#Izo you are safe...For now
peanutbubba · 3 months
White Beard Pirates x Reader Talking To Another Man
Ace, Marco, Izo, Jozu, Thatch, and Vista! Gender neutral!reader, slight cursing, kinda got lazy at the end sadly, might be a little ooc for some of them since it’s my first time writing them, no beta we die like ace, requested!
Portgas D. Ace
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Ace is naturally a jealous man, he doesn’t really like to be, finding it to be an unattractive trait within himself however he can’t help it. Especially, when he finds you near another crew member, stealing all your attention.
It doesn’t take long for him to realize that you were missing for nearly half the day, gone from your routinely activity of finding him and giving a kiss to his cheek plus checking up on him. When he goes to find you he nearly crushes a piece of railing he was holding onto, realizing that you weren’t missing, no, someone had just been pestering you all day. No wonder why you haven’t been with him for nearly half of the day, this person was hogging you all to themselves! He’s quick to act though, a charming smile on his face as he plays up his outgoing personality, tring to cover his jealousy. Swinging himself over the side of the railing and walking over to you and the other man, warm arms wrapping tightly against your waist, pressing his chest to your back.
He tries to coax you into leaving with him, hands rubbing circles on your waist as he whispers softly in your ear of missing you. If that doesn’t work then he just glares at the other man until he leaves, eyes piercing and irritated. When the man quickly runs off not wanting to anger The Fire Fist Ace you look suspiciously back at Ace, his expression now changed to relaxed and loving. Again, he softly asks if you can hang out with him. Will give you puppy dog eyes if he needs too, please say yes.
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Without a doubt, Marco is the most calm about you talking to another man that isn’t him. It isn’t exactly that he doesn’t care, he just is secure in your relationship and the fact that you’d never go behind his back. Plus, he’s very aware that you also deserve to have a social life outside of him.
However, he also prioritizes your safety and wellbeing above all else, should something happen to you he wouldn’t forgive himself. His trust in you is absolute, as always, the people you talk to not so much. Especially when it’s while you’re stopped at an island, his eyes are glued to you and that man, making sure he makes no attempts to put you in danger. As a person with a high bounty you’re always at risk of being put in danger, and while Marco is confident you can protect yourself that doesn’t stop his worries any less.
Hovering near the areas you are, or just full blown hanging around you, a charming yet deadly serious demeanor about him. He definitely feels less uneasy when you’re both on the ship around trusted people, and a hundred times more when you’re close to somewhere he can monitor your surroundings. Overall, not very overbearing about you talking to other men, so long as he knows you’re safe and that the man isn’t bothering you.
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Another man who would be pretty calm about you talking to another man is Thatch, probably would even join you in conversation with whoever you’re actively talking to if he has the chance too and you don’t mind.
As a more friendly natured man he’s quite happy when you meet new people, thinking that the socialization is good for you. If he’s not too busy then a lot of the time he’ll join in the conversation happily, pleased to talk with another person and especially you. If he is then he doesn’t really mind, he’s a little jealous that it isn’t him you’re talking to but just by a smidge, he gets over it pretty quickly.
He also does it to make sure you don’t get into any trouble. He wholeheartedly believes that you can absolutely take care of anyone that bothers you, he’s your #1 fan, but he also likes to be careful, especially if it’s with someone who isn’t from/is new to the crew.
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With Izou it’s a complete 50/50 how he acts, completely depending on how the other person is acting towards you, or if you both know the person.
If you’re chatting with a man that both of you know that he’s completely calm, maybe every now and then his eyes are flickering to your form to make sure you’re okay, but he allows you to have your conversation in peace with the man, occasionally gives the man death glares though so he knows not to do anything. If it’s a complete stranger though then his entire demeanor changes.
Izou is a fiercely loyal man, whatever it takes he’ll ensure you’re safe and happy, so without a doubt if you’re talking to someone new then he’s sticking beside you if he can. Definitely has a mean face while looking at the man you’re talking to, he’s just trying to keep the man under a watchful gaze. A hundred percent scares the man off.. Izou is definitely more protective than he is jealous, doesn’t mean you can’t make him jealous though. If he is jealous then he’s quick to get whatever pest of a man is near you away, trying to steal your attention for himself.
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Jozu is very quiet, you never really know what he’s thinking until he actually says something. If you’re ever talking to someone else he’s especially hard to read, just staring at the both of you for a moment.
He’s just trying to make sure that the man has no bad intentions for you, his silence sometimes mistaken for brooding although he’s just trying to be through with his observations of the man. If the man is fine then he’s fine, only really looking back at you occasionally making sure you’re still alright.
If the man is a little strange or off putting though then he’s quick to act, smoothly and almost silently stealing you away from your company. If you ask him what’s wrong then he’ll obviously softly tell you, but once you both are far away from that weird ass man.
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Vista barely has any bones in his body to be jellyfish, key word being barely. Although, that jealousy is more towards if that man is hitting on you rather than if you’re talking to him.
He just watches for a moment you and the man having a conversation, not very worried knowing that he can trust the way you act around other people. His eyes leave you for just a couple minutes, looking at something else before going back to you. Your body rigid and face clearly uncomfortable, the man talking to you clearly getting too confident for his own good.
Ooo, he’s mad. How dare this man make you, his lovely partner, uncomfortable! Definitely coming to your rescue as quickly as he can. If you’re okay with PDA then he might put a hand on your waist to get the man to back off, if not then he’s just casually whisking you away from that creep.
Im so sad, Jozu barely has any gifs!! Also this was pretty fun, made me write about characters I wouldn’t normally, which was cool.
Hope you enjoyed! Peas out.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 3
-Sasaki was nothing but nice to you, keeping you safe from the raiders who were storming the castle, wanting to stop Kaido, grinning down at you as you sat on his lap as he was keeping watch in a long hallway.
-Your eyes went wide when you saw Shinobu and Yamato, with Momo and you froze when Sasaki attacked them- it felt like your heart stopped for a moment.
-When you tried to jump down off Sasaki’s lap, he caught you, not wanting you to hurt yourself as you struggled to get away, “Don’t hurt my friends!”
-Momo shouted out your name, thinking you were being held hostage before Yamato ran forward, attacking Sasaki, being able to get you away from him, holding you up on his hip, holding you closely, “I’m returning Y/N to her brothers- I swear it!”
-A familiar voice then spoke up, “I agree!” you turned, seeing the General Franky and you lit up, “Franky!!” the robot’s giant hand lifted, greeting you warmly before he focused on Sasaki and his men.
-Yamato gave you to Shinobu, as she was trying to get both you and Momo to safety, and Yamato told Franky he was going after Kaido, “Luffy might be racing you there!” which made Yamato race off, wanting to get to Kaido first.
-Shinobu did her best, but after she was betrayed by one of her friends, he took both you and Momo, giving Momo to Orochi to finally wipe out the Kozuki line.
-Kanjuro was keeping you in his arms as you watched Momo being beaten, “No! Stop hurting him!!” Kanjuro wanted to keep you safe, as Kaido would be pleased with him after he dealt with all these invaders, trying to keep you calm, telling you Momo deserved this.
-Your horn flared to life as you glared, “Nobody deserves to be hurt!!” a wave of energy, much like at the Whitebeard War, flowed from you, shooting Kanjuro back as well as Orochi as he was going to kill Momo.
-You were glaring hard as two figures reformed, one male and one female and as Orochi sat up, his eyes went wide, seeing two people returning from the dead as Oden and Toki took their first breaths in 20 years.
-Many were screaming, including Orochi who saw it as a bad omen as the two were shocked to see they were alive again before they saw Momo as well as the state of everything around him.
-Toki turned, sensing your energy, seeing that you were the one to bring them back to life as Oden charged, punching Orochi hard across the face before grabbing his son, “Warriors! Your Oden has returned- fight on! This battle isn’t over yet!!”
-While a bit freaked out to see him alive again, the warriors loyal to him all lifted their swords, giving out loud war cries, ready to follow their Shogun once more.
-Toki held you as your nose started bleeding, the aura fading as you nearly collapsed, a fever quickly taking hold and Momo called out, “Y/N!” ignoring his own wounds, he wrenched himself from his father’s arms, dropping down and ran for you, looking terrified to see you in such a state.
-Another voice then spoke up, “Oi Y/N- you sure know how to make people worry.” You lifted your head, feeling a bit delirious and you smiled softly, “Marco…” the phoenix landed and quickly rushed towards you, taking you into his arms and instantly surrounded the two of you with flames.
-Momo was trying not to cry, after his father punched out Kanjuro for betraying them, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand as Oden kneeled, “It is not weak to cry, son.” Momo shook his head, “I can cry later- we need to help our allies and friends now!”
-Toki cupped her son’s cheek softly, proud of him as the flames around Marco slowly died down, leaving him winded, but he healed you so you wouldn’t collapse like last time.
-You were still feeling weak as you looked up as Marco grinned down at you, “Izo told us of your plans- and calvary’s here Y/N!” your eyes went wide, realizing that Whitebeard and his crew was there to help, turning the tides in this battle.
-You knew that Luffy and Ace were going after Kaido, as was Yamato and you told him this, and Marco looked a bit annoyed, “Yeah I saw them on top of the skull- Big Mom is with them.”
-Your eyes went wide before you looked determined, “I need to go and help them!” you had changed a lot in these past two years, you were more confident now and he was going to refuse you, but there was something there- something that told him you were right.
-Oden agreed to take you, giving you a grin, “If there’s a fight with Kaido then I’m joining! Toki- take Momonosuke and get someplace safer. I just got you back- I’m not losing you two again!” Toki nodded and Marco grinned, rushing to help Chopper and Sanji against Queen.
-As Oden ran, trying to get to the top as quickly as possible, he held you on his shoulders, “So are you the one I am to thank for bringing me back to life?” you nodded softly, despite him not being able to see it, “I’m Y/N- when I saw Momo being hurt I got mad and wanted him to be safe.” Oden chuckled softly, knowing you were a kind soul.
-When he arrived at the battle, he took you off his shoulders, so he could rush in after announcing himself, “Kaido!! I have returned to end your reign and take back Wano!!”
-Kaido looked like he was close to tears, seeing Oden there, “Oden- is it really you?” Oden wasn’t prepared, none of them were, including Kidd and Law who were also there, for Kaido to burst into tears, crying loudly.
-Big Mom looked annoyed by his antics before she saw you, her eyes going wide, “Y/N! You’re okay!!” you tensed lightly, looking a little scared of her as she beamed, “Come to Mama and we will return to Whole Cake Island!”
-You hesitated, looking a little scared before, “I want to stay with Luffy!” she looked surprised by your answer before she smiled, realizing that she just needed to take your false family out, so they couldn’t brainwash you anymore, and you would behave.
-Big Mom ran towards you, but Law and Kidd were the ones to attack her, sending her through the roof and the roof collapsed where you were, causing you to fall, but Law caught you, something Luffy and Ace both saw, and they knew you were in safe hands.
-As Big Mom was falling, she called out Hera to catch her and Law shouted, “Eustass-ya!” the red-head looked over and immediately almost panicked as Law tossed you to him and he grabbed you, “Oi what are you doing idiot?!”
-Law pulled out his sword and launched an attack, sending Big Mom down even further, “We need to keep those two Yonko apart!” Kidd looked annoyed as your little arms were around his neck, “I meant you giving me the kid!”
-You were a little scared, being with these two against Big Mom as you hung onto Kidd’s jacket over his shoulder, but the two of them were able to keep Big Mom occupied, using powerful attacks.
-When she launched her own attack, Kidd was quick to grab you by the back of your kimono and tossed you to the side as the two got hit, getting serious injured.
-You rolled only a few feet from the force, but you were fine, other than a few scrapes as Big Mom looked furious, “I’m going to kill you both- you hurt my little Y/N!!”
-You ran forward, your horn flaring to life again as you touched each of the men, healing their wounds, much to their surprise. Seeing you being disobedient again, Big Mom was getting less patient with you, growing angry with you.
-Kidd stood, putting his good hand on your head, “Thanks brat- now we can keep going.” Law agreed as he stood up, “Stay back Y/N- we’re going to get serious!”
-You nodded and quickly retreated to a fallen stone column behind them, peeking out, watching them all fight. You looked up to the roof, seeing bright flashes of light and lightning as well as blasts of fire, worried about your three big brothers and Momo’s dad.
-You were stunned when Kidd and Law beat Big Mom- send her down into the volcano. As they both were panting you ran out, “Big Brother Law! Big Brother Kidd!” Kidd instantly froze, turning like he was a statue towards you, hearing your words as you leapt up, hugging his leg, “You both were so cool! You were so strong!”
-Kidd looked like he was panicking, having you cling to him as his face was bright red, something Law didn’t even hesitate to tease him for. He turned to Law, “Oi you bastard you-” WHACK!!
-Kidd was instantly squatting, holding the back of his head where a huge lump now was, as Law was holding you in his arms, as you looked confused, “What’s a bastard?” Law sighed softly, walking away from Kidd, “It’s a naughty word- Kidd says a lot of them so don’t ever repeat them.”
-You held your hands to your lips, worried you were in trouble, but when he said nothing, you calmed down a bit as Kidd caught up, scowling at Law as they rushed to help their crew with the fighting.
-You heard Sanji screaming out for Robin’s help and you gasped softly, thinking Sanji was in trouble but Law kept you with him, “Nico-ya can handle herself Y/N- she’s strong.” You looked proud, beaming brightly, “Mama is strong!”
-As the fighting went on, one by one the Beast Pirates fell, and you heard from Marco that Oden, Ace, and Yamato were working on keeping Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital, Yamato and Ace using their Devil Fruit abilities and Oden using his strength.
-You felt a sudden sense of dread filling you, it felt like you were burning from the inside as you were quickly in tears, like something bad had happened as you heard drums- they were so loud, like they were ringing in your ears.
-Kidd was holding you when you started this, concerning him, “Oi what’s wrong? Y/N?!” your hands were over your ears as your eyes were clenched tightly shut before, “LUFFY!!!”
