#aaron and JJ have a brother/sister relationship
supercriminalbean · 10 months
Okay so in season 14 when we have that episode revolving JJ and her sister death I always think back to the season 5 episode 13 where we first learn about JJ sister and Hotch listen to her and watch her throughout the cases. I really would have loved to have seen the season 14 episode with Hotch in. How protective he would have been over her, watching and directing her as needed like just please
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Just a booty call - 6
Summary: It's the 24th of December and Emily and Hotch are both alone. The director is on call and she's supposed to be on a day-off, but the desire to see her boss and have a good time with him is running into her veins.
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss
Contents: explicit smut, masturbation (self, fingering and handjob), alcohol, a little bit of angst, unprotected sex (don't do that!), creampie; breeding king (kind of) NSFW/MINORS DNI
This text is a try, with a reverse structure compared to the other Hotchniss' AU I'm used to work on. It all starts with a FWB that will evolve into something else (with a certain amount of angst).
PS : English is not my mother language so they are necessarily mistakes. Sorry about that.
It was the twenty-fourth of December and she was sitting on her sofa, alone, her phone in her hands, hesitating to dial Aaron's number. It was the twenty-fourth of December, Christmas Eve, and the whole team had scattered to the four corners of the country, except for the two of them. JJ and Will had left for New Orleans with Henry under their arm. Derek had joined his sisters and mother in Chicago. Spencer had decided to keep his mother company in Las Vegas. Rossi had flown to Europe to sign his latest book for readers on the Old Continent. Penelope had been invited by her brothers, she didn't know where in the United States. As Hotch was Jewish by birth, he had already celebrated the end of the year earlier in December, so this day meant nothing special to him. If it weren't for the fact that he wouldn't be able to see Jack, Haley having opted for festivities with her West Coast family. And Elizabeth Prentiss was on the loose in the Baltic states, so she was idle at a time when everyone was supposed to be gathering around a good table.
                She must have been staring at her mobile screen for an hour, wondering whether it was a good idea to call her boss or not. She knew he was on call – like all agents for whom Christmas was just another twenty-fifth of the month – but didn't know whether he was at home or in the office. She could ask him, but he'd immediately react by trying to find out why the question. She had a ready-made answer for that, but wondered about it. She wanted him. They hadn't done anything since his birthday in early November, and she was starving. During the last investigation, she had ended up in the room adjoining his. This simple, nearby presence had driven her to masturbate almost every night, imagining that he was inviting himself into her bed to take her ardently. She had come systematically, without trying to be discreet. The thought that he might have heard her had galvanized her excitement.
                But he hadn't said anything, hadn't raised any eyebrows, and hadn't made any gestures that might have shown that this had aroused his attention. She doubted again how important she really was to him. And other doubts were added to this one. What did he mean to her? What did she really feel for him? Did she find him sexy because he was attractive to her or simply because she wasn't supposed to want him? Was she sensitive to his presence because she had feelings for him, or only because they shared this unmentionable secret? Was she coming because he knew how to handle her, or was it just the result of the prohibition surrounding their relationship?
                She would have liked this fevered passion for him to be more than just some kind of fetish for her boss, but part of her couldn't help pointing out that she might not want him as much if they were just colleagues. She tried to imagine what would have happened if they'd bumped into each other in a bar or a supermarket aisle, and was disappointed to hear the voice of reason tell her that she probably wouldn't have even looked at him. But was it really the reasonable part of her brain that was talking? Wasn't it more her anxiety that was resurfacing? Or was it a possible instinct trying to stop her in this madness before she went too far and they both ended up at the FBI's door?
                Except that the urges of her lower abdomen were, to this day, stronger than any rational area of her brain, and she craved him. So she turned on her phone, found the last message she'd sent him and wrote:
Are you at work?
She trembled as she pressed the send button, but felt a weight leave her shoulders as she did so. She expected an immediate response and was worried that this would not be the case. Stress took over from excitement and she regretted her gesture. Unfortunately, there was no turning back. She hesitated to type a second message to tell him not to pay attention to the first, when the reply came, lapidary.
Not ‘yes’, not ‘no’. Typical of him. He protected his privacy in all circumstances, despite the bond between them. She didn't know why he behaved this way, but she'd learned not to take it personally. It was just a reflex for him.
I need to talk with you.
She couldn't have been more explicit, in case anyone from the Bureau happened to poke their nose into their conversations. She hoped he would understand her intentions in spite of everything.
I’m at home.
Emily's heart leapt in her chest. He agreed to see her. She jumped to her feet, grabbed her coat and bag, and rushed out of her apartment. Along the way, she stopped at a convenience store still open at this late hour, grabbed a few victuals at random so as not to arrive empty-handed, and relieved herself of the necessary dollars. When she stood in front of his door some fifteen minutes later, she was filled with shivers of impatience.
                She rang the bell and he opened the door a few seconds later. She presented her gigantic pack of Curly and her pack of beers with a broad smile; he sketched a brief chuckle and stepped aside to let her in. The television was on, showing a film that had been re-run for the umpteenth time. The sound was so low she wondered for a moment if he'd muted it. After closing the door behind him, he headed for the kitchen, from where he brought out a salad bowl and cap opener. Bottle in hand, they toasted, took a sip and turned their attention to the screen. He'd turned up the volume in the meantime so she could enjoy it too.
                Who gave the first impulse? Who motivated the other to make the first move? She couldn't tell, but Aaron's hand ended up on her thigh. She lowered her eyes to it, raised them to meet the gaze of the tenant of the premises and took another swig with a smile at the corner of her lips. She hadn't consented verbally, but she hadn't rejected him either. He shifted his arm, moving up towards her crotch as he plunged into the muscle. She bit her lower lip as she felt the first sparks fizz in her belly.
                When he brushed the buttons of her jeans, she put her beer down on the side table and unbuttoned her pants herself, exposing the first stitches of her blue lace panties. This time, a frank smile stretched the giant's mouth. He made no comment. Gently, delicately, he slipped his fingers between her skin and the fabric, and worked his way through her brown fleece until he reached her clitoris. His warm phalanges caressed her, slowly at first, then with more vivacity. Emily closed her eyes, sank a little deeper into the cushion, spread her legs and enjoyed the delicious sensations running up her torso.
                Between two whimpers, she heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being unzipped and opened one eyelid. His neighbor in turn undressed to free his taut, excited member. She stopped him in his tracks, however, to wrap her hand around his sex herself and expose it to the open air. It was hard, swollen, oozing with pre-seminal fluid. She began her back-and-forth movements as he resumed his careful masturbation. She closed her eyes again, savoring both the waves of pleasure that invaded her and the grunts of ecstasy from the colossus beside her.
                The latter, however, suddenly stopped his attentions and removed her hand from his penis to stand up. Surprised, she snapped back to reality to see him pull down his pants and shorts. She immediately understood his intentions and quickly undressed. Half-naked, with a full erection, he leaned in to kiss her. She caught his lips and face, and lay back more comfortably on the sofa. He naturally lay on top of her, between her open thighs, and penetrated her without further ado.
                Then he pushed hard inside her. More than the usual. He repeated his gesture and a groan escaped from his partner's mouth. He repeated this energetic intrusion, and she encouraged him to continue his effort. Every thrust of his triggered electrical waves in her body that gave her a glimpse of the approaching orgasm. He hammered her pelvis fiercely, emitting grunts of effort as much as pleasure as she multiplied “yes”, “go ahead”, “again”, clutching at his shirt. The embers of her lower abdomen had become a fire that spread beneath her skin at breakneck speed.
                Midnight sounded and he pressed himself against her vulva one last time, spilling a generous amount of semen into her intimacy. Emily's eyes bulged and her body convulsed as the apotheosis imploded inside her. Aaron was trembling too, short of breath, his large hands still wrapped around the hips of his evening accomplice. But they didn't detach from each other immediately. Still a little out of breath, she propped herself up on her elbows and he helped her to sit on his thighs. They curled up in each other's arms and stayed there for a few moments, drinking in each other's warmth and scent.
                It was she who took the initiative to leave this position, which, although pleasant, was beyond the framework they had set themselves. She'd gotten what she wanted, and she didn't think she'd like to ask for more. Until the next time. Until their respective desires threw them back into a passionate embrace that would leave them breathless, but satisfied. How long would this last? She didn't want to know and, tonight, would be content with the present the director had delivered and placed in the pit of her abdomen. One more time.
First chapter >> https://www.tumblr.com/the-queen-and-the-king/757694774493986816/just-a-booty-call-1?source=share
Next chapter >> https://www.tumblr.com/the-queen-and-the-king/761499830946332672/just-a-booty-call-7?source=share
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Season Two Episode Nine
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader (Aaron Hotchner’s Sister)
Words: 4574
Series Masterlist
Summary: Based on season four episode 24. Y/N breaks protocol when Spencer is infected with a deadly virus. 
Notes: Like usual, I’m going to be using some scenes from the episode (Amplification) and making some up for the story. I know that this definitely isn’t super realistic and that Y/N would definitely just be arrested or something, but it’s all *for the plot.* 
You focused on the twirl of your spoon in the mug while several expectant gazes wore you down from across the table. The spring morning filled the air with a slight breeze, but you felt heat rise in your face under the three agent’s stares. 
“What?” You asked innocently. 
Emily raised a brow, JJ gave you a knowing smile, and Penelope looked ready to burst. 
You took a sip of your coffee. “Have I mentioned how much I hate profilers?” 
“It’s not our fault that loverboy has a terrible poker face,” Emily said. 
Penelope beamed. “He’s been over the moon for weeks now and I can think of one specific reason that would make him act that way.” 
You blushed, shaking your head but couldn’t hide your smile. 
“So you are back together!” Penelope squealed, earning a few glances from other cafe patrons. 
“We’re still figuring things out,” you said. You held your coffee in your hands, letting the warmth meet your palms as you rolled it back and forth nervously. “It’s not as simple as it used to be.” 
“You love him. He loves you. That seems pretty simple to me,” she said. JJ and Emily gave her a look. “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t been heartbroken for them for the past six months.”
“Y/N’s right,” JJ said. “Things like this aren’t easy in a relationship. It takes time.” 
Emily nodded in agreement, though Penelope couldn’t stop grinning at you. You decided to throw her a little bit of a bone, so to speak. 
“We started reading again, which has been nice,” you started. You felt a little like a schoolgirl describing her first date, but maybe a little juvenile lightness was what you all needed. “Sherlock Holmes. I think it helps us sleep better.” 
“Does this mean you’re moving back in?” Emily wondered. 
“And miss out on sleeping on my brother’s air mattress? Why would I ever do that?” You snarked.
She chuckled. “Fair enough.”  
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard,” Penelope gushed. “I love love.” 
“Speaking of which, enough about me,” you said. “What about you and Kevin?” 
While she went into an excited ramble about her boyfriend not moving across seas on a new job, the final member of your coffee date- and your sometimes roommate- walked up to the table. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Haley grimaced. “I had to take Jack to school and the parking lot there is a nightmare.” 
“Oh my god, that reminds me,” JJ said, turning to you. “How is Hotch? He went for a bit of a spin on our last case.”
You rolled your eyes. “He’s fine. Or at least that’s what he says every time I ask, which I wouldn’t have to do if he didn’t use his SVU as a battering ram.” 
“He does have a knack for head injuries, doesn’t he?” Haley laughed. 
“Good thing he has a thick skull,” Emily teased. 
“Har har.” You took another drink of coffee. “All I’m saying is that I would love to go one week without one of you guys doing something stupidly heroic and almost dying.” 
JJ laughed, shaking her head. “Good luck with that.” 
Whatever light mood was left from that morning quickly evaporated as the team stood around the table, a container of pills in each hand. They didn’t even know if the Cipro would be effective. A new strain, Dr. Kimura said. Men in military uniforms bustled around the bullpen. 
The weight of what was going on settled into everyone’s minds.
“This is really happening?” Prentiss uttered. 
Hotch nodded. “We knew this could happen,” he said gravely. “We’ve done our homework. We’ve prepared for this. This is it.” He dumped the pills into his mouth. 
Rossi held up his cup. 
“Jin dan,” he toasted. “May you live a hundred years.” 
The rest of the team took the medicine and tried not to imagine what would happen if it didn’t work. With their assignments in mind, everyone started to disperse, but Reid stayed toward the back. Dr. Kimura gave him a grim nod as she left with the others. He hid the fear that was clouding his mind. 
He pulled Hotch aside as they walked out. 
“Y/N has an interview with an inmate awaiting trial at JRDC,” he whispered. “That’s in Annapolis.” 
Hotch swallowed. “I know.”
“And you don’t think we should tell her not to go?” Reid exclaimed. 
“We can’t.”
“We have no idea where the unsub will strike next. What if she goes out for lunch in a crowded area and-”
“Reid.” Hotch stared at him intensely. “We can’t. The media blackout order means nobody can know. If this gets out, people will panic.”
He knew he was right. Reid wanted to remain detached and logical, but all he could think about was the image of the woman he loved choking on her own blood. 
“I’m just getting her back, Hotch,” he pleaded. “I can’t risk losing her again.” 
Hotch put a hand on his shoulder. “Then we focus on solving this as quickly as possible.” He hid his own terror behind a mask. Inside, he was just as worried as the younger agent and wanted nothing more than to tell Y/N not to leave the apartment. He wanted to call Haley and tell her to pick up Jack from school. He wanted to protect his team from the danger they were facing. But he couldn’t. “Now let’s get started.” 
While Hotch stayed at the office-turned-base of operations, Reid went with Dr. Kimura to speak with the surviving victims of the attack in the park. All the while, both had you in the back of their mind. 
Unaware of the situation, you drove into Annapolis with Sir Arthur Conan Doyal in your head. Spencer’s voice reading the words of the brilliant detective made you smile. The sun streamed into your windows and traffic couldn't even seem to bother you. It was a perfect morning. 
You were about to pull into the Jennifer Road Detention Center parking lot when your phone rang. It was Sonia. 
“Hey, I know you’ve already driven out, but I just got a call from the warden. Apparently, Sergio Marks got into a fight this morning and is in critical condition,” she explained. 
“You’re kidding,” you sighed. “And here I was looking forward to being stuck in a room with an accused wife killer.”
Despite your sarcasm, you were actually kind of bummed to miss out on the interview. With Marks’ court date coming up, you’d been hoping to compare his behavior before and during the trial. 
“I’ll head back then,” you said. “I’ve got some other cases I can look into today.”
“The other studies can wait,” Sonia said. “Why don’t you take the day off?” Before you could argue, she continued. “You’ve been working like a dog ever since you got back. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You don’t have to prove anything to me, sweetie. You could spend some time with that cute FBI boyfriend of yours.”
“I think they’re on a case,” you laughed. 
“Then take some time to just breathe, honey. I know Maryland isn’t exactly a vacation spot, but I’m sure you’ll find something there. I heard there’s a nice bookstore in town,” she said. “Your work will be here when you get back.” 
“I guess I can go shopping or something,” you shrugged. She was right. Annapolis wasn’t a big city, but you should be able to find something to entertain yourself. Besides, you’d probably just go home and worry about the BAU while they were on whatever case they had now. 
“I’ll sort things out with Marks. Have a nice time.” Sonia hung up, leaving you with the rest of the day to relax. 
