#Ivybridge Houses
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Springhurst Village of Abbeywood Patio Homes For Sale Louisville KY 40241 is off Springhurst Blvd at Abbeywood Village Drive http://www.eastlouisvillerealty.com/patio_homes_louisville_ky_condos_for_sale.htm
In Springhurst Village of Abbeywood you can expect condo units between 1700 sqft to 1900 sqft in size, all built between 1994 and 1995.
Springhurst Village of Abbeywood amenities include a Playground, Clubhouse, Tennis Court, and Pool.
Springhurst Village of Abbeywood is conveniently located near Springhurst Blvd at Abbeywood Village Drive, which means easy access to restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. Streets in Village of Abbeywood include Abbeywood Village Dr, Abbeywood Village Way, Adelaide Ct, Hawkesbury Ct, and Pictor Way.
To see a list up-to-date with prices of all East End Patio Homes for sale in Louisville Ky visit http://www.eastlouisvillerealty.com/patio_homes_louisville_ky_condos_for_sale.htm
We love to help, call us at 502-821-3062 with any questions about Springhurst Village of Abbeywood patio homes and condos.
Looking for other Villages of Springhurst Louisville Ky houses, condos, and patio homes for sale? Please visit http://www.eastlouisvillerealty.com/springhurst to see Felsmere Houses, Hartwick Townhouse Condos, Abbeywood Patio Homes, Ivybridge Houses, Moorfield Houses, Springbrooke Houses, Springhurst Gardens Houses, Springmont Patio Homes, Springmeadows Patio Homes, Tuxford Patio Homes, Valencia at Springhurst Patio Homes, White Blossom Houses, and Wynbrooke Houses.
Earl Weikel, Realtor East Louisville Realty, LLC 3801 Springhurst Blvd, Suite 105, Louisville KY 40241 Office: 502-821-3062
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_009 Ivybridge to Ermington
(via _009 Ivybridge to Ermington | Nice house! | Robert Slack | Flickr)
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incompetentlyclive · 2 years
Dartmoor, August 2010
After reading Robert MacFarlane's The Wild Places, and then desperately trying to find away to email him... I found a tweet of his, asking for crowd sourced submissions against a potential loss of rights to camp on Dartmoor. It got me thinking, and I unearthed a 2010 trip report of Dartmoor South to North!  Context, I was a New Zealander living in the UK at the time.
Saturday 1400 - Ivybridge to Eylesbarrow Tin Mine  I had caught the train down from Basingstoke, through Reading to Exeter.  The train was delayed and I was going to miss my connection at Plymouth for Ivybridge, so I changed at Exeter for commuter line and made it down to my starting point; Ivybridge Railway Station by about 2pm. 
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Figure 1. Certainly a train station enroute Basingstoke - Ivybridge.
Things did not get off to an entirely auspicious start.  I am usually a bit excitable at the beginning of a trip.  This was most obvious as I crossed the platform flyover three times in search for the exit to the road.  I found my way and headed west towards the Two Moors Way starting point.  I would be following the Two Moors Way for the first couple of hours, and it headed up onto the Moor from the road through a bridleway.  Finding the bridleway, and then having opportunity to consult my map, was a delight.  I instantly fell in love with 1:25,000 scale maps. 
Let me talk about 1:25,000 scale Ordnance Survey Explorer maps.  They are beautiful.  They are accurate.  They are a delight.  They have 10 meter contour lines.  They show you a tiny 100 meter dogleg in a bridleway as four whole glorious millimeters.  I love 25,000 scale maps.  There is so much detail on them.  I’m sitting here regarding my torn, stained, worn map.  My gaze is drawn to one grid square and contained within it is: 
3 cairns
2 blowing house remains
2 non-roman settlements
3 tors
1 river
1 brook
1 enclosure
1 combe
Some tussocky shrub
Exposed stone
60 meters change in elevation.
I walked up the bridleway, a short little climb to warm up the legs, had a chat to a friendly old man with an unfriendly spaniel and acknowledged his warning about the fog.  The fog was closing in, it was high cloud half an hour ago, now it was definitely foggy mist.  I walked up off the bridleway and onto the Moor proper.  I was instantly reminded of that hard, wet and windy west bloc of the North Island on New Zealand, proper sheep and beef country.  Just substitute the Limestone for Granite.  I waved a cheery “hullo” at some Lycra and plastic clad campers and walked on.  The path was a dismantled tramway and now stone and dirt road you could drive an urban warrior 4x4 over.  Visibility was dropping and it was starting to get a bit chillier so I put on my beanie.  I had about 15 kilometers to cover before I wanted to set up camp, so I carried on, conscious it was nearly 3pm already. 
I enjoyed walking the well worn path.  The closing mist added to my sense of privacy and aloneness, something I had been craving for a while since moving to a country with 254 people per square kilometer, as opposed of my native land’s 41.  Belted Galloway Cattle loomed and appeared in the mist and regarded me with a disinterested but astute gaze while they chewed their cud.  The evidence of tin mining and industry on Dartmoor was a strange juxtaposition against the bank and bleak expanse, a grated drain system appeared alongside the path, a broken viaduct spewing foaming peat water was almost surreal and hard to make out in the mist.  Square outlined ruins with low broken down walls provided shelter from the rising wind for a snack and a drink.
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Figure 2. Afternoon tea, a lovely spot.
I broke away from the Two Moors Way and veered NE directly west Buckfastleigh, I wanted to stay on the Moor away from creature comforts for the night.  I bore NW on the Abbots Way, unsure of exactly where I was headed, but looking for a place to pitch camp in that general direction.  The weather was getting worse, it wasn’t totally awful, or utterly abysmal, but just constantly wet and shapes in the mist ghosting in front of me looked like they’d be doing at least 65 km/h if they were cars at a crossing.  I followed the well worn path, with freshly turned hoof marks down the hill towards a ford.  It is at this point things got a little trying as I became: At-odds-with-my-intended-location.  As the path approached the river it became scattered and spread, so I chose the easiest crossing point and hoped to pick up the path on the other side.  A well intentioned plan, which did not go so well.  I couldn’t find the path, so instead took a bearing from the track I was supposed to be on against where I thought I was and hoped to cross the track at some point. 
I erred about half a kilometer east of where I should’ve been.  It was tough going.  Boggy, wet, marshy, mired, wet and increasingly worried that it was getting late.  I found my way to a prominent cairn and took stock.  In a fit of worry induced lunacy I spent 20 minutes trying to pitch my fly in the lee of the cairn.  What was I thinking?  It was the highest point between the rest of the Moor and the direction the wind was coming from.  In the wind-shadow of a pile of rocks?  Mental.  I packed back up, it was nearly 8pm and I was going to go west and importantly - down - until I found shelter, or civilization.  I fancied a night on the floor of a manger.
I was really moving now, in a hurry and when I picked up a very obvious path heading west I was ecstatic to find it.  Moments later I was delighted to find the ruins of Eylesbarrow Tin Mine.  Low stone walls and grass.  No peaty bog.  Shelter from the now howling wind and a grass floor which was not a peaty bog, or mire.  Thoughts of wrapping myself in my groundsheet against some gorse or in a dryish bull wallow evaporated as I stalked the perimeter of the stone walls and found one which provided a perfect opportunity to pitch my fly as a lean-to.  Those walls were probably erected in the early 1800s.  60 men worked here, cutting underground workings into the granite to extract tin.  I mused on their lives as I set up my fly.  5 guy ropes and 10 pegs later it was 9pm and I was in my sleeping bag, exhausted not so physically, but just glad to be in bed.  I ate croissants and jam for dinner and fell soundly asleep. 
