#Jasper babbles
jasperscringepit · 10 months
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Jack and Davey, Senior year of high school.
So, @pigeonwit and I have had a LOT of discussions about alternative/punk javey and I have NOT stopped thinking about the concept so I had to do a little art for it. And I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be more following on from this lmao. I’m bad with writing so I’m not gonna go into detail, but essentially Davey had always been drawn to punk/alternative culture, but was convinced that he wouldn’t suit it or fit in so he never got involved. Enter Jack Kelly, resident school punk who manages to persuade Davey that he can wear what he wants, as well as stand up for himself and what he believes in. Whatever could happen???
This AU is very far from canon so I’m a little nervous but I hope it still reflects them.
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weeping-cryptid · 2 years
Watched all of the Joy Ride movies today and all I gotta say is:
Don't mess with truckers. Just don't.
Rusty is adorable. I love hoe flustered he gets. And gods he's
b i g.
All the "main" characters were really, really annoying to me, except a couple.
Rusty is hella creative. Honestly impressed.
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lalas181 · 1 year
I'm going to be so annoying to everyone I know about The Dolls Of New Albion now, I just know it. Jasper,,,, little guy,,,, grinding him in my teeth affectionately,,,, little guy,,,,,
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Hello everyone! Once again I’m coming on here to post more surveys for my research paper, but this time for particular fandoms! Just as a reminder, I am currently doing research on fandom vocabulary and identity for one of my college classes this semester with the goal of getting my paper published. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you could complete it if it applies to you!
I’m posting a lot of surveys, so if you see this one, it is particularly for: THE STEVEN UNIVERSE FANDOM
This survey will remain anonymous and no personal data will be collected. It is being conducted for its potential benefits to individuals or humans in general. An expected benefit of this study is an understanding of fandom culture and its vocabulary. You are not likely to experience physical, psychological, social, or legal risks beyond those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine examinations or tests by participating in this study. Your participation is voluntary. You can stop at any time and can decline to answer questions if you do not feel comfortable answering them.
This survey consists of a demographic section and questions related to the Steven Universe fandom and its vocabulary. It will take about 30-45 minutes to complete.
Even if you are not able to take the survey, spreading it by reblogging it or sharing it online with friends will be just as helpful! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks again everyone!
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tallys-train-blog · 2 years
The name of this blog sent me istg woman 😂👏
love ya 😘
Someone pointed it out a while ago and now that i'm back it fits😭😭
I love you too❤️❤️🫶🏻
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scicraft · 2 years
I do btw think it's funny that JID pitched hades as a capitalist asshole wanting to take advantage of humanitys vapidness and make them "living dead" by having Jasper bring water from lethe to the human world in exchange for him taking Agnes, plot has to move somehow, I just think that's Far too amiable of a deal for a guy who's underworld security got compromised by some breathing idiot who wants his friend back. Also I don't think it would simplify his paperwork even a bit so why try it
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Doodling my Pokemon White team while I wait for my professor and I'm getting extremely attached to these goobers. Might make them into OCs :v
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headstream · 2 years
To be honest, I've always hated Jasper and Jercy, or in general I don't like the pairing of Jason:) Sorry Jason!You're a nice guy, but you're just not cut out for relationships
And I don't think there's anything wrong with Piper dating Shel within a few months of Jason's death, and I don't think she's going to make it with Shel. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of Pipes, and I love her anyway: 3
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astoldbycrimson · 9 months
24 on the writer ask game?
Heya, Jasper!
Writer's Ask Game:
24. Share a moodboard for (one of) your current WIP(s).
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A lil moodboard for the story involving Crimson and Shadow because these are my dearest babies.
Thanks for the ask!
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jay-simps · 1 year
had a dream
as with most dreams of ours it was mostly random scenes/places. not much activity. But do Jasper was there with me most of the time m. Which was definitely nice.
she had overalls on. Didnt move or talk any, but that's likely a product of our dream; they tend to be very static. But she stayed with us throughout many locations until we woke.
Either way we take as a good omen, and it was a comforting dream
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littlebumblebeesstuff · 6 months
Baby Steps
Prompt: First time regressing with Rosalie and Emmet.
Notes: GN!Reader. Mentions of pull-ups. Fluff and Angst
Rosalie and Emmet would be the first to admit that they were desperate for a child. Despite knowing that it wasn’t possible, they still yearned for a baby.
During an attempt to curve this need, they stumbled upon age regression.
