#i certainly won’t be able to go asleep
I did it. I told her. Literally one minute ago. I told her I miss her and I’m going insane because of it.
I fucking did it.
I can’t believe it.
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noemilivv · 7 months
Here I am with the ask!!! I was wondering if I could request headcanons for Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Vox and Lute with how they would be with a sloth like S/o. I saw someone ask this on a blog I follow and I was stoked, I love this concept so much it's so funny I decided it's my favorite. INSANELY sleepy s/o, they sleep ALL the time and still manage to be super sleepy, they'd be walking down the street? They randomly fall asleep while walking, needless to say that's very dangerous in hell. In heaven a bit less, but let's say falling asleep while flying is definetely dangerous too. They're talking to someone? They might be trying to pay attention but still can't help help falling asleep, characters like Adam and Luci would definetely have no problem with that tho. They are incredibly slow, and also have the sloth tendency to climb(for the tall ones) and cling to said partner and hang onto them like ragdolls. They can stay awake if they replenish the energy they use immediately or by being monitored, but they're very concerning. I imagine warm milk would probably knock them out cold, coffee probably does little to nothing, maybe a huge amount would keep them on the brink of consciousness lol. (Sorry this got long, that's how much I find this concept hilarious, you don't actually have to include all everything I said if you don't wanna I was just rambling)
heyy again!! this is so cute and honestly i’m fangirling at the ideas i have for this haha, enjoy!!
Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Lute, and Vox x Sloth!Reader
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There’s a solid chance he makes fun of you for your sleepy antics, but only he can do that, no one else!
Unlike Hell, if you fall asleep on the side of the road in Heaven, he’ll just toss ya over his shoulder like nothing happened
Honestly, Adam is pretty tall, and he’s got a bit of muscle under his fit, so he doesn’t mind a bit if you climb about him and all that
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Honestly, Alastor doesn’t mind your sleepy antics, it gives him an opportunity to get whatever he needs done for that time until you awake again
Although, he probably won’t let you climb him though, due to his dislike of physical touch, but dw he’ll let you cling to him a bit
If you start to daze off while he’s talking he won’t mind, his smile will soften, and he’ll tug you to his chest, talking you to sleep
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You guys don’t go out much, so it’s not often you fall asleep on the streets, but if you do, he’ll pick you up bridal style, he won’t make a big fuss about it, at least until you get home
Like Alastor, if you fall asleep mid convo, he won’t mind, he’ll just bring you to his chest and talk you to sleep
Although he is on the shorter side, if you wanna climb him, he’ll certainly let you! He thinks it’s the cutest thing!
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Honestly, Lute hates it when you sleep a lot, as because of her job, she’s busy most of the time and can’t see you, so when she does see you, and you’re asleep, it’s eh…
If you climb on her, she’ll tense up a bit, but she won’t deny it, but there’s a chance she will the first few times. Affection is new to her.
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He’s another tall one, so you could climb on him, but he’s a bit of a twig tbh, so he might not be able to hold you 😭
If you fall asleep during conversation, he’ll be all pissy, but if you fall asleep ON him, bro glitches so bad
Tried to make sure you don’t fall alseep on the streets in the first place, but if you do, bitch is waking you up, ain’t no way he’s carrying you
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miaoua3 · 2 months
My Home
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Pairing: dino x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, just…fluff
Description: dino has a very hard day. dino’s day gets considerably better because of you. dino is in love with you.
you have come to the point in your relationship where you knew how dino felt simply by how his presence felt.
so last night when he came back home and you could barely feel him (as well as hear him because he was just so quiet), you immediately knew that the love of your life was exhausted.
when he came in through the door, he only greeted you with a little, raspy “hello” instead of something cute and flirty like “good evening my beautiful lady” like he usually does. not only that, but during dinner you noticed that he barely talked, mostly just humming or saying filler words like “oh really?”.
if all those things weren’t enough for you to see how tired he was, the dark circles under his eyes certainly were.
that’s why after he took a quick shower, you immediately took you both to your bedroom to sleep, pulling him in your arms so his head was resting on your chest and scratching his head just the way you knew he loved whenever you did it.
the poor boy fell asleep in the matter of minutes, squeezing you to death, almost as if he was seeking your comfort for him to be able to float away and into the dreamland.
you didn’t feel offended by his behaviour, or as some might interpret it, ignorance, but rather you felt your heart break for your boyfriend. even after the most tiring days he usually still had enough energy to spend a little quality time with you. so you knew that he must’ve been beyond his limit and that he was deadly exhausted.
which proved to be right when even after 11 hours he still hasn’t woken up yet.
knowing he will wake up sooner or later, you decided to make him breakfast, just something simple that won’t overwhelm him.
and like clockwork, the door of your bedroom opens and in comes your boyfriend, shirtless and with puffy eyes, blindly and directly going towards you.
“good morning baby”, you wish him just as he reaches you. your boyfriend just grunts in response as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, rubbing his face against your shoulder.
the difference in the grunts he was letting out as a response yesterday and the one he just let out isn’t all that big, but still you can tell how much better he’s feeling. it’s actually because his presence feels lighter today-more at peace.
chan just continues to hug you and rub his face against your shoulder, making you smile gently.
“slept well?”, you ask him gently. your boyfriend-expectedly- just grunts in response, making you chuckle lightly.
he, in response, kisses your cheek sweetly, mumbling ‘i love you’ with his lips still pressed against your skin.
deciding to give your boyfriend your full attention, you turn in his arms, your own automatically wrapping themselves around his neck, fingers playing with the back of his hair, a few weeks of growth being noticeable due to its length.
dino, bless his heart, can barely see you with his puffy eyes, just slowly blinking at you. not being able to resist his cuteness, you lean in and leave a gentle peck on his lips, your hands sliding down to rest on his bare shoulders.
your boyfriend hums deeply in response, unconsciously pulling you closer. after a second, your lips naturally fall apart.
chan blinks his eyes open, your beautiful face being the first thing his sight falls onto, and it overwhelms him a little bit.
knowing that he has somebody to come home to, but not only that, a somebody who he can come home to and be in a bad mood without them taking it personally and starting a fight about it, but instead taking care of him with such gentleness…it makes his body feel like it’s brimming with love, almost overflowing. sometimes it got so overwhelmingly big that he didn’t know what to do with it, a sense of panic washing over him.
like right now.
“i’m sorry if i was in a weird mood yesterday. it’s just that practice was a lot, and the tour is nearing with everyday, everyone was feeling irritated and so we all fought a lot, hoshi-hyung had a scream-off match with coups-hyung and it was all just-“.
before he can continue, you just put your finger on his lips to shut him up.
“do you feel better now?”, is the only thing you ask him in return.
chan, confused, just nods his head in response.
it seems like that’s all the confirmation you needed because you smile gently at him, leaning in to peck his lips again.
“then that’s all i need to know”, you finish.
and dino isn’t sure where the words come from, nor when the thought itself appeared in his mind, but all he responds with is.
“marry me. like, for real. be mine. and let me be yours. forever.”
to say that his words got you shocked is an understatement. but no matter how shocked you felt, answering a question of his never felt as easy as answering this one.
“of course i will.”
it didn’t matter that he didn’t have a ring (or a shirt for that matter), or that it was unplanned and that it was just you two present for it.
it all felt perfect to you.
it felt like home.
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clockwayswrites · 10 months
A Broken Sort of Normal, Part 18
WC: 1565, Masterpost
“Here to bring me to a debrief?” Danny asks the shadow lurking in the doorway. He swears that Batman almost looks chastised at that. “It’s fine, Batman, I know how these things work.”
“The core Titans are insisting on being there, for moral support,” Batman rumbles. “If you aren’t comfortable with that, they’ll be sent away.”
Danny chuckles; that really is like them. “No, I might as well only go through it all once. Besides, that’s sweet. Can I at least take the time to put on real clothing?”
Batman narrows his eyes at Danny. “You’re still injured. Loose clothing only.”
“Gods, how does no one see what a dad you are,” Danny teases.
Batman smiles, just for a moment, before he turns to sweep over dramatically out of the room. “I’ll send in Flash with some approved clothing.”
“That better be my Flash you’re sending in!” Danny calls after Batman. When the doorway is free of the luring hero, Danny lets himself fall back against the pile of pillows.
A debrief. How is he supposed to explain any of this? So far he hasn’t been allowed to explain things, really. Part of it is that he’s spent most of the last several days asleep. When he has been awake, it’s to a rotating cast of heroes; all heroes that he was close to and knew behind the mask. With every able bodied hero busy with clean up, no one has been able to stay long. He sees Barry the most, what with the other’s leg, but even Barry is busy helping coordinate the recovery efforts.
(Danny’s also pretty sure that they’re using the chance to visit him as a way to make people take a break.)
While the heroes are with him, it’s been mostly Danny getting updated on everyone and whoever is with him getting information to update everyone else with. They won’t even let him work, but they do pass on information about his crews at least. It’s Wally who’s with him the most. Wally was there the first time Danny woke and as Danny breathed through panic attacks and to patiently reply to the endless stream of messages for Danny.
Speak of the devil… Danny’s phone chimes again.
He can’t look at it.
He hasn’t been able to look at it since the first message from Jasmine came in. Since they all remembered.
Wally hadn’t asked. He had just let Danny shake apart in his arms and has handled Danny’s phone from then on. ‘This is Danny’s boyfriend. He’s alive and will recover. He’ll contact you at a later time.’
“I thought we put that thing on silent,” Wally says with a glare at the phone as he steps into the room.
Danny makes shameless grabby hands at the clothing. “So did I. Who is it?”
Danny’s proud that his voice doesn’t shake at the question.
Maybe it’s fair that they’ve all been avoiding the big big questions. Maybe it really is obvious that he’s still only hanging on by a thread. He certainly feels less like a live wire and more like the one, stubborn fuse still humming in the circuit breaker.
He certainly feels weak.
“Jasmine again.”
Danny sucks in a staggered breath and lets it out slowly. “Just… just tell her that I’m sorry, but I can’t yet.”
Wally presses a kiss to Danny’s temple. “I’ll remind her that you’re healing too. You just worry about getting dressed.”
“What, don’t want to help out with that part?” teases Danny as he undid the tie at the base of his neck. The Watchtower might have pretty nice quality, but any medical garb was going to be a little scratchy, and Danny is glad to have it off. He’s careful with his taped over IV port as he slides on the plain white shirt and then the well worn hoodie. It has a faded Nightwing logo and smells like Wally.
Something in Danny’s chest relaxes a little as he buries his face into the fabric and it nearly makes him sob.
Danny just shakes his head.
“Oh, babe, it’s okay, I’m here. I have you.” Wally tosses the phone onto the bed and wraps Danny up into a hug. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been around—”
“Don’t, you were saving lives,” Danny says and tucks his face against Wally’s neck. “It’s what you needed to be doing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m here now. I’ve officially been pulled off duty. My job right now is you.”
“I don’t want to take you away from anything important.”
“You aren’t. Babe, you’re why we’re all still here. Let yourself be cared for, okay? I promise if anything comes up that really needs my help I’ll go, but let me make you my priority,” Wally urges.
Danny closes his eyes. “I told myself I’d never ask that of you. I know what you are.”
“You aren’t, I’m offering. Please, babe, let me make you my priority.”
He wants to. Gods does he want to. He wants to go back home to their apartment and have Wally with him and just let the other take care of everything, just for a little bit, just until it stopped feeling like his insides were hollow. Just until he could be okay enough to lie and say that he was fine.
Just until then.
“Okay. I— yeah, okay. I think I need that right now,” Danny manages to admit.
“Thank you,” Wally whispers like it was Danny doing him the great service. “First act, let’s get you out of those pants.”
“You cad,” Danny gasps dramatically.
Wally rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling now so Danny counts it as a win. “And get you into the sweatpants.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to debrief in sweats,” Danny says as he lets Wally help him finish changing. He’s a little less balanced in his feet than he’d like to be.
Okay, a lot less balanced.
Wally doesn’t even let him walk to the debrief, instead he insists on pushing Danny there in a wheelchair. Danny knows there’s no shame in needing a wheelchair, but it doesn’t help him be less frustrated at the way he feels weak down to his bones. Hell, he feels weak down to is core. At least he gets to move himself to a regular chair once they’re inside the conference room.
"Thank you for being willing to do this, Danny,” Wonder Woman says. She’s leaning forward, arms resting on the table, and offering a smile. At the table is a selection of other top tier members: Batman, Superman, a Green Lantern (Hal Jordan in this case), John Constantine, Zatanna, and, right next to Danny, Barry.
The Titans are off to the side, slightly behind the Dark members, in chairs that were obviously dragged into the room. Garfield gives Danny an enthusiastic thumbs up that almost makes him laugh.
“Of course. I get why there are questions,” Danny says instead.
“There are,” Superman agreed. “Now, as you aren’t a Justice League member and are in no way under any sort of investigation, this is going to be a bit informal. We’re just trying to make sure our report on recent events are as clear as possible.”
Danny huffs out a breath of air. His gaze darts over to Wally before dropping. “It’s a big more than that, isn’t it?”
“Kid?” Barry asks gently.
“You all want to know what I am, which is fair. If I could have, I would have told you.” Danny looks back at Wally again and gives a half hearted smile. “Sorry I couldn’t.”
“Why couldn’t you?” Batman asks, though the rumble of words isn’t unkind.
A sour smile twists Danny’s lips. “Curses are like that. Aren't they, Laughing Magician?” Danny hears Constantine and sucks in a breath and steels himself to look up at him. “How much do you know about her? About Desiree?”
Constantine shakes his head. “Not much. It’s not wise to go digging into the affairs of a member of the Infinite Realms, even an ended one.”
“Speak normal for the rest of us,” Hal says. “A who of what?”
“Infinite realms. That means a sodding ghost,” Constantine snaps.
Barry scoffs. “Ghost’s aren’t real.”
“Boo,” Danny replies. His smile is slightly too wide.
“Not funny, Danny.”
Danny shrugs. “Not trying to be. I’m half ghost.”
“How is someone half ghost?” Hal asks.
“I’m like Schrödinger’s Cat,” Danny explains. He can’t help for for his gaze to flick over to where the Titans are sitting and find Wally’s eyes. “I’m still in the box, basically. I’m half alive and half dead. Both and neither. A balance.”
“A myth.” Constantine leans forward. He taps the butt of his unlit cigarette against the table. “Or so we always thought. You telling me that you’re a halfa?”
The question pulls Danny’s focus back to the main table of heroes. “Yep. One of three. Me, my godfather, and my clone.”
Superman clears his throat. “Ah, your clone?”
