#Jensen Ackles Series
lucidlivi · 11 months
Chosen For Pleasure (XIV)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67 @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world @k-slla @heavenlyackles @spnfamily-j2 @buckybarnes-1917 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @readingsins @lauraashley93 @antisocialcorrupt @anixiiee @jackles010378 @alternativeprincess @rosecentury @lelilw1 @cevansbaby-dove @cutedisneygrl @djs8891 @bakugouswh0r3 (thank you to everyone who's been here since the beginning, thank you for always hyping me up and for loving this story! If you want to be added please let me know! It's only going to be a few more parts, so get in while you can!)
I hid a quote in here from one of my favorite tv shows, besides supernatural of course... see if you can catch it! If you can, let's be best friends!
gun violence and mental illness talk at the end of this chapter, please read with caution if it is triggering to you in any way.... if you are struggling with mental health, please reach out! I love you and I'm happy you're here!
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"is this really necessary?" I asked Jensen, my eyes befalling the large man in a suit standing next to him.
"yes, until they catch Riley, I'm not risking your safety... besides Mark's a professional, he knows how to be discreet, you won't even know he's around." Jensen said kissing my cheek.
I highly doubt that.
A big burley security man following my every movement.... yeah they'll never see him coming.
I sighed deeply, knowing I'd never be able to talk Jensen out of it.
I stood on my tippy toes connecting his lips with mine. It was a short brief kiss, but it was all I needed to get my heart racing.
"I should go, don't want to be late for my first day as Chief Editor." I said leaning in to Jensen's warm embrace.
"I'll pick you up after work, we have some things to discuss."
"things to discuss, what sort of things?"
"you never answered my question." Jensen smirks knowingly before departing.
It's been a hectic few days, my mind has been on overload. I'm lucky I even remembered to put pants on today. Of course I haven't been able to think about Jensen's proposition of moving in with him yet. I definitely needed to talk to Stella first.
"Mark." I said nodding my head at the tall man.
Mark starts to follow me in to the building quietly.
"who's the big dude?" Stella says as soon as we get inside.
I let out a sigh, so much for being discreet.
I roll my eyes as my coworkers glance at Mark, who's right on my tail.
"Mark.." I answer shrugging my shoulders.
I walked past everyone, going to my new office. I was surprised to see it was completely different than the last time I had been in here.
"I uh redecorated, I thought it would help ya know, so you didn't think about it." Stella said from the doorway.
I looked around the spacious office, every trace of Gray had been erased.
"I love you Stell." I said, a tear in my eye.
I engulfed my best friend in a hug. We stood in each other’s embrace, smiling.
"Sooo do I have to call you Ms. (L/N) now?"
"Oh god please don’t!" I laughed.
I took a deep breath, a comfortable silence fell between us.
"this is crazy right, I mean your life has done a complete three sixty."
I let Stella's words sink in, she was completely right. A few months ago if you'd told me this would be my life, I would've laughed in your face.
"it totally has... sometimes I don't even know how to keep up." I admitted glancing at Mark who stood outside my office like a soldier.
"okay what's up with Mark?" Stella giggled looking at the large man.
"I'm afraid Jensen insists, just until they catch Riley."
"ah yes, the crazy."
"Stella, she's not crazy, she's mentally ill."
I could see Stella noticeably roll her eyes.
"why are you defending her, she literally wants to hurt you (y/n/n)!"
I chewed on my bottom lip nervously as her words sunk in.
I didn't know what Riley's intentions were, but from the damage done to my car, I gathered that we wouldn't be talking over a cup of coffee anytime soon.
"I’m sorry, I know things have been crazy for you, and I just want you to know that I'm here, to listen, to talk, to eat our feelings away with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream... whatever you need." Stella said giving me a warm smile.
"Jensen asked me to move in with him." I blurted out, the thought weighing heavily on my mind.
"oh my gosh, that's great!" Stella squealed.
"it is?" I question, surprised by her reaction.
"it is if that's what you want?" Stella questions.
I look at the pretty brunette sitting in front of me. I didn't know what I did to deserve her friendship some days.
"I really love him Stella." I whispered.
"then you should do it."
"but I'll miss you.."
"please, you can't get rid of me that easily.."
I engulfed my friend in another hug, squeezing her tightly.
"am I interrupting something?"
I let go of Stella to see David, the owner of the magazine standing in the doorway.
"no, I’m sorry sir." I said smiling.
"just wanted to see how you were settling in, and ask if you made any progress on finding me some new voices?"
I smiled widely at Stella.