I woke at 4am and had an opportunity to remark that the wind was gone, but the mist was heavier.  I really couldn’t see a thing.  Something lurked in the mist and that was the entire motivation needed to get back into my sleeping bag and zip up tight, Were or Sheep I cared not, I had my headlamp around my neck and into the sleeping bag I went. 
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Figure 3. Breakfast and a soggy map.
Sunday 0545 - Eylesbarrow Tin Mine to New Bridge  I re-awoke at 5:45 and started some breakfast.  Then a magical thing happened.  The mist started clearing.  For the first time in 15 hours, I had a vague idea where I was, and just how stunning it all was.  It was New Zealand’s Central Plateau.  It was gorgeous, a lake, a forest.  Gasp worthy scenery was all there.  As I sat eating my porridge, Dartmoor Ponies frolicked in the distance.  I sat very still as a stallion and foal came to graze the bit of grass I was camped on.  The sun rose in the south east and blue skies dazzled. 
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Figures 4-6. Mist clearing and ponies... frolicking.
I had packed up and was ready to move by 8:00am and took a sanded and cut track north, running parallel to boundary stones marked PCWW 1917.  I paused by a granite cross - Siward's Cross has been there at least 850 years, marking the monastic Maltern Way.  No plaque.  No visitors centre.  No nothing.  Just a stone cross with a rusting iron repair.  The path was busy with dog walkers and runners as I got closer to Princetown and its imposing prison, built by POWs for POWs of the French and American wars.  I sat outside the High Moorland Visitor Centre at 9:45am waiting for it to open, downstream of the strong smell of bacon and eggs coming from the Inn across the road. 
The visitor centre was excellent and penciled a route on my map for me to get north towards my goal of Okehampton.  They filled my water bottle for me, I bought two postcards and headed across the road to the local convenience store and post office to scribble on them and send them.  I’m not at all used to popping out into civilization in the middle of a walk, so standing scribbling my postcards I became acutely aware of my personal hygiene.  I moved on. 
The route north started at Two Bridges, so I walked the road between them and then turned back onto the Moor at the gated entrance to Wistman’s Wood.  The short climb on to Longaford Tor had me sweating under the warm sun, I followed the ridge to Higher White Tor.  It was noon, everything in my pack was damp and heavy from the previous day, I felt like a cooked meal.  So I stripped down  to my pants and sunbathed as I cooked Camp-Bolognese and let my gear dry scattered in the sun.  A short nap was interrupted by the unmistakable expression of some poor kid stopped mid-sentence by my dazzling and sprawling whiteness under midday sun.  I dressed and packed hurriedly as showers came in from the west.  The helpful folk of the visitor centre had warned of rain getting worse to be quite heavy that night and it showered on and off for the rest of the day. 
My route took me down to Lower White Tor then to the waterfall on the East Dart River.  Tumbling peat-brown water over the rocks the waterfall was postcard perfect and I crossed it, stone hopping to the other side, stopping to change film and take some photos in a break in the showers.  For the first time in documented history I didn’t veer right...  I wish I had.  Instead I slogged straight across a shin deep mire.  Forty-five minutes of grumbling to myself about the bronze age munters who’d felled everything and ended up just making a peat swamp more effectively than the Taupo eruptions ever could.  I picked up a stone wall which led NE to Sittaford Tor and had been to my east the whole time across the bog and then followed the fence line down to Little Varracombe.  I crossed the Teign River whilst in its infancy and headed uphill to Quntin’s Man, the cairn and the Army observation huts which mark the border of the Okehampton Range.  It was a guaranteed nil firing weekend, so I would be heading through the range for the rest of my trip. 
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Figure 7. The range.
The walk across the eastern border of the range was rewarding and the highest ground I would cover during the trip.  Large parts of the area are so wet and boggy that they are nearly impossible to cover on foot.  I headed north from the cairn to Peat Pass south of Hangingstone Hill.  The peat pass was a cut made through the peat into granite bedrock by Frank Phillpotts.  The cut was made so that farmers and hunters could travel this area with becoming mired.  A plaque on a stone bears the forthright inscription: THIS STONE MARKS A CROSSING THROUGH THE PEAT, WHICH MAY BE OF USE TO HUNTING AND CATTLEMEN.  I like that, which may be of use.   May.  It was a great use to me and I made sure I pointed that out to a lovely couple I met on Hangingstone Hill.  They had just ascended and were heading for Postbridge, we discussed routes, I was about to descend on my way to Newbridge. 
I picked up a gravel and tarmac Army ring road and covered the last few kilometers to Newbridge with very sore feet.  Spending two days wet and then pounding down hard road had been too much for my sedentary banker feet.  I was very glad to make it to Newbridge, as the dark clouds which had been chasing me from the south, all day, finally broke and the rain started proper.  The comedy began.  My 3 x 3 meter fly had been easy to string over a wall as a lean to the night before, But now faced with no trees, no wall, nothing except a sheep poo covered pile of rocks and ground I had nothing to work with.  I had carried some lightweight universal aluminum tent poles with me and intended to fashion a structure with these.  I started with a high pole front sloping to ground level rear design, and failed.  I moved to a large hoop front to grounded rear, and failed.  Then I tried a high pole front to low pole rear centre line, and failed.  Finally, as the rain pounded I built a Shangri-La of nylon, rope, poles and pegs.  It was a low pole front and rear with closed back and open front design, it was wonderful and doubled as a handy portable bomb-shelter.  The rain became torrential during the night and the newly built Hilton Dartmoor - Newbridge, didn’t even quiver in the rain and wind.  As the squalls swung 180 degrees during the night I simply lay east-west under the fly instead of north-south and moved to the rear of the fly, dry(ish) and happy. 
I had set up the fly quite close to the Black-a-ven Brook and woke up a few times during the night to the noise of the brook going from babbling to busy to bustling to bullish to bursting.  I think it rose a meter during the night but was still a good meter or two low of my camp site.  I boiled water and then under attack from expertly trained 2-para-commando-marine-SAS-green-beret-SF MF-midges I retreated hastily into my sleeping bag liner for cover, with a bag of chocolate buttons for dinner. 
Monday 0700 - Newbridge to Okehampton  By the morning the midges had given up and I lay and relaxed and reflected as the rain and wind carried on.  I was in no hurry.  I was only 5 kilometers short of Okehampton and had plenty of time to get there.  So I meticulously untied knots and coiled ropes, cleaned tent pegs had a hearty breakfast and messed about in the rain, bone dry and warm under my new army-surplus smock. 
The last hour out of the Moor was a quiet plod, musing on things like how proper sheep looked with a bouncy long tail.  I walked into Okehampton about 10am, bought some fruit and caught a bus to Exeter, offending everyone on board with my eau-de-moor-nautrale.  After the startled gasps of passengers exiting the bus as they caught a wiff of me going past, I thought it was probably best to have a wash before the train-ride back to Basingstoke.  So, a quick chat with a woman at the ‘i’ spot (always a lower case I?...) I walked down to the Pyramids Leisure Centre, by way of a Poundland for £1 shower-gel, deodorant and a towel.  I had an excellent swim, stretched and enjoyed a good soak.  Then I showered and changed into what stunk the least.  Which were my long daggy camp trousers and a hole ridden woolen thermal top.  I was unable to face putting my wet and putrid boots back on I put on my jandals and did my best impersonation of a homeless man as I made cheese and salami snacks with what was left over in my pack, sitting on a park bench, unshaved, unbothered by the showers. 