-As quickly as it came, the feeling left, leaving you gasping as you felt like something happened before you saw Luffy, but he looked like a cartoon- he was massive in size and his hair was now white as everyone was freaking out, their eyes popping from their head.
-You were just stunned, looking up at your brother, who was now going hard against Kaido, bent on taking him out once and for all.
-The last of the Beast Pirates fell after a hard-won battle and Onigashima was redirected, the threat of it falling on the Flower Capital was now over. Kaido and Big Mom were both defeated, and Wano was now free of both Orochi and Kaido- after Toki and Hiyori both took out Orochi, after she found her daughter trying to attack Orochi.
-Your whole family were injured, some more than others- like Luffy, Ace, and Zoro, who were unconscious for days, while Usopp, Nami, and Robin had severe injuries but with some medical attention between Chopper, Marco, and Law, they were all soon back on their feet.
-You had been elated to see Whitebeard, running towards him after all of the enemies were taken care of, “Grandpa!” and he grinned broadly, kneeling down to scoop you up, holding you close as you beamed, happy tears in your eyes, “I missed you grandpa!”
-The feast was massive once everyone was awake, as Oden had agreed with Yamato, to not celebrate until those who helped make this possible were awake.
-You cried loudly, being sandwiched between Luffy and Ace, once they woke up, after you hugged Zoro, as he woke up first, overwhelmed that they were all okay, as you weren’t allowed to use your ability- you brought two people back plus you healed others during the battle- you couldn’t risk overdoing it and putting yourself at risk, no matter how much you wanted to.
-You were elated to learn that Jinbei joined the crew, as you surprised him by running and leaping into his arms, “I’m so happy you’re a part of my family now Jinbei!” he held you close, feeling touched of your joy and words as he beamed brightly, “And I’m happy to know someone like you Y/N.”
-There was another issue, however, much to the dismay of all your brothers, when Oden and Toki called you over, where you saw Momo as well, beaming brightly, “I’m so happy you’re okay Momo!” his face flushed red, turning from you and several heads, including Whitebeard’s snapped over, seeing this.
-Oden was beaming brightly, “Y/N- you gave not only my wife’s life but my own life back- we are eternally grateful to you for this. We would like to reward you by inviting you to be a part of our family!”
-Your brothers calmed, only for a moment, thinking it was like the other families you had been adopted by before Toki beamed, “We would be delighted to have you as our daughter-in-law! You and Momonosuke can marry once you’re both old enough!”
-Instantly the banquet hall was filled with yelling and screaming as Luffy was quick to snatch you back, holding you too him as your family were quick to deny this, shouting that Momo wasn’t going to marry you.
-Oden was quickly standing, “Are you saying my son isn’t good enough!” Brook and Sanji had no issues throwing the child under the bus, telling them how Momo took baths with Nami and Robin and slept in the same bed with you, Robin, and Nami- which only led to more shouting and arguing as you were just staring, a bit in shock.
-Oden wasn’t going to give up, telling Luffy to come back as they were all going to work together to rebuild Wano, something Luffy agreed to.
-At the harbor you clung to Kidd’s leg, as his arms were folded, trying to deny that he was flushed bright red at your affections, saying goodbye to him.
-You ran towards Law, and he smiled softly, kneeling but you bypassed him, running to Bepo instead, leaping into his arms, “I’ll miss you Bepo!” Law’s eyelid twitched lightly, seeing that you had slighted in him favor of Bepo, which got Kidd laughing, teasing him.
-You hugged Law afterwards before running to Whitebeard, “I’ll miss you grandpa- come visit again soon!” he promised, patting your head before you boarded your ship, waving goodbye to Yamato, Momo, Tama, and your other new friends.
-Once back out to sea, the newspaper was quick to arrive, showing multiple alliances, including Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy, as well as new bounty posters.
-Luffy and Ace were both comically pouting, sitting on their rears as they were looking at their posters, as Nami was scolding them, leaving them both covered in lumps as they were now both 3 billion beris, but they were pouting more because you were now worth 5 billion, getting the highest bounty, as the government were growing concerned with your abilities, seeing who you’ve brought back to life, not wanting that to happen with others- because if you did the world would fall into disarray.
-You beamed brightly as everyone was comparing their bounties, some were happier than others to see such high bounties. You couldn’t wait to see what would happen next on your next adventure!
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
A marriage of peace & political (2)
Zuko x water tribe reader x male mai + others
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Many years had gone by since you left your home and become a wife, it had been so long since you had seen your family and everyone else. No words or visit had taken place between them with you, at first it had broken your heart but you soon came to terms with everything. There was some distance between yourself and southern water tribe, that had grown over the years since the last time they saw you. Over the years you had changed into the person you had become now these days. 
Y/n " ........" you are the on the dock of the fire nation ship moving on the ocean, you were looking out on the landscape surrounding you. 
Fire nation solder " my lady y/n we are not that far from the South Pole"
Y/n " thank you for the report please make sure everything will be ready to be unloaded"
Fire nation soldier " yes my lady" it had been so long but you were finally going home, not for a home coming but for help. As some tension had risen and issue had risen for water and earth kingdom, Among themselves and some tension with the fire nation as well.
????? " mom" you soon had a smile show up on your face, as you looked to see your four sons standing there. 
Y/n " hello my sons" you soon walked toward your children, all of your dressed for the cold climate. 
Y/n " Muko, Izo, and Uze, Zoja I thought you boys will be inside with everyone else"
Muko " we were going to stay inside but we came to see how you were doing"
Y/n " I'm doing well it has been so long since I been here"
Izo " that good to hear mother"
Y/n " I'm guessing your fathers had asked you all to come on the trip with me to make sure I'm okay"
Uze " yes as it seems like they don't like your family and their friends that much, and one of them the avatar ... so sad on how he failed to keep his oath"
Zoja " even after this marriage it seems like chief hakoda has failed to keep his rule in line, as well so has his children the only one who has been successful if you mother" 
Muko " mother we don't wish to be rude we have here for two reasons to keep our family safe and to see your home and all the culture you talked about"
Izo " yes it going to be a good trip"
Y/n " I'm happy to hear that boys" Muko and Izo are fire-benders like zuko and have his personality and inherit his looks as well. While Uze and zojia didn't have any bending abilities but picked up their father Mao talent for daggers and looked and act ike him. 
Y/n " I know you kids will be able to find some fun in this place and one we are done here we can go see the rest of our family on ember inland" 
The boys " yes mother" The children had become your pride and joy over the years, the boys and their fathers always found ways to make you happy. 
Uze " mother" Uze was Ponting at something and you soon saw it the South Pole it has been so long since you been home, even due it had changed it was still your home a bright smile grows on your face. 
Y/n " welcome to the South Pole my children" The fire nation ship soon stopped the ship at the dock the walk way had bene dropped, as you and had gotten off with your children. To see water nation soldiers waiting there as well it seems like they were apart of the escort to the palace and into the village. 
Water nation solder " hello lady y/n we have been order by your father and brother to escort you to the palace and inside the village" 
Y/n " thank you I will also be bring my guards as well under the commands of my husbands" 
Water nation soldier " yes that can happen we all take you and your party right now if you wish" 
Y/n " yes please" the Group soon left the docks the suppiles will follow later on as you soon walked inside the village, you had been greeted by cheers and music. It seems like everyone had come to see the arrival from you water and earth kingdom civilians and soldiers are here. The were people waving to you and you waved or smiled back, after a while you soon reached the palace. 
Muko " well we are here it time to show them what you can do" 
Y/n " thank you my child" 
Water nation guard " up these steps everyone else is in there my lady and it good to have you home" 
Y/n" thank you and it good to be home" you and eveyrone soon walked up the steps as the door opened and soon more cheering and music had been heard from behind you and in front of you. 
Squire " I announced the arrival of lady y/n the princess of the fire nation and lady of the southern water tribe daughter of hakoda and kay, and sister to sokka and katara " you soon made you way towards the front where all the important people are standing you soon saw your father and siblings, along with everyone else. 
Y/n " chief hakoda hello it good to see you again and everyone else it has been go long" hakoda had smiled and soon made his way towards you. 
Hakoda " welcome home my daughter I have missed you it been to long but it good to have you home" 
Y/n " yes it" 
Sokka " welcome back sister" 
Y/n " hello sokka" 
Katara " y/n I'm happy to have my sister home" 
Y/n " hello katara ... hello to you as well aang and top it good to see you all are doing well" 
Toph " hello snow princess I have missed you" 
Aang " hello y/n I have heard about the great things you have done I and nomads ow you thank for helping us restore the air temples" 
Y/n " you are welcome" 
Hakoda " I hope your remember all our old friends as well they have come here for the meeting" 
Y/n " hello everyone" 
Toph " are zuko and Mao coming along with iroh"
Y/n " they will be coming later on I and my company came first" 
Bato " speaking of your company who are these four young man with you today they seem young warriors in the making" 
Muko " we are the children of princess y/n of the fire nation and lady y/n of southern water tribe the sons of her husband and future heir of the fire nation" The room had fallen silent after muko had said that and bowed soon his three brother had followed suit. 
Sokka " okay I must not be hearing right or the music got to me but did he say he your son" 
Y/n " yes he my son all four of them are my sons" 
Sokka " wow I can't believe I have nephews" 
Katara " it so wonderful to meet you four" 
Izo " it good to meet you as well" 
Hakoda " I can't believe I'm a grandfather why haven't I been told ahead of time" 
Y/n " I have sent word but it seems like letter were never received or read" 
Hakoda " well we can find a solution later I'm happy you are home and my grandsons are here as well" 
Sokka " family hug" 
Uze " I don't do hugs" 
Toph " hey I like this one" 
Uze " your toph I heard great stuff about you from my mother and great uncle respect" 
Toph " thank you" 
Y/n " we can talk later and have time to get to know each other or caught up, we should get to the meeting I'm right to sokka time line" 
Sokka " you still know me well sister" you had nodded your head as the meeting will be starting soon but you know during their time here it was going to challenges for you, as now you will be dealing with your family and the others. As life was not the same anymore, you were going to do you best while you were here and not let the last control that much.
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happyely2 · 1 year
Pairing: Portuguese D. Ace x Fem!Reader
Rating: For everyone, even if there will be mentions of blood, physical and mental wounds, needles for stitching wounds and some small hints of cuddles (the right amount, because we like it that way). If you are sensitive to descriptions of blood or wounds skip the story. At times comical and at times a little sadder, I hope you enjoy this one as well as Cozy Autumn Prompts.
Summary: Being the girlfriend of Portgas D. Ace, the infamous pirate commander of Whitebeard's second fleet, isn't always easy. You know well that life as a pirate is a constant gamble, but every now and then you just want your man - and all the people you care about - to return to your room without wounds to patch up. It's fine that you're a scrupulous and attentive nurse, but damn these men don't have the slightest bit of restraint when they have to attack a ship or a new island, and Ace is the first to throw himself into the fray, but you love him so much that you are willing to always take care of him.
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🪡Taking care of a lover’s injury 🪡
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“Oh God, what happened?!” You whispered as you caught a bottle of alcohol that was about to fall to the floor. The ship had been shaken by a violent blow, it was as if someone had rammed into it and if someone had succeeded it must have been a very large ship.
“Put all glass bottles safely away and prepare emergency kits. I'm afraid we'll have twice as much work to do today!” You said to your colleagues as you adjusted your white shirt so that it wouldn't get in your way during the fight.
The New World was increasingly full of hotheads who aimed to become important pirates and to do so they targeted the ships of the big boys. Calm and tranquility were words unknown to Moby Dick.
"Goodmorning sweetheart! How was your morning?” Satch and the other men had set up a trench with the kitchen and dining room tables, you ducked to dodge the bullets and stood next to the commander of the fourth division, while the latter loaded a rifle with gunpowder to pass it to one of your companions.
“It could have been better! Who is attacking us?” You said as you opened your bag to get needle, thread and some alcohol, some of your people had been hit by bullets and needed to be treated immediately, quickly extract the bullets and stitch them up to avoid losing a limb or too much blood.
“A rookie, he has a stupid Mohawk. What poor taste.” Izo was next to you and in a short time he had fired three shots that all hit, but the enemies seemed to multiply. Meanwhile, you had finished stitching the leg of one of your companions who immediately picked up the rifle again and started shooting.
“Be careful, I just got the stitches!” You said while you were taking care of another wounded man, this time he had been hit under the cheekbone and almost lost his eye.
Luckily the barricades protected most of your comrades from even more serious injury, but the rifle fire continued to rage.
“We're running out of bullets here, we need to move on to strong weapons.” Satch was next to you, sooner or later the enemies would have to run out of cartridges you thought as you carefully looked at the enemy fence, those bastards were making excuses with thick metal shields.
“The main bridge? Do you have any news?" You asked quickly gathering your stuff inside your bag and placing it over your shoulder. Attacking the left flank where the kitchens and infirmary were located was a dirty diversion, your enemies were aiming for the main deck where Whitebeard generally remained to dictate orders, the left flank was less controlled than the others.
“None, they cut off communication, but everyone else is here, I don't think there will be any problems.” Izo said as he handed you a spare slugphone: “Try this one, it's another line.” He said as he continues shooting wounding five more enemies.
"Ready? This is the kitchen, main deck, can you hear me?”
“Main deck, we hear you loud and clear Miss.” Vista's voice made you breathe again, even though suspicious noises could be heard in the background.
“The Vista situation?” You asked without wasting any time, your other companions were arriving with more medical supplies, ready to follow you to the main deck.
“A bit bad, we have too many wounded among the new recruits. Nobody seems to be serious, Santa is organizing the boarding of the opposing ship." Vista replied as a sword blow could be heard cutting something in the background.
“Dad needs to rest dammit! Satch we have to pass now, there are injuries that need to be treated.” You said as you ended the conversation. Whitebeard may have been one of the most feared men in the New World, but at that time the treatments he was undergoing were so delicate that they could aggravate his physical situation.
Furthermore, the enemies had chosen a perfect day to attack, Marco had gone to deliver important messages to your allies, without the first commander you were at a disadvantage, his phoenix power was very useful in those situations and if Marco was missing it only meant a what: Ace was about to lead the boarding of the enemy ship.
