#Jang Joon-Hwan
adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Save the Green Planet! (2003)
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I’m not going to say that someone other than the director of Save the Green Planet! should re-edit the film… but if a power outage suddenly cuts the picture 10 minutes before the end, you’ll be much more satisfied than you would if you had seen the whole thing. It’s on the cusp of being great until the conclusion undoes so much of what came before.
Byeong-gu (Shin Ha-kyun) believes pharmaceutical executive Kang Man-shik (Baek Yoon-sik) is an alien. With the help of his girlfriend (Hwang Jeong-min), Byeong-gu kidnaps him. Trapped in an underground bunker by a madman, Kang is about to be subjected to all sorts of painful procedures unless he admits “the truth”.
Writer/director Jang Joon-hwan plays the audience like a violin. He lets hope leak in through a crack and then plugs it up the moment you become convinced Kang might escape. It's a nightmare. Kang might not be the nicest person but when you see what Byeong-gu has planned for him, all of your misgivings about the businessman evaporate. The thing is, Byeong-gu is at the level of crazy that fills you with uncertainty. Maybe he’s off his rocker enough that if Kang plays into his fantasies, he’ll manage to talk himself free - perhaps by using the man’s sickly mother as a resource. Failing this, maybe Su-ni - who’s nutty herself but isn’t the ringleader in this affair - can be convinced to help her captive before it’s too late. Finally, there’s the possibility of Kang simply escaping on his own. Whatever happens, it better be soon. One look at Byeong-gu’s litteral tin-foil hat and you know the upcoming eclipse will mean this thing will come to an end one way or another.
Adding to the intrigue are a pair of detectives investigating the kidnapping. Every minute that passes feels like a hammer dropped from the ceiling. It’s only a matter of time. Someone’s going to slip up. There are simply too many things that could go wrong in this loony operation for it not to go wrong. What’s it going to be? You don’t know. When you think you’ve got it figured out, the movie pulls the rug from under you and things go from bad… to worse. You feel like you’re in that underground dungeon too, trying to figure out what you could do, what you could say to escape. I mean to allow Kang to escape. If not for him, for the others potential victims. The movie’s proven that Lee’s search for extraterrestrials is a fool’s errand. He almost gets you at one point because he’s so convinced of his mission but when you hear what the “real” history of earth is… none of it makes sense.
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Then, at the end of the movie, we get a twist. Not only are the aliens real, Kang was an alien the whole time. Their king, in fact. If this film had been played a bit differently, the message might’ve been that it isn’t enough for you to be right; you also have to know how to convince others of the truth. Instead, what are we supposed to think? That it’s ok to torture and murder any number of people… as long as it’s for the right reason? Nothing the movie does will make you sympathize for Byeong-gu. He’s evil. Same for his girlfriend. AT BEST, she's merely complicit. When they get taken out, you cheer. Oh, but you’re not supposed to. His failure means Kang can blows up the planet and kill BILLIONS. To add insult to injury, the film takes the time to make you understand that Byeong-gu is a person, that he didn’t start off crazy and was driven to madness by circumstances. We see him at his worst, but the film concludes with a montage of him at his best. He had parents who loved him, he loved his dog, and his girlfriend too. So what? All the people he murdered were people too. What about them?
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Although Save the Green Planet! ends on a foul note, the rest is so compelling it'd be a shame to dismiss it. While watching, you’ll be gripped in its claws and loving it. The film is terrifying and intense. You’ll be drenched with sweat and won’t want to miss a minute as the characters carefully circle each other, trying to figure out what move to make next. A remake is reportedly in the works. Let's hope it rights the mistakes Save the Green Planet! makes. (Original Korean with English subtitles, January 22, 2021)
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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" Are you ever going to show up on time? "
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stuff-diary · 28 days
The Frog
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
The Frog (2024, South Korea)
Director: Mo Wan Il
Writer: Son Ho Young
Wow, I didn't think I would enjoy The Frog so much. I guess I was in the mood for a dark, propulsive thriller. I've seen some people say it's 'slow', but like... where? This kept me glued to the screen from the very first episode, and it got more and more intense throughout the next ones. It even ventures into psychological horror territory from time to time, which made it even more fun to me. The writing isn't perfect (some of the characters aren't as well developed as they should), but the directing and the acting more than make up for it. Go Min Si turns in a particularly strong performance, and it's clear she gave it her all. I'm not gonna say this is the best thriller k-drama I've seen, but it was definitely enjoyable as hell.
