mitoposting · 4 years
"You should have come to California."
- Wakatoshi Ushijima @ Tooru Oikawa, 2014.
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atsumus · 4 years
okay but hear me out.... IwaUshiOi
one word.. three letters... YES
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notallballs · 6 years
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Ushijima Wakatoshi Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, eventual OT3, Post-Canon, First Date Series: Part 2 of Make it home alright stories Summary:
"I don't think you've tried on enough shirts yet," he said lightly. "Maybe you should just run out and buy a new one, give yourself some more options."
Tooru groaned loudly. "Oh god, do you think I need to?" he whined, rooting through the limited selection remaining in his drawer. "He has seen me in all of these."
"He's seen you naked too," Hajime said with a distinct lack of sympathy.
Oikawa is nervous about his first official date with Ushijima.
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fantasy-zelda-blog · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Matsukawa Issei Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, eventual OT3, Post-Canon Series: Part 1 of Make it home alright stories Summary:
"So, I was thinking," Hajime said. "If you wanted to go on a date with someone...I don't think I'd mind."
Oikawa stared at him. "What?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"What?" Hajime said quickly. "I'm just saying."
"Does Iwa-chan want to date someone else?"
Just a story about three guys finding their way through a new kind of relationship.
I've loved this fic sooooo much! I can’t wait to read more ❤
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lsain · 4 years
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Some street fashion concepts. 
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sono-kurochi · 7 years
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Estoy bastante contenta con el resultado, me encanta demasiado la tensión de los 3
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sweethurtss · 4 years
I have added IwaUshiOi onto my list of fave ships, and that is strictly because *-they are so fucking competitive and people think “oh man, I can’t believe Ushijima came between two childhood friends” because he and iwaizumi live together and work for the same team and oikawa is over in argentina. and people assume its bad blood between them because oikawa definitely trash talks ushijima on twitter and iwaizumi is constantly insulting oikawa and ushijima is just so unresponsive or just replies with a thumbs up emoji - YA KNOW, the usual way they talk to each other. And when that’s all that people see, they assume the worst.
In reality, USHIJIMA IS SMOOCHING THEM BOTH AND FACETIMING OIKAWA WHILE HE AND IWA-CHAN CUDDLE, talking about volleyball and when they can meet up again soon.
Like lol, Iwaizumi joins Team Japan so he and Ushijima can continue raising the bar in japan’s volleyball - well, Iwaizumi is also there to make sure the athletes don’t get hurt doing that. but ya know. it’s all about the challenge and keeping the energy and love for the sport going. and it’s more fun for Oikawa and Ushijima when they’re on opposing sides of the net, even if it means that they’ll definitely live in different regions so they can be with their respective teams. but it works for them, and they definitely sneak away for mini-vacations where they travel to somewhere in the middle so all three of them can be together.
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shinoburei · 7 years
De estrellas, gatos negros, Alfas y Omegas. Capitulo 4 KuroYama/IwaUshiOi
Advertencias: Lenguaje fuerte no apto para todo público, mención de lenguaje fuerte y temas sexuales controversiales. Basado en el universo Omegaverse.
Haikyuu! Ni sus personajes me pertenecen, sus respectivos créditos a su autor Furudate.
Parejas principales: KuroYama, TsukiYama, AkaaTsukki.
Parejas secundarias: UshiOiIwa, KageHina.
De estrellas, gatos negros, Alfas y Omegas
Capítulo 3: Guerra fría.
Justo después de que Oikawa recibe sus resultados, su rostro resulta todo un poema. Por más que lee y relee el papel, el nombre de Ushijima Wakatoshi no se borra ni desaparece. ¡Es una pesadilla!, piensa. Debe ser el destino que gusta burlarse de él o aun, más probable una broma de Takahiro e Issei que buscan verlo desesperado. Una venganza, sí. Eso debía ser.
—Iwa chan... —La voz de Oikawa llega a los oídos de Iwaizumi, quien alza la ceja intrigado por la forma en que el más alto le habla. Es un tono diferente a lo usual, uno donde puede percibir preocupación, tristeza e incluso un poco de frustración.
Hajime suelta aire de sus labios y decide ignorarlo por unos minutos. Abre su sobre con cuidado y lee cada línea con cautela, sus padres decidieron dejarles a ellos el momento exacto e íntimo en que descubrirían su rol en la sociedad y, sobre todo, quién sería su pareja destinada.
El nombre de "Oikawa Tooru" se destaca en la última línea.
Iwaizumi, quien es todavía un mejor mentiroso que Oikawa, sonríe para sí mismo, ocultando la alegría que se apodera de su cuerpo al afirmar que ese idiota fue el elegido para compartir su vida a su lado, sin embargo, tuerce una mueca de fastidio cuando Oikawa le arrebata el papel.
—Márcame. —Ordena Oikawa. El joven de cabello negro se rasca la nuca y un pequeño sonrojo se hace presente en sus mejillas.
Tooru no pierde el tiempo. Si logra que Iwa-chan lo marque en ese momento, no tendría que preocuparse por Ushijima. Serían felices, muy felices.
Sus manos arrugan ambos papeles, Iwaizumi no necesita saber más que la confirmación de que ambos son la pareja destinada de cada uno, sus dedos se deslizan por su cuello y acerca peligrosamente sus labios al moreno, quien se encuentra desarmado ante esos bonitos ojos castaños a los cuales no les puede negar nada.
El timbre suena y Oikawa quien se encuentra expectante y besando a Iwaizumi chasquea los dientes y se niega a atender la puerta, pero luego de unos minutos el ruido y la insistencia fue tanta que resignado y separado por Iwa-chan casi a la fuerza, abre "la maldita puerta".
Su boca forma una "O" y de verdad piensa que todo esa una pesadilla. Una de la cual quiere despertar en ese momento. Frente a él se encuentra Ushijima, quien porta un traje negro, un corbatín púrpura, una tarjeta en mano y para darle el ultimo toque, un ramo de rosas rojas. Oikawa le cierra la puerta en la cara, regresa al lado de Hajime y suspira.
— ¿En que estábamos? —Pregunta el aun capitán de Aoba Johsai, buscando de nuevo los labios ajenos en busca de su cometido, lo que no espera es la mano de Iwazumi impidiéndole aquello y una fiera mirada llena de molestia.
Hajime abre la puerta, Oikawa se cruza de brazos mientras observa a Ushijma entrar a su casa y charlas con el más bajo. Por un minuto Iwa-chan se muestra pensativo, luego asombrado y finalmente extiende su mano apuntándolo.
