#Jason Layden
Dec 23, 2022 workout PlyoJam.
Fifth Day straight of getting a workout in every day. Whooo! Did the replay of the December 4th Strength/Dance class with Jason. Lots of songs in there that I didn't know, which makes it more difficult, but still managed to get a good workout in and got plenty sweaty.
I did find two new songs that I really like though, "Never Gonna Not Dance Again," by Pink and "10,000 Hours" By Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber . "10,000 Hours" gives me SPUFFY vibes, which is always a plus in my book.
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New Music Video: “Right Time” - Magik Spells
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xraventhegreatx · 7 years
[Vinesauce] Vinny - E3 2017 Drivel: Sony Conference (Commentary & Discussion)
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Accepted Characters 9/16/2021
Inuyasha from Inuyasha
Kotaro Tatsumi from Zombie Land Saga
Patton Plame from NCIS: New Orleans
Harkat Mulds from The Saga of Darren Shan
Arkin Layden from Arkin: Lysets Vokter
Skerri from the Raven Rings
Snow from Buddy Gator
Ryuji Goda from the Yakuza series
Marina Gregg from the Agatha Christine's Marple
Jason Rafiel from the Agatha Christine's Marple
Major Palgrave from the Agatha Christine's Marple
Rem from Death Note
Gelus from Death Note
Oyamada Mansumi from Shaman King
Caleb Haas from Quantico
Nagisa Shiota from Assassination Classroom
Sam Breen from The Brokenwood Mysteries
Iron Maiden Jeanne from Shaman King
Zolika from Kills on Wheels
Barba Papa from Kills on Wheels
Karl Lejon from Bröderna Lejonhjärta
Rupaszov from Kills on Wheels
Quasim from MiniMonsters
Vega (Claw) from the Street Fighter series
Henry Delafontaine from the Agatha Christie's Poirot
Cornelius from Once Upon a Forest
Michelle from Once Upon a Forest
Asbjørn Brekke from Nissene På Låven
Rhino Thue from Nissene På Låven
Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri On Ice
Nina from the Harvest Moon series
Captain Grime from Amphibia
Asta from Black Clover
Fuegoleon Vermillion from Black Clover
Loropechika from Black Clover
Lou from Wandersong
Grey from Black Clover
Rødnissejenta from Jul i Blåfjell
Miyuki Irie from Angel Beats
604 characters remain
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surrealistnyc · 4 years
A Spark in Search of a Powderkeg
Rebellion is its own justification, completely independent of the chance it has to modify the state of affairs that gives rise to it. It’s a spark in the wind, but a spark in search of a powder keg.
André Breton
If only one thing has brought me joy in the last few weeks, it began when the matriarchs at Unist’ot’en burned the Canadian flag and declared reconciliation is dead. Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving. Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? It’s time to shut everything the fuck down!
Tawinikay (aka Southern Wind Woman)
The toxic cargo carried in Canadian pipelines, whether it be tar sands oil or fracked liquid natural gas (LNG), is, according to all serious climate scientists, a major, perhaps even decisive contribution to global warming, i.e. ecological catastrophe.   Meant to fuel industrial expansion, the pipelines have themselves become fuel for revolt. Designed to move these dirty fossil fuels from one location to another, they are a crucial element in normalizing the dubious paradise of unlimited growth in awe of which all obedient consumer/citizens are supposed to genuflect. In what the colonial mapmakers have called British Columbia (BC), resource extraction has always been the name of the game. However, the emergence in February of this year of a widespread oppositional network ranging from “land back” Indigenous warriors to elder traditionalists and from Extinction Rebellion activists to anarchist insurrectionaries was heartening. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. The catalyst for this rebellion was a widespread Indigenous uprising that refused the illusory promises of reconciliation. Together, these rebel forces disrupted business as usual in solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Big Frog clan of the Wet’suwet’en tribal house.
       ​As objective chance would have it, the primary Indigenous land defense camp is situated not far from the same Hazelton, B.C. area to which surrealist Kurt Seligmann and his wife Arlette had journeyed in 1938. During that time, they visited Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en villages, marveled at the imaginative power of the totem poles and ceremonial objects, made field notes, shot 16mm film, collected stories and recorded mythic histories. Now, in 2020, growing numbers of these same Indigenous peoples have been threatening to bring the Canadian economy to a grinding halt. Unwilling to be bought off by corporate petrodollars or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land, Indigenous peoples passionately fought back against the forces of colonial law and order in a radical whirlwind of willful disobedience and social disruption. One action built upon another in creating a rolling momentum that seemed unstoppable. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. Then the debilitating Covid-19 virus arrived to compound the damage that had previously been done to the capitalist economy by the incendiary virus of revolt. The resistance of these Indigenous communities against the pipelines concerns all of us, worldwide, since they are on the front lines of the struggle to prevent cataclysmic climate change.
       ​In the future, a key question will be whether Canadian authorities can successfully put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle of “reconciliation”. As surrealists, we hope they will not, and we stand in solidarity with the unreconciled insurgent spirit of defiant Indigenous resistance. A new reality is to be invented and lived instead of the one that today as yesterday imposes its environmental miserabilism and its colonialist and racist hierarchies.  As surrealists, we honor our historical affinity with the Kwakwaka’wakw Peace Dance headdress that for so long had occupied a place of reverence in André Breton’s study during his lifetime before being ceremoniously returned in 2003 to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island by his daughter, Aube Elléouet, in keeping with her father’s wishes. With this former correspondence in mind, we presently assert that our ongoing desire to manifest the emancipation of the human community as distinctively undertaken in the surrealist domain of intervention is in perfect harmony with the fight of the Indigenous communities of the Americas against globalized Western Civilisation and its ecocidal folly.
                                                                                                               Surrealists in the United States: Gale Ahrens, Will Alexander, Andy Alper, Byron Baker, J.K. Bogartte, Eric Bragg, Thom Burns, Max Cafard, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Jennifer Cohen, Laura Corsiglia, David Coulter, Jean-Jacques Dauben, Rikki Ducornet, Terri Engels, Barrett John Erickson, Alice Farley, Natalia Fernandez, Brandon Freels, Beth Garon, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Maurice Greenia, Brigitte Nicole Grice, Janice Hathaway, Dale Houstman, Karl Howeth, Joseph Jablonski, Timothy Robert Johnson, Robin D.G. Kelly, Paul McRandle, Irene Plazewska, Theresa Plese, Michael Stone-Richards, David Roediger, Penelope Rosemont, LaDonna Smith, Tamara Smith, Steve Smith, Abigail Susik, Sasha Vlad, Richard Waara, Joel Williams, Craig S. Wilson
Surrealists in the UK: Jay Blackwood, Paul Cowdell, Jill Fenton, Rachel Fijalkowski, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Merl Fluin, Kathy Fox, Lorna Kirin, Rob Marsden, Douglas Park, Michel Remy, Wedgwood Steventon, Frank Wright, the Leeds Surrealist Group (Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Amalia Higham, Bill Howe, Sarah Metcalf, Peter Overton, Jonathan Tarry, Martin Trippett), the London Surrealist Group (Stuart Inman, Philip Kane, Timothy B. Layden, Jane Sparkes, Darren Thomas) and the surrealists of Wales (Jean Bonnin, Neil Combs, David Greenslade, Jeremy Over, John Richardson, John Welson)
Surrealists in Paris: Ody Saban and The Surrealist Group of Paris (Elise Aru, Michèle Bachelet, Anny Bonnin, Massimo Borghese, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Taisiia Cherkasova, Sylwia Chrostowska, Hervé Delabarre, Alfredo Fernandes, Joël Gayraud, Régis Gayraud, Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Pierre-André Sauvageot, Bertrand Schmitt, Sylvain Tanquerel, Virginia Tentindo, Michel Zimbacca)
Surrealists in Canada: Montréal (Jacques Desbiens, Peter Dube, Sabatini Lasiesta, Bernar Sancha), Toronto (Beatriz Hausner, Sherri Higgins), Québec City (David Nadeau), Victoria (Erik Volet), the Ottawa Surrealist Group (Jason Abdelhadi, Lake, Patrick Provonost) and the Inner Island Surrealist Group (as.matta, Jesse Gentes, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky)
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Eugenio Castro, Andrés Devesa, Jesús Garcia Rodriguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Lurdes Martinez, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramirez, Jose Manuel Rojo, María Santana, Angel Zapata
Surrealists in Sweden: Johannes Bergmark, Erik Bohman, Kalle Eklund, Mattias Forshage, Riyota Kasamatsu, Michael Lundberg, Emma Lundenmark, Maja Lundgren, Kristoffer Noheden, Sebastian Osorio
Surrealists in Holland: Jan Bervoets, Elizé Bleys, Josse De Haan, Rik Lina, Hans Plomp, Pieter Schermer, Wijnand Steemers, Laurens Vancrevel, Her de Vries, Bastiaan Van der Velden
Surrealists in Brazil: Alex Januario, Mário Aldo Barnabé, Diego Cardoso, Elvio Fernandes, Beau Gomez, Rodrigo Qohen, Sergio Lima, Natan Schäfer, Renato Souza
Surrealists in Chile: Jaime Alfaro, Magdalena Benavente, Jorge Herrera F., Miguel Ángel Huerta, Ximena Olguín, Enrique de Santiago, Andrés Soto, Claudia Vila
 The Middle East and North Africa Surrealist Group: Algeria (Onfwan Foud), Egypt (Yasser Abdelkawy, Mohsen El-Belasy, Ghadah Kamal), Iraq (Miechel Al Raie), Syria (Tahani Jalloul), and Palestine (Fakhry Ratrout)
Surrealists in Prague: Frantisek Dryje, Joe Grim Feinberg, Katerina Pinosova, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer
The Athens Surrealist Group (Elias Melios, Sotiris Liontos, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Thomas Typaldos, Marianna Xanthopoulou)
Surrealists in Costa Rica: Gaetano Andreoni, Amirah Gazel, Miguel Lohlé, Denis Magarman, Alfonso Peña
Surrealists in Buenos Aires: Silvia Guiard, Luís Conde, Alejandro Michel
Surrealists in Australia: Anthony Redmond, Michael Vandelaar, Tim White
Surrealists in Portugal: Miguel de Carvalho, Luiz Morgadinho
Surrealists in Bucharest (Dan Stanciu), Mexico (Susana Wald), and the Canary Islands (Jose Miguel Perez Corales)
 Postscript: During the process of gathering signatures for the above declaration, we were inspired to see its uncompromising stance against white supremacy and police repression reflected in the brightly sparkling flames of the Minneapolis uprising that lit a powder keg of pent-up rage and incited an earth-shaking eruption of spontaneous rebellion in the streets of America. It was only fitting that in solidarity with the uprising about police brutality kicked off by George Floyd’s execution/lynching at the hands of the police, anti-racism protestors in the United States would take direct action by beheading or bringing down statues of Christopher Columbus, genocidal symbol of the colonial expropriation of Native American lands. (Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Penelope Rosemont, and Ron Sakolsky, June 18, 2020).
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landsoflightanddark · 6 years
For the PS4′s fifth anniversary, the official Playstation Blog asked game devs about their favorite PS4 games.
Jason Connell (an art director from Sucker Punch) and Derek Yu (Spelunky creator) both include Shadow of the Colossus in their picks (with Derek making a good point about how devs are afraid to emulate the “emptiness and quiet” of the game), and glorious Chairman Shawn Layden also mentions it as a runner-up.
The Last Guardian in included on only one dev’s list - surprisingly it’s Tim Schafer.
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neighborhoodxq · 3 years
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Head Enriquez greets you personally before handing over your new house keys, and showing you inside of your new home. Whether it’s newly furnished or still requires you to fill it yourself, the sun filters through the open windows. You’re a legal adult now, and have dreams to accomplish and works towards. Once you’re settled, you can now boot up your computer and log onto Neighborhood Q’s social media platform to take a look at who lives nearby and who holds similar interests and aspirations as you do. Maybe your future claim is living down the hall? You won’t know until you plug in.
Sam has plugged in as
Fredric “Red” Waters | Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Submissive | human) 
Phantom has plugged in as
Lucy “Lulu” Warren | Samara Weaving (Switch | witch)
Jezabella Kingston | Crystal Reed (Dominant | demon)
Aiden Gae | Justin H Min (Submissive | werewolf)
Jo has plugged in as
Eva Dawn | Kylie Bunbury (Dominant | human)
Zhiyun Wong | Xiao Zhan (Switch | demon)
Sazzy has plugged in as
Emmanuel Tate | Marlon Teixeira (Switch | witch)
Dani Hunt | Ana De Armas (Switch | human)
Meg has plugged in as
Randy Lewis | Jacob Artist (Switch | vampire)
Iggy Griffen | Anthony Carrigan (Switch | shifter)
Jasper Holten | Cameron Monaghan (Submissive | demon) - WC fill
Jess has plugged in as
Seth Kehoa | Jason Momoa (Dominant | werewolf)
Kai has plugged in as
Xaiver Layden | Henry Cavill (Dominant | witch)
Beej has plugged in as
Nathan Murphy | Hugh Laurie (Switch | human)
Cristal has plugged in as
Stella Carlson | Mishti Rahman (Submissive | human)
S has plugged in as
Achilles Ando Walsh | Conan Gray (Submissive | shifter)
Mako has plugged in as
Dayi Liu | Yu Bin (Dominant | demon)
Jigglypuff has plugged in as
Francesca “Frankie” Anderson | Madeleine Petsch (Dominant | demon)
Link has plugged in as
Misha Rose | Troye Sivan (Submissive | demon)
0 notes
undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/38DZfGP #
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Apparently, not even the ex-head of Sony Worldwide Studios knows what happened to Capcom’s Deep Down, the action-packed dungeon crawler meant to launch as a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Deep Down originally entered the public consciousness more than eight years ago during the PS4 reveal event in February 2013. It reappeared at Tokyo Game Show that year, complete with news that the Soulslike title would launch as a cooperative free-to-play experience. However, barring trademark renewals and a few nebulous details about its progress, nothing of consequence has surfaced regarding the project since then.
