#Jakob Nyman
milburnandnyman · 8 months
Because I just binged the whole thing and I indeed cannot get past not commenting on it.
Spoilers begin from here on…
Let me just say that… I am disappointed with this season. And kinda in general (the entire Cavendish part felt so forced, I really missed seeing more of the old characters and the old setting and I wish other endings were happier, too), but obviously as a Jeankob shipper, that Jean storyline left me with a knot in my stomach.
I know things definitely didn’t seem promising from whatever glimpse we could get beforehand, but this was just so loose and forced and empty I could cry.
I immediately assumed they maybe could not get Mikael Persbrandt to do S4, because this storyline just makes absolutely no sense to me otherwise. If this was intended all along as is, then it is complete bullshit.
They literally built up this couple from S1 onward and made them struggle so much, while simultaneously letting us know how much they love one another, I was 100% convinced that in the very end they would get their happy ending no matter what. Love just had to win for once. And what actually happened seemed as if they just picked up all there ever was and dismissed it completely, tearing it apart.
This only makes sense to me if they had to “fix it” last minute and write Jakob out, because Mikael would not be there to do it. Because explain to me three seasons of chemistry and growth, explain to me all the S3 moments (especially the S3!), everyone indicating that Jean and Jakob love one another, the therapist, Maureen’s “Jakob adores you”, Ruby’s “you’re a good loking couple”, then the treehouse (I cannot believe they had the nerve to shit on that this season, calling it “creepy”), I thought the “you didn’t finish the treehouse” bit was there almost as a guarantee that he will indeed finish it in the future along with his promise to Otis “I’m not going anywhere”. The way Ola named the baby Joy, the Jean Jakob Joy - are you kidding me? The way Jean was so sure about Jakob being the father from the VERY beginning - “but he’s had a vasectomy”, “it seemed fated”, agreeing to the dna test without a single question, being surprised when reading the actual result, probably being able to CALCULATE as a smart woman and also, I think she literally kept the baby, because it was meant to be her and Jakob’s, because she loved the man, I’m sure she wouldn’t keep it if she doubted it was his, oh and also… I assume she definitely used protection with all her one night stands as a sex therapist, but I always assumed she stopped using it with Jakob, because they were an exclusive couple and she trusted the vasectomy. It seems literally impossible to me that she would not doubt it even once.
So, I was certain there would be some games around this paternity plot, maybe make us believe Jakob is not the father, but then something would happen and it would be revealed as a mistake or something. Then Jean and Jakob would both have “done wrong” in some way, she cheated in the past and then he left her over the dna test - they’d finally be kinda “equal” in hurting one another. And maybe realize that despite it all, they still love one another deeply and they have to leave the past behind and make it work.
And I cannot believe that instead of that we just got a very loose storyline about the baby daddy, no real explanation, just some brief crap “95% sure” and that ending of “a part of me always knew it wasn’t his, but” - I am sorry, but the Jean I knew from previous seasons would never even go to Jakob if she had even a glimpse of a doubt. She struggled telling him in the first place. So, making Dan the baby daddy in the end just felt so forced and disappointing, while mentioning Jakob only briefly + the way Jean was already unhappy for the majority of her screen time, it was sad to watch. I enjoyed some parts with Jean and her sister and getting to know more about their past etc., but all in all, her story this season was just depressing and this to me is anything but a happy ending. It’s not “finishing strong and hard”. It’s “I’m gonna pretend there’s no S4”.
I will however forever be grateful to the creator for giving us this couple, I have rooted for them from the very beginning and it is crushing to know that this is it, I am deeply sad about this ending and I think I’m going to need some happy fanfics to make it better or some past season rewatches. Because I cannot accept this. It feels like we’ve been left with absolutely nothing, robbed of it all.
So, to conclude: in my head, SexEd ends with S3 and Jeankob’s story wraps up with Jakob attending the therapy and deciding to trust again, being there for Jean at birth, Jean surviving the birth, there’s no fucking DNA test, just both of them reuniting afterwards, talking it through and forgiving one another and they make. it. work. Because they deserve it. And they live out their love, while raising their daughter.
So, with all due respect… today is a very bittersweet day. And I wish it were different.