Danny just gives another shrug. “Shit gets weird when you’re a teenage vigilante.”
“Danny,” Batman says, and Danny can’t help but smile again because the man is clearly one step away from pinching the bridge of his nose like he does as Bruce when one of his children is driving him mad. “Start from the beginning. State your name for the record.”
“Danny Jasper Fenton.”
AN: Vote was in favor of splitting it up. I've got a chunk of the next part written, so hopefully I can get it finished up next week! Sorry if there are lots of issues, words and me are struggling atm.
Poor Danny is really struggling with things as his world has once again changed. And what will everyone think of him now...?
I no longer tag, instead you can subscribe to the masterpost.
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
anotha one😝 this fic is pure crack honestly, it’s not my best work and i was sleep deprived and wrote this in like 20 minutes, soooo keep that in mind. i also imagined the reader being super short in this, because i may have a wee bit of a size kink (don’t tell anyone🤭) but like how cute would ethan look with a partner that’s like 4’11 compared to his 6’1 ass. AGHHH I CANT
Ethan Landry x Reader
Nap time
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Everyone who knew you, knew that there was only one thing in this world that could rival your love for Ethan. And that was napping. You couldn’t help that you were a sleepy girl. You were lucky enough too, that you could nap anywhere. Whether it be your head resting on a hard countertop, the lap of one of your friends, you were even found asleep on the stairs in your parents home once.
Unfortunately though, as of lately, you haven’t been able to sleep that well. And you knew exactly what the cause of this was from, well more of WHO the cause of this was from. Ethan fucking Landry. The boy with the loveliest doe eyes, the boy with the sweetest smile, the boy that stole your heart all those months ago and has told you he was never giving it back.
But he didn’t just steal your heart, no, he stole your ability of napping anywhere your little heart desired.
You couldn’t nap without him anymore.
Of course it wasn’t all his fault, you were the one to snuggle up to him, thinking you were only going to ‘rest’ your eyes for a few seconds. Those few seconds turned into two hours. You couldn’t help it. He was just so warm and smelled so good. It certainly didn’t help that he was running his fingers through your hair while softly humming in your ear. Anyone would have fallen under his spell and drifted off in minutes, if they had been in the position you were in. At least that’s what yoy keep telling yourself.
You had also, by now, convinced yourself he did all of it on purpose.
Which is why you’ve been glaring at him for the past seven minutes. You were sleepy, and all you wanted was to lay your sweet little head down and take a nap. But when your head hits the soft pillow on Ethan’s bed, you find yourself not able to fall asleep. You knew in your head all you needed to do was ask Ethan to come lay down with you, and he would. He would do absolutely anything you asked of him. But you were furious with him. Furious that his conspiracy against you has worked.
“Baby, we’ve talked about how you have to tell me when I’ve upset you, otherwise I won’t know how to fix it.” He wasn’t even looking at you, he had his back towards you while he worked at his desk. “I can quite literally feel the heat from your eyes, angel.” “Well my eyes would be closed and I would be fast asleep, taking my much needed nap if you wouldn’t have ruined them for me.” You grumble out, arms crossed, brows furrowed, adorable pout present.
He drops his pencil at that, confusion wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what Ethan felt. “How did I ruin your nap?” His voice raises an octave higher out of disbelief, and he finally turns to look at you. “I’ve been quiet this whole time and you have quite literally fallen asleep at frat parties before, where it was much more chaotic. I had to nearly tackle someone to stop them from sitting on you.”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you did!” You yell as you jump up, standing on Ethan’s bed and pointing an accusing finger at him. His brown eyes widen, not sure if you’re just having one of your ‘moments’ as he likes to call them, or if you’ve actually lost your mind. “I don’t though, that’s why I asked you to tell me.” At his remark, you ball your fists up, throwing them down at your side, all while making the cutest grumbling sound.
Ethan stands from his chair, coming to stand in front of you at his bed. Since you’re standing on his bed, you’re looking down at him. His hands grab yours, unballing your “threatening” fists, and he’s pleading with his eyes. “Tell me what I did so I can make up for it.” After a few seconds you throw your head back with a loud groan, before dramatically falling forward to be caught by Ethan, wrapping your arms and legs around him completely. “I can’t nap without you.” You all but cry out, still holding a menacing stare as your forehead touches his.
He laughs. He laughs right in your face. “Stop laughing at me!” You push his face away from yours, squirming in his arms trying but failing to get away from him. “Awe, I’m sorry baby. What can I do to help?” To anyone else, he would sound patronizing, but you knew he genuinely was sorry and wanted to make you feel better.
“Don’t you need to finish your homework?” Your eyes glance over at the anatomy worksheet, and then back to Ethan. “Yeah, well I think my baby needs me more. So, I’m not worried about that right now.” You grin at his words, placing a sweet kiss to his lips, before pulling away pretending to look deep in thought. He already knows what you need, he also knows you’re just too scared to ask. All because you got in your own head about how dependent you’ve become of him. He loved it. He loved that you needed him just for the smallest of things like taking a nap.
“Do you want me to lay down with you while you nap? I’ll even hold your hand the entire time, if you want.” You giggle at that, already feeling much more relaxed. “What if I want to wrap myself around you like a koala? Would you let me do that?”
“You’re already the size of one, so why not?”
You’re pouting again, and he could only smile because you were just too fucking cute. “Okay! Okay! I’m done.” He pushes a few strands of hair out of your face, and grabs your chin, placing a few kisses to your pouted lips.
“Can we lay down now? You’ve been standing here holding me for like 10 minutes now, your arms have to hurt by now.”
“Baby.” He says with disbelief. “I’ve held you for way longer than 10 minutes, while we were doing something a lot more physically demanding.” Your cheeks immediately flush red at his words. Hiding your face in his neck. “Don’t get all shy on me now. You were just yelling at me 10 minutes ago about ruining your naps.” He couldn’t help but tease you, it was just too easy.
“Ethan, stop it.” You mumble out. He laughs again, but finally moves to sit you back down on his bed. You climb to the top, and wait for Ethan to join you. He goes to slip under the blanket with you, but you stop him. “No! You have to take your clothes off!” He holds his hands out in front of him, in a defensive manner. “Someone’s not so shy now. You need me to tire you out or something?”
You roll your eyes at your dumb boyfriend, and watch as he removes his tshirt and jeans. “I meant so I could sleep on you more comfortably, you perv!” “You’re calling me a perv, after asking me to strip and defile you?”
You open and close your mouth “I didn’t ask-“ You stop, exhaling sharply through your nose. “Please, E, just get in the damn bed.” “I’m coming, jeez!” Finally, he lays down beside you, and before you could move, he turns and wraps his arms around your body, an innocent grin on his pretty lips. And you can already feel your eyes grow heavy, as his fingers begin to trail up and down your spine and he presses soft kisses to your temple.
“Get some rest, sweet girl, because I will be defiling you when you wake up.” His tone is light and playful.
“Ethannn, can you stop being such a horny teenage boy for two seconds?” Your tone is annoyed. “Yeah, as long as you’re around, that’s not happening.”
“You’re such a whore.” Ethan laughs at your remark, squeezing you even closer, if possible, to his body. He’s finally quiet after that, besides the soft humming coming from his lips.
And he would never admit this to you, but he was having trouble sleeping without you by his side too. He loved the weight of you on his chest, the way your hair smelled. He especially loved when you would take his hand in yours, all while still sleeping, and hold it to your chest. You would hold it so tight sometimes he would lose feeling in his fingers.
He didn’t care though. Because he loved you and all of those things produced a warm, comfortable feeling he never received as a child.
So, he would lay there for hours, and watch the rise and fall of your chest, and listen to the soft snores leave your mouth. All without a single complaint.
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wannabespacesmuggler · 3 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Seven | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!Reader
Warnings: Merle Dixon sucks, unedited (I will get to it later, I promise)
Word Count: 1.1K
Author’s Note: SO, your boy's a blue-collar worker currently struggling through increased heat and hours during the summer, but I love this fic and no matter how much time passes I will continue to come back to this guy. Let me know what y'all think of this one & let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist. And thank you for your continued support for this lil fic -- it means the world to me.
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“Tonight’s the night, little brother.”
Merle’s voice tears through the silence in their makeshift camp. Daryl peers up at Merle from his crouched position -- the younger Dixon had been going through their food supply before Merle came storming in. Daryl rolls his eyes at the interruption. Although he’s known his brother his entire life, it always surprises him how different the two are. All he’s heard his entire life is: those Dixon brothers, two sides of the same coin. However, where Daryl is reserved, Merle is intrusive, and where Daryl is observant, Merle is careless. Although the two brothers are cut from the same backwoods cloth, they seem to have less in common than one would think.
Daryl ignores his brother’s outburst, returning his attention to their limited rations. He lets out a frustrated sigh before strategizing.
“We’re running low on food. I’ll go out hunting tomorrow. Rest of the group is headed out to scavenge the city; might wanna join ‘em.”
Merle brushes past Daryl, snatches the last bag of jerky from their pile of food, and begins chowing down in front of his younger brother. Daryl furrows his brow at his brother’s actions. Before he can lash out at him for being so irresponsible with their rations, Merle speaks up.
“Won’t have to worry ‘bout any of that after tonight.”
Daryl’s head cocks to the side as he tears his attention away from their inventory and now focuses intently on his brother.
“The hell are you on about?”
Merle rolls his eyes at Daryl’s question as if the younger Dixon should be able to read his mind. 
“We’ve been ‘er long enough. I say we wait til everyone’s asleep tonight and take everything we can.”
Daryl shrinks at the thought of just robbing the camp blind. Merle had mentioned the idea during their first night at the quarry; however, Daryl figured, as days passed, that the older Dixon brother had decided against the idea. Apparently, Daryl was wrong.
“I don’t know, man.”
Daryl’s apprehension seems to only rile his brother up more.
“C’mon little brother, everything they have is just sitting in that camper -- it’s like they’re begging us to take it!”
Daryl shakes his head at his brother’s words. They can’t -- he can’t. He doesn’t want that weighing on his guilty conscience for the rest of his numbered days. The world may have ended, but Daryl hasn’t lost his humanity yet. He can’t steal from children, or families, or you. He pushes himself off the floor before responding.
“Nah, man. Not now.”
Daryl attempts to brush past Merle, leaving the conversation there; however, Merle roughly pushes against Daryl’s chest. Daryl staggers for a second before regaining his balance. He looks incredulously at his brother, who seems to be champing at the bit. Merle’s always been impatient, and he’s never liked to stay in one place for too long, even before the end of the world. On the other hand, Daryl knows there’s safety in numbers nowadays -- who knows how long the two of them would be able to make it on their own? And what of the quarry camp -- would they just leave them to turn on themselves?
“This was always the plan, Daryl. What’s changed, huh?”
“Your plan sucks, man. We don’t even know what’s out there -- how many of ‘em are out there! At least here we’re safe.”
His reasoning does nothing to calm down Merle. Daryl is suddenly very glad that the two brothers were so far away from the rest of the camp -- the last thing he wants is for Merle to make scene, again.
“What you making friends while I’m gone? You going soft on me?”
“Fuck off, Merle.”
Merle doesn’t take the bait, instead, he studies his younger brother’s face for a second. Suddenly, it’s as if a switch has been flipped as Merle’s face breaks out into a shit eating grin. 
“You are going soft on me.”
It comes out as a statement, not a question. This only causes Daryl’s brow to furrow deeper. 
“What are you talking about?”
“This is all about that bitch, right?”
Daryl’s blood boils at Merle’s question. His jaw locks, and his fists clench as he attempts to stop himself from throwing himself at his older brother. Merle seems to be enjoying how his words make Daryl’s skin crawl. 
“Little brother, I never thought you’d be one to go after a taken woman.”
Daryl knows that Merle is just trying to get a rise out of him; he just wants a reaction. And as much as his words are pissing him off, Daryl knows that he simply has to act indifferent to his accusation.
“You could take her with us. Could use something fun on the road.”
Daryl grinds his teeth together at the thought, but he will not give Merle the satisfaction of causing an outburst from his younger brother.
“Shut up, Merle.”
“Can’t believe some bitch has already got you whipped.”
Finally, something in Daryl snaps as Merle sneers at him. He gets up in Merle’s face, attempting to intimidate his older brother, but he doesn’t back down.
“This ain’t got nothin’ to do with her. She don’t mean nothing to me!”
Daryl expects him to escalate the fight; however, Merle’s face shifts into that shit-eating grin once again as his eyes land on something behind Daryl’s shoulder. Daryl turns to face whatever has piqued Merle’s interest, his curiosity getting the better of him, and his stomach drops as his eyes land on you. Daryl’s face immediately softens as he notices the hurt etched into your features. Without a word, you turn and head back toward camp.
“Wait… damn it.” 
As much as Daryl wants to race after you and explain, he lets you go, knowing he’d just hurt you more -- he’s still seething from his confrontation with Merle, and you’re probably still processing what you just overheard.
“Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?”
Daryl ignores his brother’s question and moves to retire to their tent for the night, but Merle sidesteps, stopping him in his tracks. Before Daryl can question his motives, Merle speaks.
“I did you a favor, little brother.”
Daryl looks at his brother in disbelief. 
“All I did was show her who you truly are.”
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
Daryl pushes past him and enters their tent. He wants to blame Merle for what just happened, but he’s the one who lost his temper. And he only lost his temper because Merle was right. He can’t rob the camp and then sneak away in the middle of the night because that means he’d have to leave you behind -- and he just can't do it. Not after you opened up to him about Shane.  He lets out a frustrated sigh as he lays down his worn sleeping bag. What do you think of him now? Is he just another asshole to you, like Shane or Merle? He wants to think he’s better than that. 
But maybe Daryl is wrong. 
Maybe the Dixon brothers really are two sides of the same bad-tempered, jagged coin -- but that won’t stop him from trying to prove the opposite, as long as you let him.
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calaisreno · 4 months
His Favourite Jumper
Sherlock can be careless, but he always tries to make things right.
1627 words / Prompt: Eavesdropping
“What’s this?” Mrs Hudson frowns at what he’s showing her. “John’s jumper?”
“John’s favourite jumper. I need to fix it.”
She takes it in her hands and assesses the damage. It’s a nice jumper, all worsted, cabled up the front, the sleeves set in with steeks. Certainly hand knit by someone who knew what she was doing. She assumes it’s a she; there aren’t many men she knows with the patience to knit.
“What did you do to it?”
“The flat was chilly, so I was wearing it. Borrowed it. John wasn’t home. I was doing an experiment and spilled acid on it. I’ll need matching yarn, I assume. And knitting needles.”
