#JSE Prompt
dmnfox · 11 months
Hello! Excited to say that the animatic I've been working on that felt like 4 heccin years (probably was) is finally finished! With @just-silly-liv-things permission, I have put practice in revising her Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye Kill the Lights animatic! Do give the OG a watch before seeing the premiere of the revised! Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkeA4bUynhA&t=0s Premiere Oct 31 10:30am pst https://youtu.be/YPKeR_vq_Uk
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chaseisglitched · 11 months
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Egotober/Septictober Day 31: Happy Halloween/ "Smile! They're Watching"
Happy Halloween everyone :D
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
could I have "when i say run, i need you to do as i say and don’t even think about me." For a anti x male or gn reader as a promt from the protective protective list?
of course!!! love it when people request things from characters I have written for in a while <3
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You couldn't move.
Dozens of sleek black barrels pointed at you both like a silent death sentence. Harsh red lights washed over everyones face, giving the impression that the hallways was bathed from head to toe with blood. Which wasn't too far from the truth.
Buzzers both distant and near blared into the air. The sound covered up the painful moans of scientists turned blobs of deformed flesh on the ground. Something that you would have been thankful for if the circumstances were different.
"Alter 114209!" Someone yelled somewhat fearfully from the semi circle of armed gaurds. "Stand down or we'll shoot!"
You slowly turned to look at the person, er, thing, that they were speaking to. You could feel your eyes darting around his rigid face with fear. Gaze uncertain.
Anti bared his teeth with a harsh cackle.
"If you don't put your hands in the air in the next ten seconds, my men will fire!!"
His fingers twitched. Itching to latch around someone's neck you supposed. It was funny, really, how little you knew about this demon despite spending the past thirty six hours of your life dedicated to helping him and a few other people escape this madhouse.
"When I say run (Y/n)—" He growled, white pupils burning with hatred. "—I need you to do as I say and don't even think about me. Got it?" His gaze was petrifying. It reminded you of a story you had been forced to read and over analyze in class years ago. An ancient greek myth about a hideous monster that could turn people to stone.
Swallowing at that moment felt like you were trying to force a wad of dry cotten down your throat, but you managed a small nod. Anti gave a curt one back to you in return.
"Just don't do anything to Chase." Was all you managed to wisper back before the first bullet cracked through the air.
And Anti let hell loose.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
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chase art that i did for last year's egotober + inktober that i didn't post here for some reason. still one of my favourite drawings that i've done :D
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epicseptic · 1 year
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I know I haven't been on Tumblr lately in ages but I came out with my own October prompt list. I've been simping a lot for the fictional men lately and tried to make use of it. Feel free to join in if you'd like.
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fankayart · 2 years
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It’s all just a game, and I’m winning.
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
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Egotober day 9: shattered
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
"I can’t stand living here. When do I get to go home?”
“Chase, listen..I know you don’t wanna be here, just as much as I don’t want you to be here. But you’ll have to cooperate with us-”
“How much longer do I need to “cooperate”, huh?! I’ve been as obedient as a goddamn dog ever since I got here.” The father at the opposite end of the table scowled at you, glaring at the IRIS logo on your lab coat. Clearly, he wasn’t in the mood to talk to yet another scientist. But it’s not like he had any choice in the matter.
He could always stay silent, though it wouldn’t make you leave him alone. You were too damn determined to talk to him.
“I do literally everything you ask of me..and it’s never enough! When will I know what’s really going on?!” He continued to rant.
Despite his increasingly aggressive attitude, you had to remain calm and remind him of the camera stationed nearby. Its light glowed an eerie red, indicating its detection of heightened negative emotion. 
"I understand your confusion, but please do not shout.” You gently urged. “If the camera detects too much negativity, we’ll have to cut this conversation short. And I'd hate to leave without telling you anything important."
“I don’t give a shit about--!! Wait..what did you wanna tell me? Something I don’t already know?” Calming down only slightly, Chase blinked in bewilderment.
This was certainly a turn of events. Usually he just repeated the same old shit to the other scientists; telling them what they likely already knew. But you were different--you wanted to tell him something important instead.
“A lot of it’s confidential, but I’m able to tell you this much about why we need you here..” Pausing, you opened the folder beside you, gazing at the files contained within it. “A few years back, you’ve openly admitted to a YouTube audience about your depression and your friend’s coma. You would say both are..terrible occurrences that have impacted you significantly, no?”
“Well..I mean, sure. But how did you-”
"We’ve had a WTCHR camera installed in the recording studio for the past five years. It picks up all visual and audio stimuli. And due to unusual activity on the computer itself, our systems were able to tap into it as well.”
“What the hell..” You could barely hear Chase muttering under his breath. “So IRIS was stalking me this whole time?”
“..it was for safety, Chase. Believe me, I know you value your privacy. But given the paranormal circumstances leading up to your friend’s coma-”
“His name..is Jack.” He spoke through gritted teeth, hands balling themselves into fists. “All along you knew something was wrong. Everyone I ever talked to before this thought I lost my fucking mind. They thought I was crazy! But you guys knew, and did nothing. You all just watched as this happened to us!! As he tormented us!! YOU’RE SICK, YOU KNOW THAT?!!”
The slamming of fists made you tense, although your gaze quickly flickered to the guard stationed near the door. He seemed ready to sedate Chase at a moment’s notice, but then again he was always on-edge...or just annoyed it was getting close to his lunch break.
Looking back at your patient, it broke your heart a little to see him start to cry. Clearly, all of this had taken such a heavy toll on him--you couldn’t blame the poor guy who used to have a loving family and a decent career..all gone up in smoke.
He had his snark with the other scientists and guards, though this seemed to be his breaking point.
