#Jeff Cleghorn
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Thank you, Mr Chairman, I’m Jeff Cleghorn, sixth generation Georgian, live in Butts County, army veteran, retired lawyer, and have been a gay rights activist for the last three decades.
I served on the board of directors of Georgia Equality and Lambda Legal,and am a past president of the Stonewall Bar Association. I have long advocated for the equal dignity of gay and lesbian Georgians and Americans.
SB88 is necessary because queer, gender identity transgender activism, and the transgender medical industry, are aggressively targeting children of all ages including inside school classrooms. This is a belief system that many people, me included, do not believe in.
The gay rights movement succeeded because we changed hearts and minds, and we did it the old-fashioned way: by telling the truth about our lives. And today, gays and lesbians live in every Georgia county happy and content to love our families and be good citizens. I have long known and worked with many transgender people, and I know that they only want to live their lives in peace, free from mistreatment by anyone. And I’m glad trans Americans and Georgians now have every legal right as the rest of us with the Supreme Court recently expanding Title VII to include workplace protections for transgender.
But, as a result of piggybacking transgender activism on the gay movement of yesterday, transgender activists never did the work. They skipped right over the changing hearts and mind part. Instead, they stridently declared the “LGBTQ+ is now a single identity," and that some people can be both sexes at the same time, while other people are neither male nor female, and some people are born in the wrong body, and some women have a penis. and there are 58 different genders, and as many pronouns.
SB88 is necessary because the former gay rights movement has been hijacked by those pushing this dishonest gender ideology on children. This is about much more than helping kids with gender dysphoria, most of whom will grow up to be gay or lesbian if left alone, according to every study ever conducted on the subject. This is about indoctrinating kids into a belief system that is not real.
Tens of millions of dollars are spent each year by groups like GLSEN and the Trevor project specifically targeting kids with this ideology. And queer activists push this belief system that gender and sex and sexuality can mean whatever someone says they mean, and there should be no boundaries.
Parents have every right to know if this stuff shows up in their child’s school. No one had ever heard of a transgender child until recently and today we see tens of thousands of young females soliciting GoFundMe donations online to amputate their healthy breasts or to have “gender affirming hysterectomies."
15 years ago, there were only two or three so-called gender clinics. Today there are hundreds, including more than 50 paediatric. The skyrocketing thousands of percent recent increase in kids claiming a trans identity is not by accident and children are being harmed.
There are more than 52,000 members of a Reddit transitional group, mostly young lesbians, and gay men with gutting stories of regret, sterility, loss of sexual function, early onset osteoporosis, and vaginal atrophy as the transgender medical industry is laughing all the way to the bank.
SB88 is needed because they are proselytizing this queer, sex, sexuality ideology to children. Activists and schools have no business interfering with the parent-child relationship.
Do not let schools teach kids to keep secrets from their parents. These are not Georgia values. Thank you.
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planetofsnarfs · 7 months
On Tuesday, the Georgia Senate Committee on Education and Youth met to consider Senate Bill 88, a bill that would promote the forced outing of transgender youth to their parents and restrict LGBTQ+ topics in schools. The bill, which saw a surprise substitute with little time for review, would mandate that schools develop policies around outing transgender students to their parents and would require parents to opt into education on gender-related topics. What happened in the hearing, however, was unusual: Only those in favor of the bill were allowed to speak, leaving those against raising their hands.
Immediately after the bill's sponsor spoke about the bill, he ceded the floor to Jeff Cleghorn, a gay anti-trans activist who calls transgender people "mentally ill sex fetishists" and regularly shares content from groups like Gays Against Groomers and Libs of TikTok. Following an incendiary speech in which he advocated for separating transgender individuals from the LGBTQ+ community, Republicans allowed four people to speak. These included a former president of the Young Republicans, a representative from Gays Against Groomers, and a representative from the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay Republican activists. They then abruptly ended the debate, preventing the dozens of attendees opposed to the bill from speaking.