Yoshinori Ono, the longtime Street Fighter figurehead, served as producer on Deep Down alongside Kazunori Sugiura, the Managing Producer behind Monster Hunter Frontier Online. With some of its top talent leading the charge, Capcom invested heavily in Deep Down, even announcing it in tandem with a new proprietary game engine, Panta Rhei. After years of silence, Ono confirmed in 2019 that the original development crew had disbanded, leaving Capcom to place Deep Down on indefinite hold. But, according to VGC sources, this shelving of the co-op dungeon crawler occurred after it entered a “near-complete state.”
Related: 4 Soulslikes To Play During The Wait For Elden Ring
The former head of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shawn Layden, recently spoke candidly about the gaming industry in an interview with Bloomberg. One piece of the discussion that didn’t make it to print was Layden’s comment about the state of Deep Down. When asked what happened to the PS4 exclusive, the ex-PlayStation boss apparently had to pause for a moment before replying, “I have no idea.” Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier shared the anecdote in the following post on his personal Twitter account:
Capcom renewed the Deep Down trademark in June 2020, indicating all hope isn’t lost for a potential revival. Should the dungeon crawler one day resurface, however, it won’t be with Yoshinori Ono at the helm. The Street Fighter producer departed Capcom several months ago after calling the company home for nearly 30 years.
Deep Down doesn’t count as the only second-party PlayStation exclusive to end up as vaporware. Rockstar Games and publisher Take-Two Interactive famously announced Agent at Sony’s 2009 press conference. Rumors and speculation aside, the Cold War-set stealth title vanished without another word.
Next: Capcom’s Gaming Lineup For the Next Four Years Appears To Have Leaked
Capcom won’t let the trademark die, but PlayStation 4’s Deep Down seems like little more than vaporware now.
Source: Jason Schreier/Twitter
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videogiochitop-blog · 6 years
PS5 quando esce rumors data uscita entro il 2020
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PS5: quali sono le ultime novità su PlayStation 5 e quando Sony la rilascerà?
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Ora che la PS4 sta ufficialmente raggiungendo la fine del suo ciclo di vita (che è diretto da Sony), i nostri pensieri si rivolgono inevitabilmente alla PS5 – quindi cosa è esattamente in serbo per Sony PlayStation 5 e quando si può aspettare che rilasci? Sony sta attualmente mantenendo le labbra strette quando si tratta di piani specifici per la PS5: ma sappiamo che una data di uscita di PlayStation 5 sarà sicuramente rivelata nei prossimi mesi, grazie al Presidente e CEO di Sony Interactive Entertainment Shawn Layden confermando come molto in un'intervista con Golem.de. Inoltre, il Presidente di Sony Kenichiro Yoshida ha confermato che l'azienda sta lavorando su una console di nuova generazione in un'intervista con il Financial Times. Tornato a maggio, il CEO di Sony Interactive John Kodera ha rivelato al Wall Street Journal che il PS5 non sarebbe stato rilasciato fino ad almeno 2021. Tuttavia, un rapporto di Ace Securities ha dichiarato che il PS5 potrebbe rilasciare non appena Natale 2019-prima della Xbox due. Anche se non sappiamo esattamente cosa aspettarsi dal PS5 (o se questo sarà anche il suo nome), sappiamo che le voci, liste dei desideri e allarmante convincente ' trapelato ' rendering in esecuzione fino a una console rivelare sono una grande parte del divertimento. In questo spirito, abbiamo riunito tutto ciò che vogliamo vedere da PlayStation 5 e quali sono le sue caratteristiche di stand-out quando arriva.
Rumors data uscita PS5 entro il 2020
Con nessuna parola ufficiale ancora da Sony in una data di uscita PS5, è difficile da fissare esattamente quando potremmo arrivare a vedere una console PS5.
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Alcuni analisti stanno predicando la data di rilascio di PlayStation 5 potrebbe essere intorno 2020 o 2021, per esempio, mentre altri dicono 2019 – quindi solo la finestra di tre anni, allora. Parlando a GamingBolt, Michael Pachter ha detto che anche se pensa che il PS5 sarà un mezzo passo e sarà retrocompatibile con la PS4 Pro, non credo che vedremo fino "2019 o 2020 ma probabilmente 2019 ". Questo avrebbe senso come sarebbe caduta in linea con le previsioni per quando il mercato televisivo 4K negli Stati Uniti raggiungerà 50%. "Penso che Sony ha probabilmente ottenuto il prossimo ciclo di console allineati già, " dice, "Penso che già sanno quello che hanno avuto modo di fare. " Più recentemente Pachter ha chiarito questa affermazione, dicendo che Sony avrebbe molto probabilmente rilasciare la nuova console nel 2020. Ha aggiunto che in questo momento pensa che la PS4 Pro diventerà il modello base PlayStation e vedrà una riduzione del prezzo. Nel frattempo un recente rapporto di Jason Schreier di Kotaku sostiene questo pensiero. Ha parlato con un certo numero di sviluppatori di probabili date di rilascio con la maggior parte delle conversazioni che puntano a una release 2020. Scrive: "ci sono informazioni su PlayStation 5 che galleggiano in entrambe le aziende di prima e terza parte, ma è molto più limitata di quanto lo sarebbe se il rilascio della console fosse imminente. " Un recente rapporto di Wall Street Journal punta a una release a circa tre anni di distanza, con John Kodera di Sony affermando: "useremo i prossimi tre anni per preparare il prossimo passo, per accovacciarsi in modo che possiamo saltare più in alto in futuro." non molto tempo dopo questo , Il nuovo CEO di Sony, Kenichiro Yoshida, ha rilasciato un business plan triennale per la società che ha previsto i profitti della società sarebbe tuffo nella corsa fino a 2021. Questo è il tipo di tuffo che può venire come la PlayStation 4 raggiunge la saturazione del mercato, prima del lancio del PS5. Quindi segna i tuoi calendari per 2019, 2020 e 2021. PS5: competizione Anche se siamo terribilmente impazienti per le notizie di una data di uscita di PlayStation 5, non possiamo criticare Sony per aver preso altri pochi anni per davvero latte l'ultimo della PS4, data la sua enorme e fedele base di giocatori. Dopotutto, PS4 Pro è ancora relativamente nuovo al mercato e il suo concorrente diretto, la Xbox One X di Microsoft, è una versione ancora più recente. Tuttavia, l'insider di settore Jez Corden (e un recente elenco di lavoro di Microsoft) ha accennato che Microsoft sta già pensando alla prossima Xbox-la Xbox due (riferito in codice "Xbox Scarlett "). Ciò significa che è altamente improbabile che Sony non sta attualmente facendo lo stesso ed è, forse, ancora più avanti nel processo. Secondo l'analista del settore Gaming Hideki Yasuda (via T3), e il suo studio Ace Economic Research Institute, "l'introduzione del PS5 sarà alla fine di 2019 ". Una release 2019 sarebbe molto prima del previsto e potrebbe dare a Sony un vantaggio reale come la console di prossima generazione avrebbe rilasciato prima di Xbox due. Se siamo onesti, non possiamo davvero vedere l'urgente necessità di iniziare una nuova generazione in questo momento. E dato l'impegno crescente di Microsoft per la compatibilità all'indietro, pensiamo che sia la chiave per Sony per riflettere attentamente sui suoi prossimi passi. Nonostante la relazione di Yasuda, un'attesa da due a tre anni ha molto più senso per noi. Tuttavia, potrebbe essere Sony sta cercando di lanciare Microsoft un sucker-punch dal campo di sinistra rilasciando prima del previsto. Inoltre, leggermente Mad Studios ha annunciato che sta lavorando su una console di nuova generazione ad alta potenza chiamata ' Mad box '. PS5: notizie e voci Le notizie solide su PlayStation 5 sono piuttosto sottili per il momento, ma come sempre, abbiamo delle voci su ciò che potrebbe venire giù dalla linea – e le abbiamo raccolte e valutate proprio qui. Kenichiro Yoshida conferma la prossima generazione In un'intervista con il Financial Times, il Presidente e CEO di Sony Kenichiro Yoshida ha dichiarato: "a questo punto, quello che posso dire è che è necessario avere un hardware di nuova generazione. " Relazione dell'Istituto di ricerca economica ACE Hideki Yasuda, analista del settore Gaming, della ditta ACE Economic Research di Osaka, ha affermato in un recente rapporto che il PS5 potrebbe arrivare in tempo per il Natale 2019 (via T3). Il rapporto stima che "l'introduzione del PS5 sarà alla fine di 2019 ". Se questo è vero, allora sarà un colpo massiccio per Microsoft che ha confermato la Xbox due (nome in codice "Xbox Scarlett ") non verrà avviata fino al 2020. Lo sviluppo dei gioco PS5 è in pieno svolgimento Daniel Ahmad, analista di niko Partners, è stato in discussioni con fonti presso le case di sviluppo di Sony di prima parte, e ritiene che i giochi PS5 sono ora l'unico Focus per la maggior parte dei team di Sony in-House. Con i kit di sviluppo in natura, questo ha un sacco di senso – ma Ahmad afferma anche che la line-up PS4 è stato assicurato per il momento troppo. Guardando il catalogo posteriore di PS4, non sorprenderti se ci sono anche molti titoli Cross-generazionali da PS4 a PS5. John Kodera parla cicli di vita John Kodera di PlayStation ha discusso il futuro della PS4 in un meeting strategico aziendale di Sony e, per estensione, ha inavvertitamente creato spazio per le voci future PS5 Release Year. Durante la riunione, Kodera ha chiarito che Sony è ancora molto dietro la console, ma ha avvertito che le vendite dovrebbero rallentare quest'anno, in linea con le aspettative come approcci di saturazione del mercato. Come una console arriva a questo punto nel suo ciclo di vita, è naturale per iniziare a guardare avanti per la prossima iterazione. Kodera ha dichiarato che il tempo che passa da ora fino a 2021 sarebbe un periodo in cui Sony sarebbe hunker giù-il che suggerisce che una nuova grande idea potrebbe essere dietro l'angolo. Forse 2021 sarà il momento di aspettarsi il PS5? Nessun aspetto rilevante a E3 2018 Ora che E3 2018 è venuto e andato, sappiamo che non c'era alcuna menzione della PS5 durante l'evento. Invece, Sony ha offerto immersioni profonde in quattro dei suoi più grandi giochi imminenti: Death stranding, Spider-Man, l'ultimo di noi 2 e Ghost of Tsushima. Guarda questo spazio per E3 2019. Analisi tecnica Eurogamer Un recente rapporto di Eurogamer ha tentato di restringere una possibile data di rilascio in base al momento in cui le tecnologie avanzate sufficienti a giustificare un salto generazionale saranno disponibili per Sony. Le cose più importanti che avranno bisogno di avanzare saranno il processore della console e la sua memoria e in entrambi i casi, Eurogamer ha stabilito che è improbabile vedere una nuova console rilasciata prima della fine di 2019. Anche se Sony è riuscito a spingere la sua console fuori in questa data, il costo di produzione renderebbe il PS5 troppo costoso, rendendo più probabile che non vedremo la console rilasciata fino alla fine del 2020, se Sony ha alcuna intenzione di renderlo una proposta attraente. Andrew House parla della prossima generazione L'ex capo di Sony, Andrew House, ha parlato di ciò che la prossima generazione di console potrebbe sembrare alla conferenza GamesBeat di recente. Anche se House si rifiutò di commentare in modo specifico sulla PlayStation 5 stessa, ha detto che crede che i dischi fisici si atteneranno ancora per un po', a causa della necessità di continuare a attingere ai mercati in via di sviluppo dove i titoli scaricabili potrebbero non essere altrettanto compatibile con un'infrastruttura Internet limitata. In altri mercati, tuttavia, pensa che i giochi di streaming saranno una grande parte della prossima generazione di console. House ha anche dichiarato che pensa che la PS4 e la PS4 Pro abbiano ancora una lunga vita in loro. Questo non necessariamente Annulla le voci che il PS5 sarà con noi nel prossimo uno a due anni; Se i rapporti che la console sarà retrocompatibile sono vere allora la generazione di PS4 rimarrà rilevante lungo nel ciclo di vita del PS5. Indipendentemente da ciò, dato che House non era disposto a commentare il PS5 nonostante sia stato spinto, questi dettagli possono essere considerati solo speculazioni al momento. Il rapporto SemiAcccurate SemiAccurate (tramite ResetEra) sta sostenendo che ha ricevuto alcune informazioni trapelato sulla console ancora-to-essere-annunciato e dice che il numero di kit di sviluppo che sono stati distribuiti suggerisce la console potrebbe essere rilasciato prima del previsto. In aggiunta a questo, SemiAccurate segnala anche che Sony utilizzerà questa console per spingere i suoi sforzi VR ancora di più, con VR-Tech cotto a livello di silicio, e sarà lo sport una GPU basata sull'architettura navi di AMD con una CPU che è potenzialmente un elemento personalizzato da AMD Zen l Ine. Anche se SemiAcccurate ha un track record decente con i suoi rapporti, avendo accuratamente riportato la partnership NVIDIA di Nintendo per lo switch e le specifiche di PS4 indietro nel 2012, diciamo ancora prendere questo con un pizzico di sale. Anche se le specifiche suono plausibile, una data di uscita 2019 sembra un po' inverosimile. Indipendentemente dal numero di kit di sviluppo distribuiti da Sony, ci si sente troppo presto dopo il rilascio di PS4 Pro per la prossima console PlayStation... e stiamo per arrivare verso la fine del 2018. Il Marcus Sellars sostiene Rinomato leaker Marcus Sellars ha fatto alcune affermazioni audaci su Twitter recentemente (tramite GameRant), sostenendo che i kit di sviluppo PS5 sono già nelle mani di sviluppatori di terze parti. Ha anche affermato che Nintendo sta progettando un flusso diretto per l'8 marzo (qualcosa che da allora si è rivelato accurato). Infatti, Sellars è stato accurato con le sue affermazioni un paio di volte: recentemente ha rivelato Metroid prime 4 è stato sviluppato da Bandai Namco. Tuttavia, Sellars non ha fornito alcuna prova per eseguire il backup delle sue affermazioni in modo che davvero non possono essere presi come qualcosa di più che voce al momento. Qualcosa che può essere interessante in relazione a questo, però, è che recentemente CD Projekt Red ha rivelato che il loro prossimo titolo cyberpunk 2077 è stato sviluppato per le console attuali e di prossima generazione che è venuto come una grande sorpresa per molti. Se questo significa che sono uno degli sviluppatori di terze parti al lavoro con questi kit si dice ancora da confermare. Anche se i kit di sviluppo sono nelle mani di sviluppatori, questo non significa che il PS5 è in arrivo in qualsiasi momento presto. Potrebbe ancora essere un altro paio di anni prima di qualsiasi tipo di rivelare in termini di hardware. Il brevetto Qualcosa che aiuta Sellars caso è un brevetto recentemente aggiornato per la compatibilità all'indietro che è stato depositato da Sony. Originariamente archiviato in 2015, il brevetto è stato aggiornato a febbraio per dire "test di compatibilità con le versioni precedenti del software in una modalità che interrompe la temporizzazione." Questa non è una garanzia che Sony sta effettivamente lavorando sulla tecnologia per il PS5 (potrebbe essere la creazione di una periferica completamente separata che rende possibile la compatibilità all'indietro), ma non è impossibile che questo potrebbe essere per una console di nuova generazione. Le novità di PlayStation Plus Anche se non c'è stata alcuna parola ufficiale da parte di Sony sullo sviluppo di una PlayStation 5, un recente annuncio in relazione al servizio PlayStation Plus ha acceso alcune speculazioni. È stato annunciato che dal marzo 2019, PS Plus non offrirà più giochi gratuiti per PS3 o PSVita e si concentrerà invece sui titoli di PS4. Questo ha portato ad alcuni chiedendo se Sony sta tentando di eliminare gradualmente questi titoli di vecchia generazione in preparazione per una nuova generazione. Questo è, naturalmente, pura speculazione, ma è interessante che Sony sarebbe disposto a ridurre la sua offerta di gioco a solo due giochi (come ha informato Polygon) senza alcuna scusa che desiderano concentrarsi sui titoli per una console già di grande successo. Se Sony sta realmente facendo strada per il PS5 o se sta andando a offrire una qualità superiore del gioco PS4 non è chiaro e sembra che dovremo aspettare un po' per scoprire che cosa il piano finale per PS Plus è.
