#Jay is pop but has a techno heart
rottedsoulx · 7 months
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something something the hyperfixations touched hands and this was their baby
also @spinjitsuburst mentioned jay when i was trollbrained to if you really think about it, this isnt my fault-
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cherrylng · 3 months
100 Albums To Understand Muse - Part 8 [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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MEW Frengers (2003) World debut of the Danish band, boasting melancholic melodies, the transparent high tone voice of Jonas Biele and guitars that, like Muse, grew up on The Smashing Pumpkins and the Pixies. Their latest release, 'No More Stories…….' succeeds in building a dynamic world with a more progressive experimental spirit. -S
MILES DAVIS Pangaea (1975) A masterpiece of the so-called ‘electric period’ of the 1970s. If you think it's ‘jazz’, you'll be surprised. Basically, the cool and sophisticated worldview of this album is the opposite of that of the passionate Muse, but I think there are similarities in the ‘once in a lifetime’ energy that pervades the band's live performances. -M
MONIQUE HAAS Debussy : Suite Bergamasque / Deux Arabesques / Children's Corner (1995) Debussy is a composer that all piano players have a keen interest in. The images that emerge from his poetic melodies are simple, yet they have an impressionistic intensity that leaves a strong impression on the listener's heart. He is also one of Matthew's favourite composers. Enjoy the limpid sound with no ill effects. -M
MY BLOODY VALENTINE Loveless (1991) The second album from MBV, led by roaring guitar master Kevin Shields, and a milestone in shoegaze, still influencing everything from acoustic to neo-shoegaze. Whispering vocals float gently between walls of dissonant, layered guitar noise. It will leave the listener in a trance and lead them into a dreamlike world. -I
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE The Black Parade (2006) US alternative punk band that recognises a variety of influences from Queen to punk. The band made their breakthrough in Japan with this album. Muse toured the US with this album in 2007 as a frontliner. When Muse took the stage at Wembley Stadium in the UK a few months later, they fronted the band in return. -H
NED'S ATOMIC DUSTBIN God Fodder (1991) A prime example of the ‘gleeful rock’ that dominated the UK indie scene in the early 90s. The first album, featuring snarling twin basses, blistering fuzz guitars, danceable driving beats and sweet and sour melodies, was a #4 hit in the UK. In their heyday, the three Muse members were in secondary school and Matthew's first gig was with the Neds. -I
NEW ORDER Low-Life (1985) Formed by the remaining members of Joy Division after Ian Curtis (vo) committed suicide. The band's melodious bass was a distinctive feature, and it swallowed techno, disco and later house, and used synths extensively. The killer 80s synth-pop tune 2 shines with its piercing uppercut. -I
NINA SIMONE I Put A Spell On You (1965) A classic album from the Philips era by a singer-songwriter who transcended genres such as jazz-blues and R&B. Muse covered ‘Feeling Good’, a standard that has been taken up by many different faces, but Matthew was introduced to it by Nina's version. The title track featuring Screaming Jay Hawkins is also full of atmosphere. -S
Translator's Note: [presses on a single G5 piano key in a half note]
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lego-gender · 3 years
ninja’s music taste
Kai: Rap, dubstep, occasional classic rock. Listens to things like The Beastie Boys and Black Eyed Peas. Mostly listening to music while working out/training. Never gets the aux cord unless he’s playing black eyed peas because “Beastie boys gets annoying after the 20th play in a row” quote like half the team lol. 
Jay: Mid 2000′s bubblegum pop, techno pop, and 80′s power ballads. Shit like Marina and the Diamonds, The Ready Set, Owl City, and like... Meatloaf. You won’t catch him listening to any of it though because he’s so chronically embarrassed about everything he likes he just steals one of his teammates playlists when he has the aux cord. If you get close enough to the bathroom while he’s in the shower, though, you’ll probably hear him singing Hollaback Girl. He’s also totally made mixtapes for Nya.
Cole: Canonically listens to soft rock. Matchbox 20, P!nk, Weezer, R.E.M. Probably also really likes Pink Floyd and The Beatles. Listens to dad rock out of rebellion against his do-wop father. Speaking of do-wop, if you try to play it around him he will scream, and the only times he’ll listen to it is the rare instances where he’s feeling homesick. It will usually be the songs his dad used to sing to his mom when he was little.
Zane: EDM and like... ELO. Tally Hall and Miracle Musical. The aux cord is hooked up to his body so techincally he always has it. He’s also usually the one in control of it because he listens to requests. Any time its his turn, at least once, he’ll play Caramelldansen and strobe his eye LEDs in rainbow colors like the first spinjitsu master intended. Likes songs that get philosophical. Someone showed him Mr. Roboto once and its now unironically his favorite song.
Nya: Paramore, Halestorm, Florence + the Machine. Mother mother sometimes. Realistically she can listen to a lot of genres, but will mostly listen to things that hit home emotionally or lyrically. Kai’s music taste has a special place in her heart because he’d play it around her growing up a lot, so they have a lot of songs they bond over. She also listens to Marina and has caught Jay singing songs under his breath multiple times. She thinks its endearing.
Lloyd: Oh god this edgy son of a bitch. MCR, Linkin Park, Will Wood, System of a Down. Incredibly dramatic and edgy. Kai caught him chilling with a contented expression while he had headphones in once and he stole an earbud to see what he’s listening to only to get an earful of Psychosocial by Slipknot. Usually just plays Green Day or MCR when he has the aux cord, though. 
Sensei Wu: Classical. Or at least, that’s the front he puts on. No one knows if that’s what he actually listens to or not. He never shows any preference. 
Garmadon: Heavy metal. He’s constantly rocking out to Black Sabbath, even when un-evil’d. 
Misako: Ella Fitzgerald, Doris day, the enka genre. Very heartfelt songs. Caught Jay listening to Open Arms by Journey once and was very enthused about it (and Jay wanted to die about it).
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the cullens throw their long-suffering father the first birthday party he’s had in 300 years (also Jasper’s inner cowboy comes out STRONG)
Hey, thought Emmett as he peered around Edward’s doorframe. Whatcha doing?
“I am organizing my CD collection.” he said. “Why, may I ask, has half of my Mozart been replaced with ABBA?”
“Because ABBA is better than Mozart. Anyway, I need to talk to you.”
“Ok…” Edward said. “Well?”
“In private.”
“I can read minds, idiot.”
“Yeah, but I can’t. Come with me.”
Edward sighed and grabbed his khaki raincoat, his khaki rain boots, and his khaki hat and headed outside with Emmett into the forest. As they were running through the trees, Alice jumped down from one directly in front of Edward, who crashed into her so hard her arm came off.
