#silicon valley headcanon
dieu-mange-dieu · 1 year
Specific Character Headcanons: Donald "Jared" Dunn
His backstory is horrifying and complex so some of this may actually be canon I don't remember TW death
Real birthday is 16 December
Born in New York
Was over six feet tall by the time he was fourteen years old
Used birds as a beacon of hope during his time in foster care. He envied the freedom of such beautiful, fragile creatures and vowed to someday feel as free as they looked in flight
Was under the care of one genuinely kind foster family. A lovely elderly couple, Etta and John Hirsch, whose only son had died years before. He filled the hole in their hearts and they filled the hole in his
They both died in a car accident on an icy night in December
Got a partial scholarship to Vassar, worked as a prostitute to pay for the rest of his college tuition
Doesn't know his real middle name, so he changes his middle name to honour his elderly friends who have passed
Favourite bird is the Luzon Bleeding-Heart Pigeon
Favourite colours are yellow and light blue
Has gotten in many fights, but only lost two
Likes herbal scents, favourites are rosemary, lavender, and patchouli (he thinks patchouli is the closest you can get to the smell of petrichor)
Is such a Mitski fan like you don't even know
Enjoys walks in the cold
Cries about EVERYTHING. Once cried in a supermarket because he was overwhelmed by the "beauty of all the fruits in the aisle"
Pan and demi
Has canonically fallen in love only twice:
The first time was a fellow prostitute he met in New York.
They looked out for each other, made sure each was getting enough to eat, and would have "picnics" on fire escapes, pressed together for warmth, legs dangling off of the side, talking about their days.
One day they disappeared without warning. Jared searched for them for a year and a half, often feeling like the only one who cared. Why did nobody else care?
He later found out that they had been murdered. They were not given a gravestone but Jared visits the park where they last saw each other every year.
The second time was Richard.
He never said anything, of course. How could he?
He tried to distract himself in any way he could, but he was a mere rock of space junk being pulled full speed into Richard's orbit
Favourite tea is Lemon Ginger
Thinks skirts are super comfortable and wishes they were more widely accepted at work
Doesn't like the show Friends but puts it on while at home to feel cozy
Cooking (or making things in general) is one of his love languages
Loves bubble baths
Writes poetry and short stories in his free time, used to write songs
Can sing pretty decently (was canonically in choir at Vassar)
Is a sucker for candles
Smell is his strongest sense
Runs the Pied Piper company Tiktok, makes really cringy but wholesome videos (think along the lines of Nursetok and Teacher/Office-staff tiktok)
A playlist for him
Spoilers (?) Ahead!
After Silicon Valley:
He kisses Richard on the roof of Pied Piper after it all, as the billboard is being torn down.
Richard kisses back, but they don't talk about it again
Goes travelling across Europe "with Richard," Richard doesn't quite know that they're travelling together
Quarantines with Richard
Both he and Richard volunteered at a nursing home on weekends before Jared applied for the job
Richard was grossed out by the bedpans and the general "like, elderly vibe"
They don't stay in close contact over the next few years but they stay in each other's circles
After ten years of unrealised pining and four dismally failed relationships, Richard asks him out at the hacker hostel after the filming of the documentary wraps
Jared cries.
They go birdwatching.
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steelthroat · 7 months
Ok, so I'm trying to picture the different architectural styles in every canonic Cybertronian city, and I think that Tarn would be predominantly brutalist(which is my favorite). But Structuralism and Metabolism also don't look bad... aaah
Now I'm trying to picture how Kaon would look like, maybe something like ancient Rome or Naples, but gloomy and more hostile and rusty. For some reason, I also imagine it covered in punk-looking or constructivist murals (idk if I'm making sense).
Vos: maybe eco-brutalist/solar-punk but with floating buildings. Mh - maybe Deconstructivism? Expressionism??? Idk I gotta choose at some point.
Iacon: art deco? Neoclassical but futuristic, something that screams, "We're rich and you're not," but also sophisticated
The other cities are still too vague in my mind for me to decide, but if someone wants to jump on this weird rumble-y architectural headcanon train of thoughts, be my guest!!!
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yandere-toons · 1 year
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: cyberstalking, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
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Richard has a habit of mistreating his friend and expecting unconditional loyalty nonetheless. He will lie to their face about his emotional state and work details but, at the same time, throw a fit as soon as he convinces himself that they are withholding information from him.