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Figure 8. My view from a park bench.
I slept on the train back home, able to chuckle to myself, as I am now, that in the comfort of a train or your home, a bit of rain and mud on Dartmoor all seems very insignificant.  Whereas at the time, you’re adamant that if you find the really boggy bit with the red grasses one more time you’re just going to sit down and call your Mum for advice and help.  Funnily enough, as I turned on my mobile as I got to Okehampton, I had voicemail, just Mum checking in that I was ok, from 20,000 kilometers away.  Dartmoor, done. 
0 notes
Smartphone Apps Including Instagram, Omegle, Kik Messenger  Parents Should Look Out For On Their Children's Phones
Police have urged oldsters to envision their children's phones in a shot to form them additional safe on-line.
Ivybridge & Rural police have currently shared a listing of apps that they suppose may be dangerous for youths.
While the warning was issued by a law in Plymouth, smartphone users will transfer the apps where they're - therefore the recommendation may be helpful for fogeys in county too.
Kik Online
The list includes variety of apps that unsuspecting oldsters may ne'er have detected of.
American technical school blogger, Apr Requard, mentioned the list on her web log, Appsolutely Apr, Requard said: "We ought to refer to our youngsters and teach them the way to navigate through this on-line world.
"I believe powerfully in not obstruction everything however, in my opinion, there ar sure apps that ar simply out-of-bounds and that i can share those with you during this [list]."
These ar the ten apps police warned that oldsters may got to understand if they need to stay an eye fixed on their children's cyber safety, reports the Plymouth Herald.
1) Omegle One of the additional recognizable names on the list, Omegle could be a free on-line chat space that lets users speak anonymously to complete strangers.
Omegle, that was launched in 2009, arbitrarily pairs users in one-on-one chat sessions wherever they will chat to folks all round the world.
The site currently provides a mobile app that lets users chat with strangers from mobile devices.
2) Yubo (formerly referred to as Yellow) This app has had quite ton press within the past for its similarity to adult qualitative analysis apps - and it has been criticised for belongings young users exchange texts and photos with close strangers.
Users also are able to "swipe" alternative users that they're inquisitive about and swap selfies with one another.
Read More Requard explained: "This app is intended to permit teens to think of one another during a Tinder-like atmosphere."
The app has been criticised thanks to considerations that the photo-based qualitative analysis app may be wont to trade naked footage.
3) Calculator App lock (Image: Calculator App lock) There's a ton additional to the current sneaky app than meets the attention - it permits users to cover personal photos and videos in plain sight by disguising itself as a humble calculator.
It conjointly permits users to jot down and store personal notes and firmly browse the net with a personal browser.
Requard explained: "This app may appear as if a calculator however it truly functions as a secret picture vault."
Other apps with similar settings embody Secret Calculator Vault and Calculator + picture Lock Vault.
4) Ask.fm Ask.fm could be a social networking web site wherever users produce profiles and send one another anonymous queries.
Requard claimed that the app had been "linked to the foremost severe varieties of cyberbullying" because it permits users to send cruel queries and messages fully anonymously.
Read More The site, that was launched in 2010, came vulnerable following the deaths of 2 English teenagers UN agency killed themselves once they were cowed on the location.
5) Kik Messenger Kik could be a free instant electronic communication mobile app that permits users to send and receive messages, photos, videos and mobile sites.
You can conjointly be part of special teams and video chat victimisation the app.
Requard said: "Kik has in engineered apps and online page that will be filtered on the house pc."
Kik is thought for its options conserving users' namelessness, like permitting users to register while not providing a sign.
6) Hot or Not Hot or Not could be a game wherever you transfer your best footage and find rated by alternative users in your space.
The app conjointly enables you to see however "hot" your friends ar and flick through a listing of the "hottest" folks close.
Requard said: "Strangers rate your profile. The goal is to guide to a attach."
7) Burnbook Burnbook is Associate in Nursing anonymous gossip app that lets users post rumours regarding folks through audio, messages, texts and photos.
Named once the "burn book" in teenage picture show Mean women, users will transfer the app without charge, explore for college "communities" inside ten miles, and share text, photo, and audio messages with alternative community members.
Read More It is value noting that this app might are faraway from iTunes and Google Play following complaints.
8) furcula Wishbone could be a disputed comparison app that permits users to match no matter they need to.
Requard aforementioned she was involved regarding it as a result of it "allows users to match children against one another and rate them on a scale."
9) Whisper Requard describes Whisper as Associate in Nursing "anonymous app wherever the creators promote sharing secrets and meeting new people".
The service permits users to post and share personal picture and video messages fully anonymously.
The posts, referred to as "whispers", encompass text superimposed over a picture - which may be uploaded or chosen from Associate in Nursing in-app programme.
The app was launched in 2012 and currently has 250 million monthly users across 187 countries.
10) Instagram Probably the known app on the list, Instagram could be a picture and video-sharing social networking service that's owned  by Facebook.
Requard's concern is that users will have over one account. She explained: “Many social media platforms leave over one user account.
Read More "Kids can use one profile to act with their friends and also the alternative one is their "angel" account wherever they'd solely post what they'd wish their granny to ascertain.
"In Instagram, children decision it a 'finsta' which implies 'fake Instagram' account. children conjointly prefer to text victimisation Instagram as a result of messages ar deleted once a user deleted once a user leaves a language."
She conjointly says that children ar additional probably to use this app to message one another, because it is simple to delete personal messages.
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pattynanmedia · 6 years
(via Sarah McQuaid 'The Sun Goes On Rising' - YouTube)
February 2019
  Sat 2.The Bridge Inn Topsham, Exeter, Devon EX3 0QQ
  Thur 21. Lee Memorial Hall Lee, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 8LW
  Fri 22. Shirwell Village Hall Shirwell, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 4JU
  Sat 23. Bishops Tawton Village Hall Exeter Road, Bishops Tawton, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 0AB
  March 2019
Sat 2. The Poly 24 Church Street, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3EG
  Wed 6. Limerick City Library - The Granary -- Michael Street, Limerick, Ireland
Sat 9. Flowerfield Arts Centre 185 Coleraine Road, Portstewart, Northern Ireland BT55 7HU
  April 2019
  Thur 4. Rugby Library & Information Centre Little Elborow Street, Rugby CV21 3BZ
Sat 13. Solomon Browne Memorial Hall Duck Street, Mousehole, Cornwall TR19 6QW 
  May 2019
  Fri 3. The Roses Sun Street, Tewkesbury GL20 5NX
  Sun 5. Wath Festival Montgomery Hall, Church Street, Wath upon Dearne, Rotherham, South Yorkshire S63 7RD
  July 2019
  Wed 17. Penlee Park Open Air Theatre Morrab Road, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4HE 
  August 2019
  Fri 9. Podium Cafe Peter en Leni Damsterweg 20, Steendam, Groningen 9629 PD Netherlands
  Sat 10. Folkfestival Ham The Celtic Art Gallery, Genebosstraat 4, Ham 3945, Belgium
  September 2019
  Sat 21. Songwriter Series House Concert, Bend, Oregon USA
  Fri 27. House Concert in Penngrove, CA, USA
  October 2019
  Thur 17. Live! Folklife Concerts at Crandall Public Library
251 Glen Street, City Park, Glens Falls, NY 12801, USA
  November 2019
Fri 1. Pavilions Teignmouth The Den Crescent, Teignmouth TQ14 8BG
  Sat 2. Praa Sands Community Centre Pengersick Lane, Praa Sands, Penzance TR20 9RB
  Sun 3. Folk On The Moor Westward Inn, Lee Mill Bridge, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9EE
  Mon 4. Chettle Village Hall Chettle, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 8DB
  Fri 8. Farnham Maltings Bridge Square, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QR
  Sat 9. Schtumm Extra The Queens Head, High Street, Box, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 8NH
  Thur 14. Black Swan Folk Club -- Black Swan Inn, Peasholme Green, York YO1 7PR
  Fri 15. Water Yeat Village Hall Water Yeat, Ulverston LA12 8DJ
  Sat 16. The Green Man Gallery Hardwick Hall, Hardwick Square South, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6PY
  Mon 18. The Bridge Folk Club The Bridge Hotel, Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1RQ
  Wed 20. The Musician Clyde Street, Leicester LE1 2DE
  Fri 29. The Old Baptist Chapel  63 Church Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 5RZ
Sat 30. Sterts Studio -- Upton Cross, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 5AZ
0 notes
LGBT Friendly Churches updated 29/10/17
 This blog is to try and help answer any questions youth or anyone might have regarding helping Christian or non-Christians gays. If you are LGBT+, parent, sibling or friend of someone who is LGBT+ and you want to know how to support them, then this is the place for you. It is also a blog to locate gay friendly churches where the LGBT Community can find a place to worship freely in Christ without hindrance due to their sexual identity. Although primarily in the UK, I will also add churches elsewhere to the list if you add their details. Please give any website addresses so I can link to the church website. Depending on how many churches are added, I will at least monthly edit the posts into one big post so they are in one place.