"yes sir, in fact this is one right here! Stella is the best journalist we have." I said pushing Stella forward.
Stella nervously smiled at him.
"Stella is it, well why don't we go have a talk then?" David said reaching out a hand for her to shake.
I beamed with pride as I watched them leave the office to settle in the conference room.
I could never repay Stella for how much she does for me, but this was a start.
I heard the office phone start to ring, snapping me out of my daze.
"Ms. (L/N)" I answered.
I heard Jensen chuckle on the other end.
"Ms. (L/N), sounds incredibly sexy when you say it." Jensen purred.
"oh please, I thought I was going to come undone, the first day you said my name." I shot back.
"I was just calling to see how your first day as chief editor is going?"
I felt the smile grace my face.
"good actually, it's kind of making me nervous.." I said picking my nails.
"why is it making you nervous?"
"have you ever heard the term regression to the mean?"
"no.." Jensen said sounding confused.
“It means that life can’t ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually, things have to come back to the middle.”
"I'm not understanding baby."
"I mean that everything's been okay lately, you know, we're okay, the jobs okay, Stella and I are okay.. the middle."
"so you mean things are about to get really good.." Jensen started
"or really bad." I finished cutting him off.
"sweetheart I think this whole Riley thing has you worked up, everything will be fine, okay, nothing is going to happen." Jensen reassured.
He was probably right. I mean this whole Riley situation did have me pretty worked up.
I just felt it was something more though, like there was something looming over us and I just couldn't figure out what it was.
It could've been my conversation with Elle too. I couldn't get her words out of my head... I just want to know who my competition is.
What did that even mean?
Was she going to try to steal Jensen away from me?
I guess it would be steal Jensen back, considering she had him first.
I didn't realize how quiet I was until I heard Jensen's smooth voice through the speaker.
"baby talk to me, what's going through your mind?"
"I think you're right, I'm just a little overwhelmed, I guess Mark wasn't such a bad thing." I said staring at the man who hasn't moved from the entrance of my office.
"see I told you..." Jensen said in a teasing tone.
"I don't have to take him everywhere do I? He's not coming home with me!"
I heard Jensen's hearty laugh boom through the speaker.
"he's definitely NOT going home with you.. he's just for when I can't be with you to protect you."
"my hero.." I swooned.
Jensen laughed again.
"I miss you already." I whispered.
"oh god I sound so needy." I added quickly.
"I miss you too.."
"so I uh talked to Stella about your proposition." I said biting my thumb nail.
"oh yeah? and how did that go?"
"good.." I answered being vague in my answer purposely.
"and do you have an answer for me?"
"yeah..." I whispered not being able to fight the smile on my face.
"well get on with it then, c'mon woman you're killing me here." Jensen whined.
"I mean, I'll have to get some things from the apartment." I said.
"so that's a yes?"
"yes Jensen, I'll move in with you."
"Are you going home? I'm going to grab some things and stay at Jensen's tonight." I told Stella as we gathered our things, the end of our day approaching.
"No, Matt's taking me out to dinner to celebrate my new promotion, thanks for that by the way! I can't believe I'm the new lead journalist!" Stella squealed making me smile.
"I didn't do anything, that was all you."
"Still, I couldn't have gotten it without you putting in a word to David for me."
"It's the least I could do, you do so much for me."
Stella wrapped her arms around me squeezing me tightly for the third time this day.
I've been so caught up in all things Jensen that I realized I really missed my friend, and I was so lucky to have her in my corner.
"woah, that's my woman."
Stella let go, throwing a look to Jensen who now stood in the doorway to my office. I didn’t see Mark anymore, Jensen must have dismissed him.
"nice office..." Jensen admired.
"I redecorated, thank you very much." Stella piped up.
"so when I need any redecorating done, I'll know who to call." Jensen smirked.
Stella glanced at her phone quickly before meeting my eyes again.
"I think Matt's here, I'll see you soon.." Stella said squeezing my hand before going over to Jensen.
"Jensen, take care of her... if you don't I'll chop your dick off." Stella threatened.
"Stella!" I exclaimed mortified.
Jensen just laughed in response.
"You have my word Stella, I mean I would kind of like to keep my dick." Jensen said making me roll my eyes at the pair.
"see you tomorrow." Stella said with a final wave.
Jensen smiled at her shaking his head. He came over to me wrapping me in a hug.
“she’s something..” Jensen laughed.
“you have no idea… are you ready to go home?” I asked cocking my eyebrow.
“as long as I’m with you I am home.” Jensen said.
I rolled my eyes at his line.
