#Jørgen & Jørgensen
byneddiedingo · 5 months
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Anette Støvelbæk, Anders W. Berthelsen, and Ann Eleonora Jørgensen in Italian for Beginners (Lone Scherfig, 2000)
Cast: Anders W. Berthelsen, Anette Støvelbæk, Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Peter Gantzler, Lars Kaalund, Sara Indrio Jensen, Karen-Lise Mynster, Rikke Völck, Elsebeth Steentoft, Bent Mejding, Lene Tiemroth, Klaus Gerving, Jesper Christensen. Screenplay: Lone Scherfig. Cinematography: Jørgen Johansson. Production design: Jette Lehmann. Film editing: Gerd Tjur. 
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[ad_1] – Jeg kan bekrefte at Marius og jeg har valgt å gå fra hverandre. Vi ønsker hverandre kun godt på veien videre, sier Nora Haukland i en uttalelse til VG.Marius Borg Høiby og Nora Haukland begynte å date i april i fjor, og det var i september i fjor Haukland bekreftet at de var et par.– Vi har vært sammen siden i sommer og det er veldig koselig. Han er en gledesspreder og gentleman som jeg setter så pris på å få i livet mitt, sa hun til God kveld Norge den gang.Haukland ble for mange kjent da hun deltok i realityprogrammet «Love Island» i 2020.SamboereSiden nyttår har de to vært samboere.Først bodde de to sammen på Skaugum en periode, før de flyttet til en leilighet på Frogner sammen.I slutten av juni ble det kjent at Haukland skulle delta i den nye realityserien «Girls of Oslo» på Amazon Prime. Serien frister med å være en «behind The scenes-serien om livene til Norges fire fremste influensere – Sophie Elise, Isabel Raad, Nora Haukland og Anniken Englund Jørgensen». TV 2 har vært i kontakt med Nora Haukland og Marius Borg Høiby, som foreløpig ikke har besvart vår henvendelse.Ingen påvirkningBorg Høiby er ikke medlem av kongehuset, men han er en del av kongefamilien.Da det ble kjent at Haukland skulle være med i «Girls of Oslo», forklarte kongehusekspert Ole Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen at det er visse forventninger til hvordan hans kjærester skal være, som sønnen til Norges kronprinsesse.– Det er det norske folk som har forventninger til hvordan en kjæreste til en i kongefamilien skal være. Noe som vil si at det muligens er over fem millioner forskjellige forventninger. Likevel er ikke Marius Borg Høiby en del av kongehuset og representerer heller ikke Norge i noen offisiell rolle, så på en måte kan en vel si at Borg Høiby står friere enn andre medlemmer av kongefamilien, sier Schulsrud-Hansen til TV 2 torsdag.Ifølge kongehuseksperten har ikke bruddet noen påvirkning for det norske kongehuset eller kongefamilien. MediestormI februar ble det en mediestorm da Haukland poserte med et bilde av en gjennomsiktig pose med hvitt pulver i. Bildet ble publisert på Sophie Elise Isachsen (28) sin Instagram-profil.Det er ikke kjent hva innholdet i posen er, men bildet skapte likevel spekulasjoner, debatt og kritikk i etterkant av publiseringen. Flere presseeksperter mente at signalene det sender å publisere et slikt bilde, er problematisk – uavhengig av posens innhold. Derfor identifiserer TV 2 Nora Haukland TV 2 identifiserte i sin tid ikke Nora Haukland som den som holdt en liten pose med hvitt innhold på et bilde sammen med Sophie Elise Isachsen. Rett i etterkant av at bildet ble postet på Instagram og deretter fjernet, var TV 2 i kontakt med personer nær Haukland. De formidlet en uttalelse om at Haukland verken hadde samtykket til, eller visste om, at Isachsen la ut bildet. Postingen av bildet ble omtalt som et uhell.TV 2 gjorde en helhetsvurdering som inkluderte flere forhold, hvor en viktig avveining var at Haukland sa hun ikke hadde samtykket til publiseringen. Omstendighetene var uklare, og Hauklands rolle i offentligheten var i en periode mindre aktiv.I TV 2 diskuterte vi også hva som talte for identifisering på det tidspunktet, nemlig at Sophie Elise Isachsen og Nora Haukland er to av landets største influensere og besitter mye formell og uformell makt. De har mange følgere i sosiale medier, og begge er forbilder for mange unge. TV 2 kjenner ikke til innholdet i posen og heller ikke situasjonen da bildet ble tatt. Det er viktig å understreke. Men hvordan bildet fremstår, eller kan tolkes - har ført til spekulasjoner, kritikk og debatt.Da nyheten kom om at Haukland aktivt søker offentlighet rundt seg selv og sin person på en ny plattform, ved å delta i en realityserie som skal publiseres bredt til den norske befolkningen, mener TV 2 at det har offentlig interesse at det var hun som holdt posen. Bildet førte til en offentlig debatt som Haukland ikke ville delta i.I lys av den høye offentlige interessen