Prentiss stood amongst the bustle of people, staring into the bookstore as the men in hazmat suits closed the blinds. If they found evidence of the virus, it was proof that the bookstore was the site of the unsub’s test run. 
The victims had died within three hours of being admitted to the hospital. 
Morgan hung up the phone with JJ. Prentiss looked at all of the civilians surrounding them. 
“Look at all these people just going about their lives,” she said. “If they only knew what we were doing here.”
Morgan scowled. “It’s better that they don’t.” He said something else, but Prentiss couldn’t hear him. Her scanning eyes settled on a familiar face across the street. 
“Oh my god,” she muttered. “Is that Y/N?” 
Morgan turned his head just as you noticed them. To both of their dread, you crossed the street, a beaming smile spread across your face. 
“Hey strangers,” you greeted, seeming more chipper than Derek had seen you in a while. “What are you guys doing here?” From their serious expressions, it only took you a moment to understand. “Oh.”
“Why are you here?” Derek asked. 
“I was going to look at some books, but the store owner apparently got really sick and died a few days ago…” You trailed off, making more connections in your mind. “Is that why the team is here?” 
The two exchanged a look. 
It didn’t take your degree in psychology to realize that they were scared. 
“Derek, talk to me.” 
They both seemed to receive a message through their earpieces. Derek pulled you aside, weary of the attention of bystanders picking up on the tension in your tone. 
“Everything’s fine,” he said. “We just can’t talk about the case.”
The firmness in his tone and the tightness of his grip told you everything and nothing at the same time. 
“Okay,” you nodded. Your eyes went to the bookstore behind him and it’s closed blinds. Something was going on. “Be careful, okay?”
“Always am.” He faked his usual smirk, hoping to calm you down. 
“I guess I’ll see you back in D.C.” You smiled to convince him he had.
If you weren’t going to interview a murderer, then maybe you could figure out what the hell had two of the toughest people you knew terrified. 
Whatever it was, no one would answer their phone. Aaron was radio silence and you hadn’t heard from Spencer since earlier in the morning. You checked the news every couple of minutes to see if anything had leaked, but all you could find was something about a park being shut down for methane in the sewers. 
“That must be connected,” you muttered to yourself. You kept racking your brain for something that made sense. If it were a bomb threat, Derek and Emily wouldn't have just been standing around waiting for it to explode. A shooter, they probably wouldn’t have kept it under wraps as intensely as they were. 
The only thing that you could think of was chemical or biowarfare. If someone was going after people with some kind of poisonous gas or airborne antigen, it might explain why everything had to be kept such a secret. And the government could have called in the BAU to help them find who was responsible before they struck again. 
You tried your brother again, but there was still no answer. Something was definitely wrong. 
“If no one is going to help me,” you said, pulling up to the library, “then I am going to help myself.” 
Morgan and Reid observed the house with an uneasy air between them. It looked so normal, but inside more agents and scientists were tirelessly searching for traces of the disease or mediums to transport it. So far, they hadn’t turned up anything. 
“This guy just had people over for a charity event last month,” Morgan noted. Something about all of this felt off. Too simple. 
“We should probably take a look around anyway,” Reid said. 
The two agents started down the driveway to the other side of the house. So focused on the matter at hand, Reid caught his hand on a rose bush along the path. The thorn scratched the back of his hand, creating a gash he chose to ignore. 
“So Y/N’s in the area,” Morgan said grimly. “Prentiss and I saw her when we were checking out the bookstore.” He shook his head, eyebrow quirked in a mildly impressed expression. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she figures all this out even with the media blackout.” 
“She’s taught a course on bio-terrorism, so I’m sure she’ll pick up on something,” Reid shrugged. He’d been trying not to think about you and had been unsuccessful. Just knowing you could get caught up in all this made it hard to focus on anything else. But Hotch was right. The sooner this was solved, the sooner you’d be out of harm’s way. “But the higher-ups seem to have this pretty locked down. I’m sure she’s just going about her day like any other.” 
Morgan eyed him. “Right.” 
The older agent’s phone rang and he answered, listening as Prentiss told him what they’d figured out at the lab. 
Reid continued on through the garden, jumping as a sprinkler spouted to life. The sound of the water covered whatever Morgan was saying. The sliding door to the garden led into what he quickly recognized as Dr. Nichols’ office. From there, he saw two things and processed them in the same thought. 
The first was the body of Dr. Lawrence Nichols. A large head wound and a pool of drying blood signaled that the scientist had been dead for a while. 
The second was a broken vial spilling white powder onto the floor. 
“Reid?” Morgan called after him. 
He didn’t think of anything after that. He just rushed to the door and slid it closed just as Morgan caught up with him. 
“Morgan get back,” he exclaimed. “Get back!” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Get out of here. Believe me. Get back.” All he could think about was keeping Morgan away from the substance he was sure had already infected himself. 
“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked, panic rising in his tone. “Reid, open the door.” 
Reid just looked at him, locking the door with eyes that betrayed his distress. “I’m sorry.” His voice cracked with the toppling realization of what this really meant. 
He breathed in the substance. He contracted this new, terrifying strand of anthrax. 
He was going to die. 
No. Reid ran a shaking hand down his face. He could figure this out. There had to be a cure. He could do this.
“I’m calling Hotch,” Morgan said, pacing hurriedly in front of the glass. 
“I’ll be fine,” Reid lied. “I have all of Nichols’ notes. I can find the cure.”
“We’re getting you to the hospital.”
Reid shook his head. “You need to get away. I don’t know if any of the powder got into the air.” 
“I’m not going anywhere-”
“Morgan, now!” The firmness in the younger agent’s voice took Morgan by surprise. 
He moved out to the garden, making sure Reid was still in view, and made the call. 
By the time Hotch and the others arrived, Reid had made up his mind. And, despite Morgan’s protests, their unit chief agreed that the best thing for Reid to do was to work to find the cure somewhere in the lab. 
Until a car pulled up across the street, having followed the sirens after spending most of the afternoon researching locals in the library. 
You spotted the dark hair and neat suit as you came up the sidewalk. People in hazmat suits hurried in and out of the house your brother stood in front of. He bore a similar expression to what you’d seen on the other BAU members earlier, only now Morgan looked even worse standing beside him. 
“Ma’am, I’m sorry this is a restricted area.” A man in uniform stepped in front of you. 
“I know them,” you muttered, trying to look over his shoulder. 
He grabbed your arm. “If you won’t leave voluntarily, I’ll have to remove you.”
“What’s going on?” 
Your brother’s head whipped around at the sound of his name and his expression went from controlled worry to a furious glare in no time. 
“Okay so this is bad,” you said to yourself. 
“I’m going to have to take you back to your car,” the man in uniform sighed, starting to pull you away. 
“Get off of me.” You tried to yank away, but his grip was firm. “Aaron! See, I know them.” 
The man kept pulling you backward until another voice shouted at him.
“Hey, let her go!” Agent Morgan ordered, darting across the lawn over to you. 
Aaron walked slowly, but you could tell by the tension in his movements that he was anything but calm. 
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” Derek snapped. 
“I knew something was wrong so I did some digging and then I followed the sirens,” you said, still trying to free your arm from the soldier. “What the hell is going on?”
“I told her she had to leave-” The soldier tried pulling again. 
Derek put a hand on his arm. “I said let her go.” 
The man hesitated, but eventually released you and went to join one of his superiors. 
“This clearly isn’t a normal case,” you said, crossing your arms. “What’s happening?” 
“If I could tell you, I would have, but you really can’t be here.” His jaw tensed and his eyes flicked down to the necklace you always wore. A locket in the shape of a book. The present you’d gotten from Spencer. 
A shock of icy fear rushed through you. “Derek, where’s Spence?” 
“You can’t be here.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s inside,” Aaron said. From the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, you knew. 
“This is Dr. Lawrence Nichols’ house,” you said. 
“He wrote studies on anthrax.”
Aaron sighed. “Yes.” 
“How did you know that?” Derek asked. 
“You're not the only ones who know how to investigate something,” you said. You pushed past them, following the trail of panicked people in hazmat suits around the house, just where you could see a glass door. 
Aaron caught you before you could get any closer. 
“I have to see him.” You fought against his arms as they locked around you. “Let me go, Aaron.”
“We don’t know if there are still traces of the substance outside of the lab. Even if it’s sealed we can’t-”
“I don’t care. I can’t just leave him in there. Do you know what this will do to his body? I’ve studied anthrax, Aaron. I can’t just… I can’t…” 
“The best thing you can do for Reid is let him work.” Your brother turned you around, keeping his hands on your arms so you couldn’t get away. “He’ll find the cure and he’ll be fine.” 
“If you believed that, you wouldn’t still be here, waiting for him to die,” you snapped. 
Aaron swallowed, closed his eyes, and didn’t say anything else. 
“Keep an eye on her,” he told Derek. “We still have to find the apprentice.” 
He stormed off and Derek gave you a look that said he’d stop you before you even thought of taking another step. 
Inside, Spencer held his cell phone with a trembling hand and coughed in between his words. 
On the other end, a saddened voice greeted him, lacking her usual pep.
“Hey, Reid.”
“Reid, wow,” he teased. “No witty Garcia greeting for me?” 
Garcia grimaced, trying to laugh for him. “I can’t be my sparkly self when you are where you are.” 
He took a deep breath. While part of his brain was scrambling to figure out where Nichols might have the cure that could save him, the other side was plaguing his thoughts of who he was leaving behind. 
What would happen to his mom? How many times would the nurses have to tell her that her only son was dead before her brain allowed her to realize it? And even if she did, how long before she would forget and have to go through the grief all over again? 
And then there was Y/N. 
Just when things started looking better…
“Garcia,” he said, holding back a fit of coughing, “do you think you could do something for me?” 
You didn’t know how long you sat there, waiting to hear whether or not the area had been cleared. Derek stayed with you and you explained how you figured out what was going on. 
“You scare me sometimes, you know that?” He teased. 
He was on and off the phone. You could tell it was with Spence by the way Derek’s eyes kept slipping over to you as he talked. But telling Spencer you were there before they figured anything out would only distract him. At least, that’s what Derek kept telling you. 
After a while, Dr. Kimura called Derek back and said he could talk to Spencer. Despite your protests, he told you to wait and so you stood back while he went inside. You could hear Spencer’s voice, but your brain wouldn’t focus on what they were saying. You just wished you could hold him again. 
His coughing may as well have been a flatline in your ears. 
“Go help Hotch,” he told Derek. 
Spencer stood with his arms at his side as he was sprayed down. His hair hung limply around his face and his purple shirt now clung to his chest. 
Morgan shook his head. “Hotch has plenty of people helping him.
“He needs you more than I do.” 
“Reid, I’m gonna see you off to the hospital.” Derek caught you in the corner of his eye, stepping closer to the doorway. 
“I’m about to get naked,” Spencer said, leveling an irritated stare on the other agent’s face. “So they can scrub me down. Is that something you really want to see?” 
Derek looked from you to Spencer to Dr. Kimura. He waved his hand, motioning for you to come in.
“Can she stay with him?” 
Spencer’s eyes widened. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Who is this?” Kimura asked. “Is she another member of your team?”
Derek scoffed, giving you a small smirk. “She may as well be.” He nodded at the scientist. “Take care of him.”
He hurried off, patting your back as he went. 
Your eyes didn’t leave Spencer. In other circumstances, you might have laughed. He looked like a wet puppy with his dripping hair and soaked clothes. But another cough escaped his lips and his hazel stare burned into you.
“What are you doing here?” He asked again. 
“Would you believe me if I said I was in the neighborhood?” 
“This isn’t funny. You can’t be here,” he said. “Protocol aside, do you have any idea how dangerous this situation is?” His shoulders jerked with another cough. He unbuttoned his shirt and kicked off his shoes. 
“I don’t care how many rules I’m breaking, I’m not leaving you.” You held up a hand. “I’m safer here than out there waiting for this guy to strike again.” 
His frown deepened, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he shifted uncomfortably, hands reaching for his belt. 
“Can you…?” He trailed off.
“Oh,” you blinked. “Right. Yeah.” You turned away, listening to the water against his now bear skin. 
He felt ridiculous, being self-conscious now when you’d seen him without his clothes on plenty of times. But this felt different. He’d let himself fall into this problem and somehow, shielding you from seeing him this way, seeing him so weak, made it easier in his head. He could face it as long as you didn’t have to. 
Dr. Kimura allowed you to ride with them to the hospital as long as you stayed out of the way. But now, seeing him in the hospital shirt with sweat glistening on his forehead, you knew you couldn’t just sit there. 
“Is there anything I can do?” You begged.
“We’re going to test Nichols’ inhaler to see if he hid the cure there like Dr. Reid suggested,” Dr. Kimura explained. She put a stethoscope to Spencer’s chest as he continued coughing. You didn’t need to have a medical degree to know he was getting worse. “How are you feeling Dr. Reid?” 
“My throat’s a little dry.” He kept his eyes screwed shut, focusing on what he was saying. “But other than that I feel… fin. Feel fin.” He opened his eyes as nonsense fell from his lips. His brows furrowed in frustration while his irises widened with panic. 
Your eyes scanned his shaking form, bile rising in your throat. He reached up for you. On his hand, you spotted the cut. 
Not good. Definitely not good. 
When he coughed this time, a trickle of blood dripped out of his mouth. 
“Driver, faster,” Dr. Kimura ordered. 
“Re-,” Spencer stammered, gripping your hand as tight as his muscles allowed. “Ret.”
“I don’t understand.” 
“Reel. Rem. R-Read.” He used his other hand to point to his bag, left by Morgan when he took it out of the car. 
You reached into it and retrieved the leather-bound volume you’d spent the last week reading together. It made your breath catch in your throat. You opened to the page he’d left off on the night before. 
The Final Problem.
 With your eyes trained on the page in front of you, the scene of Sherlock Holmes’s death struck a little too close for comfort. 
What if this was it? What if you’d wasted all of the time you had left with him in these past few months? 
Your hands shook. You wanted a drink. 
Derek sat beside you, distracting himself with the hospital jello and a magazine. 
You reached the end of the story, but the words caught in your throat, drowned out by threatening cries. 
“...and if I have now been compelled to make a clear statement of his career it is due to those injudicious champions who have endeavored to clear his memory by attacks upon him whom I shall ever regard as the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known,” Spencer said groggily. His eyes peered open, landing on Morgan. “Are you eating Jell-O?” 
You let out a sob of relief and restrained yourself from throwing your arms around him. 
Derek smiled. “Hey doc, look who’s back,” he said to Dr. Kimura, who was speaking to another doctor in the doorway. 
“Is there any more Jell-O?” Spence asked, his thoughts still hazy from waking up. 
While Derek and the doctor informed Spencer of everything that had happened- including the recovery of the other victims thanks to him knowing where the cure was hidden- you just watched on with awe tightening in your chest, turning to regret. 
You’d taken so much for granted and it took almost losing him to see it. 
Spencer turned his head toward you, a small smile playing on his lips when he saw your face. 
“I could hear you,” he said. “Reading, I mean.” 
“You should have picked a happier story,” you teased through your tears. 
He chuckled weakly. “Sorry.” 
Derek ushered Dr. Kimura out, giving the two of you a little more privacy.
You leaned over, pressing your lips to Spencer’s forehead. “I’m sorry,” you cried. 
Spence lifted a hand, wiping away your tears with all the energy he could muster. 
“For what?” 