“that was incredibly cheesy.” I laughed.
“I thought it was romantic… even a little bit?” Jensen pouted.
“okay just a little bit.”
Jensen smiled, leaning down to pull me in for a kiss. I took a shaky breath as he connected our lips. I felt electricity pulsating through my skin as his lips moved on mine.
“I love you.” He said as he pulled away.
“I love you more.” I whispered.
Jensen gave me another quick peck.
Jensen grabbed my bag with one hand, grasping mine with other, as he led us out of the office. Cole stood by the car waiting with an open door.
“Ms. (L/N).” Cole nodded as I slid in.
“You really need to give him a break..” I said laughing at Jensen.
“Cole doesn’t need a break, do ya Cole?”
“no Mr. Ackles.”
“Cole you can be honest I know this one’s a lot to deal with.” I said smacking Jensen’s chest playfully.
“between you and me ma’am.” Cole started giving Jensen a smirk.
I laughed at Jensen’s flustered expression.
Cole pulled up to our apartment, quickly getting out so he could open my door. Jensen shuffled out after me. As soon as we stepped out of the car, his phone started ringing. He pulled it out checking the caller ID.
“It’s Jared.”
“you can take it.. I’m just going to grab some toiletries and a couple outfits, I’ll be right back.” I said kissing his cheek.
Jensen offered me a grateful smile as he answered his phone.
I unlocked the door, before grabbing our mail and going inside. I would have to remember to reroute my mail to the new address. I threw the mail on the counter, wanting to pack my things before I went through it.
I grabbed my overnight bag throwing articles of clothing in it before going to our bathroom. I made sure to grab my toothbrush, hairbrush and the other essentials. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror breathing a deep sigh.
I was really doing this.
I threw the rest of my stuff in my bag, zipping it up and walking back in to the kitchen. I set my bag down grabbing the mail to sift through it.
I turned around, feeling my blood run cold.
It was her.
I gasped at the sight of her dropping the mail.
I didn’t know how she got in, the door was still locked.
I could see from the look on her face that she was distressed. I was afraid, but I wouldn’t let her see. I needed to remain calm.
“Riley… uh Jensen’s right outside, we could go see him.” I hesitantly said, holding my hands out so she could see I meant her no harm.
I shuddered as she pulled a gun from her pocket.
“I came to see you.”
I shivered, her voice was haunting, like she was in grave pain. I didn’t take my eyes off the gun she held to her side.
“okay..” I breathed.
“Jensen told me what happened Riley, I know you’re in a lot of pain, and I’m so sorry.. Jensen talks about you still, he cares about you.” I said trying to diffuse the situation.
I flinched as a warning shot rang out. I could feel the breath getting caught in my chest as I feared for my life.
“DON’T LIE!” Riley yelled, bringing the gun up so it was now pointed directly at me.
“just tell me what you have that I don’t.” she cried.
“nothing Riley, I’m nothing.” I pleaded.
“but he kisses you, and sleeps in your bed.” Riley said.
I felt the color drain from my face.
“how do you know that?”
“I saw you, I watched you… I know you love him but I do too.” Riley said eerily calm.
I thought back to the night when Jensen slept over. I thought I had seen someone but chalked it up to my imagination playing tricks on me… but now I know it was her watching us.
“Riley why don’t you put the gun down.” I begged trying to maintain my composure.
“you don’t even know him, what he likes, you don’t give him what he wants, he’s just pretending with you and he’ll get tired of pretending!” Riley growled.
Suddenly Jensen burst in the door followed by Cole.
Riley didn’t move the gun from me.
I could see the fear in Jensen’s eyes as he glanced at me.
Jensen pointed at himself, asking Riley to turn the gun on him. Riley glanced between me and Jensen before turning the gun his way.
“Jensen don’t.” I cried, letting a few tears slip out.
Jensen held his hand out quieting me.
“I know you don’t want to hurt me Riley.” Jensen said, taking a step closer to her.
Riley breathed a heavy sigh as Jensen reached out wrapping his hand around the barrel of the gun. He yanked it out of her hands, switching the safety on, and putting it in his pocket.
“come here.” Jensen said reaching his arms out.
Riley collapsed in his arms crying. Jensen held her stroking her hair.
“Cole get (y/n) out of here, take her back home.” Jensen said.
Cole took a step towards me, but I took a step back.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I said not wanting to leave Jensen alone.
“(y/n) for once just do what I ask!” Jensen snapped.
I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I grabbed Cole’s hand allowing him to lead me outside to the car. He opened the door gesturing for me to get in.
