#I’m literally Jason Grace’s number one fan
jasongracesluvr · 8 months
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Jason Grace my beloved !!
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jgracie · 4 months
you mentioned girl dad jason grace like twice and let me say; i hopped on that train and i’m standing in the conductor car ready to bring you my thoughts:
yea yea yea girl dad jason grace but let me present you dance dad jason grace(my credibility on this topic is i was a dancer for twelve years and have been a dance teacher for 3). let me say right now this man is the best dance dad ever. front row at every recital. has a bouquet of flowers for his daughter. yea she’s two and can barely even coordinate her arms and legs, but he’s in tears at the end because he’s so proud. also he would 10000% go on stage with his daughter if she was too scared to go alone. he knows the choreography already because he sits in on every class because he is his baby’s number one fan
oh my god i’m gonna start throwing a fit i need girl dad dance dad jason grace right now
YES i saw ur tags ab jason being a dance dad on one of my other posts n forgot to reply BUT YOURE SOOO RIGHT HE WOULD BE FR!!!! he buys his daughter's dance recital tickets like theyre tickets to the eras tour omfg 😭 (do u buy them?? or are parents invited? EITHER WAY JASON IS THERE) he hypes her up sm during the weeks leading up to the race and watches every move she makes when she practices and tells her she did it perfectly because she did! but also she couldve sat and did nothing and jason still wouldve thought she did amazing 😢 and if shes worried he'll remind her that u guys will be proud of her no matter what because what's important is the fact that she put all her effort into performing!!!! also he shows up w the fanciest most obnoxious camera because he's ready to film everything in 4k and if filming isn't allowed he'll ask you to break the rules for him and secretly film on ur phone because jason isn't a rule breaker LOL
AND HE SOOO WOULD he has no shame whatsoever when it comes to his precious girls 😭 literally give him a tutu and a ribbon and he'll be up there w her :(
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ghostbustershq · 3 years
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Trailer 2 Full Breakdown
This is it, this is definitely it!
A meaty and goosebump-evoking trailer just dropped today for Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
Much like the first trailer, the main focus of this is the family - forced to move to Oklahoma after falling on tough times. Janine, Terror Dogs, Mini Pufts, and Ghostbusting in motion as Jason Reitman has referred to it are all here. There’s a whole lot here to unpack, plus a whole lot that I’m sure we still haven’t seen. In fact, I would argue that we now have a pretty complete picture of what’s in store come November and are being shown just enough to tide us over until the fall.
This was a solid trailer. It hit all of the right notes. It invoked goosebumps on several occasions. And oh boy, does it demonstrate that Jason Reitman wasn’t kidding when he told us hardcore nerds that if we loved easter eggs, we were in for a treat.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
The trailer begins with a very quiet and intimate bit of dialogue between Paul Rudd’s Mr. Grooberson and Carrie Coon’s Callie.
The two sit at a table, and while the trailer frames it to appear to be Spinners, a quick glimpse at the wall next to the two in a later shot shows they’re actually in a Chinese restaurant. In fact, I love that Grooberson has what looks to be one of the deluxe Benihana cocktails in a ceramic glass in front of him. Grooberson tells Callie that she’s a great mom, but she’s not so sure. Callie feels like she’s been a great mother to her oldest, Trevor (Finn Wolfhard). But feels like her introverted daughter Phoebe (McKenna Grace) keeps her at a distance. There’s a sense that Callie and Phoebe can’t find much common ground, and for this her mother is struggling.
I really love how the trailer gently brings us into the world, helps set the stage, and gives us several glimpses of some of the incredible cinematography in store from Eric Steelberg.
Grooberson’s dialogue reassures Callie that what Phoebe is going through is normal. He calls her an “awkward, nerdy kid” to imagery of her at school being teased. Ghostbusters: The Video Game fans concerned about if the story and events from the game will somehow be referenced or acknowledged in some way will probably quickly notice the Doritos product placement. Hours of gameplay has trained them well.
Anyway, not only is Phoebe failing to connect with her mother on a deeper level, but it appears that she’s an outsider at school as well. It makes the friendship we know she’s to have with Podcast (Logan Kim) that much sweeter. And you feel for her right out of the gate here, hoping that she’ll find that friend as soon as possible.
Callie and Grooberson’s conversation comes to a conclusion with Phoebe’s mother just wishing, “she’d get into some trouble.” As her mother laments about her daughter needing to be bold and a little more adventurous, we see a continuation of the scene from the first trailer in which Phoebe solves a puzzle built into the floor of the farmhouse in order to find a hidden ghost trap. Perhaps Ghostbusting is exactly the trouble the young and brainy kid needs?
As we, the audience, see the familiar ghost trap, there’s quite literally a drum roll added to the music scoring of the trailer. Perhaps Ghostbusting is exactly the trouble we need too.
The trailer continues with the Trevor dialogue we heard in the first trailer as he explains to Lucky (Celeste O’Connor) that they’re broke and the only thing they have is a “creepy old farmhouse” left to them by their grandfather. But that is the lead in to our first major surprise of the trailer: a glimpse of Annie Potts’ return as Janine Melnitz!
Janine jokes to Callie that her father wasn’t much of a homemaker. “He could hardly keep the power on,” Janine says with a chuckle. If there was any question of the family lineage, this trailer solidifies that Callie and her family are Spengler through-and-through.
It should be noted at this point that the quiet music that accompanied the beginning of the trailer suddenly has these eerie choral notes added to it. Adding a little bit of that paranormal/otherworldly feeling but keeping the trailer light and playful. I’m not sure if this is Rob Simonsen’s score, but if I had to guess given the way the music builds and shifts, this is an original music bed for the trailer only.
It’s also interesting to see how we’ll be able to revisit the past in the film by use of footage from the original (as seen in the YouTube videos playing on various computers) but also the use of one of my favorite set photography moments framed and displayed in the farmhouse presented as a personal photograph. I know, given how some people reacted to seeing a headshot of Sean Connery used in an Indiana Jones film, these types of touches can take people out of a film. But I think the trailer gives us a great idea of how these moments will be integrated and I love it.
The trailer takes a hard turn with a great back and forth between Callie and Janine. Callie tells Janine that it sounds like her father has left her nothing. Janine playfully retorts, “Well, I wouldn’t say nothing.” This line is masterfully juxtaposed with Trevor opening the barn doors to find the Ectomobile housed under a tarp. The music comes to a crescendo as Trevor lifts the tarp and reveals the Ghostbusters Mooglie logo.
Let’s call this goosebumps moment number one.
It’s this part of the trailer where it does something that’s a rarity these days, and that I appreciate so much: the music takes a breath and completely drops off to give us a small vignette of a scene from the film. Phoebe enters the barn to find Trevor working on the Ecto. She ribs him that, of all the broken down cars on the farm, he’s chosen “the station wagon.” Trevor responds that his vehicle of choice was the only one with an engine.
The music and percussion come back in full force to score Trevor on a joy ride through the wheat fields of the farm. He seems to be having a good time.
So am I… this was definitely goosebumps moment number two.
Act Two of the trailer starts with a dark and ominous storm coming into Sumerville. There’s trouble in small town Oklahoma. Grooberson reiterates his line about a town with no faultlines shaking on a daily basis to Trevor and Phoebe. Only this time, he receives a response: “Maybe it’s the apocalypse.” Phoebe delivers the line to Grooberson with such amazing deadpan earnestness that you can tell she and grandpa might have a whole lot in common. Including their sense of humor.
The line gives us a good chuckle to break the tension but also sets the stage for what’s to come in the trailer: exactly what Phoebe has predicted.
As Phoebe tells us that “Egon came here for a reason,” an archival piece of footage and dialogue from the first film plays on her laptop: the commercial playing on Dana Barrett’s television at 55 CPW. As the original Ghostbusters give you their sales pitch, this is where the trailer really kicks into modern trailer overdrive.
Flashes of imagery including the PKE meter, Mini Puft mayhem at Wal-Mart, and more quickly breathe in and out. In fact, if this trailer is our Christmas present in July, this is where we’re unwrapping and unpacking what’s inside the box.
But we also get glimpses of a creepy underground temple with some pretty intense architecture and even creepier statue work. Terror dog/human hybrid statues flanking what looks to be a pharaoh with wings. And gaunt peasants all reaching out to it all. Did Sumerians have pharaohs? Or is this something else? Certainly seems like if there were Gozer worshippers out there, this might be a stone tribute to them.
The kids discover the terrifying temple and Trevor gives us an “oh my god” to punctuate as they see what we see.
Right about this part of the trailer is where my brain explodes and I’m not sure where to start. Imagery is rapid fire as the shit hits the fan.
Phoebe looks into a cauldron in the temple (where there’s numbers behind her that we’ll have to analyze further at some point). And the cork pops on the bottle. As she does so, there’s a terrifying growl in the background foreshadowing some familiar imagery we’re about to see.
But before we get to that, two incredible things are seen as well: familiar purple PKE trails that look a whole lot like those that explode from the firehouse and converge at Spook Central. And, as Grooberson’s line about New York City looking like “The Walking Dead” is repurposed to sound like he’s talking about Sumerville, there’s an incredible physical creature design sitting at a lunch counter. A half-decomposed cabbie maybe? Wearing a 1970’s collar and neckerchief. To my eye, I’d be willing to bet that’s the work of Arjen Tuiten and his team of creature designers. And it’d make Steve Johnson proud.
Plus it’s such a funny image of this corpse sitting at a lunch counter, and the waiter is pour him coffee like it ain’t no thing. I love it.
Back to man’s worst friend: the terror dogs make several appearances in the trailer. First as a cool half-manifested entity above Groobersen and again chasing the poor guy out of a Wal-Mart. Is Groobersen haunted by these things like Louis Tully? Or is something else going on here?
If there was a moment that I expected Ray Parker Jr.’s iconic theme song to kick into full gear, this would have been it. The icing on the cake of the trailer, after we see the dead rising from the grave and all hell breaking loose, is Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast all in the Ecto chasing after what we now know is Muncher. The editorial of this is insanely cool. And we get to see the Remote Trap Vehicle (RTV) deployed from the Ecto and how it’s used in the pursuit of Muncher. We’ve seen the gunner seat, but the beats that this moment in the trailer hit, well…
Goosebumps moment number three.
After all the debate among friends if there would be a “Chewie, We’re Home” moment in this trailer - where we’d see one of the original Ghostbusters live and in the flesh, we got the perfect tease. As Grooberson, Phoebe and Podcast watch the conclusion of the original 1984 ad, the trailer closes with a phone ringing inside a very familiar looking Occult Book shop.
Tattooed arms (I’ve tried with everything I can to see what the tattoo says) pick up the phone and the familiar voice of Dr. Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) curtly tells whomever is on the other end of that phone that, “We’re closed.” A perfect little tease if you ask me. Let’s save seeing Peter, Ray and Winston on-screen to the main event.
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blueymoons · 4 years
Hey boo! Here's a bunch of numbers for that music meme: 1, 5, 6, 15, 20, 26, 28, 35, 38, and 50 🥳❤️ Looking forward to your answers, I love your music taste!
OOOoh this is so exciting!!! @kenzthepea...I adore you and I haven’t told you that enough lately. ❤❤❤
OK..Here goes:
1. Current Favorite Song: This is hard...Because I love so many songs. But the one I kept repeating today was Cardigan by Taylor Swift. I like the melody, and the lyrics that are so intricate. I especially love the bridge and I think my brain is formulating a fic with this song...but I have to wait and see what percolates. But it feels like that’s about to happen. 
5. A Song That Reminds You Of Another Time In Your Life: I’m going to with It’s Been Awhile by Staind. I don’t know why...but every time I hear this song I think back to the first guy I fell in love with. It literally never played while we were together, or featured in our relationship at all, and has nothing to do with either of us...but it makes me think of him because I feel him in it. I think it’s maybe that during the time I met him, and fell in love with him and was held by him...I was dealing with some serious things in my home life. My mother was abusive, and I felt worthless and like a complete fuck up...but all of that didn’t matter when he hugged me. None of it mattered when we were talking. It makes me feel the way he made me feel and I love that. Because I still love him. Just differently, though 15 year old me is still deeply in love with him...But I am happily married to a man who adores me, who listens to me, and who makes me feel seen...which is exactly what Daniel did for me all those years ago. We’re still very good friends and we sing karaoke together (not currently obviously) and he still gives the best hugs and he’s still as sweet and dreamy and magnetic as he was the day I met him. And I feel grateful, so damn grateful that the first man I ever loved, taught me that I was worthy of that love, so that I could recognize when my husband felt the same way. That was long...but worth it. And you knew I’d be wordy. 🤣
6. A Song That Reminds You of A Place You’ve Been: I cannot hear the Hawaiian version of I’m Yours by Jason Mraz without instantly being transported to the beach house my husband and I were married out of a little over 11 years ago. That song was played multiple times during our stay, and the Hawaiian version is so much more lovely than the radio version. It wasn’t our wedding song...but it is our unofficial wedding song. So much so that it’s the song my husband set as my ring tone when I call him. 🥰🥰🥰 I can’t seem to find the Hawaiian version but the version I linked is very damn close. 
15. A Song That Makes You Want To Fall In Love: This one was really hard...Because I’m already very much in love with my husband...But I’m going to give you two...by the same artist, on the same album, because both give off some serious sex appeal to me and both would make me ache to have someone to feel that way about if I didn’t already have my Husband-Man. Wolf Like Me by Lera Lynn ft. Shovels and Rope, and Lose Myself by Lera Lynn, ft. John Paul White (you knew he had to be in here somewhere). Both are on her Plays Well With Others album, which was co-produced by John Paul and Ben Tanner (of the Alabama Shakes) at their Sun Drop Sound recording studio in Florence, Alabama and is on their label Single Lock Records (I’m a huge fan of pretty much every artist on Single Lock’s label) and these two songs are just straight up magic. Wolf Like Me is like...a werewolf love song. It’s literally her begging someone to be a wolf like her, and understand her, and I believe its a cover...but I choose to ignore that because I don’t ever want to hear anyone but Lera and S&R singing it. It’s haunting and sexy and just...ooof. So good. Lose Myself is sexy AF as well because it’s a duet with John and they’re basically singing about being in love with someone who they know is bad for them...and it’s just so painfully sexily delicious. I dare you to listen to their voices melding and not melt into a puddle. It’s almost impossible. 
