#Japanese to english
withnofreetime · 2 months
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Edit: Correction made on page 6 thanks to nishiromance, "I don't understand" to "That's so boring".
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riversidewings · 1 year
Need something translated from Japanese to English or Armenian to English? I'm trying to bridge a shortfall in income and am available immediately. Message me and we can talk details.
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craigfuckerr · 4 months
A short Creek manga translated by me!
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(Credit me when sharing to others, thank you)
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My Instagram account for future translations! @ xy3yle
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baratrongirl · 8 months
More Comparing JP and EN Ace Attorney
Since Tumblr continues to not have terribly useful search functions, here are some more posts comparing the Japanese and English versions of Ace Attorney 456. Ace Attorney 4:
Ace Attorney 5:
An enormous 18-post comparison of the rakugo case Turnabout Storyteller in Ace Attorney 6! Very interesting and useful considering that rakugo is all about puns.
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polyglot-thought · 1 month
Japanese Vocabulary from
Goodnight Moon
おやすみなさい おつきさま
by Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd, and Teiji Seta
Read on OpenLibrary
Disclaimer: The original writing is all in hiragana, but I made it all in kanji with no spaces for this post. I encourage you to read the book before reading this post.
“There is one red balloon”
え の がく
“There are two framed drawings”
“This is a picture of a cow jumping over the moon and a picture of three bears sitting in chairs.”
“(There is) one set of gloves”
“A comb and a brush”
“There is one bowl of rice gruel.”
number + measure word for small animals ↓
“There is one baby rat”
“There are two kittens.”
“A picture of three bears sitting in chairs”
Please correct me if I made a mistake
Buy me a coffee
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mysticode54 · 2 months
I stumbled across a Japanese article where Fumito Ueda, Yoko Taro, and Keiichiro Toyama had a publicized discussion about their careers and the video game industry as whole. This discussion was organized primarily to celebrate ICO's 20th anniversary in late 2021. So the folks over at Den Faminico Gamer requested concept art from all across ICO's development cycle to present throughout the 3 pages of conversation. And I don't know who was responsible for the task of transferring that, but they gave them A Lot of concept art. Many of these sheets have not been shared by genDESIGN's twitter, or really seen on any other site to my knowledge. There's some exclusive stuff in here. And even if they were seen somewhere before, I still want to translate them to the best of my ability and share the info. So I'm going to guide you through the sheets I found the most interesting. I'll also try to provide context for any cut content and musings on the lore elements being spelled out on the page. [Spoilers for ICO under the cut]
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[I've decided to leave the original page untouched in all my translation images, and keep all added text to the black bars at the sides. I'm also including plain Japanese text in dark grey, just so everyone is clear on how I am interpreting the handwritten notes.] This area is titled "Jail" or "Prison" and it was to be put on the second story of the East Arena. This means that, in early designs, the leftmost door was meant to be opened on arrival. It seems you would navigate the diagonal water slope, make it up to this area, and briefly move outside for the sake of slipping into one of these locked cells. After doing so, you move a shelf aside, find the sword, enter a fight, and then use the sword on the rope holding the far right arena door. Having a jail cell next to the arena is very intriguing from a narrative standpoint. Were the cells for those who broke the rules set in place by the arena's organizers? Or was the arena always intended to be sparring matches between criminals and outcasts? Why is the only way onto the balcony found through one of these cells?
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[In the black bars, text relating directly to the contents of the sketch will have drawn elements next to them, so you can better see what translation is paired with what part of the drawing. If it ever gets confusing, shoot me an ask and I'll clarify/edit the post.] The day after drawing up the concept for the Jail area, the team sketched the Boatshed, which was also cut. This area is reflective of an earlier, less bombastic ending to ICO, which Ueda briefly mentioned during Sony's "Great Scene Sharing" campaign in 2011.
Also, to be honest we weren’t planning to have the castle collapse entirely like that. We were originally thinking to have the ending of ICO be much more modest, but somehow it didn’t give you a feeling of resolution that way. And so we decided “Ok, let’s make everything crumble into the sea then.” (laughs)
The most intriguing aspect of this cut concept is a kind of Idol Fence Gate that reacts to Yorda in the same way as the Idol Doors, only in this case it is powered by a mask. The mask's face shape is somewhere between a man and a bull, with the moderately sized horns completing the animal resemblance. There seems to be a gem or circular marking embedded into the forehead as well. The text makes mention that the gate 'listens' to the mask (assuming I'm translating that correctly), so perhaps it had a specific auditory or musical cue planned for when it reacts to Yorda? But perhaps not. A concept page like this would be the perfect place to write that idea in clear detail, after all.