I dropped his hand stepping away from the car. I gave Cole a look, and started to walk down the street.
“Ms. (L/N) please.”
“stop it Cole.” I growled walking away.
I didn’t know where I was going, I just had to get away. I felt the tears staining my cheeks as I walked.
It was too much.
It was all too much.
for once just do what I ask..
he’s just pretending with you, and he’ll get tired of pretending..
I covered my ears trying to drown out the loud voices that were screaming at me.
I collapsed on the sidewalk, bringing my knees to my chest and sobbing.
this is what I meant.
regression to the mean..
Author Note:
I’m sorry for breaking your hearts again! Part fifteen will reveal a lot, so make sure you stick around to find out! If you liked this part please indicate so with a heart, comment, reblog, or a follow! It really is motivating! I appreciate you all!
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If I Love You Too Masterlisst
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Summary: After the worst six months of his life, Jensen is exhausted. Keeping up with the charade of being better for family and friends as well as the new challenges of sudden single fatherhood while trying to get back out to work have him at his breaking point. A live in nanny in the last thing he wants but he desperately needs another set of hands on call to help out with the day to day. Someone to show up, do the work, and won’t ask a million questions about how he’s doing and if he’s alright. Someone he doesn’t have to pretend to. But he didn’t expect to like her, let alone fall in love with her. A part of him says not to risk that pain again but another part, the bigger part, says he might not have a choice in the matter…
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: TBD
Warnings: language, car accidents, age gaps, mentions of injury/death of a spouse/death of a parent/depression/anxiety/past child abuse/past sexual assault (not graphic), mild violence, self-worth issues, smut and smut related topics, loads of fluffy moments
A/N #1: This series is a complimentary series to If I Fell For You and shows the story from Jensen’s POV. Also, this series is absolutely no hate towards Danneel. I’ve never seen if from you guys but a quick reminder wife-hate isn’t welcome here.
A/N: #2: There is NO TAGLIST for this series. Parts will come out on no set schedule however I will update the below when I do know of them!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (coming TBD)
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Always There For You Series
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Series Summary: You’ve been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS. You try and deal with it on your own but soon come to realize you can’t do it on your own. You turn to the cast for help.
Series Word Count: ~9.4k
Series Warnings: POTS or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome angst, fluff, dizzy spells, fainting, slight seizure, feeling suffocated by people hovering
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Final Part
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sara78 · 7 months
Family Don't End In Blood - Part 10
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Summary: Following the events of the previous nights, everyone is keeping themselves on their toes. The Ackles family, plus Y/N and Jared, discuss their further moves. Disagreements arise, but a kind soul breaks out the fight easily and allows things to settle down before talking real game.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
Word count:3,299 (wow, really?)
Transcription - Y/M/N: Your mother's name ; Y/H/C: Your home country
Warnings: Mentions of abuse (nothing graphic but SKIP IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU), kids are the kindest souls in the universe and you can't prove me otherwise, angst
A/N: Here's a little reward for powering through the week :D
Your nights have been pretty restless through the last few years of your life. The way you would flinch from the slightest sound your ears picked up, the way you curled underneath the blanket and squeezed a pillow to your chest, often burying your face in it as well, trying to quiet down the cries and allow the soft fabric to pick up all of your tears without any judgment, the way you would jump awake from a nightmare, just to get hit and yelled at for waking up others and the way you overall didn't feel safe, did a thing or two to you through the course of years.
Something happened with all of that when you started working on Supernatural. Something changed in the way your body worked. You slept pretty well. Yes, nightmares were still there, but there was no yelling and punching after you woke up from one. Your body felt safe, surrounded by kind people and kids. You slowly but surely started to feel like the old self - able to asleep in any spot at any time. You're pretty sure Jensen, Jared and Misha have a whole album on their phones just with your weird sleeping spots just to tease you, which you didn't mind, as you had just as much material to tease them back.
But this night was restless. For both you and Jensen. Maybe it was the fear of what tomorrow would bring. Maybe it was fear of how are things going to go down. Or it was fear of losing people close to you. No matter the reason, fear was evidently present. You could feel it in the air.
You just laid down next to Jensen and stared at the ceiling with him after you finished getting ready for bed.
He'd strike up a question. You'd do the same. But all the conversations died rather quickly and you'd both return to silence, staring at the ceiling and trying to calm down your racing minds.
Soon enough the night turned into early morning, and everything that was going through your head was pushed aside as you heard a knock on the door,
"Hey," Jared's raspy morning voice spoke up, "Danneel and the kids should be here soon. Wanna come with us to pick 'em up?" you nod, sitting up and yawning, Jensen still laying down, "Did you two sleep any?"