If you were held captive for months in a facility studying paranormal sciences with little to no answers on what was going on..you’d eventually crack, too.
"Doctor..I just want to understand..” Chase clutched at his cap, eyes closed and cheeks streaked with tears. “Is it him? Is it because I’ve made contact with him?!”
“Yes.” You sighed softly, leaning over the table to rest your arms, opting for a more casual posture. “We believe the events you spoke of are connected to this singular entity. We’ve been tracking him since 2016, but he’s tried sabotaging our systems so..it’s difficult to know his next move. Even IRIS doesn’t fully understand what he is or what he wants.”
“Wow, that’s reassuring..” He remarked sarcastically, sniffling as he opened his eyes. “All you need to know is that he’s some weird...virus demon who wants to hurt people and take over my life. I don’t know why he chose me, but..h-he’ll do anything to get his way. Even if it means killing everyone here.”
“Are you threatening us?” The guard’s voice suddenly boomed, startling you slightly--and especially Chase. You scowled at him for speaking without permission and intentionally aggravating the father, but the latter seemed more frightened than angered.
“No, I’m..I’m telling you the truth! I’m trying to warn you guys! He could be watching us right now!!” His increasing paranoia was captured by the camera, its red light brightening once more.
“Chase, even if he is..you’re much safer in this facility than in your own home." You attempted to defuse the situation. "We’ll be here to intervene should he try anything. He's not gonna hurt you. You have my word."
That didn’t do much to calm him down, as he just looked back at you with a scoff, although he did lean back in his chair. He then removed his hat to rub the side of his head, groaning in pain. “God, I got a fuckin’ headache...this is a lot to take in..”
“I’ll send a nurse to deliver Tylenol. But I think we can stop here for today. I’ll let you rest and give you time to process all of this.” Closing the file, you stood up and glanced at him with a twinge of pity. “I promise we’ll get you out of here soon. See you next time, Chase.”
Eventually he decided to climb into his bed, turning away from the camera’s light and staring at the wall.
“Yeah..see ya.” With a huff, he took the tennis ball on the table and held it in his hands, nails digging into the shedding lime green fabric.
He heard your footsteps, along with the guard’s as you both exited his cell, once again leaving him alone with his thoughts.
As much as he despised being here against his will, you were a genuinely nice scientist who actually gave him clarity on some things. You spoke in a way that made sense--without all the technical jargon that your colleagues spewed (and somehow expected him to understand).
He only hopes you can keep him at bay.
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bookwormscififan · 1 year
For the fanfic prompt,, uhhh Unrestrained Summer Fun with whoever you'd like :]
Unrestrained is a concerning word haha
The sun shone down on freshly mowed grass and shot rainbows through the water droplets flying through the air.
Robbie watched with a lazy smile on his face as joyful screeches echoed through the yard.
“Jameson! That’s cold!” Shawn called, failing again to dodge the splash of water JJ directed at him, spluttering as his face got drenched.
JJ smiled, raising an eyebrow as she swam closer to Shawn, a mischievous grin under his moustache.
Shawn sat at the edge of the pool, watching the water with concern. The sun reflected off the surface, making it impossible to see beneath.
Suddenly hands shot out of the water, grasping Shawn’s legs and dragging him into the pool. The toy maker yelled as he fell in, immediately breaking the surface with a giddy grin on his face.
It’s not that cold, is it? JJ signed, wiggling his brows at Shawn as his friend shook water from his hair.
“Not really, I suppose,” Shawn admitted, “Come here, you.” Wrapping a hand around the back of JJ’s neck, he pulled the dapper man closer to plant a kiss on his cheek.
Robbie smiled, standing slowly and heading back inside, picking at a small patch of peeling sunburnt skin as he walked, searching for Chase.
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pxppet · 1 year
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Day four of @figuwhump!
If you're mute, there's no screaming for help.
Reference pose below the cut:
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glass-trash-bab · 2 years
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Egoshiptober day 23!! Crime!!
Jackie made the mistake of hanging out with Anti :3
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
Egotober, Day 25: Magic
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I wanted to have this actually done and fully rendered for today, but I’m trying not to stay up until 3am...again...so here’s the pencil sketch of good ol Marvin!
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chaseisglitched · 2 years
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Don’t worry he just murdered some pumpkins that’s all
Felt like I had to make something spooky scary related to the iris vid coming out on this spooky scary day rather than something chill :)
Anyways Happy Halloween everyone!
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d-structive · 9 months
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Thing I tried to draw (fighting the art block) on a new computer, with the help/suggestions/prompts from people of the discord jse theory server.
Colors are weirdly flashy...Are these the same colors I usually use? Man...Either my new computer has stupidly-high-res-flashy colors, or my eyes are exploding for other resons... PLEASE, DO NOT USE OR REPOST MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION. MY ART IS NOT FREE TO USE!
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greydoesthearts · 1 year
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With the prompt of: "What was your favorite moment on the JSE channel?" I went with a bit of an odd one, but I absolutely adore the clip of Seán singing Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer".
As a lifelong Bon Jovi enthusiast, this clip brings me immense joy.
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pinkibot · 1 year
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Did something for the septicart revival event hosted by @rogue-of-broken-time! :D
The prompt for this was “what was your favourite moment from the JSE channel?” and honestly even though I wasn’t part of the community actively at that time, we can all agree that whole month of October with all the hints and build up towards Say Goodbye is still gonna be the thing that ends up being the most memorable to me! It was a really fun and engaging event to just come back each single day to see what was going on in anticipation, and it really made me fall in love with the way Sean creatively engages with his audience with whatever project he’s up to. Glad to stick around for the ride since then and hope to see more out of the guy for the IRIS project going forwards <3
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