#i can get it back tomorrow but stilllll
supercriminalbean · 10 months
Missing my BAU girl eara.
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stayb3sidestraykids · 2 years
My heart. | Lee know
Genre: fluff, drunk confessions, bestfriend!leeknow
Warnings: cursing
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All you remember is that you took way too many shots. Way too many that, the shots started to taste like water. You rarely even drink, you just got drunk in hopes to drink the work stress away.
Chan told Lee know that you were at a party drinking like there was no tomorrow. And in no time Lee know was scolding Chan to drop you off at his house. And that’s how you ended up on his bed, shit-face drunk with him helping you wipe off your makeup.
“Why isn’t this coming off. Ah...” You giggled at how his eyebrows were all scrunched up, teeth biting at his lip, so determined to wipe your face clean. Your eyes shamelessly scanned his face, stopping at his ears, for some reason they looked so funny. You couldn’t help but let out the loudest laughter, naturally throwing your head back. “Ahh (name) stay stilllll.” His hands lifted to hold your face still, holding your face as if it was delicate raw egg. “Your ears.. they look just like um.. your eyes are funny. Did I say eyes? I mean your eyes- ears. They look like.. you look like a monkey. They’re so big.” You couldn’t even control what you were saying, it just slipped out. He let out a small chuckle, throwing the wipes he used to wipe off your face in the trash. He tossed the wipes on his nightstand near the bed, looking back you.
“You should sleep. Let’s get some rest, yeah?” He lifted his hand up to your face, running his fingers down the side of your face. “Wait a second. I have- I have to.. um tell my best friend goodnight. He’s probably worried about m-me.” Lee know found you stumbling over your words so cute. He couldn’t even tell you that he was your best friend. He just smiled and played along. “I bet he is. But you can talk to him when you’ve had some rest.” He crawled over, getting positioned to where he was sitting up against the headboard of his bed. He jerked his head, signaling for you to come and lay on him. And that you did. Laying your head in his lap, swinging your arm around his legs. He used one of his hands to rub your head, the other rubbing up and down your back. “I’m so in love with him.. my best friend Lee Know. He’s so hand- handsome. I wish he loved me like I love him. He has funny ears like you.” Leeknow listened to you rant, shutting his eyes with a smile slowly creeping up on his lips. “You know, he likes you too. How could he not?” Your head shot up, staring at the boy above you. Eyebrow raising, confused. You could barely process what was going on, still feeling drunk and very tired. “Eh?” Was all you could let out, making the boy crack a laugh.
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“He loves you, he wants to just kiss you everytime he sees you. He wants to wake up to you, and fall asleep with you in his arms. He’s probably thinking of you right now, wanting your lips on his, moving in sync. I bet he wants that, bad.” His heart did a backflip at you innocently tilting your head, something you do when interested. “He loves me?” Lee know nodded his head. You scanned his face once again, finally putting two and two together. “You look like him.. are you him? Does he have a twin he didn’t tell me about? Are you? Wait. Lee know?” Lee know’s hand lifted up to your face, caressing it with so much love. “Let’s get some sleep and talk about this in the morning. Ok?” He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
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scottishstoner · 2 years
So every year since cobra kai was released even before it was on Netflix and I bought s1 & 2 on YouTube - my bro and I have watched it every year together and got high/drunk and my bro is going on holiday to Spain with a friend BUT it’s next week and we’re both so happy cobra kai is out tomorrow so we can do our tradition lmao we loved the karate kid movies and loveeee cobra kai I’m so excited to get back into cobra kai blogging mode although I am working a lot this weekend after Friday morning shift and then next week but stilllll :))
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jokertrap-ran · 5 years
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BAD MEDICINE ~Infectious teachers~ [PC GAME] Kashu Remu (Chemistry) Route Translations (Part 1)
MC’s name is retained as the original MC name Kawana Hina.
* Words within ‘   ‘ are spoken in English – *Spoiler free : Translations under cut!
Prologue / Part 1
Friend A: Yay~ Now all the lessons today are over and done with! We only have to clean-up next.
Friend A: Where was I assigned to this week again…? Oh, I’m due for the library. What about you?