og at forholdene i saken har endret seg, er det relevant for TV 2 å dekke journalistisk hvordan hun selv, redaktører og ansvarlig for publiseringen hos Amazon forholder seg til hendelsen i serien - gitt hennes rolle i offentligheten og relasjon til kongefamilien. – Uavhengig er det å hinte om narkotika ved å vise en pose med hvitt pulver sammen med teksten såpass drøyt. Dette vitner om at de overhodet ikke har tenkt seg om, sa medieekspert Arne-Inge Christophersen i vinter. [ad_2] , 2023-07-10 07:12:22 , #Brudd #Marius #Borg #Høiby #Nora #Haukland for more interesting Article Visit regularly : https://mycyberbase.com/
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watchilove · 2 years
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To accompany the launch, Ulysse Nardin is proud to announce its partnership with Norwegian polar explorer Børge Ousland and an active member of the Norrøna family. The timepiece is a limited edition of 29 pieces and is sold with an arktis Gore-Tex® Pro Norrøna jacket. A union with purpose It is no surprise that both brands decided to connect as they share the same love for nature and the same ambition of shifting to a more “circular model” by using alternative materials in their respective domains. Both brands are on a decisive path to more sustainable creations. 1860: Ulysse Nardin a Swiss watchmaker based in the majestic Jura Mountains, began to sell onboard marine chronometers for explorers, sailors and navigators all over the world, enabling them to navigate their route at sea. Today, five generations later, Ulysse Nardin is an independent manufacture. 1929: Jørgen Jørgensen a Norwegian outdoor enthusiast, began his search for more durable outdoor equipment to perform in Norway ´ s harsh and rugged land Today, four generations later, Norrøna is still a family owned and run company. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLyeE4L06Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thorraborinn · 3 years
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Jörundur Hundadagakonungur (or, as I prefer, Lokabrennukonungur), or Jørgen Jørgensen, the Dog-Days King, the Convict King, the "usurping despot of a little reign," and the One True King of Iceland, short may he reign.
Jørgen Jørgensen (1780-1841) was a Danish privateer (among many other things) taken as a prisoner of war after losing a sea battle against a British ship. In 1809, while on parole he convinced a British trader to go to Iceland where the Icelanders were subjected by their colonial overlords, the Danes, to trade monopolies so harsh that a Brit could cut them a deal and still make a profit. As a Dane, Jørgensen would go along to do the talking. He successfully negotiated to allow the Brits to trade, but the Danish authorities changed their mind and threatened any Icelander who traded with them with death.
Jørgensen and his British comrades responded by kidnapping the Danish governor (one Count Tramp), holding him prisoner on the British ship while the Icelanders just watched and presumably laughed. Jørgensen then seized the governor's mansion, declared Iceland free and independent, and installed himself as head of state. He wanted to liberate the Icelanders from Danish tyranny and establish democratic self-rule following his temporary and transitional autocracy. He placed all Danish officials under house arrest and prohibited communication between them (Icelandic officers of the Danish colonial government kept their positions, salaries, and freedom but had to swear fealty to the revolutionary government).
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Above: The flag of Iceland under The Dog-Days King.
