#Jeff Sessions
Mark Sumner at Daily Kos:
Donald Trump is trying to use the Department of Justice as a weapon, claiming that, because of his conviction on 34 felony counts, he has “every right” to go after political opponents should he be elected in November. This isn’t new for Trump. In 2017, he pushed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Later, he drove Attorney General William Barr to investigate ludicrous claims against President Joe Biden, resulting in a series of embarrassing international trips to support a baseless conspiracy theory. 
Trump’s four years in office were all about politicizing the DOJ by breaking down the barriers intended to keep the department from being used as a cudgel by the White House. His desire to hurt his opponents isn’t new, but the threat he represents is infinitely greater than it was four years ago. The only thing that stood in Trump’s way during his four years in the White House was a kind of institutional momentum. Enough career officials remained in place that Trump faced strong pushback. Even Sessions, Barr, and acting Attorney General Jeffery Rosen had limits on where they would go for Trump. But that won’t be a problem if he returns to Washington.  Trump has already made it clear that he intends to purge the federal government of impartial career officials and replace them with Trump loyalists. Project 2025 is centered around destroying the DOJ's impartiality and turning it into an attack dog for Trump.
Even before Trump went to trial in New York, Republicans were lamenting the weaponization of the justice system. Those complaints were supercharged after Trump was convicted. As always seems to be the case, the GOP is accusing Democrats of something that it’s already doing. In this case, it’s not just deflection; It’s an excuse to vastly increase the level of politicization in the justice system. As The Washington Post reports, Republicans aren’t just crossing their fingers and hoping that Trump gets his hands on the DOJ a second time. They’re moving forward with an aggressive plan to blunt the effectiveness of the DOJ and target Trump’s enemies ahead of the election.
[...] Punishing entire states for refusing to let Trump escape prosecution has become a popular theme among Republicans. It’s unclear how such a plan would work, but Republicans are expected to attach defunding federal investigations into Trump to upcoming must-pass legislation.  Republicans are also expected to pass along more criminal referrals, like the ones targeting Hunter and James Biden on Wednesday, which allow Republicans to pretend they’ve found crimes by political opponents, then attack the DOJ for failing to follow up on their make-believe evidence.
[...] Trump spent four years knocking holes in that wall between the White House and the DOJ, and he’s been furthering that damage even while out of office. As bad as Barr, Sessions, and Rosen were as attorney generals—and they were awful—they won’t be a patch on what’s to come. The GOP isn’t waiting for Trump to carry out his quest for retribution. They're getting a head start by urging Republican attorney generals and Congress to use every tool they can find to attack Biden and Democrats ahead of the election. 
The GOP is weaponizing the DOJ and playing lawfare games to enact revenge on Donald Trump's opponents to aid and abet in his crime spree. If Trump gets elected again, what remains of the DOJ's impartialness will erode and become a fiefdom for Trump's lawlessness.
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dadsinsuits · 1 year
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Jeff Sessions
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
« [M]any people who’ve served Trump, no matter how faithfully, have been ruined in various ways by the experience.
Nevertheless, as Trump runs for re-election, Republicans are climbing over one another to get as close to him as possible. »
— Michelle Goldberg at the New York Times.
One thing that will keep psychological researchers busy for decades is trying to explain the self-destructive groveling of Trump sycophants. Trump demands full loyalty and never returns it.
Wannabe Trump stooges understand this but delusionally think that things will be different for them.
Remember Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions?
11 times Trump has ripped Jeff Sessions
In 2017 Ezra Klein wrote...
[I]t’s become clear that to serve Trump is to risk permanently damaging your reputation — you will be asked to do things you shouldn’t do, and to say things you know you shouldn’t say, and even if you follow orders loyally, you might still end up on the wrong side of the president’s tweets.
The only rational explanation for those Republicans demeaning themselves by publicly grovelling to Trump is that they hope they get to be vice president and that he then dies in office. Such people should not be trusted at any level.
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mrbopst · 7 months
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I never met with any Russian officials to discuss the issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false.
Jeff Sessions
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beblessedbybella · 7 months
"When It's ALL About The 💵Benjamins💵...Black People Are Expendable!"
Please be advised, the ongoing legal matter that's depicted below is represented by the Montgomery Law Firm in Dallas, Texas; therefore, please direct your inquiries to attorney, Sadat Montgomery [and my reference to this law firm is NOT an endorsement].
