#Jang Dae Hee
quack-quack-snacks · 11 months
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Star Crossed - Prologue
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Rude behavior from a non-canon character, Su-hyeok being the best little lovely boy that he is, lmk if there are any more! Word Count: 2,437
Being the little sister of one of the biggest bullies in the school was not the best for your life in the classrooms. Although there were some benefits like nobody messing with you and getting protection from the rest of the bullies in the school, you were lonely. Nobody messing with you also meant nobody wanted to get near you in fear of your brother. Every day, you would watch the students of the school gather in their groups for lunch and laugh together and the lonely, empty feeling you had would grow. 
You were a sophomore now but the treatment from the people around you wasn’t new. Being a year younger than your brother also meant that he had involved himself in the bullying before you had even joined the school yet. You were outcasted from the very beginning. 
Although you technically always had a seat at lunch with your brother and his friends, you didn’t want to be any more associated with them than you had to. You loved your brother, of course, he’d been the one there for you since the beginning especially since your mother was absent and your father hardly gave the two of you the time of day, but you couldn’t stand the fact that he involved himself in that crowd, especially when he himself just got pushed around by the people within it. 
You never had any friends…
Until him.
Lee Su-hyeok.
One day, when you were sitting by yourself at lunch, headphones plugged in with your music playing loudly to keep the noises of the students in the cafeteria room having fun - and you not being involved - at bay, you didn’t notice the boy approaching your table until he sat down across from you. He gave you a small but genuine smile when you looked up at him in shock before pointing to your headphones and motioning for you to take them out. You took them out hesitantly, unsure of what he wanted from you. 
You weren’t oblivious to who he was. After all, he was friends with your brother and, therefore friends with the school’s bullies. The whole school pretty much knew who he was, and although he was different from the rest of the group, kinder and never really fighting unless they deserved it, you still weren’t sure of him. 
“Hi,” he started with an unsure tone to his voice.
“Hi,” you replied, your voice practically miming his with your own unsureness peeking through. 
“Sorry, this might be weird. I just…” he scratched the back of his neck as he looked away sheepishly, obviously not planning past the point of sitting next to you. 
‘Cute,’ you thought before scolding yourself as you remembered who exactly he was. 
His hand suddenly shot out in front of him toward you. “I’m Su-hyeok,” he said in a way that made it seem like he was trying to convince you it was his name. 
You let out a small laugh before extending your own hand to shake his, “I believe you.”
He blushed but let out a small grin.
“I’m (Y/n).”
“It’s nice to meet yo-"
“Oi! Su-hyeok!” He got cut off by his name being called from across the cafeteria. The both of you looked over to see Son Myeong-hwan calling out to him with your brother, Gwi-nam, standing next to him with an annoyed look on his face. 
“It’s okay,” you started before he could even open his mouth when he looked back at you. You gave him a small, reassuring smile, but you could tell he could see the disappointment lingering beneath it. “You should probably get back to your friends. I’ll see you around, yeah?” With that, you put your headphones back in and went back to eating, ignoring the way the small spark of remaining hope in your soul diminished when he got up and walked away. 
As you watched him sit down at the table where his friends were, rolling your eyes when Gwi-nam smacked him over the back of the head, that spark reflamed when he turned around to look at you and gave you a smile and a secret wave when he saw you already looking. 
Ever since that day, you saw him more and more often. You found yourself looking for him in the halls and noticing he had more than a few classes with you. Every day, without fail, he would give you your favorite snack right after your first class ended. 
“I overheard you telling your brother once that you were always hungry in our second class so I used to just leave these on your desk but now I think just giving them to you might be better.”
“B-but, I started getting those months ago?” You questioned him in confusion.
He just smiled before walking away.
It was so surprising to figure out he noticed you before you even officially met and even more surprising that he seemed to care enough to make sure you stayed fed. 
He was like a drop of rain during a drought. It had been so long since you’d had a friend that you forgot what it was like to have someone other than your brother care about you. 
It was refreshing.
When Su-hyeok finally got the courage to leave Myeong-hwan and his friend group, you were so relieved. The two of you had spent countless nights staying up way past your bedtimes spending hours on the phone talking and one night he confessed that he actually didn’t want to be in the group. He just didn’t really have anyone else. He entered the school alone and was instantly seen by Myeong-hwan who took him in. 
You’d wished he would be able to get out ever since you met, so when he told you he had made another friend you were ecstatic. You were so happy for him until you realized what that meant. 
You would be alone again. 
It’s not like he would bother sticking around now that he had actual friends outside of you, right?
You couldn’t have been more wrong. 
The day after he told you, you had spent the morning sulking and trying your best to avoid him, not wanting him to feel pressured to keep your friendship alive now that he had real friends. When lunch came, however, he sat down at your usual table where you always spent lunch alone. When you were about to get up and leave, he grabbed your wrist gently and looked at you with a sad pleading gaze. 
“Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something?” He looked so sad as he asked and you felt so guilty.
Looking down and picking at your food, you told him. “I just didn’t want you to have to go through the trouble of telling me you don’t want to be friends with me now that you have your own friends.” You raised your head to look him in the eyes. “Su-hyeok, you don’t have to feel pressured to hang around me.”
