guys-moments · 2 years
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ecargmura · 6 months
Dog Signal Episode 9 Review - How to Train Your Singe
First off, I want to apologize. In my review of the first episode of Dog Signal, I said that Singe is a mini poodle. He’s not; he’s actually a Toy Poodle. So, I’ll be using Toy Poodle when talking about Singe’s breed going forth.
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If Miyu wants to become a dog trainer, the first thing he really needs to do is to train his own dog, Singe. Singe has been in the back burner for far too long. It’s been six episodes since he last got focus. I know that focusing on other dogs is to help Miyu grow as a dog trainer, but it would’ve been best for him to get to know his dog first before learning about other dogs. Well, better late than never, I guess.
Singe is very rambunctious and mischievous. I’m not sure if all toy poodles are like this as puppies; I wouldn’t know because I adopted my two mini poodles when they were already adult dogs. However, the tsundere aspect of Singe is something I see in one of my dogs. She acts cold and tends to bark a lot towards others but is super loving and doting towards me. So, yes, poodles can be tsunderes. However, I do like that Singe is behaving like an actual dog and not a personified version of a dog. It’s hard work to raise one.
Though, I do think that the problem with Singe’s behavior lies with Miyu. Miyu is very hasty and impatient, which is why he’s trying out different methods to get Singe to learn commands quickly. All he needs is to realize that he needs to take time to bond with Singe in order for him to become obedient. I do like that Miyu isn’t shown to be perfect most of the time. He’s still new to the world of dogs and has his strengths and weaknesses; his impatience and over confidence are said weaknesses. For strengths, Miyu’s strongest quality is that he’s very observant when it comes to people and dogs. However, watching him trying to command Singe was hilarious and a bit sad. Miyu really does want to get along with Singe, but his dog is a tsundere. I think the hilarious part is when Miyu starts speaking cutely to Singe after it listened to him for the first time. Fortunately, his talent for observation helps in that he understands how Singe behaves. All Miyu needs is to calm down and be patient; once he learns how to do that, he and Singe will be the best of friends.
Niwa is surprisingly a lot nicer in this episode compared to past episodes. While he still calls Miyu an idiot every now and then, he’s not as harsh as he was in past episodes. He dishes out all the informative dog knowledge and then actually praises Miyu for knowing how commands work. I do wonder how much longer it will take for him to be genuinely nice to Miyu.
It was nice seeing the other dogs from the past episodes; though, Ricochet and Mrs. Miyake don’t make an appearance here. I even learned something new! Apparently, Eguchi’s dog Leo always lays down with its hind feet sticking out; that pose is called the female dog pose, apparently. I never noticed it until it was brought up, but my female poodle Angel always lays down like that. Niwa explains that dogs lay down in a position it feels most comfortable with. That’s true because both of my dogs lay down differently, but I left them alone like that because I assumed it was what made them comfortable; I’m glad dog whisperer Niwa agrees with me.
I do hope that after this episode, Singe gets less mischievous later on. It’ll be annoying if there’s another episode dedicated to teaching him how to sit again. Regardless, I learned a lot; this episode feels more informative than before and I enjoyed it. I’m excited for next week’s episode. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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elmomausstuff · 2 months
Wer hat was verloren? du dich? Ich mich??oder... ODER IHR UNS ?!?! 😨
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mylensoflove · 4 months
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classicbeautykingdom · 5 months
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Jeanie Buss For PlayBoy, May 1995
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zegalba · 1 year
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Jeanie Tomanek: Were I but Whole (2018)
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It's all timing - S.R.
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Spencer Reid x fem!reader smut, no use of y/n
Spencer's return from a case just so happens to coincide with the part of your cycle that has you feeling a certain type of way, which Spencer is only too happy to help with.
Warnings: fluffy smut, oral (fem! receiving), unprotected piv sex, creampie, a smidge of breeding, d/s a little if you squint
It's hard to say that Spencer traveling for work was ever convenient, but every once in a while the timing lines up nicely. Like tonight, he's on his way back from a case and you are, to put it crudely, horny as shit. It's not normal horny, either, this is ovulation horny, the kind that leaves you aching all day, overwhelming your already frayed system.
So when you get the text that he's on his way from the airport, you waste no time stripping naked and arranging yourself in the big armchair that faces the door. And then you wait, the clocks ticking taunting you, each second reminding you of his absence.
