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Thank you, Mr Chairman, I’m Jeff Cleghorn, sixth generation Georgian, live in Butts County, army veteran, retired lawyer, and have been a gay rights activist for the last three decades.
I served on the board of directors of Georgia Equality and Lambda Legal,and am a past president of the Stonewall Bar Association. I have long advocated for the equal dignity of gay and lesbian Georgians and Americans.
SB88 is necessary because queer, gender identity transgender activism, and the transgender medical industry, are aggressively targeting children of all ages including inside school classrooms. This is a belief system that many people, me included, do not believe in.
The gay rights movement succeeded because we changed hearts and minds, and we did it the old-fashioned way: by telling the truth about our lives. And today, gays and lesbians live in every Georgia county happy and content to love our families and be good citizens. I have long known and worked with many transgender people, and I know that they only want to live their lives in peace, free from mistreatment by anyone. And I’m glad trans Americans and Georgians now have every legal right as the rest of us with the Supreme Court recently expanding Title VII to include workplace protections for transgender.
But, as a result of piggybacking transgender activism on the gay movement of yesterday, transgender activists never did the work. They skipped right over the changing hearts and mind part. Instead, they stridently declared the “LGBTQ+ is now a single identity," and that some people can be both sexes at the same time, while other people are neither male nor female, and some people are born in the wrong body, and some women have a penis. and there are 58 different genders, and as many pronouns.
SB88 is necessary because the former gay rights movement has been hijacked by those pushing this dishonest gender ideology on children. This is about much more than helping kids with gender dysphoria, most of whom will grow up to be gay or lesbian if left alone, according to every study ever conducted on the subject. This is about indoctrinating kids into a belief system that is not real.
Tens of millions of dollars are spent each year by groups like GLSEN and the Trevor project specifically targeting kids with this ideology. And queer activists push this belief system that gender and sex and sexuality can mean whatever someone says they mean, and there should be no boundaries.
Parents have every right to know if this stuff shows up in their child’s school. No one had ever heard of a transgender child until recently and today we see tens of thousands of young females soliciting GoFundMe donations online to amputate their healthy breasts or to have “gender affirming hysterectomies."
15 years ago, there were only two or three so-called gender clinics. Today there are hundreds, including more than 50 paediatric. The skyrocketing thousands of percent recent increase in kids claiming a trans identity is not by accident and children are being harmed.
There are more than 52,000 members of a Reddit transitional group, mostly young lesbians, and gay men with gutting stories of regret, sterility, loss of sexual function, early onset osteoporosis, and vaginal atrophy as the transgender medical industry is laughing all the way to the bank.
SB88 is needed because they are proselytizing this queer, sex, sexuality ideology to children. Activists and schools have no business interfering with the parent-child relationship.
Do not let schools teach kids to keep secrets from their parents. These are not Georgia values. Thank you.
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. A harrowing number of anti-trans bills passed today. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
In Arizona, SB1698 was introduced and went to the judiciary committee. This terrifying drag bill bans "dressing in clothes other than your assigned gender" while "singing, dancing, and monologuing" in public.
This bill does not distinguish between "monologuing" and simply "talking", making the bill effectively enforce a compulsory statewide gendered dress code that would violate both cis and trans people's basic first amendment rights.
Drag bans restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. They loosely define drag as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression”, as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces.
In Georgia, SB88 was introduced, a school bill which not only would force educators to "out" gender nonconforming and trans children to their parents, but also bans "engaging in instruction of a child when dressed in a specific manner", effectively banning trans and gender nonconforming people from teaching or educating students.
Schooling bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.
In Idaho, H0071 was introduced, a healthcare bill that would make performing gender affirming bottom surgery anyone under the age of 18 a felony and penalized with up to 10 years in prison.
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
The following bills have passed: In West Virginia, HB2007 passed in the House, which bans gender-affirming surgeries for minors (under age 18) The bill also specifically allows for "corrective" procedures for intersex traits.
Similarly, in South Dakota, healthcare bill HB1080 also passed in the House, banning gender-affirming healthcare for anyone under 18.
In Montana religious freedom bill HB303 passed in committee and is making it to the House floor which would allow healthcare practitioners to refuse medical treatment without consequence if it "violates" their "conscience". This would allow providers to refuse to treat trans patients or provide gender affirming care.
In Wyoming, healthcare bill SF0111 moved to the House and sports bill SF0133 moved to the Senate floor. The former would redefine providing gender-affirming healthcare to transgender children as child abuse, and the latter would force transgender children to compete on sports teams that align with their "biological sex" at birth.
Most sports bills force schools to designate teams by sex assigned at birth. They are often one-sided and ban trans girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity. Some egregious bills even force invasive genital examinations on student athletes.
In Idaho, bathroom bill SB1016 passed committee and was moved to the Senate floor, restricting access to gender-affirming bathrooms and changing spaces for transgender people.