His mouth hung open in disbelief and he sputtered before deciding to stand up and move to your side of the table.
“(Y/n), did it ever occur to you that I was friends with you because I wanted to and because I liked being your friend?”
The look of pure shock that you gave him broke his heart. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a hug - something you hadn’t had in a long time. 
Although Gwi-nam was a good brother, he wasn’t a touchy one, so hugs were off the table. 
After the hug ended, Su-hyeok invited you to go over and sit with his friends but you couldn’t bring yourself to agree. You knew what your reputation was. How it made you seem to be: spoiled; rude; entitled. Despite no one - besides your brother and his friend group as well as Su-hyeok - actually knowing you, they all assumed the worst of you. Despite knowing Su-hyeok had his own reputation, you couldn’t find it in you to bring him down with yours. 
That was a little less than a year ago. Although you and Su-hyeok continued to remain friends, you refused to be around him in public and continued to stick to yourself when in school. 
“You’ll just drag yourself down if you hang around me, I don’t want that for you,” you would tell him every time he tried to change your mind. No matter how much convincing he did, he was never successful at changing your mind. 
In order to try to change the minds of your fellow students without the help of anyone else, you tried joining the Student Council.
There, you met Choi Nam-ra.
Although she had told you that her spot as Student President was just being paid for by her mother, you didn’t let it change the way you saw her. There was so much more to her than what met the eye and to be honest it didn’t surprise you. You knew what reputations and rumors did to how people were perceived considering you yourself were a victim of said reputations and rumors. Although awkward and blunt at times, she turned out to be a very kind and caring person who didn’t hesitate to call anyone out if they talked shit about you behind your back.
She would say the same for you. 
Nobody could speak badly about Nam-ra and get away with it in your presence. Although you were not a violent person by any means, you had a glare that rivaled that of your brother’s. Not to mention the tone you used with them if they were being a dick. 
Some people were scared shitless of you - not even just because of your reputation as the youngest of the Yoon family. 
Which is why you were surprised to figure out that you had been elected as the Student Vice President a few months after meeting Nam-ra.
She'd told you the news with a small smile on her face and gave you a quick hug, telling you how proud she was of you. She never told you but you were sure that she used some form of her Student Body President powers to get the position. Regardless, you were happier than ever to have a friend and a role in the school that didn’t consist of only being known as the bully’s younger sister. 
Your new status consisting of being the Vice President didn’t change the untouchability that came with the old one, if anything it just gave you more untouchability.
However, not all people saw it like that. 
One day, After walking down the hallway to your locker, you were approached by a boy whom you recognized from your first and fourth-period class. He had shaggy dark brown hair that went just past his eyes and he kept shaking his head to keep it out of his eyes. His cheeks were pink as he tapped on your shoulder to grab your attention and scratched the top of his head while you took your headphones out.
“Um… hi?” You whispered out hesitantly. 
“Hi, my name is Yoo Jaehyun. I’m in your first and fourth classes.” He shot his hand out, almost smacking you in the face so you jumped back before hesitantly shaking his hand. 
“It’s… nice to meet you Jaehyun, I’m-”
“I know who you are, (Y/n). Everyone in school knows who you are,” he told you as if it was a compliment but you just frowned and tried to take your hand out of his grip when he tightened his grip. You tried again and looked at him uncomfortably but he just seemed to ignore you as he kept talking. “I just wanted to introduce myself to you and tell you that I would like you to be my girlfriend. I like you and I think we would look good together.”
Finally yanking your hand out of his grasp, your elbow slammed into the lockers behind you painfully. You winced and held your elbow with your other hand as you gave him a slightly apologetic but mainly confused smile.
“But we don’t know each other?” You told him quietly. 
“I don’t need to know you I just like how hot you are. So what do you say, (Y/n)? Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked arrogantly.
You stood there and just looked at him, mortified. The way he said the words sounded more like catcalling than they did as a compliment and you found yourself feeling disgusted at where his palm touched your own just moments before. 
“Um… no… sorry,” you told him, though you were not sorry at all. 
“What? Why?” He asked, his tone becoming louder and more aggressive. 
“I… I just don’t-”
“You know, I always knew you were just a selfish bitch who didn’t care about anyone but herself and her fucking brother. No wonder no one talks to you,” he interrupted you again. “I was just trying to be nice but now that I know your personality is as fake as your spot as Vice President I don’t even want to anymore. You were ugly anyways.”
With that, he walked away. Leaving you to stare at the spot he once stood at and let the tears leave wet streaks down your cheeks as you furiously tried to wipe them away in the empty hallway. Completely giving up on being able to go to class, you decided to go to the girls’ bathroom and spend the rest of the class in there. Luckily it was the last class of the day anyways so you would be able to go home straight away afterward. You would just have to calm yourself down before you saw Gwi-nam or Su-hyeok.
Luckily you had another hour to do that. Texting a lame excuse to Su-hyeok and Nam-ra about why you weren’t in class, you decided to just gather your belongings and just head home alone. 
The next day, word had gotten around to Su-hyeok and Gwi-nam both about the situation. Someone who had been walking by had heard the conversation and started spreading it around. Unfortunately for the boy, Gwi-nam had gotten to him first. Su-hyeok had arrived at the scene just before you did, leading you away as he exchanged a slight nod with Gwi-nam. It seemed people forgot who you really were; who you knew. 