Evidently the locals loved him and many Icelanders even offered to serve as soldiers who would uphold his authority. According to his own notes, he traveled about the country meeting the people with hardly any protection because even the Danish officials were afraid to try to depose him for fear of reprisal by the locals in defense of their new king.
About two months later a British vessel arrived and said "You can't just, like, do that." He was arrested and imprisoned in England for violating his parole.
He would later go on to become an unspeakable piece of human garbage who took part in genocide in Tasmania after being sent to Australia as a criminal by Britain which just goes to show that on the other side of the coin of modern liberal democracy is colonization, genocide, and slavery.
Sources: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Convict_King, https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B6rundur_hundadagakonungur, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B8rgen_J%C3%B8rgensen
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garadinervi · 5 years
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Anonymiteter. Kommunikationszoner, Lunds Konsthall, Lund, 1969. Feat. Paul Gernes, Egon Fischer, Kasper Heiberg, Steen Høyer, Bjørn Nørgaard, Stig Brøgger, Mogens Møller, Peter Louis-Jensen, Hans-Jørgen Nielsen, Peter Bonnén, Hein Heinsen, Niels Guttormsen, Steffen Jørgensen, Per Kirkeby
(via räeume.spaces)
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ltwilliammowett · 5 years
The King of Iceland
Jørgen Jürgensen later Jorgen Jorgenson (1780-1841), adventurer, was born on 7 April 1780 at Copenhagen, Denmark, the second son of Jorgen Jorgensen, royal watchmaker, and his wife Anna Lette, née Bruun. He changed his patronymic to Jorgenson in 1817.
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Jorgen Jorgenson (1780-1841)
Jorgenson's formal education stopped at 14. At 15 he was apprenticed to Captain Henry Marwood of the English collier Jane, and served in her four years between Newcastle and Baltic ports. By his own statement, he then served on various vessels, including a British man-of-war into which he had been press-ganged. In 1801 he was aboard the Harbinger at Port Jackson, where he soon joined H.M.S. Lady Nelson as John Johnson. As he was not discharged from her until April 1804, he probably sailed with Matthew Flinders in 1802, witnessed the disbandment of the first settlement at Port Phillip, and certainly was present at the first settlement on the Derwent in Van Diemen's Land. His own testimony has generated the legend that he was first to harpoon a whale in the Derwent. For months in 1804 he was sealing in New Zealand waters and whaling in the Alexander. He left Australian waters in her in February 1805 and by way of New Zealand, Tahiti, Cape Horn and St Helena arrived at Gravesend in June 1806.
After some months of London pleasures he returned to Copenhagen. In fact, he arrived home just in time to bear witness to the bombardment of Copenhagen by ships of the Royal Navy. The assault destroyed a third of the city and killed nearly 5,000 people. The two-week campaign sprung from the Danes’ reluctance to turn its navy over to the British, lest it fall into Napoleon’s hands. By Sept. 5, 1807, 50 English warships pounded the capital into submission, after which the combined Danish-Norwegian fleet, which included 18 ships of the line and 16 frigates, was reluctantly turned over to King George. Following the action, Jorgenson sought revenge against his adopted homeland.
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The bombardment of Copenhagen 1807
During the Anglo-Danish war Jorgenson commanded the privateer Admiral Juul cause of his extensive experience at sea and took three prizes before striking his flag to H.M.S. Sappho in March 1808.
As a "prisoner of war on honour" he was arrested in London, where he made acquaintance with the merchant Phelps, who was interested in the Icelandic trade during those war days. At that time the Royal Danish Trade Monopoly ruled over Iceland, and the Danish fleet was defeated, so it could not maintain this trade.
Jørgensen sailed twice to Iceland on British ships in 1809. The first time on a merchant ship as an interpreter and the second time on a frigate which Phelps had equipped and which was provided with a letter of marque. The Danish governor of Iceland, Count Trampe, banned trade with Great Britain as early as 13 June. One day after the arrival of the frigate in Reykjavík on 25 June, Count Trampe was arrested by the crew of the ship.With Phelps' support, Jørgen Jørgensen proclaimed Iceland's independence from the Kingdom of Denmark and the rule of the people on the same day, i.e. 26 June 1809, and declared himself a protector.