(This damn post is going to be really long...I hope you don’t mind. 🤣)
20. A Song You’ve Listened To On Repeat Recently: Rattle by Penny and Sparrow (I think you already know this one) has been on repeat for me lately. This song has been many things to me...But It’s become my worship song. When I REALLY need to talk to God (I’m spiritual...I hope this isn’t something that bothers you. Apologies if it is...I won’t preach...I promise) I turn this song on and I always feel closer to Him. When I first heard it I heard it as a romantic song. But the more I listened to it, the more I felt Him in it and the lyrics really called to me. “Because I’m not proud, I’m not proud, I’m not proud of me...so how could you, how could you ever be?” really nails me on the head. I feel like I fall down on being a light for God quite a bit. I try, always, to be a beacon of love and acceptance and grace to everyone. I want to understand my fellow humans...and love them despite their flaws and foibles...but it’s hard. And so this song reminds me that I’m not alone, and that I’m not the only one who occasionally feels that I’m not making Him proud...but the last lines, “I'm gonna work on waiting, If it's true you wanna say you love me every day. And I'm sorry (that it took me so long to realize) you've always felt that way”, are a beautiful reminder that God’s love for me is something he wants to give me everyday, no matter how much I’ve failed at being His beacon on Earth. So it’s my worship song, because I don’t go to church, but hearing this song is feeling a wash of his love over me and that helps me on really hard days. (I hope that wasn’t too preachy)
26. A Song That Reminds You Of Your Favorite Fictional Character: GOD SO MANY!!! Like...everyone I’ve ever written a fic about...and there are MANY. I guess the best way to find this one is to go to my AO3 series The Music Made Me Do It
28. A Song That Represents Your “Aesthetic”: I don’t really know what my “Aesthetic” is...maybe uptight, bohemian, plant loving, boy and dog mom, who over thinks everything constantly? Is that an aesthetic? LOL. So i’m not sure how to answer this one. But if “aesthetic” means what I would have playing in the house all the time, no matter what, no matter who comes over...It would be THIS entire playlist. It’s called Relaxed Jams (which is the EPITOME of an original title...I’m not good with titles...leave me alone 😂) and it’s pretty much playing nonstop in my house and car...Unless I’m listening to Hamilton...which is also constantly playing. So...there you go...My “Aesthetic”...Hope that works for you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
35. A Song That Sends Chills Down Your Spine: In the fall of 2018 I was dealing with the knowledge that my oldest son was planning to move to Florida. And I was NOT handling it well. To be honest...I still am not handling it well. I don’t like my baby being so far away and I miss seeing his face, hearing his voice, yelling at him to clean up after himself...I just miss him like I’d miss a limb. We’ve been together since I was 18 and he’s going to be 20 in a few weeks and so, I’m sure you can imagine, over half of my life has been spent loving him. My two boys are the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins. They are EVERYTHING to me and that’s not hyperbole. It’s FACT. So, the idea of him moving away from me made me feel like I’d done something wrong, something to chase him away. And I was listening to a random Jason Mraz playlist on Spotify when I heard a song of his that I’d never heard before (which, in itself was a fucking miracle). That song is God Rests In Reason (yes...another God song...sorry) and it’s lyrics were so utterly perfect for the way I was feeling that I had to literally pull over on the side of the road because I couldn’t see where I was going for the tears in my eyes. Those lyrics were: “Well your children will not be your children They are the daughters and the sons a beginning They'll come through your womb but not be coming from you They will be with you, but they do not belong to you You can give them your love but not your thoughts 'Cause they'll arrive with their own hearts They're the coming of angels this blessed season Undone they’ll sing, Oh how God rests in reason God rests in reason Isn’t reason enough to prove how God moves through you God rests in reason And thank God you can direct the course of love itself of love itself Directs the course of life Believe not God is your heart child But rather you’re in the Heart of God” And it just SPOKE to everything I felt. I’d been asking myself why my child, who I love beyond everything else, who I’d lay down and die for if he asked me to, would want to leave me. Why would he want to go so far away...and God answered with this song. Because Michael has his own heart...and his heart is pulling him to Florida. And in those moments I started to feel a measure of peace. And I started to cope a little better. I stopped crying and feeling like he was telling me I’d done something wrong, and I started being proud that I’d raised my son to feel strongly enough about his own intuition to follow his dreams and reach for the things he wanted in life. I still miss him. I still hate that he’s gone. But it’s eased. And when it threatens to suffocate me, I go to this song. I realize it isn’t spine tingling in the manner that this question probably meant...but it tingled my spine that a song I’d never heard, by an artist I adore and thought I’d heard everything from, shuffled through my phone at a time that I really needed the message in it. I hope that makes sense...and fills the request.     
38. A Song That You Think Is Underrated: I really think pretty much everything Penny & Sparrow has done is horribly underrated. These two men deserve at least the same amount of accolades that Hozier has. And I’m sure Hozier would agree with me if he’d listened to their catalog. I’m never NOT going to promote these guys and I know y’all are tired of it but they mean a literal shit ton to me and I NEED everyone to know their music and recognize their brilliance. They’re better than Ryan Adams, and all the other sad bastards of folk...and they’re complete and total sweethearts who really give a damn about their fans. I will not rest until I’ve told the entire world about Andy Baxter and Kyle Jahnke and that’s that about that. You can find a playlist of their entire catalog of music songs here. I listed them in order of release...and I recommend listening to them that way. At least for the first listen. But be prepared to be hooked because they’re addictive. 
50. Free Slot! Any Song You Want To Share: I feel like you just had me create a playlist for you...And I’m totally OK with it. But I can tell you that...the song Green Eyes by Joseph will be featured in a forthcoming work of mine...The chapter has already been written...I just need time to finish the chapters before it. I guess this is a spoiler for the fic...but it isn’t really because if you know anything about my #1 ship...you know where I want it to go...and this song, is perfect for it. 
Goodness Kenz...I hope this was what you were expecting because I feel like I wrote you a book. 
Thanks for asking me for all of these songs...You know I love talking about my favorite musics. And I hope there are some songs that you just fall in love with here. I’d love to hear about it if you do. Hope you’re well.
Love you!
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some-lists · 4 years
Ranking all the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers! I felt it was time for another 90’s throwback. Today I’m ranking all the Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Just about every 90’s kid was obsessed with this show. It was a phenomenon. It started out with the original five in its first season. As the show went on, we saw a number of replacements added to the cast.
As a child, I had my definite favorites based on my childhood memories. I later rewatched the series as an adult and my perspective on the characters really changed. This is my ranking based on what I observed as an adult looking back.
10. Kat Hillard (Pink Ranger)
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Kat had the unfortunate task of filling Kimberly’s shoes as the new Pink Ranger. She was doomed from the start. The writers introduced the character as a villain -- a fellow student under an evil spell to undo the Pink Ranger. It made us not like her from the very beginning. Kat eventually grew into her role, especially in the following seasons of Zeo and Turbo. But initially, she felt like an imposter who literally did not fit the suit.
9. Aisha Campbell (Yellow Ranger)
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I liked Aisha as a kid. I liked her sassy attitude and that she was girly and short. After watching the show again as an adult, I realized how completely useless she was as a ranger. She had no fighting ability whatsoever, couldn’t do any flips, and didn’t offer any brain power either. I actually felt embarrassed watching her fight scenes.
8. Rocky DeSantos (Red Ranger)
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I think Rocky got a raw deal as the new Red Ranger. Many viewers were used to seeing the Red Ranger as a leader. However, when Rocky was introduced, he was just another ranger on the side. I don’t think this was his fault as Jason had already been demoted as leader after Tommy became the White Ranger. As a kid, I liked Rocky. I didn’t mind him as an adult either. His taekwondo skills were actually better than Jason’s. He was faster, more agile, could kick higher, and do more flips. Unfortunately, as one of the replacement rangers, he was always in the background.
7. Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger)
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Ranking Jason this low is gonna shock some die hard fans. As a kid, I absolutely loved Jason. He was one of my favorite rangers. I thought he was a great leader and strong fighter. He was the glue who got his team to work together. I especially preferred him as a leader over Tommy. But when I rewatched the show as an adult, I realized he really didn’t do anything! He had maybe two episodes about him. One was about him bench pressing a world record where he lifted weights the entire episode. That’s pretty much all he ever did. He lifted weights, punched bags, and occasionally taught a karate class or two. Essentially, he was there to flex his muscles and not much else. Even his sword, which I remembered being so cool, was pretty much useless. That was a big eye opener for me. I was also disappointed to see that his taekwondo skills weren’t as great as I remembered them. He was really slow, kinda clunky. Overall, Jason deserved better than what we was given.
6. Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger)
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As the resident brain, Billy managed to invent the team’s communicators, which were also teleportation devices, and a flying car. He often operated the computers at the Command Center along with Alpha-5. It’s fair to say he contributed significantly to the team. He was a weak fighter in the beginning, but somehow became a super ripped expert gymnast by the end of his run. The show never explained that, but it was never a realistic show anyway.
5. Adam Park (Black Ranger)
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I remember not liking Adam very much as a child. He was so quiet, shy, and often in the back as one of the replacement rangers. In my child mind that meant he was boring. However, as an adult, I realized how awesome he really was. First of all, he was way cute and I didn’t even see it before. He was smart and often operated the Command Center along with Billy (good ole Asian stereotyping). But mostly, he was an incredible fighter. His Shaolin kung fu style was a beauty to behold. His kicks, spins, and flips were so quick, effortless, and graceful. He had the best line in the movie: “I’m a frog,” which turned out to be the best zord as well. As the seasons went on (especially into Zeo and Turbo), he became much stronger, more confident, and a lot funnier too.
4. Zack Taylor (Black Ranger)
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Zack is seriously underrated. He had a great personality. He was the life of the party, a great dancer, and funny. He even created his own martial arts style called Hip Hop Kido. He especially shined in the second season as he incorporated his karate with dance moves and incredible acrobatics. In my opinion, he was a way better fighter than Jason. If he had been given the proper treatment, Zack would’ve been on the same level as Tommy. After Zack left the show, the cast wasn’t nearly as fun.
3. Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger)
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Original Yellow Ranger Trini was the best. She was strong, brave, and intelligent. She had a spiritual side to her that was cool, calm, mature, and classy. She had natural leadership skills that were completely overlooked. I’d even say that when unmorphed, she was the true leader. She often stepped up and encouraged the other members no matter what situation they were in. She could understand Billy’s nerd talk and translated for the team. She also kicked serious butt. She became a big role model for many Asian American girls, as she was one of the first Asian American actresses with a visible role on television.
2. Tommy Oliver (Green & White Ranger)
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I loved Tommy as the Green Ranger. His karate took the show to the next level. He was super bad ass and totally convincing as a villain. That evil laugh was perfect. Even after becoming good, the writers found a way to keep him around. His weakening powers and ultimately losing his powers gave him a tragic appeal. His relationship with Kimberly was also super cute. He was an exciting fighter and a compelling character. But, I didn’t really like him as the White Ranger. Once he became the White Ranger and the new team leader, he became a lot less interesting. He no longer had a real story. His martial arts was always top notch, but compared to the Green Ranger, White Ranger Tommy was too perfect and a lot more boring. Separately, I would’ve ranked White Ranger Tommy after Adam, but Green Ranger Tommy was awesome. Like I said, he elevated the show.
1. Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger)
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Kimberly was such a popular character. She was loved by girls who wanted to be like her, and by boys who had a crush on her. As an adult, I could easily see why and I was actually really surprised. She was hands down the star of the show. She had the most episodes dedicated to her out of all the rangers. Even when the episode wasn’t about her, she often saved the day with her bow and arrow. Seriously. She saves the team in almost every episode. Even though she wasn’t the strongest fighter unmorphed, her gymnastics skills were crazy impressive. Overall, she was the most valuable and consistent ranger on the team. Without her, they would’ve been toast.
Overall Thoughts
First of all, I couldn’t believe how poor quality the show was. They obviously reused the same footage over and over again. Even more unbelievable is how we all believed it as kids! But that cheesiness is now one of the best aspects of the show.
I was also surprised by how much the show favored certain characters over others. Kimberly had the most spotlight, followed by Billy. When Tommy showed up, it became all about him. Zack and Trini were tied for second to last place for air time. Jason was dead last. He was barely even in the show. It’s no wonder the three were unhappy and left the show when they did.
Rewatching the series also made me realize how much the movies glorified Tommy at the expense of the Pink Ranger. In the first film that meant Kimberly, who I mentioned in this list was an incredibly strong character. In the Turbo movie, they weakened Kat for Tommy to rescue her as well. That’s super disappointing as the show offered some really cool role models for young girls.
One thing I appreciated about the female rangers was how feminine they were. Kimberly was a fashion crazy mall rat, but she was never diminished for it. It just happened to be her personality. It was never a weakness. None of the girls were expected to act like boys in order to be strong. Later in Zeo and Turbo, Tanya was more tomboyish. She naturally excelled at sports and that was really cool too.
Overall, I was impressed by how much stunts these young actors did. The putty scenes were my favorite. We got to see the real actors (not costumed stunt doubles) do all their own stunts. They were all talented martial artists of various styles and masterful gymnasts. As the show progressed, so did the choreography. I can understand why the actors complained about not being paid enough.
Today, most of the newer Power Rangers shows don’t do their own stunts like the originals did. They’re a lot more flashier as well with explosions going off in every episode. Even though the budget is higher and the actors have more rights now, it doesn’t beat the nit and grit or the talent of the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
IMO, realistically Dick would have been the first one to reach out to Jason upon hearing he was back, for the exact same reasons he took a chance on Damian as Robin (which Bruce very likely wouldn’t have), and he took a chance on trusting Raven and forming the new Teen Titans to stop Trigon after the Justice League had already turned her away because demon energies mumble mumble, and look I’m just saying - 
Dick Grayson is the guy who takes chances on people. Who gives them the benefit of the doubt. Who risks big for even the possibility of having his faith in people justified.
The only reason he didn’t do that with Jason, and help ease the way towards Jason reconciling with the family...
Keeping Jason at odds with the rest of the Batfamily was absolutely a CHOICE DC made, deliberately and consciously. So like....instead of looking to shitty interactions that make EVERYONE involved look out of character, to use as inspiration for Dick and Jason’s interactions in fics that otherwise are more than happy to disregard canon anyway.....
I’m just saying, instead of writing Dick as backing up Bruce’s caution and disapproval towards Jason, what if instead you look to the very very very well established pattern of Dick trusting and being close with people his father definitely doesn’t approve of and is wary of, like....idk, pretty much all the Titans at one point or another, plus a bunch of the Outsiders, plus the considerable number of criminals and antiheroes he’s managed to make nice with over the years, and like...tbh, off the top of my head, the only person I can think of who both Bruce and Dick don’t like that much is Ollie? LMAO. That’s it. And in Dick’s case, that probably has a lot to do with the fact that Ollie’s never been a huge fan of his either.
*Shrugs* Anywho, have Dick and Jason at odds after the latter’s return if you wanna write them that way, I mean, whatever, but this guy who is all stiff and uncomfortable and judgmental around Jason with no other reasoning given that like, Bruce doesn’t trust him or approve and thus neither does Dick, like....what???
(And yeah, I know he was written that way in Brothers in Blood, but again - see the bit where DC didn’t WANT Jason getting along with the family, and also....Jason showed up in town in Dick’s costume and started getting Dick a reputation of murdering people, and Dick happens to care quite a bit about how he’s seen as a vigilante, given that he’s always put a ton of effort into being approachable and such, and then Jason started poking directly at Dick’s still fairly recent and HUGE scab aka his feeling responsible for Blockbuster’s death....like, there are plenty of reasons why in that particular story arc, Dick wasn’t falling over himself to be like welcome home little brother who had a million and one opportunities to approach me and THIS is the way you chose to do it. And like...none of them have anything to do with Bruce).
