#my workouts
Days 13 and 14, April 27 & 28, 2023. Plyojam
Keeping the streak going, but it's made no difference on the scale. Food/Carb intake is fine, I should be losing weight. So frustrated.
Toe is feeling better. I was able to put on closed toe shoes yesterday for the first time in ages. It's not fully healed yet, but I'm afraid I see some of the wart still there, though. Ugh, don't want another acid treatment.
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zoofitness · 1 year
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Hot as hell today but had a great bike rally ride
Still on my journey to become a more competent confident cyclist. Today was really tough but the fact that my legs felt fine even after 66 miles was great! Just really hot. It’s amazing how this time last year when I did my longest ride of 65 miles I was really struggling, but today even with a helluva lot of climbing and 100+ temps I still had gas in the tank
Maybe an Ironman IS possible 🤔
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
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“Lucy why do you constantly skip upper body day?”
Because I’m weak, okay? Leg day is fun because I’m good at it and the weights are way higher because major muscle groups. Upper body day reminds me of how weak I am.
(Okay okay, these weren’t actually difficult- StrongLifts started me really low weight and then since I’ve taken so much time off they recommended I deload. Bottom 3 btw are weight per dumbbell not total weight like the others).
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erised-and-progress · 2 years
I've bee restarting horseback riding with a friends horse. I feel so honoured that she trusts me enough and I'm already seeing some progress. Today I rode for close to 30 mins, some trotting (during which I mostly concentrate on my seating) and one short gallop ☺️
To get a bit more on track fitness wise I also started Madys Januar Yoga Challenge! This worked last year quite well so I hope it does again
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bigimango · 22 days
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Kurt teasing Logan while doing warm-ups just sounds so on brand for them
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cawecho · 3 days
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Astarion always ends up being a stealth archer in my runs, I like justifying it w the thought he got dragged out on royal hunts as a kid
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clonesuperiority · 5 months
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I'm not sure if it's canon that hunters face tattoo continues further down, but I came across @lornaka s take on hunters tattoos and really wanted to give it a try myself :3
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homura · 1 year
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why would she do this
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3/15/23 PlyoJam and Yoga
I really feel like I'm working/breathing harder than fitbit registers during PlyoJam.
I've had pain in my literal butt (glute) for a while that no amount of stretching seems to help, actually makes it hurt more, which does hinder some movement, but still feels like I'm working harder than this. I have an appointment with an LMT next week to see if they can help fix it.
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zoofitness · 2 years
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I came first in my division at the St Patrick’s Day sprint triathlon!!
Wow what a difference a year makes! Same race, same course, and shaved off nearly 10 mins of my time. And I was even taking it easy since I injured my rotator cuff! 😱
Very proud of myself! And glad that I signed up for the Athena division! 😁
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
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05.22.2023 // a rare leg day Monday
I don’t really do a lot of lower body on Mondays because I typically prefer to do upper body on M and Thursday and lower on Tues and Friday (end the week on a high note). But last week’s Thursday hike + really sore calves + Saturday upper body work meant today I was still feeling fatigue in my upper body accessory muscles (and tbh some in the legs still). So I swapped days for this week.
Overall not a bad workout. Got in early to avoid seeing the manager or having to workout later (I woke up early today so I have a feeling I’m going to be tired tonight). Because it was so dead, I used the barbell instead of dumbbells for calf raises, which actually made them easier since I didn’t have to use my arms to hold up the barbells. I did, however, smack my head into the barbell so that wasn’t fun. I contemplated trying deads again since I already had a small weight on the barbell. Clearly I did not- walking into the barbell kinda killed that for me.
Anyway, I set some new “PRs” on StrongLifts. Leg press is still quite easy- I could’ve sworn at one point I was doing 180 on that machine but I can’t find those records now. Back extensions were also easy. I think 90# was what I was doing with 3x10-12 so it’s nice to see that isn’t too hard. The curls and extensions were probably true PRs tho at this point (not counting whatever tf I did when I was young and “lifting was my life” aka pseudo-recovery, because I def don’t have those records anymore).
Also did a little over 6 miles in a 30 min stationary cycling session. Was debating that but ended up going for it anyway, especially since I likely won’t get to hike again anytime soon.
Next on my list: oat bar and protein shake, then to the library to return some book, followed by Petco to get Oreo a new ID tag for his harness :)
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erised-and-progress · 2 years
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On Thursday I kinda did the challenge, but at 1.25x speed because my mind was too anxious (so I won't mark it) . Yesterday I completely forgot it... But I did it today! And also went on a 40ish minute walk ☺️
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naboosands · 1 year
Every now and then Master Fisto *accidentally* lands on the Vogue Coruscant cover and the rest of the Council lose their minds
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clonesuperiority · 5 months
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I'd like to think that Ahsoka and Anakin would occasionally train with their troopers. Probably not, but the thought is nice 😔
Aslo: I kind of like the idea of some clones (hardcase in this case) being a bit more chubby :3
Bonus of headcanon body tattoos for Jesse, Hardcase and Kix 😊
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
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Father Anderson
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autism-culture-is · 1 year
Autistic culture is being weirdly possesive over your space even if it's not technically your space because if someone else takes your space it's a disruption of your routine
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