Suddenly, it felt like all their problems could be solved.
An adult human, who would regress to being little… if all went well the couple could turn their little and keep them forever!
And that is where you came into their lives.
It had taken years for them to find you, as they were confined to Forks. But when you came over as a transfer student, Edward was able to identify you easily; your worries about slipping and regressing on your first day practically screaming over the others thoughts.
Rosalie worked hard to gain your trust as a friend, and then as a lover to her and Emmet. They were never sexual with you, not that you cared.
They spent time with you, helped you with your studies. Emmet loved to do things for you- in an attempt to get you to slip with them. He would say things like, “ahh-ah, let me get that for you baby. You are much too small” or “You sure you don’t want to snuggle up for a nap? You have been working so hard and your little eyes must be so tired”.
Rosalie was just as bad. Cupping your cheeks to pepper kisses over your face, buying water bottles with the pop up straws for you to drink from - they were so similar to your sippy cups. She would spoil you with cute outfits and loved to dress you up so you could show Emmett.
The rest of the Cullens didn’t seem to care about what Rosalie and Emmet were doing. Alice had whispered assurances to the couple when they felt like things weren’t going to plan. Jasper actually didn’t mind spending time with you, but only really did it when you were working on your maths work. Carlisle and Esme always doted on you, and welcomed you with open arms.
In fact, it was Carlisle who introduced Rosalie and Emmett into the world of being a Caregiver to an age regressor.
It took 4 months into the relationship for you to slip with Rosalie and Emmett, and it was completely accidental.
The others had gone off to visit their friends up North, leaving Rosalie and Emmett with an empty house for the week.
You went over on the Friday, with plans to stay the whole week. On Saturday morning, you woke up between Rosalie and Emmett. You were in your fluffy pyjamas, a must have to keep you warm because they were cold.
There was a little nagging voice at the back of your head as you nuzzled into Emmetts chest, whining softly as you woke up.
Immediately, strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you close and a nose presses into your hair.
“Morning little bubba, you sleep ok?” Emmetts rumbling voice quickly soothed that nagging voice and you let out a little babble in response.
Usually you woke up quickly, turning to lie on your chest so you could see both of them- so this automatically caught their attention and the two vampires shared an excited look.
“Is our little darling still sleepy?” Rosalie asked softly, pressing herself to your back as she tucks some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
You just hum softly, struggling to wake up. You often regressed between the ages of 3-6, but sometimes you could be as little as 1, where all you wanted was to be held.
Still being so sleepy, you missed the conversation happening over your head.
“Rose, I think we should put our little one in a pull up. I’m not sure how old they are feeling”
Emmett muttered, holding you close as Rosalie nodded in agreement.
“I know our little one is usually no younger than 3 when we watch them at nights- but I think they are feeling very little today”
Rosalie pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Go make a bottle, I will get them changed”
Rosalie and Emmett share a quick kiss before Rosalie takes you in her arms and steps into the normally locked side room that they had turned into a nursery for this exact moment.
You whine a little and babble softly as Rosalie carries you through, setting you down on the changing mat.
She hums softly, keeping you calm and settled as she starts to undress you. The pyjama trousers come off easily but there is a bit of wiggle needed to get the top off.
Before long Rosalie pulls a pull-up over your legs and smoothes the band as it settles in place, making sure it fits properly. After that, she takes out a Winnie the Pooh onesie, with the feet and hands covered so that you don’t accidentally scratch yourself.
“Such a good little baby, hmm? Let’s get some warm milk to fill that little tummy. Then you can cuddle with us all day”
Rosalie gets a blanket and wraps it around you, making sure to swaddle you tightly. Once you are swaddled and cozy, Rosalie takes you into her arms again, rubbing a hand over your back as she carries you downstairs.
Emmett is waiting with a bright smile, bottle in his hand as he waits for Rosalie to come down with you.
“Look at you! A cozy little bubba”. Emmet smiles as he takes a seat and takes you from Rosalie’s arms and wrapped an arm around your blanketed body, leaning you into him as he brought the bottle of warm milk to your lips.
The warm milk filling your belly brought your mind into focus, and your breathing steadied with each sip.
Everything seemed to come crashing down.
Seeing your reflection in the mirror opposite the sofa with the Winnie the Pooh onesie on, the bottle that was in your mouth and the paci that is secured with a clip to your onesie. The feel of the pull-up….
