goatpaste · 1 year
rykiel for the ask game :3c?
guy whos sent on a mission far from his comfort zone only to be killed in a dream of moon and stars <3
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groriatrevi10xx · 8 months
...¡Throne Labyrinth!...
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¡La Reina Scarlett!/Queen Scarlett!
¡Nuestra Reina Roja!/Our Red Queen!
¡La Hermosa Reina de Corazones!/The Beautiful Queen of Hearts!
G: La Antigua Reina de los Hechiceros, la Madre adoptiva de Umbra... La Reina de Corazones... ✨/The Former Queen of Sorcerers, the adoptive Mother of Umbra... The Queen of Hearts... ✨
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youvereachedthebadend · 5 months
I usually default to Denny’s
"Isn't that place for breakfast, though?" Marvin asks.
"And like... sucky?" Jackie adds.
Chase chokes on his pizza in laughter.
"No offense, of course," Jackie quickly says.
"If we want Denny's there is one out on the edge of town," Jack says.
"...what else is there?" Henrik asks.
Chase laughs some more, leaning against Stacy for support. She rolls her eyes and pats his shoulder fondly.
I think the voices are misunderstanding what our definitions of 'nice eating' are, JJ says.
Chase lets out another wheeze of laughter. "Chase, please," Stacy says.
I'm being serious, JJ adds. We are all thinking of somewhere we can sit down and order good food. A place with tablecloths and such... but that wouldn't bore the children, either.
"I think places like that tend to be like... not franchises," Jack says. "They're like, unique places."
"But the kids would definitely be bored at a fancy place," Stacy adds.
"We could go to like... Cheesecake Factory or something," Marvin says.
"And deal with those waiting times?" Jackie raises an eyebrow. "For okay food?"
"Hey, I like Cheesecake Factory!" Marvin says defensively.
Chase raises his hand in agreement with Marvin, still giggling to himself.
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A very happy birthday to @strawberry-metal
This is a day late, mainly because I needed to pace myself and not overdo my wrist, which is also why I didn't do any proper shading. u.u
However, I know you will still enjoy this piece thoroughly Shanna!! Saki, in all her glory, full-body image in Jojo style!!
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skylarmoon71 · 9 months
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) Chapter 32
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“Combat training?”
“Strauss has made it mandatory. You’re a consultant, but there will be times when you’d be needed in the field. “
You mean to tell him that you’re fully equipped to defend yourself. Conversations with your dad are not the only development you had. He’d advise you that with your growing powers, your body needs to be just as strong. So you’d be taking self defense in your free time.
“I understand. When will my sessions be scheduled?“
“They start tomorrow. I’ve assigned Morgan to be your supervisor. Although I was able to use someone from our unit, you’ll be given an assessment at the end of the month. If you don’t pass the director has advised that you be withheld from group travels until you complete it. “
“She’s really bringing out all the stops huh. “ Hotch nods. You had a feeling when he called you this morning it wasn’t just for friendly banter.
“I know the timing of this isn’t ideal. It’s difficult to work around the paperwork with this. “
“It’s fine Hotch. I’m not that surprised. Strauss isn’t the only one who has a few tricks. I’ll be seeing Morgan early tomorrow.”
“Yes, 8am sharp.” That gave you about two hours before a briefing with the team.
“Thank you for looking out for me sir.” He’s always been someone to look after the team.
" By the way, how is Jack? Does he love the badge I made him?”
“He does. It’s been on his desk for the past three weeks. Truthfully it’s the first toy that hasn’t been disassembled or vanished from sight.”
“I guess I should feel honored.” You laugh.
Maybe it’s because you’d been there that you now feel protective of both Hailey and Jack.
“Sir, if you don’t mind me offering, I’d be happy to babysit Jack whenever you need.” Unlike the rest of the team, some of your hours were more lenient. So you had more off days then the rest of them. You were still very much a consultant. Hotch’s smile feels a bit contagious. He reaches out, placing his hand over yours.
“I appreciate the offer. I’ll keep that in mind.” You can’t stop the blush, or the brief skip of your heart.
“O-Of course it’s no trouble at all!” He’s still smiling as he pulls away. You sort of stumble to your feet.
“W-Well t-thank you again for the heads up.” You go shuffling out the room, and Hotch looks at the space you had previously occupied, then down at his hand.
He’s a bit curious to see how this plays out.
~Tuesday Morning, 8am~
Morgan was dressed in some comfortable clothing to begin. You were surprised that he was waiting for you when you entered the room.
“Ready to kick some butt.” He asks. You nod.
“Sir yes sir!” He laughs, laying out the instructions.