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1liv · 2 years
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mctna2019 · 1 year
Kim Min-joon & Jang Ha-ri
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They are one of my most favorite and best couples I've seen.I like couples who have good chemistry, but sometimes in the middle of the story they break up for some illogical reason when they could have chosen other paths. (often under the guise of protecting each other or sometimes because of judging each other)of course I still like them but not as much as the first time.on the other hand but there are couples who, even if there is a problem between them, they solve it together without anyone knowing, or they simply forget about it. their understanding between them proves their love to me more than anything and makes them so dear to me that I dedicate a part of my heart to them. Min-joon and Ha-ri are undoubtedly one of those few couples.they slowly find a place in each other's hearts without interfering with the story or making us feel their relationship is extra.I love Ha-ri's secret worries and passionate glances at Min-joon. I think she started liking Min-joon first, and the beauty of it's that we don't know exactly at what point it happened.likewise for Min-joon, I loved how supportive he was of Ha-ri, and his zeal for her when she wore inappropriate clothes while the rest of the group let her do missions wearing those clothes.the way he trusted her and encouraged her about her past and in return Ha-ri pulled him out of the agony of his past was very beautiful.they really don't have many romantic scenes and the main theme of the story isn't their love. but their relationship is too attractive and without any clichés that become an important part of my mind. I like the fact that if there was any discomfort between them, it would be resolved in a short time, maybe even without any words between them, and it wouldn't lead to a breakup. I also liked that they got along very well and had a high chemistry so that every time I saw them together I wanted to scream. I also like they were duos on missions together.how cute it was when they themselves didn't know about the love between them and Cheetah knew earlier than the others. I liked his actions for the two of them to be alone or his jokes.again, please take a good look at Ha-ri's eyes in these pics.the way she stares at Min-joon, it's as if all her inner feelings are in her eyes without even realizing it.
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merakicharm · 9 months
(Takes place after the attack on Mr Choi Gang-u by Lee Yeong Ho in place of Kim Min Joon in episode 16)
"But why did Lee Yeong Ho have Ko Jin Cheol's cellphone with him in the first place?" Ha-ri wondered aloud.
"I think... he was planning on finishing me and turning himself in, saying Joo Hyeongi instigated him to do it" Kim Min Joon rose from his seat with a sombre expression.
Ha-ri's heart stuttered at that.
"Is he insane?" she thundered, springing up from her own chair, startling, Nu-ri, Cheetah and Kim Min Joon himself. "Is he so loyal to Chairman Cha?? Even if that man tells him to kill himself he'll do that also? Arghhh!! This is so annoying!"
The three men around her looked at each other and then back at her. Kim Min Joon cleared his throat, and Nu-ri and Cheetahsshi gave each other sly glances. But Ha-ri was too worked up to notice either of them. Striding forward with clenched fists, she threw a punch at the wall, scrunching her eyes shut and expecting the grating pain and ready to welcome it. Pain could distract her from this crazy guy and his even more crazy plans. And perhaps the rush of some other emotions she felt too.
But the hit didn't cause even the remotest feeling of pain. Instead, she felt something soft around her hand. Opening her eyes, she found her fist trapped within Kim Min Joon's larger gentler hand. Cheetahsshi and Nu-ri were staring at the sight with barely suppressed grins.
"That's enough Ha-ri-ssi. I thought I told you not to hurt yourself?" Kim Min Joon was staring into her eyes, eyebrows quirked. She scowled at him. "Yahh! Let go of my hand!"
"Not unless you promise me you won't hurt yourself again"
She scowled even more harshly at that, trying to stare him down. He stared right back at her, unflinching. It was probably when they exceeded more than a minute of staring at each other that Cheetahssi spoke up.
"Uhhh Pentium-ssi, I am exhausted after all that action and drama. I think I'll crash. What about you, Pentium-ssi?"
"Ahh, yes yes, me too. Cheetahsshi, I think I'll sleep too. It's been a long day for me. Not resting won't do my wounds any good either"
In her peripheral vision, she saw them slinking out of the room, quiet and subtle. But really, she was more focused on the man in front of her than the two leaving.
In a very low voice that oozed threat and danger, she enunciated each word.
"Kim Min Joon. Let go of my hand. Right now."
Kim Min Joon simply stared down at her. And that infuriated her too. He was so tall and handsome with lips that looked so kissable and eyes which held so many promises. They were staring at her right now. Ha-ri saw love and worry in them. His eyes were always worried when they found her in a tough or vulnerable position.
Finally relenting, "It won't hurt me all that much", she said in a softer tone. Kim Min Joon had not moved or spoken yet. He was eyeing her silently, hand still clasped within his. Ha-ri stepped closer and closer, watching him for any reaction. His eyes simply followed her. She came right up to him, the tip of her nose almost touching his chin.
"Min Joonah," she whispered.
He inhaled sharply at that.