Setting the book aside, you took his hand in yours. 
“For not coming home sooner.”
The In-Betweens series: @amywright; shesoperfectt;  hereforsmutbcicantgetenough;  violetbossler;  hyper-half-blood;  i-bitch-you-bitch; xcastawayherosx; preciousbabypeter; @jori21; @sol-48;  @murdermornings ; @ staygoldsquatchling02; @ ara-a-bird
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
the thing about emily and spencer getting along so well is that they were both single children. Derek has 2 sisters, JJ had a sister, Aaron has a brother, and Penelope had 2 brothers. kate had a sister, Alex has a brother, Tara has a brother, and Luke was in the military so he has lots of brothers.
everyone in the BAU has grown up with a close family member who shaped them. Emily and Spencer grew up alone with parents who weren't there for them, so when they finally found each other their friendship became one only siblings would have.
From the moment she joined the team and played chess with gideon on the plane, spencer knew he could get along with her. after she figured something was up with him while he was battling addiction, he, like a brother, snapped at her. they go to see foreign films together because they know 3 languages each and he knows when something is going on with her because she starts to bite her nails. he backed her up when she knew something was up with her friend Matthew's death and if she had been there for Maeve, she would've done anything for him too. and then the prison arch happens and she does do everything in her power to bring him home only to get kidnapped the day he is home so he can then return the favour and do everything to make sure she's safe.
they love each other like family and it's one of my favourite relationships on the whole show
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hotchs-second-wife · 9 months
CRIMINAL MINDS: Behaviour Analysis
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ROSLYN JAREAU (Tracy Spiridakos)
Hostage Negotiator & Explosive Specialist
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White, female, 22, approximately 5 foot and 6 inches. Based in New Orleans, Lousiana. Roslyn "Ro" Jareau is the only daughter and youngest child of Captain William LaMontagne Jr. and late Agent Jennifer Jareau. She is the younger sister of Agent Henry LaMontagne and Detective Michael LaMontagne.
Roslyn is a hostage negotiator for the Behavioral Analysis Unit and specialises in bomb disarmament.
When she was 16, Roslyn's high school went into lockdown due to a school shooting—the BAU arrived as a federal agent's daughter was involved. JJ managed to find her daughter, and get her to safety, but not without dying. Roslyn, six years later, continues to blame herself.
Supervisory Special Agent
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White, 25-year-old male, roughly standing at 6 foot. Based in Sacramento, California. Bentley "Ben" Prentiss is the only son of former BAU Section Chief Emily Prentiss.
He grew up with the LaMontagnes, due to his mother's close relationship with Jennifer. Because of his mother's job, he didn't see much of her as a young child.
As a teenager, Bentley was quite aggressive due to his lack of parental figures and took much of his anger out on Roslyn—who he was envious of for having both parents in the home for some time—and as an adult, he continues to feel guilty over it.
Forensic Psychologist
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6'2, white, male, 27-years-old. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada. The only son of Doctor Spencer Reid, Aaron-Jason (or simply, Aaron) is a profiler and forensic psychologist with the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
Aaron had a quiet childhood, with his father away from the BAU and in the country of Nevada. He grew up with a younger adopted sister, Jennifer.
He knew of his father's godsons, but never met them until he joined the BAU.
AMELIA ALVEZ (Monica Raymund)
Supervisory Special Agent and Technical Analyst
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26-years-old, Hispanic, female, at least 5 foot. Based in Quantico, Virginia. Amelia is the eldest daughter of Luke and Penelope Alvez, and she has two younger sisters. Amelia eventually took up her mother's job in the BAU at Quantico.
Amelia was the only one of the old BAU's kids that knew about Aaron and Jennifer Reid up until adulthood, when the others met Aaron. She didn't grow up with them, but she knew of them at least.
She grew up around technology, her mother being so good with it, and adapts her skills on the move.
ADELINA PRENTISS (Stefania Spampinato)
Bentley's half-sister, 30yo. Lives in Italy.
JENNIFER REID (Barrett Doss)
Aaron's younger sister, 23yo. Lives in Las Vegas.
Supervisory Special Agent, 38yo. Based in Houston, Texas.
JACK HOTCHNER (Jesse Spencer)
BAU Section Chief, 40yo. Based in Quantico, Virginia.
HANK MORGAN (LaRoyce Hawkins)
Supervisory Special Agent, 30yo. Based in Chicago, Illinois.
After some years of operating in the same place, the BAU discovered that having agents based in different places helps cases. For example, if there's a serial killer in Chicago, the detectives would notify Hank and he'd call it in to Jack, who would call in the rest of the team to meet in Chicago, at Hank's office.
A lot of the team chose to be based in places they grew up in or places they've been to enough times so they're familiar with the area and some of the people. For example, Roslyn chose New Orleans because she'd been there plenty of times with her brothers and parents, and for Hank, he grew up in Chicago so he knows most of the place like the back of his hand.
If you have any questions, feel free to send them in the asks box.
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lavenderspence · 4 days
You asked for controversy opinions? Well I have some 👀 (Also obv no offense taken if you don’t agree with them)
Spencer and Elle were younger brother and older sister, don‘t see the romantic aspect at all (Feel like if Elle stayed their relationship would‘ve evolved into what Spencer and Emily later on have, literally younger brother and older sister)
The writers tried to make Spencer appeal more to fangirls, especially PostPrison!Spencer, and got rid of his autistic traits more and more or at least tried to conceal them
Speaking of PostPrison!Spencer, people make him out to be such a dom, when he got traumatized and more masking than usual, saying he‘s a mean!dom especially after prison is so fanon and as is said maybe a bit writers fault for making him more appealing to allistic fangirls
Aaron Hotchner would not date someone 20 years younger than him.
Spencer maybe should’ve realized that his true love is Luke (Bi!Spencer for life)
Sooo that’s it for now 👀
cutieee, i love this😭 I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, but I wanted to take my time and I've been so tired because of uni this week🥺😭
okayyyy, sooo.
I actually agree fully, but I can also see where the spancelle love comes from. like come on, you can't tell me watching spencer lay his hand on her knee in "derailed" and elle helping him up the small hill in "the popular kids" wasn't cute😭 like he got comfortable with her so freaking fast, I do think he really saw her as a bit of a big sister (but also, I'm inclined to think he might have crushed on her a bit, because who wouldn't, it's elle🤭)
I'm going to be very honest with you, I'm not very good at noticing autism, so I can't be really opinionated on the matter. while I do think they changed his character, I do think a bit of it had to do with him having to adapt to prison life and basically hide a lot of what made him...well, him. along with that, I do think trauma played a big factor in his development in the last few seasons.
on the dom!spencer, particularly mean!dom spencer, I myself think he's more of a soft!dom type of guy. I think post prison spencer would be more open to exploring certain sexual dynamics, maybe even where he gets to be a bit mean, but not overly so. I think he'd be more open to understanding how that brings enjoyment to his partner. trauma can sometimes bring forth the desire to try certain things we otherwise may not understand or like, and I think that's kind of how I'd look at it when I write him like that.
but this also opens the conversation about writing, because at the end of the day, it's all up to interpretation sometimes. writers are allowed to write the character however they want, as long as they enjoy it. (I'm not saying you're implying they can't, like you said, no offence💕). I think we can write a character the way they are portrayed, and in other dynamics, just as long as we're having fun with it. that's what I think writing should be about.
okay, now, look. that was a low blow on your part, okay? personally, I imagine hotch to be in his early 40s, (about 42) in anything I write, and regardless of what season I imagine him as. if I were to write a fem!reader with specified age, I'd make her 29 at the youngest (and that's still older than me). I think about 10 to 13 year age gap in my writing is where I'd draw the line. but I do think hotch wouldn't date anyone more than 10 years younger than him anyway. (except me of course, we all know he's going to date me)
okay, now...I will disagree here. I just don't see it, not luke & spencer and on another subject, definitely not jj & emily. I just really don't. I do think as friends both duos work out beautifully, but not as much more. (I also don't ship anyone within the team, or the show as a whole (outside of canon couples). CM is the first show/movie where I actually don't see any dynamic between characters that's going to make me be a shipper. I'm sorry😭)
babe you absolutely brought the greatest discussion ever, and I hope to see you in my inbox again. I hope you didn't get discouraged by my slow ass answer 🥺😭💕
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1234-angelika · 3 years
Dinner Party
an:Hey y'all! So I am almost all caught up on this series. This is the fourth installment of the Happily Ever After series for Hotch. As always, I hope y'all enjoy.
warnings: mentions of childbirth, death, canon-typical violence, military mentions
summary:"Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold." -André Maurois
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
You had briefed the case on the plane, on the way to New Jersey. Two boys had been taken and killed and, a third child had gone missing; Kyle Murphy, a seven-year-old boy.
Once the plane landed, one group of you—you, JJ, Aaron and, Spencer—went straight to the precinct to investigate. The other group—Derek, Emily, and David—went to the Murphys' home to further investigate the scene and observe the press conference. The case moved very quickly since we were on a strict timeline. What we didn't see coming was the fact that Kyle's brother was the one who killed him. The case was a rough one, and everyone was feeling it.
The flight home was silent. You and Aaron were sat side by side, David and Derek across from you, Spencer on the couch and, JJ and Emily in the seats across the aisle. You had been reading a book until you were unable to focus any longer. Shifting in your chair, you turned your body to see Aaron better. The two of you chatted amongst yourselves, trying not to draw too much attention—for the sake of keeping the relationship a secret. However, you knew it wouldn't be able to go on as a secret for much longer, given the fact the two of you were surrounded by some of the best profilers. So, together, you decided that you would announce your relationship to the team. Because you were a team member, you were ok with the rest of the team finding out on their own, but Aaron insisted on a formal introduction. He was very persuasive. Together, you decided to make the announcement on Friday over dinner at your place.
Today was the day! Friday came quickly, the nerves of announcing the relationship coming faster as the dinner got closer. The decision to have dinner at your place was significantly influenced by the fact that you had yet to meet Jack in any capacity. You had already filed for a half-day, needing the time for cleaning and cooking, and Aaron pushed the papers through.
You hurriedly walked into the FBI building, trying to arrive to work on time and also to avoid the chilly weather outside. You made it to your office just in time. Setting your stuff down, you immediately started on your paperwork left from the case earlier this week. The morning passed in a blur, and surprisingly, no one had interrupted you. Finally, the alarm you had set on your phone went off, alerting you that you were done at the office for the day. You put your coat on and gathered your belongings before leaving for the day. You went up to Aaron's office to update him and then headed on your way out of the office.
As you walked through the bullpen, you said, "Dinner at my place tonight. At 7, Garcia will send the address. See you later."
You rushed to the grocery store and flew through, getting everything off of your list before heading on your way home. You drove up to the gate, and the guard walked to your window.
"Miss Y/L/N, welcome home." He said with a smile.
"Thanks Norm. I am expecting some guests this evening, if you could please alert me when they arrive."
"Will do Miss." He started on the way to open the gate when you asked, "Are the kids home Norm?"
"Annie is with them, they are with her in the guest house."
You gave him a nod and a smile before driving through the gate and towards the garage. The butler, Oscar, met you in the garage and helped you carry the groceries in.
"How's your day been Miss?"
"Its been okay Oscar. How's your day been?"
"Its been swell Miss."
"I'm glad to hear it," "Are the lounge and dining room prepared for tonight?"
"Yes Miss."
"With the specifications I left?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Thank you Oscar,"
He left the kitchen after you dismissed him, and then you began to prepare dinner. You got to work chopping and peeling and slicing and dicing. After you placed the chicken in the oven, you went upstairs to get ready.
A quick shower later, you were working on your make-up and doing your hair. Simple make-up and sophisticated hair-do were decided on. You slipped into your black dress and black pumps before making your way back downstairs. The time you had left before the team arrived was filled with cooking and adjusting the place settings. Just as you placed the last wine glass onto the table, your phone rang.
"Miss Y/L/N, your guests have arrived. Please check the camera to confirm before I let them in."
You walked over to the monitor before answering Norm, "It's them. Thank you Norm."
You then hung up and walked out to the foyer to greet your teammates. You opened the door, and Oscar walked out, taking the keys from each of your friends as they walked up the driveway. They all walked inside, and you watched the expressions on their faces change.
Turning to them, you said, "Welcome to my home."
The team was wide-eyed and looking around when David said, "Bella, I always say I have a mansion but your house… it's absolutely massive."
Gesturing, you said, "The house belongs to my parents—"you were interrupted by the kids running up to you. Annie was hurrying behind them, out of breath and panting apologies. You just waved her off, making sure she knew you weren't angry. Your niece hid behind your legs as soon as she looked up and saw Derek. Crouching down, you picked her up, and she immediately hid her face in the crook of your neck.
"Y/N, who are these cuties?" JJ asked while interacting with your nephew.
"These are my sisters kids," you replied, "That's Marko," you said, pointing to the boy JJ was playing with. Then, stepping to the side, you revealed two little girls standing behind you. "This is Abigail and this is Aleksandra." The two offered a shy wave to your teammates.
"And who might this cutie be?" Derek asked, gesturing to the shy girl in your arms.
"This little one is Briana." You answered with a smile.
Slack-jawed Spencer asked, "So what happened? With their parents I mean."
"My sister passed away due to complications during Brianas birth and during her pregnancy, her husband was serving overseas and was KIA."
"Are you their guardian now?"
"No, legally my parents are. At the time, I was living in LA and couldn't get a transfer here, plus with the job they need a stable home. I live here now though, so I can help out."
The conversation kind of lulled, everyone loitering in the foyer. Aaron decided that now was as good a time as any and made the announcement before dinner even started.
"I know everyone here knows each other and you all know Y/N in an official capacity but, tonight was meant to be used as an announcement of our relationship."
"Emily, Rossi, you both owe me 10." Said Derek, with his signature cheeky grin.
"What for?" You asked, already wary of the path you were heading down.
"We were betting on when the two of you would come clean." Answered Garcia with a smile.
And even though you were a part of the team, somehow, it now felt more like you were a part of a family. The dinner was full of laughter, chatter and, embarrassing stories, continuing long into the night.
taglist:@multixfandomwriter @honeyofthegods @myescapefromthislife @sparklykeylime
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Heck’s Masterlist
OBX Masterlist
Since some of my fics are getting long, here’s a masterlist of everything I’ve made so far in relation to Outer Banks! It will continually be updated as more fics, blurbs, and requests are added!
Also, my requests are open! I don’t generally do smut, but I’m open to mostly anything else!
JJ Maybank 
Jump -  You are John B’s sister and you’ve been following him around your whole life. After deciding to make your own path, you find yourself caught up with a boy who is no good and JJ is the only one who can get you out of it.
Wedding Dress -  JJ makes a promise to himself that he’s now not sure he can keep.
Run - You’re John B’s sister and after sending him off on the Phantom, it’s up to you to cover for him. But Ward Cameron is still your legal guardian and he comes to collect his property.
Ransom -  John B’s sister is taken by the square groupers. In exchange for her life, they ask for the compass and a heavy ransom price. It’s a race of time as the Pogues, with the help of Sheriff Peterkin, journey into the marsh to save her life before the clock runs out.