PS5: Si prepara per i giochi 4K ?
La PS4 Pro offre un pizzico allettante di ciò che il gioco 4K potrebbe essere come. Ma il fatto rimane forte: ancora non ha il grugnito di fare 4K nativo in modo coerente. La sua tecnica di "scacchiera" di prendere singoli pixel e utilizzando ciascuno per renderizzare quattro pixel in risoluzione 4K è intelligente, e può fare output 4K nativo, ma spesso deve sacrificare la risoluzione per mantenere coerenti le prestazioni. Chris Kingsley, CTO e co-fondatore di sviluppatore Rebellion, Dangles una carota tecnologica ancora più ambizioso di fronte a un putativo PS5: "ovviamente nuovo hardware dovrebbe essere in grado di supportare televisori 4K e possibilmente anche 8K televisori a Spinta!" Il supporto nativo 4K, sicuramente, sarà un requisito fondamentale di PlayStation 5. E se Sony rompe quel particolare problema con alacrità, potrebbe anche significare che una PlayStation 5 arriverà prima del previsto. A parte le immagini 4K, se i recenti proiezioni a GDC 2018 sono qualcosa da passare, possiamo certamente aspettarci che la prossima generazione offra incredibili progressi visivi in termini di modelli di carattere. Durante GDC, abbiamo avuto un assaggio di ciò che la prossima generazione di giochi potrebbe apparire come e ci ha lasciato estremamente eccitato per il PS5. Ray tracing in tempo reale è stato rivelato essere la prossima grande cosa nel rendering, mentre Epic Games ci ha dato un assaggio di come potrebbe essere usato per creare i personaggi più realistici di sempre. Utilizzando la sua tecnologia di cattura, il creatore di Unreal Engine ha mostrato un futuro con modelli di personaggi così realistici che ci portano vicino a attraversare la valle inquietante. Guarda una performance di Andy Serkis qui sotto per vedere quanto sono capaci queste nuove tecnologie di sviluppo: "Onestamente, tra cinque e dieci anni da ora, non credo che si sta andando ad essere in grado di raccontare la differenza tra il mondo reale e virtuale," Epic CTO Kim libreri ha detto GamesIndustry.biz, "vedrete hardware in grado di supportare questo tipo di funzionalità piuttosto a breve, e poi, infine, il più grande blockbuster con gli effetti più complicati, entro dieci anni, sarete in grado di farlo in tempo reale. " Quando libreri ci dice vedremo hardware in grado di supportare questa tecnologia "abbastanza poco " non possiamo essere sicuri, ma ci piace pensare che sta parlando del ancora-to-essere-annunciato PS5. PS5: l'effetto VR Sony è diventata il primo produttore di console ad abbracciare la realtà virtuale, grazie a PlayStation VR, ma se esamini da vicino PlayStation VR e osservi come funziona su PS4 Pro, invita a fare speculazioni su come una console PlayStation 5 potrebbe portare la VR a una nuova Livello. Attualmente, PlayStation VR funziona con una risoluzione inferiore a quella di Oculus Rift e HTC vive, ma, così com'è, anche la sua attuale incarnazione spinge quasi la base di PlayStation 4 oltre i suoi limiti. L'esecuzione di una PlayStation VR su una PS4 Pro porta frame-rate migliorati, che sono davvero utili in termini di esperienza complessiva VR, ma anche PS4 Pro non può superare i vincoli di risoluzione impostati dal visore PlayStation VR. Sony vorrà tornare sul mercato con una seconda, marcatamente più alta tecnologia iterazione di PlayStation VR Quindi è una buona scommessa che, supponendo che PlayStation VR abbia successo (e sembra già che sia in fase di cattura) Sony vorrà tornare sul mercato con una seconda iterazione decisamente più alta-tecnologica: che fornirebbe un ovvio punto di vendita per PlayStation 5. E se un auricolare PlayStation VR 2 potrebbe essere venduto senza una scatola nera esterna, dovrebbe essere decisamente più economico, accelerando ulteriormente la marcia della VR nel mainstream. Un recente rapporto da SemiAcccurate, che sostiene che il PS5 avrà capacità di realtà virtuale built-in a livello di silicio, suggerisce che questo sarà davvero il caso.
Quale aspetto prenderà la PS5?
È stato suggerito che le future console come la PlayStation 5 potrebbero assumere forme radicalmente diverse rispetto a quelle attuali, grazie ai progressi nel cloud computing e al gioco in streaming, facendo via con i componenti che rendono i dispositivi di oggi così ingombranti. Tuttavia, riteniamo che sia improbabile che Sony prenda un approccio più simile a Nintendo e metta il PS5 in una piccola scatola. Una delle ragioni è che con la PS4, Sony si è appena impegnata a utilizzare ciò che sono fondamentalmente le interiora di un PC-le prime tre varianti di PlayStation utilizzati componenti proprietari (e che nella PS3 ha influenzato le vendite). Gli sviluppatori, certamente, sono stati notevolmente sollevati che la PS4 ha preso il percorso del PC. "Vogliamo sempre CPU veloci e GPU, ma un sacco di RAM veloce è anche molto importante – non è uso avere processori veloci se sono affamati di dati." Alessandro "Gli sviluppatori vogliono la possibilità di fare i migliori giochi utilizzando la quantità minima di sforzo. Vogliamo concentrarci sull'essere creativi e far funzionare le cose semplicemente ", dice Kingsley. "Quindi l'hardware dovrebbe essere basato su hardware della console corrente, che è a sua volta basato su hardware PC. Vogliamo sempre CPU veloci e GPU, ma un sacco di RAM veloce è anche molto importante-non è uso avere processori veloci se sono affamati di dati. " Tutto quanto sopra è realizzabile, ma il PS5 avrà ancora un disco rigido? Il Presidente e CEO di Sony Computer Entertainment Andrew House ha parlato al lancio di PS4 su come decidere di mettere i dischi rigidi e 8GB di RAM nella PS4 erano entrambe "decisioni da miliardi di dollari". Il fatto che Sony ha ora reso il supporto del disco rigido esterno possibile per la PS4 e Pro è un passo nella giusta direzione e questo è qualcosa che potrebbe essere portato al PS5, che avrà senza dubbio a che fare con ancora più grandi risorse 4K. Sembra certo che Sony è molto desiderosa di sentire ciò che la sua comunità pensa-recentemente un gruppo chiamato PlayStation Voice ha inviato sondaggi ai membri della sua comunità chiusa chiedendo loro quali sono le loro aspettative del PS5 sono. Un membro della Comunità ha pubblicato l'e-mail ricevuta e si è trovata rimossa dal gruppo per aver infranto i suoi accordi di non divulgazione. Secondo PSU, PlayStation Voice è una community gestita da un'agenzia di analisi dei consumatori di terze parti, Unisciti ai puntini. Una volta che le informazioni sono state raccolte, viene rialimentata ai clienti (il cliente in questo caso presumibilmente è Sony PlayStation). Certo, questo non ci dice molto su PS5 se stesso, a parte che le cose sono suscettibili di essere ancora nelle fasi iniziali. Sebbene sia improbabile che Sony utilizzi le informazioni raccolte dalle sue comunità per decidere esattamente quali funzioni saranno incluse nella console, le idee dei fan possono certamente suscitare una buona dose di ispirazione. PS5 e giochi di streaming Naturalmente, se i giochi sono stati appena trasmessi al PS5 quel problema scomparirebbe del tutto, e Sony ha già un servizio di gioco in streaming sotto forma di PlayStation Now. Quindi, perché non è più una caratteristica definitiva piuttosto che qualcosa sulla nostra lista dei desideri? Beh, Sony sta rimanendo con le labbra strette sulle figure di captazione di PlayStation Now, ma sospettiamo che siano piuttosto impressionanti. Ha certamente avuto problemi con la fissazione delle giuste tariffe di abbonamento, dato che PlayStation Now offre efficacemente la compatibilità con le versioni precedenti, un "lusso" che in precedenza era gratuito per i possessori di PlayStation 2S e 3s. Ma il problema più grande è la velocità della banda larga. Anche la TV 4K richiede un minimo di 25Mbps di banda larga al fine di fornire uno streaming soddisfacente, ed è dubbio se lo streaming di gioco 4K-con informazioni aggiuntive sulla parte superiore del lato visivo-sarebbe anche lavorare in modo affidabile a tali velocità. Non ci sarebbe nulla per fermare Sony lanciare una piccola versione basata su cloud del fattore di forma della console PS5 per quelli con la banda larga mega-veloce, forse con un modello di abbonamento cellulare in stile che ha un costo hardware anticipato (qualcosa che Microsoft sta pensando circa). Ma per la PS5 di vendere qualcosa come i suoi predecessori, ci dovrebbe essere una versione convenzionale con interiora simili alla PS4. Il cancelliere Philip Hammond ha precedentemente annunciato un investimento infrastrutturale finalizzato a portare la banda larga veloce e i dati mobili 5G nel Regno Unito, ma il primo che avrebbe un impatto sarebbe 2021, e il PS5 arriverà quasi certamente prima di allora. Forse il suo primo aggiornamento Mid-Cycle, però, sarà una versione in streaming che sfrutta le reti 5G in fiorente? PS5: dischi ottici o no? L'ascesa di giochi scaricabili, che continuano a mangiare nel mercato dei dischi fisici, significa che i esperti hanno predicato che le console andranno senza scarto per circa un decennio ormai. Tuttavia, la nostra ipotesi è che il PS5 non sarà il primo sistema a rischiare di avventurarsi lungo quella strada, almeno non fino a quando non cattura vento di Microsoft facendo la stessa cosa. Sony ha preso un sacco di (giustificabile) Flak per non mettere un disco Blu-Ray 4K in PS4 Pro-rendendolo un acquisto meno attraente per gli appassionati di film e TV rispetto alla Xbox One S o Xbox One X. I sondaggi continuano a mostrare che i giocatori sono ancora attaccati alla possibilità di acquistare giochi su dischi fisici – non da ultimo perché possono poi venderli (una pratica che l'industria dei giochi odia), e mantenere l'utilizzo dello spazio su disco rigido a un livello gestibile. Se Sony dovesse ascia l'unità Blu-ray da PS5, i giocatori si aspettano diversi terabyte di stoccaggio in compenso. Kingsley dà una visione dello sviluppatore sul tema: "Penso che i giorni di consegna di film e giochi via disco sono in declino, come la maggior parte delle persone stanno andando digitale; Tuttavia, alcune persone come dischi fisici, quindi chissà se tale declino sarà livellare e rimanere presente, ma a un livello inferiore rispetto a ora? I dati di download sono stati in aumento nell'ultimo anno, ma il CFO di EA Blake Jorgensen ha detto che pensa che le console e le unità disco continueranno a rimanere in giro. "Le console e le unità disco probabilmente rimangono in giro per un lungo periodo di tempo Penso che sia il consumatore a decidere qual è il modo più semplice per loro di acquistare un gioco. "E può significare che non hanno più un negozio in fondo alla strada da loro in modo che decidono di comprarlo forse è più facile per loro di fare."