#FBI: Folks, when we arbitrarily decide to remain silent about matters regarding the heinous offenses that are committed against another human being-- especially the targeted, systemic, racist, and hateful crimes committed against marginalized people of color--we have decided to intentionally allow ourselves to become complicit in our thought process, complicit in our abject failure to initiate corrective action, and/or complicit the intentional silence of our words to effect change.
I'm illuminating a bright light on a horrific, racist, egregious, and legal quagmire for the intended purpose of fervently imploring the FBI, members of Congress, civil rights organizations, and other law enforcement officials to launch a transparent investigation into the following crimes; Attempted Murder, Depraved Indifference To Human Life, Deprivation Of Medicare Care, Felony Stalking, Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice, Theft, Invasion Of Privacy, Various Forms Of Harassment, Hate Crimes, Acts Of Terrorism, Various Types Of Fraud, Veiled Death Threats, Color Of Law Violations, Violation Of Civil Rights, And Other Unspecified Crimes.
#FBI: First, I'm giving honor and reverence to God for His unfailing mercy, love, strength, and grace. And, for divinely ordering the steps of a supportive and compassionate group of people to arrive with some revealing intel and other invaluable resources to provide assistance in the face of this volatile situation. Thank you all for using the power of your words--the strength of your voice--to help create a positive change in this atrocious matter that have had a significant and demoralizing impact on the lives of others.
#FBI: But sadly, there are entirely too many people who're delightfully participating in this demoralizing, odious, repugnant, and hateful type of behavior for a few ill-gained dollars. I think I get it: your silence and/or complicity is for sale and you're willing to do ANYTHING for a dollar, even if your job entails attempting to kill, excessively mocking, defaming, stealing from, defrauding, slandering, destroying, hurting, or sabotaging the lives of other people. That means YOU--managing conspirator and your faithful co-conspirators--have made a conscious decision to become criminals. And, some co-conspirators have elected to chase down the 💵benjamins💵 by any means necessary, which include actively participating in the senseless attempted murder of a Black man. But mind you, some of you are Black, but you're gleefully committing crimes against your own race and/or family for hire.
NEVER forget this: ALL 💵benjamins💵 ain't good 💵benjamins💵!
#FBI: Figuratively speaking, every person that's complicit in these horrific crimes--regardless of your national origin--is guilty of pulling a Derek Chauvin on another Black man by intentionally pressing your knee on his neck with brute force to block the flow of blood to his carotid artery with the malicious intention of killing him as dead as a doorknob. He can't breathe! And, you're trying to kill him with ALLEGED immunity because you have many police officers--from multiple jurisdictions--who're advocating, encouraging, participating in, and supporting the criminality of your vile actions!
#FBI: Folks...this is a very factual, horrifying, egregious tale regarding a black man from Dallas, Texas named Bruce W. Conner [Email: [email protected] and Phone#: 1(469)630-3466 or 1(469)875-9339], a former 9-year North Texas Tollway Authority [NTTA] governmental employee [he was also a part-time security supervisor with a security firm].
Bruce was an exemplary employee who was the current, reining employee of the year before his abrupt termination, which resulted from the unrelenting, horrifying, insidious, deceitful, and heinous actions of his many treating doctors, the cruelty he endured from his employer following his work-related accidents, and the extent of his numerous life-altering, bodily injuries.
#FBI: Bruce was involved in TWO work-related, traffic accidents--while functioning within the scope of employment--and operating NTTA's company trucks that occurred approximately one week apart [he was not the at-fault-driver of either accident]. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, ONE OF THOSE ACCIDENTS OCCURRED WHILE HE WAS UTILIZING THE COMPANY'S VEHICLE TO PROVIDE "POSITIVE PROTECTION" FOR TWO DEFENSELESS CARROLLTON, TEXAS POLICE OFFICERS WHO WERE STANDING, EXPOSED IN HARM'S WAY ON THE NTTA'S DANGEROUS TOLLWAY. However, when Dallas Fire & Rescue responded to the accidents, they negligently failed to transport him to a hospital to ascertain if he had incurred any unforeseen internal injuries--and he had many. Furthermore, as experienced EMT professionals, they should have expected that he had incurred internal injuries due to the extent of damage sustained to both NTTA's trucks, which were totaled beyond repair.