But like, bottom line....behind the scenes decisions always play a huge role in these things....and make no mistake, originally DC brought Jason back to be a Batfamily antagonist. That was their Big Idea there. He wasn’t intended to occupy the angry Robin niche, DC wanted someone to fill the ‘fallen from grace’ Robin niche....until they eventually realized no most people wanted Jason as a good guy or at least antihero and not pitted against his family and they took advantage of the reboot to do that.
Like there’s a reason that Brothers in Blood and Outsiders were pretty much the ONLY time Jason and Dick interacted after his return up until Battle for the Cowl, and that’s because the majority of Nightwing writers didn’t WANT to use Jason when it meant having to have him and Dick dramatically at odds with no chance of anything other than that.
Like....the very specific reason that people writing Dick just mindlessly backing up Bruce’s stance towards Jason in fics with no dissent, like the reason this drives me up a wall isn’t even actually because of my uh...well documented opinion that they were closer before Jason’s death than is usually assumed. No, like even without that, that characterization for Dick completely fails to take into account that for a good twenty years, Dick was DELIBERATELY characterized as the guy who took chances on the very people Bruce wouldn’t.
That Bruce himself was characterized as saying the thing that he was most proud of Nightwing for and why he felt he’d become a better version of what he’d always wanted Batman to be, is because Dick had never lost his ability to trust in people even after being let down....because his trust was never based in naïveté but was rather a conscious CHOICE not to let the reasons he’d been given not to trust people actually take away his determination to have his faith in them proven RIGHT.
While DC was leaning into all the stories that highlighted Batman as paranoid and untrusting like The Tower of Babel with his contingencies against all the Justice League and Brother Eye and stuff, for a good fifteen years before Jason’s return....throughout all that time they were intentionally writing Dick as being the polar opposite of Bruce in that SPECIFIC regard. Like, for decades Dick was the guy DC wrote all the other characters turning to when they wanted to COMPLAIN about Bruce’s trust issues or refusal to give someone or something a shot. It legitimately just does not make much sense to simply position him as Bruce’s unquestioning number two in all matters Jason when in most every other matter Dick is the first one to be written challenging Bruce’s decisions.
So many of you guys have spent years writing Dick as the real problem child, unreasonably stubborn and likely to pick a fight with Bruce at the drop of a hat (PARTICULARLY people who write about Bruce and Jason in his years as Robin)....how come THAT characterization only seems to disappear the second Bruce is like “welp, Jason is bad now forever, oh well” huh? And only then for once Dick is like sounds about right to me boss! Like....hmm. Nothing about that seems convenient to anyone?
Like if you’re going to keep one thing in mind about Dick’s character, how about instead of his temper or flightiness or cheery jokes or chipperness or unreasonable stubbornness like....what if instead people focused on a core characteristic like how even as far back as The Judas Contract, one of the Titans’ most iconic and definitive stories....
the Titans only beat Deathstroke after he infiltrated them using Terra as his mole and literally all of them were captured except for Dick....because Dick didn’t have to rescue the others all on his own.
He did it with Joey’s help.
Because pretty much right after the reveal that Terra was a traitor who was working for Slade for as long as they’d known her....Dick chose to take a chance on trusting a complete stranger, with the story then validating his decision to believe the best of this new person instead of compounding the idea they never should have trusted Terra by having Joey turn on them too.
And the fact that the very first new person Dick chose to trust after Terra’s betrayal was Slade’s very own son....that wasn’t a coincidence. That wasn’t dramatic irony.
That was the POINT.
And this core characteristic of Dick’s has been held up time after time after time....so why can’t something like THAT be treated as defining and indicative of him as all these other fanon flaws and attributes that are usually based on a mere handful of panels or issues and then blown wildly out of proportion? How come he can spend so much time being characterized in fics as hot tempered and likely to go off about anything when most of the examples to back that up have to deliberately be pulled from stories of brainwashing or where he’s for other reasons still acting OUT of character by the canon example’s own admission...while characteristics that entire iconic story arcs have HINGED upon go not only unacknowledged....but completely flipped?
You tell me.
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Coffee Caramel Flan (JayTim Fic for Fictober)
Prompt number: 25 .“I could really eat something.”
Fandom : DCU/Batman. No powers AU
Rating: General Audience
Warnings/Tags: None/ Angst, Fluff,
Summary : Tim is sick and became an even pickier eater. Jason is determined to make Tim eat. But, of course, things aren't as simple as that.
Word count : 4k
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“Can’t you just eat a spoonful?”
“How about no.”
“Oh c’mon. I’m literally running out of food recipes.”
“I can’t today.”
“What is it? Too bland? Too salty?”
“Just drop it, Jason,” Tim finally snapped, his eyes look apologetic before he looks away.
The room fell quiet, though it never really is. The news has been playing all night long from their upstairs neighbor, and a recording of 60’s retro music quietly hums from the room next door. The fan on top of them whines as they blow a barely-there wind, signs of old age. Their apartment is as tidy as a dead beat one can. Random stuff for the coming garage sale are tidily packed but taking the corners to resides. It’s not much, but it’s home sweet home.
Days like these are often for Jason. Especially when Tim is sick, he’s a picky eater, just like now.
“What about some flan with coffee caramel, you liked those,” Jason attempt to coax Tim to eat one last time. When the small frame finally turns towards him, Jason felt like a medal of honor is blessed upon him.
“I thought the dishes are a bitch, so you only make those once a month,” Tim whispered sheepishly, hiding half of his face under the thin wool blanket.
The skin above Tim’s bony his joints is blooming red, as well as his sickly nose and teary eyes. Tim has never been this sick before, but then again, there are times where Jason had thought so too and Tim always healed. There’s no need to worry, Jason said to himself over and over again. He can take care of Tim, he’s the only one who can.
“I’m desperate,” Jason says to the empty air. Blinking his haze away, he looks back to Tim who knits his eyebrows together, “At this point, I’m ready to make anything as long as you eat and get well soon.”
The little 18-year-old melts, and whenever Jason sees Tim that way, he fell in love all over again.
“I love you, Jason,” Tim says as he sits up and lands a kiss on Jason’s cheek, not wanting to pass the cold.
Jason frames the heart-shaped face in his calloused hands. Tim’s pretty face graced with that pretty smile, it’s almost sinful how Jason is allowed to touch him.
Never a day passed by that Jason doesn’t feel blessed that Tim’s here, that Tim chooses to stay with him.
“I love you too, Timmy.”
 “How’s your runaway?”
“Tim’s not running from home. His parents knew exactly where he is and my address, and never bother to pick him up,” Jason put a cigarette between his lips and open his hand to his nosy friend to give his lighter back.
After lighting up his own, Roy hands it. “Gotta admit, I didn’t expect Tim to last long staying in your place for...” Roy drags in, and huffs a white puff of some to the warm sunset sky how long has it been?”
“... Six months,” Jason said after puffing the lit cigarette and takes a long drag from the filter.
“Dang, he can live without his golden toilet?”
Jason smacked the back of his redhead, “Shut up, he’s tougher than you think.”
As he smacked Roy’s head, his image seems to blur. He thought it’s the smoke, but it seems to disappear, or maybe the sun, but it’s cloudy right now. Whatever caused it, when focus came back, Roy has a different demeanor.
“Sure, your Tim is.”
“The fuck is that suppose to mean?”
Roy smirks and pushes the wall with his back, “You know what I meant, coo-coo brain. I’ll see you tomorrow when you’re better.” The redhead disappears around the corner leafing ribbons of white from the burning cig.
Jason doesn’t let what Roy said get to him. Cigarettes help. After the third one is finished, he goes back to kitchen duty.
 “Tim? I’m home!” Jason declared as he locks the door behind him. When he steps in, the room is empty.
Tim is not in the kitchen or lounging on the sofa, not even in his bed where he’s supposed to be resting, and there’s no voice in the shower.
Before he starts to panic, his eyes catch a piece of paper by the nightstand.
‘Starting to miss my phone. I’ll be back in a flash. And don’t worry! I feel better :)’
Relief wash over him and the tension on his shoulder melts away. Some of it at least. He can’t believe how much Tim’s presence influenced him in these past few months. The sun is still out and he doesn’t know when Tim left and how long has it been since he did.
His therapist says it’s okay to feel on edge for little things. That there is nothing as such, and he can always act on it as long as it makes his restlessness goes down.
The knock on his neighbor’s door is a bit harder. Miss Mary has a hearing problem, hence why her 60’s music always sounds too loud. It never bothered Jason though, sometimes Jason and Tim even danced to it.
“Miss Mary?” Jason called when he hears no steps and only a sound of sax from a recorder.
After a few seconds, the door opens, a lady with big cloudy green eyes looks up at him from the little opening of the door. The chains hold the door to a certain gap.
“Oh, Jason sweetie,” she melted into a smile, putting tension on her sagging skin. She closed the door, undoing the chain and opens the door wide, “How can I help you? Would you like to come in?”
“It’s not necessary Mary, I just want to ask if Tim went out.”
“That boy? Yes, he told me you’ll come. Told you not to worry,” Mary slaps him on the biceps, “Is he okay? Where are his parents?”
“Don’t worry, he just has a bit of cold.”
“My eyes might be bad, but that boy is as healthy as a horse! What are you talking about?”
“You’re right Mary.”
Jason jumps with hairs standing up.
Tim giggles triumphantly from behind him.
“Jesus Tim, scared the bones outta me. Got your phone?” Tim lifts his phone up. “What did your parents say when they see you?”
“Didn’t say anything because I didn’t see them. Only the maid is there.” Tim shrugs.
“Where are they? How can parents not be home?” Miss Mary asked.
Tim and Jason look at each other before Tim finally reservedly smiles, “They’re out of town for work.”
“When will your parents be back honey?”
“They won’t be back for a long time.”
“Oh, you must be lonely.”
“No, I’m not. I got Jason with me.” Tim steps closer and links his arm around Jason’s waist and leans his pretty little head on Jason’s shoulder. Suddenly a volcano burst inside his chest and a bunch of hearts geyser out of it.
“Oh, aren’t you the sweetest!” Mary smacks Jason’s bicep again. It’s something Mary does, Jason is whatever about it.
Jason put his arm around Tim’s and squeeze firmly feeling the chill on Tim’s damp cloths and Tim’s warm hand on his back.
“Alright, thanks Mary, I’m gonna take Tim to bed now, good evening.”
“You too love!” and she closes the door.
“Wait, to bed? The sun is still up!” Tim whined.
“You’re warmer than yesterday.”
“Really? But I feel totally fine!”
“You’re still sick, and did you eat the lunch I left?”
Tim looks away guiltily, and Jason sighed, “I’ll make you some chicken soup, it’ll be easy to eat.”
“Yeah, I think I could eat that.” Tim lets go of his hand and looks at Jason.
There’s a coldness in his eyes, never before that Jason sees him like that, it chills him to the bone. Not quite in anger, but the rapid change sends shivers down crawling at the back of his neck. It still looks like Tim, but Jason doesn’t know this part of him, and Jason’s not sure what to make out of it.
“I’m not sick, I’m not your mom.”
It feels like that’s the last thing Jason remembers that day. The morning after, Jason wakes up without Tim, and no note left behind.
 Jason tried Tim’s phone but there’s no reply. Jason tried to wait a day but Tim hasn’t come back still. Two days passed by, Tim must’ve been back to his house. But then again, Jason knows Tim, he’d rather die than goes back there. What does that make Jason that Tim would rather go back to his parents than talk things out with Jason?
Last time Jason meets with Tim’s parents ended up with a restraining order. No, not on Jason, but on Tim’s parents. Long story. Now, Jason is in front of the Drake’s resident with no shame or anger stopping him.
The first one to show is Mr. Drake, he looks nothing like Tim. His face looks just as long as his neck and just too narrow. Under his dark green robe is a white and blue pajamas, seems like Jason just disturbed his break time.
“You,” the old man spat, “What do you want?”
Jason lets his face twitch, but not show his distaste, “Tim, is he here?”
“What are you talking about? Tim is-”
“Honey,” called a woman from the doorstep, she too is in a robe. A blue satin one that reaches her mid-calf and her hand clench above her heart.
She approaches with a slow and careful pace, “Jason, Tim is sick,” she says the most obvious thing with caution.
“Yes! I was taking care of him in my apartment and then he just vanished. Did he come here? Is he still sick? Do you care about him now after he’s sick to death?” Jason pointedly glares at the old man who glares back at the same intensity.
“See here you lunatic-”
“Jack!” Mrs. Drake scolds, and Mister Drake glares at her too, but a single shake of the head from her subdues him. “Tim is out buying groceries. Wait here Jason, I’ll call him,” she said then promptly walks inside her house, so does Mister Drake after giving Jason a stink eye.
Then what’s left is Jason leaning onto the gate. Looking at the road and the residential area, makes Jason's skin crawl. This place gave him unpleasant memories.
He waited until the sky is getting dark. While he waits, his mind rotates to the possibilities that the Drake might’ve been lying to him. Well color him with shit, ain’t he dumb.
Just as he’s about to grab a rock and throw it to one of the windows, a white van parked right in front of the Drake’s sidewalk. A bunch of men came out of the van’s sliding door, wearing high-collared all whites like nurses. One of them grabbed Jason’s by the arm, and it shocked Jason when he couldn’t yank his arm away.
“Let go of me!” Jason growled, but none of the men responded. The one on him is trying to subdue him while the other is carefully approaching.
“Who the fuck are you guys? Get away from me!” Jason screams this time, trying to desperately run away. The nurse pulls him with a force that throws him off balance, and his arms quickly locked behind him.
“ARGH!” Jason screamed as a sharp pain shoot from the back of his neck. His blurry vision catches one of the nurses with a syringe.
As he looks up, Janet and Jack Drake are looking down from one of the windows. Even so, as Jason’s consciousness slips away, his last wish was to see Tim popped into view in one of those windows. Tim doesn’t.
 Jason woke up wearing a baby blue shirt and matching knee-length shorts. Only after a few seconds staring at it that he recognizes it’s a patient's uniform. He was about to run away if the familiar woman isn’t the second thing he sees.
“Wh- Miss Mary? What... what are you doing here?”
Miss Mary serves her usual kind smile. Like the room, her clothes are white and clean. Tidy like it’s just been ironed and proper like an office worker. She wears an id card on her shirt’s pocket on her right. ‘Marilyn Pepper. Head Nurse’.
Jason looks around, it doesn’t look like a hospital. Beside his bed is another bed, and beside that is a lot more beds in this one big room tidily rowed with two-meter space from each other.
“Jason, I’m going to tell you something you might not believe,” Miss Mary says softly as she sits down on the edge of Jason’s bed. “This is a mental institution, and you’ve been here for a few years now.”
Her words punch the air out of Jason’s lungs. His head shakes as he starts to feel uneasy in his own skin.
“You’re... no, I was in my apartment yesterday, I was... I was with Tim!” Jason jumps out of his bed, “I don’t have time for this, I’m leaving,” then he storms out of the room.
The halls seem like it goes on and on, both ended with a double door. The place is too clean for comfort, too sterile to even possibly exist. A few nurses walking back and forth with a writing board on their hands. Their eyes straight ahead as they walk, as if Jason is not there.
