#Jaune's Big Breakout
spahhzy · 1 year
Breakout- N.P.R
It's all a big misunderstanding, officer. (Inspired by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Jaune was currently enjoying some leisure time with Neo while his teammates were out downtown to pick up some supplies for a mission that would seem them gone for a week.
Neo had a mischievous look in her eyes while cuddling Jaune, but before any funny business could happen...
Scroll: Breaking News from the city of Vale! The perpetrators in a recent spring of car robberies have finally been caught and are ready to confess to their crimes, but only if a news crew were present.
Jaune tilted his head, their was no perpetrators? At least not anymore. The pair of low class thieves made the dumb attempt to steal from Roman Torchwick of all people, lucky for them their still alive and breathing just... no longer in Vale as Neo sent them packing faaaaar away.
So, who in the he-
Reporter: What you are looking at is a Vale-24/7 exclusive!
Cameraman pans to Nora inside a jail cell.
Nora: Yeah, we done it!
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Neo was on the floor in tears with silent laughter.
Nora: Word to big bird, we stole eighteen Scheexus, fifteen Jaaaaags, and a schneezirati, but Ren didn't like the upholstery so I took it back, JACK!
Ren was in the background, hitting his head agaisnt the wall.
Reporter: Do you have anything to comment young lady?
The cameraman focused on Pyrrha, who had her hands in her face before she lowered them down and cried out one name.
Pyrrha: Jaaaaaaaauneee!
Neo was still on the ground laughing as Jaune sighed and grabbed his coat before picking up his scroll and making a few calls to the actual victims of the car thiefs and proceeded his way down to the Vale police station to get his friends outta jail.
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headcanon-territory · 2 years
You said that you had characters who are gonna be in the story. What are they going to do?
For canon characters, other than Frank, Theres like Patty who just give John the info about all the dead kids Jack killed and also lowkey got him to do a hospital breakout
Lila and Jaune would be trying to find Skid and Pump on their own for awhile as John and Pump are finding the cult on secret so they didnt take contact with them [Also like, A Jaune,Lila,John and Frank friendgroup reunion kinda would happen]
THE TOUHOU KIDS!!! The One cosplaying as Alice Margatroid gets kidnapped and her friends are trying to find her, not big involvement but yknow they give John a clue on whos the mysterious killer around townn,, also their off their costumes
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For ocs ,,,
Theres Robert's sister [My little gal Rebecca,,,!!] [Who still kinda an oc] Who got kidnapped and got her Happy Fella involve with the cult stuff now because goddamit why in the world was she walking alone in the streets when kids been going missing ???
I did mention Rebecca's Happy Fella before but alot of the things about them would make more sense if i work on their stand alone lore and my other happy fella ocs so im trying to get her easily introduced in the au
Theres two kids mainly for the au only, theres the girl in that one Clown!Jack drawing and the other one is dead but i think they have bigger roles in it
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Jaune’s Big Breakout Pt 2
Part One
“Ack!” Jaune yelped as he halfway fell off his cot.
He had failed another attempt.
“So much for breakout number 30...”
He sighs and slides to the floor.
“This is getting depressing, I wondering how everyone else is doing?”
He frowns. “Nah, no use worrying about them, they’re probably better than ever without me there.”
“Why are you talking to yourself?”
“Ah!” Jaune jumps up and looks at the door, which had been cracked open, where a scraggly looking man leaned against the wall. Jaune could smell the booze on him from across the room.
“Ha, you gave me a heart-attack, who the heck are you?”
“You didn’t answer me question,”
“And neither did you, why are you in my cell?”
“You call this a cell? If it is, it’s much nicer than any other cell I’ve been in.” The scraggly alcoholic pulled up the only chair in the room, the one that was for the desk.
“Ok, my containment room I guess.”
“Well, anyway I’m the guy that dropped your butt in here, so lets see if that can turn the gears in that blonde box you call a head.”
Jaune frowns. “You’re trying to figure out why I’m trying to escape, aren’t you?”
The drunk smiles. “See, you didn’t need to be a genius to figure that out.”
Jaune climbs back on his padded cot, it was actually really comfy. “You wouldn’t believe me.”
“Why’s that?”