#FBI: As a direct result of the massive amount of kinetic and brutal momentum force that resulted from both accidents, Bruce sustained the following injuries; Blunt Chest Trauma, Serious Head Trauma, Serious Neck Trauma, Partial Bilateral Collapse Of Both Lungs, (3) Stomach Herniations, Lesions On The Liver, (8) Severely Herniated Discs In His Cervical and Lumbar Regions, Clot In Pulmonary Arteries, and a Displaced/Fractured Rib. Bruce's primary worker's compensation doctor sent him to receive treatment at Medical City Dallas Hospital STAT [and medical documents will support this assertion]; however, the medical personnel ordered a full CT lab report that revealed the serious medical implications of the above-listed injuries, but the ONLY injury that was documented by hospital's treating doctor's assistant was...a fractured rib. UNBELIEVABLE...but sadly, this is the brutal reality of how many black people are treated when it's ALL about the 💵benjamins💵.
NTTA's insurance provider, Texas Municipal League Risk Pool [Workers Compensation], evidently considered Bruce to be so undeserving to receive proper medical treatment, until they refused to pay the $2,091.00 bill for medical services rendered during his visit at the Medical City Dallas hospital. And, they [or some other co-conspirator] falsely submitted the bill to Bruce's insurance provider, UnitedHealthcare, to pay the bill, but evidently, they refused to participate in the act of approving the fraudulent claim. As a result, this bill went into collections.
In the face of Bruce's atrocities, I'm making an impassioned plea to everyone to kindly be a blessing to Bruce while he continues his perilous plight at navigating through this horrifying maze of unrelenting corruption, racial biases, physical and emotional distress, impending surgeries, loss of his career, loss of income, loss of health insurance, loss of pension, and loss of quality of life. You may bless him by donating to his CashApp account [$BlessBruceConner] or PayPal account [@BlessBruceConner], respectively. Thank you in advance for any consideration demonstrated during this very serious business matter.
#FBI: To cut to the chase, as a direct result of the anticipated exorbitant financial implications of those accidents, many horrific crimes have been committed, including the attempted murder of Bruce. An unrelenting, highly-organized, criminal conspiracy was executed to mitigate their gross negligence and to minimize the extent of their financial responsibility of Bruce's extremely expensive injuries [which has already amassed more than $250K, with multiple injuries left untreated].
This conspiracy was established when a large group of people--acting as known and unknown agents of their employers--collectively joined together to form an agreement to violate the law, by engaging in many overt criminal acts toward the furtherance of the said conspiracy.
Therefore, I'm publicly alleging that approximately TEN Dallas, Texas doctors did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly falsify most of Bruce's medical records for profit; I'm alleging that several Dallas, Texas police officers did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly falsify Bruce's accident reports for profit; I alleging that several attorneys assigned to Bruce's case did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly fail to zealously protect and pursue his legal interests for profit; and, I'm also alleging that many other medical professionals did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly deprived Bruce of the required proper medical treatment for profit [mind you, both Workers' Compensation and UnitedHealthcare insurance companies were ALLEGEDLY at play in this matter, and yet, the outcome has been unfathomable]. However, their nefarious plot was discovered by Bruce's wife, which lead to a legion of individuals engaging in many overt acts of organized crime against her and her seriously injured husband. Also, pertinent information relevant to this matter is being sent to some of you via other means.
The Pinkerton Rule Of Law: "Co-conspirators, do YOU realize that when YOU became an active participant in the criminality of this conspiracy, YOU are as guilty as the person who committed fraud, attempted murder and all other serious crimes? ALL members involved in the conspiracy can be convicted of substantive crimes, even if YOU did not personally commit the crime, and a conspiracy charge relieves the prosecution of the burden of even having to prove your role in the said conspiracy.
#FBI: One doesn't have to be a brain surgeon, rocket scientist, or an engineer to understand this evidentiary fact: The Dallas, Texas doctors and police officers involved in the above matter have intentionally committed a series of heinous crimes for profit against this Black family. "FOLKS, IF YOU LIVE IN DALLAS, TEXAS AND IS A BLACK PERSON...YOU SHOULD BE VERY, VERY AFRAID TO BECOME ILL OR INJURED, BECAUSE [SOME] DOCTORS WILL INTENTIONALLY ALLOW YOU TO DIE, JUST TO CHASE THE 💵BENJAMINS💵 FROM THE DEEP POCKETS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES!" Inquiring Minds Wanna Know: Shouldn't these criminals--regardless of their social status--who committed crimes be required to wear a pair of metal bracelets and/or spend time in a miniscule cage with metal bars for doors?🤔 May the silence of my voice scream loudly, with the hope that it will reverberate across the globe...let justice prevail!