Not So Unrequited -  in the middle of an argument with your best friend, he says something to you that you had never wanted to hear.
i love you -  your relationship with JJ had always been rocky, built on a mutual desire for affection. that doesn’t mean he would never break your heart.
fill the void - she always felt alone, so when he needed her most, she couldn’t resist.
promises, promises - You and JJ have an unspoken thing, passed only though stolen glances and half serious flirting. But the day after he takes the fall for Pope, you find yourself standing at a crossroads; do you step in to protect him from his dad, or do you stay out of it?
Ocean and Alcohol - (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Epilogue, Rafe’s POV)  You’re a kook, but your life is less than ideal. After a fight with some of the other kooks, you let slip a little about your home life to one JJ Maybank, who is more than intrigued. (reader insert with a name, tw: abuse, canon content)
Tempest and Gin - (1, 2)   The gold is gone, but Elma’s problems are just beginning. With her dad in police custody and her mom once again AWOL and refusing to pay for legal council, Elma and Ms. Lana struggle to get through the trial with a court appointed lawyer. At the end of her rope, Elma finds herself juggling friends, family, rivals, and enemies as she struggles to keep her wits about her and do the one thing she’s always done; protect Kid.
Girl With No Heartbeat - (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)  After a near death experience, JJ is saved by a girl in the water. When he and the Pogues find her washed ashore the next day, they are more than surprised to discover that she isn’t your everyday girl. (mermaid/siren au, canon divergence) 
Sweet as Honey, Hard as Steel -  JJ’s girlfriend is the complete opposite of everything one would expect. A straight A student with big life goals, Elena has never been the drinking, smoking, fighting type. And JJ wouldn’t have it any other way.
Coward -  Your mom just passed and your absentee father has come to collect you. But that means leaving the life you knew and loved, including your best friend (and a little more), JJ Maybank. But he isn’t ready to hear what you have to say on your last night together. 
Rafe Cameron
Fire and Storm - Rafe Cameron had always wanted her. He wanted to be hers and he wanted her to be his. But she wasn’t and he was slowly beginning to realize that he never would be. (this is Rafe’s POV for a bit of another series, Ocean and Alcohol)
Better -  Secretly dating Rafe as JJ Maybank’s sister isn’t the easiest thing, especially when your brother finally learns the truth. 
Meant to Be Yours -  Rafe Cameron, your boyfriend, was more broken than you realized. He wants more from you than you can give. (based on the song “Meant to Be Yours” from Heathers the Musical)
John B
Girl Crush -  You spent years yearning after John B, your best friend. You just didn’t realize it until he fell in love with the most beautiful girl on the island...and it wasn’t you. After that, only Sarah Cameron was on your mind. (based on the song “Girl Crush”)
Tethered - (routledge!reader, John B’s little sister) Surfing the surge was a Pogue rite of passage. You had been waiting for the next big storm to show your older brother that you were ready to be one of them. But the storm was stronger than you or your brother could have imagined.
Just Come Home - (routledge!reader, John B’s little sister) You come home one day to find your brother bearing harsh news. 
By Dawn - (1, 2, 3) John B meets a mysterious girl at his court ordered group therapy. After spending weeks trying to get to know her, he slowly realizes that she’s a tough nut to crack. But then one day, she leaves him a cryptic message...the night before she goes missing. With the disappearance of his father still so raw in his mind, John B refuses to lose anyone else. And he will stop at nothing until he finds her.
Sarah Cameron 
Girl Crush -  You spent years yearning after John B, your best friend. You just didn’t realize it until he fell in love with the most beautiful girl on the island...and it wasn’t you. After that, only Sarah Cameron was on your mind. (based on the song “Girl Crush”)
Kie Carrera 
For Forever -  When you’re parents find out that you’ve been secretly dating your best friend, Kie, they go off on you. Afterward, she comforts you, reminding you that blood doesn’t mean family. (tw: homophobia, found family to the max) 
she -  As a Pogue, having a crush on Kie Carrera was almost a prerequisite. You knew that all the boys were crushing on her, at least a little bit, but accepting your own feelings for her is a different matter. (reader has a crush on Kie but isn’t really ready to admit her feelings) 
Nothing More -  You’re secretly dating one of the Pogues and your brother is starting to become suspicious. The only problem; he’s fixated on the wrong friend.
Pope Heyward 
Nothing to Prove -  Pope helps you with some relationship problems. Later, while hanging out with your boyfriend, you realize that running from your fears got you nowhere and the only place you wanted to be was with Pope. (very soft)
Delivery Boy - With an absent mother and a distant father, you’ve always felt alone living in your empty house. But a certain delivery boy might be the one thing that makes running an estate worth it.
Bare Bones -  (Preview, Theory 1, Theory 2, Theory 3) Pippa Cantu has always been a little…strange. With a knack for knowing everything there is to know about every conspiracy, every mystery, and every weird happening, she doesn’t have much time (or desire) for friends. But when her chemistry lab partner asks her to join him and his friends on a hunt for the Royal Merchant, she just can’t say no.
Simple Melancholy -  (2) Jemma “Little J” Maybank finds herself a little over her head when she accidentally falls for a boy from Figure Eight. Between her overly protective brother and Kelce’s incredibly rude friends, neither of them are sure how they’re going to make it, but they’re determined to.
General (Everybody)
Do Not Stand - One of the Pogues passes away and leaves a message for her friends. Each of them take it in a different way. 
Little Village - (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Finale)  As the oldest of the Pogues and John B’s big sister, June always acted as their mother. She helped with assignments and studying, helped pay bills when it was needed, made dinner, reminded them about hygiene. But then she got pregnant and her boyfriend left and suddenly she found herself unable to do all those things she was once able to. When they say it takes a village, she wasn’t entirely sure they meant a bunch of teenagers. (post-canon, I haven’t decided who the love interest will be or if there will be one at all, so that’s why its here)
Homeward Bound -  After spending years abroad at a boarding school, Kie’s sister returns to the Outer Banks. The Pogues quickly realize that, despite her cold exterior, there is a free spirit inside her just longing to break free. 
A Bunch of Love Stories Masterlist - A series of fics based on Taylor Swift’s album “Fearless”. 
Outerbanks Playlist - This is just a list of songs that remind of the Pogues and other characters in the show. A few of the songs are connected to some of my fics as well! 
ATLA Masterlist
The Sun, The Moon, and the Stars - She is a non-bender from the Southern Water Tribe who somehow found herself smack in the middle of Fire Nation central, where a young prince is fighting an internal battle she hopes to help him win.
Harry Potter Masterlist
Fred Weasley 
warm - you and your husband survive the second wizarding war, but so do some of Voldemort’s old followers, and they are hell bent on revenge. 
Severus Snape
The Other Her -  Severus Snape had two friends while he was at school. One, every body knew as Lily Evans. The other was you, an unknown student who wanted nothing more than to be noticed by your friend. You couldn’t help but compare yourself to the Gryffindor heartthrob every time he mentioned her name.
Only One -  You return to Hogwarts years later to watch your son’s Quidditch match, only to find yourself a little bit in over your head.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Derek Morgan
breathe again -  he saved her life and now she has to deal with the aftermath. he’s there to help her every step of the way.
Aaron Hotchner
dark of the night -  an agent gets taken in the middle of an investigation. in a race against time, the team at the bau must find her by diving into her deepest secrets. when a video tape arrives with horrible images of the state of their friends, aaron hotchner realizes just how terrified he is of losing her. 
The Musketeers (BBC) Masterlist
enough for you -  the wife of a musketeer reflects on her relationship with her husband while Porthos watches from the sidelines.  
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Advantage (Elle Greenaway x Reader)
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“Aaron, stop walking away from me. I am an adult, listen to me dammit!” you raised your voice at your older brother and stomped your feet on the ground. Not only had Aaron stopped to look at you, but so did everybody else behind you in the bullpen. 
“Okay, you have my attention Y/n,” he told you. You cleared your throat, took a moment to compose yourself, and then started talking to him. 
“I got into the training program and I don’t necessarily need your signature to do this. It would just mean a lot to know that you’re supporting me. Not to inflate your ego, but I wouldn’t have even considered any of this if it wasn’t for you,” you said and Aaron sighed. That was when you knew that you’d gotten him. He took the paper from you and signed his name before looking directly below it to the other signature. 
“I wasn’t aware that you knew Agent Greenaway.” Aaron’s expression was neutral and you intended on keeping it that way. That being said, it was ridiculously difficult not to react to the statement. Not only did you know Elle, but the two of you had been together since before either of you moved here. Aaron didn’t connect the dots though, you moving from Seattle after graduating from University of Washington only a couple of months after Elle transferred over to the BAU. 
“Nobody said I did,” you said and Aaron pulled you into a hug. “Thank you for signing the paper Aaron.” 
“Don’t embarrass me,” Aaron said as the two of you walked to the bullpen. He introduced you to everybody and while you’d briefly met most of them at least once before, it was nice to have formal introductions. “And this is Elle Greenaway, but you two have already met it seems.” 
“It’s not everyday I see someone with a U-Dub lanyard,” Elle said. You were impressed that she managed to keep her voice even, but Aaron hadn’t started to press yet. However, he had to have known something was up. “You know, I think you should talk to Dr. Reid, the two of you probably have a lot in common.” 
“I’ll let you get acquainted with everybody,” Aaron said before going up to his office. You found something that you could get along with everybody about pretty quickly. It was a bit weird pretending like you and Elle didn’t know each other and hadn’t been dating since the second semester of your freshman year. You’d gotten approximately a month in before Aaron had finally said something to you directly. 
“Big Hotch wants you two in his office,” Morgan said, stopping by your desk. Elle gave you a slightly worried look and you just calmly walked into his office. Everybody was watching the two of you walk up there and it was nerve wracking. 
“Morning Aaron,” you said as you sat down across from his desk. Elle took the seat next to yours and glanced between the two of you. “What’s going on?” 
“You tell me,” Aaron said. Despite his best efforts at hiding it, be was butt hurt about you not telling him about your relationship with Elle. Your sexuality wasn’t exactly a secret and Aaron had always been really good about educating himself on your community and ways he could be supportive. 
“He knows Elle,” you said and Elle put her head in her hands. “Elle and I are in a relationship. It is very serious and has been going on since college. I am sorry that I didn’t tell you, but I was scared that it would compromise my placement here. I couldn’t stay in Settle knowing that this was where Elle wanted to be.” 
“How long had Elle’s signature been on that paper?” Aaron asked and you had to think about that for a moment. You couldn’t remember if it’d been her first trip back to Seattle to visit you or if it had been when you visited the FBI headquarters. 
“Maybe a month or so before you signed it, max,” Elle said and Aaron nodded. “She doesn’t have to leave does she?” 
“No, Y/n has proven to be very valuable to the team, as have you. Since this is a formal relationship, you must fill out a form. Thursday, Haley is dropping Jack off at her sister’s. I would like it if the two of you could join us for dinner please?” 
“Of course,” you agreed before looking at Elle. 
“Both of us?” Elle asked and Aaron nodded. 
“You mean a lot to my sister, so I think that you should come to dinner too,” Aaron said and Elle nodded. The two of you were excused from his office and you went to Elle’s desk to fill out the forms. Of course, within seconds, Morgan, Reid, and JJ were all standing right behind you trying to figure out what you were doing. 
“Can we help you?” Elle asked, turning to face them. 
“Relationship forms, that’s pretty serious,” Morgan said and Reid went back to his desk. Obviously, he didn’t care about prodding like his coworkers. “I’m really glad that you guys finally got your stuff together. It’s been hard watching you stare at each other all day when we’re doing paperwork.” 
“I think they were together before Y/n arrived,” Reid said and you nodded. 
“Oh yeah, Elle and I go way back,” you teased. Elle rolled her eyes at you, but smiled when you kissed her cheek. “Four years in a couple months.” 
“Four years and Hotch didn’t know?” JJ asked and you nodded. “How?” 
“He’s my big brother, I’ve got the advantage,” you said as Elle handed you the form to finish. 
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hotchgan · 4 years
You should hate yourself
Summery: Aaron gets kidnapped by his therapist.
Taglist: @ellyhotchner @unionjackpillow @eleanorbloom
Warnings: kidnapping, torture, mentions of anxiety attack and addiction, implied/reference child abuse, hospitals, mentions of scuicide
Aaron had been feeling so much better. He has been talking about his trauma to his therapist. At first he was hesitant to tell all of his deepest secrets but he tried. It was hard for him to be so vulnerable around someone but it was slowly lifting so much weight off his shoulder. She has been helping him so much ...
And now she is pointing a gun towards him.
"Come on... spill all of your dirty secrets"
Aaron stares at her in disbelief. How could he have not seen this coming? She knows more things about him than anyone alive. This was all his fault.
"Oh Aaron ... I didn't think I would need to punish you this early. But I guess I should since you're not listening to me"
Aaron can see two men with ski masks. One of grabs his neck from behind the chair he is sitting on. The other guy picks up a bat. Aaron winces as he feels the bat hit him in the stomach. Tears threatening to spill and his stomach getting repeatedly hit. Each hit hurled more and he used more force.
"Alright that's enough. I think he got the message"
The two men let go off him. Aaron slumps down on his chair. He finally breathes normally but he can feel his tears rolling down his cheek. Aaron could see the camera recording him. He just wonders who is watching him.
Morgan can't bare to see his boss like this. They both hadn't always seen eye to eye but they both were there for each other. Hotch had helped him with Buford and any other case that got to him. And now the man he respected the most is getting beat up.
Emily looks down at the ground but she can still hear his chocked sobs from the screen. Her eyes shimmer with tears threatening to spill. She looks at JJ. She wants JJ to hug her and say everything is going to be ok.
JJ looks at Emily. They both share a stolen glance. They both are thinking the same thing. Hotch was the first to now about their relationship. He supported them immediately. He also made sure to give JJ all the time she needs with her divorce with Will. Hotch doesn't deserves this.
Reid looks at the ground. He was like a father to him. The only father who hasn't left him. He knew him personally. Hotch knew how to help him through his anxiety attacks. Hotch had even helped him through his addiction. He even considered him as a son. Spencer can feel tears spilling from his eyes.
Rossi can feel his eye's fill with fury. Hotch is like a son to him and seeing someone hurt him like that angers him. They need to catch whoever is doing this to him and fast.
"Garcia", Rossi says still processing what he had just saw.
"Y-yes sir?" Penelope says holding back her tears. 
"Have you tried tracking the video's location?" Rossi asks. He needs some good new right now. 
"I- no", Garcia says sadly. 
"Damn it Garcia! Can't you even do your job? Hotch could die any minute now!" Rossi yells at Garcia. At this point she can't control her tears.
"Rossi! She's doing everything she can", Morgan says to Rossi. 
He sighs and rubs his eyes. 
"You're right, I'm sorry Penelope. Is there anything we now about this lady?" Rossi asks. 
"W-well she obviously knows Hotch so she could work with the FBI", Garcia says as she wipes the tears from her face. 
"Ok, starts there. Look for anyone in the FBI who has a connection to Hotch", Rossi says. He looks back at the screen. His eyes widens in fear when he realizes what they’re about to do.
Aaron watches as the two men tries to unravel a bunch of wires. He doesn’t know what they’re doing. Are they going to strangle him? No, that would be a quick death and he knows that isn’t what she’s trying to do. The two men start sticking wires on Aaron’s chest. Suddenly it clicks to him. They’re going to shock him.
“It looks like you realize what I’m going to do”
“I- god why are you doing this?” Aaron asks.