Jaune leans back on his bed looking at the ceiling, where the only window was, and the skylight, watching the blue sky. “You’d just think I’m crazy,”
The guy just sighs. “Fricken teens, man. You’re all so damn self-important, you know what? Whatever, you do you, kid. I’ve seen the feeds, you don’t have what it takes to escape Beacon.”
Jaune frowns. “Is that why you haven’t taken Crocea Mors? You think I’m too pathetic to be a threat?”
“Your words not mind kid, but, I’d also say that we couldn’t take the sword from you.”
“Anyway, try to be a little less destructive in your attempt to leave, Goodwitch is getting prissy about having to do reconstruction.”
Jaune gave the man a smile. “Oh, it makes her mad, does it?”
“I don’t like that look on your face, way too sinister for a kid.” The drunk gave a smile in return. “But, yes. It does make a her day harder. Go buckwild, kid.”
The man turned to leave, opening the door.
“It gets lonely in here, talking to myself helps.”
The man paused. “I guess it would, names Qrow by the way.”
“Jaune Arc, you’re pretty alright for a guy who imprisoned me.”
“Don’t take it too hard, kid. I’m just trying to do right by me and mine. It’s not forever either, we just got to keep you out of the spotlight till after Vytal, after that we’re shipping you out, maybe home, maybe Atlas, maybe something different. You’re just a kid, so we’re going easy on you, so don’t worry about real prison or anything.... But, anyway here’s some advice from a veteran though, don’t make waves, the attention is not worth it.” 
Jaune let out a sad laugh. “I think it’s a little late for that, the whole school, Haven, Shade, and Atlas all know. Everybody knows team JNPR’s leader is a fraud, and they’re laughing at me, and they’ll keeping laughing at me as long as I’m around.” He rest’s his head in his hands. “Ah man, I hope their doing alright, my team I mean, well my former team. I doubt they want anything to do with me, now.”
Qrow looked at Jaune from the hallway, gripping the door in a reverse grip, and shrugged. “That’s for them to decide, not you. I can’t imagine many people are allowed to visit you. Even I’m a special case.”
Jaune sad nothing and looked at the ground. “Why would they even consider wanting to see me?”
“Why not find them and ask if they want to?”
Jaune looked at Qrow. “I thought you said I’d never breakout of Beacon?”
The older man smirked at him. “I said out, I never said anything about this little tower or getting into the campus.”
A slight smile breaks across Jaune’s face. “I’m not trying to breakout of Beacon anyway, I’ve got somewhere I want to get to on Beacon soil.”
“Hmm, maybe.” Then the man closed the door.
Jaune got up and stretched, loosening up his body for his next escape attempt once his aura recovered in a couple minutes. Then focused his semblance, rapidly regenerating from any exhaustion and damage he’s taken.
His aura full, he sighed contently as a feeling like a warm, fuzzy blanket settled over him. “Lets do this, try 31.”
Attempt Third-One, The third floor in front of the stairs.
Jaune had once again cleared out the first two floors of the drones and was sitting comfortably at the seventy-five percent mark, it was getting easier.
Hopefully it would be enough to defeat the tank on legs.
Jaune opened his shield and stared at the metal giant in the center of the room.
“Lets do this,”
Jaune took a determined look at it and assumed a combat stance.
It’s singular eye glowed a blue-white and fired a lance of burning light at Jaune, who hastily raised his aura charged shield, which absorbed the light with burst of aura, the shield’s glow diminishing by at most half.
The two rocket launchers on the robots shoulders then pointed at Jaune and he got the message and started to run away as rocket exploded behind him, heat burning his calves and shrapnel cut at his aura on his back and legs, still it was better than enduring rockets to his arm and getting pinned.
He kept running till he heard a click as the last of the rocket were fired, or at least he assumed so.
Jaune made a sharp turn in his run to the robot, he wasn’t going to escape and let it be on his tail while he fought whatever dangers blocked the next floor, and held his shield high as another laser hit him.
The energy hit the shield and broke the aura coating on it, Jaune tsked and kept running forward, recharging the aura into the shield to give it extra oomph.