#FBI: News Flash: If you're Black or Hispanic, and have and/or is currently participating in the criminality of this saga, you're truly failing to understand the real gravity of your actions! Do you fail to understand that this is a Black person's trials and tribulations today, but tomorrow it could be YOU, or your loved ones fighting for their lives? "Boo-boo, please don't be nobody's fool, because, do you really fail to understand that this level of systemic RACISM and HATE don't love nobody that look like you...NOT even YOU?" Please understand your role: YOU are just the hired help that is willing to do someone's dirty work so they can keep their hands sparkling clean! And, you're allowing hateful, racist people to pay you to behave like their obedient puppet [while they're the managing puppeteer, pulling the strings...and is using huge menacing dogs, Black monkeys, and other Black racist stereotypes to actively advocate and promote racism in this ongoing saga].
#FBI: News Flash Black People: The real subliminal message that's being promoted is: ALL Black people are Black monkeys, other races of people can sic menacing dogs on Black people with impunity, Black people should die like a diseased animal [from a denial of proper medical treatment], Black people should gladly hate other Black people, Black people should beat other Black people down when they're in the midst of their turbulent storms, and Black people should openly display abject contempt towards their own race. Do you fail to realize that everything that you do, is a direct reflection of what's already inside you? How can Black people ever expect to rise up, or elevate, when entirely too many other Black people have become extremely comfortable with pulling each other down? This ordeal epitomizes the quintessential crabs-in-a-barrel-mentality!
#FBI: Just consider this for a moment. Once again, some people in Dallas, Texas thought so little of an esteemed, long-termed member of Congress--a Black woman--by failing to provide her with proper treatment that resulted in her dying with extreme indignity. As a Black person living in Dallas, Texas what do you think will happen to you when you're seriously ill or injured? Sadly, when it's ALL about the 💵benjamins💵, Black people are definitely expendable.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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jdyf333 · 1 year
Lest We Forget
Lest We Forget by Davivid Rose Via Flickr: Sessions is either lying or he is insane. Or both... A randomly-edited selection of approximately 700 of my pictures may be viewed by clicking on the link below: www.flickr.com/groups/psychedelicart/pool/43237970@N00/ Please click here to read my "autobiography": thewordsofjdyf333.blogspot.com/ And my Flicker "profile" page may be viewed by clicking on this link: www.flickr.com/people/jdyf333/ My telephone number is: 510-260-9695
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daisylovestickles · 25 days
Wanna see me being a brat for three minutes straight? Here ya go 🤭
@sptfrtkl @yourgigglebugmaya
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republikkkanorcs · 6 months
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hystixia · 1 year
surprised no one's asked for you to elaborate on the wound fucking idea yet like hello??? does disasterpiece mean nothing to you??
please talk more about it I'm begging you😭
also goodmorning LOL, it's never too early to be a slut for jeff :)
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NOTE 、LMFAO REAL ! ! you’re the only one that’s asked specifically abt it so therefore ! i shall give you what you want nonnie <3 ALSO GOOD MORNING ! LOVE YOU LOTS ! ! JEFF IS JERKING OFF OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW WATCHING YOU START YOUR DAY RN ! !
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You’re at a disadvantage but still able to push against him and attempt to create space despite him straddling you on the ground. He thinks it’s cute, the way you put all your strength into pushing him, brows knit together because you’re trying so hard. Your little huffed breaths and the way tears are clinging to your lashline because you’re scared of what he’s going to do with that knife in his hand if you don’t try to get away.
He knows though. He knows you’re scared of him, you’ve always been a little on edge when he was around and especially whenever he was near you. He liked that you were constantly on your toes, worried of what he’d do if you made him mad. It got boring as time went on though, he needed to bring that excitement back somehow and someway or he was going to move on to killing you to be done with it.
“Jeff, p-please! Please don’t do this!” “Do what? I haven’t even done anything to you yet.” He chuckles, finding it amusing how panicked you sounded as you desperately begged and pleaded with him to stop. He forces your shirt up enough to expose your belly and he drags the knife over the soft skin almost teasingly, a sick grin on his face as you trembled and cried.
“Fuck, I like it when ya cry.” He pokes the point of the blade into the side of your stomach just off the left before ghosting an X over it and your brows knit together in confusion, trying to understand what he was doing. He looks into your eyes and you tense up, that dark and violent glint in his red eyes and you nearly let out a hysterical cry but the air is ripped from your lungs when he plunges the knife into the spot he’d traced over. He twists the knife, chuckling darkly as you cried out and screamed at the top of your lungs, your hands trembling and trying to grab his wrist to stop him but you were far too late to prevent anything from happening now.
