jasongracesluvr · 5 months
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Jason Grace my beloved !!
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juneberrie · 7 months
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☆ going to school w bf!jason. !?
based on this request: "hey junie, can i request going to the same school as jason grace when he’s ur bf headcankns? also i hope everything works out well for ur quince good luck!!"
author's note: guys i actually havent written for jason for so long (its been three days)
— wc: 434 || jason grace masterlist
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goddd where do i start !!!
first of all. you're dating jason grace. aka the cutest patootie, awkward puppy lover bf
he'll bring you flowers, pass u cute notes in class, put little notes in your locker (if you use one bc i know i dont use my locker lolzies)
type of bf your friends love and tell all the drama to
pushing my fb!jason agenda — sitting on the bleachers while he practices, wrapped up in his letterman jacket and doing hw
adding on to fb!jason!!! the entire team knows who you are. its a side effect of dating the football superstar. they all love you and give jason advice on like. how to ask u to hoco/prom, date ideas, etc. he talks about you so much to the point that you could be meeting one of the guys for the first time and they would know your middle name, your favorite color, and an alphabetized list of people who've wronged you in the past
he would sit with you at lunch !! if you get school lunch he'll put his bag down on one chair and then his jacket/your bag/something on the chair next to it and then goes wwith you to the lunch line. if you bring your own lunch he walks you to the table, waits till the lines are short, gets his lunch and speedwells back to ur table <3
he would walk you to class all the time (aka if his class is on the way bc gods know if he was late to a class he'd have a mental breakdown)
its kind of awkward hanging out with him before school/at dances because since he knows a ton of ppl they come up and talk to him while ur just kinda standing there 🧍‍♀️ but!! like the amazeballs bf he is, he makes sure to introduce you and include you in the conversation!!
back to fb!jason (can u tell i like fb jason) after games, he quickly accepts congratulations from people (cause yk he's always winning) and immediately goes to find u <3 he'll give you one of those hugs where he picks u up and spins you around.
type of person to get his license the nanosecond he turns 16 . which meaaannnss!!! you get to be his passenger princess gf!!! he'll drive you EVERYYYYwhere. doesnt matter if he's not going he drives u anyways
i hc that he likes taylor swift so if you were a swiftie his hoco/promposal would def be taylor lyrics or something
"you belong with me — at hoco" type shit <3
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cosmamoon · 1 month
AU where Max is a cat. He just showed up one day and no one could get him off the school premises. He just comes during the school day and doesn't leave till after Football practice. Everyone is still terrified of him because he has a tendency to scratch and claw at people. Jason and Kyle are still his lakies. He seems to really like Grace and she REALLY wants to take him home with her but she will never admit it so Waylon Place Prank still happens. Don't ask how Richie and Ruth's death happen. Also he has a tiny cat Letterman jacket.
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Jason Grace gives letterman jacket vibes
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Can you do a jercy mood board for the song Jason by Bonnie Parker?
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"We shouldn't do this." Jason gasps, fisting the curls caught between his fingers.
Percy looks up, lips still brushing against hot golden skin. "Do you want me to stop?" His breath is whispering leaves in a dangerous forest.
"Gods no," Jason whines. His back hits the metal of the bleachers, making him hiss as the cold seeps through his letterman jacket.
Percy latches onto his neck again and Jason's eyes go blurry, as he sinks into himself. The chocolate taste from their special brownie batch still lingers on his tongue and he can hear his friends somewhere in the distance. But he can't concentrate on anything because he's here and not and he can feel everything and he doesn't want to but he will and—
"Percy!" He trembles, as he tugs them together, lips meeting in a clash of too much and perfect all at once.
His name is a prayer and sin and divinity and falling grace. He is at a loss for words.
This will never end. Will it?
ummmm hi friend so I loved this! Jason is the first song I added to my "Greek deity? No baby we're Greek tragedies." playlist because i was introduced to it early this year and HOLY HELL I love! The story in it is so vivid in my head and this is a small fraction of what I think it could be. (I hope it's okay that I added a little drabble I couldn't resist)
anyway thank you for the the prompt I had soo much fun!
