#Jennifer Lucero
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By: Aaron Sibarium
Published: May 23, 2024
Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence. Whistleblowers say affirmative action, illegal in California since 1996, is to blame.
Long considered one of the best medical schools in the world, the University of California, Los Angeles's David Geffen School of Medicine receives as many as 14,000 applications a year. Of those, it accepted just 173 students in the 2023 admissions cycle, a record-low acceptance rate of 1.3 percent. The median matriculant took difficult science courses in college, earned a 3.8 GPA, and scored in the 88th percentile on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).
Without those stellar stats, some doctors at the school say, students can struggle to keep pace with the demanding curriculum.
So when it came time for the admissions committee to consider one such student in November 2021—a black applicant with grades and test scores far below the UCLA average—some members of the committee felt that this particular candidate, based on the available evidence, was not the best fit for the top-tier medical school, according to two people present for the committee's meeting.
Their reservations were not well-received.
When an admissions officer voiced concern about the candidate, the two people said, the dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero, exploded in anger.
"Did you not know African-American women are dying at a higher rate than everybody else?" Lucero asked the admissions officer, these people said. The candidate's scores shouldn't matter, she continued,  because "we need people like this in the medical school."
Even before the Supreme Court's landmark affirmative action ban last year, public schools in California were barred by state law from considering race in admissions. The outburst from Lucero, who discussed race explicitly despite that ban, unsettled some admissions officers, one of whom reached out to other committee members in the wake of the incident. "We are not consistent in the way we apply the metrics to these applicants," the official wrote in an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. "This is troubling."
"I wondered," the official added, "if this applicant had been [a] white male, or [an] Asian female for that matter, [whether] we would have had that much discussion."
Since Lucero took over medical school admissions in June 2020, several of her colleagues have asked the same question. In interviews with the Free Beacon and complaints to UCLA officials, including investigators in the university's Discrimination Prevention Office, faculty members with firsthand knowledge of the admissions process say it has prioritized diversity over merit, resulting in progressively less qualified classes that are now struggling to succeed.
Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a "failed medical school," said one former member of the admissions staff. "We want racial diversity so badly, we're willing to cut corners to get it."
This story is based on written correspondence between UCLA officials, internal data on student performance, and interviews with eight professors at the medical school—six of whom have worked with or under Lucero on medical student and residency admissions.
Together, they provide an unprecedented account of how racial preferences, outlawed in California since 1996, have nonetheless continued, upending academic standards at one of the top medical schools in the country. The school has consequently taken a hit in the rankings and seen a sharp rise in the number of students failing basic standardized tests, raising concerns about their clinical competence.
"I have students on their rotation who don't know anything," a member of the admissions committee told the Free Beacon. "People get in and they struggle."
It is almost unheard of for admissions officials to go public, even anonymously, and provide a window into confidential deliberations, much less to accuse their colleagues of breaking the law or lowering standards. They've agreed to come forward anyway, several officials told the Free Beacon, because the results of Lucero's push for diversity have been so alarming.
"I wouldn't normally talk to a reporter," a UCLA faculty member said. "But there's no way to stop this without embarrassing the medical school."
Within three years of Lucero's hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report's rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.
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Those tests, known as shelf exams, which are typically taken at the end of each clinical rotation, measure basic medical knowledge and play a pivotal role in residency applications. Though only 5 percent of students fail each test nationally, the rates are much higher at UCLA, having increased tenfold in some subjects since 2020, according to internal data obtained by the Free Beacon.
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That uptick coincided with a steep drop in the number of Asian matriculants and tracks the subjective impressions of faculty who say that students have never been more poorly prepared.
One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients.
"I don't know how some of these students are going to be junior doctors," the professor said. "Faculty are seeing a shocking decline in knowledge of medical students."
And for those who've seen the competency crisis up close, double standards in admissions are a big part of the problem. "All the normal criteria for getting into medical school only apply to people of certain races," an admissions officer said. "For other people, those criteria are completely disregarded."
Led by Lucero, who also serves as the vice chair for equity, diversity, and inclusion of UCLA's anesthesiology department, the admissions committee routinely gives black and Latino applicants a pass for subpar metrics, four people who served on it said, while whites and Asians need near perfect scores to even be considered.
The bar for underrepresented minorities is "as low as you could possibly imagine," one committee member told the Free Beacon. "It completely disregards grades and achievements."
Lucero did not respond to a request for comment.
Several officials said that they support holistic admissions and don't believe test scores should be judged in isolation. The problem, as they see it, is that the committee is not just weighing academic merit against community service or considering how much time a given student had to study for the MCAT. For certain applicants, they say, hardship and community service seem to be the only things that matter to the majority of the committee's 20-30 members, many of whom were handpicked by Lucero, according to people familiar with the selection process.
"We were always outnumbered," an admissions officer told the Free Beacon, referring to committee members who expressed concern about low grades. "Other people would get upset when we brought up GPA."
Lucero hasn't been kind to dissenters. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, six people who've worked with her described a pattern of racially charged incidents that has dispirited officials and pushed some of them to resign from the committee.