Alice stuck the arm back on and said brightly, “So! What are we doing?”
“We’re going to have a birthday party for Carlisle!” Emmett announced.
“ Nobody knows his birthday.”
“Bella googled some old census records.”
“Hi!” said Bella, walking out of the woods dragging a deer behind her. “Do you guys mind if I eat lunch?”
“Remember to say grace, dearest one.” Edward reminded her. “The good lord smiles upon those who pray.”
‘Hold on.” Alice said. “You mean all these years Carlisle just could’ve googled his birthday and instead he has to be all dramatic and mysterious about it?”
“I guess it runs in the family,” Emmett said, looking at Edward in his all-khaki getup, reading from the Bible over Bella’s dead deer.
“What?” asked Edward. “My soul is in danger. I need God to reel it back in.”
“Your soul is a fish?” Bella wondered.
“No, love of my life. My soul is a void.”
“...Nice.” Bella took her hydroflask out of her backpack and started filling it with deer blood for later.
“So!” said Alice, trying to get everyone back on track. “Where’s Jasper and Rosalie?”
“Rosalie’s working on her car and Jasper wanted to make the party cowboy themed so he’s at the store picking out hats.”
“Great!” Alice said brightly. “The other outcome I saw was Emmett making it an 80s disco- nevermind.”
“Can we make the party God themed?” Edward wondered. His siblings shook their heads. Bella slurped her deer blood with her metal straw. “You need to get a life, Wardo.”
“I am dead on the outside as well as the inside, my beloved Bella,” he said, sighing. “Therefore I cannot ‘get a life,’ unless that is your way to tell me to kill someone.”
“No. That’s not what I- Oh no! I spilled blood on my khaki skirt!”
If Edward had still had blood circulating his body and therefore had the opportunity to faint, he would’ve passed out then and there. “Bella! No! I-it’s a tragedy!”
“Shut up Edward.” Alice told him. “She still has all the khaki skirts that you gave her for her birthday. And Christmas. And Halloween. And like every holiday on the calendar.”
She paused as she saw something. Edward frowned.
“Jasper’s coming back!”
A few seconds later Jasper came crashing through the forest with several Walmart bags full of cowboy hats. He plopped one on Emmett’s head and threw the bags at Alice, who somehow managed to catch them all.
“I’ve been runnin’ all over hell’s half acre roundin’ these bad boys up!” he proclaimed.
“Gimme one of those,” Bella said, snatched a few out of the Walmart bag, and properly cowboyed up herself and her husband.
“I SAY YEE, YOU SAY HAW!” Jasper yelled so loudly that a couple blue jays flew out of the fir tree they were vibing in. “YEE!”
“HAW!” screamed Bella, Emmett, and Alice.
Why did they respond to that and not the time I tried to pump them up before church with ‘I say Jesus, you say Christ’? Edward wondered. It was truly a mystery.
“Alright cowboys and cowgirls.” Jasper said, his southern accent coming out strong. “We’re throwin’ the rowdiest, most rootin and tootin party y’all have ever seen! Alice!”
“You are in charge of the decorations! Emmett, you help me construct a rodeo in the woods! This, coincidentally, happens not to be my first rodeo! Edward, you’re in charge of the music! None of that gosh diddly darned Mozart, ya hear me? I’m talkin’ country music. You might wanna run down yonder to Tennessee and-”
“I will NOT!” Edward cried. “How DARE you insult Mozart like this! I am leaving!” He yanked the cowboy hat off his head and threw it on the ground.
“Don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya!” Jasper called after his retreating figure. “Bless his rotten, Yankee heart. Alright. Bella, you’re now in charge of the music as well as your original job, which is arguably the most important one. You need to figure out how to make sweet tea that we can drink.”
“That’s easy!” she said. “Take the blood of a diabetic mountain lion!”
“Alright! Now we’re getting somewhere! Emmett, what is it?”
Emmett had raised his hand. “So you know how Carlisle spent like a week in a potato cellar?”
“Yeah.” Alice said. “What about it?”
“What if we make a ball pit… but with potatoes!”
Jasper, Alice, and Bella cheered. Edward, who was lurking in a bush 20 feet away decided that since none of them were using the collective brain cell today he should probably rejoin them. Little did he know that Rosalie actually had the collective Cullen brain cell today, shown by the fact that she was staying out of all this.
“Hello, family.” He announced, dramatically walking out of the bushes. “After some consideration, I have decided to come back.”
“Edward, you weren’t even gone for 2 minutes.’ Alice said, sighing. “Have you changed your mind about the music, at least?”
“ I suppose I’ll help,” he said begrudgingly. “Can Bella help me, though?”
“Yes!” Bella yelled. “I’m gonna play cotton eye joe for three hours straight! Whoever sticks it out till the end gets the diabetic mountain lion sweet tea!”
The two of them plopped down with Bella’s phone to assemble a playlist that contained such classics as Country Roads, Take Me Home, Cotton Eye Joe Gregorian Chant Techno Remix, and the Tennessee state song, Rocky Top. Edward sneaked Clair De Lune in when he thought nobody was looking. Bella promptly deleted it when he wasn’t looking.
Over the next few hours, Emmett and Jasper constructed a small rodeo and then ran around the tri-state area looking for some bears to ride around.
“Look at him.” Jasper said fondly as Emmett wrestled a bear to the ground. “Grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.”
Alice went to bi-mart for decorations, which for those of you unlucky enough not to live in the pacific northwest, is a cowboy walmart.
By 1 in the morning they had everything set up. Emmett was sitting on the bear in the middle of the rodeo and singing along to Edward and Bella’s playlist. Jasper was helping Alice hang the cowboy hat fairy lights at the last minute, seeing as she was too short to hang them herself.
“Alright, buckaroos!” Jasper cried. “It’s time to go get Carlisle!”
Bella, Edward, and Alice ran back to the house leaving Emmett and Jasper to supervise the bear and the sweet tea, respectively. They burst through Carlisle’s door to find him staring at his creepy vampire paintings.
“Carlisle!” Alice said. “Come with us! We need to show you something!”
Carlisle allowed Alice to drag him down the hall and Edward went to find Esme and Rosalie. A minute later, they were all assembled on the lawn and ready to go.
“Which way was it again?” Bella wondered, looking at the woods.
“Follow me!” said Alice, and ran through the trees until the rodeo came into sight.
“What is this?” Carlisle asked, hearing ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ blasting from Bella’s portable bluetooth speaker that they had put on the table with the sweet tea.