In the end, he chooses one door and proceeds cautiously. A tap on his shoulder makes him turn vehemently. A young nurse with a familiar face is taken back as she moves her hand away. Jason doesn’t know who she is, only the gut feeling that he does.
“Yo, Jason you okay?” the blonde tips her head to the side.
Her voice sends chills down his spine and Jason runs away. She tried to stop him, but he ran away.
He feels like a mouse in a maze with no way out. Trapped upon unfamiliar hallways that never ends. his head starts to feel light. The beating of his heart pumps with rapid breathing.
Another door feels like the other, but this one doesn’t lead him to another hallway. It’s a large room with sofas, chess tables and people doing their own thing. The soft retro music of the ’60s hits him the most, for a blink there he can see his apartment with this music played behind the wall. The right side of the wall is all glass and looks out to a green grass flooring with swings and a mighty tree in the middle where a few people sit by a plaid carpet.
It feels like the room spins around. A few eyes are on him before they go one with their business. Most of them are using the same clothes as Jason.
This is, a mental institute, that means they’re patients, and that means so does Jason? But he’s not crazy... he’s not! He doesn’t belong here.
“Whoa whoa whoa you’re like a merry go round there, stop spinning,” says a familiar voice. A pair of hand hed his shoulder and in front of him is Roy, wearing the same uniform as his.
“Okay, you know where you are?” Roy asked.
“Miss... Miss Mary said it’s a mental institute,” Jason says meekly, holding onto Roy, the last thread he knows is real.
“That’s right, let’s go outside okay?” Roy wraps an arm around his shoulders and Jason is disarray enough to follow.
The breeze smells of the cold air of spring. It cools down his frayed senses enough to makes sense that some things don’t. There’s a wooden chair where some people sit together and talk, two grown adults are by the swings, laughing like toddlers. The pretty and clean place is surrounded by a tall metal fence. Thick and sturdy as star-shaped spikes rowed at the tip. From the gap between the fence, he can see the city that seems on the lower ground and further away from where he is.
“Am I dreaming?” Jason steps closer to the gate, reaching towards the faraway city that has been his home.
“Nah, this’ pretty real,” Roy replied nonchalantly. “Do you remember when you get here?”
“I think I was taken yesterday. Tim went missing so I came to his house, just to see of he’s there and nothing happens. Then I guess his parents called the nurses.”
“Ok, the nurses part was right. You somehow escaped, you went missing for a while. But you’ve been in this institution for –get ready– five years.”
Jason whips around with blown wide eyes, “You’re fucking insane!”
“Well, we both are, that’s why we’re here.”
“But I didn’t do anything!” Jason screamed, all the people in the yard looks at him and some even stand up as they inch away. “Tim is sick, he needs me! If I’m not there he could’ve... he could’ve died, I can’t handle that again.”
Roy shifts his eyes to the glass door and around before walking cautiously towards Jason, “Okay, calm down buddy.”
“No!” Jason storms past Roy.
“Jason just please wait a minute!” Roy holds on to Jason’s wrist but Jason easily brushed him off.
Behind the glass door is darker than the outside. Just before Jason opened the glass door, he takes a look at himself in the dark glass door that shows every detail of his face there. It’s almost like Jason is seeing someone else through the glass. He hated how he knows it him, the age that does a number to his face, and cruelly makes him look like the father he resents.
He steps even closer, putting his finger on the glass and trace all the points on his face that he detested. How deep his eyes sunken into the sockets on his skull. The fine lines beginning to form under his eyes. Chapped lips that split apart so bad that it’s slightly bleeding. Has it really been 5 years? Because he looked like time passes way beyond that. The longer he stares onto his reflection, the more his anger shimmers down and replaced with terror.
He looked just like his sickly mother before she died. It’s still a mystery why she never got better. Jason did everything right. When Tim fell sick, the dread of his mother’s death haunts him again. Mistakes of the past are a teacher for your future, but Jason’s past can’t teach him anything if Jason doesn’t know what he did wrong. All he knew was he doesn’t want to make the same mistake, to let Tim have the same fate as his mother because of his failure.
“Oh, that’s what happened,” Jason whispered under his breath.
He sees Roy coming from behind him at the corner of his eyes, but he can’t look away from his face just yet. He tried to remember what he did to Tim. What made him ended up here.
The glass door slides open, the first one to show is Miss Mary, then in front of Jason, is Tim.
Now as tall as him. His body filled up a little since he last remembers and a face that’s just as youthful as he was 5 years ago. His hair is trimmed and let down, not as long but the short hair makes him look more mature than the boyish teen Jason remembered. He’s wearing fit ankle-length trousers with patterned baby blue button-up with oxford shoes. Unlike the skater boy Tim Jason used to.
Somehow, seeing Tim in front of him forces the reality down his throat.
“Jason, are you okay?” Tim asked with worried doe eyes. It’s unreal to hear Tim’s voice sounds lower now, but what breaks Jason the most is how Tim is also cautious of him.
“What did I do to you?” Jason’s question drops the temperature a few degrees. He can see Tim shrunk his shoulder as he slightly leans back.
“Please tell me, Tim,” Jason begged, “Don’t I deserve that?”
“No!” Tim scolds, freezing Jason on the spot, “You deserve to be well and happy and if forgetting what happened is all that it takes then... then it’s fine.”
Tim’s eyes glassed over with tears and he wipes them before they escape.
“How can I learn from my mistake if I don’t know what that mistake is? I need you to tell me, Tim... Timmy.” Jason called his nickname and Tim just look away, breaking his heart into shards, “Why are you so scared of me?”
Tim finally looks up, with gritted teeth and eyebrows digging close to his eyes, “I’m not! I just want you back, Jason. I want to wake up next to you again, and have your coffee and eat your cooking when you didn’t think I’m sick! I missed you! And If forgetting what happened is all it takes...” Tim’s voice trails to nothing, this time his tears free fall down to his jaw.
Jason for once left breathless and ashamed, seeing Tim in tears, he never makes him cry like this. But in the 5 years that left his memory, how many have those tears had shed behind him.
“You’ll remember Jason, this isn’t the first time this happened. You always prefer me to be honest, so, I have to tell you, this is the longest memory loss episode, hence I needed Tim to come.” Miss Mary comforted.
“Why did I forget?”
“We still don’t know. You have triggers whenever you’re left alone or when you touched someone that’s a bit warmer than usual, but how bad it affects you can lead to memory loss.”
Tim looks reluctant, but Miss Marry rubs his back, “It’s okay Tim, he’s getting better, it needs to be done.”
Then Tim finally nods, looking up to Jason and slip his arms between Jason’s torso and wrap him into a clinging hug. Jason immediately hugs him back. Just yesterday he hugged this body, but it felt like it’s been so long since he does.
Tim hold his hand and pull him towards the tree, “This is our favorite spot.” Then he sits down, which Jason follows suit. The yard looks a bit empty now. Whatever Jason did in the past, the patients seem to be wary of them. Fun.
“You’ve come here quite often then huh?” Jason mused.
“Yeah, to visit you.”
“Did you put me here?”
“No, you did.”
Jason smiled at himself, “Good.” Whatever insanity he was drowned in, he’s glad he had the sanity to put himself here.
Jason and Tim sitting under the tree’s shade, suddenly lost for words.
“I’m sorry,” Jason said after a long pause.
“Don’t be. None of this is your fault.”
“Will you tell me what I did to you now?”
Tim pursed his lips, playing with his fingers before he finally admits, “You lock me in your room, thinking I was sick. At one point you overdose me with cold medicine.”
The cold air blows but it’s not the reason why Jason has chills on his skin. Suddenly feeling like he shouldn’t be this close to Tim. As he was about to scoot away, Tim lay his head on his shoulder.
“Don’t,” he silently scold.
“You’re not broken, just troubled.”
Jason knows that but it hurts that he hears it, but it helps that Tim’s here. How many times has this happened. How many times Tim have to come here for Jason.
“I’m a danger to you.”
“You’ve been getting better, I swear, and I’m so proud of you.” Tim retracts, putting his hands on each of Jason’s face.
It takes his breath away how pretty when Tim smiles. Tim leans closer and presses his lips on his. Chaste and gentle, it powers Jason’s heart to shoot out of his rib cage. Tim stands on his knees, and tuck Jason’s head to the crook of his neck, and wrap his shoulder. Jason holds onto the back of Tim’s waist and they hold onto each other like they’ve finally found each other.
“I’m going to get better,” Jason declared to the sky above and Tim in his arms, as a reminder to where he’ll return.
“I know baby,” Tim kisses the root of his hair. “Hey, I’m hungry.”
Jason smiled, “Am I really hearing you say that or is that my fucked up brain?”
“I’m really hungry!” Tim chuckled.
“I can make you something, I remember this place have a kitchen I can borrow. Want some eggs? I’ll make you coffee caramel flan if you do the dishes.”
“For those flans? Anything.”
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crispsevans · 5 years
Films in 2019
It’s been a while again. Maybe I should make this review-thing a monthly thing LOL. My current count is at 33/150 for 2019, 18 out of 33 seen in theatre.
filmpage - filmlist - suggest a film
CAN CONTAIN SPOILERS. ( I review Endgame in this post, there are Endgame spoilers in this so don’t read, if you haven’t seen it yet.)
Hidden Figures (2016)
streamed on Amazon Prime Germany production country: USA OV: english seen version: OV Starring: Taraji B. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe Director: Theodore Melfi Plot summary: The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program.
Review: 99ct Prime Deal movie. So glad it was on the list of the deals, because I’ve been dying to see this one ever since it came out. But as always I had no one to watch it with and I waited a little too long.
Finally saw it and what can I say - I loved it very much. What a great and important movie. 
My favourite part is probably where Janelle Monáe’s character fights for her right in court aspiring to be the first african-american woman to attend a white school in order to get higher education to qualify for a better position. LOVED IT. She slayed. Rating: 4/5
The Big Short (2015)
streamed on Amazon Prime Germany production country: USA OV: english seen version: german Starring: Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell Director: Adam McKay Plot summary: In 2006-7 a group of investors bet against the US mortgage market. In their research they discover how flawed and corrupt the market is.
Review: 99ct Prime Deal movie number 3. I was a huge fan of Vice so I really needed to see this one.
To be honest this one was a bit harder to understand, because you have to have a little knowledge about economics and how they work - esp. on Wall Street. I mean, I took an A-Level class in Social Sciences and Economics so it was okay for me, even though I didn’t fully understand everything, but I just put it into context. They try to explain it in an easy way, but just make sure to pay attention :) 
Shocking reveal of the real estate market and how things went downhill in 2007 causing the global financial crisis that affected my family in a really bad way. 
Though I have to say it didn’t involve me as much as Vice, I felt like it was a little bit like chewing gum in between the scenes. Maybe I had to watch it in theatre to love it as much as I love Vice. Rating: 3,5/5
Spotlight (2015)
streamed on Amazon Prime Germany production country: USA OV: english seen version: german Starring: Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams Director: Tom McCarthy Plot summary: The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core.
Review: 99ct Prime Deal movie number 4. Hands down - THE BEST out of all of them. 
What a movie. Very emotional, very dramatic, very captivating, very important.
I have nothing more to say except for: WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY. What a shame that it took me so long to actually see it. Outstanding cast, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams are killing it! Rating: 5/5
Serenity (2019)
seen in theatre production country: USA  OV: english seen version: german Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jason Clarke Director: Steven Knight Plot summary: A fishing boat captain (McConaughey) juggles facing his mysterious past and finding himself ensnared in a reality where nothing is what it seems.
Review: #sneakmonday movie. I was hoping they’d sneak it and I was so happy when they did, even though this movie kinda was a let down considering the cast of the movie. 
It was a decent movie with decent acting, liked McConaughey and Clarke in it, Hathaway (even though I love her very much) didn’t deliver her best performance here. 
I liked the plot twist mid-through the movie that made you rethink the entire thing. It was a little too surreal for me though. I’ve seen worse but I’ve also seen a lot better than this. Rating: 2,5/5
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
streamed on Netflix Germany production country: USA OV: english seen version: OV Starring: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman Director: Roland Emmerich Plot summary: Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind's new space defenses be enough?
Review: This never happened to me before. In one of my previous review post I reviewed ‘Independence Day’ and I didn’t like it that much. Now THIS ONE, the sequel, IS SOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER! I freaking LOVED it. 
I really don’t know if it’s the new CGI (which is obviously 10000 times better than in the 1996 version) or the storyline or whatever it is - it’s way better than the first one. It really caught my attention and I just love Jeff Goldblum - he’s such a class act.  Rating: 4/5
Greta (2019)
seen in theatre  production country: USA / Ireland OV: english seen version: german Starring: Isabelle Huppert, Chloë Grace Moretz, Maika Monroe Director: Neil Jordan Plot summary: A young woman (Moretz) befriends a lonely widow (Huppert) who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her.
Review: #sneakmonday movie. 
Can I just say I really love obsessive lover/stalker movies?! I know I’m weird and it’s nothing you should fancy, but the movies about this topic always get me. They keep me on the edge and sunken in my seat until the movie’s over. 
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, I thought it was really good most of the time - also something I haven’t seen before. The performances by Huppert and Moretz are really convincing.
It just really lacks in some of the decisions Moretz character makes. Sometimes it drifts off into a B-Lister movie, which this clearly shouldn’t be, but the lines and decisions of the character make it seem like a weird thriller horror thing. No one is really that stupid, but they wrote her character that naive. I didn’t like that.
But all in all it’s a good one, I enjoyed it very much. Rating: 3,5/5
The Collini Case / Der Fall Collini (2019)
seen in theatre production country: Germany OV: german / italian seen version: OV Starring: Elyas M’Barek, Alexandra Maria Lara, Franco Nero Director: Marco Kreuzpaintner Plot summary: A young lawyer (M’Barek) stumbles upon a vast conspiracy while investigating a brutal murder case.
Review: #sneakmonday movie. This is a german movie.
Elyas M’Barek is usually a comedy-actor. A little bit like Jennifer Aniston but as a male and in german. I never saw him as a guy who’d play a serious role. But here we go and I was pleasantly surprised by his performance. Never thought he’d do this good. 
Interesting story, very captivating and not too revealing. It takes quite a while until the movie really lifts off and the storyline begins to paint a picture and you understand what’s going on, but the reveal is very tragic and very emotional. I loved the screenplay and also the cinematography in certain points.
But whoever directed the music in this movie, please reconsider your job. It was a disaster, really. The score itself was good, but the usage was so out of place most of the times, it bothered me SO MUCH. 
German produced movies try to be so much like Hollywood Blockbusters, but they’re not and this is another example for it. But it’s one of the better ones. Rating: 4/5
The Perfect Date (2019)
streamed on Netflix Germany production country: USA OV: english seen version: OV Starring: Noah Centineo, Laura Marano Director: Chris Nelson Plot summary: To save up for college, Brooks Rattigan (Centineo) creates an app where anyone can pay him to play the perfect stand-in boyfriend for any occasion.
Review: I don’t know what I was expecting from a Netflix RomCom, but this kinda let me down yet again (just like ‘Isn’t it romantic?’).