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emvidal · 3 months
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docrotten · 4 years
Quatermass and the Pit (1967) – Episode 93 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
"The will to survive... it's an odd phenomenon. Roney, if we found out earth was doomed - say, by climatic changes - what would we do about it?” “Nothing. Just go on squabbling as usual." Hmm, ... sounds familiar, right? Join this episode’s Grue-Crew - Whitney Collazo, Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, and Jeff Mohr - as they brave the London Underground to learn the genesis of humankind as depicted in Quatermass and the Pit (1967), the third of Hammer’s Quatermass films, also known as Five Million Years to Earth.
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 93 – Quatermass and the Pit (1967)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A mysterious artifact is unearthed in London, and famous scientist Bernard Quatermass is called in to divine its origins and explain its strange effects on people.
  Director: Roy Ward Baker
Writers: Nigel Kneale
Selected Cast:
James Donald as Doctor Roney
Andrew Keir as Professor Bernard Quatermass
Barbara Shelley as Barbara Judd
Julian Glover as Colonel Breen
Duncan Lamont as Sladden
Bryan Marshall as Captain Potter
Peter Copley as Howell
Edwin Richfield as Minister
Grant Taylor as Police Sergeant Ellis
Maurice Good as Sergeant Cleghorn
Robert Morris as Watson
Sheila Steafel as Journalist
Hugh Futcher as Sapper West
Hugh Morton as Elderly Journalist
Thomas Heathcote as Vicar
Chad is a huge fan of Quatermass but admits he prefers Brian Donleavy as Bernard Quatermass; there’s just something about a scientist that might punch somebody at any moment. On the other hand, he calls Quatermass and the Pit the most well written, most well thought out, and most influential of the Quatermass films, loving how the filmmakers were able to manifest psychic chaos on a grand scale. Daphne first saw the film with her dad and also says she loves it. She is amazed at the acting, the use of colors, and how ingrained the aliens have become in science fiction and horror. Whitney is in awe of how much disaster is seen unfolding in this film as well as how it questions the creation and development of humans. At his first viewing, Jeff was unimpressed but he now believes he was seeing a version that was severely cut to fit a 90-minute timeslot with commercials. He now loves Quatermass and the Pit and marvels at the acting throughout, especially Barbara Shelley’s performance, and Nigel Kneale’s stellar script which efficiently covers a very complex set of ideas and actions while making it very palatable. 
By the way, Toho Company had nothing to do with the production of Quatermass and the Pit even though it was listed in IMDb along with Hammer as one of the production companies when we recorded the podcast. IMDb should soon be corrected.
As you can see, the Decades of Horror Classic Era Grue-Crew is head-over-heals gaga for Quatermass and the Pit and strongly recommends you give it a watch soon! At this writing, a streaming source for Quatermass and the Pit is difficult to find, but Jeff and Daphne highly recommend the Scream Factory Blu-ray and its abundance of extras.
The Grue-Crew also want to thank Richard Klemenson! Issue #40 of his magazine Little Shoppe of Horrors was very helpful with its deep dive into Quatermass and the Pit. If you love classic British horror films, this is the magazine for you!
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. In the next episode, they will discuss a movie chosen by Chad, Mario Bava’s Planet of the Vampires (1965).
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of us, “Thank you so much for listening!”
Check out this episode!