[all images have alt text]
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life-wise-girl · 3 years
Jason Grace is handsome
Percy Jackson is hot
Jason is good looking
Percy is sexy
Jason is appealing
Percy is I'm-a-peeling-my-clothes-off
Jason is the guy dads like watch football with and call 'son'
Percy is the guy dads hate
Jason is a Letterman jacket and captain of the football team
Percy is the leather jacket and first name basis with the teacher in detention
Jason is nice and almost shy smile
Percy is a crooked smirk and dubious intentions
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darling-i-fancy-you · 7 years
Perfect - Reggie X OC
[A/N: Despite what this title of this fic is called it is anything but perfect! So this was a first attempt at writing some fluffy Reggie fic, I also went for an OC rather than a reader because it’s kind of my preferred style. It isn’t fully inspired by Ed Sheeran’s - Perfect however I did listen to it a lot whilst writing this fic! Also guys its like 3:30 am, I need some sleep. Without further ado.]
Word Count: 1979
Reggie Mantle was a cliché jock if you had ever seen one.
He had that preppy look down to a T, a cool fitted t-shirt that accentuated his biceps, dark denim jeans that hugged around his ass, and was usually found sporting his personalised letterman jacket. The girls of Riverdale, and some of the guys, could be found highly appreciating the wardrobe Reggie sported.
After the untimely death of Jason Blossom, Reggie was now also in the running for a chance at being captain of Riverdale’s football team – a role that fuelled the testosterone in his body. With the new role of captain firmly in his sights, Reggie saw an increase in attention from the very beautiful and extremely hot Riverdale vixens - wherever he walked Tia and Ginger were sure to follow.
And last but not least, in the reasons as to why Reggie Mantle was a walking cliché, he was a massive jerk. He wasn’t necessarily a bully, per say, but he was an asshole and particularly to the little guys – namely Jughead Jones, Riverdale’s residential loner. He always took it upon himself to pass an unnecessary insult, provoked or otherwise, and he knew it made him a jerk but it was all part and parcel of being a jock in Reggie’s opinion.
So what had changed?
Reggie had spotted her from the corner of his eye as he and Moose worked on dissecting the amphibian that lay dead in front of them. It was third period and they were in Biology, usually Reggie wasn’t so clued in with his academia but Biology he just got; he had carefully incised the little green body and correctly noted all the visible organs within minutes. Reggie began to stare at the girl who sat a few rows in front of him, whilst Moose prodded at the slimy toad in front them.
He watched as she attempted to cut into the soft belly of the frog, she met resistance with every prod she gave the poor dead creature and huffed the hair from her face. Reggie couldn’t help but smile as he watched her struggle, and figuring that he and Moose had already finished up he made his way across the classroom.
‘You having some trouble there?’ He smirked and folded his arms, his cocky exterior firmly in place.
She jolted back at the sudden appearance of the looming figure that was Reggie Mantle and as she took in who was standing in front of her she raised her eyebrow.
‘Reggie, right?’ She questioned with a lilt of annoyance edging in her voice.
Reggie’s smile widen as his name fell from her lips, he took it for granted that so many people knew who he was, yet it amazed him that she knew who he was.
‘Yep, that’d be me.’ He flashed her a grin.
‘Katie.’ She smiled awkwardly, unsure as to why Reggie Mantle was paying any attention to her, let alone speaking to her.
‘Katie?’ Reggie mused on her name thoughtfully, she definitely looked like a Katie, ‘Well Katie, todays your lucky day because I’ve come to the rescue.’
Katie snorted and rolled her eyes; Reggie picked up her discarded scalpel.
‘Oh - you were serious?’ She smiled in amusement.
‘Uh yeah, I was serious.’ Reggie replied as though it was the most obvious point in the world. ‘Okay take a hold of the scalpel.’ He directed.
Katie took the metal tool from Reggie’s hand and held it in a tight fist.
‘Okay, so there’s your first problem.’ He pointed. ‘You’re not holding it right.’
‘Right,’ she began with an interested smile, ‘and how should I be holding it?’
Reggie’s eyes, filled with sincerity, met with Katie’s who looked back playfully. He couldn’t hold back his smile as the short blonde girl bit her lip and raised her eyebrow, waiting in response for an answer.
Reggie brought himself to from his daydreaming gaze, ‘You hold it like you would a pen.’
‘Like this?’ Katie questioned as she shifted the tool around in her hand.
‘Perfect.’ Reggie smiled with a wide grin.
From that day Reggie spent most of his time in Biology watching Katie; the way her long blonde hair would sweep over her face as she fervently took notes, how’d she bite at end of her pencil when she was stuck on a particularly difficult question, and how she’d quietly muffle a laugh when he’d make a loud enough joke – solely for her benefit of course.
