#Jealousy Of Mortal Bane
outcast-thingz · 1 year
Chapter 2:
Tell Me It's Just A Dream ...Fuck
Despite being told you have a choice it didn't feel like it. The creature was right; no one would believe you. You have no idea what they'll do to you or where they'll take you. You figured you should let -someone- know you won't be back for a while. Pulling yourself to your feet proved quite painful, but nothing was broken as far as you could tell. After getting turned around once or twice and nearly tripping, you return to camp. You'd left your phone behind. Once you find it, you hold your breath as you press the power button hoping it'll turn on.
"Fifteen percent, thank god… just one call" The ringtone barely has time to buzz the other side of the line when he answers.
"Y/N! Are you okay!?" Hearing a friendly put you at ease. Much to Jason's dismay, you just sat there soaking in his sound. He rambles off a bunch of apologies for not being able to prevent you from ending up where you were. "Y/n? Please answer… anything. So I know it's you actually there."
"Hi," you sniffle, "I'm here, Jason."
"Thank you. Jerk, I thought you were dead." You could hear a faint chuckle. You smile and wipe a tear from your eye.
"Yeah," you return the half-hearted laugh, "I thought so too." You clear your throat, "Hey, um.. They already gave me a new place to go. Don't need a medic if the bodies almost never come back… but it's top secret, so I can't tell you where-"
"Do you know for how long?"
"Ummm.. n-no. I don't. I promise I'll try to send at least a letter, okay?" It took everything not to give in to the tears. Your throat hurt from straining to sound calm, "Jason?"
"Yes, Y/n?"
"Tell my family I love them."
"I will. I love you, Y/n."
"You're the bestest friend I could have ever asked for… I love you," you end the call. Shortly after, your phone dies. You spent the next hour or two crying yourself to sleep.
"Figured you didn't have that many places to run to, but here" the creature shrugs.
As promised, a gentle hand grabs your shoulder at midnight to wake you.
"How'd you find me?" Mumbles slip from your lips as you sit up.
"Mmm…" you hum, unamused
"So, made your decision?"
"Yeah… I guess I'll go with you. No point in causing more trouble than necessary," you sigh. To your surprise, the man approaches and scoops you up. "Wait, Wait, I can-" You feel yourself lifted higher but not further from the man. "I don't understand wha-" beneath you the man and beneath him… the creature? She seemed so small, yet here she was, lifting two people like they were paperweights.
"It's like you said, 'no point in causing more trouble than necessary.' I'm gonna carry y'all to the truck."
"Well, by putting one foot in front of the other, duh. Is there any other way?"
"But you're so sm-"
"I'd choose your next words very carefully, angel." She threatens as she starts to make her way through the woods. You cross your arms and protest,
"Fairly sure that's a reasonable question. You're like 5-foot? How the fuck are you carrying us both?" The entire time the man shook his head aggressively, a pleading look painting his face. A sly smile creeps onto the creature's face.
"You haven't figured it out yet?" She chuckles. The man sighs. You feel his arms wrap tight around you, so tight it almost hurts.
"Now, why'd you have to go do a thing like that?" He finally speaks. Although irritated, his voice seemed refined and soft, strangely soothing.
Before you can retort, the three of you zoom through the forest. A gasp escapes your lips, silenced by the wind blowing past your face. What would have been a 15 min walk for her turned into a 6-minute sprint.
"I think you're getting slower," the man teases once the two of you are on the ground again.
"I was carrying two people!!!" The creature hisses. The man rolls his eyes and shrugs. "Ugh, whatever. You could at least show some manners and thank me. I did you a favor."
"Im not saying anything. I didn't ask you to do that. Nor did y- they" He started to say your name but backed out.
"Hah! All these lives, and you're still so shy when you meet them." A smug smile plasters itself on her face. "So what's your answer? I mean, I just showed off. I think that deserves at least a guess," you assume she asked you, but her eyes never left the man's. His face was scrunched up into a scowl.
"Strength like something I've ever seen before, impossibly fast, pale as fuck.. and a seeming fondness for chaos, carnage, and blood. I know what you are.." As terrifying as everything has been, you couldn't help but make a joke; maybe if you make fun of this and treat it like a dream, it'll go away. "You're.. you're a vampire." You pause between most of your words not just because you want to put mocking, dramatic spaces of silence but also because that run put your body through higher speeds, and you're use to outside of a vehicle.
"Im gonna puke. You sound like that fucking book series" She covers her mouth and looks away. You can hear her fake gag, "Please never describe me like that again. Next thing we know, you'll be having to choose between me and some fucking w- huhp.." she pauses to try to avoid actually throwing up. Being dramatic had its drawback in this case. "Wolf boy."
"Am I right, though?" You tilt your head.
"Yeah. Just never do that again."
"What reference tw-"
"Finish its name, and I'll give you a complimentary nap with the power of knocking you the fuck out." She finally composes herself. Then looks around, "where did-"
"He got in the truck while I was guessing," You shrug. "Was that complimentary nap just a threat or a promise?" Despite hoping being knocked out would wake you from this, the vampire just chuckles and hops into the passenger seat of their truck. You sigh and get in the back. A thought occurs to you, "y'know, I don't know either of your names.. but you know mine."
"Oh! Right, I'm Mediya! And this big boy-" the creature pats the man's shoulder, "is Adrisil." He huffs at the remark. Mediya smiles at him and giggles her words, "You love me."
"Doesn't mean I can't be mad at you," he glares
"OhKhAy," she rolls her eyes.
It was a long drive, but it wasn't like you'd notice since you were asleep for most of it. You sit up as the ~notorious~feeling of pulling into a driveway hits you.
"Oh, you're up." Mediya looks back. "I wonder if it's like thing where we just -know- when we're home, ya know?" You shrug, not being awake enough to really think about it, let alone know what 'we' she was talking about. "Are you... ya know, okay? You've been taking all of this like- really well. Well.. good for your circumstances this time."
"Mm now you ask.. mm'just gonna treat it like a dream till tomorrow. If I wake up 'nd m'still here I'll deal with it then. Future me problem."
"Oh- um alright I guess." She wasn't sure how to react to that. The three of you scramble out of the truck and into the house. You follow their directions to your room and proceed to pass out again.
The morning nearly passes you by as you dream about your family and Jason. Eventually, your eyes blink awake to stare at a brown wall painted with ivy and little Venus fly traps. You rub your eyes and pinch yourself to ensure it's all real. Yep.. it's real.
"Great.. so I guess that means vampires do exist. Wonder what else exists, hope they don't use the internet or fiction sites…" You say aloud to yourself, 'If there's a unicorn, I'm finding it and keeping it.' It's dark in the room, so you pull the sheets off and shuffle your way over to the window. "FUCK!" You yell after getting a face full of sun. You rub your eyes until you feel like you're ready to brave the light again. Through squinted eyes, you can see a green field with a few trees around it. Just beyond the side of the window, part of an animal pen can be seen.
A gentle knock came at the door, pulling your attention away from the window.
"You okay?" You recognized it as the man's voice.
'What was it.. adin, adele, adr- ADRISIL. Adrisil? What the fuck.. what kind of name is- you know what doesn't matter.' You give up and open the door. "Yeah.. sorry, I opened the curtains and didn't expect it to be so bright." You answer and then ask, "What time is it?"
"About twenty till noon. I have lunch made if you're ready for it." You certainly weren't going to deny food. Your eyes wander as the two of you make your way to the table. Most of the house had a rustic look, moss green walls, the occasional accent stone walls and staircases, wooden beams decorating the ceiling, and furniture you were sure had been around since your grandparents.
"Wasn't sure what you'd be allergic to, so I just went with bacon and egg burritos." He pulls you from your space out.
"Oh.. thank you." At the table were only two plates, "Where's umm."
"Mediya? Sleeping. You'll get a chance to talk to her again tonight."
It was an awkwardly quiet breakfast. Adrisil breaks the silence after leaving the table to grab something,
"We have something you can change into. We didn't know what size you were, so we just guessed. Mediya spent a while picking the outfit out. Let me know if anything doesn't fit right." He slides over a small stack of clothing. "There's a bathroom two doors down from your room. After you shower and change, we can head into town and get you something you actually want to wear." With that, he starts cleaning up the dishes he used to cook breakfast with. You pick up the clothing and head to the bathroom.
You stood with your head leaning against the wall and the water running down your back, letting everything sink in. Tears roll down your cheeks as you clench your fists against the wall. Years of war, not a life caught in the crossfire spared until you. Why? Why you? Will it all stop if you stay with them? Gods.. the friends you've lost, and all the people before your time serving. You're sure you'll never get to see your family again. This will probably be the last and only time they let you walk "freely."
Before you knew it, you were dried and changed. You catch your reflection in the mirror. It was creepy how to actuate the outfit to your preferred style. You'd think Mediya stole it from your closet if you didn't know any better. Your fingertips graze over the clothing; some of it was a tad big, but that was better than it squeezing the life out of you. Pretty damn good for just 'guessing' sizes. You shudder. After shaking your head and thoughts away, you leave the bathroom. Time to go out shopping with a man you've known your whole life as a nation-slaughtering monster. What else we're you going to do? Run?
Tagging: @yeet-man @bisexual-confusion (if you want to be added to the tag list send me message or an ask 🥰)
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tatorthots · 2 years
— a jealous encounter
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Featured: wanderer x afab!reader x Childe (implied)
cw: suggestive themes, jealousy, cursing, (slight) hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, (slight) possessiveness
Synopsis: Jealousy is nothing more than a pathetic human emotion. It’s truly almost humorous how insecure and weak-minded mortals are, getting riled up simply because the object of their affection gets a little attention. Of course, the former sixth harbinger is far above such trivial emotions (he’s not)
a/n: scara being jealous, soft, and sulky because I said so and also I used sm names for scara because I didn’t know what name to use and I panicked btw have you guys been playing the windtrace event?? I literally can’t stop playing it help
art credit: @Liann1009 on twt
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The swaying of forest leaves reflected off the clear spring waters of the still river you had come to rest by. The sun was still high above the fluffy clouds and its warmth gently kissed the skin of every living being and creature under it. It was truly a beautiful day in the outskirts of Sumeru City. And along with the chirping of birds, the sound of your laughter resonated through the forest breeze like a soft melody — absolutely enchanting, he thought, if it wasn’t caused by that damned insolent insect.
Archons, could the man not get a break? Is this finally the ‘divine punishment’ mortals so often preach about? Glaring sharp eyes quietly trailed the tall, orange-headed idiot as he fumbled around you like some love-sick child, far too comfortable with you for the latter's liking. Feelings of disdain soon turned to seething anger. Despite all my efforts, slender fingers dug into the grass underneath him, he still manages to ruin what little I have. Had he not gone through grueling enough changes? Did sacrificing absolutely everything to start anew mean so little? He gave up his past titles, erased his previous relationships, and severed every last thread that connected him to his past self — aside from you — and yet, here stood the bane of his existence during his time as a Fatui Harbinger. And to make things worse, you’re actually friends with him.
Childe, he sneered.
“Ajax, how could you get so excited over anemo slimes?” You giggled as your eyes fluttered into crescents and you bashfully hit the freckled man next to you. You couldn’t help but tease your longtime friend for getting so excited over a few anemo slimes floating around a tree. Though you’d admit, the straight edge determination reflecting from his ocean eyes as he stood straight and strung his bow back to aim made your stomach swirl slightly. You noticed the way his fingertips elegantly let go of the string and effortlessly sliced through the anemo slime mid-air, despite being positioned below and meters away from the distant cliff side tree the anemo slimes were hovering around. It’s amazing, you thought. But what earned him your admiration was the simple fact that he wasn’t trying. Childe didn’t need to. Even when he’s doing something in lighthearted fun, so long as it involves weapons, he’ll breeze through any obstacle or ‘challenge’ with ease. That’s what made Childe, Tartaglia.
However, there was someone who didn’t share that sentiment.
Honestly, Scaramouche doesn’t even know how he ended up in this archon-forsaken situation. The day had begun like any other day, with your limbs intertwined with Scaramouche as he gently stroked your hair and counted the seconds in between as your chest slowly rose and fell — an action he vehemently denies that he does because he longs for your touch; not to mention that it just so happens that the feel of your body against his calms the occasional insecurities and self-deprecating voices whispering in his head. Scaramouche lightly shook his head in flustered contempt when he caught himself softly smiling and gqze slightly softening at the memory of your skin against his, useless thoughts aren’t going to aid me in figuring out how or why I’m stuck here. internally groaning he thought of when you woke up today. you had found him already awake and tidying up the room you had both stayed in the previous night. As you sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you watched Scaramouches quick and precise movements as he prepared your traveling satchel. Funny, you thought, he does all this and I never hear a thing. As much of a light sleeper as you might be, no matter how many chores he’s completed before you wake, you never hear a sound stir you from your slumber. Of course, when you finally got out of bed you found yourself presented with a small plate of assorted fresh fruit waiting for you on the kitchen table, a sight you see every morning. However, you’ve long learned better than to outright thank him for breakfast, or any small acts of service. Not because you don’t appreciate his quiet considerations, but because you learned that Scaramouche will act like a total brat if you confront him about his kindness. Insults range from calling you a moron to being labeled delusional, so you’ve figured it’s best to enjoy these little things and thank him in that way. Lastly, Scara thought about the events that happened after breakfast when it was time to set off yet again. Ah, that’s right…, he begrudgingly remembered. it was as soon as you left the inn that you happened to bump into a tall figure. An apology left your lips quickly before you hurriedly scrambled to catch up to Scaramouches' fading figure until a hand cautiously grabbed your wrist.