“Well where’s the fun in this if I tell you. You see I’m not just going to physically torture you, I’m going to mentally torture. By exposing you and making you vulnerable to your team. I’m going to destroy you”
“I-“, before Aaron can say anything he feels a shock going through his heart. His heart starts racing and he can feel himself shaking. When it finally stops, he looks to see her holding a remote.
"Oh that's just level one, wait till you see level 5", she sneers.
Aaron looks at her with fear. He just hopes his team can make it in time.
The team look at the screen in horror. If she shocks him too long then he could die. They all stand there in silence before Rossi clears his throat.
"Have you found anything yet?" Rossi asks impatiently.
"No sir, a lot of these things are so secure I can't even hack into it", Garcia says as she looks at her computer.
"There's got to be something we have to do", Morgan says.
"Well who do you think would do something like this to Hotch?" Emily asks.
"That would be almost every unsub Hotch has caught", Reid says.
"Ok well we know she has some sort of connection to Hotch but maybe ...", JJ says before her eyes lighten up.
"Hey Rossi, remember that guy who's brother you put in jail?" JJ asks.
“The one where Reid said those stuff about evil twin and eviler twin?” Rossi asks recalling that memory.
“You think that she is related to an unsub Hotch caught?” Morgan asks.
“But Hotch has arrested so many people so it’s going to be hard narrowing it down,” Reid says.
“Ok Garcia, start by looking at any unsubs who have sisters with blonde hair and see where they’re at now”, Rossi says to Garcia.
“There is a lot of unsubs with sisters but I’ll try narrowing it down”, Garcia says as she begins typing on her laptop.
“What is she doing?” Reid asks making everyone look at the screen. They see her showing pictures but they can’t see what’s on there.
“Look at that, isn’t that your sweet, perfect family”
Aaron looks at the picture in shame. He can see his mother holding Sean when he was a baby and his father placing a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. It was all fake. They weren’t the perfect family and she knows that.
“Come on .. tell your team what was actually going on in your family”
The team looks at each other confused. Aaron never really talked about his family but soon they’re going to know why.
“He- my father abused me”, Aaron says quietly. She smiles wickedly.
“And what did he call you”
“He said I was weak and pathetic”, Aaron says recalling the time where his father would say that.
“Well he was right, wasn’t he?”
After Aaron didn’t say anything, she pushed a button sending shock waves throughout his body. Aaron yells in pain.
“Ok- yes yes he was right”, Aaron says with tears streaming down his face.
“That’s right and what did your team call you?”
Rossi looks at his team confused. What did they call him? He can see the guilty looks at all of there faces. Even Garcia looks at the ground in shame.
“What is she talking about?” Rossi asks. The rest of the team look at each other wondering who should say first.
“Well when Reid was kidnapped he had to call Hotch a narcissist to get his attention”, Morgan starts saying.
“And?” Rossi asks. He could tell there’s more.
“Well then he asked what was his worst quality and we all said something”, Morgan says in shame.
“Oh god, what did you say?” Rossi asks.
“I- well JJ called him a bully, I said he was a drill sergeant and Emily said he doesn’t trust women as much as men”, Morgan says finally.
“No no no no”, Rossi chants.
“I- well it was a long time ago, it’s not like he remembers or anything”, Emily says in their defense.
“These kind of things gets to Hotch and now she is going to use them against him”, Rossi says as he looks back at the screen.
“Th-they didn’t mean it”, Aaron says trying to defend his team. He suddenly feels his chest getting shocked again.
“Yes they did! And they are right. You are a narcissist, a bully, a drill sergeant and that’s why everyone hates you. You should hate yourself”
Maybe he should. Maybe Aaron Hotchner should hate himself. He couldn’t save his mom from abuse. He got Haley killed and put Jack’s life in danger. One of his team members got addicted and kidnapped. Another one of his team members got framed and had to face his abuser. Then another one had to fake their death. And another one had to watch their husband get shot and then had to go through a divorce. They all went through so much and it’s all because of him. Aaron Hotchner should hate himself and he does.
“I- I think I found something!” Garcia says making all eyes turn on her.
“What did you find?” Rossi asks.
“Remember Megan Kane?” Garcia asks making everyone nod.
“She has a sister, Molly Kane and she works for the FBI as a therapist”, Garcia says.
“Oh my god, Hotch was going through therapy”, Emily says in realization.
“That’s why she knew so many things about him”, JJ adds.
“Garcia, Can you search for any private properties owned by her?” Morgan asks.
“Yeah I’m doing that right now ... She has one private property! It’s an old barn and I’m sending you the address right now!” Garcia says as she typed furiously on her laptop.
The team quickly check their phones and begin putting on their vests. They had no time to waste. Hotch would die any second now. They all quickly broke into two team and went in their SUV’s. They all drive quickly to the address Garcia send them. If Hotch dies, they won’t know what to do.
“P-please I’m sorry, whatever I did .. I’m sorry”, Aaron says in tears.
“You think saying sorry would bring back my sister!”
“I- wh-who is your sister?” Aaron asks.
“You probably don’t even remember”
“I-“, suddenly it clicks to him. Aaron had always through she looks familiar but he couldn’t find where he had seen her. But he never saw her because she was Megan Kane’s sister.
“Y-you’re Megan’s sister?” Aaron asks.
“You finally figured it out”
“B-but I didnt kill her-“, Aaron says before he feels another shock in his body. This time it went longer than before and it hurled more. Aaron kept himself from yelling in pain. When it finally stops, he can feel his heart racing through his body.
“Yes you did! You killed her and now I’m going to kill you”
“She-she killed herself”, Aaron tries to explain.
“No she didn’t! Megan would never do that. That’s just a cover up to hide what really happened”
“Y-you’re in denial. I was there, I held her hand while she took those pills”, Aaron says with sympathy.
Before Aaron can feel another shock, the door gets kicked down. His team is here. He’s safe now.
“FBI! Molly, step away from him and show me your hands”, Morgan says with a gun pointing at her. Aaron can see the other two men getting arrested by Reid and Emily.
“He killed my sister”, Molly says pulling out a knife to his throat.
“Molly, I know what’s it like to have your sister kill herself. It’s hard but this is not how you grief. I can help you, let me help you”, JJ says.
“No- I’m going to meet my sister and he’s coming with me”, Molly says but before she slits Aaron’s throat, she drops to the ground. Morgan shot her. Before Aaron could say anything, Rossi helps unties him and gets the wires off his chest.
“Son, son look at me”, Rossi says to Aaron. But he can’t. Aaron tries to stand up but he also drops to the ground. The last thing he heard is Morgan calling for the medics.
After a couple of hours, Aaron wakes up groaning in pain. He can see bright lights above him. He tries to sit up when he sees someone holding him up.
“Easy”, Rossi says helping him up.
“Dave?” Aaron asks.
“Hey son”, Rossi says.
“W-what happened?” Aaron asks wondering why he is in the hospital.
“After Morgan shot Molly, you fainted. The doctors said it was because of your heart being exhausted of being electrocuted”, Rossi says. Aaron hums in remembering what happened.
“J-Jack?” Aaron asks.
“Jack is with JJ. He should be coming to here soon”, Rossi says. Aaron hums again in response.
“Aaron look ... what she said, you’re not any of those things”, Rossi says. Aaron looks up at him.
“I-I’m afraid I’m going to turn up just like my father”, Aaron says.
“How about this, if I see you becoming anything like your father then I’ll personally drag you by the ear myself”, Rossi says promising him.
“P-promise?” Aaron asks.
“Promise”, Rossi says. He knows it’s not enough for the future but it’s enough for now.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
back home.
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
okay so this is my first foray into reader-insert fanfic, so forgive any errors on that front. i had this thought the other day and decided to write it down. suspend disbelief and federal laws regarding witness protection for a moment. this didnt show up in the tags at first, so here we are again. 
Summary: After going into witness protection, you and Hotch make life work with new identities. AU where Scratch takes significantly longer to kill and Aaron comes back for real and Derek didn’t leave! Yes this is wish fulfillment and no I’m not sorry! No content warnings apply. 
AO3 | Masterlist | Requests Open!
EDIT: this is not part of the ‘a joyful future’ universe - the kids just have the same names because i am exceedingly lazy :)
You work in the garden, your hair pushed up out of your face. It’s sunny outside, and Aaron had offered to take the kids into the backyard for the afternoon, while you worked and weeded in the front.
It was nice, to get away for a moment. Jack was getting older and was immensely helpful with the children. He’d adapted remarkably well to witness protection, to becoming John “Jack” Montgomery, son of David and Y/N/N Montgomery.
Mr. Scratch had shattered the safety of Aaron’s home and family. When he told you he had to go, you went with him. The BAU didn’t know of your budding relationship, but there was no way you would let him disappear without you. You’d gone into protection together, working for the same company and letting your love for each other grow through your new identities.
At first, you called each other by your real names when you were alone, but at a certain point, you decided it was safer to make the switch.
When it came time to choose baby names for your son, and later the twins, you and Aaron managed to find something that worked with both Montgomery and Hotchner, holding onto the hope that one day you would be able to return home.
You managed to fit your family into the lives of your children. Your first son’s middle name was Spencer, your daughters’ Emily and Haley. Once, Aaron teased you about having another girl for JJ and two more boys for David and Derek, but you only kissed him and replied “Not a chance in hell.”
Jack slipped perfectly into the role of the older brother. Having twelve and fourteen years on his siblings, respectively, he was able to actively participate in raising them. The girls were just over a year, toddling around on unsteady legs and crawling faster than the speed of light. Your son was nearly three, always ready with a laugh. Nobody made him laugh like Aaron, who had a renewed energy and lightness with the new additions.
You hear the front door open and shut, and Aaron’s familiar footsteps on the flagstone path to the garden. You look up at him, and he surprises you, hauling you to your feet by the shoulders and pressing you into a searing kiss.
You lean away from him, removing your gloves and holding his face in your hands. His eyes are closed, his mouth tight. You brush that stubborn section of hair off his forehead with your left hand, your stacked engagement and wedding rings glinting in the sunlight.
“What is it?”
He looks at you, pulling your hands from his face and holding them to his chest. “We get to go home.”
You nearly collapse where you stand. “Are you sure?”
He nods. “Scratch is dead. Emily pulled some strings and called me. We can go back home. It’s safe.”
You throw yourself into his arms, and he crushes you to him.
When you leave the plane, you pop the stroller open and immediately deposit the twins into their seats, strapping them in. Aaron has your boy on his hip, helping Jack with one of the bags. You had all packed for a week or two at most, hoping you would be able to get the rest of your things packed and shipped.
You have no idea what Aaron and Emily discussed over the phone – whether she knows to expect six Hotchners, instead of three.
Emily sees you, and your world stops. You abandon the stroller, swear you can hear a laugh from Aaron as he takes over the steering, and hug Emily tighter than you ever had. You were certain you’d never see her again. You couldn’t even say goodbye.
“I missed you so much.” She releases you, hands fluttering as if to check for injuries.
Emily has her share of grey hair now, much like Aaron at the temples, and you know you’d aged too. Three kids and life on the run would do that.
Aaron reaches you both, and Emily wraps him in his arms, taking your son into her embrace.
They speak to each other in hushed tones for a moment before they step away.
“You have to catch me up,” she says. “There are at least three more of you than last time if I’m counting right.”
You laugh and gather the things to pile into the (thankfully large) car.
Emily gives you and Aaron your documents – everything you left behind when you went into protection. You give her the kids’ names and information, so they can create their documents as well. It was a fresh start, but at the same time, a return to the life you missed so much. The only difference now? You’re a Hotchner, too.
When you pull up to the federal building, you gather the twins in your arms, and Jack runs ahead of you with Emily, racing him. Aaron takes your little son by the hand and brings up the rear.
The elevator ride up to the BAU offices is quiet, everyone practically vibrating with anticipation.
Emily breaks the silence. “I called them all in as if for a case briefing. It’s a surprise.”
You send the kids in first, Jack holding on to the tiny hands of the girls with your son keeping up behind them.
“Who’s this?” JJ’s clear voice rings out as she kneels and reaches for one of the girls, brushing her hair back from her tiny forehead. You see her pause, looking up at the boy who brought them with a sudden spark of recognition. “Jack!”
Before anyone else can react, you and Aaron are in the doorway. In his trademarked deadpan, without missing a beat, he says, “That would be Isaac Spencer, Sophia Haley, and Caroline Emily.”
You can’t hold back your smile as JJ immediately wells up, brushing her hands across the faces of all four children before running straight to Aaron. When she reaches him, a gigawatt smile breaks out across his face and he crushes her to him. Their friendship was one you envied at first, but you grew to understand the secret language they seemed to speak, the trust they had in each other. As JJ grew to be one of your closest friends, you cherished her friendship with Aaron. He needed it.
It suddenly becomes difficult to breathe as Morgan picks you up and spins you in a circle.
Jack is busy with Garcia, having his hair mussed and his cheeks pinched as he introduces them to his little brother and sisters. It’s hard to follow, but the joy is palpable.
“I would have named another one after you but after three I was just about tapped out,” you say to Derek.  
He laughs into your ear, only holding you tighter. “They’re perfect, mama. Absolutely perfect.”
JJ laughs a loud, watery laugh as Aaron probably tells her the same thing. JJ grabs a shocked frozen Spencer by the sleeve and yanks him into the circle of her arms and Aaron’s.
You can hear him ask, "You named your son after me?" 
"Who else?" Aaron replies. 
You smile into Derek's shoulder and let him go, looking around at the family you'd missed so much. 
David hangs back, approaching you last and kissing you on both cheeks. You felt collected before, but now, as Rossi looks at you with the kind and proud eyes of a relieved father, your eyes mist and you gather him into your arms.
When everything quiets down, the gravity of it all settles on you all. Your family was intact once more.
JJ has Sophia on her hip, Sophia’s head tucked under her chin and her brown eyes fluttering closed. Spencer had pulled out a deck of cards and was now sorting them with a focused Isaac. You see the familiar crease in his little forehead, and look to your husband, finding the same one between his brows as he talks to Prentiss. David has Caroline in one of the rolling chairs around the conference table, rocking slowly back and forth as she snoozes across his chest.
Jack had returned to your side once he saw everyone. He grows taller and taller by the day, and very nearly reaches your shoulder – more a young man than a boy. The other day, he grinned at you and you could swear you were looking at Aaron, just thirty years younger. His eyes were all Haley, and you loved them so much.
He tucks his head under your arm and you wrap your arms around his shoulders. You press a kiss into his darkening hair. Your son.
You watch your family with your children, and a great weight lifts from you. They’re safe. You’re safe. Aaron is safe.
A pair of hands find your waist, winding around your middle and pulling you flush to a strong chest. You lean into Aaron as he kisses your temple.
“Emily’s set you up with a job in linguistics and has a spot for me in the legal department. Normal hours, home for dinner every night.”
You hum. “That would be nice.”
“Welcome home,” he says. For the first time in years, he’s right. You’re home.
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reidology · 4 years
WIP tag: tagged by @thefandomlesbian thank you ily!!!!
this was so funny to me bc i haven’t touched these in... over a month. don’t expect anything soon lol
Runway AU - Penelope get’s the whole team to join an FBI charity event - a fashion competition show! Lot’s of sexy outfits, sexy people, and sexy times. Here’s a preview. Yes I’ve been working on this for months, no it won’t be done soon.
