#Jai is hurting orz
soulsxng · 9 months
Allisae looks at Jawyr’s hand in a moment that felt like ages. This was her friend. One of very few people she can trust. Yet, as the memories of the past 23 years flooded through her, she felt herself shake her head and pull away. Holding Liliana closer to her as she stepped closer to Tahariel. She couldn’t…she couldn’t be separated from him. Not now. Not when she and her children were so close to being free. He was finally getting them away! “Let us go…just let us finally go, please…” There’s a rustling noise as Allisae pushes a piece of paper to his chest. “Just…take that for me. There’s more in the library. Bring it all to Edmund. Whatever my father is planning, please make sure it’s stopped.” She is free. Her babies are free. But everyone else…Souji and Avelan…Nero, Edmund…Riliane…they need that chance. “Make sure everyone’s okay…”
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"Wait, Allisae...! What are you doing, Alli please!"
As she shoved the paper at him and pulled herself from his grip, Jai found himself reaching out to her. Trying desperately to grab her hand again before Tahariel noticed them and attacked.
...Unfortunately, that was exactly what happened, and before he could withdraw his hand again, a searing pain caught it, instead. One that shot up his arm with the force of the impact, and tore a sharp hiss of pain from him.
What was going on? First Wrenn, destroying the charm that would have prevented this whole fight to begin by rendering those in its vicinity unconscious.
Wrenn and three of Baphomet's children (though in their case, they only seemed to be looking to protect Wrenn from any harm) trying to fight off Ysael and Enoch, alongside Tahariel.
And now Allisae was refusing to go with him?
Jai's teeth grit together tight, dodging and blocking Tahariel's near constant barrage of attacks as they came. He could tell just from the few glances he was able to spare in Allisae's direction that-- amidst all the chaos of the fight, and the escape...of Chercia already having been hurt, and Lily being so close to the danger-- that there would be little he could do to convince her to change her mind in that moment.
Not when she likely believed this to be her best chance at finally getting she and the kids free of the Aegis. Of her father, and Tristan.
He was the one that had failed to convince her over the years that he was going to protect them. He was the one that had-- despite having access to the Aegis on multiple occasions-- failed to come up with a way to get them out of there himself.
There was no point in continuing this fight, right now. The only thing that it would accomplish was putting everyone in further danger. Enoch had gotten Chercia and Jinx away from the group. They were now with Ysael, moving away from the danger. He had also managed to get both Qamis and Simni to stand down.
For now, that was likely to be all they could safely manage...and so, Jai disengaged. Putting enough distance between himself and Tahariel that the cursed Ahniri took his opportunity to call to Wrenn, and take Allisae and Lily into his arms once more.
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"...I will." His eyes stung, but he kept the tears that threatened to well up at bay. Forced the weakness from his voice as he raised it to call to her now retreating form. "I'll keep them safe! I promise, I will!"
He wanted to yell that he would find her soon, that he would get her back...but he couldn't risk it. Just because the battle was over here, that didn't mean that she wasn't still in danger from Tahariel. Even this was likely to anger him-- to make him think that Allisae was going to run off, or that she was working with Jai.
Jai didn't want to think about what Tahariel might do to her, Lily, and Wrenn if he started to think that.
It felt like the breath had been knocked out of his lungs. It was a selfish thought, but in the moment, he couldn't shake it from his mind...the thought that he had failed her. Failed Avelan.
Amber eyes slip closed, and a deep breath is drawn in through his nose, before pushing out past his lips. His right arm cradled gingerly in his opposite hand.
There was no time to dwell in self-loathing right now. He had to get everyone back to Ahnia, the sooner, the better. Then he could start working on the planning that needed to be done.
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"Enoch. Take Simni and Qamis to Baphomet-- Ysael and I can get Chercia and Jinx home."
The Pirodeti didn't seem entirely pleased with that plan, but he didn't argue. Instead, he simply told Ysa to send Ouza out to meet them. Stern gaze them turning to the two Dresiae, who shrank a bit under the weight of it. He didn't need to say anything; only nodded back in the direction the group had come, and they followed obediently after him.
And with that...
"Come on. Ahnia isn't far, it'll be for the best if we get our wounds healed sooner, rather than later. Especially for Chercia's wings."