“Y/n?” The stranger spoke. At the sound of your name, you quickly whipped your head around to see a messy head of orange locks and a familiar lopsided smile being directed at you. “Ajax?” “So it is you—!!” Sculpted arms immediately wrapped around your frame and lifted you into their embrace. “It’s been too long!”, the voice beamed, and your momentary confusion soon turned into joy as you wrapped your arms around his neck and softly giggled. “What are you doing here? I thought you were on a mission in Inazuma?” You questioned as he set you down with his hands still latched onto your hips, “Well I was mostly there for personal affairs, and I just arrived in sumeru a few weeks ago on assignment,” his voice softened as his head slightly tilted to the side, “I’ve been missing you.” Raising your hand to cup his cheek, you brushed your thumb across the freckles adorning the mighty 11ths features, “I’ve missed you too, Ajax.” Then as if a light bulb had just lit up in his head Childe clasped his hand over yours, “Are you free today? Why don’t you go sightseeing with me? My treat!” “Ah, well I’m actually traveli—“ but before you could finish your sentence you felt cold fingertips clasp around your forearm and roughly snatch it away from the gingers hold, “She’s traveling with me,” indigo irises narrowed menacingly on Childe, and the pure aura exuding from the raven-haired man was comparably hostel to the icy and dreadful snowstorms of Snezhnaya. Scaramouche forced himself between you and Childe, standing protectively in front of you as the latter glared down at him with a smile still plastered across his lips, “Comrade. Who’s this?” Childe inquired, “Oh! This is m—“ you tried answering but Scaramouche cut you off once more with an exaggerated scoff, “The question is who are you?” Crossing his arms and holding his head ever so arrogantly he continued, “Tch. Don't you have any common decency? Or are you just too impertinent to practice basic respect?” A short, dry laugh left Childes lips, “I see.” Crossing his arm and raising a hand up to lightly tap his fingertips on his jaw, Childe feigned ignorance, “Y/n never minded my touches,” with a taunting smile and desolate eyes, he chuckled, “in fact, I’m all too familiar with where she prefers to be touched.” And with that Scaramouches patience snapped, “You dare to—“ sensing the oncoming altercation you quickly grabbed a hold of Scaras hand and guided him behind you, “You’re both very important to me,” you began, “and if I matter to either of you then you’d respect those who matter to me,” glancing between the two men you sharpened your tone, “I’d like you both to get along.”
That was the last thing Scaramouche recalled before he found himself third wheeling the rest of the day. With each moment seemingly getting worse and worse. What an infantile reason to get excited about. They’re practically oversized balloons, his attention darted in Childes direction and his usual scowl was now replaced with a daggering glower, Evidently, this damn worthless scum is filled with much more hot air than any damn anemo slime in the sky.
Scaramouche wasn’t ignorant, it was clear to him since that nuisance came around that his former Harbinger ‘comrade’ had deeper feelings for you than he let on. After all, despite his distaste for the man Scara had spent adequate enough time with Childe to learn a few aspects about him; firstly, Childe can be described by humans as having an extroverted, ‘charming’ persona, and he has no trouble making friends wherever he goes, however, he never lets anyone touch him — it’s a subtle habit and not one easily picked up on; a far cry to the current situation in which Scaramouche has had to swat his hand away from you for the fourth time in a minute. Secondly, despite the hours upon hours the idiot could spend rambling about fishing or spar training, he never actually shares any personal information about himself, and yet, he’d gone as far as surrendering his real name to you. Not to mention he had no problem speaking to you about how much his siblings would ‘love’ you, of course, they’d love her, he scoffed, who doesn’t fall for her? Lastly, and most notably, Childe has no glimmer of life in his eyes. To be honest, if Scaramouche had to think, the only other time the 11th showed even a hint of a glint he would say it would be when Childes tearing his enemies limb from limb — an idea Scara is finding more and more appealing. So then, he thought, I guess I’ll just have to stomp on that little light of his. Tapping his foot impatiently on the ground an ominous shadow gloomed over his face as he lost himself in his thoughts, she’s mine. mine. mine. It had been long since Scaramouche had realized his feelings for you, and he had made it very clear to you that he had no intention of sharing you with others. No, Scaramouche no longer wanted just your friendship, he wanted you.
“Shall I go buy some snacks from a food stall nearby before dinner, comrade?” Standing from his spot next to you, Childe towered over you with his body leaning down to loom mere inches from your slightly warmed face, “I did say I’d treat you today..” half-lidded eyes traced your movements as he brought a gloved hand to cascade across your cheekbone, “didn’t I?” His voice was low and his smile smug; Childe knew full well what he was doing in front of Scaramouche, and he basked in it, though it’s not as if these actions were all too new either. “A-ah.. I- um,” stuttering over her words, huh?, Childe mused, how cute. However, the mere sight of this atrocious act almost made Scaramouche use his anemo vision to slice that wretched excuse of a warrior in half. With a soft smile, you leaned into Childes hand, making the man’s eyes widen in slight surprise as a light dust of pink spread over his face, “That’d be great Ajax, thank you.”
Internally groaning, Scaramouche rested his arms on his knees and hid his head behind his arms as his pretty lilac eyes stayed focused on you, there’s her smile again…, his brows faintly knitted together when he felt his chest start to ache, always caused by something else. He couldn’t help but wonder whether you were truly happy wandering through the lands of Teyvat with him.
“Then I’ll make it quick!” With a goofy smile and a wink, Childe went off into the city walls. Leaving you and Scaramouche resting alone with nothing more than the sound of the river flowing and the city chatter lightly busting in the background. Closing his eyes, Scaramouches brows quirked in annoyance, that self-serving imbecile didn’t even bother to pretend he even remembered me. The feeling in his chest was all too familiar to the electro Archons puppet. Clutching where his heart should be he couldn’t understand why this feeling wouldn’t go away. He couldn’t understand why he hadn’t learned his lesson despite starting anew. Maybe I was meant to live this way… he thought. Feeling a small tap on his shoulder, Scara whipped his head up to see you sitting right next to him, your body lulled to the side and brushing against him as you tilted your head down to get a better look at his sulking face. For a second he was stunned by the suddenness of your closeness, but then he was held captive by your feathery lashes and beaming smile; a warm smile finally directed at him. How quickly his chest went from hurting to blooming with warmth was almost pathetic. Even if you were the reason why he was drowning in misery, even if his pain had been caused by your ignorance, you were still the reason why he felt joy. It’s always because of you…, without realizing his hand had already reached to gently tuck the loose strands of hair blowing across your face, and just as quickly as he realized he retracted his hand in a huff of frustration and embarrassment.
Humming in acknowledgment, you stared off into the grassy mountains of sumeru, “You’ve been awfully quiet today,” your voice was soft and tranquil, “how uncharacteristic of you, no?” Glancing to the side you smiled when you saw him lightly scoff under his breath as he turned his head away from your direction.
“I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re rambling on about.” He grumbled.
“Shall I elaborate?”
“I’d rather you not.” Piercing irises threateningly glared in your direction.
“You’ve been ill-tempered,” you began, and Scaramouche rolled his eyes, “hmm which isn’t all too out of the ordinary, but you’ve definitely been lashing out at every little thing.” With a knowing glint, you glanced at your longtime companion, “Not to mention your aggression with Ajax.” And at that Scaramouche grimaced at the way you spoke his actual name, “You force yourself between Ajax and I whenever he gets close, you demean every single thing he says, you smack his hand away when he reaches out to me — even if it’s just to hand me something, and you taunt and mock him every chance you get,” pausing for a second you let out a heavy exhale before softening your gaze, unsure of whether what you say next is the right thing. “Kuni… all of that isn’t what worries me,” at that you felt his entire body stiffen, seemingly holding his breath as if every ticking second was more important than the last, “I noticed the nail marks you have on your palms from all the time you’ve spent clenching your fists, and I see the conflict that’s been raging behind your eyes since this journey with the three of us began,” balling your owns fists on the fabric of your clothes you let out your final observation, “As small as the changes are, or as hard as you try to hide it, kunikuzushi, I see you. I’ve memorized every expression, studied every curve and line that forms on your features and what they mean… I know you fear that I’ll abandon you,” you purse your lips at the thought, “So how dare you. How dare you ever think I would abandon my other half.”
The absolute, incredulous stare Scaramouche gave you almost made you choke out a muffled laugh. Catching the anemo holder off guard and speechless was a prize all too rare to witness. Yet, what caught your attention wasn’t that you’ve managed to leave him stunned and tight-lipped but instead the unfamiliar red that spread from his cheeks to his ears. There was a quiet gasp from your lips as you admired how beautifully his pale complexion was set off by the searing color. Instantly, your ears perk up as he speaks.
“I.. you don’t…” he began, but immediately he stopped himself. Then, a moment passed. And then a minute. The tension between you two seemed to pile up in pressure, and you now found yourself holding your breath and feeling your heart start to quicken as you stared at him. Awaiting what was to come next. With a defeated look and an airy sigh, he finally turned his full head toward you. “You really are foolish y/n,” his voice was strained, and his eyes peered into yours with such a soft intensity, “hah, really.. you couldn’t be more incompetent, could you?” Swallowing the lump in your throat, your glistening doe eyes simply gawked at him almost owl-like, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at your dumbfounded face. Then that’s when he smiled. A true, genuine, adoring smile, “Haven’t you realized that I’m in lo-“
“I’m back—!”
Childe’s voice ripped through the tension and practically grated Scaramouches ears while you jumped, startled at the sudden noise. Snapping your head to Childe, you saw him holding a small bag with the label titled Puspa Café. “I hope you don’t mind what I got us!” Reaching his hand into the bag he pulled out a crispy, sweet-smelling Candied Ajilenakh Nut dessert, “When I was walking through the different vendors, I was quite surprised to have found a dish that looked so similar to one of the desserts my motherland of Snezhnaya has!” Childe puffed his chest and extended the sugary sweet to you, “Though I’m confident the one from home tastes much better than this, I’m happy to share something similar with you,” softening his azure gaze as you took the dessert from him he continued with a gentler tone, “but I hope to one day treat you to one back home.” Blinking once, then blinking twice, you quickly glanced over at Scaramouche now positioned with his knee up and resting his arm on his knee to hide his face once more, I wonder what would’ve happened…, you pondered, but you knew better than to prod the conversation given the current situation. I suppose it’d be best to ask again later, turning your attention back to Childe you offered a thankful smile, “I’m sure one day we can visit if Kuni agrees to go.” At that, both men froze for a second. We..?, now it was Scaramouches turn to stare owlishly at the dancing grass brushing against his fingers, and without noticing he felt his entire body relax as he let out a quiet, small sigh of relief. Whereas Childe clenched his jaw in annoyance while still forcing an easy-going facade, I need to get rid of him, “Sounds like a plan comrade!” Was all he could muster through slightly clasped teeth as he sat down next to you. Humming to himself in deep thought, Childe wondered what to do about that asshole little leech that stayed glued to you.
All of you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes — well, two were lost in their own thoughts either processing or scheming, whereas you simply sat between the two men enjoying time together as you feast on your sweet treat. "Ah. Comrade, you seem to have a few crumbs," "Hm?" Moving your hand up to brush away the stray pieces, Childe gently stopped you, "Allow me." He softly spoke as he leaned in close and carefully swiped away the crumbs; his hand then cascaded across your plush skin and caressed the curve of your jaw. Gazing into his eyes and cheeky smile, you found yourself at a loss, feeling both embarrassed and shy from the gesture.
Scaramouche, however, was not at all pleased. This little game of Childes has gone on far too long and writhing in self-loathing had been nothing but a waste of time. You were his. You’ll always be his, and there wasn’t a human, harbinger, adeptus, or archon in this damned world that could ever change that. So, with swift movements, he laced an arm around your waist and pulled you on top of his lap and into his possessive embrace. The sudden movement had stunned both you and Childe and you had no time to react as your eyes glanced up at the smug smirk spreading across Scaramouches lips. His eyes were low and scowling intently at Childe, while the Harbingers smiling face quickly fell, replaced by a much colder and sinister glower. “All this time and not once did you offer me one of those burnt little treats,” Scaras voice was low and mocking, and you could feel the icy touch of his slender fingertip tracing down the side of your face to the base of your chin to guide your full attention towards him, “guess that just means I have to take one myself, won’t I?” And in a quick moment, his lips came crashing down on yours. His kiss was rough but cautious, and you could feel the longing and desperation emitting atop his soft lips. At first, your eyes blew wide open in shock, but then, no matter how hard you tried to focus on what was going going on or move your body to react, all you could fixate on was one little detail, his lips taste.. like a Zaytun peach.