The cook didn't have to be told twice and his entire division went on the attack while Izo's covered his back. It took some time before you and the other nurses made it to the command bridge safe and sound because neither Satch nor Izo would let anything happen to you, and once you got there you immediately started rescuing your crew.
Maybe Vista didn't want to alarm you, but the situation was quite inconvenient. You just hoped you wouldn't have to amputate any limbs.
“More enemies are coming!” Fossa, the captain of the fifteenth division, had raised the alarm. There was too many wounded who needed to be transported below deck, the infirmary would not have contained them all.
“Damn this was a trap.” You said as you approached the railing to check with your own eyes, the girls behind you were working to treat those who were at greater risk.
Four more enemy ships were arriving at great speed.
Your captain's laughter made you all spin. It was like him to laugh in those situations: “Let them come, they will only find defeat waiting for them.” Luckily Whitebeard wasn't injured, you breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move the injured below deck, so that they were safe and could be better cared for by the ship's doctor, you and your colleagues.
The cannon shots seemed to tickle your ship, but they were becoming closer and more precise.
Whitebeard had given the order to return fire and so all the men got busy.
“We need to get off that damned ship.” Satch said as he leaned out to see the damage, with the figurehead they had entered well into the side, destroying part of your house, you were with the fourth commander to understand the damage and to see if there were men to recover, they certainly were medical supplies have been affected.
“Ace comes here!” You said catching the second commander running across the bridge. Damn he was hurt! That idiot had gotten himself hurt and he had a Logia as a fruit of the sea.
“Love you are here! I didn't see you and I feared the worst. How is it going, do we have so many injured people?” He asked turning towards you and smiling warmly at you, she hugged you instinctively to check that you weren't hurt.
Either he was under the influence of a huge amount of adrenaline or Ace had such a high perception of pain that those injuries didn't bother him. This was a question you would never find the answer to.
“How the hell did they hit you? Ah, you're bleeding, stop here..." You looked at the long wound on his chest and the one on his right arm worriedly, his devil fruit made it difficult to stop the wound because the blood was too liquid due to the heat that his body was giving off.
“Some have Algamalotite weapons. They also resist my attacks which is why it took us longer.” He said Ace showing one of the weapons in question to the rest of the crew. He then explained how traps were scattered around the ship which had injured other people that his men were bringing on board.
Better and better.
“Where did they get them?” Asked Halta as he looked at her carefully, the workmanship of the sword was good, too good to have been made by any one person.
“We'll deal with this later. We need to free the ship and sort out the ones that are coming.” You said taking a needle and thread to saturate Ace's wounds, but your girlfriend stopped you in time and after placing his hair on her head he headed towards the Strider: "I can block them if I move now."
“ACE COME BACK HERE NOW!” You shouted trying to follow him but were quickly stopped by Izo before you jumped off the ship to chase him.
“Don't worry, he is not alone.” He told you looking up at the sky, Marco was back and was following Ace to give him back up.
“I swear that as soon as he comes back I'll sew him up properly!” You said the same as you watched the two commanders strike at the opposing ships. Whitebeard laughed loudly, commenting that you young people were so carefree that he envied you a little.
You sighed and turned towards the main deck, there were less serious injuries waiting to be treated and recovery operations to be carried out, so you rolled up your sleeves and started patching up your companions while who was still all entire effort was made to free the ship.
A couple of explosions followed one another in the following hours, marking the end of the fight. Ace and Marco had laid waste to the enemy ships and were returning, the strider was going slower than its normal speed and Marco was flying too low for his standards.
“Go on and check that everything is in one piece, big sister, we'll take care of it here.” Said one of your colleagues while you finished stitching a wound. You left the final directions and grabbed a new medical kit before heading to the main deck.
As soon as you arrived you immediately noticed the two commanders surrounded by the others who were asking for details of everything and more.
“Before you ask for anything, let me patch them up.” You said as you opened your bag and took out everything you needed, no one dared to argue. Marco had been wounded by the same weapons that had hit Ace, but his devil fruit was already taking effect so you fixed a couple of bandages and disinfected the wounds well, until you noticed a deeper one on his shoulder and that's when you cursed.
Ace was worse than a rag, lying on the ground and with his head spinning, he was kept conscious by Satch and Izo. He had lost too much blood, that imbecile.
You breathed in and out to calm yourself down and started lecturing them both, while everyone else laughed out loud.
“ESPECIALLY YOU ACE! IDIOT!" You said as you took the bottle of alcohol and opened it to clean the wound on your arm, it was deep, but it hadn't severed the nerves or any important blood vessels, Marco meanwhile was rearranging his shirt and was careful not to damage the stitches you had put.
“Stop squirming Ace!” You told him while using alcohol.
“That stuff bothers me.” Your boyfriend said with a grimace, then he told what had happened on one of the ships, that he had found other Algamalotite weapons, which now lay on the bottom of the sea and which all bore the same symbol, a skull with a sword that it pierced him in half.
There had been no need for anesthetic, the adrenaline was doing his job.
A couple of sutures later and you had completed the job, while Ace had finished his report: "I don't like this." You said as you put your tools back, everyone agreeing with you, it wasn't a normal Jolly Roger, it looked more like an anti-piracy symbol.
Ace leaned on your shoulder and held you close to him for reassurance, you all suspected that a fight like that was something premeditated and thought out down to the smallest detail, it was no coincidence that they attacked you at such a time. Marco's absence and the fact that we were without your other ships must have studied you for a very long time.
And if they had done something like this, none of you could rule out the possibility that they had thoroughly studied every single member of the crew.
“Daddy have you taken your medicine?” You asked turning to your captain. Ace was worried about that question too, because he knew how meticulous you were about reminding old Whitebeard about his medications.
“I hadn't gotten them yet. Are you afraid of something?” The man replied, then taking his favorite bottle of sake. Sooner or later you would have had to lock him up.
“It was too strange an attack dad, they hit us knowing our weak points too well.” He said Ace sensing your thoughts, thinking about it now, ramming the Moby Dick with a large ship on which traps and strong men were positioned was a diversion that didn't convince any of you.
Marco meanwhile was taking note of everything that needed to be repaired while with one ear he paid attention to the direction the conversation was taking.
“Attack or not, we should be more careful, anyone who can walk come and repair the ship, or at least let's try to fix it to get to the next island. Little sister tries to fix as many men as possible and give me an inventory of the medicines we lost." The first commander said, starting to give orders, conspiracies and suspicions would wait for the evening, for now you had to fix the damage suffered.
"See you this evening." She said Ace in your ear and leaving you his hat.
“Don't overdo it too much as the stitches might pop out and no devil fruit Ace.” You told him as you watched him run towards the hole to be repaired together with all the other men. You then gave the medicine to Father, because you always kept a reserve supply in case he didn't take it, and you said goodbye to both him and Marco to go below deck.
You had men to stitch up and put back together, and many of them.
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“How bad is it?” You asked Satch in the late afternoon when you went to see how the men were doing, who as soon as they had been stitched up and treated had rushed to repair the ship, without even receiving the green light. And Ace was among them, not only had he rushed to free the ship, but due to the injuries he had suffered and the loss of blood he had also fallen into the sea and Satch and Izo had jumped in to save him.
Now your boyfriend was sleeping blissfully on top of your legs, covered in bandages from head to toe.
“It could have been worse, luckily the ship is repaired and thanks to you girls the men are back in shape immediately, or at least all of them and there is no one missing.” He said the cook as he took off his yellow handkerchief to wipe away the sweat. They had taken all the surviving crates of food and placed them safely on the other side of the ship.
“I hate how Ace put himself in situations like these.” You said while stroking his black hair rocking him to sleep, you knew him well, he had squeezed out every last crumb of his fire, he had saved many of your companions but this would have put him out of action for quite a while in the days to follow.
Satch laughed heartily and then helped you carry Ace into his cabin, you checked on him one last time and went out leaving him a note on the bedside table, in which you warned him that you would be back later.
You continued your tour with your colleagues, you had distributed medicines and painkillers to the men and then you went downstairs to take inventory of the medicines. By writing everything down meticulously, you realized that the situation wasn't the best.
“We've lost more than half of them Marco, and I can't ration the supplies we have because they don't even cover a third of the crew.” You said as you handed him the report you had made.
The first commander read the numbers you had collected, despite everything he remained apparently calm.
“We have to grit our teeth for a while, we have two days of sailing to the next island, with the ship in these conditions. We will have to work miracles." Phoenix said as he put down the book and checked the route she had chosen. Under normal conditions the Moby Dick would have arrived in less than half a day, but the ship risked taking on water and one of her engines was showing signs of failure.
Resisting for two days in those conditions, with the adverse weather of the New World would not have been so easy.
“Don't worry about my shoulder it's already recovering, go see Ace.” He told you immediately afterwards with a hint of a smile to reassure you, Marco had seen Ace fight and had confided in you that his health conditions worried him a bit.
“Okay, see you later Marco.” You replied, but not before leaving him a couple of painkillers. You quickly left the door and went towards Ace's room, the dining room was destroyed, so the fourth division would have brought food to everyone else and many accommodations were in bad shape, the men had organized themselves as best they could with mattresses, bunks and hammocks in the corridor.
You went to the infirmary to see if there was any news but your "little sisters" reassured you that everything was fine, you still said to call you in any case. They would have slept in the infirmary, because your rooms had also been hit.
When you entered Ace's room you didn't expect to see him already standing, you sighed and closed the door behind you joining him.
“Hey Love!” He greeted you with his usual smile, as if nothing had happened, you huffed but also smiled, luckily Ace seemed to be indestructible.
“You should stay in bed and rest.” You told him as you checked his bandages, they needed to be changed and surely a few stitches had popped off.
So you didn't waste any time and made him lie down on the bed, not without some protests.
“Wounds like this take longer to heal Ace.” You told him as you sutured him again, you had given him a shot of anesthetic, at least to not make him feel pain but his devil fruit quickly burned what was injected into his body, it was no small problem.
Ace was trying not to say a word or let out a single cry of pain, he was trying to hold on so as not to worry you further.
“I know it hurts, honey, I promise it's just for a few more seconds.” You said, better fixing the last stitch that had opened and then bandaging everything with a thicker and tighter bandage, at least in this way the stitches would have to hold up for the night.
Ace threw himself on you, complaining a little about the rest of his body hurting, so you asked to show you where he hurt. You discovered that he had at least a dozen bruises scattered here and there.
So you rolled up your sleeves and took some lotion from your bag to sober them up it can be absorbed more quickly.
“What is it Love?” Ace asked you as he ran his hand through your hair to caress you, he could see that you were tense.
“I hate seeing you in pain.” You responded, leaning against one of the pillows on Ace's bed. You had rubbed lotion on him and now you were lying next to each other. You traced the outline of his abs with your fingertips and with a light touch so as not to hurt him.
“One sleep and I'll be as good as new.” He said Ace smiling at you and kissing the tip of your nose, then your cheeks and finally his lips. He was an incurable romantic.
“If everyone were like you. We have two days of travel ahead of us, said Marco, supplies of food and medicines must be heavily rationed, but luckily no one has lost their lives." You said caressing his face and lingering more on his cheeks to play with their softness.
“It'll be fine, you'll see, we've faced worse and Marco will have chosen a fairly calm route.” Your boyfriend had taken your hands to bring them close to his lips to kiss them. He then slowly went up until he reached your neckline where he rested without asking your permission: "You're an excellent pillow and I'll recover faster this way." Ace had started purring like a cat rubbing against you and you had laughed, not chasing him away but holding him tighter to you.
“Are you still thinking about the symbol you saw?” You asked after a while, noticing the serious look that Ace had made while looking at the sea from the porthole of your cabin.
“Yes, I don't know why but I have a strange feeling.” And that strange feeling more simply translated into trouble ahead.
“They could hang up on us but they know that at this point Dad might intervene with his devil fruit.” You said playing with the locks of his hair, they had grown a little more, he would have to cut them soon.
“You know his power is so strong that it would wipe out the continent, and then I don't think it would be good for his health.” Ace had started drawing invisible circles on your back, slowly and in an almost hypnotic manner.
“Someone here doesn't want to sleep…” You whispered in his ear making your lover smirk.
“Come on Love, so I can heal faster.” Ace breathed on your neck allowing a rush of shivers to travel down your spine.
“You are recovering.” You insisted, standing up and straddling him.
“In fact, I won't make any movements, you will do everything, are you my personal nurse or not, Love?” Ace's warm hands ran along your sides rubbing against the bones of your pelvis, he knew that was a delicate spot of yours and that you loved when he squeezed it like that.
You held back a moan, just to not give him satisfaction, but the blush on your face made him smirk again.
“So I have full control? Can I start this visit?” You asked as you unhooked the clasp of your bra and Ace helped you take it off throwing it away on the floor of his room.
You wore a white top that tied in a bow at the back of your neck, it was Ace's favorite.
“Of course Love.” Ace had settled in better, he loved it when you took control in bed, it was a shame you weren't wearing a uniform.
You didn't have to be told twice and you gave him a kiss on the lips, then moving down to his chin, to his neck where you bit a little harder, drawing a small sigh of satisfaction from him, and then continuing your descent of kisses on his his abdomen.
Here you were a little more careful not to bite too hard and you helped yourself with your hands to tease him a little more. You traced the grooves of his muscles with your fingertips and went down to the V carved on his groin and dared to bite a little harder.
You smiled as you saw Ace's gaze starting to become full of lust.
You wasted no time fiddling with his belt, you knew it too well by now and knew how to remove it quickly.
“So far the control seems to be going well.” You said while playing with the elastic of his boxers.
"You say? I keep feeling something isn't right." He had said, caressing your cheek with his warm palm which you rubbed against.
You were about to continue, wanting to give him more pleasure, until the alarm went off all over the deck of the ship and made you freeze on the spot.
“Fuck.” He cursed Ace as you quickly got dressed to go check. You rushed out of his cabin to find yourself in a critical situation.
They were attacking you.
“I thought we were past the bad part.” She said Ace as you two reached the main deck. The sound of bombs hitting near the ship.