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But wait, there's more:
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Alone in Berlin (2016) Daniel Brühl as Inspector Escherich
Daniel getting brutalized by the hot Swedish plumber in Sex Education.
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hufflepotato-18 · 9 months
“my partner left because he’s not the father”
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i'm a sad shipper today
i'm sad that oliver and loretta might break up in season 3 of omitb. i mean this is as of episode 8. we don't even know if oliver is alive after d heart attack 2, and if loretta goes to jail but i doubt it. i feel they're gonna be fine but they might break up in d end. or how about if loretta goes to LA, they can still have a long distance relationship and visit one another. idk. meryl can pop up once in d next season.
next topic is for sex education
sex education season 4 spoilers
i'm sad for jean and jakob, and also for otis and maeve. after 4 seasons of build up, that's it, huh? maybe it's a realistic ending. something that normally happens irl idk. but i want happy things in d shows i watch and i thought sex education was a happy ending kind of show.
and i absolutely want maeve to go back to america and be a successful writer. i thought her storyline would be a high school semester in america and then she goes to university in another city in england or the uk. but i understand how her family life traumatized her to d point that she just wants to move to another country. believe me, i know, cos that's my life experience too and i'm hoping to leave my home country someday.
i just thought that she can be a writer in england and still be with otis idk.
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httprobbie · 9 months
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Give me this man right the fuck now. Thank you.
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puzzledhistorian · 2 years
the only two men in sex education that I would have sex with are adam groff & jakob nyman, and I think that tells you everything you need to know about me
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oedipussyroys · 2 years
sorry, hi.
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postguiltypleasures · 5 months
My Peak TV Journey *Sex Education*
With both Sex Education and Never Have I Ever ending this year, the days of me watching television show that are about (and more-or-less for) teenagers. Even though I really liked these shows, part of me is just like, “finally!” Another part of me feels like on some level, my watching shows in this sub-genre really ended when MTV cancelled Faking It way back 2016. Which feels appropriate as what Sex Education does with the new college (Cavendish) in the final season reminded me of what Faking It was doing with the high school it focused on. It makes me feel weirdly nostalgic. Faking It deserves to be better remembered/known.
I have to say as an aside that this season coinciding with the end of You Must Remember This: Erotic 1990s made a kind weird experience from me. Especially when I took a break from the final season and watched David Croenberg’s Crash. How does one reconcile Sex Education’s promotion of body positivity and and enthusiastic consent with that? The podcast did bring home how notably free of “Lolita” types Sex Education has been in a way that might have been unimaginable 1990s media. So bravos all around. Though this may get at why the final season felt off for so many people (besides changing a huge amount of the cast between seasons).  People wanted it to educate about under represented identities, and correct stereo types that have been with us for too long. And it did its best, but it’s only a television series.
I feel like I have to preface any discussion of the season by pointing out that it covers such a short time frame. The first four episodes cover a little over a week, and there had only been about eight weeks since the end of the third season, two years ago. Characters would say things like “it’s like this now” and I would be like “it’s been days, nothing is settled.” It did make it harder for me to invest in some of the plot. For example, Eric’s complaints about the ways in which Otis failed him as a friend felt more like they were residual feelings from previous seasons than responding to incidents worthy of new complaints. And I get that as a teenager, not too distant feelings can easily resurface, but in my middle age, it just didn’t draw me in.
I have to say, I feel like I wanted to like Eric’s plot more than I actually did. I love Eric’s exuberance and love of life. But it felt like it came with some kind of false promise and that made me sad.  As I look back, his story seems tied to the pressure put on the show to be the good example countering all the bad depictions of teen sexuality out there. Eric sees God, gets called to be a prophet, though when he talks with Otis about it he says he wants to be a pastor. (The fact that this would probably involve starting his own church as the congregation in which he was raised has too many homophobes, though not from the pastor himself, goes unsaid.) Otis celebrates this. Their friendship is healed. As a teen, I thought the mutability of Christianity was a beautiful thing, reflecting the importance of an eternal truth while constantly ridding itself of the various out dated baggages. As I age, I see the baggage still there and it feels less likely that it will be dropped. Then I think the truth might better off without this tradition of faith. So ultimately, this plot touched on too heavy things to work, despite always liking the character and his actor’s on screen presence.