She has lashed out at officials who question the qualifications of minority candidates, five sources said, suggesting naysayers are "privileged," implying that they are racist, and subjecting them to diversity training sessions.
After a Native American applicant was rejected in 2021, for example, Lucero chewed out the committee and made members sit through a two-hour lecture on Native history delivered by her own sister, according to three people familiar with the incident. No applications were reviewed that day, an official present for the lecture said.
In the anesthesiology department, where Lucero helps rank applicants to the department's residency program, she has rebuffed calls to blind the race of candidates, telling colleagues in a January 2023 email that, despite California's ban on racial preferences, "we are not required to blind any information."
That alone could get UCLA in legal trouble, according to Adam Mortara, the lead trial lawyer for the plaintiffs in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, the Supreme Court case that outlawed affirmative action nationwide.
Asking for information about an applicant's race when "no lawful use can be made of it" is "presumptively illegal," Mortara said. "You can't have evidence of overt discrimination like this and not have someone come forward" as a plaintiff.
Lucero has even advocated moving candidates up or down the residency rank list based on race. At a meeting in February 2022, according to two people present, Lucero demanded that a highly qualified white male be knocked down several spots because, as she put it, "we have too many of his kind" already. She also told doctors who voiced concern that they had no right to an opinion because they were "not BIPOC," sources said, and insisted that a Hispanic applicant who had performed poorly on her anesthesiology rotation in medical school should be bumped up. Neither candidate was ultimately moved.
Lucero's comments from the meeting were flagged in an email to UCLA's Discrimination Prevention Office, which has received several complaints about her since 2023, emails show. The office has declined to act on those complaints on the grounds that they aren't "serious enough" to merit an investigation, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation. The Discrimination Prevention Office did not respond to a request for comment.
The focus on racial diversity has coincided with a dramatic shift in the racial and ethnic composition of the medical school, where the number of Asian matriculants fell by almost a third between 2019 and 2022, according to publicly available data. No other elite medical school in California saw a similar decline.
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As the demographics of UCLA have changed, the number of students failing their shelf exams has soared, trends professors at the medical school say are connected.
Between 2020, the year Lucero assumed her post, and 2023, when the first classes she admitted were taking their shelf exams, the failure rate rose dramatically across all subjects, in some cases increasing tenfold relative to the 2020 baseline, per internal data obtained by the Free Beacon.
"UCLA still produces some very good graduates," one professor said. "But a third to a half of the medical school is incredibly unqualified."
The collapse in qualifications has been compounded by UCLA's decision, in 2020, to condense its preclinical curriculum from two years to one in order to add more time for research and community service. That means students arrive at their clinical rotations with just a year of courses under their belt—some of which focus less on science than social justice.
First-year students spend three to four hours every other week in "Structural Racism and Health Equity," a required class that covers topics like "fatphobia," has featured anti-Semitic speakers, and is now the subject of an internal review. They spend an additional seven hours a week in "Foundations of Practice," which includes units on "interpersonal communication skills" and, according to one medical student, basically "tells us how to be a good person." The two courses eat up time that could be spent on physiology or anatomy, professors say, and leave struggling students with fewer hours to learn the basics.
"This has been a colossal failure," one professor posted in April on a forum for medical school applicants. "The new curriculum is not working and the students are grossly unprepared for clinical rotations."
Nearly a fourth of UCLA medical students in the class of 2025 have failed three or more shelf exams, data from the school show, forcing some students to repeat classes and persuading others to postpone a different test, the Step 2 licensing exam, that is typically taken in the third year of medical school and is a prerequisite for most residency programs.
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Around 20 percent of UCLA students have not taken Step 2 by January of their fourth year, according to the data. Ten percent have not even taken the more basic Step 1—an "extremely high number," one professor said, that will force many students to extend medical school.
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"It's a combination of a bad curriculum and bad selection," another professor said, referring to the admissions process. Some students are accepted with GPAs so low "they shouldn't even be applying."
UCLA did not respond to a request for comment.
As medical schools around the country adjust to the Supreme Court's affirmative action ban, the experience of UCLA offers a preview of how administrators may skirt the law and devise public-spirited excuses for violating it.
Lucero has told the admissions committee that each class should "represent" the "diversity" of California, including its remote and rural areas, so that graduating students will return to their hometowns and beef up the medical infrastructure there, officials say.
Race is rarely mentioned outright, and unlike the committee for anesthesiology residents, the committee for students does not see the race or ethnicity of applicants.
Instead, officials say, Lucero uses proxies like zip codes and euphemisms like "disadvantaged" to shut down criticism of unqualified candidates, citing a finding from the Association of American Medical Colleges that, technically, most students with below-average MCATs make it to their second year of medical school. How well they do after that point goes undiscussed and undisclosed.
"We have asked for metrics on how these folks actually do," one committee member said. "None of that is ever divulged to us."
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Hope your next doctor isn't from UCLA.
Wokeness has a body count.
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the-bi-library · 5 months
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Here are bisexual books out in April!