Heroine Room Connection
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This is not exactly a cut area, but it is certainly a heavily altered one. This spot would later become the floor of Spiral Staircase, where Yorda is held prisoner in the first act of the game. We can see this intention by its proximity to 'The Heroine's Room' and the series of Idol Doors set up as the introduction to Yorda's unique power. (There's even a sketch detailing how this arrangement of four idols are supposed to part when opened, and it matches up with the movement of the idols in Spiral exactly.) The most notable feature of this area seems to be a set of stairs leading up into a small room with a trench in it. In the trench is a box and a small crevice in the wall. The crevice is labelled 'Heroine', which, to me, implies that Ico might have been able to see or hear Yorda through this crack in the wall. But since this room is a dead end, I imagine you use the box in some way to activate the other set of stairs, which seem to have both a upward and downward status depending on whether you've solved the puzzle or not. This is very similar in concept to a puzzle presented elsewhere in the final game. At either ends of the room are two doorways. One direction is labelled 'Ko Building', which we will discuss later in this post. But the entrance to this room is through the Ritual Room... which we also have concept art for!
Ritual Room
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Similarly to the last sheet, this sketch depicts elements that would end up placed elsewhere, but the overall design of this room was cut. The Ritual Room was seemingly designed before the team had come up with the final design of the Altar Room. The Ritual Room bears many of its elements, but has a much larger scope and seems to serve as a junction between several parts of the building.
Common elements include:
The floor raising and lowering to open a path to the Stage 13 Elevator. The notes even clarify that this will only occur in the game's "2nd act". In this version of the mechanism, a handrail rises up when the floor lowers.
Capsules in which to place sacrifices. Though they aren't clearly depicted, they seem to be embedded into the ground, rather than standing up.
Restricted access to the high up Idol Doors. In the final game, they lead to The Queen's throne room. Here it leads to Proto, the earliest room designed in the game. It's unclear how you earn access to the doors, but the 'OFF' label indicates that the stairs must rise, or else it remains a vertical wall.
But one big difference that stands out is the palanquin-like structure at the center, which reminds me of the structure that surrounds The Queen's throne. Given the title of the room, we can infer this was meant to be the spot where the Queen's ritual would be held.
Notes in the margins indicate two innocuous, but fascinating things: - The note regarding what might open the Idol Doors for the village men likely marks the conception of The Queen's Sword. - Yorda's voice was meant to be heard from this room, and she would've been singing. She doesn't get to sing to herself in the finished product, though I think that characteristic fits her well.
Flowchart of the Second Half
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Once it became clear to Ueda that the ending had to be more resolute and bombastic, they devised the Main Gate Event and laid out a plan for all the places you would traverse on your journey to the throne room. You might notice that locations like Cliff Cage, Cogwheel, and Pipe have different prototype names and some visual differences. The first location on the journey back, later known as Cage, is titled 'Ruins'. It seems to feature a series of overhang structures jutting out from the cliff-side. Presumably, these would catch Ico after his fall. The titular cages of the present incarnation seem to be absent, but we can see them close by, in the area that will become known as Cogwheel. Instead named 'Subterranean Lake' in this document, Cogwheel seems to lack any of its characteristic mechanisms. In this sketch, one of the cages seems to have fallen from the ceiling into the water below. In the final game, we move from Cogwheel to the outer edge of the island, where Ico clings tightly to the ridges of the cliff-side. But in this concept art, all of that distance is spent on a new area, completely cut from the final release, called 'Trolley Jump'. It seems the trolley would make a second appearance in the game's puzzle design and Ico would have to build up momentum to make it over a huge gap in the tracks. The Pipe area is named 'Ravine' instead. And the metallic platform is set far lower than it is in the final game, where you can just walk across it to make it to the elevator. Here, you must descend onto it and then climb up into a cavern, once you make it to the other side. You might've also seen that the the Old Bridge is titled 'ICO Bridge' in this document. This is especially interesting to me, as the name ICO seems to serve a different purpose here than you would expect.
What is “ICO (イコ)”, really?