—Te dije que tu mejor opción estaba en Shiratorizawa. —Dice Ushijima, extendiendo el ramo de flores al castaño quien desvía su rostro y dibuja un puchero en sus labios.
—Tiene que ser una broma... —Susurra Tooru. Ushijima no entiende del todo lo que pasa, de antemano sabía que Oikawa no sería del todo feliz con aquello, pero Wakatoshi estaba dispuesto a dar todo para que eso cambiara. Estira el ramo de nuevo, pero es rechazado por segunda vez y no es hasta que el más bajo de los presentes toma las flores y las acomoda en un jarrón, que Oikawa habla de nuevo: —No te quiero... —Indica. Iwaizumi lleva su mano a la frente en señal de frustración, recoge los resultados arrugados que yacen en el piso y los lee con detenimiento.
Piensa que Oikawa le ha mentido, que ocultó sus resultados porque se trataba de Wakatoshi, sin embargo, sus resultados mencionaban al castaño; entonces ¿Ushijima mentía? Pero cuando sus ojos encuentran ambos nombres en los resultados del setter, todo es más claro.
—Tiene dos parejas destinadas. —Informa Hajime al ace de Shiratorizawa, quien alza la ceja al escuchar esas palabras. —Tu y yo... —Y para que no lo malinterprete le entrega los resultados. Ushijima no se cree lo que lee y sin embargo sabe que eso es posible.
Tooru es el alma gemela de ambos.
Oikawa bufa desde su asiento y se hunde más en el sillón, indignado.
Pensándolo bien, Ushijima y Hajime son las dos peores personas con las que el destino lo pudo emparejar.
Seis meses pasan luego de aquel catastrófico encuentro. Ahora los tres se encuentran viviendo en un departamento céntrico, cerca de las universidades donde cada uno estudiará. Bajo mandato de Hajime y Ushijima –sin tomar en cuenta la opinión de Oikawa-, ambos deciden que la mejor forma de competir y cuidar a Oikawa sería esa.
Compartirían el mismo espacio, saldrían al mismo número de citas, se apoyarían mutuamente y, sobre todo protegerían a Oikawa de cualquier peligro inminente que lo rodeara o acechara. Y ninguno, independiente de la circunstancia, tomaría ventaja del otro hasta que el ace decidiera quién sería su compañero de vida, cuando ambos se encontraran en igualdad de condiciones, ya que Hajime no podría aceptar jamás la ventaja sobre Ushijima sin que ambos tuvieran las mismas oportunidades de ganar. Un trato de caballeros que respetarían y donde Oikawa sería su prioridad, porque los tres eran conscientes que un Omega sin vinculo, aun en esta sociedad adaptada a ellos, corría grandes peligros en las calles, bajo la influencia de otros Alfas.
Los días corrían sin parar y para Oikawa, su celo, eran un infierno. ¿Qué tan egoístas eran aquellos dos?
Cuatro años pasan, Oikawa sigue siendo un auténtico y puritano virgen y al parecer eso no está ni cerca de cambiar.
Un suspiro abandona sus labios y se recuesta en su pupitre, aburrido.
Los ojos de Kuroo se mantienen clavados en el chico de pecas, se pregunta qué tan caprichosa puede ser la vida y piensa por un segundo, que su buena suerte no puede ser más que una recompensa de todo lo que tuvo que sufrir y esperar en el pasado.
—Hey, pecas. —Saluda con cortesía. Yamaguchi alza la mirada, lo observa por unos segundos y luego, sus orbes se dirigen al gato que Kuroo carga entre sus brazos.
—Hola. —Yamaguchi devuelve el saludo y Tetsurou baja al felino para ofrecer su mano en señal de bienvenida. Tadashi duda, pero al final de cuentas la toma, ya que no tiene una sola razón para mostrarse grosero. Menos con la persona que compartiría su espacio por tanto tiempo. — ¿Kuroo?... ¿Verdad? —Cuestiona el más bajo.
—Sí. El mismo, pero puedes llamarme Tetsurou. —Kuroo expande su sonrisa. Yamaguchi rasca su mejilla y deja escapar una pequeña risa demostrando su nerviosismo. Al único que llama por su nombre es a Tsukki, llamar a alguien con el que apenas ha rozado palabras no le parece cómodo, ni muy grato.
—No es necesario.
—Insisto. —El azabache toma la mano contraria entre las propias, Tadashi se siente extraño, encuentra el tacto cálido y por alguna razón que desconoce su pecho se acelera. —Si serás mi compañero me parece más apropiado que me llames así. —Dice con felicidad impregnada, mientras la palabra "compañero" resuena en su mente y piensa que es la forma en que quiere llamar a Yamaguchi el resto de su vida.
Desde la primera vez que lo conoció un sin fin de ideas se hicieron presentes en su cabeza, desde su primera cita hasta su primer beso, pero al mismo tiempo recordaba todos los intentos en vano y frustrados donde intento interactuar con él y como tras incluso ir a Miyagi a buscarlo, nunca fue capaz de encontrarlo.
Hacerse una oportunidad siempre fue y pareció imposible.
¿Qué tan acertado era el destino?
En algún momento pensó en que todo no era más que una farsa creada con hermosas palabras, para enseñarle que no estaría solo, sin embargo, la añoranza desde la primera vez que lo vio se mantuvo presente en su cabeza. Sus gestos, su sonrisa, su voz, su preocupación excesiva y la necesidad de abrazarlo con fuerza entre sus brazos, cada recuerdo penetraba la cabeza de Kuroo y las palabras que Tsukishima le entregó aquella noche, jamás fueron olvidadas por su cabeza.
Le faltaba bastante camino para ser digno de Yamaguchi, pero no tenía aun ningún motivo para rendirse.
—No quiero molestar, de verdad... —La voz de Yamaguchi tiembla levemente. El de pecas siente su corazón bombardear con fuerza, pero supone que todo es debido a causas ajenas. —Además ¿Eres un Alfa verdad? Prefiero mantener las cosas al margen ya que soy un Omega. —Kuroo ladea el rostro sin comprender del todo las palabras del menor, pero piensa que es algo normal ya que prácticamente son desconocidos, sin embargo, la pregunta que viene una y otra vez a su mente es porque Yamaguchi parece no ser consciente de lo que él es para su vida.
Sus destinos están unidos, pero el pecoso parece esquivo y negado. ¿El cuatro ojos de Karasuno tendría algo que ver?