Books listed:
In Universes by Emet North Dear Bi Men: A Black Man's Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combating Erasure by J.R. Yussuf Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur Of Blood and Aether (Harbingers, #1) by Harper Hawthorne Saint-Seducing Gold (The Forge & Fracture Saga #2) by Brittany N. Williams Darker by Four (Darker by Four, #1) by June C.L. Tan Rough Trade by Katrina Carrasco The Last Love Song by Kalie Holford Moon Dust in My Hairnet by J.R. Creaden What Is Love? by Jen Comfort Finally Fitz by Marisa Kanter The Boyfriend Fix by Lee Pini Playing for Keeps by Jennifer Dugan She Came for Blood (Dreamers & Demons: Sapphic Monsters Book 3) by Darva Green Call Forth a Fox by Markelle Grabo I'm The Same by James Ungurait Something Kindred by Ciera Burch Calling of Light (Shamanborn, #3) by Lori M. Lee Off With Their Heads by Zoe Hana Mikuta Even If We're Broken by A.M. Weald Harley Quinn: Redemption (DC Icons Series Book 3) by Rachael Allen Rainbow Overalls by Maggie Fortuna Smile and Be a Villain by Yves Donlon Lights, Camera, Passion by Isabel Lucero Hearts Still Beating by Brooke Archer Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married by Georgia Beers Court of Wanderers (Silver Under Nightfall, #2) by Rin Chupeco Good Mourning, Darling (Darling Disposition, #1) by Azalea Crowley All the Hype (Oak Haven Romance) by S. Bolanos The Devil to Pay by Katie Daysh Every Time You Hear That Song by Jenna Voris
You can find these books in this list on goodreads
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💙💜💖 Bi Books Out April 2024
💖💜💙 I planned a few too many posts for April! Sorry about that, bookish bats. Still, I couldn't mentally focus on math without one of my favorite lists! Here are all the bi books that came out in April! Which are you adding to your tbr (or which did you read and love)?
💖 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Dear Bi Men - J.R. Yussuf 💙 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan
💖 Saint-Seducing Gold - Brittany N. Williams 💜 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💙 Moon Dust in My Hairnet - J.R. Creaden
💖 What Is Love? - Jen Comfort 💜 Playing for Keeps - Jennifer Dugan 💙 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter
💖 In Universes - Emet North 💜 Of Blood and Aether - Harper Hawthorne 💙 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco
💖 Off With Their Heads - Zoe Hana Mikuta 💜 The Boyfriend Fix - Lee Pini 💙 Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo
💖 She Came for Blood - Darva Green 💜 Calling of Light - Lori M. Lee 💙 Something Kindred - Ciera Burch
💖 All the Hype - S. Bolanos 💜 I'm The Same - James Ungurait 💜 Good Mourning, Darling - Azalea Crowley 💙 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer
💖 Even If We're Broken - A.M. Weald 💜 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💙 Lights, Camera, Passion - Isabel Lucero
💖 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 💜 Harley Quinn: Redemption - Rachael Allen 💙 Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers
💖 Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 💜 The Devil to Pay - Katie Daysh 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris
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betterthanthemovies · 8 months
books read in 2024:
out on a limb - hannah bonam-young
keeping 13 - chloe walsh
picking daisies on sundays - liana cincotti
done and dusted - lyla sage
flawless - elsie silver
funny feelings - tarah dewitt
call it what you want - brigid kemmerer
a love letter to whiskey - kandi steiner
once upon a broken heart - stephanie garber
mile high - liz tomforde
night shift - annie crown
heartless - elsie silver
afterglow effect - alecia gabrielle
too wrong to be right - melonie johnson
just go with it - madison wright
powerless - elsie silver
just friends - tiffany pitcock
magnolia parks - jessa hastings
twisted love - ana huang
the duet - hailey gardiner
love redesigned - lauren asher
happily never after - lynn painter
camp let you go - kristen lucero
more than just us - allie otoski
the infinity between us - n.s. perkins
older - jennifer hartmann
wild love - elsie silver
diving in - bianca miller
funny story - emily henry
the seven year slip - ashley poston
the rule book - sarah adams
next of kin - hannah bonam-young
twice shy - sarah hogle
rewrite our story - kat singleton
the truth & lies duet - c.w. farnsworth
just for the summer - abby jimenez
the deal - elle kennedy
the cruel prince - holly black
the consequences of falling - liliana rose hastings
the summer of perfect mistakes - cynthia st. aubin
the right move - liz tomforde
the summer of broken rules - k.l. walther
this summer will be different - carley fortune
catch the sun - jennifer hartmann
every last word - tamara ireland stone
like i never said - c.w. farnsworth
a thousand broken pieces - tillie cole
caught up - liz tomforde
the art of breathing - cali melle
she followed the moon back to herself - amanda lovelace
the cinnamon bun book store - laurie gilmore
where time stands still - n.s. perkins
the irish goodbye - amy ewing
blue sisters - coco mellors
all too well - corinne michaels
reading goal: 55/50
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dustedmagazine · 11 months
Aaron Dooley — The International Disassociation of (Centripetal Force/Island House)
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This second outing of 2023 from Aaron Dooley’s seven-piece jazz ensemble shimmers and shifts, an indefinite haze of sound breaking, sporadically, for clear flights of melody. Dooley, a bass player out of Denver, plunks a subtle, unsettling undertow, allowing other instruments—pedal steel, saxophone, even drums—to slip to the forefront. All improvised, these cuts absorb multiple points of view into free-flowing inquiry, not muddying them, but softening the edges.