Even after going their separate ways and despising each other, they both could agree on one thing.
No one hurt you and got away with it.
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afza147 · 5 months
Ep3 the atypical family(3)
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I would react the same🤣 and why is he wet??
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lizzymayi · 2 years
After 4 grueling days, I finished Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in the Palace). Loved it. Lee Young-Ae was fantastic. Do I even need to say how much I love Ji Jin Hee? I can't even express it in words. Now I know why Japan sold a stamp of him after this drama was released. What a man.
It was better than Dong Yi in terms of story and characters. I was not going to binge it, but I got sucked in. (Once Min Jung Ho came on-screen, it was over for me.)
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taekwondolifemagazine · 3 months
Two (2) From Well Go USA
June 22, 2024 (NYC)– Two (2) from Well Go USA.   A Look at Two new international films, originating in South Korea,  distributed by Well Go USA, and hitting digital on June 25th.   Here is a synopsis and review of these Well Go USA Entertainment releases. HOPELESS Synopsis:       After spending his entire childhood in a town riddled with crime and violence, a teenage boy saves up his money in…
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everyfilmisaw · 1 year
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스승의 은혜 (Bloody Reunion) by Dae-wung Lim, 2006
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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"The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale" (Radio Star)
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youngfcs · 6 months
hii cib!! hru hru?? would it be okay to ask for a father, mother, and younger sister faceclaim for Shin Se Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk?? thank youuu
Hello there! I'm fine and you? hope you're well :) Of course <3
Daniel Dae Kim (47-55)
Kim Sang Joong (50-58)
Park Hee Soon (46-54)
Will Yun Lee (45-53)
Kim Jung-nan (45-53)
Sandra Oh (44-52)
Hwang Seok-jeong (46-53)
Yoon Da Kyung (45-52)
Ahn Solbin (18-26)
Hwang Ye-ji (16-23)
Jang Wonyoung (14-19)
Kim Doyeon (17-24)
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[HOT-THEQOO] TOP 5 best female acting idols selected by 31 industry experts
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StarNews conducted a survey with 31 industry experts, including representatives of entertainment management companies and production companies (each expert to select 2 male and female), to select the acting idol with the most active performance this year and whose performance are most anticipated in the future.
5th place: Kim Sejeong (5 votes) (Latest works: The Uncanny Counter 2/Today’s Webtoon/Business Proposal) 4th place: Nana (7 votes) (Latest works: Mask Girl/Confession/Glitch) 3rd place: Suzy (9 votes) (Latest works: Anna/Start-Up/Ashfall) 2nd place: IU (11 votes) (Latest works: Dream/Broker/Hotel Del Luna) 1st place: YoonA (13 votes) (Latest works: King The Land/Big Mouth/Confidential Assignment 2)
■List of survey participants (in alphabetical order)
Kwon Jae Young, CEO of A9 Media ● Kim Nam Hyung, CEO of GF Entertainment ● Kim Yong Seop, Managing Director of FNC Entertainment ● Kim Jong Do, CEO of Namoo Actors ● Kim Jiwon, CRO of SM Entertainment ● Kim Hyeong Gon, Director of P Nation ● Noh Hyun Tae, CEO of iNKODE ● Park Hee Young, Vice President of MLD Entertainment ● Bang Jae Hyuk, Director of KQ Entertainment ● Bae Ki Hwan, Director of Tango Music ● Baek Chang Joo, CEO of C-JeS Studios ●  Seong Hyun Soo, CEO of Noon ● Yang Hyun Seung, CEO of UL Entertainment ● Yeon Han Jun, Director of THINK Entertainment ● Oh Jong Heon, Production Division 2 Head of IST Entertainment ● Yoo Hyeong Seok, CEO of Yooborn Company ● Lee Sang Cheol, CEO of In Next Trend ● Lee In Gyu, Head of Division of Antenna ● Lee Jin Sung, CEO of King Kong by. Starship ● Lee Hae Jong, Director of DSP Media ● Lee Hoon Hee, CEO of Starship Entertainment ● Lim Seung Chae, Vice President of WM Entertainment ● Jang Doo Bong, CEO of Story J Company ● Jeong Deok Gyun, CEO of J Wide Company ● Jeong Wook, CEO of JYP Entertainment ● Cho Dae Kwon, CEO of Alien Company ● Jin Jeong Kyun, Director of GLG ● Tak Young Jun, COO of SM Entertainment ● Han Jeong Soo, CEO of Mystic Story ● Heo Seong Moon, Director of Media Lab SISO ● Heo Jae Ok, Head of Division of Cube Entertainment.