Now that she was so near him, Ha-ri felt that undeniable urge to touch him, hug him, pat him, anything which allowed her to be ensured of his physical presence and most of all, safety.
Self control Ha-ri, self control. Self-control Ha-ri, self-control, self-control, self-control she chanted in her head.
"Min Joonah" she whispered even more softly if possible. Kim Min Joon gulped, bringing her attention to his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Some primal thirst in her flared and she ended up gulping herself. Kim Min Joon looked down at the movement and then raised his eyes to her eyes and then back down to her lips. He slowly loosened his grip on her hand, letting go altogether. Ha-ri rested her hand on his waist.
There was warning in his voice.
"That sounds nicer" she observed.
"You like it when I call you by your name? Without any honorifics?" he questioned her.
"Ah ahh," Ha-ri gaped. She hadn't realised she was talking aloud. Pursing her lips, she stared mutely at him. A smirk was fast making its way onto his face.
"It's not like that! Yahh!"
"Ha-ri. Ha-ri. Ha-ri."
"Kim Min Joon!!" she huffed.
"Ha-ri. Ha-ri. Ha-ri. Ha-ri. Ha-"
Min Joon's chanting was abruptly brought to an end when Ha-ri with both her hands pulled at his collar, dragged him to her level and pressed her lips against his plush ones. For a few moments, there was really no response from Min Joon.
"Min Joonah, if you didn't like that, I am sorry" she apologized rapidly, stepping back and away from him. All along, she had thought this whole thing was mutual and for all his flirting, Min Joon was just as invested in them as she was. She didn't even know if the kiss had been the problem. Maybe he hadn't come around to trusting even her when it came too close to his liking. As ten thousand thousand and more thoughts rushed into her head, she felt Kim Min Joon's eyes on her. It made her feel sad and anxious now, after his blatant refusal of her.
Just as she was about to turn away, a pair of strong hands grabbed her waist and pulled her to Kim Min Joon. Startled, she stared up at him. He was breathing deeply, eyes fixed on her alone.
The teasing was gone. In its place was barely concealed urgency.
"Min Joon?" she sounded unsure.
Hands still clutching her waist, he held her impossibly close to him. Bending down, he laid his forehead on hers.
"Min Joon" she whispered back.
"Ha-ri" he raised his head and stared at her lips.
"Can I?" he stared into her eyes. She nodded. Very slowly, Min Joon closed the distance between them, until he was an inch away from her lips.
"Ha-ri-ah" he murmured and then they were kissing.
To be kissed by Kim Min Joon made her feel as if she was in the seventh heaven of delight. Fireworks went off and off in the back of her head. Ha-ri closed her eyes tightly, and grabbed at the hem of his shirt, fisting it hard. The way he did it so flawlessly, so perfectly irked her.
Am I not the first woman he's dated? she thought angrily to herself. The thought made her nip harshly at Min Joon's bottom lip, causing him to pull away and stare at her, confused.
"What's wrong?"
Apparently, her face practically announced that she was angry.
"Nothing" She was still clutching at his hem but looked away in embarrassment. One hand still on her hips, Kim Min Joon used his other hand to guide her face back to him
"Tell me what's wrong" Kim Min Joon's voice was soft and gentle. That made her even more embarrassed. She kept mum.
"Please?" he whined softly, palm flat against her cheek now.
"This was not your first time, was it?" she asked, somewhat petulantly.
Whatever Kim Min Joon had been expecting, this definitely had not been it.
"What?" she shot back. Min Joon's eyes widened at her tone.
"Ok ok, I did have a girlfriend or two back in Germany, but never a serious relationship with any of them, alright? I didn't love them"
It was on the tip of Ha-ri's tongue to ask her whether they were pretty. Prettier than her. But Min Joon beat her to it.
"And before you even think about it, they were nowhere near as beautiful as you" he smiled at her
"As if!" she scoffed.
Min Joon laughed softly. That irritated Ha-ri. She lunged for his lips a second time, kissing him so fiercely he almost lost his balance and stumbled. Once again, she nipped at his lips.
Min Joon broke off laughing loud and like bells chiming.
"You really are a fierce lady Jang Hari-ssi!"
Ha-ri smiled an annoyed smile at him and then wrapped her arms around him, embracing him softly. His gentle arms wrapped around her slim built in a minute, pulling her closer. She rested her head against his chiselled chest, comforted and comfortable.
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passionforfiction · 9 months
Arthdal Chronicles
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The first season of this fantasy story hits close to home. It depicts the cruelty and greed of villages that have the resources, food and technology to take advantage of others. The story doesn't waist time, the first episode starts with the Arthdal leaders asking the Neanthals to become part of their power. The Arthdal are afraid of the peaceful but strong Neanthals and pretend to negotiate, knowing they are not interested. And what do they do? The Arthdal leaders trick their own people and kill the Neanthals in order to take their lands. Asa Hon learns this when she is in the middle of the attack, and in order to safe Neanthal children, she leaves with a child and Ragaz, with whom she later has children with.