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dreamerhideout · 4 years
by my side
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part 2 of “the enhypen love playlist” series
jungwon | heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | ni-ki
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summary: after a troubling past few days for university it-boy jay park, his s/o’s company is all he needs. in that same timeframe, he realizes how you mean the entire world to him.
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, university!AU
characters: jay x reader
warnings: alcohol consumption near the end
word count: 1269
a/n: gosh this was so hard to write orz (i really did go overboard... and i swear this sounded better in my head), i apologize if this isn’t very good :’) anyways, the second installment to “the enhypen love playlist” series! i knew from the very beginning that this song would probably be something jay’d relate to. enjoy!
more under the cut!
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you bit at the edge of your pen as you studied the mess of papers scattered in front of you. you then leaned forward, bringing a sheet of scribbles to your face; it was as if the answer to the written problem would miraculously pop into your head when you squinted at the paper long enough.
despite you feeling as if you were getting nowhere with your psychology assignment, you preferred doing it in the comfort of jay’s off-campus apartment rather than your dorm. it was a wonder how he managed to find this gem which was coincidentally close to campus, but it wasn’t as if you were visiting there uninvited. in fact, as jay’s first girlfriend, you had recently been spending most of your time at his apartment, and it wasn’t without reason.
“(y/n), your eyes.” jay walked out from the bathroom before gently pushing the paper away from your face. “squinting at your paper like that won’t do anything.”
“i just thought it would, y’know?” you laughed weakly, slapping the paper on top of the kitchen island then burying your face in your hands. you let out a weak groan, and that was jay’s cue to chuckle and plant a kiss on the side of your forehead.
“are you still not done with it?” he asked. he opened a drawer before pulling out a cookie pack, tearing it open, and grabbing a piece. you were now scribbling at your paper once more when you heard the soft crinkle of wrapping bump your hand. jay had slid the cookies over to you and you gave him an apologetic smile.
“i just need to do two more questions, and then i can finally relax.” you pause when you see the bags under his eyes and how they were still slightly bloodshot, albeit not as bad as a few nights ago. a silent feeling of unease settled in the bottom of your stomach.
you knew jay was strong. he was a well-known person on campus; everyone has probably heard of him. how could they have not? he was loaded with money and had an amicable personality; in a way, he was your typical socialite. a few days ago, however, things took a turn for the worse. after a messy fall-out he experienced with some friends, which somehow ended in him removed from the vice-captain position of the university’s dance team, he was furious. but jay park wasn’t always angry, and you knew better when he asked you to meet him outside your dorm building late that night, sobbing into your arms the minute you held him.
“you holding up okay, jay?” he was stuffing his face with the last of his cookie, and he paused for a bit before swallowing.
“yeah, i guess...” he replied, slightly muttering. “it wasn’t as bad as before, though... i just,” jay sat on the edge of the island, swinging his legs. they made soft thumping noises as his heel hit the back of it, “it’s all different now.”
the distant noise of the tv and jay’s thumping filled the air as you watched how he dejectedly gazed down at the floor. you knew how much the team and his friends meant to him. it was hard for your boyfriend to act like all the piercing comments the general public threw his way were of no bother to him, and from the way he let out a tired sigh, it seemed like he was ready to break. sliding your stool back, you put your pen down and walked over to where he sat, placing your palms on his knees.
“jay, look at me,” your voice neared a whisper. his eyes met yours, and the crestfallen gaze he gave you pained your heart a little more.
“you’ll get through all of this, okay?” your fingers went up to caress his cheek, smiling as you did so, “and you won’t be alone. i’ll be here with you every step of the way.”
almost immediately, he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your shoulder. exhaling a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, he whispered shakily, “thank you.”
you softly combed your fingers through his hair as you hummed a small sound of approval. he was crying again; you could feel your cardigan slowly begin to dampen. when he let go of his embrace, you gave him a soft kiss on his nose, then leaning your forehead on his. the loving gaze in your eyes was enough to allow a small smile up to his lips before he cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a deep kiss. you could still taste the salt stains from his tears, but you pay it no mind as you felt a familiar warmth spread through your body.
you pulled away a few seconds later, giggling. he too was happier, smiling before sliding off the island. “anyhow,” jay mused, walking over to a hanging cabinet before opening it. he then pulled out a bottle of expensive-looking wine, “i had this kept for special occasions only, and tonight seems like the perfect time to pour a glass.”