The robot seemed stunned at Jaune ran into it’s legs shield first and unleash a shock wave into it’s pillar like legs, only briefly though, before bringing an enormous fist down on Jaune, who was too jarred from the impact he delievered to dodge the blow.
The fist the size of a bucket hit him on the shoulders and knocked him to his knees hard enough to feel a buzz in his teeth and chest.
He snorted and tried to rise, pooling aura into his legs and arms, to push up against the mechanical menace. But the robot threw it’s other arm down on him, pushing him to the ground on his knees.
Then he gulps as he heard a mechanical whirring, and buzz coming from it’s head.
It’s cyclopean eye then begin to glow as it’s shoulder rockets turned towards him.
His world became a explosion of light and fire for the second time today.
Attempt 31 failed.
Defeated by Mark IV Sentinel  
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blackcatmanor · 5 years
RWBY Vol. 7 Ep 8 Photo Review (Repost)
Tumblr decided to delete the actual post or something. I don’t know. I’m old man yelling at cloud right now. SPOILERS below 
Characters done right.
Winter is QUEEN this episode. Winter’s line about “You’d have to pay me” to smile was great, and I liked her losing her cool and explaining to Penny it’s because of the bad memories in her house. I wish they explored this more, like in a flashback to Winter and Weiss’ childhood. That would have been great, and given a lot of set up into the toxic pool of despair they were both about to go back into. It was interesting her scene with Penny because it created a good juxtaposition from a human who WANTS to be less emotional and robotic, and a Robot that wants to be a human. *cute and tragic vibes intensifies*. It made me weirdly hope for more interactions between Winter and Penny- in which they help each other find a balance between humanity and a sense of duty.
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 Willow- I am so glad we got to see her. Though it started odd, like she was a total delirious, foggy drunk who forgot her daughter left, and suddenly she becomes super lucid but morose. The tone shift was weird but besides the first few seconds it was great. A lot was conveyed about her- that she’s fearful for her safety, she’s morose, but still cares greatly for her children. The deeper explanation of her putting cameras around could have again been serviced by a Schnee family flashback. Jacques was an authoritarian and awful parent, but not abusive. You can tell this because when Weiss was slapped in volume 4 she was surprised, like it was something that never happened before. However maybe in the past, Willow bore the brunt of Jacques’ authoritarianism, interfering when he was getting too angry towards the kids but causing the physical abuse to be directed towards her instead of her kids. This would explain why she seems concerned for her safety and why she would put cameras around- in case something happened to her there could be a way to bring Jacques to justice.
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 Nevertheless, the scene was good. You can really tell Willow cares about her kids and her exposition about Whitley was decent as well. But I have a huge death flag vibe about her….if Jacques finds out she’s been spying on him her greatest fears may come true. #ProtectWillow.
Qrow: I like seeing tidbits about Qrow’s struggle as a recovering alcoholic, though I wish they would talk about it more directly. We haven’t seen him a lot, and maybe he could mention that he’s attending AA type meetings or something. I also desperately wish that Yang and Ruby would address it! They have not directly interacted with Qrow much this volume, especially Yang who hasn’t talked to him since like one line in Vol. 6. I wish they would have a nice family moment where the girls talk about how proud they are to see Qrow overcoming his alcohol issues, and give him a good reason to keep on the path!
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  Speaking of Qrow:
SS Gayship:  The trashship vibes are intensifying. Qrow is totally gay for Clover and I am here for it! Okay maybe it’s just friendly and not romantic, but it’s nice to see Qrow have friends. However, seeing how much they playfully interact means that I am going to be PISSED if they just make Clover some sort of double agent and shatter Qrow even more. With Ozpin’s betrayal, his estrangement from his family, his bad luck semblance, I think we have seen Qrow beaten down enough- can we not continually punch this poor character?
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 Robyn’s smirk at Winter when she says Jacques can’t buy trust like everything else is great. I am also here for shameless RobynXWinter vibes.
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  Characters done wrong:
Klein- RIP. I’m annoyed that they got rid of Klein. Was the voice actor not available? It would have been better to see him being abused by Whitley and Jacques, or maybe relegated to menial work rather than head butler. Seeing the fallout of his actions is more meaningful than just hearing it. Furthermore, it would also pack more of an emotional punch to see Klein being punished for his involvement in Weiss’ breakout, but Klein needs the work so he has to continue working for them in a more menial capacity.
