#Jennifer Jauree
supercriminalbean · 10 months
Missing my BAU girl eara.
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supercriminalbean · 10 months
Okay so in season 14 when we have that episode revolving JJ and her sister death I always think back to the season 5 episode 13 where we first learn about JJ sister and Hotch listen to her and watch her throughout the cases. I really would have loved to have seen the season 14 episode with Hotch in. How protective he would have been over her, watching and directing her as needed like just please
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supercriminalbean · 11 months
Can you rank your top 5 CM profilers ? And tell me your reasoning for the Number One spot!
Oooohhh I love this question 😍 thank you my love.
5. Tara Lewis.
4. Matt Simmons.
3. Alex Blake.
2. Jennifer Jauree.
1. Derek Morgan:
Reasons why I think he is one of the best profilers is due to the fact, he's smart. Maybe hes no Spencer Reid but he thinks outta the square and he's not afraid to back down from a fight from his bosses if he feels strongly about something nothing stops him. He fights for what he believers in, he cares about the victims maybe a bit to much Sometimes but that's what makes him so damn good about his job. Also it doesn't matter who the victim or the victimolgy, it could be kids or elderly people he will treat them special and make sure they smile. He works hard to get where he got, and he cares for his team, he pushes them sometimes in the wrong direction but he apologise when he has to. Also everyons has thier speciality that they profile better into and Derek is so good at them all and he even takes time teaching others as well. He teaches and takes other agents under his wing to help them grow. He knows when he goes to far with a case and knows when to ask for help. Also he has grown so much from when he first started to when he eventually leaves and that is why Derek Morgan is my favourite profiler.
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