“dang, okay...” you sat back to your stool. in a final attempt to finish your assignment, you picked up your pen and asked him, “what's the occasion?”
“tonight’s the moment i realize how much i'm in love with you.”
you froze, pen in hand as you tried to register what he had said. “wait... what did you just say?” you stammer as you looked up to face him. he had grabbed two wine glasses from the far side of the kitchen, his elbow resting comfortably on the countertop as he leaned against it.
“you’ve been by my side since the day i met you, (y/n).” his gaze was soft, “despite all that’s happening to me right now, you still choose to stay.” he knew that anyone associating with him would also feel the brunt of the hate he was receiving, yet he was so thankful that you did.
a warm flush crept up your cheeks, “lemme finish this last problem before sharing that toast with you, then.” getting back to your paper, you could hear him pop open a cork, then pouring himself and you a glass.
a few minutes passed by before you placed your pen down, finally done with the mountain-load of questions assigned to you. you sighed in relief and stretched before standing up to search for your boyfriend. he was sitting on the sofa in front of the tv, with two wine glasses placed on the coffee table. you made your way over to him, taking a seat before snuggling into his shoulder. “hey.”
he kissed your temple as a greeting, smiling as he picked up the glass in front of him. you followed suit, now sitting upright to face him. “a toast,” he started, “to us... and to love.”
you clinked your glass with him before taking a dainty sip of the liquid, its smooth flavor rolling down your throat. placing it on the coffee table once more, you leaned on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you. behind the tv was a glass wall that allowed you a scenic view of the night city skyline. you stared dreamily at it before turning towards jay. eyes meeting yours, he gave you a quick peck on the lips before smiling. it looked like so much weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and it was beautiful.
“i love you, angel,” he whispered, “forever and always.”
and you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Heya, I'd love to know about your OC Alice, how about 20,26,27 and 35? Have a wonderful day ^^
awe yeahy, i was literally just doodling Alice!!
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
They love to switch between very comfy to Ridicilously Extra for no reason other than bc they want to lmao; you’ll usually see them wear very tight-fitting clothes, leggings and tank tops e.t.c, but sometimes they just vibe with flowy dresses and cute skirts :D
26. Guilty Pleasure
PIZZA. They will kill a man for pizza with zero remorse really, and if you ever wanna befriend them...offer them a Hawaiian pizza. It WORKS.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
They barely have any relationship with their parents other than the typical ‘see you once or twice a year’ kinda thing-it’s not that they disowned them or kicked them out or anything they just...tend to get really hurtful unintentionally and Alice just had to remove themself from the situation.
They do have a cousin Oscar that they love and are very good friends with, who’s really understanding and gentle (his character is the complete opossite of loud, boisterous Alice lol). 
[[The only reason I don’t list Oscar in my OCs is because i still barely have anything set for him character-wise orz]]
35. What are they like as a friend?
Honestly...they’re a lot to handle. Befriending them is a long torturous process and unless you’re very patient and understnanding, it won’t be easy to get close to them. They’re sarcastic and sassy to a fault, snarky and can snap very easily. 
If you do prove your friendship to them though, then they’ll be there for you through thick and thin. They’re as loyal as can be, and will help you through everything, even if they bitch and groan about it lol. 
They are NOT the friend you should go to for advice though. It’ll either be ‘kill them’ or they’ll simply shrug and say ‘that’s rough dude’. But if you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere at 3 a.m and need someone to give you a ride back home, Alice’s your guy. [or well....not since they’re blind lmao, but what im trying to say is, they got ur back]
i have a soft spot for Al since they’re my first ever OC lol :’)
-ask me about my OCs!-
OCs I have:
- BNHA OCs (Ayrinn, Leo)
- Alice (my grumpy OC)
- Mysme OC (Gin)
-Jay, Max (original story OCs)
-Spy girl OC and her hacker girlfriend OC
-I also have an alien boyo Sam I...forgot to mention TuT
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