Eric was great as tool for getting the new characters acclimated to the audience. It mostly worked! While I will wonder if having less turnover in the cast would make some if the plot less didactic, the new cast was generally likable. I never thought “this plot would be better with a character who is no longer on the show.” 
Ruby, Aimee, Jackson and Vivienne were the only characters who accompanied Otis and Eric to Cavendish. Ruby turned out to be a great character. A complicated self-creation who insists everyone see her as fabulous as she wants to be. She has her hidden (or semi hidden) insecurities, and is a little unclear on what she wants, besides proving her power. In the first season, when she existed  mainly to make Aimee need to keep her friendship with Maeve secret, you would have never guessed this. I just wish she had better makeup, it was sometimes distracting from what is she trying to do.  Her plot in the final season involved confronting a former friend who had once betrayed an embarrassing secret. This friend now calls herself O and had made herself the sex counselor of Cavendish. This also makes O Otis’s rival for that specific niche. Otis calls her a “rip off”, though that was mostly a defense mechanism. Ruby and Otis use this rivalry to briefly work together, but more importantly come to peace with their surprising and tumultuous relationship. Ruby’s plot with O worked better than Otis’s plot with O. The latter mostly made me think how insane it would be to have a school sanctioned sex therapist who was also a student.
Aimee’s plot involved becoming an artist partially to make some personal response to her sexual assault back in season 2, and develop a romantic bond with Isaac, Maeve’s ex. The taking a sudden interest in art art plot rubbed me wrong. Most character-becomes-an-artist plots rub me wrong. Part of it is that their art needs to mean something in a super literal way, which as an artist myself, I have to say it doesn’t always.  I think it was also that this plot happened in the same season many characters go to a screening of Brief Encounter and none of them watch it. That felt like a rejection of the old, and as an old movie fan I can’t abide. Brief Encounter is a movie about a man and a woman who are married to other people. They meet and start a non-sexual but romantic affair, only to mutually end it before it can go too far. While the couple on screen is straight, people have read this as having a gay subtext largely because the screenplay was by Noel Coward, who would be further out of the closet later in life. As Sex Education can be very explicit, crude, and features many openly queer characters, the general rejection of Brief Encounter by the characters felt like a rejection of all the oppression it was about both textually and sub-textually. And I’m not sure that they should. If only because that worked better as drama. 
Jackson’s plot where a cancer scare led him to find out about his biological father was good. Vivienne’s where she gets involved with a boy who quickly escalates into emotional abuse was decent, if rushed. 
Cavendish is mostly portrayed as something near utopia. The clique that is most popular in school is deserving of it in away that no other popular clique in no other fictional high school ever has. But that all also made them feel kind of cult like, and Eric’s religious calling only underlined it. I can understand why some people would say that it felt more like a transphobe’s nightmare than a transperson’s dream. There was a prayer circle when the couple within the popular crowd had tension. That’s not how you treat your peers. And it didn’t feel like a school, despite a few references to preparing for A levels. It wanted to be a fantasy and it wanted to have something to say about the real world, but it didn’t stick the landing of balancing both. This probably became most clear in Cal’s story of gender dysmorphia bringing suicidal ideation. Whatever rejection that they experienced from their parents, was off screen. (And it wasn’t so much rejection as confusion and lack of enthusiasm.) So Cal’s emotional journey is more told than shown. Pinning the season’s emotional climax on them makes them feel like a plot point.
A couple of more thoughts that don’t fit with what I wrote above.
I was genuinely shocked that Maeve’s mother died without one last onscreen appearance. I know Anne-Marie Duff is on Bad Sisters now, but I thought she’d be able to do both. Also I forgot about Maeve’s brother Sean between his appearance in the first season and now. The episode with the funeral was the best of the season, but getting so many characters together for the first time in a long time, mostly reminded me who hasn’t spoken since season one.
I’m glad they found a way for Gillian Anderson’s Jean to play against a character played by Hannah Gadsby. And I like getting to meet Jean’s never before seen sister and find out a little about their childhood. Her having a history of depression made sense with what as happened before. I do wish the end of her relationship with Jakob could have been on screen. 