Arthdal continues to annihilate weaker villages, taking them as slaves for hard labor. It is Tagon, an Itgu in hiding, that makes all this possible for Arthdal. And even though he is loved by the village as a hero, his father and other leaders are trying to find ways of killing him, including making Mihol's daughter, Teaelha, into a spy. Even though Tagon is cruel, there is an innocence to his longing to be loved and accepted by the people. His relationship with Teaelha is of a love stronger than their ties to their families and interests. And even though we don't like what he does, some times we do wish him success in his endeavors and fight against the Arthdal leaders for power.
But it is the story of the Wahan Tribe that reminds us that Tagon and all Arthdal are cruel and greedy people that have no respect for others. This is a peaceful tribe in a far away land. They are more like Neanthals in their believes but they are also prejudice against Itgus like Eunseom, whose mother leaves him there before she dies. Eunseom's only true friend is Tanya, the daughter of the priestess and scientist of the village.
It is almost impossible to reach the place but Tagon and the Arthdal leaders find the way to reach the land, it takes them 10 years to reach it and less time to destroy it and take its people as prisoners and slaves. Here we see the struggle of these people who get separated, sold into slavery and fight with each other and their enslavers in order to survive. But it also shows the Wahan people mesmerized by the innovations and way of life in this civilized village.
Tanya ties Eunseom to her by naming him her dream and he will do anything to save her, but destiny takes them into two different paths. These two characters are also very naive, their innocence and sense of justice is what makes others follow them. They both want to forge a world where everyone is equal, no prejudice against people that are different, everyone on equal standing.
Tanya's relationship with Saya is a sad one at best. She is using Saya while Saya genuinely likes her. And even though, at some point she sees him as a friend and cares about him, she still uses his affection towards her. But she is not the only one using Saya, so is Tagon who separated him from his mother when he was a child and Teaelha who became his caregiver for Tagon. Still, Saya is not stupid and he knows how to play the game.
This first half ends with the downfall of the rule of the Arthdal leaders: Daekan, White Mountain, and Hae tribes; giving way to Tagon's rule under the name of Aramun; which damages the relationship he had with Teaelha. Tanya is now the high priest while Eunseom becomes a god for the Ago tribe and starts unifying weak tribes to end fights among them and focus on fighting against their common oppressor.
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The second season starts 8 years after the final events of the first one. And the fighting is no longer centered on colonialism, but on taking down a threatening force that is not letting them continue with their expansion of territories. I have heard of people wondering why the change of actors for critical characters. I wouldn't have minded seeing the same actors since they are excellent ones and we got used to them. But I didn't mind the changes, I think that these new actors, brought some darkness to the characters that had been innocent and naive in the first season. They have learned to play the game and they are using what they have learned for their gain.
Tagon and Teaelha are no longer the close couple they had been, but they still love each other and have a son that unites them. Theirs is a tragic and powerful love story, tainted by the struggle for power.
In this half, we see Tagon's fall, and the rise of the ideology that drove Tanya and Eunseom into battle. But we are left with an open ending that promises more blood and restlessness. Saya wants Arthdal for his own since he can't have Tanya's love; and Teaelha wants to take Arthdal back as she promised Tagon; while Eunseom struggles to make Arthdal the land he and Tanya had envisioned.
It is the bloody story of a civilization in this fantasy world that reflects the truth about the history of our world so full of tyranny, blood and inequality.
It is not a story with clear lines and we will switch sides as their goals become twisted, but so is the story of rulers in the past and the present. This is a fantasy story, but it also criticizes what makes a country a country - it's bloody history of greedy men.
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Jaejoong has eight sisters. (Bridegroom The Lesson)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
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cinemacentral666 · 1 year
Save the Green Planet! (2003)
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Movie #1,116 • TRUE RANDOM, VOL. LII
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I don’t think there’s ever been a bigger tonal discrepancy between what a movie poster looks like and what the actually movie looks like.
And these other ones are even worse!...
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This one (French DVD release) is probably the ‘best’ though I feel like it’s not a good design and is still off…
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This is a damn good movie though. The color-grading and some of the editing choices reminded me that it was in 2003 in South Korea too, but I am gonna make a point moving forward not to keep harping on about my hatred of the mid-00s film aesthetic. I'm a broken record.
Writer-director Jang Joon-hwan has a fascinating though limited feature-length filmography. He's only made three pictures in the last 20 years and they all seem vastly different (although he's allegedly been tapped to helm the English-language remake of this, his debut). But he clearly has a sense of style...