You panicked.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you turn your head away from Emmett as he tried to feed you.
Before you could even take a breath to let out a cry, Emmett had you in his arms, standing up as he rocks you while shushing you.
“It’s ok bubba, daddy is right here. It’s all ok, I got you”
Usually his voice soothed you effortlessly, but now it just wound you up more. Hearing Emmett call himself ‘daddy’ had that nagging voice screaming in your head again.
They were going to hate you! They probably thought that you were weird!
“Baby? Little one, it’s ok. It’s ok. Me and Emmett understand that you are feeling little.”
Rosalie’s sweet voice fills your ears as she brushes away your tears with her thumbs.
“Me and Em are caregivers, darling. No need to be all upset, we aren’t going anywhere.”
With each word you start to calm down a little bit, understanding that they don’t think that you are weird.
“We have been wondering when you would mention it love bug, but waking up with you feeling oh so little was the best.” Emmett says with a smile, kissing your cheek.
“You seemed very little this morning baby, so we just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable. We’re sorry if-“
“Em, our little one isn’t big enough for a complicated discussion like that.” Rosalie chided gently.
“Let’s wash your pretty little face, and then we can make another bottle and put a movie on, how does that sound darling?”
You blink at Rosalie, trying to figure out how to say what you were feeling, but she was right. You were too little to express that. Instead, you nod your head, tucking it back under Emmetts chin as he chuckles and rubs your back soothingly.
Emmett takes you to their bathroom and gently washes your face with a washcloth, making funny faces in an attempt to get you to laugh.
Only after you had spent a minute or so giggling did he take you back down stairs where Rosalie had your new bottle of warm milk.
They sat on the large sofa, Rosalie tucked into Emmetts side as his arm slung around her shoulder, his gaze fixed on you as Rosalie gave you your bottle, smiling again you as you drank it.
Before long your tummy was full of warm milk and your eyes felt heavy. You were now sucking on the nub of the empty bottle and Rosalie pulled it away and replaced it with your paci- soothing you before you could even whine.
You fell asleep like that, in Rosalie’s arms. Curled up and softly sucking on your paci, all the big emotions from earlier leaving you exhausted in the arms of your mama and daddy.
Rosalie and Emmett finally felt complete. They finally had their little one, and God help anyone who tries to hurt you.
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jasperscringepit · 10 months
I'm not normally one for questioning characterisation in fics/characterisation because everyone will interpret a character differently, and the way they write them is their decision.
However one thing that does make me curious in the newsies fandom is where the whole extreme introvert/hates people davey came from. I know at the start of the show he's nervous about selling, and seems unsure about the other boys. However, I feel like it's then well established that davey CRAVES companionship. I feel its shown that he so desperately wants to fit in with the others and join their group but is maybe a bit apprehensive about whether he can or should even try. I don't think it's at all that he hates socialising, but more that he's not exactly sure how he's supposed to.
I absolutely think he jokes about not liking being around people, I know I do sometimes. However I don't think that's ever really been true. Yes, he needs time by himself to decompress, but he also needs company just as much. Not necessarily BIG groups, but he needs his friends and family.
I am by no means a writer so this may not be very articulate, but its just something I've noticed from some of the MANY fics I've read. And I'm not saying it's bad necessarily, I'm just curious at this interpretation.
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smuttyfandomgalore · 1 year
How about a dark/Yandere!Jasper Hale where he uses his gift on his vampire mate to always keep her by his side. She could have a gift or not that’s you’re choice! Please can it have only the most filthy of smut!!!
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“Ja—Jasper…” You moaned loudly into the forest as the leaves were slowly falling down from the tree he had you up against only moments ago. Your legs were shaking as you settled your hands onto his muscled chest. Your nails already made marks on his marble skin; only lasting seconds before disappearing.
It had a soft pout coming over your face but the sight of the bite mark you gave him so long ago now still sparkled under the light. It was your focus for a moment before his growl had you gasping. His fat cock was stuffed inside your weeping pussy; stretching you perfectly. Jasper had been your first and only; something he took great pride in.
Your toes were curling as your bouncing resumed. Your soft, bare body is on full display for him. His greedy hands moved up and down your sides as the desire he felt was pushed onto you; not that you realized this as you shook on top of him. “Edward’s stupid human will be here soon - you are not to go to her.” Jasper whispered to you.