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HMS 'Sappho' Capturing the Danish Brig 'Admiral Jawl', 2 March 1808
All Danish officials and sales representatives were placed under house arrest. The camps of the monopoly trade were confiscated as well as the treasury.Jørgen Jørgensen settled in the governor's seat, but avoided any form of personal enrichment. He built a fortress, gave Iceland a flag of its own, and surrounded himself with a six-man bodyguard of locals, whose boss he appointed the then 25-year-old Jón Guðmundsson Effersøe. This bodyguard undertook various expeditions and arrested, for example, the chief judge of the country, Ísleif Einarsson.
On 12 July, Jørgensen even declared himself the provisional autocrat of Iceland and announced the recall of Althing (National Assembly), which had just been abolished by the Danish Crown.He thus contradicted the absolutist attitude of the Danish king. The Icelandic population was rather wait-and-see, especially since it was suspected that Jørgensen was acting on behalf of the British state.
Added to this was Iceland's relative defencelessness.In the Dansk Biografisk Leksikon of 1895 it says judgmental:    "In addition to his eccentric character, Jørgensen's own appearance is explained by the fact that he obviously felt like a naturalized Englishman even then, without any trace of sympathy for his native country” .
But this curious episode in Iceland's history lasted only two months. On 26 August the HMS Talbot arrived and Jørgensen's "reign" came to an abrupt end. The captain harshly rebuked Phelps. All Jørgensen's proclamations were cancelled, and the self-proclaimed "King" was arrested to go to prison in England. Two high-ranking Icelandic officials took over state power, while Count Trampe went to England to testify.The Icelanders from Jørgen Jørgensen's bodyguard remained unpunished, but Jón Guðmundsson Effersøe, for example, emigrated to the Faroe Islands.
"The reason for Jón Guðmundsson's emigration from Iceland to the Faroe Islands is unknown, but although he and the other bodyguards were spared prison, there may have been a supreme judge who wanted revenge!
- Don Brandt: Stamps tell the story of the Faroe Islands
On the journey to England suddenly fire broke out on the ship. According to witnesses, Phelps and Jørgensen saved the lives of the crew with intrepid courage. They were the captain's guests of honour until their arrival in London. After his arrival in London,  Jørgensen spent a year in prison because he had left the country despite his word of honour (see above). In prison he began to play and succumbed more and more to gambling addiction.Back in freedom, he lived an unsteady life and later had to serve two years in prison for unpaid gambling debts. 1815-17 Jürgensen was in the service of the British government in France and Germany, visited Waterloo, Frankfurt, Weimar, Dresden, Berlin and Potsdam (Sanssouci) according to his own report. When he returned to London, he continued his wild lifestyle and was finally sentenced to another prison term for fraud.
A later sentence then imposed deportation for life. In 1825 he was banished to Tasmania. In Tasmania he changed his name to Jorgen Jorgenson. He was soon released from prison conditions and undertook many voyages of discovery and research in the interior of the island. He described the indigenous population for the first time. He became a productive and successful author about his adventurous life.
His books were popular in Australia and England, and his unprinted manuscripts were accepted into the British Museum. As an author, he wrote in English under the name Jorgenson. He wrote travelogues, theological and economic treatises, newspaper articles and autobiographical notes. He finally got married in 1833. In 1835 he was appointed "policecommand".Jorgen Jorgenson was found dead in Hobart on 20 January 1841 at the age of 60 (older sources say 1845 or 1850). He died as a free man. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery.