Parting his lips from yours, his eyes quickly scanned your face for any hint of disgust, any reaction, anything. You could clearly see the worry pooling in his irises, but before regret could creep up on him your eyes turned into crescent moons, and a pretty pink blush flushed your cheeks as you smiled dotingly at him. He was taken aback. At first, he was shocked, then confused, he even felt a little angry, but mostly he felt love. Turning his attention from you to the glaring daggers and clenched fists Childe had, Scara smiled in triumph and narrowed his eyes in slight. “You’re right, Harbinger,” bringing his thumb up to glide across his lips he licked them, “this treat isn’t bad, hah, not bad at all.”
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side note: happy new year everyone!! and happy birthday to my first, and most cherished, Zhongli ᥫ᭡
Reblogs and Interactions Are Appreciated!! ღ
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I'm on a roll with the s/j/m hatred tn so I'm going to compile a masterlist of all her shitty lgbt/poc representation and why it sucks booty cheeks. it should be noted that none of this is meant as shade on any of the characters themselves... I actually happen to like quite a lot of them
EDIT: there are some nice additions to this post in the notes you can check out
LGBT rep
Aedion (Bi/Pan)
Literally known as “Adarlan’s Whore” (a nickname that references both his allegiance to the king and his tendency to sleep around)
His only same-sex relationship is with a vaguely-mentioned unnamed lover from the past (it’s not even said straight-up that they’re a man, but I’m assuming they are bc they’re mentioned to be a commander of the Bane)
He’s shown being attracted to women and only women for two and a half books. He’s a womanizer retconned into the slutty bisexual stereotype
His liking men & women is compared to prostitution
It’s insinuated in koa that he slept with an ex while he and Lysandra were fighting (because the cheating bisexual trope is such a new & creative one!)
Helion (Bi/Pan)
He’s always trying to have 4somes with three of the main characters
Realistically he’s probably one of the most powerful/interesting High Lords but this gets sidelined in favor of him flirting with eVeRyOnE
All we really know about him is his name and the fact that he’s a bit of a manwhore… very 2-dimensional
He has an affair & a child with a married woman… just the Slutty/Cheating Bisexual Trope (Volume 2) :/
Mor (Lesbian? Possibly bi?)
She’s never shown in any real relationships (with men or women)
She had tragic off-screen relationship with a mortal queen a few hundred years ago
We get literally no hints that she’s gay throughout the series, she just randomly mentions she likes women at the end of book 3
She gets no happy relationship, she stays closeted to spare Az’s feelings (as though he’s not a grown ass man), she’s retconned into her sexuality most of the way through the series… just shitty shitty rep all around
Hasar (Lesbian)
She’s a villain, and a shitty one at that
Lesbian rep from a side character in one novella that half the fandom didn’t read? What’s even the point?
Thesan (Gay)
A very minor character & his unnamed “lover” who serve no narrative purpose whatsoever… thanks for nothing sarah
Emrys & Malachai (Presumably gay)
Oh look! More minor, background mlm that might as well not exist for all they do for the story :/
They are cute though, I’ll give them that
POC rep
First (and only) black main in ToG
She dies to fuel the white protag’s character arc… a very tired trope
She was actually a pretty well-written, likable character up until her brutal murder, which made it that much worse to hear about her organs strewn all over the room
Described as “plain” (particularly in contrast to the white women like Aelin & Lysandra)
We know she’s POC because of where she’s from, but the way her features are described suggest she could still be white
Dark hair, gold eyes, “tan” skin
She really just fawns over white-boy Dorian every 2 seconds before dying a violent death to fuel Dorian’s arc…
…Aaaand I’m sensing a pattern here
Much of her character (especially in QoS) is reduced to her beefing with Aelin (and thus being villanized by the narrative) because of jealousy over Chaol 
Simply described as having “tan” skin (again). I think sarah is allergic to calling people brown
She is also described as plain compared to white protagonist
She has a (presumably middle eastern) family that only wants her to stay home and be a baker/someone’s wife
Once again very racially ambiguous to the point where she could even be white, with “tan/golden” skin, golden hair, and golden eyes
She almost immediately ties her literal life force to a white man she hated like a month ago. Seriously, can WOC not fawn over a hunky white man for once?
She defeats erawan in the end — considering she’s been a character for such a short time, this just feels more like a deus ex machina the anything really set up by the plot
Not going to fully rehash what I said above but generally… he has great potential, but is basically not a character
He’s portrayed as very nice and reasonable, if young and naive, yet he literally only exists to get manipulated/robbed by the main characters
He seems like such a sweetheart. He deserved much better than Riceman and Feyrug doing him dirty like that
I’ve heard rumors of a High King/Queen F*ysand plotline in later books…if that happens, Tarquin will likely be bending the knee and forgiving the people who fucked him over just a short time ago
He’s described as very caring and loyal (yay!) which seems to always get him taken advantage of (damn!)
He’s portrayed (especially in ACOWAR) as someone we’re supposed to dislike when all his actions are perfectly reasonable
He’s literally retconned out of being white when it’s revealed Helion is his father instead of Beron. I’ve seen ppl get mad at “white-washed” fan art but it’s hard to expect much else when his original character description was straight red hair, amber eyes,  and “tan” skin (holy shit agAIN)
The people of the White Fangs from TOG
They’re described as having black hair, black eyes, and “tan” skin
They live isolated in the mountains (away from civilization) and are described as “savage” and warlike, always raiding villages in the mountains and stealing women away from their homes… 
Cain, who’s from these people, dabbles in dark magic/religion nobody else understands
This is feeling, intentional or not, like a horrible Native American caricature. Idk maybe that’s just me
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malec-ao3feed · 1 year
one smile a kingdom fall
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qSsKtWZ by moonintheriver The flowers, albeit powerful, were abundant in their clan, as long as foxes proved themselves to Heart of Alicante Tree, their flower would bloom, ready to pick. Foxes must prove themselves, by using the power their clan had prided themselves on for thousands of years - successfully seducing and making at least two people fight over them. Alec rested his head on the table, suddenly tired. Of course he would struggle at something most foxes pulled through with ease. Words: 4662, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Original Characters Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Hybrids, Fox Alec Lightwood, Sea Serpent Magnus Bane, Jealousy, Jealous Magnus Bane, Protective Magnus Bane, Fox Alec, Scheming Alec Lightwood, Oblivious Alec Lightwood, Oblivious Magnus Bane, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, my alec always up to something, Inspired by Helen of Troy (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), loosely, no beta we die like my sanity, a bit of worldbuilding, for a treat, Serpent Magnus read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qSsKtWZ
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Ah well, I spend most of my time babysitting the kiddos next door (mostly the youngest one) but I've managed to get actual chapters of Outcast Squad done and ..started a second completely different story about a vampire, immortal, reincarnator, and one other creature that hasn't been announced. (Jealousy of Mortal Bane).
awww nice!
holy shit i gotta get caught up with atticus and the gang…
wait, did i just get a little teaser into the next series??? i feel so- honored!
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taones · 2 years
Mostly been writing Outcast squad stuff. The story is on hold at the moment cause I wanna get certain subtle details just right so the build up to the second arch isn't so -sudden- Well that and I also started another story called "Jealousy Of Mortal Bane" here's a sketch of two of the characters whom don't have names just yet
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I am in love with the character designs omg, the tiny greeen hair, the haRNESS IM-
That sounds so cool though, i’m proud of you! Thank you for showing me this i feel vv lucky :>
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ao3feed-jalec · 3 years
Worlds Apart
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ALF8Cg
by NataleeAndDal_5
Turns out there is such a thing as love at first sight. Magnus is from Edom, a kingdom ruled by an evil dictator. He escapes with his friends to Amsterdam where he meets Alec, the prince of Idris. Jace is in love with Alec. Will Jace be a problem for the duo? Also a big secret from Magnus' past will change his life forever. Malec, Jalec, Clace and Sizzy.
SNIPPET: Alec barely managed to close the bathroom door before Jace had him up against the wall, capturing his lips in a searing kiss, hands franticly roaming all over him. It felt like he was caught in a tornado of lust, but he wasn't complaining. He placed his hands firmly on Jace's hips, tugging him roughy against his body and squeezing their already close groins together. He ground his hips once, twice, earning a loud moan from the other man.
Words: 18660, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale, Isabelle Lightwood, Caterina Loss, Raphael Santiago, Ragnor Fell, Simon Lewis, Clary Fray
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood/Robert Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Jace Herondale
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Royalty, Malec, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Modern Royalty, Top Alec Lightwood, Bottom Magnus Bane, Power Bottom Magnus Bane, Love Triangles, Jealousy, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Love at First Sight, Secret Identity, Vacation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ALF8Cg
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Ares – Greek God of War
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The son of Hera and Zeus, Ares is the Greek god of war and one of the twelve Olympian gods. He’s often seen as a representation of sheer violence and brutality and was considered inferior to his sister Athena, who is the representation of tactical and militaristic strategizing and leadership in war.
Although he was successful in war, his worship by Greeks was ambivalent, and he was the least loved of the gods.
Who Is Ares?
Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. Described by Hesiod in his Theogeny as ‘city-sacking Ares’ and ‘shield-piercing Ares’, Ares perfectly represented the bloody and more brutal side of war. He’s often depicted in the company of his sons with Aphrodite, aplty named Deimos (Terror) and Phobos (Fear), or with his sister Enyo (Discord). According to Homer, his fellow gods and even his parents were not very fond of him.
In early times in Sparta, human sacrifices were made to Ares from among those captured from war. In addition, there was also a nightly offering of dogs made in Enyalius in his honor. At Athens, he also had a temple at the foot of the Aeropagus or “Ares’ Hill”.
There is no extensive account of Ares’ life, but he has always been associated with Aphrodite from the earliest times. In fact, Aphrodite was known locally in Sparta as the goddess of war, cementing her status as his lover and mother of his children.
Ares’ Roman counterpart is Mars, God of War and the father of Romus and Remules (though his rape of the virgin Rhea), the legendary founders of Rome.
The most famous myth that involves Ares is his battle with the demigod, Hercules. Ares’ son Kyknos was notorious for stopping pilgrims on their way to Delphi to consult the oracle. This earned the ire of Apollo and to deal with this, he sent Hercules to kill Kyknos. Ares, enraged by his son’s death, engaged Hercules in a fight. Hercules was protected by Athena and wounded Ares.
Ares vs. Athena
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Ares has a rather small role in Greek mythology, and this is perhaps because Athena was always considered superior to him. As such, the two always had this rivalry between them and they were in constant competition with each other.
Both were powerful deities and to some extent gods over the same field, but Ares and Athena couldn’t be more different from the other.
Athena represented the general attitude and beliefs which the ancient Greeks deemed appropriate, as an individual who was intelligent, calm, and skilled in warfare. She was a dedicated scholar and a fierce warrior. She takes decisions like a general in war, with patience and diplomacy. As such, Athena was loved and revered.
On the other hand, Ares was the embodiment of what the Greeks did not want to be, brutal, vicious and unempathetic. Ares is also intelligent, but he is driven by brutality and violence, leaving behind him death, devastation and destruction. He represents all that’s reprehensible in war. His cruelty is symbolized by his chosen throne – a seat made of human skin with knobs to represent human skulls. This is why Ares was hated and the most unloved of all the gods.
Ares in the Trojan War
Ares was always on his lover Aphrodite’s side and he fought for the Trojan prince Hector until he was pierced with a spear guided by Athena, who was on the side of the Spartans. He then went to his father Zeus to complain about her violence, but he ignored her. In the end, Athena’s Greeks defeated the Trojans.
The Unloved God
Because he was the ferocious god of war, he was universally detested. When he was wounded in battle by Diomedes and his father Zeus even called him “the most hateful of all gods”. Zeus also said that had Ares not been his son, he would surely find himself in the company of Cronus and the rest of the Titans in Tartarus.
Unlike other gods, he also never developed beyond the image of a battle-frenzy butcher who slaughtered left and right. As a consequence, there are only a few epithets about him and most are unflattering, such as “the bane of mortals”, and “the arm-bearing”.
Symbols and Symbolism of Ares
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Ares is often depicted with the following symbols:
Flaming torch
All Ares’ symbols are connected with warfare, destruction or hunting. Ares himself is a symbol of the brutal, violent and physical aspects of war.
Inasmuch as he loved warfare, he could also be seen as someone who was trying to prove himself not only to his parents but also to his fellow gods. It would not be unusual for someone who was always cast aside as inferior to want to achieve great things.
Lessons from the Story of Ares
Brutality – Wanton brutality will not lead to love, admiration, and appreciation. This is an important story that Ares must have also learned himself when his parents and the other gods chose to keep themselves away from him and men refused to worship him. Brutality can only get you so far, but it won’t win you the respect of people.
Sibling rivalry – jealousy, fighting, and competition among siblings can be frustrating and stressful. It is filled with physical aggression that can be damaging. The rivalry between Athena and Ares is a perfect example of negativity that goes on when siblings are pitted against each other.