To be a friend of Richard Hendricks is to be made into the proverbial rubber duck every time he hits a snag in his coding, wherein he divulges the intricacies of his compression algorithm in a monologue that potentially lasts for hours. Whether these talks occur in the wee hours of the morning or not is irrelevant to him, as Richard spends many a sleepless night optimising his creation.
As he sees the rise of Hooli on the horizon, Richard becomes ever more protective of Pied Piper and ensures that his friend receives a generous standing in his company. He gives them more shares than their colleagues if they are an employee and a higher percentage of Pied Piper stock for less money if they are an investor.
In all cases, Richard tries to hide this from everyone else to avoid conflict until he is peer-pressured into telling the truth by a suspicious Dinesh and Gilfoyle, a greedy Erlich, or a curious Jared who assumes the discrepancy is an error. When caught, Richard scrounges for proof that his friend provides a unique service to the company and refuses to change his mind.
Among the fastest ways to throw Richard into a downward spiral is for his friend to quit Pied Piper and take a job or invest elsewhere in the tech industry. His foot will go through Erlich's door within minutes of the news, and a laptop will be hurled to the ground and stomped in a tantrum befitting a small child.
He chastises them for disloyalty, only to fall asleep on their doorstep so he can surprise them the next day with offers of a raise or more stock if they reconsider. Richard grows defensive and accusatory if his deal is rejected or met with anything less than immediate acceptance.
While Richard is not going to win a round of fisticuffs anytime soon, he cannot stop himself from belittling the entity that, in his eyes, stole his friend. His words are personal, awkwardly scathing, and born of the fear that his friend has found someone or something better than he is.
A steep learning curve for Richard to overcome is his tendency to flee, sometimes into a glass panel, and vomit into the nearest bin whenever his partner makes eye contact with him for longer than a few seconds. Richard worries that they are judging him and secretly hate him, and this anxiety causes him to blurt inappropriate compliments and insult the people around them.
It does not help that Richard prefers to go to his partner's home rather than have them visit the incubator, as Dinesh and especially Gilfoyle jump at the chance to reveal embarrassing secrets about Richard. He takes this as an attempt to sabotage the relationship and loses his cool, promising that he and his partner will rise above this pathetic effort to sow drama.
Richard himself plays a significant role in the very erosion of trust and respect that he claims will never happen. Anything his partner does that annoys him, such as using spaces instead of tabs for coding, is stewed over and mentioned in every disagreement, regardless of its relevancy or lack thereof to his newest grievance.
Even if his partner breaks up with him, Richard obsesses over what they have been doing since the separation. He stalks them on any social media they may have while simultaneously claiming to the guys that he is not obsessed, even though he does all of this on company time.
Richard looks for any reason to dislike his partner's new suitors and creates tension where none previously existed. He treats these people, for the most part, with outward politeness but voices endless complaints about their appearance and mannerisms once they are out of earshot.
The targets for these criticisms are often traits that Richard is insecure about in himself, and he believes that by drawing attention to the perceived shortcomings of others, he is minimising his flaws and validating his stance on how much of a washed-up impostor this person must be.
Jared walks into Richard's workspace one day to find the walls covered with whiteboards, which are drowning in equations for how much havoc he can wreak on his replacement's career in the shortest amount of time. Various swears accompany the numbers, so Jared stages an intervention after persuading Richard to put the marker down and start eating again.
He ultimately enables Richard for a while, albeit under protest, before he declares that Richard should either reconcile with his partner or move on. Erlich encourages the pursuit and frames it as Richard's first step towards becoming a man, while Gilfoyle and Jian-Yang shame Richard for being a needy loser with no game. Dinesh and Monica suggest Richard seek professional help, and Big Head merely remarks, “Sounds rough, man.”
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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silly-centipede · 2 years
Gilfoyle is autistic
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I might elaborate if people want to know my thoughts
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You have any headcanons on 2000s voxval (or what you think they did in the 2000s)
because they are Literally my favorite ship variant (aside from middle aged sunflower. )
Also i really like this blog tbh
Thank you :3
So I think that they spent a large part of the 2000s hunting for Ronald Regan sksksksk
But seriously, that era kept them on their toes. The '90s and '00s ushered in DVDs, the Internet, text messages, PlayStation, and more—each innovation dripping down to Hell, landing squarely in Vox's greedy hands. It was a race to grasp the potential of this new technology before anyone else.