He revelled in every sweet expression she made and when she chanced a glance at him it made him physically sick with an unknown emotion.
Reggie couldn’t conclude what it was that made Katie so enchanting: was it the innocent smile she’d give him when they passed in the corridor, was it the way her face rested when she looked off into the distance daydreaming in class, or was it the way her cheeks would lightly turn pink whenever she caught him staring at her - which was then immediately followed by a smile that lay half hidden under locks of golden hair.
He’d never been so captivated with a girl like this before, sure he had girlfriends in the past and they had all been beautiful, but something about Katie made his stomach churn in the sickliest of sweet ways. He wanted to make her laugh and smile, to speak to her and know her favourite song, her favourite movie, her favourite colour.
Reggie Mantle had a crush and it was absolutely consuming him.
For four weeks straight Reggie Mantle had carried Katie’s books to and from Biology and sometimes helped her with her English books for her next period despite the fact it always made him late to Math.  
She had insisted that she was fine, it was just a couple of books after all - nothing back breaking, but Reggie had all but demanded that he carried them along with his own. She wasn’t going to complain however, it was nice to spend some alone time with one of Riverdale’s residential heartbreakers, even if it had left her originally perplexed.
Each day as he walked her to and from class he’d ask her a simple question: did she have any brothers or sisters, what was her favourite music album, when was her birthday? At first the questions threw her off guard, even more so than the book carrying but she happily obliged to his interrogation and slowly he began to open up to her.
Typically he was fan of Drake, and she learned that he had one older brother named Oliver who was finishing up at college, and that his favourite movie was surprisingly Back to the Future, he claimed to have watched it well over one hundred times. His eyes shone as he passionately spoke about his football, he told her that from a young age he and Oliver had been on peewee teams, but whereas Oliver began to excel with his academia, Reggie had carried on with his sports. He was anxious though that without the title of captain and without a scholarship his hopes of attending college himself would be sorely dashed; he wasn’t sure that his parents had put much faith in any dreams of him attending college at young age and therefore only saved enough to fund Oliver.
Katie had never expected to start crushing on a guy that she had believed was the epitome of a douchebag; but then she’d never expected that a guy who was such a douchebag would actually have a witty, kind and gentle side hidden under his over-exuberant persona. Underneath that clichéd stereotype garb that he wore was a genuine and sweet guy; worried just like the rest of them and just trying to fit in and get by.
‘So I was thinking,’ he began nonchalantly, on one of their usual afternoon walks to class, ‘we should catch a movie some time.’
Katie coughed lightly on the water that she had been sipping as it caught in her throat, they continued however to walk down the corridor and towards their destination. The blonde girl looked down to floor with a smile and a light blush grazing her face.
Reggie knocked into her shoulder with the upper-half of his body, trying to gain her attention but to no avail she remained quiet.
‘The Twilight’s showing something this Friday.’ Reggie spit-balled his idea, catching the smile that was gracing the petite girls face.
Katie continued to walk onwards, the door to Biology was focusing nearer into sight and she slowly upped the pace, Reggie kept in step with the blonde-haired girl, her quick steps were no match for his long legs and he smiled at the way he could see a hot rouge sweep across the back of her neck from his higher vantage point. Soon enough they had reached their assigned classroom, other students had already began to take their seats inside.
‘Reggie Mantle,’ she turned to question him as they reached the door, ‘are you asking me on a date?’
The tall and muscular boy flashed her a broad smile, he reached for the door handle and held it open for her to walk through.
Reggie and Katie were sat in the back of his old truck at the Twilight Drive-In, Reg had brought along a bundle of fleeced blankets and a backpack filled with sweet treats and sodas. The movie had been in full swing for at least thirty minutes, however Reggie had paid the movie no mind; his focus had solely been on Katie’s face which was captivated in the action of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore.
He watched as her fingers lightly stroked against her neck absentmindedly and as she slowly popped pieces of the popcorn he had provided into her mouth at regular intervals, he was as captivated in her as she was in the film.
She didn’t notice him watching her until he let out a small puff of air that formed a laugh of some sorts. He had been watching as her eyes began to well with unshed tears as Swayze’s character was fatally shot. The emotions he witnessed transforming across her face made his mouth run dry; she bit at her wobbling lip and began to take in a shaky breath before she quickly shot a look at Reggie when he huffed, he was watching her intensely and she was embarrassed that she had been caught out crying.