Ares in Art
In Ancient Greek and Classical Art, Ares is frequently depicted with full armor and helmet and carrying a spear and a shield that it is difficult to tell him apart from other warriors. His battle with Hercules was a very popular subject in the 6th century BCE for Attic vases.
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Picture https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0ngYwG
Ares in Modern Culture
Ares appears extensively in modern culture in several video games such as God of War, Age of Mythology, Spartan: Total Warrior, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. There are also various sports clubs in Greece which are called Aris, a variation of Ares, the most famous of which is Aris Thessaloniki. The club also has Ares in its sports emblem.
Ares Facts
1- Who were Ares’ parents?
Hera and Zeus, the most important gods of the Greek pantheon.
2- Who are Ares’ children?
Ares had several children, most notably Phobos, Deimos, Eros and Anteros, Amazons, Harmonia and Thrax. He had more children with mortals than with gods.
3- Who is Ares’ Roman equivalent?
Ares’ Roman equivalent is Mars.
4- Who are Ares’ siblings?
Ares has several siblings, including many of the Olympian gods.
5- What did Ares represent?
He stood for the negative and unpleasant aspects of war, including sheer brutality.
6- Who were Ares’ consorts?
Ares had many consorts, of which Aphrodite is the most popular.
7- What powers did Ares have?
Ares was strong, had superior fighting skills and physicality. He caused bloodshed and destruction wherever he went.
In Brief
Savage and unrelenting, Ares was the embodiment of all the terrible things about war. He remains in intriguing character in the Greek pantheon.
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lesbianmaki · 5 years
im really emotional and i need to talk about alexander gideon lightwood-bane and his fucking CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?????
in the beginning of tmi and for a large majority of his life, he feels overshadowed and unseen. he feels left out, because jace is so powerful, because izzy is also super powerful (and hot as fuck may i add) and he spends all his time helping and protecting others. he fights with a long range weapon, another thing that could be seen as cowardice and weakness, even though he's one of the most important parts of most fights he's in. he spends his whole life feeling less than, unworthy, and overlooked. he's in love with his parabatai but it's not really love, is it? it's the jealousy and desire so many wlw and mlm see as kids, because it's so hard to understand real attraction when you're not straight.
and then he meets magnus. this gorgeous, strong, independent warlock. he doesn't rely on anyone. he's flamboyant, and he's truly himself, and he's seen. not just as a side character. he is the high warlock of brooklyn, and he has power and commands everyone to see him. he's everything alec wants to be.
and when they start dating, alec craves all the love, acceptance, and the feeling of being special he's never felt. he pours all his insecurities and needs into magnus. and while it's important to be vulnerable, it's his first relationship, and he expects so much from one person.
he feels that magnus is so much better than him, and he's so infatuated with magnus, and he worries magnus doesn't feel the same way. and his insecurities begin to pour in, and he gets jealous of all the people that have come before him. because once again, what if he's not that important to magnus? just like he isn't as important to everyone else?
and the thing with immortality isn't just that magnus will find someone new. it's that magnus, just like jace, izzy, clary, everyone, has more life, more energy, more magnetism, more of everything than alec does. he feels unequal because he's mortal, and because he always has felt inferior. so he goes to camille, not because he wants magnus just to be mortal, but because he wants magnus to be on the same,, level as him, basically?
and when alec and magnus work together in cohf, and begin to see each other as equals, when alec is able to save magnus? when he realizes just how fragile life is? he learns that he isn't inferior to anyone. he's alec lightwood, he's strong, and he's brave, and he's loving, and he's important.
for so long, i didn't like alec. i thought he was insecure and needy, angry and desperate. but as i read more of tmi, i realized: alec never wanted to hurt magnus. he was scared of not being loved back, of not being enough for magnus. and he has such an issue speaking his mind, that's how his pain came out.
everyone has unhealthy ways of dealing with their emotions. but alec? he changed. he learned to be more self-assured, to trust himself and to trust magnus, to uncage his emotions and feel this truly, and to love himself.
and that character arc? that was the most important character development ive seen in a long time. he should've gotten much more writing on him, but regardless, alec lightwood is an amazing character, and deserves so much love and respect.
thank you for coming to my excessively long ted talk.
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ao3feed-malec · 4 years
Carry You Home
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DnAh2j
by Larrylover3000
Magnus peeked inside with a shy smile playing on his lips, standing in the door as he said, “Am I disturbing something?”
Alec’s cheeks blushed a little bit. “No, you’re not.” Then he forced himself not to be awkward about this and added jokingly, “Not this time, at least.”
Magnus laughed, opening the door further to walk inside. His gaze was a little uncertain, still. “I’m really sorry about that, I should probably have told you that I was coming home earlier.” he tried to apologize.
Alec gestured for him to sit down on the bed next to where he sat himself. “I’m sorry you had to catch me like that. It won’t happen again, I promise you that”
---- Or the one where Alec moves into Magnus’ apartment for a two month stay and finds himself fantasising about his new, gorgeous roommate. Along the way they fall in love. And Alec, by mistake, writes down dirty thoughts of Magnus naked.
Words: 7755, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Chairman Meow (Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Fluff, Love, Malec, Comfort, Home, Cute, Jealousy, Smut, Fluff and Smut
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DnAh2j
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outcast-thingz · 2 years
Chapter 1:
War and... forehead kisses?
"This is the last batch" "We have a foolproof plan" "We've got him this time" it wasn't the first time you've heard these lies. You watched as wave after wave of soldiers are sent out like lambs to slaughter; all to fight one man. To be honest you weren't surprised given how long this mysterious mam has been wreacking havoc on your world. Each nation has some sort of story on him and his rampage to find.. something they never god agree on what he was looking for. What glimpses could be caught of the man.. at least we were fairly sure he's human...the man was tall. To what height? You weren't sure, some sources put him at 6ft some at 9 or 10ft. His hair was said to be made of fire or blood that drapes past his shoulders. Give that he was only seen at sunset or night you figured it's just an exaggeration. The blood red description would always pull a small laugh from you given that, despite all the chaos, he never seemed to have a drop on him. As far as spotters could tell, the mysterious man never seemd to move much on the battle field. No matter how hard they looked not one of them could see how he was moving the disastrous weapon he wielded; or what weapon he was even using.
As a medic you were set far from the front-lines but that didn't seem to matter. The only thing you could write was DOA and hope that whatever came back to you was in one piece. Unfortunately most don't. You thought yourself lucky for where you were positioned but as it seems, you can run out of luck. What a convenient time for that to happen, said no one ever. Regardless of how you felt about the situation it seemed everyone was getting pulled up as a last hoorah.
The rumors seemed to be spot on when you could get glimpses of the man from where you were on the field. His arms definitely weren't moving and yet people all around you were dropping. If soldiers weren't getting decapitated or halved by whatever dastardly weapon flew through the ranks, they were being throwned into one another by the air force. In all the panic and chaos you're shoved to the ground. You do your best to shield yourself from the boots stomping everywhere but still manage to get the wind knocked out of you. You can't gain the muscle to get back on your feet.
Just as the sunset lit, and blood soaked scenery seemed to be fading into black the screams come to a stop. Surely it was the lack of air finally getting to you, or the blasts of air rupturing your ears, either way it was a nice welcome among the misfortune. After the light and air returns to your body you manage to sit up. For a fleeting moment you thought you were going to die... again. A flash of silver in your peripheral vision made you believe that weapon was coming for you. To your surprise it never touched you. Instead a loud clang came from it hitting the ground.
You open your eyes just in time to see something skipping up to you. And what a sight it was. Her eyes see glow with the help of the sun; eerily staring into yours with icy blue scrutiny. You were sure she was staring straight into your soul; could feel it. The longer the short woman soaked in your every detail the brighter she seemed. Although unnerving, a toothy grin stretches across her face and a giggle falls out. Certainly wouldn't be a smile you'll be forgetting anytime soon. Each tooth looks liked it'd easily shred you to pieces.
"Well hi there sweetheart~" the voice came out calm, a little smug, and you could almost hear a buzzing energy being held back. Was she... worried about scarimg you? No way, not after all the carnage she just caused. I mean look at her, most of her body was soaked in the blood of your comrades. "It is them right? I'm not finally going like.. crazy crazy? Right?" The short woman.. right? Human? No, that didn't feel right but you didn't want to ponder what the right answer ways. She looked to the tall man behind her. Holy shit, it was him. All this time and not even a nick on him. The man nods agreeingly but keeps his distance from you. "I'm so happy we finally found you. We've been looking for you for a long, LonG, LONG-" each 'long' would get more agressive than the last making you scooch back. The creature takes a breath to calm herself. "Look you have time to contemplate your answer but we would love it if you'd come with us. We have so much to show you." She spoke as if she already knew what your end answer would be and it irked you a little.
"And if-" you clear your wavering voice, "if I decide to tell the truth about everything. And um.." you're fucking serious.. is she... is she smiling again? And the man is smirking? "tell them to come here with more men and weapons?"
"OhKhAy~ you can certainly try. We won't stop you." She shakes her head and giggles. Shivers run up and down your spine as you get the feeling she's almost daring you to follow through with it. "But then who will believe you? After all they only know about him right? And there's no way all those years and yeeears of spotting one man could be wrong" the creature tilts her head and puffs her bottom lip out like little kids do when they're giving puppy dog eyes trying to get something.
The reasonable thought would be red flags, red blaring flags everywhere. But something felt so, so familiar about them. Somehow you knew that you weren't in any danger with them.
"In any case we'll see you again around midnight. Think it over mkay?" The creature bends down and gives a quick kiss to your forehead, "byyyye~". Then she returns to the man's side, holding his hand and swinging it back and forth.
'What. . . the fuck just happened?'
Tagging: @yeet-man @bisexual-confusion (if you want to be added to the tag list send me message or an ask 🥰)
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thelightofthebane · 5 years
I feel what you feel (and my heart got equally broken)
Summary: Alec snorted, too exhausted for fear. Of course. He really played himself. Asmodeus wouldn’t leave now, not when he had his claws in such a rich source of pain as Alec, not until he drained that source entirely dry. “You don’t care about Magnus’ wellbeing. You just want more pain, more fuel.”
Asmodeus’ crooked smile was all the confirmation Alec needed. “Poor child of Raziel. So naïve. This is only the beginning.” He closed the distance between them, crouching by Alec and leaning in close. “You know,” he said, “I received something very interesting along with Magnus’ powers. I think it’s only fair that I share it with you.”
Or, A bigger and more dangerous deal is made.
Pairing: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s03e18 The Beast Within, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel, A different deal, Asmodeus is the worst, self-sacrificing idiots
It was my first time attending the Malec Secret Santa, and I’m very satisfied with the result! This story is a gift to @mirrorofliterature, and was beta-ed by @silver-latin-and-salt. I hope you all enjoy! 
The original post is here.
You can also read here: ao3
Alec blinked as the child ran past him, into the arms of a young woman with a warm, beautiful, and eerily familiar smile.
Alec watched, trying to place the woman’s resemblance, as she took the boy onto her lap and embraced him. She began to sing, the unfamiliar language spinning a lullaby.
Whatever the words meant, they only made the kid smile wider, beaming happiness.
Another blink, and the woman now lay bleeding on the bed, a dagger blossoming from her stomach. The boy gave a desperate scream, answered only by the furious shouts of a portly man who burst into the bedroom seconds later.
Realization settled over Alec as the boy turned on the man and hit him with an all-consuming ball of fire.
“I’ll restore both. His magic and his immortality.” Asmodeus smiled, his golden eyes flickering dangerously, and Alec had the unsettling feeling of being eyed as prey. ”However, there is a price for each. Despite how intertwined the two usually are, it is possible to have magic and not be immortal. Or, to be condemned to an eternity as a useless mundane. So, what do you choose, Nephilim?”
Alec willed his blank mask of an expression not to waver. A selfish part of him couldn’t help but wonder if Magnus would be okay with his magic alone, sacrificing only his immortality. Just for a moment, he dared to imagine it – a life with Magnus at his side, one where they could grow old together. No more fights about that damn box. No more fear of the pain Alec knew he’d leave behind when Magnus outlived him.
But even in the face of that temptation, Alec knew better. Fifty, sixty, seventy years were more than enough for a mortal like Alec, but for an immortal to be reduced to that… It wasn’t only the lack of magic tormenting Magnus, driving him to frenetic desperation and last night’s breakdown. Magnus didn’t want to grow old. He wanted to stay.
And who was Alec to deny him that?
“Both,” Alec said with a fearless fire in his eyes, although his insides couldn’t be colder. “What’s your price?”
“End your relationship.”
Alec blinked, taking several seconds to process that. “What?”
“You are the source of all his suffering. You make him vulnerable, weak. You are a disgrace to Magnus. With you, he can never reach his full potential.” Asmodeus punctuated each ’you’, a hammer slamming into Alec’s defenses. “You are not enough for my son. You never will be.”
Alec felt his lips tremble. He knew that, but… “You’re wrong. We love each other.” His voice was quieter now. “I wouldn’t just abandon him.”
“Then I’m afraid you’re going to be the death of him.”
“Magnus will never agree to it.”