“These people here don't intend to give in, they attacked us waiting for us halfway.” Satch had arrived before you and handed you the binoculars to get a better look.
“That's ten ships! But what do they think they are doing!” You said as Ace grabbed your waist and quickly lowered you to avoid a cannon shot, he had grazed your head.
“They have the same symbol as the others, they must be allies.” Izo said taking cover as well.
“There's only one thing left to do, let's attack them.” Ace was about to come out, the Moby Dick was surrounded, Marco stopped him in time.
“It's not the right time yet.” The first commander had said, the ships were not within range, the snail near us had started to ring incessantly.
“This is the infirmary, where is the big sister?”
“I'm here, what's happening?”
“They hit us and we are seriously injured, come help us quickly.”
Damn, that's all you needed, more serious injuries to operate on in a situation like this.
"I am coming." You said, closing the conversation and turning to Ace: “Don't bullshit honey.” You told him and he smiled back at you.
“Go save our comrades.”
You ran downstairs to find yourself in total chaos, you quickly rinsed your hands and immediately put on gloves, there wasn't a second of time to waste.
“The situation upstairs?” One of your companions asked, handing you the tools to remove the pieces of wood that had stuck inside the body of one of your shipmates.
“Quieter than ours. The commanders were pissed off." You responded by starting to extract the largest pieces and immediately moving on to disinfecting and suturing.
The roars of some cannon shots or the sound of swords being drawn did not distract any of you while you operated.
You had lives to save and no one would die on your ship.
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Twelve hours later the infirmary was a mess of needles, bottles of painkillers, scalpels, various instruments and blood. But fortunately all the most critical patients were stable, even those who had injured themselves on the command bridge and had been rushed to the infirmary.
The battle above had ended with the explosion of the enemy ships and Whitebeard had also played his part, he had regulated his power but this had cost him his health.
“Don't you dare lie. I can see it hurts.” You said as you set up his new IVs and increased the dose of antibiotic and painkiller to make him feel better.
“Enough is enough.” He replied, placing a hand on your shoulder: “You did a great job, you and the girls.” He added, looking at each member of his crew covered in bandages and painkillers.
You smiled, forcing yourself a little, the adrenaline in your body was starting to decrease: “Thanks dad.” Ace was next to you, his bandages stained with blood, but he was well enough to stand and support you. The fight had burdened him and despite this he also had responsibilities as a commander, he had to grit his teeth and set a good example for all your men.
Marco examined the nautical charts, the ship had suffered further damage and navigation would become more difficult, the island you wanted to reach was too far away.
“Hey…but that's an island!” You couldn't believe your colleagues' words, the girls were leaning over the bridge to get a better look.
In the end they were right, an island had appeared on your horizon.
“Marco please there is an island we can go to.” You had talked to the other girls, and all of you had introduced yourself to the first commander to convince him to go down to the island that you had spotted that morning at the first light of dawn when the smoke from the other ships had cleared.
Ace had tried to dissuade you, but he had no say in the matter.
“It is not part of our territories.” The first commander said while drinking his cup of bitter coffee.
“And whose would it be?” You asked for all your colleagues as Ace tried to calm you down. The island was only two hours away from you, you could have stopped to stock up on food, repair the ship and treat the wounded better.
“Del Rosso.” Marco replied, cursing himself for having taught us girls to navigate and knowing how to read a map and he cursed himself even more for having answered, the girls and you, hearing that name, had headed to Whitebeard to tell him to dock on the island immediately.
“They don't have a shred of restraint.” Satch had said, understanding well that landing on an island belonging to another emperor was not something prudent.
“It's Shanks the Red, of all people it's the best guess that could have happened to us.” Ace said, your boyfriend hadn't moved an inch after you glared at him, as if to say either you're on my side or I'll kill you. You could have a civil discussion with him, but it was still a risk.
“The problem is that knowing them they would face it without even thinking about it. Especially your girlfriend Ace.” He had said Izo, adjusting his Kimono to hide a bandage.
“Don't tell me anything, I have no say in the matter.” She said Ace, resigning herself to the fact that when you set your mind to something you managed to get it done. The boys started laughing heartily, your fervent spirit had brought back some joy to the crew.
In the end however, partly due to everyone's tiredness and partly because it was urgent to repair the ship, you had prevailed and for this reason you headed towards the island.
You could have expected anything when you got off, but not to find the Red's crew on dry land.
“Hey Whitebeard!” He had greeted the emperor with his usual smile that you couldn't identify. It was an idiotic smile. That's what the only explanation was.
“Please, no fights.” You said, placing yourself between the two and glaring at both of them. You were sick of a lot of clashes and battles. The deathmatch for the sake of the good old days could wait.
No displays of Haki, no weapons being drawn. You breathed a sigh of relief and left the two emperors chatting while Marcus began supervising the construction of a camp. The redhead's crew also helped you, Ace was right to say that of all the emperors Shanks was the best case that could have happened to you.
Six hours later you were finally leaving the infirmary you had set up to get some fresh air. You had rechecked all your patients, fixed and splinted broken legs, destroyed wrists and sprained arms, all injuries that the men had hidden from you and for which they had received a severe lecture.
“The injured, even the serious ones, fortunately, they are all stable. Two days and they'll be as good as new.” You reported to your captain, explaining who the most critical ones were and what medicines needed to be taken as soon as possible.
“The ship has suffered quite a bit of damage, we should stop here for at least a week.” Marco said, listing the damage suffered, and it was quite a bit, but luckily it could be repaired.
The meeting was going to last late and Ace noticed the bags under your eyes and the fact that you couldn't pay attention. The lack of sleep was making itself felt.
“You should rest.” She had told you, making you sit on him. Nobody had said anything, in fact the discussions had continued.
“I will rest when I need it.” You said, trying to continue listening, even though the warmth of her body was an invitation to sleep, you had to resist. Three hours later, in the late afternoon you had emerged from the meeting room tent. From what had emerged, Red and his men had also been attacked in a similar manner a few days earlier and from the rumors circulating, an alliance seemed to have formed to eliminate the old emperors.
Better and better. If this was true you would have expected a clash in the days when you set sail again.
It was better to go and stock up on medicines.
“Let's go get the medicines from the village and come back.” You had told Ace leaving a kiss on his cheek. You had quickly changed by borrowing one of his shirts.
“Are you sure I don't have to come with you?” Ace didn't want to let you wander around alone, ok you were with your colleagues but he still preferred you to avoid it, despite everything there were bounties hanging on your heads that would have attracted many bounty hunters, but the sooner you went to get the medicine the sooner you could go back to him you answered him.
“Sure, just think about regaining your strength.” Ace had collapsed a few seconds after you had left the meeting room, sleep, narcolepsy and the wounds that had not healed had drained him of his last strength and carrying him to his tent had been a titanic undertaking.
“We'll be back in three hours.” You reassured him and left the tent, going to the girls and walking towards the nearest town.
Three hours later you returned as you promised and the whole crew breathed a sigh of relief that had not gone unnoticed by any of us.
“What do you want me to tell you, our nurses are known to be quite troublesome.” You could finally treat Ace with the right dose of painkillers and antibiotics, one that she would only wear off the next evening.
“We troublemakers?” You laughed as you took some cotton and soaked it in alcohol, you had to clean the wound on his chest and Ace was already glaring at you.
“Don't be such a baby, it's just rubbing alcohol.” You said placing it on his chest and pressing softly. Luckily the stitches hadn't broken in the previous clash.
“I never liked that thing.” Ace said glaring at the new cotton ball that was getting closer to his wound.
He was a child.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek to distract him and it happened.
“Big sister!” One of your girls had entered the tent: “Did I interrupt something?” She asked then noticing how you looked. You sitting on Ace's lap in a position that couldn't be misunderstood.
“No don't worry dear, tell me everything.” You responded, taking the gauze and starting to bandage it. Ace's torso, your boyfriend wanted to say otherwise but he held back.
“We found some natural hot springs, you have to come and bathe with us now! Commander Ace I'm commandeering our head nurse for the next two hours.” Your subordinate had said, grabbing you by the shoulders and dragging you out of the tent.
"HEY!" Ace was following you ready to catch you but the other girls prevented him: "This evening will be all for you, but for now we want to be with the big sister."
Luckily Izo and Satch had grabbed Ace by the shoulders and carried him to the other side to distract him. Telling him that it was right to leave some space for us girls.
“You are impossible, I don't even have a costume!” You said as the two of you arrived at the shores of the Hot Springs.
“Who said you need a swimsuit, we are all women!”
After all, they were right, but you regretted not spending time with Ace, you had been interrupted a few too many times for your liking in those hectic days, the only thing you wanted was to spend some intimate time with the your boyfriend.
But the thermal water was a panacea for your nerves that you would regret in the next few days. Only you girls, no man nearby and a lot of calm interrupted here and there by some otters that came close to smell you, were the inhabitants of that place and we had taken a liking to you.
There was so much calm that at a certain point you couldn't stand it anymore. You kind of missed the chaotic life that was with your sailing companions, but you missed Ace so much, you wanted to go and hug him, lock yourself in his tent and stay with him all night.
The spa had only partially dissipated the stress you had accumulated during those days, you knew well how to dispose of the remaining part with your fiery boyfriend.
“I'd say we go back to camp.” You said as you walked out and put on your underwear and white top. The cold air of the evening went perfectly with the feeling of warmth that the spa had left in you and this had made you even more nostalgic for Ace, usually he was the one who created that sensation that you liked so much.
"Already? But can't we stay a little longer?”
“It's been more than two hours, they'll be worried about us.” You replied as you looked around for your shorts and trying not to fall on the otter pups that must have been spinning around frantically. What naughty little brats.
“But boss, we're not enjoying this calm!”
“That's right and men can be alone, what could happen?”
You looked at each of your friends and just your look was enough to convince them that it was best to go back. You could already imagine what could happen to that rowdy gang of Pirates with the absence of you girls.
“We will come here more times in the next few days.” You finally said making the others laugh, they all agreed to go back to having some relaxation: "They took my shorts!" You added as you weaved through the vegetation to look for them.
The girls also noticed that a couple of their clothes were missing, but the otters that had kept you company were starting to get restless and seemed to want to tell you to forget about it and go back.
"That have?" You asked yourselves, not understanding the sudden agitation.
A sudden movement of air above your heads made you suddenly spin.
“Damn I didn't get them!” About ten men had appeared on the other side of the baths. A shiver ran down your spine as you slowly approached the others, that symbol they carried with them, a skull with a knife dividing it in two, were the men who had attacked you in the previous days.
“It's okay, just come here.” She tried to say one of them with a dodgy face, yellow teeth and some missing, his face marred by scars.
You remained f trying not to make any rash moves, you couldn't escape because they were surrounding you and you were disarming.
"Damnation." You said as the girls pressed closer to you. How long were they watching you? Had they come to you before? Did they know about the camp? Had they already attacked him? How was Ace?
It seemed to be a nightmare that didn't want to end, those men possessed Algamalotite weapons, Ace possessed a devil fruit and risked being seriously injured, he even risked his life.
You couldn't allow something like that.
Another blow forced you to duck to avoid a scythe hitting you, only then did you notice a scalpel on the ground, how it ended up there didn't interest you that much, it was always something to defend yourself with.
You took it without hesitation, hiding it inside your hand.
It was the seven of you against more than a dozen armed men.
You had to play smart.
And while the men surrounded you starting to list the worst things to do to you you tried to find a way to escape, the main path was out of the question, if they were intelligent they had put some men to guard it.
The forest seemed like the only way out, but it was characterized by such dense vegetation that it would only hinder you.
But it was the only option available.
“At my signal, run as fast as you can, no one looks back, let's be clear.” You said as one of the enemies approached you. If they had captured you you would have become a dangerous medium of exchange. You knew Santa so well that he would have done anything to bring you home safely, not to mention Ace, oh god if only he had found out about the danger you were in.
You couldn't let your boyfriend risk his life with the injuries he had. No, you would never forgive yourself.
“Big sister…” The man was a few steps away from you and the girls.
You inhaled deeply and only when he was one step away from you did you use the scalpel to hit him in the jugular. Blood splattered everywhere but you didn't care.
Some of the girls screamed at what had happened. The men in front of you were stunned. It was just what you needed.
“Leave now!” You shouted grabbing one of your little sisters and starting to run, you had the element of shock on your side and you had to make the most of it. The camp wasn't too far away, once you reached it you could have notified everyone.
Two gunshots made your blood run cold. Warning shots, they wanted to capture you without doing too much damage.
They wanted to avoid the wrath of your captain and his commanders.
“No one was hit. Let's run boss."
“In the vegetation! Hurry and don't scream, not even if a shot passes by you!” You immersed yourself in the forest among brambles and branches that hurt you every time you passed, your wounds burned and your muscles ached, but you had to keep running, soon the gunshots would no longer be a warning.
You were just thankful that you and your classmates had been through so much that you weren't scared so easily. The oxen and the silence were your best allies at that moment, but the voices of your opponents were too close, they seemed to have grown louder to boot.
And the camp fire still seemed to be so far away.
“Hold on, we're almost there!” You said as you saw Whitebeard's flag along with Red's flag waving in the night. Driven by a new spirit you overcame the last obstacles by starting to shout to attract attention, to hell with not getting caught,
“ACEEEE” You screamed seeing your boyfriend's hair near the fire.
The dark-haired man turned around looking for you until he saw you and he became alarmed along with the others. Ace started running in your direction without wasting time, without waiting for the others.
“Take them!” The men chasing you had increased and the shots were not sent as a warning but were trying to hit you.
“Run, don't turn around.” You said as you jumped over a log and helped one of your classmates up after she fell to the ground.
“Come on, come on!” you said starting to run again hearing Ace call your name.
Ace was running towards you, everyone was coming.
Then a gunshot and your world became darker. You fell to your knees as you tried to pack the wound on your pelvis. The blow was so strong that it knocked the bullet out and your body stopped reacting the moment your knees hit the ground.
“Run you fools!” You said trying to send the girls away but no one moved petrified of what had happened.
You felt the blood flow out of the wound, hot and thick and spilling onto the ground.