It was okay and kinda cute in some places, but nothing fancy and a lack of entertainment for me. Overall it was okay and it’s a movie to watch before you go to sleep or when you’re sick.  Rating: 3/5
Overdrive (2017)
streamed on Sky Cinema Germany production country: France / Belgium / USA OV: english / french seen version: OV Starring: Scott Eastwood, Freddie Thorp, Ana de Armas Director: Antonio Negret Plot summary: Two car thief brothers (Eastwood, Thorp), who journey to the south of France for new opportunities, wind up in the cross hairs of the local crime boss.
Review: I literally just watched this for Scott Eastwood LOL. It’s such a cringe movie, I just couldn’t. 
I know Scott can do better than this. The character-writing was so damn flat and so was the entire screenplay. I’m not a huge Fast & Furious Fan, maybe this movie is for people who love those movies - at least you get to see some really nice cars. 
But really, this is such a cringe movie. My rating is for Scott (because DAMN) and the beautiful (!!!!!!) landscape cinematography of South France! Rating: 2,5/5
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
seen in theatre (soon thrice) production country: USA OV: english seen version: german (soon OV) Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Josh Brolin AND SO MANY MORE. Director: Joe and Anthony Russo Plot summary: After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe.
Review: ... here we go.
I went to see it on the first screening of the day when it came out over here in Germany. I know Europe was blessed with being two days ahead of the US.  I literally cried for 3 hours. The entire 3 hours OKAY. Sitting through the credits because I couldn’t believe what I just saw. 
It took me a few days to completely understand what I had watched.
There are so many things wrong with this movie, but also so many good things about this movie I JUST DON’T KNOW. 
When I went to see it the second time I liked it a LOT better and with every day and every clip I see and listening to the score more and more I grow to love this movie more. 
And against the mainly common opinion in disliking the ending of this movie, I loved it - even though it may makes no sense in a scientific way. Hate me all you want, but you can read HERE why I loved Steve’s ending, Becka wrote a beautiful piece. 
Also Tony Stark. Let’s talk about Tony Stark. What is there left to say though? His actions speak louder than words. He basically did ALL OF IT for PETER FREAKING PARKER. How beautiful. He did it for him, because he missed him, because he couldn’t live with the thought of losing him. And sacrificing himself for Peter, for the rest of the Avengers, for the entire universe, WHAT A MOVE.
Now let’s move on to Natasha Romanoff, because she doesn’t get enough credit. First female Avenger, the glue, heart and soul of the Avengers, the mom that held everything together, that kept the world a safe place after the snap and Thanos being dead in 2023 like. She still cared, she cared about her family (the original 6 more than anyone else really) and she kept looking for Clint (DON’T GET ME STARTED ON CLINTASHA) and.. I just.. and then she sacrificed herself and her life, for her family. FOR THEM. FOR LOVE. FOR CLINT. SO THEY COULD SEE THE SUN AGAIN (to put it in Loki’s words). I JUST.... 
It started with Tony and Nat and it ended with Tony and Nat and I just... I just can’t. Literally I CAN’T. Still not over it.
P.S. America’s ass. Rating: 4/5
Fighting With My Family (2019)
seen in theatre production country: UK / USA OV: english seen version: german Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Florence Pugh, Vince Vaughn Director: Stephen Merchant Plot summary: A former wrestler and his family make a living performing at small venues around the country while his kids dream of joining World Wrestling Entertainment.
Review: #sneakmonday movie. Based on a true story. I had no expectations, really. I gotta say, I’m not into Wrestling AT ALL. And I don’t really want to be. So this was a bummer for me. 
But nonetheless this is a cute family movie. The bond between the siblings and the entire family is really beautiful to see and so is the character development of Paige’s brother Zak. 
Also the interaction with all these kids learning how to wrestle is really just beautiful. Kids from all ages, different backgrounds, different identities, sizes and also a blind kid - they all come together and become friends through Wrestling. That’s really beautiful. 
It’s just not my cup of tea, because of the Wrestling topic. It’s a decent movie though. Rating: 2,5/5
Journal 64 (2019)
seen in theatre production country: Denmark / Germany OV: danish / arabic / spanish / german seen version: german Starring: Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Fares, Johanne Louise Schmidt Director: Christoffer Boe Plot summary: A series of mysterious disappearances in 2006 are eerily connected to the same institution.
Review: #sneakmonday movie. Based on a crime thriller by Jussi Adler-Olson.
Scandinavian films are so good, really. They are SO DAMN GOOD. Especially crime thrillers - they’re just really good at not only writing them as books but also making them into movies and TV shows. I don’t know how they do it. Norwegian/Swedish/Danish crime thrillers are kinda dark most of the times, this one had a nice comedic effect, though, because the main character is a blatantly honest person and drops a lot of bricks, but is still a very charismatic character.
Really liked this one. Very dramatic story, there should be a trigger warning though (tw: rape / tw: abuse / tw: abortion). So keep that in mind, if you decide to watch it.
Rating: 4/5
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Shitloads Of Wrestling Interview: Anthony Toatele [June 12th, 2018]
Straight out of Salt Lake City, Utah, “The Flowin’ Samoan” Anthony Toatele is one of Indiana’s best kept secrets. Trained by Kongo Kong at Bodyslam University, Toatele’s popularity has risen astronomically since his debut five years ago. Along the way, the high-flying technician met his now-wife Kenzi Alexander, and with her by his side, Toatele has proven that he’s a mainstay and will be for years to come. We at SOW got this very cool interview with one of wrestling’s hottest rising stars!
SOW: Every wrestler has their Marvel Origins story on what made them go from being a common man to becoming a professional athlete. Do you remember the moment that you were struck with the idea to buy yourself some boots and tights and become a wrestler?
TOATELE: I was hooked on wrestling as a little kid. Big Hogan and Sting fan, but it was nothing more than a real life cartoon. Fast forward to the age of 12. Summer after 6th grade I’m spending it in SLC with my brother visiting my family. On a Monday night I sat down and came across WWE well F then, RAW. It was the episode where Vince McMahon asked and invited The Rock to come back to television to save the WWF from the WCW/ECW rebellion. I was intrigued, so I decided to tune in the following Monday. Then, he showed up. The Rock graced the little 16 inch TV in my grandparents bedroom and I was hooked! I wanted to be that guy and knew it. I wanted his confidence, his athletic ability, and his swagger. After that, I was all in on everything that I could do to be like The Rock. It was because of him I started playing football. Not well, but I would get better later. I did everything in my middle school years to groom myself to be a pro wrestler. I only did amateur wrestling back then because of guys like Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. Alas, once I got to high school I figured it was just a silly dream. I watched it, but never considered it. Post-graduation in the year 2007, I had an idea to look into it. I reached out to a school who told me it would cost thousands of dollars for school. I was a broke freshman that couldn’t even make it to my classes so my answer was a quick “Thanks but no thanks”.
Eventually I got back into playing football and decided I wanted to be a professional athlete. I worked my butt off to be the best quarterback I could be. Hard to do for a kid with barely any high school experience and sitting on the couch for 2 years. I did it though getting onto semi-pro teams and indoor football teams throughout the Midwest. Couple years of that though and I realized that I was not getting younger and other players were. I decided to find something better, something more satisfying. My friend and I had been watching wrestling together when we hung out before lifting weights or going to football practice by then. He asked me if I ever considered it as a real thing. I told him not really but I would be willing to. Thanks to Google, I found Bodyslam University and Kongo Kong, with the rest being history.
SOW: When crafting your style, did you have an idea of the kind of wrestler you wanted to become? Perhaps someone you looked up to?
TOATELE: Is it over the top if I say The Rock? When I first started that was the one wrestler I leaned on as far as I style. Eventually though my pallet expanded for more styles and guys to watch and study. CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, Prince Devitt, Dolph Ziggler, and etc were guys I started to really pay attention to. SOW: You've had some very good matches against top quality talent. Are there any matches in particular that stand out as career highlights?
TOATELE: Easy. Billy Gunn and Joey Ryan. Billy was a family friend of my wife’s family. Not to mention, only of the biggest names from the Attitude Era. I wanted to prove to him that I could perform with someone of his caliber. It was the first “big name” I wrestled in front my family and friends in my city.
Joey Ryan is the other one. Joey has this great following and has done wonders to bring eyes to the independent wrestling scene. Similar to Billy, I wanted to show him and the world that I could hang with one of the top guys in wrestling at the time. Still is too!
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SOW: As someone who very clearly spends a lot of time in the gym, what kind of music is on your playlist to keep you motivated? Any particular artists or genres?
TOATELE: Ahh man, I hate this question when people ask me…Haha! I’m a big loser when it comes to music in the gym. Most of the time it’s wrestling theme songs. I would say the breakdown is as follows: 55% wrestling themes; 15% Hip-Hop; 15% Hardcore/ Screamo Rock; 10% EDM; 5% sweet movie soundtracks. Artists-wise though, I’ve got Drake, Lil’ Wayne, Limp Bizkit, Public Enemy, Kanye, Metallica, Bring Me The Horizon, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, DJ Khaled, Lil Jon, Outkast, and Imagine Dragons. Yeah that pretty much covers it. Oh wait, and my guys Downstait!
SOW: Correct me if I'm wrong, but professional wrestling introduced you to your wife, Kenzi. How did the two of you meet, and how did it feel to finally pop the question at Indy Pop Con?
TOATELE: You are not! We happened to be training at the same wrestling school. She was already a year in and managing her brother Kharn Alexander. One day in the hot summer of 2013, she happened to show up to a training session. There she was young, innocent, and arm in a sling due to an injury (a torn AC joint and separated collarbone). There I was looking tan, sweaty, and looking I was sculpted out of granite! HAHA! Don’t ask her about that part though, she will disagree. We ended up getting to know each other over the next year or so, and when Kharn decided to leave professional wrestling we decided to partner up. When the stars-aligned and our lives were ready for it, we decided to give dating a try.
Indy Pop Con was an experience! I was a nervous wreck going into that weekend, mainly because I knew what was on the menu Saturday. My flair for the dramatic led me to set up the proposal while we were on stage for a panel. So when it came time, I was sweating bullets. Once I popped the questions though and the waterworks started, I was ecstatic. We were married on August 12, 2017 and we haven’t looked back
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SOW: You've had a lot of great matches against talent both local to the area and national. What have been some of your favorite feuds, and what matches do you think were defining in those feuds?
TOATELE: The first feud that really started my career was me and Alexander S. Kirk. He wanted my girl and she didn’t want him…Classic story of a guy just not know when to quit. We had some great matches that ended with an “I Quit” match at the now defunct Strong Style Wrestling.
After that I would have to say the ongoing rivalry/ feud with Jason Saint. It, literally, has been going on for years! It started at World’s Finest Wrestling when he managed Cliff Compton vs myself with Kenzi. Then, it went to NWA – Circle City Wrestling where he managed the monster known as Zodiak. On to FWF, where I took on Adam Bueller. Finally most recently, at Wrestling Theology where I beat his man, Jeremy Hadley, to advance to the semi-finals for the heavyweight championship. Every match, every opponent Jason has put against me really has made me up my game and I think the crowd has always gotten their money’s worth with those matches.
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SOW: Say you won $10 million and you were given the opportunity to sign any professional wrestlers to a startup company. What matches would Anthony Toatele book himself in, featuring current stars of today's product?
TOATELE: Ahh…I see what we did here. You want me to do a list ala Cody Rhodes. Ok, let’s do this. Matches I would use my finances to put myself in (talk about heat with some of the boys if I say it like that…):
Adam Cole, Cody Rhodes, Sami Callihan, Shane Mercer, Zachary Wentz, Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins, The Miz, EC3, The Young Bucks, Adam Page, Jay Lethal, Myron Reed, Okada, Jake Something…
I think that is plenty of options! I would want to face guys from all over the world and from different styles and backgrounds. You don’t become the best in the world by staying on your couch.
SOW: Over the course of the next 5 years, ideally, where would you like to see Anthony Toatele and Kenzi? Do you see yourselves becoming prominent features in professional wrestling?
TOATELE: Ideally, I want to be wrestling all over the world. I think that traveling the world and meeting fans from different corners of the planet would be amazing. Depending on how small or big our family will be in 5 years will really dictate Kenzi’s schedule but I can’t imagine having some of the biggest matches in my career without her by my side. So if we have to load up all the kids, by golly we will! Our goal has always been to see how far we can take our careers in the business of professional wrestling. Wrestling is changing and fans want to get to know those involved. I think hopefully in the near future, we will have some projects that will help our fans do that.
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SOW: What do you think the number one draw of professional is? What do you think the biggest allure of the sport is that keeps people watching?
TOATELE: I honestly think that draw comes from the story we tell. The same themes that make successful dramas, comedies, romantic stories all of it can be found in professional wrestling under the guise of a physical competition. People can find their own favorites and connect with them.
The biggest allure of the sport is the wrestlers! Where else can you find real-life superheroes or villains combined with movie and TV stars? We as wrestlers are out there to entertain the people, and if we can do that, they will always come back. Not too many other sports give you the ability to see such well-known human themes played out in front of them involving their favorite athletes. You don’t see Tom Brady punching someone in the face for mistakenly thinking he’s coming after Gisselle. SOW: How can your fans keep up with your work on social media?
TOATELE: Easy enough! Twitter is just @anthonytoatele and the same for Instagram. Find me on Facebook and friend me, as well as give my fan page a “like”.
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jasongracesluvr · 8 months
Sorry about treating your blog like my dash but all my friends hate Jason Grace for some reason and you don’t and it’s just. Nice to find someone who loves him too
omg thanks :,] I love Jason way too much and literally nobody else likes him :(( like wtf I’m literally the president of Jason Grace… I’m literally his number one fan
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rangercommand · 4 years
COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 55
On Wednesday, October 21st, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 55 will be released from Boom Studios.  Earlier this week, we posted the first look of this issue with additional preview pages.
It’s a battle for the ages—the Power Rangers’ THUNDERZORDS vs the Dark Rangers’ TERRORZORDS—and nothing will ever be the same! Plus, the shocking first appearance of the character no Power Rangers fan EVER expected, setting the stage for the upcoming era of UNLIMITED POWER in the brand new series Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers in November 2020.
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Host Eric (@trekkieb47) had a chance to read the issue in advance and shares his review:
“Without giving away all of the issue in this (mostly) spoiler-free review, MMPR 55 serves as conclusion to the Dark Rangers mini-arc that started after the end of ‘Necessary Evil’. Since the announcement of the main book being split into two titles going forward, issue 51 through 55 have felt like a breather… and a prelude to the upcoming ‘Unlimited Power’ arc for ‘Mighty Morphin” and ‘Power Rangers’.
These issues have done a great job of setting up the two new series for the next story. The return of Lord Drakkon will play out with the Omega Rangers in ‘Power Rangers’ since the new threat, the Empyreal, are the ones he warned the Rangers about. The new Green Ranger debuts in this issue and has been a plan of Grace and Billy’s, but builds upon the Green Psycho Dagger first seen thirty five issues ago and throughout Beyond the Grid.” The Dark Rangers were a major threat in this issue, and redeem the first team’s awful appearance in the television show. All of these pieces are on the board for the next two series to tackle and the benefit of two titles let’s us focus on both teams of Power Rangers. This is what has me excited, because the switching back and forth the past few issues tested my patience as a reader.