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As previously mentioned, this is way more gritty and gruesome than one would ever expect given the initial goofy hats and movie poster and title. The unveiling of this dark world is done with patience and I loved how more and more of the torture chamber is slowly revealed and the movie just keeps getting darker and darker, making you wonder why this green planet deserves to me saved at all. And while, sure, that point is made explicit by the film's ultra-convoluted batshit, 2001-aping, expo dump of an ending, it didn't dilute the experience for me. It's all too weird and unique to pick nits. It's an impactful and memorable movie. One that legitimately earns its cult status. A big win for TRUE RANDOM!
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½
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citrinekay · 2 months
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YEO JIN-GOO as HWAYI HWAYI: A MONSTER BOY (2013) dir. Jang Joon-hwan
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jinxiaobao · 2 years
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Shin Ha Kyun in Save the Green Planet! 지구를 지켜라! (2003), d. Jang Joon Hwan
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moonlightsdream · 2 years
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1987: WHEN THE DAY COMES (2017) ⌊ dir. jang joon hwan ⌉
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amethystina · 6 months
Dear Amethystina,
How could you do this to me????? I think I'm going to perish. PERISH. You posted about Mad Dog and twinky Woo Do Hwan and??? How could I not watch it???? And now I've just finished episode 12.
And let me tell you. I have suffered. The PAIN of watching Jang Ha Ri (who I really want to like, mind you) and Kim Min Joon doing their stupid flirty thing. Maybe it's because I haven't finished the drama, but I feel like Ha Ri is being done dirty. And without even mentioning the surprisingly homoerotic bromance of said Kim Min Joon and Choi Kang Woo.
Since you are the reason I started watching Mad Dog in the 1st place (curse my similar taste), I'm ranting to you. I know you have no particular obligation to reply. :) But these are my thoughts, and I must tell them to someone because I don't know anyone else who watches this drama, and the tumblr tag for it is a vacuum. Let the rant commence.
How could the writers do this to Jang Ha Ri's character?? Maybe it's just bc I haven't gotten to that part yet, but she barely got any backstory, and I'm 3/4 of the way through this drama. Just a couple lines abt her father being saved by Kang Woo. And that's it. That's it! Even Cheetah got a friggin flashback. Even though he's a less significant character. (Pardon me, Cheetah, but it's true.) Since she has no backstory, her character feels rather ungrounded. We, the audience, don't really know who she is w/o the two main leads. With every other character, we know who they are on their own, because they got a rather thorough backstory.
But Jang Ha Ri has barely any, which I think is strange, since she's pretty important. Therefore, whenever I see her on screen, I just can't connect with her. In the beginning of the drama, I was like "wow, this is such a good setup for her character! i can't wait to see what the writers do with her". But now I'm 3/4 of the way through this drama, and she's got almost nothing. That causes me to feel like she's been shortchanged, and that her relationship with the other characters (especially Min Joon) is built on a foundation of sand. They told us abt her background, but they didn't show it, which kinda invalidates her relationships w/ other characters, because she's barely a character by herself. That's not to say that she doesn't have personality, but we don't understand her on her own, we can only access her thoughts when she's with the two male leads, or doing smth for them, etc.
She can't have a romantic relationship with someone else if the audience doesn't know who she is on her own. (Kinda like how, in real life, you have to know who you are and love yourself before you can love someone else.) That's why her and Min Joon's relationship feels so insincere, because in it she's basically just Min Joon's love interest. As you can tell, I'm a lil salty.
And on top of all that, Min Joon and Kang Woo have such promise as a couple!!!!! Kang Woo choked Min Joon up against a wall. (parallels to the Devil Judge) They were living together. For God's sake, Min Joon cooked Kang Woo a thank-you meal for caring enough about him to check on him when he was in trouble, for saving his life. How Min Joon looked so crushed when Kang Woo told him they weren't living together! And I can't even read any fanfics about it, since there's literally only 3 fanfics for their pairing on ao3! And none of them are written the way I think the characters should be written. So I may have to write a fanfic for them myself, since I need them to kiss.
For my ask, I request a few words of comfort involving Min Joon and Kang Woo. I would ask for a short lil drabble where they're happy together, but if that isn't smth you want to do, just pretend I never asked. Just say "They kissed and lived happily ever after. The end." Those words from you would bring me great happiness in my time of sorrow.
Ever your faithful reader,
(P.S. And btw 39 of WHTD was heartwrenching and I loved it sm and I cried why do you do this to me)
I'm sorry this took a little longer to answer than usual but when I got this ask, you were actually ahead of me in the drama since I've been putting it off for so long x'D So I had to wait until I had also finished episode 12, just in case there was some important information there that might influence my reply.
