sheerioswifties · 4 years
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This is just the tip of the iceberg, a small introduction to the story about how William Bill Bryant and his wife, Jeanette Hazen Bryant, who own and operate Bryant & Associates Insurance and Financial Services on Officer's Row in Vancouver, WA (fraudulently and unsecured I must warn) preyed on us and forced us under their control and into years of forced labor and living under duress in a hostile, abusive domestic violence laden situation which we've only now finally escaped. We've broken free of their grip, but their destruction of every part of our lives has been total. Please signal boost my story and stay tuned for calls to action. Thank you♡
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
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He was 100% complicit in the imprisonment and attack on me, as well as the years of abuse that preceded. Both Bill Bryant and Jeanette Hazen Bryant have committed violent acts against me (and others!) but have managed to work the system to get themselves out of more trouble, leaning heavily into the privilege and bias they're given, and trying to use the justice system to force me into silence.
Jeanette was arrested, charged with a felony and jailed; but was released on "pretrail release" instead of normal bail, and now she's retained a criminal defense lawyer- these people are now literally using my own money to defend themselves for abusing and hurting me. Seriously?!?
William "Bill" Byron Bryant slipped out of being finally caught and made a felon on a technicality: he wasn't physically present when the police showed up. But he should and MUST be charged in kind. They worked together on this like they do with everything. I have 2 doors to my rooms, they each slept in front of one to hold me in hostage.
But Bill and Jeanette have buddied up to certain officers and judges, holding a suspicious amount of sway in some instances. Then again they'd always told us, specifically, that they will "get away with everything" because of their ties and status in the community, and even sheerly on first appearances- they own a house, business, drive a Tesla, are old white republicans... they drove us hard into poverty... so who looks better, who do police and judges automatically favor? And yeah, they planned it that way.
Clearly none of this is right, none of this is just. I'm fighting with the truth on my side, hoping for justice. But I still need a lot of help. And I'm honestly worried that the whole system has been corrupted and misused so badly that there is no justice...
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
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From IG Stories: More info regarding the imprisonment and attack I endured in June (after years of abuse and coercive control) at the hands of Bill Bryant / William Bryant and his wife Jeanette Hazen Bryant who run Bryant & Associates Insurance and financial on Officer's Row in Vancouver, WA (Washington). Jeanette E. Hazen / Jeanette Elise Hazen was arrested for unlawful imprisonment after this event and charged with a felony by the Clark County Superior Court. Both continue to operate their business, selling insurance (unsecured, beware!) And a sketchy, fraud laden financial advisory outfit run by William Byron Bryant. These two have established a pattern over decades of entrapping and extorting victims of all kinds in order to transfer their legal and financial troubles onto unwitting scapegoats. Their behavior has escalated alarmingly over time as they both now regularly resort to hostile and violent confrontations and threats with and to their victims. Jeanette has even said that there is "NOTHING [she] won't do" in order to maintain control and have those she wants "under [her] thumb." Recent behavior strongly suggests that there are truly no limits to the violence the Bryants may inflict on others in order to further their agenda. They have been emboldened by what they've been able to get away with so far- which they regularly brag about. These people are an extreme danger to anyone they come into contact with and the community at large.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
This keeps getting weirder and weirder and we keep finding things that are connecting to show a very clear, premeditated plan to do all this to us by Bill and Jeanette... and what looks like a very clear case of attempted AND a case of actual entrapment set up by two police officers (one being Ogdee, mentioned in previous posts, the other I'm still trying to figure out the name, he'd spoken to my husband while I wasn't there and he wasn't able to get a badge number). This is getting really fu*ked up, ya'll. Thank you so much to those who have stuck around and are bearing with me while I'm not posting the usual content. I really need to get the full story and all the facts and evidence out and public as much and as fast as I can. It's clear they're not done with us yet. Anyways I'm hoping my head doesn't hurt so bad tomorrow (chronic migraines have been literally nonstop these past weeks like almost every day and I hope it's just all the stress and not some other crazy thing like a tumor or some sh*t going on too ugh) but I'm gonna try to post some more stuff so yeah... stay tuned.
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