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tsanasreads · 6 years
Aurealis Awards Shortlist Announced
It's that time of year when the Aurealis Awards finalists are announced. You can read the official announcement here, and I have reproduced the lists below. The links below go to my reviews where those exist (albeit a little sparse this year). A lot of books already on my TBR and some new ones to add. (PS If you're interested, the Nebula Award Finalists have also been announced.) Best Science Fiction Novel
Scales of Empire (Kylie Chan, Voyager) Obsidio (Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff, A&U) Lifel1k3 (Jay Kristoff, A&U) Dyschronia (Jennifer Mills, Picador) A Superior Spectre (Angela Meyer, Ventura Press) The Second Cure (Margaret Morgan, Vintage) Best Fantasy Novel
Devouring Dark (Alan Baxter, Grey Matter Press) Lady Helen and the Dark Days Deceit (Alison Goodman, HarperCollins) City of Lies (Sam Hawke, Bantam) Lightning Tracks (Alethea Kinsela, Plainspeak Publishing) The Witch Who Courted Death (Maria Lewis, Piatkus) We Ride the Storm (Devin Madson, self-published) Best Horror Novel
The Bus on Thursday (Shirley Barrett, A&U) Years of the Wolf (Craig Cormick, IFWG Publishing Australia) Tide of Stone (Kaaron Warren, Omnium Gatherum) Best Graphic Novel/Illustrated Work
Deathship Jenny (Rob O’Connor, self-published) Cicada (Shaun Tan, Lothian) Tales from The Inner City (Shaun Tan, A&U) Best Children’s Fiction
The Relic of the Blue Dragon (Rebecca Lim, A&U) The Slightly Alarming Tales of the Whispering Wars (Jaclyn Moriarty, A&U) The Endsister (Penni Russon, A&U) Secret Guardians (Lian Tanner, A&U) Ting Ting the Ghosthunter (Gabrielle Wang, Puffin) Ottilie Colter and the Narroway Hunt (Rhiannon Williams, Hardie Grant Egmont) Best Young Adult Novel
Small Spaces (Sarah Epstein, Walker) Lifel1k3 (Jay Kristoff, A&U) Catching Teller Crow (Ambelin Kwaymullina & Ezekiel Kwaymullina, A&U) His Name was Walter (Emily Rodda, HarperCollins) A Curse of Ash and Embers (Jo Spurrier, Voyager) Impostors (Scott Westerfeld, A&U) Best Collection
Not Quite the End of the World Just Yet (Peter M Ball, Brain Jar Press) Phantom Limbs (Margo Lanagan, PS Publishing) Tales from The Inner City (Shaun Tan, A&U) Exploring Dark Short Fiction #2: A Primer to Kaaron Warren (Kaaron Warren, Dark Moon Books) Best Anthology
Sword and Sonnet (Aiden Doyle, Rachael K Jones & E Catherine Tobler, Ate Bit Bear) Aurum (Russell B Farr, Ticonderoga Publications) Mother of Invention (Rivqa Rafael & Tansy Rayner Roberts, Twelfth Planet Press) Infinity’s End (Jonathan Strahan, Solaris) The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year (Jonathan Strahan, Solaris) Best Science Fiction Novella
‘I Almost Went To The Library Last Night’ (Joanne Anderton, Aurum, Ticonderoga Publications) The Starling Requiem (Jodi Cleghorn, eMergent Publishing) Icefall (Stephanie Gunn, Twelfth Planet Press) ‘Pinion’ (Stephanie Gunn, Aurum, Ticonderoga Publications) ‘Singles’ Day’ (Samantha Murray, Interzone #277, TTA Press) Static Ruin (Corey J White, Tor.com) Best Science Fiction Short Story
‘The Sixes, The Wisdom and the Wasp’ (E J Delaney, Escape Pod) ‘The Fallen’ (Pamela Jeffs, Red Hour, Four Ink Press) ‘On the Consequences of Clinically-Inhibited Maturation in the Common Sydney Octopus’ (Simon Petrie & Edwina Harvey, A Hand of Knaves, CSFG) ‘A Fair Wind off Baracoa’ (Robert Porteous, A Hand of Knaves, CSFG) ‘The Astronaut’ (Jen White, Aurealis) Best Fantasy Novella
‘This Side of the Wall’ (Michael Gardner, Metaphorosis Magazine, January 2018) ‘Beautiful’ (Juliet Marillier, Aurum, Ticonderoga Publications) ‘The Staff in the Stone’ (Garth Nix, The Book of Magic, Voyager) Merry Happy Valkyrie (Tansy Rayner Roberts, Twelfth Planet Press) ‘The Dressmaker and the Colonel’s Coat’ (David Versace, Mnemo’s Memory and Other Fantastic Tales, self-published) The Dragon’s Child (Janeen Webb, PS Publishing) Best Fantasy Short Story
‘Crying Demon’ (Alan Baxter, Suspended in Dusk 2, Grey Matter Press) ‘Army Men’ (Juliet Marillier, Of Gods and Globes, Lancelot Schaubert) ‘The Further Shore’ (J Ashley Smith, Bourbon Penn #15) ‘Child of the Emptyness’ (Amanda J Spedding, Grimdark Magazine #17) ‘A Moment’s Peace’ (Dave Versace, A Hand of Knaves, CSFG Publishing) ‘Heartwood, Sapwood, Spring’ (Suzanne J Willis, Sword and Sonnet, Ate Bit Bear) Best Horror Novella
‘Andromeda Ascends’ (Matthew R Davis, Beneath the Waves – Tales from the Deep, Things In The Well) ‘Kopura Rising’ (David Kuraria, Cthulhu: Land of the Long White Cloud, IFWG Publishing Australia) ‘The Black Sea’ (Chris Mason, Beneath the Waves – Tales from the Deep, Things In The Well) Triquetra (Kirstyn McDermott, Tor.com) ‘With This Needle I Thee Thread’ (Angela Rega, Aurum, Ticonderoga Publications) Crisis Apparition (Kaaron Warren, Dark Moon Books) Best Horror Short Story