Katie let out a nervous laugh at the state of her foolishness, crying at a film she had seen a hundred times before. She had expected Reggie to mock her, pass a comment on how typical it was for a girl to cry at Ghost, but instead he just stared at her in adoration. She stared back with a bated breath.
The soft tears paired with a gentle and embarrassed smile only made Reggie fall deeper, Reggie had laughed at just how bad he had it for the girl that was sat next to him. His soft brown eyes gazed back into her watery blue ones, his lips curved into the most delicate of smiles; the soft smile on Katie’s face hesitantly wavered as the lingering stare continued. Reggie eyes lightly fell to the bow of her lips and he unconsciously swiped his own mouth with the tip of his tongue.
Tenderly Reggie’s palm brushed the underside of Katie’s jaw, he drew her face slowly to his and lightly their lips met. Her lips were soft and he could taste the sugar from the popcorn as his tongue lightly grazed her bottom lip. She gently melted into the kiss with a sigh and this was like no other kiss he had experienced before; in the past they had been toothy and wet but this, this was perfect.  
tag list (I do try to make sure I tag all the right people but my tag list is just a mess rn)
@lostinpercyseyes @every-day-is-wednesday @mysticmurder @assonanceambiance @murderyoursoul @fuck-i-dont-care-anymore’t-care-anymore @satanwithstardust @itsjaynebird @phanofmydreams @pendletonthethird @doktorswho @frickflop @kingpendleton @an-enigmatic-avenger@captainjacksparkles @casismyguardianangel @lost-in-wonderland-x @the-winter-imagines @multiversegalaxygirl @lumiele @ineedtoorganizemybookshelf @florenceivy @yazminmcd @wishingtobelost @gottalovetheapocalypse @queenieofasgard @apocalypticangell @carouselof-progress @imperfectanatomy @tuckett-sims @whatsbetterthanfantasy 
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tiptoeingquietly · 7 years
art room 3c: chapter 8
Percy's pov: after school: //
If Percy was being completely honest, he did enjoy swimming. Whether it was because the water let him feel free and unrestrained, or just the fact that he grew up in the water, Percy was ecstatic at re-joining the club. It was 3:30. His last class had just been dismissed and Percy finally had use for the athletic bag shoved in his locker. 30, 31, 75, 12 He unlocked his locker and rushed down the halls, passing his friend Jason, arm slung around Nico DiAngelo who looked royally pissed. "Yo Percy! Where you been all summer! hey, you still on for the party Friday?" Percy had almost forgotten about the 'back to school' houseparty at the Grace's. "Oh! uhh..." Percy had slowed his jog to walking down the hallway backwards, facing Jason as he scratched the back of his head. Jason rolled his eyes and turned around, waving his hand above his head. "See you there, fish boy! Even Neeks is coming -- you have no choice!" Jasons voice was lost as he exited the school doors, Nico protesting. Percy chuckled to himself, entering the outer-hall and shaking his head.
"Percy?" He looked up at the sound of his name. "Annabeth?" She was smiling at him, pushing the glasses up the bridge of her nose. Annabeth brushed herself off and stood, she had been sitting against the pillar in front of the Pool Hall. "what are you doing here?" Percy asked, shouldering his bag. "oh my dads car got broken into. Figures, huh?" Percy was worried, about how long would she be here? "he asked me to take a bus home, but i decided to finish my book first." Annabeth held up her book, holding the page with her fingers and shook it lightly. "Are you sure you don't need a ride home? i could get one of my friends to--" Annabeth looked to Percy, the bag, then the building and smiled. "You have to go to practice. i'll be fine, trust me i've taken a bus before." Annabeth laughed and marked her page with a strip of paper, placing it in her backpack. "I just uh. okay. um i'll see you tomorrow i guess.." Percy scratched the back of his neck and readjusted the bag on his shoulder. "yeah i'll uh, i'll see you tomorrow." Annabeth smiled and bit her lip. "oh hey Annabeth?" Percy called. Annabeth turned around faster then she would've liked and cleared her throat. "i don't know if you um.. there's a party this Friday.." Annabeth smiled and Percy shuffled his feet. "oh, i know. A girl piper told me about it." Piper, she must mean McLean. Percy become friends with her, Jason, and Leo Valdez last year. They must've had a class together. "oh, cool. i should-" Percy started, switching the bag from his left to right shoulder. "yeah, yeah, umm.. bye" Annabeth cut him off, pushing her glasses a bit up on the bridge of her nose. "bye" Percy turned around, hiding his spreading blush. seriously... he thought, what is it with this girl?