“Hi, Carlisle! Hi, Esme!” Emmett yelled.
“Why is he sitting on a bear?” Esme muttered to her husband.
“Honey, it’s not the weirdest thing he’s done. I’m more focused on the rodeo. And the fact that they’re all wearing cowboy hats.”
Alice plopped a cowboy hat on each of her parent’s heads. “On three! One! Two! Three!”
“Is it my birthday?” Carlisle asked. “How did you figure that out?”
“Google!” Bella said proudly.
“That- that’s quite interesting.” Carlisle said, wondering why he’d never googled himself. “How old am I?”
“377!” Bella announced proudly.
“Ah. And may I ask why Emmett is sitting on a bear?”
“This is Fernando, named after the best song in the world,” Emmett said, patting the bear’s head. Edward stared at them, aghast that he hadn’t named the bear Debussy as he had suggested.
“We set up a rodeo for ya, pop!” Jasper said. “Do ya like it?”
“I made sweet tea!” Bella said, grinning.
“I love it.” Carlisle said. “Are you going to wrestle the bear?”
“You bet!” Emmett yelled. “Come at me bro!” The bear growled at him. Emmett growled back.
After Emmett had successfully wrestled the bear, Bella put on ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ and had the entire family dance until the hour-long loop was over. Since nobody had won, they all shared the diabetic mountain lion sweet tea. Emmett pulled some potatoes out of his jacket and threw one at Alice. She threw it back and soon they were fighting each other with potatoes. At this point Esme noticed that the sun was rising and ordered them to clean up, go back to the house, and get ready for school.
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uclaradio · 7 years
UCLA Radio’s Best of 2017 - Music and Genre Directors
This year, UCLA Radio’s music director and genre directors compiled a list of their favorite releases this past year. Take a peek and explore some of our favorite albums of this past year. 
Alison Chi - Music Director
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1. SZA - Ctrl
I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like SZA’s sophomore album Ctrl. There are so few albums that can capture people’s attention these days - it’s all about the singles and never the album as a whole but something about Ctrl is cohesive from start to finish. The way each song weaves into each other is seamless and you’ll truly be rewarded if you sit down and listen to the album straight through. Is there even a single bad song on this album? 
2. Giraffage - Too Real 3. Slowdive - Slowdive 4. Turnover - Good Nature 5. Land of Talk - Life After Youth 6. Cigarettes After Sex - Cigarettes After Sex 7. Julien Baker - Turn Out the Lights 8. Valerie June - The Order of Time 9. Slow Dancer - In A Mood 10. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
Megan Hullander - Rock Genre Director
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1. King Gizzard & The Flying Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard’s Flying Microtonal Banana was the first in a series of five albums promised to be released in 2017 (one of which has still yet to come) including a concept album ridden with the drama of human and non-human emotions, a jazzy collaboration with Mild High Club, and an album given as a gift to fans - the rights of which are “owned” by all. Flying Microtonal Banana is unique in that the band customized their instruments in effort to find spaces between existing tones, or “microtones.” The album is named for one of these instruments which does, in fact, look quite similar to a banana. 
2. Thee Oh Sees - Orc 3. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Open Minds Now Close 4. Alex Cameron - Forced Witness 5. Ron Gallo - Temporary Slave 6. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson 7. Ty Segall - Sentimental Goblin 8. ORB - Naturality 9. Kikagaku Moyo - Stone Garden 10. Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice
Gabe Cortina - Rock Genre Director
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1. Limp Wrist - Facades
Featuring Martin from Los Crudos on vocals as well as members of Hail Mary, Devoid of Faith, By the Throat, and Kill the Man Who Questions, the versatility of Limp Wrist sound has never been more apparent. Identifying as queercore, the band has a fast hardcore sound and lyrical themes concerning gay identity politics. The mixing of album is something which also stood out to me, it’s able to polished without sounding over produced. Martin’s vocal style perfectly matches the killer riffs and speedy drums in both intensity and aggression. Halfway through this album, the band’s sound switches to a disco-ey almost dark-wave- techno sound which they pull of with perfection. This album is solid and I highly recommend it to both longtime fans of punk and people who are looking for an introduction to punk music alike.
2. Despise You / Coke Bust - Split LP 3. Gay Kiss - Rounded Down 4. Exit Unit - St 2017 5. Glue - S/T MLP 6. Lumpy and the Dumpers - Those Pickled Fuckers 7. Goolagoon / ACxDC - Split 8. Burnout - West Coast Tour 2017 CS 9. Sex Prisoner / Harm Done - Split 10. Meth Leppard - Discography 2015-2017
Gabe Punk Genre Director Top 10 Albums of 2017 from anon-10212970514769336 on 8tracks Radio
Alana Enriquez - Pop Genre Director
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1. Beach House - B-Sides and Rarities
This compilation happened to be release on a day where I had only gotten around an hour of sleep the night before, and I cried within one minute of the first track. It’s Beach House at their most dreamy, their most blaring, their most haunting. Old tracks with new renditions and fresh ones meld into something spellbinding that doesn’t require the logistical unity of a formal album. B-Sides and Rarities has been on a weekly rotation for me for the entire second half of 2017, and probably for the entirety of 2018, unless they release something else for me to cry to during my morning routine. 
2. Florist - If Blue Could Be Happiness 3. High Bloom - Implied Sun 4. Alvvays - Antisocialites 5. The Drums - Abysmal Thoughts 6. Slowdive - Slowdive 7. Steve Lacy - Steve Lacy’s Demo 8. You’ll Never Get to Heaven - Images 9. Pedro Infante - Cien años... pensando en ti 10. Big Thief - Capacity
Alana Myers - Pop Genre Director
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1. Wolf Alice - Visions Of A Life
Looking back at this past September, I remember sitting in my apartment late at night, counting down until midnight when Wolf Alice’s second record Visions of a Life would be released. I haven’t ever heard anything quite like Visions of a Life before, and I think the reason it resonates so much with me is the way it perfectly encompasses the feelings that come with the uncertainty of young adulthood, and the feelings of life in general - love, anger, sadness, extreme joy, and everything in between. The album digs itself into darkness, but at its core, lies a piece of work that is ambitious, honest, and a solid listen from start to finish.