“Don’t give him a choice. In fact, Magnus can never know about our little arrangement, or else our deal is off. Break his heart to save his life.”
That sparked something, and Alec frowned. “I’m the one making a deal, here. I should be the only one paying the price. Magnus has already suffered enough.”
“You’re right; but as I said, it’ll be double the price if you want me to return his magic and his immortality. The end of your relationship is but half of what I require – your part in our bargain will cover the rest.”
“And what is it you want from me?”
“Your pain. Your heart so irreparably broken, that your soul will also shatter.” Asmodeus’ voice was cold, though not enough to hide the entirety of his amusement. ”Tell me, Nephilim… do you know what fuels Edom? What fuels any of the hellish realms? How my kind feast on your petty mortal feelings? Anger, envy, lust, jealousy – those are delicious appetizers, to be sure. But sadness? Sorrow? Misery? Ah, the main dish.” He breathed deeply, a self-satisfied smile on his face and cat-eyes taking on a cruel shine. “You, Lightwood, will make a sumptuous banquet.”
And Alec felt only numbness. He always knew that this would be a dangerous game to play – the moment he had decided to talk to Asmodeus, all the possible scenarios had begun to unravel in his mind. He was prepared for the worst.
After all, what could be worse than letting Magnus go?
Alec watched as Magnus laughed, chasing after the mundane girl and sweeping her up off her feet, spinning her round until she practically squealed with delight. Magnus was recognizable now, his face sculpted into his familiar adult features, but he still looked so… young, so carefree. He and the young woman turned to face each other, and then they were kissing, and Alec had to close his eyes, unable to face what he’d lost.
When he opened them again, he was standing in a cemetery. Magnus was a few feet away, hand placed gently on a headstone, head bowed.
As he turned to leave, Alec caught sight of his face, and almost shuddered to see the heartbreak etched there.
What have I done?
Alec punched the alley wall for the fifth time, his skin breaking and blood dripping from his knuckles. He could hear ugly sobs, and it took him a good few seconds to realize that they were coming from him. Good, he thought. Drive the pain out. Out. Out.
He still felt his heart clenching and it was suffocating him.
He broke Magnus’ heart.
He broke his own heart.
He needed to get out.
Another sob. Stop. Stop. Please, someone make it stop.
“Magnus, I’m sorry.”
He cried hard, falling to his knees. Magnus’ pained expression seemed imprinted under his eyelids. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was his lover’s despair, all he could hear were his pleas. Fuck, he made Magnus beg. He wanted so much to go back and take Magnus in his arms, tell him that it was a mistake and that he didn’t care if Magnus still had that ‘spark’ or not. He loved Magnus for who he was, not what he had. Magic or not, immortal or not, he loved Magnus Bane for his heart.
A heart that Alec had destroyed.
“I fulfilled my part of our deal,” a voice echoed behind him. “Magnus has his magic and immortality back.”
“Fine. Go. What more do you want? I’ve already paid you,” Alec growled, feeling too weak to get up, but turning enough to glare at the Prince of Edom.
“You did,” Asmodeus nodded slowly, tilting his head a little as hard cat-eyes returned Alec’s glare, familiar but foreign. Asmodeus was incapable of the warmth and love in Magnus’ eyes, would always be a world away from that sort of kindness and beauty. “You broke Magnus’ heart. You hurt my boy. I cannot let that go unpunished.”
Alec snorted, too exhausted for fear. Of course. He really played himself. Asmodeus wouldn’t leave now, not when he had his claws in such a rich source of pain as Alec, not until he drained that source entirely dry. “You don’t care about Magnus’ wellbeing. You just want more pain, more fuel.”
Asmodeus’ crooked smile was all the confirmation Alec needed. “Poor child of Raziel. So naïve. This is only the beginning.” He closed the distance between them, crouching by Alec and leaning in close. “You know,” he said, “I received something very interesting along with Magnus’ powers. I think it’s only fair that I share it with you.”
And then he was grabbing at Alec’s face, his neck, holding him still as dark red magic swirled around him, filling his vision.
Darkness engulfed Alec’s mind. Asmodeus was already gone.
Magnus was attempting to play the charango, the same one that Alec had often seen lying around the loft, and failing miserably. A man beside him – Imasu, Magnus had called him – just laughed, stilling Magnus’ hands with a flirtatious smile. Magnus met his gaze, his eyes so full of love and devotion it almost hurt.
“Live with you?” Imasu shook his head, all the fondness gone. “Never. It was fun for a while, but you are too clingy. Too much for me. I'm tired now. Goodbye, Magnus.”
Imasu walked out, never looking back.
Never seeing the broken look on Magnus’ face.
Something felt… wrong.
Magnus wasn’t buying Asmodeus’ ‘paternal love’ as the sole reason that he was somehow able to enter this realm and offer Magnus his magic back. And as desperate as he’d been, as grateful as he was to feel his magic again, he would never trade his freedom. Going back to Edom with his father was a fate worse than death, and one that Magnus wasn’t nearly foolish enough to accept.
So as soon as he had his magic back, Magnus had fled. He was done making deals with the devil.
Now that he had his powers back, he could go anywhere. He didn’t have a home, a job or a lover anchoring him to New York. Perhaps it was about time to go away for good. He could try Rome, Venice or Bangkok. It didn’t matter. He just… needed to leave.
After wandering around the city for a while, lost in thought, he stopped by Pandemonium – empty at this time of the day – and decided to take one last look around the establishment. When he took it on, it had quickly become his pride and joy, but now it had been some time since he was last inside. He’d hired one of his most reliable Warlock friends to manage it, because he hadn’t had the time whilst he was dealing with the Shadowhunters’ mess.
He wanted to regret that, but… he couldn’t.
Just as he turned to leave, he received a fire message from Jace.
Do you know where Alec is? His phone is dead, and he’s not answering fire messages.
I can feel that something’s wrong.
Magnus scoffed. Why should he know where Alec was, now? The Shadowhunter had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with Magnus anymore.
He opened a portal, ready to leave, to go somewhere – anywhere – far away; but something prickled at the edge of his mind, and he paused, frowning.
Just days ago, Alec was desperate to not let him go, saying he couldn’t live without him.
Then, he broke up with him.
And then, mere hours later, Asmodeus suddenly appeared and gave his magic back, claiming it was out of love. A pathetic excuse.
…Though not the only pathetic excuse Magnus had heard recently.
I have this meeting I can’t miss. Clave business.
“Damn it. If you did what I think you did, I’ll kill you, Alexander.”
Etta was beautiful, and Magnus was clearly head over heels for her. They danced together every night, talked about stars and dreams, about magic and music. She was another Mundane, but she had the Sight and accepted Magnus’ heritage. She loved and desired him.
He looked at her like his heart had finally found a home.
The arguments started because it became clear that even with all his magic, Magnus could never give Etta what she most wanted.
A baby.
She didn’t want to adopt, and didn’t want to spend a childless, finite lifetime with someone who was frozen in time. Desperate, he offered her immortality by his side. They’d find a way.
She refused.
Eventually, she left.
Again, Magnus was too much.
(And all Alec wanted was to hold him, to comfort him, to tell him it wasn’t true.)
Magnus portalled directly into the Ops Center, where Jace was pacing anxiously. He didn’t notice Magnus until he was practically right in front of him, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“There you are. Izzy is forging a new Glorious to free Clary from Jonathan, and I need to go to her. Angels above know what that lunatic will make her do. But Alec isn’t here, and if I go to another unsanctioned mission, he will put me into ichor duty for one year.” Jace snorted, spinning his stele between his fingers.
Magnus rolled his eyes and let out a deep exhale, trying to find his last dregs of non-existent patience. “Much as it would seem that what the Head of this Institute does is no longer my concern, I do need to discuss something with him. Have you already tried tracking him?”
“Yeah, but it’s not working – that’s why I sent you that fire message.” Jace lifted one brow. “What’s going on? Did you two fight again?”
“It’s none of your business,” Magnus said curtly. “But I need to know something. Did Alexander have a meeting with some Clave envoy yesterday?”
“No, not as far as I know. He left soon after you did, then came back later so we could track down the Drevak demons. I don’t know where he went, but when he got back, he… he seemed off.”
“What do you mean?”
Jace eyed Magnus a little suspiciously. “Look, if you are angry at him and it’s not int—“
“Just tell me, Herondale.” Magnus snapped, impatient. For some reason, the uneasiness inside him only grew. He felt like he was running out of time, though what the deadline was he didn’t know.
Jace took a deep breath, fidgeting a little. “He… he said something strange. He asked me, if I had a chance to free Clary from Jonathan, but as a consequence couldn’t never see her again, would I take the chance? I said no, and I wanted to ask him more about it, but he seemed really tense and didn’t say anything else.”
Magnus closed his eyes. God, this was a nightmare.
“Asmodeus.” Magnus opened his eyes to see Isabelle walking towards them, a mixture of distress and frustration written across her features. “I see your magic is back.” She pointed with her chin at the red sparkles mindlessly floating around Magnus’ fingers. He hadn’t even noticed. “I promised him to not tell anyone, but I guess you figured it out?” Magnus nodded. “Good. It’s not my place to tell you the details, but since Alec has now disappeared…” She sighed, worry and fatigue making her look older than her years. “I’m worried.”
“He made a deal with Asmodeus, didn’t he?” Magnus asked, already knowing the answer, but dreading it anyway.
“He what?” Jace almost shouted, but Izzy only sighed again.
“He did. Asmodeus promised to give your magic back if Alec broke up with you. He mentioned that there was a little more to it, but he wouldn’t tell me that part.”
“Wait, he broke up with Magnus? After trying to propose at that failed dinner?”
“What?” Magnus’ jaw dropped and Izzy elbowed Jace, shushing him.
Alec was going to propose?
Magnus’ magic flared, but he rapidly took control of it. He was so angry. Angry with himself. Angry with Asmodeus. Angry with the world. But mostly, angry with Alexander for being a self-sacrificing idiot.
Magnus took a deep breath – going around in these circles, getting angry and revealing things, wasn’t going to help. He forced a false mask of calm over his demeanour, but didn’t try to hide his dangerous smile. “Alright. You two focus on Clary. It seems I have some business to attend to.” He waved a hand dismissively, turning halfway on his heels and opening a portal.
“What about Alec?”
“Oh, rest assured, I’m going to find that parabaidiot of yours.” Magnus’ cheerful tone did little to hide the ominous undertone. “But first, I have something to take care of.”
He had a Greater Demon to banish.
The war was at its peak. In a place of such desolation, it was wildly unlikely that a romance would blossom, and yet here they were.
Magnus was talking to a man Alec recognized immediately from the photograph in Magnus’ box. George. A brave soldier. Magnus was clearly smitten.
But of course, as always, Magnus wasn’t the first option for anyone. George chose the war. He hugged Magnus goodbye and left.
Abandoned again.
People had a tendency to walk away from him.
Alec hated the resemblance.
“Goodbye, father.”
Magnus closed the portal, a bittersweet echo in the air. He did it. He was finally free from his father’s claws.
He didn’t feel happy, though. Not because he had some kind of childish hope that his father could really love him, but because there was still a lingering feeling of darkness that kept sweetly whispering how monstrous he was. His mother killed herself because of him. He killed his stepfather. He sent his father to Limbo forever.
He didn’t deserve a family.
But… he had a new one, right? Catarina, Madzie and Raphael. Clary, Simon and the Lightwoods.
Magnus grabbed the omamori charm still hidden in his pocket. He hadn’t had the heart to throw it away, even when Alec had crushed his heart.
He was just about to go fetch something of Alexander’s to track him when another fire message arrived.
Alicante fell. Demons destroying everything. People are dying.
Magnus frowned. Okay, that was a problem, but… was it his problem? After everything the Clave had done, did they really expect his help?
Then his cellphone pinged. It was a message from Isabelle.
We found Alec. He’s in Alicante.
Magnus opened another portal, because apparently, Alicante had just become his problem.
He sighed. He always knew that these damn Nephilim would be the death of him.
If Alec weren’t so exhausted, he would have screamed with frustration and pain. How many love stories had he seen? How many people had he witnessed breaking Magnus’ heart? He’d long since lost track, because it was already dozens – mundanes, warlocks, werewolves, vampires, seelie, djinn…
Somehow, he’d forgotten that the worst was yet to come, until she appeared.
In the beginning, she was sweet. Caring. Offered everything that Magnus yearned for.
The poison is never bitter in small doses.
“Who will love you?”
“Poor little Warlock. So naïve.”
“You are insufferable, Magnus. Too much. Honestly, you’re lucky to have me – who else would take you?”
Alec wanted to throw up, watching how Camille manipulated Magnus, forcing his compliance when that wasn’t enough. She broke him in a way nobody deserved.
She put the last brick on Magnus’ well-crafted walls, and Alec watched his heart get locked away.
Another explosion of flames and ichor, and another demon dead. Alec hadn’t stopped since breaking free of the memories, getting back to the Institute just in time to hear about the fall of Alicante – and worse, that his siblings were there.
With barely a thought, he geared up, reaching for his bow and quiver.