I did like the resolution of Otis and Maeve’s relationship.
Adam, isolated from most of the cast as he was, had a decent end.
I did like that most of the characters were not paired up at the end. They're still figuring out how they are in relationships, and on their own, which is appropriate for them.
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dana-is-snax · 8 months
sex education season 4 spoiler ahead
so you wanna tell me that dan called jean 'mum' in like s1ep1 and then made her one?! what?!
you wanna tell me that jean and jakob would not be able to figure it out? they couldn't even give us that one (1) happy end? really?
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derangedbutfun · 2 years
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Oh my gods it’s Jakob
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milburnandnyman · 8 months
DON’T BULLSHIT ME - the analysis
Why I think there’s no fucking way Joy wouldn’t be Jakob’s and why I’m almost betting they had to write Mikael out and that’s why we got that bullshit, lacking-in-context story:
1. Jean can be a silly woman, but she is not dumb. I cannot imagine a sex therapist who wouldn’t be highly aware of these things and also as someone who has already been pregnant once in her life, to miscalculate things so horridly as in not to know who the father of her child is.
2. Jean was very outspoken about protection, there is a scene from S2 where she is attending the SexEd class at Otis’ school and she tells the students “remember, it is always your right to say no” as in response to a case where someone insists on not using protection.
3. According to these words and the fact that she is a sex therapist with a previously quite sexually active lifestyle, I am 100% sure she has always used protection, no exception.
4. Yes, Jean slept with both Jakob and Dan on that very same day which is evocative, but as previously mentioned, I am sure she’s used a condom, both with Dan and Jakob, because even if she and Jakob liked one another, I don’t think you just tell a person that you’ve had a vasectomy when you’re about to have sex with them for the first time and even if, they were still strangers, I don’t think that’d convince her not to use it, at least in terms of STD’s etc. I think it’s highly unlikely she got pregnant on that day by either of them.
5. Despite Jean kissing Remi, there was no one else in terms of sex after her and Jakob started dating. She was exclusive with Jakob.
6. I believe as Jean and Jakob became exclusive and things got serious, I think that’s when Jakob probably mentioned his vasectomy to Jean. It’s no secret that a lot of couples prefer to have sex without a condom, so the fact that they were a serious couple and that the vasectomy should theoretically keep them “safe” (haha), was probably enough of a reason to go au naturelle.
7. A lot of women actually get pregnant despite the man having had the vasectomy. You can find a ton of such stories, also, the doctor herself had said to Jean “stranger things have happened”. Yes, condoms can break, but if you’ve been cream-pied by your bf god knows how many times, despite the vasectomy, that’s a lot of shots. Pun intended.
8. While the timeline is not thoroughly explained, according to the story, S1 begins at the start of the school year and S2 is supposed to be around spring term. Jean gives birth on October 25th in S3, which is post-summer break. Jean is not due for 8 weeks at the time, so her due date should be sometime in December, meaning, Jean got pregnant sometime in March or early spring. (I think S1 and S2 contain some more dates to confirm this, a bill at Maeve’s trailer and some other stuff that kinda support bits of the timeframe.)
9. I highly doubt that the first season stretched from September and all the way up to the next spring, I think S2 actually started during the spring term and there was a time jump, so I personally think the sex with Dan was too far away for him to even be considered the father (of course, they can imply whatever they want, but according to logic - again, seems unlikely).
10. I think the time jump could have had Jean and Jakob dating in secret anywhere from a month to a couple of months, now, while we cannot be 100% sure of this, I still think a certain amount of time had passed in between.
11. Jean says she found out she was pregnant “quite late on”, but has also stated “I really didn’t know what I was going to do”, probably implying she still had the time to decide, this means she wasn’t pregnant for longer than 12 weeks. It is usually up until the 12th week mark where you have the time to decide to terminate the pregnancy. In my opinion, she must have found out somewhere in between 8-10 weeks, considering she called it “late”.
12. She had already broken up with Jakob when she found out, it could’ve been merely days or a good week after that, maybe more, but who knows, it does however give us about an extra week into the pregnancy and we can consider that when assuming how long they could’ve been a couple for beforehand.