Ace stood in front of you motionless as if he was trying to act but he couldn't, but in his eyes you could see a fire you had never seen before.
He caught you before you fell to the ground and held you close to her: "Don't worry love, I'm here." He said standing up and facing the enemy.
There were few who had seen Ace's true anger when someone dear to him was attacked or hurt, and there were still few who had survived to tell the tale.
You felt Ace hand you over to someone else, you couldn't keep your eyes open from all the blood you were losing, but you felt Ace place his hair on you and tell you to hold on.
Then he went all dark and muffled and a white light covered your vision.
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Waking up wasn't the best, you heard the sound of the machines you had in the infirmary intermittently and you couldn't focus on what was around you.
Breathing hurt, and the oxygen mask you wore scratched your cheeks. Only then did you notice a mass of black hair leaning on the same mattress as you and an orange hair, which you knew well, resting on top of you.
Ace was sleeping, he knew how long you had been unconscious or if he had been struck by an attack of narcolepsy.
You stroked his hair, lulling him to sleep and observing his expressions, until he opened his eyes.
“Hi Ace.” You greeted with a smile.
“Well woken up Love” He replied, leaving a kiss on your forehead and caressing your face and staring at you for endless minutes.
"What happened?" You asked trying to get up but being stopped by Ace.
“You pay attention to the points.” The brunette said as she helped you up without you trying too hard.
“She woke up! You woke up sweetie!” Satch's voice said as she walked in with a tray full of lots of breakfast things. Immediately afterwards she entered half the world into the infirmary.
“Big sister you recovered!” The girls did nothing but cry loudly, while the men tried to comfort them and make them calm down, they were full of bandages and plasters, only superficial wounds fortunately. Each one told how difficult it had been to operate because of the blood you had lost and that they hadn't stopped until dawn. Red Shanks' doctor had also come to help you.
The girls continued to cry and you were moved by that reaction and you also tried to calm them down, but they started crying more.
“You should have seen Ace after they took you and then the girls didn't let us get closer even with threats!” She had said Izo sitting on a stool near the bed and Ace had turned red with embarrassment.
“Not only did he knock out all the enemies who were chasing you, but this wretch here went straight to their camp, burning everything and everyone, without waiting for us.” Marco continued, hitting your boyfriend on the head with a newspaper.
“Ace!” You said, turning to him, “Stupid, you don't have to face so many enemies alone.” You grabbed him by the cheeks.
“Come on Love, they hurt you, I had to punish them properly.” The dark-haired man said, freeing his cheeks and squeezing your hands.
"Unconscious." You said with tears in your eyes.
God you nearly lost him, because if he had been injured you wouldn't have been able to treat him in those conditions.
“Commander Ace don't make big sister cry!”
A small argument had developed between Ace and the girls, Izo had promptly pulled you out to prevent your health from worsening while the others tried to calm the two parties down.
It was your captain's voice that called your attention: "Let her rest, Ace, keep an eye on her." So everyone had slowly left the infirmary and the two of you alone, the girls had first relieved you of all the devices and drips to which you were attached and now you felt freer.
They made sure Ace didn't do any harm and were very direct in saying in no uncertain terms that I shouldn't force myself in any way and then they left.
“Come close to me Ace.” Ace didn't have to be told twice and got into the infirmary bed with you, you were a little tight but feeling him so close made you feel good.
“Aren't the girls going to hang me somewhere?” He had asked as he kissed your cheeks.
“Don't worry, I'll stop him.” You said touching his bandage and looking when she was covered in blood.
“Ace…” You whispered, trying to get a better look.
“It's not mine…it's yours…” Ace said rubbing your back with his warm hands to calm you down. You could only imagine the pain Ace had felt seeing you lose all that blood.
“I didn't know how to fix this.” He whispered looking at your bandage and slowly caressing the area: "I was very scared, they held it down like you told me to do, but you kept bleeding and I..." Ace's eyes were shiny, you knew him well that yes he would have stopped himself from crying, but he needed it right now.
You held him tightly to you, hiding his face in your breast and whispering in his ear: "Love, I'm here, safe and sound, Grace and you, if you want to cry, do it, I'm sorry for having made you worry so much." Ed Ace had held you close to him and salty tears had started streaming down his face.
He had told you what he had felt in that moment, so much fear. His flames had become uncontrollable due to those emotions and he was grateful to be alone at that moment.
“Actually there was Marco who turned me off just in time.” He added as you wiped the tears from his cheeks. You couldn't see him in that condition, Ace never cried - the only time he did was when he told you who he really was and about his past.
"Unconscious." You whispered, kissing him lightly: "You can't do these things if I'm not there to take care of you." You added, kissing him again.
“I don't like that the roles have been reversed.” Ace had said as he kissed you back.
“For once we can take a few days to ourselves.” You told him, kissing him again and biting his lower lip.
A pang had suddenly taken you from his side all the way down to his stomach. Ace had noticed this and immediately put himself in a different position, raising your torso slightly even though you said you were fine.
“You're clearly in pain! Please, just help me.” He said checking your bandage, luckily everything seemed to be fine.
“Ace don't worry.” You tried to reassure him, in a couple of days and some painkillers they would have you back on your feet.
“Don't you want to go back to work right away?!” Ace had placed you on top of him, you were now leaning against his chest and the tray full of Satch's food rested on your legs.
“How long has it been since you ate?” He asked then taking a grape and bringing it to your lips.
“How long has it been since you ate?” You responded with the same question by cutting a slice of meat and giving it to your boyfriend.
“For once I can take care of you.” He said to, Ace exasperated and leaving kisses on your neck. You laughed and then you continued breakfast, during which Ace told you what had happened at the camp, Redhair had already left the island and there had been no farewell fights or anything like that.
You chatted and exchanged small outpourings of love until the doctor came in and decreed that you could leave the infirmary but that you absolutely had to rest.
“Losing a girl like you! I really don't think about it, Ace don't make her get too tired please." The doctor said, giving another direct and blunt lecture.
“But why is everyone like this?!” Ace was carrying you in his arms, he had been adamant, he wouldn't make you so tired. You laughed and hugged him. Only you knew the delicacy that Ace put into every gesture that concerned you, even when you made love, no one would have ever said it but Ace - in addition to being fiery and passionate - was extremely sweet and kind. He cared a lot about making sure he didn't hurt you and making sure he respected your every need.
Yet you were happy to only know this sweet and delicate aspect of him.
“Ace let me change your bandages.” You said, getting up from the bed and grabbing the medical kit you had brought with you.
“I should be the one to change them for you. My wounds have already healed.” Your boyfriend had said stopping you from grabbing something and double checking your bandages, they were still clean and perfect.
A suspicious noise had made you freeze on the spot, voices calling for help and the nurses had reached your ears.
“Oh God, not again…” You said ready to leave to go see the situation.
"Do not even think about it." Ace said taking you back to bed and snickering.
“Ace but what if someone is hurt?” You protested once on the mattress, you tried to get up, but there was no way Ace would die.
“The girls are here, you absolutely need to rest.” Your boyfriend said, kissing you between your collarbones and slowly unbuttoning the shirt you were wearing at the time.
No other alarming voices had arrived from outside so the situation was under control.
“Will you take care of me?” You asked, settling yourself better on the pillows and waiting for your boyfriend to come closer.
“I will be your personal doctor.”
He kissed you, a kiss full of passion and tension accumulated in the previous days, a kiss that only tasted of so much love that you absolutely wanted to give him to heal those wounds that had remained in the soul and not in the flesh of both of you.
You kissed him back as his hands came down to cup your hips.
At that moment only the two of you existed and nothing else.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 11)
Platonic Whitebeard Crew & Reader-Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior (somehow I think I managed to loop Teach into it now too, so congrats, you've charmed a bastard man). If you find yandere content uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any relevant variations to 'one piece yandere'.
Do not tolerate this behavior in real life.
Stay safe and have fun!
If my mental math is correct, I should finish this in 4~ish more chapters. So we're nearing the end!
Also, surprisingly sympathetic take on Teach's backstory, didn't know I had it in me. This is assuming the fan theory that he's from a winter island and was with Whitebeard since he was young, btw.
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Word Count: 2,099
Teach grinned as his new crew set the sails to leave the small island he’d recruited them from. Dawn was just breaking and he wanted to make good time—just in case he already had tails from his old crew. He wasn’t entirely sure how much of a head start he had given the rush he was in to ensure Thatch didn’t eat the fruit. Decades looking for it and he nearly lost his chance again.
He adjusted your limp body under his arm for a moment, enjoying the palpable feeling of his power increasing from the contact. The shadows seemed to writhe hungrily at his senses, eagerly awaiting his command in a way they simply didn’t without you. You… well, you were a bit of last minute surprise as well. Sure, in theory, he could just take your fruit but he wasn’t confident it would work the same way. And he couldn’t risk wasting it if it didn’t. Besides, you’re the perfect bait.
He has the power. He has the plan. Now he just needs the reputation to become the Pirate King. And what better way than taking down his old crew one at a time? Sowing chaos to fracture them until Oyaji is too weak to stand against him and properly claim rise to his lofty goals as ‘Blackbeard’. Killing Thatch would certainly get someone on his ass, though he was torn between commanders as to who it could be. Izo was sore enough about losing old friends, and Marco may feel responsible as first mate. But Ace—well, he was a spitfire at the best of times and his old commander to boot.
Taking you was sort of like kicking the hornet’s nest. While also becoming even more powerful in a single move. How could he not do it?
The minor issue of ensuring you never have a chance of squirming away was easily solved with a bit of chain. It’s not like you were particularly strong, though you were smart enough to not do anything too risky—which he appreciated really. Though he’d prefer you sticking around willingly if only to not have to carry you every time you fell asleep.
Teach chuckled a little to himself as he returned to his newly minted quarters. You were wearing down pretty fast the longer he was ‘on the run’. No real chance to properly rest or recuperate from what must be a stressful situation—for you at least. If he neglected to feed you every now and then it only helped ensure you were weaker than before. Who knows, he might not even need the chain if this kept up.
Teach set you down on the sparse bed, unhooking his end of the chain to secure it to the latch on the wall. It wasn’t like he was going to use the bed himself. He paused a moment to watch as you curled up against the wall, completely dead to the world.
Heh. Cute.
He didn’t get why Oyaji recruited the way he did. Pretending to be a big family when they were actually just a band of pirates taking what they wanted. Too soft for a man with the strength to do anything he desired. Too many vulnerabilities. But every so often he thought he understood it… a little. Late night parties with lighthearted competition. Long running arguments about inane subject that both parties are a little too invested in to be serious.
Teach reached down and removed your glasses, examining the cracked lens. Bending it in the light to watch it refract as he considered your position. His prisoner and, technically, first mate. Though he wouldn’t be having you fight—not that he’d trust you to fight for him right now. He had the absolute upper hand over you. Chose to stay his hand. Because you had use to him.
He heard you shudder a little and paused, setting the thick glasses down. You were cold—weak body sensitive to the relative chill in the room. Unbidden, he remembered long, cold nights on his home island in the snow. Powerless and unsure if he’d survive to see daylight again.
Until Oyaji found him. A small, frail part of his chest ached at the memory. The sheer relief that he was safe now. His next meal guaranteed at no cost. No more cold, lonely nights. Even now, he calls him that. Oyaji. Despite fully planning to kill him. The idea didn’t conflict in his head. It was simply the way of things. Old replaced by the new. What higher respect could he pay his father-figure than personally ensuring his demise to further his own prospects? To step out of the shadows and get rid of one of the few people alive that can remember the sad, pathetic child in the snow?
Perhaps this strange sense of sentiment was his own, personal weakness. Crafted by a man too weak of heart to truly conquer the seas.
Teach shrugged off his coat, laying it over you gently. Chuckling when you stopped trembling.
He was a pirate. He could indulge in whatever vice he wanted… though perhaps cautiously. It wouldn’t do to deride Oyaji for something he, himself, was guilty of in excess.
He didn’t get why Marco took you. Why Oyaji agreed to take you in. Well, aside from your devil fruit. But the soft glove approach smacked of weakness given your surprisingly stubborn refusal.
But the slow, rolling satisfaction that settled in his chest knowing that he made sure you weren’t cold… he thought he could understand Oyaji a little better now. Why he kept picking up strays everywhere he went so indulgently in the same way he’d sneak sips of good booze when the nurses weren’t looking.
It was a strange, frail sort of pride to partake in. Pride at providing. But Teach learned at Oyaji’s knee to take enjoyment from the little things in life.
Besides, it wasn’t like you could sell him out or take advantage of what scraps he gave you. As long as you behaved, he supposed there was no problem in these small gestures of kindness. So long as you never forgot your place, that is.
Luffy laughed, loudly and with glee as his older brother teased his crew. He was so proud of the people he’d recruited so far and wanted Ace to see what he did. Those bright, beautiful sparks that drew Luffy like a moth to flame. The spark that Ace himself had since they were children that only grew since they parted. Ace was still hurt, a little broken inside, but it had healed since they last met.
“Why are you here, anyhow?” Nami asked, “I thought Whitebeard mostly stuck to the New World?” Ever inquisitive, Luffy’s smile widened at how clever his navigator was. Ace scowled, tipping his head towards the man he brought with him.
Pineapple. Well, Ace called him ‘Marco’ but obviously Pineapple was better. Tall and blond with bright blue eyes—achingly reminding him of Sabo but different enough that Luffy could barely see the ghost of his other brother.
“We’re tracking down a traitor. He tried to kill one of our own and kidnapped another.” Pineapple scowled with dark eyes. Luffy’s crew was shocked—giving Luffy the impression that this was an even bigger deal than he first thought.
“A nakama-killer? Who?” Ussop asked breathlessly, “What kind of monster would make it out from a Yonko ship after that?!”
“Teach.” Ace hissed in a way that reminded Luffy of the few times he said Bluejam or Celestial Dragon. Fire flickering between his teeth. “He goes by ‘Blackbeard’ now. Promise me if you run into him you won’t fight him, Lu. He nearly killed Thatch. You’re not strong enough to fight him yet.”
Luffy made a noise of surprise, both at Ace’s words and the name.