‘The Offering’ (Michael Gardner, Aurealis #112) ‘Slither’ (Jason Nahrung, Cthulhu Deep Down Under Volume 2, IFWG Publishing Australia) ‘By Kindle Light’ (Jessica Nelson-Tyers, Antipodean SF #235) ‘Hit and Rot’ (Jessica Nelson-Tyers, Breach #08) ‘Sub-Urban’ (Alfie Simpson, Breach #07) ‘The Further Shore’ (J Ashley Smith, Bourbon Penn #15) Best Young Adult Short Story
‘A Robot Like Me’ (Lee Cope, Mother of Invention, Twelfth Planet Press) ‘The Moon Collector’ (D K Mok, Under the Full Moon’s Light, Owl Hollow Press) ‘The Sea-Maker of Darmid Bay’ (Shauna O’Meara, Interzone #277, TTA Press) ‘Eight-Step Koan’ (Anya Ow, Sword and Sonnet, Ate Bit Bear) ‘For Weirdless Days and Weary Nights’ (Deborah Sheldon, Breach #08). Content imported from Blogger https://ift.tt/2H1wA1R. If you would like to leave a comment, please do so at the aforementioned link.
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ranciddream · 7 years
Live From New York...
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (end of season 42). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 74
- Dana Carvey - 54
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 35
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Jason Sudeikis - 24
- Taran Killam - 23
- Kate McKinnon - 23
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jay Pharoah - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 21
- Bobby Moynihan - 19
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18 
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Alec Baldwin - 17
- Will Forte - 16
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Beck Bennett - 11
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Cecily Strong - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Vanessa Bayer - 09  
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Jimmy Fallon - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Tina Fey - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Aidy Bryant - 06
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Kyle Mooney - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Sasheer Zamata - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Larry David - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Pete Davidson - 03
- Mikey Day - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Leslie Jones - 03
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- John Goodman - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Melissa McCarthy - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Alex Moffat - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Bryan Cranston - 01 
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Scarlett Johansson - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Jon Rudnitsky - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Anniston Army Depot overhauls M88 recovery vehicles for Saudi Arabia
Anniston Army Depot, a major U.S. Army facility for the production and repair of ground combat vehicles, overhauled 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to a recent service news release.
“The depot held a completion ceremony Oct. 4 for 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the Anniston Army Depot message states.
The vehicles were inducted into the production lines in October of 2018 and completed in September 2019.
During those 11 months in the production shops, employees often worked long hours and accommodated high priority parts or processes in their work schedule.
“We completed the program on time and within costs,” said Jeff Maxwell of the Vehicle Planning Branch.
During production of the vehicles, the 10 M88s were taken through a technical inspection, intended to identify any damaged or missing parts.
Following disassembly, components to be repaired or overhauled were routed to the shops for reclamation while the hull went to the wash rack and through sandblasting for cleaning.
The weld shop then took possession of the bare hull, repairing any areas needed.
The depot’s machine shops completed work on the various components and the hull, ensuring each item met specifications.
Once they were complete, each component and the hulls were sent through the paint booths located throughout the Nichols Industrial Complex, receiving protective coatings and being giving their final hues.
The parts were then placed in kits, which were transported to the assembly line, where they were reassembled into the hulls.
Once final testing and paint touch-ups were complete, the products were ready for delivery to the Defense Logistics Agency, which will transport them to the customers.