2. MUNA - About U 3. Tei Shi - Crawl Space 4. Declan McKenna - What Do You Think About the Car? 5. Stormzy - Gang Signs & Prayer 6. Will Joseph Cook - Sweet Dreamer 7. HAIM - Something to Tell You 8. Lorde - Melodrama 9. Paramore - After Laughter 10. Circa Waves - Different Creatures
Alex Saakyan - Pop Genre Director
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1. Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life
With an album cover that graces a smile, cheek to cheek of Lana Del Rey, it is no surprise as to why this record has been nicknamed as Del Rey’s first ‘happy album.’ Retiring from the ‘sad girl’ aesthetic of her previous records, Del Rey delivers an optimistic and authentic approach to her music. With tracks like ‘When the World Was at War’ and ‘God Bless America’ we see Del Rey take a more honest approach from her Americana aesthetic as she speaks of the hard times people in this country face. With tracks like ‘Get Free’ she delivers her mission statement: “Finally, I’m crossing the threshold/From the ordinary world/To the reveal of my heart,” She’s honest, she’s free, with a much optimism and a lust for life. 
2. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 3. Lorde - Melodrama 4. Kelela - Take Me Apart 5. Majid Jordan - The Space Between 6. Harry Styles - Harry Styles 7. Calvin Harris - Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 8. Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy 9. Dua Lipa - Blow Your Mind 10. Kesha - Rainbow
Christian Wright - World Genre Director
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1. Jay Som - Everybody Works
Melina Duterte’s sophomore album is a bedroom production jewel. Every song, incredibly cohesive as a whole, traverses the beautifully lush sonic worlds her mind seemingly conjures up. That’s not to say the ten tracks that span Everybody Works are simple happenstances that fall together nicely; they definitely sound like labors of love. Rather her voice, certain of itself, transmits to the listener so powerfully, making sense out of all the disorder that comes with self-doubt and personal struggle. “Won’t forget to climb,” she sings on E.W’s. final track, “For Light,” beautifully steering the qualms of trying to make it in this world.
2. Nikolas Escudero - Synthesis 3. Haley Heynderickx - Unpeeled (Live) 4. Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up 5. Bedouine - Beduoine 6. Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet 7. Lomelda - Thx 8. Hand Habits - Wildly Idle (Humble Before the void) 9. Kevin Morby - City Music 10. Wednesday Campanella - Superman
Ethan Lee - Jazz Genre Director
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1. Nick Hakim - Green Twins
Nick Hakim blurs the line between psychedelic, soul, funk, rock, and jazz with his debut album, Green Twins. With lush melodies to command his songs and a spacey approach to recording production, Hakim creates his own unique sound and challenges the notions and implications of a music genre.  With a brand of sound that emulates Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Hakim's soundscape fills in colorful textures with his diverse instrumentation on top of steady, pulse-like rhythms.  From spacey, reflective post-R&B rock songs like "Bet She Looks Like You" to jazzy, rhythmic pulses in "Miss Chew" and slow, soulful ballads like "Needy Bees," Green Twins has just about everything you need in a debut album from an artist as complex as Nick Hakim.
2. Tyler the Creator - Flower Boy 3. Kamasi Washington - Harmony of Difference 4. Rex Orange County - Apricot Princess 5. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah - Diaspora 6. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism 7. Steve Lacy - Steve Lacy’s Demo 8. Brockhampton - Saturation II 9. Smino - blkswn 10. Antonio Sanchez - Bad Hombre
Mark Edmonds - Electronic Genre Director
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1. Moon Boots - First Landing
First Landing is Moon Boots' debut album. Moon Boots manages a deep overtone with techy-melodies. 'Never Get to You' is a standout track that will light up any dance floor or pool party. 
2. Rezz - Mass Manipulation 3. Oliver - Full Circle 4. Various Artists - Anjunadeep Vol. 9 5. Illenium - Awake 6. Giraffage - Too Real 7. Four Tet - New Energy 8. Odesza - A Moment Apart 9. Cosmic Gate - Materia Chapter.Two 10. Bicep - Bicep
Beliz Urkmez - Electronic Genre Director
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1. Lorde - Melodrama
For me, Lorde's music means emotion in its purest, most honest form. Her sophomore album, Melodrama, captures her youth, her growth, her path to becoming a woman of her own and loving herself and all the ephemeral experiences in between. Mastering her craft, Lorde finds a cohesion between her atmospheric synths, harmonies, beats and the bittersweet wisdom in her lyrics. Especially in "Liability," a beautiful piano-ballad where she sings, "I understand, I'm a liability/ Get you wild, make you leave/ I'm a little much for everyone." Lorde is truly one of a kind and Melodrama proves she is one of the best artists today.
2. Gorillaz - Humanz 3. London Grammar - Truth Is a Beautiful Thing 4. HAIM - Something to Tell You 5. Alexandra Savior - Belladonna of Sadness 6. Temples - Volcano 7. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Who Built the Moon? 8. Wolf Alice - Visions of a Life 9. Cigarettes After Sex - Cigarettes After Sex 10. Mura Masa - Mura Masa
Alex Ivanova - Folk/Singer-Songwriter Genre Director
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1. Kiran Leonard - Derevaun Seraun
This is probably the most sonically beautiful album I’ve listened to in years. 22-year-old Kiran Leonard blends voice, piano, and string trio into an album with each movement representing a different piece of literature, seeing as the album was written to celebrate the re-opening of Manchester’s Central Library. The album is intensely personal, and raw, as Leonard’s voice is in the spotlight, accompanied by mournful accompaniment. I recommend this album endlessly.
2. The Spirit of the Beehive - pleasure suck 3. Jay Som - Everybody Works 4. Joan of Arc - He’s Got the Whole This Land Is Your Land in His Hands 5. Kindling - Hush 6. Синекдоха Монток - MMXVII (Parts 1 & 2) 7. Phoebe Bridgers - Stranger in the Alps 8. Sidney Gish - Ed Buys Houses 9. Tagubu & Klimperei - I Don't Remember The First Time  10. Nnamdi Ogbonnaya - DROOL
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weownthenitenyc · 6 years
Kicking off fall festivities and rounding up summer festivals for 2018, the 4th annual Dirtybird Campout West was nothing short of incredible. In fact, this may have been the best one yet.
Courtesy of Infamous PR / Taken by Helen Perez
We all know that location can make or break an event in the music festival industry; and although their was certainly some pressure felt for the Dirtybird team to deliver, the new venue did not disappoint one bit. This year’s DBC West was held at Modesto Reservoir Campgrounds, located in Northern California this new venue allowed more campers, attendees to bring their bicycles, and water activities in the lake. Of course with new territories come new obstacles and challenges to work through, but the Dirtybird team made sure everything was up to par and exceeded campers expectations. Located east of the city of Modesto, it was easily accessible for attendees traveling from all over California, as well as out-of-state. The campsites were equipped with RV hookups, picnic tables and restrooms spread throughout the campgrounds. An additional treat offered by this tranquil location was the abundance of stars and breathtaking views at night, especially for city-dwellers like myself.