His hand moved to the back of your neck and brought you closer. Your soft, ample breasts brushing against his chest as a soft whimper escaped you. Your mind was in a daze with pleasure; his power was hardly needed but the God of War used it fully. “Hmm?” He asked against your lips.
He bit into your bottom lip and moaned as you clamped around his cock. “Yes!..oh gods, anything..” You whimpered out; your locks cascading down your back as your head fell. The sound of skin slapping together echoed around the forest loudly. Jasper had no shame as he had you do all the work.
“Good girl..” He purred; his hand slowly moving to your throat now. A move of control as there was no need to breathe on your part. “Please…” You hardly knew what you were begging for at this point as you shivered. Your only response was Jasper’s dark smirk widening and before you knew it; he had flipped you over.
Your legs instantly wrapped around his waist; pulling him deeper. His clothed body brushing against your bare one had you shivering. “You take me so well.” Jasper began to purr in your ear. “You were made for me.” He continued his whispers as the rocking of his hips only quickened.
His fat head bullied your spongy spot with each thrust; pushing you over the edge as he pushed the desire onto you. It always had your orgasms prolonged and Jasper was able to keep going. He fucked you through it as you fluttered around him; trying to milk his cock whilst you began to lose yourself.
Gods, you were perfection, he thought to himself. Something he did not believe he deserved…well, he knew he didn’t deserve you. But he would never give you up now. You belonged to him; forever. Those thoughts only had him harder as he throbbed inside your weeping pussy.
Your wetness soaked your inner thighs as he still moved inside you. He fucked you into the Earth. His hands move to roughly palm at your breasts, pinching your nipples again and again. “Oh…oh …ah.” You could only babble nonsense as you stared up at him; your eyes completely glazed over.
Jasper had you bent in half; your legs nearly over your head as he pushed impossibly deeper. “Fuck, that’s it…take it…” He moaned; his thrusts became harder as his own stomach was tightening in pleasure. All you could do was take it. Your hands moved to the ground and gripped tight.
Your wetness was echoing around; so loud to your ears and if you could blush; you would. Those blonde locks of his were falling in his face as he moved. You softly reached for them and Jasper took that moment to lean in. His cock slipped deeper and you could only gasp aloud in pleasure.
That allowed his tongue to force its way inside you and began to dance with your own. Your own hands moved to his arse and pulled him close. You never wanted this to end. The kiss soon became sloppy as you moaned and fell apart against him once more. You squirted around his cock and your mate only continued.
“Hello Bella.” You called over to the kitchen with that sweet, soft voice of yours. The mouth watering scent coming your way had you moving into Jasper. His arms wrapped around you from behind as he only silently nodded. “Don’t mind them, Bells - they are shy.” Alice hummed happily. 
Jasper’s hand moved up and down your side as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. His power on his fingertips as he had you staying close by. The God of War ignored the look coming from Edward and Jasper pushed the images of them fucking in the forest before it turned on Jasper feasting on Bella.
A warning if Edward would be so clever to figure that out. “Is she coming to baseball with us?” You hummed over to Rosalie; oblivious to the rising tension as you watched her pick up the broken bowl. A near frown came over your face as you tried to step to help her but found that you couldn’t.
Sometimes that would happen, you thought to yourself but before you could dwell on it further; Jasper’s soft lips found your neck. Your eyes nearly rolled as he mouthed on you; his tongue brushing over your soft skin. “Yes, I believe so.” It was Esme who answered but you hardly heard her now.
“We should leave, hmm?” Jasper whispered into your ear as you slowly turned around into his hold. His hands returned to stroking your sides now as you looked up at him. “We have only just got here.” You whispered and began to burrow into his neck. His scent only had you completely relaxing against him.
Jasper only hummed; his hands so close to palming your arse but the cough Carlisle sounded out had his dark eyes flashing over your head. You ducked your head in shyness. Maybe Jasper was right, he usually was, you thought to yourself. “There is a new bookstore in town,” You hummed; a soft smile coming across both your faces.
“I love that idea.” He purred; at least you would believe it was yours.
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lalas181 · 1 year
I definitely don't need to/may not have workable time to do this now, but like... what if I made an ask blog for Jasper??? Is there even an audience for that??? Like besides me. I know I am the audience for that, but like. Is there an audience for that idea???
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xetswan · 5 months
The Switch of Daylight- Reincarnate Pt. 2
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[six] [seven] [eight]
That night I laid in my bed, casually going from staring at my ceiling to the books and the papers I have information written on. My eyes then flicker over to the whipped up papers from the letter that Alice and Jasper gave me. My fists begin to clench from the thought of how Sam knew that what was in that letter was about some prophecy that I'm in. ME. It's valuable to knowing what or who I am.
