andtenderly · 2 months
jarrich even in 2024 is something that can be so personal because it’s like you are the face of my escape from everything that has wronged me. i do not know my own birthday. my skeleton is my body and my body is my home so i’m never alone, but looking at you makes me feel more at home than any house i have ever lived in. i knew we would be forever when i tucked your dangling foot back into bed while you were sleeping. you wrong me again and again but your presence is my salvation regardless. i am happiest when taking care of you. i will do your nails how i learned on the street as you tell me about all of your worries. please need me how i need you. i tell you i love you and you look horrified. we will always find each other.
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deadpoets-anxiety · 6 months
that part in silicon valley when they’re at techcrunch and there’s that woman telling people richard is obsessed with her but then she overhears jared talking to monica about how him and richard are partners so then she thinks they’re gay and in the show it’s like oh haha but it’s like no you don’t understand they are. like they are. like it’s so!!
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bv99 · 10 months
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nickismyspiritanimal · 9 months
No one in the history of fumbling has ever fumbled so badly as Richard Hendricks
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bitchardhendricks · 2 months
After a long hiatus, I'm back swimming in SV waters. Time to finally publish the Tulsa fic on AO3. Chapter 1 is up now! ***
“I just need a fucking break. I need...I think I need to get out of California.” Richard pulls himself up into a sitting position, his knees tucked under his chin. He can hear his mother’s voice in his ear and his stomach flips. Resting his forehead on his knees, he heaves a deep sigh and says, “Will you book a couple of tickets to Tulsa for the weekend?”
“I’d...be happy to, Richard. And you,” Jared clears his throat, “you ah, want two tickets for...?”
Richard looks up, perplexed. “You and me. That’s, I mean, you’ll come with me, right?”
Jared blinks, and his eyes and his smile become watery, but he holds himself together remarkably well. “Of course, Richard.” 
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weirdlittleberry · 1 year
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Jared mimicking Richard
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tumblsthings · 2 months
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if i said i was writing smut based on this tweet for the deadest fandom
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yoko-goto · 2 months
Summarizing my WIPs Badly
I was not tagged in this Tumblr game but I am going to play anyway
Modern college AU where Jeremiah thinks he can get away with stalking an alcoholic Bruce but is sorely mistaken
1920's partners in crime AU where Bruce and Jeremiah are scaredy cats when it comes to being bank robbers and yeet themselves the fuck out of that profession at the earliest opportunity
Star Wars AU where Sith!Jeremiah is scary as shit to everyone but Mandalorian!Bruce
Medieval times AU where Jim and Doug fight over Mike like there's no tomorrow
Silicon Valley
Season 6/canon divergence AU where Pied Piper still blows up but Richard finds an excuse to get the gang back together again, and everyone loops Monica in to make dinfoyle and jarrich happen
No pressure at all to do this, tagging @rinnothy @dark-nekofear @writeouswriter @nobutseriouslywhat and anybody else who wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you if you choose to play!
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citronhon · 2 months
Going crazy thinking about how Richard offering the position of COO to Jared was framed as a romantic love scene because that was what Jared saw it as. A confession of love.
In honor of Silicon Valley’s 10-year anniversary and jarrich meet cute, I’m unearthing my jarrich playlist once again. Just a hodgepodge of songs that Jared probably listens to while he privately yearns for Richard.
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whats-a-terrarium · 8 months
Commissions Open
Hey gang! Opening commissions again!
Rates are USD, $1 per hundred words. $1.50 per hundred for explicit fics.
Able to write for the following fandoms:
Prodigal Son
The Mentalist
Good Omens
Stranger Things
Ted Lasso
Parks and Recreation
Abbott Elementary
Silicon Valley
Ms. Marvel (TV and Comics canon)
The Bright Sessions
Wolf 359
In Strange Woods
Wooden Overcoats
Night in the Woods
DM for inquiries about other fandoms or specific ships and characters. Willing to write kink, whump, and taboo content— all inquiries are no judgement.
Find samples of my writing here, or DM me for samples of NSFW work.
If you don’t want a commission but like my writing and want to chuck me a few dollars, you can venmo me @lunagwenc or find me on ko-fi @whatsaterrarium
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feldmanshome · 1 year
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OK, I'm an AU-maker, so I present to you the Silicon Valley AU!