“Hey, didn’t we already run into him?” Zoro asked, glancing at Luffy for confirmation. Luffy remembered the weird pirate well. Poor taste in food and rude as hell.
“Yeah, we did actually. Weird guy with a weird laugh. With the tired four-eyes.” The two looked at Luffy sharply. “I almost got in a fight with him but he weirded me out.”
“Tired four eyes?” Ace asked with a pissed off expression. Luffy felt a small twinge of guilt for not helping the stranger at the time, but something inside him whispered ‘not yet’.
“Yeah. They were connected with a chain. Thought he had a slave or something but Nami said it wasn’t quite right.” Luffy explained. Nami nodded, tensing slightly as the two looked at her for more answers.
“Well, usually slaves just have the collar. And he didn’t make any demands or order them around. They just had to… follow him. He even yanked them by accident and apologized. Most slave owners don’t bother with that.” Nami huffed.
Luffy pouted. They looked promising. He even felt… weird when they were around. Like he was stronger somehow. His heart like a steel drum in his chest. Like he felt when he was around his nakama. But they lacked a… spark. Like they lost it and Luffy didn’t know how to give it back. Almost tried anyway but his crew stopped him.
He hoped that next time they found that spark again. He’d love to have them on his crew.
Ace nodded.
“We’re getting close, at least. Hopefully we’ll catch up to them soon. Who knows, we might be able to introduce you guys properly!” Ace grinned, the edges a little sharp like he was suggesting dine-in-dashing when they were kids and hunting crocodiles was too much of a hassle. Luffy grinned.
“I wanna meet them again! Hey! Hey! Ace, do you think they’d join my crew?” Luffy cackled when Pineapple and Ace jolted at the question. Ace narrowed his eyes, clicking his tongue with a thin smile.
“Oi! Don’t go stealing from my crew, you little shit!” Ace hooked his arm around Luffy’s neck stretching it out as he gave Luffy a noogie through his hat.
Luffy squirmed, crying out at the unfairness.
“Ack! Aaaaccee~! They look cool. Though really tired! I promise to take good care of them! Ace!” Luffy complained. Arms failing uselessly as Ace kept him pinned in place. “Ace!”
Luffy’s crew watched with wide eyes as Pineapple smirked from his spot against the wall.
Okay, that felt a little like Sabo.
You looked out at the growing island, Banaro, chain wrapped around your waist so it wouldn’t drag across the deck. You knew that Teach would come over shortly to reattach it to his bracelet. For the past couple of months, he’d given you relative freedom while at sea and restricting your movement once they got close enough to an island. For the most part, you’d been avoiding the crew, which Teach encouraged.
Probably to make sure you didn’t get any outside help, not that you felt confident you would have received any if you’d asked.
The closest chances to escape you’ve noticed was the revolutionary early into your capture with Teach and Straw Hat—surprisingly. Not that you think Teach knew that.
Though the occasional spotting of a sea king was also promising, Teach had them firmly sail in whatever direction was away from potential pods. Kill joy.
Anyway, it wasn’t that Straw Hat was stronger than Teach, he was definitely a bit too green to manage it given Teach’s decades at sea.
But… that devil fruit of his.
It called out to you. Boundless as the horizon. A drumbeat that vibrated your soul. A call to… something. Something just out of your reach. And you had the sense that if you had only known what that ‘something’ was, Straw Hat would have thrown hands the minute he saw you.
The pirate seemingly breathing in sync with his fruit, only held back by how weak he was currently. Which was a strange thing to sense. Usually fruits were just not utilized well. They didn’t typically hold such obvious power that the user simply was unable to access it at that time.
It felt elastic. Snappy and twisting in a way that you found delightful. Made you want to laugh without even hearing what he was saying.
You smiled a little. Strangely optimistic for the first time in a long time.
Pirate King, huh?
… Somehow, you felt as though Straw Hat Luffy would shake the world. And despite being a ex-marine, you looked forward to it.
Hopefully, you’d be in a position to see it for yourself.
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fallensnowfan · 3 months
Academy chapter 47 part 1 is here!
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The Whitebeard Pirates are mentioned/involved in this chapter, so I felt motivated to translate it. The title is Lost Dog.
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Ace - What are you? A bear cub? "Bark?" It has to be a... dog? A… dog? Here, have this manju. Well, see ya. What a strange dog, I'd rather have a stag beetle.
Onigiri is suddenly on Ace's shoulder, Ace - How about his? He places him down and runs off.
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Onigiri trips while chasing after Ace.
Ace - Don't look back. Shit!
Onigiri is about to be attacked, though Ace saves him
Ace - There there. It's my loss. Well it looks like someone's pet, so I'm relieved. You, you're a lost dog, so start acting a little more like one. Whatever! Let's go, uhh Norimaki! No, that's not it.
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Smoker - Tashigi, how long does it take to get coffee!
Tashigi - Sorry! There are so many types of coffee beans to choose from!
Ace - Excuse me, are you busy? Do you recognize this dog? Don't know you, you were in my way.
Smoker - You!
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Smoker - Hey wait!
Smoker and Ace run off.
Tashigi - I finally decided, I got chai when it was my turn to order. Huh?
Ace - woahh!
Ace - Earlier! That was quite the fancy way of greeting me.
Smoker - You're so carefree for someone who is the second captain of Whitebeard's group, Portgas D. Ace!
Ace - Hm? You were with Luffy. I'm certain you're Smokey.
Smoker - It's Smoker.
Ace - Ah, I'm indebted to you, Mr. Smoker.
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Smoker - It's been two months since you joined that school, (after the battle against Doffy I think, or maybe Ace attacked it with his crew before joining. I'm unsure.) I'm infamous in middle school for being a demon teacher. More students have joined the Moby Dick school. I have to go there.
Ace - My brothers and I put in a lot of work to repair the school after that battle. It's a different school now, look forward to seeing it.
Smoker - Let's go. I'l remain a teacher as long as there are punk kids.
Ace - That's boring, let's have some fun.
Smoker - Before then, what about the dog? That dog belongs to Trafalgar Law. I can confirm the name's Onigiri.
Ace - Law's dog?
Flashback Luffy - Come on! Let me tell you about Traffy and his dog Onigiri! Sabo - Onigiri-chan is full of energy. Ace - Onigiri? End of flashback
Ace - That's who you are!
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Smoker - I don't think he would leave his own dog. So what could have happened to him?
Ace - Hey, are you doubting me? I'm the one who picked up this lost dog earlier.
Smoker - One lost dog can cause a commotion for many people. If you understand the potential problems, leave the dog behind.
Ace - You're smoke but I'm fire! It's a contest of ability, let's settle it! Trust in me little dog! I'll deliver you to Law. No need to bother pops, right Onigiri?
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Ace looks for Onigiri but there's just a cow that appeared hahahaha.
Mystery cow - mooooo
Ace - Onigiri transformed into a cow?!
Smoker - No, moron. It must have been scared by the fire just now, and fled somewhere safe to hide.
Ace - M-my flames?! Don't blame people's nature like that!
Smoker - Animals are naturally afraid of fire.
Ace - They probably hate smoke too! You and your smoke must have scared it off.
Smoker - You brat. Why don't you trust the rice ball dog to me? I will find the dog.
Ace - Smoker, wait. Will you assist me? To search for this dog?
Smoker - What?
Next chapter will release on the 18th/19th of July! I hope Marco and or Izo make an appearance.
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New World (6)
Itachi Uchiha x Reader Fluff
Summary: The world War has met its end and Itachi has returned to his village. He questions whether he should set down his roots here when he meets a stranger. Or rather, a stranger is forced upon him by fate.
Warnings: old men and their rituals
Word Count: @justiceiswater your comment is the reason I got myself to write this chapter quickly.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
When one thinks about a Bamboo Village, one imagines bamboo being a part of every household in that village. But what we are looking at, or rather, walking through- does not do justice to the name. The entrance of the village is the endless lush bamboo trees with the freshest tone of green; grown up as if to infinity, but never preventing the sunrays from bouncing through the sturdy mesh throughout this little forest. The filtered sun rays are welcomed by your sun-starved skin, bringing a much-needed calmness to your mind as your lips curve into a smile and your eyes close to face the direction of the filtering sun.
Itachi is watching the worry wash away from your face slowly but surely. That little guarded emotion in his chest seems to have eased up a little on seeing you smile at the scenic entrance and the warming sun. And in place of that guarded emotion, another hue of something heavier- but positive- seems to take place. His mind is curious as to what is this new feeling in his chest. But his eyes are stuck on you. Those dark pupils are somewhat lighter in today's sun.
"Welcome to the Bamboo Village! Our humble home," the Chief announces from above his ride and Naruto is the first one to gasp in bewilderment. Where the bamboos end starts an entire village at the edge of a hill made structures entirely out of bamboos- bridges, houses, furniture, you name it. And at the top of the hill sits a lone structure etched in stone- a temple.
The village is lively with the happy cries of children and surprisingly melodious calls of merchants and hawkers in the marketplace. "There's the hot springs!" Naruto points to the farther edge of the village where the caravan can see steam rising by the end of the hill crafted into smoother edges. Before Naruto can break into a dash for it, Kakashi grabs him by the collar. Chief chuckles at the agitated yellow-haired ninja. "You can soak in the hot springs all want. But before that, I would like you to meet our village elders. At the temple. Come. They have been around for about hundred years now-" he continues to talk while directing his ox towards the road that leads to the temple, and the rest follow- "so it is safe to say there is no one wiser than them in our homeland. And they will be able to explain our problem better than us. And then hopefully, Kakashi, you will be able to help us." Kakashi smiles under his mask. "As long as my comrades are safe, we are willing to help in any way we can." He does not look behind him but he- along with the rest of the members- can sense the heat of guilt rising in Fukaboshi and Izo's cheeks. Itachi can make out that they do not want to be here but they cannot say no to the chief's orders after the massive blow he has given to their egos. It does make our village's assassin happy internally.
The road finally ends up to a huge staircase, where the animals are left and the caravan climbs on foot, leading to a courtyard which overlooks the mountains and hills surrounding them and a clean breath of air gently plays around the temple in the centre of it all. Everyone stands at the steps of the temple door. The Chief takes a step to the door to bow in respect, a signal for the two elders chanting hymns inside the temple to get up and be greeted by the guests waiting outside. Fukaboshi and Izo are standing at either end of the group while Kakashi is humble enough to wait at the back and let the young ones be the first to receive the blessings. But that does to stop the Konoha's silver blade from having his eyes and ears out for any movement out of the ordinary. Even though Kozuki seems to have joined him at the back with a suppressed smile that does not seem suspicious at all. Itachi, on the other hand, seems to have an itch because suddenly, you are standing in the very front with Toge taking the place next to you. Naruto standing on your other side and Nami is standing behind Toge, trying to get a good look at the two bowls being picked up by the temple monks with purple and golden beads in one hand. "Wait-" Nami sounds confused- "Kakashi that is a-" "Do not speak unless you are spoken to," Toge tuts from the front, cutting out whatever it is that Nami is about to speak. "But-" Izo shushes Nami, for which the latter takes full offence. One monk takes the string of purple beads in one hand and the other takes a string of golden ones. Both of them start to sing a deep-throated hymn as they step down the stairs. Itachi furrows his brows at the shade of fear setting in Nami's eyes. The monks have stepped down and are now standing in front of the group. The elder of the two dips his fingers in the copper bowl in his hand and takes them out to sprinkle it over you and Toge. "What's wrong?" Itachi whispers, leaning towards Nami. And suddenly as if a thought strikes her as his voice collides with her thoughts, she grabs the back of Toge's jacket and pulls him back, while at the same time using her other free hand to push Itachi forward in Toge's position instead. "WHAT THE-" Toge is hushed by the second monk. While he is trying to make sense of what just happened, the monk takes your left hand and ties the string of purple beads on your wrist. Next, he takes Itachi's right hand and ties the golden beads on his wrist. The bowl is used again to sprinkle the contents on both of you, with the hymn still going. "Can I have one too?" Naruto whispers in the direction of the monks, grinning with all of his teeth.
Kakashi can see from the back the flustered and confused expression of the chief, who seems to want to stop the monks but isn't allowed to do so for fear of stopping something sacred. Unlike him, Fukaboshi and Izo are facepalming themselves discreetly before the former- who is also standing closer to Toge- whispers through his teeth, "You had one job." The elder monk takes the string-wrapped wrists of both of you and puts your hand in Itachi's, chanting something known only to the elders. You stand there with no thoughts behind your eyes, only following what the monks do. Itachi is trying to calculate the base of this ritual. The second monk dips his finger in his bowl and out comes the index painted red, which lands on your palm to draw one single symbol. And with that, the chanting comes to an end.
Toge is breathing furiously, his face red with anger as he glares at Nami with the intent of murder. You curiously look into your palm to make sense of the symbol. The monks bow to the chief and the caravan. "Shinzo-san, these are our guests!" the Chief explains, exasperated. Suddenly a chuckle bursts out of Kozuki that slowly turns into a cackle. Kakashi tilts his head in confusion. "Did we do something wrong?" You and Itachi look at each other with a blank gaze, neither of moving your hands away. A single crow continuously croaks at the edge of the temple roof, as if he too is laughing at something. "What's so funny, Kozuki?" Naruto shouts, "And why won't the monk-sama give me these beads?" he tries to grab one in the second monk's belt. His hand is thwapped away with a smack on his wrist at the speed of lightning, the elder never breaking from that peaceful glow on his face. "Izo!" the chief shouts in anger, "is this your doing as well??!" The old man seems to be at his wit's end. Kozuki is clapping and laughing like a seal by now until her stomach hurts and she moves in front of the group to finally look at your disoriented figure waiting for answers. "Congratulations!" She exclaims with pure joy, her voice reverberating through the temple, "Uchiha Itachi and Y/L/N Y/N, by the powers vested in these old monks by our Gods, you are now officially married!!"