Correction: Magnus’ bow and quiver. Perhaps the last thing from Magnus he would ever get.
He felt hollow, numb, soulless. How could he feel otherwise, when he had caused such pain to the most beautiful soul in existence?
He’d failed Magnus, just as he eventually failed everyone. Asmodeus was right. Magnus was better off without him.
But there was only one thing he could do now, and that was fight. One by one – or five by five – he shot demons down, his arrows flying fast and true even as a voice at the back of his mind whispered that it was useless. With the rift still open, more would just keep coming. Still, if he could buy time for his people to escape, he would do his damned best, even if it killed him.
He was a soldier above all else. Emotions would only distract him from that duty.
That voice.
He slowly turned around, losing what little color he still had on his pale face.
“No. You can’t be here. You… You…” His voice broke, and he shook his head in denial.
“I can’t be anywhere else.” Magnus stepped closer, his voice and posture soft.
“No. You don’t understand. I… I’m terrible for you. I hurt you. I…” Alec’s voice broke again, even more painfully. “I don’t deserve you.”
“I get to decide that, and I say you are deserving. More than anyone, Alexander.” Magnus took another step, but Alec retreated, like a scared animal.
Unwanted tears blurred Alec’s vision for a moment, and as soon as he blinked them away, instinct took over – an Edomi demon was launching itself in Magnus’ direction, and Alec could see that Magnus was in completely the wrong position to defend himself.
Alec made his decision in a split-second, throwing himself over Magnus as a shield.
He didn’t want to see more. It was too much to bear.
And if he’d thought that Camille would be the most difficult to watch… oh, how wrong he was. Asmodeus had left the worst as a sort of ‘grand finale’.
Alec himself.
He watched himself turning Magnus away. Rejecting him with angry words. Lying, letting the Clave manipulate him once more.
He hurt Magnus so many times. He wasn’t better than any of his past lovers. Maybe he was the worst.
Because if Magnus thought he was too much, then Alec knew that he himself was not enough, could never be enough for Magnus.
He watched himself break up with Magnus, heard his own words again, heard Magnus’ pleas again. He saw the despair in his lover’s eyes, wracking his whole body.
He did that.
Alec finally screamed.
“No! No, no, no—” Magnus begged, and how Alec hated that familiar kind of agony tinting his voice, but he couldn’t do anything. The world faded for a while and he felt himself falling.
But the impact never came.
Instead, he was being held by the only pair of arms that really mattered. He tried to speak, but only blood came out of his mouth, choking him. The demon had torn a deep hole in his abdomen, the bleeding too severe for Magnus’ magic to heal – not on his own, not in this state.
“Stay with me, Alec. Come on. Stay with me.”
Those words again. Oh God, no.
“Sor…ry…” Alec whispered, tears and blood mixing together, liquid hopelessness trailing down his cool skin.
Alec opened his eyes to reality.
It wasn’t dark anymore, so he could only guess that he was gone for hours.
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe properly – but he also couldn’t stop crying. It was too much, witnessing in less than a day what Magnus had suffered over centuries.
How had he endured all that? How, despite everything, had he remained kind and generous, good and benevolent?
How… How could so many people have hurt him?
How could Alec have hurt him?
He howled, and Asmodeus was there to collect each drop of anguish, of pain, of heartbreak – he absorbed it all, smiling with cruel satisfaction, before disappearing again to Magnus’ loft. His son would be back from the Institute anytime now, and Asmodeus would be ready to take him to their rightful home.
“I know about the deal. And why you did what you did. It’s okay, I don’t—“ Magnus was still trying to infuse his healing magic into Alec’s wound, to no avail, when he saw that Alec’s eyes had closed. “Alec? Alexander!” Magnus tapped Alec’s cheek, desperately looking for a sign of consciousness.
Alec blinked slowly, dazed. He didn’t understand. Why was Magnus trying to save him?
“Don’t you… hate… me?”
“What-? Of course not. Alexander, I love you. I’d never, ever, hate you. Even though I’m angry that you made a deal with my father, I’d never hate you.”
“I…” Alec licked his chapped and dry lips, tasting the metallic tang of blood. “I only… wanted to… help you. ‘ake you hap-py. Your… magic-”
“I know, I know. Please, don’t talk anymore. We will have plenty of time after this to talk it out, I promise. Just… just rest, okay? Don’t go away. Stay here.”
“I love… you.” And this was his ultimate truth – even when he still felt his heart shattered, bleeding with the rest of his body. He needed to tell Magnus that, even if it were for the last time, even if he never opened his eyes again. “Lo…ve… ‘u…” He breathed, welcoming the darkness once more.
“I love you too, Alexander,” Magnus cradled Alec’s body as close as possible, doing his best to not break down. Alec was alive. He could feel his heartbeat. He couldn’t panic, or else he would lose Alec for good.
Jace, Isabelle and Clary came running up to them.
They bore more bad news. Jonathan had destroyed the Morgenstern sword.
Alicante was doomed.
Glancing at Alexander, Magnus felt his heart clench even more, if that were possible. His Shadowhunter seemed as if he had given up the will to fight for his life. He forced more healing spell into the wound, turning over a plan in his mind.
“My father told me about a way to increase my power.”
“Enough to close the rift?” asked Clary.
“Potentially, yes. The strength I would need to pull it off can only come from one place.”
“Edom?” Izzy prompted. Magnus only nodded.
“You know, if you weren’t a 400-and-something-year-old Warlock, I’d kick your ass. Actually, I could still do that, except that my brother wouldn’t forgive me.”
Magnus turned to Izzy with wide eyes, dumbfounded. She looked like a woman at the end of her patience.
“You and Alec are ridiculous. Always making these stupid decisions for the sake of others, for the sake of the world, but never choosing yourselves. If you go to Edom, you know that you won’t be able to come back. Then my stupid brother will most likely raise another hell just to get you back. We have no demon blood, so we wouldn’t survive in Edom – which just means that Alec would do something even more stupid to get there, like… I don’t know, trying to turn into a Vampire? Something idiotic like that.”
Magnus’ jaw fell slightly, and for the first time in years, he was truly speechless.
“Magnus… Alec won’t make it without you. He is giving up.” Jace was palming his parabatai rune, clearly in pain. “Please. He’ll only stay if you stay.”
“You…” Magnus huffed, reluctantly amused. “You are all impossible.” Really, these Nephilim would be the death of him. “Okay. There is something else I could try.”
Something that could’ve helped before, if it wasn’t for Lorenzo’s threat.
Magnus pulled away from healing Alec, flicking his wrist and summoning a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote his message, creating another twenty copies with a wave of his hand, and sending them off. All of them flared immediately, flying off in different directions.
It was time to call in all his favors - this time, way out of Lorenzo’s jurisdiction.
It has been five months since the last time he was at Pandemonium during its ‘closed’ hours. That day, he had decided to leave New York – maybe for good. Now, he wanted nothing more to stay.
Thanks to the combined forces of eighteen warlocks, they’d had enough power to close the rift above Alicante. And the delight of having Shadowhunters owe a huge debt to the Warlock community? Well, it was a delicious bonus.
Catarina had focused on saving Alec’s life, while Magnus had led the spell needed to close the rift. Izzy, Clary, Jace, and other Shadowhunters ran interference, keeping the demons away from the Warlocks while they worked.
Some days later, the danger Jonathan imposed also met its end.
They could finally breathe and rest.
They took turns to get days off. First Izzy with Simon, then Jace and Clary – and finally, Magnus took Alec as far away as he could.
They had a very long (and very overdue) talk about everything – Magnus’ magic, his terrible coping mechanisms, Alec’s deal with Asmodeus, their relationship, communication.
There were a lot of tears. Hugs. Kisses. Reassurances.
And if they stayed a bit longer away from New York, well – nobody dared to say anything.
Now, Magnus was at Pandemonium once more, reminiscing about everything that happened since that very first night, when Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Clary had stormed into his life.
Distracted as he was, he barely registered an arrow flying over his shoulder.
Immediately, he called upon his magic, ready to fight – but when he turned around, what he saw made his heart beat faster in an entirely different way, his magic flickering out again.
Alec was there, bow in hand, standing at the stairs leading to the upper floor.
Exactly like that night. Exactly like when he had killed that Circle member, and saved Magnus’ life.
Giving Magnus a crooked smile, Alec climbed down the stairs and put aside his bow.
“You know, it always made me happy that you were my ‘first’ everything. My first kiss, my first relationship, my first ‘I love you’, my first – er – sexual partner.” At that, an adorable pink colored Alec’s cheeks and neck. “I wasn’t yours, but that never worried me. Once, Jace told me that it only ‘counted’ when we have this kind of experience with the one we truly love. He says that it’s only when he had his first kiss with Clary that he felt whole.”
“Oh? I never took him for the romantic type.”
Alec shrugged, trying to not grin. He finally got closer to Magnus and kissed him sweetly, just a slow and lingering slide of lips.
“I asked you to come here today because this,” he gestured to the club, “is our first place. Where our lives got intertwined. So… there isn’t a better place to ask you for another first.”
He took a small velvet box from his jacket pocket and opened it, revealing the Lightwood ring. Licking his lips, he braced himself and looked at Magnus.
Really looked.
And it was intense enough for Magnus to drop his glamour, as the realization of what was about to happen crashed down on his mind. Big, warm, golden cat-eyes looked back at Alec, full of adoration.
“Magnus, will you give me the honor of being my first, my only love, for the time we get to share? Magnus Bane, will you marry me?”
And in all Magnus’ centuries, saying a simple, three-letter word had never seemed so peaceful, so easy.
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malecsecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @mirrorofliterature!
Happy Holidays! This is my gift for volunteer_of_hufflepuff <3 It's not Christmas-ish, but I tried to use elements you like~ So, I hope you like this!!
Read on AO3
I feel what you feel (and my heart got equally broken)
Alec blinked as the child ran past him, into the arms of a young woman with a warm, beautiful, and eerily familiar smile.
Alec watched, trying to place the woman’s resemblance, as she took the boy onto her lap and embraced him. She began to sing, the unfamiliar language spinning a lullaby.
Whatever the words meant, they only made the kid smile wider, beaming happiness.
Another blink, and the woman now lay bleeding on the bed, a dagger blossoming from her stomach. The boy gave a desperate scream, answered only by the furious shouts of a portly man who burst into the bedroom seconds later.
Realization settled over Alec as the boy turned on the man and hit him with an all-consuming ball of fire.
“I’ll restore both. His magic and his immortality.” Asmodeus smiled, his golden eyes flickering dangerously, and Alec had the unsettling feeling of being eyed as prey. ”However, there is a price for each. Despite how intertwined the two usually are, it is possible to have magic and not be immortal. Or, to be condemned to an eternity as a useless mundane. So, what do you choose, Nephilim?”
Alec willed his blank mask of an expression not to waver. A selfish part of him couldn’t help but wonder if Magnus would be okay with his magic alone, sacrificing only his immortality. Just for a moment, he dared to imagine it – a life with Magnus at his side, one where they could grow old together. No more fights about that damn box. No more fear of the pain Alec knew he’d leave behind when Magnus outlived him.
But even in the face of that temptation, Alec knew better. Fifty, sixty, seventy years were more than enough for a mortal like Alec, but for an immortal to be reduced to that… It wasn’t only the lack of magic tormenting Magnus, driving him to frenetic desperation and last night’s breakdown. Magnus didn’t want to grow old. He wanted to stay.
And who was Alec to deny him that?
“Both,” Alec said with a fearless fire in his eyes, although his insides couldn’t be colder. “What’s your price?”
“End your relationship.”
Alec blinked, taking several seconds to process that. “What?”
“You are the source of all his suffering. You make him vulnerable, weak. You are a disgrace to Magnus. With you, he can never reach his full potential.” Asmodeus punctuated each ’you’, a hammer slamming into Alec’s defenses. “You are not enough for my son. You never will be.”
Alec felt his lips tremble. He knew that, but… “You’re wrong. We love each other.” His voice was quieter now. “I wouldn’t just abandon him.”
“Then I’m afraid you’re going to be the death of him.”
“Magnus will never agree to it.”
“Don’t give him a choice. In fact, Magnus can never know about our little arrangement, or else our deal is off. Break his heart to save his life.”
That sparked something, and Alec frowned. “I’m the one making a deal, here. I should be the only one paying the price. Magnus has already suffered enough.”
“You’re right; but as I said, it’ll be double the price if you want me to return his magic and his immortality. The end of your relationship is but half of what I require – your part in our bargain will cover the rest.”
“And what is it you want from me?”
“Your pain. Your heart so irreparably broken, that your soul will also shatter.” Asmodeus’ voice was cold, though not enough to hide the entirety of his amusement. ”Tell me, Nephilim… do you know what fuels Edom? What fuels any of the hellish realms? How my kind feast on your petty mortal feelings? Anger, envy, lust, jealousy – those are delicious appetizers, to be sure. But sadness? Sorrow? Misery? Ah, the main dish.” He breathed deeply, a self-satisfied smile on his face and cat-eyes taking on a cruel shine. “You, Lightwood, will make a sumptuous banquet.”