If you've seen X-Men: First Class, you'll recall that montage where Eric and Charles recruit mutants. Well, that's how I imagine Vox dragging Valentino around, scouting for deceased Silicon Valley nerds to get them into contracts with Voxtek. Val was all in on it too—the DVD revolutionizing the porn industry, sending production rates through the roof in Hell. Leveraging this and riding the wave of celebrity culture, Val transformed from a mere mobster into an icon and personality in his own right, not just managing his business from the shadows but shining in the limelight. It was also the top moment for his drag after RuPaul had become the Supermodel of the world.
Honestly, it was a pivotal time for their Overlord careers. Their ability to swiftly adapt to cultural and, more crucially, technological shifts, seizing every opportunity presented, was the final stroke that solidified their status as the pop Overlords they are today.
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bigbysinterposinghand · 2 months
i wrote up a bunch of stimming headcanons for various stardew valley characters on discord . transcript under the cut
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-> leo's squack is a bit of a combination of communicating and stimming (possibly even a tic based on some dialogue of his), it makes him feel comfortable.
-> rasmodius will often make little elemental sparks and play with them between his fingers, a bit like how someone would play with a coin or a worm on a string.
-> sebastian is a notorious pen clicker and foot tapper.
-> abigail chews on stuff, she picked up a silicone chewy necklace at one point to stop herself from chewing on the silicone covers for her usb sticks.
-> vincent has a LOT of stims that he has a hard time maintaining during class- rocking, kicking his feet, tapping his hands on stuff, chewing on things, and plenty more. eventually, penny realized he was understimulated, and has tried incorporating more physical stimuli in her lessons to keep vincent engaged without distracting him.
-> sam cracks his knuckles, and whatever other joints he can without hurting himself. he used to crack his neck, but jodi scolded him for it and told him it was dangerous.
-> (he actually got that from kent, who used to crack his knuckles a lot, but now the noise bothers him. sam doesnt do it in front of him/loud enough for him to hear.)
-> sam also does a lot of verbal stims, like whistling, tongue clicking, and humming.
-> jas makes a popping noise with her mouth sometimes- she gets embarassed about it sometimes, but ever since she caught shane doing it, shes felt better about it.
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vulnonapix1234 · 11 months
I love your headcannon on how Miles would improve his bioelectric powers! Do you have any headcannons for his camouflage powers? Or ways he would go about improving his overall stealth without those powers so when he eventually does use them his literally undetectable?
I am glad that my rambling made sense to you! What I have to say beforehand is that I know Miles from the movies and the ps4 game. So I am aware that most of my theories and headcanons are utter bullshit. But anyway:
The special thing about Miles's camouflage is that it doesn't come from the bite. It's a mutation from his mother's side of the family that awoke due to the electric shock he got from getting his powers.
(Why? Because I think that it would be funny if his most "spiderlike" power didn't come from the spider bite)
As such, his powers don't get along.
The camouflage concentrates on flight instincts, whilst his lightning powers and inhumane strength are on his fight instincts.
It doesn't help that his spider senses are constantly screaming at him, leading to him being under constant voltage or just straight up disappearing.
(Hence why it's so dangerous when he gets a panic attack. He will electrocute you if you get to close and you will only be able to see him flickering in and out of reality. )
So for him to "master" his camouflage powers he first has to master his spider powers.
After that, it's quite easy for him, especially since he is an artist.
It has less to do with how good he is at copying his surroundings and a lot more to do with how well he can "composition" himself into the picture.
Because Miles "silicone valley" vibes are just *that* strong.
You have to think of his lightning powers as a second heartbeat. It's a constant buzzing through his body that will only stop when his actual heart stops.
But you can train your heart with Endurance sports, sinking your blood pressure and heart rate and that is what Miles did with his powers.
Not only did it power up his control over it, the damage he could do with it, how much he can store, and how long he can use it, but it also dialed down his accidental output and with that his vibes.
(The rest of his spider powers can also be related to other organs and body parts. )
He also took a few dance lessons with Gwen so he'd be able to move more gracefully and quietly.
(It became a group hobby pretty quickly though. Pav took to it pretty well, whilst both Penny and Porker are disasters.)
Noir, having detective vibes, and the ability to sink into the background better than anyone else helped a lot as well.
Especially since he gets having to battle your fight/flight instincts and your spider senses, living in a war-torn world.