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hannahbarberra162 · 1 month
I do think it's funny esp after that Izo ask, I gotta admit Marco's first confrontation could have totally backfired. I'd have either run to Izo from the very start, or completely shut down and just found a new place to hide until I'm surely, inevitably kicked off(ik it's a manipulation tactic and not genuine but we/reader don't know that). Marco doing his slow walk waiting for them to call out/grab onto him only to hear them run off the other way crying lol. But I do have to wonder what they'd do if the reader calls their bluff or decides they should leave on their own
Marco's also really tall, so him walking slow enough for reader to catch up with him quickly is like a snail's crawl. It's funny to think about lol. I'd have to run to catch up to him walking at a normal pace.
You're right, its a bluff. You're staying on the ship with them. I think Marco's pretty good at thinking on his feet, if you ran the other way he'd probably try to flip it on you - you're so scared, you can't even have a conversation with him, how can you make it on your own?
But let's say you do decide to leave. If you leave, there's a good chance you'll be caught by bounty hunters and given back to the Marines. It's easy money for the first bounty hunter who tries. Or the first Marines who come across you themselves.
Other than that, if you say you want to leave, I think they'd first try to manipulate the shit outta you. Between Thatch, Marco, and Ace I think it would be hard to get out of that mind fuck. But if you persisted in wanting to leave, they'd imprison you on the boat. I don't think they'd lock you in a room, just 24/7 supervision. You just need some time to come to your senses and see that no one loves you like they do - can't you see? You're not safe when you're on your own, you'll just hurt yourself, you're finally improving with them. You're just having a hard time right now, maybe your mind is slipping. You need some rest, you'll feel better once you've relaxed.
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SCENARIOS (characters done in green and coming in purple)
continuously denying others who think they are together (Izo)
"no we are not together" "…at least not yet" (Law)
ice skating and one is super bad at it so you need to hold hands
having to share a bed and accidentally end up cuddling (Law)
watching a movie and falling asleep on each other's shoulder
them talking about you to their friends and they make him/her realise they are lovely interested (Koby)
they find you wearing one of their clothes
A: Oh my gosh, this dog is so cute ! B: You say cute, I say absolute demon. A: Hey! Things can be cute and absolute demons. Just take you for example. B, blushing: Y-you think I'm cute?
"I can come yet but you can sit on my lap until I'm done working."
"Shh, you're safe. I'm not letting you go." (Sabo, Crocodile, Corazon coming soon)
"I'm think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
"It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling."
a quick forehead kiss while they rush for "work"
palm kiss (after a injury ?)
"You said you liked (something), so I bought this for you."
tracing their scars/birthmarks/tattoes
"How do I know if I have a crush on someone ?" "Well, you can't stop thinking about them, you feel strange when they're around, and then you want to- why are you looking at me like that ?" (Limejuice coming)
"This sounds like you're flirting with me." "… I have been trying to do that for X years now. Thanks for noticing."
holding hands during a stressful situation
intertwining fingers
"I just feel safe when I'm with you. Like nothing bad can happen."
"This marriage was supposed to be a scam but, but listen," (Yonji)
pick-up line "okay so sleeping it off didn't work. let me consult my list. hypnotism, no. meditation, certainly not. well something has to work because I simply cannot be in love with you."
"This is all your fault. If only you weren’t so fucking beautiful and smart and funny and perfect, I might not have fallen for you."
B exists A :"I might be going a little crazy thinking about B." C raises an eyebrow. A:"Fine. Maybe a lot more than a little"
"You love them, don’t you?" "How did you know? I told [friend] not to say anything." "They didn’t have to say anything."
Mistake the adress and ringing the wrong neighbour
He's always frowning and you put your finger on the winkle between his eyebrows (Limejuice coming)
you catch them doing something cute (petting a kitten/puppy, smelling a flower, eating a candy)
beach episode
they're your enemy/captain/crewmate and you crush on them
"If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I'll catch a cold."
modern au : your neighbour is loud and you write them a note, they send you flowers for apologise
natsu matsuri : you saw them in a very chest-opened-yukata because of the heat
you're sent to help them out of a prison
modern au : the waiter at the restaurant is very cute/sexy but you're too shy to ask for their number
they were supposed to meet up with someone else that didn't show up and since you have started talking, you spend the night together
in the train, they got the wrong sit and sit in front of you
they pick a flower and nonchalantly give it to you (Yonji coming)
people mistake the situation and think you're having a date
Robin notices all of your discreet glances for them/the way you look at them (Robin POV?) (Sabo)
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mamma-marimo · 2 years
Masterlist of Fics
Welcome! Welcome! These are just an archive of pieces I find on Tumblr that I adore! This is mainly a One Piece List that has maybe a few Bleach ones sprinkled in. Hope you enjoy and please, feel free to read more from the amazing authors that write these pieces and show your support for their work!
This one is the Safe for Work List
The link to the NSFW is here
Anything newly added will be marked as so and a post will be made to announce any updates!
One Piece:
Charlotte Katakuri:
Domestic, established relationship. Katakuri has a lot on his mind after the destruction caused to the island (fic)
Calling him baby girl 
Donquixote Doflamingo: 
S/O calls refers to him as husband without meaning to
Dracule Mihawk:
S/O calls refers to him as husband without meaning to
Having an endearing S/O
You were only to stay until the storm had passed but now, how could you ever think of leaving (F!reader)
First time dancing together (gn!reader)
Eustass Kid:
Painting your nails
You and Kid exchange letters while he's out at war (Film Noir AU, F!reader, it does get😈 at the end but there's a lot of build up) 
Kid patches your clumsy drunk self up
The tension is there while you patch up Kid (suggestive)
You'll always worry about Kid (F!reader)
Sharing a bath after Wano (gn!reader) 
Date Night (gn!reader) 
Beach hc’s featuring Killer 
With a sweet but feral s/o (gn!reader) 
Acts of service (gn!reader) 
Happiest Birthday (gn!reader) 
Flower Crown (Gn!reader)
A Sandwich, Toasted (gn!reader) (ft. Kid and Killer poly)
S/O Dying in His arms (gn!reader) (ANGST) 
Crush hcs (gn!reader)
Calling him baby girl 
Fluff with plenty of kisses (gn!reader) 
Beach hc’s featuring Kid 
Drunk Killer Ending up in his Crush's room (GN!)
A Sandwich, Toasted (gn!reader) (ft. Kid and Killer poly)
Baking Together(gn!reader)
Are you... braiding my hair? (gn!reader)
Nico Robin:
What makes me so special? (He/they pronouns) 
Midnight Comfort (gn!reader)
Portgas D. Ace: 
Jealous, Chpt 2, Chpt 3 (F!reader) 
No regrets (gn!reader)
Painting your nails
Calling him baby girl 
Roronoa Zoro:
You’re all I need (she/her pronouns used) 
Drunk Zoro Ending up in his Crush's room (GN!)
Going to a cat cafe (gn!reader) 
Asking to marry you (Gn!reader) 
Sir Crocodile:
S/O calls refers to him as husband without meaning to
Having an endearing S/O
Trying to show affection (gn!reader) 
Stolen crumbs of kisses (gn!reader) 
Tafalgar Law:
Shachi stumbles across a surprise late at night
Coffee Shop AU; Law crushing on a barista
Having an endearing S/O
Tracing his tattoos
Socially awkward trafalgar goofs up with the cute barista (Modern AU) (F!reader) 
In sickness and in health (gn!reader) 
A love like this (fluffy non-romance. Just him cradling his infant in his arms) 
Confession (gn!reader) 
Fireside (gn!reader) 
Vinsmoke Sanji:
Sharing your first kiss with the cook
Painting your nails
Domestic things with you and Sanji in your 40's (F!reader)
Picnic in the woods (gn!reader) 
I Think You're in Love With Me (gn!reader) 
He adores you... he really does but damnit he can't keep himself together around you (F!reader)
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caelestisdemon · 3 years
Ⓐ (whitebeards-16th-commander //Call it curiosity!
My Muse Will Rate Yours Meme
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repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 15 days
Hi, Can you for Nezuko!reader x Whitebeard crew. So just basically in the Demon slayer world Nezuko was hit with a blood demon art and just appeared on Whitebeard ship.
(Extra if you want: Nezuko wanting to be friends with Izou because he has pretty kimonos)
-They didn’t know where you came from or even what you were, when you suddenly dropped out of the sky, literally, from what looked to be a fiery portal made of black fire, landing hard on the desk of the Moby Dick.
-You looked like a teenage girl when you first arrived, looking terribly injured, one of your legs and both of your arms missing, growling darkly at them all like you were some kind of animal.
-When you suddenly grew your missing limbs, instantly healing your wounds, many thought they were in for a fight, until you realized you were in the sunshine, which used to hurt, but it didn’t, and you calmed, looking up at the sun in awe.
-Whitebeard lowered his weapon first and the others quickly did the same, following his example as you calmed down, not aggressive anymore but you shocked everyone by your form changing to that of a child’s, shrinking down before you tipped over and were fast asleep.
-You slept for several days, curled into a little ball in Marco’s room, as he was the one watching you, minding your status, as well as inspecting you, finding that you had fangs and claws like a demon, but no demon they had ever seen before.
-When you woke up, you wandered around like a lost puppy, like you were looking for something, peeking into rooms, looking under tables, following others around, hoping they would lead you to your brother, who didn’t arrive with you.
-When you arrived on the deck, looking up at the massive man known as Whitebeard, not being able to find your brother, you fell to your rear and tears quickly welled in your eyes as you started crying, your mouthpiece falling from your mouth.
-You quickly sent the ship into a panic, wondering why you were crying, but Whitebeard could feel something, like he could sense the reason behind your tears as he easily picked you up, putting you on his knee, trying to comfort you, “It seems Y/N is missing someone- perhaps that portal she came through had someone she left behind and can’t get back to them now.”
-You looked up at him through teary eyes, his words sounded right, like what he was explaining, as you couldn’t find your big brother. Whitebeard announced that you were now adopted by him and his crew and everyone on the ship became your big brothers.
-You were a curious child, always exploring and popping up in the oddest places, and you would follow certain crew members around like a duckling, with your favorites being Izo, because his clothes were familiar to you, Thatch, because he always made you tasty food, which you could now eat, Marco, who was like your protector and you slept with him, and Whitebeard, because he felt safe and comforting.
-Despite not looking overly powerful, you quickly proved yourself when the marines tried to attack, attacking your new family, and they were all stunned when your form changed to your teenage form, showing that you were able to change forms based on how much power you had stored.
-When you shifted into your adult form, however, the vines covering your skin, your fangs and nails growing, you quickly handled business, easily taking care of the marines who dared to attack your family.
-When you arrived back on the ship Izo ran to you, scolding you for being so indecent, as your kimono had fallen open, showing off your chest and legs, while you tilted your head, confused by his anger before you shrank back down to your teenage form.
-Whitebeard just boomed with laughter, finding it amusing that you were so strong, at least physically, as they all knew you were a bit fragile mentally, as you would cry at random times, looking up at the sky or out across the ocean, missing whoever you were missing.
-There were also times when you would remember your mother, when you would see one of your brothers needing comfort, mimicking her, comforting them in your own way, doing your best.
-You were a surprise on the ship, but you weren’t unwelcome, and you felt safe with them, and while you never stopped looking for and missing your brother, you at least had a family who you could call your own in this new world.
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maaneskin · 2 years
FIGUREHEAD WOMAN. whitebeard pirates x f!reader, 0.5k
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“are there any women aboard?” ace asked, pushing the vegetables off his plate and onto izos.
“stop that,” izo scolded, pushing them back to ace, “you need some vegetable in you,”
marco hummed, “not other than the nurses, no. why do you ask?”
“i just saw somebody last night — on the figurehead, i think it was a woman,” ace stuffed his mouth with meat, “she was pretty,” his words were muffled. preoccupied with food, ace didn’t notice the way those around him looked at him with pure amusement.
“is that so?” thatch sat down beside marco with a plate of his own.
ace nodded, “real pretty actually. she had this white jacket thingy on,” 
the men at the table froze at those words. izo cleared his throat when nobody else spoke, ”… a haori?” 
ace nodded, “yeah one of those! and it had these pretty black details on,” he shoved a fruit into his mouth, “she gave me a big smile! and then she disappeared,” he paused, “A GHOST!? DID I SEE A GHOST?!” 
had the others not been as dumbfounded as they were, they would’ve all laughed at ace’s outburst and fearful face. 
“(name)...” thatch whispered, disbelief all over his face. there was no way. marco, izo, and thatch made eye contact, all of them in shock. there was no way ace knew who you were. you died long before he even set off to sea, there was only one picture of you on the ship and it was in a corner of whitebeard’s room, and because there were a lot of painful memories tied to you, no one really talked about you anymore.
there was simply no way ace knew about you and least of all your favorite piece of clothing. the white haori had been your trademark for the marines and other pirates. “it was a gift,” you had smiled, holding the fabric close to your chest, “i promised to keep it safe,”
ace swallowed the food in his mouth, “why’re you guys so quiet?”
marco blinked a few tears away.
“was it actually a ghost?”
“it was (name),” izo said. if ace was going to be a member of the whitebeard pirates he should know about you, “she was the second division commander,”
“where is she now? you said there weren’t any women aboard,” 
“she’s dead.” 
ace’s mouth fell open. despite his curiosity, he decided not to keep asking, the quiver in izo’s voice told him it was a sensitive subject. silence filled the air, the three veteran pirates taking deep breaths to calm themselves.
thatch stood up, “she died a long time ago, ace, don’t worry about it,” he left quickly, izo following shortly after without saying anything. ace looked at marco.
marco sighed, “don’t mind them. (name)’s somewhat of a sensitive subject,”
“... you said you saw her on the figurehead,” 
ace nodded.
huffing out a smile, marco’s eyes went to a dent in the table, “the figurehead was her favorite spot on the ship. she was there a few hours everyday, usually during sunrise and early morning,”
“why do you think i saw her?” the freckled asked after a while.
marco shrugged, smiling softly, “maybe she wanted to see the new second division commander,” he stood up, tapping the table twice, “remember to put your plate in the kitchen,”
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Hello author-san^^♡!! This is my first time requesting and I read all your Op posts and I think they're absolutely adorable♡!! Can I request more Whitebeard pirates content (especially when you add memes cause they make my day) 😊!! It's okay if you don't want to 😊👍 That's all for now, byeee~ [Btw I love your Oc smmm!!]