Like I said, issue 55 is totally a prelude to the much hyped ‘Unlimited Power’. The new Green Ranger’s first appearance is explosive, literally, but I can’t help but feel it is a misdirect. We don’t actually find out the identity of the Ranger in this issue. That’s the only spoiler I’ll give, but I would pay very close attention to the conversations Grace has. For months, fans have speculated on the new Green Ranger’s identity and I hope the reveal is very surprising next month. As a conclusion to fifty-five issues of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers? Issue 50 felt like more of a send off to the book as a whole than this one. And with the revelation earlier this week that one of the variants for Mighty Morphin #1 is called a “legacy variant” which continues the old logo and numbering scheme, it definitely drives the point home that this is a continuation of the story, not the ending. 
With close to five years of Power Rangers comics, next month’s split feels like a fresh start. I’m looking forward to exploring more conflict with Zordon now that there is a new Power Ranger he had no choice in creating. The Omega Rangers leading their own title and dealing with a galaxy spanning threat is exciting and I can’t wait to explore more of Jason, Trini and Zack’s story on their own series instead of occasionally as side characters. We’re only just getting started…”
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #55 features a main cover art by Jamal Campbell (Far Sector), and variant cover art by Goñi Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Kris Anka (The White Trees), and more.
Currently, Power Rangers is celebrating 27 continuous years on the air, making it one of the longest running kids’ live-action series in television history with nearly 900 episodes aired to date. Created by Haim Saban and launched in 1993 with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the franchise continues with the 27th season, “Power Rangers Beast Morphers” currently airing on Saturdays at 8 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon in the U.S.
Print copies of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #55 will be available on October 21, 2020 exclusively at local comic book shops (use comicshoplocator.com to find the nearest one), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire. Softcover collections of MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS,  and other Power Rangers releases from BOOM! Studios are available now, everywhere books are sold.
For continuing news on the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to boom-studios.com and follow @boomstudios on Twitter.
For more on Power Rangers, please visit www.powerrangers.com and follow Power Rangers on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
COMIC PREVIEW – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 55 was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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disappearingground · 5 years
Something Borrowed, Something New: The Perfect Union of Jenny Lewis and Elvis Costello
Filter Magazine November 22, 2008
Something Borrowed, Something New: The Perfect Union of Jenny Lewis and Elvis Costello
By Chris Martins
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He strides into the room seeming impossibly tall and endlessly poised. In a silk scarf and all black, he looks as sharp as his wit has ever been, and downright Dickensian, as if the word “doff” was invented solely for use in reference to the hat sitting on his head. At 54, he’s got the perfect dappling of salt-and-pepper scruff, which frames a pair of lips in a perpetual mischievous grin, ever the unambiguous counterpoint to those trademark square-framed specs. Elvis is in the building—Costello, of course—and it’s enough to keep Jenny Lewis on her toes.
Well, somewhat. She’s sitting, currently, getting a light dusting of blush before the next round of photographs with her avuncular counterpart, but her dainty feet are neatly propped by a pair of light brown pumps. Los Angeles’ favorite daughter, our eternal indie darling regardless of her record label, is rightly stunning in a red dress and feathered cap, and as Lewis moves through the room, she hardly disturbs the air. Whether this is out of respect to the dust or due to an innate grace is unclear, but to not stare—at either of this pair—is to miss history in the making.
The duet is nothing new to music. Neither is the appearance of an elder statesman on the album of a young star for posterity, nor the reverse for the sake of a little shined-up sparkle. But when a legend with three decades and 34 albums to his hallowed name is coaxed out of retirement by the sheer energy experienced in a day of studio time with an inspired young songwriter, momentousness abounds. Last October, Costello told MOJO magazine he wasn’t “of a mind to record any more,” that the MP3 had “dismantled the intended shape of an album” and that fans could hear him live or not at all, essentially.
But on April 22, Costello sneaked out his 35th album, and a few days later issued the following via his website: “Some of you may have heard rumours of an album called Momofuku… [which] came about because of an invitation I received from Jenny Lewis to sing on her upcoming record.” He’d changed his mind. “That’s what I do,” he added. “The record was made so quickly that I didn’t even tell myself about it for two weeks.” His story only added to buzz surrounding an unnamed Lewis solo album reportedly recorded in organic and speedy contrast to Rilo Kiley’s 2007 LP, Under the Blacklight. Costello’s record was effectively a carry-over of Lewis’ January session, and he’d named it after the inventor of Cup Noodles because “all we had to do… was add water.”
Acid Tongue is now out, and it could be Lewis’ most immediate work yet. An all-analog rock and roll record that sears as much as it sways, the follow-up to 2006’s Rabbit Fur Coat trades in the alt-country scenery for further breadth and depth. Its sound is richer—a soulful mix of Southern-Gothic stomp, saturated balladry and campfire strum—and its inspiration digs deeper, with Lewis putting her pretty croon to use against the messy topics of sex, drugs, love, travel, illness and family. Sometimes she sings in character; in other moments, she’s addressing the very people recording with her: live-in beau Johnathan Rice, who co-wrote much of Acid Tongue; or her father, Eddie Gordon, a harmonica virtuoso estranged from Lewis until his recent cancer diagnosis reunited them.
Likewise, Costello’s Momofuku sounds refreshed, thanks in no small part to Lewis’ rag-tag gang. Though a few of her guests (Zooey Deschanel, M. Ward, and Rilo’s Jason Boesel among them) had evacuated Van Nuys’ Sound City Studios by the time Costello arrived, the “vocal supergroup” that lent his record so much of its particular vigor is also the core lineup behind Acid Tongue: Lewis, Rice, Dave Scher (Beachwood Sparks), and Jonathan Wilson (formerly of Eisley), along with Costello’s bassist Davey Faragher. Momofuku is another sound entry in Costello’s post-millennial rock catalogue, seething with the attitude and urgency he’d rediscovered with 2002’s When I Was Cruel. His own band, The Imposters, might have something to do with that as well: keyboardist Steve Nieve and drummer Pete Thomas have been playing with Costello since 1978—though not without the occasional break or falling out.
Truth be told, Costello has been threatening retirement since he was 26, according to his own liner notes for the Rykodisc reissue of 1981’s Trust (though when asked about it today, he asks back: “Did I say that?”). And more than their mutual passion for detailed narratives, heartful ballads and, now, double drummers (read on), Costello and Lewis share the kind of creative restlessness that can make or break a career. They approach each record anew, band members be damned; she pushed on by the persistent fear that one day her well will run dry, and he without enough time in the day to tend to the flood.
Will Costello quit? Not likely. He’s touring like a teenager these days, has a variety show debuting on Sundance Channel, and is finishing up a new album with T-Bone Burnett. Will Rilo Kiley split? It doesn’t matter. Lewis remains, and anyway, that’s a subject for another article at another time.
As we sit down to talk in one of the odd little atriums that dot a large woodsy yard, Elvis Costello removes his hat, while his unflagging cool and smirk remain. At his left, sharing a small divan, Jenny Lewis appears more petite than usual and a little bit nervous, despite the fact that she’s directly responsible for Elvis’ return to the studio. It’s hard not to marvel at the sight.
A conversation with Elvis Costello and Jenny Lewis
The beginning is a fine place to start… How did you two meet? Elvis Costello: It was mainly the doing of Tennessee Thomas [drummer for The Like]. The Imposters and I were down in Mississippi recording The Delivery Man, and Pete Thomas said his daughter had hipped him to [Rilo Kiley’s 2004 album] More Adventurous. He played me the record and I thought it was fantastic. [To Lewis] I think I got your number and called you.
Out of the blue? Jenny Lewis: Oh, yeah. My phone rang and I didn’t recognize the number. I picked it up and it was Elvis. I truly thought it must have been some sort of mean prank. Costello: I was in this cottage I was renting right by the woods where Faulkner used to walk. It was quite a good spot and I had a lot of time to listen to records. I became a fan, and when Jenny made her first solo record…it was a different world. The storytelling on that album is amazing.
So you instantly thought, “This young talent needs to be in my new music video.” Costello: [Laughs] We filmed the “Monkey to Man” video in L.A., at the old Ambassador Hotel, and I thought it’d be funny if Jenny walked across the set like she’d gotten lost while on a Universal Studios tour. Lewis: The awkward walk-by. Clutching my purse. Sweat on my brow. Costello: We’d decided the video would be populated by girls in bikinis and people in monkey suits. It was very tasteful; we were going for the feminist vote.
…And then one day in January, Jenny called you? Costello: And then it was fun for the whole family. I was at home in Vancouver and The Imposters’ bassist Davey Faragher—he lives in Southern California and was in the studio with Jenny—called and asked if I would sing a song on her new record. Lewis: And I emailed you a clip of myself, Johnathan Rice and a puppet doing “Carpetbaggers.” Costello: Obviously, I was being asked to do the puppet’s part. I told ’em I loved the song, but I thought I would sing it differently than the puppet.
So you flew out to record. At what point did you decide to stay and make a record? Costello: I didn’t stay actually. We cut “Carpetbaggers” in three takes, and the band didn’t have anything planned for the rest of that day. So I said, “Maybe we can cut something of mine.” I had two songs—“Go Away” and “Drum & Bone,” which I’d written literally the night before—and we just laid them down, Jenny and I in that little vocal booth, I’m playing rhythm guitar with a line out to the hallway, she’s reading the lyrics off a piece of paper. And I couldn’t believe it—she nailed every line. Lewis: I was thinking, “This is your big shot, kid, don’t blow it.” Costello: I had decided I was done with recording. Everything I’d have to do after the release of a record was making me miserable, but working with them reminded me of the bits that I liked. A week later, back in Vancouver, I called everybody up and said, “That was too good—let’s do it again.” That’s when the vocal group came together. Davey is the only person in The Imposters who can sing, and with The Attractions, I used to track myself for all the vocals. These guys were coming up with killer parts, and the will to do them, at 11 p.m. We made the record in six days, with the same live feeling as Jenny’s. Lewis: I was so impressed with your pace. Is that how you’ve recorded in the past? Costello: I think bands make more of a meal of it now because they can. We’re all guilty of it. I recorded Spike [1989] in four cities [Dublin, London, New Orleans, Los Angeles]; I had a ridiculous budget. But it’s gone around in one big circle—my first record [My Aim is True] was made in just 24 hours of studio time. The second album [This Year’s Model] took 11 days. We thought we were being decadent taking three weeks for Armed Forces, and with Imperial Bedroom, we were making our big statement in the studio, hiring harpsichords and glockenspiels: “Let’s take six entire weeks!” Now you hear of bands spending six months on a single.
Acid Tongue was done at an impressive clip as well, Jenny. What inspired you to make that record in only three weeks’ time? Lewis: I think everything I do is a reaction to the thing before it. Having come out from under the polished intention of Under the Blacklight—which took quite a bit longer—I just wanted the vibe to run the show. I was finally able to connect with a band and have it go down like a live performance. It was really liberating. Costello: There’s nowhere to hide in that room. When you listen to Acid Tongue, there’s nothing there. It’s just a voice and a couple of instruments, and it works perfectly. The more you went on with the record, the more confidence you seemed to gain. To open with “Black Sand”… it’s the kind of confidence that marks great records. You know, “How could they open with that? That’s ridiculous!” But soon you can’t live without it.
You’re both artists who have continued to surprise us over the years, approaching each album with different angles, different sounds and, often, different bands. Is creative restlessness part of what makes a great—or at least an enduring—artist? Costello: I think too much is made of it—like it’s some sort of puzzle where eventually the pieces will all fit and there’ll be this big, smiling picture of Jenny going, “I told you so.” The reality is: that was just the way the artist was feeling at that moment, and now you’re in danger of missing what’s actually being said and the genuine feelings that are in those songs. It’s a trap that journalists fall into, which funnily enough never comes up with groups that have a strong, signature sound. It just doesn’t occur to anybody to compare their records: “This one’s got all those things that we already love!” Lewis: All I know is that I just tend to get a little bored and I like to try new things. And, really, anything is good subject matter for a song. But I don’t think that quality is exclusive to “the good artist.” Costello: Van Morrison has a signature sound, for instance, but he’s a singular artist. I don’t know that there’s one better way to do it. When I was younger, I was guilty of being more confrontational for the sake of getting attention, saying things like, “We’re here to completely ruin your life!” [Laughs] It’s true there was some dull music out there and we were coming along with a bit of attitude—trying to get it right, where just playing was really the thing—but tearing others down wasn’t the intention.
Neither of you have shied away from expressing the deeply personal on record, and you’ve dealt with an array of reactions to your public persona, from fan adoration to being dissected by the press. How does one stay level through all this? Costello: It’s true that since the mid ’60s, people have based their songwriting more overtly on their life’s experience than, say, Ira Gershwin did. In his day, they wrote songs that faded to black when the stickier subjects of love—physical love in particular—came up. But with people like Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, that started to change. That was passed on to the next generation, then the next generation, then to me, then to Jenny, and we’re writing about these things that are increasingly raw. Fair or not, people associate you with these songs, and to whatever extent that you’re putting your experiences in there, your mistakes are in public view. Your heart is broken, the band splits, you find a new way to go in life, you have a drug problem, you sober up. There’s a fascination with human frailty and an entire industry that makes entertainment out of it. I got disenchanted when I was younger, but then I realized that’s just show business, and show business is based on the Menudo principal: They kick you out of the band when you’re 18 and get someone else to appeal to the 11-year-old girls who, in turn, hit 15 and peel off to go to the new thing. That’s not real life. Lewis: I’ve just started, over the last couple of years, to receive feedback in that way, as well as from people that assume songs are about them, and it’s all very uncomfortable. I still don’t know what to make of it, and I try not to acknowledge it. I’d rather just write songs without having to think about where they’ll end up or who will be offended. Costello: I’ve gone through my less glorious periods and other times where I’ve felt on top of the world, but it’s important to remember: You’re not living in real time by writing songs. Even if you think you’re writing the honest diary of your love affair, you’re not—you’re writing an edited version of it. Otherwise the album would be 20-years long.
So, 2003’s North, for instance… Costello: North is a very specific album about recognizing the end of one way of living and the beginning of another, but it’s a song-written explanation of what it felt like to go through that. It’s not the same thing, and it certainly doesn’t take into account the feelings of the other people involved. Art is selfish; it’s not a democracy, not even in a band. But if you’re smart, you take the best of what people bring you—to a collaborative form like recording, for instance. I was just the beneficiary of that, when Jenny said, “Why don’t we get Tennessee in here to play with Pete?” Lewis: The fantastic father-daughter drumming duo. Costello: I never knew that was going to sound so good. Next thing I knew, we had a record. And you know, Tennessee joined us onstage at the El Rey in Los Angeles after we played the Hollywood Bowl with The Police. I’ve been turning around to see Pete playing behind me for 30 years, and I look back that night and see him and his daughter. I’ve known her since she was born but, more than being a matter of pride, it just sounded fantastic. [To Lewis] Thank you for that.