“Passing Tres” for instance weaves slow-moving textures of bass, percussion, saxophone and trumpet together, letting the drums float to foreground with their punches and cymbal shivers (that’s Diego Lucero on kit). It’s a luminous, somewhat indistinct sound with flares of fusion-y futurism, a musing, narcotic drift to it. A skirling saxophone, played by Gabriella Zelek, breaks through like a swimmer to the surface, the bass roiling deep underneath. “What About Being Alone” shifts the focus to Cooper Dickerson, his plaintive surges of pedal steel lifting out of the soundscape, while Zelek’s sax swirls and blows around him. “Reward of Consequence” provides space for Aesop Adams, the guitarist and Dooley’s partner in Osmium House, to let things rip.
The disc’s first three cuts are relatively concise. The last three stretch to wider horizons. “Westbound Alameda” does this in a lyrical, laid-back way, an elastic foundation of bass and struck percussion supporting flares of trumpet (Gavin Susalski), slithery runs of sax and, again, that gorgeous pedal steel. “Funeral of Fireflies” abstracts country pedal steel into abstract shapes, letting the thump and pound of percussion push it away from conventional twang. Adams, here, executes whistle-high harmonics that cut through the haze and Zuri Barnes sings warmly, evocatively in the background. It sounds like a slightly countrified version of Laraaji’s transcendental bliss. Dooley’s band is rooted in jazz, but not confined by it. The final track with its stand-up bass and swaggering horn line sounds the most like big band swing. It also allows the wildest bouts of brass improvisation, with Susalski arcing off into the stratosphere from a swaying, grounding foundation.  
It's not easy to get even a couple of people on one page, let alone seven. These tracks show a still relatively new configuration of people finding their way together, making a shared path and diverging from it.
Jennifer Kelly
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write-on-world · 2 years
The Impossible Players Open Christmas Belles… are you listening?
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The Impossible Players of Pueblo, CO. in grand tradition open the holiday season with Christmas Belles, by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten. The production opened Friday, 25th November, with an audience eager to begin the holiday season. The Impossible Players, or “Imps” as they are known locally, who claim the title of the oldest community theater troupe this side of the Mississippi, opened their holiday season with this new production – the second in a trilogy written by the same team – to an enthused audience.
The Impossible Playhouse, where the production is being staged, was lavishly decorated with Christmas themed elements from the main lobby all the way up to the stage. Candles, trees, twinkle lights, garlands, and wrapping paper line the walls of the playhouse to generate an authentic Christmas feeling for all visitors who are encouraged to participate in the show by it’s conclusion. It’s clear that first-time director Billy Herrington was determined to go all-in with his directorial debut.
“Growing up in the south, Christmas isn’t just another holiday, it’s a way of life.” Mr. Herrington declares.
“Covid messed up too many things,” comments one member of the audience. “Sometimes it feels like we’re still recovering from that. But these guys did their best to keep going even when everything else closed down and everyone was just in a (expletive omitted) mood about everything. These guys kept going and damned if I didn’t need the laughs. It’s also good to feel that holiday spirit with everything going on in the world.”
By the performance's conclusion, another attendee commented, "That Santa was an ornery old cuss. I loved it!"
The story of Belles centers on the small fictional town of Fayro, Texas. Wherein the famous Futrelle Sisters are caught up hopelessly in their own lives while trying to bring the community together for a Christmas pageant with a new spin that includes everything from camel costumes to the arrival of Elvis. At the center of the chaos is Honey Ray Futrelle, played by long time Impy Marlo Angel-Hartman, who is tasked with putting together and directing the Christmas pageant replacing the previous director Geneva, played by Donna Hickman. Geneva, in grand Texas fashion, refuses to give up the position without a fight and does what she can to manage different facets of the production, much to the dismay of Honey Ray.
In traditional family togetherness, Honey Ray has her two sisters to lean on for support. Twink, played by Gina Mann and Frankie, played by Melissa Santistevan. Twink’s help is limited by the fact that she’s currently a ward of the state on a work release program and shadowed by a sheriff’s deputy, played by Dave Conley. And the final sister, Frankie, is heavy with unborn twins that are long overdue and she’s hoping that constant activity will “give these two freeloaders some incentive”. Together, the sisters band together to keep the production lively and cheery through the midst of cast members who get sick, reneging celebrities, confused medications with delirious effects, last minute cast replacements, and shocking family revelations.
The ensemble of the cast include a combination of newcomers and veterans, Maranda Sandoval, William Hambric, Amber Shipley, Johnny Lucero, Jennifer Lunde-Elder, and Rich Keilholtz. The show opened to laughter, gags, and comedic facial expressions that the Impys are famous for and deliver it, they do!
