#Jeanette Elise Hazen Bryant
sheerioswifties · 4 years
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Look up "coercive control," it's a tactic commonly used by abusers yet still hasn't been made illegal or taken into account in domestic violence cases- leaving victims to have to get to the point of being physically hurt or even killed before the criminal abuser sees any time for the likely years or decades of abuse they've inflicted.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
Besides myself, at least eight (8) other women now carry the #metoo brand because of Bill Bryant. He managed to silence to others, and I don't know exactly how or why they're still staying silent- I approached them once I was able to finally speak out on all the horrible abuse I've been subject to by Bill and his wife, Jeanette Hazen Bryant; and asked if they'd come forward with me now. They wanted to, but won't, because, and I quote: "frankly I feel like [Bill and Jeanette are] evil and [I'm/we're] fearful that [they are] very revengeful and I don't want [them] to hurt my family. "
William Byron Bryant and Jeanette Elise Hazen Bryant, who run Bryant & Associates Insurance on Officer's Row in Vancouver, Washington, are sadistic predators who have hurt and destroyed countless lives over the decades that they've leveraged themselves into privileged positions in the community. Bill leans heavily on his status as a Navy vet to get away with innumerable disgusting atrocities. They both use their demographic status as an older, white, Republican, property-and-business-owning couple to befriend corrupt people in positions of authority (police officers, sheriff, lawmakers, lawyers, even judges on the county superior court) and receive special treatment- especially, as I've now been both witness and victim to, when they do get caught committing their vile crimes- they quickly are able to have their crimes dismissed and have witnesses like me aggressively silenced. They somehow even were able to, after quite the display of terrible acting in the courtroom complete with fake tears and carefully teased hair to create the appearance of stress and "fear" (I was a professional makeup artist and stylist, trained in SFX- sorry, Jeanette, but I can spot a fake a mile away, and I know all the tricks for creating fake tears which I've seen you use many times over the years); but after this performance, where Clark County Superior Court Judge Carin Schienberg- who had had a suspicious meeting in her chambers beforehand, and who had firmly told every single other person on her docket that day that she would not allow any additions or changes to be made to the orders they were asking her to grant- Judge Schienberg asked the Bryants- and ONLY the Bryants- if they'd like to add anything to their order. Then, when the time came for my husband and his attorney to speak- an absolute and unquestionable right which he has, to speak in his defense and present to the court all the evidence we have that very clearly proves the Bryants as liars who were trying to use a restraining order to get around the eviction moratorium, the evidence we have where we can, line by line, prove without doubt that everything they wrote is perjury, incorrect and falsified, contradicts itself, includes partial quotes AND includes references and quotes from police officers where there exist official police reports contradicting the story that the Bryants so boldly wrote on an official legal document- when the time came for our turn to speak on the matter, Judge Schienberg REFUSED to even let one word be said.
This is an absolute violation of constitutional rights and a miscarriage of justice.
I can only wonder, if this happens so brazenly and so casually here in this suburban city where most people feel is safe, run smoothly and justly (until they come face to face with it like this)- how much worse... just how incredibly prevalent must stuff like this be throughout the country? And how much worse is it and has it always been for people of color and other severely discriminated groups? And what recourse is there? A judge has final say. They can decide whatever they please and that's it. If they're having a bad day and just don't want to deal with doing the due diligence of their job, they can just decide at will cases which can lead to people being violently hurt (see the case of Tiffany Hill) and nobody can stop them. There is really no authority over them to check that injustices aren't carried out daily. It's not right. It needs to change.
Bill Bryant has tried to force himself into my bedroom, tried to peek on me changing. Bill Bryant worked hand in hand with Jeanette Hazen Bryant in building the barricade in front of both my doors- imprisoning me inside and then torturing me all night while stealing the rest of my personal property that was out in the house still being packed to move- and Bill Bryant himself slept in front of my bedroom door to keep me in and to monitor me. He's done that for years and kept doing it even after Jeanette was arrested. He patrols the hallway outside my room, pacing back and forth, occasionally leaning against my door to listen to me. We've found holes drilled through the walls where they both likely visually observed me as well as listened to everything we ever did, all our most private moments. We lived in fear and under duress for all those years and now the Bryants have set themselves up to get away with it all.
Bill Bryant was 100% complicit in everything that Jeanette did the night after which she was caught, arrested, and charged with a class c felony. Bill had managed to get away before the police arrived, so was not arrested on the simple technically that they didn't catch him red handed. I am calling for his immediate arrest and to be charged the same as Jeanette. He was allowed to not only go free to cause damage all over town but the police he is friends with allowed him to move himself back into the house that I was still a tenant in. Clark County Sheriff's Office and Vancouver Police Department allowed this disgusting criminal, known abuser of me, into the house where I was now stuck alone, disabled and laid up, since they'd managed to force my husband out. And he continued to hurt me. I called 911. The operator hung up on me.
I am at a loss to not only defend myself, which, frankly, is too late for- the damage has been done- but to protect and warn others who they will go after. It is the Bryants' M.O. to find victims they can use and abuse this way, destroy lives, toss them away and bury it. Please help me stop this. If I can just prevent ONE other person from getting hurt by these people...
Please SIGNAL BOOST and help stop these dangerous predators from hurting others!
CONTACT Governor Jay Inslee: 360-902-4111 / Office of the Governor, PO Box 40002, Olympia, WA 98504-0002 / Online Contact Form / @govinslee on Twitter and Instagram
WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson: 360-753-6200 / 1125 Washington Street SE, PO Box 40100, Olympia, WA 98504-0100 / @agbobferguson on Instagram
Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle: 360-487-8629 / [email protected] / City of Vancouver, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995 / Mayor & Council Office, 415 West 6th Street
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
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From IG Stories: More info regarding the imprisonment and attack I endured in June (after years of abuse and coercive control) at the hands of Bill Bryant / William Bryant and his wife Jeanette Hazen Bryant who run Bryant & Associates Insurance and financial on Officer's Row in Vancouver, WA (Washington). Jeanette E. Hazen / Jeanette Elise Hazen was arrested for unlawful imprisonment after this event and charged with a felony by the Clark County Superior Court. Both continue to operate their business, selling insurance (unsecured, beware!) And a sketchy, fraud laden financial advisory outfit run by William Byron Bryant. These two have established a pattern over decades of entrapping and extorting victims of all kinds in order to transfer their legal and financial troubles onto unwitting scapegoats. Their behavior has escalated alarmingly over time as they both now regularly resort to hostile and violent confrontations and threats with and to their victims. Jeanette has even said that there is "NOTHING [she] won't do" in order to maintain control and have those she wants "under [her] thumb." Recent behavior strongly suggests that there are truly no limits to the violence the Bryants may inflict on others in order to further their agenda. They have been emboldened by what they've been able to get away with so far- which they regularly brag about. These people are an extreme danger to anyone they come into contact with and the community at large.
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