I go back to staring up at the ceiling. This was a the worst time for me. Especially because it's the loneliest. It was better when I had the Cullen's. I'd sneak out of the window when I knew Charlie was sleeping and go hang out with them until it was time for me to go back in the morning before my dad would check that I was sleeping in bed. It became a habit for him after I went missing. I knew he still had a hard time with it, it's something I feel guilty for knowing that eventually I'm going to have to fake my death. Alice and the other's, I knew they were right. That he's going to question me when I'm forty with no wrinkles. That's why I'm going to do it in a few years, when I know he's happier. When he's found someone for himself to lean on.
I just hope he isn't stubborn enough to not find that person.
I should call Billy Black before I forget.
Just then I get some weird energy burst through me, I sit upright quickly. I look around my room confused. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself, probably not even audible to a normal human. Standing up, I go over to the books. Feeling myself getting drawn over to them, which is strange. I read through them numerous times, I shouldn't have missed anything. I grab the second book, opening it up and flipping through it. Then as I sit back down on my bed, my eyes start to feel heavy. Like I was actually getting tired. I haven't felt this feeling for months. It was a feeling I didn't think I was going to miss.
I lay back down on the bed and let it take over my body.
But when I woke up I wasn't home. I was awake, it felt cloudy though, possibly a dream but more real. "[Name], help yer brother set up the fishin' trap!" A man's voice called out. I sat up from the bed I was in, glancing down to see the white cotton dress I wore. I scrunched up my face, confused on what was happening.
"[Name], come on! Didn't ya hear yer father?" A woman storms into the room I was in and I stare at her, not understanding what was happening. "I- what?" I spoke with uncertainty.
"Yer father told ya to help yer brother, [Name] and you ain't even dressed?" The woman tsk's at me, a baby on her hip who babbles adorably. "My father?" I rub my forehead, getting up from the bed. "[Name] Adkins, don't play dumb wit' me and do as yer told." She points a finger in my face before slamming the wooden door behind her. I glance around before going over to a dresser, pulling out some dress. I huff, staring at whatever kind of style this was.
"Where the fuck am I?" I go to pinch myself to wake up but nothing happens. I even feel the pain.
"Adkins? Who the fuck is Adkins?" I mutter to myself, throwing the dress over my head. Smoothing it out before looking around the room I'm in once again. It had a wooden dresser, then a strange mirror that seemed nailed into the wooden wall. I then look at my bed that had quilts laid on it with a two pillows.
"Strange." I finally leave the room, the house was smaller. It's like when you go to a museum type place that builds the houses from "the past", this is exactly what it looks like.
Are the Quileute boys playing some prank on me?
I go outside, a body comes up next to me, nudging me and I almost attack it. Then my body freezes once I notice who it was. "Jasper?" I step back. "Yes, darlin'?" He chuckles, pulling me in for a kiss. My body's tense as I let it happen. "Aren't you mad at me?" I ask once he lets me go. Not even realizing I was trying to catch my breath.
Catch my breath?
I then feel my heart beating and the sun down on me, a slight panic sets through me but I hide it. "Mad at you, whatever for, sweetheart?" Jasper questions me, he takes my arm in his and we are walking to a small boy who's setting up some wired trap. "For... for-" I look at his clothes, he's wearing a loose white button up with pants that seemed maybe a little tight. And to top it off a cowboy hat on the top of his head. "I don't know." I laugh nervously. It all catching up with me, his accent, his outfit, the mysterious woman.
This is a past life.
My first life. 
"All right, if you say so, darlin'." He kisses my cheek before joining the little boy to help him with the trap he was making.
"Honey, can you hold Jesiah while I start up dinner?" The same woman comes over to me, handing me the baby before I can even respond. "Uh, of course." I mutter out. My memories of this life are a little fuzzy. I'm slowly remembering though. The little boy, making the trap is Jakov my younger brother who's 9, the baby is obviously Jesiah. My father, he's Jakov too, my brother is named after him. And the mysterious woman, she's my mother, Willow.
I carefully walk down the hill with the baby, sitting down near Jasper and Jakov.
This seems like a really simple life. Jasper is my love in my first ever life. Who would've thought? I know I saw him in the dessert field before I was killed but I didn't know we actually knew each other. Why didn't he tell me?