Sus ojos castaños se dirigen a su cuello y se encuentra con la marca de unión.
Yamaguchi había sido marcado por otro Alfa.
Kuroo siente su voluntad flaquear, la puerta se abre y los ojos dorados de Tsukishima se encuentran de nueva cuenta con las pupilas de Kuroo que reflejan una tristeza, decepción y rabia inmensa.
Yamaguchi observaba desde la cama, sin esperar que una guerra estuviera a punto de desatarse.
Notas: No puedo creer lo atrasada que estoy con este fic, pero bueno, como les dije como desde un inicio no debió publicarse pues les traigo este cap cortito y espero seguir escribiendo en la semana para traerles otra antes del viernes. Ando super ocupada en la vida y hoy me aventé este cap otros dos drabbles y otro cap del KuroTsukki. Las quiero, gracias por leer está desgracia de historia y disculpen los errores de antemano.
¿Ya quieren ver la guerra no? Porque yo si <3 sera muy entretenida.
Los quiere y observa Shinobu Rei.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 4 years
Won't stop 'till we're legends
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/35bp5PO
by bstwrkr
The energy at the track had always been thrilling, it had never failed to be a rush.
Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Haikyuu Racing Au
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou, Yamamoto Taketora, Kozume Kenma, Hinata Shouyou, Yaku Morisuke, Sugawara Koushi, Nishinoya Yuu, Haiba Lev, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Shibayama Yuuki, Konoha Akinori, Komi Haruki, Onaga Wataru, Akaashi Keiji, Suzumeda Kaori, Shirofuku Yukie, Sarukui Yamato, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu, Tendou Satori, Shirabu Kenjirou, Semi Eita, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Oohira Reon, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Kyoutani Kentarou, Oikawa Tooru, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kunimi Akira, Watari Shinji, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Ren Omimi, Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, Akagi Michinari, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya, Terushima Yuuji, Bobata Kazuma, Futamata Takeharu, Numajiri Rintarou, Misaki Hana, Kuribayashi Runa
Relationships: Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou/Sawamura Daichi, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei
Additional Tags: implied kenhina - Freeform, implied kaisuga, implied shibalev, One-Sided Attraction, one-sided terudai, One-Sided Bokuaka, Racing AU, rolex 24 at daytona, Fluff, Kissing, Getting Together, Angst, established KuroDai, established iwaushioi, established sakuastu, implied matsuhana, implied kyoutana, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, mentions of daichi's dick
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/35bp5PO
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
Won't stop 'till we're legends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35bp5PO
by bstwrkr
The energy at the track had always been thrilling, it had never failed to be a rush.
Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Haikyuu Racing Au
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou, Yamamoto Taketora, Kozume Kenma, Hinata Shouyou, Yaku Morisuke, Sugawara Koushi, Nishinoya Yuu, Haiba Lev, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Shibayama Yuuki, Konoha Akinori, Komi Haruki, Onaga Wataru, Akaashi Keiji, Suzumeda Kaori, Shirofuku Yukie, Sarukui Yamato, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu, Tendou Satori, Shirabu Kenjirou, Semi Eita, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Oohira Reon, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Kyoutani Kentarou, Oikawa Tooru, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kunimi Akira, Watari Shinji, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Ren Omimi, Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, Akagi Michinari, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya, Terushima Yuuji, Bobata Kazuma, Futamata Takeharu, Numajiri Rintarou, Misaki Hana, Kuribayashi Runa
Relationships: Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou/Sawamura Daichi, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei
Additional Tags: implied kenhina - Freeform, implied kaisuga, implied shibalev, One-Sided Attraction, one-sided terudai, One-Sided Bokuaka, Racing AU, rolex 24 at daytona, Fluff, Kissing, Getting Together, Angst, established KuroDai, established iwaushioi, established sakuastu, implied matsuhana, implied kyoutana, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, mentions of daichi's dick
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35bp5PO
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icaberries · 7 years
Writing Update: 
>I am working on my TsukkiKage wedding fic now. I still don’t know if I’ll make it a multi-chapter or just a long ass one shot. 
>Oikawa Rare Pair Week is next month and I’m already starting to plan. The line up so far is OiLev, OiYaha, OiDai and BokuOi. I might also do IwaOiKage and IwaUshiOi.
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sourlemonblue · 6 years
ushiiwaoi wpuld be so good please i need snuggles
im CRY iwa would look so tiny,,,,,
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Aye, this is my HQ Secret Santa (@hqss2016) gift for @obliqueophidian. Sorry it’s so short, I hope you like it, fam! Merry Christmas!
"What if one day you woke up as a chicken?"
"What if one day you shut the fuck up?", interrupts Hajime groggily.
(Or, simply put, the awful(ly amazing) conversations these three dorks have during sleepless nights.)