"No," Jensen said as he sat up while you stood up, rubbing sleep out of your eyes, "I'll be ready in a few."
"No hurries," Jared said, "Y/N, wanna come with me to grab breakfast after we pick everyone up from the airport? We're not on set today."
"What?" you asked, visibly confused, "It was supposed to be Mish, you and me on set today. What happened to that?"
"Rich sent me a text and told me we're off the schedule for today and tomorrow. We had the weekend off anyways, so it's just extended now," Misha spoke up from behind, making you sigh,
"I don't want others working overtime because of me. I can work."
"Rich is behind the steering wheel and that's what he decided. Making this show isn't just acting as well," Jared pointed out,
"Besides, you can go ahead and call him, wake him up and make him all grumpy. I'd enjoy that, he loves his beauty sleep," Misha added, making everyone smile.
Crowded places weren't your jam. Maybe because you always had a feeling you weren't safe. You didn't know how many different personalities walked past you and that scared you a bit. Especially because coming from a third-world country, you'd never seen so many people packed somewhere and it was a weird experience, but you'd learned fast enough.
But this time, as you walked through the airport, you kept scanning every single face that had even the slightest of resemblance to her.
You were afraid she was following you. You weren't sure how much does she know and what weapons is she willing to use to get to you and people you love. She's got her way around here and it scares you to hell and back.
And to think that she could pop out from anywhere and hurt anyone who's walking with you and hurt the four people who are about to land sent chills down your spine and kept you on edge with every step you took.
You were at the gate just in time, as Danneel walked up with the kids. While the girls ran to Jensen, Zeppelin had no problem running to you, even though he was on a long flight and you could see how tired he was just by the way he looked at you. But the way he lit up and smiled when his eyes caught glimpse of you made you smile just as wide, seeing how much joy and love can a child's heart hold. He was in your arms within seconds and you felt so relieved to be able to hug him tightly and protect him from whatever might happen.
He's just a little kid.
How can she threaten a child?
You kissed his temple as he curled into your hold and clung to you, not letting go,
"I missed ya, Y/N," he murmured, making you smile and rock him gently,
"I missed you too, big guy," you responded, allowing Jensen to give his buddy a kiss as you waved at the girls. Arrow came up and gave your leg a small hug, while JJ walked past you and went straight to Jared. You sighed, Danneel showing up and giving you a big hug,
"I'm sorry," you whispered and she shook her head, still hugging you,
"There's nothing to be sorry for. We're safe and that's all that matters."
"Let's get going," Misha said, "You must be tired and hungry."
"Y/N and I will go order and bring breakfast home," Jared said, letting JJ down into the backseat and making you sigh as you put Zeppelin in his car seat to which he protested,
"Hey, what's my little guy want for breakfast?" you tried and he pouted, "Buddy, I know you wanna stay with me, but uncle Jared has no kid seats in his car because he's a dummy," Zeppelin giggled, making you smile too, "How about I get y'all a shake?" Arrow squealed in joy in response, Zeppelin nod and JJ kept quiet,
"Birdie, say thank you to Y/N," Jensen said, looking at her as he sat in the drivers seat. She pouted and looked away in the other direction, "Come on birdie."
"Thanks," she murmured, not looking at you. You sighed, looking down for a second and catching a deep breath to stop the tears from spilling.
JJ didn't like you. At all. And that was okay. You didn't expect her to like you. Especially because she's way older than the twins and understands more than they can right now. But you were trying to do as much as you could without overstepping her boundaries and now, when you are this vulnerable, the slightest thing that usually doesn't bother you now seems like the end of the world. And it hurt, plain and simple.
"What's the plan?" you asked, working on strapping the twins safely into their seats as you sniffled,
"We're gonna discuss that on our way back," Jensen sighed, sipping on his coffee, "You don't separate from Jared."
"I won't," you sighed, kissing Zeppelin and Arrow's foreheads before closing the door to the backseat, "Please, talk about every possible option. Even the ones that have me going away," you said and Danneel shook her head as you looked at her,
"You going away is never going to be an option," she said with a smile and you sighed, walking away to Jared's car.
Three hours later
"You guys good?" Jensen asked as you and Jared walked into the apartment an hour and a half later,
"Yeah," you smiled, "Kids asleep?"
"Out like a light," Danneel smiled, "Zeppelin was the last one to fall asleep. He was waiting for you."
"That kid will be the death of me," you smiled, "Breakfast good?"