Hina: Uh… The chemistry room I guess? It feels like it’s the first time I’m on the duty roster all over again.
Friend A: Oh, that’s true. Well, you’re stuck with me! Come on then, let’s hurry there. The quicker we finish, the faster we can leave!
Hina: Right, of course.
Friend A: Okay, this should be all. ...This should be fine, right? I mean, it’s already pretty clean now.
Hina: Hmm, I think we should be fine. I mean, I feel like this place’s really clean to begin with.
Hina: Oh, what about that room over there though?
Friend A: Ahh, you can leave that. It’s an unused room that hasn’t been accessed in forever. Plus…
Friend A: --It’s a locked room, ain’t it? Perhaps a ghost appears from the room once night falls.
Hina: Wow, okay...
Friend A: Well, sometimes it’s better to just let sleeping dogs lie. It’s not a place we’re assigned to clean either.
Hina: R-Right.
Friend A: Alright, I’ll go toss the trash so could I leave you to pack the cleaning tools up? You can leave once you’re done.
Hina: Alright. Guess we’re finally done.
Friend A: See ya then!
Hina: I guess I should finish up here too. I should get all these into the cleaning tool closet.
Hina: ….Huh? What’s this? This is neither a lab equipment nor a cleaning tool. Hmm?
Hina: It’s a rabbit plushie. Why’s it over here though?
Kashu: Ahh~ It’s not here either… Geez, I’ve been up and around doing experiments all morning though…
Kashu: But stilllll~ I can’t really think of anyone who’d do this…
Kashu: Ugh… Where did pyonkichi-chan go…?
Hina: ...Kashu-sensei? W-What’s wrong?
Kashu: Eh~ Whaat, it’s just you? Mm, you see-
Hina: Yes?
Kashu: Wait, ahh!! That’s my pyonkichi-chan! I’ve been looking for it forever!
Kashu: No way! Did you steal him from me!?
Choice A: N-No! Of course not!
Kashu: Really?
Hina: I found it on the ground. All I did was to pick it up!
Kashu: It dropped? Where did you find it?
Choice B: I wouldn’t steal something like that.
Kashu: Something like that…? I never pegged you for someone who could say something so mean!
Hina: As I was saying, I wouldn’t steal a plushie which belongs to someone else! I simply picked it up!
Kashu: You picked it up?
Hina: Yes! It was right inside the cleaning tool closet!
Kashu: Inside there? Why would it be all the way over the...Oh.
Kashu: Oh, yes. Yeah, I remember now! I was there during lunch break!  Maybe it dropped back then.
Hina: Uh, you were inside the closet?
Kashu: Yup♪ I was in there for a bit~
Hina: Right, okay. Sure.
Kashu: Hehe~ It’s pretty fun in there, you know?
Hina: Uh, sure.
Hina: (I don’t really understand him but wow… What an odd teacher he is.)
Kashu: But~ To think I dropped pyonkichi-chan there… Now that’s no good, nope, not at all~
Hina: For starters… Here. I’ve dusted it off at least.
Kashu: Thanks! Ehehe, thank god. Sorry for doubting you~♪
Hina: No, that’s quite alright. Please don’t lose it again. I’m sure it was lonely all by itself here.
Kashu: ...Hmm…?
Hina: Um...D-Did I say something strange?
Hina: (I didn’t, did I? I feel like I’ve said something that I’d only do in dreams…)
Kashu: No, not really. That asides, gimme your hand~
Hina: Huh?
Kashu: I’ll give this to you as a thank you.
Hina: Oh, thank you. This… This is a sugar cube, right?
Kashu: Yup, it is.
Choice A: I don’t need it.
Kashu: Boooooo! No, no! You’re losing out if you refuse it! 
Kashu: Oh… Do you perhaps not like sweet things?
Choice B: Thank you very much.
Kashu: Of course, of course. What a good girl♪ Do you perhaps like sugar cubes as well?
Hina: Err… I do like sweets.
Hina: (Still, why a sugar cube shaped as a sphere of all things?)
Kashu: Ehehe~ Then we’re sweet-loving buddies now! Let’s shake hands~!