At time of posting 14 Sep 6pm KST: 47K views, 271 comments (Will only translate comments relating to YoonA)
2. Look at YoonA’s latest projects line-up, everything is going well for her ㅋㅋㅋ 7. All are doing really wellㅋㅋ 8. I thought YoonA wasn’t good at acting when she was Saebyuk (in her first lead drama ‘You Are My Destiny’) but these days her acting is really good. Not just as an acting idol, but she's just good at it (acting). ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought IU was good since the drama ‘Pretty Man’ that starred Jang Geunsuk, and for Suzy, Anna, is the best... 9. I watched YoonA well in ‘King The Land’ ㅋㅋ ​​She was a perfect fit ㅋㅋ 11. What? These are all the people I like!!!!! Everyone is pretty and their acting is great. By the way, Yoona's recent works are crazy, they're all successful ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 12. YoonA was so cute in ‘King The Land’ and her acting is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 13. I watched all three of YoonA's latest projects. They were all good. So good. ㅋㅋㅋㅋShe is soaring especially in ‘King The Land’. 15. YoonA is also good at acting and is building up her filmography well. 16. Wow, just look at YoonA’s recent works ㅋㅋ 17. YoonA is really good at comical acting
19. YoonA, you acted so well, so natural ㅋㅋㅋ I'm looking forward to your next work. 20. I’m convinced (I agree) ㅋㅋㅋㅋEveryone's acting is good, and YoonA's batting score (percentage of her success rate) is especially good lately. 22. Wow, it looks like there aren't any (i)dols to remove (meaning OP agrees with all on the list). But it is surprising that Jung Eunji and Sooyoung aren't here.. I guess it's because there are a lot of female idols who are good at acting. 26. YoonA acted so well in ‘King the Land’ㅋㅋㅋ 27. Wow, 1st place for both men and women are ‘King The Land’ male and female leads ㅋㅋㅋ 28. It's freaking that both YoonA’s dramas and movies did well. The line-up of her recent works is insane ㅋㅋㅋ 30. YoonA’s latest works line-up are insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 31. Yoona’s career is insaneㅋㅋ 32. It’s the same with male idol rankings, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are the ones that always come up when acting idols are mentioned ㅇㅇ 33. YoonA's works line-up is insane 34. I really enjoyed watching Yoong’s ‘King The Land’, it’s my life drama ㅠ 35. Only the people who should have been chosen were chosen. 36. Nodding (in approval) ㅋㅋ 39. Oh, there are all these people who I thought they were good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 40. They all act well... 41. Agreed 42. They are all good at acting and pretty 44. Her latest work ‘King The Land’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘Confidential Assignment’ shivering (because of the awesome line-up) 45. YoonA's acting was really good in ‘King The Land’. She was just like Cheon Sarang herself👍 47. It feels like the differences in acting skills among the actresses aren't that big. The 5 people seem to be famous enough to be in the top 5 in terms of influence and reputation. 48. Do well, everyone 49. YoonA is really good 50. I acknowledged 51. They are all well-known faces. 52. I saw YoonA for the first time through ‘King The Land’ and she was really good. 57. YoonA was really good in ‘King The Land’. 63. I clicked in the article shouting ‘YoonA’ 65. Lim Yoona's latest work is insane...;; 68. These are all people I like 69. The votes are more evenly distributed here, so the difference in votes is not that big... The male idols were overwhelming. 71. I came in thinking YoonA would be here, but she ended up in first place ㅋㅋㅋ. 72. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 74. YoonA's acting in ‘The K2’, IU’s in ‘My Mister’, and Suzy's in ‘Anna’ were really, really good. I'm curious about the acting of this three people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. 76. But this was released yesterday morning and suddenly both articles (male and female) came out as ‘hot’ topics. 79. To be honest, I was sad because I thought YoonA's (drama) filmography was bad, but these days, everything is really good.. ㅜㅜ And the movie filmography is good too. 80. I acknowledge everyone in this article, but it's a shame that Jung Eunji, Han Sunhwa and Sooyoung weren’t included. I really enjoyed Sooyoung's ‘Not Others’. 85. YoonA seems to choose her works well. 88. (Comment deleted at time of translation)
90. Lim Yoona’s form is crazy!!!!!!! 92. (replied to 69th comment) Oh, it looks like they got votes from all over. Female acting idols are also good at acting. 94. Oh, they are all good actors ㅋㅋㅋI also liked Jung Eunji, Sooyoung and Sojin ㅋㅋ 100. YoonA, IU and Suzy's singing and acting careers are all top notch 101. I acknowledged all of them 105. I thought about Bona, but the acting idols in the article are all very good 106. I also thought about YoonA's ‘EXIT’, but it is not her most recent work. 107. I enjoyed everything YoonA has released recently. 108. I came in the article thinking of YoonA. 109. YoonA❤️ I like her very much 112. King-jeong (t/l note: It is a slang to of 킹 (king)+ 인정 (agreed), to describe being full agreement of something) 113. I approved 115. YoonA’s recent career seems really good 117. Approved approved. 119. YoonA and IU, king-jeong. I want to watch Suzy’s drama, why isn’t it coming out yet? 120. We selected the acting idols who showed the greatest success this year and who we are looking forward to in the future. ----------------------- This is the survey topic. 121. I think YoonA’s career is so good 122. I heard about ‘King The Land’ being a huge hit on Netflix and ‘Big Mouth’ also did well, hence it is a back-to-back hit. 125. I acknowledged it 127. (replied to 120th comment) It is in the text ㅋㅋ 128. As expected, YoonA! 129. Ah, YoonA’s acting is good. 130. I acknowledge all of them 131. Approved 132. Ah, I approved of everyone listed here 133. YoonA is good 134. YoonA seems to be in good form these days. Personally, I think Suzy’s ‘Anna’ was the best ever, so I hope Suzy do another such genreㅠㅠ 135. Good 136. Approved 137. I acknowledged everyone listed here, there are people who I am disappointed that they are not on the list, but there is also no one in the list that I objected too. 138. YoonA’s filmography is good. All her works are very good, and she acts very well too. 140. Everyone's form is good, but the acting skills of the female idols are ambiguous. 141. I like YoonA so much 143. (Replied to 140th comment) What?;; As expected, all the malicious commenters are like sh*t. All the 5 females here have a besting acting of their life for at least once, so what are you talking about? 144. Yes 147. IU and Nana are good. No, all the 5 people listed here are goodㅋㅋㅋ 148. For the female acting idols, the votes are considered more evenly distributed. 149. (Replied to 140th comment) ? 152. I’m looking forward to YoonA’s movies and dramas doing well. I’m also curious about the ‘2 O’clock Date’! 153. I agreed with all listed in the article, Nana’s acting is really good. 156. I like Lim YoonA to the point of dying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 157. King-jeong 158. YoonA is good. I thought her acting was good after watching her works recently 160. YoonA is so likeable these days. I've seen all of her recent works. Now, she is a ‘trust and treasure’ actress.