The holes are extensive, she notes, and even a good darner would find it hard to repair such extensive damage. Still frowning, she looks up at him. “Do you know how to knit?”
“Well, no. But knitting is just interlocking loops. How hard can it be?”
She stifles a snort. The poor boy is distressed, but determined to fix what he’s ruined. No one should despise a novice effort, but…
“Sherlock, love, these are a lot of holes, and matching the colour and type of the wool is a bit harder than you might think. Even if you could find a match, even you could darn them all, it’s not going to be like new. He’ll be able to tell.”
His face falls a bit. “But he can’t know I’ve ruined it. And he’ll notice it’s gone.”
“You might buy him a new one.”
“This one was hand-made by his grandmother. It won’t be the same.”
 Nothing is the same, she wants to say. Sometimes we have to let go of things. 
But he’s looking at her so hopefully, and it’s a shame to crush that kind of hope. It’s obvious what’s happening. He’s been in love with John since they moved in together. Sherlock can be careless, but that’s because he’s heedless in his enthusiasm. This isn’t the first jumper he’s ruined, and that’s surely part of his worry. John does have a temper. 
“Just tell him. He’ll forgive you.”
“He’s always forgiving me, and I just keep ruining things. Please, Mrs Hudson. Won’t you show me how?”
Now his eyes shine with tears that threaten to fall.
She gives him a darning lesson. 
John notices the jumper is missing. She sees him going through the laundry, looking for it, and then through the bins. 
When he asks, she plays the innocent, asking him when he last wore it, whether he might have taken it off and left it somewhere. He shakes his head.
She’s watching an old movie late one night when Sherlock brings his work down to her. 
“It looks awful,” he says, slumping on her sofa. “I can’t give it to him like this.”
“I think you’re underestimating him, love. He’s not going to leave because you ruined his jumper.”
“This is not the only thing I’ve ruined,” Sherlock replies. “I broke his mug, I lost his charging cord, and I accidentally set his book on fire. It was only a paperback, but still. He must think I’m trying to drive him out.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
Sherlock’s face is pleading. “Please, Mrs Hudson. You must show me how to knit.”
“Knitting a jumper takes time.”
“How long, would you estimate?”
“Well, there’s the size. It’s not a large one, so that’s all right, and it’s a thicker yarn. Made in the round, so there won’t be much stitching up. But you’re a novice, and that adds hours. I would say… forty hours, minimum.”
“A week, then?”
“When will you find forty hours in your week to work on it?”
“John goes to bed earlier than I do, and he’s at work most days. I’ll sleep when he’s home, so I can work on it when he’s gone or asleep.”
She gives him a knitting lesson.
A skilled eavesdropper, she overhears their conversation, John asking, Sherlock giving a shrug and suggesting that if he had indexed his jumpers, maybe he wouldn’t have misplaced it. 
At night, Sherlock comes down for instruction. She shows him how to make ribbing around the bottom and cables as he travels up the body. He has good dexterity and makes quick progress.  
“He’s bought himself a new jumper,” he informs her. “Very cheap. Obviously machine-made. And the yarn is plastic!”
“Acrylic,” she says. “It has the advantage of laundering well. No shrinkage.”
“I hate it,” Sherlock replies. “But mine looks uneven. I’m not happy.”
“You have to check your gauge. You’re new to this, so it’s probably changed as you’ve become more proficient.” 
She pulls out her gauge ruler and shows him. “See? It’s narrowing. Your stitches are getting tighter.”
“How do I fix it?”
“You can either switch to larger needles, or you can recalculate, unravel, and start over. Either way, you’ll need to pull out a few rows.”
He presses his fingers against his forehead. “This is going to take years!”
“Not years.” She pats his hand. “You’ve got the hang of it. Even experienced knitters have to pull out days of work sometimes. It’s worth it to get a jumper that looks good.”
He gives a heartfelt sigh, slides the jumper off the needles, and begins pulling the stitches out.
She admires his determination. It takes him weeks to work his way to the armholes, and then she shows him how to do a steek where he will attach the needles for the sleeves. As his consulting business picks up, the weeks turn into months. 
At Christmas, John wears a dark blue jumper with an Icelandic yoke of red and white. She admires it; he smiles and tells her his grandmother made it for him. Sherlock’s eyes are on him, every time John isn’t looking. It’s not the jumper he’s admiring.
The jumper is set aside after Moriarty steals the Crown Jewels, hacks into the Bank of England, and breaks into Pentonville Prison. 
Sherlock bows out of John’s birthday, claiming he has a ‘thing.’ When she comes up to check on him, he’s finished one sleeve, ready to start the other.
She can see John is hurt that Sherlock skipped his birthday. He didn’t even get him a card. He says nothing, but the way he looks at Sherlock makes her certain; he’s in love with his flatmate.
Afterwards, an awful silence fills the flat. She can hear the floorboards creak a bit as John paces back and forth. There’s no violin to soothe him to sleep. 
It’s days before she can bear opening the door of his room, but she knows she has to put things in boxes. His brother has promised to continue paying the rent until he can collect his things. But it’s heartbreaking, looking at all the familiar clutter. She has to tidy up.
There are clothes scattered on the floor, and she gathers them for the wash. She goes through his drawers, tallying how many boxes she’ll need. In the wardrobe, all his suits and shirts hang in dry cleaner’s bags. 
As she prepares to close the wardrobe door, she spots a file box with a label reading: Experiment. Do not open!
She opens it, of course. Can’t have experiments biding their time in the wardrobe. He always had odd ideas about what was acceptable. 
Inside, she finds the jumper. He worked on it for more than a year, and it’s nearly done, just the bottom half of the second sleeve left, and he’s tidied up the ends on the inside already.
It’s a good piece of work, she decides. A long apology for something John would surely have forgiven. It’s love unspoken, words he could never say.
Such a shame, she thinks. 
That evening, she finishes the second sleeve, weaves in the final ends. It needs hand washing and blocking, so she takes on those tasks as well.  
When it’s done, it looks perfect. If she were judgemental, she would say it’s even better than the original. She folds it and wraps it in tissue paper, places it inside a Marks & Spencer shopping bag. 
John Watson is going to get his apology, even if it’s long overdue.
She finds the dismal little flat where he’s living now. Moving out hasn’t made him any happier, she can see when he opens the door. 
“Mrs Hudson,” he says, apologetic. “You didn’t have to—”
“It’s fine, John. I’ve brought you something.”
He opens the bag, reaches in. Frowning, he pulls out the jumper. 
“This,” he says, practically speechless. “It’s beautiful. It’s almost like the one…”
“The one Sherlock ruined,” she finishes. “He was so distraught over that, John. He was afraid you wouldn’t forgive him.”
“And… you made this… to replace it.” He’s feeling the wool, an incredulous smile on his face. “Mrs Hudson, this is beautiful.”
“No, love.” She smiles, the tears starting to fill her eyes. “He made it.”
For a moment he just gazes, not comprehending. “Sherlock? He made this?”
“For you. He ruined the other— it was an accident. You know him, so careless when he got caught up in things. And he wanted to make it right, so you’d forgive him. He didn’t know how, so I taught him. He did it all himself.”
He buries his face in the jumper. She can see his shoulders shaking.
“There, love. He had it nearly done, and was intending to give it to you, before… well, I know he’d want you to have it now.” She pats his shoulder. “He really loved you, John. I hope you know that. He worked on this for over a year, right up to the end. He loved you.”
Weeping, John raises his face. “I loved him too. And I forgive him.”
@lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @totallysilvergirl
A knitter of jumpers myself, I imagine that Sherlock would enjoy the mathematical aspects of the craft. 🧶 💕
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
a brief history of Navarre - x.r.
Xaden Riorson x marked!partner!reader (gn) Midterm week at Basgiath has you wanting to pull an all-nighter to study, but Xaden won’t let you. requested as part of my Valentine’s day celly 💕 (gonna be posting these well into March, oops) words: 745 🏷: no book spoilers and no triggers, just X taking care of his partner. established relationship between reader and Xaden. the reader wears one of Xaden’s shirts, but there is no description of how it fits on them (we bigger / taller girls are tired of reading that [character]’s clothes are soo oversized and long on us!) shoutout to the people who put a full timeline of the continent’s history online bc I was too lazy to find it all in my copy lol
“I’m calling it a night,” Xaden announces, closing his textbook. “Gonna go shower.”
You hum in acknowledgement, pen between your teeth as you read the same page for the fifth time tonight, still trying to cram six hundred years of history into your brain. You’ve been sitting on his floor for hours, and the lines of text are starting to blur together, words starting to look misspelled and foreign, losing their meaning with repetition.
You spent too much time reviewing the first fifty decades. You still have nearly another hundred years to cover, from 530 to present. 
It has not escaped your notice that the book reduces the Tyrrish revolution to an afterthought, at the end of the text. The belittling words they’d chosen to describe your parents’ valiant effort had nearly been enough for Xaden to light the entire volume on fire, but he’d settled for ripping that page out of his copy and letting Sgaeyl torch it.
You’d left it in yours as a reminder that these people are not on your side, nor will they ever be. 
The running water stops, Xaden stepping back into the room a moment later. “You’re still studying?” He asks, rubbing at his hair with a towel. “You must be really into that book if you aren’t checking me out right now. I’m literally dripping.” 
He’s a little offended that you don’t even look up as you answer. 
“This is important, Xay. It’s a third of our final grade.”
He dries his hands on his pants, taking the book from your hands easily -- your grip on it has loosened with your exhaustion.
You protest, but he shushes you. “Why did Poromiel not unite with Navarre after the great war?”
It takes you a moment to respond, pushing through the sleepy fog to find the answer. “Religious differences”, you reply tiredly. “And their king did not want to share his throne with Navarre’s.”
“Good. When was the second Cygni Incursion?”
“And the second Krovlan uprising?”
He shuts the book, gathering your notes into a neat stack. “You know this stuff, darling. You’re going to pass this exam with flying colors and set the curve for the whole class, but only if you get some sleep.”
Materials now confiscated, you have nowhere to look except up at him, and your resolve immediately starts to crumble.
He’s ready for bed, dressed only in a pair of black sweatpants that drape across his hips and cover the muscle of his legs, but every other inch of skin is exposed; the relic swirling up his muscled arm, the definition of his chest and stomach, the broad expanse of his shoulders…
You’re too tired to jump his bones right now, but it would be nice to stop, to cuddle up with him, to fall asleep in his arms. Your schedules are packed with classes, studying, training, his wingleader duties, and your responsibility for the younger marked ones. It’s been nearly a week since you’ve been able to hold him for more than five minutes. His skin is always so warm against yours, and his mattress is certainly more comfortable than the hardwood floor… 
You hesitate, still eyeing the book in his hands. “I don’t know…”
“Yes, you do. C’mere.”
You sigh, letting him pull you up from the floor. Your muscles sing in relief as you stand, your back aching from being hunched over for hours. You relax into him, resting your eyes for a minute.
“Go brush your teeth,” he encourages.
You don’t want to move from his arms, but three years of dating the boy has taught you that he won’t yield on matters of your health. You sigh, heading to the bathroom.
When you get back, he’s packing everything into your bag for tomorrow — or today, rather. You’d started studying after dinner, and now it’s well after midnight. 
He helps you out of the day-old clothes and into one of his shirts and a clean pair of underwear -- you keep a few days of necessities here for moments like these. 
You curl into his side, pulling the blankets overtop of you, and the swirling thoughts are replaced with the easy contentment that comes with being held by your partner.
“You’re going to do great,” he whispers, smoothing a hand over your back. “Just get some rest, okay?”
You don’t respond, already lulled to sleep by the steadiness of his heartbeat and the warmth of his arms around you.
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clarisse0o · 7 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 71
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Tumblr media
Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 4K
Sunday, March 20th; 8:30 AM - At Lucy's place.  
I sigh softly as I notice the daylight filling the room. I already know I won’t be able to fall back asleep, even though I’ve barely woken up. I want to move, but I’m quickly stopped by a strong arm wrapped around me. I smile as lips press against my collarbone. Looks like I’m not the only one awake... Not surprising, knowing the woman behind me.
"We forgot to close the shutters," Lucy murmurs.
I chuckle softly at this, which seemed obvious to me. Lucy groans, tightening her hold around me. I understand she’s stretching before slipping her leg between mine. The feeling of our skin touching brings me immense comfort. A sigh of contentment escapes me.
"Good morning," I finally respond.
"Hey," she laughs. "Sorry, I forgot my manners."
I tilt my head back to look at her, and she takes the opportunity to capture my lips. I smile at her and eventually lie on my back so I can see her without straining. Lucy stays on her side, smiling in return as she watches me.
"Are you okay? How do you feel?" she asks.
"Incredibly good," I reply with a knowing smile.
She laughs again, gently running her fingers through my hair. I don’t need to ask her the same question in return. It’s obvious she’s doing well too. Her face glows with happiness. As for me, I struggle to look at her as I adjust to the light, but I force my eyes to stay open so I don’t miss this view. I feel tired but so content at the same time. It’s hard to put into words. The important thing is, I feel good. I finally got over the hurdle, and I was happy about it.
"What time is it?"
"Certainly early for you," she smiles. "Eight thirty."
I groan, snuggling against her. She teases me, but I don’t mind. It’s definitely too early for me. I would’ve loved to enjoy a little more sleep. Even one more hour would’ve been perfect. Lucy kisses my forehead, holding me tight. Well, at least I can savor this moment since Lucy doesn’t seem inclined to get up. I completely relax, lying on top of her. She continues to cradle me in her arms. We stay like this for a while before she suggests:
"I’m going to take a shower. Want to join me?"
The question caught me off guard at first, but the answer was obvious. We had nothing to hide from each other anymore, given the night we had.
"Yeah, I’d love to, if you’re up for it."
I lift my head, smiling when I see Lucy’s expression. She didn’t expect that answer, it seems. Yet, that’s how we ended up under the warm water. We washed each other’s bodies as if we hadn’t already explored them enough the night before. It was the most intimate experience I’ve ever had with someone, but I loved it. Especially with Lucy. I have no doubt we’ll do it more often from now on.  
We finally made our way to the kitchen, me wearing Lucy’s t-shirt and my joggers. I wanted to feel her presence on me everywhere now. Our hair was still slightly wet, but we didn’t care. Lucy put the cake batter we prepared last night in the fridge while preheating the oven. She then started making scrambled eggs with bacon while I set the table with our drinks: coffee for Lucy and orange juice for me. My stomach growled once I finished, making my girlfriend laugh.
"Are you hungry, perhaps?"