Which is your favorite song from each other’s new album? Lewis: “Go Away,” because it was the first. Costello: “Godspeed,” because it’s got such beautiful melody and mood. I was startled the first time I heard it. I also love the long, multi-parted songs like “The Next Messiah,” and I think “Sing a Song for Them,” the up-tempo one at the end of the album, is tremendous. And of course, “Carpetbaggers,” because we got to do that together. I also like the other version of it that we cut—a live take with the double drummers …
So basically, you like everything, including the outtakes. Costello: “Godspeed” is definitely my favorite, but I’m attracted to ballads, so you’re asking the wrong guy. I mean, I really love ballads—more than any other kind of music. Lewis: I actually wasn’t going to include “Trying My Best to Love You” because I was worried about Acid Tongue being too ballad-heavy—I wanted it to rock more than Rabbit Fur Coat—but Elvis was so set on it being on the record that I included it.
Elvis, were you impressed with Jenny’s use of double entendre for the album title? Costello: [Laughs] Old habits die hard. F
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
I’m not big on it. Like, I watch it, but it’s a casual watch for me like Navy CIS or Law & Order: SVU. It’s not something I get even remotely invested in.
I mean, the only reasons I got into it were three in particular:
1.) I watched Detective Conan as a kid and that was the first time I even heard the name Sherlock, because he was a “modern day Sherlock”, so to me when I was later confronted with the actual Sherlock for the first time, it was “oh, an old-fashiony Shinichi Kudou then” to me.
2.) The RDJ movies. That’s how I was first really confronted with Sherlock and I mainly watched those because of RDJ, that precious bean. And when I started watching the show, I was like “Oh, I liked that movie, why not try the show”.
3.) The fandom is terrifyingly big. Like. All the memes. All the Sherlock everywhere. All the quotes. All the Bernard Cucumberbear. I gotta admit, the buzz it got alone was enough to make me tentatively curious (that does not work for every huge thing. Nothing will ever make me watch The Walking Dead because I am terrifyingly uncomfortable with zombies).
So yeah, that much for the intro. That’s how I found the show and why I started watching it, with those three things in mind. And, what can I say, it was a huge let-down for me personally?
First of all, the sheer number of episodes. Nine episodes? You people throw such an intense party about nine freaking episodes? Half a season of basically any other show is already longer than that, for heaven’s sake, you barely get time to get invested, how did you people get that invested?
I mean, seriously now, I’ve heard so much of how awesome Sherlock is for literal years at that point and I braced myself for like at least 50 episodes to be watched, for like at least five season. But... three seasons and... a total of nine episodes?
That brings me to my first complaint. Apparently, it doesn’t bother many, but it bothers me. It’s a fucking ridiculous schedule, is what it is. I know that Moffat, because he’s been doing fucking ridiculous schedules on Doctor Who too and I know it’s the combination of “Whoops, both our main leads are kiiinda popular and keep making movies instead of solemnly focusing on this show. Damn it”. But to me, it just doesn’t compute to wait literal three years for a new season - and fuck that Christmas special they put in between there, it was still a three year wait for a new season.
With a standard waiting time of two years. Two years to get three episodes. That doesn’t compute with me at all. If I had been there from the beginning, I would have stopped watching after season two when it became apparent that they don’t give a fuck about delivering seasons in a reasonable time-frame because I ain’t got the patience for that.
It also never did anything to get me hooked. Plot-wise, sure, it was a cool different approach to solving crimes but not any more special or fun than say Psych or Mentalist or literally any other show who did the consultant thing. Which, yeah, people who read and loved the books may crucify me for because obviously, Sherlock did it first. But show-wise and for the way I met them, Sherlock kinda did it last.
And Sherlock himself is in no way or shape a likable or relatable character, so that’s where it lost me too, I suppose. He brings nothing to the table that justifies his attitude and behavior and all I do when watching the show is mainly feel bad for Watson. Also no, I do not ship them. At. All.
I like Sherlock’s brother Minecraft Microsoft. He’s oddly fun. And I do mean odd, because I don’t really understand my self why I find him so funny.
And Irene Adler. Really like that lady. She brought something new and intriguing to the show - and I’m not just talking about the BDSM element there.
I don’t understand the fascination with Moriarty. I don’t know, he’s not exactly an exceptional villain with an intriguing story or anything, I just... somehow, I expected more and then there’s the other thing but we’re going to get into this later on.
Ironically, the first time I actually got hooked on it was the second last episode that was available at the time. The wedding of John and Mary. Personally, I thought that was the best episode, closely followed by the one about the puppy of Baskerville.
I did not like the late pseudo-Christmas special The Abominable Bride. Not at all. For the first two thirds, it was just a confusing untill it became Not What I Like by being revealed as a drug-inducted fever-dream. I don’t approve of drugs at all and to use them to tell a very weird time-shifty story was... strange. Bringing back Moriarty, very weird.
Which brings me to the Moriarty-thing I wanted to get back at!
Season 4 was an abomination. I hate it. I hate it so much. I like to not use the word “hate”, but there just isn’t another way to describe my feelings for that pile of stinking garbage that they wrote there.
And by “season 4″, I namely mean Mary-Sue Holmes and how she was shoehorned and retconned into the plot.
Honestly though, literally naming her Mary-Sue would have at least been fun self-awareness and a better name than the Mary-Sue-esque name they picked for “sudden sister of the main character who was kinda there all along but we are right now figuring out how exactly that works but she’s also a genius and suuuper duper important and her name shall be Moonshine Emerald Potter-Holmes Eurus Homes”.
I’m sorry, but it is physically impossible to see her as a proper character because she is such a bad, bad, bad Mary-Sue. This is the kind of plotlines in fanfiction that make me scoff and keep scrolling. The sudden sister of the main character who was never mentioned before but is just as super-duper special in the same aspects as her brother (you know, like Jason Grace for The Heroes of Olympus...).
I have a problem with that kind of writing. If it’s fanfiction, I can scroll past it. I can even respect it, because let’s face it every fanfiction author started off in some kind of way with those self-insert Mary-Sue characters, even if it was just in your head as a kid.
But if canon, particularly a popular franchise that has come a long way, suddenly reverts back from intriguing and detailed story-telling into the most basic elementary school level of story-telling, that’s just pathetic.
And, to bring back Moriarty, she completely undercut him. If they had literally brought back Moriarty and he would have been behind it all, that would have even been cool and would have also sold me on him more. Instead, he was just a... better pawn for Mary-Sue Holmes and it, to me, made his plotline worth so much less than before.
The fact that we had to turn it all around and have Mary-Sue Holmes be a “misunderstood character in need of love” was just another overused, cheap trope that fell in line with the fanfiction cliches they were working into that one.
The fact that it were Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat writing it just... shocks me, to be honest?
I mean, I’m not a Moffat fan, personally I think that his plots are too convoluted and messy and go on for too long but let’s safe that in case anyone sends an ask for Doctor Who. But, despite all that, his stories have an amazing pay-off at the end of it all. He’s brilliant at that, I’ll give him that.
Mark Gatiss, not a fan of his writing. His episodes on Doctor Who are some of the weirdest, strangest, most boring and forgettable ones. So I’m very tempted to blame him for that one because with Moffat, I had at least expected a good pay-off for all that drama?
But that’s just my personal opinion on the matter. I guess it just didn’t bring any of the key-elements I’m looking for in a show to the table. Maybe that would have been different if it, ya know, would be a “proper” show that by now already had like seven seasons, each with 10 to 20 episodes, giving the whole thing more development. I just didn’t click with the characters, the format or the story and that last “big surprise reveal” just completey ruined it for me, so I’ll not be tuning back in if they ever in ten years get around to making a new season.
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rnaryjune · 7 years
alright let’s get a little more in-depth here and sort out who to root for. working backwards this time.
Raven: likes frankie grande. PASS. like the idea that she’s not afraid to make big moves, but lbh that doesn’t mean squat unless and until she actually goes through with it. the all female ghost hunting team thing is cool though it better come up in the show i demand to know about this.
Ramses: superfan, loves dan (which...okay i never actually saw dan’s season i really only know him from the coaches twist and even then i didn’t really pay attention to him? but anyway i know from the fandom that this is a good sign), he wants to do that SUPER SMART DANIELLE THING of having a person on the other side of the house and keeping track of it that way. that being said, his strategy is a little...TOO thought-out. with a game like big brother you have to be ready to make adjustments and think on your feet, and i’m not sure he’ll be able to do that if necessary. HEY HE IS the obligatory gay man...and a gay man of color at that. which....okay let’s be honest, big brother does not have the best track record when it comes to games of gmoc (Marcellas, Lawon, JOZEA, among others). buuuuuuuut....i’m willing to stick my neck out once more. KEEP.
Megan: eugh she likes frank victor and paul which like...okay tbf i kinda understand from a game perspective because they did pull some interesting moves (and ngl paul’s gameplay was always a bit like how i imagine i would play). but i think she likes them as ppl too which...no. also she says she doesn’t wanna be like vanessa???? THE SIRENS GOING OFF AT THAT STATEMENT. she ain’t gonna last. PASS. oh my god and then later in her bio “ At the same time, there is always that whiny, crying girl that just can't handle the pressures of the house. I would make her my friend and my secret ally. This is the only person in the house I will be loyal to. I'll take her to Final 2 and, since she didn't do anything the whole time, I'll win.” like girl....that’s gonna be you lmao. also she wants to buddy up with a gym-partner guy? can we say obvious showmancer? look if she can back it up with some comp wins then maybe she could pull a rachel but i just don’t see that happening. she literally says she’s gonna play scared which like...yea you’re never for sure safe in the bb house but she is literally gonna go down the vanessa path.
Matthew: HE LIKES DONNY. HE IS IN MY GOOD GRACES. he wants to align with the women too??? tentative KEEP because the fact that he says donny is a good person makes me want to trust that he, too, is a good person. but i’ve been burned before, and besides, as great as it would be to see a mainly female alliance with one guy, so far the girls aren’t impressing me much, so i don’t have high hopes for that.
Mark: you know it makes sense he likes brendon. so yea, definite showmance material. possibly with megan too actually. honestly not impressed. PASS.
Kevin: he doesn’t even have a favorite player he just “met derrick once” lol man u are DEFINITELY not gonna win. unless he can adapt quickly which...is unlikely. “I was Mr. Massachusetts and also won a hunk contest” okay buddy. also he’s all like “being myself will probably work everytime” dude if u don’t win that first hoh u are easy target number one. PASS. probably nice but will not win. no chance in hell. unless something MAJOR happens.
Josh: like evel dick so....look, i’ll be honest, i was very young when season 8 was on so like...idr all the stuff that dick pulled, i mostly know from posts in the fandom. but at the time, i was a huge fan of him, and was thrilled he won. and i mean, he did at least have some gameplay, unlike other despicable ppl in later seasons (*cough* andy). so i mean from a gameplay standpoint, i can see why someone would want to emulate dick’s game. however, i think it would require stealthier manipulation than josh thinks. and the fact that he didn’t need to be on anybody’s good side? nice thought and all, but if he didn’t have danielle and her alliances, he would have never made it as far as he did. you HAVE to have someone in your corner, even just one person. josh underestimates the power of alliance and is probably gonna end up being like a paulie. eugh. PASS. sidenote: dude wants to bring his mom in the house not because he would miss her but so she would cook and clean for him???? LOL FUCK THIS GUY i hate him already. his fun facts aren’t even fun facts they’re just personality traits lmao
Jillian: worried about saying the wrong thing? could be a bad sign or just innocent. i am intrigued by her answers though, so a tentative KEEP.
Jessica: janelle/natalie hybrid? could be interesting and if she says she sees herself in janelle that’s VERY promising. less promising is that she wants to align with a guy. could very easily get sidetracked by showmance. hopeful though, so tentative KEEP.
Jason: oh god almost forgot anbout hfajlfhghfskh RODEO CLWON JfHASFJFlshAL. ahem. he likes James which...tbh i liked him too. look if he’s good enough for natalie then he’s decent enough for me. anyway, i fricking love jason’s answer about his strategy: “yes” that’s it that’s all he says I LOVE IT. also he has a bull??? WE BETTER SEE IT IN THE SHOW. i don’t expect him to win but he seems an interesting person so....KEEP. for now.
Elena: likes james and thinks the strategy is situational aKA THE TRUTH. seems like she might actually be able to play the game???? which seems unheard of nowadays. can’t get a real idea of her character but for gameplay i’ll go with a KEEP for now.
Dominique: “nor do i shy away from controversy” is again something that could go either way and instantly makes me cautious. but let’s look at gameplay. she says she’ll take mental notes of everyone and be observant, and she can read ppl really well, so i want to think she’ll do well. but her indecision over a fave past houseguest is something that makes me take pause as well. screw it, KEEP for now. i’m curious to see what she can do.
Cody: seems smart and obviously physically capable....BUT something in his answers rubs me the wrong way. his reasoning for picking evel dick is something i can agree with, but his strategy is, once again, too airtight. where is the wiggle room? look it’s true the basic building blocks of big brother are generally the same every season but you never know what could get changed. also he’s all like “i’ve never taken a selfie” you’ve never taken a picture of yourself? ever? that seems unlikely but it’s whatever aside from assumed pretentiousness. HOWEVER the real big flag is “i have never been offended not once” buddy that is a DAMNED lie and i caNNOT WAIT until he gets pissy about something in the house and the fandom calls him out on it lmao oh anyway PASS.
Christmas: oh  my god she chose HELEN. HELEN OF ALL PEOPLE. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN. idk man i’m very hopeful about this one the fave houseguest is a good sign and i want to like christmas for it....also because her picture is gorgeous but like. she chose HELEN. like im sorry but i feel like most ppl wouldn’t even think of helen. maybe christmas can align with that guy who likes donny??? YES I LIKE THIS. anyway KEEP.
Cameron: well of COURSE his fave is ian like how damn predictable can u be. also he just reminded me of ginamarie and the fact that she won an hoh at some point (how???). that being said, the fact that he’d just tell people that someone is going after them?? bad plan. unless there’s ANY truth to it, but if he pulls it out of his ass he’s going to end up imploding his own game. PASS, not just for meh gameplay but also because he bores me. (seriously i’m so tired of ian clones none of them have been anywhere near as good or interesting why are we still doing this)
Alex: “i can manipulate anyone, including boys” aka she will probably start a showmance. idk with who and tbh idc. her fun facts are actual, legitimate fun facts, and she seems nice, but i don’t get good gameplay vibes. PASS, but i hope she surprises me.
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battingonjakku · 7 years
A guide to the 18 counties and why you should/shouldn’t support each one
Hello! The county season is about to start which means a lot of chatter about it here for the next 6 months, so if you’re looking for a team to support, here’s a quick guide to choosing one – with help from several of our lovely cricket fam.  
There are 18 to get through, so let’s get a crackin’
Overseas players: Jeevan Mendis, Imran Tahir, Matt Henry     
Recent internationals: Gary Wilson (Ire), Hardus Viljoen (SA, Kolpak)
England prospects: Harvey Hosein is a very promising wicketkeeper, though at a time when England are blessed with so many
Why you should support them: The one and only Michael Holding is the club president, and if you’re a Matt Henry fan this is the team for you, having recently signed for the T20 Blast. And Harvey Hosein is a qt.