13. The moment Jean found out, she was obviously surprised “but that’s impossible” and right away blurts out “but he’s had a vasectomy”. She right away thought of Jakob and has even expressed her surprise, due to his vasectomy, but it didn’t make her question if the baby might be someone else’s. Again, the doctor confirmed getting pregnant that way is not that unlikely.
14. Since Jean had already broken up with Jakob at the time and he had made it clear, that he doesn’t want to reconcile, Jean was quite free to decide about her pregnancy. If she ever doubted that the baby wasn’t Jakob’s, I see absolutely no reason why she would feel forced to keep it and turn her life upside down. I think Jean knowingly kept that baby, because she knew it was her and Jakob’s and there was the inevitable emotional attachment to it, so it would probably be hard for her to terminate the pregnancy and she even says it later on how one of the reasons was that “it just seemed fated”.
15. During the entire S3 there are too many lines that support Jean’s indeed very sure and convinced of Jakob being the father: Otis’ “mom, you have to tell him” - I’m pretty sure you don’t lie to your own son about who the father is, “you’ve impregnated me”, “I’m 48 and he’s had a vasectomy” so confirming in front of a therapist, that even to her it seemed impossible, yet, still, it happened, then the way she remained so sure when Jakob was beginning to grow doubtful “don’t be ridiculous”, agreeing to that DNA test without even a glimpse of a doubt and being completely shocked by the results later on. All of these to me are not behaviors of someone who “a part of me always knew she wasn’t his”, but quite the contrary.
16. The fact that Jean, despite loving Jakob, couldn’t even go back to confront him and has, for example, only decided to make it known that she “wanted to try again” later on at the therapist’s, just goes to show how vulnerable she felt after the heartbreak, so no wonder she waited a couple of months before even gathering the courage to tell Jakob, she was probably terrified and upon doing it, she actually tried to play it cool at first like “I only want you to be involved if it’s something that you would like”. So, I don’t think she’d go into it lightly and lie about it if she had any doubts about the paternity, just to use Jakob. Even the therapist asked her if she decided to keep the baby, because she still wanted to be with Jakob, to which she replied “absolutely not” and I really think that she’d probably rather just ghost him forever if she knew the baby wasn’t his as opposed to trapping him into being the father. Jean is the kind of person who really prefers to run away from her feelings at times like these.
If you actually managed to read the entire thing, thank you, you are a champ.
Yes, I know this fucking analysis won’t change S4 and they have made their choice, all I’m trying to say is, that I am suspicious of this all and I really think there was something about not being able to cast Mikael Persbrandt, that have made them change the story last minute, because it just felt so loose and if this was actually intended all this time, then all of these things from before simply don’t make sense. It puts their entire arc to question.
All of these are also the reason why I always believed that the DNA thing was just something to play with them some more and have never doubted Jakob being Joy’s father, not even for a moment.
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whofanforsexed · 2 years
Season two episode two is super dense with subplots, but I’m actually really into it?
Like, you’d think balancing the Maeve/Ola/Otis triangle, Otis’s developing relationship with his own sexual maturity, his personal needs, his partner’s needs, his mother Jean’s ongoing relationship with her new partner Jakob (the parent of Ola, Otis’ partner), her ambitions to reform the school’s sex education program and how these mirror her with her son while putting distance between them interpersonally, Otis’ difficulties adjusting to Jakob as a surrogate father figure, Otis & Eric’s friendship, Eric’s admirer the mysterious french student Rahim, Ola’s blossoming friendship with Lily, Maeve’s ongoing friendship with Aimee, her anxieties about committing to academic and personal success, Jackson’s ongoing relationship to Maeve now that they’ve separated, his relationship to academic pressure and success, and the school’s subpar sexual health curriculum and mixed quality of teaching overall, as well as making time to tell an entire short story reintroducing Adam into the season’s narrative, and introducing a romantic/sexual subplot between Colin & Emily, two of the teachers, would be a little much, even in fifty minutes... but it’s all remarkably balanced and fun and moving. This was maybe the first episode I’ve finished and struggled not o just chuck the next one on right away.
