#Jacks would likely get all his info from Luc too
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Just wanted to share my EvaJacks laptop wallpaper while waiting (and dying) for ACFTL
What is your favourite quote that you think I should add?
Also, excuse that dotted line at the bottom, it is where my taskbar is.
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pukerman-swag · 2 years
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(JACQUELINE PUCKERMAN) who looks an awful lot like (ZENDAYA COLEMAN) has just been seen around Port Whitley!  Apparently (SHE) is a (27) year old (CIS FEMALE) born on (AUGUST 6TH) and has been in the city for (14 YEARS) living in (OAK BROOK) and is a (FIRE FIGHTER). If there is a quote to describe them it would be “YOU CAN LOVE ME OR HATE ME, I SWEAR IT WON’T BREAK ME” -Lil Wayne. But we have yet to make up our mind if that is accurate. [Kia, 30+, She/her, EST]
Full Name: Jacqueline Ruth Puckerman
Nicknames: Jackie, JP, Jacks
Age: 27
Face Claim: Zendaya Coleman
Birthdate: August 6th
Hometown: Port Whitley, CT via Detroit, MI
Height: 5ft 11in
Sexual Orientation: Lezbean
Marital Status: Single, Pimpin’
Gender Identity: Cisgender female
Occupation: Firefighter
Neighborhood: Oak Brook
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Pets: Jean Luc Picard - The Ferrat 
More info and Full bio below the cut
II. Personality
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral
Personality Type: Champion (ENFP)
Avatar Element: Fire
GOT House: House Targaryen
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Zodiac: Leo
Positive Traits: confident, loyal, flirty, compassionate
Negative Traits: Jaded, stubborn, suspicious
Pet Peeves: TBD.
Bad Habits: Smoking MJ too often to deal with things
III. Other
Religion: Jewish Secularism.
Political Party: Liberal
Piercings: 5
Tattoos: 4
Typical Attire: Tomboy Chic.
Scent: Paco Rabanne: 1 Million Eau de Toilette
Hobbies: Dancing, cooking, eating, writing letters to Oprah asking to be adopted, smoking
Phobias: Centipedes 
Psychiatric Disorders: Depression
Physical/Genetic Disorders: None.
Family Information: Pamela Barrett met Levi Puckerman at a nightclub in downtown Detroit while she was waitressing. He was charming, and she was… young and dumb. She fell far too quickly. She never thought she’d be the type of woman who would believe a man who said his wife just didn’t understand him or genuinely love him, but she was in too deep by the time the “wife” jab came her way. Levi promised he would end his marriage over and over again, but once she found out she was pregnant with her son, Pam knew she was the one who had to be done. And she was done, but a few years later, a run-in with that stupid beautiful familiar face, and too many tequila sunrises later and baby number 2 with the man she loved so much it hurt, but it hurt too bad to love. Levi went back to his family, and Pam decided that she and her two children would be family enough for her.
IV. Biography
Jaqueline Ruth Puckerman was a self-reliant kid; you had to be when your mother worked so much that you only saw her when she was waking you up in the morning, throwing food in front of you before heading off to another shift, or on a rare occasion kissing you goodnight. Pam worked hard to ensure they had a roof over their head, food on the table, and whatever luxuries she could provide her children. Jackie was good with being on her own, she could get into whatever she wanted, and there was no one around to bother her or question her because who really cared what she did?
Sure, her mom loved her, but she was never around, her big brother was barely older than she was, and her dad, well fuck him. Jackie had a picture of him she found in her mom's drawer when she was 7, and she'd just sit and stare daggers in it, praying he'd get some form of mutated killer chicken pox or something. Jackie ran the streets and got into trouble regularly; it was called having fun people, until one day, the little girl walked into the wrong house at the wrong time and got herself hurt. Pam knew her daughter was a handful, but she didn't have the time to watch after her like she should. She just hoped things would work out, that was until she got a call from the hospital.
Jackie hadn't wanted to move to some small town she'd barely heard of. All of her friends were in the D, and Detroit was home, and there was no way they were going to top the food. Also, there was the fact that this is where the donor and his 'real' family lived. Unfortunately, it turns out being 13 meant you had no say in where you lived. It just so happened to also be where her mother’s grandparent’s lived. The woman had fond memories or something that didn’t convince Jackie that her mother knew what she was doing at all. But Port Whitley here they come. Pam had a plan, nursing school, which was great, except being a full-time student while working full time didn't help with the whole spending time with your kid's thing. It was a good thing Jackie was used to basically raising herself by that point.