Quindi, cosa possiamo aspettarci la PS5?
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Dato che la PlayStation 4 è stata lanciata nel 2013 e le precedenti console di Sony sono arrivate a intervalli di sei anni, sarebbe facile prevedere che lancerà la PlayStation 5 nel 2019 al più presto. Il tipo di tecnologia disponibile quindi dovrebbe consentire facilmente i giochi nativi 4K completi senza sellare PS5 con un prezzo enorme e, entro il 2019, i televisori 4K saranno la norma, piuttosto che l'eccezione, nella famiglia media. Il 2020 potrebbe essere l'anno in cui Sony scatenerà la PS5 nel mondo, come la prima console nativa 4K con VR wireless ... finché Microsoft non arriverà prima Quindi sarebbe una sorpresa se la Sony non volesse capitalizzare su questo nel più presto possibile. Tuttavia, Kingsley punta su PS4 Pro e ritiene che ciò potrebbe avere un effetto sulla durata dell'attuale ciclo di console: "È difficile giudicare, ma nel complesso penso sia giusto dire che il ciclo generale si allungherà leggermente". Soprattutto se la PS4 Pro supera selvaggiamente la base PS4, il che, ammettiamolo, non è qualcosa che prevediamo possa accadere una volta raggiunta una massa critica di famiglie con TV 4K. Quindi forse il 2020 potrebbe essere l'anno in cui Sony scatenerà la PS5 sul mondo, come la prima console nativa 4K con VR wireless ... fino a quando Microsoft non arriverà prima. Quali giochi possiamo aspettarci di vedere su PS5? Se viene applicato effettivamente il brevetto di retrocessione sopra menzionato, possiamo aspettarci di vedere l'intera libreria PS4 disponibile per giocare su PS5. O forse vedremo un altro round di remaster come abbiamo fatto quando ci siamo spostati dalla PS3 alla PS4. Tuttavia, immaginiamo che ci saranno alcuni giochi sviluppati appositamente per questa nuova generazione di console PlayStation 5 e la potenza extra che probabilmente offrirà. Abbiamo già visto CD Projekt Red menzionare che si sta sviluppando sia per questa generazione che per la prossima, e accanto alle voci che ci sono già sviluppatori di kit all'aperto, pensiamo che ci siano buone probabilità che Cyberpunk 2077 sia uno dei primi titoli PS5.   Info e novità sulla Playstation 5 direttamente su twitter   Read the full article
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junker-town · 6 years
Tom Thibodeau is literally turning the Timberwolves into his old Bulls team
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Luol Deng signing with the Wolves is more proof that Thibs is bringing the gang back together in Minnesota.
Add Luol Deng to the list of former Chicago Bulls players that head coach and team president Tom Thibodeau is rallying together in Minnesota.
Deng agreed to a one-year deal at the vet’s minimum of $2.4 million with the Timberwolves on Monday, according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania. The move confirm one thing everyone knew, but could’ve used more confirmation for anyway:
Thibodeau is bringing his Chicago Bulls back together in Minnesota.
Thibodeau took over as Timberwolves head coach and president three summers ago. Since then, he’s gone a long way, through trades and other acquisitions, to bring his old gang back together. Five of Thibs’ former players are either on the roster, coaching staff, or front office in some capacity.
Here’s how this reunion way, way up north began:
April 20, 2016 — Timberwolves hire Tom Thibodeau
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Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images
The unfortunate passing of Flip Saunders left Timberwolves management two positions to fill: head coach and team president. The Wolves played the remainder of the 2015-16 season out before hiring Thiboeau to a reported five-year deal worth $40 million as Saunders’s replacement.
The Timberwolves also hired Scott Layden as general manager to serve under Thibodeau. Layden was not part of the Chicago Bulls at any point, but he did serve in the front office as either executive vice president or preside and general manager with the New York Knicks from 1999-2003 while Thibodeau was an assistant coach.
2016 offseason — Thibodeau hires old assistants
Thibodeau filled out his coaching staff by hiring three people that worked with him in Chicago. Andy Greer, his lead assistant, worked with the Bulls from 2010 to 2015 and also worked as a fellow assistant with Thibodeau in New York and Houston. Ed Pinckney also worked with the Bulls from 2010 to 2015, while Rick Brunson worked with Thibodeau from 2010 to 2012.
August 24, 2016 — Wolves sign John Lucas III
Lucas III only played in five games with the Wolves last season, but he had spent two seasons in Chicago playing for Thibodeau during their playoff run. He was waived later that season and retired shortly after, but he joined the Wolves’ coaching staff as a player development coach last summer.
June 22, 2017 — Bulls and Wolves make huge draft-day splash
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Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images
The Bulls had decided Jimmy Butler wasn’t going to be the face of their franchise going forward, so they began fielding offers that would bring back the best mix of young players and draft picks. In came Thibodeau and the Timberwolves, dishing out Kris Dunn, an injured Zach LaVine, and the pick that became Lauri Markkanen.
The biggest chip of the Bulls reunion in Minnesota had finally fallen.
Butler always praised Thibodeau for pushing players to the maximum. In his first season in Minnesota, Jimmy Buckets led the NBA in minutes played. He later tore his meniscus, and is currently sidelined likely until the playoffs.
July 10, 2017 — Wolves add another ex-Bull
Minnesota had its pillars lined up beautifully. With Butler leading the charge and Karl-Anthony Towns, Andrew Wiggins, and Jeff Teague flanking him, the Wolves had as formidable a lineup as you can find across the league. They only needed a legitimate power forward to round out the starting five.
So Thibodeau did what he does best and brought in a player who he knew: Taj Gibson. Gibson joined the Wolves on a two-year, $28 million deal, immediately bringing toughness, veteran wisdom and defensive intensity to Minnesota.
September 21, 2017 — A small addition
In an effort to add some depth and veteran wisdom at the point guard slot, Thibodeau signed Aaron Brooks to back up Teague and Tyus Jones. Brooks played in Chicago under Thibs for two seasons from 2014-16.
Brooks was not re-signed entering the 2018-19 season.
March 8, 2018 — Another last domino falls
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Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
It can’t be a Bulls reunion without the most famous Bull since Michael Jordan. That title belongs to Derrick Rose, the youngest MVP in NBA history whose career was derailed by a series of never-ending knee injuries.
Rose averaged 25 points, 7.7 assists and four rebounds per game in his 2010-11 MVP season, leading the Bulls to an Eastern Conference Finals loss to LeBron’s Miami Heat. The following season, he tore his ACL and was never the same. He was traded to the Knicks, where he spent one season, before signing with Cleveland this summer.
Amid a spiraling season, the Cavaliers made a midseason pivot and traded almost every player they acquired over the summer. That included Rose, was sent to Utah and eventually waived by the team.
September 10, 2018 — There are still more ex-Bulls?
Yes, there are, and now, he’s on the Timberwolves. Luol Deng agreed to a one-year, veteran’s minimum contract worth $2.4 million with Minnesota on Monday. So long as he passes his physical, he’ll be part of Thibs’ master plan.
A fully healthy Deng played in just one game for the Los Angeles Lakers last season. They bought the remaining two years of his contract at $30.5 million (a $7.5 million savings figure) and let him become an unrestricted free agent this summer. He averaged 7.6 points on 30.9 percent shooting from three in the 2016-17 season.
Free agent Luol Deng has reached agreement on a one-year, $2.4M deal with Minnesota, pending physical, per league sources.
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) September 10, 2018
Now Deng rejoins Thibodeau, Butler, Gibson, Rose and Lucas III in Minnesota as the Wolves navigate the wild Western Conference. They will attempt to make consecutive playoff appearances for the first time since the Kevin Garnett era.
There’s one more domino remaining, and that’s Joakim Noah, the embattled center with two years worth $37.8 million left on his contract with the New York Knicks. The Knicks don’t appear to be in any rush to buy that exorbitant contract out. But if they decide to, there’s one mad man who’ll be ready to scoop Noah up off the market.
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tragiichearts · 8 years
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nyu is buzzing with a new semester and students are already moving in. whether you’re here for the first time or returning, everyone is talking about how the rest of the year is going to go for them. will you be making new friends or keeping to yourself? are your parties going to be a hit or miss? will that cute barista at the campus starbucks finally notice you? and are you going to actually make it through with your full load of classes? only time will tell, and the decisions that you make will put everything else into play for you. choose wisely.
this is an all human college au and is open to all fandoms. you are encouraged to be 18+ (mun and muse) since this verse may have adult themes.  try to be as active as possible, there will be random activity checks, and please let us know of a long-term absence. no ooc drama, but ic drama is always welcome. sometimes i will post a random happening that may affect all students (snow storm, school closing, etc) feel free to participate in it with new threads. this is just to bring new things into the verse. there is a possibility of a gossip blog in the future as well. please make a bio once you are accepted and tag it as gv. pursuit of life ooc track the tags gv. pursuit of life and gv. pursuit of life ooc sending in an application will not guarantee your acceptance as this is a selective verse. applications will not always be accepted right on the spot, it may take a day or two. there will most likely be a member cap, and i will post when i’m no longer accepting applications.
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♦ gabriel lightwood | matthew daddario | tragiichearts | 21. junior. graphic design. bio. ♦ alec lightwood | matthew daddario | sagittarriis | 21. junior. business. bio. ♦ isleif úlfadóttir | imogen poots | hellfireandice | 18. freshman. nursing. bio. ♦ dionysus | brendon urie | midnxghtwhisperings | (age needed). senior. marketing. bio. ♦ jillian rae holtzmann | freya mavor | avidskiier | 19. junior. engineering. bio. ♦ simon lewis | alberto rosende | neharah | 19. sophomore. accounting & music. bio. ♦ eliot waugh | hale appleman | eliotwoah | 21. senior. linguistics & creative writing. bio. ♦ clarissa morgenstern | katherine mcnamara | svraphic | 18. freshman. visual arts. bio ♦ quentin coldwater | jason ralph | magicaladept | 20. junior. philosophy. bio.  ♦ rayne layden | selena gomez | ghostofaformerself | 20. junior. behavioral science. bio.
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tophatal · 6 years
  The Work You Put In Provides You With Results In The End ….
Well, it’s been a long time coming, after a season of thrills, spills and in some cases utter despair. Now the NFL Postseason is upon us and the wildcard round began in earnest with some thrilling games. None more so perhaps, than the game between the Houston Texans and Indianapolis Colts , two divisional rivals who split their season series in 2018. With so much at stake both quarterbacks , Andrew Luck of the Colts and DeShaun Watson of the Texans had to be at their very best. This was clearly the case as both players sought to exhibit their very best during this AFC Wildcard Round contest.
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Andrew Luck and the Indianapolis Colts steamrolled through a Houston Texans’ defense which appeared non-existent on their way to a 21-7 victory . The Colts will now look forward to meeting the Kansas City Chiefs in the AFC Divisional Round of this postseason .
Far be it for me to suggest , but Jason Garrett of the Dallas Cowboys must have known that it had to be now or never to prove himself as the Head Coach of this franchise. Garrett’s record in the postseason has not been an enviable one in comparison to many of his predecessors. In Saturday’s home game against the Seattle Seahawks , the Dallas Cowboys were up against a team looking to make their mark once again. Opposing quarterbacks Dak Prescott of the Cowboys and Russell Wilson entered into this game needing to prove that they were among the best within the league and most certainly among the best within the NFC over the course of the season. Dallas would get the better of the Seahawks in the contest , moving on to the next round where they will meet the Los Angeles Rams on the road , in a game which should prove to be very exciting.
OK , so with the NFL now moving on to the Divisional Round , it will be interesting to see who these match-ups will play out and what the teams will bring to the table by way of their play. Defending Superbowl champions the Philadelphia Eagles were lucky to get by the Chicago Bears , whose defense simply didn’t do enough to allow the team to get any type traction in the game. Mitch Trubisky played well , but his counterpart Nick Foles played with a lot more poise and showed leadership when needed. Of the Divisional Round contests set to take place this upcoming weekend , the most appealing might well be the contest between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Indianapolis Colts . Yet I do believe the game between the Los Angeles Chargers and New England Patriots , could provide a major upset as Chargers’ quarterback Philip Rivers takes this franchise to their furthest appearance in the postseason of the past fifteen years.
The past three days within the NBA and the results seen should be a real indicator of what not actually to expect given the inconsistency seen from the teams. The Los Angeles Lakers have been without LeBron James for the past couple of games during which the team has not fared that well. A blowout loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves , just proved that their victory over the Golden State Warriors should be seen for what it was , merely an aberration . Next up for the Los Angeles Lakers will be a match-up against the Dallas Mavericks on Monday evening , a game where the Lakers will have to be at their very best against a Mavericks’ team looking to play their way into playoff contention . With aging veteran Dirk Nowitzki now playing a slightly less competitive role for the team , it will be interesting to see how Dirk performs against the Lakers in this contest .