Kenji Kaido has stated in the Japanese Guidebook for the game that the name 'ICO' was just the title, and initially, was never attributed to the boy protagonist (Page 82). He was nameless and only referred to as 'Boy', much like the protagonist of The Last Guardian is currently. The game's filenames, the concept art, and even Kaido's own presentation of the E3 2000 demo to PlayStation Underground, back this sentiment. The term 'ICO' is never attached to the boy before June or July of 2000, when US gaming publications reporting on E3 2000's demo started conflating the title with the protagonist's name. Seeing as this is dated in March of 2000, it's safe to say the use of 'ICO' here has nothing to do with the boy. So what is it about? Ueda did also say that the name was a shortening of the term ICON... but I have additional evidence suggesting that in this specific instance, it was not serving as an abbreviation for 'ICON Bridge'. Take a look at this rough overview sketch from the margins of a different concept art page.
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Aside from the points that indicate land and sea, the labels that plainly stick out are "イ棟" and "コ棟".
"I Building" and "Ko Building". We saw that last label earlier in the Heroine Room Connection section.
Knowing this, we can safely infer that it's called イコ Bridge because it connects the イ and コ buildings... But then why are they split in that way and labelled イ and コ? I still don't have an answer for this, though I do feel like the divide is related to the separation of class. The イ building is dedicated to The Queen. It contains both her daughter and the sacrifices she needs to complete her ritual. It's where her throne is. It's where she resides and does her work. Meanwhile, everything on the other side of this bridge seems to have been built for a larger populous.
Benches, recreational areas, spectated arena matches, a waterfall, a courtyard, a ballroom with a massive chandelier! You don't build a front gate and a bridge to the mainland if you never wanted people to enter... This place undeniably once had people who lived and worked here. They were all designated under the コ building. I have to imagine this is why a distinction is being made, but beyond that, the reasoning for the titles remains a mystery. If someone has further insight into Japanese linguistics or culture, and have additional guesses as to why, please let me know.
Cut Boss Fight
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In the West Arena (labelled 'R' for 'Right' in early development), there was going to be another raised cage event. Only this time it would take the form of a boss fight with a massive shadow that overtakes the floor and splays black tendrils through the air. Interestingly, there is already an overhead bridge in this image, but rather than magically appearing in stone segments, it's instead an ordinarily constructed wooden bridge. Here, the notes detail a different kind of puzzle element: Wire. Which, unlike ropes, cannot be cut by the sword. The same note indicates that wire is holding the left and right doors in place. While the concept art doesn't detail it plainly, I believe the only way past this room would be to pull on the "Idol Handle" that the boss is covering. Wire is also presumably being used for the zip-line running across the arena, which is an interesting component to say the least. The vision I'm gathering is that you'd ride the zip-line, hit X at the right time to drop down onto the overhead bridge, run over to the balcony where the 'Cage Switch' is labelled, and activate it to impede the boss. How it is then defeated is less clear. It's also unclear where Yorda would have been throughout this encounter, or if there would be additional enemies trying to drag her into a nest. Its possible the boss itself would be programmed to capture her with a tendril, and itself act as a nest by dragging her into the depths of itself. But we have no evidence one way or the other. [Ok, that's all the stuff I have to present for now. Keep in mind that there's more to see and translate in the article I linked at the very start. This post was only scratching the surface, despite the amount of material we covered. With that in mind, thank you for making it this far.]
Now is as good a time as any to mention I've started up a Ko-Fi, so people can choose to support the work I do to uncover and present obscure info like this. There is, of course, no obligation to give me anything. The tips just help me get a bit of financial security in return for my efforts.
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harusaku001 · 5 months
so im working on a milgram translation project with my friend (not on tumblr) and we need to get translations of shidou's triage phone calls. the only thing we have is "hello, this is kirisaki" so if needed PLEASE do send
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dbfandom · 1 year
Another translation I did! Please give it some love :)
(sample pages + twitter post)
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Right here: https://twitter.com/oekakichan7/status/1649395629460951045 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107387799
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kuroo-hitsuji · 9 months
Hey um. So. If there's anyone here more well versed in translating pls help me out here but i went and translated this little voice clip for fun and practice right (partially just bc its entertaining but also bc the translation team changes things surprisingly often and i was curious if there was any additional context in the og line)
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And again mind you I am just scraping by here with the characters given and a few free online translation services, but. Something is not lining up--
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yoroshiu · 1 year
Random Things I Found Fun/Interesting in JPN Kingdom Hearts (AKA I think about these things WAY too much) (Part 1?)
