I did it. I told her. Literally one minute ago. I told her I miss her and I’m going insane because of it.
I fucking did it.
I can’t believe it.
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toadettexbowserjr · 6 years
I just I can’t belevie someone on this god awful website harassed me  and told me not to headcanon Bowser Jr as a child because he’s clearly a baby because of baby bowser’s design.
How dumb do you have to be holy shit
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stalkerkyoko · 5 years
I can’t belevie Ultimate ninja 2 is canon
The Gedō Seal
Dark Naruto made had appears in Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 when Orochimaru use The Gedō Seal; Confusion to fool Naruto and use him as a tool to create another version of himself, however, thanks Tsunade for knocking out Naruto she told him when he was passed out that the other clone was just a gedo fake however, he's call Nega Naruto or shadow Naruto trying to manipulate his Counterpart tell him it was fun to hurt people however Naruto told his nega self people who says those kind of things make him so mad trying to control his body forever but however at the end his pain became a unsuccessful to control Naruto body forever.
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nelrunari · 5 years
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❖ And the Dream calls: Choler Volveldt.
Character Name: Choler Volveldt
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 21
Trigger Warnings: Emotional abuse (childhood bullying)
Appearance: Reddish tiefling with fairly angular horns, human feet, perpetually bare, and a lack of any tail. Perma-smarm face, very tired.
https://twitter.com/rennagain/status/1095498882967052289?s=21 https://twitter.com/rennagain/status/1093577943849287681?s=21
Negatives- Impulsive, matchstick anger, self-serving, short sighted, willfull.
Positives- Relentless, stubborn, spirited, intense, ambitious
Background: A Tiefling of many names through his life, he was born Ezriel Volveldt to a full tiefling mother and a seemingly human father, the youngest of two children. As a child he was always full of unchecked energy that often turned into anger and violence, often getting into fights with the other kids in his town who mostly bore contempt towards his kind. Though his older sister was usually there to fend them off and deal with his fury and outbursts, she was sent away to train in a special monastery upon discovery of her holy gift when he was only 5, leaving him to fight his own battles.
When neither parent could manage to keep his temper in check, and it being tradition for the family, they sent him to a monastery dedicated to the nature god Silvanus, hoping it would teach him discipline and peace in his heart that they could not. There, he was given the name Silas , mortal name of their god, by his mentor and the only other tiefling there, Brother Patience. It was an attempt at a spiritual rebirth, in order to leave all his anger and ill behaviour behind and start anew. He spent seven years in the monastery, and while it tamed a fair portion of his unbidden outbursts and the sharpest edges of his anger, Silas grew to have a penchant for mischief, nicking pastries from the off grounds bakery and pulling harmless pranks on the other children there between the hard chores, book copying and gardening. The temple itself had a very strict fire ban, believing very much in Silvanus’ aversion to fire and its users, and so looked down very much on the two tieflings. Silas, who was still in poor control of his emotions, often would accidentally singe robes, manuscripts, and most grievously, plants when angered or startled. He came to resent what he was very deeply. A wood elf who eventually got dropped off at the monastery began a new age of trouble. Venitius dogged Silas relentlessly about how he was never in control, how Silvanus would never accept him, how the boy would set the whole wooden temple on fire and how the clearest tenet they followed was “Destroy fire and all its employers”.
One day he pushed a little too far, and in his fear, Silas lashed out, setting fire to Venitius and the room around them. He fled immediately, stealing food and a sickle to defend himself, feeling as though there was no place for him at home, or the god he had been raised with after this terrible sin and slight. To this day, he thinks he killed Venitius and is too afraid to ever go back or check.
He hit the streets of the mountain city to the north, Exaholde at 13, now using the name Choler for his unbridled temper, doing odd jobs and any labor that would hire him, sleeping in stables. It was a hard few years before he managed to lie his way into the town guard, believing that if he was no good following ‘violence only when necessary’, he would pull a 180 and have it necessary to be violent.
Choler was nearly immediately kicked out for his insubordination, inability to follow orders or work with others and utterly deplorable behaviour, but the captain of the western city guard apparently saw something in him and instead took personal responsibility for his actions. The captain took to running Choler ragged until the aggression and recklessness, seemingly unending, petered out to something manageable, and did make a soldier out of him, albeit one who still slacked off and caused trouble. The two eventually became fairly close… friends, if what Choler will say if asked. They balanced each other and finally Choler had someone he belevied he could lean on, for as much of a goody-goody the paladin captain was.
Memento: A long bronze ear cuff with elvish carved into it that he can’t read, given to him by his captain.
Natural Abilities: Just Tiefling Things— Dark vision, setting things on fire if you startle him too badly, a resistance to fire and heat, the big mischief spell Thaumaturgy (1 minute minor magic trick to change eye colour, change the colour of a flame, create ominous whispers, a noise 30 feet away and slam open/closed windows and doors, or amplify voice up to 3x as loud as normal.) A trained hand in punching people in bare-knuckle fights, and honed ability to dodge and deflect.
Power History: Nothing! Just a townsguard who is a trained monk.
Pinterest board: (warning for blood/injury, slight nudity, profanity, general nsfw) https://pin.it/noudbv67kwd5od
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/17JNV0JSS8rlhsa18sx515?si=5Al8GTjyTiWQ-8d_Q8DCew
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Circinus
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Rennigan/Ren
Contact: @ChronosAster on twitter
Age: 25
Pronouns: they/them , she/her
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