#Jan Korinek
donospl · 4 years
LIVE: Hevhetia Music Festival & Showcase / JazzBus 2020
LIVE: Hevhetia Music Festival & Showcase / JazzBus 2020
Kasarne Kulturpark, Koszyce, Słowacja, 19-22.08.2020
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Po raz dziewiąty słowacka wytwórnia Hevhetia zaprosiła słuchaczy na swój Festiwal Muzyczny. Po raz trzeci wydarzenia festiwalowe połączone zostały ze spotkaniem artystów, promotorów, dziennikarzy, wydawców pod szyldem JazzBus.
W Koszycach na gości czekał jak zawsze bogaty program – nie tylko muzyczny. Zorganizowane zostały między innymi…
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seilbahntechnik · 5 years
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Seilbahnen findet man auch bei Vimeo.com, hier <3 神戸 Ropeway <3 von Jan Korinek (y) Mehr unter https://vimeo.com/371356423Hochgeladen am 2019-11-06T11:27:43.000Z source: https://vimeo.com/371356423
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alvaromatias1000 · 5 years
Download Gratuito do livro “A vida está difícil. Lide com isso.”
Download: Fernando Nogueira da Costa – A Vida está Difícil. Lide com Isso.
Reuni resenhas da literatura recente de não-ficção postadas neste blog. São narrativas da crise mundial na atual transição histórica.
Li e resumi 43 livros de autores estrangeiros — veja a bibliografia abaixo –, em geral (exceto os de Metodologia) publicados nos últimos anos. Apresento em certa ordem as explicações sobre crise financeira, metodologia econômica, transição histórica devido à revolução tecnológica, consequências políticas vivenciadas e propostas políticas para evitar a atual polarização destrutiva.
Tratam da abordagem de um sistema complexo, emergente de interações de seus componentes, entre outros, alavancagem financeira, bolhas, individualismo e coletivismo, destruição criadora por inteligência artificial, fim da Era do Machismo, Era do Populismo, povo contra democracia, neofascismo, políticas identitárias, pós-verdade, reenquadramento mental, automação e pós-trabalho, capitalismo para o povo, localismo inclusivo em comunidade como alternativa à bi-polarização entre Estado e Mercado, êxtase ou psicologia da felicidade.
Espero propiciar uma amostra de leituras reflexivas sobre as dificuldades enfrentadas atualmente para as enfrentarmos e superarmos esse tempo turbulento.
Como é um trabalho voluntário gratuito, com o objetivo de compartilhamento de conhecimento, solicito a gentileza de o distribuir para todos os leitores interessados de sua rede pessoal.
AGRAWAL, Ajay, GANS, Joshua & GOLDFARB, Avi. Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence. Boston-Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press; 2018.
ALBRIGHT, Madeleine. Fascismo: Um alerta. São Paulo: Editora Planeta do Brasil; 2018.
BOUCHAUD, J.P. A Desafortunada Complexidade da Economia. PhysicsWorld. Abril de 2009; pp 28-32, physicsworld.com.
BOWLES, Samuel. Microeconomía: Comportamiento, Instituciones, y Evolución. Santa Fe, New Mexico: http://www.santafe.edu/~bowles; edición virtual, Septiembre 2010.
CAMERER, C. (2007). The case for a ‘mindful’ economics. In A. Caplin & A. Schotter (Eds.), Handbook of economic methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2007.
CAMERER, C., LOEWENSTEIN, G., & PRELEC, D. Neuroeconomics: How neuroscience can inform economics. Journal of Economic Literature, XLIII(1), 9–64; 2005.
COLANDER, David; HOLT, Ric & ROSSER, Barkley Rosser. The Changing Face of Mainstream Economics. Department of Economics – Middlebury College Economics Discussion Paper No. 03-27, November 2003.
CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Mihaly. Flow: A Psicologia da Felicidade. London: Rider; 2017.
EGIDI, Massimo, MARRIS, Robin e VALE, Riccardo. Herbert Simon (org.) Economia, Racionalidade Limitada e Revolução Cognitiva. Editora Edward Elgar; 1992.
FERGUSON, Niall. A Praça e a Torre: Redes, Hierarquias e a Luta pelo Poder Global. São Paulo: Planeta do Brasil; 2018. 608 p.
GLIMCHER, P. W., & RUSTICHINI, A. Neuroeconomics: The consilience of brain and decision. Science, 306, 447; 2004.