After a few months passed and Jackie had successfully charmed and/or pissed off the locals, she needed a new project, and since they couldn’t afford her dance classes anymore, all of her projects ended in trouble. Somehow the latest involved breaking into a the local engine house. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't the mastermind cat burglar, she thought she was. Still, fortunately, the station’s chief saw something in her and took pity. They worked out a deal. He wouldn't rat her out to anyone if she came by the firehouse and helped out after school. A wing, she just sort of begrudgingly slipped under.
The after-school penance became a sort of apprenticeship. Jackie learned all there was to know about working in a firehouse. When she got a little older they even let her do drills and work out with them a bit. Mostly she was in charge of the grunt work. Cleaning and cooking. But they didn’t realize half of that she adored. Jackie loves food, eating it (she's basically always hungry), cooking it (she's actually pretty talented), and thinking of new ways to make it better. Cooking is sort of like an art form to her, her second favorite after dance. She likes to believe that her life was different; if she were different, she'd be in some big city dancing on some grand stage and cooking at some fancy restaurant, but whateves, such is life. Jackie becoming a Firefighter was definitely no surprise to anyone. She practically grew up in Station 61. After she was finally done with high school, to both the delight of her and the entire staff, Jackie went on to study fire science at Ravenswood University (after being rejected from Julliard). She was prepared to be of service because as much as ‘little her’ wanted nothing to do with that town, and as much trouble as she caused, that place saved her when she was at her lowest.
Misses Dance more than she can say.
Knows where her father is but never bothers to reach out  
Jackie had been dancing since she was a child. It was her first love. She even auditioned for Julliard, but wasn’t accepted. 
Jackie adores her big brother; he's sort of all she had growing up, not that she admits it. One of her favorite activities in life is working on his last nerve. She's got it down to a science.
Though her mother wasn't very present overall, Jackie's kind of working on her resentment, and they've been mending fences… a half aboard at a time
Jackie has a pet Ferret named Jean Luc Picard (JLP).
0 notes
dragonprincefan · 6 years
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It’s one week until The Dragon Prince will be available for everyone on Netflix.
Haven’t heard of it yet? You’re in for a treat.
The Dragon Prince is a new animated series created by Aaron Ehasz (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Justin Richmond (Uncharted) as the debut creation of their new story and play studio, Wonderstorm Inc. Adding to that prestigious team, we have Giancarlo Volpe (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Green Lantern: The Animated Series) as the Executive Producer for the animated series, and his experience in telling nuanced stories with complex characters is already shining through in the three episode preview.
Don’t worry. No spoilers here.
Let’s start out with the trailer if you haven’t already seen it.
I’ve seen a few people worried about the animation style, but having seen it in action, I can safely say there’s not much to worry about. An article over at Polygon did a good commentary on it, but it bears repeating. While there are a couple of moments where small details can seem a bit stuttering, they really are small moments (flags flapping in the wind in a wide shot, or a nod here and there) and easily overlooked or a matter of stylistic choice. The action, and there is so much action, flows smoothly and keeps you on the edge of your seat watching the interplay. (I could do an entire post on the creative weapon designs and will later.) The changing frame rate used in some scenes over others is put to good use, punching up some moments for extra effect.
The first three episodes introduce us to a world on the brink of war. There were originally six types of magic (Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sky, and Ocean), but 1,000 years ago, a Human mage discovered Dark Magic. The horror of the newly invented magic caused the Elves and Dragons of Xadia to banish the Humans to the West, setting up a border guarded by the Dragon King, Thunder. In more recent history, the humans killed Thunder and destroyed the egg containing his sole heir, The Dragon Prince. This is what has brought Xadia and the Human kingdoms to the edge of war.
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That’s the simple explanation. The one that makes the Humans out to be the unquestionable and unrepentant villains of our tale. However, life, and this story, are not such simple matters of black and white, and we quickly start to see that in the show as it presents the things that have happened thus far as shades of grey and a result of complex choices with wrongs committed on both sides. A lot of time is spent reinforcing that choices are rarely simple nor purely acts of good or evil and how violence can quickly become an unending cycle. It addresses honor and loyalty and how quickly it can become a mess when you start seeing the other side of a conflict as full people. The story is setting up complex and nuanced morality and views of history that I’m really excited to see where it goes.