"Yeah. Yours got cold though," Jensen pointed out, "Everything okay for sure?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "We just needed to clear our heads and get some fresh air."
"I had a moment and she made me stop and do as she said," Jared popped in, "Sorry for not checking in."
"She sent me a text. Knows us all too well," Jensen smiled, ruffling your hair, "Now you two get your asses at the table and eat."
Heavy silence filled the room while you and Jared ate. Jensen was sipping on his fourth coffee of the day and Danneel was sitting right next to him, cuddled up to his side and playing with the fingers of his hand.
Jared was obviously the first one to finish the meal, as he was the human food vacuum. You took a few more minutes before placing your plate and utensils into the dishwasher and turning it on. You returned to the living room, where Jensen and Danneel were on the couch and Jared was on the other couch, facing the two. You took a seat next to Jared and sighed,
"This can't go on anymore," you said, bringing Jensen back from his over thinking and Danneel from her half-asleep daze, "We can't make this work out. We tried, and I love you all for trying, but it's not working. We gotta do something because I don't want either of you being in danger anymore."
"We don't want you being in danger too," Jensen added, making you sigh, "We're gonna make it work."
"How?" you asked, "By keeping Dee and the kids here, imprisoned?"
"No," Jensen shook his head, "It was a bone-headed move to make them come here. I acted out of fear. They're way safer in Texas."
"What makes you think that?" you asked,
"She's wanted for not showing up for trial with Chaos Machine when she attacked you," Danneel explained, "She can't cross the border nor use any of her documents. Unless she makes a new identity, she can't cross the border. She's also here on a travel visa, which expired long time ago."
"She makes connections so deep in the rotten pores of the law it makes me sick. I wouldn't be surprised if she found someone to work with who could get her over the border," you explained,
"Even if she does, it'll take a long time. Kids and I will be safe in Austin. Now, Jensen, honey, you making us come here wasn't a bone-headed move. We need to be together, at least for a few days. Kids and I will stay for a bit and then go back. They still have around a month of school left and you have a lot of filming to do."
"I mean, it's only five weeks. But that might be extended, given all the circumstances," you pointed out and Jensen shook his head,
"We're skyrocketing on the streaming charts. We're doing another season in the fall and two extra episodes this summer. Meaning we don't get off work till mid June."
"When were you gonna tell us that?" Jared spoke up from where he was leaned against the couch, "We doing that good?"
"We still got it, old man," Jensen teased, making everyone giggle,
"He's not old. He just has gray hair that Sarah has to dye over and over again," you pointed out, Jared sitting up and tickling your sides as Jensen and Danneel giggled, "I'm glad we brought the show back."
"We all are," Danneel smiled,
"Nonetheless, my point stil stands. The filming is going to take a while. She has all the time in the world to figure shit out. She's going to find a way to fuck us over, one way or another. I know you don't like this idea at all, but I think that me moving out is the most rational option at the moment."
"No," Jensen shook his head, eyes staring at some point on the carpet, "Not happening."
"Jense, it's for the best. I'm the target and she's using you to get to me. She knows me all too well. If I remove myself from your place, she won't chase after you anymore. We're gonna see each other on set. We have phones too. We can keep in touch, and of course we will. I don't want to cut any contact off. I just want to remove myself physically from you and your families until it's safe for you."
"It's supposed to be about your safety too, not just ours," Jensen said,
"Well my safety had been compromised for a very long time. I can live a bit longer in the danger zone. You, however, don't deserve to suffer because of what's going on between me and her."
"But kid, there's a plot hole," Jared spoke up, "Say you move out. We stay in contact, all cool. But what if she comes to us and asks for your whereabouts?"
"Simple, I won't give you my address. You won't know."
"And you think that us telling her we don't know will be the answer she wants to hear? You think she'd believe us?"
"I… Fuck," you breathed, running a hand over your face,
"I'd tell her to piss off, whether I knew the address or not," Jensen growled,
"None of us would give it up," Jared added, "I see where you're coming from, munchkin. But unfortunately, plot holes exist and she might want to hurt us even if we're don't know anything about your whereabouts. I'm siding with Jensen on this one. It's better to be around familiar people. It helps with your head, right? That's what you told me like an hour ago. There's no reason to sit and suffer in silence."
"I wish I was normal," you whispered, looking down to the floor, "I wish we weren't having this conversation right now. I wish I wasn't the problem."
"You are normal and you aren't the problem," Danneel said, "Sweetie, you're so far from the problem. We all know who the real problem is and we know that in this moment we can't remove it. But what we can do is stay together and keep fighting."