Of late both the Houston Rockets and San Antonio Spurs have been on impressive win streaks , with notching a mark of 8-2 . San Antonio’s most impressive victory would have to be the one over the Toronto Raptors , the team with the best record in the league at this juncture , with the Raptors being the first to notch thirty victories this season within the NBA . Since that victory the Spurs have played with consistency , with production coming from all of their players. Next up for the Spurs will be a game against the Detroit Pistons on the road against a very good Eastern Conference team.
The firing of Tom Thibodeau as the Head Coach and as a front office executive within the Minnesota Timberwolves’ franchise, sent shock waves around the NBA. After the death of Flip Saunders , there was enough tumult within the organization . Ryan Saunders has since assumed the interim coaching position for the Timberwolves , with Scott Layden assuming the General Manager’s position . Glenn Taylor remains team owner , but his advanced age has seen him relinquish certain roles to subordinates within the Timberwolves’ hierarchy . The upheaval and the constant bickering with Thibodeau unable to corral his players led to the dismissal of the coach for the second time during his professional career , with his first firing coming as the former Head Coach of the Chicago Bulls , who this year fired Fred Hoiberg , after that team’s abysmal start to the season .
It is becoming extremely difficult to see where the Minnesota Timberwolves no go from here. With an extremely young roster , and winning having become extremely difficult for the team. It will be interesting to see if Ryan Saunders can show the pedigree of his late father, Flip Saunders , as he seeks to lead the franchise back to prosperity and success. Over their last fifteen games the Timberwolves are 6-0 , though not among the worst in the league, but their last ten games have shown the team to be in a truly dire situation . In their next game the Timberwolves will be facing the Oklahoma City on the road on the 8th January ,2019 , one of the slew of games being played on Tuesday evening . . With Minnesota having built their roster around the Karl-Anthony Townes , Andrew Wiggins and the veteran presence of former League MVP point guard Derrick Rose . A rebuilding process cannot be allowed to ensue within a franchise which is in such dire straits
If the Minnesota Timberwolves are said to be floundering, then the woes of the New York Knicks continue unabated . This franchise remains in a quagmire even after the three moribund and unproductive years under Phil Jackson’s tenure as a front office executive within this franchise. The fact of the matter is , even with Dave Fizdale coaching this roster , this team is simply not good enough to win on a consistent basis . The longest win-streak put together by this team lasted no more than three games. A sad state of affairs for a franchise considered to be one of the most renowned in the NBA. . Fizdale and the team are in action for their next game which pits the New York Knicks against the Golden State Warriors . This is not a game I believe the Knicks are capable of winning at all and it is likely to end in a rout of the Eastern Conference franchise .
So what was heralded as a memorable slug-fest turned out to be a complete rout as Clemson annihilated Alabama to win their third BCS National Title in the last five years . Alabama long revered as the best program in College Football now sees itself as having been surpassed by this Dabo Swinney coached team . Swinney’s opposite number Nick Saban must now think hard as to what needs to be done in order for Alabama to remain relevant and at the top of the food chain.
Byron Scott, the now fired former coach of the Hornets. GM , Jeff Bower who has now assumeed the position of head coach on an interim basis. And assistant coach , Tim Floyd. It’s safe to assume that the reins may well be handed over to Floyd at some time in the future given the fact Bower has no experience as a coach of any kind with regard to the NBA . picture apears courtesy of nbae/ getty images / Richard Tyson …………..
Rays’ third baseman , Evan Longoria at the plate for team. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Vic Hallam
Carl Crawford’s three-run home run in the sixth inning highlighted Tampa Bay’s three-game sweep of the Angels. The Rays are five games over .500 for the first time in team history. photo appears courtesy of the Associated Press/ Mike Carlson ………….
Gatots’ player Tim Tebow (15) and his coach Urban Meyer discuss their options during a game. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Chris Dickson ……………….
Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig’s steroids proposal, made to the union last month, calls for a 50-game ban for first offenders, a 100-game penalty for second offenders and a lifetime ban for a third positive test. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press / Adam Roundtree …….
Carolina Panthers’ Julius Peppers saluting fans as he walks off the field after the Panthers’ 23-10 win over the New Orleans Saints in an NFL football game in Charlotte, N.C. The Panthers have decided the price is too steep to keep their all-time sacks leader. It means five-time Pro Bowl defensive end Julius Peppers is about to become one of the top prizes in free agency. Agent Carl Carey says the Panthers have told him they won’t place the restrictive franchise tag on Peppers for a second consecutive year at a cost of more than $20 million. The move Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010, comes two days before the tag deadline. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Rick Havner ……
Mike Dunleavy (#17) of the Indiana Pacers goes up for the lay up against Brendan Haywood (#33) of the Dallas Mavericks during a game at the American Airlines Center on February 22, 2010 in Dallas, Texas. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Glenn James ……………….
University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman, left, and head football coach Rich Rodriguez, right, are shown at a news conference in Ann Arbor, Mich., Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010. The NCAA has found that Michigan’s storied football program was out of compliance with practice time rules under coach Rodriguez. Incoming athletic director David Brandon disclosed the finding Tuesday. He says there were no surprises in the NCAA findings. He also says Rodriguez remains the coach. Michigan has 90 days to respond and will appear at an NCAA hearing on infractions in August. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Paul Sancya ……
Los Angeles -January 13th 2010. New head coach of the USC Trojans Lane Kiffin shakes a hand as he makes his way to his press conference at Heritage Hall in Los Angeles, California. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Harry How ……………..
Duke’s Jon Scheyer collides with Virginia Tech’s Malcolm Delaney, left, during the first half. Scheyer scored 25 points and collected 10 rebounds in the win. The Blue Devils defeated Virginia Tech (Hokies) 67-55 in the game . photo appears courtesy of Associated Press / Sara Davis ……………..
Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts speaks to the media Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010 at the Chicago Cubs spring training facility in Mesa, Ariz. photo appears Assoc. Press/ Matt York ….
Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella, right, along with coaches Matt Sinatro, middle, and Lester Strode watch pitchers warm up during spring training baseball camp practice Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, in Mesa, Ariz. photo appears courtesy of Assoc. Press/ Ross D. Franklin ………..
Minnesota Twins pitcher Joe Mauer swings in the batting cage at baseball spring training in Fort Myers, Fla., Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/ Nati Harnik …….
Florida Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria, left, watches batting practice with Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez during spring training baseball Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010, in Jupiter, Fla. With the smallest payroll in the majors last year, the Marlins won 87 games and finished six games behind eventual league champion Philadelphia in the NL East. Visiting spring training to watch the first full-squad workout, Loria said the 2009 Marlins underachieved. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/Jeff Roberson ……..
Israeli model Bar Refaeli seen here doing a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition phot-shoot.
Ray Allen (#20) of the Boston Celtics looks for a play against LeBron James (#23) of the Cleveland Cavaliers on February 25, 2010 at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Brian Babbineau …..
Floyd Mayweather, left, and current WBA welterweight super champion Shane Mosley exchange words during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. The press conference was to promote their May 1, 2010 fight in Las Vegas, Nevada. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press/ Seth Wenig ……..
Floyd Mayweather, left, and current WBA welterweight world champion Shane Mosley pose for a picture during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. The news conference was to promote their May 1, 2010 fight in Las Vegas, Nevada. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press /Seth Wenig
Scott Boras, chided for bonus demands for amateur clients, says the Major League Baseball draft needs restructuring. “In this system, everybody thinks this is about money. No, this is about saving money. It allows for less mistakes,” he says. photo appears courtesy of USA Today Jason M. Millstein ………………..
Commissioner of Major League Baseball Bud Selig and actress Sarah-Jessica Parker take part in an on field presentation during the 79th MLB All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium on July 15, 2008 in the Bronx borough of New York City. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images North America / Jim McIsaac ……………
Stacey Dash , actress , designer and entrepreneur .
Jennifer Aniston shows us that she’s more than willing to be your ‘friend’ ?
Model & Playboby playmate Naureen Zaim . Who wouldn’t mind teaching her a lesson or two on human anatomy ?
Cuban American actress & model Natalie Martinez
Martinez again looking good as only she possibly can !
Oh mon ami ! she possibly can ! Je t’aime !</strong
Who wouldn’t want to play with Natalie Martinez ?
Well hello there !
Model & actress Natalie Martinez ……….
Actress & model Natalie Martinez …….. Who wouldn’t want to get ahold of her rims ? I know I would !
New York Yankees’ Alex Rodriguez watches his fly-out in the first inning of a spring training baseball game against the Philadelphia Phillies, Friday, March 26, 2010, in Tampa, Fla. photo appears courtesy of Assoc Press / Mike Carlson ….
Sarasoata , Fl ,. Infielder Adrian Beltre (29) of the Boston Red Sox throws over to first for an out against the Baltimore Orioles during a Grapefruit League Spring Training Game at Ed Smith Stadium on March 27, 2010 in Sarasota, Florida. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ J Meric ……….
St. Louis , Bobby Maze (3) of the Tennessee Volunteers looks to shoot the ball against Mike Kebler (20) and Draymond Green (23) both of the Michigan State Spartans during the midwest regional final of the 2010 NCAA men’s basketball tournament at the Edward Jones Dome on March 28, 2010 in St. Louis, Missouri. Michigan State beat Tennessee 70-69. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Dilip Vishwanat …
The Duke Blue Devils hold up the trophy after a 78-71 win over the Baylor Bears in the south regional final of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament at Reliant Stadium in Houston on Sunday. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Ronald Martinez …
Butler’s Nick Rodgers hold up the West Regional trophy as the team returned home to Indianapolis amid a throng of fans after earning a spot in the Final Four with a victory over Kansas State Saturday. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ A J Mast ………..
West Virginia’s Da’Sean Butler and Joe Mazzulla hug after the game. Butler scored 18 points and Mazulla pitched in a career-high 17 to help West Virginia hold off the Wildcats. The Mountaineers would defeat the Kentucky Wildcats 73-66 to make their way the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Jim McIsaac ……….
Russian actress & model Anya Monzikova . Who wouldn’t want some of Monzikova alongside some fresh Beluga caviar ?
2008 Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford. The player is widely expected to be taken number one overall in the upcoming NFL Draft. The team with the first pick are the NFC’s St Louis Rams . photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Chris Rogers ………..
Eagles’ quarterback Donovan McNabb. The player is said to want to remain with the Eagles but it’s becoming clear that he will be traded sooner rather than later. Eagles’ coach Andy Reid and team President Joe Banner are willing to listen to offers for the Pro Bowler. photo appears courtesy of US Presswire/ Jody Gomez ………….
Tebow (15) left is seen here alongside his former college coach Urban Meyer. The two proved to be very sucessfule as a team combining to win two national titles in four years. photo appears courtesy of boston.com/ articles …………
DeMaurice Smith Executive Director of the NFLPA. Smith who assumed the position after the death of his predecessor Gene Upshaw. He was elected to the position by the board members of the Players’ Association. Smith was a corporate litigation attorney for the DC law firm Patton Boggs. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Phillip Mitchell
Carlos Boozer #5 of the Utah Jazz has his shot challenged by Kobe Bryant #24 of the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center on April 2, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers would go on to defeat the Jazz 102-96 in the game . photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Andrew D Bernstein ………..
Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles. The player was traded to the Washington Redskins a divisional rival in the NFC East. It adds to the flavor this upcoming season when the player meets his ‘former team’ . photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Hugh Malcolm ………………..
Baylor’s Brittney Griner and U Conn’s Maya Moore are seen here during the women’s Final Four game between the two teams. Geno Auriemma’s Huskies would go on to defeat the Baylor Lady Bears 70-50 in the game played at the Alamodome in San Antonio , Texas , Sunday April 4th 2010. photo appears courtesy of Getty Images/ Alicia Mack ………..
Cleveland Browns nose tackle Shaun Rogers and his lawyer Patrick D’Angelo, center, talk to reporters after leaving Cleveland Police Headquarters where Rogers was charged with one felony count of carrying a concealed weapon on Friday, April 2, 2010, in Cleveland, Ohio. Rogers was arrested at Cleveland Hopkins International airport on Thursday after he tried to take a loaded handgun through airport security. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Jason Miller …..
Butler head coach Brad Stevens , left to right, Gordon Hayward and Ronald Nored smile during an interview session for the men’s NCAA Final Four college basketball championship Sunday, April 4, 2010, in Indianapolis. The Butler Bulldogs will face Mike Krzyzewski’s Duke Blue Devils in the championship game Monday night to be played at Lucas Oil Stadium , Indianapolis, Indiana. This in many ways will be very much a “home game” for the small and in-obtrusive college team from Indiana. The furor over over their improbable journey has resonated within the state and across the nation. photo appears courtesy of Associated Press/ Mark J Terrill ……………
Los Angeles, April 4th 2010. Manu Ginobil (20) of the San Antonio Spurs goes to the basket against Luke Walton (4) of the Los Angeles Lakers at Staples Center on Sunday. The San Antonio Spurs would go on to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers 100-81 in a game played at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. photo appears courtesy of NBAE/ Getty Images/ Noah Grahame …………….
Tiki Barber and his wife Gina Cha. Barber’s wife is six months pregnant with twins and is now in the midst of separating from the former NFL star. photo appears courtesy of Wire Image/ Duffie Marie Arnoult ………….
23 year old Traci Lynn Johnson an intern with NBC Universal and who works alongside Tiki Barber on the NBC morning show “The Today Show” . Barber and Johnson are romantically involved and the former NFL star has now separated from his wife of 11 years , Gina Cha. The couple have two children with twin now on the way in terms of Cha’s pregnancy. photo appears courtesy of Social Media SEO ……….
Playboy Playmate Kayle Collins …………August 2008. Is there a need to proceed further concerning Kayle’s attributes ?