Master of Master’s way of speaking in general! I mentioned this in the tags of another post but mans just says things in different ways. My current fave example is him saying ‘yoroshiku’ (if i had to describe/translate this, it’s pretty much “thank you in advance” (usually said as “yoroshiku onegaishimasu”)) as ‘yoropiku’, ‘yoroshiu’, ‘yorokushi’ (yoropiku esp, from what I’ve researched is considered a cute way of saying yoroshiku)
Also the way he refers to the foretellers (nicknames and saying “you”)! There’s been other posts that have talked about it but I need to let this out too! He refers to Ira and Aced as Iracchi and Acedon respectively. High key, he’s doing it to make fun of how serious (and aggressive in Aced’s case) they are. 
When it comes to Invi and Luxu, he says “kimi” (usually a more casual/usually boyish way of saying “you” (Sora usually uses this)).
For Ava and Gula, he uses “omae” (very casual/can be considered rude in many cases way of saying “you”, Riku uses this often and so does Sora at times). I’m assuming it’s because Ava and Gula are the youngest that MoM refers to them as such.
In Re:Coded, while in Wonderland, there are about 3 or so occasions where Data Sora and Alice say “nya” at the end of their sentences. No, this is not explained nor does any character make a comment about it. 
More of a meta example than in-game, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of the JPN community shortens MoM to “Masu Masu” and that just sounds cute (on brand with him too lol). To be fair, a lot of terms and names are shortened beyond KH.
In that scene where Mickey and Riku talk about Aqua in KH3 and Riku freaks out over being told that Aqua is just like Sora, the delivery of his “EEEEEEHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!” is just so funny and on point (we love Mamoru Miyano in this household)
In general, hearing the differences Miyu Irino makes for voicing Sora and Vanitas. If you listen to both of their battle voice lines, they both say “IKE” (ee-keh) (meaning something akin to “Go!”) and it is a HUGE difference. Sora is higher pitched and kinda cute, as Irino tends to do with him while Vanitas is lower pitched and very aggressive (kind of growling to an extent)
SORA CAN COUNT. The cutscene where Donald says “’cause Sora can’t count” in ENG is really different in JPN. In JPN, Donald says “[It’s because] Sora’s inconsiderate/insensitive.” My guess is that it wouldn’t be as funny than something like “Sora can’t count” considering that SDG laugh over it after. (Really, Kid Icarus: Uprising did something similar with Pit too)
Koichi Yamadera, Donald’s JPN VA, also voices Beast, Mushu, Genie, Stitch, among many, many characters in KH alone.
For the line “So he told you how he felt” that DiZ says to Riku about Roxas, in JPN he says “Did he tell [you] that he hates Sora?” Which just hits me pretty hard lol
In ENG, they pronounce Lea’s name as “Lee” but in JPN, it is said as “Lee-ah” 
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polyglot-thought-2 · 11 months
[Japanese→English] @YoshikiOfficial 10:02 PM November 7th 2023 Tweet — English Translation
Link to original post
Rest In Peace, Heath
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I am now in NY.
Apart from the wishes of the family, about the member
It seems that part of the news has come out. I'm talking with the relatives in order to discuss what has happened so far and what will be in the future. Give us some time.
As for my feelings, I’ll tell you after I finish this.
Please correct me if I made a mistake
Translated November 2023
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withnofreetime · 2 months
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Is there a problem/error? Please say so! And thank you for your support!
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lunarilyrics · 1 year
Reverie of Reveria/I Can Hear the Sound of Happiness (English translation)
"I can hear it, your voice"
I remember seeing something about a Fantasy Life Switch game a few months ago, but I haven’t seen any news about it since. I hope it’s not stuck in dev hell. The 3DS game was one of my favorites as a child, and the credits song made me cry lol. Speaking of that song, I translated it! There’s already one translation floating around online, but I think some of the subjects are reversed? So I decided to also try. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.
Artist: Nana Yanase Music: Nobuo Uematsu Lyrics: Akihiro Hino
As long as you credit me (lunari162), you’re free to use this translation. You are also welcome to make edits for accuracy.
I can hear it, your voice I wake up in the morning light and I can hear the sounds of the town Today, too, another day begins to fly by
When I lifted my head and looked at the sky, I found a round panda-shaped cloud
The warmth I always felt on my hand touching your cheek, that lives alongside you* is the sound of happiness that I hear in this town
I can hear it, your voice And soon, footsteps are born
A bed with white sheets on top Someday, I'll dream with you
On the day that I held you in my arms, teardrops flowed Both the smile and the crying face that you showed me are the sound of happiness that I hear in this town
Floating in the sky, on the other side of the moon,** I was watching A hope that faces the future is the sound of happiness that I hear in this town
Tonight, the star of happiness shines***
*this line might mean “(the warmth) of living together with you” instead, but I don't think it does because it doesn't have ことの. I'm not 100% certain, though, so I'm sharing both interpretations **could also be translated as “on the other side of the moon that floats in the sky.” I'm not sure if 空に浮かぶ refers to the singer (who I've always assumed to be Yuelia) or the moon ***literally “the star of happiness will fall.” 星降る夜 is a common phrase meaning that the night sky is full of stars, so I went with that idea instead
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divinisions · 6 months
Yugica - Your Fault || ユギカ - ユアフォルト
"When and why did I become like this?"