Also, I want to point out that I never actually told anyone to watch Mad Dog since I still haven't finished it myself. So you only have yourself to blame, my friend ;)
ANYHOW. Your feelings about Ha Ri mirror my own. She is done SO dirty. I was SO EXCITED when she first showed up because it seemed like she was going to be a really interesting character, but, pretty soon, I realised how wrong I was. I agree that they've given her almost no backstory whatsoever and so nothing she says or does feels truly anchored in anything. And she fluctuates wildly between confident badass and flustered damsel in distress in a way that's genuinely baffling to me.
Like, in episode 12 when she got chased into a dead-end by the baddie and everyone was freaking out — including her. But, like, my dudes. Did you all forget how she literally parkoured her way down a three-story building in episode 1? Her ability to climb and acrobat her way out of trouble has been firmly established. But now she can't even climb the pile of rubble in front of the one-story house she's caught next to? What the actual fuck is going on?
I am FURIOUS on her behalf.
And that is actually one of the reasons why I'm having trouble getting through this drama. That and the general inconsistent characterisation (not just Ha Ri), plus the shoehorned flirting. The general plot and setup of the drama are fine and I like quite a lot the characters and their relationships, but it's also forcing a lot of confusing and contradicting information in my face in a way that instantly makes my hackles rise. It feels almost clumsily unprofessional?
Like, don't get me wrong — I'm still enjoying most of this drama and I'm pretty sure I'll finish it — but dear LORD is the characterisation bad in some cases. At this point, I think I can say I'm pretty good at characters without that being taken as bragging, yeah? I have a pretty easy time pinning down their personalities, behaviour etc. etc. And when I can't it's usually a bad sign because, nine times out of ten, that means your characters are inconsistent. Either because the writer doesn't have a clear picture of who they are, or because they keep making the characters do things they usually wouldn't because they want to advance the plot (poor Ha Ri suffers from both, I'm afraid to say).
That's not to say that a character has to be predictable. Kang Yo Han is a good example of a character who was unpredictable enough that I couldn't say for sure I understood him until I had watched the whole thing. I needed all the information before I could form a clear picture. But, even then, he was consistent in his characterisation throughout the entire drama. To be honest, he's one of the most consistent characters I've ever seen, especially since, even on a rewatch, his actions don't change. You understand his motivations better, sure, but his actions are exactly the same and that, right there, is something I am in awe of. Even the impulsivity, recklessness, viciousness, sudden swings in direction — all of it was consistent in the end because his core personality and values were. Kang Yo Han is a marvellous character from a craft perspective.
But in Mad Dog? Shit's all over the place for the majority of the characters. The most solid ones are the bad guys since their core personality trait is "hilariously evil." Which might not be a very nuanced personality, but at least it's consistent. Almost everyone else has been forced to be out of character for convenient plot purposes at some point.
And the worst crimes by far are committed against Ha Ri and Min Joon in order to force their romance. Now, don't get me wrong — I LOVE romance and the actors have some pretty nice chemistry — but none of it really fits. Not with the rest of the story, the pacing of the rest of the story, the (small amount of) backstory we get for the two of them, the tone of the rest of the story, or the initial characterisation we were given. It feels like a literal case of "here is a male and a female of roughly the same age and now we need to make them kiss because heteronormativity" with no thought to how to actually make it believable. So they cram in cutesy and supposedly romantic scenes (often with Min Joon feeling a really confusing need to protect Ha Ri? Even if she could literally kick his ass? But because she's a woman he has to I guess?) that either happen out of the blue or just way too early in their relationship for it to be believable and it just annoys me so much.
I swear, after the car explosion thing in... can't remember the episode. But Kang Woo drags Min Joon out of the burning car, yeah? And Ha Ri shows up and FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON pulls the unconscious and clearly injured Min Joon into her arms? Ma'am. Girlfriend. Bestie. He's got a bleeding head injury — possibly also a neck injury. Maybe don't move him more than necessary? Also, isn't he a conman? As in, the type of person you claim to hate most because of your tragic past? Why are you suddenly pulling him into your arms like he's your injured boyfriend? He was fine just lying on the ground, I promise. This really isn't necessary.
And THEN you find out it's because she needed to get blood on her jacket so that Min Joon could get worried and ask her about it when he was at the hospital later and she could tell him she was fine because it was all his but ooooh loooook, he caaaares about her! Isn't that cuuuuuute?
Someone please put me out of my misery.
I legit had to pause the episode and just stare out into space for a couple of seconds when that happened because that's just SUCH TERRIBLE WRITING. I can do better than that and writing isn't even my job! It made NO sense for her to act the way she did and it honestly just made her look stupid. All for a clumsy attempt at furthering her romance with Min Joon? I am FUMING.