Courtesy of Infamous PR / Taken by Aaron Glassman
There was a plethora of games and activities for campers to participate in; some were just as entertaining, if not more, to watch. Everything from Watercolor Painting to Hair Braiding, Birdwatching to Stargazing, Foraging to Hula Hooping or classics like Badminton and Archery; DBC had it all. Some of the team tournaments this year included Potato Sack Races, a .5k Floatie Race, Tug-of-War, Costume Boat Relay, and the always popular Dodgeball. This year team colors ran deep with dedication, and if you were new to DBC it was as simple as checking in with Games HQ and receiving your honorable team bandana to find your tribe and compete with the rest. The magic of Dirtybird is that everyone belongs, and you feel exactly that from the moment you’re there. 
The Bunkhouse stage, which happens to be Claude’s favorite, provided attendees with countless hours of entertainment. Campers had the opportunity to participate in events and competitions such as Axe-Throwing, Open Mic, Lap Dance 4 Your Life, Bobbing for Apples and Pie-Eating; oftentimes leading to patch earnings, bragging rights and occasionally some spectacular prizes. When I say spectacular I am actually referring to the custom gold spray painted, ’99 Subaru hatchback that was the grand prize at Sunday’s Bingo. Just when you think Dirtybird couldn’t get any crazier, they drive this bad boy out from backstage in hopes to make one lucky camper’s dreams comes true. Well, as witness to the winner’s reaction upon receiving the title to her new car, I can honestly say it couldn’t have been given to a more deserving, appreciative and modest contestant. It warmed the hearts of the bingo crew and audience members when asked how she felt about winning and her immediate response was “I always wanted a Subaru”.
Courtesy of Infamous PR / Taken by Max Benedict
Following the glorious Great Bingo Revival on Sunday was an unbeatable set by South Lake’s own, Micah J. Subtly spinning all-time funk and hip-hop classics throughout Bingo, he continued the groove well into the night. This was definitely my highlight of the weekend. Champagne was being popped and showered, dancers were jumping on and shaking their booties all over the car (so much so that the roof caved in at one point) and everyone at the Bunkhouse seemed to simply be reveling in the victory that was their weekend.
You’re probably wondering why I haven’t gotten to speaking about the rest of the music yet, but I think that is what makes DBC so unique and has created this amazing following of fans. The music is only a fraction of what makes the Dirtybird Campout into what it has grown to be. I met a surprising amount of people who do not follow house, techno, the Dirtybird label or typically attend anything related to electronic music, but have been returning to DBC for the past 2-3 years since discovering it because of how inclusive and enticing it is. This unwritten message has been created and upheld by the camp goers and artists alike that this weekend is solely intended for fun, exploration, inclusivity and breaking away from the monotony of daily life for a few days. The bonds that are created and the experiences shared over the course of this weekend are sincerely irreplaceable, and this is the main reason DBC continues to be successful.
Courtesy of Infamous PR / Taken by Max Benedict
Now, the music! It’s Dirtybird, so the music is ALWAYS amazing. Personal favorites from the weekend at the Birdhouse stage include Gorgon City, Green Velvet, Justin Martin, Shiba San and the annual Family Set. The Birdhouse hosted other terrific sets by Will Clarke, Steve Darko, Walker & Royce, J. Philip, Mikey Lion vs. Sacha Robotti, Chris Lake, Jesse Perez and Fisher; to name a few. The Beatbox Competition at the Bunkhouse on Sunday afternoon, with Honeycomb and hosted by Jerome Joyce, became a music act in itself thanks to the raw talent showcased by competitors, and amped up attendees for Honeycomb’s set at the Bass Lodge. The Bass Lodge took place on an island, centrally located within the campgrounds that transformed into a lakeside-bass-oasis. Eprom, Ivy Lab, Barclay Crenshaw, A-Trak, Big Daddy Kane, Madam X and Slick Rick the Ruler were a few other artists that blessed the Bass Lodge with their presence and performances over the weekend. Bass Lodge additionally hosted this year’s showcases, which included Trippy Ass Technologies, Worst Behavior, The Do-Over, Plus Size Models and Justin Jay’s Fantastic Voyage.
In previous years DBC would have music blaring well into the morning hours, but to be respectful to the venue and neighboring areas the Bass Lodge provided after-hours silent disco to those who insisted on dancing all night. The choice to utilize a late-night silent disco format also contributed to the overall camping vibe, allowing campers who wanted to rest up for the following day’s activities to do so peacefully and quietly while allowing those who wanted to keep the party going to do just that. The campsite renegades definitely gave the silent disco a run for its money, but that is something to talk about another time.
Courtesy of Infamous PR / Taken by Max Benedict
Overall, it was a joyous weekend filled with good vibes, classic summer camp activities, slick dance moves and unforgettable memories shared with fellow campers. Whether Dirtybird Campout has been on your sights for a while or is a new event you are now discovering, I can assure you this is not something you’re going to want to miss out on next time.
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
Taken by Amanda DaSilva.
Taken by Amanda DaSilva
FESTIVAL REVIEW – Dirtybird Campout West 2018: One for the Books! Kicking off fall festivities and rounding up summer festivals for 2018, the 4th annual Dirtybird Campout West was nothing short of incredible.
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It’s been a shit year for the world at large. Even when progressives gain more government seats, right-wing bullshit continues to enact hateful policies that expand the gap between the wealthy and everyone else. I truly mean it when I say that music, the conversations we have about it, and the many other people I know who care about it kept me going this year. This has always been true, but it felt even more true this year.
I’m not going to write about all of these at length like I did in my half-year post. Some might have comments like “wow, this aged well,” or “man, this didn’t age well,” or “I work with this band, and here’s how you can get to know them.” I’ll link to any ones I’ve written about. I’ll share listening links for all.
This year was quite good musically (but it’s no 2014, a year that still feels mythical):
Throughout, * means I work with the artist
Arca - "Desafío" | from Arca
Balún - "Teletransporte" | single
Big Thief - "Shark Smile" | from Capacity
Blanck Mass - "Silent Treatment" | from World Eater
Blessed - "Headache" | from II (review at Post-Trash)
Fufanu - "Liability" * (we do their media, more love for them in Albums) | from Sports
Jay Som - "Baybee" | from Everybody Works
LCD Soundsystem - “how do you sleep” | from american dream
Leyya - "Zoo" ^ (used to work with these folks) | single
Makthaverskan - "in my dreams" | from III
Mozart's Sister - "My Heart Is Wild" | from Field of Love (feature at FLOOD)
Odonis Odonis - “Vision” | from No Pop
Shilpa Ray - “EMT Police and the Fire Department” | from Door Girl (review at Post-Trash)
TORRES - "Righteous Woman" | from Three Futures
“I am not a righteous woman/I’m more of an ass man”
Yoke Lore - "Only You" * (we do his radio, good interview at Atwood Magazine) | from Goodpain
Zola Jesus - "Veka” | from Okovi
Zula - “City World” | from 6 Passes (review at Post-Trash)
20. ​Palm - "Walkie Talkie" | from Shadow Expert
Though I’m iffy on the EP, I’m excited for the new album next year, and this song slays.