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paukyu-blog · 8 years
sorry if youre on mobile bc this is long lmao
[3/20/16, 11:10:45 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: HOPEFULLY NO ONE DIES [3/20/16, 11:10:53 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: bc im pulling this out of my ass as we go [3/20/16, 11:10:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: so ok [3/20/16, 11:10:56 PM] rhyme farmer: HOPEFULLY??? [3/20/16, 11:11:01 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: I DONT THINK [3/20/16, 11:11:04 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: ANYONE WILL DIE [3/20/16, 11:11:04 PM] rhyme farmer: GOD [3/20/16, 11:11:10 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: BEAR W ME [3/20/16, 11:11:12 PM] rhyme farmer: OK [3/20/16, 11:11:27 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: ok so iwaoi goes to different universities [3/20/16, 11:11:43 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and their campuses are relatively far so?? its hard to hangout [3/20/16, 11:11:52 PM] rhyme farmer: I hate this already [3/20/16, 11:12:01 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and the closest they have of each other is through skype or phone [3/20/16, 11:12:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: eventually [3/20/16, 11:12:19 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa replies less, answers to the phone calls less [3/20/16, 11:12:44 PM] rhyme farmer: Jesus [3/20/16, 11:12:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumi thinks oikawa is starting to drift away and tries to pull im back when he’s still in reach [3/20/16, 11:13:20 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi tries so much to keep in contact bc he’s in love w oikawa and he deosnt wanna lose him [3/20/16, 11:13:34 PM] rhyme farmer: Oh my god [3/20/16, 11:13:43 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but eventually oikawa stopped replying at all [3/20/16, 11:13:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumi kept sending messages [3/20/16, 11:14:17 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but even he tires, and so his side of the messenger stops flowing too [3/20/16, 11:14:42 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and it hurts u kno??? bcos iwaizumi loves oikawa but he drifted away no matter how much iwa tried to pull him in? [3/20/16, 11:14:55 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: was iwaizumi?? not enough for oikawa to stay? [3/20/16, 11:15:09 PM] rhyme farmer: (((((((((((: [3/20/16, 11:15:29 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi graduates and gets a job, still no word from oikawa, but he still thinks about him [3/20/16, 11:15:30 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: all the time [3/20/16, 11:15:47 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he wonders all the time if oikawa’s ok, if he’s eating right [3/20/16, 11:16:00 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: if he’s still playing volleyball [3/20/16, 11:16:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: a year after graduation [3/20/16, 11:16:11 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: they reunite [3/20/16, 11:16:19 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: accidentally, even [3/20/16, 11:16:24 PM] rhyme farmer: Shit [3/20/16, 11:17:00 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: in a coffee shop, and iwaizumi’s booth is the only one thats available, and oikawa did not want to go over there at first [3/20/16, 11:17:14 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: becos thats three or four years of no talking [3/20/16, 11:17:29 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: so he feels guilty bc he knows its his fault that they drifted apart [3/20/16, 11:17:44 PM] rhyme farmer: Have I told you that I hate you [3/20/16, 11:18:02 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: yes loads of times but u said yes to this and consent is always important [3/20/16, 11:18:11 PM] rhyme farmer: True [3/20/16, 11:18:13 PM] rhyme farmer: Carry on [3/20/16, 11:18:36 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but before he could run away iwaizumi spots him [3/20/16, 11:19:10 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: eventually oikawa sits down on iwaizumi’s booth and they talk [3/20/16, 11:19:32 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: they talk as if nothing has happened, as if they had not drifted apart for years and years [3/20/16, 11:19:44 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: they talk the same way they did when they were in high school [3/20/16, 11:19:59 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumi is so completely, irrevocably, inlove [3/20/16, 11:20:34 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: they make up and iwaizumi finds out oikawa landed a job at this part of japan so thats why they chanced upon each other [3/20/16, 11:20:44 PM] rhyme farmer: Yells [3/20/16, 11:21:01 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwa is so happy bcos!! ! ! !!! oikawa is back !!! ! ! [3/20/16, 11:21:14 PM] rhyme farmer: This is gonna get sad isn't it [3/20/16, 11:21:22 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi missed him so much and there was not a day where he did not think of him [3/20/16, 11:21:26 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: well u kno me [3/20/16, 11:21:36 PM] rhyme farmer: Fuck [3/20/16, 11:21:44 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: i hopefully wanna make this a happy ending [3/20/16, 11:21:47 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: HOPEFULLY [3/20/16, 11:21:56 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but anyway [3/20/16, 11:22:25 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi planned on telling oikawa about his feelings soon [3/20/16, 11:22:39 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but oikawa was two steps ahead of him [3/20/16, 11:22:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: one day when theyre on the same coffee shop, at the same booth at the same time [3/20/16, 11:23:09 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: when iwaizumi was about to tell oikawa abt his feelings [3/20/16, 11:23:16 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa shows iwaizumi a ring [3/20/16, 11:23:25 PM] rhyme farmer: What [3/20/16, 11:23:37 PM] rhyme farmer: No [3/20/16, 11:23:38 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “look at this iwa-chan its so cool, its so pretty and its so important to me huhu” [3/20/16, 11:23:39 PM] rhyme farmer: What [3/20/16, 11:23:42 PM] rhyme farmer: WHAT [3/20/16, 11:23:48 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “oh yeah it looks nice, where did you get it?” [3/20/16, 11:23:56 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “my boyfriend gave it to me! !! ! ! !” [3/20/16, 11:24:00 PM] rhyme farmer: W H A G [3/20/16, 11:24:20 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and it dawned on iwaizumi [3/20/16, 11:24:27 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: boy….friend ?? // ?? [3/20/16, 11:24:32 PM] rhyme farmer: UM [3/20/16, 11:24:55 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa has a boyfriend? ? ?? ?