(Miles on the other hand took him with him to paint as a thank you. I just imagine them as close friends after everything, as he is the only adult that didn't turn his back to him)
I also want to think that Miles accidentally became more "cat-like" whenever he goes into stealth mode.
He is an apex predator and turning his flight instincts into fight ones where a big stepping stone for him.
This also means that he became a tiny heart attack for his friends because he enjoys training with them.
(He just likes to surprise them. Hobies' screams are the most high-pitched ones btw.)
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robobarbie · 2 years
Hi Robo, do you have any headcanons of what city the LIs live in? or at least if you don't have an exact city maybe a general area / region in the us/australia?
Nah i dont really. I guess, generally, good places to put them would be:
Toaster: silicon valley
Nightowl: NYC
Quest: midwest
Xyx: melbourne
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aishien-the-aishien · 3 months
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Dinesh x Gilfoyle doodles from back in the summer, I'm posting them out of spite because I lost the file in which I was drawing them. And had to seek for it half a year back in a Discord convo. Smh.
Also they're cringe but BE CRINGE AND BE FREE
Anyway yes I love them, I drew all of this while rewatching Silicon Valley some two weeks after finishing the first watch (and it's so funny because I didn't even ship them that much during the first watch) Also I headcanon Gilfoyle as non-binary thank you for your attention
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emmedoesntdomath · 11 months
What do modern Newsies do for work?
congrats, you have stumbled upon yet another emme going off the rails post, enjoy your stay. 
starting strong, we have our lovely davey as an english teacher. this is in my headcanon post for him, but he started out as poli sci because he considered it a “real degree” 
race works for nasa. doing what, you may ask? I have no idea. it’s classified. but he comes home every night literally skipping, so. *shrugs*
jack’s a police officer. DON’T COME AT ME, OKAY, IT MAKES SENSE IN MY BRAIN. 
spot’s also a police officer, and he met race through jack that way (jack regrets so many things). 
albert does…something. he makes money. is it legal? nope. does it bring in ominous amounts of cash at all hours? oh, absolutely. (please tell me I don’t have to explain further. you understand what I mean.)
finch works at a zoo. he adores the pandas. race and albert are not allowed to visit often. 
les works in advertising. he has no idea how he got there. he is so bored. always says he’s going to get a new job, never does. 
katherine still writes, but it’s for her own blog and the occasional article for the new york times (never her father). 
specs is a programmer. he works in silicon valley, and makes BANK. 
sarah is a wedding planner. she specializes in lgbtqia+ weddings.
bumlets is a male gymnastics coach. he competed professionally in college and afterwards for a while, but had to stop due to an injury. 
skittery works at jimmy johns. I don’t make the rules. 
crutchie is a therapist. except to his friends. he refuses to give them ANY advice. you’re on your own, bitch. 
henry owns a chain of deli restaurants (originally started by his father), and makes a killer rueben. 
hotshot’s an architect. I have no idea why. 
buttons is a music teacher. he teaches with davey. 
…I am missing so many people, but I got a lot of them. let me know if you want to hear about anyone in particular. 
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aqua2fana · 1 year
Homestuck race/ethnicity nationality headcanons
Since the beta/alpha kids are like pure white in the comics my brain immediately envisioned them as white and unfortunately it’s still the first place my mind goes but I do like to think most of them aren’t totally white
The trolls are based mostly on canon references, vibes, their lands in sburb, and their dancestors
John and Jane: white | polish/dutch | american (washington)
They’re white and nerdy sorry
Rose and Roxy: white/middle eastern | french/egyptian | american (new york)
I’m all for french lalondes but I also remembered Roxy’s planet had pyramids and decided they were Egyptian too
Dave and Dirk: white/east asian | spanish/japanese | american (texas)
The striders live in Texas so they’re most likely Spanish descent but they also reference Japanese culture so often that I just had to include it
Jade and Jake: white/pacific islander | english/tongan | american (phoenix islands)
The Britishness is from Jake and the polynesian part is from jade, they’re tan af
Aradia: latina/east asian | mexican/japanese | japanese
I know that canonically she’s supposed to be Japanese so she is part japanese but the dark curly hair, desert climate, obsession with death (day of the dead) made me assume she was Latina the first time I read the comic 🤷‍♀️
Tavros: latino/southeast asian | mexican/filipino | mexican
Man’s obviously latino and I made him Filipino because the actor rufioh is based off is filipino
Sollux: white/east asian | french/korean | canadian (quebec)
French because I immediately decided he was Canadian so french is statistically likely but he also has some Asian vibes so I chose the one country that’s split in two, obviously
Karkat: white | romanian/jewish | american (maine)
Karkat is super pale in such a way that his eye bags are extremely noticeable. He’s Romanian as a reference to vlad the impaler and all the castle ruins in Romania which remind me of his land. He’s Jewish for vibe reasons. Maine for lobsters and and crabs 🦀
Nepeta: white | english/german | american (tennessee)
Because I picture her with blonde hair (like a lions mane). She lives near the Smokey mountains where there are a small population of mountain lions and she’s a crazy wilderness explorer. Think of how cute she’d be with a Tennessee accent
Kanaya: south asian/middle eastern | indian/iranian | american (pennsylvania)
Vibes, imagine her in a sari or any other traditional Indian clothes, she’d be stunning
Terezi: white | greek/irish | greek
The scales, democracy, hello? Also she’s absolutely a red head
Vriska: white | greek/turkish | cypriot
Vriska is definitely white and she’s a pirate so instead of Caribbean (which is mostly black) she’s Mediterranean.
