emotionalhardcore · 6 months
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imagine having to pick ONE day to go to
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historicalaltstyles · 2 years
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90s emo band Jejune
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ruinlr · 2 years
Live performance of "That's Why She Hates Me" by Jejune
another great emo band lost to time
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dontfuckingcarebear · 2 months
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tvrnpike · 8 months
i am jejune’s #1 fan
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hoshi-no-pops-05 · 9 months
Guess what local idiot is listening to Jejune for the first time..............
...It's me... I've only listened to like 5 of their songs and I love them so much...
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punkrockmixtapes · 1 year
Jejune - Demonica
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thoregil · 1 year
2023-02-10 Trondheim Calling dag 2
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saturnznct · 2 years
day in the life | njm
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➸ request from anon; hihi cutie could you please write a vlog/day in the life of idol!jaemin with his cuties, hehe thank youuuu <3
➸ note; hi lovely thank u sm for this request!! thank u for waiting for so long, i started writing this before my dad died so i did struggle to go back to it a little, but i hope u love it!!
➸ word count; 2658 words
➸ chaeyeon; aged 12, yewon & jejun; aged 3
nct masterlist
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‘Daddy,’ Jaemin awakens to the sound of a childlike voice in his ear. 
His eyes peel open to see his youngest daughter hovering over his face.
‘Oh, hi darling,’ he mumbles, holding out his arms and allowing her to fall onto his chest.
He turns to look at the clock, reading the numbers 7:02am. An acceptable time. 
‘Junie was asleep,’ she sighs.
‘Is Chae awake?’
‘Her door was closed.’
‘Probably asleep then,’ Jaemin hums, ‘did you sleep well?’
‘Yep,’ Yewon mumbles, ‘I had a nice dream, we went to Disney in Japan again and we went on Small World together.’
The two of them lay there for fifteen minutes or so, talking quietly so that you don’t wake up. 
The two of them lay there for fifteen minutes or so, talking quietly so that you don’t wake up. 
The two of them lay there for fifteen minutes or so, talking quietly so that you don’t wake up. 
The two of them lay there for fifteen minutes or so, talking quietly so that you don’t wake up. 
‘Alright my love, should we go and make some breakfast?’
Yewon gasped, ‘can we have pancakes?’
‘Hmm, I don’t know…’
‘Please, daddy,’ Yewon gives her best puppy eyes, pouting.
‘Ok, just because I love you,’ Jaemin kisses Yewon’s cheek, gently lifting her down to the ground and getting out of bed himself.
‘You wanna go wake your sister?’
Yewon swiftly toddles to the other side of the house, stopping in front of her older sister’s room. The two of them enter, and Yewon rockets towards Chaeyeon’s bed. 
‘Wake her gently,’ Jaemin whispers, knowing how agitated his pre-teen would get if her toddler sister jumped on her head first thing in the morning.
‘Sis,’ Yewon shakes Chaeyeon���s shoulder. 
‘What, Yewonnie?’ Chaeyeon mumbles. 
‘Time to get up for school, sweetheart,’ Jaemin feels bad for waking her up, knowing the pain from his own high school days.
‘Ok,’ she begins stretching, reaching around for her phone.
‘We’re going to make pancakes, so come down once you’re dressed.’
‘Alright dad.’
Jaemin keeps an eye on Yewon while she watches TV and he makes pancakes. 
Yewon is old enough to recognise the smell of nearly done pancakes, and toddles into the kitchen. 
‘You know when food’s ready, don’t you,’ Jaemin chuckles to himself, ‘what do you want on them?’
‘Syrup please!’ Yewon squeals, hauling her small body up onto the chair. 
‘Oh, ok, just a little bit ok?’ 
Chaeyeon joins them not long later, fully dressed with her hair already done.
Jaemin places her own plate in front of her, pancakes covered in fruit and a small amount of sugar.
Jaemin then goes to wake up Yewon’s twin brother Jejun so he can also eat breakfast.
‘Pancakes?’ He had lisped, holding up his hands and asking to be carried.
Once Jejun was in his seat and Chaeyeon had an eye on the twins, Jaemin’s next job was to wake you up.
‘I’ll get Chae to school,’ you murmur, rubbing your eyes, ‘can you watch the twins?’
‘Of course love,’ he holds the back of your head and lightly kisses your forehead, ‘they’ve all had breakfast. Just throw something comfy on. I’ll sort shoes and everything.’
‘You’re perfect.’
‘I try my best,’ Jaemin grins, letting you start getting dressed.
Once he reached the kitchen again, both of the girls had finished eating and Chaeyeon was tidying away the plates and cutlery. Jejun was still eating.
’Thank you Chae,’ Jaemin smiles, ‘mum/mom’s just getting ready so meet her at the front door and she’ll get you to school.’
‘Kay, thank you for breakfast dad.’