If you want to read more : The English Dane: A Life of Jorgen Jorgenson: Sarah Bakewell
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frederiksalle · 6 years
Tak Jørgen Roed
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Roskilde Domkirke, 1833-1838 la nieve hace que todo se vea más lindo!  *traducido con google translate de wikipedia dánes, gracias google por tanto* Jørgen Roed era hijo de campesinos y transportistas Peder Jørgensen Roed y Ellen Hansdatter Jensen. Ya en la escuela, tuvo la oportunidad de aprender a dibujar y pintar, y el entusiasmo con el que adquirió lo que la enseñanza supuestamente algo lamentable podía ofrecerle tuvo el efecto que sus padres lo enviaron a Copenhague después de su confirmación. en la Academia de Bellas Artes, sin parecer haber estado hablando, como de costumbre, de ponerlo en pintura. Se lo recomendó al pintor de retratos Hans Hansen, con quien también pintó poco después, ya que esto, sin embargo, se limitó a dejarle copiar lo que tenía a mano, para que, por ejemplo, Roeds en 1824 exhibiera la primera imagen, Copia después. Raphael, de hecho, fue pintado después de la copia de su maestro de una de las cabezas de angelitos que se ve a los pies de la Madonna Sistina de Rafael. Sólo dos años después expuso una obra independiente, retrato de su primer maestro en los secretos del arte de la escuela en Ringsted, el catequista Fyhn. Sin embargo, Hansen murió, y ese mismo año (1828) Roed tuvo acceso a la escuela de pintura de Eckersberg y siguió siendo su fiel admirador de su maestro durante toda su vida. En la Academia, al mismo tiempo, su promoción a través de las clases procedió de manera uniforme, pero lentamente, al igual que Roed a lo largo de su vida parecía más un trabajo sólido y concienzudo al servicio del arte, que penetró en la esencia de su adquisición, que como un brillante inventor o creador. Primero ganó la gran medalla de plata en 1831, y en 1833 no pensó en las medallas de oro para competir.
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orum · 3 years
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Reposted from @chart_artfair Meet @bonamatic ⚡️ For CHART 2021, Bonamatic will present works by Kristoffer Ørum, Per Lunde Jørgensen, Jonas Georg Christensen & Peter Olsen, Jørgen Fog and Kristine Kemp. The presentation is organized with breadth in work forms and media to map and produce a field of interactions, relationships and communication between the works. Bonamatic is named after the coffee machine Bravilor Bonamat which is a widely distributed institutional model. Bonamatic is focused on how objects of all kinds are conceivable as a kind of producing machines, that connect with each other in larger assemblages and produce effects not so much because of the artist but essentially via the agency of the art objects themselves. 📸 • Kristoffer Ørum, Coffee Lake, 2019 • Kristoffer Ørum, Nose collection and nose detector, 2019 • Portrait of gallerists • Jørgen Fog, Castalia Marble fragment, 2020 • Jonas Georg Christensen & Peter Olsen, Grey on Yellow (photographed on April 25ft), 2011 • Per Lunde Jørgensen, A las Ocho de la Noche #9_1, 2021 • Kristine Kemp, Dreaming of a Nap in the Afternoon, 2012 ___ #partofchart #CHART2021 #contemporaryart #bonamatic #peterolsen #jonasgeorgchristensen #jørgenfog #perlundejørgensen #kristinekemp #kristofferørum (at CHART) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSxUtiLMJA5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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akselhaddock · 6 years
aksel & eirik :~)
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❛❛ let the wind carry us, to the clouds, hurry up, alright. we can travel so far as our eyes can see —   EVA VALKA HADDOCK-JØRGENSEN
Name :
{ E V A } - meaning “life”
{ V A L K A } - meaning “strong, healthy”
{ H A D D O C K - J Ø R G E N S E N } - meaning “prosperity; fortune” and “son of jørgen”
Birthday :
December 2
♐️ Sagittarius (The Archer) The Sagittarius Sun Sign has an honest, optimistic and independent personality. They are passionate about justice and love adventure and travel. They are lucky in many aspects of life. They love freedom, intellectual stimulation and their own space. Every day is a reason for a new adventure. Self-confident, positive and enthusiastic, they’re a resource of information. Restless at times, they risk jeopardizing their relationships if they let it rule their lives.