Please reblog, so as many people as possible can find a place to worship free of condemnation.
Two:23 Network meeting at Bloomsbury Baptist Church on Saturday 18th November 2017 @2:23pm, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WD2H 8E. Does not meet every week.
St Bartholomew the Great Church, West Smithfield, City of London TYpe: Anglican
Holy Trinity Brompton, Brompton Road, London, SW7 1JA Type: Anglican
also at:
Holy Trinity Brompton, Courtfield Gardens, London SW5 0LX
Holy Trinity Brompton, Onslow Square, London SW7 3NX, 
Holy Trinity Brompton, Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5LP
Christ Church Bath, UK Type: Church of England
Christ Church Lancaster UK Type: Church of England
Lancaster Priory (St Mary with St George and St John) Lancaster UK Type: Church of England
Living Springs Metropolitan Community Church Bath UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church
 Putnoe Heights Church Bedford, UK Type: Methodist Church of England
 St. Marks Church Bedford, UK Anglican
Aire Valley Community Church Bingley, UK Type: Independent 
All Saints Kings Heath Birmingham, UK Type: Anglican 
Journey Metropolitan Community Church Birmingham, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Liberty Church Blackpool Blackpool, UK Non-denominational
Metropolitan Community Church Bournemouth Bournemouth, UK          Type: Metropolitan Community Church
The Community Church Of St Michael and All Angels Bournemouth, UK Type: Non-denominational 
Dorset Gardens Methodist Church Brighton, UK Type: Methodist Church of England 
St. John the Evangelist Church Brighton, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Nicholas of Myra Church Brighton, UK Type: Anglican 
The Village MCC Brighton, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Cotham Parish Church Bristol, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Edwards Church Cambridge, UK Type: Anglican 
St Augustine of Canterbury, North Springfield Chelmsford, UK Type: Church of England 
The Order of the Black Sheep Chesterfield, UK Type: Church of England 
St. Pauls Church Clifton, UK Type: Anglican 
Holy Trinity Church Cookham Berkshire, UK Type: Anglican 
Chapel of Freedom Coventry, UK Type: Apostolic Pentecostal 
St. John Baptist Danbury Danbury, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Edmunds Dartford Dartford, UK Type: Anglican 
St. John the Evangelist Devon Ivybridge, UK Type: Anglican 
River of Life Metropolitan Community Church Dorchester, UK                  Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
St. Georges Church Dorchester Fordington, UK Type: Anglican 
St. John the Baptist Church Essex, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Marks Church Essex, UK Type: Anglican 
All Saints Church Southend Essex Southend-on-Sea, UK Type: Anglican
Anglo-Catholic Parish of Black Madonna of Czestochowa Glasgow, Scotland Type: Old Catholic 
St. Mary Chiddingfold Godalming, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Peter and St. Paul Godalming, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Mary the Virgin (Great Shelford Parish Church) Great Shelford, UK     Type: Anglican 
Holy Trinity and St Marys Guildford, UK Type: Anglican 
St. John the Baptist Isleworth, UK Type: Anglican 
Leyland United Reformed Church Lancashire, UK Type: United Reformed Church 
All Hallows Church Leeds, UK Type:Anglican 
St. Nicholas Church Leicester, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Brides Liverpool, UK Type: Anglican 
The Bethlehem Community Liverpool, UK Type: Ecumenical Catholic Communion 
All Saints Margaret Street London, UK Type: Anglican 
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church London, UK Type: Baptist 
Community Church Of St. John the Divine London, UK Type: Independent Catholic 
Holy Cross Roman Catholic Parish London, UK Type: Roman Catholic Church
Metropolitan Community Church of East London London, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Metropolitan Community Church of North London London, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Oasis Waterloo Hub, London UK Type: Open Church
Saint Martin in the Fields London, UK Anglican 
Southwark Cathedral London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Botolphs Aldgate London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. James London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Johns Hyde Park London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Lukes London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Mark London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Marys Stoke Newington London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Matthew London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Michael and All Angels London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Pancras Parish ChurchLondon, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Pauls London, UK Type:Anglican 
St. Saviours Church Brockley Rise London, UK Type: Church of England 
St. Thomas London, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Thomas the Apostle London, UK Type: Anglican 
Stepney Meeting House London, UK Type: United Reformed Church 
The Church of the Ascension, Blackheath London, UK Type: Church of England 
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament London, UK Type: Independent Catholic 
The Parish Church of Saint Barnabas, Bethnal Green London, UK           Type: Anglican 
St. Johns, Fulham London UK Type: Anglican 
All Souls  Harlesden, London UK Type: Anglican 
St. Annes Soho, London UK Type: Anglican 
Holy Trinity Eltham London Southend Crescent, UK Type: Anglican 
Sutton Vineyard Church, Sutton, Surrey, UK Type: Vineyard
The Regeneration Project Mitcham, Surrey, UK Type: Non-denominational 
St. Peter Walworth Walworth, London UK Type: Anglican 
Inspire Church Manchester, UK Type: United Reformed Church 
Metropolitan Community Church Manchester Manchester, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
St. Thomas the Martyr Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Type: Anglican 
Northern Lights MCC Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Chapel of St.Dominic & St.Stephen the Martyr Newton-le-Willows, UK Type: Old Catholic 
Life at the Centre city mission Nottingham, UK Type: Methodist Church of England 
St. Anthonys Community Church Nottingham, UK                                            Type: Roman Catholic Church 
St. John the Evangelist Nottingham, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Leonard Oak Walk, Hythe, TUK ype: Church of England 
Community Parish of The Holy Angels Old Portsmouth, UK Type: Ecumenical 
St. John the Baptist Church  Hey Oldham Lees, UK Type: Church of England 
Holy Trinity Over Warton, UK Type: Anglican 
University Church of St. Mary the Virgin Oxford, UK Type: Anglican 
Saint Lukes Pallion Pallion, UK Type: Anglican 
Metropolitan Community Church Brighton Portslade, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
Oasis Church Salford Salford, UK Type: Non-denominational 
St George's, Crosby Scunthorpe, UK Type: Church of England 
St. Andrew Sheffield, UK Type: Anglican 
Methodist St. Christopher`s Community Church Sheffield, UK                 Type: Independent Catholic 
St. Marks Church Sheffield, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Aidans Church Sheffield Manor, UK Type: Anglican 
The Evangelical Anglican Catholic Church South Yorkshire, UK Type:Anglican The Province of the Ecumenical Society of St. Augustine of Canterbury Southampton, UK Type: Independent Catholic 
St. Albans Westcliff Southend-on-Sea, UK Type: Anglican 
Merseyside Mission Southport, Merseyside, UK Type: Old Catholic 
All Saints Church Staplehurst, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Agnes Church Stockport North Reddish, UK Type: Church of England 
All Saints Stoke on Trent, UK Type: Anglican 
St. John the Evangelist Suffolk, UK Type: Anglican 
The Well Chapel Suffolk, UK Type: Ecumenical Catholic Communion 
St. Mary Suffolk Woodbridge, UK Type: Anglican 
St. Mark Sunderland Millfield, UK Type:Anglican 
St. John The Divine Surrey, UK Type: Church of England 
Tavistock United Reformed Church Tavistock, UK Type: United Reformed Church 