‘You’re welcome angel, just have a good day, alright?’
‘I will!’
You and Chaeyeon leave not long later, leaving Jaemin with the two youngest.
‘Come on, let’s get you cuties dressed.’
From a few years practice, he manages to carry both toddlers at once to their shared bedroom.
By the time you’ve finished your school run, the twins are dressed and Jaemin has done quite a good job. 
’Nooo!’ Jaemin whines when the two of them begin toddling towards the door you’re standing in, showing fake hurt at being abandoned.
He gently grabs the nearest twin, Yewon by the waist and pulls her to him.
’Not so fast!’ He exclaims, tickling her sides prompting her to begin squealing.
‘Yewonnie!’ Jejun giggles, racing back to Jaemin and trying to free his sister.
’Stop tormenting them,’ you laugh as you kick your shoes off, ‘come on, you two, daddy’s got to get ready for his schedule.’
’No,’ the twins whined, ‘why?’
‘I have a photoshoot, babies,’ he explains, gathering them in his arms and holding them by their waists, ‘but I won’t be too long. I’ll be home by dinner time, and we can eat whatever you want!’
‘Dino nugs?’ Jejun suggests.
‘Dino nugs it is,’ Jaemin grins, ‘but you’ll only have dino nuggies if you’re good for mummy/mommy, okay?’
‘Okay, I promise I will,’ Jejun smiles.
Jaemin’s heart aches as he gets dressed. Yewon follows him up to your bedroom, playing with a plushie she found while he goes from room to room getting ready.
‘What are the pictures for?’ she asks, curious about his photoshoot. 
’They’re for a magazine, Yewonnie,’ Jaemin explains, stroking stray black hairs out of her face.
‘Will you be on the front again?’
‘Yeah, I’ll be on the front with uncles,’ Jaemin beams, ‘so I have to go and take the photos!’
‘I’ll miss you until you come back dada,’ she pouts, ‘I’ll be stuck with mummy/mommy.’
‘Hey,’ Jaemin giggles, ‘that’s mean.’
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All day long Jaemin thinks about his babies. What kind of day Chaeyeon was having at school, whether Yewon was behaving herself, which toy helicopter was Jejun’s favourite today.
Once his shoot is over, he calls you.
‘Jaem,’ you answer.
‘Hi baby,’ he grins, even though you can’t see it, ‘we’ve just finished up, so I’ll be on my way home in a few minutes.’
‘Great,’ you sigh without realising it.
‘Long day sweetheart?’ He questions, ‘I’m sorry.’
‘I’m just tired, you don’t need to worry about me,’ you hum, ‘the little ones have really took the life out of me today.’
‘Did they not behave?’
‘No, it’s not that, they’ve just been running round like crazy, didn’t want to stop playing when we had to go pick Chae up..’
‘I’ll make them dinner as soon as I get in the house, and you can have a bath,’ you can almost picture Jaemin’s face live in your mind, bare face and tired eyes, if his deep slurred tone is anything to go by.
‘I should really be offering you that,’ you laugh, considering his hard day at work.
’No, you’re the real hard worker here,’ Jaemin argues, ‘I just took some photos today, you looked after the babies.’
‘Oh, I hear Jun calling for me,’ you yawn, ‘I’ll see you soon Jaem.’
‘See you sweetheart,’ the call clicks off, and you’re left to deal with Jejun’s problem.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
As soon as Jaemin comes through the front door, his youngest girl comes hurtling towards him.
‘Daddy!’ She yells, giggling when he scoops her up into his arms and hugs her tightly.
‘Dada,’ Jejun toddles behind her, ‘have you got dino nugs?’
‘Let him get through the door Jun,’ you chuckle as you appear from behind them. Jaemin gets the urge to come up to you and give you his attention, but he knows that he must attend to his needy babies first. 
‘Dino nuggies coming right up little ones,’ he grins, and the twins squeal and run back up to their bedroom.
‘Are you sure you don’t want me to put the dinner in? You should go shower,’ you begin fussing over him, hands flying around in his hair and around his face.
‘I’m just fine sweetheart,’ he smiles, ‘like i said on the phone,’ he kisses the palm of your hand, ‘go run yourself a nice bath.’
You realise that he won’t back down, so you press a kiss to his cheek, ’thank you.’
You disappear up the stairs as Jaemin begins gathering the items he needs to make dinner, including the dinosaur nuggets for the twins, rice, as well as the ingredients for the soup. 
‘Hi sweetheart,’ he greets Chaeyeon who is sitting at the kitchen counter doing some homework.
‘Hey dad, how was your photoshoot?’
‘Long,’ he sighs, ‘but good. I think we got some good photos. Your uncles were asking about you.’
‘Oh really? They ok? How’s little Sanghoon?’ She asks, referring to Jeno’s one year old son.