And Alec felt only numbness. He always knew that this would be a dangerous game to play – the moment he had decided to talk to Asmodeus, all the possible scenarios had begun to unravel in his mind. He was prepared for the worst.
After all, what could be worse than letting Magnus go?
Alec watched as Magnus laughed, chasing after the mundane girl and sweeping her up off her feet, spinning her round until she practically squealed with delight. Magnus was recognizable now, his face sculpted into his familiar adult features, but he still looked so… young, so carefree. He and the young woman turned to face each other, and then they were kissing, and Alec had to close his eyes, unable to face what he’d lost.
When he opened them again, he was standing in a cemetery. Magnus was a few feet away, hand placed gently on a headstone, head bowed.
As he turned to leave, Alec caught sight of his face, and almost shuddered to see the heartbreak etched there.
What have I done?
Alec punched the alley wall for the fifth time, his skin breaking and blood dripping from his knuckles. He could hear ugly sobs, and it took him a good few seconds to realize that they were coming from him. Good, he thought. Drive the pain out. Out. Out.
He still felt his heart clenching and it was suffocating him.
He broke Magnus’ heart.
He broke his own heart.
He needed to get out.
Another sob. Stop. Stop. Please, someone make it stop.
“Magnus, I’m sorry.”
He cried hard, falling to his knees. Magnus’ pained expression seemed imprinted under his eyelids. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was his lover’s despair, all he could hear were his pleas. Fuck, he made Magnus beg. He wanted so much to go back and take Magnus in his arms, tell him that it was a mistake and that he didn’t care if Magnus still had that ‘spark’ or not. He loved Magnus for who he was, not what he had. Magic or not, immortal or not, he loved Magnus Bane for his heart.
A heart that Alec had destroyed.
“I fulfilled my part of our deal,” a voice echoed behind him. “Magnus has his magic and immortality back.”
“Fine. Go. What more do you want? I’ve already paid you,” Alec growled, feeling too weak to get up, but turning enough to glare at the Prince of Edom.
“You did,” Asmodeus nodded slowly, tilting his head a little as hard cat-eyes returned Alec’s glare, familiar but foreign. Asmodeus was incapable of the warmth and love in Magnus’ eyes, would always be a world away from that sort of kindness and beauty. “You broke Magnus’ heart. You hurt my boy. I cannot let that go unpunished.”
Alec snorted, too exhausted for fear. Of course. He really played himself. Asmodeus wouldn’t leave now, not when he had his claws in such a rich source of pain as Alec, not until he drained that source entirely dry. “You don’t care about Magnus’ wellbeing. You just want more pain, more fuel.”
Asmodeus’ crooked smile was all the confirmation Alec needed. “Poor child of Raziel. So naïve. This is only the beginning.” He closed the distance between them, crouching by Alec and leaning in close. “You know,” he said, “I received something very interesting along with Magnus’ powers. I think it’s only fair that I share it with you.”
And then he was grabbing at Alec’s face, his neck, holding him still as dark red magic swirled around him, filling his vision.
Darkness engulfed Alec’s mind. Asmodeus was already gone.
Magnus was attempting to play the charango, the same one that Alec had often seen lying around the loft, and failing miserably. A man beside him – Imasu, Magnus had called him – just laughed, stilling Magnus’ hands with a flirtatious smile. Magnus met his gaze, his eyes so full of love and devotion it almost hurt.
“Live with you?” Imasu shook his head, all the fondness gone. “Never. It was fun for a while, but you are too clingy. Too much for me. I'm tired now. Goodbye, Magnus.”
Imasu walked out, never looking back.
Never seeing the broken look on Magnus’ face.
Something felt… wrong.
Magnus wasn’t buying Asmodeus’ ‘paternal love’ as the sole reason that he was somehow able to enter this realm and offer Magnus his magic back. And as desperate as he’d been, as grateful as he was to feel his magic again, he would never trade his freedom. Going back to Edom with his father was a fate worse than death, and one that Magnus wasn’t nearly foolish enough to accept.
So as soon as he had his magic back, Magnus had fled. He was done making deals with the devil.
Now that he had his powers back, he could go anywhere. He didn’t have a home, a job or a lover anchoring him to New York. Perhaps it was about time to go away for good. He could try Rome, Venice or Bangkok. It didn’t matter. He just… needed to leave.
After wandering around the city for a while, lost in thought, he stopped by Pandemonium – empty at this time of the day – and decided to take one last look around the establishment. When he took it on, it had quickly become his pride and joy, but now it had been some time since he was last inside. He’d hired one of his most reliable Warlock friends to manage it, because he hadn’t had the time whilst he was dealing with the Shadowhunters’ mess.
He wanted to regret that, but… he couldn’t.
Just as he turned to leave, he received a fire message from Jace.
Do you know where Alec is? His phone is dead, and he’s not answering fire messages.
I can feel that something’s wrong.
Magnus scoffed. Why should he know where Alec was, now? The Shadowhunter had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with Magnus anymore.
He opened a portal, ready to leave, to go somewhere – anywhere – far away; but something prickled at the edge of his mind, and he paused, frowning.
Just days ago, Alec was desperate to not let him go, saying he couldn’t live without him.
Then, he broke up with him.
And then, mere hours later, Asmodeus suddenly appeared and gave his magic back, claiming it was out of love. A pathetic excuse.
…Though not the only pathetic excuse Magnus had heard recently.
I have this meeting I can’t miss. Clave business.
“Damn it. If you did what I think you did, I’ll kill you, Alexander.”
Etta was beautiful, and Magnus was clearly head over heels for her. They danced together every night, talked about stars and dreams, about magic and music. She was another Mundane, but she had the Sight and accepted Magnus’ heritage. She loved and desired him.
He looked at her like his heart had finally found a home.
The arguments started because it became clear that even with all his magic, Magnus could never give Etta what she most wanted.
A baby.
She didn’t want to adopt, and didn’t want to spend a childless, finite lifetime with someone who was frozen in time. Desperate, he offered her immortality by his side. They’d find a way.
She refused.
Eventually, she left.
Again, Magnus was too much.
(And all Alec wanted was to hold him, to comfort him, to tell him it wasn’t true.)
Magnus portalled directly into the Ops Center, where Jace was pacing anxiously. He didn’t notice Magnus until he was practically right in front of him, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“There you are. Izzy is forging a new Glorious to free Clary from Jonathan, and I need to go to her. Angels above know what that lunatic will make her do. But Alec isn’t here, and if I go to another unsanctioned mission, he will put me into ichor duty for one year.” Jace snorted, spinning his stele between his fingers.
Magnus rolled his eyes and let out a deep exhale, trying to find his last dregs of non-existent patience. “Much as it would seem that what the Head of this Institute does is no longer my concern, I do need to discuss something with him. Have you already tried tracking him?”
“Yeah, but it’s not working – that’s why I sent you that fire message.” Jace lifted one brow. “What’s going on? Did you two fight again?”
“It’s none of your business,” Magnus said curtly. “But I need to know something. Did Alexander have a meeting with some Clave envoy yesterday?”
“No, not as far as I know. He left soon after you did, then came back later so we could track down the Drevak demons. I don’t know where he went, but when he got back, he… he seemed off.”
“What do you mean?”
Jace eyed Magnus a little suspiciously. “Look, if you are angry at him and it’s not int—“
“Just tell me, Herondale.” Magnus snapped, impatient. For some reason, the uneasiness inside him only grew. He felt like he was running out of time, though what the deadline was he didn’t know.
Jace took a deep breath, fidgeting a little. “He… he said something strange. He asked me, if I had a chance to free Clary from Jonathan, but as a consequence couldn’t never see her again, would I take the chance? I said no, and I wanted to ask him more about it, but he seemed really tense and didn’t say anything else.”
Magnus closed his eyes. God, this was a nightmare.
“Asmodeus.” Magnus opened his eyes to see Isabelle walking towards them, a mixture of distress and frustration written across her features. “I see your magic is back.” She pointed with her chin at the red sparkles mindlessly floating around Magnus’ fingers. He hadn’t even noticed. “I promised him to not tell anyone, but I guess you figured it out?” Magnus nodded. “Good. It’s not my place to tell you the details, but since Alec has now disappeared…” She sighed, worry and fatigue making her look older than her years. “I’m worried.”
“He made a deal with Asmodeus, didn’t he?” Magnus asked, already knowing the answer, but dreading it anyway.
“He what?” Jace almost shouted, but Izzy only sighed again.
“He did. Asmodeus promised to give your magic back if Alec broke up with you. He mentioned that there was a little more to it, but he wouldn’t tell me that part.”
“Wait, he broke up with Magnus? After trying to propose at that failed dinner?”
“What?” Magnus’ jaw dropped and Izzy elbowed Jace, shushing him.
Alec was going to propose?
Magnus’ magic flared, but he rapidly took control of it. He was so angry. Angry with himself. Angry with Asmodeus. Angry with the world. But mostly, angry with Alexander for being a self-sacrificing idiot.
Magnus took a deep breath – going around in these circles, getting angry and revealing things, wasn’t going to help. He forced a false mask of calm over his demeanour, but didn’t try to hide his dangerous smile. “Alright. You two focus on Clary. It seems I have some business to attend to.” He waved a hand dismissively, turning halfway on his heels and opening a portal.
“What about Alec?”
“Oh, rest assured, I’m going to find that parabaidiot of yours.” Magnus’ cheerful tone did little to hide the ominous undertone. “But first, I have something to take care of.”
He had a Greater Demon to banish.
The war was at its peak. In a place of such desolation, it was wildly unlikely that a romance would blossom, and yet here they were.
Magnus was talking to a man Alec recognized immediately from the photograph in Magnus’ box. George. A brave soldier. Magnus was clearly smitten.
But of course, as always, Magnus wasn’t the first option for anyone. George chose the war. He hugged Magnus goodbye and left.
Abandoned again.
People had a tendency to walk away from him.
Alec hated the resemblance.
“Goodbye, father.”
Magnus closed the portal, a bittersweet echo in the air. He did it. He was finally free from his father’s claws.
He didn’t feel happy, though. Not because he had some kind of childish hope that his father could really love him, but because there was still a lingering feeling of darkness that kept sweetly whispering how monstrous he was. His mother killed herself because of him. He killed his stepfather. He sent his father to Limbo forever.
He didn’t deserve a family.
But… he had a new one, right? Catarina, Madzie and Raphael. Clary, Simon and the Lightwoods.
Magnus grabbed the omamori charm still hidden in his pocket. He hadn’t had the heart to throw it away, even when Alec had crushed his heart.
He was just about to go fetch something of Alexander’s to track him when another fire message arrived.
Alicante fell. Demons destroying everything. People are dying.
Magnus frowned. Okay, that was a problem, but… was it his problem? After everything the Clave had done, did they really expect his help?
Then his cellphone pinged. It was a message from Isabelle.
We found Alec. He’s in Alicante.
Magnus opened another portal, because apparently, Alicante had just become his problem.
He sighed. He always knew that these damn Nephilim would be the death of him.
If Alec weren’t so exhausted, he would have screamed with frustration and pain. How many love stories had he seen? How many people had he witnessed breaking Magnus’ heart? He’d long since lost track, because it was already dozens – mundanes, warlocks, werewolves, vampires, seelie, djinn…
Somehow, he’d forgotten that the worst was yet to come, until she appeared.
In the beginning, she was sweet. Caring. Offered everything that Magnus yearned for.
The poison is never bitter in small doses.
“Who will love you?”
“Poor little Warlock. So naïve.”
“You are insufferable, Magnus. Too much. Honestly, you’re lucky to have me – who else would take you?”
Alec wanted to throw up, watching how Camille manipulated Magnus, forcing his compliance when that wasn’t enough. She broke him in a way nobody deserved.
She put the last brick on Magnus’ well-crafted walls, and Alec watched his heart get locked away.
Another explosion of flames and ichor, and another demon dead. Alec hadn’t stopped since breaking free of the memories, getting back to the Institute just in time to hear about the fall of Alicante – and worse, that his siblings were there.
With barely a thought, he geared up, reaching for his bow and quiver.
Correction: Magnus’ bow and quiver. Perhaps the last thing from Magnus he would ever get.
He felt hollow, numb, soulless. How could he feel otherwise, when he had caused such pain to the most beautiful soul in existence?
He’d failed Magnus, just as he eventually failed everyone. Asmodeus was right. Magnus was better off without him.
But there was only one thing he could do now, and that was fight. One by one – or five by five – he shot demons down, his arrows flying fast and true even as a voice at the back of his mind whispered that it was useless. With the rift still open, more would just keep coming. Still, if he could buy time for his people to escape, he would do his damned best, even if it killed him.
He was a soldier above all else. Emotions would only distract him from that duty.
That voice.
He slowly turned around, losing what little color he still had on his pale face.
“No. You can’t be here. You… You…” His voice broke, and he shook his head in denial.
“I can’t be anywhere else.” Magnus stepped closer, his voice and posture soft.
“No. You don’t understand. I… I’m terrible for you. I hurt you. I…” Alec’s voice broke again, even more painfully. “I don’t deserve you.”