"Just a little," I admit, blushing.
"It’ll be ready soon."
"When do we need to head to the gym?"
"Oh, you’re already getting into it?" she asks with a teasing smile.
"Well, it was kind of fun yesterday," I reply shyly.
"We don’t have a set time. I thought we could go around 10:30, after breakfast and getting ready."
I nod. I’m eager to go, but at the same time, I don’t want to break the bubble we’ve created between us. We’re in a completely serene atmosphere that I’m not ready to let go of. Still, I want to support my girlfriend’s project. It’s partly my duty, but also, I’ve grown to love spending time with our friends now that I know them better.
"Alright, I’ll put the cake in the oven, and we can eat."
She takes care of that while I serve what she just prepared to speed things up. Lucy insists on bringing the cake. After everything that’s happened, I hope it at least turns out well. Given what she managed to create, it should be.
Sunday, March 20th; 1:30 PM - At the gym.
I feel uncomfortable. Alexia is making me uncomfortable. The boys are working in the locker room while Lucy left us to throw away our McDonald’s bags from lunch. We’re not talking, but the air is thick with unspoken words and her teasing smile. Alexia isn’t fooled. When your friend is covered in hickeys and happiness radiates between her and her girlfriend, there aren’t many options. Lucy wasn’t discreet. At least I marked her in places hidden by clothes. That’s far from the case for me. My neck was a violet mess. For once, I wish Alexia would say something instead of silently teasing me, but that doesn’t seem to be her intention. After a while, I turn to her, abandoning today’s task of tearing off the old wallpaper from the break room now that all the furniture has been removed.
"Are you going to talk?"
"About what?" she plays innocent. "It’s your turn to speak," she teases.
"True..." I mumble.
She bursts out laughing. Our friends had been making jokes all day, and I was getting tired of it. Lucy managed to ignore them, but I couldn’t. I was uncomfortable.
"There’s nothing to say. It’s your private life, but I’m just happy for you," she says with a knowing smile that makes me blush. "And if you want some advice—or rather, a few... Be less expressive next time, and maybe hide the marks better. It looks like Lucy’s a leech."
Now it’s my turn to laugh. I can’t argue with her. I’m marked all over. Mostly on my neck, but also on my chest, and even on my stomach and thighs. I thought I was seeing things this morning in the mirror, but I was too euphoric to mention it.
"Yeah, she went a bit wild... Anyway, thanks, Ale."
"Oh, it’s no big deal."
"And what about you? You seem a bit off, no?"
She takes a deep breath, shrugging.
"Alba’s been driving me nuts since last night. She’s bombarding me with messages... I think she expected me to stay over at Misa’s or something. Anyway, we had a bit of a fight."
"Oh... She hasn’t realized you’re seeing someone?"
"She knows. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I guess she didn’t realize it was this serious, or maybe she just doesn’t accept it."
"I think it’s the second one. Since she doesn’t know her and all, she’s probably worried seeing it’s so serious. You get what I mean?"
"Yeah, but still. She’s the complicated one. You’ve heard her. She still talks about Luna and Jenni as if it was something reckless. How do you think she’ll react when she finds out it was me?"
"Hopefully differently. I mean, you’re her sister, after all."
"Hmm... I doubt it... Anyway, things are tense between us now."
"Yeah... I can imagine."
I don’t add anything as I see Lucy returning.
"What happened to your efficiency from this morning?" she mockingly scolds us.
"We were waiting for you," I reply. "You didn’t think we wouldn’t save you some work, did you?"
I say that knowing full well she’s probably done the most work today.
"Oh yeah, no chance of you forgetting me," she replies with a mischievous smile.
I blush as she wraps her arms around me and kisses the tip of my nose. Since last night, she’s been giving me the impression that she’s even more in love than before. I didn’t think that was possible. One thing’s for sure, I no longer have any doubts about her feelings.
"Come on, let’s get to work. It’d be great if we could finish today," she says.
- How are the guys doing? Ale asks.
I appreciate the connections forming between them. Alexia is becoming increasingly comfortable with Lucy’s presence. They’re chatting much more, without any pressure. She’s understood that outside of school, she’s no longer the intimidating instructor. In fact, all my friends have pointed out that she’s softened since I’ve been around. It’s a good thing, in a way. At least she’s finally accepted her best friend’s girlfriend.
- They’re still working on the locker rooms, my girlfriend replies.
- How are they dealing with the plumbing? I ask.
- Everything is already in place, as it was already a locker room. Someone will come next week to check if everything is up to code and see if we need to adjust according to our plans, she explains.
- Oh, okay. What an organization! You really think of everything.
- We try, she says proudly.
I don’t know how they do it. I wouldn’t have been able to do what they’re achieving. They’re young, but they’re really not afraid of anything. The afternoon continues with good humor and music. Lucy has managed to disconnect me this weekend. I even start to feel down when the clock strikes ten. In a few hours, I’ll have to dive back into a much less pleasant atmosphere than this weekend. Lucy suggested ending the day with a meal at The United before heading back to school. I didn’t know that bar served food, but Lucy told me they offer quick dishes. Luckily, we prepared and took our bags this morning. Alexia didn’t, but it’s not a problem since the bar is near her apartment. When we arrive at the bar, I’m surprised by the crowd for a Sunday night. We must not be the only ones wanting to end the weekend quietly.
- Are you allowed to drink before your shift? I tease my girlfriend, who is taking her first sip of beer.
- Take care of your own drink, will you? I’m not “on duty” until tomorrow morning anyway, she retorts, making quotation marks with her fingers. You know, when I have to check your room?
I stick my tongue out at her and cross my arms, making our friends laugh. Lucy puts her arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek.
- You should have had one too, instead of sticking with your soda, Aitana mocks from the end of the table.
- Hey, don’t criticize my drink, you bunch of alcoholics.
Even Alexia had left me tonight, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t want any alcohol. It was seven o’clock when our burgers were served. Unfortunately, we couldn’t linger since we had to return to school within an hour. The meal was brief but effective. I was stuffed when leaving the bar. We followed Jenni to her place so Ale could get her stuff, and then we set off for a new week. I feel uneasy during the drive. Responsibilities will return tomorrow. Lucy spent her time stroking my thigh, as if she knew what I was thinking. It was pretty obvious given how silent I was. We arrive at school. Lucy drops us off at the street nearby so we can finish on foot. A final goodbye and a last kiss shared before watching her drive away. We finish on foot, dragging our bags with Ale. It’s late. I think it’s the first time I’m coming back to school so late.
- Are you okay? You seem... Disconnected.
Alexia couldn’t have described the situation better. I sigh, running my hand through my hair.
- I’m okay... I’m a bit worried about the upcoming tests, I admit only partially.
- You don’t care, she rolls her eyes. Well, I know they’ll assess our ability to understand a lesson, but it doesn’t mean failing will ruin your chances for the May exams.
- I’m afraid of not being ready, I confess. Lucy had to pull me away from my studies because I was becoming obsessed.
- I think she did a pretty good job...
I give her a nudge at her implication, and we burst into laughter. She’s not wrong. This weekend was exceptional, but will she manage to make the next ones just as great? It’s hard to say.
- It’s not funny.
- Come on, at least tell me one thing... Was it worth it?
I laugh again, shaking my head. I’m not sure if she’s joking, but my good mood makes me want to respond.
- Oh yes. She really knows what she’s doing.
We arrive at the reception where the woman tells us we’re almost late. She opens the doors for us and wishes us a good evening. We return the sentiment and continue down the hallway. After a while, Ale resumes the conversation.
- Really? Well, I’ve only known Jenni, so it’s hard to judge, she says with a slight blush.
- You’re lucky to have only known one person. I wish it were my case too... Feli only cared about her pleasure, so...
- I see... And if you had to compare Mapi and Lucy? Because, well, I suppose it’s down to those two now.
I smile and nod. I haven’t known anyone else besides those three.
- It would be Lucy.
- Even after a night? she laughs.
- It was... There are no words. Maybe I’m moving too fast, but it was truly powerful, intimate, and full of love. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy being with Mapi. I did, but it was really different.
I’m really glad to have Alexia in my life. I couldn’t talk about this with anyone else if she weren’t here. She listens and nods with a small smile.
- I understand you, and you’ve reassured me at the same time. The way you describe it, I feel like it’s us, Jenni, and me. You’re probably right in saying it depends on oneself and the person on the other side. I think you just need to find the right person for a good connection, and I believe we both have found that.
I smile at her response, but it fades quickly when I see Alba pacing in front of our dorm. Misa is with her, sitting on the steps, looking bored. Alexia’s words come back to me, and I sense trouble.
- Oh no, Ale whispers.
- Yeah, I see, I reply as we get closer.
We see Misa talking. She must have warned her of our arrival because she turns sharply towards us as soon as we approach.
- Finally! I was getting anxious, she yells as soon as we’re within earshot.
- What’s your problem? her sister replies with indifference.
- What’s my problem? she repeats. Did you see what time you’re arriving? I thought you wouldn’t come back!
- Calm down, we’re here now. There’s no need to make a fuss.
I try to defuse the situation, but I can see there’s no use. Alba is fuming. She goes into an endless monologue about how crazy her sister is. She thought she wouldn’t come back. Ale tries to respond at times, but she doesn’t have much luck. She accuses her of never telling her where she is or who she’s with, and for that, she’s not entirely wrong. She’s driving me crazy. It’s insane. She’s known for a long time that she’s with someone. There’s never been a problem before. She must have realized it’s serious now that it’s been going on for a while. I knew it was tense, but not to this extent. Alexia must have downplayed it when I asked her questions, it’s the only explanation.
- And what about you? Do I ask you where you are every time? Let me live a little.
- She was with me, relax, I try again to defend her.
I give up as she continues shouting, ignoring my comment. It’s really the word. I look at Misa, who has stood up. She seems just as alarmed as I am. The last thing we want is to get into trouble. I’m relieved when I finally see Lucy approaching us.
- Oh! What’s going on here!?
Her voice manages to overpower Alba’s, who stops immediately. She now looks like a deer caught in headlights, having been caught in the act.
- Do you want me to help you shout like this in front of the dorm!?
- It’s just that, I was worried about my sister, she responds.
- Oh, and that gives you the right to shout like this? Can you imagine if everyone acted like you? It’s past eight o’clock. You should be in your rooms by now! We’ll see if you’ll be so ambitious tomorrow morning when I deal with you.
- That won’t be necessary.
- I think I’m still the one making the decisions here! That wasn’t a question. You’ll be with me for the day, and we’ll sort this out in my office after classes, no exceptions.
The tender Lucy from this weekend is clearly gone tonight. Alba clenches her fists and grinds his teeth. I can see from my place that she’s holding back from responding.
If I were in her place, I wouldn’t do it; it could end badly. Without saying another word, she turns her back on her and slams the door as she goes into the dorm.
- I’ll go calm her down, Misa says.
With those words, she hurries to catch up with her before it’s too late. We remain silent after this unexpected attack until Lucy lets out a heavy sigh.
- Can I not leave you alone for even five minutes?
- Thanks, Alexia murmurs. I really don’t know what got into her...
- We’ll deal with this tomorrow. It’s time for you to head upstairs.
Alexia looks to me for support, but I know when it’s best to negotiate with Lucy. It’s certainly not the time now. Alba managed to irritate my girlfriend ahead of time, having to intervene tonight already.
- We’ll head up, I reply. Have a good night...
My words manage to relax her a bit. We exchange a small smile.
- Thanks... Sleep well too.
She turns around while we stay in place. Alexia turns to me when she’s at a safe distance so she can’t hear us.
- Why didn’t you say anything!? I don’t want to face Alba in her office! This whole thing doesn’t need to get back to Jenni!
- Calm down. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. It wasn’t the right moment to bring it up given her mood.
My roommate sighs heavily, running her hand across her face. I understand her situation, but talking about it tonight wouldn’t have helped.
- Let’s go upstairs. We’ll talk about it up there.
- No, it’s fine, she mumbles.
She heads in first without waiting for me. What a mood... No need to wait until tomorrow to get to the bottom of things. We reach our room together, but Alexia doesn’t wait to dive into the bathroom, where I hear the shower turn on. I understand she doesn’t want to discuss it further. I take this time to unpack my suitcase. At least that will be done. If our return starts like this, I don’t even want to imagine the week ahead. Well, at least one day will be off thanks to my outing, so there’s that. When Alexia emerges, I’ve just finished with my suitcase. I then take my turn to change and brush my teeth. There’s still half an hour before curfew, but the mood has definitely faded since. When I come out, I notice Alexia has started a series on her computer with her headphones on. Since she still doesn’t want to talk, I start reading a book I found in Lucy’s library. I was surprised to find a huge shelf full of books in her office. She told me I could help myself, so I did. I spend the rest of the evening reading and my mind is still agitated. I hope everything will be okay between Ale and Alba. The last thing I want is for them to not get along anymore. Alexia won’t admit it, but I don’t think she can live without her for long. They’re far too close for that. We all have secrets. Especially here, but it’s time for her to reveal hers.
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hanafubukki · 7 months
What if Malleus isn’t the reason Silver succumbs to his sleeping curse?
I keep thinking this but I find the whole Malleus somehow causing Silver to fall into a deep sleep (either by his own hand or indirectly as a result of his actions) too predictable. 🤔
I feel it is something that we all kind of expect because of the animated and live action movies. The more I think about it the more I wonder if Yana will go this route that everyone kind of expects her too.
And if we know Yana, she’s full of surprises if the previous books have anything to say about it. So I can’t help but wonder who or what can cause Silver to fall asleep.
Yes, Malleus has the spindle as his staff, but his main symbol isn’t a spindle/spinning wheel is it? No, he’s a dragon.
So I can’t help but wonder who else can cause Silver to fall asleep?
One name stuck out:
Maleficia Draconia
Despite the fact she’s being mentioned more often, she has been MIA and she also has more than enough reason to curse/cause Silver to fall asleep.
She, as far as we know, might not know Silver’s birth origins. She also has more than enough reason to hate humans. Yes, there is a truce. But you can’t tell me that she won’t harbor some ill will towards the murderers of her daughter or their kin.
And you know what suddenly came to mind? Mama Shroud was able to hack into those who fell asleep and see their dreams.
Who’s to say Maleficia Draconia can’t do the same? Since she’s stronger than Malleus in terms of power?
What if she has already been watching? What if this opened old wounds again? Her daughter’s death and also seeing her grandchild suffering. And now? Finding out the kid of her daughter’s murderer lives.
What if she causes Silver’s cursed sleep? It would certainly explain the silence on her end.