Jameer Nelson of the Orlando Magic goes for the layup in the Eastern Conference semi-final game played against the Atlanta Hawks. NBAE/ Getty Images/ Fernando Medina ………
Head Coach Jerry Sloan of the Utah Jazz fields questions from the media following his team’s loss to the Los Angeles Lakers in Game Two of the Western Conference Semifinals during the 2010 NBA Playoffs at Staples Center on May 4, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. NBAE Getty Images _ Andrew D Bernstein
Kobe Bryant (24) of the Los Angeles Lakers shoots against Deron Williams (8 )of the Utah Jazz in Game Two of the Western Conference Semifinals during the 2010 NBA Playoffs at Staples Center on May 4, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. NBAE Getty Images/ Noah D Bernstein
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – JUNE 24: (L-R) Robert Vittek, Martin Skrtel and Radoslav Zabavnik of Slovakia celebrate victory after knocking Italy out of the competition during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images ……
Johannesburg , South Africa – June 24 th 2010. Kamil Kopunek of Slovakia celebrates scoring his team’s third goal during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by Christof Koepsel/Getty Images ……
Fabio Cannavaro, captain of Italy, leaves the field dejected after being knocked out of the competition by Slovakia during the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Group F match between Slovakia and Italy at Ellis Park Stadium on June 24, 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images ………
In this Sept. 18, 2010, photo, Florida Marlins’ Dan Uggla bats in a baseball game against the Chicago Cubs in Miami. Uggla has been traded from the Marlins to the Atlanta Braves for infielder Omar Infante and left-hander Mike Dunn. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
This is a 2008 file photo of Dan Uggla of the Florida Marlins baseball team. Uggla and the Atlanta Braves have reached a preliminary agreement on a $62 million, five-year contract, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press Wednesday Jan. 5, 2011 on condition of anonymity because the agreement was not yet final. (AP Photo/Rob Carr, File)
Baltimore Orioles starting pitcher Wei-Yin Chen (16), of Taiwan, comes into the dugout following the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Tampa Bay Rays, Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/Brian Blanco)
ST. PETERSBURG – AUGUST 04: Designated hitter Jeff Keppinger #7 of the Tampa Bay Rays fouls off a pitch against the Baltimore Orioles during the game at Tropicana Field on August 4, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. (Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)
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… Tophatal ………….
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The Work You Put In Provides You With Results In The End …. The Work You Put In Provides You With Results In The End …. Well, it’s been a long time coming, …
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October 24, 2018: Obituaries
Charles Parks Bentley, 82
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Mr. Charles Parks Bentley, age 82 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.  Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 at First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 6-8 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home and on Saturday following the service from 4-7 at Oakwoods Country Club. Private Family burial services will be held.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Education Foundation or Dr. Charles P. Bentley Student Teacher Award c/o Chowan  University One University Place Murfreesboro, NC 27855-9902.
To send flowers or a remembrance gift to the family of Charles Parks Bentley, please visit our Tribute Store.
  Willie James Tharpe, age 77
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Mr. Willie James Tharpe, age 77, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, October 18, 2018 at SECU Hospice House in Yadkinville.  Graveside services were held 4:00 PM Sunday, October 21st, 2018 at Oak Grove Baptist Church cemetery ( Hwy 268 east) with Rev. Eddie Tharpe officiating. The family received friends from 1:30 until 3:00 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.  Mr. Tharpe was born December 6, 1940 in Wilkes County to Grover Cleveland Tharpe and Bessie Catherine Elmore Tharpe. He was a Farmer and a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church.  In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother; Oliver Grover Tharpe. Mr. Tharpe is survived by two daughters; Tamra Tharpe Millsap and husband Gary of North Wilkesboro and Pamela Tharpe Whittington and husband Scott of North Wilkesboro, a grandson; Jamison Scott Whittington and a sister; Billie Catherine Standfield of Utah. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to SECU Hospice House 243 North Lee Street, Yadkinville, NC 27055. Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
To send flowers or a remembrance gift to the family of Willie James Tharpe, please visit our Tribute Store.
  Roger Dale Huffman, Jr., 34
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Mr. Roger Dale Huffman, Jr. age 34 of Millers Creek, passed away Thursday, October 18, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. Funeral services were held 2:00 PM Saturday, October 20, 2018 at Congo Pentecostal Holiness Church with Rev. Luke Pyles and Rev. Lyn Lambert officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family received friends from 12:30 until 2:00 prior to the service at the church.  Mr. Huffman was born May 21, 1984 in Watauga County to Roger Dale Huffman, Sr and Sandra Pierce Huffman. He was employed in the logging business.  He is survived by his parents of the home, three daughters; Ryleigh Huffman, Zaleigh Huffman, Haleigh Tucker and their mother Hope Holland all of Millers Creek and three sisters; Janice Huffman Pruitt of Wilkesboro, Sherry Huffman of Millers Creek and Dawn Leiker of Texas. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Congo Pentecostal Holiness Church Building Fund c/o Linda Huffman 287 Cactus Lane Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
To send flowers or a remembrance gift to the family of Roger Dale Huffman, please visit our Tribute Store.
 John Dickson Reavill, 74
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Mr. John Dickson Reavill, age 74 of Millers Creek, passed away Monday, October 22, 2018 surrounded by his loving family at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.  Funeral services with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be held 1:00 Friday, October 26, 2018 at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. David Wellborn and Pastor Mark Reavill officiating. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 Thursday evening at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.  Mr. Reavill was born November 13, 1943 in Monterey  Bay, CA to Paul Andrew Reavill and Mary Elizabeth Danser Reavill. He was retired from the Peace Corp, owned his own CPA firm and was a Army Veteran. Mr. Reavill was a member of Cherry Grove Baptist Church.  He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother; George William Reavill. Mr. Reavill is survived by his wife; Angela Grace Anderson Reavill of Millers Creek, by two daughters; Melissa Nunn and husband Jason of Millers Creek, Cynthia Vidrine and husband Tony of Ville Platte LA, three sons; Paul Reavill of Ville Platte LA, Mark Reavill and wife Lynette of Millers Creek and Donald Mastin of Wilkesboro, fifteen grandchildren; Christopher Mastin, Cameron Brown, Mary Beth Reavill, Caleb Nunn, Wyatt Nunn, Danielle Bishop, DeAnna Faw, Alex Reavill, Drake Fontenot, Tre Fontenot, Dreu Fontenot, Aubree Fontenot, Tyler Vidrine, Cade Vidrine and Erin Vidrine, seven great grandchildren; Forest Mastin, Finley Mastin, Madison Faw, Jayda Faw, Austyn Fontenot, Addison Reavill and Sebastian Vidrine, one brother; Robert Snider of Indianapolis, IN; a sister; Ann Burton of Newton, IL, special friend of the family; Katherine White and her two daughters; Nayana and Makayla, special grand dogs; Bailey, Bentley and Bella.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes PO Box 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, Ruby Pardue Blackburn Adult Day Care PO Box 984 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
To send flowers or a remembrance gift to the family of John Dickson Reavill, please visit our Tribute Store.
  Dudley Waugh
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           The door of life closed gently as Dudley Smith Waugh crept forward on a heavenly journey Friday, October 19, 2018. He was born in North Wilkesboro, N.C., June 24, 1931 to Benjamin and Daisy Smith Waugh.
           Dudley, affectionately called "Dud" and "Uncle Dud" was raised and continued to live in the Fairplains Community. He attended the Wilkes County Schools. His family were faithful members of Beulah Presbyterian Church and it was there that Dudley accepted Christ at an early age. He was blessed with a strong and impressive tenor voice and he used his talent to the Glory of God in choirs and as a soloist at different churches. His most current membership was at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church where he served actively in the choir and as an usher.
           A staunch believer in hard work, which he exemplified throughout his life, Dudley worked several jobs and while on one specific job he met the love of his life, Lona Ferguson. They were married August 20, 1960 and to this union one son, Kirk Douglas Waugh was born. Dudley retired from North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church after 44 years as the church sexton. Because of his dedicated service to caring for and maintaining God's House, Dudley received several citations and recognitions and today his legacy continues to live on at the church.
           Dudley's family was very near and dear to his heart. Although he had a quiet, humble manner and a humorous side, his spirit of love, devotion and caring did reveal itself. As one to stay very close to home, he did enjoy trips to Gatlinburg, TN. and to Durham. He loved the family gatherings and reunions. He especially enjoyed the 2000 Waugh-Watkins Family Reunion in the Maryland area where he was able to tour Washington, D.C. and the White House.
           He was preceded in death by: his parents, sisters, Hazel Waugh, Ella Ruth W. Brown, Martinez W. Ferguson, Violet W. Roberts, Charlene W. Bynum, Rebecca W. Ford-Daye, and brothers, Bruce Waugh, Baxter "Sonny" Waugh, Danny Waugh, Sr. and Kent Morgan Waugh.
With fond and loving memories to cherish, he leaves his devoted and loving wife of 58 years, Lona, his son, Kirk (Tammy), two grandsons, Brandon Whittington and Denzell Waugh, two sisters, Betsy Waugh Carver and Martha Waugh Barnes, sister-in-law, Rita Ferguson Daniels, brother-in-law, Rev. Charles Ferguson (Brenda), sister-in-law, Joan L. Waugh, nieces, nephews and a host of other relatives and friends.
           Funeral service will be held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Charles Ferguson, Rev. Matthew Farley and Rev. Steve Snipes officiating. Burial will follow in Mountlawn Memorial Park. The family will receive friends at Pleasant  Hill Baptist Church from 12:00 until 1:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted.
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Bobby Johnson,  77
Bobby Dean Johnson, age 77, of Wilkesboro, passed away October 20, 2018 at SECU Hospice Home in Yadkinville. He was born February 17, 1941 in Wilkes County to Roby Wilson and Vera Huffman Johnson. Mr. Johnson faithfully attended Vision Baptist Church. Bobby was a US Air Force Veteran and employed with Tyson for 33 years. Mr. Johnson was preceded in death by his parents; his son, Wesley A. Johnson; and brother, John David Johnson Sr.
           Surviving are his wife, Elaine Harrold Johnson; sons, Stephen K. Johnson and Joel E. Johnson both of Wilkesboro; sisters, Treva Frazier of Millers Creek, Anganetta Dover and husband Wayne of Salisbury; brothers, Harold E. Johnson and wife Barbara of Ronda, Bryce E. Johnson and wife Phyllis of Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Mayla Johnson of Woodland, Washington, Ivan B. Johnson and Layden G. Johnson (their mother, Clorissa) of Purlear; great granddaughter, Isabella Montenegro of Woodland, Washington; several nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews.
           Funeral service will be held 1:00 p.m. October 25, 2018 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Joel Gray officiating.                Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142. will follow in Mountlawn Memorial Park.
           The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 12:00 until 1:00 on Thursday, prior to the service.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Vision Baptist Church, 397 Eller Mtn. Rd. Millers Creek, NC 28651.
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Kathryn  Brooks, 55
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Mrs. Kathryn Lynne Brooks, 55 of Boomer, passed away on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at her residence.
           Kathryn was born on October 24, 1962 in Cleveland Ohio to Fred William Mahnke and Faye Alexander Mahnke.
Kathryn is survived by her husband, Mark Brooks; father, Fred Mahnke; children, Jeanette (Justin) Bratcher, John Verzi, Joshua (Valerie) Verzi, Kevin Mahnke, Katrina Mahnke, Mark Brooks, Emily Brooks; siblings, Fred (Caroline) Mahnke, John (Trudy) Mahnke, Arlene (Rob) Fassinger, Steve Mahnke, MaryAnn (Butch) Likar; grandchildren, Gabby, Gena, Kenzie, Maddie, Ava, Emma, Ella, Cameron, Christian and 15 nieces and nephews.  
           Kathryn is preceded in death by her mother and nephew Matthew Mahnke.
           No services are planned.
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Brooks Family.
 Ellen Young, 81
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Ms. Ellen Ruth Young, 81, of Elkin, passed away on Thursday, October 19, 2018 at her home.
           Ellen was born on May 3, 1937 in Palm Beach County, Florida to the late Allen E. Young and Ruth Olive Burton Young.
           Ellen is preceded in death her parents; son, Jonathan Robert Dukes Jr.; sisters, Mazie Young and Betty Utz.
           Ellen  is survived by her daughters, Vivian Rhoades, Debbie Dukes; brother, Paul Young, 10 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and 1 great great grand child.  
No services are planned.
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Young Family
 Cathleen  Wildermuth, 49
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Mrs. Cathleen Louise Wildermuth, 49, of Boomer, passed away on Monday, October 8, 2018.
           Cathleen was born on August 22, 1969 in Ontario California to Donald Dwayne Pilgrim and Dorothy Louise Fox.
           Cathleen is preceded in death by her father; brother, Lyndon Pilgrim and sister, Virginia Marlene Pilgrim.
           Cathleen is survived by her husband, Howard Martin Downes of the home; sons Pardraic Wildermuth (Jada) of North Wilkesboro, Lyndon Wildermuth of Elkin; mother, Dorothy Fox; brother, Donald McCallum; two grandchildren, Salem Wildermuth of Boomer and Eden Wildermuth of North Wilkesboro.
           The family will conduct a private memorial service at a later date.
           In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to the Wildermuth Family 443 South Cricket Drive, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Wildermuth Family.
0 notes
bruddahme · 6 years
PS5: what’s the latest PlayStation 5 news and when will Sony release it?
Our thoughts are inevitably turning to the PS5 now that the PS4 is officially reaching the end of its life cycle (that's direct from Sony) – so what exactly is in store for the Sony PlayStation 5 and when can be expect it to release?