“So I’ll run through the basics. But first we need to go over strategies. In the field you’ll be faced with a lot of tough choices. You need to be able to handle all of them. “
Stretching your limbs, you nod.
“Is that why you’re recording?” You nudge your head to the cell phone.
“Strictly learning purposes. “ You chuckle.
“Of course it is.”
“Alright so first we-” you charge at him, and Morgan jumps back at the blow you swing. While he’s gathering his footing, you drop low, swiping his legs from under him. He falls back harshly on the mat with a grunt. You smile from above.
“What’s next?” Morgan just groans.
~Five Hours Later~
“Play it back, play it back!”
Garcia giggles. You run back the video, and they all wince when Morgan’s body hits the floor.
“Hah, very funny. She just caught me off guard. “
“Yeah, three times.” Prentiss teased. His need to acquire footage backfired. You forwarded the entire session to your phone to show the rest of the team.
“I don’t think they have to worry about you passing the assessment. I’m more concerned for the person who’ll be doing the exam.” Morgan waves it off.
“Count me out.” It’s possible his back was aching a little from all the falls he took. Not that he’d admit that.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?” JJ questions.
“I’ve been training myself. I sort of came to the same conclusion as the department did. I do a lot of field work. Thought it was about time I learned to tango.”
“You’re really good at this tango. '' Garcia compliments.
“Actually, could you teach me how to do that lock?” Prentiss points out. She’s talking about the hold you have Morgan in on the screen.
“Sure, the key is all in the shoulders. “ Hotch has a folder in his hand, and he moves past you all.
“We have a case.” Everyone moves out, and Hotch sends you a glance.
“Good job.”
He mouths. You blush, nodding
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darksmilie-blog · 6 months
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cassyapper · 1 year
thank you for the Jotaro content. i'll never say no to Jotaro content. do you have any Jotaro thoughts that are occupying your mind that you'd like to share during this category 4 event or is it just a bunch of vibrating in place and pointing at the man (bc I get it)?
god anon you get me so completley
sequence of jumbled jotaor thoughts it's not a steady line of thought im jsut fucking crazy also im not proofreading this
im thinking about how the first time jotaro smiles in the manga it's when he's holding a gun to his head
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i think about how holly screamed. i think about how it's implied jotaro did this more than once because he knew his brains werent going to blow out in front of his mom he did this to show off star platinum's frightening abilities he wasnt trying to die....this time at least. but earlier? well
i think about how he was 17 when his entire world is flipped upside, when he truly meets his grandfather for the first time, when he understands why his mother is the way she is (dont get me started on this ohhh do not get me started on this). i thinka bout how he met his first friends got 50 precious days with them and then lost them. even the ones that lived. him and polnareff are a tragedy of "we could've been great" because, with their differences in circumstance and their individual forms of grieving, i honestly think they both resent the fact that the other lived and not someone else just as much as they resent that they themselves lived. survivor's guilt spilling over and being directed at the only other person who understands. it sucks. also he loses joseph cause after being without oxygen for that long he had brain damage (as evidence by how much he aged in the 10 years btwn diu and sdc as opposed to the 50 years between bt and sdc) and he just, broke i think from the guilt of getting his friends killed again (avdol and kakyoin particularly). i think jotaro was alone again in anew way and it RUINS THE REST OF HIS LIIIFE
i think about how jotaro was beginning to trust the others when boom, the second he tries to trust them in the final battle to do their own thing, they die. every time he isnt there people die. polnareff wouldve died if he wasn't there. jospeh would've died if he wasnt there. everyone else died cause he wasn't there. he literally WAS ON THE WAY TO GETTING BETTER TO LEARNIGN TO TRUST PEOPLE but it fell in at such a critical moment and had such dire conseqeunces and he couldnt he couldnt he couldnt and so he didnt and it culminates 23 years later when he's not enough by himself to save his daughter, he trades the world for her and he still couldnt do it because he tried to do it alone ough my GOD
i thinka bout how he loved the crusaders so much he was so vulnerable with them he showed off his underbelly so sevrely and then he's hurt and hurt and hurt and he becomes so consumed in his own hurt that he runs CIRCLES trying to find a way to make sure he has the power to never ever ever let it happen again and so he isolates and he does things alone and he doesnt train the world cause he has trouble seeing it as anything other than dio (but it's him too he couldve made it his own but he didnt and it led to not having enough of a girp on it to save his DAUGHTER when seconds were the most preicous thing in the world)