It might seem sudden, but the shock factor is there and the emphasis of her being mentioned constantly justified.
What if, during that moment, it is Lilia’s and Malleus’ love that wakes up Silver?
And she’s shocked, the two who should hate humans and especially Silver, woke him up with their love.
And she can’t help but wonder, has she been stuck in the past this entire time?
I know this is based on conjecture, but the possibility is there.
In this way, we can combine the true love of both live action movies as well depending how they go about it too. 🤔
What if I add “What if Malleus ends up taking a hit for Silver and dies?” The dragon whose death is supposed to end the spell? The spell his grandmother sent towards Silver to kill him or put him to sleep.
What if that’s how the spell breaks? Because she tried to curse Silver and then tried to kill him?”Both then would need to be brought back.
Malleus either has to be talked down or killed. Imagine him almost getting talked down but then Silver gets cursed by his grandmother and Malleus tries to save him when his grandmother tries to do a killing blow. And it’s the tears of true love that brings Malleus and Silver back.
Malleus and Lilia who should hate humans and hate Silver love him and Malleus defending Silver and dying would be a shock to both Lilia and Granny.
Or what if Lilia blocks the killing blow and dies? And it is the true love tears of Malleus and Silver that brings him back? What if this also gives Lilia some extra time and magic? And he ends up living longer now because of it? Like how Maleficent was reborn stronger and with more powers.
I feel either scenarios would fit, but in terms of stopping Malleus, it would fit even more for him to die and be brought back. Possibly with the power to also heal Lilia or give back the power that Lilia gave him.
I just find the idea of Malleus being the cause of Silvers sleep too predictable, even though lore wise, it would make sense. But there’s so many ways they can go about it, so many twists and turns, I’m excited to see which route they end up going ☺️🥳🌺
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translucent-sun · 2 months
Over the next five years, they’d build themselves a comfortable life. Not an easy one, but comfortable enough. Taking on jobs had come to be only necessary when the desert’s dryness became particularly dry, when the heat became so unbearable that only the richest, biggest moisture farms with the most modern equipment were ableto harvest the precious liquid. When their reservoir was empty, their vaporator unable to keep up, and they were forced to buy their water. Only then did their life become a little more stressful. But even that was temporary. 
Obi-Wan’s only worry these days was Cody’s health. Or the decline of it. The training and connection to the Force they’d kept up with at least twice a week, be it playful swordfight or simple meditation, certainly had kept both of them fit, but Obi-Wan couldn’t help but notice that Cody needed breaks much more often, even skipping some days entirely, saying he was too tired, or simply not in the mood. 
Cody denied that anything was wrong, of course, and Obi-Wan couldn’t do much but accept his stubbornness. But accepting it didn’t stop him from worrying. 
Often, the fact that he might one day have to take care of Cody occupied his every thought. It wasn’t the taking care part that worried him – he would gladly do so, of course. It was the fact that he was getting old himself that worried him. That he won’t be able to care for him one day. It was a haunting thought. But nonetheless, it was interrupted. 
“What are you doing?” Cody’s voice came from a strange direction. Only when Obi-Wan opened his eyes, turning to follow the familiar sound did he remember where he was. 
Calling back down from the edge of the roof, his back resting against its dome, he replied, “I thought I heard a Bantha and wanted to track it. Then I must have fallen asleep.” 
The first part was entirely true. Where Banthas roam, sand people won’t be far, so making sure they’re not heading in your direction is not a bad idea. Cody shook his head in apparent amusement. 
“You’ll get burnt. Come down, dinner is almost ready.”
“Come up. When it’s only almost ready it won’t hurt to spend five more minutes out here.”
Cody sighed, punctuated by an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Fine.” 
Slowly walking up the makeshift stairs they’d put up a few years ago, every step took visible effort, and Obi-Wan caught himself worrying again. 
With a groan, Cody settled next to him, shoulder pressed to shoulder. They sat for a minute that felt like an eternity, seconds stretched into a lifetime. Obi-Wan wished it could go on like this forever. Though when Cody finally spoke, time retracted back like a spring.
“If we don’t get back in our dinner will burn.” His shoulder bumped into Obi-Wan’s gently. Obi-Wan’s head tipped back, his eyes falling shut. 
“Just a second,” he whispered, almost a plea. 
His eyes opened, turning to watch Cody when he felt a hand in his hair. He’d started to wear it shorter again, and it had turned almost entirely gray by now, even growing white in some places. And he knew Cody loved it. As did he love Cody’s own. In general, Cody was just growing more gorgeous with age. His hair was graying too, the white streak in his once black hair almost invisible now, blending in with the gray that was slowly growing in. Only the back of his head had kept its color, bound at the back of his head in a loose knot. A few loose strands fell over Cody’s forehead, making him look a little unkept.
It was beautiful. And a constant reminder of the passing of time. He forced himself to look away, blinking, struggling against the light. He pushed the thought as far away as he could
“Alright,” he said, already rising. “Let’s go.”
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lambtotheslaughterr · 4 months
Tongue Tied
A Rafe Cameron Oneshot
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WC: 6.4k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
request for anon
requests are currently CLOSED
Summary: Reader has been under Rafe Cameron's wing ever since her older brother passed away, & it was Rafe's honor to take over the brotherly role towards her when his best friend died. But reader isn't a little girl anymore & Rafe's overprotectiveness may just be the very thing that drives her away from him...
unless Rafe has anything to say about it.
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            The North Carolina summer sun beat down on your skin, but only comfortably so, as you lounged out on the bow of the yacht. It was a yacht party you were attending with some of your closest friends. The yacht was big enough to carry all 30 or so people on board as it remained anchored off the coast of Kildare. You had been out there for a couple hours now, but it was only six p.m. The party was guaranteed to go until at least until eight p.m. For now, you were happy to take a brief break from the drinking & dancing to relax separately from everyone else.
            You were beginning to doze off, the few White Claws you had were starting to make you drowsy. A quick little nap wouldn’t hurt, & would certainly guarantee your ability to continue partying with the rest of them. But as you felt yourself begin to really fall asleep, a shadow was cast over you, blocking out the heat of the sun. You blearily opened your eyes, expecting to see a sudden gathering of clouds above you, but it was none other than your closest friend.
            “Rafe.” You reprimanded but smiled softly up at him, “Can’t you see I’m napping?”
            “Uh, yeah.” He stared down at you incredulously, “When there’s a party happening? Are you crazy?”
            You sighed heavily, shaking your head, “If I don’t get a quick micro nap in I won’t be able to party much longer, period.”
            “C’mon, _____, that’s weak sauce.”
            You giggled, “Weak sauce, Rafe?”
            “You know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes, slapping you gently on the arm with the back of his hand, “Now, c’mon, let’s go, I need a partner for beer pong.”
            “Ugh, can’t you just have Ashley in my place, pleeeease?” You puckered your lower lip. But Rafe waved the suggestion away, “Yeah, no. Ashley can’t shoot for shit. I need my girl.”
            “Fine.” You gave up, “Five minutes then I’ll be there.”
            “Nope.” Rafe gathered your hands in his, “You’ll be there now.”
            “Rafe!” You half laughed half screamed as he lifted you from the lounger you were on & threw you over his shoulder.
            “I got a grand riding on this game, _____, I need your unbeatable hand to eye coordination.”
            “Why must you always bet when there’s a game involved?” You scolded, your ribs digging uncomfortably into his shoulder as he carried you shamelessly through a throng of people. You were grateful to be wearing the swimsuit you chose as it didn’t expose you too much as he paraded you around, your rear on fully display, save for the sarong wrap around your hips.
            “Because I like winning.” Rafe swung you forward, carefully putting you back on your feet. He patted your head, grinning, “And I’m a winner.”
            You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
            Rafe then led you to the upper deck of the yacht where there was just enough space for a beer pong table. There were a few faces you recognized, having grown up with some of them on the island, but most of the face were unfamiliar to you. The two guys you & Rafe were playing against were people you had never seen before.
            “This is your secret weapon?” One of the guys asked unimpressively as he eyed you beside Rafe.
            “Hey, man.” His partner elbowed him as he met your eyes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
            “You’ll be eating your words by the end of the game.” Rafe responded to the one who had low-key insulted you, “Show em, babe.”
            You loathed when Rafe called you ‘babe’. It made people think you were together when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Rafe was like an older brother to you. He had been best friends with your older brother, Dom, in high school thus he was always around. And because you & your brother were so close you in turn became close to Rafe. But that friendly familial relationship the two of you shared strengthened in the last couple years. Ever since Dom passed away. You remembered Rafe promising you at Dom’s funeral that he knew he could never replace Dom in your heart, but he would always look out for you & be there for you the way Dom was. You adored Rafe, loved him unconditionally, & he never broke his promise. He was your home. Your family.
            So, when he called you ‘babe’ or ‘baby’, especially in front of others, it always made you feel uncomfortable. You knew he didn’t mean anything by it, just a term of endearment, but he had never called you that stuff when Dom was alive. You reasoned with yourself that it was likely because you were older now. There was a four year difference between you & Rafe, so now that you were 20, perhaps he felt it a natural shift to calling you pet names as such. You asked him once to not do that, & for a while he did, but it eventually came back & you just didn’t have the energy to have the same conversation. Just as long as Rafe knew that you thought it was weird & would never return the terms, you were mostly okay with it.
            “Babe?” The one who defended your honor questioned, “You two together?”
            “No.” You replied firmly, eyeing Rafe knowingly. He shrugged, completely unbothered.
            “Huh.” The guy nodded but let it go, “Alright. Let’s see who wins two grand.”
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            There was too many people watching you now. The game had gotten intense, & fast. Your two opponents, who learned their names were Kabir & Danny—Danny being the one who defended you to his partner—were tit for tat with yours & Rafe’s skills. Rafe missed a shot, Kabir missed a shot. You made a shot, Danny followed suit. It was always at a tie, but now it was down to a tie with a single cup left on either end of the table. More so, it was your shot. You made this & you won. And Rafe got his two grand, the idiot.
            But with it being the winning shot, & with people having gathered around to watch in anticipation, you felt yourself begin to doubt your ability. Most the cups cleared on the opposite end was your doing, but now you felt the pressure. You didn’t make this shot & Rafe was out a thousand dollars. In the grand scheme of his wealth, 1000 dollars was nothing, but as Rafe had said, he was a winner. And a very sore loser.
            “You got this, babe. You always got it.” He stood behind you, his breath brushing against your cheek as he leaned down to speak to you.
            “I know.” You replied, holding the white plastic ball eye level as you aimed it for the single cup.
            Rafe backed up, pacing behind you. His antsy energy wasn’t going you any favors. You softly inhaled, willing your muscles to relax. It’s just like any other game, you reminded yourself. Aim, shoot, win.
            But just as you exhaled, flinching to make your shot, Danny raised his arms on the opposite end, “Pause.”
            “What?” You faltered, bringing your arm down.
            “New conditions.” He smiled, & damn did he have a good looking smile.
            “No, no way.” Rafe stepped forward, gesturing the cup, “We’re right here, you can’t change the conditions.”
            Danny ignored Rafe, looking solely at you, “I’ll give you the two grand but in return I get to take you on a date.”
            The sudden & unexpected proposal made your heart flutter. You felt yourself pressing your lips together awkwardly.
            You laughed half-heartedly, waiting for him to say ‘sike!’. A way to trick you out of making your shot. But Danny only nodded towards you, “Whaddya say?”
            “She says ‘no.” Rafe answered for you, his tone impatient, “Make the shot, _____. End it.”
            You frowned at his pushing. It was just a game. Danny said he’d give him two grand. Besides, Danny was cute. You weren’t the dating type, always too busy with college, but why wouldn’t now be a good time as any to start?
            “Well, hold on.” You looked at Rafe, to which he made a ‘what the fuck’ face at you. You turned back to Danny, “What if I don’t make the shot?”
            Danny cocked his head, “I’ll give your friend there his hundred grand back, but I still get to take you on a date.”
            You couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on your face. He was being direct, flirtatious, & it was working. You were intrigued.
            “Okay.” You rounded to approach Danny’s end of the table, “Shake on it?”
            Danny moved towards you, his hand outstretched. But before your hands could touch, sealing the deal, the resounding thwack of a ping pong ball hitting the lip of a cup met your ears. Your eyes flashed to the table just in time to see the ping pong ball bounce atop the table before falling off the edge. You spun around, your eyes meeting Rafe’s.
            “We lost. Too bad.” Rafe shrugged.
            Kabir howled with excitement, slapping Danny on the back with a winning spirit, “Two grand man!”
            But Danny didn’t share in his enthusiasm. Danny glared past you towards Rafe. A glare you greatly partook in.
            “What the hell, Rafe?” You questioned. Rafe approached you then, throwing his arm over your shoulder, “What? You can’t change the rules right before the game ends.”
            “You were about to get two grand!” You argued, “Now, you have none.”
            “I’ll live.” He returned, his voice hardening. Then he raised his eyes to Danny who stood behind you, “Good game.”
            With that, Rafe tugged you along behind him as he led you through the upper deck of the yacht. You tossed Danny an apologetic smile to which he returned.
            Once Rafe got you to the lower deck, you tore your arm away from him, glaring at him with the anger of a thousand suns, “What is your problem?”
            Rafe creased his brows, “What are you talking about?”
            “Don’t give me that. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I could have made that shot.”
            “Yeah, well, you were flirting with the enemy.” Rafe replied, looking away.
            “So? If you had let me take the deal you would still have your hundred grand at least.”
            “Not worth it.” He shrugged, eyeing you indifferently.
            You narrowed your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “Not worth it?” You repeated, “You can’t do this stuff, Rafe.”
            “Again, don’t know what you’re talking about.”
            You rolled your eyes, shaking your head, “Look, I know you’re just looking out for me, but I’m a grown up now, okay? I can go on dates whenever & with whoever I feel like.”
            Rafe shook his head, still acting as if what you were saying was in another language. But you knew exactly why he threw the game & willingly gave up his money. It wasn’t the first time Rafe had intercepted a potential suitor in your life. You often felt Rafe took his role to look out for you too seriously. The last couple years it really hadn’t bothered you, especially when it came to guys showing interest in you. You weren’t one of those girls that felt it necessary to date just to date. You always prided yourself on your focus in your education, & you knew well enough that juggling a boyfriend or fling with the hours you spent studying wasn’t ideal. But that was before.
            Lately, you had admitted to yourself that something was missing from your life. If you weren’t in class, studying late in bed, or stressing about exams, you were hanging out with Rafe at one of the many parties he took you to, or with Ashley, who often brought along whatever guy she was dating that month. You thought it was time to begin putting yourself out there. And now that it was summer & the school year finished a couple weeks ago, it was the perfect time. But you wouldn’t be successful in your dating endeavors if Rafe kept going the way he was.