‘Yeah, just asking how all of you are and how big you are now and stuff like that. I did ask, apparently he’s talking moe and more everyday.’
’That’s crazy, I remember when he was just born.’
’Tell me about it,’ Jaemin smiles, ‘anyway how was school?’
‘Alright,’ Chaeyeon purses her lips, ‘got assigned a ton of homework. Mrs Cha is a sadist, I’m telling you she wants to see me suffer.’
Jaemin laughs, ‘you’re funny Na Chaeyeon. I would offer you help but I don’t think you’d want that.’
‘I don’t think Mrs Cha would want that either.’
‘I can’t argue with that.’
You reappear when dinner is a few minutes away from being ready.
‘Something smells nice,’ you comment, stumbling towards Jaemin and giving him a quick kiss.
‘Gross!’ Chaeyeon shrieks, causing you and Jaemin to start laughing.
You round up the twins from where they’re playing in the living room as Jaemin is dishing out the banchans. 
The five of you tuck in, and you spend most of the dinner asking the twins not to play with their food when they begin making their dinosaur nuggets fight.
Chaeyeon goes back to her homework while you and Jaemin bath the twins separately (together is just too much chaos). 
‘Daddy, please can you read us a story?’ Jejun asks as they climb into their own beds on either side of the bedroom.
‘Which one do you want?’
‘The zoo!’
‘We can’t read both!’ Jaemin exclaims, and the twins groan.
‘How about the very hungry caterpillar tonight and the zoo tomorrow?’ Jaemin suggests, hoping to appease them. 
‘Ok,’ they drone, burying themselves under the covers. 
‘Ok so,’ Jaemin settles on the floor between their beds, ‘in the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.’
Yewon falls asleep practically during the first sentence, but Jejun manages to stick it out until the end.
‘The end,’ Jaemin concludes, gently closing the book and placing it back on the bookshelf. Jejun silently waits for Jaemin to come back and give him a kiss goodnight.
‘Night little one,’ he gives Jejun a kiss, ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too daddy,’ Jejun mumbles, settling further into the covers and closing his eyes.
Jaemin makes his way to the opposite side of the room, where he kisses Yewon on the forehead, mumbling a ‘goodnight, love you.’
He turns the lamp off, so that the only light left in the room is from the twin’s respective nightlights. He leaves the door open ajar so that you’ll hear them if they need you or they can leave the room if they have to.
You and Chaeyeon are both sprawled out on opposite ends of the sofa, Chaeyeon having finished some homework and her chore for the night, washing the dinner dishes.
‘Any room for me?’ Jaemin asks cheekily.
You move your legs away from the middle of the couch, allowing Jaemin to sit down in between you. Once he’s settled you move your feet back onto his lap, and he pats your ankles affectionately.
Chaeyeon plays around on her phone while you and Jaemin focus on the TV, watching a rerun of some reality show you don’t really care too much for. Jaemin draws circles on your bare ankles absentmindedly, eyes occasionally fluttering shut.
‘Gonna go upstairs,’ Chaeyeon announces after a while.
‘Ok, love, we’ll come say goodnight when we come up,’ you tell her, and when she leaves the room, you shift around on the sofa, moving so you can snuggle into Jaemin’s side, feeling the heat radiate from him.
Jaemin just smirks before kissing your hair gently, ‘tired?’
‘A little,’ you admit, ‘feel better after the bath though.’
‘I would’ve liked to have joined you,’ he says and you laugh.
‘One of these days,’ you hum, ‘not a chance now when there’s all these little ones in the house.’
‘It’s our wedding anniversary in a few weeks,’ Jaemin points out, ‘maybe we should book a weekend away or something. Kids can stay with mum/mom and dad.’
‘Good idea,’ you agree, ‘I think your parents would love that, actually. I think they really miss the kids.’
Jaemin sighs, ‘I miss the kids too.’
You smile sadly, ‘you work so hard for them. They know that.’
‘I know, everything I do is for them. But sometimes I just wish that being an idol didn’t mean I had to miss out on so much of their days. It feels like I’m only here in the morning when they go to school and at night when they go to bed. I miss all the in between things. Sometimes I’m not even there at all.’
You spend a few moments thinking of what to say, ‘Jaem-‘
‘I know, it’s just how it is,’ he smiles, beginning to stroke your hair, ‘I’m thinking about reducing the hours I spend at practice. Be here more.’
’They need you Jae-‘
‘You and the kids need me more. This is what I want.’
‘Okay,’ you whisper, smiling when he moves his hands to cradle your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead, and then to your lips.
‘I will, however, be booking that weekend away,’ his face suddenly brightens up, ‘we should do Jeju!’
‘We’ll decide properly tomorrow,’ you laugh.
You watch some more TV for a while, Jaemin occasionally turning to kiss your head or tapping his fingers where they rest on your hips absentmindedly.