It looks like family of various types is going to be a major over-arching theme of the story with step-siblings Callum and Ezran, the contrast of a more antagonistic but playful relationship between siblings Soren and Claudia, Callum’s complicated relationship with his stepfather, King Harrow, and Soren and Claudia’s relationship with their father. This is also set against Rayla’s relationship with Runaan and the other Moonshadow Elves and what is sure to be her burgeoning friendship with the two Human princes. I expect found family and other relationships not forged by birth to become increasingly important as the story continues.
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Additionally, we have a beautifully diverse cast. King Harrow (Luc Roderique) is clearly a black man while his step son Callum (Jack DeSena) appears to be white and crown prince Ezran (Sasha Rojen) appears to be mixed. Despite initial screenshots of Rayla (Paula Burrows) and Runaan (Johnathan Holmes), not all of the Elves are pale skinned and white-haired. The crownguard is specifically stated to be comprised of men and woman, and we see a variety of skin tones and hair types of multiple genders. We even see a primary character with a visible limp who requires a cane much of the time. There was a lot of set up and introductions to get through in the first three episodes, and as we see our three leads (Callum, Ezran, and Rayla) traverse the world of Xadia, I expect to see even more visible diversity come in since it was stated as a specific goal of the crew during the San Diego Comic Con 2018 panel.
The writing itself walks a nice balance between those heavy themes of moral greys and smatterings of humor. The characters are quirky and believable. It would have been so easy to set up Claudia (Racquel Belmonte), Soren (Jesse Inocalla), and Viren (Jason Simpson) as purely antagonistic characters, but instead they aren’t. Viren’s motivations and loyalties are complex and you are left uncertain of what to make of him. Soren varies between clever and foolish, and while he teases, doesn’t seem to be genuinely ill-intentioned, helping as often as he jokes. Claudia too walks a fine line between airhead and genius with a fierce sense of caring and loyalty. Ezran and Callum are both young, and far more aware of the complexities of their world and position than they’re generally given credit for while still being kids who want to have fun and want the world to be simple. They’re all complex characters and seeing how they will grow and mature over the course of the story is exciting.
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In just the first three episodes, The Dragon Prince has introduced multiple plot threads that promise a lot of potential and all threads that I’m fascinated to see not only how they end up, but how hey get to that ending. 
If there’s one criticism to be had from the first three episodes, it is just how much happened. There’s a lot going on, a lot of nuanced motivations and relationships introduced, and a lot of world-building set-up. It could easily be overwhelming. I think they overall did a good job of parceling it out in small pieces at a time to prevent it feeling like you’re getting huge info dumps, and leaving you fascinated to learn more at the end of each episode.
Side note: Watch the credits for every episode, the illustrations change each time, and I feel like they show even more of a glimpse into the characters and cultures of Xadia.
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I really believe this is going to be the new show to watch. A complex world full of nuance, adventure, magic, dragons, and elves that doesn’t let the fantasy elements overwhelm creating strong characters that I think everyone is going to be able to find one or more that they can personally identify with on some level. 
All this is done while showing that the wider events of the world don’t leave children untouched no matter how much you try to protect them. With the themes that loyalty and honor, right and wrong, differ based on your position and perspective on the course of events while asking the questions of whether or not the ends justify the means and how you can end a cycle of violence makes it look like we’re in for some truly poignant story telling.
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Remember how I mentioned that Wonderstorm is a “story and play studio”? That means this animated series is just the beginning of our introduction into a deeper world. While the wonderful team at Bardel Entertainment animated the series, the storytelling and direction comes from Wonderstorm which is also actively developing a connected video game. We don’t know yet what platform or play style to expect from the game, but we can probably safely expect it to be fully integrated with the story and world presented in the animated series, and the animation style of the show will translate very well into the 3D models of a game. Those seven different kinds of magic and various creatures and races create a lot of room for exploration in a game, and the history provided at the beginning of the first episode means games could be set at various places or times within Xadia, adding even more depth to the world-building.
I look forward to jumping into the truly immersive franchise the Wonderstorm team appears to be building, and I hope you all will too.
Remember to watch all nine episodes of the The Dragon Prince when they’re released Friday, September 14th. (Go ahead and add it to your Netflix list here.)