i think about how he loved them i think about how he did the stupid cigarette tricks with them about how they knew how to comfort him when he was acting erratically and scared how this implies that he's done that before how it means they saw and helped him through it and he communicated how they can help him through it HOW HE ASKS THEM TO HELP HIM i thin abuotu how the only time we see him trust his loved ones not just himself BUT HIS LVOED ONES to someone else is in stardust crusaders and then it's gone and he never does it again i think about how losing the crusaders made him so grief stricken that he essentially signs his death warrant like he had gone past the event horizon but couldnt fall in just yet it was done it was done he was done
i think about how he killed people and he was so scared and he had blood on his hands i think about how he's teeth and nails and fists and it manifests in star platinum's offensive abilities i think about how he is so scared and he is so desperate and he loves so, so, so much, he tries to punch to distract the fact his heart is on his sleeve
i think about how uncomfortable he msut be with knives or anything sharp after everything i think about how he needs pressure but if something is too tight on his chest he'll hyperventilate i think about how he can't look at clocks and he can't look at his own stand and he can't look at himself i think he must hate the color yellow (his daughter has blond streaks in her hair, it must be some sort of joke)
i think about his relationships with people and how they both save and damn him simultaneously i think about how the relationships he has post part 3 give him some solace while he's marching toward his own deathbed and his refusal to deviate form that path means the relationships get strained and ripped and a chunk of his heart falls away every time it happens he is bleeding so so much so to speakby the time he even makes it to pucci it's no wonder he barely put up a fight it must have been a mercy (it was until it meant his daughter had no one left to be a shield for her)
i tink im drying. dying.
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agence-photo-imatext · 6 months
Wavre. Jeu de Jean & Alice 1987
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sarkaariresult · 1 year
Rajasthan HC JJA , Clerk Skill Test Admit Card
Rajasthan HC JJA , Clerk Skill Test Admit Card has recently released , So If you want to check it or know complete details about this exam and many others . Now you can SEE HERE
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blue-belta · 1 year
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3月もそろそろ終盤。 2015年の #アクアマリン 。  石が好きで、 #ジュエリーコーディネーター検定 3級持っています。 おそらく検定が始まってまもないころ受験して、しばらく#jja にも登録していました。 というと、「鑑定できる?」と聞かれますが、3級ではそんなこと到底無理、鑑定とは全く別物です。 #宝石 は究極の色、だと思うんですよね。 子どもの頃は、百科事典の「宝石」のページを飽かずに眺めていたっけ。 大人になってからは歴史、科学、経済、絵画などと宝石の関わりが面白く、楽しみはどんどん広がりました。 宝石には負の側面もあり、それもまた興味深い。 ところでこのレベルの精度、サイズの宝石を描くのは割と簡単で楽しいんですよね。没頭できますし。また描きたいな。 5月、大阪と神戸で教室をします。 27日(土)神戸で塗り絵、20日(日)大阪で絵日記と塗り絵、どちらもNHK文化センターです。 それ以外に、 29日(月)大阪でちょっとマニアックな教室をします。 テーマは「色」 三原色で描いたり、ちょっとおもしろい混色やグラデーション、各色の特徴など、あまり他ではしていない内容です。 でも知っておくととっても便利。 将来、教室をしたいな、と思っている人にも良いのではないかと思います。 詳細は後ほど。 #art #coloredpencil #drawing #aquamarine #fabercastell #polychromos #gemstone #色鉛筆 #ファーバーカステル #ポリクロモス #1日1絵 #イラストグラム #絵を描く暮らし #今日何描いた #今日何描こう https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLO1aZpDhQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goatpaste · 2 years
For the art rqs: star platinum as a plushie
thats it!! turns you into a pillow pet to go with the others >:)
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animezinglife · 4 months
J.J.A. Harwood was so real for writing a village of middle-aged people exploiting the younger men and women for work, working one single and grieving woman in particular half to death in a way that keeps her from saving their own children, then throwing her in an asylum when she bucks the narrative and their personal status quo.
The only one who understands her is the 90+-year-old woman who’s seen some sh*t in her life.
The Thorns Remain is a comically accurate social commentary.
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koryokuu · 1 month
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wanderingandfound · 9 months
I thought of a really mean poll to run.
I'm sorry.
By "respects its audience and its premise" I don't mean fan-service or pandering, I mean does the series actually play with and explore the flashy plot-points it drops? Do the creators go out of their way to make the audience feel foolish for caring about the story?
By "has a satisfying conclusion to the narrative" I don't mean did you like the ending, I mean did the story a) even have an ending and b) was that ending foreshadowed or was it pulled out of somebody's ass as a "plot twist".
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bonyato · 2 years
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This interaction has got me squealing at the highest of frequencies (x)
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JJA Harwood, from "The Thorns Remain"
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