He smiles at the sight when he tugs his knife out, blood staining the metal before he looks down at the blood seeping from the open hole he carved into you. You gasp out, tears falling down your face and your chest rising and falling rapidly as you all but hyperventilate under him. He pulls you up and presses you against the tree and an odd angle that leaves more excruciating pain to spread in your stomach. You felt nauseous and dizzy, vision unfocused as you tried to clear your mind and think of something to do but it’s as if time has slowed for you but remained up to speed for him.
He’s quick to tug his pants loose and let them bunch up around his knees as he moves closer, cock already throbbing in his hand as he pumps himself a few times with a low groan. At first, you thought he was going to jerk off over you while you’re wounded and bleeding out. Which was disgusting in of itself but what he actually did was so much worse and you couldn’t have prepared yourself for it when his cock breached the gaping wound and your warm insides moved against his intruding cock.
You cry out, writhing and trying to scramble away but it’s much too difficult to do. He let’s out a hissed grunt before pulling back, staring at the blood coating his length, and then slamming back in.
“Gonna fuck y’up ‘til y’pass out, heh.” He says in a low voice, almost as if he were talking to himself and directly toward you. Your eyes flutter open and closed, struggling to stay conscious as the feeling of your guts moving and making way for him was too unbearable for you to withstand. You whimper and whine in pain and discomfort, sniffling and crying as you remain rather motionless at this point, too weak to try anything as he used you.
He’s grip on you is tight as he fucks into the wound, groaning as he watches the blood gush out and hit his hoodie, staining it a deep red color and the sight of it on his cock was sending him into a frenzy.
“You’re gonna fuckin’ take it, dirty bitch.” He huffs out, jaw clenched tight and brows furrowed together as his abdomen tightens up and his hips stutter in their rough rhythm. He doesn’t care that you’re unconscious or either dead at this point. You would be anyways once he finished in your guts and made sure you couldn’t draw another breath afterwards. “You’re fuckin’ mine, dumb slut— Fuckkk, that’s it, j’st be a good rapeslut f’me, ngh, and take it.”
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Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley at Rolling Stone:
“OF COURSE WE aren’t fucking bluffing.” That’s the message one close Trump adviser and former administration official — who requested anonymity to speak candidly — wants to get across to the press and public, when asked about Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign vows of “retribution,” unprecedented force, and militaristic action.  Indeed, this sentiment is shared widely among the upper echelon of Trumpland and the MAGAfied Republican Party, with various officials and conservatives with a direct line to the former president insisting that so-called “moderates” or alleged “establishment” types will be tamed or purged, if Trump retakes power next year.
Rolling Stone spoke with a dozen sources who are playing roles in Trump’s “government-in-waiting” or are in regular contact with the ex-president, including GOP lawmakers, Trump advisers, MAGA policy wonks, conservative attorneys, and former and current Trump aides. They universally stress that the former (and perhaps future) U.S. president and top allies are serious about following through on his extreme campaign pledges. These promises run the gamut from siccing active duty military units on not just American cities but also Mexican territory, all the way to prosecuting and potentially imprisoning Trump foes.
Several of these sources say that a wide range of litmus tests, loyalty screenings, and “guardrails” are already being implemented, or discussed with Trump, to root out so-called “RINOs” (Republicans in Name Only) and MAGA-skeptical conservatives from embedding themselves within a possible second Trump administration. These processes would be largely aimed at drastically curtailing the number of squishy Republican officials who would be able to get in Trump’s ear to, in the words of one GOP lawmaker on Capitol Hill, try to “scare Trump off of what needs to be done or should be.” This lawmaker cited former senior administration officials such as Mark Esper and John Kelly who, at times, urged the then-president to moderate his policy desires.
According to Esper, the then-defense secretary worked to talk Trump out of doing things such as ordering the actual shooting of Black Lives Matter protesters. One idea regularly kicked around Trump’s government-in-waiting is a dramatic increase in the use of “lie detectors” across the federal apparatus, to root out or charge leakers and other subversives. These devices, called polygraphs, are frequently unreliable and inadmissible in courts of law. Then-President Trump and his then-attorney general, Jeff Sessions, mulled expanded use of polygraphs during the first term, when leaks to the media were especially copious.