19. Omni - “Equestrian” | from Multi-task (review at Paste)
If all post-punk was this jerky and minimal, I wouldn’t complain.
18. ​Högni - “Crash” | from Two Trains
I saw this guy on a whim at Iceland Airwaves and haven’t been able to stop listening since then. The synth that comes in at 2:45 completes me.
17. ​Gabriel Garzón-Montano - "The Game" | from Jardín
16. ​Julien Baker - “Turn Out the Lights” | from Turn Out the Lights
Can we get more of Julien Baker doing the quiet-to-loud burst?
15. Hundred Waters - “Blanket Me” | from Communicating
This song is borderline melodramatic, and I really like it.
14. Lorde - “Green Light” | from Melodrama
Pop perfection, as we all know.
13. ​yaeji - “raingurl” | from EP2
12. Vince Staples - “Yeah Right” | from Big Fish Theory
boy yeah right yeah right yeah right. BOY YEAH RIGHT YEAH RIGHT YEAH RIGHT
11. zuli - “kubadiver” * (we do his radio, Rolling Stone says you should listen) | from on human freakout mountain
10. ​Mammút - "Kinder Versions" | from Kinder Versions
I don’t work directly with this band, but I work with Iceland Airwaves, which they play every year, and the Reykjavik Calling concert series, which they played this year. In their Stereogum interview, they talk about how this song came together, and it’s really interesting and a testament to what makes this song amazing.
9. ​Perfume Genius - "Wreath” | from No Shape
8. Kelela - “Frontline” | from Take Me Apart
This is the most straightforward song on the album. It’s weird that it’s my favorite.
7. Run the Jewels ft. Kamasi Washington - “Thursday in the Danger Room” | from RTJ3
I’m still not over the whole “Run the Jewels made a sad song” thing.
6. Dream Wife - “Somebody” | from Dream Wife
This song is so sticky and vicious in all the right ways. I’m having a bit of trouble getting into the couple of other songs from the self-titled debut LP coming out next year, but this song is awesome.
5. Kelly Lee Owens ft. Jenny Hval - “Anxi” | from Kelly Lee Owens (feature at FLOOD)
“CBM” is a bit better, but since the version on the album is no different than the version on last year’s Oleic, I’m not counting it here. Also, “Throwing Lines” is worth mentioning here too as a therapeutic slice of heaven.
4. (Sandy) Alex G - “Brick” | from Rocket
3. Moses Sumney - “Lonely World” | from Aromanticism
The 2017 version is produced differently than the 2016 version, so it’s on here. What a killer song.
2. St. Vincent - “Los Ageless” | from MASSEDUCTION (review at Paste)
This has been a St. Vincent classic since the very first time I heard it.
1. Priests - “JJ” | from Nothing Feels Natural
Okay, technically, it came out in October 2016 when the album was announced, but the album came out this year, and it’s amazing. So it’s on here. (Pitchfork said “Oblivion” was the best song of 2012, but it came out in 2011. This has precedent.)
All Our Exes Live in Texas - When We Fall * (we do their radio and are pretty much their US/Canada spiritual guides) | Listen: “Tell Me”
Arca - Arca | Listen: “Reverie”
Big Thief - Capacity | Listen: “Mythological Beauty”
Blanck Mass - World Eater | Listen: “The Rat”
The Districts - Popular Manipulations (review at Paste) | Listen: “Salt”
Feist - Pleasure | Listen: “Century”
FOAM - Coping Mechanisms * (we did media outreach for them, New Noise Mag has more) | Listen: “Get on Board”
Hand Habits - Wildly Idle (Humble Before the Void) | Listen: “Actress”
Högni - Two Trains | Listen: “Komdu með”
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. | everyone has listened to this, come on
Kllo - Backwater (review at Paste) | Listen: “Downfall”
Mozart's Sister - Field of Love (feature at FLOOD) | Listen: “Moment 2 Moment”
Omni - Multi-task (review at Paste) | Listen: “Southbound Station”
Palm - Shadow Expert EP | Listen: “Shadow Expert”
Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent | Listen: “Don’t Go to Anacita”
Soley - Endless Summer (review at Paste) | Listen: “Grow”
Sylvan Esso - What Now | Listen: “Kick Jump Twist”
This Is The Kit - Moonshine Freeze (review at Paste) | Listen: “Hotter Colder”
Yoke Lore - Goodpain * | Listen: “Goodpain”
Zola Jesus - Okovi | Listen: “Exhumed”
Zula - 6 Passes (review at Post-Trash)  | Listen: “All Except”
20. LCD Soundsystem - american dream | Listen: “tonite”
I thought I was over this band. I’m not. This may be my favorite album of theirs, but I don’t often make it through albums this long. “how do you sleep” is perfect.
19. Lorde - Melodrama | again, everyone has listened to this
18. Yaeji - yaeji EP/EP2 | Listen: “Feel It Out”
I’ve combined two EPs into an album! Yaeji is that good. Her debut album, whenever that comes, is going to be incredible.
17. Kelela - Take Me Apart​ | Listen: “LMK”
16. Julien Baker - Turn Out the Lights | Listen: “Appointments”
15. ​Gabriel Garzón-Montano - Jardín | Listen: “Sour Mango”
This album dropped a good deal from my half-year rankings. The great songs are still brilliant, but the others haven’t aged perfectly. Regardless, he’s a fantastic live performer.
14. Run the Jewels - RTJ3 | Listen: “Stay Gold”
Another case of “many songs still slay, others aged imperfectly.”
13. ​Mammút - Kinder Versions | Listen: “Breathe Into Me”
12. TORRES - Three Futures | Listen: “Three Futures”
It’s a St. Vincent album. I love St. Vincent. (TORRES has the words STRANGE MERCY tattooed on her forearm.)
11. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory | Listen: “745″
10. Perfume Genius - No Shape | Listen: “Slip Away”
This is one of two albums ever about which I can say, “This sounds like nothing else I’ve ever heard, and it’s amazing.” The other is Portishead’s Third, which I listened to more this year than I listened to most of the albums on this list.
9. Zuli - on human freakout mountain * | Listen: “blaze”
Such a brilliant songwriter and dogmatic performer. Think Weezer plus Beach Boys, with Bitte Orca worship (aka me in the club) tossed in.
8. Kelly Lee Owens - Kelly Lee Owens | Listen: “CBM” (feature at FLOOD)
I was surprised at the more pastoral moments on the album at first, which is why it was lower on my half-year list. Those moments have aged brilliantly. I’d rank it even higher if I hadn’t already submitted my list to like three other places before publishing this.
7. Alvvays - Antisocialites | Listen: “Saved by a Waif”
Still the best pop band around. Simple songs, but not obvious, and so pristinely produced.
6. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism | Listen: “Plastic”
These songs never leave my head. What a weird and fascinating sound.
5. Fufanu - Sports * (we do media outreach for them, Stereogum has more) | Listen: “Sports”
Fufanu and Mammút are Iceland’s best rock bands, both live and on record. Sports is a brilliant mesh of rock and techno. I love working with these dudes.
4. (Sandy) Alex G - Rocket | Listen: “Proud”
I’ve gone from “Alex G is overrated as fuck” to “damn, Rocket is amazing.”
3. Jay Som - Everybody Works | Listen: “The Bus Song”
Most of the time, the cliche of a “record to get lost in” makes me roll my eyes. This is a record to get lost in.
2. St. Vincent - MASSEDUCTION (review at Paste) | Listen: “Pills”
My favorite artist of all time has a new album! It’s amazing! For the first time, it’s a grower, not an instant hit. It’s no Strange Mercy, but I prefer it a bit more than the always fantastic Actor. I definitely like it more than the weird and lovable St. Vincent and the precious but still solid Marry Me.
1. Priests - Nothing Feels Natural | Listen: “Nothing Feels Natural”
I expect this album to make my top ten of the decade. I’ve already rambled enough about how much I love it. I promise you it’s worth a listen. Hell, I ranked it higher than a St. Vincent album. That should tell you everything.
0 notes
houstonlocalus-blog · 8 years
Half Bae: The Best of The Week
Robb Bank$. Photo: BFOS Booking
  Well, this is the last week we’ll have to navigate our city with ease before a bunch of tourists visit and make us all really hate the NFL. The week is stacked with sets from French comic Gad Elmaleh, rapper Robb Bank$, and more alongside locals who will help fill up the days in between. Houston, here’s how to spend the next seven days.
  Wednesday you can get going over at Walter’s for the screamy second wave emo sounds of Chicago’s Homesafe.  Here in support of last year’s Evermore, this three piece has grown in popularity while distancing themselves from most of the bands in their genre with a more melodic sound.  The pop punk of Oklahoma’s Life Lessons will be on as direct support while the indie folk of Indiana’s Chase Huglin will open the all ages show with doors at 6 pm and tickets between $10 and $12.
  There’s a pretty legit art opening featuring the El Rincon Social artist’s’ works at MKT Bar.  The opening reception will have art from Jonathan Paul Jackson, Theresa Escobedo, and more.  The all ages event has more information here, it gets going around 6 pm, and it’s 100% FREE.
  If that’s not your thing, then you could swing by the Foundation Room at House of Blues for a set from Houston’s Sobe Lash.  The punky and raw hip hop of Lash is something you need to see for yourself, as her sets are energetic and her sound from last year’s The Pretty Reckless EP is tough to beat.  An opening set from DJ 4k will also be on hand for the 21 & up show with doors at 7 pm and tickets between FREE with RSVP or $10 at the door.  
  You might remember the band Soul Coughing, and if you do then you should head to White Oak Music Hall to catch their lead singer Mike Doughty.  While Soul Coughing was best known for a mediocre song that blew up, Doughty’s solo work is far ahead of what the band ever did and his newest album The Heart Watches While The Brain Burns from last year is pretty solid.  New York’s Wheatus, best known for their hit song “Teenage Dirtbag” will open the all ages show with doors at 7 pm and tickets between $20 and $24.
  Funeral Horse. Photo: Jordan Asinas
  Satellite Bar will host the stoner doom of Louisiana’s Shadow Giant.  While I don’t know much about these guys, I can say that what I heard of their music, I liked.  However, the fact that Houston’s Funeral Horse will be on as direct support should be enough to attend.  I feel like you’ve been missing out if you haven’t seen this metal band dominate a stage with their intensity and their last two albums 2015’s Divinity For The Wicked and 2014’s Sinister Rites of the Master are both epic to say the least.  Dread Pixels opens the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and a $10 cover.
  On Thursday the campfire gothic folk of Austin’s Name Sayers will be over at Nightingale Room.  while they have an almost eerie sound that’s like serenading the moon, their latest drop New Moon is pretty interesting.  The bluesy psych of Houston three piece Mojave Red will open things up with doors at 7 pm and it’s 100% FREE.
  The Secret Group will have Austin comedic rap duo Vanilla Presley to drop one of the funny sets.  While they don’t have an album yet, their single “What’s Up Girl?” is pretty funny.  The duo will do more than rap funny rhymes for the all ages show with doors at 7:30 pm and tickets for $5.
  New Madrid. Photo: Normaltown Records
  Rockefeller’s will host the psych garage rock of Athens’ New Madrid.  The four piece has made plenty of waves since they began, and their latest album magnetkingmagnetqueen is pretty impressive.  The tongue in cheek meets we don’t care sounds of Houston’s Get A Life will provide direct support while the garage psych of Bernie Pink will open the 18 & up show with doors at 8 pm and tickets between $12 and $15.
  God Fearing Fuck is kicking off their tour with a set over at Walter’s.  I’m not sure if you’ve seen these guys yet, but man are they solid live.  Their latest release Wasteland Hymns is dark metal meets d beat punk in a haze of scary sounds.  The sleaze glam of The Killer Hearts will be on as direct support while the tongue in cheek punk of The Cops will go on prior.  Hel-Razor will bring their thrash metal on as well and DaggerHead will open the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and a TBA cover.
  On Friday you can get started with the ladies of Dem Damn Dames at Numbers for their Third Annual Legislate This benefit show for Planned Parenthood.  The always successful event will not only feature those from the Houston based troupe, but special performances from May Hemmer of NOLA, JD Hicock, and many many more.  There’s an opening set from everyone’s favorite daredevil clown, Skabz alongside Nicole Quinn and Kris Broken.  The 18 & up show is hosted by Al E Cat of Benefit Betties, the doors are at 7 pm, and the tickets are $20.