Metropolitan Community Church of Torbay Torquay, UK Type: Metropolitan Community Church 
St. Pauls Parish Church Tunbridge Wells, UK Type: Anglican 
The Parish of St. Paul with St. Nicholas Wokingham, England Type: Anglican 
All Saints Church York Sancton, UK Type: Anglican
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Better affordable homes for local people | South Dartmoor Community Energy explores a community-led housing development in Ivybridge
Better affordable homes for local people | @SDCEnergy explores a community-led housing development in Ivybridge
Local group South Dartmoor Community Energy (SDCE) is excited to have received a grant to help them explore an ambition to have an exemplar community-led housing development in the Ivybridge area. (more…)
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cape-trader · 6 years
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Organic 3 bean chilie, avo, cilantro & vegan AF ✌😎 Thanks to my in-house holistic nutritionist @pbn.guru (at Ivybridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3I-5rgox5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hlx1k6fu37ju
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williamdbellb · 6 years
Battle for oil supremacy heats up as Firebird expands
The Firebird HQ in Plymouth, which houses the company’s Technical hub, training centre, showroom and innovation centre.
The warehouse, which now houses Furebird’s extended product portfolio.
Training sessions are very hands-on as Firebird installers can get practical with many of the products it manufactures.
Firebird, by its own admission, is a sleeping giant.
Ever since its formation in Ireland in 1980, the manufacturer of heating products has built up a proven track record on the global supply of heating systems and established a name that has become synonymous with performance, quality and innovative design.
Although comfortably market leader in the Emerald Isle, Firebird sits third among its contemporaries in England, some way behind the established names of Worcester, Bosch Group and Grant UK, but ahead of Warmflow.
Now after a productive 18 months, the Plymouth-based giant is awaking from its slumbers in an attempt to secure the increased presence in the UK it craves.
£1 million investment In September 2016, at a cost of £1 million, Firebird’s satellite branch relocated from its home of 20 years in Ivybridge to five miles away in Plympton.
The new premises include a training facility taking up the whole top floor, an innovation centre and a show room featuring an array of fully working oil-fired boilers, biomass boilers and air source heat pumps (ASHPs), where installers can spend time working and training on each appliance.
Also housed within the new building is Firebird’s Technical Hub, which provides customers with a comprehensive technical support package, designed to make the specification and installation process as simple as possible.
Extra staff have also been employed in sales, accounts and on the shop floor.
Dave Hall said: “Firebird’s emphasis had not been on the UK market and consequently had allowed others to go past it for too long. Our plan now is to get this business up to where it should be. “We are the market leader in Ireland, but that is not the case here. Realistically, we know that it will be very hard, but that’s not to say we won’t enjoy the challenge.”
The name Firebird has been synonymous with oil-fired boilers and it can now boast over 70 models – the most comprehensive range in the industry – offering outputs from 12kW to 100kW for internal, external and boilerhouse applications.
But its expansion in the UK means that, in the past 12 months, Firebird has extended its product portfolio to include air source heat pumps, following on from its success with solar thermal systems and biomass boilers in the past.
“Solar thermal is a massive complement to any type of boiler or heating system, so it works very well for us, while biomass boilers are a credible solution as they produce the same amount of heat as a conventional boiler,” said Dave.
“As far as ASHPs are concerned, they will have a major role to play in decarbonising the UK.
“There are 850,000 homes in the UK off-grid, and these are the ones we supply with our oil. From our point of view, we want to keep those customers, so being able to provide heat pumps as an alternative will enable us to do that.”
Lack of government support Not that Dave thinks the government has been much help when it comes to supporting the heat pump industry.
“I am very disappointed so far,” he said. “It has made it difficult for installers to become Microgeneration Certification Scheme registered, as it is expensive for them and it is expensive for us. Even before our range of ASHPs were up and running, we spent in excess of £10,000 on accreditation.
“There is no drive from the government, there is nothing in newspapers or trade magazines, while the Renewable Heat Incentive has never been promoted as a credible scheme.
“The infrastructure is not there either. There are 850,000 homes in the UK off-grid to be targeted. If you took a typical cost at £15,000 per home that is £12 billion, just for the install. Where is that coming from, without changing the power lines?” said Dave.
“Finally, where is the skilled labour to fit the product. A typical installer will fit one oil boiler every week, but how many heat pumps? Maybe one a year. Engineers will always be retraining before they can fit the product.”
Dave acknowledges there have been plenty of problems in the past, but is confident that Firebird’s decision to offer ASHPS will reap dividends long-term.
“I accept that sales of our ASHPs currently are very low, but by the end of 2018 we want our sales to be in the thousands,” he said.
“My message to all installers is that renewables will come back, stronger than ever before. We are definitely seeing a growth in the heat pump market.”
Thanks to Firebird’s research and development department, situated just five miles away from its manufacturing plant in Ireland, it will continue to make products that lead the way in the oil sector.
“The R&D team works totally autonomously with the rest of the business,” said Dave. “This ensures that the guys responsible for product development aren’t pulled away onto the shop floor or down the line to sort things out – they are there specifically to develop new products and that is all.
“In the past, we have been ridiculed for having a so called upside-down boiler as the primary heat exchanger is at the top with the secondary heat exchanger underneath.
“Everyone else has always has it the other way around. Now one of our biggest competitors has just released a boiler in the same style. We have always tried to lead and let others follow,” he said. As if oil boilers, biomass boilers and ASHPs wasn’t enough to keep its customers happy, Firebird will soon be announcing another development – but Dave is staying tight-lipped about the latest model off the production line.
“We want to be able to provide an even stronger technical offering, a complete package to help us tie in with our tagline, ‘central to heating’,” said Dave.
“We want to have a total heating solution, to be able to offer everything from the filter, to the heat pump, the cylinder, the buffer cylinder and the water treatment chemicals all under one roof. Our latest offering will help us really achieve this.”
Why choose a Firebird boiler?
Easy to install and service: multiple tapping points, front service access and multi-directional flue options
Low NOx emissions: easily exceeds legislative requirements from 2018 and beyond / future-proofs against further legislation
Low maintenance: long life serviceable components
Pioneering design technology: the first UK manufacturer to introduce Blue Flame oil-fired boilers
Market-leading seasonal efficiency of 97.4%: surpasses any other boiler in its class
Reduce heating bills: the greater the efficiency, the lower the heating bills
Unbeatable product range: widest range of boilers available in UK, outputs from 12kW – 100kW
Innovative anti-corrosion design: location of secondary heat exchanger eliminates potential for corrosion of boiler shell
Proven track record: providing heating solutions for nearly 40 years
Ten-year warranty Choose a Firebird Boiler?