Annabeth pov: earlier that day:
The rest of Annabeth's day had been okay from what she could tell. Her classes went by without a hitch, though she was slightly upset Percy wasn't present in any; then Annabeth was slightly upset about her aggravation. pull it together, Annabeth.
It was the last period before lunch and Annabeth found herself highly uncomfortable. Not only was this class full of kids dressed in letterman jackets and cheerleading uniforms, but Annabeth was moved into the centre row, first seat. Honestly, if you really want to torture me -- you don't need to do any more. Annabeth complained to any deity that could've been listening.
"I expect you to all treat Ms. Chase with the utmost respect, yes, class?" The teacher, a small man large with attitude spoke, looking over his glasses. Annabeth heard scattered chuckles, the back of her head burning with the stares of fellow students. Gods please kill me now...
Mostly, the class went by without a hitch. Annabeth took the notes she needed and made sure to keep her hand down reasonably - as to not draw more attention to herself then she already secured. Annabeth realised earlier that day, that even though it was the first day of the school year, it was rare the district ever got new students. (Especially those that had traveled the world.)
The school bell grunted and Annabeth packed up her bag, zipping up the pocket when she noted the girl leaning against her desk. Annabeth looked up, her eyes meeting a pair that lacked a defined colour. The young woman was gorgeous. Annabeth guessed she had Native roots, by her bronze skin and dark hair - though the locks were short and choppy, tied in sloppy braids with one feather.
"Hey! i'm piper." Annabeth looked down at the hand in her face and took it cautiously. "you're Annabeth, right?" Annabeth nodded her head, processing what she said and spoke. "yeah, that's me.." Piper flashed a grin and shook Annabeths hand with two, pulling her out of the class into the hallway. "You should sit with me at lunch.." Annabeth froze. Oh gods. This was it. Annabeth had seen enough highschool movies to know that this choice was crucial for her social development at AHS. Though, Annabeth didn't have much time to process the situation before she found herself being sat down on a cool metal bench, the chill slightly numbing the strip of skin between Annabeths dress and high socks.
"Piper? who's this?" A boy asked, he was elvish, with curly brown hair and a impish nose. He smiled and looked at Annabeth.
"this is Annabeth Chase. She's new." Piper said with suave. Reaching over to the boy next to her, stealing a strawberry from his plate. He was blond, with a small scar over his lip. His hair was cropped and his broad chest was adorned with a letterman jacket, painted with the golden word 'Grace'.
"hi.." Annabeth offered, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
"hey, i'm jason." the blond spoke, nodding his head. "This is Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico and Will." Annabeth looked around the table, memorising each name associated with a wave to a new face. Frank was obviously Chinese, with a strong jaw though soft features. Sitting next to him was Hazel, a black girl with curly golden hair and matching eyes. She was small and smiled brightly. Next to Hazel was Leo, the impish boy who first spoke. Beside him was Nico and Will, complete opposites. Nico had raven hair and pale-olive skin. Chocolate eyes hid under thick eyelashes and his leather jacket cricked when he moved. Will was a blond, bright boy with tan skin and freckles dotting his skin like a starry sky. it reminded Annabeth of the sky in her travels and she sighed to herself.
"it's nice to meet all of you." Annabeth spoke, smiling at Hazel who's hadn't faltered once.
"oh my god, Annabeth you have totally got to come to Jason's party this friday" Annabeths attention was turned back to Piper, and Jason smiled, nodding. "Yeah it'll be chill." Jason went back to eating and Piper rolled her eyes, turning back to Jason. "Do you know if Percy is coming?" Annabeth snapped to Piper at this and it took the groups attention. "Percy?" Annabeth asked, now slightly embarrassed. "you know him?" Hazel asked. "yeah, um.. He's in my art class and he showed me one of my classes." "oh! that's..." Hazel drifted off but piper finished: "-not like Percy." The rest of the group looked at Annabeth before she spoke, "He was probably just being nice." After a few moments Frank nodded and the teens continued with their lunch, a strange feeling settling in Annabeths stomach.
i'm sorry for crappy writing. new update soon.
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