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1 2 STEP Trample these feelings SKIP
3 4 CRY GIRL Gonna bite KISS
TRIP TRIP Lazily spread out CLICK
Hanging your head low as usual [1]
This body feels bone-dry and thirsty over and over again
I don't know, the more I repeat it the more constant it becomes
HAPPY? HAPPY Heh, it doesn't seem that way, does it?
That's a feeling unknown to me
Your appraisal of me solidified my heart
Your words coiled around me and shook me to my core
Momentary familiarity falls apart from the skepticism
This is your fault, any change you make is FAKE
Head is spinning, get rid of the poison
Heart is stumbling, what's your name?
Without knowing who we were, our bodies were stripped
I don't care about your intentions
C'mon, let's show our love for each other
Riddled with patches that'll fall away on the verge of satiation
Sorrow has begun to fall after dozens of shake outs
Verbal abuse and shame remain scattered around with it
Ugh, fine, just one break. Just to do it all over again afterwards
Hmph, try to keep up
Little by little I'm liking it more
Little by little emptiness surrounds me
Over and over I turn into nothing
Bits and pieces of these dark impulses
Completely untainted
Completely turned off
Even though you call out my name-
I can't make a smile rise to the surface
When and why did I become like this?
Sealing away my mistakes since they made me want to die
If you disappear, emptiness can't be seen in my future
Just a little, it looks a bit see-through
No matter how much I erase and wipe, it's never completely clean
Your appraisal of me solidified my heart while-
your words stained me black before I knew it
Momentary familiarity falls apart from the skepticism
This is your fault, you disgraceful, flawed, mistake - any change you make is FAKE
[1] - several lines are deliberately written with certain language to sound mocking. however, in some cases this does not translate well into english where the words do not initially convey the same emotion without drastically changing the contents of the line itself. i decided to convey this emotion using italics instead.
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baratrongirl · 8 months
Comparing JP and EN Ace Attorney 4
I fell into a rabbit hole looking for some Ace Attorney essays, and ended up finding a barely-reblogged set of posts comparing the Japanese to English text of Ace Attorney 4. I thought it might be interesting to highlight them considering the Ace Attorney 456 re-release.
Parts 4, 5 and 6 are where things get really interesting.
Apparently in Japanese, Ema refers to Klavier as jara jara oniisan (jingle jangle man) and Jarajarashita kenji-san (Kenji means prosecutor).
In Turnabout Serenade, there's a part in Japanese where Klavier (Kyouya) deduces that Romaine LeTouse could not finish his sentence before he died. This doesn't exist at all in English. Japanese: Mokugeki…..Mega….mi (Eyewitness…Goddess) –> Mokugeki ….Mega….Mi(rarenai) (Witness….is not able to see) Kyouya: His last words, the last part was lost to the darkness because the god of death was grasping onto the victim’s throat. What he wanted to say was INCOMPLETE!
Some of the part where Apollo and Daryan discuss Klavier is extremely different in Japanese.
In English, Daryan says: He may look flashy and showy but he’s as straight as an arrow….’Cept when he’s depressed.
But in Japanese, he says: He looks like he’s flashy and stuff but he’s so forward it’s depressing. No…in reality, he’s a gloomy person.
In English, it seems like Klavier is only depressed occasionally, whereas in Japanese it suggests that he's usually depressed but pretends not to be.
I wonder why they changed this part?
Klavier: Interpreter? I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere. I only speak a few phrases, such as, “I love you,” and, “Where is the toilet?”
Kyouya: Interpreter… sorry about that. When it comes to Borginian, I only know a smattering of it.
In English, what Klavier says is not only funny, but also builds his character as a flashy rock star. Why else would he know "I love you"? In Japanese, it's just a straightforward sentence.
And this is something completely unknown to English players:
Daryan: See, me and planes got a difference of opinion. We don’t like each other much.
Dayan:  I’m not good with planes. The seats are far too cramped for me.
It makes sense that he'd have trouble fitting his hair in!
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polyglot-thought · 2 months
Break; Intermission (of a film)
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