Gender :
Appearance :
{ H A I R } - auburn and wavy
{ E Y E S } - hazel
{ H E I G H T } - she’s quite average height, around 5′5″. although she’ll often say she’s 5′6″, because she likes the thought of being taller
Personality :
{ A D V E N T U R O U S } - With dads like Aksel Haddock and Eirik Jørgensen, two vikings known for their unyielding search for adventure, it was no wonder Eva turned out the same. Her curiosity was insatiable, and it was only fueling by the family outings they’d often go on. Eva started being allowed to go out on her dragon — a Monstrous Nightmare named Phoenix — with her dads when she was fifteen. (Eirik absolutely did Not gloat about his daughter choosing to ride a Monstrous Nightmare, no sir. He was humble and chill about the whole thing. And don’t listen to Aksel, he did NOT cry.) Eva started seeking adventure on her own, rather than accompanying the adults, not long after she turned sixteen. There was a whole world out there, waiting to be explored. Maybe multiple worlds! Who knew! Her grandma Astrid often said she was just like her grandfather when he was her age, and just as stubborn too. 
{ T E N A C I O U S } - Eva was nothing if not dedicated. She gave everything 100%, 150%, 200% if she could manage it. She took everything by the horns, and did not let go. And sometimes that was a good thing, like the time she was searching for an herb for Gothi —  who was, somehow, still alive — but had to go as far as the edge of the archipelago to find it. She didn’t give up, and she didn’t let anyone else take control, even though Aksel offered to do so multiple times. (”Babe, let her do it.” Eirik had said. “And if she gets hurt?” “She’s a Jørgensen!–” “Haddock-Jørgensen” “–she’ll be fine!”)
{ C O N F I D E N T } - The Jørgensen confidence is passed on both by nature and by nurture, apparently, seeing as Eva took to it so naturally. It was certainly a trait she’d learned from Eirik, not from Aksel. Eirik always had the same swaggering, flirtatious, playful confidence that Snotlout had — if a bit less obnoxious. And Eva herself had the same. She knew she was smart, knew she was quick, knew she was a gifted viking and dragon rider. How could she not be, with one Chief father and one Chief’s Second in Command father? With names like Haddock and Jørgensen that commanded respect and notoriety, she had no doubt in her abilities. Thankfully, because of Aksel’s more subdued nature and Eirik’s desire to please his husband, both instilled in her the thought that while she was talented and deserved to be confident, others held talent within them as well, and could be confident in their own right. Eva often cheers on those who lack the same self-assurance, telling them how great they were. 
{ B L U N T } - Aksel and Eirik both take equal amounts responsibility for this one. (No matter what Eirik says. No Eirik, Aksel’s sarcasm didn’t make him 65% responsible.) While there’s a good side to this trait as well — she’s honest — Eva’s bluntness gets the better of her more often than not. Sometimes it’s good things: “You look great!”, “You’re doing a great job!”, “Wow, this is an amazing sword.” Other times it’s not so good: “You smell disgusting.”, “Your dragon looks as irritated with you as I am.”, “Wow, those are some baby muscles for a grown man.” It’s not uncommon for village members to bring Eva back to her dads with a huff and an irritated explanation of what she said. 
Special Talents :
Dragon training. Eva doesn’t have the same passion for invention like Aksel, nor the same love of weaponry like Eirik. She isn’t inept in either, her quick mind and problem-solving skills are high, but she doesn’t love it. Not in the same way she loves anything and everything related to dragons, especially training them. She’s been known to rival even Hiccup with her ability to train what would have been deemed an untrainable dragon. They sense in her a dragon’s heart, and she connects with them better than with most people. 
Who They Like Better :
She loves both of her dads to pieces. She couldn’t be more grateful that they took her in, gave her somewhere to call home. However, it’s Eirik that is the most fun. Aksel isn’t unfun, but he’s often busy being chief or he has to be the “responsible” parent of the two (if you could call him that at all.) Eirik, however, is just as goofy and reckless as he was as a teenager. He’s not an idiot, he doesn’t let her do anything he thinks would sincerely put her in danger, but if she wants to have a good time, it’s Eirik she goes to. If she wants to talk out her problems, Aksel is a better fit. 
Who They Take After More :
I think she’s equally both, just in different ways. She has the same instant connection with dragons like the Haddock boys have always had, and she has the same confidence and tenacity that the Jørgensen clan is known for. However, upon first impression, she’s more clearly like Eirik. 