The post Battle for oil supremacy heats up as Firebird expands appeared first on Heating & Plumbing Monthly Magazine (HPM).
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8248515 http://www.hpmmag.com/renewables/battle-for-oil-supremacy-heats-up-as-firebird-expands via http://www.rssmix.com/
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solarpanelsnetwork · 7 years
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Springhurst Village of Ivybridge Louisville KY 40241 is off White Blossom Blvd at Ivybridge Circle http://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/property-search/list/?searchid=9442308
All built between 1997 and 1999, in Springhurst Village of Ivybridge you can expect condo units between 2100 sqft to 3900 sqft in size.
Springhurst Village of Ivybridge amenities include a Clubhouse, Tennis Court, Playground, and Pool.
Springhurst Village of Ivybridge is conveniently located near White Blossom Blvd at Ivybridge Circle, which means easy access to shopping, restaurants, and entertainment. Streets in Village of Ivybridge include Ivybridge Circle and White Blossom Blvd.
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Data Center Racks & Cabinets
SIMATIC Rack PCs supply adequate program performance for demanding applications and are best for performing a wide range of tasks in many distinct sectors. Thanks to numerous interfaces every single SIMATIC Rack Pc can be swiftly and flexibly extended. In the average transactions per second benchmark, the R230 posted an typical of 1,819 TPS from 1VM. With eight of those same instances operating on the R930, we measured an typical of 1,986TPS per VM, although the R920 posted an average of 1,315 TPS. From a single-application view the R230 performed very admirably, even showing sturdy gains compared to the IvyBridge-powered R920 platform. Obviously when hunting at these servers from an aggregate functionality standpoint the R930 and R920 were in a position to execute considerably greater at the same time (15,890 TPS from the R930 and ten,522TPS from the R920), but they were created and configured to deal with numerous much more times of application situations. The UCoustic 9210i comes with built-in sensors and management software program allowing information to be accessed from a number of devices remotely in turn this then supplies genuine time status, alarms, alerts and defined reports which can be sent to up to ten customers. The TE7000 server rack provides a expense powerful resolution for your server area or datacentre specifications constructed about a steady 192 dual frame. The extension kit is totally retrofittable and will not adversely have an effect on the overall performance of the cabinet. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. are the only two operating systems supported on these machines. Operating systems are not pre-installed on the machines - it's DIY. You truly need committed cooling for your server room that is seperate from the rest of the office. While Memorial Day is truly a day to don't forget those guys and women who have died in military service to our country, it is also the unofficial start of the summer season right here at the beach, bringing thousands and thousands of folks here from neighboring cities and states. Several of our secure enclosures have extra attributes to maintain your servers functioning, such as cooling devices, noise-dampening qualities and power distribution facilities. http://kelsusit.com/refurbished-pc-desktop-computers The UCoustic 9210i does not make any compromises, the sophisticated design and style extends to it becoming an outstanding all round 19” data, comms and server cabinet, with totally adjustable front and rear mounting angles and a decision of an unrivalled SIX cable entry ports without having detriment to the required sound or temperature values. This purchasing function will continue to load things. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut essential to navigate to the subsequent or earlier heading. A 23-inch (580 mm) rack is utilized for housing telephone (primarily), pc , audio , and other equipment even though is much less widespread than the 19-inch rack. The size denotes the width of the faceplate for the installed equipment. The rack unit is a measure of vertical spacing and is common to each the 19 and 23 inch racks. It's also possible to place additional I/ cards into blades, as nicely as into rackables. The IBM line makes use of PCI and PCI Express (PCIe) cards in its rackables. Possibilities to improve to two cards tends to make rackables more flexible in terms of I/ card expansion. The memory options in blades and rackables are similar. Rack-mountable equipment is traditionally mounted by bolting or clipping its front panel to the rack. Inside the IT sector, it is typical for network/communications equipment to have multiple mounting positions, like table-leading and wall mounting, so rack mountable gear will frequently function L-brackets that must be screwed or bolted to the gear prior to mounting in a 19-inch rack. With the prevalence of 23-inch racks in the Telecoms industry, the exact same practice is also typical, but with equipment having 19-inch and 23-inch brackets available, enabling them to be mounted in existing racks. When raw computing power and server density is the important drive, blade servers meet the need to have. For instance, in my environment, I have a 10U Dell M1000e blade chassis that can help up to 16 servers. So, each server makes use of the equivalent of .625U of rack space. On prime of that, the blade chassis holds 4 gigabit Ethernet switches and two Fibre Channel switches, so there is further rack space savings given that I do not need to have to rack mount these devices to help diverse connectivity options. In addition, the blade chassis has a constructed-in KVM switch so I never need to have to purchase a third party and cable it up. Get a printer supplied, installed, networked with your workplace PCs, maintained and even with toner supplied, all for a fixed price that attracts 100% tax relief. Then there is the choice to return it at the end of the lease retain it and pay the princely sum of £1 to personal it, or renew the lease and upgrade to a new printer (and if you do, we'll even take the old printer away to quit it cluttering your corridors or gathering dust in the corner. The PE 850 and 860 share chassis with the R200, and other than name badge are visually identical. In addition to skeleton” (or open) racks, some racks support enclosure on some number of sides. (For instance, some racks could supply enclosure of the front, the sides, or both. Some could offer you complete enclosure (cabinets”). Enclosed racks offer added safety, which can be beneficial in circumstances where guests or other personnel with out authorization to access the equipment nonetheless have access to the data center or IT facility. Enclosed racks enable the company to lock its IT equipment away and to keep it out of sight, thereby limiting each access and temptation. Regardless of the positive aspects of enclosed racks, they also pose some challenges—particularly in the area of cooling. An enclosed rack, obviously, has a lot much less access to outside air, creating cooling a challenge. An enclosed rack will require some sort of venting for air cooling, or it will need compatibility with a liquid cooling resolution. Just wanted to attain out and say 'Thanks for all the aid.' I really appreciate that you let me function with you via any concern that arises from the refurbed gear. It really is produced items a bit simpler on my finish when I have numerous things to juggle and I know I can just reach out to you and get outcomes. Configure your storage alternatives to suit your demands. The PowerEdge R320 enables you to tailor your method with up to eight internal drives — one hundred percent more hard drives than the previous Dell generation — two PCIe expansion slots and either hardware or computer software RAID possibilities for information protection. Would the Agentless Nagios plugin work with the SL230 server? I have a consumer asking me this very specific question and they would like to keep away from SNMP use in basic. We offer our sincere thanks to all those who've produced the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Pleased Memorial Day. Floor Cabinets. These kinds of cabinets come in a range of different types depending on your requirements. Size and weight are critical to think about. Considering that floor cabinets sit on the - you guessed it - floor, they are in fact in a position to carry a large quantity of weight. You can simply take benefit of this as extended as you have the space for it. Many of our models are effortlessly transportable which makes them a great alternative for places like trade shows. The rack height can differ with 42 U getting common, but with alternatives of 45 U, 48 U, 52 U, 58 U, and 62 U. There are also rack alternatives smaller than 42 U is space is restricted. As with all our leases the price tag involves almost everything you would require to run your organization with 3 years GEEX help alongside onsite hardware assistance. Dell PowerEdge R430 - Xeon E5-2603V4 1.7 GHz - 8 GB - 300 GB is rated 4. out of 5 by three. The Item is constructed to order. As you adjust the options, the stock status will automatically update depending on your choice. I employed the MIB CPQRACK but no monitor is returning any worth.. I also let the opmanager query the OID of the blade encl but it returns a distinct value (. which is the OID of the on-board admin I believe. The box also contains all of the hardware you'll need to have to rackmount the 2U server. Again, Dell is speaking our language here with thoughtful engineering at each level. Shown beneath is the hardware incorporated with our R730 - from leading to bottom is a cable management arm and the rackmount rail kit, all of which clips together with out the want of nuts, bolts and a socket set. Especially created for the enterprise, the R930 has all the power and capacity required to meet your enterprise needs. Lenovo looks to assure striking Chinese workers that the firm will not slash wages or positive aspects once it requires more than IBM's x86 server enterprise. This past weekend Spouse & I have been back in DC once more. I say 'again' due to the fact we had been there a month ago for Easter, and two weeks ago for his mom's viewings and funeral. But we went back again for two critical factors. Please check out our speak to us section for opening occasions or if you call for consumer service help. The Nfina Technologies 300 Series rack server is developed to provide the greatest mixture of efficiency, reliability, and value in the business. This energy effective custom server is an superb decision for any organization searching for higher performance at a low expense. Our rack-mount 1U servers raise the bar for price and functionality requirements. With numerous possibilities for CPU's, Network, RAID, storage, memory, and Operating Systems, Nfina storage servers are a excellent selection for energy efficient virtualized computing applications. Our wide portfolio of severs incorporate Racks, Tower and Blade that addresses the pressing needs of today's emerging businesses. Maak altijd een afspraak om uw bestelling af te halen, zodat deze voor u klaar ligt. Servers, storage and networking come collectively in a new converged Blade Information see Center supplying. Measure and reduce the sides as effectively. The depth of the sides will be the same as the depth of the best and bottom. The height of the sides will be the height of the open rack plus 2x the thickness of your plywood.