For now Sony is keeping rather quiet when it comes to specific plans for the PS5: but we know that a PlayStation 5 release date will one day actually exist, thanks to Sony's President and CEO Shawn Layden confirming as much in an interview with Golem.de. 
Back in May, Sony Interactive CEO John Kodera revealed to the Wall Street Journal that the PS5 would not be releasing until at least 2021. However, an investigation by T3 claimed the PS5 could release as soon as Christmas 2019 – earlier than the Xbox Two.
Even while we wait for official confirmation of a PS5 launch, we can still get excited about the next-gen console. We all know that the rumors, wish lists and alarmingly convincing 'leaked' renders in the run up to a console reveal are a big part of the fun. 
In that spirit, we've gathered together everything we most want to see from the PlayStation 5 and what its stand-out features might be when it arrives.
PS5: release date
With no official word yet from Sony on a PS5 release date, it's difficult to pin down exactly when we might get to see a PS5 console.
Some analysts are predicting the PlayStation 5 release date could be around 2020 or 2021, for example, while others say 2019 – so just the three-year window, then.
Speaking to GamingBolt, Michael Pachter said that though he thinks the PS5 will be a half-step and will be backwards-compatible with the PS4 Pro, he doesn't think we'll see it until "2019 or 2020 but probably 2019".
This would make sense as it would fall in line with predictions for when the 4K TV market in the US will reach 50%. "I think Sony has probably got the next console cycle lined up already," he says, "I think they already know what they've got to do."
More recently Pachter clarified this claim, saying that Sony would most likely release the new console in 2020. He added that at this time he thinks the PS4 Pro will become the base model PlayStation and will see a reduction in price. 
Meanwhile a recent report from Kotaku's Jason Schreier backs up this thinking. He spoke to a number of developers about likely release dates with most of the conversations pointing to a 2020 release. He writes: "There is information about the PlayStation 5 floating around at both first- and third-party companies, but it’s far more limited than it would be if the console’s release was imminent."
A recent Wall Street Journal report points to a release around three years away, with Sony's John Kodera stating “We will use the next three years to prepare the next step, to crouch down so that we can jump higher in the future." 
Not long after this, Sony's new CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida, released a three-year business plan for the company which predicted the company's profits would dip in the run up to 2021. This is the kind of dip that may come as the PlayStation 4 reaches market saturation, before the launch of the PS5.
So mark your calendars for 2019, 2020 and 2021 then.
PS4 DualShock
PS5: competition
Although we're hideously impatient for news of a PlayStation 5 release date, we can't fault Sony for taking another few years to really milk the last of the PS4, given it's huge and loyal player base. After all, the PS4 Pro is still relatively new to the market and its direct competitor, the Microsoft's Xbox One X, is an even more recent release. 
However, industry insider Jez Corden and a recent Microsoft job listing have hinted that Microsoft is already thinking about the next Xbox – the Xbox Two (codenamed "Xbox Scarlett"). That means it's highly unlikely that Sony isn't currently doing the same and is, perhaps, even further along in the process. 
According to gaming industry analyst Hideki Yasuda (via T3), and his firm Ace Economic Research Institute, "the introduction of the PS5 will be at the end of 2019". A 2019 release would be much earlier than expected and would mean Sony has been pulling the wool over our eyes – it would also mean the PS5 would release before the Xbox Two.
If we're honest, we can't really see any urgent need to start a new generation right now. And given Microsoft's growing commitment to backwards compatibility, we think it's key for Sony to really think carefully about its next steps. 
Despite Yasuda's report, a two to three-year wait make a lot more sense to us. However, it could be Sony is trying to throw Microsoft a sucker-punch from left-field by releasing earlier than expected.
PS5: news and rumors
Solid news on the PlayStation 5 is pretty thin on the ground at the moment, but as always, we do have rumors about what could be coming down the line – and we've collected and assessed them right here.
Ace Secur
Ace Economic Research Institute report
Gaming industry analyst Hideki Yasuda, from Osaka-based firm Ace Economic Research, has claimed in a recent report that the PS5 could arrive in time for Christmas 2019 (via T3). 
The report estimates that "the introduction of the PS5 will be at the end of 2019". If this is true, then it'll be a massive blow to Microsoft who has confirmed the Xbox Two (codenamed "Xbox Scarlett") will not launch until 2020.
John Kodera talks life cycles
PlayStation's John Kodera has been discussing the future of the PS4 at a Sony Corporate Strategy Meeting and, by extension, inadvertently creating space for prospective PS5 release year rumors.
During the meeting, Kodera made it clear that Sony is still very much behind the console but warned that sales are expected to slow this year, in line with expectations as market saturation approaches. As a console gets to this point in its lifecycle, it's natural to start looking forward to the next iteration. 
Kodera stated that the time passing from now until 2021 would be a period where Sony would hunker down – which suggests that a new big idea could be around the corner. Perhaps 2021 will be the time to expect the PS5?
No E3 2018 appearance
Now that E3 2018 has come and gone, we know there was no mention of the PS5 during the event. Instead, Sony offered up deep dives into four of its biggest upcoming games: Death Stranding, Spider-Man, The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. Watch this space for E3 2019.
Eurogamer tech analysis
A recent report from Eurogamer has attempted to narrow down a possible release date based on when technologies advanced enough to justify a generational leap will be available to Sony. The most important things that will need to advance will be the console's processor and its memory and in both cases, Eurogamer has determined that we're unlikely to see a new console released before the very end of 2019.
Even if Sony did manage to push its console out at this date, the cost of production would make the PS5 far too expensive, making it more likely that we won't see the console released until the end of 2020, if Sony has any intention of making it an appealing proposition. 
Cyberpunk 2077
Andrew House talks the next generation
Former Sony chief, Andrew House, has been speaking about what the next generation of consoles could look like at the GamesBeat conference recently. Though House refused to comment specifically on the PlayStation 5 itself, he did say that he believes physical discs will stick around for a while yet, as a result of the need to continue tapping into developing markets where downloadable titles may not be quite as compatible with limited internet infrastructure.  
In other markets, however, he thinks that streaming games will be a big part of the next generation of consoles.
House also stated that he thinks the PS4 and the PS4 Pro still have a long life in them yet. This doesn't necessarily cancel out the rumors that the PS5 will be with us in the next one to two years; if the reports that the console will be backwards-compatible are true then the PS4 generation will remain relevant long into the lifecycle of the PS5. Regardless, given that House was unwilling to comment on the PS5 despite being pushed, these details can only be considered speculation at the moment.
The SemiAcccurate report
SemiAccurate (via ResetEra) is claiming that it's received some leaked information on the yet-to-be-announced console and says that the number of dev kits which have been distributed suggests the console could be released sooner than expected. 
In addition to this, SemiAccurate also reports that Sony will use this console to push its VR efforts even further, with VR-tech baked in at the Silicon level, and will sport a GPU based on AMD's Navi architecture with a CPU that's potentially a custom item from AMD's Zen line.
Though SemiAcccurate has a decent track record with its reports, having accurately reported Nintendo's Nvidia partnership for the Switch and the PS4 specs back in 2012, we still say take this with a pinch of salt. 
Though the specs sound plausible, a 2019 release date seems a little far-fetched. Regardless of how many developer kits that Sony has distributed, it feels too soon after the release of the PS4 Pro for the next PlayStation console just now… and we're getting towards the end of 2018.
PS4 on stage
The Marcus Sellars claims
Renowned leaker Marcus Sellars has been making some bold claims on Twitter recently (via GameRant), alleging that PS5 development kits are already in the hands of third-party developers. He also claimed that Nintendo is planning a Direct stream for March 8 (something which has since proven to be accurate). In fact, Sellars has been accurate with his claims a few times: recently he revealed Metroid Prime 4 was being developed by Bandai Namco.
However, Sellars didn't provide any evidence to back up his claims so they really can't be taken as anything more than rumor at the moment. 
Something which may be interesting in relation to this, though, is that recently CD Projekt Red revealed that their upcoming title Cyberpunk 2077 was being developed for current and next generation consoles which came as a great surprise to many. Whether this means they're one of the third-party developers at work with these rumored kits is yet to be confirmed.
Even if development kits are in the hands of developers, this doesn't mean the PS5 is coming any time soon. It could still be another couple of years before any kind of reveal in terms of hardware.
The patent
Something that does help Sellars case is a recently updated patent for backwards compatibility that's been filed by Sony. Originally filed in 2015, the patent was updated in February to say “Backward compatibility testing of software in a mode that disrupts timing.” This is no guarantee that Sony is actually working on the technology for the PS5 (it could be creating an entirely separate peripheral that makes backwards compatibility possible) but it's not impossible that this could be for a new generation console. 
The PlayStation Plus news
Though there's been no official word from Sony on the development of a PlayStation 5 just yet, a recent announcement in relation to the PlayStation Plus service has ignited some speculation. It's been announced that from March 2019, PS Plus will no longer offer free PS3 or PSVita games and will instead focus on PS4 titles. This has led to some wondering over whether or not Sony is attempting to phase out these older generation titles in preparation for a new generation. This is, of course, pure speculation but it's interesting that Sony would be willing to reduce its game offering to only two games (as it informed Polygon) without any other excuse than wishing to focus on titles for an already highly successful console. Whether Sony is truly making way for the PS5 or whether it's going to offer a higher quality of PS4 game is unclear and it seems we'll have to wait a while to find out what the final plan for PS Plus is.
PS5: can we have proper 4K gaming?
The PS4 Pro offers a tantalising hint of what 4K gaming could be like. But the stark fact remains: it still doesn’t have the grunt to do native 4K consistently. 
Its “checkerboard” technique of taking single pixels and using each to render four pixels in 4K resolution is clever, and it can do native 4K output, but it often has to sacrifice resolution to keep performance consistent. 
Chris Kingsley, CTO and co-founder of developer Rebellion, dangles an even more ambitious technological carrot in front of a putative PS5: “Obviously new hardware should be able to support 4K TVs and possibly even 8K TVs at a push!” 
Native 4K support, surely, will be a basic requirement of the PlayStation 5. And if Sony cracks that particular problem with alacrity, it could even mean that a PlayStation 5 will arrive sooner than anticipated.
PS5 games
Aside from 4K visuals, if recent showings at GDC 2018 are anything to go by we certainly can expect the next generation to offer incredible visual advancements in terms of character models. 
During GDC, we got a glimpse of what the next generation of games might look like and it's left us extremely excited for the PS5.
Real-time ray tracing was revealed to be the next big thing in rendering while Epic Games gave us a taste of how it might be used to create the most lifelike characters ever. Using its capture technology, the Unreal Engine creator displayed a future with character models so realistic they bring us close to crossing the uncanny valley. Watch a performance from Andy Serkis below to see just how capable these new development technologies are:
“Honestly, between five and ten years from now, I don't think you're going to be able to tell the difference between the real and the virtual world,” Epic CTO Kim Libreri told GamesIndustry.biz, “You'll see hardware that can support these kinds of capabilities pretty shortly, and then, finally, the greatest blockbuster with the most complicated effects, within ten years, you'll be able to do that in real-time.”
When Libreri tells us we'll see hardware that can support this technology "pretty shortly" we can't be sure, but we like to think she's talking about the yet-to-be-announced PS5.
PS5: the VR effect
Sony became the first console manufacturer to embrace virtual reality, thanks to the PlayStation VR, but if you examine PlayStation VR closely – and observe how it operates on the PS4 Pro – it invites speculation about how a PlayStation 5 console might take VR to a new level. 
Currently, PlayStation VR operates at lower resolution than the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – but, as it stands, even its current incarnation almost pushes the base PlayStation 4 beyond its limits. Running a PlayStation VR on a PS4 Pro brings improved frame-rates, which are very handy indeed in terms of the overall VR experience, but even the PS4 Pro can’t overcome the resolution constraints set by the PlayStation VR headset.
Sony will want to return to the market with a second, markedly higher-tech iteration of PlayStation VR
So it’s a good bet that, presuming PlayStation VR is successful (and it already appears to be catching on) Sony will want to return to the market with a second, markedly higher-tech iteration: which would provide an obvious selling point for the PlayStation 5. 
And if a PlayStation VR 2 headset could be sold without an external black box, it should be markedly cheaper, further accelerating VR’s march into the mainstream. A recent report from SemiAcccurate, which claims that the PS5 will have virtual reality capabilities built-in at silicon level, suggests this will indeed be the case. 
PlayStation VR
Rebellion’s Kingsley makes another good point about second-generation VR. “Anything that reduces the leads has to be a good thing,” he says. 
The umbilical cord which currently attaches VR headset-wearers to their consoles or PCs obviously goes against VR’s entire immersive nature, and we’re already beginning to see, for example, a third-party implementation for the HTC Vive that renders it wireless. It’s a safe bet that the capacity for running a wireless PlayStation VR 2 will be built into the PS5. 
But Kingsley’s PlayStation VR 2 wish-list goes further: “Wide vertical and horizontal field-of-view would be top of my list, and of course, that would require 4K resolution per eye, and high dynamic range would be great too.” 
HDR and wider fields of view should be achievable but sadly, we don’t reckon full 4K VR is likely to be a possibility even for the PS5. As Kingsley points out, that would require 4K rendering per eye, which equates to 8K rendering overall, which we expect to be beyond the PS5’s capabilities. 
That said, perhaps Sony will find some clever technological bodge to get around that before it releases its fifth PlayStation console.
Ratchet and Clank
What form will the PS5 take?
It has been suggested that future consoles like the PlayStation 5 could take radically different forms to current ones, thanks to advances in cloud computing and game streaming, doing away with the components that make today's devices so bulky. However, we reckon it's unlikely that Sony will take a more Nintendo-like approach and put the PS5 in a tiny box.
