#Jenseits von gut und bose
notallbloodmages · 1 year
Okay this is a legit question. I would like to put together....a zine.
For Xenosaga. The pun is amazing and I frikkin love the series so much. I recently replayed all 3 and I can't believe it's just as fun as it was 14 years ago.
My contribution would be a patch, t-shirt, hat, I can do a LOT of things, but not drawing or writing really.
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shadowcatgirl09 · 4 years
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"To keep my promise. Yes. The reason I exist is to keep the promise I made."
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machinavillage · 5 years
Another xenosaga 2 song i really love that gets copyright claimed off of everything. So i have to download it. its 2020 what the hell
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boxartcomparisons · 7 years
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Box art comparison (JP/US/EU): Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose.
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samsarapavillion · 12 years
Here He Comes #2 - Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose ~Movie Scene Soundtrack~
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raenil · 13 years
Xenosaga 30 Day Challenge - Day 8
What boss fight took you the longest/was the most challenging?
When I first played Xenosaga Episode I, I thought I'd never fight anything harder than Gargoyle, which took me 5 attempts. Then I met Tiamat, which took 7 attempts. "There's no way anything could be more difficult than that!" I naively thought.
Orgulla is a pain in the ass.  The first time I fought her, I still didn't have a good grasp of the combat system. It literally took me 13 attempts. Terrible, I know. I've never faced anything so difficult in any other game, since.
On the plus side, I had finally gotten a hold of the combat system and had no more issues after that.  
Speaking of Gargoyle and Tiamat, I just recently thrashed then in my current Xenosaga Episode I play through.
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machinavillage · 5 years
This gets copyright claimed everywhere on youtube, and 2 of my favorite scenes from xenosaga are unfindable online now. Very cool. But Im gonna post this song here anyways because it makes me emotional like every time i hear it. 
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sunnycartiers-blog · 13 years
"Mein Auto, das Haus, die Platten, die teuren Uhren all das nehm ich nicht mit ins Grab, der Schmuck, die Preise die Frauen und mein Geld irgendwann ist alles nicht mehr da."
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raenil · 13 years
Xenosaga 30 Day Challenge - Day 4
Which sequel disappointed you the most?
Now, while it's my least favorite of the series, that doesn't mean it was a bad game by any means. That combat system was frustrating at first. In fact, it took me ages to finally get it down. Once I figured it out, I quickly began to enjoy it. It's now among my favorite combat systems ever.
Also, I really really liked the more realistic graphics in Xenosaga II. In my opinion, as far as graphics go, it was the superior of the three game. Come at me bro.
I also liked the Happy Campaign thing. Whatever the hell it's called.
The down points... Well, while I enjoy the battle system, it was so radically different from the first game, I can understand people hating it. Same with the graphics, I suppose. Weakening chaos is a down point for me. And I wasn't terribly fond of the skill tree thing. Music wasn't the best either.
Well, enough of this. Time to go back to replaying all three games!
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