The DSS machines announced this week are all primarily based on Intel's Haswell” Xeon E5 v3 processors, and they have extremely precise and somewhat limited operating program help. The machines have a really standard baseboard management controller and do not have Dell's iDRAC server controller, utilised in its flagship PowerEdge machines, as an choice. Dell also has tailored help for consumers, like scale optimized break/fix services that take into account that the large organizations that are acquiring DSS machines usually have the capability to swap out broken machines with ones they have in stock and then do their own repairs. We know: the believed leaves a undesirable taste in your mouth. These are your personnel, men and women you know and trust. or from R2892.00 per month, mobicred indicative month-to-month pricing, for 12 months at 24.85%pa, excluding the month-to-month fee of R28.50 and a once-off account initiation fee R114.00. We walk the journey to accomplishment with you step by step as we provide the 4 essentials needed to run a thriving online enterprise. We supply Training, Support & Coaching, Tools, and Services in order for you to be successful. Although doors are crucial, the rest of the enclosure plays an important function in keeping airflow. Rack accessories should not impede air ingress or egress. Blanking panels are crucial as are side air dams” or baffle plates, for they avert any exhaust air from returning to the equipment intake (blanking panels install in unused rackmount space while air dams set up vertically outside the front EIA rails). These additional pieces should coexist with any cable management scheme or any supplemental rack accessories the user deems essential. Information located on Google Surch. / / / /. Under Emagenes. especially follows. Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems are developed to span a number of server use situations and customization requirements with functionality, energy, and price flexibility to meet your current specifications with headroom for growth. I believed about creating a frame on the door panels and putting the roxul in it and covering with more 1/4 plywood. But the noise reduction i'll get out of it wont be a huge improvement so I am significantly less motivated to get it done.
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fireplacesdirectory · 7 years
Fireplaces in Ivybridge
Tips for choosing the best fireplace in Ivybridge
The fireplace is one of the most important parts of the house especially if you live in the UK where unfortunately the weather is quite often cold. Most of the people want to ensure that they have the best fireplace that will enhance the look of their interior as well as providing the essential functionality of keeping them warm.
Of course most homes these days have a central heating system but that doesn’t mean the fireplace is dead, in fact they are more popular than ever. So if you are looking for a great fireplace in Ivybridge here are a few things to consider before you buy.
There are three main choices to make here: Gas, electric and a real wood/coal burner. This will be the first decision you make before you start looking at designs.
Wood Burner
Obviously for a real fire you will need a chimney installed in your house if you don’t already have one. This isn’t as drastic as it sounds as it can be done quite easily with a pipe. All three of these have varying running costs. A wood burner can be the cheapest if you have a good wood supplier. Wood burners are also the most dangerous, probably not the best idea if you have small children. They also require the most maintenance and you will have to budget for a chimney sweep and regularly clean the fire itself.
Depending on the wattage electric fires can be expensive but it depends on what area you live in whether it’s going to be more expensive than gas. Electric require no maintenance and provide consistent heat at the flick of a button. There are no fumes to worry about and generally they are the easiest to install.
If you intend to choose gas then you must make sure there is a supply near to where you wish to position the fire. Gas fires will require a professional to install as doing it incorrectly could be deadly. You should also invest in a carbon monoxide monitor.
Obviously this will come down to personal preference. There are many different styles to choose from. Traditional fire places are the most popular as they will look good in most environments. However there is a growing market for modern wall mounted fireplaces.
Wood Burners are incredibly popular right now and nothing beats having a real open flame in the house. There is something very special about it and it makes the house incredibly cosy. On a cold dark winters night there is nothing better.
You will also want to consider what kind of surround you want. Do you want a mantelpiece of a free standing unit?
One of the most important things to consider during the selection of the fireplace is your budget. You have to ensure that you select the material, fuel and service providers that will meet your requirements and your budget in the best possible way. It is important that you properly plan before getting the fireplace. Conduct a complete research that will give you the perfect idea about the things that you must select to keep it in your budget. Make sure that you compare two or more service providers so that you can have the best product at an affordable cost or discounted rate.
There may be interest free credit available depending on what you buy and where you buy it from.
Make sure that you pay special attention towards the construction of the fireplace. Some materials are going to last longer than others. Wooden surrounds are popular and provide a really rustic and traditional look but it isn’t going to last as long as marble. Make sure that you select the highest quality material for the construction of the fireplace. This is especially important if you choose to buy online as you can’t always get a feel for the quality of the materials. If you do buy online make sure you hire a professional to install it in your home. An incorrectly installed fireplace could be extremely dangerous. Always check the reviews of online retailers and installers.
The weather in Ivybridge should play a big part in your decision on what to buy. You may be buying it to enhance your living room but you want something practical which you can rely on as you get older and you start to feel the cold more.
The further North you live the more you will want something reliable and easy to use. Wood and coal burners provide fantastic heat but what happens when you run out of fuel and it’s the middle of the night? Consider this before you go down that road. Gas and electric are available at the flick of a switch.
Bottom line
It is important that you get the best quality fireplace that will stay with you and your property for a long time. To make this possible it is important that you hire professionals for the installation of the fireplace. We have the team of experts that have the knowledge and skills that you are looking for. Our team has the best reputation in market.
All you have to do is let us know your requirements and we will turn your vision into a reality. All our services are available at the most affordable rates so that you will not have to worry about your budget. Our quality services are the reason that we have gained the trust of our clients and they recommend us further. For more information about our products and services, you can take a look around our website or contact us directly.