//?? ? ? [3/20/16, 11:25:16 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: that kind of shattered all iwaizumi’s plans of telling oikawa he is so madly, stupidly in love with him [3/20/16, 11:25:43 PM] rhyme farmer: Why [3/20/16, 11:26:14 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “what were going to say iwa-chan?” “u-uh,,,im working crunch time this week so i probably wouldnt be in here in a while.” [3/20/16, 11:26:36 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he’s lying, oikawa feels like he’s lying but oikawa buys it anyway [3/20/16, 11:26:39 PM] rhyme farmer: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [3/20/16, 11:27:01 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: they don’t see each other in a while, but they text [3/20/16, 11:27:11 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa’s obnoxious emojis all the time [3/20/16, 11:27:35 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi wants to ask about the boyfriend. who is he? when did they get together? [3/20/16, 11:27:39 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: how long??? [3/20/16, 11:27:44 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: is it someone he knows? [3/20/16, 11:28:01 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but iwaizumi is so afraid to ask, so he doesn’t [3/20/16, 11:28:24 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he finds out oikawa does not text in fridays as much as he does the rest of the days [3/20/16, 11:28:34 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: whats in fridays? why is oikawa busy? [3/20/16, 11:29:05 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: the next time they see each other in the cafe is a wednesday morning [3/20/16, 11:29:25 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and oikawa was there first, his nose and cheeks and ears red from the cold [3/20/16, 11:29:34 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “good morning iwa-chan!! you’re late today” [3/20/16, 11:29:51 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “sorry about that. i actually, uh…want to…” [3/20/16, 11:29:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “want to what?” [3/20/16, 11:30:02 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “ask about,,,,your boyfriend?? ? ???” [3/20/16, 11:30:11 PM] rhyme farmer: Here we go [3/20/16, 11:30:30 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “!!!!!!! oh yeah i keep forgetting to tell you!! !! !! iwa-chan u know him!!! !” [3/20/16, 11:30:35 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i…i do?” [3/20/16, 11:30:39 PM] rhyme farmer: PH GOD [3/20/16, 11:30:40 PM] rhyme farmer: NO [3/20/16, 11:30:46 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “yeah! ! ! ! but dont laugh at me OR GET MAD AT ME” [3/20/16, 11:30:52 PM] rhyme farmer: KM GONNA GET MAD [3/20/16, 11:30:56 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i-i wont…i promise” [3/20/16, 11:31:14 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “ok!! !! ! ! iwa-chan here’s my boyfriend” and oikawa shows him a photo in his phone [3/20/16, 11:31:28 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: its a selfie of oikawa and…….is that………ushijima???? ? ?? ? [3/20/16, 11:31:33 PM] rhyme farmer: N N. NB B I O OO O O [3/20/16, 11:31:36 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: ushijima is oikawa’s boyfriend?? ? ?? [3/20/16, 11:31:51 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: ok [3/20/16, 11:31:58 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi was so [3/20/16, 11:32:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: suprised? shocked? confused? grossed out? [3/20/16, 11:32:40 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “ushi…….waka….???? ushiwaka’s your boyfriend?????” god it felt so bad saying that, [3/20/16, 11:32:45 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi thinks [3/20/16, 11:32:48 PM] rhyme farmer: O k [3/20/16, 11:32:55 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “u said u wont get mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” [3/20/16, 11:33:05 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i-im not,,,,,im just confused” [3/20/16, 11:33:14 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “do u wanna hear my love story iwa-chan” [3/20/16, 11:33:19 PM] rhyme farmer: No [3/20/16, 11:33:48 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: so cue long ass love story abt ushijima and oikawa gushing so much n iwa not knowing how to feel [3/20/16, 11:34:08 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: eventually iwaizumi tells oikawa hes needed in work [3/20/16, 11:34:21 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: so they say their goodbyes and iwaizumi is feelin so [3/20/16, 11:34:26 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he feels weird [3/20/16, 11:34:39 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: of all the people. wtf is it ushiwaka???? [3/20/16, 11:35:26 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: time skip blah blah more hanging out more coffee and more gushing about ushijima [3/20/16, 11:35:42 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: eventually one timewhen oikawa arrived in the coffee shop, ushijima was in tow [3/20/16, 11:35:53 PM] rhyme farmer: (((((: ok [3/20/16, 11:36:13 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and calm down hajime, steady your breathing [3/20/16, 11:36:43 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: it wasnt that he was angry, if anything, he’s angry at himself [3/20/16, 11:37:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “iwa-chaaaan i brought waka-chan along im so sorry do u mind” [3/20/16, 11:37:16 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “no i dont. its ok oikawa” [3/20/16, 11:37:57 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he regrets not playing volleyball in college, regrets not following oikawa into university, regrets ever separating from each other [3/20/16, 11:38:02 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: regrets everything [3/20/16, 11:38:21 PM] rhyme farmer: This is too painful [3/20/16, 11:38:52 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: if he had just stayed,,,if he didn’t follow his parents wants,,,,he would still have been with oikawa all this time and they had not drifted apart [3/20/16, 11:39:21 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: time skip blah blah thanksgiving !!! !! [3/20/16, 11:39:38 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa and ushijima invites iwaizumi to their house [3/20/16, 11:39:45 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: to spend thanksgiving [3/20/16, 11:40:06 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: the weathers too bad for them to return to miyagi so they’re spending thanksgiving there [3/20/16, 11:40:08 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: together [3/20/16, 11:40:12 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: all three of them [3/20/16, 11:40:16 PM] rhyme farmer: My god [3/20/16, 11:40:36 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: imagine all the third wheeling iwaizumi had to deal with [3/20/16, 11:40:57 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: sometimes he retreats to the kitchen becos he cant stand them acting so affectionate [3/20/16, 11:41:42 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he just stands there and leans on the sink [3/20/16, 11:41:58 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: looks at his hands and theyre fists and theyre white [3/20/16, 11:42:33 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: later that evening ushiwaka needed to pick some stuff up [3/20/16, 11:42:42 PM] rhyme farmer: Oh god ohhhhhh God [3/20/16, 11:42:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: so he kisses oikawa goodbye and guarantees that he’ll be back in two or three hours [3/20/16, 11:43:01 PM] rhyme farmer: WOW [3/20/16, 11:43:08 PM] rhyme farmer: That's a [3/20/16, 11:43:11 PM] rhyme farmer: Long time [3/20/16, 