"What if I just met up with her?" you said, Jensen's eyes widening as he looked you in the eye, "I mean, just end it, once and for all?"
"What makes you think she'll listen?" Jensen said, making you roll your eyes,
"You can't just contradict everything I say, Jensen. Especially not when some of the solutions are actually pretty solid."
"I'm not contradicting you because I like to. I'm doing it because I don't want you to be in her vicinity. Ever again. After everything she's done to you, she doesn't get to keep having her way with you."
"Due all respect, you don't even know half of what happened-"
"And that's what scares me!" Jensen exclaimed, "It scares me to hell and back because I don't want you to live like that anymore. I don't want you to jump at every sound your ears pick up, I don't want you waking up from nightmares, drenched in sweat and crying, I don't want you to be afraid of loving and being loved. I want you to be a kid too! And by putting yourself out there, you're doing her a favor. You can't compromise your safety like that. "
"If you wish for a normal kid, why did you want to adopt me in the first place?" you asked,
"I never said I wanted a normal kid. Just a kid that isn't in fight or flight mode all the fucking time."
"Well that's what you get," you said, "You knew what you got yourself into. I've warned you multiple times that I can't be a regular kid. I'm fucked up, very fucked up on many, many levels and I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations."
Jensen abruptly stood up and walked away into his bedroom, Danneel sighing and going after him, which left you with Jared. You buried your face in your palms, trying so hard not to cry.
You got attached.
And you shouldn't have.
"There's no expectations to meet," Jared's voice spoke up as you felt the couch dip down on your right, "We just want to give you a space where you can feel safe and sound. Where you don't have to be afraid. Where you can relax and be yourself without any hesitation. We love you for who you are. We loved you on day one, when we didn't know nothing about you besides how big your appetite is and how much of a joker you are. And we didn't stop loving you when your background unraveled and came into the picture. And we won't stop loving you, no matter what tomorrow brings. You're our kid and nothing can change that. Fuck me, we all have loads of crap on our shoulders and you love us the same way we love you."
"That's different."
"How can that be different?" Jared asked, "There's no difference. There's no measuring whose pile of crap is heavier. There's none of that. We all have our own struggles and we all have an equal right to feel how we feel about them. There's nothing wrong in being scared and nobody here wants you to be someone you're not. You're scared and you're terrified. You can be scared and terrified. Nobody would point any fingers at you because we know what's the reason for it and whilst maybe we don't know the whole story, we know enough to piece it together and understand."
"You are NOT moving out," Jensen growled as he stormed out of his bedroom, Danneel on his tail. His tone took you by surprise and his stance gave you some not so nice flashbacks, resulting in your body flinching in a try to shy away from him,
"Jensen, relax. Nobody's moving out," Jared said, "Let's all take a deep breath and-"
"You don't get to walk out on your family," Jensen kept talking to you, "Not on us. Not on that little kid who loves you more than anything in this world," he began, pointing to Zeppelin's room, "Not on this woman who took you in like you're her own child. Not on Jared who cares for you so deeply. And not on me. You don't get to walk out on me because I want to protect you and keep you safe."
"I'm not asking for protection," you said, standing up, "And I'm not walking out on anyone. I just want to do this right."
"And you think that handing yourself to her is the way to go?!" Jensen asked, making you gulp,
"I don't know!" you exclaimed, "I don't know what's the right thing to do. I want to do something, anything, just to feel like I at least tried."
"Well, we can do something else. Together. But you're not moving out. You're not leaving your family."
"No!" he exclaimed, "You are family. To me, to Danneel, to the kids. To the Padalecki, to Misha. So, I'm sorry, but you're not gonna be by yourself as you wallow in self-hate, painful memories and fear. You've had enough crap for the next 10 lifetimes and it scares the shit out of me that you were on your own all this time and it freaks me out that I don't know half of the stuff she fed you with and I don't know if I can help you, but I'm going to be here and you're going to be here and you're staying. You don't get to say you involved us too much already. Because the moment she step foot onto the set, that's when your problem became our problem. She won't hurt you ever again! I'm not gonna let her hurt you again! And I'm not gonna let you destroy yourself and put yourself in danger because-"
"Daddy, stop yelling at Y/N!" Zeppelin's small voice echoed, making everyone go dead silent as they all looked at him in his dinosaur pajamas, holding his blankie in his tiny hands. He walked up to Jensen who had his eyes glued to him, "You tell us we shouldn't yell. Apologize to Y/N."