Hina: Um?
Kashu: We’re comrades so of course we’re gonna shake hands! Here, your hand!
Hina: Okay.
Hina: (Uh, okay…? So how did things come down to… This?)
Kashu: You’ve peaked my interest. Hmm~ You’re the transfer student, right? Hehe, maybe that’s why!
Kashu: You’re really interesting~! What’s your name?
Hina: I’m Kawana Hina.
Kashu: Okie dokie. Alright, I’ve remembered it! I hope we get along together!
Hina: S-Same here? I hope we get along too…?
Kashu: Yup, yup~ See you tomorrow then!
Kashu: Hm hm hmm~♪ What joy, how fun~
Hina: ………...
Hina: I don’t really get it but is it really alright for him to be interested in me? He doesn’t mean it in a bad way and it’s not a bad thing, but still...
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jortsaaaaaaart · 8 years
Dandelion pt 7 Junkrat x Reader
Okay so I don’t know if I had already said it on here but I had always intended it to be both Junkrat and Soldier 76 x Reader. Junkrat is the main hoe but stilllll.
It wasn’t til you stood up that you realized, while you were alive, you weren’t okay. As you hauled yourself to your feet you were hit by a wave of nausea. Looking down, you saw a pool of blood. You swayed unsteadily and Jamison scrambled to catch you as you toppled down.
Now, hold it . . . Yes! Just like that. Good job, (Y/N).
Now pull the trigger.
Stop shaking, Mi Amore,
He’s already dead.
You woke with a start, sweat making the sheets cling to your body. The white room, IVs, and the slow beep of the heart monitor told you that you were in a hospital. You sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, putting the nightmare to the back of your mind. Your head was killing you-and it looked like someone had changed your clothes while you were out- but it seemed like you were alright.
The soft click of a sliding door made you look up as a blonde woman entered the room. “You are awake! Wunderbar!” She exclaimed. “We were very worried about you, mein liebling. You had so much shrapnel in you, very messy. Thankfully they got you to the infirmary in time.” She had an almost ageless beauty and a thick accent, you recognized her almost immediately. The angel of Overwatch. Mercy, or Doctor Angela Ziegler.
“You’re doctor Ziegler, right? Thank you for taking care of me. . .” You sat up a bit straighter. “How long was I out?”
“Just a few hours. You should be able to leave soon, we just need to finish up your IV.” She explained. You were a bit surprised by that, you’d never had medicine that worked so fast. When you mentioned it to Doctor Ziegler she just laughed and said something about “the wonders of modern medicine”. True to her word you were patched up and ready to go as soon as all the liquid had been drained from your IV. (You were still concerned about how fast it had healed you, but it was best not to dwell on it.) You were heading out the door when she stopped you.
“Oh, (Y/N), your freunden, ze Junker. You should probably find him if you can. He was very worried about you. In fact he was here watching over you until I had to kick him out.” Dr Zeigler called out. If your head didn’t still hurt, you would have face palmed.
“I know I may regret asking, but what did he do?” You asked her.
“Well, mostly he was just very. . . Was ist das Wort? Unclean? Yes, he was very unclean, he got soot all over your bandages. His hair even caused the bedsheets to catch fire! . . .Ich schwöre, dass der Junge der Tod von mir sein wird. . . Anyways, I would go talk to him.” She explained, tiredly. You smiled a bit at the mental image of Junkrat causing havoc around you while you were unconscious. You told Dr Ziegler you would go make sure he was okay and then left the infirmary.
It felt good to stretch your legs, even if you were still a bit woozy. You set off towards the mess hall to find Junkrat. If he was anywhere he’d be there, slurping down milk tea like there’s no tomorrow. You felt almost excited to see him. That was, until, your mind decided to remind you of what happened a few hours ago. Subconsciously, your hand rose to your lips. . . You stopped walking and turned around.
“I am not dealing with all of these feelings right after waking up from a two-hour coma.” You hissed. With a sigh you turned around and walked towards the firing range, maybe some target practice would clear your head. When you got there you were disappointed to see that there were other people already inside. Your best friend, Soldier: 76, and a short girl with glasses. 76 turned towards you as you walked past him to the booth next to the girl. You slipped on a pair of headphones and removed your gun from its place on your hip. You raised the gun and started to fire.