"Darlin'! You alright? You seem dazed." Jasper comes up to me, I smile over at him. "Just remembering something about you." I answer him, it's the truth I am. He just doesn't know it's from his future. "What about me?" He nudges me with his elbow before tickling my baby brother a little bit, just enough to make him smile. "How we first met." I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Oh wow, that's been quite some time." He chuckles, wrapping an arm around me and we both watch my little brother use the fishing trap they just put together. "Now we're finally to be wed..." He whispers, my eyes widen quickly covering it up even though he doesn't see it. How didn't I remember this when I got my memories back? I feel something on my neck and I go to feel it. It's a locket. Almost like the one my father gave when I moved to Forks. I look down at it and it's the exact one...
And just as I go to ask him a question everything starts to get tiring. My eyes getting heavy, and as much as I try to fight it, I fall asleep with my head on Jasper's shoulder.
I thought this time I would wake back up to my real home. My life I'm supposed to be in right now but instead I wake up in a hospital. Confused I rub my head, sitting up.
A nurse comes in, her face was skinny, her eyes sunken in like she hasn't slept in weeks. "Please, no trouble today, [Name]." She has a syringe needle on a tray with other things, placing it down in-front of me. I stay quiet, letting her do what she needs to do. "You're not going to bite today?" She seemed relieved, I mean I would too knowing someone wasn't going to bite me in a what I'm guessing is a mental hospital. "No." I whisper, rubbing my arm after she gets done with what she's doing.
"Why am I here?" I question quietly. "Don't mess with me [Name]." She scoffs in my direction, writing something down in a file. "I'm not." I truthfully tell her. "You tried to jump off of a bridge, you can't tell me you don't remember that, [Name]." She places her hands on her hips after placing the file down.
"Why am I still here?" I ask, trying to act like that was my actual question and not the first one. "You've resisted help and fought the staff until today, which is strange I might add." Her voice was hoarse, raspy even. "Oh, sorry." I glance away from her.
"I'm going to get the doctor to check you and then it's time for breakfast." She rolls her eyes, leaving the room, shutting the door behind her and I'm alone in the room again.
I stand up, seeing a mirror across from me. I look at myself in the mirror. It's definitely a two way mirror. Someone could be on the other side of it watching me. I squint my eyes to check if I can see anything, knowing that I can't I move on to the next thing in the room. A water bottle. Man, I might look crazy right now. I guess it fits being where I am. I can't believe one of my lives I wanted to die. I actually wanted death. What happened to me? My memories of my past lives are being subjective and I'm not enjoying this at all.
The door suddenly opens to show a man in a white coat. I back away from him instinctively. My arms tingle with goosebumps. The hairs standing up on my skin and I suddenly feel like I'm in danger.
"Hey, it's just me" Yeah I think that's the problem. "Take a seat on the bed." He tells me and I shake my head. Why do I feel this way? "[Name] you were being so cooperative I heard, what happened?" There's a smile on his face but it doesn't feel welcoming. "Hey the sooner you do as you're told the sooner you can get out of here." He tries to come near me but I back away once more, accidentally falling onto the bed anyways. "See, wasn't so hard." He grabs the stool from across the room, scooting it over to the bed I'm now sitting on. "Alright, have you been taking your medicine?"
And dejavu kicks in. I remember this. I wasn't taking the medicine, I hid it under my tongue then threw it away. "Yes." I lie. I obviously did it for a reason. This isn't real anyways. I'm reliving past things. I think...
The consultation was long, but luckily now they're letting me out of this room to go eat breakfast. A nurse walked beside me, a file in hand, she was writing as she walked. I observed the hospital around me, the people I mean. They were all different. Obviously, that was stupid to say.
The nurse helped me get my food and then I sat down by myself. I begin to eat the crappy food, thankfully it didn't taste like sand. I miss having tastebuds like I used to. Caught in thought about missing food I didn't even see the smaller body that sat in front of me. When I glanced upwards I see it's Alice.
My Alice.
She seems more frail than I've ever seen her. She smiles at me and I do it back. Now trying to see if I can remember anything.
I'm only seeing bits and pieces of things in my mind, we've kissed in this life. "Did he do anything this time?" She speaks. I look up at her confused. "He?" I question. "Doctor Monse. Did he try to hurt you again?" She asks, my eyes widen slightly. That's why I felt danger around him...