 Whitley- I’ve known for a while they are probably going to have a “rescue Whitley” arc but they’re going about it all wrong. Every discussion with him sucks and is stupid. He’s smarmy and flat as a character, with his only development coming from Willow later. The “revelation” that his façade of arrogance is really because he’s hurt Weiss left him behind in Volume 4 doesn’t make sense, because Whitley was like that before she even left. His façade should come more from fear of his authoritarian, abusive father. Willow should have said something like “he was always trying to be on your dad’s good side, to avoid….well you know. But after you left, I am afraid he may actually be starting to EMBRACE your father’s perspective on life. So please don’t forget about your brother!” Or something like that. The writers and animators continually miss the chance to convey Whitley’s secret desperation as well. They showed one flash of fear in volume 4 and one in volume 7, but when he’s talking to Weiss he should be trying to talk to her in code, or having pain on his face!
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 Whitley is also the words worst Gmod player. The only person who can get away with the nonprop T-pose is Jeremy MonsterTruckin’ Dooley 
Story stuff done right:
The little distraction bit to get Weiss away from Whitley was cute and funny. And it was nice to see comedy in a situation that lent itself to comedy. Last week I thought this “dinner” might have been an ambush in disguise, with Jacques luring Ironwood into Watt’s trap, but seeing how it was actually a huge party with News cameras, tons of guests, and the crew without weapons it immediately became clear this dinner was never going to be outright hostile, but instead served as a backdrop for exposition and plot development. To that vein, using it to give a bit of comedy is totally acceptable and breaks up the emotional scenes as well as the politically tense scenes.
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I will say, though, I HATE the fat lady character. What’s with the voice? Is it supposed to sound like Ms. Piggy? This was kinda lame but at least Jaune’s slow mo “YESSS” and then their grimace was kinda funny. And it was a nice twist to have her covered in the food, making it seem like the plan failed, only to have the lady throw her drink on Whitley in a fit.
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  Faunus discrimination- This volume has been better about building a world that has Faunus discrimination, and the introduction of Marrow has been a big part of that. In this episode, they had one small tidbit with a Faunus guy working as a waiter, literally serving the Humans, but I wish they would have teased out the Faunus discrimination a little more. In this kind of wide setting, with TWO Faunus main characters and a Faunus waiter it would have been a great chance for a few scenes building the culture around Faunus hate.
These are snooty elites so maybe they don’t outright berate the Faunus people, but maybe they try to quickly grab a drink and shoo the Faunus waiter away, or they don’t make eye contact and awkwardly talk AROUND them. Maybe they gawk at Marrow’s tail or Blake’s cat ears before having to be turned away by their friends. Think of how people treat people they are uncomfortable around- homeless, mentally ill, etc. Often people aren’t outright rude to them but reactions can run the gamut from gawking, to awkwardly minimizing interactions, to trying to pretend like they don’t exist. Some of that would be nice, but at least they are taking steps to correct the lack of Faunus hate in previous volumes.
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Misery in Mantle. 
There is 1 homeless person shown in the episode, which is a 100% increase than prior episodes. 
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  Story stuff done wrong:
So the council is only 3 members? That seems kind of small  for a huge kingdom like Atlas. I wish there was at least 5 members, and we could see them speaking for different regions. Instead it seems like there are three members of the upper crust elite and that’s it.
The insertion of Robyn at the dinner was odd, but it seems like Jacques is trying to butter her up. He commends her “vigor” and when she said the people of Atlas are suffering he says “Quite right.” It seems like he’s trying to use Robyn’s frustration as a way to get her on the Anti-Ironwood team. This would at least make sense of why she is here other than to have her scream in between the conversation. 
What was with the ending? I don’t get it. Watts disables the entire heating grid, which causes the rain to turn to snow in Mantle. Is this bad? Does this mean they are going to freeze to death? Probably? It wasn’t clear. People looked confused about the snow, and the kid seemed excited which makes me think it hasn’t happened before, but they didn’t seemed scared or really concerned.