GUL, F., & PESENDORFER, W. The case for mindless economics. In A. Caplin & A. Schotter (Eds.), Handbook of economic methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2005.
HARARI, Yuval Noah. 21 lições para o século 21. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 2017.
HARARI, Yuval Noah. Homo Deus: Uma breve história do amanhã. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 2015.
KAKUTANI, Michiko. A Morte da Verdade. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca; 2018.
KIMMEL, Michael. Angry White Men: American Masculinity At The End Of An Era. NY: Nation Books; 2013.
KIRMAN, Alan P. Comportamento individual e agregado: de formigas e homens. In edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson. The evolution of economic institutions: a critical reader. Edward Elgar; 2007
KORINEK, Anton. Labor in the Age of Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Economists for Inclusive Prosperity. Research Brief; jan 2019.
LAKOFF, George. Don’t Tink of an Elephant! [Todos novos pensadores não pensam em um elefante: saiba os seus valores e faça um reenquadramento o debate]; 2004.
LASZLO, Ervin. A ciência e o campo Akáshico: uma teoria integral de tudo” (tradução Aleph Teruya Eichemberg, Newton Roberval Eichemberg). São Paulo: Cultrix, 2008.
LASZLO, Ervin. A Strategy for the Future: The Systems Approach to World Order (Uma Estratégia para o Futuro: A Abordagem Sistêmica para a Ordem Mundial); 1974.
LEVITSKY, Steven & ZIBLATT, Daniel. Como as democracias morrem. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar; 2018.
LIBET, B.. Unconscious cerebral initiative and the role of conscious will in voluntary action. Behavior and Brain Sciences, 8, 529–566; 1985.
LICATA, Ignazio and SAKAJI, Ammar, Crossing In Complexity: Interdisciplinary Application Of Physics In Biological And Social Systems. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2010.
LILLA, Mark. O progressista de ontem e o do amanhã: desafios da democracia liberal no mundo pós-políticas identitárias [The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics] (tradução Berilo Vargas. 1ª ed.) São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018.
LUKIANOFF, Greg e HAIDT, Jonathan. The Coddling of the American Mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failures. New York: Penguin Press; 2018.
MIAN, Atif. How to Think About Finance. Economists for Inclusive Prosperity. jan. 2019.
MINSKY, Hyman. Stabilizing an Unstable Economy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2008.
MOUNK, Yascha. O Povo Contra A Democracia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 2018.
MULLER, Jan-Werner. What is Populism? Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press; 2016.
NAUDU, Suresh, RODRIK, Dani & ZUCMAN, Gabriel. Economics for Inclusive Prosperity: An Introduction. Econfip: Economists for Inclusive Prosperity; jan. 2019.
PENTLAND, Alex. Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread -The Lessons from a New Science. New York: The Penguin Press; 2014.
RAJAN, Raghuram G. The Third Pillar: How Markets and The State leave The Community Behind. New York: Penguim Press; 2019.
RIZZOLATTI, G., & SINIGAGLIA, C. So quel che fai. Il cervello che agisce e i neuroni a specchio. Milano: Cortina; 2006.
RUNCIMAN, David. Como a democracia chega ao fim (Título original: How Democracy Ends. Tradução: Sergio Flaksman). São Paulo: Todavia, 1ª ed., 2018.
SHILLER, Robert J. Narrative Economics. Cowles Foundation For Research In Economics – Yale University. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2069 – Discurso Presidencial proferido em Chicago na 129ª reunião anual da American Economic Association no dia 7 de janeiro de 2017.
STIGLITZ, Joseph & GREENWALD, Bruce. Rumo a um Novo Paradigma em Economia Monetária. São Paulo: Francis; 2004.
VALE, Riccardo. Methodological Cognitivism Vol. 1: Mind, Rationality, and Society. Berlim: Springer; 2012.
YADAVENDU, Vijay Kumar. Shifting Paradigms in Public Health: From Holism to Individualism.
ZAHLE, Julie & COLLIN, Finn (ed.). Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate – Essays in the Philosophy of Social Science. Springer International Publishing; 2014.
ZINGALES, Luigi & RAJAN, Raghuram G. Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists: Unleashing the Power of Financial Markets to Create Wealth and Spread Opportunity. HarperCollins Publishers India – Nova York: Crown Business, 2014.