11:43:17 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: yes bc weather [3/20/16, 11:43:20 PM] rhyme farmer: Yea [3/20/16, 11:43:38 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: a lot of shit can happen around that time period :—————) [3/20/16, 11:43:48 PM] rhyme farmer: :3c [3/20/16, 11:44:33 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: once oikawa and iwaizumi were alone, there was this unexplainable tension and half of oikawa wanted to ask iwa whats wrong and half of didn’t want to becos he has a smol inkling [3/20/16, 11:45:04 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa settled for preparing pastries in the kitchen and left iwaizumi on the couch in the living [3/20/16, 11:45:16 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: a fe w minutes into preparign [3/20/16, 11:45:40 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa feels someone behind him, not very close, like leaning into the door way [3/20/16, 11:45:51 PM] rhyme farmer: Hooooo boy [3/20/16, 11:46:16 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and he looks back and its iwa and theres,….,,.,.,a forlorn look on his face [3/20/16, 11:46:32 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa doesnt want to believe that his inklings were right [3/20/16, 11:46:42 PM] rhyme farmer: Ohofdp [3/20/16, 11:46:51 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa doesnt want to believe that his assumptions are whats exactly happening [3/20/16, 11:47:11 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i-iwa-chan…” oikawa speaks up, his voice soft [3/20/16, 11:47:34 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but iwaizumi responds by saying his given name and it takes him by surprise [3/20/16, 11:47:44 PM] rhyme farmer: HOO [3/20/16, 11:48:19 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi walks towards oikawa and, in turn, that made oikawa step back [3/20/16, 11:48:33 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: until the small of his back hits the counter [3/20/16, 11:48:44 PM] rhyme farmer: Sh I t [3/20/16, 11:49:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and oikawa closes his eyes shut and prepares for the worst [3/20/16, 11:49:31 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: it doesnt come and when he opens his eyes, iwaizumi is looking down and… is he crying? he’s mumbling [3/20/16, 11:49:40 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “im so sorry, im really really sorry” [3/20/16, 11:49:47 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: he keeps saying ove r and over [3/20/16, 11:49:52 PM] rhyme farmer: Oh m y [3/20/16, 11:50:30 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: until oikawa softens and lets iwaizumi hug him, and lets him cry onto his shoulders [3/20/16, 11:51:05 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and they were like that for a while, until iwaizumi quiets down, and lifts his head from oikawas shoulder [3/20/16, 11:51:27 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: but theyre still hugging and,, , ,, . . ,. , . , . , ,, theyre faces were dangerously close [3/20/16, 11:51:33 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: their [3/20/16, 11:51:57 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: until this weird magnetic force pulls them together [3/20/16, 11:52:03 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: their eyes were closing and [3/20/16, 11:52:04 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and [3/20/16, 11:52:20 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i’m sorry,” oikawa says and pushes iwaizumi away [3/20/16, 11:52:23 PM] rhyme farmer: MMM [3/20/16, 11:52:30 PM] rhyme farmer: WHAT [3/20/16, 11:52:28 PM] rhyme farmer: 2$-5 [3/20/16, 11:52:33 PM] rhyme farmer: NO2$- [3/20/16, 11:52:39 PM] rhyme farmer: PAU WHAT THE FUCK [3/20/16, 11:53:15 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i don’t want this, i don’t want to do this, i love ushijima a lot, he’s so important to me,” oikawa says, back towards hajime [3/20/16, 11:53:50 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “oikawa i — it’s just — fuck!! ok alright, im fucking sorry” [3/20/16, 11:55:10 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “don’t yell at me iwa-chan!!” is oikawa sobbing? [3/20/16, 11:55:54 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “fuck im sorry, okay? i didnt know what to do, i just — i fucking love you, okay?? i love you so much it’s disgusting. i’m so sorry.” [3/20/16, 11:56:07 PM] rhyme farmer: I [3/20/16, 11:56:50 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “how long…” oikawa says, weakly, his back still towards iwaizumi [3/20/16, 11:57:07 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumi takes a deep breath. “…..high school.” [3/20/16, 11:57:32 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “you’re such an idiot iwa-chan…” oikawa says, his shoulders start trembling [3/20/16, 11:57:44 PM] rhyme farmer: Ohhhhhhmygod [3/20/16, 11:58:19 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “iwa-chan you’re such a huge idiot!!!! why?? why didn’t you say something??? why did you have to make to make it show that you felt the opposite?” [3/20/16, 11:58:31 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumi is dumbfounded [3/20/16, 11:59:57 PM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i worked so hard to move on from you because you made it clear with your actions that you didn’t like me that way!!!! that you didnt even swing that way!!!!!!! iwa-chan it was so hard for me to forget about you and now you come marching back into my life and just make me feel like the way i did before.” [3/21/16, 12:01:01 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “and its different now because i have ushiwaka-chan and i love him and i dont want to lose him. i dont want to lose anymore people” [3/21/16, 12:01:22 AM] rhyme farmer: Oh my god [3/21/16, 12:01:31 AM] rhyme farmer: PAU what the fuck [3/21/16, 12:01:34 AM] rhyme farmer: What the Fuck [3/21/16, 12:03:20 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “i’ve already moved on iwa-chan. don’t throw away all my effort and make me feel for you again…….not again……..i dont want to…………” [3/21/16, 12:04:03 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “ushiwaka’s such a great guy, he doesn’t deserve……..to get hurt…………he doesn’t deserve this……….” [3/21/16, 12:04:16 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawas sobbing and it gets hard for him to talk [3/21/16, 12:04:57 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “he doesn’t…deserve………me…………not when i’m still in love with my first love………….” [3/21/16, 12:05:10 AM] rhyme farmer: OH.  