Hamilton AU - They meet at the Winter’s Ball, Aaron saddles up to Spencer standing in the corner reading. They hit it off but Spencer panics and introduces Aaron to Haley, his sister and best friend. Aaron and Spencer’s fondness for each other grows exponentially; if Aaron marries Haley he could keep Spencer in his life. As Aaron climbs the ranks of the government his marriage begins to crumble, and he recognizes his feelings for Spencer. Unfortunately, during this time Spencer had moved to London to pursue an academic career, their longing for each other grows and the letters they exchange get more desperate. Spencer comes back home to visit Aaron, he doesn’t tell Haley. Aaron goes on a ‘business trip’. They stay at the Inn. Mood-board
Dying in a bathtub - Aaron get’s horrible nightmares. It’s nothing new, but now he’s waking up in the bathtub each night. There’s a reason why but Aaron isn’t ready to admit it to himself, much less Spencer. So instead of pressuring him, Spencer begins to put pillows and blankets in the tub before they go to bed, so that Aaron doesn’t get hurt. They end up cuddling in the bathtub fort <3 Preview  Mood-board
God I wish that was me -  After a long case, the team is living it up at a bar. Hotch and Spencer, exhausted and not ones for dirty dancing and alcohol poisoning, stay at the booth and ogle a gay couple being cutesy in a bar. After sighing wistfully they both go ‘God I wish that was me’ and have a whole ‘what did you just say?’ intense eye contact moment. Needless to say they do not go home alone that night :)
Did you hang up? - Just smut. Hotch and Spencer are getting it on in bed, full on rough moaning scratching ‘daddy’ fucking when Spencer’s phone rings super loudly! It’s really annoying and ruining the mood so Spencer reaches to hang up but unbeknownst to him... he accidentally answers it. 
“Did you hang up?”
“Yeah”, Reid's voice hitched on a moan. 
“God I wish you could see yourself like this, you look so pretty with my hand around your throat.”
He nips at his jaw, eliciting a broken moan from the man below him, “you’re so good for me baby boy.”
Basically Hotch says and does anything that could scar Derek for life. Derek can’t look Reid in the eye for weeks. 
Hotch... left? - Spencer is in prison, high out of his mind. He keeps hallucinating Hotch because he needs him to be here right now. He needs Hotch. Even after he comes down, he keeps begging for Hotch to come back, he just wants to see him one more time, just to say goodbye. Luke is there for him, helps him through everything from getting him back to the States to protecting him in prison. Ends in Ralvez.
Sean/Spencer/Aaron - Hotch and Haley separate and he has nowhere to go but his brother’s place. He’s shocked to find out that Spencer and Sean were practically living together. He had known about a hookup and an awkward coffee date, but Spencer and his little brother in a relationship? Doesn’t feel right. Hotch is at his wit’s end, having to endure hearing them fuck almost every night. Loudly. Maybe this is all part of Reid’s cunning plan to make Hotch jealous. Lot’s of credit goes to @xogublerxo for this one
Shipwreck - After Hankel, Spencer is agoraphobic. It affects every moment of his life. Aaron helps him get back on his feet. 
Spencer has always been somewhat of an anxious guy. Overthinking ‘simple’ interactions, having to know each step and each possible outcome of a situation before it happens, fearing meeting new people, fearing being seen. Growing up, he was no stranger to panic attacks, but he learned to manage it in his own way. He didn’t get help, he didn’t really think he needed it anyway, afterall, he takes care of his schizophrenic mother day in and day out, he can take care of himself. Others just see him as odd, standoffish maybe, but that’s just a part of who he is. So, Spencer adapted, learned to navigate a stranger’s ship with his own, homemade sails. They’d been ripped apart and stitched back together more times than he cares to count, but regardless, Spencer managed.
He managed and he improvised his way to the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, where he quickly learned that he could have a purpose. But most importantly, this is where he found what he’d always been looking for, a support system. A team he didn’t feel judged by, who valued his contributions and never put him down for his quirks or his unique mannerisms. The BAU lifted a dark cloud from his head and opened up new horizons, Spencer could finally breathe. Plank by plank, Spencer began to build his own ship. Walking into a police station, surrounded by new people, competitive authority, monsters, and more had never felt so natural. Yes, Spencer still had days where he needed to psych himself up to deliver a profile, to ask a detective about the crime scene, to interrogate a witness, or even just to get up in the morning. But overall, life was looking up. Friends, job, purpose; he was starting to have it all. 
Then Tobias Hankel happened. And Spencer’s ship crashed. 
Therapy - Reid and Hotch meet at a formal FBI function. When Gideon introduces them, their reactions were practically instantaneous, Hotch thought Reid was too young and pretentious, using his genius as his only personality. He wasn’t impressed, so the kid has a good memory? That doesn’t equal skill or intelligence. Spencer’s first thought was alpha male. Also known as competitive and arrogant. Hotchner did not smile once during their conversation and sneered when he turned down a handshake. The way he spoke was curt and dry, he was a hardass. One month later Spencer found himself standing in a bullpen, surrounded by his new coworkers. Looking through the slats of his office window was Aaron Hotchner, livid that Gideon had let this kid join the team. Their interactions are strained, both emanating hatred for the other. Then, they meet each other all over again at group therapy, where they’re forced to learn each other’s darkest secrets. Hate-fucking ensues.
Secret Admirer - Hotch starts getting anonymous letters on his desk. Some are mundane, talking about their day, telling Hotch to drink more water. Some are more desperate ‘you could never see me the way I see you’. Hotch has a pretty good idea of who it is, but he’s scared shitless of what it would mean in he reciprocated.
Secret Admirer 2.0 - Inspired by a Peterick fic I read once. Spencer is broken. He searches for purpose at a bdsm club where he gets blindfolded and displayed for everyone to see. Hotch finds him kneeling in a showroom and can’t resist... He masks his voice and makes Reid keep the blindfold on. It was only meant to be one time, but Spencer needs more and Hotch is weak. Spencer never knows that it’s Hotch and Hotch hopes he never finds out.
I kind of want to see this with roles reversed, but I’ll never write this bc it’s too advanced for me lol.
Quiet Cuddles part ?? - It’s a relaxed rainy evening, Hotch’s head is in Spencer’s lap, arms wrapped around the younger’s midsection, knees bent up and nose pressed to Spencer’s tummy. Lots of head kissing and gently fingers running through unkempt hair.
Night at JJ’s - Spencer spends the night at JJ’s with a huge tub of ice cream and 5 blankets. He confesses about who Ethan really was to him, from high school to college to New Orleans. He cries about Hotch leaving him because of Foyet. Sad and feelings. 
What the BAU does in the shadows - What we do in the shadows but BAU edition. Self-explanatory. Vampires. Haven’t really started it yet. Think about it all the time. 
The one where Spencer fakes his death instead of Emily - Every one thinks Spencer is dead, including Hotch and JJ. The only one who knows the truth is Strauss, and she’ll take that secret to her grave, no matter how hard Spencer tries to come back.
i tag: @xogublerxo (plsssss talk about it 🥺) @hotchreidd @garcias-bitch @goobzoop @tobias-hankel and anyone else who wants to do it, no pressure at all guys! (except mia, lots of pressure) 
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superxblu · 4 years
Abused Spencer Reid promt.
Can someone plz right this. Its got some dialogue that I kinda want in it. But mostly the scenario.
Spencer Reid was a very personal person. He kept things to himself. He had too. When he was a child he had to keep quiet or people would suspect his mother. He couldn’t stand up to or complain about his bully’s or they’d call her. Then he would be taken away from her and he’d be all alone. Now that he was an adult that habit passed over into his work and home life. For the first two years of working in the BAU none of them even knew he was gay. Then Gideon found out and he broke down.
“No Gideon your wrong.”
“Maybe but if I’m not you don’t have to hide from me. Or the others.” Gideon reassured him with a pat on the shoulder.
Of course now 4 years later Spencer had a family. He had a best friend in JJ, a brother and sister in Derek and Penelope, cousin and uncle figures in Rossi and Emily, and, to his surprise, a lover in Aaron Hotchner.
After his divorce Aaron opened up more to the team. That led to Spencer gaining the confidence to confess to his long time crush on his boss. They were happy. Jack loved Spencer and even Hayley approved of the relationship. Spencer moved in with Aaron and they had a happy relationship.
Until Foyette attacked Aaron. As soon as Hayley and Jack were off the grid Aaron pulled Spencer aside and broke up with him. Gave him a month to move out and offered to even help him find a place. He didn’t want to hurt him but this was the best way to distance himself and keep him safe. But Spencer left quietly a day later. Aaron assumed he managed to move back into his old apartment.
After Hayley died Aaron ran to Spencer. He slept with him and then told himself it wouldn’t happen again. Told Spencer he wasn’t ready yet. But just kept coming back to Spencer again and again. He couldn’t stop! Spencer was addictive! But he couldn’t move on so soon after Hayley died.
“Dave. I think I need addiction counseling.”
“What why?”
“I can’t stop seeing Spencer!”
“Like… Seeing him in hallucinations?... Or in dreams?”
“No! Like seeing him! Like… sleeping with him.”
“Oh are you dating again!”
“No that’s what’s wrong. I can’t date him so soon. And I keep trying to keep away but then he walks home every night and I can’t just leave him alone when we stay late. So I take him and then ask him over. And then I coerce him into bed. Oh god I’m taking advantage of him. Aren’t I?”
“Aaron… How are you ‘coercing him?’”
“He tells me we shouldn’t and then I tell him I need him and he just- he does whatever I want.”
“Aaron that kid has severe abandonment issues. You can’t keep leaving him.”
“I know.”
When Prentiss ‘dies’ Spencer closes off even more. Starts refusing a ride home. Not just from Aaron but everyone. When he starts showing up late, taking calls, and leaving early, the team questions him. It takes some time but Spencer eventually comes clean. He has a boyfriend.
“You… Have a boyfriend?”
“Yes Aaron. It seems you aren’t the only one in this world who can tolerate me long enough to get me into bed. They always say, ‘one mans trash is another mans treasure.’”
“That’s not what I-“ The door slammed in his face.
Spencer was in love. And Alex actually seemed to love him back. Spencer knew he was just desperate to have someone love him. But he wanted to believe this could be real.
He was wrong. He was so wrong. Alex didn’t love him. He just wanted to use him. Wanted to make the perfect little house wife out of him. Two months after they started dating, three after Emily died, Alex started verbally abusing him. Which of course turned into physical, then sexual. But Spencer still wanted to be loved. And Alex said he loved him. That was good enough.
Eventually, he was going to tell JJ and Will. But then Morgan found Doyle and they took the case. Spencer still tried to tell JJ but circumstances prevented him.
“Jayje I need to tell you something.”
“Not now Spence. Hotch and I have an announcement to make. Tell me later.”
Emily was alive and Spencer couldn’t trust anyone now. Not even JJ. They thought he was overreacting but they had betrayed him. His family had betrayed him. And now the only person who proved capable of loving him was his abuser. He couldn’t risk losing that. He could deal with this himself. He always had and always will.
The team eventually find out.
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
The Worst Third Date Ever final part.
Chapter 32: A Clean Sweep for Team Reid.
Mount Pleasant Women's Correctional Facility.
"Hello Dr. Reid, it's been a while since I saw you" said the prison guard as he and Max walked in.
"Hello Officer Grey, it's good to see you, of course I would prefer it could be in better conditions" the man nodded.
"I'm agree. Please put your weapon here and everything that could be use as one for the prisoners" Spencer does it "who is she?"
"My wife" said Spencer.
"Oh congratulations doc. I didn't know you got married"
"We just got married so it's still something new" he smiled and the couple walked thru the metal detector and the officer lead them to the room where Catherine Adams will die "officer I would like to talk to her before you take her to her execution"
"You sure? I know she did some bad things to you"
"Yes sir, I'm sure" the guard nodded.
"Ok, ma'am the room you must go is at the end of the aisle then turn to the left" he pointed where she had to go.
Max nodded and kissed Spencer before said "be careful, she will try to get under your skin one more time before she left this world"
He looked in her eyes and nodded "I know but you will be in my mind" he smiled and left with the guard as Max walked where the office said so.
Spencer took of his wedding ring for the first time in a month. He wanted Cat to know that he got married while the needle was under her skin.
The officer left him in an interrogation room. The feeling of being in a prison again was terrible but he knew he would never return there.
Some mini later the guards sat Catherine in front of him "Spencie you came!" She said in an exciting tone and he rolled his eyes "you're one of the few men who fullfil their promises"
"Yeah, after everything we had been thru, it's the less I could do" he said with his poker face on "sadly I can't be the one who do the honor of stick that needle in your arm"
"Don't be mean Spencie, I know you will miss our little games" she said in a little girl tone "it's a shame... Maxie didn't end up here, huh? I guess you didn't send her to prison" he clenched his fist and Cat did a noise with her tongue "Spencie, a good FBI agent never pick sides" she smirked.
"I'm not here to talk about Max, I'm here to make sure they say you are gone for good and won't ruin another relationship I might have"
"I will be always in your mind Spencie, as you told me skating" she winked at him as some officer walked in to get her ready for the execution "bye bye Spencie... I had fun with you" she left smirking, thinking their score was 2-1, she lost against him twice in her mind but at the end she felt like she took away his chance to date someone.
Spencer took a deep breath, relaxing his muscles, he felt tense with her, he put back on his wedding ring and kissed it gently like if he was remembering that everything was fine and Max was his forever.
He stood up and walked back to Max. When he arrived she was there with some other members of the team. They wanted to see Cat finally gone for good.
Spencer walked straight to her and kissed her, it was needed, like he was a dying man and her lips were the water he needed to survive.
After it Max asked against his lips "How was it?"
"As annoying as you can imagine" he rubbed her cheeks gently and then they sat with their friends.
Spencer held Max's hand when the officers walked in with Catherine Adams and a priest to gave her some final words to see if she will change.
Max was annoyed to see her again but she decided to go there and witness her dead and to rub on her face that she outsmarted her.
After some words from the priest the execution started. An officer put the tourniquet around her arm, the doctor cleaned the area with a cotton with alcohol and then stick the needle after finding a vein.
They released the tourniquet and Max decided to make her move. She stood up and walked to be in front of the window. Cat's eyes showed the surprise of seeing her there.
Max put her wedding picture with Spencer against the glass with one hand and with the other a message.
"3-0. Perfect score, bitch. The Reid Family"
Cat's eyes were full of hatred and anger that everyone thought the killing liquid flowed faster.
"NOOOO.... I WON... YOU KILLED YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" Cat screamed out at her.
Max smirked and shook her head. Cat's eyes realized what happened months ago and her face calmed down. You could read in her face that, a woman, a sister in this men's world betrayed her.
Then after several minutes Catherine Adams was declare dead. Spencer and the team hugged with Max. Finally the most dangerous hit woman they ever faced was dead.
After that Spencer felt like he could finally rest, he will stop looking his surrounding because everyone could be working for Cat, he was free and not only him but his wife and their children.
Some weeks later, they have an appointment to know the gender of their babies. They were excited about this. Max already ordered to paint the room. They painted it white and she decided to paint something on the wall.
If they have a boy and a girl, she will paint a train on a wall and a beautiful princess with some flowers on the other wall.
The doctor checked her blood pressure, weight and ran some blood test then they were to the ultrasound room where the doctor checked the babies.