(Is the script forcing you to be stupid, Ha Ri? Blink twice if you need me to come save you)
And the forced romance between Ha Ri and Min Joon is only made more hilarious by how effortless his connection is with Kang Woo. It's more consistent with their characters, consistent with the overall pacing, and genuinely more interesting. And it just baffles me how completely off the mark the writer was since Kang Woo is getting all the important emotional scenes with Min Joon, not Ha Ri.
Like, the scenes where Min Joon is vulnerable and talking about his childhood and dead brother? Which would be great in order to build trust between him and Ha Ri? He's having all of those scenes with Kang Woo. Which I don't mind, of course (it's HILARIOUSLY gay) but that just proves that the romance between Min Joon and Ha Ri was an afterthought and the build-up of it was just slapped on without much thought to the characters. It's romance for the romance's sake. Because the actual building of a relationship, sharing of emotions, of grief and painful memories? Min Joon doesn't do that nearly enough with Ha Ri to make the romance stick, especially due to the aforementioned problem with her having too little backstory and firm ground to stand on. He honestly has more connection, more in common, AND more chemistry with Kang Woo.
So, long story short, I feel your pain. Ha Ri is being treated so, so unfairly and it makes me so angry. But, on the other hand, I find the gay romance brewing between Kang Woo and Min Joon absolutely amazing. And, to my surprise, I might just have to retract my earlier statement about the writer not having any idea about how gay this is. Because I actually went to check who the screenwriter was and turns out it's the same woman who worked on Beyond Evil. Which I have not seen but reports tell me it's hella gay. So, tbh, the gay might not be as unintentional as I first thought?
Like, I obviously don't know this woman but it would be HILARIOUS if she's just sneaking gay shit into her shows and subtly sabotaging the straight romances by making them this shitty. I know we're reaching conspiracy theory levels here but I would definitely do that if I were her.
Thank you for your service, ma'am.
(Too bad you write such shitty female characters, at least in this drama)
Anyway. I'm genuinely confused by the tone of Mad Dog because they play it very straight (pun intended). I mean, looking at The Devil Judge I think it's pretty clear that there's a cheeky little undertone of "we know what we're doing but we're not going to say outright what it is — if you know, you know ;)" But in Mad Dog? They don't even really address the fact that Kang Woo and Min Joon have all the deep, emotional scenes while Min Joon and Ha Ri only get cringey and clumsy "romantic" scenes. But Min Joon and Ha Ri is the endgame?
While Kang Woo is probably meant to become a substitute older brother to Min Joon or something? But I really question why they had that whole "whoops, Min Joon accidentally impersonated Kang Woo's wife there for a second" plotline in that case. Man, I was laughing so hard x'D Like, Kang Woo outright says that Min Joon is the first person to cook for him and share a meal with him in that apartment since his wife died.
Sir. I... don't think you realise how unintentionally gay that sounds.
(But maybe your writer does. I'm keeping my eyes on you, ma'am)
Because if Min Joon had been a woman? That admission would have been taken as a hint of something romantic possibly brewing between them. Not necessarily that Min Joon was taking Kang Woo's wife's place, but stepping up as the next candidate, at the very least. And I find that absolutely HILARIOUS.
Okay, this is getting really, really long. As you can see, I also have A LOT of thoughts on Mad Dog x'D But also, as mentioned, I haven't finished it yet and if I ever were to write anything (which I honestly can't promise since it depends on how the drama ends and what my (already packed) schedule looks like) it wouldn't be able to until I have. But trust me when I say that I am quite intrigued to see where this goes — even if it means I have to suffer through the shoehorned flirting between Min Joon and Ha Ri.
(For the record, I am ANNOYED by how much I dislike those scenes. I WANT to like their romance! But it just feels so, so incredibly clumsy and forced and I, unfortunately, have standards. So it's a no from me so far)
Also, fun fact: I started Mad Dog as a palette cleanser after a lot of gay romance dramas, wanting something different. And, I mean, a story about life insurance fraud can't be gay, can it? So I went in with the best and purest intentions.
But then I started watching and somewhere around the point where Kang Woo slams Min Joon up against a wall for the first time I just put my head in my hands. Because I could see where this was going.
And then I made the mistake of looking up the poster for the drama and, I swear, I was beginning to have war flashbacks.
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That's not gay at all.
And this isn't even the first time this has happened to me
Or even the second, third, fourth, or fifth. I think I'm up to seven or something? At this point, there's a joke amongst my friends that I have a gaydar meant specifically to locate gay dramas that aren't actually gay dramas — especially when I'm not actually looking for them.