ZINGALES, Luigi. A capitalism for the people: recapturing the lost genius of American prosperity. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; 2012.
XAVIER, Adilson. Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas. Rio de Janeiro: Best.Bussiness; 2015.
Download Gratuito do livro “A vida está difícil. Lide com isso.” publicado primeiro em https://fernandonogueiracosta.wordpress.com
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addcrazy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/mac-ladies-ut-beats-emu-bg-falls-to-kent-st/
MAC Ladies: UT beats EMU, BG falls to Kent St.
Toledo efficiently defended its home turf with a 65-fifty seven victory over Japanese Michigan on Wednesday before three,372 fanatics in Savage Arena. With the win, UT increases its record to 18-8 typical, 9-6 inside the Mid-American Conference.
The Rockets utilized a balanced offense assault and positioned four players in double figures towards the Eagles (6-21, 1-14 MAC) to improve to 10-4 on the friendly confines of domestic this season. Sophomore Kayla McIntyre paced UT with 15 points, observed intently through sophomore Mikaela Boyd, senior Janice Monakana and sophomore Halee Printz with 14, 12 and 12, respectively. The Middle of the night Blue & Gold additionally acquired eight factors from junior Jay-Ann Bravo-Harriott to stay in a 6th location inside the overall MAC standings with handiest 3 video games left in the everyday season.
As a team, Toledo shot 39.3 percentage (24-of-sixty one) from the sector and a scorching eighty-three.three percent (15-of-18) from the free throw line to brush the normal season series towards its MAC West Division rival.
The Rockets did a bulk in their harm at the interior and published a decisive forty two-24 side in points within the paint. They also finished with a tremendous forty three-34 rebounding advantage, spearheaded with the aid of Monakana, McIntyre, and Bravo-Harriott with eight, seven and 6 forums, respectively.
Phillis Webb led Jap Michigan with a game-high 17 factors, the all-time Toledo local Sasha Dailey had thirteen.
The Rockets ended the first length on a 12-five run to take an 18-14 lead after the whole 10 mins. Five extraordinary players tallied points over the very last 5-plus mins to provide the house crew a two-ownership gain at the conclusion of the zone. It proved to be a lead they would now not relinquish.
UT remained on the right track scoring the ball inside the second duration, tallying thirteen of the first 15 points to increase its margin to 30-21 on the intermission. Printz ignited the rally with seven factors, draining a couple of free throws, a triple from the nook and a -factor area intention from the wing to create a nine-factor cushion at the wreck.
EMU cut into the deficit at the outset of the second half at the strength of strong perimeter play from Dailey and Webb. The duo scored EMU’s first 9 factors to trim its deficit to Five points, 35-30, at the 5:fifty-five marks.
With the lead almost cut in 1/2, the Rockets had to swing the momentum lower back of their choose. They pounded the ball inner and acquired three-directly layups from junior Michaela Rasmussen, Monakana and McIntyre to start a game-sealing 14-1 run to open up a 49-31 benefit with 35 seconds closing inside the duration. UT additionally benefitted from six factors by Boyd and 2 loose throws from Printz to halt any threat of an Eastern Michigan comeback.
The Rockets’ lead became no longer challenged over the final 10 minutes, as they emptied their bench within the waning moments, en course to securing the eight-point domestic victory.
Toledo will wrap up its home slate in opposition to MAC West Department rival Western Michigan (sixteen-10, 7-eight MAC) on Saturday, Feb. 25. the hole tip versus the Broncos is scheduled for 2:00 p.M. In Savage Arena and can be streamed on ESPN3.
After Saturday’s very last home game, UT’s two seniors – Sophie Reecher and Monakana – can be commemorated. The duo has been a part of 80 average victories over the last 3-plus seasons, inclusive of 40 league wins.
The Rockets will even understand senior student supervisor Emily Cornieles and senior student athletic instructor Meghan Michael as part of their publish-game festivities.
UT and WMU will struggle for the second one the best-ever in a touch over two weeks and the 76th all time normal. The Rockets claimed a 72-66 avenue victory over the Broncos on Feb. eight in College Area.
Toledo leads ef1aee9f78e1bf30c4bb09cba885feac series, 54-21, and has gained the remaining six conferences against its Department for. A season ago, UT secured an 80-seventy three domestic triumph towards WMU in Savage Arena (Jan. nine).