Finally, the clinking of keys at the door alerts you to your boyfriend's return, the thought of who only rekindling the low burning in your belly. You swallow as the door swings open, adjusting your position slightly to best present yourself to the entryway.
"Baby! I'm h-" Spencer's voice seems to stick in his throat when he sees you, "-ome." He finishes the word slowly, setting his go bag down and closing the door but never moving his gaze from your form. Even in the shadows you watch his eyes rake down your body slowly.
"Welcome home." Your sultry voice draws his eyes back to yours in an instant, the intense gaze softening with a smile shared between you.
"That is quite a welcome." Crossing the room, he kneels slowly in front of you, one of his big, warm hands sliding up the back of your calf as he leans in to catch your lips with his. It's one of those kisses that melts your core, warming your bones and drawing a happy sigh from your chest.
"What did I do to deserve a welcome like this?" He speaks softly as he pulls away, sitting back on his heels as his other hand smooths up the side of your thigh, his touch firm but reverent. You can't help the smile that rises on your face looking down at your love, those soft eyes of his glowing back at you, messy curls falling in his eyes that you gently sweep away. His eyes flutter when you cup his cheek in your palm.
"Being you, mostly." You run the pad of your thumb across his bottom lip, not missing how his breath hitches. "But impeccable timing helps." His head cocks questioningly at you, a line forming where his brows knit together. "You know how I get this time of month." You finish with a devilish little smirk as he finally understands. An eager grin splits his face, his eyes absolutely lighting up.
"Oh!" His hands move immediately, uncrossing your legs and pushing them apart, his grip now anchored in your soft thighs as he surges forward to kiss you excitedly. His excitement and the slight manhandling only add to the quickly forming puddle between your thighs, causing you to whine into his kiss.
As if he read your mind, Spencer broke away from your lips, kissing and biting his way quickly down your body. Excitement clearly outweighed romance tonight, made even more eveident when Spencer, with neither ceremony or hesitation, dove into your pussy like it was the fountain of youth. He'd always eaten pussy like god, but this is even a step beyond that, you didn't even care what he was doing that much, your hormone-flooded brain only barely able to process the sheer pleasure burning through your veins.
"Oh fuck!" You can't help the words falling from your lips as your hands fly to his hair, gripping desperately in a way that must have hurt as your body arches and writhes under him. His hands, large and strong and so warm, run once again up your thighs, gripping your hips almost hard enough to bruise. You can hear him devouring you, wet, lewd sounds interspersed with low grunts of effort that border on animalistic.
It's all so so good, but you still need more, that burning ache in your belly only satiable by one thing.
"Spencer," you manage, your voice cracking on his name "More, please please I need more." He hears you, taking one last harsh suckle at your clit that makes your whole body shudder at the sting before sitting up, his mouth leaving you with a wet pop.
"More? What more do you need, baby?" You just whine, bucking your hips weakly as you throw your head back. Spencer tsks,
"Come on, sweet girl," he plants a kiss on your swollen clit, making you twitch, "you gotta tell me what you want."
"I want your cock," it's like a damn breaks, and suddenly you're begging, clawing at his shoulders with tears pricking your eyes, "I want your cock please, Spencer, please! I wanna be so full of you and your cum and your babies oh god-" you don't get any further before his lips crash against yours, his hands hauling you out of the chair and into his arms. In a matter of seconds you're on your back on the bed, Spencer's lips still hot and demanding against yours, the taste of yourself heady on his tongue as it slides against yours. He breaks from you for only a second or two, definitely ripping something in his haste to rid himself of his clothes.
There were no words, you didn't need them as he pushed into your waiting warmth, his forehead falling to rest against yours as you take him to the hilt, choking on a gasp as he hits that spot thats just so deep and it hurts just a little but it's too good for you to care.
You've always been able to find a rhythm together, fitting against each other just right as he rocks into you, singing your praises in soft grunts and low moans, drawing you ever closer to the edge, begging you to cum for him in every bite, every loving touch, every breath.
You give in to him as he loses himself, the warm ache of his cum spilling into you taking you that last step over the peak and you tumble down the other side. You come apart in the safety of his arms, crumbling and shaking under him as he answers your cries with soft kisses and words of praise mumbled against sweaty skin.
You're glass in his hands as he turns you gently, rolling into his back and bringing your body to lay on top of his. He hasn't pulled out, his cock twitching slightly at the way you squeeze him, still riding the last few shocks of your orgasm.