            “Rafe.” You raised your brows knowingly at him, “C’mon, I’m not a kid anymore.”
            “I know that.” He replied sternly, “You can date whoever you want.”
            Knowing it was only bullshit leaving his mouth, you decided to put it to the test, “Great. Then I’m going back up there & telling Danny that the date can still happen.”
            Rafe broke then, rolling his eyes, “That guy is a loser.”
            “Not from my point of view. After all, he did just win that game.” You knew you were treading dangerous waters at that point. Hitting Rafe right in his ego.
            “Oh, nice.” Rafe shook his head.
            “Look,” you started, stepping closer to him. Rafe straightened then, his eyes peering down at you as you nearly closed the gap between the two of you. You touched his wrists with your hands, “I appreciate you looking out for me like I’m your little sister. But I can look out for myself, okay? At least in this regard.”
            “_____...” Rafe sighed, his ocean colored eyes staring into your own, “Don’t. You don’t know anything about him.”
            You nodded in agreement, “That’s what dates are all about. To get to know someone.”
            Rafe moved out from in front of you, his wrists slipping away from your touch. You hung your head. Sometimes it really felt like you were taking care of Rafe, not the other way around.
            “Just don’t go back up there, okay?” Rafe stared at you, “Promise me?”
            You wanted to argue more, ask him why he was so against it, but you were too tired to do so. Exhausted, you ultimately nodded, “Fine. Whatever.”
            Rafe smiled, it was small, but it was the smile of a winner.
            “Alright. I’m gonna go get us some drinks & we’ll go down to the water, yeah?”
            You nodded, but you weren’t as happy as he was quickly becoming.
            “Try finding Ashley, I’m sure she’s sucking face with someone around here.”
            You brought your finger to your forehead before waving it away in acknowledgment.
            Rafe disappeared then. You stood there for a moment longer, stewing in your anger towards him. You knew your anger wouldn’t last long, it never did. Rafe was just taking his role too seriously. He’d get out of it one day.
            Footfalls sounded above you, & you turned around in time to see a familiar face appear at the bottom of the stairs.
            “Thought he’d never leave.” Danny teased, his charming smile appearing.
            “Oh.” You couldn’t suppress your own smile, “Hey. You heard all that?”
            Danny cleared his throat awkwardly, nodding, “Yeah, he, uh, he’s really protective over you.”
            “Yeah.” You rolled your eyes but nodded, “Just like a brother.”
            “But he’s not.” Danny confirmed without question. Again, you nodded.
            “Huh. Weird.” Danny commented, to which you frowned. But Danny didn’t your relationship with Rafe, the history of it.
            “Anyway,” Danny moved forward in conversation, “’bout that date…”
            You sighed, wanting to say yes right then & there. But you shrugged, “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”
            “Why?” Danny questioned but the smile never left his face, “Because… your not-brother or whatever-he-is says so?”
            “No.” You replied fast. Too fast. “Yes. No. Kind of, it’s hard to explain.”
            “Well, you could explain it tomorrow night. Sunset Grille?”
            Breath left your lungs at the proposal yet again, just as it had the first time he asked. Your cheeks hurt from how hard you were smiling. You enjoyed his determination. Made you feel good.
            “You technically wouldn’t be breaking your promise.” He added.
            You narrowed your eyes playfully, “How’s that?”
            “You only promised you wouldn’t come back upstairs, not that you wouldn’t go on the date.”
            A light laugh sounded from you as you shook your finger at him, “You’re sneaky.”
            “I just go after what I want.” He smirked, holding your eyes with his own.
            Worried that Rafe would return any moment, you finally made up your mind. You were 20 years old! And you’ve never been on a date. Rafe didn’t control your choices, you did. So, you nodded, pulling out your phone, “Let me give you my number.”
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            You avoided Rafe like the plague for the next 24 hours. You had never been a good liar, finding the ability to be a good liar a pretty crappy trait to even have, but regardless, you couldn’t lie if your life depended on it. It was easier to do over text, which you took great advantage of when Rafe texted you the next evening, seeing if you wanted to come over & he’d grill up some steaks. You thanked him but told him you made plans to have a girls’ night with Ashley, & no, he wasn’t allowed to come this time.
            Girls’ nights with Ashley was common, & half the time Rafe would join in on them. They varied in what you two did. Some nights you’d stay in & watch reruns of reality television while doing facials, other nights you’d use your fakes to go to the bars on the beach—those were the nights that Rafe insisted on coming. Protective & whatnot. But for tonight, you told him it was going to be a night in. The new season of your current favorite show was airing. That was your lie. And as long as Rafe didn’t question it too hard, you’d be fine.
            Fortunately, Rafe sent you a thumbs up emoji & told you two to have fun. You were relieved. It meant you could get ready for your date in piece. After finishing with your hair & make-up, both of which were skills you knew little about, you fingered through your closet, ultimately deciding on an old dress you wore for your graduation party in high school. As you slipped into the dress, you clocked the time. It was nearly 7. Danny would be here any moment.
            Finishing the final touches of your look & adding a spritz of your favorite perfume, you were ready to go. Just as you were gathering your phone & purse, your phone pinged. It was Danny. He was in the parking lot.
            You frowned at that. Didn’t most guys meet their date at the door? But you brushed the thought away. This wasn’t the movies. He was already driving you to the date & paying for the meal, having told you to leave your wallet at home, he didn’t need to meet you at your door. Turning off the lights in your apartment, you grabbed your keys & left. The second you stepped out, the warm ocean breeze brushed over your skin. You inhaled deeply, savoring the smell of living on the coast.
            You descended the single flight of stairs to the ground floor & approached the parking lot. Parked in a handicap spot was a sleek dark gray Mercedes. For the second time in less than two minutes, you frowned. Danny was not disabled. Perhaps Rafe was right…you thought to yourself but immediately shook the thought away. Okay, so what? He was only there for less than five minutes. It’d be fine.
            Danny waved at you through the windshield. You gave a small one before opening the passenger side door.
            “Hey, gorgeous.” Danny greeted as you slid into the car. You placed your purse in your lap & smiled at him, “Hey…you.”
            Danny laughed at that, “Sorry I didn’t come up. Kadir called me, he’s at the casino.”
            “Oh.” You nodded in understanding, “I get it. Is he losing money?”
            “Oh yeah.” Danny chuckled. You laughed with him.
            “Hey.” He said again, & you looked at him, your smile falling.
            “You look beautiful.”
            “Oh.” You shrugged but you felt incredibly hot all of a sudden, “Thank you.”
            Danny pulled out of the parking spot then & before you knew it, you were well on your way to your very first date.
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            The drive back to your apartment was dreadful, to say the least. As charming as Danny had been in the beginning, the novelty of it all quickly evaporated. At the restaurant, he ordered one too many beers, his voice growing louder as the date went on, & boy, did he know how to talk. As far as you knew, the only topics of conversation Danny could carry was about Danny, Danny, &, oh, Danny. Your first date ever would forever be remembered as a painfully dull one.
            Fortunately, the restaurant was only a few blocks from your apartment, so the drive would be quick & before you knew it you would be back in the safety of your apartment. Awaaaay from Danny. And you couldn’t wait.
            It was a sight for sore eyes when Danny pulled into the parking lot of you complex, pulling yet again into the same handicapped spot from earlier. You contemplated saying something but bit your tongue. Just get out of the car & get inside.
            “Well, thanks for the date.” You said politely but didn’t look him in the eye. If he asked if you had fun or wanted to go on a second one, your eyes would betray your true thoughts.
            “Let me walk you up.”
            “No.” You responded quickly. Again, too quickly. “I mean, it’s okay. It’s late. I’m tired. So, thank you.”
            “It’s okay, really.” Danny replied, switching the ignition off. The action made you roll your eyes away from him. “I didn’t pick you up from your door so the least I can do is drop you off.”
            God, you wanted to say no. You wanted to say please god noooo so badly. But you forced a grin, “Okay.”
            Danny quickly got out of his side of the car & rounded to your side to hold the door open as you got out. You avoided his eyes as he followed alongside you to the stairs leading up to the second floor.
            “I had a good time tonight.” He started. You felt one of his hands ghost over your lower back. You grumbled internally.
            “That’s good, Danny.” You replied.
            “Did you, too?” It was the question you dreaded most.
            You distracted yourself from the question as you searched out your keys in your purse. Fuck, you should have had them ready before you got out of the car.
            “Mhmm.” You hummed in response, flicking your eyes towards his quickly. “Well, thank you again, Danny. Drive home safely, okay?”
            “Well, hey, wait, hold on.” He chuckled lightly, but you weren’t smiling, let alone enjoying yourself, when you felt his hand on yours. “A kiss goodnight?”
            “Oh, uh, yeah, I don’t, uh, I don’t…do…that.” It was true.
            “Don’t kiss on the first date?” He questioned.
            What you really wanted to respond with was that you don’t date, specifically, but that would only likely keep him standing there longer with more questions.
            “Yup.” You chuckled awkwardly but there was no amusement behind it, “No kissing. So, thanks.”
            You yet again attempted to bring your hand with your keys in it to the door but before you could, you felt your body being spun around & pressed against the wall next to your door. Danny blocked you in with both his arms, that same charming smile that had wooed you in the beginning appearing, although now it only looked disarming.
            “There’s a first for everything.” He whispered, then began to lean in.
            “No, Danny.” You replied but he caught your face with his other hand, holding you still as his face grew closer.
            “Just hold still.” He reprimanded you.
            “No, I said no!” You raised your voice. You were bringing your hands up to his face, preparing to shove him off when suddenly the shadow Danny cast over your frame disappeared. A grunt sounded before you & you peeled your eyes open, not having realized you closed them. You didn’t know what you expected to see, but Rafe holding Danny against the opposite wall by his throat was not on your list.
            “Rafe?” You asked shockingly.
            “She fuckin’ said no, asshole.” Rafe gritted out, shoving Danny harder into the wall.
            Your eyes flicked to your apartment, noting that the door was open but the lights off inside. Was Rafe…? He had to be.
            Though you had just been low-key assaulted, you felt more anger boiling within you. Looking back at the two men, you saw how Danny’s face was beginning to turn purple with how harshly Rafe was choking him.
            “Rafe!” You yelled, approaching him & yanking on his arm, “That’s enough!”
            Rafe glared at you over his shoulder, “He put his fuckin’ hands on you. I should kill him.”
            Danny tried wrestling against Rafe but to no luck as he grew weaker by the second. You stepped back & then done something you had never done before. You struck Rafe. It wasn’t hard, & likely didn’t even hurt him, but enough to get his attention. After smacking him on the back of his head, Rafe snapped his head in your direction.
            “Let him go. Now!” You demanded. Rafe carried a snarl on his face, turning to glare at Danny once more.
            “If I ever see you around here again, anywhere near her, I’ll fucking kill you. That’s a promise.” Then Rafe let him go, but not before shoving him down the stairs. You instinctively reached out to catch him in case he stumbled down them but Rafe was quick to move between you & Danny. Besides, Danny had it handled. He stumbled, sure, but the handrailing helped him.
            “Fuck you, man.” Danny spit, his voice hoarse from Rafe’s assault, “You want her so fucking bad, she’s all yours.”
            Rafe’s hands were in fists at his sides as he watched Danny tripped over to his car.
            “And you’re not handicapped!” You hollered, “Asshole!”
            The last bit was just for good measure.
            Danny flipped you two the bird before climbing into his car. The engine roared to life & then he raced out of the parking lot, rubber marks left at the exit.
            You finally released a breath of air you hadn’t realized you had been holding. It felt good calling Danny that. You smirked pridefully to yourself, but it was short-lived when you felt another’s eyes on you.
            Glancing up, you saw Rafe glaring angrily down at you.
            “Don’t.” Your smile dropped, your anger returning at the reminder of Rafe having been in your apartment.
            You stomped away from Rafe, marching into your apartment. You didn’t bother slamming the door knowing Rafe was right behind you. So, he slammed it.
            “What the fuck were you doing with him?” Rafe asked, his voice shaking with rage as he pointed towards the outside.
            “No!” You raised your voice, slamming your purse down on your kitchen counter. You raised your finger at Rafe & stomped right back to him, “You don’t get to lecture! The only person who gets to be asking questions right now is me!”
            “Fuck that.” Rafe retorted shortly, “You lied to me.”
            “You broke into my fucking apartment!” You screeched, having reached your boiling point. You normally weren’t one to cuss, just never having gotten into the habit, but two entitled assholes in one night was enough to make a priest says the lord’s name in vein.
            “I didn’t break in!” Rafe yelled back, “I have a fucking key, _____.”
            “For emergencies only!” You shoved him away from you, marching back to your kitchen. You needed to calm down. A shot of literally anything would help. But Rafe was hot on your heels as he trailed after you into the kitchen.
            “Oh, & almost getting date raped isn’t an emergency, is that it?” Rafe questioned mockingly.
            You kept your back to him, your hands shaking as you pulled down the closest bottle of liquor you could find. It happened to be Jack Daniel’s. You didn’t even bother searching for a shot glass, you simply uncapped the top & took a swig straight from the teet.
            “Please.” You finally bit back, wiping the access whiskey from your lips, “I was fine.”
            “Bullshit!” Rafe forced you to look at him, his eyes glaring wide-eyed & angry into your won, “As far as you know he could be having you on your back on the living room floor right now.”
            You made a sound of disgust, “Don’t be fucking crude, Rafe.”
            “I save you from that pushy asshole & I’m crude?” Rafe laughed sheepishly but there was no amusement behind it, “God, you fucking women. Don’t know how to say thank you.”
            That’s it, you had it. You moved forward, shoving him against the fridge, snapping.
            “Fine! Thank you, Rafe! Thank you for breaking into my apartment & saving me from rape! Thank you for being a goddamn helicopter parent! THANK YOU for always, always, always looking out for me! It’s not like it’s suffocating or anything!”
            Rafe watched as you came undone, your face contorted to one of fury as you kept yelling at him.
            “You say you’re looking out for me because I’m like a little sister to you but that’s…bullshit.” You finally said, breathing heavily.
            His eyes danced around the features of your face as you finally felt yourself calming down. Your also felt like you were going to be sick. That swig of Jack threatening to come back up now that your adrenaline was dying down.
            “What does that mean?” Rafe finally asked, his voice low, soft. Eerily soft.
            You lowered your eyes, backing away to rest against the counter opposite him.