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Join us on twitter to make #TheDragonPrince trend on September 14th. Starting at 2pm PDT, and going for at least an hour, make and RT posts with #TheDragonPrince in them. (Get your local time: link)
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dragonprincefan · 6 years
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Hey Dragon Fans! Let’s do a round up of all the information we’ve gotten so far about The Dragon Prince! This is quite a lot of info, so I’ll be throwing the bulk of it under a cut. (There will be spoilers for episode 1 of the show below the cut.)
The Dragon Prince, developed by Wonderstorm Inc., animated by Bardel Entertainment, and distributed by Netflix will be releasing all the episodes of the first season on September 14, 2018.
The official summary is, “Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.”
You can watch the promotional trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Bf7JLnlOU
Promotional taglines used by the official accounts have been “Destiny is a book you write yourself!” and “dragon big”.
Netflix currently has the show rated as TV-Y7 for Fantasy Violence. The animation is cell-shaded CG, much like what you see in Fire Emblem, Guilty Gear, or Avatar: The Lost Episodes.
The show will have an accompanying video game developed by Wonderstorm* with the story tellers for both show and game working closely together to ensure the stories being told are well integrated and complementary.
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Our lead characters for the Netflix series are Callum, the elder human prince, Ezran, the human crown prince, and Rayla, a Moonshadow Elven Assassin.
The universe The Dragon Prince takes place in is divided into two primary areas, Xadia, the magical lands in the East, and the five great human kingdoms in the West. Centuries ago, Thunder the King of Dragons guarded the border between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms.
In the TDP universe, there were originally six types of magic: moon, sun, stars, earth, ocean, and sky. Humans developed a seventh type of magic, Dark Magic. With Dark Magic you find a creature that has that magic as part of their essence, you consume it quickly, and it unleashes a great amount of magic quickly. Dark Magic became a shortcut to great, fast power, but led to corruption and was wielded at the expense of the varied, intelligent, and powerful magical creatures of Xadia. The dragons and the elves allied to try to put a stop to the humans’ use of Dark Magic, but the Dragon King Thunder was killed by humans using dark magic and Thunder’s only egg and heir, The Dragon Prince, was destroyed. Now the world stands on the edge of all out war...
The first episode is titled “Book 1: Moon, Episode 1: Echoes of Thunder” and was premiered at the SDCC 2018 panel. You can read IGN’s review of the episode here.
Ezran is scared of thunderstorms and likes to steal treats from the baker with his pet glow toad, Bait. Glow toads are described as “the Grumpy Cat of magical illusionary amphibians.”
Even though Callum is older he is not the crown prince because he is the stepson of the king. This means Callum and Ezran are half brothers. The condition and whereabouts of Callum and Ezran’s mother is reported to be a spoiler. The King is a black man, and it appears that Ezran may be biracial.
One of the royal guards Sorin/Soren/Zoren (spelling unknown) is tasked with training Callum in sword fighting. Callum is disinterested and prefers to draw, unless Soren’s sister, Claudia, is around. Callum appears to have a crush on Claudia, and Soren helps by going easy on him in sparring sessions in front of her. Claudia appears to be very studious and nearly runs into a tree while reading because she is too focused on her book. Claudia and Soren’s father is a highly placed lord and leader of the royal army/guard.
It looks like Callum will be learning to use magic over the course of the show. What type of magic he uses is currently unknown. Based on the trailer I think that may be Claudia also shown using magic. Regardless of her identity, I suspect what the dark haired female magic user in the trailer is using is the Dark Magic we’ve seen discussed.
The elves that Rayla is a member of are called Moonshadow Elves (white haired elves with dark horns) and they literally draw power from the moon. They are at thier strongest during the full moon. The bracelet Rayla wears was acquired during a ceremony swearing loyalty to the Dragon King’s cause/memory(?). Moonshadow Elves demonstrate at minimum some form of cloaking magic, but can still be detected by certain types of animals. Rayla has a Scottish accent.
Rayla is going to be something of a mysterious figure and strongly conflicted about her role in current events, “testing her sense of right and wrong.” She tries to tell herself that “an assassin does not decide right or wrong, only life and death.”*
When the Moonshadow Elves stage an attack on the castle, the King decides to send Callum and Ezran away for thier own safety. Meanwhile, Soren and Claudia are ordered by thier father to stop the assassins. Callum wants to help but is told he cannot because he is only 14 (and 3/4!) years old and he must be 15 to fight.
There was a black-haired guard in the first episode (the one attacked by Rayla) that had not been formally named, but when asked by the panel audience they named him Marcos.