The performances continue tonight, 26th November, as well as 2nd, 3rd, and 4th December – which is the matinee at 2 PM. As well as 9th and 10th December. House opens at 7 PM, curtain goes up at 7:30 PM. The playhouse is located at 1201 N. Main St., Pueblo, CO. 81003. Reservations can be made by calling (719) 542-6969 or you can follow the Impossible Players on Instagram and Facebook.
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djninaflowers · 1 month
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As I head home, I want to extend a huge thank you to Francis Lucero, Robert Turner, Jennifer Carrillo, Steven Burschinger, and the entire Crystal Ballroom team for having me be a part of your amazing event! I had an absolute blast and can't wait to see this event continue to grow - Portland needs it! Thanks to everyone who joined us last night. Until next time, Portland... ❤️ #CrystalBallroom #Portland #Grateful #EventLife #LaseronicsUSA #ninaflowers #djninaflowers
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ukhupacha · 10 months
Monica - Amor Narcótico Marilyn - Sentimiento Original Lorena - Rojo Relativo Fiorela - In the end Jackely - Laura no está Joselin - Californication Pamela - Lose Yourself Elizabeth - Here it goes again Cindy - Escribir todo de nuevo Rocio - Come Clarity Lucero - En la travesía de tu ausencia Grecia - Umbrella Jennifer - Kryptonite Maja - Rolling in the deep Vivian - Quelqu'un m'a dit Celine - Get Lucky Lisa - Radioactive Marina - Willst du Gosia - I know it's over Alexandra - A mi chemin Francesca - Tsunami Cynthia - Un fiore per coltello Casey - Somebody that I used to know Lena - Sorry Lora - Counting Stars Douja - Royals Marylene - La la la Jackeline - Lean on Sonia - L'amour dure trois ans Madeleine - Chandelier Naty - Boom clap Jessica - Cool kids Magdalena - Alaska Katie - Was du liebe nennst Lana - Multibrand Marguerite - Paradis Perdus Lisa - Marguerite Lea - Feeling good Lara - La cosecha Camila - Um Pouco de Voce Ynes - Onsta la yerbita Teresa - After Dark Kristen - Can you feel my heart
So many lyrics, so many songs I had to re-listened to see what happened, what went wrong. I had many girls and I lost them all. It must be me then, how is the heart able to recover after so many failures, quoting Bukowski "Love is a fog in the morning that vanishes as the sun rises".
I will eventually find the soundtrack to my life.
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katrinegrey · 1 year
My July 2023 Reading Stats Summary:
Books read: 6 books | Pages read: 2,352 pages | Books DNF'd: 0 books
Highest rating: 5 stars | Lowest rating: 3.25 stars | Average rating: 4.42 stars
Book liked most: Savage Bonds by J. Bree
Book liked least: Twisted Valentine by Isabel Lucero
Favorite reread: From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Ended July still currently reading: 7 books
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noticiasdelcanar · 1 year
Candidatas a Cholita San Marqueña
Como parte de las festividades religiosas en honor al patrono San Marcos, venerado en la parroquia Luis Cordero, el próximo viernes 21 de abril se realizará la elección y proclamación de la Cholita San Marqueña 2023.
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Daniel Sumba, vicepresidente del consejo de pastoral, informó que el evento se efectuará en el salón parroquial, a partir de las 19:00, con la participación de candidatas de ocho comunidades. Las aspirantes son: Jennifer Ludizaca, presentante de la comunidad de María Auxiliadora; Jessica Marquez de San Antonio; Janneth Uzhca de Leonan; Mercy Campoverde de Guazhún; Anabell Lucero de Biblicay; Araceli Guamán de Zhapacal; Josselyn Saeteros de Biblicay; y Yajaira Yascaribay del Centro Parroquial. En el acto galante también se elegirá a la Cholita Simpatía y Cholita Confraternidad. Se contará con la presentación artística de Henry Álvarez y su grupo musical. Read the full article
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By: Aaron Sibarium
Published: May 31, 2024
The ‘iDIVERSE’ program bars white and Asian researchers from applying.
The University of California, Los Angeles, medical school was hit last week with whistleblower allegations that its admissions office has for years discriminated on the basis of race, in violation of California law, by holding black and Latino applicants to lower standards than their white and Asian counterparts.
The allegations triggered an email message from the dean of the medical school, Steven Dubinett, who denied the claims and said that students and faculty "are held to the highest standards of academic excellence." He subsequently told an obscure Los Angeles Times opinion columnist that the allegations, published in the Washington Free Beacon, are "fact-free."
Hiring and admissions decisions, he wrote in his message last week, are "based on merit," not race, "in a process consistent with state and federal law."
But Dubinett himself directs a center within the medical school, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, that houses a race-based fellowship experts say is illegal.
Participants in the "iDIVERSE" program "must be" black, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, LGBT, or a woman, according to screenshots of a now-deleted webpage obtained by the Free Beacon. Fellows research ways to increase diversity in clinical trials as part of a study funded by Pfizer, the American Heart Association, and Gates Ventures, the personal LLC of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
The website indicates that the deadline to apply to the program, which has existed for two years, was March 1.
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"This is obviously illegal," said Adam Mortara, the lead trial lawyer for Students for Fair Admissions in its lawsuit against Harvard, which led to the Supreme Court decision last year that outlawed affirmative action. "Every time we sue a company or institution for doing this, they settle by ending the program."