            “I’m not your little sister, Rafe.” You shook your head, responding calmly, “I know you think I’m your responsibility but I’m not. Maybe for a little while I was but not really. I will be forever appreciative & grateful for how much you love me & want to look out for me but you have to stop suffocating me.”
            Rafe said nothing as you continued. His eyes never leaving your face.
            “I’m a grown woman, Rafe. I can’t depend on you. You can’t depend on me! And don’t deny it, because you do. We’re too…co-dependent. It’s not healthy. Not normal. I love you, I do, you’re my home…but I don’t need you. Not anymore.”
            You sniffled, tears threatening to fall but you pushed them back.
            “I’m sorry…” You stepped forward, wanting to comfort him after saying what you just did but as you did, you finally clocked the expression on Rafe’s face. You stopped moving towards him. His eyes were glazed over, red & watering, as if he too was trying not to cry. But his teeth were pressed against his lower lip in anger. His mouth was shifting every which way as he absorbed everything you had just said.
            It was rare, seeing Rafe like this, you had only seen it one another time. At Dom’s funeral. His heart was breaking, he was angry, wanting to understand, to change things. It was that same expression on his face & look in his eyes.
            “Rafe…” You said his name softly. But at the sound of his name, Rafe’s eyes snapped to yours. And what you saw there made your heart stop.
            Before you could utter another word, Rafe snatched your throat in his hand, practically lifting your feet off the floor as he dragged you down the hallway to your bedroom.
            “Rafe—” Your voice strained against his hold on you, so you beat against his arm, but he looked like a madman on a mission.
            Inside your bedroom, Rafe threw you down on your bed. Air filled in your lungs, & you desperately breathed in all the oxygen you could. But your opportunity was short-lived as you watched in horror as Rafe tore off his shirt before snatching the ankle closest to him & dragging you towards the edge of the bed. Towards him.
            “What are you doing?” You gasped, fear wrapping around you like a snake around it’s prey.
            “You say you don’t need me.” Rafe mumbled, grabbing you by the underside of your chin, “I’m going to show just how badly you actually do.”
            A yelp escaped you when Rafe reached for the top of your dress & in one go, ripped it right down the middle. In less than a second, a dress from a very happy memory was destroyed just before you. The fabric hung loosely & pitifully from your exposed upper half, your breasts on full display. But the shock & suddenness of it all froze you. Rafe then shoved you backwards until your back slammed against your mattress.
            Words failed you as Rafe dropped his pants to the ground before using one hand to slither under the skirt of your dress, yanking on your underwear until they dangled from one ankle.
            This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t happening. You fluttered your eyes closed. It was just a nightmare. A terrible, terrible nightmare. Rafe wouldn’t do this to you, couldn’t. He loved you. He would never hurt you. He promised.
            But then there was another body on top of you & your eyes flashed open. It was Rafe above you. It was Rafe muttering angrily to himself as he situated himself between your legs. It was Rafe who was date raping you.
            You felt a hardness against your center & it snapped you back into your body.
            “Rafe!” You pleaded, your body shaking uncontrollably beneath him, “Please, don’t.”
            Rafe paused to glance down at you. And you saw it there, in his eyes. His inner conflict. He didn’t want to do this, but he was. Rafe looked away then, unable to look you in the eyes as he adjusted his hips directly against yours. When you felt the head of his cock at your entrance, you cried out.
            “Please, Rafe, no.” You shook your head vigorously. You managed to get one of your hands out from under his weight & desperately grabbed for his face, forcing him to look at you. When his reddened & tearful eyes met your own, you shook your head more, “I haven’t... before.”
            It was no secret that you had never had sex before but it wasn’t something you talked openly about. But Rafe knew as such. He knew. So, he wouldn’t hurt you like that… he wouldn’t.
            But as Rafe only continued looking at you with a mix of anger & sadness, you watched helplessly as his eyes ultimately shifted to the latter.
            “I know.” Rafe replied, his voice emotionless, mirroring the lack of expression on his face. Tears cast over your eyes.
            “I’m sorry.” Rafe said with finality. Then he moved his hips forward.
            You whined into his shoulder, your arms hanging onto him for dear life as he forced himself inside of you. He was slow, but it didn’t matter. The pain was too great & you didn’t want this.
            Rafe shuddered above you once he was fully sheathed inside you.
            The two of you released a tense breath of air at the same time. You stared wide-eyed at the ceiling, your inside feeling cramped & stretched all at the same time. Rafe was hung his head next to yours as he caught his breath. You took that brief moment to lick your lips. You had been biting them so hard the skin was beginning to peel. Tears continued to slip down your cheeks, collecting in the curves of your ears.
            Then, Rafe began to move. The movement burn & stung. You stifled your pained moans, hardening yourself to what was happening. You couldn’t be here, not with him, not now, not with what he decided to follow through with. Because if you did…you’d hate him. And you loved Rafe.
            The body above you continued to move, assaulting your body to it’s pleasure. But as it did, your mind wandered.
            Your vision blurred & you were brought back just 24 hours prior.
            The ocean was so bright, so blue. Abundance of laughter could be heard in the distance. The sun was warming your skin & the ocean water kept you cool beneath the surface. You were floating on your back, a smile on your face. There was another person floating on their back beside you. Though your eyes were closed, you reached for their hand in the water. And when you found theirs you realized their hand was already searching for yours too. It was his hand. Your protectors. The one who promised to look out for you.
            Was this your fault? Did you let him coddle you for too long? Get too comfortable in it? Or did you give him a false sense of something else along the way? Did he love you differently? Was he punishing you because you weren’t ready for him? The questions were endless. And none of the potential answers brought you any peace. This was your nightmare, & it was very, very real.
            A sudden influx of movement broke your reverie, & you were transported back to your bedroom. Rafe had stilled above you. He was breathing heavily. You felt your muscles relax. It was finally over. But as you lied there beneath him, with him still inside you, you were startled when you heard soft sobbing.
            Turning your head slightly, you looked to see in your limited vision, at your awkward angle, as Rafe’s body shook above yours. But it wasn’t the aftereffects of coming, or at least you didn’t think so. But when a choked sob erupted from him, you realized he was crying.
            Rafe Cameron, your closest, oldest, safest friend was crying. After raping you, he was sobbing.
            “I’m sorry, _____.” Rafe wrapped his arms around your back as he cried into your neck.
            “But you were wrong. I don’t see you as my little sister.” What he was saying made your heart sink into your stomach.
            He leaned up then to look at you. His eyes were bloodshot, so far gone. You could only stare expressionlessly back.
            “I never did.” There it was. All along. The truth.
            “But you do need me. And I need you.” Rafe stated, “So this doesn’t happen again. So no one hurts you again.”
            It was laughable but you didn’t laugh. Didn’t even manage a light chuck.
            “So I don’t hurt you again.”
            Rafe cupped your face, angling you to look at him. His tears had stopped but his face was still strained from the flood of emotions, “Promise me, _____.”
            But you couldn’t. There was nothing you could say. Rafe sniffled, hugging you closer to his body.
            “I’ll never hurt you again. I promise.” Rafe whispered but it sounded far away.
            You only stared upwards, your tongue completely tied.
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this is 2/10 requests from my 500 followers celebration request opening!
it became a lot heavier than i anticipated but i'm still happy w it. i hope anon is as well (anon, pls let me know since i'm unable to message you) lol.
as always, please share your thoughts w me via comments, reblogging w reviews, or dropping an ask. teehee.
thank you for reading!
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Read this post on why doing more than liking a tumblr writers work is essential to our content creation.
[my love language is words of affirmation, it would make my day if you could comment your thoughts, reblog with tags, or drop an ask that shows your support. thank you for reading tumblr writers, we appreciate you]
taglist: @jsrafesgirl @bunnycvnts @ditzyzombiesblog
to be added to a taglist read rule 11 here. requests will be dismissed otherwise.
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Since you do Demon Slayer requests, could I request Tanjirou, Giyuu, and Douma's s/o(s) petting their hair as they start to doze off on their lap?
Demon Slayer men (and 1 demon) + falling asleep in s/o's lap
Tanjiro Kamado
It was, for once, a peaceful night. The fireflies dancing around the garden of Butterfly Mansion, while Tanjirou enjoyed the sweet smell of jasmine in the air.
“What are you doing out here?” Tanjiro perked up when he heard [Y/N]’s voice behind him. Soft, but still able to be heard. “You’ll catch a cold.”
“Oh, I’m ok.” He insisted, with his usual comforting smile. “I was going to head in but….” He looked down at his lap where Nezuko was resting. In her petite form almost fully in his lap as she dozed.
[Y/N] chuckled. “I suppose you’re pinned then. I’ll join you.”
They sat down beside Tanjiro. Both their feet dangling off the edge of the porch as they looked out over the garden. “Hopefully she’ll get up soon. I don’t know what it is but ever time she lays on my lap she goes right to sleep.”
“She trusts you.” Tanjiro looked up and over to [Y/N] curiously. “Plus, I’m sure it’s comfortable. Haven’t you ever taken a nap in someone’s lap before?”
“Oh. No.” He replied. Nervously scratching his cheek. If he had it had been years. Perhaps with his mother, or father, when he was much younger and certainly not a big brother. “I think it would be pretty silly.”
“It’s not silly.” [Y/N] insisted.
They then got up and adjusted so that they were sitting on their ankles behind Tanjiro, and gently patted their lap. “Come on. Try it. This way you won’t bother Nezuko either.” Tanjiro blushed and gulped a little. It was a little embarrassing, being in a position like that. It was also embarrassing on how much he wanted to try it.
Carefully he leaned back until his back was flat against the wood and his head was in their lap. He suddenly realized that the roof over the porch had little butterflies and flowers carved into it. He’d never bothered to look up, so he never noticed. It was comforting, he thought.
Very quickly Tanjiro was asleep as well, dozing off with his sister. Nezuko eventually did wake up, rubbing her eyes with tiny fists, and noticed her brother was asleep. Her big eyes turned to [Y/N], who placed their finger over their mouth in a silent shush. The little demon didn’t say anything in response. She just got up, jumped off the porch with a quiet thud, and went to chase fireflies.
Giyuu Tomioka 
A big part of being a member of the Demon Slayer Corps was traveling. Demons and evil never rested, and the ones that caused the most havoc tended to wander. The corps went where they were needed. Which could be any area in Japan.
“Why don’t you get some rest?” [Y/N] asked rhetorically as they and Giyuu bounced along in the back of a wagon. Along with lots of travel came lots of unconventional ways of getting there. Not every mission had a luxury train to get them there.
Giyu grunted, but still sat up with his arms crossed. [Y/N] sighed.
“You’d feel better.” Giyu glanced over at them from the corner of his eye. “I know when you’re tired or upset Giyu. You can’t hide it from me.”
They had been together a long time. Originally partners before they became partners. The little ticks and subtle hints in Giyu’s mood that were often lost on others were an open book to them. One that he should know by now.
“I can't sleep on hay. Makes me itchy.”
[Y/N] smiled softly, then adjusted to make their lap open & free. “Rest here then. No hay or scratchy surfaces. I won’t tell anyone you took a nap on the way.”
Giyu didn’t say anything, but [Y/N] could tell their mind was reeling about it. Eventually, he submitted and laid his head down. “Thanks.”
“Don’t thank me just yet. After you get some sleep it’s my turn.”
There was the faintest hint of a smirk on Giyu’s lips before he eventually fell asleep. Rocked there by the wagon and warm, damp smell of hay around them.
A big sigh echoed across the room as Douma heaved it out, followed by a yawn. “I’m bored.” Being a cult leader was really rather boring. All he had to do was sit here and listen to people’s problems. And since he didn’t care what happened one way or the other, to the problem or his followers, then there was really no interest to be held in the situation. He just sat here, listening to someone play the shamisen, while people brought him their problems and offerings he wouldn’t eat.
“Where’s [Y/N]?” He asked. Examining one of the many mandarins brought to him as a present, and not having the stomach to even consider eating it, before he tossed it aside. “I haven’t seen them all day.”
“It’s only noon Douma-sama.” The demon growled. He didn’t ask for the time. “But, I will find them. They were helping with the new members earlier today, so they must still be doing that.”
“New people….” To a normal cult leader that would be a good thing, but to Douma it was just another headache.
Sure, more people to choose from when he was selecting his meals, but also more people to listen to. Maybe he should make some sort of decree that the Gods asked for their silent contemplation and meditation so he didn’t have to hear them whine anymore. Yeah, that would probably work.”
“Lord Douma-sama?” The demon perked up when he heard his name and saw [Y/N]. “You wanted to see me?”
“[Y/N]-chan!” He beamed brightly as he perked up in his seat with a big grin. “I did. I wanted to see you because I missed you!”
“I’m flattered Lord Douma-sama.”
The pink in their cheeks and the subtle smell of desire made Douma’s stomach tighten in hunger. But he doesn’t want to eat them. Yet.
Once and a while he would get a favorite. No particular rhyme or reason. He would just decide to keep one of the humans as a pet, more than an hors d'oeuvre. It usually worked out well, as humans were pretty stupid and susceptible to flattery, and he was a master manipulator.
“Come sit by me. I wanted to borrow you for a moment.” [Y/N], of course, instantly came to his side and sat down. The demon giggled a little before he dramatically laid down in their lap. “Ahhhh….that’s better.”
“Is this all you wanted of me, Lord Douma-sama?”
“For now.” He replied. Eyes closed, with a cat ate the canary grin on his face. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“Of course not.” They replied, without question. “I’m happy to be of any service that brings you comfort Lord Douma-sama.”
He can smell a wave of sickly-sweet perfume coming off [Y/N] that he’s come to realize is ‘love’. Douma has never felt it, but he has smelt it before. Bombarded with the scent from his followers. Clinging to those people left behind by their lovers as he devoured one and the other fled for safety. His last favorite had the same smell, but not for him. A ‘mother’s love’ and all that. Not that he believed any of it.
“This will make me happy for now. But if I think of anything else I’ll let you know.”
“Of course Lord Douma-sama.”
The demon yawned and started to doze. Still bored, but at least mildly entertained by his new pillow. He supposed he’d have to find a new favorite soon; since this one was becoming stale and dull. For now though, this was fine.
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orionremastered · 9 months
I just wanted to put in a request for part 2 of your Damian x surgical intern reader? (If that’s not too much to ask - I loved it so much!!)
Surgeon!Damian Wayne x Surgical Resident!reader
Part One, Part Two
You were, decidedly, over it. After a ten hour long heart transplant- unusually long- you could feel your every breath, every blink, and every move you made was slow and manual. Dr. Wayne- no, Damian- was more exhausted than you could imagine.