Aweee(^o^)💙 Thank you so much anon if you like my oc💙
For You I will write more content about Whitebeard Pirate
Hoped you liked it
Whitebeard Pirates when you went to Labor
Warning: Whitebeard Pirates panicking, Slight Cursing, Fluff in thr end
Feat: Thatch, Ace, Marco, Izo, Jozu, And Vista
Thatch Death
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-Like the Meme above Thatch will make a face like that from the Moment you let out “labor” Word from your mouth
-The Whole Crew especially your Husband will Immediately panic when you started to let out a horrifying scream from the Pain you felt
-Thatch will scream around looking for some Doctor “Where is the fucking Doctor?!!!” He will scream like this and Marco? Hah! He's panicking too and doesn't realising that he's the doctor that Everyone's looking for
-After you gave birth the Whole Crew was in awe.. They will adored and loved your child and they will never let anyone hurt them
Marco the Phoenix
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-Even though Marco always shows everyone of how calm he was in every Situation then your Labor was a Different situation for him
-so He's panicking along the others when you started your labor
-Marco will look for Doctor to help you out cuz' he forgot that he's doctor that he's looking for so
-And After some time After You shout at him he'll eventually grt back to his senses and help you out to deliver the baby
Portgast D. Ace
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-Like the Meme above Cry now Smile later for Ace
-Ace may even collapse when you started to feel some painful contraction into your Belly
-He'll rush to Marco's office and tells him that you're in Labor
-Marco will come to you and tell Ace to take to your Shared Bedroom to deliver the baby
-and While you're giving birth the People outside the room including Pops were devastated because they're worried about you
-after a long waiting Ace will Burst outside and happily announce that you successfully delivered the Baby and the whole Ship held a big celebration for both of you and to your Baby
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-Izo will scream asking for some Doctor to help you out
-will crying inside when you started to feel pain but he will cheer you up and tells you that everything is gonna be alright
-He'll be with you until the end and he will give his best to give some support
-after you gave birth Izo will out a few happy tears pressing a firm kiss into your Forehead tell how you did a good job
Diamond Jozu
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-Hard Outside but soft inside
-That's Jozu
-He'll cry for you during the contraction. Jozu will also rub your belly trying to sooth the pain you were feeling that time
-he will never leave by your side until you successfully delivered the baby
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-He's dramatic as f
-Vista will Come at you and take you to Marco to help you out to deliver the baby
-Like the other he'll never leave by your side until you're safe along with the baby in his hands
-He will also cheer you up and try to hive you some confidence that you can do it
-Vista was very Nervous he just doesn't wantes to admit it out because he doesn't wanted you grt worried
-After you gave birth Vista will always holding your baby in his arms safe in sound
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mamamittens · 8 months
Not bed time yet but I am having some fun considering this in my head.
More nonsense for Nikia's story!
You know, when I was making her, I did consider other shippy stuff besides Thatch.
Mostly my top fav blorbos, because why not?
It's not a long list (will likely be longer when I actually catch up to OP)
Ace was tempting but out because I mostly just want to hug the poor bean. He needs more of those and some light teasing, it's what he deserves. Nikia and Ace would just devolve into sibling bullshit, I can see it now. She just pesters the shit out of him and while a little bit of that is fine, thats not usually a very healthy couple dynamic.
Marco was another nice idea but that's just my bird + even cooler bird = Really Cool ✨ birds ✨ thought process at work. He also deserves some head kisses though, make no mistake, but less aggressive than Ace's and more "sleep now, u fucking workaholic". They'd vibe together really well though in chill time.
Shanks... I just don't think Nikia could take him seriously and the excessive drinking would not appeal to her at all. Just a no go all around but she would find him fun to hang out with at a party so long as she didn't have to drink too.
And that's about as far as my thoughts went before zeroing in on Thatch for no discernable reason.
Actually, I think it's the smile. I just really like a nice smile.
Funnily enough, I also put some thought to his most popular ship, Izo X Thatch. Not sure how it happened, to be honest. Though I can see why with some thought, it's not as intuitive as Marco X Ace (what with all the fire and contrasting traits). I would be interested to know how this ship got so ubiquitous, it may just be a case of these two not having many other ships in general.
Which raised the question of putting Nikia in there too, but I'm still a tad thrown with the idea of shipping my SI (as somewhat warped from myself as she is) with anyone, let alone two people.
But it has popped up in my mind again. It would give me more plot to thicken up the overall story. Hate writing short stories for OCs, seems like a waste, idk how else to put it. And it would give more reason on Thatch's side to not initiate if him and Izo have a more open relationship. Maybe they can take another lover if the other approves or at least knows (I imagine this is a useful rule as long as you don't get jealous and it helps avoid any awkwardness if it's suddenly revealed).
Some fun drama of Izou chiding him for stringing some poor girl along for a fling and Thatch being offended like "I don't want a fling though! That's the problem!" So they unpack that together as Izou chides him more for giving her his nicest foulard despite not going for it at all. But ultimately understanding why he doesn't because damn, that would be pretty rude to enter a serious commitment only to leave her most of the year while he gets to stay with his other lover. And she hasn't taken a lover of her own yet so she'd literally be left in the cold waiting for him to call! He can't do that! Not to mention it seems a bit much to throw in Izou to the mix when it took so long for Thatch to warm her up to him.
Too complicated and messy despite really wanting it.
And it would give me the perfect opportunity to let Nikia know earlier since Izou would definitely call her once the dust settled. Might keep the dick move of having her still think Thatch is dead but as a deliberate ploy from Izou to partly keep her safe if Teach found out about their... Thing they had going on and so she doesn't accidentally reveal Thatch survives (or maybe at first Izou really did think he'd die). The other part was in the hopes that she'd find someone she could actually commit too without the complicated bullshit of being in a long distance relationship with pirates.
Probably takes a bit to realize that she absolutely really loved Thatch more than a friend and feels horrible for lying.
She doesn't and always asks how he's holding up before even hinting at her own grief, which doesn't help Izou feel any better about lying. Izou would get some shit for that and he feels increasingly worse for his ruse as he calls her regularly to talk. Feels nice to mourn a (sort of) lover with someone who isn't also reeling from the personal betrayal of a shared brother. Maybe he catches feelings too (Thatch will laugh hard at him for this). Admits that he'd have approved wholeheartedly if given the chance but stops before including he would have liked to be involved too, she'd have fit so well with their dynamic on board. Stops because he meant to let her keep her feelings to herself to mourn as she wants without mixing himself with it (how mortifying to be told my a 'dead' man's lover that they know how you felt after the fact the whole time) but the call breaks down into a very emotional one that, once again, does not help his guilt.
Just, the timeline where I bully everyone for a needlessly long time before letting them be happy.
Or maybe I won't do any of that at all but it does make the overall story more interesting, that's for sure!
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
@bepoprotectionsquad requested
Could I please request some headcanons or maybe a drabble with Izou x reader x Thatch?
At first I was like: no ideas, head empty, just want my boys. But then I tried brainstorming and I came up with this idea: the WBP have stopped at a port or whatever and Thatch and Izou and their partner are supposed to be meeting up for a date after they’ve all gotten their individual stuff handled— but the reader shows up at the appointed meet up point, twenty minutes late…and they have a box of rescued kittens they refuse to put down.
Thank you in advance and I adore all of you! I am handing each of you a fancy coffee beverage made exactly to your tastes. It is virtual coffee but it still comes with a +2 energy boost.
My favorite cook and mr. Gorgeous in a polyship with reader? Oh yes please. Then a suggestion with kittens? You are speaking to my heart, so I had to take this. I love Izo, I love Thatch and I love cats (kittens). I guess that is a good combination for some fluff. At least that is how it turned out.
This was written by Didi [@usopp-writes]
Enjoy <3
Thatch x Izo x GN reader (polyship) SFW Word count: 1,466
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You were so excited to hear you would soon hit land and be able to get some time off. It’d been a while since you last had the chance to actually have some time off on an island, as the ones you’d been on the past few times, was more of you leaving one of your boyfriends to buy whatever you needed, as they had to make a quick in and out. The islands hadn’t been safe for you to explore on your own or with your boyfriends. Even they had to be cautious, when walking around and get supplies for the ship and the few individuals that needed things.
This time, however, you landed on an island protected by Whitebeard and you would wander around with almost no care. It made you smile and bounce around, quickly finishing all of your duties, so you could plan what to get and do.
“Someone is exited.” Thatch chuckled and pulled you into a hug, kissing your head softly. Izo looked at the two of you, a soft smile grazing his painted lips. He knew how hard it’d been for you to stand behind, watching them leave the ship, not knowing if they would return unharmed or that the crew would have to go and get them back. It hadn’t been easy for him or Thatch to leave you behind either, seeing your disappointed face, when it was told only commanders could hit land.
“Do you know how many things I need to get?” You looked up at him, a smile on your lips. “I haven’t been able to get my two amazing boyfriends a gift in like forever.”
“Aww, aren’t you sweet? Well, actually, Izo and I had an idea. What about a date night? Just the three of us, away from our family. You let us plan it and we can meet you at the ship around dinner time?” Thatch smiled.
You smiled brightly and nodded. That was a wonderful idea. A date night, just the three of you. Sure, you had date nights or days on the ship, but there was always someone around, either disrupting your date or ending it abruptly. Most of the time it hadn’t been on purpose, but the mood changed and ruin the date a little. You really craved a nice date without anyone else around than the two men holding your heart.
“It’s settled then, darlings. I’ll let Marco know.” Izo said, as he came to stand next to you, placing a soft kiss on Thatch’s cheek and yours. You smiled, loving the affection both gave. Thatch was handsy than Izo, but you didn’t feel like one loved you more than the other. You’d accepted their love language and they had accepted yours. It had been hard to balance at first, but now you were mastering it.
When the ship hit land, you left the ship, excitement shown in your walk. Even if Izo and Thatch had been doing some shopping for you, you had kept it to the bare minimun and you had even tried to use less of things you had almost run out of, just so you wouldn’t burden them too much with this. It did mean you needed a lot of things and a large amount of supplies. It took a while and you had to walk back to the ship twice, because you couldn’t have more things in your hands. You went through everything on your list, pleased to see that there were only a few tings you couldn’t get here that hadn’t been crossed out. They weren’t essential stuff either, you could go out without them for a long while, but since you’d been doing a list of things needed, you’d included everything, so you wouldn’t have to make it from scratch again another time.
After bringing the last of your supplies onto the ship, you noticed you still had a lot of time to spare and you knew just what to do with it. In your shopging spree, you’d seen a small café with some delicious sweets on display and you wanted to treat yourself something nice. You went there and enjoyed the treat. It wasn’t as amazing as Thatch’s, but it was delicious nevertheless.
You spend so much time at the café that you were getting late for the date with your boyfriends. Quickly you left the place and went on your merry way back to the ship, where you would be picked up by the two amazing men. The mere thought of the date made you smile brightly and you were skipping around instead of walking normally. Everyone you passed could tell you were happy and in a very good mood.
“Where are they?” Izo tapped his arm in annoyance.
Thatch looked around, getting a little nervous. You were late, something he hadn’t expected from you. Sure, you could sometimes be a few minuts late, even Izo had been 5 minutes late today, which was expected, but now it’d been like 15 minutes since you were supposed to be here. Had something happened to you? He couldn’t imagine it, the island was safe and he hadn’t picked up that there could be any danger to them. The people here would have warned them if there were, so where were you?
A huff escaped Izo’s lips, as he hated to wait long and this was definitely a long wait for him. If you didn’t show up soon, he would snap at you once you did and the date night would be ruined. This could put a small strain on your relationship for a while.
You came rushing towards them, a large box held gently in your arms. “I’m so sorry for being late. I just had to do something.” You apologized to Izo mostly, as Thatch was just relieved to see ou unharmed.
“And what was more important than our date?” Izo was dangerously anoyed at this point.
You opened the box. “I was on my way back, when I came across this box.” You started to explain. Izo and Thatch looked into the box and saw five kittens in it, all shaken up a little from how you’d run with them in the box, shaking them around, but else fine.
“I tried to see if someone would adopt them, but no one even wanted to look at them.” You sounded as if you were closed to tears at this point. “They are just babies in need of a home and love. Can we keep  them?” You now looked at your boyfriends, eyes pleading.
Thatch let out a sigh, knowing you had a big heart and a soft spot for animals. “Honey, you know it will be difficult. Stefan and Kotasu would have to accept them and even then Oyaji has the last word.”
Your face dropped a little, making Thatch feel awful for saying anything. At this point, the kittens started to mewl and move around. Izo picked one up and it started to lick and suck on his finger.
“Seems like they’re hungry. At least we can feed them and try help finding a home for them after dinner?” He looked at Thatch, knowing that like him, the cook couldn’t take it when anyone – animal of humanoid – were starving.
“Fine. I’ll just get some milk and tuna so we can feed them.” Thatch gave in.
When he got onto the ship, he ran into Marco, who was in the kitchen, making some coffee for himself. Quickly he told the other commander what was up and the Phoenix followed Thatch to the harbor, wher eyou and Izo were waiting. The two of you were petting the kittens, trying to calm them, while Thatch was getting them something to eat.
A soft chuckle left Marco, as he squatted down to pick up one of the kittens that had jumped out of Izo’s arms. “Don’t worry little fella. You’ll get something to eat now and then a home, yoi.” He then proceeded to help you, Izo and Thatch with feeding the hunry little kittens, before placing them back in the box.
“You three should enjoy your date. I’l take care of these five, yoi.” Marco said before taking off with the box and kittens.
You looked longingly after them, but Izo grabbed your arm. “You’ll see them tomorrow and the day after. I think Marco has grown fond of them already.” He said.
Thatch smiled, picked up the basket that had been at Izo’s feet the entire time. “I guess they could help with keeping rats out ofour home. Come, honey and gorgeous. It’s time for us to start our date.” With that, the three of you walked off for a picnic near the beach and some star gazing afterwards.
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