Dubinett and UCLA medical school did not respond to requests for comment.
The program is an awkward albatross for a school that spent Memorial Day weekend doing damage control after a Free Beacon report showed that record numbers of UCLA medical students are failing basic tests of clinical knowledge—in part, admissions officers said, because standards have been lowered by affirmative action.
On Saturday, a fourth-year student posted data on X, formerly Twitter, that he claimed had been released internally to refute that report. Though the new data showed that students did better on a recent round of tests, known as shelf exams, than some other cohorts, UCLA has not addressed the rise in failure rates over time or the fact that nearly a quarter of students in the class of 2025 failed three or more shelf exams.
Nor has it explained how the percentage of Asian matriculants shrunk by almost 50 percent since 2018, with most of the drop occurring after a new dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero was hired in 2020. That decline coincided with a sharp increase in the number of students who come from "medically under-served" areas or identify as "disadvantaged"—indicators that admissions officials say are being used as proxies for race.
Matriculants from under-served areas nearly doubled as a percentage of the incoming class after Lucero took the helm in 2020, rising steadily from 34 to 56 percent of first-year students over four years, per data from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
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The number of first-year students indicating disadvantage likewise rose by nearly 60 percent, from 42 percent in 2020 to 67 percent in 2023. No other elite medical school has come close to these numbers, according to a review of AAMC data for the top 20 schools on U.S News & World Report’s rankings for medical research.
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While the trends don’t provide proof of discrimination, they are consistent with the accounts of racial gerrymandering from UCLA admissions officers. Lucero has allegedly told officials that the class should reflect the "diversity" of California, where racial preferences have been illegal since 1996, and has attacked those who raise concerns about minority candidates with low test scores. She even made the entire admissions committee sit through a two-hour presentation on Native American history after a Native American applicant was rejected, three sources said.
Together with the iDIVERSE fellowship, which launched in 2022 and involves partnerships with other institutions, the accounts paint a picture of a medical school suffused with racial preferences and determined to skirt civil rights law by any means necessary. They come as the medical school is reviewing its entire first-year curriculum in the wake of a separate Free Beacon report on a required course, "Structural Racism and Health Equity," in which students learn that weight loss is a "hopeless endeavor."
That course also hosted a guest speaker, Lisa Gray-Garcia, who has referred to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks as "justice" and led students in chants of "free, free Palestine." Days later, two residents in the medical school’s psychiatry program delivered a talk that glorified self-immolation as a form of "resistance" in the context of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Both incidents were cited in a congressional probe of UCLA’s response to anti-Semitism—another ongoing controversy. At a hearing on Capitol Hill this month, UCLA chancellor Gene Block said the medical school was investigating Gray-Garcia’s talk but offered no further details on the review.
The whistleblower allegations are not the first admissions scandal to hit UCLA. In 2021, a former soccer coach was sentenced to eight months in prison after he helped two applicants pose as athletic recruits so they would be accepted to the university.
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spaceeh · 2 years
Yo: No entiendo porque a nadie le gustan mis ships
Mis ships:
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Lucero—Among the Ghosts (Liberator/Thirty Tigers)
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Lucero has been on the road for a long time — 20 years as a band — and it shows, both in the tight, roots-rocking, meat-and-potatoes professionalism of this ninth full-length and in a set of songs that longs for home. The rough and ragged opener, with its pulsing guitars and hard-knocking drum beat, gives front man Ben Nichols a setting for a hoarse, full-throated ache for family, in particular a two-year-old daughter whose first word, according to the lyrics, was “goodbye.” Elsewhere the band ranges through history, touching on Civil War Soldiers (“To My Dearest Wife”), Butch Cassidy (“Cover Me”) and a band of Iraq veteran brothers (“Long Way Back Home”) to uncover the loneliness at the base of a rural male experience. The final stomping call to arms, “For the Lonely Ones,” raises power chords and beer cans to the isolated everywhere, in a roadhouse blare of sax and piano and guitar, and Nichols’ voice scraped raw by emotion and empathy and a lifetime of shouting over rock bands.
Depending how you squint at them, Lucero belongs either to the rocking end of the country spectrum, alongside Sturgill Simpson and Jason Isbell, or the country-ish part of the classic rock revival, just a bit to the right of the Hold Steady, Titus Andronicus, Deer Tick and, further back, Springsteen. Either way, their sound — two guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, vox— is basic and elemental, drawing on rock, country and sometimes soul, though Among the Ghosts has less of the Memphis horn sound than previous albums.
Still the force and authenticity of these tunes is undeniable. “Long Way Back Home” follows a shuffling, propulsive locomotive rhythm through desolate scenes of dead-end America, as returning vet brothers drift into a crime that goes very wrong. It is terse and stoic and beautifully tense, with careening arcs of guitar and a bubbling bass line under its no-drama recitation of bad endings.  “Bottom of the Sea” carves out space with an echoey, upward curving guitar riff and keeps time with the tick of cymbals, maintaining a lift even amid lyrics about severe depression. “To My Dearest Wife” makes the case that things have always been bad and lonely for the working man, imagining an interval before a Civil War battle, with a martial drum beat that sounds like a call to arms. And the closer, “For the Lonely Ones,” rocks in a hard and rough and nearly punk way, turning “down and out” into a battle cry and stirring up a defiant ruckus of drums and guitar and piano.  