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spahhzy · 1 year
Breakout- Neo
-because if Jaune can steal a fucking military ship, springing his GF outta jail with poppa Roman should a cake walk-
Jaune had just finished class for the weekend when he received a text from a number he did not know.
???: need your help, Do-gooder.
Jaune: Roman? What's wrong?
Roman: Neo's in the county jail.
Jaune, alarmed: What!? But she's wanted woman!
Roman: Easy, Jaune, your girlfriend is still in her disguise with that semblance of hers, She is posing as dust junkie seeing some info on a bank job, but if we don't hurry, she'll exhaust herself...
Jaune sighed, that was Neo alright, looking for the next big score. Heh. Little gremlin.
Jaune: I'll meet you at Juniors.
Roman: Thanks, kid.
'County Jail'
Neo: 😞
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Guard: Another junkie selling herself for dust, huh? Dime-a-dozen.
Neo: 🙄
The sound of a door opening getting both Neo and the guards attention. Too Neo shock and joy, Jaune walked in hair slick back, and he was dressed to the nines.
Jaune: Gentleman, gentleman, please, their has been a most unfortunate misunderstanding...
Jaune just winked at Neo, who smiled back and watched the show in front of her play out.
Thirty minutes later-
Jaune and Neo walk out of the county jail as a small Schneexus Is350 pulls up to them, Neo gets inside just as her semblance finally stops.
Roman: Had fun in the pen? Make any friends?
Neo: 🖕🖕
Jaune smiled.
Jaune: Let's split up before they get any wiser.
Neo leans over Roman , grabs the hem of Jaune's shirt, and pulls him into a quick kiss.
Neo: Love you.
Jaune smiles, his face red as the car drives away.
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Jaune’s Big Breakout Pt 1
AN: I’ve been playing alot of Hades over the past couple months, it’s grown into me, and now I spread my curse to you all.
Jaune’s Big Breakout Pt 1.
Jaune took a deep breath as he stared at the locked door that blocked the way between him and his goal.
He gripped Crocea Mors in both hands, letting his aura flow through it, then raised it over his head and then bringing it down across the door.
Cutting through the reinforced steel door with a grinding roar of steel on steel, till the door fell into the hallway. He let in and out his breath in short burst before glowing white, recharging some of his aura, then kicked the remaining half of the door into the hallway as he took off running down the hall towards the stairs.
“JAUNE ARC HAS ESCAPED, PREPARE TO APPREHEND LV1 FORCE IS AUTHORIZED!” Klaxons blared behind him as he made a sharp turn down the hallway and began jumping down flight after flight of stairs, his movements far superior to how when he was first detained in his tower.
He dashed into a wide open room, the first of the six floors he had to get through before he could leave his tower and enter Beacon proper. Unfortunately, but also now expected was the company that waited for him. A squad of combat ready Atlas Knights aiming their blasters at him.
Jaune held his hands up to them. “There wouldn’t happen to be a way I could convince you fine metal men to point those high-yield lasers away, preferably from me, would there?”
The drone took a fraction of a second to scan him. “Target Identified, Jaune Arc - Ex Beacon Student. Crimes; Fraud and Infiltraction, Sentence? To be determined after the Vytal Festival. To be detained with Lv1 Force.” It belted out in mere seconds.
“Jaune Arc, surrender and be escorted back to your cell, or be dealt with by maximum allowed force.”
Jaune shook his blonder hair. “I’ll take that as a no, then.”
He brought up his shield and sword, none too soon as the drone recognized his hostile stance, as the drones began shooting a volley of lasers his way.
Jaune held his shield in front of his shield as slightly below his eyes charging to the nearest drone, the lasers dissipating on his family crest, raising Crocea Mors to wreck the drone.
His shield hit the drone, making it rock back and forth as it readjusted it’s rifle to Close-Combat Mode, then brought Crocea Mor’s blade across it’s metal torso, cutting apart it’s metal, internal wiring and dust battery's.
Jaune then hopped back as the drone fell to ground sparking and non functioning, while holding his shield to cover his exposed side as another volley of excited photons hit the wall and his shield.
He didn’t stay still long as he charged through another volley, charging his shield with aura before bashing another drone with his shield partial crushing it’s chest, and utterly wrecking it’s internal systems, sending it into the wall with a crack.