“Our employees worked long hours in the heat testing vehicles and working on them,” said Earl Wood, a depot heavy mobile equipment supervisor. “They were often here long after regularly scheduled hours.”
Reggie Henry, division chief for the Vehicle Non-Gun Division, said he was pleased how the workforce went above and beyond, whenever the schedule required it.
“Employees were flexible with the sequence of processes, in order to get the work done on time,” he said. “They showed their commitment to ensuring the readiness of our allies.”
That commitment extended throughout the production processes, even to the touch-up of paint jobs.
“Our paint shop personnel understood the importance of ensuring we meet the schedule for the KSA vehicles and adjusted to meet that schedule,” said Shannon Elston, a supervisor for the Final Paint Branch.
Henry and Maxwell both mentioned how pleased the customers were with the finished product during a visit.
“They were really impressed with the vehicles and we did very well with this program,” said Maxwell.
During the Oct. 4 ceremony, Col. Marvin Walker noted that, though this was a small program of only 10 vehicles, the professionalism, timeliness and quality of ANAD employees may lead to future endeavors.
“When they look to assign more work to a depot they will look at our quality products,” said Walker. “It may have only been 10, but you don’t know what that may lead to.
Photo by Mark Cleghorn
from Defence Blog
Anniston Army Depot, a major U.S. Army facility for the production and repair of ground combat vehicles, overhauled 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to a recent service news release.
“The depot held a completion ceremony Oct. 4 for 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the Anniston Army Depot message states.
The vehicles were inducted into the production lines in October of 2018 and completed in September 2019.
During those 11 months in the production shops, employees often worked long hours and accommodated high priority parts or processes in their work schedule.
“We completed the program on time and within costs,” said Jeff Maxwell of the Vehicle Planning Branch.
During production of the vehicles, the 10 M88s were taken through a technical inspection, intended to identify any damaged or missing parts.
Following disassembly, components to be repaired or overhauled were routed to the shops for reclamation while the hull went to the wash rack and through sandblasting for cleaning.
The weld shop then took possession of the bare hull, repairing any areas needed.
The depot’s machine shops completed work on the various components and the hull, ensuring each item met specifications.
Once they were complete, each component and the hulls were sent through the paint booths located throughout the Nichols Industrial Complex, receiving protective coatings and being giving their final hues.
The parts were then placed in kits, which were transported to the assembly line, where they were reassembled into the hulls.
Once final testing and paint touch-ups were complete, the products were ready for delivery to the Defense Logistics Agency, which will transport them to the customers.
“Our employees worked long hours in the heat testing vehicles and working on them,” said Earl Wood, a depot heavy mobile equipment supervisor. “They were often here long after regularly scheduled hours.”
Reggie Henry, division chief for the Vehicle Non-Gun Division, said he was pleased how the workforce went above and beyond, whenever the schedule required it.
“Employees were flexible with the sequence of processes, in order to get the work done on time,” he said. “They showed their commitment to ensuring the readiness of our allies.”
That commitment extended throughout the production processes, even to the touch-up of paint jobs.
“Our paint shop personnel understood the importance of ensuring we meet the schedule for the KSA vehicles and adjusted to meet that schedule,” said Shannon Elston, a supervisor for the Final Paint Branch.
Henry and Maxwell both mentioned how pleased the customers were with the finished product during a visit.
“They were really impressed with the vehicles and we did very well with this program,” said Maxwell.
During the Oct. 4 ceremony, Col. Marvin Walker noted that, though this was a small program of only 10 vehicles, the professionalism, timeliness and quality of ANAD employees may lead to future endeavors.
“When they look to assign more work to a depot they will look at our quality products,” said Walker. “It may have only been 10, but you don’t know what that may lead to.
Photo by Mark Cleghorn
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Fantasy Hockey Podcast – Chytil Mania
On this episode of the Keeping Karlsson Fantasy Hockey Podcast, Elan and Brian debate whether Tom Wilson is or isn't a good guy, whether Mike Hoffman's points outweigh his 'locker room' effects, and whether you should gloat on twitter via infinite retweeting when you might not even be right about Max Domi. 
But it's chock full of fantasy hockey stuff too, of course! We revise our projections for a couple Flyers forwards (including an early projection concession from Brian), consider the value of Tampa Bay's leading point-getter, figure out what to do with some of those pesky guys we're still waiting on in Anaheim and Vegas, and plenty more.