When he stumbles, you grab his shoulders quickly to stop him falling. It takes him a second to stand upright again and thank you with a set of lethargic nods.
“You don’t look like you can drive home,” you tell him as you follow him out the OR, close behind in the event that he stumbles again.
“I’m fine,” he grumbles, and you can only sigh at the stubborn man’s words.
“At least let me drive you home so you don’t cause an accident,” you insist, moving in front of him to ‘block’ his path.
Narrowed eyes and a grunt are all that follow for a few seconds after, regarding you with tired confusion. Did he seriously expect you to just let him drive home and cause an accident? To end up like the heart donor who was driving too fast and couldn’t be saved?
“Alright, fine.” He gives in, letting you lead him to the car park begrudgingly.
He unlocks his car, an expensive car by the looks of it, though you don’t know what kind- and gets into the passenger seat as you get behind the wheel.
“Wait.” his words are drawls now. “What about your-”
“I take the metro,” you reply, starting the car and driving out into the dark streets of Gotham.
Damian frowns, but in a few seconds, his head rests against the window and his eyes are closed, face relaxed for the first time that day.
It puts a soft smile onto your face when you see it, but then you realized you don’t know where he lives. And you can’t bring yourself to wake him up and ask.
You arrive at your building, gently coaxing Damian’s half-awake self, barely coherent when he mumbles something about his head. It’s certainly a challenge to get the man up the stairs since the elevator’s out of service as someone was murdered inside, but once you get him inside your (in all honesty, not even average sized) apartment, you have an odd choice to make.
He won’t fit on the couch- you have to crane your neck up to look at him, for crying out loud- but it’s awkward having a stranger in your bed, no?
Give the man a break, your mind chides. He’s worked too hard to be squished on the cheapest couch you could find.
Giving in, you let him drape across your bed, covering him with the blanket after taking off his shoes. You eat a pre-prepared meal, have a long and hot shower before finally being able to fall asleep.
You’re trying to get a blanket from the top of the closet, standing on your tiptoes as you attempt to wrestle the darn thing out when Damian drowsily speaks up from behind you.
“What’s the fuss? Just sleep here,” and now you’re uncertain if you’ve really got the world’s scariest attending surgeon in you apartment or not.
“No-no, it’s okay, just go back to sleep, you must be exhausted,” you reply, returning to the blanket that refuses to cooperate.
Damian huffs, and that was the end of that.
Until he gets up and drags you into your bed, arms wrapped tightly around you waist as he settles once more.
“You shouldn’t sleep on the couch,” he murmurs into your shoulder, lips brushing your skin gently when he talks. “It’ll hurt your neck.”
Damian had a point, but this wasn’t an option you were going to consider, but now that it was happening, you weren’t exactly opposed to it. It’s been a while since you’d been held like this, and it was... nice. Nice enough to make you drift off into sleep.
You’d never know that at four in the morning, Damian awoke. Still tired, admittedly, but instantly aware of you in his arms.
A smile crossed is face as he watched you sleep, admiring your features as well as he could in the dark; your lashes, hair, nose, and (most importantly) your lips.
He admired them as long as he could before his eyes grew too heavy and he fell asleep for much needed rest.
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bainutwater85 · 2 months
Could I have NSFW headcanons for Suigetsu & Sasuke?
definitely 💕🙌🏾
cw: degrading, toxicity (suigetsu&sasuke) baby-making/trapping, unprotected sex, rough sex, humiliation (suigetsu)
do not heavily reference MY headcanons please
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no morals or empathy for you whatsoever. If he wanted you to strip and show everyone your tits, then he’d expect you to do so.
not too controlling but is clingy as FUCK after sex. like ‘dick-still-in-your-vagina-and-won’t-let-you-go’ type of clingy.
not much of a cuckold but makes an exception once or twice w sasuke. Only because he has a fair amount of trust within him to not try anything more then what’s offered .
sooooo and i mean soooo possessive snd obsessive to the point it’s concerning. I’d say separation anxiety but he’d threaten you with some sexual shit. You sit there with a unbothered face like “really? please, idc.” cause why you threaten someone with a good time.
if you two are out on a mission with other members, he’d risk it all snd fight to share a tent with you just to rub your clit in the middle of the night while you’re trying to fall asleep. but his pleas are too much to endure so you succumb to him. But tbh, you were feeling a little in the mood that night, you just tried to sleep it off.
will fuck you outside, but in the shadows.
wants to be with you wherever and whenever. knows he can’t so when he feels stressed snd needs to relive himself he just pulls out a picture of you and fucks his fist.
cums in tissues when he jerks off because if he doesn’t then who will clean up that mess? certainly not him.
has a bad fucking potty mouth and makes you cry on your already worse days. even during sex you wonder if he actually meant what he said when he called you fat whore.
hates condoms, hates the way it feels i’m his cock, hates that you make him wear it snd will pull it off mid backshot.
also possessive but won’t get you to strip for others, him for sure but you’re body is set for his eyes only and will literally air the whole place out if someone catches a glance of your nip slip.
clingy, but isn’t annoying either. has you wrapped around his finger snd his cock. You try to leave he won’t protest cause he knows that YOU know you won’t be able to last a week without him or his fucking skills. He’s a pro, a trendsetter fr.
has a hand on your waist but always on your neck so you don’t get outta place or lime when you’re around him or about to argue with others. Always and i mean always puts you in your place. and that’s under him, ass up; face down. Vice versa, when he’s feeling a little snappy and having one of his episodes— you put it all on his face.
makeup sex is always the norm in this shared sex like of y’all’s cause he’s always doing so,etching to piss you off or make you cry. No no, he doesn’t mean it— he just got some problems but nothing a uchiha dick can’t fix.
has a potty mouth as well but once you’ve told him to tone it down, he did. i guess he’s just so high and up about himself he’s so use to degrading literally anyone.
if you WERE to leave him tho. he’d try to “talk out” but his charisma finds it ways into your panties and he has you laid on your back with a belly full of his cum. Now what? you most definitely ain’t leaving him nope.
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
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A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty's Sundae Bar:
🍧Cookie Dough: bakery au – cookie dough proves that a bit of baking can make anything better. Your characters now live in a bakery au, whether they work there, or come as customers, they can’t resist the sweet aura.
🍧Birthday Cake: secret admirer – it doesn’t have to be your birthday to have this flavour. And your secret admirer leaves you gifts every day, but just won’t give you the one thing you desperately want: their identity.
🥄Graham Crackers: flashback – a brief trip into the past reveals something important.
Warnings: Coercion, Stalking. Please let me know if I missed any!
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There was a time when you really enjoyed going to work. Your bakery wasn't massively successful but it did well enough. The regulars kept you in business and you were able to attract the occasional crowd with seasonal recipes. You loved baking and you loved that you could try new things along with the tried and true. Even with the protection money you had to pay out, you were still able to turn a small profit.
As much as you hated it, you had to admit they did keep things relatively safe. The grocer across the street had gotten robbed and not only had the person been caught, the store owner received all of their money back with a bonus for the employee who'd been working the register. Store owners who get the runaround from their insurance companies just have to tell the right people to get the fixes and payouts they need. So while you hated having additional expenses, at least you knew it wasn't going to waste.
But then you started getting gifts delivered to you at the bakery. Practically every day, for the past few months, you've been getting gifts of all sorts. It was cute and fun at first. A charm bracelet with a bunch of baking based charms, a small bouquet of flowers. But the,n the gifts started getting more and more personal. A book that had been on your wishlist forever but you never told anyone about, a dress in your favorite colors that fit you perfectly. You started dreading stepping into the bakery.
The small box is on your desk and you take a breath to steady your nerves before opening it. Given the packaging it could be a book. Given the way the gifts have been going, it's likely a book of photos of you. You slowly unwrap the gift and you're proven partially correct. It's a framed drawing of you, asleep in your room. It's definitely your room. All the details are painfully correct. Someone was in your home watching you sleep.
As much as you want to drop everything and cry, there is work to be done. You've got bills and employees to pay. On top of that, it's time for the quarterly protection payment. Maybe you can ask the “agent” you regularly meet up with to keep an eye out for the secret admirer. You fill up the manila envelope with the payments and head to the kitchen to get things started.
The routine is comforting. Cookies, small cakes, pastries, you could probably make these in your sleep. It does help when your employees start trickling in and taking over some of the tasks. The shop is running like a well-oiled machine and you're able to forget about the unsettling drawing in your office.
A little before time to open, there's a knock at the front. You recognize the woman, Nat, as the one who collects the payments. You quickly run up and let her in. She seems especially chatty this morning.
“Hey, did you stop wearing that charm bracelet?”
“Oh, yeah,” you reply sadly. “It's actually something I was hoping to talk to you about.” As you step into the office you hand her the envelope with the payment before pointing to the picture. “My secret admirer has gotten more and more creepy, like a stalker. It's really scaring me.”
She looks at the drawing, “they're certainly talented.”
“Oh yes,” you agree quickly, “but that's not the point. That's my room. No one has been in my room for...long enough. There've been other gifts that feel way too personal for a stranger to know. Hell, even friends of mine wouldn't know!”
Tears start forming in your eyes and Nat quickly starts trying to soothe you. “We'll look into this,” she promises. “I'll have answers for you by the end of the week.”
You nod and thank her before she leaves and you get back to work, letting yourself get lost in the rhythm of the day.
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“Excuse me, miss?”
You pause on your way to your car and turn towards the source of the voice. You recognize the man, Sam, as another “agent” like Nat. “Can I help you?”
“I've been asked to bring you to The Shield for dinner. We have some answers about your secret admirer.”
“Oh, what, um, what time?”
“Now,” he replies as he motions to his car.
“But I'm not dressed for The Shield. I'm covered in flour from work. I smell--”
“Now,” Sam repeats. His tone leaves no room for argument. Your hands shake as you put your keys in your purse and sit in the passenger seat of Sam's vehicle.
The Shield is a very high-end restaurant that's known to be a favorite of Barnes, the man in charge of the Protection for your neighborhood. You're not sure why he would need to see you in person. Did you overstep when you asked Nat for help? Do they need to start charging you more because of it? Can you afford the increase?
“You'll be okay,” Sam assures. “He just wants to talk to you over dinner.”
“I don't think I can afford the meal.”
He chuckles, “it's on us. He's making you come to dinner with him, the least he can do is pay for your meal.”
You nod your understanding. At least that's something you don't have to worry about.
At the restaurant, Sam leads you past the hostess and straight to, what you can only assume to be, a VIP area. Tables are set inside of nooks, some cordoned off by curtains to promote privacy.
One of the tables is occupied by two very different looking men. One of them is big and tall with long, brown hair and stubble. The other is smaller, with blond hair and looks...familiar. He looks up and smiles as he sees you and you're hit with a memory from over a decade ago.
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You were working late shift at Waffle House. Not great, but it paid the bills your scholarship didn't cover. Culinary School was your ticket out of this town and you were going to give it everything you had. And, because of class schedules, the late night shift was your only real option.
On a slow night it was just you and another server managing the floor. Curtis, the cook, was out back for his smoke break. Your one patron came up to pay his bill. He was scrawny, blonde haired, blue eyed, and very polite. Unlike other late night patrons, he wasn't drunk and didn't try flirting with you. He spent most of his meal drawing in his notebook and you noted he was very skilled. He smiled shyly and thanked you.
He went to the till to pay but went pale when his card was declined. “I...I knew I was cutting it close but...I'm so sorry! Let me try to find some cash or something!” He starts frantically pulling out his pockets.
“It's okay, I've got you,” you assure him. “It was just eggs and toast.”
“I don't want your pity,” he mumbles. “I swear I can pay.”
“It's not pity, it's kindness,” you retort. “You were a very nice customer, very respectful. Not used to that this time of night. You even let me look at your artwork. So let me thank you for being nice by being nice in return.”
His cheeks are pink with embarrassment but he steadies himself, “I...I promise I'll pay you back.”
“I'm not worried about it.”
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And now that same scrawny, blonde haired, blue eyed man was gesturing for you to sit next to him at the most high-priced restaurant in the city.
“I know it's been a while,” he states calmly. “So I'll understand if you don't recognize me.”
“Eggs and toast,” you whisper, making him smile.
“I still owe you for that meal. And with interest and economic inflation, I think you could order whatever you want from this place and I'll still owe you.” His companion, the big, brown haired man chuckles. “Please, have a seat. We've got some catching up to do.”
You sit down, still feeling in a bit of shock. “What...what are you doing here?”
“Me and Bucky,” he gestures to the brunette, “run this town. We're the ones you've been paying the protection money to.”
“You're Mr. Barnes?”
“That would be me, Doll,” Bucky speaks up. “I have the more intimidating presence people expect, complete with the skills to back that up. Steve here is the brains. The devious bastard figured out how to completely run out the other rackets, making us the only game in town.”
A sudden thought hits you. You look at Steve, “those gifts I've been receiving?”
“Those were me, Angel,” he smiles. “I figured you'd appreciate a glimpse at the nice things I can give you.”
“You...you broke into my apartment...”
“I own the building so it wasn't a break in,” he calmly tells you. “I have my own key.”
You freeze up. How many times has this stranger been in your apartment? How many times did he watch you sleep? And how much power does he have that he can openly admit these things to you without fear of repercussion?
“I warned him that the drawing was a step too far,” Bucky interrupted your thoughts. “But he insisted you'd be flattered.”
“Then we got Nat's report from you,” Steve frowned. “I really didn't think it would scare you.”
“You didn't think it would scare me to have someone draw me in my sleep? Without my knowing?!” You get out of your chair and try to back away. “You've been stalking me. Invading my privacy! I never consented to any of this!”
You try to turn and walk away but you're stopped by Sam. “I promise you,” he warns, “if you leave you will regret it.”
Confused you turn back to Steve and Bucky who are out of their own seats and stalking towards you, looking angry.
“I want to be nice,” Steve tells you. “But I'm sure you can guess, I don't have to be. Neither do my friends. Now please,” he holds out a hand to you. “Please come sit, and have dinner with me.”
You want to run. You want to scream. But this man owns your business. He owns your home. If you try to get away, where could you go? You've invested everything into your bakery and have no savings. You have nowhere else you can live. He owns everything you hold dear.
You take his hand, “I'm...I'm sorry, Steve. It's a lot to take in.”
He smiles while Bucky and Sam relax. “It's okay, Angel,” he covers your hand with his. “We've got all the time to figure this out.”
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Partially inspired by @theinheriteddutchess; Tagging @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @fluxxdog; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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