xantchaslegacy · 4 months
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mtg + romance
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Man, this takes me back
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Akroma, Vision of Ixidor
Artist: Chris Rahn TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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nixalegos · 3 months
Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite.
Tagged by @mothervvoid Tagging: @tyleinth @safrona-shadowsun @captzexx @tillyashton And you, reading this! You are my last tag. My unspoken chosen.
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markrosewater · 8 months
Hey mark. I haven't bought any new cards lately (since brothers war) but looking at murders at karlov Manor it looks awesome. Can you please apply gift fives to whomever designed those surveil duals. My EDH decks are very happy. Also I like the facedown support because I have an Ixidor deck, just waiting to see how much of it is in Blue haha.
Will do.
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aflo · 1 year
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this is probably too big and clunky to matter, but it can do some pretty nutty things with turn-face-up effects like Ixidor or Primordial Mists. even without a combo card, this is an 8/8 flier that makes 2 2/2s a turn and can self-crew after the first hit. seems pretty deece to me
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sdyuteiaok · 7 months
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Ugh, had a mediocre deck today, but still managed to squeak out four wins. I did get to play with the XBB card that mill-steals your opponents' stuff, and that card was definitely a doozy. My record was seven cards off of it! Such a fun, but I imagine frustrating card, not only cuz it makes ridiculous comebacks, but also eats up the clock while you read all these new cards from your opponent, which has to be at least a little annoying this early in the format. My first pick was Ixidor, and I was nervous the symmetrical boost would come back to bite, and it didn't quite because, as I mentioned, morph doesn't seem to be absolutely integral to this format. It's not irrelevant, but it doesn't feel like the format is entirely consumed by it, as Tarkir was. So I was able to play him generally once things quieted down, and wasn't really punished for it, but at the same time, didn't really gain much from him, aside from the sturdy 3/4 frame. I thought about tossing in the unmorph counters on all your guys 4/4, since I could always hard cast it or morph it, and either wait for my splashed second G or Ixidor to flip him up, but decided to stay a little more streamlined, and I don't regret it. I only cast Ixidor once, maybe, and he was essentially just a vanilla. I forget what I put in instead of the counter morpher, but I believe it was an easier morph. I'm finding the hybrid morphers are just fine in decks that only play half their colors--obviously it's nice when you can get both colors easily, and I was pinched one game where I really coulda used being able to keep up a trick and the unmorph, but the colors didn't line up for both. But they're still just fine, and I like including a good number of them. I don't think I've cut the UW or WB ones ever--those guys win ball games. Speaking of which, I also had the XUU stun X enchantment, and that one was sweet too--I got the point where I was holding it as a team counterspell to keep my guys safe in combat, because that tapped hexproof part is a real paradigm shifter. My opponent even killed his own guy when he tried to flash in his -4/-4 enchantment, but since all my guys were tapped, he had to target his own guy. Pretty sweet--but insanely long--games, altogether. And we're positive on gems, so we can start relying on those for now, fortunately, while we stockpile gold. Looking forward to the next draft tomorrow. Definitely enjoying this weirdo format.
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nasalnozzle · 1 year
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Today's alter: Akroma, Vision of Ixidor
Check me out on Instagram @nasalnozzlealters Message me if you're interested in buying any of my alters or commissioning me for one!
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"Akroma is one of the most famous figures of The Mirari Conjecture, even though she did not appear until a little before the Legion Wars. She was created in a dream by Ixidor, (who had become Lowalyn's Avatar, the Numena Mage who long ago banished Dromar) using his literal right arm. Her name means "without color", named as she appears like his lost love Nivea but devoid of the color of her life."
"Her purpose was to slay the former Pardic Barabrian and sister to Kamahl Jeska who had been turned into an Avatar of Death by the Cabal and taken the name Phage. Phage had killed Nivea in a pit fight against Ixidor. Even after Ixidor's apparent death, Akroma sought to complete her master's vengeance and her clash with Phage let to the rebirth of Karona, the False God and embodiment of Dominaria's Magic."
"This is vastly abridged information as Akroma's life was nothing but 3 years of continent wide conflict. If you seek more on Akroma, I suggest looking into the Novels of Onslaught and Legions." -Umbral the Archivist
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magicjudge · 5 years
I got a question I pretty sure it’s no but I will ask anyway Can ixidor flip any card over if it’s not a creature (manifest a card rather than morph) If no I guess I’m stuck with flicker/blink effects
Ixidor’s ability can target any face-down creature you control, including all manifested cards.
If the face-down card is a permanent card, then it turns face up and is on the battlefield as normal when Ixidor’s ability resolves. Note that the permanent was already on the battlefield, so any “enters the battlefield” triggered abilities or replacement effects won’t have happened to the card. This includes the starting loyalty counters of planeswalkers and so all planeswalkers turned face up this way will die immediately.
If the face-down card is an instant or sorcery card, then it can never be face up on the battlefield and so you’ll just reveal that it’s an instant or sorcery card and leave it face down as a blank creature.
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tomosanagi · 6 years
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Magic 20th, protagonists, 2013
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xantchaslegacy · 1 year
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magicartcodex · 3 years
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Akroma, vision d’Ixidor
Lore externe :
Lorsque Nivea, le grand amour de l'illusionniste Ixidor, a été tuée dans la fosse lors d’un combat contre Phage l’Intouchable, son chagrin a provoqué une augmentation incommensurable de ses pouvoirs. Ixidor a pu transformer ses rêves en réalité ; il pouvait même créer des créatures vivantes. Sa plus grande création a été Akroma, un ange de combat façonné à l’image de Nivea pour venger sa mort en tuant Phage.
Lorsque Ixidor a été avalé par une énorme guivre de mort, Akroma n’a pas hésité. Plongeant dans la gueule du monstre, elle a pataugé dans ses sucs digestifs pour rattraper son créateur. Ixidor l’a suppliée de l’abandonner à son sort, et les adeptes d’Akroma ont remplacé ses jambes par des lances de métal. Au final, Akroma et Phage (ainsi que le muletier Zagorka) sont mortes au même moment, tuées par la hache de Kamahl, les combinant sous la forme de Karona, la Fausse Divinité.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Ixidor, Reality Sculptor
"Reality has exiled me. I am no longer bound by its laws."
Artist: Kev Walker TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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loreleywrites · 7 years
Arbitrary Card of the Day 5-25-17: Akroma, Angel of Fury
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Today's arbitrary card of the day is Akroma, Angel of Fury. Morph seems kind of random on this alternate reality version of Akroma, but it's a perfect flavor inclusion. Remember, Akroma was created by Ixidor, an illusion mage with proficient skills in morph magic.
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aflo · 1 year
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everything about Cybership applies here too, but with this in the command zone, you'll be able to much more consistently do something nasty. im not really sure what access to black cards will do for the Ixidor strategy. maybe this makes more sense in the 99 of one of the sultai morph lists. i guess time will tell
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