Equius: black | sudanese | american (kentucky)
He’s definitely black and he has locs like you wouldn’t believe. Kentucky because of mammoth cave as a reference to his land and also because of the horse derby
Gamzee: black/white | beninese/portuguese | brazilian
Hes definitely black coded in some ways but the icp are white sooo he’s both. I made him Brazilian for carnival
Eridan: white | scottish/english | american (california)
It’s giving imperialism and Silicon Valley simultaneously
Feferi: white/black | italian/trinidadian | italian
The only reason she’s half white is because I picture her with this light red strawberry blonde hair and it’s also a reference to the Roman Empire. She’s Trinidadian because I headcanon meenah as having a voice like nicki minaj
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dieu-mange-dieu · 2 years
𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: ℝ𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℍ𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕤
Born in Arizona
Didn't start talking until about age 3
Has a younger sister named Katie (forgot if this is canon or not) and two much older brothers named Eric and Nathan
Was terrified of lizards as a child, until his sister got one as a pet and they became his favourite animal
Was on a kiddie soccer team until he was 8 and was expected to actually play instead of just run around
Has a soft spot for crusty-eyed white dogs
Childhood pet was an orange tabby which he named Milo after the movie Milo and Otis
Autistic and ADHD
Favourite colours are dark blue and red-orange
Fan of the film The Social Network
Absolutely hates coffee. Can't stand the stuff.
Has tested the claim that if you drink seven redbulls in a row you will go into cardiac arrest
Saw the Lord of the Rings movies before the reading the books, is ashamed to admit he was disappointed by the books
Wanted to get locked in a museum after closing like in the book From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler. He succeeded but thirty seconds after the lights went out he had a panic attack and called 911 to come get him
Fan of The Strokes
Has known of Big Head since elementary school; they became friends in middle school
Was friends with Big Head on Xbox Live before they were friends irl. He had no clue that his online best friend was that one quiet kid in his typing class who just played minesweeper the whole time and lost after the first click every time
Will stay up for literally five days straight and then sleep for the equivalent number of days straight
Went to UC Irvine for three years and then dropped out in senior year
Favourite sport is tennis. He's very good at Wii Tennis
Likes the taste of French onion soup but hates the texture of the bread in it
Has written more than one Star Wars fanfiction
Childhood crushes were Eowyn and Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings
A playlist for him:
Spoilers (?) Ahead!
After Silicon Valley:
Slept for 40 consecutive hours after the Pied Piper Event
Rented a one-bedroom apartment, lived there for 3 months
Stayed at Jared's condo for about 5 months after losing contact with the rest of the Pied Piper Gang. He needed a friend around
Was invited back to that one elementary school as a guest speaker every year. The kids love him
Travelled the world, coincidentally ran into Jared at every destination (this is actually canon)
Best man at all three of Big Head's weddings
Sees Dinesh and Gilfoyle at Philz Coffee all the time. Nods and smiles, but never talks to them
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beyblaiddyd · 6 months
for the headcanons post pleasa please give me some dwight fairfield and also some nea karlsson :) ! <3
Dwight Fairfield -
Headcanon A:  realistic: He doesn't have enough money to buy new glasses so his prescription is slightly out of date.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: I think Dwight's apartment is a miserable kinda messy hovel. Guy who leaves the dishes swag. This is mostly funny because I think it would stress Danny out.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: I can literally only think about Mint's beautiful fic about Elaine and the scene in the beginning where she thinks Dwight has committed suicide because of his miseries.Sorry world. Uh I do think Dwight probably struggles very severely with depression though
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.: I think part of why Dwight implicitly works in the silicon valley type space is that he moved to Cali to try to be in T.V./movies. He has a couple costumes that imply an interest in theater and acting so my headcanon is that he's doing other miserable jobs while theoretically trying to make it as an actor (but he probably hardly even gets to auditions...)