161. Wow, all of them are K-pop talent. 163.The 1st place for both male and female are Junho and YoonA, ‘King The Land’ couple is really good ㅠㅠ I hope they both do better. The chemistry was good, and their acting was good in ‘King The Land’ 167. King-jeong to all on the list
168. Wow, 1st place is YoonA, congrats congrats!! 169. The movies and dramas YoonA starred in, all received great success, so amazing 171. I clicked in the article shouting YoonA ㅋㅋㅋㅋI hope things go smoothly~ 175. YoonA deserves the 1st place. Her drama and movie careers are all good. 176. Regardless of her career, Yoona really showed off her acting chops with her ‘Confidential Assignment’ and ‘EXIT’, and she did well in King the Land as well. Nana and Kim Sejeong are rather unexpected, and I think Han Sunhwa or Jung Eunji are better. 178. All of them have improved a lot in their acting so it’s even better 180. I feel like all the idols mentioned in the original text and Sooyoung and Eunji are good at acting. 185. YoonA 189. YoonA has a good way of choosing projects ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 191. These are the actors who were active 'this year', but it seems like it includes only those who can be included... YoonA did well in ‘King The Land, and IU and Suzy are the queens of immense popularity who respond right away in surveys like this even if they didn't have any hit films or activities this year. (Just like stars who are ranked even if they are inactive that year when Gallup selects the best OO of the year...) Nana becomes popular because of ‘Mask Girl’ recently. 193. YoonA! 194. Even though Nana is really good, I recognize all 5 people there. 196. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 197. YoonA was such a perfect fit for ‘King The Land’ this time, so pretty 198. I'm waiting for YoonA's next work 200. YoonA! 201. Acknowledged acknowledged 204. I agreed with all the line-up here 205. Waiting for YoonA's next work 208. Line-up approved... 209. No, initially I thought how could Sejeong be in 5th place only, but as I scrolled lower (to reveal the top 4), the more I understood. 212. I only saw YoonA's works for a few seconds in passing, so I had the prejudice that I couldn't get into the character because I heard YoonA's voice that I used to hear.. I recently watched Exit belatedly and was so surprised that it turns out okay. I finally understand why her movies are so successful and how she gets casted so consistently. 214. YoonA is good! Han Sunhwa too!! 215. YoonA is really good 216. Even though I’m not a fan of all five of them, I acknowledged. 217. Oh.. everyone who are good are gathered here 218. Soshi is YoonA, but I was also surprised that Sooyoung was better at acting than I thoughtㅋㅋ 219. ‘King The Land’ influence is huge. Both sides (male and female) came in first place 220. YoonA is really good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I watched ‘Big Mouth’ and ‘King The Land’ recently, and she did well in both dramas. YoonA would be a perfect match for a little bit of ‘Big Mouth’ – ‘King the Land’ – ‘EXIT’, a bright, cheerful, confident and u undaunted not in a villain way character 221. The experts voted but there are people here trying to start a fight so ridiculousㅋ What is it? ㅋㅋㅋ 224. They are all good 225. YoonA’s latest line-up projects are really awesome ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
226, Everyone are gathered here, they are all good 227. Oh, YoonA approved 229. Really, YoonA is really good. I think she has star quality, good screen control, and acting skills. 231. If its YoonA, its king-jeong. 232. YoonA is building up her filmography for movies and dramas well. Her acting in ‘Confidential Assignment’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘King the Land’ were really good. I admit her acting in ‘Miracle’ was also really good. 233. (Replied to 232nd comment) All same as you and ‘EXIT’ too!! 235. Oh my, YoonA's acting was really good. 236. YoonA, approved 238. Agreed 239. YoonA, approved approved 240. YoonA, approved 241. YoonA, I really enjoyed ‘King The Land’. So lovely ㅠ 243. Hehehe YoonA>< 244. All are good 245. Acknowledged 246. YoonA, approved 248. YoonA, approved 249. Oh, they are all good. And popular too. 258. Even if there are people who should be added in, but there aren’t people that should be removed. I went ‘King-jeong King-jeong’ while scrolling down the list. 259. I watched every project of YoonA that comes out after ‘EXIT’. Really, she is good at acting in both movies and dramas. 260. Agreed 261. It's a shame that YoonA keeps getting underestimated because of the disgusting keyboard warriors. 263. I clicked in thinking of YoonA. 264. Didn’t YoonA filmed a drama in the early days of her debut, she did really well in that too. 265. Agreed, YoonA and Suzy are good at acting 266. YoonA and Suzy are both good at acting 267. Agreed 268. YoonA did really well 269. Agreed for all 270. When will YoonA's next work come out ㅠㅠ I want to see it soon 271. YoonA has become someone that can be trust and treasure (to watch). I am waiting for her next work.