[...] And, for as much as Trump and the MAGA elite love to rant against “the establishment” in the Republican Party and in Washington, D.C., the former president has something else playing to his advantage for a potential second term: He and his policy ideas are the Republican establishment now, and have been for years, due to his hostile takeover of the party starting in 2015 and the devotion he commands from conservative elected officials and GOP voters. Trump’s outbursts that were once shot down by fellow senior administration officials — including ones about invading and bombing Mexico — are now so thoroughly accepted as reasonable positions in the mainstream of the GOP that there are entire legislative and nonprofit apparatuses pushing the idea.
“Yes, we do really want to burn it all down,” says another Republican close to Trump, referring to the so-called GOP “establishment” remnants who may wish to shackle Trump’s hard-right impulses. When asked about potential court challenges in a Trump second term, this source simply replies: “Who cares?” Still, Trump and his inner orbit are now promising a MAGA laundry list of extreme measures that will invariably face significant resistance, should he take power again. The list runs profusely long, but it includes criminally probing and possibly imprisoning political enemies and the prosecutors who’ve gone after him; unleashing troops on Democratic-controlled cities whenever he wants; cracking down on legal and illegal immigration on a draconian, unprecedented scale; further solidifying his anti-democratic lies about the 2020 election into policy and party dogma; insulating himself from his own array of indictments; and turning the Department of Justice and other nominally independent organs of the U.S. government into his own personal protection racket.
Those involved with diligently crafting these legal and policy blueprints — including at an array of conservative think tanks aligned with Trump — will often brief the former president and provide regular updates and ideas for his campaign. They also frequently insist that if Trump is reelected, the policy rollouts won’t be slapdash the way they were circa 2017, given that Trump now has so much institutional backing for his agenda. For instance, various lawyers in the upper ranks of Trumpland have long been mapping out how to achieve the former president’s dreams of imprisoning prosecutors like Jack Smith, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, to the point that they’ve already identified specific parts of the U.S. criminal code that they can exploit in increasingly convoluted ways, if only to provide Trump and the Justice Department with a road map for terrorizing those who’ve crossed him.
Sources with direct knowledge of the matter say Trump has not just been having discussions and briefings with government-in-waiting types and former senior administration officials — Trump has been actively soliciting new ideas for how they can do things that didn’t work the first time around, including demanding novel legal theories for eliminating birthright citizenship. Numerous legal scholars argue that Trump cannot do that via executive order, which is why the former president is eager for MAGA-friendly lawyers to concoct outlandish work-arounds.
[...] A similar process is already playing out on the campaign trail. Under the leadership of Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, the Republican National Committee has reportedly been asking job applicants if they adhere to Trump’s “big lie” conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was “stolen” through fraud. 
Numerous sources with direct knowledge of the situation say it is widely expected in Trumpworld that if the ex-president wins back the White House, hard-right conservatives in the vein of Stephen Miller and Mike Davis will be handed positions of considerable power and influence. And these Trumpists are very open and explicit about their intentions, and often dismiss allegations that they are just trolling. Davis, a prolific tweeter, has threatened to indict, detain, denaturalize, and deport a handful of Trump critics with whom he argues on Twitter, including former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan and Tim Miller, a former GOP operative and now a journalist at The Bulwark.  
As Trump has faced criminal prosecution in a number of cases, Stephen Miller, a former senior policy adviser in the Trump White House, has called for Republicans to “return lawfare in kind” against their Democratic opponents. Casting Democratic policies as criminal conspiracies, he told Fox News in April 2023 that Republicans in Congress should “begin crafting criminal referrals to the Department of Justice which can then be taken up in 2025 under an honest DOJ.” Miller has also tried to brush away claims that Trump’s apocalyptic talk on immigration is mere bluster.  “Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” he told The New York Times in late 2023.
Read this Rolling Stone article: The MAGA movement’s efforts to make Donald Trump’s 2nd term much more extreme than his first one is a very scary prospect.
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dadsinsuits · 1 year
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Jeff Sessions
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shubaka · 6 months
ซ่อน (ไม่) หา (Ghost) (Live Session) · Jeff Satur · NONT TANONT
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folkfreaks · 6 months
spotify should have a soulmate function where you're matched with the profile of your musical soulmate whose taste perfectly aligns with yours and then maybe we can all find some peace and happiness in life
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Jeff Walker from CARCASS at a signing session in Stockholm, Sweden back in January 1992...
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