Nea Karlsson -
Headcanon A:  realistic: Nea is trans. This is realistic because it's canon my mind and soul.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious: Nea used to use gaiaonline when she was like 12.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: I think a lot about her parents thinking she was just a troubled soul. In House of Arkham they aren't among the parents looking for their children in the Entity which means they kind of gave up on Nea, assumed she just ran off and disappeared and accepted that. I think her friends probably would've at least Tried looking for her.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.: She taught her rat Milo how to use a tech deck.
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arabellamonkey · 1 year
Tony’s terrible holiday “tradition” of eating “clean”, calorie counting, and stress (aka diet culture but for Silicon Valley types ☹️) between all the fancy holiday parties and functions he has to go to with rich and sugary food is challenged and eventually upended by Steve’s newfound passion: Christmas baking.
Steve in fact gets the whole team into it. And he loves to share soooo much it’s hard (aka impossible) for a Tony to say no. And maybe Steve and the team is able to get Tony to go to a few less awful parties and stretching himself so thin during the holidays
Maybe they even suss out the root cause of Tony overworking himself during December is him trying not to feel anything but tired around the time of his parents death. And they can all be there for him. And he can finally relax and have a cozy holiday with his new family
YES a thousand times YES. anon let me tell you this is the coziest ask i've ever received and i 'll be forever grateful to you for telling us about this amazing headcanon 🥺🥺🥺🥺
one thing i love thinking about is Steve starting to reconect with things he was passionate about in the past as a way to stop feeling numb, if that makes sense? for me, steve waking up on the 21st century is a trauma in itself, and he tends to dissociate a bit sometimes, struggling to connect with this new reality. but do you know what I think helps him? cooking and knitting. i don't know why, but i see those two passions and think of warmth and joy and connecting with others, and in this headcanon so does Steve. Steve, who wants to connect with his teammates, and chooses Christmas to get to work. he knits mittens for nat and bruce and clint (his are fingeless so he can handle his bow better) and tony. and he cooks. he cooks old recepies from his days, and he shows bruce and thor how to cook them and he offers a taste to nat, clint, buck and obviously tony.
tony, who doesn't seem to eat much these days :( and steve just wants him to be healthy AND allow himself to enjoy food. so slowly he starts cooking stuff specifically for tony, mini cupcakes, cakes, anything. and it starts as a friendship thing, a way for him to connect with his teammate and friend tony.
so he cooks for him and knits for him and starts spending more time with him in the famous sofa in tony's workshop and 🥺🥺 that's how tony opens up to him about how his past christmas has been until now, full of healthy food and boring galas and no family with whom to spend quality time apart from rhodey and pepper.
so obviously steve —a man with a mission— decides to create the perfect christmas with tony with the same resolve he goes to battle with.
and obviously he succeeds, and by the time New Year arrives, Tony knows deep down his heart he finally has a family, a full, real one, that will always have his back so he can relax and enjoy himself (a good, tasty sweet food!! that's important)
(and if steve and tony end up kissing under the mistletoe, well, all the better!!)
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silly-centipede · 2 years
Screw you Dinesh
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Crappy watercolor of Gilfoyle and his plushies
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adoranoia · 6 months
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ok so, one miss yuki nagato... a headcanon i briefly went into when i wrote saeyoung's tmohs verse was, how data interface's are ever-so -subtly inhuman looking. nothing you'd really notice, unless you were really looking, but it does give a lil uncanny valley effect, sometimes!‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ some random examples are, they're lanky, not necessarily tall, but spindly nonetheless. their eyes are a bit too big, a touch too bright, and if you look closely, they're almost galaxy-esque. their skin is too texture-less, similar to silicone, their ears are somewhat pointed, etc.‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
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