During the Q&A session (I’ve discussed this with several people who were in the room now trying to get clarity) it sounds like the question of if there would be LGBT+ representation in the show was very narrowly sidestepped. They told the panel audience that any sort of answer would be a spoiler. It seems likely that there will be LGBT+ representation, but it has not been explicitly promised, and I urge folk to temper expectations with the knowledge that while it’s wrong to use the TV-Y7 rating as a reason to not show canonically LGBT+ characters, it may end up being outside the Wonderstorm team’s hands to try to get it on screen. I’m cautiously optimistic. We’ll have to wait and see.
The staff did say they are strongly dedicated to creating an inclusive and diverse fantasy universe, with an especial focus on visible ethnic diversity. We can already see the beginning of that with the King and Ezran.
Being on Netflix permits the staff to do a darker take on the story than they might have been permitted on network television, and they’re excited to get to tell a complex and nuanced story that explores moral grays and the idea that there are both good and bad actors in every group and culture. That said, they want this series to be fun, light-hearted, and quirky too.
The SDCC panel gave away two goodies to anyone lucky enough to get into the panel, a large physical poster version of the concept art we first saw with the initial announcement and an enamel pin of Ezran’s pet glow toad, Bait. The backing for the enamel pin announced that Hot Topic will be carrying exclusive merchandise for The Dragon Prince beginning in September 2018.
(A big thank you to elventhespian, owldee, and kohisu for thier live blogs of the SDCC 2018 panel.) 
Official TDP social media accounts:
Tumblr - @dragonprinceofficial
Twitter - @thedragonprince
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dragonprinceofficial/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dragonprinceofficial
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPn8cnHhLHMQrGCmS0K5aBQ
The show is being helmed by Aaron Ehasz (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama) and Justin Richmond (Uncharted 2, 3, & 4). Other staff members include: 
Executive Producer -- Giancarlo Volpe (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Composer -- Frederik Wiedmann (Green Lantern: The Animated Series, The Damned, Dying of the Light, various DC animated films)
Executive at Netflix -- Jenna Boyd (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Animation Directors --  Meruan Salim, Carlyle Wilson
Animation Coordinator -- Tony Power (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Lead Animator -- Brian Ahlf (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) , Eric Childs (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Brian Kavanagh (DinoTrux), Kevin Kyle (The Adventures of Puss in Boots), Jody Prouse (DinoTrux, The Adventures of Puss in Boots)
Other Wonderstorm Staff -- Robert Cogburn, Devon Giehl, Danika Harrod, Iain Hendry, Dan Liebgold, Lauren Topal, Neil Mukhopadhyay, Justin Santistevan, Lulu Younes
Various Animators, Storyboard & Graphic Artists, Directors, etc -- Sabrina Ali, Laura Ambrosiano, Nicki Bianchini, CT Chrysler, Frankie Franco III, Zakiah Grant, Chelsea Gratzlaff, Tim Kaminski, Erica Kim, Nasus Lee, Jessica Mahon, Katie Olson, Daniel Pira, Candice Prince‏, Devin Rosychuk, Alicia Schaeffer, Siggy Sigmond, Eman Thabet
Voice Actor [Callum] -- Jack DeSena (Sokka on Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Voice Actor [Ezran] -- Sasha Rojen (The Flash, iZombie)
Voice Actor [Rayla] -- Paula M. Burrows [@paulamburrows]
Voice Actor [Claudia] -- Racquel Belmonte [@raqattack5 | x] (Sira on Lego Elves)
Voice Actor [Soren] -- Jesse Inocalla [@jinocalla] (The Little Prince, Dead Rising 4) 
Voice Actor [King Harrow] --  Luc Roderique [@lucroderique]
Voice Actor [Runaan] -- Jonathan Holmes
Voice Actor -- Rena Anakwe [@DJLadyLane | x] (Sapphire Shores on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Voice Actor -- Erik Todd Dellums [@ErikToddDellums | x | x] (Koh on Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Voice Actor -- Adrian Petriw [@adrianpetriw | x] (Adam in The Hollow)
Voice Actor -- Jason Simpson [@aboySimpson] (Cyclops on The Hollow)
I’m looking forward to having a fun fan experience with everyone in the months to come! 
Fan accounts to watch on twitter: DragonPrinceFan, The Dragon Prince Podcast, and Mundo Avatar (news in Portuguese)
Dedicated fan accounts to watch on tumblr: @dragonprincefan and @tdp-news
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