GOD [3/21/16, 12:05:11 AM] rhyme farmer: O H MY GOD [3/21/16, 12:05:13 AM] rhyme farmer: P M. WHY [3/21/16, 12:05:20 AM] rhyme farmer: FUCKING CHRIST OH MY GOD [3/21/16, 12:05:30 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OW I HURT MYSELF [3/21/16, 12:05:36 AM] rhyme farmer: FUCK [3/21/16, 12:06:16 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: this surprises iwaizumi bc! ! ! !!! oikawa is in love with him, and he is in love with oikawa. there shouldnt be a problem but……..there is [3/21/16, 12:06:40 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: the door opens and it surprises the both of them [3/21/16, 12:06:51 AM] rhyme farmer: A h a h a ah a [3/21/16, 12:06:59 AM] rhyme farmer: Ushijima get o u t [3/21/16, 12:07:17 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: oikawa frantically wipes his tears with his apron and greets ushiwaka at the door [3/21/16, 12:07:42 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “?? your eyes are puffy. did you cry?” “y-yeah……iwa-chan showed me a sad movie” [3/21/16, 12:08:01 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OR OR [3/21/16, 12:08:11 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: or ushiwaka doesnt go home yet [3/21/16, 12:08:15 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and more shit hits the fan [3/21/16, 12:08:19 AM] rhyme farmer: Ok yes I like that- wait [3/21/16, 12:08:45 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: so ok ushiwaka is still not home [3/21/16, 12:09:00 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and oikawa and iwaizumi are in the kitchen and oikawa is crying [3/21/16, 12:09:16 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: iwaizumi tries to comfort him, wraps his arms around oikawa and oikawa doesnt let him [3/21/16, 12:09:24 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “iwa-chan no, please, stop" [3/21/16, 12:09:24 AM] rhyme farmer: WOW OK [3/21/16, 12:09:39 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: what if [3/21/16, 12:09:40 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: o hMAN [3/21/16, 12:09:43 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OH MAN WHAT IF [3/21/16, 12:09:46 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: FU Ck oh god [3/21/16, 12:09:48 AM] rhyme farmer: OHGOD [3/21/16, 12:09:57 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OH m Y GOD FUCK MAN [3/21/16, 12:10:09 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: WHA T IF THEY KIS….S………….. [3/21/16, 12:10:18 AM] rhyme farmer: M M. MM M MN K O O MNO [3/21/16, 12:10:30 AM] rhyme farmer: HOW [3/21/16, 12:10:32 AM] rhyme farmer: HOW THO [3/21/16, 12:10:37 AM] rhyme farmer: WHO INITIATES IT [3/21/16, 12:10:40 AM] rhyme farmer: DOES OIKAWA PUSH AWAY [3/21/16, 12:10:42 AM] rhyme farmer: WHAT HAPPENS [3/21/16, 12:10:43 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: M MM MMMMM BOTH OF THE M ? ?? [3/21/16, 12:10:47 AM] rhyme farmer: OH H H HH HHH [3/21/16, 12:10:58 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: LIKE SINCE OIKAWA REALIZES HE STILL LOVES IWA [3/21/16, 12:11:06 AM] rhyme farmer: FUCK [3/21/16, 12:11:09 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: WHEN IWA TRIED TO HUG HIM TO COMFORT HIM [3/21/16, 12:11:16 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OIKAWA EVTUALLY METLS INTO THE THE HUG [3/21/16, 12:11:26 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: AND BURIES HIS FACE INTO IWAS SHOULDER [3/21/16, 12:11:44 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: IWAS SHOULDER, THEN ONTO HIS NECK AND THEN SUDDENLY HES ON IWAS CHEEK [3/21/16, 12:11:50 AM] rhyme farmer: OHMYGOD [3/21/16, 12:12:04 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: AND IWAIZUMI HOLDS OIKAWAS FACE IN HIS HANDS AND [3/21/16, 12:12:05 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: BA M [3/21/16, 12:12:10 AM] rhyme farmer: JESUS [3/21/16, 12:12:12 AM] rhyme farmer: PU MYOG [3/21/16, 12:12:15 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: THEY KISS AND AT FIRST THEYRE HESITANT [3/21/16, 12:12:19 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: BCOS USHIJIMA [3/21/16, 12:12:39 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: BUT THEN THE TENSION DISAPPEARS AND THEY MELT INT O THE KISS UN T IL [3/21/16, 12:12:45 AM] rhyme farmer: N [3/21/16, 12:12:46 AM] rhyme farmer: NO [3/21/16, 12:12:47 AM] rhyme farmer: NO DONT [3/21/16, 12:12:50 AM] rhyme farmer: PAU DONT [3/21/16, 12:12:51 AM] rhyme farmer: PLEASE [3/21/16, 12:12:54 AM] rhyme farmer: PAU [3/21/16, 12:12:58 AM] rhyme farmer: PLEASE DONT [3/21/16, 12:13:15 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: THE SMALL OF OIKAWAS BACK IS TOUCHING THE COUNTER EARLIEr [3/21/16, 12:13:23 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: NA DO H GOD [3/21/16, 12:13:24 AM] rhyme farmer: WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING [3/21/16, 12:13:31 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: DO I WANT USHIWAKA TO SEE [3/21/16, 12:13:37 AM] rhyme farmer: NO YOU DONT [3/21/16, 12:13:51 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: I KINDA WANT USHIWAKA TO SEE [3/21/16, 12:14:02 AM] rhyme farmer: NO YOU DONT [3/21/16, 12:14:32 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: USHIWAKA OPENS THE DOOR AND HUH ITS WEIRD WHERE ARE THEY AND HE STARTS TO PANIC BC WHA T IF [3/21/16, 12:14:40 AM] rhyme farmer: N O ONONONOONONON [3/21/16, 12:14:44 AM] rhyme farmer: OHMY HDO N O [3/21/16, 12:15:03 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: HE GOES TO THE KITCHEN AND [3/21/16, 12:15:07 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OH M Y GDO [3/21/16, 12:15:11 AM] rhyme farmer: PHMYG [3/21/16, 12:15:13 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OH JES SUS IM IN PAIN [3/21/16, 12:15:20 AM] rhyme farmer: THISNIS YOIR FAILT [3/21/16, 12:15:27 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: HIS WHAT IF IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING RIGHT THEN AND THERE [3/21/16, 12:15:30 AM] rhyme farmer: CEST TON FAUTE TU ES TERRIBLE [3/21/16, 12:16:27 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: AND HE JUST SUBCONSCIOUSLY DROPS HIS STUFF AND BRISKLY WALKS TOWARDS THEM AND OIKAWA SEES IT FIRST AND HIS EYES BECOMES BIG AND WHEN IWAIZUMI TURNS TO LOOK BACK [3/21/16, 12:16:38 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: USHIWAKA IS THERE AND HIS FIST CONNECTS WITH IWAIZUMIS FACE [3/21/16, 12:16:38 AM] rhyme farmer: OH MY GOD [3/21/16, 12:16:42 AM] rhyme farmer: OHCN O [3/21/16, 12:16:45 AM] rhyme farmer: onions nBKizcj [3/21/16, 12:16:57 AM] rhyme farmer: PAU IM GOING TO BEAT YOU UP [3/21/16, 12:17:09 AM] rhyme farmer: OM GOING TO TAKE A JET TO YOUR HOUSE AND CRASH INTO YOUR HOUSE AND IM GOING TO BEAT YOU THE FUCK UP [3/21/16, 12:17:11 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: I FUCKING DESRVE IT BEAT ME UP IM CRYING [3/21/16, 12:17:40 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: suddenly hajime is on the ground and his face is building up a bruise, his lip is busted and his nose is bleeding [3/21/16, 12:18:02 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: ushiwaka grips oikawa by the arm and forcefully drags him away [3/21/16, 12:18:08 AM] rhyme farmer: UM [3/21/16, 12:18:12 AM] rhyme farmer: OK USHI!???? [3/21/16, 12:18:17 AM] rhyme farmer: THATS A LITTLE????? Ok?????? [3/21/16, 12:18:22 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: yes [3/21/16, 12:18:29 AM] rhyme farmer: UHSIS BAD [3/21/16, 12:18:33 AM] rhyme farmer: BREAK UP WITH HIM [3/21/16, 12:18:39 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: UR JUST BIASED [3/21/16, 12:18:44 AM] rhyme farmer: IM NOT BIASED [3/21/16, 12:18:58 AM] rhyme farmer: IF MY S/O DRAGGED ME AWAY LIKE THAT I WOULD BE SO FUCKING MAD [3/21/16, 12:19:06 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: OIKAWA WOULD GET MAD!!! [3/21/16, 12:19:13 AM] rhyme farmer: GET MAD OIKAWA!!!! [3/21/16, 12:19:19 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he would get so mad bc ushiwaka that hurts!!! ! !  ! !! [3/21/16, 12:19:19 AM] rhyme farmer: BREAK UP WITH USHI!!!!!! [3/21/16, 12:19:48 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: HE TRIES TO FREE FROM USHIWAKA AND GOES TO IWA AND USHIS JUST ???? why [3/21/16, 12:19:57 AM] rhyme farmer: MMMMM M MM M M M [3/21/16, 12:20:33 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: ushijima tries to stop oikawa from going to iwa but oikawa juST LET GO OF ME USHIWAKA THAT HURTS [3/21/16, 12:20:55 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: AND USHIWAKAS JUST???? ushiwaka just lets go because he doesnt really want to hurt oikawa [3/21/16, 12:21:00 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he was just so [3/21/16, 12:21:03 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: shocked [3/21/16, 12:21:08 AM] rhyme farmer: GOD [3/21/16, 12:22:07 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: ushijima looks at iwaizumi on the ground, shirt staining blood [3/21/16, 12:22:26 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: looks at his fist where iwaizumis cheek was just been [3/21/16, 12:22:36 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: sees it getting its own bruises and [3/21/16, 12:22:48 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: looks at oikawa helping iwaizumi up [3/21/16, 12:22:55 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and he doesnt get it [3/21/16, 12:23:15 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he doesnt get why he returns home to whatever this is [3/21/16, 12:23:57 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: has ushijima lacked something? had ushijima not been enough? [3/21/16, 12:24:26 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: all he did was love oikawa so hes just so confused [3/21/16, 12:24:29 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: as to why [3/21/16, 12:24:36 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he’s seeing what he’s seeing [3/21/16, 12:25:11 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he speaks up [3/21/16, 12:25:30 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “oikawa,” he says as the aforementioned helped iwaizumi up [3/21/16, 12:25:50 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “oikawa,” he says again as the aforementioned helped iwaizumi on the couch [3/21/16, 12:26:26 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “oikawa, stop. he needs to go,” he saysfinally [3/21/16, 12:26:34 AM] rhyme farmer: FUCK OFF USHI [3/21/16, 12:26:59 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: “we, ushiwaka. iwa-chan and i. we need to go” [3/21/16, 12:27:09 AM] rhyme farmer: O H [3/21/16, 12:27:11 AM] rhyme farmer: O H H H H H H H [3/21/16, 12:27:13 AM] rhyme farmer: O H H HH. HH H H [3/21/16, 12:27:18 AM] rhyme farmer: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [3/21/16, 12:27:20 AM] rhyme farmer: O H K Y GODOD [3/21/16, 12:27:22 AM] rhyme farmer: P H HH M Y G OODODOOD [3/21/16, 12:27:24 AM] rhyme farmer: CNBC jO J HH HH H [3/21/16, 12:29:10 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and ushiwaka doesn’t understand. what has he done for oikawa to just up and leave him? what has he lacked for oikawa to turn to another? when ushiwaka started having feelings for oikawa back in college, he knew of oikawa’s feelings for iwaizumi, so he doesn’t know why he did not see this coming [3/21/16, 12:29:51 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he just stands there and watches as oikawa haul two huge bags. clothes, he pressumes [3/21/16, 12:30:18 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: watches as oikawa takes iwaizumi and [3/21/16, 12:30:31 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: suddenly the apartment is empty except for him [3/21/16, 12:30:40 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and he’s still standing where he was before [3/21/16, 12:30:58 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and the pastries oikawa was making were still on the table [3/21/16, 12:31:09 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and the things he dropped earlier were still there [3/21/16, 12:31:19 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and iwaizumis blood was still on the floor [3/21/16, 12:31:23 AM] rhyme farmer: Stop you're making me feel sad for ushi this wasn't supposed to happen [3/21/16, 12:31:29 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: that was the plan [3/21/16, 12:31:32 AM] rhyme farmer: Fuck u [3/21/16, 12:32:14 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he goes to their shared bedroom and oikawas side of the wardrobe is empty [3/21/16, 12:32:25 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: all except one shirt that probably fell off [3/21/16, 12:32:43 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: its oikawas favorite shirt, the one he got him for his birthday a year ago [3/21/16, 12:33:21 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: shirt in hand he walks back in the living room [3/21/16, 12:33:37 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: drapes the shirt on the back of the couch before picking up what he dropped [3/21/16, 12:33:44 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: he places it on the table [3/21/16, 12:33:58 AM] rhyme farmer: Wait what Oh no [3/21/16, 12:33:59 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: the usual thanksgiving stuff [3/21/16, 12:34:02 AM] rhyme farmer: Oh ok [3/21/16, 12:34:16 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: some food, snacks, [3/21/16, 12:34:18 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: drinks [3/21/16, 12:34:24 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and a small, velvet box [3/21/16, 12:34:28 AM] rhyme farmer: OH FUCK [3/21/16, 12:34:31 AM] rhyme farmer: I KNEW TNI KNEW IT [3/21/16, 12:34:35 AM] rhyme farmer: MOTHERFUCKER YOU DID IT [3/21/16, 12:34:39 AM] rhyme farmer: YOU HOEBAG [3/21/16, 12:34:42 AM] rhyme farmer: YOU ASSWIPE [3/21/16, 12:34:46 AM] rhyme farmer: YOU FUCKIG SNOTSHIT [3/21/16, 12:34:47 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: i teared up a lil [3/21/16, 12:34:54 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: i think im cryin [3/21/16, 12:35:00 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: u did this to ushiwaka [3/21/16, 12:35:11 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: i mean i did plan for him to be this way but not this fast [3/21/16, 12:35:14 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: lmao [3/21/16, 12:35:19 AM] rhyme farmer: if I had my own place and I was old enoug [3/21/16, 12:35:23 AM] rhyme farmer: I would probably take like [3/21/16, 12:35:25 AM] rhyme farmer: 3 shots right now [3/21/16, 12:35:32 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: lmao [3/21/16, 12:35:36 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: sorry not sorry [3/21/16, 12:35:42 AM] rhyme farmer: I think mom has vodka in the freezer maybe I can [3/21/16, 12:35:52 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: 8) [3/21/16, 12:35:58 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: if ur shotting im shotting [3/21/16, 12:36:07 AM] rhyme farmer: Listen my parents are home I can't shot [3/21/16, 12:36:19 AM] rhyme farmer: Maybe like I'm the dead of night I'll take a shot [3/21/16, 12:36:37 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: o its like the afternoon there [3/21/16, 12:36:41 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: lmao its midnight here [3/21/16, 12:36:51 AM] rhyme farmer: Shit shouldn't you sleep [3/21/16, 12:36:59 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: no im not rly sleepy [3/21/16, 12:37:09 AM] rhyme farmer: Jee I wonder why [3/21/16, 12:37:10 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: and i need to finish this :————) [3/21/16, 12:37:15 AM] rhyme farmer: I hate u [3/21/16, 12:40:23 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: TBQH I DONT KNOW HOW TO END THIS LMAO [3/21/16, 12:40:29 AM] rhyme farmer: END IT HERE [3/21/16, 12:40:51 AM] rhyme farmer: IWA AND OIKAWA FUCK AT IWAS PLACE AND USHI IS JUST SAD [3/21/16, 12:40:53 AM] rhyme farmer: THE END [3/21/16, 12:41:10 AM] durugin ang patriyarka: ok AHHAHAH n they lived happil ever after
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