From BG athletics:
Travelling Kent Nation College took the lead for correct with a 3rd-quarter run, and the Golden Flashes stored that lead with a strong overall performance from the unfastened-throw line in the fourth duration Wednesday night (Feb. 22). KSU got here away with a 70-60 win over the Bowling Inexperienced Nation University Girls’ basketball crew in Mid-American Convention movement on the Stroh Middle.
Larissa Lurken, held to simply 3 first-half points, wound up with a recreation-excessive 20 to tempo the Flashes. Lurken, ranked fifth within the kingdom in scoring entering the week, had eight rebounds, three blocked pictures, and three steals to guide the visitors in the one’s categories as nicely.
Jordan Korinek added 18 points and Megan Carter 14 for the Flashes, who took over sole possession of the MAC’s East Division lead with the win and an Ohio loss at Buffalo Wednesday night all the best-ever.
For the Falcons, freshman Andrea Cecil led the Falcons with 14 factors, the very best general of her younger career. Sophomores Sydney Lambert and Carly Santoro added 11 factors apiece for the Brown and Orange.
BGSU changed into whistled for a complete of 27 fouls in the game, and the visitors went 22-of-28 at the unfastened-throw line. The Flashes outscored the Falcons by using 13 points at the stripe within the 10-point win. KSU became known as for 12 fouls, and the Brown and Orange hit nine-of-11 pictures from the line.
After a primary 1/2 that noticed neither group led with the aid of more than four points, BG took a 29-27 lead into the intermission. The Falcons used a 7-0 run early in the 0.33 sector to take an 8 factors lead, capped by means of sophomore Maddie Cole’s transition layup with 6:08 on the clock. But, KSU responded that seven-factor Falcon runs with a 14-zero run.
Lurken scored nine factors, such as the final 5, during that run, and her long three-pointer gave the Flashes a forty five-39 lead past due in the length. BG got back inside four factors on two events, however, the hosts could draw no nearer.
KSU slowly increased the margin, taking the game’s first double-digit lead on Lurken free throws with 6:fifty-six left and going beforehand by way of a recreation-excessive 15 factors on some other pair of Lauren tosses at the 2:01 mark.
The Falcons will hit the road for the subsequent games, starting with a Saturday (Feb. 25) contest at Buffalo. That game is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.M. At UB’s Alumni Area. Start Using MAC Make-up
MAC Makeup isn’t nicely-advertised all time, But just the same it’s miles gaining tons popularity with many customers of the product – mainly via phrase of mouth. Ever for the reason, that product hit the shelves of splendor institutions, the Girls The use of it were growing in numbers – folks who skilled making use of the Makeup have spread the word about the brand new product with the alternative Ladies.
MAC Make-up is now owned by using make up giant Estee Lauder Businesses, which offered this product from its previous owner and author. The product becomes created in Toronto, Canada via a salon proprietor named Frank Angelo and photographer/makeup artist Frank Toskan in 1985. Perhaps this is the motive that this product became now not marketed earlier than – the preceding owners did no longer have the price range to try this. However, due to the fact, MAC Makeup is a great beauty product it became well-known within the beauty enterprise as one of the most effective merchandise to use in the Makeup of a girl. Girls by means of the way constantly do their research for merchandise that serves their beautifying wishes. They talk with saloon owners for pointers; now that there is the Internet, they get the statistics they need online too.
One motive Possibly that the product became popular with out the standard T.V. Ads is that MAC make up has four social initiative programs that are presently in the region and regarded by a lot of people. These are MAC Cruelty-free beauty, MAC Kids Assisting Kids, again to MAC Recycling and the MAC AIDS Fund. Those are applications which are very responsive to current social troubles and the resourceful previous owners have been able to develop Those programs all time, as a result making the product popular among the Ladies users. Now that the Estee Lauder Businesses own it, the MAC line stays dedicated to Helping those with AIDS. the new proprietors have even raised an enormous $86 million for its AIDS Fund.
While a beauty product is associated with reasons that help others in need Women, who are the ordinary customers of MAC Makeup, generally tend to go all of the ways for the product. They’re shopping for the product as a beauty resource However extra importantly They are conscious that They’re doing something for an amazing humanitarian cause. Women are sent all-mental via nature, and of the direction, they feel the pain of these AIDs sufferers, and to them surely what are a couple of dollars more to shell out when they buy MAC Makeup?
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