Personal Headcanon :
The day Aksel dared Eirik to steal a Screaming Death egg did not lead to Eirik’s death. The dragon got back, tossed Eirik from the nest, but somehow Eirik survived. And Aksel was thrown for a loop. He stayed by his best friend’s bedside until he was recovered, with his dragon Valhalla and Eirik’s dragon Inferno sitting by his side. Eirik was off of his feet for a while, seeing as his leg was severely damaged in the fall. It was difficult, getting him up and moving again, but Aksel was there every step of the way. 
The two had the chance to talk deeply during that time, to talk about the unspoken tension between them that Aksel often avoided by changing the subject. Eirik had been patient for years, simply content to be with Aksel however he was able, but with this boy he cared for so deeply holding his hand and taking care of him and talking to him endlessly to keep him entertained, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer. 
“Aksel, how do you feel about me?”
Aksel had paused, practically frozen. “I– I mean... We’re best friends, right? I don’t know what–”
“Aksel.” Eirik’s gaze was firm, but pleading. He had to know. 
After a long discussion, Aksel explained that he wasn’t sure what he felt. That he’d never really felt anything for anyone before — demisexual, was the term he was unaware of — but he knew that his feelings for Eirik went beyond friendship, that they had for a long time. 
They took things slow, getting to know each other in a different capacity. But with time they became comfortable labelling themselves as a couple. 
The village was thrown, to say the least. Snotlout himself was quite vocal about his shock. There were some that were supportive, others weren’t. Eventually, the people who mattered came to understand that the love these two boys had for one another could not go hidden any longer. And having a loyal dragon at your side keeps away most of the disapproving remarks. 
Their relationship blossomed, as did their love for each other. Their dynamic hadn’t shifted much, many of the villagers came to notice. They still caused trouble, still laughed louder than they should, still were together more often than not. But now Aksel didn’t step away from lingering touches, and now Eirik felt more comfortable showering Aksel in flirtatious compliments and pet names. 
They were in their early twenties when Aksel’s Uncle Daggur showed up with a baby swaddled in cloth, lucky to be alive. He explained that he found her aboard a shipwreck, floating on some wreckage that was surrounded by giant eels. He and Sleuther had managed to swoop her up in time, but now he didn’t know what to do with her. With no clues as to the whereabouts of her actual family, Aksel was left with the decision as Chief to take her in. 
He’d claimed that the care of her would be a group effort, until her family could be located, but soon the group became Aksel and Eirik. They both cared for her immediately, and she took to them just as quickly. 
Aksel had said it first, after asking what they should name her. 
“What about Skylout?”
“We are not naming our daughter Skylout.”
Eirik and Aksel had both paused. They were keenly aware that they could never have a child of their own — not without one of them bringing someone else into bed, and neither cared for that idea — but they’d never openly discussed the idea of it. 
“Our daughter?” Eirik echoed. 
“I didn’t say that–”
“Yes you did.”
“It was a slip of the tongue, just–”
Eirik confessed that he’d always wanted a child with Aksel, even though he knew it wasn’t possible. After some discussion, they decided that they’d give it a try. They reluctantly still looked for her actual family, but in the meantime it wouldn’t hurt for them to be a family...right? 
The naysayers of Aksel and Eirik’s relationship reared their ugly heads again, but just like last time, they held strong. Most of them had left Berk once Aksel became Chief, no longer loyal to the community. Let them go, Hiccup had said, patting his son on the shoulder. 
After those who were opposed saw how much Eva — the name Aksel and Eirik finally decided upon, with the help of Alva — loved her dads, and they quieted themselves. 
As Eva grew older, her bond with her dads grew stronger, and the reality that one day her real family might show up only became a bleaker future neither Aksel nor Eirik wanted to picture. 
So far, seventeen years later, that day has yet to come. 