“I get to decide that, and I say you are deserving. More than anyone, Alexander.” Magnus took another step, but Alec retreated, like a scared animal.
Unwanted tears blurred Alec’s vision for a moment, and as soon as he blinked them away, instinct took over – an Edomi demon was launching itself in Magnus’ direction, and Alec could see that Magnus was in completely the wrong position to defend himself.
Alec made his decision in a split-second, throwing himself over Magnus as a shield.
He didn’t want to see more. It was too much to bear.
And if he’d thought that Camille would be the most difficult to watch… oh, how wrong he was. Asmodeus had left the worst as a sort of ‘grand finale’.
Alec himself.
He watched himself turning Magnus away. Rejecting him with angry words. Lying, letting the Clave manipulate him once more.
He hurt Magnus so many times. He wasn’t better than any of his past lovers. Maybe he was the worst.
Because if Magnus thought he was too much, then Alec knew that he himself was not enough, could never be enough for Magnus.
He watched himself break up with Magnus, heard his own words again, heard Magnus’ pleas again. He saw the despair in his lover’s eyes, wracking his whole body.
He did that.
Alec finally screamed.
“No! No, no, no—” Magnus begged, and how Alec hated that familiar kind of agony tinting his voice, but he couldn’t do anything. The world faded for a while and he felt himself falling.
But the impact never came.
Instead, he was being held by the only pair of arms that really mattered. He tried to speak, but only blood came out of his mouth, choking him. The demon had torn a deep hole in his abdomen, the bleeding too severe for Magnus’ magic to heal – not on his own, not in this state.
“Stay with me, Alec. Come on. Stay with me.”
Those words again. Oh God, no.
“Sor…ry…” Alec whispered, tears and blood mixing together, liquid hopelessness trailing down his cool skin.
Alec opened his eyes to reality.
It wasn’t dark anymore, so he could only guess that he was gone for hours.
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe properly – but he also couldn’t stop crying. It was too much, witnessing in less than a day what Magnus had suffered over centuries.
How had he endured all that? How, despite everything, had he remained kind and generous, good and benevolent?
How… How could so many people have hurt him?
How could Alec have hurt him?
He howled, and Asmodeus was there to collect each drop of anguish, of pain, of heartbreak – he absorbed it all, smiling with cruel satisfaction, before disappearing again to Magnus’ loft. His son would be back from the Institute anytime now, and Asmodeus would be ready to take him to their rightful home.
“I know about the deal. And why you did what you did. It’s okay, I don’t—“ Magnus was still trying to infuse his healing magic into Alec’s wound, to no avail, when he saw that Alec’s eyes had closed. “Alec? Alexander!” Magnus tapped Alec’s cheek, desperately looking for a sign of consciousness.
Alec blinked slowly, dazed. He didn’t understand. Why was Magnus trying to save him?
“Don’t you… hate… me?”
“What-? Of course not. Alexander, I love you. I’d never, ever, hate you. Even though I’m angry that you made a deal with my father, I’d never hate you.”
“I…” Alec licked his chapped and dry lips, tasting the metallic tang of blood. “I only… wanted to… help you. ‘ake you hap-py. Your… magic-”
“I know, I know. Please, don’t talk anymore. We will have plenty of time after this to talk it out, I promise. Just… just rest, okay? Don’t go away. Stay here.”
“I love… you.” And this was his ultimate truth – even when he still felt his heart shattered, bleeding with the rest of his body. He needed to tell Magnus that, even if it were for the last time, even if he never opened his eyes again. “Lo…ve… ‘u…” He breathed, welcoming the darkness once more.
“I love you too, Alexander,” Magnus cradled Alec’s body as close as possible, doing his best to not break down. Alec was alive. He could feel his heartbeat. He couldn’t panic, or else he would lose Alec for good.
Jace, Isabelle and Clary came running up to them.
They bore more bad news. Jonathan had destroyed the Morgenstern sword.
Alicante was doomed.
Glancing at Alexander, Magnus felt his heart clench even more, if that were possible. His Shadowhunter seemed as if he had given up the will to fight for his life. He forced more healing spell into the wound, turning over a plan in his mind.
“My father told me about a way to increase my power.”
“Enough to close the rift?” asked Clary.
“Potentially, yes. The strength I would need to pull it off can only come from one place.”
“Edom?” Izzy prompted. Magnus only nodded.
“You know, if you weren’t a 400-and-something-year-old Warlock, I’d kick your ass. Actually, I could still do that, except that my brother wouldn’t forgive me.”
Magnus turned to Izzy with wide eyes, dumbfounded. She looked like a woman at the end of her patience.
“You and Alec are ridiculous. Always making these stupid decisions for the sake of others, for the sake of the world, but never choosing yourselves. If you go to Edom, you know that you won’t be able to come back. Then my stupid brother will most likely raise another hell just to get you back. We have no demon blood, so we wouldn’t survive in Edom – which just means that Alec would do something even more stupid to get there, like… I don’t know, trying to turn into a Vampire? Something idiotic like that.”
Magnus’ jaw fell slightly, and for the first time in years, he was truly speechless.
“Magnus… Alec won’t make it without you. He is giving up.” Jace was palming his parabatai rune, clearly in pain. “Please. He’ll only stay if you stay.”
“You…” Magnus huffed, reluctantly amused. “You are all impossible.” Really, these Nephilim would be the death of him. “Okay. There is something else I could try.”
Something that could’ve helped before, if it wasn’t for Lorenzo’s threat.
Magnus pulled away from healing Alec, flicking his wrist and summoning a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote his message, creating another twenty copies with a wave of his hand, and sending them off. All of them flared immediately, flying off in different directions.
It was time to call in all his favors - this time, way out of Lorenzo’s jurisdiction.
It has been five months since the last time he was at Pandemonium during its ‘closed’ hours. That day, he had decided to leave New York – maybe for good. Now, he wanted nothing more to stay.
Thanks to the combined forces of eighteen warlocks, they’d had enough power to close the rift above Alicante. And the delight of having Shadowhunters owe a huge debt to the Warlock community? Well, it was a delicious bonus.
Catarina had focused on saving Alec’s life, while Magnus had led the spell needed to close the rift. Izzy, Clary, Jace, and other Shadowhunters ran interference, keeping the demons away from the Warlocks while they worked.
Some days later, the danger Jonathan imposed also met its end.
They could finally breathe and rest.
They took turns to get days off. First Izzy with Simon, then Jace and Clary – and finally, Magnus took Alec as far away as he could.
They had a very long (and very overdue) talk about everything – Magnus’ magic, his terrible coping mechanisms, Alec’s deal with Asmodeus, their relationship, communication.
There were a lot of tears. Hugs. Kisses. Reassurances.
And if they stayed a bit longer away from New York, well – nobody dared to say anything.
Now, Magnus was at Pandemonium once more, reminiscing about everything that happened since that very first night, when Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Clary had stormed into his life.
Distracted as he was, he barely registered an arrow flying over his shoulder.
Immediately, he called upon his magic, ready to fight – but when he turned around, what he saw made his heart beat faster in an entirely different way, his magic flickering out again.
Alec was there, bow in hand, standing at the stairs leading to the upper floor.
Exactly like that night. Exactly like when he had killed that Circle member, and saved Magnus’ life.
Giving Magnus a crooked smile, Alec climbed down the stairs and put aside his bow.
“You know, it always made me happy that you were my ‘first’ everything. My first kiss, my first relationship, my first ‘I love you’, my first – er – sexual partner.” At that, an adorable pink colored Alec’s cheeks and neck. “I wasn’t yours, but that never worried me. Once, Jace told me that it only ‘counted’ when we have this kind of experience with the one we truly love. He says that it’s only when he had his first kiss with Clary that he felt whole.”
“Oh? I never took him for the romantic type.”
Alec shrugged, trying to not grin. He finally got closer to Magnus and kissed him sweetly, just a slow and lingering slide of lips.
“I asked you to come here today because this,” he gestured to the club, “is our first place. Where our lives got intertwined. So… there isn’t a better place to ask you for another first.”
He took a small velvet box from his jacket pocket and opened it, revealing the Lightwood ring. Licking his lips, he braced himself and looked at Magnus.
Really looked.
And it was intense enough for Magnus to drop his glamour, as the realization of what was about to happen crashed down on his mind. Big, warm, golden cat-eyes looked back at Alec, full of adoration.
“Magnus, will you give me the honor of being my first, my only love, for the time we get to share? Magnus Bane, will you marry me?”
And in all Magnus’ centuries, saying a simple, three-letter word had never seemed so peaceful, so easy.
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Can I ask why you have "Cassandral Clare" in your inbox? Do you like/support the Mortal Instruments books and their author?
I made a typo. lol.
It's listed under my interests. It's easier to just list her name than list out all her series' names.
I haven't read her middle grade books but I am reading all of her Shadowhunter Chronicles. I am currently reading the last book of The Dark Artifices series.
I support Cassandra Clare and her books. She presents great representation and diversity in a wonderfully written series.
Take Magnus Bane for example. Book!Magnus was the first bi character I discovered. (Karen from biphobic "Will & Grace" doesn't count.)He has been one of the best examples of Bi representation I have ever seen.
She always tries to add more and better representation for minorites. She isn't always perfect but, when she has messed up, she always honestly apologizes and works to improve in the future.
I have noticed most of the hate comes from a) jealousy, b) antisemitism, c) sexism and/or d) intentionally misconstrued character dialogue to spread hate.
For example, people want to claim she's biphobic and to do this they take the dialogue from Alec out of context. What is actually a jealous teenage character pitching a fit and is shown to be in the wrong is removed from context to make a false biphobia claim on the author because some horrid people can't stand the fact of an intelligent, badass, Jewish woman spreading diversity in an, unfortunately, white media led genre.
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malec-ao3feed · 2 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/5tHWwqP by she1d3vil "Honestly, I wish you'd stop trying to get my attention like this. It's become embarrassing."   "Yes, because bleeding profusely reeks of desperation."   𖤐   In which Constance Blackthorn stumbles upon a group of Shadowhunters, and discovers her connection with the Shadow World goes far deeper than surface level - not quite human nor full Nephilim...   [ TMI: City of Bones - City of Ashes ] Jace Wayland x Fem! OC Words: 84031, Chapters: 19/?, Language: English Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Other Characters: Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Simon Lewis, Eric Hillchurch, Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Valentine Morgenstern, Raphael Santiago Relationships: Jace Wayland/Original Female Character(s), Clary Fray/Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Sebastian Morgenstern/Original Female Character(s), Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood Additional Tags: Angst, Slow Burn, Fluff, Blood and Violence, Original Character(s), No Smut, Jealousy, Sweet Jace Wayland, Cross-Posted on Wattpad read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/5tHWwqP
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fisherrend · 6 years
Vulkri Deity Tiers
The Ageless Ones
, Goddess of Light and Fire, bringer of Day.
, God of Shadow and Soul, bringer of Night.
Valdak has three eyes and ears on the surface; the Endless Serpent Blakkendrake, the Winged Beast Ulvak and the Midnight Merchant Kakkor. They are typically considered lesser gods. Valdak worship is heavily frowned upon, as people fear that open admiration and appreciation for the Shade might bring down the jealousy and wrath of the Light.
The Old Gods
Laiathyme, Goddess of Nature, blessing of Growth Mo’Roka, God of Law, keeper of Justice Aegiri, Goddess of Time, turner of Worlds Kai ji Kon, God of Chaos, bane and boon
Eir Aleir, God of Logic, ageless of Mind Tisni, Goddess of Creativity, ageless of Heart Lamishka, Goddess of Ambition, ageless of Body M’kesht Ata, Goddess of Winter Rimita Eta, Goddess of Autumn Sortep Ota, God of Summer Neji Ita, God of Spring
Pei, Spirit of Love Lith, Spirit of Hate (Neither of them are actually considered Gods, but instead “ancient and powerful entities”. They’re placed in this tier purely due to chronology)
Post Catalyst Gods
Unlike the Old Gods, who were born from thirteen cataclysmic collisions between Yhmiel and Valdak, no one knows how these three came to be. Scholars speculate that they were born from necessity as the mortal races began to thrive and spread. Himu, God of Knowledge, collector of Stories Drajila Iksa, Goddess of Warfare, destroyer of Armies Bin Pa, God of Civilization, builder of Kingdoms
The Lesser Lords and Ladies
Despite their titles of Lords and Ladies, scholars are unsure if these immortal entities even bother with the mortal concept of gender. These deities are incredibly fickle and known to take humanoid forms in order to mingle with the mortals on Vulkri, furthering their own goals. Their motives vary and one best think twice before meddling with them. They are as volatile as they are invaluable. Lady of Variety Lady of Madness Lady of Vengeance Lady of Fate Lover Ladies of Riches and Ruin Lover Lords of Fame and Infamy Lord of Luck Lord of Clarity Lord of Honor Lord of Deceit
Spirits and other Entities
There are plenty of other beings that are worshiped through Vulkri. Most of these are the product of curses, blessings, magical happenstances or just superstition running wild. Regardless, the odd miracle or tragedy does happen, fanning the flames for these kinds of worship.
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