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boxscorehockey · 3 months
Forwards Directory L-Z
Last Updated March 14 2024
L’Heureux Zachary Lafreniere Alexis Laine Patrik Lambert Brad Landeskog Gabriel Lapierre Hendrix Lardis Nick Larkin Dylan Lekkerimaki Jonathan Leonard Ryan Leschyshyn Jake Lindholm Elias Lombardi Amadeus Lucius Chaz Ludwinski Paul Lund Cam Lundell Anton Luostarinen Eetu Lysell Fabian Maccelli Matias MacKinnon Nathan Malkin Evgeni (D) Mangiapane Andrew Mantha Anthony Marchand Brad Marchenko Kirill Marchessault Jonathan Marner Mitch Martino Ayrton Matthews Auston Mazur Carter McCann Jared McDavid Connor McGroarty Rutger McMichael Connor McTavish Mason Meier Timo Mercer Dawson Mesar Filip Michkov Matvei Miller J.T. Minten Fraser Miroshnichenko Ivan Mittelstadt Casey Monahan Sean Moore Oliver Musty Quentin Myatovic Nico Nadeau Bradly Nazar Frank Necas Martin Neighbours Jake Nelson Brock Newhook Alex Nichushkin Valeri Niederreiter Nino Norris Josh Novak Tommy Nugent- Hopkins Ryan Nylander William Nyman Jani Nyquist Gustav O'Reilly Ryan O’Connor Drew O’Connor Logan Ohgren Liam Olausson Oskar Olofsson Victor Ostlund Noah Othmann Brennan Ovechkin Alexander Panarin Artemi Parssinen Juuso Pastrnak David Pavelski Joe Pekarcik Juraj Pelletier Jakob Perfetti Cole Perreault Gabriel Perreault Jacob Perron David Perron Jayden Peterka John- Jason Petrovsky Servac Pettersson Elias Phillips Matthew Pinto Shane Point Brayden Poitras Matthew Poulin Samuel Puustinen Valtteri Quinn Jack Raddysh Taylor Ranta Sampo Rantanen Mikko Rasmussen Michael Raty Aatu Raymond Lucas Rehkopf Carson Reichel Lukas Reinhart Sam Ritchie Calum Robertson Jason Robertson Nick Rodrigues Evan Rosen Isak Roslovic Jack Rossi Marco Rousek Lukas Roy Joshua Roy Nicolas Rust Bryan Saad Brandon Sale Eduard Samoskevich Mackie Sapovaliv Matyas Savage Redmond Savoie Matthew Schaefer Reid Scheifele Mark Schenn Brayden Schmaltz Nick Sherangovich Yegor Sidorov Yegor Sillinger Cole Skinner Jeff Slafkovsky Juraj Smith Reilly Smith William Snuggerud Jimmy Soderblom Elmer Sprong Daniel Stamkos Steve Stankoven Logan Steel Sam Stenberg Otto Stephenson Chandler Stillman Chase (D) Stone Mark Stramel Charlie Strome Dylan Stutzle Tim Suzuki Nick Svechkov Fedor Svechnikov Andrei Sykora Adam Tarasenko Vladimir Tavares John Teravainen Teuvo Terry Troy Thomas Robert Thompson Tage Tippett Owen Tkachuk Brady Tkachuk Matthew Toffoli Tyler Tolvanen Eeli Tomasino Philip Torgersson Daniel Trikozov Gleb Trocheck Vincent Tuch Alex Tuch Luke Turcotte Alex Unger- Sorum Felix Van Riemsdyk James Vatrano Frank Veleno Joe Verhaeghe Carter Vilardi Gabriel Voronkov Dmitry Vrana Jacub Wahlberg Anton Wennberg Alexander Wilson Tom Wood Matthew Wright Shane Yager Brayden Yamamoto Kailer Yurov Danila Zacha Pavel Zadina Filip Zary Connor Zegras Trevor Zetterlund Fabian Zibanejad Mika Ziemmer Koehn Zuccarello Mats
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tothemaxi · 10 months
me: no, there aren't any straight couples who turn me on like queer couples do?
janeway x chakotay: hello
jean milfburn x jakob nyman: hru?
flushed me: i gotta go grind- FIND- i gotta go find something
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oscarskirt · 3 years
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OLA and JAKOB NYMAN - Sex Education S3E8
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cowboybuckleys · 2 years
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2x08 // 3x08
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