Source: TheQoo Trans: mystarmyangel
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kverything-official · 6 months
10 Sci-fi Korean Movies To Watch This Weekend
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10. Space Sweepers 
Space Sweepers is a South Korean sci-fi action film that takes viewers on an exciting adventure through the cosmos. If you love space themed flims then this is one of the must see korean movies to watch for you. 
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Movie Info
Directed by Jo Sung-hee
Produced by CJ ENM and Dexter Studios
Starring Song Joong-ki, Kim Tae-ri, Yoo Hae-jin, and Jin Sun-kyu
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure
one of the best Korean movies to watch for Sci-Fi Fans
Space Sweepers is a visually stunning film with an engaging story. Packed with action and suspense, the film also explores themes of social inequality and what it means to be human. With a talented cast and crew, Space Sweepers is one of the highly recommended Korean movies to watch for fans of sci-fi films.
9. Lucid Dream 
Lucid Dream is a 2017 South Korean science fiction mystery-thriller that delves into the world of lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware they are dreaming. This unique plot makes it one of the best sci-fi Korean movies to watch this weekend. 
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Behind the Scenes
Directed by Kim Joon-sung (directorial debut)
Written by Kim Joon-sung and Lee Young-Jong
Starring Go Soo, Jung Yu-mi, Park In-hwan, and Sol Kyung-gu
Genre: Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
A Father’s Desperate Search
A Mind-Bending Adventure
Lucid Dream is a film that will keep you guessing. As Dae-ho delves deeper into his dreams, he uncovers unsettling truths and faces nightmarish dangers. The film explores the potential of the human mind and the terrifying consequences that can arise when dreams become a battleground.
For Fans of Psychological Thrillers
Lucid Dream is one of the best Korean movies to watch for fans of mind-bending films with a touch of science fiction. The film’s exploration of lucid dreaming is both fascinating and unsettling, and the performances by the cast are captivating. If you’re looking for a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll, Lucid Dream is one of the perfect Korean movies to watch.
8. Save The Green Planet
Save the Green Planet! is a 2003 South Korean science fiction black comedy film that blends environmental commentary with violent action and dark humor as well as one of the most enjoyable Korean movies to watch.
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Cinematic Team
Directed and Written by Jang Joon-hwan (debut film)
Produced by Kim Ki-duk Films (yes, the director of “Oldboy”)
Starring Shin Ha-kyun, Baek Yun-sik, and Jeong Min-ah
Genre: Science Fiction, Black Comedy, Action
Environmental Hero (of Sorts)
Byung-gu (Shin Ha-kyun) is an eco-warrior with a twist. Disillusioned with the state of the planet, he becomes fixated on the idea that aliens are responsible for environmental destruction. Believing himself to be Earth’s chosen savior, Byung-gu kidnaps a powerful corporate executive, Kang Man-shik (Baek Yun-sik), convinced he’s an alien leader. Aided by his childlike girlfriend, Su-ni (Jeong Min-ah), Byung-gu subjects Kang to a series of bizarre and brutal interrogations, determined to force him to reveal the aliens’ plan and save the planet.
A Genre-Bending Experience
Save the Green Planet! is not your typical sci-fi film. The dark humor and outlandish violence create a unique viewing experience. While the film can be shocking at times, it also uses satire to explore themes of environmental degradation, corporate greed, and social isolation.
Not for the Faint of Heart
The film’s graphic violence and intense situations may not be for everyone. However, for those seeking a unique and thought-provoking film that blends genres and challenges expectations, Save the Green Planet! is another of the best Korean movies to watch.
Continue reading at: 10 Sci-fi Korean Movies To Watch This Weekend
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cercasinomeworld · 2 years
30 Days Kdrama Challenge
Day 10 - Favourite second lead couple
Seo Dae-young x Yoon Myeong-Joo (Descendants of the Sun)
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Lee Gang-mu x Jang Han-na (Snowdrop)
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Grim Reaper x Kim Sun (Goblin)
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Ha Jong-ho x Oh In-kyeong (Little Women)
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Ji Seo-joon x Song Hae-rin (Romance Is a Bonus Book)
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Gu Seung-joon x Seo Dan (Crash Landing on You)
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Choi Yoon-hyuk x Dan Moon-hee (Touch Your Heart)
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Choe Hun x Oh Ga-rin (My First First Love)
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rye-views · 2 years
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Itaewon Class. 이태원 클라쓰. 7.6/10
I would not recommend this drama to my friends. I would not rewatch this drama.
