they at least deserve better than that.
SS: (Shit, pal, I'm down to be a booth babe.)
SS: (Y, SA's got it right! Gimme the hooker outfit like I deserve. (\unu/) )
ID: i will forever be the booth babe master, let's be real.
SA: I-- oh, well, if that's what you really want. 😮
AA: hads, my dude, you can't just say that.
AA: you gotta C'O M P E T E.
ID: fite me lal.
AA: lmao. >:} y, exactly.
SA: what if others want to compete
SA: a booth babe tournament
SA: Sipara, go
SS: (I nominate Sipa to be my champion.)
AA: n, no one else is prnetty enough, soz. AA: and fuck off, it'd be totes unfairn forn M E to compete, dude.
SS: (For fightin, not for babe-ness.)
AA: do you see these abs?? shit's unrneal.
SA: I think im pretty enough 😠
ID: i'll beat all of you any night. anyways, pris! pheres is at the greenblood circle now. so go there and not the maroon circle or where ever he was before. i'm gonna get walking. and i want my eyes free to watch anyone who wants to mess with me.
SA: Sipara wins on abs alone
SS: (Shit, wait, can we have Pheres judge? He's, like, got a thing for green, right?)
SA: I will.
AA: soz, prni, you totes ain't. yrn, like, qt.
SS: (Sipa wins on accounta I'm p sure she can, like, pick me up with one frond and I'm p sure I'm too intimidated to fight that ish.)
AA: like a barnkbeast.
SA: but I wanted to be handsome
AA: totes diff genrne.
SA: but will you fight her in a contest of looks laledy
SA: that's the most important part
AA: ... idk abt one frnond, but now we'rne totes gonna have to see. >:}
SA: oh. Now you've done it 🙃
SS: (Omfg.)
SS: (I demand a one-fronded Sipa carriage to tote me around.)
SS: (And, SA, think of it this way: if you're up an competin with someone on, like, any front.)
SS: (And they can up and do that.)
SS: (D'you really wanna challenge 'em?)
SA: perhaps at a safe distance, with a required boundary line.
SS: (Zactly!)
SA: but I also weigh little enough anyone could pick me up. I am sure Sipara could lift you and I together
SS: (You hear that, Sipa??)
AA: boundarny lines arne forn cheaters and cowa
SS: (He's totes sure!!)
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Are you gonna let him down??)
AA: now we gotta fucking do it. way2babully, prni, jfc.
SA: what is... babully..
AA: ugghhh
AA: I've got some chucklehead trnying to fucking get back up. brnb, brnb. lal, you explain!!SA: be careful Sipara
SS: (Well, you see.)
SS: (When a troll and her ability to talk proper-like love each other v v much, they hook up!)
SS: (But trolls ain't made for datin abstract concepts, so it inevitably goes real sideways-like, and results in ish like trolls decidin they ain't never gonna have ish to do with talkin proper-like again.)
SS: (And that's why Sipara doesn't know how to talk right.)SA: but... what does babully mean
SA: I understand Sipara may have a strange quirk and not speak with perfect grammar or syntax
SA: so is your relationship with the abstract concept of language doing alright?AA: is that also why i'm gonna say you should go pail yrn lusus?? yrn the wornst, omfg. and stfu, prni, you know my quirnk is  G RN8. >:P
SA: :thinking:
SA: :laughing:
AA: it's a bb bully, duuuh.
SA: oh
SA: I'm a good person, I'm not a bully
SA: :lying_face:
AA: that's a box 2 me, brnah, dd.
SA: oh...
SA: I tried
AA: omggg, don't go all glum.
AA: yrn so a bully. bc you darned me and ppl gotta take darnes.  >:}
SA: it was an emoji that was saying j was lying
SA: you could also say no and tell me to hush
SA: another option
AA: omfg, yrn trneachernous. >:'{
SA: :hugging:
SA: now let me hug you with my traitorous hands
SA: I promise nothing bad will happen
SA: this is a joke
SS: (That's, like, the least ominous ish I've heard tonigh twixt the bleatbeast ish and the stitch-pulling, negl.)
AA: oh my god, yrn nevern getting a hug again, jsyk.
SA: I will ask Hadean for one
SA: :cry:
SA: since you won't share hugs
SS: (Sipa, quick, go hide Hads. (\qnq/) )
SA: does that mean I win, laledy?
SS: (Depends, pal, if you win does that mean you ain't gonna go all Bewear on me??)
SS: (Cos I ain't a man of pride, pal, I'm down to forfeit for, like, my life. (\unu/) )
SA: oh I wouldn't do that anyways.
SA: :smiley:
SA: you are all safe with me
SS: (I totes believe you. (\qnq/) )
SA: I'm glad
SA: I must rest now. I will see you later laledy
SS: (See ya laters! (\eue/) )
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