It's a raucous, macho music that would have made perfect sense in the 1970s, but a lot has happened since then. This straight white American country rock sound, with its blustering riffs and its long-suffering female muses, seems like a throwback now. Sure, the man-on-the-road angst of “Among the Ghosts” is touching and raw, but as Nichols wraps his gravelly voice around lines like “In the west the sky, goes darker, back east the sun will rise, back home my wife and daughter, don’t know where I’m tonight,” you wonder if he’s heard about cell phones. And later, in “Back to the Night,” with the long, spoken word interval about a woman at home whose eyes are full of sadness, you wonder again why the women in country songs are always so miserable, and whether it, maybe, has anything to do with the men in country songs.
Jennifer Kelly
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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thetechguru · 3 years
Title: Miranda Cosgrove reveals iCarly premiere date, talks set photos and characters 10 years later.
Date: May 14, 2021
Source: entertainment weekly.
Miranda Cosgrove received the best birthday gift on Friday — the news that the iCarly revival series will premiere June 17 on Paramount+.
The actress' iCarly castmates Jerry Trainor, Nathan Kress, Laci Mosley, and Jaidyn Triplett were on set to celebrate Cosgrove turning 28 with a cake, which then revealed the announcement.
Along with this news, Cosgrove chatted with EW about what viewers can expect from the upcoming series, and gave us details about some exclusive set reveal photos. And make sure to check out the video of Cosgrove and Trainor giving a tour of the set, which should look very familiar to fans of the original series.
Miranda Cosgrove reveals iCarly premiere date, talks set photos and characters 10 years later
EW has exclusive set photos and an interview with star Miranda Cosgrove, plus a video of Cosgrove and Jerry Trainor giving a tour of the iCarly set.
By Rachel Yang
Link reference:
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Miranda Cosgrove received the best birthday gift on Friday — the news that the iCarly revival series will premiere June 17 on Paramount+.
The actress' iCarly castmates Jerry Trainor, Nathan Kress, Laci Mosley, and Jaidyn Triplett were on set to celebrate Cosgrove turning 28 with a cake, which then revealed the announcement.
Along with this news, Cosgrove chatted with EW about what viewers can expect from the upcoming series, and gave us details about some exclusive set reveal photos. And make sure to check out the video of Cosgrove and Trainor giving a tour of the set, which should look very familiar to fans of the original series.
The 13-episode season will pick up nearly 10 years after the Nickelodeon series, which ran from 2007 to 2012. The core cast are all reprising their roles, with Cosgrove once again embodying Carly, while Trainor and Kress are returning as Carly's brother Spencer and her friend Freddie Benson, respectively.
And because it's been a while since we've seen the cast, "Carly has gone through a lot over the last 10 years — all the characters have," Cosgrove tells EW.
Another icarly reboot update:
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Miranda Cosgrove received the best birthday gift on Friday — the news that the iCarly revival series will premiere June 17 on Paramount+.
The actress' iCarly castmates Jerry Trainor, Nathan Kress, Laci Mosley, and Jaidyn Triplett were on set to celebrate Cosgrove turning 28 with a cake, which then revealed the announcement.
Along with this news, Cosgrove chatted with EW about what viewers can expect from the upcoming series, and gave us details about some exclusive set reveal photos. And make sure to check out the video of Cosgrove and Trainor giving a tour of the set, which should look very familiar to fans of the original series.
The 13-episode season will pick up nearly 10 years after the Nickelodeon series, which ran from 2007 to 2012. The core cast are all reprising their roles, with Cosgrove once again embodying Carly, while Trainor and Kress are returning as Carly's brother Spencer and her friend Freddie Benson, respectively.
And because it's been a while since we've seen the cast, "Carly has gone through a lot over the last 10 years — all the characters have," Cosgrove tells EW.
Miranda Cosgrove reveals iCarly premiere date, talks set photos and characters 10 years later
EW has exclusive set photos and an interview with star Miranda Cosgrove, plus a video of Cosgrove and Jerry Trainor giving a tour of the iCarly set.
By Rachel Yang
Source: yahoo
With the Freddie character, he's gone through a couple divorces," the actress reveals. "Spencer has become very wealthy, so there's a lot of different dynamics and different things going on."
As for Carly, she went to college and is pretty successful, Cosgrove continues, but she's "kinda in between" where Freddie and Spencer are at.
Spencer, who's "the most successful of all" the characters, still resides in the original loft he and Carly lived in, though he's remodeled it a bit. Cosgrove says she and Trainor worked with the set designer to keep some of the flair from the old series in the new set.
For instance, you can see below the bottle bot, a sculpture Spencer made that was a fixture on iCarly. Though they couldn't track down the original, the team asked the artist who made it to build one as identical as possible to be in Spencer's living room. Similarly, the designers had the same couch from the original reupholstered and updated.