One reason for that is that with the PS4, Sony has only just committed to using what are basically the innards of a PC – the first three PlayStation variants used proprietary components (and which in the PS3 impacted sales). Developers, certainly, were massively relieved that the PS4 took the PC route. 
“We always want fast CPUs and GPUs, but lots of fast RAM is also very important – it’s no use having fast processors if they are starved of data.”
Chris Kingsley
“Developers want the ability to make the best games using the minimum amount of effort. We want to focus on being creative and getting things to just work,” Kingsley says. “So the hardware should be based around current console hardware, which is in turn based on PC hardware. We always want fast CPUs and GPUs, but lots of fast RAM is also very important – it’s no use having fast processors if they are starved of data.” 
All the above are achievable, but will the PS5 still have a hard disk? 
Sony Computer Entertainment President and CEO Andrew House spoke at the PS4’s launch about how deciding to put hard disks and 8GB of RAM in the PS4 were both “billion-dollar decisions”. The fact that Sony has now made external hard drive support possible for the PS4 and Pro is a step in the right direction and this is something that could be carried over to the PS5, which will undoubtedly have to deal with even larger 4K assets. 
It seems certain that Sony is very keen to hear what its community thinks – recently a group called PlayStation Voice sent out surveys to members of its closed community asking them what their expectations of the PS5 are. One community member posted the email they received and found themselves removed from the group for breaking its non-disclosure agreements. 
According to PSU, PlayStation Voice is a community run by third-party consumer insight agency, Join the Dots. Once information has been gathered, it's fed back to clients (the client in this case presumably being Sony PlayStation).
Admittedly, this doesn't tell us much about PS5 itself, other than that things are likely to be still in the very early stages. While it's unlikely that Sony would use the information gathered from its communities to decide exactly which features will be included in the console, the ideas of fans can certainly spark a good deal of inspiration.
PS5 and streaming games
Of course, if games were just streamed to the PS5 that problem would disappear entirely, and Sony already has a game-streaming service in the form of PlayStation Now. 
So why isn’t this more of a definite feature rather than something on our wishlist? Well, Sony is remaining tight-lipped about PlayStation Now uptake figures, but we suspect they are pretty unimpressive. It has certainly had issues with setting the right subscription charges, given that PlayStation Now effectively gives backwards compatibility – a “luxury” that was previously free for owners of PlayStation 2s and 3s. 
There would be nothing to stop Sony launching a small form-factor cloud-based version of the console for those with mega-fast broadband
But the biggest issue is broadband speeds. Even 4K TV requires a minimum of 25Mbps broadband in order to provide satisfactory streaming, and it’s doubtful whether 4K game streaming – with extra information on top of the visual side – would even work reliably at such speeds. There would be nothing to stop Sony launching a small form-factor cloud-based version of the PS5 console for those with mega-fast broadband, perhaps with a mobile phone-style subscription model that has an upfront hardware costs (something Microsoft is thinking about). 
But for the PS5 to sell anything like its predecessors, there would have to be a conventional version with similar innards to the PS4. 
Chancellor Philip Hammond has previously announced an infrastructure investment aimed at bringing fast broadband and 5G mobile data to the UK – but the earliest that would have an impact would be 2021, and the PS5 will almost certainly arrive before then. Perhaps its first mid-cycle update, though, will be a streaming version which takes advantage of burgeoning 5G networks?
PS5 games
PS5: optical discs or not?
The rise of downloadable games, which continue to eat into the physical disc market, means that pundits have been predicting that consoles will go discless for about a decade now. However, our guess is that the PS5 won’t be the first system to risk venturing down that road, at least not until it catches wind of Microsoft doing the same thing. 
Sony has taken a lot of (justifiable) flak for not putting a 4K Blu-ray drive in the PS4 Pro – making it a less attractive purchase for film and TV buffs than the Xbox One S or the Xbox One X.
Surveys continue to show that gamers are still attached to the possibility of buying games on physical discs – not least because they can then sell them (a practice that the games industry hates), and keep hard disk space usage at a manageable level.
If Sony were to axe the Blu-ray drive from the PS5, gamers would expect several terabytes of storage in compensation. 
Kingsley gives a developer’s view on the topic: “I think the days of delivering films and games via disc are on the decline, as most people are going digital; however, some people like physical discs, so who knows  whether that decline will level out and remain present but at a lower level than now?”
Download figures have been on the rise over the last year but EA CFO Blake Jorgensen has said that he thinks consoles and disc drives will continue to stick around.
“Consoles and disc drives probably stay around for a long period of time […] I think it's the consumer deciding what's the easiest way for them to buy a game.
“And it may mean they no longer have a store down the street from them so they decide to buy it [digitally] maybe it's easier for them to do.”
So when can we expect the PS5?
Given that the PlayStation 4 was launched in 2013 and Sony’s previous consoles arrived in six-year intervals, it would be easy to project that it will launch the PlayStation 5 in 2019 at the earliest. The sort of technology available then should easily allow full native 4K games without saddling the PS5 with a massive price-tag and, by 2019, 4K TVs will be the norm, rather than the exception, in the average household.
2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR … as long as Microsoft doesn’t get there first
So it would be a surprise if Sony doesn’t want to capitalize on that at the earliest possible juncture. However, Kingsley points at the PS4 Pro, and reckons that could have an effect on the length of the current console cycle: “It’s a difficult one to judge, but overall I think it’s fair to say that the overall cycle will lengthen slightly.” 
Especially if the PS4 Pro wildly outsells the base PS4, which admittedly isn’t something we anticipate happening once it has reached a critical mass of households with 4K TVs. 
So perhaps 2020 might be the year in which Sony unleashes the PS5 on the world, as the first native 4K console with wireless VR… as long as Microsoft doesn’t get there first.
What games can we expect to see on PS5?
If the backwards compatibility patent mentioned above is actually applied, we can expect to see the whole PS4 library available to play on the PS5. Or, perhaps we'll see another round of remasters as we did when moving from the PS3 to the PS4. However, we imagine there will be some games being developed specifically for this new PlayStation 5 console generation and the extra power it's likely to offer.
Already we've seen CD Projekt Red mention that it's developing for this generation as well as the next, and alongside the rumors that there are already developers kits out in the open, we think there's a good chance that Cyberpunk 2077 will be one of the early PS5 titles. 
Check out our PS4 vs PS4:PSVR compared and explained video below.
Tired of future-gazing? Why not check out the best games on the PS4 right now.
Already got a PSVR? Follow these steps to jump into virtual reality.
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kaboommagazine · 6 years
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What’s Your Jersey? w/ Jaclyn Marfuggi Feat. Jason Layden [Podcast] Celebrity dance fitness trainer & Creator/Co-Founder of PLYOJAM- Jason Layden joins WYJP! We kick it off w/ a surprise drop in in from “Adderall and Compliments” Podcast host Annabelle Desisto, who covers the “JUST ENOUGH” segment on NFL DRAFT, KARDASHIAN KLUTTER, NHL Playoffs.
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sportsv · 7 years
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.8 Francisco Lindor
近期,本蝙和幾位站上的MLB寫手未來幾天的計畫 — 趁著距離球季開打還有一段時間,打算推出一個現役美國職棒十大球星的介紹單元。如果想了解這個計畫的架構可以參考這篇,目前已經分別介紹了三位球星,也可以點上面的連結,我們會分析這些強投豪打過去的精彩表現、未來的發展期望、當然也會對他的背景做簡單介紹、或是相關的數據分析。
在這當中,剛完成大聯盟第三個賽季,年僅24歲的印地安人當家游擊手—Francisco Lindor,已有新人王第二、銀棒獎、金手套以及兩度入選明星賽的優異表現,這位來自波多黎各綽號「Mr.Smile」的大男孩,就是2018十大球星的第八名。
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He's young, flashy and fun—everything baseball isn't right now.
而第一個球迷們會注意到的是Lindor那潔白無瑕的牙齒,一種可以在紅毯上看到的耀眼,他的燦笑就是最好的自我介紹,Lindor的高中教練Tim Layden稱之為「Million-dollar smile」,Layden總是對Lindor說:「即使棒球路偶有挫折,但笑容可以帶領你度過它們。」
在進入職業前與兒時玩伴Javier Baez,並稱兩大高中超級游擊手,不同於Baez驚人的揮棒潛力,Lindor無與倫比的守備技巧,在16歲的稚齡就能有大聯盟等級的成熟度,就像在告訴世人,這就是職業棒球游擊手與生俱來的才能。
許多高中時代足以負擔游擊守備的年輕選手,在進入職業後都會因為要求更多以及難度的增加,被迫轉往角落(一、三壘),好友Baez在上大聯盟後也因為隊內已有Addison Russell這位明星游擊手,只能移往二壘或三壘,就連一時瑜亮的Carlos Correa也常常會遭到質疑,是否能長期負擔在游擊防區的重責大任,然而,唯獨Lindor可以讓球團毫無顧忌的將游擊大關交給他。
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自2015年Lindor的第一個賽季以來,他累積的WAR能夠排在聯盟眾家打者的第九名,夾在Paul Goldschmidt和Manny Machado之間,當然也是這段期間的游擊手第一名,更是樂勝同期的Correa,Xander Bogaerts兩位年輕的游擊新星。若將標準擺在21~23歲之間,自1990年以來只有A-Rod能繳出比他更多的勝場數,Lindor毫無疑問有個很棒的生涯開始。
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Lindor的長打能力爆發並沒有什麼秘密,他的擊球速度還小幅下滑,但擊球仰角從7.7度上升到13.7度。更多的飛球自然帶來更遠的擊球距離,不過也製造更多簡單的出局數,前兩季分別有 .313跟 .301的打擊率,2017球季下降到 .273,而過去三季的BABIP分別是 .348, .324, .275。
不過他在去年四月的The Athletic文中談到:
無論如何,仰角的提升帶來更多的長打,除了倍增的全壘打外,二壘安打也從前一季的30支跳到44支;當然提升仰角造成的問題就是上升的內野飛球率,打進場內形成安打的球自然是大減,反映在下滑的BABIP上,不過憑藉他優異的打擊技巧,雖然無意但還是跟上「飛球革命」的浪潮,這個賽季打擊貢獻有望追上其他大棒子游擊手,例如:Carlos Correa, Corey Seager的腳步。
影片中的守備在Lindor的比賽中屢見不鮮,今年賽季搭配上二壘搭擋Jose Ramirez同樣上乘的守備,讓印地安人內野猶如銅牆鐵壁般,笑臉大軍投手群優異的表現,背後這兩位年輕中線帶來安定感鐵定是功不可沒。
從數據來看,自Lindor上大聯盟以來,總共為球隊擋下37.2分,放眼全聯盟,僅有「游擊魔術師」Andrelton Simmons和同樣有三屆金手套的Brandon Crawford比他更好,而且Crawford還比Lindor多出賽22場的情況下,UZR只小幅領先2.1分,若比較21~23歲賽季的防守表現(上表格),Lindor跟Simmons是在同一個水平的防守者(雖然Simmons在21~23歲間的出賽場次較少),況且年僅24歲的Lindor,在更多防守經驗的累積後,要追上近代防守最強游擊手是指日可待的。
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年僅24歲就繳出三個超過4 WAR的賽季,更別說完整出賽的兩個賽季都是6 WAR左右「MVP級」的數字,而且隨著經驗與身材的成長,2018賽季能給球迷帶來什麼驚豔的表現呢?
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加上今年xwOBA(預期上壘加權指數)來到生涯新高的 .341(生涯前兩季分別是 .306, .338,聯盟今年平均是 .309),完全有理由相信今年長打大爆發不會是曇花一現,或許會犧牲一點打擊率,但本蝙預期Lindor今年賽季能繳出打擊率 .290外帶30轟的表現。
防守一向是Lindor所擅長的,然而相較與打擊的進步,防守倒是在2017年交出最差的賽季,過去三年UZR/150(平均150能為球隊省下的分數)分別是18.9, 20.7, 6.6,當然依然是相當不錯的數字,但以Lindor的標準是稍嫌不及格了,不到衰退的年紀加上良好的傷病史,或許是在隊內使用佈陣的比例大增,導致樣本數不足造成的不精確,亦或是過去搭擋較長時間的Jason Kipnis換成Jose Ramirez,需要時間適應不同的二壘手,本蝙還是相信2018賽季,Lindor還是能繳出媲美Simmons的守備成績,不會讓金手套輕易變成Simmons的囊中物。
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綜觀所有成績,比起其他游擊新星,像是Correa, Machado, Seager,無疑他們在身材上更有成為強打者的優勢,但論健康狀況Lindor是無需質疑的,自新人年來的出賽場次分別是99, 158, 159,除了新人球季在季中才登場,連續兩季突破155場次的鐵人表現,會讓球迷跟球團很放心的將印地安人的未來託付給他。
不知道各位球迷還記不記得22連勝時,Lindor那力挽狂瀾的射牆二壘安打,只差一顆好球就要終結連勝,打出去的那刻,Lindor其實很失望,他認為他應該要把球拉向右外野的,但球還是略高過Alex Gordon的手套,成功打回一壘上的追平分,這時Lindor的隊友說到:
"It's just a true testament to how good of a player he is," Tomlin said.
其他 MLB 十大球星系列(持續新增中):
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.9 Josh Donaldson
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.7 Giancarlo Stanton
2018年十大MLB球星 — No.6 Jose Altuve
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.5 Clayton Kershaw
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.4 Kris Bryant
2018年MLB十大球星 — No.3 Carlos Correa
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