"Ok Max and Spencer. I confirm that you will have twins. I can see them now. And I can tell you the gender of your babies. Do you want to know?" She asked. The couple nodded "ok, baby number one is a boy!" The couple had some tears of joy "and baby number two is a girl!" More tears of joy "congratulations, I will print the result for you. Do you want some copies" the nodded "ok I will get you some of them. You can clean the gel and walked back to my office" the doctor stood up leaving the couple alone.
"I still can't believe we will be parents" said Spencer helping Max sat down and kissed her forehead hugging her.
"Me neither but we are and it's the best feeling ever" she hugged him tight.
The rest of her pregnancy was calm. Her students cried the final day of classes and they gave her some toys they don't use for her kids, something they planned with their teachers.
Her co-workers at the school organized an early baby shower and each gave her a little present for the kids and for her. Max was hormonal all day and cried a lot.
She was thankful for that job and will miss them. They all hug and Spencer picked her up.
They decided to sell Spencer's old car and with that money and some more they saved, buy a bigger and more modern one for the babies.
As promised, Penelope hosted the official baby shower with all the BAU people and Max's family.
Dave and his wife gave them the cribs, one blue and the other pink; the Simmons gave them two baby bags and a first edition copy, signed by all of them plus David, of the "Simmons' Stories for Children"; Luke, Tara and Penelope joined to give them a set of feeding bottle with the engraving "genius babies" on each, three pink and three blue.
Derek and Savannah gave them Hank's first car seat and bought one for the extra baby; Max's family gave them a double baby stroller; Diana promised them some days ago knitted blankets for her grandchildren; Jack and Aaron gave them his collection of favorite books.
"My mom used to read me those" he said with some tears in his eyes "please read it to them" they nodded with tears in their eyes too.
JJ and her family gave them two changing tables for the kids. Ashley, the new team member, gave them some onesies, with different designs that matched Spencer and Max's personalities.
Last but not least, Emily and Andree gave them a rocking chair, Emily told them it was her mother's favorite when she was a child and she wanted to give to her BAU little brother. Spencer hugged her tight with tears in his eyes.
After that, the men helped Spencer moved everything to the babies rooms. The following week Max asked Penelope, her sisters and JJ to help her paint the train and princess with the flowers.
Spencer was teaching that day, they were having a good time with music and some ice tea. It was the third week of November and the babies were expected that week.
When they finished they decided to go to the living room and talk some more when Max showed a painful face. The women panicked but them JJ and Michelle recognized it... "My/Her water just broke" the three women said at the same time.
"Ok Max breath" said JJ with her 'unsub with a gun pointing at her' voice "Penelope go upstairs to get her bag with clothes and Eloise turn on the car" both women nodded and ran to do what she ordered "let's go Michelle, help me" they walked with Max, who was struggling to keep calm and breathing, to the car.
Penelope ran downstairs with the bag and she was calling Spencer but his phone was turned off.
"Damn it... Boy wonder must be in class" she said as they got in the car.
"It's ok. Leave him a message and he will go to the hospital" said JJ as she started to drive.
She drove fast to the hospital. Meanwhile Penelope sent a text to the team 'Houston we have a baby delivery x2' and hit sent.
They arrived to the hospital and immediately took Max to a room where she asked for her husband.
He arrived some minutes later. JJ decided to pick Diana up, her son was about to be a father, she needed to be there.
Michelle called her father to drive to the hospital with her son.
After some more hours waiting, Spencer finally walked out the delivery room with a big but tired smile.
"They are both perfectly fine. A handsome prince and a beautiful princess" he said and each of his friends and family hugged him "it's a small room so first my mom, Max's dad and sisters, JJ and Derek" they all nodded and follow Spencer.
In there were Max holding on of them, and the other was held by a nurse.
The nurse handed the baby to him "hi everyone" he said as if the baby talked "this is Jason Alexander Reid" the BAU members recognized the name of their former friend and co-founder of the unit and Max's family recognized the name of their uncle/ brother.
Spencer passed him to his mother, then Max said "and this is Rachel..." She held a sobb saying her mom's name, and so did her sisters and father "...Diana Reid, mommy's princess" she handed her to her father.
The two babies were sleeping and quiet, Diana had some tears in her eyes "I never thought I would see this day coming... My boy had two children and I couldn't be prouder" she kissed Spencer's cheek and then Jason's forehead.
She handed the boy to JJ and Don did the same to Michelle, each held the babies and left the room except JJ and Derek.
"JJ and Derek, you are like a brother and a sister to me and Max and I thought it could be fair to make you godparents of Jason and Rachel"
"Really?" Said JJ with tears, she held Jason in her arms and whispered "maybe I can call Caltech or Yale but I'm sure will take you to the zoo" she laughed and kissed her new godson and did the same with Rachel.
"Thank you little brother and I promise to spoil them with lot of sports" he laughed and hugged him.
Then the rest of the people walked in to meet the babies. Dave even cried when Spencer said the name of his son. He know Gideon would be proud of his boy.
"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone; we find it with another." — Thomas Merton.
The final chapter! What a journey! Thank you for reading, thank you for commented it, thank you for recommending it. I enjoyed this experience, my first long story in a long time and in English!
I learned so much and made some friends with this. Hope you all read my new story Double Dates (mostly Garvez but with some other couples)
Again, thank you, gracias, danke! To @nerys2 @andiebeaword @dreatine @aperrywilliams @moviequeen51
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
I don't think I'll be able to catch up with the High school AU (frickin school). Where do you advice me to start from that isn't the beginning? Basically I don't have time but I wanna read this as you upload xD
Hmm… I think where you start depends on you. I’ll summarize the whole thing for you and you can choose where to start and I’ll give you that chapter number. 
Alexander has intermittent explosive disorder, which is never really specified, and moved to this school because he got kicked out of another one. He meets John, whose painting a mural on the school and wants to fight. John doesn’t and only responds when he ruins his painting, pushing him before ignoring him again. Alexander goes inside and to class, jerk tries to fight him and John stops it because it’s stupid. Alexander gets attached and follows him around until he helps him draw. Same jerk (TJeff) makes fun of John and fights him. Laf (Alexander’s brother, who just wants Alexander to not hate him) joins and they make him leave. Laf and John are friends, John comes over and Alex draws with him. Next day, John tells Alexander that he lives alone (bc its not my writing if John’s dad isn’t a homophobic, abusive, asshole) and nobody else knows. Brief cut to TJeff creeping on Laf, then back to Lams. Alex kisses John. They go to a pet store with Laf (he has a car) and get two turtles (Alex got kicked out bc he got angry bc worker said little ones don’t live, John got that one and one that he liked) and Laf gets a kitten. John joins them for dinner, Alex has trouble eating a full meal. Next morning (Sat) he makes breakfast for him and John and they shop bc John’s taking him to an art gallery. Herc has an appointment at his family’s shop with TJeff and Laf joins for support. TJeff pays to see Laf modelling his suit (Laf had the final say), then to model dresses. Herc knocks him out bc a few creepy comments, Laf takes the blame, TJeff doesn’t do anything about it. John takes Alex to art gallery, introduces him to Mads (business partner) and lets him walk around. Alex harasses auctioneer bc jealous of Mads, then is basically put in time out with John. John saves a pigeon (Alex stans birds). They go to Herc’s place and get drunk, Mullette does the do and John hates the idea. The next morning, they go to the gym and John and Herc lift while Laf and Alex watch, then they get in a boxing ring (John boxed to help with anger issues years before and is undefeated) Alex wants a try and Herc jokes, telling him to picture Jefferson, so Alex punches John in the face and they go home. Alex shows John his secret rat named Pip and makes him lunch. Smaller turtle dies and they have a mini funeral. They go to Alex’s room and talk a bit about John’s hatred of sex (not elaborated on until later) and make out, they eat dinner and sleep. Laf and Herc are on a date (Herc made Laf a dress for it)(dinner and making out in the back of an empty movie before going to Herc’s place). At night, there’s a fox and John feeds it while Alex watches in awe. At school, Jefferson helps Alex answer a question he wasn’t listening to and acts nice, but weird. John has to not be there the next day bc his triplet’s siblings bday, so Alex worries. TJeff tricks Alex into signing up for school play, Laf takes his place. Next class, TJeff tells Laf he wants Alex, Laf roasts him, TJeff calls him a whore for wearing a skirt, Laf takes it to heart and cries in the bathroom. John finds him and makes him feel better, they go eat. Herc tries to make Laf feel better, Alex gets angry because Herc should fight for him, they argue, John and Laf shut them down, Herc takes it well, Alex runs off, John chases him. Alex makes him leave (a difficult task) so he won’t accidentally hurt his feelings. His journal is missing. John finds it. TJeff read it before and tells Alex about it, saying he should have sex and that John learned how to kiss from him. Alex asks John about it. Thaurens was a thing a year ago until TJeff tried to take things too far, his dad found out and kicked him out, John cries over it and unconsciously digs his nails in his arm, leaves. Alex goes with Herc and Laf to talk, accidentally reveals that something happened and tells more so they won’t talk to John about it (it doesn’t work). Alex sneaks to John’s apartment, afraid he’ll hate him for telling everything, and spends the night cuddling with him. Next morning, Laf’s cat kills Pip, he feels awful and tells him before school (John is gone). Alex throws a fit and his phone, goes inside and has a breakdown in class. Laf has his breakdown then, before class, and Hercules comforts him before they go to class. John shows up bc Maria (his side bff) told him about Alex’s breakdown and Alex goes home bc fever. John goes with him and Martha and George, they ask him about what happened and Alex asks for John. He goes and says he was visiting a tree planted in his mom’s honor, leaves to visit his siblings after a while. Laf goes to afterschool drama and TJeff wants to do BMC and be the SQUIP, Laf suggests a vote to get on his nerves, Heathers wins. They’re paired to practice lines before auditions and TJeff threatens his relationship with Herc. They perform Blue (Laf=Veronica, TJeff=Ram and Kurt). Laf goes home and tells his parents what happened w/ Pip when they ask, they let him go to his room. He talks to Herc and goes to the gym with him. He’s bummed bc TJeff and Herc cheers him up, then takes him to McD’s for ice cream. Herc tells Laf how he had sex before he was ready with a girl in Ireland bc past Thaurens made him think about it and Laf tells him about Veronica and JD (TJeff, obviously). Herc pushes his jealousy away and takes Laf home with him, stopping by TJeffs house and honking as loud as possible before driving off as fast as possible. TJeff looks like shit in the morning and John walks with Mullette, all enjoying his misery. Alex is home sick. Laf deals with him in class alone and TJeff complains about how they made his sister stay up all night and Laf almost feels bad. He asks about Alex and messages him himself. Alex gets emotional support and Laf’s old phone from Martha, lowkey thinks TJeff is mean bc he’s like him and asks him to not be mean to Laf. TJeff kind of does and stays flirting with Alex. He makes a deal to be nice to Laf, Herc, + John if he’s “nice” back to him or else he’ll mess with John, Alex agrees to keep him safe. TJeff makes him promise to go over, Alex panics and agrees, keeping it from everyone. He cuddles John more than before, more afraid than before. In drama, they perform Dead Girl Walking and Herc accidentally sees it, keeping his jealousy to himself. They have a talk with John about his mental health and he insists he’s fine, convincing them both. Alex freaks out and goes to his room to message TJeff, John tries to help him, but Alex screams him into an anxiety attack and he has to sit in Laf’s room with Herc and Laf’s cat (Rosie). Laf gets the secret out of Alex and takes his phone, messaging TJeff, who threatens him in return. Alex freaks out and tries to get his phone back to fix it, accidentally hitting Laf in the face. Herc pulls him off and they go back to Laf’s room once he calms down, making Alex explain to John. They assure him it’ll be okay and separate. Lams talks about John’s family and makes out, John show him a drawing of him that makes him cry, and they sleep, and Mullette goes to Herc’s house bc his mom came home from Ireland. She embarrasses him as her son and Laf thinks it’s adorable. TJeff schedules an appointment at Herc’s shop for the next afternoon, they tell John and agree to keep it from Alex. They go to school and TJeff gives Alex a chance to change his mind about breaking the promise, he doesn’t and TJeff assaults John, Laf hurts him before he can hit again and he gives up, going away. Alex panics and admits what TJeff did to a teacher. TJeff asks John to make Alex come back, forcefully, then seductively, admitting that he only did everything to win him back. John goes to the office with the others and they talk to the teachers. Laf and Alex go home, George is fuming bc Alex almost let it happen, Martha calms him down, Alex tells them everything at home. Herc and John go to lunch and John says he wants to try talking to TJeff bc he apparently liked him, so he thought he’d let him off easy. TJeff sits with them bc full cafeteria and Herc goes away when John says. He offers to leave him alone if he and John get together, but John refuses. Alex talks to A. Burr bc he’s in the political society and he wants to make an art program to surprise John. He and Laf watch musicals. John goes with Herc to his shop to support him while TJeff and John Jay (his pleasant friend) look for prom tuxes. Herc tries to distract him from John, but he ignores him and asks John to model for him, same price as he paid for Laf. John agreed and tried on a few things, then Herc and JJ made TJeff leave. Herc and John have a cool bro moment, then John leaves to babysit Maria’s daughter, Susan. Alex and Laf get slushies and go to the park, Lams trading cute selfies for a bit, and John asks Alex over. They go to the car and Rosie escapes to chase a squirrel. Alex chases her up a tree and gets her. Laf calls her and she jumps back down. Alex climbs down and the tree stabs him with a branch. They go home and Laf fixes his meg before taking him and letting him hang out with John. He and Susan get along, then she goes to bed. Lams talks about their families and cry about their dead moms, then make out until Maria comes for Susan, then they go to sleep. Alex finishes his food for the first time in the morning, distracted by the excitement of meeting w/ Aaron and John’s family later. John secretly follows TJeff’s orders, wearing skinny jeans and giving Alex the cold shoulder after class. They meet in the bathroom and TJeff says John can’t say he loves Alex and he has to draw him a portrait and he’ll leave them alone for the day. John claims he didn’t hear Alex and apologizes, then turns off his phone so he doesn’t have to deal w/ TJeff. Herc finds out and makes John promise to tell Alex. Alex and Aaron meet at lunch and bring in JJ, who flirts w/ Alex bc TJeff said so. John meets with TJeff in the bathroom again and tells him his phone’s “dead”, TJeff says that he can only call Laf bitch for the day. Last period, John gets his phone and texts Alex, apologizing for acting weird, then tells TJeff to meet him to get his drawing. Alex is relieved and TJeff gets angry bc John ignored him on purpose. Lams texts cute messages and TJeff comes in, making John meet him in the bathroom. John lies to Alex and Alex finds where he is on Snapchat, planning to find and surprise him with a kiss (something John had done to him multiple times). TJeff says he’ll leave them alone if John admits he loves him and kisses him, Alex walks in and gets angry, bodyslamming TJeff to the ground. TJeff gets up and kicks him hard in the face, forgetting that John was there and being terrified when he remembered. John shoved him against the wall and held him above ground, making him promise to apologize to everyone and leave them all alone. Herc and Laf get there and TJeff apologizes, then John breaks his nose (like he did when they broke up) and they leave. John takes Alex (still dizzy from the kick) to his house and goes to TJeff’s house to tell his parents what he did. Lucy (TJeff’s sis) tells John how he actually