"They tried to do a lot of cute, little things for the fans from the original that stayed the same," Cosgrove says.
You can also see that the loft's upstairs, which Carly used as a studio to film "iCarly," has been updated but looks pretty similar to the original.
The new show will catch up with Carly, who's now in her 20s and hasn't kept up with her "iCarly" web show that she hosted with her friends Freddie and Sam (Jennette McCurdy) as teens.
"She hasn't done 'iCarly' in a long time, and she decides to start it up again in the pilot," Cosgrove says. "So we're exploring what her new show is. And even though it's 'iCarly,' it's not the same as it was before. So we've been exploring a lot of different things with that, just like what a 26-year-old would really be doing if they had a YouTube channel nowadays."
Cosgrove, who's also an executive producer on the show, says she's excited to see how Carly will navigate YouTube and Instagram given how much the internet has grown since iCarly went off the air.
Not revealed yet is Carly's apartment, which is also at Bushwell Plaza, the same building in Seattle that Spencer's apartment is in. In the upcoming project, she lives with her roommate and best friend Harper (Mosley). And it wouldn't be iCarly without Freddie nearby, though this time around it may not be great news for the character.
"He's gone through a divorce and he's moved back in with his mother," Cosgrove says. "So Mary [Scheer], who played his mom on the show is back and we all are living in the same apartment building together."
Another new addition to the show is Triplett, who plays Millicent, Freddie's snarky and social media-savvy stepdaughter whom he adopted.
"It's funny because it's a lot of the old because we do have like the little studio we used to film in and we have Spencer's apartment, but then we have a lot of new sets and new characters, so it's like half and half," Cosgrove notes.
The revival will explain everyone's backstory in the pilot, and she says it was exciting to think about what all the characters would have been doing over the last decade. Cosgrove doesn't answer whether the show will address Sam's absence on the show, but she does promise the return of some fan-favorite recurring characters. Nevel Papperman (Reed Alexander), Carly's pretentious nemesis is slated to return, and they recently did an episode featuring Nora Dershlit (Danielle Morrow), the stalker "iCarly" fan who appeared in the original.
Currently halfway through filming, Cosgrove says she doesn't know how the last four or five episodes will play out yet. She has her own curiosities she wants the show to address, like what happened with Spencer and Carly's mom. And she says Trainor is dying for Spencer's unseen friend Socko to finally appear.
What Cosgrove is clear on, however, is what kind of show she wants iCarly to be, especially since it took the team "a really long time to figure out."
"We really tried to make this show, along with the showrunner Ali [Schouten], as much for the fans of the original as possible, because it's not really a kid show anymore," Cosgrove says. "It's mainly made for the people who watched when they were little, they're now more in their 20s."
"We're getting to explore different things with [what] the characters go through that we would never have been able to do before, that's a lot more like stuff that's happened in our real lives and things that people in their 20s and 30s go through," she adds. "It's just been a fun reunion getting to see everybody, and I'm really excited for people to see it."
Last thoughts 😑:
I have mixed feelings about this so I skip it no thanks. I hope it last for one season. Good luck to others who are going to watch this.
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lasrecordamos · 5 years
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Ilustración(instagram): @carmin_ave
                                - Del 7 enero al 12 enero -
                     *7 enero 2020*
27 Eloisa Esther (24 años)
          -Baja California:
28 Alejandra Esquivel (27 años)
29 Karol Johanna (5 años) – (sus padres) DETENIDOS
30 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (encontrada en Camino Real a Cerro Prieto)
31 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (15-20 años aprox) (encontrada en Zamora)
                     *8 enero 2020*
32 Aidee Ivone (30 años)
33 Lía (2 meses) – (su padre)
34 Lucero
35 Jennifer (22 años) – Nahúm (pareja sentimental) DETENIDO
36 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (encontrada en colonia Valle Grande)
37 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (encontrada rumbo a comunidad Santa Elena)
                     *9 enero 2020*
38 Adriana Miguel (39 años) – (pareja sentimental)
39 Yunúen (24 años) – José (¿enamorado?)
40 Sulmi Yesenia (14 años)
                     *10 enero 2020*
41 Wendy (27 años)
42 Claudia Alarcón (23 años)
43 María Assaff (50 años) – (alumno)
44 Paloma (14 años) – Santiago (padrastro)
45 SIN IDENTIFICAR (encontrada en municipio de Zamora)
46 Jarid (6 años) – Alfredo (vecino) LINCHADO
47 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (25 años) (hallada en Tlaquepaque)
48 Danae (24 años) – Aureliano e Hilario (Padre y hermano) DETENIDOS
                     *11 enero 2020*
          -Quintana Roo:
49 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (baleada en Oxxo)
50 Mara (41 años)
51 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (encontrada en San Isidro)
52 IDENTIDAD RESERVADA (encontrada en carretera Irapuato-Pueblo Nuevo)
53 Evelyn J. – Samuel (pareja sentimental)
                     *12 enero 2020*
54 Diana Celina (24 años)(22 días desaparecida) – Sergio (compañero de trabajo ¿enamorado?) SUICIDIO
55 Vianey (18 años)
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