"He didn't." I say, I notice her shoulders relax. "Good, you're being cooperative now." She smiles, she didn't ask this, it was a statement. I wonder how she knew. "Yes." I admit. "My words finally gotten to your head?" I feel her hand reach for mine underneath the table, I take it immediately. "Your words?" I smile back to her, tilting my head. "How you should take your chance to leave, and just visit me instead of keeping yourself cooped up here." She reminds me and my mouth goes in the shape of an 'o'.
"Right." I nervously laugh quietly. "I don't want to, but I could help us become something out there." I tell her, mentally I'm confused by my own words. It's like it wasn't me who actually said it. "Love, you don't need to worry about an us. I'm stuck here." She rubs my hand with her thumb.
"I can get you out." I assure her, she stays quiet this time, only a shake of her head in response before we're all told lunch time is about to be over.
Looking at her I start to become tired. "No." I whisper. Sitting up straight and letting go of Alice's hand. "Are you alright?" She asks me in a mumbled tone. "I want to be here with you a little longer." I urge out, trying to fight the tiredness. "Love bug you have to go home." She tells me, the nickname. That was always my nickname? My chest rises and falls in a quick pace. I don't want to leave. Not yet. Even if this is a dream somehow. Please... I didn't realize my time was going to be so short in my past lives.
And now it's dark.
When I wake up, I'm not gasping for air. I'm not breathing anymore. I'm home again. "Damn it!" I shout, punching my bed, unintentionally breaking one of the boards underneath. "Shit." I whisper, standing up, and on the floor is the second book I was holding before I fell asleep and went into some weird whatever thing that was. I pick it up and open it to a random page.
"Reincarnate's Soulmates."
Soulmate's as in multiple?
I swear I didn't see this page when I read through it before.
I need Jasper and Alice here. I don't understand any of this.
I need to call Billy or Sam. I don't care. I need help understanding what's going on.
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theheadstones · 2 months
The Exit
Jasper H. Whitlock Rated Explicit Summary: Not much was known about Adeline Alden or the mysterious man who's been spotted lurking in her shadow. They say she appeared in town overnight and took little Forks by storm as if she's been there all along- by the time she disappears it's too late for the residents to realize they hadn't learned a thing about her. ('*' used to mark chapters with explicit sexual/violent content) an. leave a comment to join the tag list <3
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The Index (0/9)
So Long -coming soon
It was as if she manifested overnight in that little cabin tucked away in the woods past the southwest river bend and the local reservation; that curious girl who acted as if she'd been one of Forks' own born-and-raised.
A Trip Worth Taking
Adeline always seemed to know just how many times to deny a gift before accepting to maintain decorum; this sixth sense did not seem to apply to creatures watching her resting in the woods.
The Alter
Adeline made quite a few promises in her time up north; to friends old and new alike, some were much more lenient on her timing than others. Still she always made good on her word, and it was about time someone devoted some of themselves to her in turn.
Of Mice And Mince*
The fact that she was beautiful was the first thing most of the town knew of her; that she was a classical beauty who looked like she stepped right from a painting. They say she looked best in red.
Hunter's Prayer*
Still recovering from her brush with not-so-certain death, Adeline drops off the face of the earth and leaves the wreckage in her wake. She may not know what to make of the madness seemingly all around her, but she always knew when to get the hell out of dodge.
Fallacies & Fantasy
For a girl who thrived in secrets and double-entendres, her memoir of a diary was surprisingly easy to find. There in ink laid her every inner thought ripe for the reading. He wasn't going to; honest to God, but with the timer running out and an ever-pushing sister, desperation was palpable around him.
Truth, Indeed
When Adeline was little she had two younger siblings, a boy and a girl. The twins were three years her younger and thick as thieves with a penchant for trouble; but they always knew she'd be there to fix whatever chaos they'd caused.
The Ice*
It was a sickly thing, the babe she cared for. It held her fingers so tightly they crunched beneath the pressure, but it babbled and cried and looked at her like she was the world.
Of The Other Side*
Adeline Alden didn't believe in living in fear of consequence, mostly because she never stuck around long enough to face them. In ten years from now they'll remember her as 'fearless' and 'wild,' as a girl who didn't let the world dull her fire. In forty she'll be a cautionary tale of wanting it all and more, how you won't realize until you're too far gone. In sixty she will fade from the last persons mind and be a faceless name in an archived yearbook and folk-stories passed on by the local reservation.
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