‘Wanna go up to bed?’ Jaemin asks when he notices your eyes beginning to droop shut.
‘Yeah, we’ll say goodnight to Chae.’
The two of you ascend the stairs, briefly stopping by the twin’s room. Jaemin sticks his head around the door, heart pinching at the adorable sight of his two youngest, fast asleep, both clutching their respective plushies.
’They’re asleep,’ Jaemin whispers when he comes back around. 
You then gently knock on Chaeyeon’s door.
‘Come in,’ she calls, and you enter to see her sitting on her bed with her laptop.
‘We’re off to bed Chaeyeon-ah,’ Jaemin announces, we’ve come to say goodnight.’
‘Oh, goodnight dad,’ she closes her laptop and pushes it aside.
‘Goodnight angel,’ Jaemin leans down to give her a hug and kiss.
‘Goodnight sweetheart,’ you do the same.
‘Night mama.’
‘Go to bed soon, it’s a school night.’
‘Will do.’
You close her door, leaving you and Jaemin alone. You let out a big yawn, which then sets Jaemin off.
‘We should go to sleep too,’ he suggests.
‘You haven’t showered yet,’ you protest, worried about him and his needs.
‘I’ll do it in the morning,’ he knows he likely won’t have time and that one of the little ones will likely wake him early, but he just wants to crawl into bed with you.
You’re too exhausted to argue, so you just start your trudge into your bedroom. You begin peeling your clothes of the day off immediately, earning you a squeeze on your bare waist by Jaemin, which you squirm at.
He just throws his shirt into the washing basket, burying himself under the covers, and holding his arms out for you. 
’Goodnight sweetheart,’ Jaemin hums, kissing your forehead.
‘Goodnight Jaem,’ you move your head to kiss at where you can reach, being his chin.
And the two of you drift off, knowing you’d have to do it all again tomorrow.
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emotionalhardcore · 2 months
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cornedbeefhashtags · 7 months
spelling bee moderator: Your word is “jejune.”
contestant: Could you use that in a sentence?
spelling bee moderator: Certainly. This dumbass doesn’t even know the word “jejune.”
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roetrolls · 8 months
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This community would truly be nothing without you, and I don't think I could ever thank you enough for the light and positivity you bring to this space. You are such a shining, wonderful person, and I'm so lucky to know you.
I hope your birthday is a good one <3 Thank you for being you!!!
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dontfuckingcarebear · 2 months
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astrumocs · 1 year
Do we think I should let something bad happen to Reshaper?
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astral-ardors · 5 months
Images and Propaganda/Info under the cut !
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Paswon: Super sweet, easily flustered at times... Acts tough but he's a tender troll, usually... Submissive but will top or bottom, though she's much more of a mess if she bottoms, Always makes sure their partner gets off too,
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Jejune: They're fairly dom leaning, i don't think they'd sub for anyone they weren't very close to.. they love to tease, and if you're into a bit of light mocking they're great for that too.. they're a talker also, they don't shut up in bed, Can handle things getting rough too,
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Marlox: If you like a tsundere type, Marlox is it for you.. they prefer to bottom, but can and will top.. surprisingly easy to embarrass and knock his attitude out of him if you know what you're doing.. also, bc of his psionics, he's always vibrating slightly.. do w/ that what u will,
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Drazms: Very sweet and attentive, but inexperienced... Will probably ask lots of questions any time they try to make you feel good to make sure they're doing it right but is very willing to try, Submissive leaning, but I think they'd top or bottom no issue.. they also prefer things slow and romantic,
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Seifer: Hardcore submissive, totally incapable of being a dom these days... incredibly reactive and timid, but considerate... will let you do just about anything if you sprinkle in some praise and tenderness, even freak shit, Also he has excellent boobs,
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Excirz: Either a very softcore dom or a sub that aims to please and make you feel good.. focuses more on his partner but isn't averse to attention... Has that round padded muscle and also has good boobs, Gets really noisy at times too.. Oh, and if you prefer things rougher or are a werewolf fucker, he's got that going on too,
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Lucien/Lane: Kind of a brat ngl... he likes to antagonize a little and be put in his place, Prefers to bottom, but in the right mood and circumstances, he'll top... Willing to dom or sub, just depends on the person and his mood.. he also doesn't really need a dynamic either.. Can go vanilla or get into things like knife and breathplay too,
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
I guess the whole Zade/Zane thing is put to rest now
Maybe it's just me but I've always thought those kinds of speculations were so silly. It's just too hard for me to believe that any *generally* sane person would give their whole ass child a name (that they'll have their ENITRE life) just to 'get back' at someone or be petty. And like Alyssa said, with that many people you're just going to have overlaps sometimes and I feel like people from big families are so used to that it's not even a thought, ya know?
Idk maybe I'm wrong but it just feels like that would be too juvenile even for fundies.
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