There's also an explanation of how you, too, can bring the #FillyHeat. Shoutout to the @avgtimeonice crew for being the architects of the next big thing. And also shout out to @klingbergian for this week's episode title.
Players discussed on this episode include James van Riemsdyk, Calvin Pickard, Alex Lyon, Claude Giroux, Sean Couturier, Nolan Patrick, Oskar Lindblom, Travis Konecny, Brian Elliott, Louis Domingue, Andrei Vasilevskiy, Brayden Point, Cal Petersen, Peter Budaj, Jeff Carter, Cam Fowler, Brandon Montour, Hampus Lindholm, Josh Manson, Ondrej Kase, Viktor Arvidsson, P.K. Subban, Ryan Ellis, Kevin Fiala, Craig Smith, Kyle Turris, Patrice Bergeron, David Pastrnak, Jake DeBrusk, David Krejci, Tuukka Rask, Jaroslav Halak, Tom Wilson, Nate Schmidt, Colin Miller, Reilly Smith, Cody Eakin, Filip Chytil, Mats Zuccarello, Ryan Spooner, Ryan Strome, Mike Hoffman, Nick Bjugstad, Aaron Ekblad, Mike Green, Blake Coleman, Sami Vatanen, Damon Severson, Nick Leddy, Ryan Pulock, Elias Pettersson, Bo Horvat, Alex DeBrincat, Jason Zucker, Mikko Koivu, Nino Niederreiter, Max Domi, Odie Cleghorn, Cam Atkinson, Pierre-Luc Dubois, Artemi Panarin, Jason Pominville, Dougie Hamilton, Clayton Keller, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Esa Lindell, Miro Heiskanen, Erik Karlsson and more.
* * *
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Anniston Army Depot overhauls M88 recovery vehicles for Saudi Arabia
Anniston Army Depot, a major U.S. Army facility for the production and repair of ground combat vehicles, overhauled 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to a recent service news release.
“The depot held a completion ceremony Oct. 4 for 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the Anniston Army Depot message states.
The vehicles were inducted into the production lines in October of 2018 and completed in September 2019.
During those 11 months in the production shops, employees often worked long hours and accommodated high priority parts or processes in their work schedule.
“We completed the program on time and within costs,” said Jeff Maxwell of the Vehicle Planning Branch.
During production of the vehicles, the 10 M88s were taken through a technical inspection, intended to identify any damaged or missing parts.
Following disassembly, components to be repaired or overhauled were routed to the shops for reclamation while the hull went to the wash rack and through sandblasting for cleaning.
The weld shop then took possession of the bare hull, repairing any areas needed.
The depot’s machine shops completed work on the various components and the hull, ensuring each item met specifications.
Once they were complete, each component and the hulls were sent through the paint booths located throughout the Nichols Industrial Complex, receiving protective coatings and being giving their final hues.
The parts were then placed in kits, which were transported to the assembly line, where they were reassembled into the hulls.
Once final testing and paint touch-ups were complete, the products were ready for delivery to the Defense Logistics Agency, which will transport them to the customers.
“Our employees worked long hours in the heat testing vehicles and working on them,” said Earl Wood, a depot heavy mobile equipment supervisor. “They were often here long after regularly scheduled hours.”
Reggie Henry, division chief for the Vehicle Non-Gun Division, said he was pleased how the workforce went above and beyond, whenever the schedule required it.
“Employees were flexible with the sequence of processes, in order to get the work done on time,” he said. ��They showed their commitment to ensuring the readiness of our allies.”
That commitment extended throughout the production processes, even to the touch-up of paint jobs.
“Our paint shop personnel understood the importance of ensuring we meet the schedule for the KSA vehicles and adjusted to meet that schedule,” said Shannon Elston, a supervisor for the Final Paint Branch.
Henry and Maxwell both mentioned how pleased the customers were with the finished product during a visit.
“They were really impressed with the vehicles and we did very well with this program,” said Maxwell.
During the Oct. 4 ceremony, Col. Marvin Walker noted that, though this was a small program of only 10 vehicles, the professionalism, timeliness and quality of ANAD employees may lead to future endeavors.