Jaune then turned to the other drone turning its gun his way, running at it and running it with his family sword and then ripping it out with a snap of metal and wires, nearly bisecting the robot.
Jaune crouched behind his shield as his aura sense flare, another volley of laser hitting the ancient metal.
“Three down, nine to go.” Jaune breathed hard. This was harder than Pyrrha made it seem, but that was the reason she got in legitimately and he had to cheat his way in. 
Jaune smiled, that was just make it all the better when he beat these tincans.
He got back on his feet and charged into the metal men again with reckless strength and speed, knocking robots around the room nearly sending them flying and knocking them off their metal boots.
Once they’re were knocked on the ground they were much easier to deal with, easily worth the couple of lasers that singed his aura as he gave them the coup de grace.
‘Six down, six to go.’
The last six stood in front of the doorway to the next stair well, all in a firing formation. He’d have no choice but to take the hits to get to them, his shield couldn’t cover all of him and he wasn’t agile enough to avoid their shots, yet.
Jaune charge forward coating his shield in white glow again as he ran down the length of the room into the robots, blue-white lasers impacting his shield and burning his aura.
He ran into the first robot with enough force to buckle it in half and send it flying into the drone behind it, knocking it to the ground with and damaging it, he then turned his attention to the drone on his left and with a sharp turn he swung his sword across it’s neck, despite it’s attempt to block with it’s rifle, sending it’s head flying onto the floor.
A impact sent him staggering forward, the bot to his right had hit him full force swinging it’s gun at him. He gasped and then pulled his shield up to protect him, the metal protecting him against any further gun based trauma.
The good news was the robot telegraphed it’s movements, bad news it still hit hard and he felt the power through his shield.
He groaned as he was force to overpower it by charign his shield full of aura, his muscles just weren’t there yet to compensate. 
His shield knocked the gun away with a blast of aura, sending it clattering to the ground. Then with the opening he stabbed it in the chest again and again with all his strength.
It then fell to the ground with several sparking stab wounds.
He crounched behind his shield again as the bots let loose a full auto stream of lasers at him. Jaune sighed and flooded his aura into his shield, slowly marching forward.
Once close enough he swung his shield into the drones and crushed into scrap metal with the aura he stored into the shield, he then turned to the last metal man and ran it through with a aura empowered stab, piercing through the metal and pinning it into the wall.
It then swung it’s fist down on his shoulders, knocking Jaune to his knees and leaving it pinned to the wall.
Jaune scowled and sat on the ground. “That the best you got?” Then shift his shield back into a sheath, then raised it up and smashed it into the chrome dome head.
“That’s all of them.” He gasped, then leaned against the wall trying to regain some aura while he could. Reinforcement would come soon, and he had to get out of here before they wore him down.
He would get to the Basement, no matter what.
Floor 3 - Near the stairs
Jaune took heavy breaths as he ran down the stairs after he cleared out the second room, remaining comfortably above the fifty percent mark in his aura. Feeling pretty good, finally managing to clear out both room for the first time. Now onto the half-way point.
Except instead of more drones like he though, was a bulky robot twice as tall as him with two huge fists and rocket launchers on it’s shoulders, and omniously shining eye.
“Um, hi, you think we could talk this out?” 
A blast of a laser from it’s eye was his answer.
Jaune yelped as he dodged the eye-laser, only for his eyes to widen as a deluge of rockers made their way to him.
Jaune bravely hid behind his shield as explosions rocked his world.
Fear paralyzed him as he could hardly think with all the noise, light, and heat.
It cost him as two huge fist crushed him to the ground, stunning him. He wasn’t given a chance to recover as the twin fist knocked him around again and again, till it hit him into the wall hard enough to dent it, breaking his aura.
“TARGET NEUTRALIZED!” Was the last thing Jaune heard before he slipped into unconciousness.
Jaune woke up back in his cell, a voice speaking to him as he woke up.
‘Save me, please.’
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you, and I will save you.” Jaune swore as he woke up, he didn’t know the voice, but they were underneath Beacon, and he gave his word to save them and a Arc never goes back on his word.
He grabbed Crocea Mors and looked at the fixed door.
“Alright, here goes attempt 29.”
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