It's a weird superpower to have, but there you go.
ANYHOW. Yes. Good luck with finishing this drama, I guess? I'll try to do the same but, considering my current pace, I can't say when I will. It's a bit of a drag sometimes, not going to lie. But I do like the plot and characters enough to want to see through to the end.
Also, I'm so glad you liked chapter 39 of Who Holds the Devil! Thank you! Now take care, darling 💜
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nubreed73 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mad Dog (Korea TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Min Joon & Ohn Nu Ri (Mad Dog), Kim Min Joon & Park Soon Jung, Choi Kang Woo & Kim Min Joon, Kim Min Joon (Mad Dog)/Everyone, Kim Bum Joon & Kim Min Joon (Mad Dog), Jang Ha Ri & Kim Min Joon (Mad Dog) Characters: Kim Min Joon (Mad Dog) Additional Tags: Fanvids, Embedded Video, Festivids, Treat, Kim Min Joon needs a hug, Kim Min Joon and his found family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Congratulations on your face Woo Do-hwan Summary:
I'm loved but still unknown
Kim Min-joon, his family and his found family.
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kverything-official · 6 months
10 Sci-fi Korean Movies To Watch This Weekend
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10. Space Sweepers 
Space Sweepers is a South Korean sci-fi action film that takes viewers on an exciting adventure through the cosmos. If you love space themed flims then this is one of the must see korean movies to watch for you. 
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Movie Info
Directed by Jo Sung-hee
Produced by CJ ENM and Dexter Studios
Starring Song Joong-ki, Kim Tae-ri, Yoo Hae-jin, and Jin Sun-kyu
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure
one of the best Korean movies to watch for Sci-Fi Fans
Space Sweepers is a visually stunning film with an engaging story. Packed with action and suspense, the film also explores themes of social inequality and what it means to be human. With a talented cast and crew, Space Sweepers is one of the highly recommended Korean movies to watch for fans of sci-fi films.
9. Lucid Dream 
Lucid Dream is a 2017 South Korean science fiction mystery-thriller that delves into the world of lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware they are dreaming. This unique plot makes it one of the best sci-fi Korean movies to watch this weekend. 
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Behind the Scenes
Directed by Kim Joon-sung (directorial debut)
Written by Kim Joon-sung and Lee Young-Jong
Starring Go Soo, Jung Yu-mi, Park In-hwan, and Sol Kyung-gu
Genre: Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
A Father’s Desperate Search
A Mind-Bending Adventure
Lucid Dream is a film that will keep you guessing. As Dae-ho delves deeper into his dreams, he uncovers unsettling truths and faces nightmarish dangers. The film explores the potential of the human mind and the terrifying consequences that can arise when dreams become a battleground.
For Fans of Psychological Thrillers
Lucid Dream is one of the best Korean movies to watch for fans of mind-bending films with a touch of science fiction. The film’s exploration of lucid dreaming is both fascinating and unsettling, and the performances by the cast are captivating. If you’re looking for a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll, Lucid Dream is one of the perfect Korean movies to watch.
8. Save The Green Planet
Save the Green Planet! is a 2003 South Korean science fiction black comedy film that blends environmental commentary with violent action and dark humor as well as one of the most enjoyable Korean movies to watch.
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Cinematic Team
Directed and Written by Jang Joon-hwan (debut film)
Produced by Kim Ki-duk Films (yes, the director of “Oldboy”)
Starring Shin Ha-kyun, Baek Yun-sik, and Jeong Min-ah
Genre: Science Fiction, Black Comedy, Action
Environmental Hero (of Sorts)
Byung-gu (Shin Ha-kyun) is an eco-warrior with a twist. Disillusioned with the state of the planet, he becomes fixated on the idea that aliens are responsible for environmental destruction. Believing himself to be Earth’s chosen savior, Byung-gu kidnaps a powerful corporate executive, Kang Man-shik (Baek Yun-sik), convinced he’s an alien leader. Aided by his childlike girlfriend, Su-ni (Jeong Min-ah), Byung-gu subjects Kang to a series of bizarre and brutal interrogations, determined to force him to reveal the aliens’ plan and save the planet.
A Genre-Bending Experience
Save the Green Planet! is not your typical sci-fi film. The dark humor and outlandish violence create a unique viewing experience. While the film can be shocking at times, it also uses satire to explore themes of environmental degradation, corporate greed, and social isolation.
Not for the Faint of Heart
The film’s graphic violence and intense situations may not be for everyone. However, for those seeking a unique and thought-provoking film that blends genres and challenges expectations, Save the Green Planet! is another of the best Korean movies to watch.
Continue reading at: 10 Sci-fi Korean Movies To Watch This Weekend
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