“When they look to assign more work to a depot they will look at our quality products,” said Walker. “It may have only been 10, but you don’t know what that may lead to.
Photo by Mark Cleghorn
from Defence Blog
Anniston Army Depot, a major U.S. Army facility for the production and repair of ground combat vehicles, overhauled 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to a recent service news release.
“The depot held a completion ceremony Oct. 4 for 10 M88A1 recovery vehicles for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the Anniston Army Depot message states.
The vehicles were inducted into the production lines in October of 2018 and completed in September 2019.
During those 11 months in the production shops, employees often worked long hours and accommodated high priority parts or processes in their work schedule.
“We completed the program on time and within costs,” said Jeff Maxwell of the Vehicle Planning Branch.
During production of the vehicles, the 10 M88s were taken through a technical inspection, intended to identify any damaged or missing parts.
Following disassembly, components to be repaired or overhauled were routed to the shops for reclamation while the hull went to the wash rack and through sandblasting for cleaning.
The weld shop then took possession of the bare hull, repairing any areas needed.
The depot’s machine shops completed work on the various components and the hull, ensuring each item met specifications.
Once they were complete, each component and the hulls were sent through the paint booths located throughout the Nichols Industrial Complex, receiving protective coatings and being giving their final hues.
The parts were then placed in kits, which were transported to the assembly line, where they were reassembled into the hulls.
Once final testing and paint touch-ups were complete, the products were ready for delivery to the Defense Logistics Agency, which will transport them to the customers.
“Our employees worked long hours in the heat testing vehicles and working on them,” said Earl Wood, a depot heavy mobile equipment supervisor. “They were often here long after regularly scheduled hours.”
Reggie Henry, division chief for the Vehicle Non-Gun Division, said he was pleased how the workforce went above and beyond, whenever the schedule required it.
“Employees were flexible with the sequence of processes, in order to get the work done on time,” he said. “They showed their commitment to ensuring the readiness of our allies.”
That commitment extended throughout the production processes, even to the touch-up of paint jobs.
“Our paint shop personnel understood the importance of ensuring we meet the schedule for the KSA vehicles and adjusted to meet that schedule,” said Shannon Elston, a supervisor for the Final Paint Branch.
Henry and Maxwell both mentioned how pleased the customers were with the finished product during a visit.
“They were really impressed with the vehicles and we did very well with this program,” said Maxwell.
During the Oct. 4 ceremony, Col. Marvin Walker noted that, though this was a small program of only 10 vehicles, the professionalism, timeliness and quality of ANAD employees may lead to future endeavors.
“When they look to assign more work to a depot they will look at our quality products,” said Walker. “It may have only been 10, but you don’t know what that may lead to.
Photo by Mark Cleghorn
0 notes
ranciddream · 7 years
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (end of season 41). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 74
- Dana Carvey - 54
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 35
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Jason Sudeikis - 24
- Taran Killam - 23
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jay Pharoah - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 20
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18
- Bobby Moynihan - 18
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Will Forte - 16
- Kate McKinnon - 15
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Cecily Strong - 10
- Vanessa Bayer - 09  
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Tina Fey - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Beck Bennett - 07
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jimmy Fallon - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Aidy Bryant - 05
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Kyle Mooney - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Sasheer Zamata - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Larry David - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Alec Baldwin - 03
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Pete Davidson - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Leslie Jones - 03
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- John Goodman - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- Melissa McCarthy - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Jon Rudnitsky - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
1 note · View note
ranciddream · 7 years
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (As of May 16, 2015). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 71
- Dana Carvey - 53
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 34
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jason Sudeikis - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Jay Pharoah - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 20
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Will Forte - 16
- Taran Killam - 16
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bobby Moynihan - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Kate McKinnon - 09
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jimmy Fallon - 07
- Tina Fey - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Vanessa Bayer - 06
- Beck Bennett - 06
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Cecily Strong - 06
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Aidy Bryant - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Sasheer Zamata - 04
- Alec Baldwin - 03
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Kyle Mooney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Pete Davidson - 02
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Leslie Jones - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- John Goodman - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- Melissa McCarthy - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
0 notes