loves him and John gets over his anger, promising to see Lucy more often before going home. His siblings are there, making friends with Alex and they watch movies and eat. Mary (youngest, cutest sis) and Alex have a cute off and Alex gets upset when Mary wins, fighting an anger spell in John’s room. He joins and makes him feel better, then they get messages from Laf and Herc, talking about a partyat his place for his mom the next night. They go back downstairs and eat and play video games, then go to bed. In the morning, rev squad texts about party and make fun of each other, Alex makes Lams breakfast and John makes everyone else breakfast, then Alex goes with Burr and JJ to a cafe to talk about art program plan (holding a freshman dance to raise money) while Laurens 1-5 go to Herc’s shop and John and Laf try on dresses. JJ invites TJeff bc he’s popular and can help. Turns out, JJ drugged Alex to get rid of him (TJeff had nothing to do w/ it), and John was furious, getting Alex and taking him to his apartment to calm down. Alex is high as hell, Burr helps clear TJeff of suspicion. Alex eventually gets to sleep and wakes up sober, goes w/ John to Herc’s for party once he makes sure Laurens 2-5 are home safe. They play a drinking game and John gets wasted, Herc does, but gets sober in shock when his mom says she’s pregnant. They sleep. John is first awake and hungover, makes breakfast and is devastated that he can’t eat bc he shovels down food and his stomach said no. Alex helps him eat and eats his breakfast, they schedule a date for that day and John wears a dress bc why not. They go to the zoo, John feeds cute animals and Alex freaks out when he takes him to the bird house (basically a huge indoor jungle w/ birds everywhere). Theodosia is talking about birds to a crowd, a homophobe makes a scene and Lams are the only ones left when it’s broken up. Theo (reveals she’s an artist) lets Alex hold her bird and he’s frozen in awe, then the bird (Peep) flies into John’s hair, then into Theo’s hair and they thank her before leaving to a pizza place, eating before heading to John’s apartment. Theo accidentally messages Burr for a ride bc Alex told him about her and they talked a bit before, he takes her home and she thanks him w/ cupcakes and showing him her art, which is great. Her asshole bf (Mark) comes home and makes Burr leave. John tells Alex about a great art show during Spring Break in SC and Alex says they can make happy new memories, just like when he was a kid. Lams watches a movie and Alex gives John a massage, then tickles him and John slips it on him, then gets up and they make dinner together, then eat and sleep. Burr, Theo, and her friends (Martha and Francis) talk about the art thing, then about how awful Mark is when Theo leaves, Burr finds out that he’s blackmailing her into staying. He messages Theo on FB with the alias “Sammie B” and they talk about meeting for the art thing, then Martha tells Burr that Mark’s blackmailing Theo with nudes she sent while drunk. Burr promises that he won’t do anything bad and talks to TJeff (he got him in contact with Theo) about everything, keeping it vague, he promises not to say a thing either. Theo messages “Sammie” in the middle of the night, afraid of being alone at home and they’re just cute. in the morning, TJeff says he got a venue for the dance, only available next Friday. Burr tells Alex and they agree that a costume party is best. At school, TJeff finds Mary wandering and tells John, who dragged JJ to the bathroom and broke his nose, only leaving bc Mary, and John takes her home. In class, the three freshman ask Laf to get them a part in Heathers and he agrees to help after hearing a sample of their voices. Theo invites Burr to watch. In the library, the girls shut down TJeff’s flirting and they all agree to a Disney theme. Alex calls John, worried bc he hasn’t answered any texts and thinks he’s hiding something, so he ditches the rest of the day and goes over, learning that John’s father was at the house and hurt him badly. He’s angry, but doesn’t do anything bc John begged him not to. Tjeff, Laf, and Burr watch the girls practice Candy Store before their audition, both performances being amazing, and they get the part. Alex is angry bc what happened and tries to hide it by making dinner while John takes a cold bath, then can’t help it and leaves w/o saying anything, leaving his cellphone. John has a panic attack when he finds out that Alex left, not being able to handle being left alone when he said he just wanted and needed him to stay, and messages Laf to come help, accidentally messaging TJeff. He comes and calls Laf when he finds out that John called him on accident, both staying. TJeff knows just how to make John feel better since he helped him when they were dating, so he lowkey implies that he should leave Alex. They stay with him until Laf accidentally brings up Alex’s phone and John panics, so he leaves to find Alex to help him feel better. He runs into Herc and they both go looking for Alex. TJeff takes John to his house ,at his request, to hang out with his sister Lucy. Laf gives up and gets Rosie to spend the night with Herc, she smells Alex and they find out he got a bus and went to the Schuyler estate, writing a detailed description of what John’s father did to him and publishing it on Facebook. They pick him up and yell at him for what he did, then take him home. Herc stays with John, nobody wanting him to stay alone, and Laf takes Alex home, taking pity on him when he starts having a panic attack. In the morning, Alex confronts John and they talk, then argue. TJeff tries to act like the hero, but John isn’t having it and has him stay out while he and Alex argue, telling him that he only forgave TJeff bc he didn’t assault him, John freaked out the second he touched him and broke his nose and he only forgave him and freaked out bc he was previously repeatedly assaulted. They kee arguing until Alex says he can just date TJeff and runs off, John chases him and they make up, skipping school. Aaron got proof that Mark was abusive and got him arrested. Theo thanks him and they admit feelings for each other, so they’re together, but no labels bc Mark scared her about it. Alex and John go grocery shopping with Susan and are very cute and eat dinner together, then they take Susan home and the day ends. The next day, they go to school and John is taken to the local police station for questioning. He lies and says nothing happens that Alex just panicked and wrote that and is let free (his friends have mixed opinions, but John has a reason). Meanwhile, Theo and Burr go to Jefferson Hall (the dance venue) to get an idea of how they’ll decorate and it’s fancy AF, then they go to Mulligan’s and pick their costumes (Theo looks like a queen). They go to Burr’s and his grandma comes and embarrasses him until they leave to take Theo to drama, where they’re getting fitted and Laf and TJeff are having a stupid (friendly) argument over wine. TJeff makes a period joke and Francis almost kicks his ass, but Laf saves him and drags him onstage for DGW Reprise. After, the girls + Laf + Burr have a sleepover at Theo’s, talking about how Martha and Francis think Herc is cute and Theo and Burr make cupcakes and Herc sends Laf sexy (not explicit) pics to embarrass him (it works) and Laf finds out he might be nonbinary. In the morning, Francis (a trans girl) cries bc she has stubble, but Laf helps her shave. That day goes by fast. Laf almost kills Herc telling him he’s his datemate now, not bf. That night, TJeff goes to John’s apartment so he and Alex can work on the dance details. He brings Lucy (who’s kind of spoiled) and she makes friends with Susan. Late at night, Alex + TJeff are lowkey cuddling in their sleep and John takes pictures, using them to make them not fight. The next morning (V day) TJeff takes Lucy to school and takes John to Mulligan’s, paying for his costume for the dance. He takes him home and John gives Alex his present (photorealistic, colored drawings) Then they make out and more. Later, TJeff comes bc John left his wallet in his car and John says he doesn’t have feelings for him, Alex knows its a lie and offers to start Jamilams. They agree and set boundaries and TJeff takes John out to Lucy’s school, he teaches an art class, then they go to TJeffs place and watch a movie, TJeff telling him about why he was so awful and desparate to get John back. They go to pick up Lucy and TJeffs moms bf talks trash about John as they leave, getting Lucy, then taking John to the apartment w/ Alex. Burrdosia has a cute date and Theo gets used to dating a decent person. Everyone working on the dance goes and decorates the hall that weekend, John hanging out w/ Laf, Lucy, Susan, and Maria. Alex is a little jealous of Thomas, but not too much. Thomas and John go on a date the next day, going to a nice restaurant, then to a movie, where John gets drunk. TJeff takes him home, does not kiss him or touch him much bc hes drunk. TJeff brings Lucy home, then goes to John, who shows him his broken rib from his father and makes him swear not to tell. They go to sleep and go to school. Laf takes the girls to get costumes after school and practice, Alex and TJeff get theirs on Wednesday. John offers to get Alexander’s costume tailored bc its too big, but TJeff stops him and does it himself. The next day, John and Laf try on their dresses (queens) and John hangs out with Thomas. At the dance, it’s great and John cries when he finds out about the surprise. He leaves to fix hsi makeup and is taken away by James Reynolds, unable to fight bc JJ spiked his drinks when he wasn’t watching. He almost raped him, but Thomas found them and stopped it, then called the police. John goes to the hospital bc drugs, not wanting anyone but TJeff there, even in the morning, when they went to the gym. Alex eventually came over and hung out with them once John was okay w/ it. Alex gets an anger spell and leaves, jealous of TJeff and sure that John would pick him over him anyday. John tries to chase him and feels heartbroken, unsure of what he did wrong, but sure that he did wrong. TJeff helps him feel better. Alex knows he fucked up, Martha helps him feel better. John doesn’t want to talk to Alex and ignores him, fighting intrusive thoughts that tried to make him hate him and staying home sick the next day, making Thomas go to school. Alex goes home and tries to make it up. Laf seeks wisdom from the kind gay (John) and finds out they’re genderflux, from agender to boy. John calls Alex over and they talk their problems out and have a movie day, Alex wrote John a long ass love letter. They have a cute night and go to school the next day, all talking about their relationship again, then go on w/ life. They watch the school do Heathers on Friday and it’s great, Next day, TJeff’s moms bf hurts Lucy and he takes her away, agreeing with his mom that he should get sole custody of her and takes her away. They go to John’s apartment and Lucy goes w/ Maria during show and during night. John gives Thomas a back massage and they do the do. Next morning, Thomas moves into the apartment next to John’s w/ Lucy, then goes to his last show. They all (Jamilams + Lucy and Susan) go grocery shopping after and deal with a homophobe, then go home and the boys eat and hang out while Maria watches the girls. That Friday, they have a threesome, then go on the trip to SC. On Sunday, John visits his moms grave. The rest of the week, John goes to his art show and has a lot of success. Then they go back. Burr got top surgery over break and Theo was worried bc she didn't know.
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crimeshowtrash · 7 years
Best Christmas Ever
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Ficmas Day 12 
Spencer Reid x Reader
Ever since he had moved away from his mother, Spencer had shied away from getting close to people, terrified of rejection. This had all changed once he started at the BAU. Gideon, Hotch, and Rossi weren’t just mentors to him, they were like fathers to him, in replacement of his absent father-figure growing up. Derek wasn’t just a friend, he was the best friend and brother who he never had. He was someone for Spencer to prank and spend time with. JJ, Penelope, and Emily, were not just coworkers to him, they were the sisters he never had. They were the ones who taught him how to talk to women, without inadvertently insulting him. His coworkers quickly became his family, and once he met Y/N, he knew that she met his family it would be the ultimate test.
Spencer and Y/N had been dating for almost a year, before Spencer had let it slip that he was in a relationship. He had been on the jet with everyone else when Y/N had called him. He inadvertently smiled, as he did whenever he thought of Y/N, and unconsciously picked up the phone saying, “hey sweetheart”.
Everyone's heads turned to face their boy wonder. Spencer’s face paled, realizing his mistake. He stood up to walk towards the end of the jet to finish his conversation with Y/N. As he sat back down in his seats, the smirking faces of all of his coworkers looked at him, waiting for him to speak.
“What?” he asked, although he knew what they would say.
“Pretty Boy, since when have you been dating someone?” questioned Derek.
“For 11 months and 6 days” replied Spencer succinctly.
This caused Emily to let out a chuckle before she said, “so this is why you started coming in with your ties done properly. I thought you had just watched a YouTube tutorial or something”.
“She made me watch a tutorial before but now she fixes them for me before I leave” siad Spencer, before he flushed coming to the realization that he had revealed more information than he wanted to.
“Spence, she’s living with you already?” asked JJ.
“No, she stays over almost every night though” mumbled out Spencer.
“My man” yelped out Derek, before he put an arm around Spencer’s shoulder, which Spence shrugged off before he threw Derek a glare.
Aaron and David watched the entire conversation in silence before Aaron slid a twenty over to David.
“What was that for?” questioned Emily.
“I thought they were together for six months and Dave thought they were together for a year. Dave was closer.” said Aaron, letting a small smile escape his usual stoic face.
“What, I thought I hid it better?” yelped out Spencer, looking at the two in shock.
“It wasn’t that hard Spencer, all of a sudden you had started looking disheveled when coming into work. And not to add on a couple of evenings you had lipstick smudged on your cheek” said Dave, grinned at the clearly love-stricken boy.
“So when do we meet her?” asked Emily.
“Ooh, you should bring her to the Christmas potluck at Rossi’s place this weekend” said JJ.
After a log of begging, Spencer gave in and agreed to bring Y/N over to meet some of the most important people in the world to him. After all if he had his family and his girlfriend, it would no doubt be the best Christmas ever.
As they held hands, Spencer and Y/N walked up the cobblestone pathway to Dave’s place when Y/N asked, “what if they don’t like me?”, for what seemed like the millionth time.
“They’ll love you Y/N” said Spencer, squeezing Y/N’s hand.
“You keep saying that, but how do you know that?” questioned Y/N as she pressed the doorbell.
“They’ll love you because I love you” said Spencer, before he pressed a soft kiss to Y/N’s forehead, who barely reached his shoulder even with heels on.
Y/N’s cheeks flushed, as she said, “I love you too”.
“Bellissima, you must be Y/N. Spencer’s told us much about you” said Dave, as he ushered the two in from the cold weather.
Spence and Y/N walked into the main area of the house where the rest of Spencer’s team was waiting. Everyone introduced themselves to Y/N, while she in turn introduced herself to Spencer’s family. It was during dinner when Spencer realized that last Christmas he was all alone and could never have imagined being with a woman as perfect as Y/N was a year from then.
“So, how did you two meet?” asked Penelope.
Spencer and Y/N took turns regaling the others with the tale of how they met. How Spencer walked into Y/N at the park, with his nose blindly in a book, causing Y/N to spill her coffee on herself and fall onto the slippery ice. Spencer had felt so guilty he practically drove her to urgent care, but after much urging on Y/N’s part, he settled with buying her another cup of coffee while the two talked. Without realizing, Spencer and Y/N had spent half the day sitting in the cramped booth at the coffee shop, talking about everything imaginable. Spencer had never been so comfortable with a stranger, and Y/N had never been so open with a man she had just recently met. That was when Spencer and Y/N knew that it was only just the beginning for them.
Throughout the dinner, the team noticed how Spencer would take the tomatoes off of Y/N’s plate and how Y/N took the mushrooms off of his plate. They observed as Spencer held Y/N’s hand underneath the table, something he didn’t dare do a year ago. They noted how he was more confident when with Y/N. What they didn’t see is how when Y/N didn’t know how to respond, Spencer stepped up. How Spencer made Y/N much more comfortable being herself, and being okay with who she was for once. Spencer and Y/N complemented each other in the best way possible. Not only were they perfect for each other, they were made for each other.
Taglist - @bitchinprentiss @lookwhatyoumademequeue @anisha-r @estompe @dakotapaigelove @chocok22 @ssa-aaronhotchner 
A/N MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE WHO CELEBRATES! I had a wonderful time during the past 12 days. I hope to participate in 12 Days of FIcmas again next year as well! Thank you to everyone who read my fics these past twelve days! Have an amazing Christmas, if you celebrate, and a wonderful holiday season! 
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