Interesting themes of existentialism, family problems, receiving help or not, giving the baton to the other person since you've made your opinions or feelings clear, and choosing the right choice. It's interesting how many characters are like now it's up to you, you hold the cards. Saeroyi has an impact on people throughout time, and his actions stay memorable to people enough to change them. I cannot fathom that impact considering how I could do the same but those actions would just be forgotten. I do think it can oftentimes be about the person and not the action. Or at least the perception of the person. I get a lot of similar sentiments to Prison Playbook. Even Saeroyi's weird hair. His morals and this community building are like Prison Playbook.
Once Saeyori started reciprocating feelings for Yi Seo, I thought they were soo cute. I feel warm despite comments I've heard that they don't have chemistry. I don't relate. I so understand Saeroyi when like feelings are involved so it's more difficult to have skinship like petting Yi Seo's hair. Geun Soo recognizing that the person he likes is bad to him..those moments are sad to me bc I get it. Geun Soo is literally MIchael Corleone.
Seong Kwon was hot when fighting Hee Hoon. I'm here for Saeroyi in nice clothes by the end. Park Bogum being a handsome chef is the randomest thing but thanks for popping up. Saeroyi's money-building plans are so hot. Saeroyi's awkwardness and physical motions are so adorable, especially when trying to befriend Soo Ah.
Is escaping a kidnapping really the place for a love confession? I really thought the Best Pub show was gonna be rigged. People are so extreme with their feelings, especially Geun Soo. The name Saeyori is so saerowuh.
I like that Yi Seo draws. I love Hong Suk Chun being a likeable minor character. I love seeing Yi Seo fall for Saeroyi, especially when she asks for help in the restroom. Wow Saeroyi put his hand on Yi Seo's head. I would fall too. It's actually impressive how Yi Seo sold herself to become manager. I love Yi Seo explaining clubbing to Seung Kwon. I love how Yi Seo cockblocks Soo Ah's first kiss with Saeroyi, Idk what I would've done in that situation. I love the plants in Yi Seo's office.
Everyone's morals are so stubborn, but individual. I actually love it because I relate to it a lot. My moral gray gets it. The toxicity of people who choose bad when they also don't want to. I've seen it so much. I can't with Soo Ah in the beginning disliking receiving help and people asking for help yet she becomes a sub for Jang Dae Hee.
The emotions on Saeroyi's face, amazing. Son Hyun Joo plays such a pivotal character. Why is he so ideally optimistic and casual and supportive and the dad of all dads? He also has a cute personality. Saeroyi and his dad's dynamic, unbelievable. Especially, when an orphanage is a relevant concept. Yi Seo and her mom also have an interesting relationship.
Can you believe this cast? My babies, Ahn Bo Hyun & Park Bo Gum. Kim Hye Eun, a queen as always. Son Hyun Joo, the man I've known forever. I easily recognized Kang Hyoung Suk from Hometown Cha Cha Cha. Yoo Jae Myung playing this kind of character when he's literally like Son Hyun Joo's character in Vincenzo. & then Yi Seo's mom is literally the villain in Vincenzo. Interesting to see Lee Joo Young as a transgender character.
Memorable Quotes: "청춘의 완성." "지금껏 힘든 날도 슬픈 날도 많았지만, 살다 보면 가끔 그렇게 재밌는 일들이 벌어지고 해." "보통의 하루."
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afza147 · 5 months
Ep3 the atypical family(3)
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I would react the same🤣 and why is he wet??
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logabeauty · 8 days
Prison Play Book
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Prison Play Book
Prison Play Book adalah seri televisi Korea Selatan tahun 2017 dengan sutradara Shin Won-ho.