In Utah, "parent's rights" bill HB0100 passed on the Senate floor and was moved to a final vote.
In Missouri, sports bill SB39 passed the committee and moved to the Senate floor.
It's not too late to stop other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. YOU can go to http://transformationsproject.org/ to learn more and contact your representatives.
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wings-liker · 4 years
You probably haven't heard about 3 bills currently in the South Dakota congress or in the Kentucky house: SD HB1057, SD SB88, and KY HB321.
SD HB1057, maliciously titled "The Vulnerable Child Protection Act", makes it a felony for doctors to treat gender dysphoria in minors.This will indirectly kill transgender teens by denying them necessary medical care, but it's actually the tamest of the three.
SD SB88 would revise the law such that expressing gender dysphoria would be considered "self-injurious behavior". This means that mandatory reporters such as therapists, school counselors, and teachers would legally be required to inform the parents that their child is transgender.
This will kill people. This will leave minors homeless. This will push people to suicide. Being legally required to out a child as transgender will cause the deaths of children. Period.
KY HB321 is the worst of the three. It enacts the measures of both previous bills, but on top of that says that parents may "withhold consent for any activity designed and intended to form their child's conception of sex or treat gender dysphoria." Moreover, it says that agents of the state "SHALL NOT INFRINGE UPON THIS RIGHT" [emphasis mine].
Also, HB321 protects public employees' "publicly expressed opinions regarding gender identity or gender dysphoria." While that does protect positive opinions about these topics, it is much more likely to be used to protect hate speech.
These bills say nothing of trans people in their descriptions.
SD HB1057 is described as "An Act to prohibit certain acts against children and provide a penalty therefor." SD SB88 is said to "require parental notification of self-injurious behavior expressed during counseling sessions." KY HB321 is supposed to be "An act relating to public protection".
They want these bills to slip under the radar. They want these bills to pass without issue. They want to make the lives of transgender teens so difficult that they kill themselves or die on the streets. That way, they can simply point at a suicide rate and say that transitioning is dangerous. That way they can deny it when accused of violence against trans people.
Do not let them get away with this. This is state-sponsored murder and nothing less.
Spread this as far as possible so we can act against this. Call your lawmakers. Do it as many times as you can- annoy the shit out of them. Protest. Do whatever the fuck it takes to tell them that we are not to be silenced. 
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Real Madrid signed Luka Jovic for £62m… but how good is the former Frankfurt star?
Real Madrid made Luka Jovic the most expensive striker in their history on Tuesday when they mocked £ 62 million for
] He arrived a little known borrower two years ago, but now one of the borrower Europe & # 39; s most talked about talents, with people like Barcelona and Bayern Munich showing interest in him prior to his big money, moving to the Bernabeu
Thus the Serbian youth is all that he beat up and what can Real expect from him in the coming years? Sportsmail has its low point at peak times.
<img id = "i-c9e25a9fd949f3e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Icothy image-a-46_1559651091159.jpg "height =" 442 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-c9e25a9fd949f3e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /04/13/14352064-0-image-a-46_1559651091159.jpg "height =" 442 "width =" 634 "alt =" Real Madrid has made Luka Jovic the most expensive striker in their history for £ 62million "class =" blkBorder img-share "Jovic the most expensive striker in their history for £ 62million"
Real Madrid has made Luka Jovic the most expensive striker in their history for £ 62million
He scored 10 times in the Europa League last season, including this goal against Chelsea "
] He scored 10 times in the Europa League last season, including this goal against Chelsea" class = "blkBorder img- share “/>
goal against Chelsea
Who is Luka Jovic?
His c started In Yemen, where he was in Serbia and Cyprus, Jovic achieved his major breakthrough when he made a move of £ 6 million to Benfica in 2016. A year later he was loaned to Frankfurt, and it was here that his career really started
His loan spell coincided with two of the most successful years in the recent history of Frankfurt, when the club won the German Cup won under Niko Kovac in 2017-18, before having an exciting run to the Europa League semi-final last season.
Last season, Jovic particularly saw the lead. With 17 goals in 32 league games, he finished third in the Bundesliga scoring lists, behind only Robert Lewandowski and Paco Alcacer.
He beat five past Fortuna Dusseldorf in a single match last fall and was instrumental in the fairytale run from Frankfurt to the final four of the Europa League, with a netting of 10 goals in 14 matches
<img id = "i-db7f0902789ac5cf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2HT2IV3 a-36_1553151786632.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jovic was in sublime form last season and scored 27 goals in all competitions for Frankfurt "class =" blkBorder img-share "last season, scored 27 goals in all competitions for Frankfurt "
Jovic was in sublime form last season and scored 27 goals in all competitions for Frankfurt
The 19-year-old celebrates after scoring against Chelsea in the first leg of their half final "
The 21-year-old v honors after scoring against Chelsea in the first leg of their semifinals "celebrates old after scoring against Chelsea in the first leg of their semifinals
Is he free poacher then? It's certainly an efficient goal scorer, but Jovic is more than just a poacher.
