lemonstangerine · 5 months
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james acaster 220424
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4getmenot-j · 5 months
Quên người yêu cũ đi
Quả báo của anh đến rồi đây
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burniingup · 1 year
So now that its been a solid 12 hours I have been able to sift through my computer and look at exactly what's still here.
I have all of Mishio, South, and Yukari's plain icons. But half of the ones I had edited for Mishio are gone. Luckily I can just remake those.
About 25% of Shie's are gone, and all of Minako's. Both of them I can get back, but Minako had about 800 and they took forever to save so I'm not sure that I super want to.
It's Blue I am the most upset about. I cropped and sized all of those myself from the manga. I did it slowly over the course of like several years. Every one of his icons, edited or not is gone. I had around 480. It just doesn't feel worth going through redoing all that work. Which is upsetting because I love Blue, I have always had a good time writing him on here and people seem to like him.
I'm not horribly pressed about the others but since I have Mishio's, what's likely to happen is either me redoing this blog or remaking a new one for just him. I haven't decided this fully yet but it just seems the easiest. I'm so sorry please just bear with me for a few days while I decide what to do.
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absolut-blue · 1 year
I managed to get it done much faster than I hoped! So Blue has officially been moved to my multi @burniingup!!
I will move threads over so no worries there but you will find Blue there from hereon out!!
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solpala · 1 year
all i got for my birthday was an immense sense of dread and a perpetual fear of failure btw. if u even care.
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deadsmlle · 2 years
Something I love in BNHA about Dabi specifically is how everyone I've seen, no matter if it's on here or on TikTok or Twitter, everyone interprets him a little differently. Sometimes in big ways like his actual entire personality differs, it's just little headcanons. And everyone is so attached to their own personal Dabi and I think that's so nice and so cool that ppl love him so much and put so much into him. Obviously that's true of any character, I think I just notice it a lot with Dabi because I also adore him.
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olymphianblood · 18 hours
btw gonna put some posts i liked in the queue so if you see some old ass shit its bc of that
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bussy-fart · 5 months
my boyfriend is literally perfect inside and out. the only way I can describe how he looks is if u took a Greek statue and made him nu metal. and he is the sweetest, smartest, funniest, and understanding guy to have walked the earth.
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louies-lustyard · 2 years
that was a vile post so sorry girlies
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ihateyourmom · 4 years
are you a scroll person or a refresh person? there is a very important distinction.
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aftermay · 5 years
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lemonstangerine · 4 months
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i dont have a good picture of my actual tattoo but in honour of iwtv day here's my design of louis and lestats coffins :)
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4getmenot-j · 3 years
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Khi bạn luôn cố gắng bình tĩnh trong nhiều hoàn cảnh.
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burniingup · 1 year
Thinking about how Mishio can be incredibly charming and flirty if he wants to be. Like if he has no attachment to a person and wants to use it as a manipulation tactic, so smooth, so romantic (with the exception of him being pretty strongly against physical touch and affection).
On the other hand if he IS attached and has real feelings, you can expect absolutely nothing from him. Half assed stuttered out insults. They have absolutely zero bite to them, unlike if he actually disliked you. That is if he ever decides to speak up.
Flirts with you maliciously but insults you affectionately.
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absolut-blue · 1 year
send me questions you have about my character! meme: (1) could Blue love again and be in a healthy relationship? (2) under what circumstances would he tell someone (or Nunnally specifically) his real name?
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THESE ARE SO GOOD I've been thinking about them all day at work today and I'm SORRY this is really long I love Blue.
(1) could Blue love again and be in a healthy relationship?
YEAH SO I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS. Blue's potential to heal and recover and become a good person is one of my favorite things to talk about. The short answer is yes, but with great difficulty.
Blue currently, by default just doesn't particularly care about people very much. He likes people that he can use. He is attracted to people for sure. He can like someone who is kind enough to let him in. But things generally always end with him pushing his luck and taking and taking until the person has had enough and cuts him off. It doesn't bother him, he just kinda moves on. He can begin to develop feelings for a person who very persistently sticks around even after seeing him on his worst days. Someone who he thinks might understand him. Keep him around, keep showing him that you listen and you care, and you understand and he can fall genuinely in love. Even if you begin to put your foot down and stop letting him walk all over you, he may push back a little initially but if all you offer him at the end of the day is somewhere to be and someone to cry to when all the others have left he will always come back.
One major hurdle here though is the relationship being healthy. Blue's relationships are unhealthy because he is the abuser. Things can't be healthy unless he improves. He has a lot of very volatile feelings, mostly they come out as anger, and he does have a tendency to get violent. He is willing and has before gotten into physical bar fights and such but I don't think he would go so far as to hit someone outside of such a setting. But he throws things, breaks things, etc when angry. He has years of trauma built up that he's never processed at all because he's just been drinking it away for as long as he can remember.
There would be so much arguing and pushback and fights to try and get him to stop drinking but it's a very necessary step. I don't really ever see him voluntarily stopping for a romantic partner, but I haven't had much opportunity to write such a thing so its possible. It's definitely a struggle. But if he does, that's when he's suddenly able to be vulnerable. Like a scared kid almost. It takes a long time to work through, but being with him while he learns to kind of be a normal person again is how you could make him yours forever. Things would be rough for a while but it would eventually become something healthy.
He spent so many years full of hatred that I think recovered Blue could be full of love to give.
(2) under what circumstances would he tell someone (or Nunnally specifically) his real name?
The thing is that Blue didn't really change his name for any particularly strong reason. He simply doesn't feel like the person he used to be. And he doesn't like the memories associated with that name so he doesn't use it. He made up the nickname and that's what he prefers.
He doesn't like people knowing it, he wouldn't tell it to anyone really. But he doesn't absolutely hate if people know it as long as they continue to call him Blue. I think under the circumstances I talked about in the last question - if someone were helping him get better through a really hard vulnerable patch in his life and helping him kind of process his trauma he might tell them. I've always debated this but I don't really think that even if he recovers that he ever wants to go by Azura, he always prefers Blue.
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ghafa-rietveld · 3 years
RULES: tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with!
favorite color: purple, green, and blue
last song/album: song: starting now by ailee / album: abba gold anniversary edition
last movie: fast & furious 8
currently reading: nothing because i am a horrible reader but i sometimes skim/reread six of crows
currently watching: again, nothing because my ability to follow shows has long since left me
currently craving: breakfast because it’s 8am dkfmgkfmh
coffee or tea: milk tea
tagged by: @jesperfahxey ty angel!!! tagging: im notoriously bad at tagging so if you want to do this feel free to say i tagged you!
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