With each bullet you felt the stress leave your body. Nine shots later you were completely relaxed.
As you put the headphones back you noticed the girl in the next booth had peeked around the wall. She looked a bit embarrassed when she noticed you, noticing her, and she stepped out from behind the wall.
“Sorry! I was just impressed by your shooting,” She hastily explained, a blush rising to her cheeks. You smiled at her and told her it was fine. “Xièxiè. . . Oh umm, my name is Mei by the way. You must be the new recruit, (Y/N) right?”
“Yeah, that’s me.” You chuckled. “How did you know? I haven’t really seen many other people here.”
“Oh Hana told me last night. She said you were very bad at video games, but a good person.” Commented Mei. Of course Hana would say something like that. You didn’t know whether to be flattered or pissed. Maybe both.
“That sounds like something she would say,” You remarked. “Though I still think she has an unfair advantage when it comes to videogames!” Mei laughed loudly, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I know, right. Hana is too good at those things!” She agreed. “She’s really something else.”
The two of you chatted away for what seemed like hours, stopping only when your stomach decided to remind you that you hadn’t eaten since last night. Your face turned red as your belly let out a loud growl. Mei grinned, barely holding back her laughter.
“I think it’s telling me it’s time for lunch. I should head to the mess hall.” You told her.
Mei started to speak but was cut off by a deep, gravely, voice. “At this point it’s probably telling you it’s time for dinner. It’s 18:00.” Was it bad to say you had honestly forgotten 76 was there? Well, there he was, and there he had been, apparently.
“That would explain the hunger, then. Mess hall it is. Bye, Mei, it was nice to meet you,” You called out to her, earning a grin and a wave goodbye.
“I’ll go with you.” 76 told you. You gaped a bit as he fell into step next to you. You didn’t want to talk to him. At least you thought you didn’t because after the fifth minute of uncomfortable silence you were feeling pretty chatty.
“Sooo,” You started. “You. . . Got a new visor. . . That’s good.”
“I’ve had a new visor. I wasn’t training you with a broken one on, was I.” Said 76.
“No, you weren’t. That got repaired pretty fast though,” You grumbled.
“No. I always have at least five replacements ready at all times.”He told you shortly. You looked at him and started to laugh.
“Why does that not surprise me? Of course you’d have a backup, and a backup for your backup.” You snorted.
“What's that supposed to mean?” He asked gruffly his sight locked on you.
“I just feel like nothing really surprises you. Like nobody gets the drop on you.” You explained. “You always seem pretty prepared.”
“. . .You did,” He commented. “In more ways than one. First you cracked my visor, then you actually joined Overwatch. And that wasn’t even the surprising part. What gets me is how well you’re taking it, this whole thing, being forced to join Overwatch. Honestly. I don’t understand it.” His sudden bit of honesty was surprising to say the least. You didn’t respond right away, eyes glued to the floor. You could tell him why you really joined. Part of you wanted to tell him, wanted his approval. With a resigned sigh you looked back up at his visor.
“. . . Look. Nobody else knows this, okay? But I wasn’t planning on being an assassin forever. I had what you could call a wake up call. Some stuff happened and it made me realize I needed to stop. So when Winston offered me a place here I took it as a sign that it was time to change.” You murmured. “God I don’t know why I’m even telling you this.” Neither of you spoke for a while and the two of you walked in an amiable silence. Suddenly you felt a warm hand on your back.
“Communication between teammates is important. Maybe when you’re more comfortable here you can tell me what you’re running from.” He reassured you, his thumb rubbing slow circles on your back.
“Maybe.” You echoed. “I wouldn’t want you to lose all respect for me though. Or whatever is left of it.” You saw his brow furrow out of the corner of your eye, but you didn’t say anything else, and neither did he.
It was strange, but you actually didn’t hate taking with him. You still thought he had a gigantic stick up his ass, but you enjoyed the walk nonetheless.
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