He is an elegant finisher and has the ingenuity to lose his marker on set pieces, but there is also a more scrappy side to his game.
Think Lewandowski improved with a healthy injection from Carlos Tevez. An elegant, silent killer with a bit of terrier tenacity that is thrown forever.
<img id = "i-1c79259db88feac" src = "https://dailym.ai/2IkXeS1 Barcelona_are_preparing_to_make_a_43million_bid_for_Frankfurt_st-a-102_1553173598427.jpg "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-1c79259db88feac" src = "https://dailym.ai/2UKRut6 /21/13/11262350-6834721-Barcelona_are_preparing_to_make_a_43million_bid_for_Frankfurt_st-a-102_1553173598427.jpg "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-1c79259db88feac" sri.dail.dll.dll "sri = sri. co.uk/1s/2019/03/21/13/11262350-6834721-Barcelona_are_preparing_to_make_a_43million_bid_for_Frankfurt_st-a-102_1553173598427.jpg "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" Barcelona and Bayern Munich <img id = "i- 1c79259db88feac "src =" https://dailym.ai/2IjNUxR = height = "634" width = "634" = "<img id =" i-1c79259db88feac "src =" https://dailym.ai/2HT4TZ0 1/13 / 11262350-6834721-Barcelona_are_preparing_to_make_a_43million_bid_for_Frankfurt_st-a-102_1553173598427.jpg "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-1c79259db88feac" sri.dp mail https://p .uk / 1s / 2019/03/21/13 / 11262350-6834721-Barcelona_are_preparing_to_make_a_43million_bid_for_Frankfurt_st-a-102_1553173598427.jpg "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-1c79eac" sb88 "sb88 https://dailym.ai/2IjNUxR "height =" 477 "width =" 634 "alt =" Barcelona and Bayern Munich
Barcelona and Bayern Munich were also enthusiastic about Jovic but Madrid pushed to get a deal done
[Servië en Montenegro] The Serbian youth finished last season as a shared third in the Bundesliga charts <img id = "i-9ec3521ca2e88e0e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2GfUZyi 6/04/13 / 14352066-0-image-m-64_1559651402436.jpg "height =" 452 "width =" 634 "alt =" The Serbian youth finished last season as a shared third in the Bundesliga scorecards "<img id = "i-9ec3521ca2e88e0e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2IkCVnI" height = "452" width = " 634 "alt ="
<img id = "i-9ec3521ca2e88e0e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2HUvZyL 64_1559651402436.jpg "height =" 452 "width =" 634 "alt =" The Serbian youth finished last season as a shared third in the Bundesliga scoring lists
That reminds me to someone … Luis Suarez, maybe? Serbia coach Mladen Krstajic compared Jovic with the Barcelona frontman last season
& I would say he looks like Suarez.
& # 39; He is brave and dangerous at all times because he is always lurking, waiting for his chance, and he will always use the smallest time of concentration.
& Sometimes, compared to Barcelona for Luis Suarez by Serbia trainer Mladen Krstajic "class =" blkBorder img-share “/>
<img id = "i-6f83fe9802e0830f" src = "https://dailym.ai/2IiWtJq. jpg "height =" 456 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jovic has been forwarded by Serbia coach Mladen Krstajic compared to Barcelona Luis Suarez "
Barcelona saw him grab the winner in Fra nkfurt & # 39; s Europa League victory over Inter Milan
Who else wanted him?
Jovic & # 39; s form in Frankfurt aroused the interest of various European clubs, with Barcelona and Bayern
& # 39; certainly the potential to play for Barcelona & # 39 ;, said Krstajic after seeing Jovic shine for Serbia. giants, but a deal did not come true, which allowed Real Madrid to get their husband.
<img id = "i-2f7a04da44264302" src = "https://dailym.ai/2HSC8vk image-a-66_1559651528862.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-2f7a04da44264302" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /04/13/14352034-0-image-a-66_1559651528862.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jovic has signed a six-year contract with Real Madrid after being loaned for two seasons in Frankfurt an six-year contract with Real Madrid after two seasons on loan to Frankfurt "
Jovic has signed a contract with Real Madrid for six years after two seasons to borrow in Frankfurt
He was officially a Benfica player until his two-year loan agreement came to an end at the end of the season
However, as Frankfurt sports director Fredi Bobic revealed last March, the loan included a purchase clause allowing the German club to buy Jovic directly for just £ 6 million
& # 39; It was a good deal & # 39 ;, Bobic chuckled at the time, and he has now earned more than 10 times that amount from Jovic to sell to Real Madrid immediately.
Somewhere in Lisbon, someone has to feel pretty stupid.
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