Bintang yang hadir antara lain Park Hae-soo dan Jung Kyung-ho. Seri ini menandai peran utama Park Hae-soo yang pertama. Drama ini tayang di tvN setiap hari Rabu dan Kamis pukul 21.30 mulai 22 November 2017 hingga 18 Januari 2018. Bercerita tentang kehidupan para narapidana di balik jeruji besi, keluarga mereka dan petugas yang bekerja di fasilitas pemasyarakatan. Kim Je-hyuk, seorang bintang pelempar bisbol mendapat hukuman karena melakukan penyerangan setelah ia menyelamatkan adiknya dari serangan seksual. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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13 14 15 16 Pemeran - Utama - Park Hae-soo sebagai Kim Je-hyuk - Lee Tae-sun sebagai Kim Je-hyuk muda - Seorang bintang pemain bisbol yang berubah menjadi narapidana dalam semalam. - Jung Kyung-ho sebagai Lee Joon-ho - Lee Do-hyun sebagai Lee Joon-ho muda - Penjaga penjara elit dan sahabat Je-hyuk. - Pendukung - Tokoh di sekitar Je-hyuk - Krystal Jung sebagai Kim Ji-ho - Shin Rin-ah sebagai Kim Ji-ho kecil - Lee Chae-yoon sebagai Kim Ji-ho remaja - Mahasiswi pengobatan tradusional Korea dan pacar Je-hyuk. - Lim Hwa-young sebagai Kim Je-hee - Adik Je-hyuk. - Ye Soo-jung  sebagai ibu Je-hyuk - Kim Kyung-nam sebagai Lee Joon-dol - Adik Joon-ho yang bekerja seorang reporter dan penggemar berat Je-hyuk. - Pusat Penahanan Seobu - Sung Dong-il sebagai Kepala Jo Ji-ho - Seorang kepala penjaga penjara veteran yang cepat dan fleksibel dalam hal menyelesaikan insiden yang terjadi di dalam penjara. - Jung Jae-sung sebagai "Profesor Myung" - Lee Ho-chul  sebagai Gal Dae-bong (aka "Good-for-nothing Low-life") - Penjara Seobu - Choi Moo-sung sebagai Kim Min-chul (aka "Tahanan Jangka Panjang") - Seorang anggota geng yang dijatuhi hukuman penjara dua puluh lima tahun karena pembunuhan. - Park Ho-san  sebagai Kang Chul-doo (aka "KAIST") - Seorang insinyur yang dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama tiga tahun enam bulan karena penipuan judi. - Kang Seung-yoon sebagai Lee Joo-hyung (aka "Jang Bal-jang" sebagai referensi untuk Jean Valjean) - Penjahat residivis yang tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak mencuri. - Jung Min-sung  sebagai Go Park-sa (aka "Dokter Go") - Seorang manajer yang dipenjara karena menggelapkan uang sepuluh miliar won dari perusahaannya. - Lee Kyu-hyung sebagai Yoo Han-yang (aka "Generasi kedua Chaebol" atau "Looney") - Pelanggar berulang karena penyalahpenggunaan narkoba. - Ahn Chang-hwan sebagai Dong-ho (aka "Croney") - Jung Hae-in sebagai Yoo Jeong-woo (aka "Kapten Yoo") - Seorang perwira komandan yang menyerang rekan satu timnya tanpa ampun yang berujung kematian. - Kim Sung-cheol sebagai Kim Young-cheol (aka "Jailbird") - Pria yang sering keluar masuk penjara. - Jung Woong-in sebagai Asisten Kepala Paeng - Penjaga penjara yang ganas. Prison Play Book Mitra Loga Beauty Skin; Desain website oleh Cahaya Hanjuang Read the full article
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lizzymayi · 2 years
Please, show, stop dragging out this final conflict. Especially because it's only possible by making all the leads dumb as hell. The King literally disappeared lol. They made him such a non-entity; it's kinda disappointing.
The palace grapevine failed to mention that Heebin was meeting with that new official who is supposedly the most upright of them all. Anyways, sixty eps was like ten too many.
Anyways, RIP Inhyun.
(Dong Yi's latest title is literally my name so it's very jarring when they call her.)
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mabelsroles · 10 days
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👻 DARKER THAN BLACK - Mánager / PB Libre.
👻 ♡ ·˚ [ AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL. ] ༉‧˚꒱ - Endgame / Shen Quan Rui (Sugerido).
👻 ⌜YOUR WORDS CUT DEEPER THAN A KNIFE⌟- Exmujer / Lee Ji Eun (IU) (Sugerido).
👻 SINOSAESIJAK - Mejor amigo / Kim Ji Won (Bobby).
👻 SINOSAESIJAK - Hermano mayor / Jang Ki Yong.
👻 ❮❝BROKEN ROSE❞❯ - Endgame + Amistad + Banda de Rock / Lee Hee Seung (Sugerido).
👻 I’M DREAMING MY DREAM - Hermano / Lee Tae Min.
👻 BAD BLOOD (0/1) - Hermano mayor + Rivalidad / Kim Ji Hoon.
👻 ❛ ꒰ ◜⸙ YOU GOT THE BEST OF ME◞ ꒱ 。 - Familia / Ning Yi Zhuo (Obligatorio).
👻 HE WAS SUNSHINE ☼☽ - Posible endgame / Kim Young Dae (Obligatorio).
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thylaniusrpg · 11 days
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👻 DARKER THAN BLACK - Mánager / PB Libre.
👻 ♡ ·˚ [ AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL. ] ༉‧˚꒱ - Endgame / Shen Quan Rui (Sugerido).
👻 ⌜YOUR WORDS CUT DEEPER THAN A KNIFE⌟- Exmujer / Lee Ji Eun (IU) (Sugerido).
👻 SINOSAESIJAK - Mejor amigo / Kim Ji Won (Bobby).
👻 SINOSAESIJAK - Hermano mayor / Jang Ki Yong.
👻 ❮❝BROKEN ROSE❞❯ - Endgame + Amistad + Banda de Rock / Lee Hee Seung (Sugerido).
👻 I’M DREAMING MY DREAM - Hermano / Lee Tae Min.
👻 BAD BLOOD (0/1) - Hermano mayor + Rivalidad / Kim Ji Hoon.
👻 ❛ ꒰ ◜⸙ YOU GOT THE BEST OF ME◞ ꒱ 。 - Familia / Ning Yi Zhuo (Obligatorio).
👻 HE WAS SUNSHINE ☼☽ - Posible endgame / Kim Young Dae (Obligatorio).
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