Faceclaim :
Ashleigh Cummings
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P.S. Krøyer - A meeting in the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences,1897, oil on canvas
Depicted people: Johan Ludvig Heiberg; Harald Høffding; Christian Bohr; Christian Christiansen; Japetus Steenstrup; Johan Lange; Edvard Holm; Karl Verner; Prince Valdemar of Denmark; J.A. Fridericia; Hans Peter Jørgen Julius Thomsen; Hans Ussing; Carl Frederik Pechüle; Sophus Mads Jørgensen; Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming; Carl Goos; Vilhelm Thomsen; Hieronymus Georg Zeuthen; Emil Christian Hansen; Julius Petersen; Johan Kjeldahl; Julius Lange; Thorvald N. Thiele
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dv-vilt · 5 years
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onze cataloogafbeelding en de herkomst ervan: een dichtbundel getiteld ‘Stavrim Sonnetter’, een samenwerking met zijn broer
Jørgen Nash (1920-2004) was de stoutere broer van Cobra-oprichter Asger Jorn. Hun beider eigenlijke achternaam was Jørgensen .
Nash was een belangrijk figuur in de Situationisten-beweging, werd daar op een bepaald moment uit de SI gestoten en richte dan zijn eigen…
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defaultlabel · 5 years
Centiweekend # 4 of 19 Not much known about Jørgen Jørgensen apart that he is from Iceland and currently located in Berlin, we cannot prove even this information though, the artist preferred to remain anonymous. Nevertheless he gave us some hints about his mysterious contribution to Centiweekends. It is based on a volcanic groove produced by Jørgen back in time, lost in archives and suddenly rediscovered around 5 years ago. In a moment of Jørgen's inspiration it was completely deconstructed, time-stretched and transformed into wonderful haunting tune. Then, it was buried in the vaults again to await its special moment. Jørgen felt that history and nature of this track paved its way to be part of our compilation. We can't agree more.
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garadinervi · 5 years
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Kamilla Jørgensen, dyrestien, 2019. Ivan Malinovski (Poetomatic); Simon Grotrian: Svaner set gennem tårer (Fire); Klaus Høeck: PITHOPRAKTA 1955 (Salme); Eva Tind Kristensen (do); Jørgen Gustava Brandt (Ateliers); Vagn Steen: Rækkefølgefaktor (Digte?); Christian Morgenstern: Fiskenes nattesang (Galgenlieder); Kamilla Jørgensen: Ræven vogter gæs; Hans Otto Jørgensen (Fluebogen); Steven J. Fowler: #1 Crown of the Hoi Polloi
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budaallmusic · 5 years
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Michel Sardaby ‎– Gail #DisquesDebsInternational 1975 🇫🇷 France Bass – #RichardDavis Composed By – M. Sardab Design [Album Design] – #RobertMazarin Drums – #BillyHart Engineer [Recording Engineer] – Jørgen Jørgensen Liner Notes – Jacques B. Hess Percussion – #LeopoldoFleming Photography By – J.P. Lemaire* Piano, Electric Piano [Fender Piano] – #MichelSardaby https://www.instagram.com/p/B2r_rEfJQzB/?igshid=1p9f19veu0q3n
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orum · 4 years
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I didn't think it would ever happen again after i left the last gallery I was associated with ages ago in a fit of self-righteous idealism. But or the first to time in over a decade I am showing works at an art fair courtesy of the good people of @bonamatic . So pop by @enterartfair 2020. 27 – 30. august 2lin Copenhagen if you are able. Bonamatic have put together a pretty good lineup if you ask me. Works by; Søren Andreasen Jørgen Fog Lise Harlev Kasper Hesselbjerg Per Lunde Jørgensen Kristine Kemp Peter Kruse Larsen Lise Nørholm Kristoffer Ørum Thursday, 27 August: 16 – 20 (PM me for tickets) Friday, 28 August: 12 – 20 Saturday, 29 August: 11 – 20 Sunday, 30 August 11 – 18 Tunnelfabrikken, Oceanvej 1 2150 Nordhavn, Copenhagen #artfair #enterartfair #bonamatic #putinsnose (her: Enter Art Fair) https://www.instagram.com/p/CECb9blB8_B/?igshid=1m35u1vt0bmop
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lowennadesigns · 6 years
This Norwegian outdoor clothing company I came across through searching Polygiene (silver chloride)  a substance that protects polyester from odour induced by sweat.Customers comments critique the company  Norrona for  using Polygiene.
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