Richard works for Hooli, and what about Jared? Jared isn't an employee in Hooli, he's a project in Hooli.
P.S. Richard gave him this jacket to hide the Hooli uniform (the Hooliform, huh?). But I have some concepts for it. Do you wanna see them?
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andtenderly · 1 month
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if any of you are wondering i am perfectly fine and not going insane about this! i am doing okay!
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kinard-buckley · 1 year
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dieu-mange-dieu · 1 year
Specific Character Headcanons: Donald "Jared" Dunn
His backstory is horrifying and complex so some of this may actually be canon I don't remember TW death
Real birthday is 16 December
Born in New York
Was over six feet tall by the time he was fourteen years old
Used birds as a beacon of hope during his time in foster care. He envied the freedom of such beautiful, fragile creatures and vowed to someday feel as free as they looked in flight
Was under the care of one genuinely kind foster family. A lovely elderly couple, Etta and John Hirsch, whose only son had died years before. He filled the hole in their hearts and they filled the hole in his
They both died in a car accident on an icy night in December
Got a partial scholarship to Vassar, worked as a prostitute to pay for the rest of his college tuition
Doesn't know his real middle name, so he changes his middle name to honour his elderly friends who have passed
Favourite bird is the Luzon Bleeding-Heart Pigeon
Favourite colours are yellow and light blue
Has gotten in many fights, but only lost two
Likes herbal scents, favourites are rosemary, lavender, and patchouli (he thinks patchouli is the closest you can get to the smell of petrichor)
Is such a Mitski fan like you don't even know
Enjoys walks in the cold
Cries about EVERYTHING. Once cried in a supermarket because he was overwhelmed by the "beauty of all the fruits in the aisle"
Pan and demi
Has canonically fallen in love only twice:
The first time was a fellow prostitute he met in New York.
They looked out for each other, made sure each was getting enough to eat, and would have "picnics" on fire escapes, pressed together for warmth, legs dangling off of the side, talking about their days.
One day they disappeared without warning. Jared searched for them for a year and a half, often feeling like the only one who cared. Why did nobody else care?
He later found out that they had been murdered. They were not given a gravestone but Jared visits the park where they last saw each other every year.
The second time was Richard.
He never said anything, of course. How could he?
He tried to distract himself in any way he could, but he was a mere rock of space junk being pulled full speed into Richard's orbit
Favourite tea is Lemon Ginger
Thinks skirts are super comfortable and wishes they were more widely accepted at work
Doesn't like the show Friends but puts it on while at home to feel cozy
Cooking (or making things in general) is one of his love languages
Loves bubble baths
Writes poetry and short stories in his free time, used to write songs
Can sing pretty decently (was canonically in choir at Vassar)
Is a sucker for candles
Smell is his strongest sense
Runs the Pied Piper company Tiktok, makes really cringy but wholesome videos (think along the lines of Nursetok and Teacher/Office-staff tiktok)
A playlist for him
Spoilers (?) Ahead!
After Silicon Valley:
He kisses Richard on the roof of Pied Piper after it all, as the billboard is being torn down.
Richard kisses back, but they don't talk about it again
Goes travelling across Europe "with Richard," Richard doesn't quite know that they're travelling together
Quarantines with Richard
Both he and Richard volunteered at a nursing home on weekends before Jared applied for the job
Richard was grossed out by the bedpans and the general "like, elderly vibe"
They don't stay in close contact over the next few years but they stay in each other's circles
After ten years of unrealised pining and four dismally failed relationships, Richard asks him out at the hacker hostel after the filming of the documentary wraps
Jared cries.
They go birdwatching.
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strigiadri · 1 year
During the time that Jared was emotionally abstaining from Richard, he mentioned on his pied piper blog that he was listening to Bonnie Raitt. What I’m getting at here is do you think Jared was listening to I Can’t Make You Love Me and uhhhh was trying very hard not to think about Richard
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bitchardhendricks · 1 month
Rating: General Audiences (but will update in subsequent chapters) Pairing: Jared Dunn/Richard Hendricks Summary: Richard goes back to Tulsa for his high school reunion and asks Jared to come with him. Chapter 2 of the Tulsa fic is now up - we get to meet Richard's dad! Huge love to everyone who has messaged me or commented about the first chapter. I'm enjoying this labor of love very much <3
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