Why you shouldn’t support them: I’m not sure I know anyone who supports them, so it could be lonely (I DON’T MEAN THIS AS A WAY OF DISRESPECT IF THERE ARE DERBY FANS HERE PLEASE COME OUT THE WOODWORK)
Overseas players: Stephen Cook, Tom Latham
Recent internationals: Ben Stokes, Mark Wood, Keaton Jennings
England prospects: Jack Burnham, Paul Coughlin
Why you should support them: BECAUSE OF THE UNJUST TREATMENT OF THE ECB, also they have the best academy in the country and are generally good eggs – it is, after all, the home of Paul Collingwood. And if you’re in the area, you’re close to @bibliolicious​ and @omgbroady​ too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: honestly I can’t think of one, support Durham.
Overseas players: Mohammad Amir, Neil Wagner   
Recent internationals: Alastair Cook, Ravi Bopara
England prospects: Jamie Porter, Tom Westley
Why you should support them: if you’re a fan of Alastair Cook there will be a good three months of him (hopefully) churning out the runs for them in the CC, plus they have excellent comedy cricket through one of its kings: Ravi Bopara.
Why you shouldn’t support them: because it hurts too much, believe me. 2016 saw promotion in the CC but 2017 could be a battle after the big retirements of Graham Napier and David Masters.
Overseas players: Jacques Rudolph 
Recent internationals: Ruaidhri Smith (Scotland), Timm van der Gugten (Netherlands), Colin Ingram (Kolpak)
England prospects: Aneurin Donald
Why you should support them: CYMRU AM BYTH, The Only Welsh Team, putting the Wales into the ECB (wait a sec...)
Why you shouldn’t support them: No trophy since (I believe) 2004, and whilst they’re improving in LO formats particularly, they’re not obvious contenders in any competitions.
Overseas players: Michael Klinger, Cameron Bancroft, Andrew Tye 
Recent internationals: :((
England prospects: Craig Miles, Matt Taylor
Why you should support them: Particularly strong one day team with a great history, and winning the 50 over cup against the odds in 2015. With Michael Klinger leading the way, definitely a team to watch in LO competitions.
Why you shouldn’t support them: If first class success is what matters to you, they’re not a great pick in the present or even history - never having been official county champions.
Overseas players: George Bailey 
Recent internationals: James Vince, Liam Dawson, Reece Topley, Kyle Abbott (Kolpak), Rilee Rossouw (Kolpak)
England prospects: Mason Crane, Tom Alsop
Why you should support them: Michael Carberry is a reason in himeslf. Not only has he made his way back to training after treatment for cancer, he’s also a great influence and support for younger batsmen around the country. In Mason Crane they have one of the most hotly-tipped players in the country.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Not at all popular after Abbott and Rossouw ended their international careers to sign on Kolpak deals, and the beneficiaries of Durham’s relegation by the ECB last year - topped with their chairman saying it was the right thing to do
Overseas players: None so far, though Adam Milne may be on his way.
Recent internationals: Sam Billings, James Tredwell
England prospects: Daniel Bell-Drummond, Sam Northeast, Matt Coles
Why you should support them: Generally cricket’s good guys, plus the county ground has a tree! (and they literally had a new tree prepared for when the old one fell down, it’s one of my favourite quirks in county cricket). Also a team that really has an emphasis on home-grown talent.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Can perhaps a bit too unlucky - finishing second in Div 2 last year, the year when there was no promotion for coming second. And their kit is among the worst on the scene.
Lancashire (with help from @latenightwatchman​)
Overseas players:  Ryan McLaren, James Faulkner 
Recent internationals: James Anderson, Jos Buttler, Young Haseeb Hameed, Stephen Parry, Shivnarine Chanderpaul (Kolpak), Dane Vilas (Kolpak)
England prospects: Saqib Masood, Liam Livingstone
Why you should support them: They have a group of really exciting young batsmen coming to the fore: Hameed, Livingstone, Jones, and Davies. Giles did really well in pushing them (perhaps sometimes out of necessity) and hopefully we'll see more of the same this year. And Hameed, Jones and Davies are adorable, in their own little ways.
Why you shouldn’t support them: it’s Lancashire. They have taken a couple of Kolpak signings this year, so we might see less of an emphasis on youth. Also the OT pitches last year were often really dull to try and prevent relegation, which didn't always make for exciting cricket.
Leicestershire (with help from @knockmeforsix​)
Overseas players: Clint McKay, Sharjeel Khan, Cameron Delport, Luke Ronchi
Recent internationals: Kevin O’Brien (Ireland)
England prospects: Zak Chappell
Why you should support them: the perennial underdog who went two seasons without winning a first class game, but had a better year of 2016. Also a great producer of England talent over the years, including Stuart Broad and James Taylor. And Grace Road is adorable, with cheap hot dogs and the comm box being a glorified shed on the pavilion.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Here I quote: ‘we are not very good at cricket so if you like winning we are not the team for you’ (courtesy of Charlie)
Middlesex (with help from @twistsofsilver​)
Overseas players: Brendon McCullum, Adam Voges
Recent internationals: Steven Finn, Eoin Morgan, Paul Stirling (Ireland)
England prospects: Toby Roland-Jones, Nick Gubbins, Olly Rayner, Dawid Malan, Tom Helm
Why you should support them: the reigning champions! of the CC and can be expected to challenge strongly again this year. And if you sit in the pavilion you have entertainment like Tim Murtagh breaking the MCC gate and looking sheepish. Also, Steven Finn. And Lord’s.
Why you shouldn’t support them: I saw Nick Compton get a century once. I can’t remember it. Also, for all its glory, Lord’s can produce some really lifeless pitches.
Overseas players: None from what I can tell
Recent internationals: Ben Duckett
England prospects: Graeme White, Richard Gleeson
Why you should support them: despite being underdogs with the smallest of budgets, have formed one of the best T20 teams - winning in 2016 & 2013 and coming second in 2015. James Taylor has just joined as a coach, too.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Not always popular for taking a number of players on Kolpaks - not the only culprits, but called out on it a lot
Overseas players: Daniel Christian 
Recent internationals: Stuart Broad, Alex Hales, Jake Ball
England prospects: I’m not sure if Harry Gurney counts, already having had a stint in the side, but his name often comes up among more left field options.
Why you should support them: A good bunch of players who have underperformed recently. Led by one of the most respected wicketkeepers on the circuit in Chris Read, in what will be his swansong season.
Why you shouldn’t support them: A richer team who have been accused of poaching players from ‘smaller’ counties (often Leicestershire tbh). 
Overseas players: Dean Elgar 
Recent internationals: Josh Davey (Scotland), Michael Leask (Scotland), Roelof van der Merwe (Netherlands), Paul van Meekeren (Netherlands)
England prospects: Jack Leach, James Hildreth (still clinging here), Tom Abell, Craig Overton, Jamie Overton
Why you should support them: A really talented bunch too often overlooked by England selectors, also Marcus Trescothick is still going strong aged 41 and is a hero. Came close to winning the Championship in 2016. 
Why you shouldn’t support them: They have a brilliant track record...at finishing second. Prepare your hopes to rise and be crushed at the final moment. 
Overseas players: Kumar Sangakkara, Aaron Finch  
Recent internationals: Jason Roy, Zafar Ansari, Gareth Batty
England prospects: Sam Curran, Tom Curran, Scott Borthwick, Ben Foakes
Why you should support them: a really good group of players, blending experience with a lot of hot prospects for England. Tom and Sam Curran in particular are two of the most exciting players on the circuit. 
Why you shouldn’t support them: they’re the team that people often love to hate, and one of the richer teams in the country who are often accused of buying too much of their talent (or at least the ones called out on it the most)
Overseas players: Vernon Philander, Ross Taylor  
Recent internationals: Chris Jordan, Tymal Mills, Matt Machan (Scotland), Ed Joyce (Ireland), Stiaan van Zyl (Kolpak), David Wiese (Kolpak)
England prospects: Delray Rawlins, Ollie Robinson
Why you should support them: A team with a good mix of experienced county pros and younger players, with the always-underappreciated (in this country certainly) Luke Wright leading the way. Also they’re by the sea which means nice instagrams.
Why you shouldn’t support them: Have had a couple of quiet seasons – including winning just one 50 over match in the last two years. Have taken a few high profile Kolpaks, too.
Overseas players: Jeetan Patel
Recent internationals: Chris Woakes, Ian Bell, William Porterfield (Ireland)
England prospects: Sam Hain, Olly Stone, Josh Poysden
Why you should support them: Home of Ian Bell and Jonathan Trott, what other reasons do you want. Current 50 overs champions, too, plus a good crop of quicks - including The Nicest Man In Cricket, Chris Woakes
Why you shouldn’t support them: If you’re not a fan of the idea of franchises, their T20 team Birmingham Bears is the most obvious one to have gone in this direction, much to the ire of many of their own fans.
Overseas players: John Hastings, Mitchell Santner 
Recent internationals: Moeen Ali
England prospects: Brett D’Oliveira, Joe Clarke, Ross Whiteley 
Why you should support them: the perennial yo-yo team, so must be due a promotion. A rising limited-overs team with lots of promising young talent, also they have one of the most picturesque grounds in the country. Jack Shantry is also something of a cult hero, and Tom Fell’s successful return in 2016 after overcoming cancer one of last year’s most heartwarming moments.
Why you shouldn’t support them: the perennial yo-yo team, so if you don’t want to deal with the emotions this brings with it, they might not be for you. Prone to moments of glory and moments of despair.
Overseas players: Peter Handscomb, Travis Head
Recent internationals: Joe Root, Jonny Bairstow, Liam Plunkett, David Willey, Gary Ballance, Adil Rashid
England prospects: Jack Leaning, Matt Fisher
Why you should support them: I mean they’re my favourite team...also featuring lots of familiar faces of England’s present and past (Bresnan, Sidebottom, Lyth). Will expect to be challenging for the title come September after winning the Championship in 2014 and 2015. 
Why you shouldn’t support them: they’re a team people love to hate, and the team everyone wants to beat, partly just to shut them up - which, um, is probably fair
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cleoselene · 7 years
Meet the World Champion Cubs
Anthony Rizzo: Literally a precious angel.  He survived cancer and now he does like all this stuff for kids with cancer, he’s big charity man.  He has a room at the local children’s hospital named after him because he paid for it and it’s a room where sick kids can play and visit with family and friends that’s less hospital-like.  Frequently visits the hospital before games.  Steals food from fans.  Said “I’m in a glass case of emotion” on tv.  Charming and adorable, big and thicc.  Rizzo is your favorite player.  He just is.
Kris Bryant: Dreamiest blue eyes in baseball and cute dimples.  Literal male model.  Laid back cool guy who is obscenely attractive and overachieving.  Sings songs from Disney movies with his wife.  His really massive homeruns.  Has never had a drink and only got one B in high school he’s like the Tracy Flick of baseball, goody two-shoes good at everything.  But like a mellow Tracy Flick.  Pretty enough to make up for lack of eloquence.
Javy Baez: Turns you on with his defense.  Literally he makes defense sexy and how is that even possible?  Strikes out a lot but not as much as he used to.  Applies eyeblack like he’s drunk.  Best eyebrows in baseball.  Is probably really good in the sack idk I’m just speculating here but it seems likely.  Cooler than you.  Has tattoos of questionable quality but pulls it off.  Can literally play any position.
Addison Russell: Baby.  Polite Filipino.  Balletic grace.  Sneaky good at hitting dingers.  Nice boy you’d bring home to meet the family.
Jon Lester: Quiet redneck.  Neurotic.  Needs gentle handling.  Good enough to ignore the whole neurotic thing, even though everyone else besides Cubs fans never shut up about it.  Probably owns many cowboy hats.  Also a cancer survivor.  Helped coach bb Rizzo on how to fight cancer.  
Jake Arrieta: Definitely a heel.  Has spent two years making all MLB fans who are not Cubs fans hate him.  Hates wearing shirts.   When wearing shirts, hates sleeves.  Likes to show off his hot body.  Dumb on twitter.  Dumb irl.  Public Enemy Number One to Pirates fans.  Really scary good tho, unless he’s having one of those days where he is as wild as Charlie Sheen’s character in Major League.
John Lackey: Angry redneck.  Do not challenge to a fight.  Has massive teeth.  Head case.  Scary.
Ben Zobrist: Sensitive Christian man.  Has a hot wife who sings Christian pop music.  Is so nice that it doesn’t really bother you.  Ginger with ruby red lips.  How are they always so red and plump?  Reliably good.  Is probably cool to talk to for awhile but then he starts to ask you if you’ve been saved and you kind of check out.  Rides his bike to work in full uniform sometimes, which is cute.
Kyle Schwarber: You know that one friend you have who plays a lot of video games and is stocky and listens to a lot of metal and maybe dabbles a bit in Magic: The Gathering?  He looks just like Kyle Schwarber.  Except Kyle isn’t that kind of nerd, he’s the jock who joined the glee club.  Strong.  Like, really strong.
Jason Heyward: Look he seems really nice and his fiancee is gorgeous and his fielding is absolutely incredible.  He’s rich but generous.  He had a really good batting average on other teams.  We won’t talk about his batting average on the Cubs, we’ll just thank him for being a good motivational speaker.
Miguel Montero: Follow his twitter.  Trust me.  Complains a bit too much but is also funny.  Also, hit the game winning RBI in the World Series so I love you Miggy.
Willson Contreras: Emotional.  Reactive.  Has near-Javy level passion.  
Pedro Strop: Hats to the left.  Haters to the left too.  Hats beat bats.
Hector Rondon: We broke him last year but still hoping we can fix him.  Seems nice.  Good at fistpumping.
Carl Edwards Jr.: We call him Carl’s Jr.  He’s the Hardeest pitcher to hit.  Get it?  It’s a thing we do.  Well, it’s a thing I do.  It’s my fetch.  I’m trying to make it happen.
Matt Szczur: Has the ability to bless baseball equipment like some kind of enchanter and/or priest.  Cute as a button.  Really good at painting.
Tommy LaStella: Mysterious wanderer.  Had a crisis of the soul last year.  Comes out to that song that goes “oh what a night, late December back in ‘63.”  Which is also mysterious.  You weren’t born in ‘63, Tommy.  Who are you?
Kyle Hendricks: Has no emotions but in a calming way, not a scary way.  Is smart.  Ivy League smart.  Low key.  Doesn’t get his due because he’s so low key.  A Kyle Hendricks smile is a rare and precious thing, cherish it.
Joe Maddon: The manager and cool dad.  He’s the cool dad who always reminds you he’s the cool dad.  Lets you get away with some bullshit because he wants you to do your thing, it’s that free-range parenting idea.  But then he sometimes gets nutty ideas and even the kids are like “what the fuck is Dad up to this doesn’t even make sense” but then it somehow works out.
Theo Epstein: Blessed cherished sexy God who may someday actually save the entire world.
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