The post Fireplaces in Ivybridge appeared first on Fireplaces Directory.
from Fireplaces Directory http://www.fireplacesdirectory.com/fireplaces-in-ivybridge/
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Curriculum vitae
 When it comes to applying for my desired job role,Apprenticeship or workplacement after college this is the CV that i’ll use. I will of course have to make some changes and edit a few things as hopefully by that time I would of got a few more relevant experiences and maybe different jobs.
The fashion world never fails to interest me, I love everything about it.
I have studied an Extended Diploma in Fashion and Textiles after leaving school.
That is where I realised what area I wanted to specialize in. After attempting to make a garment during first year, which didn’t end up well, I realised that I enjoyed the digital and management side a lot more. After this I experimented more on the digital side, doing photoshoots, styling and editing instead of  the making and designing side, this suited my abilities a lot more, I found that I thoroughly enjoyed this process and I was eager to learn more.
I pushed my digital skills during the second year of the course, I did workshops wherever I could to develop my knowledge and understanding of software’s such as Adobe Photoshop and premier pro. In each project I also made sure that my outcome involved me using these software’s in some way.
I also have knowledge of Microsoft excel, word and PowerPoint as I have done two computer courses which were based around these software’s.
I would now like to now put  these skills that I have developed and worked on over the years to use in a professional environment and in a professional way.
 I’m a very hard working and I like to push myself to achieve my highest goals. I love organizing, whether its events or a schedule for revision, I always like to keep on top of my work as this helps me focus, leaving things to the last minute isn't something that I do on a regular basis.
I always do tasks that are asked of me, whatever they entail, whether they challenge my ability’s or not. I am a fast learner and easily adapt to new situation, I work very well as part of a team and by myself. I think I am easy to work with as I have a can do attitude, I’m also good at taking instructions and constructive criticism.
I think I would be great in this role as I have great customer service experience. I am used to interacting and communicating with customers either on phone or face to face. I think my skills would work well in this role and so would I as an individual.
I have had experience working with disabled people at botton farm for 10 days on a school educational trip. Working with them on the farm and interacting with them on a day to day basis, I worked with people of all ages and with all kinds of disabilities.
I have been working at a stable yard for over 3 years which entails lots of hard work. My riding instructor has 20+ horses and I help take care of all of them, it included mucking out feeding as well as exercising and training them all.
Also I have recently got my own horse there, which I have the responsibility of caring for, I have to be reliable and committed to make sure that my horses needs are seen to on a day to day basis. I love working with horses and everything to do with then, any free time I have I will spend it at the yard.
I have always had a love for fashion, I did a work experience at the French connection in London 2 years ago. My cousin was part of the production team so I was able to shadow her. I really enjoyed this work experience as I got to see into the fashion world and how everything ran. I was able to work with the designers, pattern cutters and the whole production team, this is when I knew I wanted to work in fashion after college.
Currently working at Peacocks.
-          Customer service skills
-          Handling merchandise
 Work experience at the French Connection.
-          I had the task of handling merchandise while working there.
-          Also working with and helping the designers.
-          Working on the computer using software’s such as,
-          Microsoft Excel and Adobe Photoshop
The Cleaning Contractors.
-          deep cleaning student houses
-          hotel standard cleaning
Working and interacting with disabled people.
I am currently working at Peacocks in Totnes. I am a sales assistant, from being there I have gained skills such as better customer service skills as I am helping and interacting with customers throughout my day. I am also constantly working on the tils which I have been fully trained in. I love my work at peacocks as each day is different from the last, and I love working with the customers.
-          Rudolf Steiner School South Devon.
-          Ivybridge Community College
-          Currently at Plymouth College of Art studying Fashion and Textiles
-          Textiles     C
-          Art             C
-          ECDL        M
-          Vcert         P
-          Maths        C
-          English      B                                                                                                   
-          Ms J Stean
01752 203434
-    Mrs H Paton
01752 691000
-          Mr P Reynolds
0 notes
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Springhurst Village of Felsmere Louisville KY 40241 is off N Hurstbourne Pkwy at Felsmere Circle http://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/property-search/list/?searchid=9442308
In Springhurst Village of Felsmere you can expect condo units between 2000 sqft to 7000 sqft in size, all built between 1991 and 1998.
Springhurst Village of Felsmere amenities include a Playground, Clubhouse, Tennis Court, and Pool
Springhurst Village of Felsmere is conveniently located near N Hurstbourne Pkwy at Felsmere Circle, which means easy access to shopping, restaurants, and entertainment. Streets in Village of Felsmere include Felsmere Circle, Albans Place, and Springstead Place.
Shop North East Louisville Ky Homes for Sale Priced Between $250,000 to $1,000,000 http://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/property-search/list/?searchid=9442308
Looking for other Villages of Springhurst Louisville Ky houses, condos, and patio homes for sale? Please visit http://www.eastlouisvillerealty.com/springhurst to see Abbeywood Patio Homes, Felsmere Houses, Hartwick Townhouse Condos, Ivybridge Houses, Moorfield Houses, Springbrooke Houses, Springhurst Gardens Houses, Springmeadows Patio Homes, Springmont Patio Homes, Tuxford Patio Homes, Valencia at Springhurst Patio Homes, White Blossom Houses, and Wynbrooke Houses.
To see a list up-to-date with prices of all East end Patio Homes for sale in Louisville Ky visit http://www.eastlouisvillerealty.com/patio_homes_louisville_ky_condos_for_sale.htm
We love to help, call us at 502-821-3062 with any questions about Springhurst Village of Felsmere houses.
Earl Weikel, Realtor East Louisville Realty, LLC 3801 Springhurst Blvd, Suite 105, Louisville KY 40241 Office: 502-821-3062
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Springhurst Village of Valencia at Springhurst Louisville KY 40241 Patio Homes For Sale off N Hurstbourne Pkwy at Garwood Pl https://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/springhurst-village-of-valencia-at-springhurst-louisville-ky-40241-patio-homes-for-sale-off-n-hurstbourne-pkwy-at-garwood-pl/
In Springhurst Village of Valencia you can expect condo units between 2200 sqft to 3100 sqft in size, all built between 1991 and 2005.
Springhurst Village of Valencia amenities include a Playground, Clubhouse, Tennis Court, and Pool.
Springhurst Village of Valencia is conveniently located near N Hurstbourne Pkwy at Garwood Pl, which means easy access to restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. Streets in Village of Valencia just include Garwood Pl  and N Hurstbourne Pkwy.
Shop North East Louisville Ky Homes for Sale Priced Between $250,000 to $1,000,000 http://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/property-search/list/?searchid=9442308
Looking for other Villages of Springhurst Louisville Ky houses, condos, and patio homes for sale? Please visit https://www.eastlouisvillereality.com/springhurst to see Abbeywood Patio Homes, Springmont Patio Homes, Tuxford Patio Homes, Valencia at Springhurst Patio Homes, Felsmere Houses, Hartwick Townhouse Condos, Ivybridge Houses, Moorfield Houses, Springbrooke Houses, Springhurst Gardens Houses, Spring Meadows Patio Homes, White Blossom Houses, and Wynbrooke Houses.
To see a list up-to-date with prices of all East end Patio Homes for Sale in Louisville Ky visit https://www.shoplouisvillekyhomesforsale.com/patio-homes-louisville-ky-condos-for-sale/
We love to help, call us at 502-821-3062 with any questions about Springhurst Village of Valencia patio homes and condos.
Earl Weikel, Realtor East Louisville Realty, LLC 3801 Springhurst Blvd, Suite 105, Louisville KY 40241 Office: 502-821-3062
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