  Khalid. Photo: Uncredited/Courtesy of Artist/Facebook
  In the Bronze Peacock Room at House of Blues, you can get down with the sounds of El Paso’s Khalid.  This guy has been burning up since he dropped the hit single “Location,” and his infectious sound should be worth making it out for.  His latest single “Saved” is definitely a jam, and the all ages show with doors at 7 pm has a lowly $12 ticket, meaning you can tell people you saw him before he blew up.
  Fitzgerald’s will have the get down show when Houston’s Kay Jay drops by to release his new album Seize The Moment.  While Kay Jay might not be a household name yet, his rhymes and positive attitude alongside a strong live set make him an act to see sooner than later.  Houston’s favorite Devin The Dude will be on as direct support for the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and tickets between $5 and $10.
  Satellite Bar will have the intriguing and sometimes proggy three piece Mockingbird Brother over to perform.  These guys mix genres, so it’s best to call them rock; but oh are their live sets worth seeing.  They’ll have the uptempo roots Americana of Son of Bitch on as direct support while the lo-fi garage sounds of Snow Indian goes on prior.  The psych pop of Austin’s Brother Sports will open the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and a $7 cover for the adults, or $10 for under 21.
  Valhalla Bar on the Rice University campus will host a local show headlined by the hip hop of Houston’s Tim Woods.  Woods has made a name for himself with his crazed live sets and his latest drop Pushing Daisies from last year.  The R&B of Milky Wayv will go on beforehand and the hip hop of Dallas’ David Morgan will be on to open the all ages event sponsored by KTRU.  Things get going around 8:30 pm and it’s 100% FREE.
  Angiesliste. Photo: Vibes Not Bribes/Courtesy of Artist/Facebook
  The Trust Me Daddy series returns with a headlining set from NYC DJ/producer Baltra.  You might not know this guy, but Mixmag and audiences around the globe have praised his sexy tunes.  Austin’s deepcreep will bring her techno jams on as direct support while Ledef from House of Kenzo will be on prior.  Houston’s Angiesliste will get things going as only she can for the BYOB event with more information here, doors at 10 pm, and tickets for $20.
  Saturday, The Heights Theater will host a special show featuring one of my favorite honky tonk acts, Dale Watson who’s partnering with Ray Benson of Asleep At The Wheel for this show.  The two have a new album called Dale & Ray that’s basically the best tonkin you’ll hear going today.  Aside from the fact that both of these guys can bring it when they play on their own, their harmonies together on this release is pretty special.  The all ages show has doors at 7 pm and tickets between $26 and $224.
  Unknown Hinson. Photo Atomic Music Group
  Of course, I’d guess if you were going anywhere, it’d be to Continental Club to catch the hillbilly sounds of Unknown Hinson.  Four hundred year old vampire, borderline comic, or just plain entertaining, Hinson has become best known for portraying Early Cuyler on the cartoon Squidbillies, but I’d be lying if I said his live shows weren’t close to amazing.  The 21 & up show has doors at 8 pm and tickets for $20.
  Satellite Bar will host the always fun sounds of Austin’s Sailor Poon.  Finishing their tour in Houston, the all female garage punks have been making waves recently with great videos and plenty of press.  Their latest drop, last year’s Yeast Pigeon is definitely worth giving an ear to.  The energized punk of Giant Kitty will provide direct support while Houston’s Whit will go on prior.  The Wipers meets Wire punk of Houston’s Ruiners will open the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and a $10 cover.
  Only Beast. Photo: Courtesy of Artist/Facebook
  At Rockefeller’s you could check out the alt rock sounds of Houston’s Another Run.  These guys have been treading the line for over a decade, their music has grown a ton since they started, and aside from a crazy energy in their live sets, their latest drop 700 Days from last year just proves they aren’t quitting soon.  The bluesy grooves of Houston’s Fox Parlor will be on beforehand and the insane and not to be missed energy of Only Beast will open the all ages show with doors at 8 pm and a $10 cover.
  Rudyard’s will host what could be an epic event for the Linus Pauling Quartet vs. Hearts of Animals show.  For starters, it’s two sets no matter how you slice it, both bands are killer with new albums to drop, and the 21 & up show with doors at 9 pm carries a measly $8 cover meaning you have no reason to miss both of these groups.  
  Sunday, if you were lucky enough to get tickets, then you’ll be catching France’s Gad Elmaleh at Warehouse Live. Considered the Jerry Seinfeld of France, Elmaleh is a pretty funny guy and he’s known to delight any audience he’s in front of.  The doors are at 7 pm and it’s SOLD OUT.
  Monday you could head upstairs at  White Oak Music Hall to catch the sunny rock charm of Florida’s Surfer Blood. While this band got a bad name after some allegations that were later dropped, their music has always been worth checking out.  Their live sets have always been fun and their latest releases have been singles from their upcoming release; the latest tracks being the easy going “Frozen.”  Houston’s Young Mammals will be on the bill as direct support and openers.  Their latest album, last year’s Jaguar is their most focused to date, and their live shows will probably blow the headliners off of the stage.  The all ages show has doors at 7 pm and tickets between $13 and $17.
  Walter’s will have an epic show when Florida’s Robb Bank$ rolls by to drop a set.  Bank$ has become well known for his crazed live shows and his latest release C2:Death of My Teenage is a trip.  New Jersey’s Da$h will be on as support while the hip hop of Wifisfuneral will go on before.  Houston’s Craig Xen will also be on the bill and Ski Mask The Slump God will open the all ages show with doors at 9 pm and tickets between $15 and $50, the latter including a meet & greet option.  
  Rick Astley. Photo: Shore Fire Media
  Tuesday you can get “Rick Rolled” in the ballroom at Warehouse Live when Rick Astley swings by to perform. Known for his good time hit “Never Gonna’ Give You Up,” the British singer is still going strong with a new album from last year called 50.  There’s no word of openers but he will be performing favorites old and new for the all ages show with doors at 7 pm and tickets between $30 and $35.
  If that’s not your thing, you could head to Mucky Duck to hear Houston’s Nathan Quick.  Quick doesn’t seem to slow down, his live shows are a mix of emotion and fun, and his latest release The Sound from last year sounded like a call to arms, full of bluesy influence and swagger.  The 21 & up show has doors at 7:30 pm and tickets between $15 and $17.
  That’s about all that’s happening around the city this week.  No matter what you decide to do, remember that a safe ride home is just an app or a call away.
Half Bae: The Best of The Week this is a repost
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