Your body feels so heavy, so relaxed as you cuddle into his chest, deliciously full and sleepy.
Before sleep takes you, you manage something that sounds like "I love you."
And in that last hazy moment before you drift off, you hear him say it back.
"I love you."
@nomajdetective @reidsbookclub @f-me-reid @spencer-reid-wonderland @dungeons-are-too-cold
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nothingdoingcomic · 1 year
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Nothing Doing no. 3
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sarwah · 1 year
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Jean Jeanie, 1973
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magnetar1 · 9 months
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Jeanie Tomanek
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guys-moments · 2 years
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ecargmura · 6 months
Dog Signal Episode 8 Review - Having Two Dogs
I was wondering when an issue regarding multiple dogs would pop up, but I didn’t expect it to happen in this episode. I actually learned a lot about dogs’ behavior when it comes to breeds and social hierarchy. The character of the day, Kadota, was also a real treat to watch.
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The development from the previous episode is implemented here. Niwa calls Miyu by his first name now and Miyu’s knowledge of dogs increase as he is now implementing knowledge he is learning onto the customers. He’s still not ready to train dogs yet, but he’s still improving. I do like that Niwa is being a bit nicer towards Miyu, but he’s still grouchy and rude towards customers. I hope that improves later on because Niwa should stop doing that if he wants to pay rent and such.
I like how energetic Kadota is. She just runs past the dog training center, asks if she could come in, ramble about her dog’s name to Miyu, talk about her problems and then peaces out. She’s very free-spirited. She happens to be the story’s first walk-in customer, so that’s quite a feat in itself. I do find it interesting that while she’s a veteran dog owner, there were still things she was unaware of when it came to her two dogs. It shows that even if you are a long-time dog owner, you will still learn new things when it comes to dogs. I think the most surprising thing about Kadota is the fact that she’s voiced by the one and only Junko Takeuchi. Yes, Naruto Uzumaki is an energetic lady with two dogs—befitting as Naruto has two kids (and one adopted kid). Funny because Minato Namikaze, Naruto’s dad, was in Episode 6 was Niwa’s dad.
Her two dogs are the stars of this episode. She has a 1 year old female Dalmatian named Kumi, written with Kanji, a rarity for dogs as they prefer katakana or hiragana. Kumi was named after a former volleyball coach that she admired. Anyways, Kumi has an issue as she barks excessively whenever the doorbell rings. It turns out that she’s following the commands of Kadota’s other dog, a 5-year-old male Chihuahua named Jeany. The reason why Jeany does this is because he is possessive of Kadota and doesn’t like it when her attention is fixated on other people or dogs. Because he’s too small to chase away Kumi, he made her his subordinate in a way to show off he’s the top dog in the house. Jeany does this so that he can get Kadota’s attention and love while she reprimands Kumi for barking. In all honesty, I find this rather interesting; it’s fascinating to see how a dog’s psyche works. I even learned new things about Chihuahuas that I never knew before.
I honestly don’t like Chihuahuas due to my childhood experience with my cousin’s. She was always barking and chasing me around my cousin’s house whenever I moved around. But now, I understand why she did it. She was territorial and only liked my cousin. It’s strange how an anime made me learn about Chihuahuas’ behaviors. It’s also fascinating in a way to know that dogs can be resocialized. It makes me want to assemble the stroller I bought for my dog and be able to go on longer walks with my dogs; I want to broaden their horizons before they lose their vision completely. Dalmatians are honestly so adorable. I have a fondness for them, but I don’t think I could ever raise one due to me not being an active person while Dalmatians are an active breed. I do like how Jeany has changed in behavior once Kadota started taking him out on walks more.
This was an interesting case and I hope that there will be more cases with multiple dogs soon. It was also nice seeing Mrs. Miyake and Eguchi befriending Kadota. I noticed that the customers that come to Proud Dog have all been female so far; well, Mr. Miyake is an exception since Mrs. Miyake is the main caretaker for Ricochet. Will we get a male customer soon?
Niwa does make a point that if Miyu wants to become a dog trainer, he needs to learn how to train Singe. Singe has been in the back burner for a while, so hopefully, next episode will be focused on him. He needs to be potty trained! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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eaeulfl · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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And in a feud with her neighbor She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
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thebeautifulbook · 2 months
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A BOOK OF MYTHS by Jeanie Lang (New York/London: Putnam, 1915) Illustrated by Helen Stratton.
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yalster54 · 13 days
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we are soooo back 🥳
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