Everyone was in awe of Zeppelin's words. Such a young child yet so emotionally mature. He turned around and walked up to you and you smiled as you picked him up and sat him on your hip,
"I'm sorry Y/N," Jensen whispered, sitting down,
"It's okay," you said, "If I recall, you have some dinosaurs to be fed?" Zeppelin nod with a smile, "Then we can't keep them waiting any longer or they'll eat us," you smiled, walking away from the living room.
3rd person POV
"That kid is something else," Jared breathed, Danneel grabbing Jensen's hand and bringing him back to sit down at the couch,
"He's right," Jensen whispered, "We teach them not to do that, yet I did the exact same thing I tell them not to do. I didn't want to yell at her."
"People can push our buttons and she's been pushing yours for a long time," Danneel said, "She knows you didn't mean for it to come out that harsh."
"She probably thinks I hate her," he responded,
"Then you talk to her and make sure she understands that you are allowed to have bad days," Jared joined in, "You're human, brother. You can make mistakes. As long as you owe up to them and try better next time, you'll be forgiven. And Y/N is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. She'll have no problem forgiving you. If someone knows what it's like to keep all those feelings bottled up, it's gonna be her. I bet she ain't even mad."
"Jared's right, honey," Danneel cooed, kissing his temple, "He's very right. Just talk to her about it later. Let some time pass. And everything you said is true and we stand by what your point is. She has a good intention, just bad execution."
"I just want everything to be over so that we can adopt her and be a family and just live life without being in fear all the fucking time," Jensen breathed, running his hands through his hair,
"She's got a long road ahead of her, but we're gonna be there to support her no matter what," Danneel smiled softly, squeezing Jensen to her side, "You're so noble, to love her the way you love all three of the other kids. Your heart is so big and so loving. Don't ever forget that."
"I hope I can do enough to make her stay."
"She's not going to leave us," Jared pointed out, "She just has to learn that sometimes she can't do anything about something. And no matter what happens, she's still gonna be the one getting pranked alongside Misha. She's still gonna be our kid, no matter what. You gotta trust her on that."
"I do trust her, of course I do," Jensen breathed, "I just… I'm just scared of the endless possibilities. What if she kidnaps her and brings her back to Y/H/C? She said it herself, Y/M/N is playing this game very dirty. Who knows what she can do to her."
"Some things can't be stopped," Danneel said, "Of course we want to protect her and keep her safe. But some things can't be stopped and we cannot foresee what's gonna happen. She won't be stopped from doing whatever she wants to do to Y/N. I wish we knew and I wish we could act on it but maybe we won't be able to and that's okay too. She's not gonna blame you or anyone else for what her mother does. And we'll be here for her when it's over, to help her heal and give her a place to call home."
"Yeah," Jensen whispered, wrapping his arms around Danneel and hugging her back, "You should get some sleep, honey."
"You should too," she countered,
"I just downed another coffee. It might take a while before I start getting sleepy again."
"It doesn't matter," Danneel pointed out, "Just come lay with me when you calm down your jitters."
"I'll go out, get some food, make some lunch and dinner. Invite Misha over," Jared said, "When I come back everyone in this house better be sleeping," he said, standing up from his seat, walking over to Zeppelin's room, knocking on it softly before getting in and closing the door behind him,
"Sorry to interrupt," he spoke up with a smile, seeing how happy Zeppelin was as he played with Y/N, "I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for lunch and dinner tonight?"
"I'm fine with whatever," Y/N said, shrugging her shoulders,
"I wants pizza!" Zeppelin exclaimed, Y/N and Jared giggling,
"Yeah? How about everyone makes their own pizza tonight? Everyone gets to choose what to put on 'em?"
"Yeah!" Zeppelin exclaimed happily, "Thanks uncle Jare!"
"You're welcome," he smiled, ruffling his hair, "Are you happy because you get to play with Y/N?"
"Yea!" he said with a wide smile, "I love Y/N!"
"I love you too, big guy," Y/N smiled, Jared smiling as well,
"I'll leave you guys to it. You better get some sleep before lunch too. That's an order."
"That's a boring order," Zeppelin said, making you and Jared giggle,
"What do you say, is uncle Jare scary?" Y/N asked and Zeppelin shook his head,
"No. He funny and clumsy and old."
"Well thank you very much," Jared grumbled, "This old man will be going to the grocery store now and leave y'all to feeding the Jurassic Park over there."
"You okay?" Jared asked as he left Zeppelin's room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Jensen was leaning against one of many windows in his apartment, just looking out to the streets,
"Yeah," Jensen breathed, "Sorry for freaking you out earlier."
"Don't apologize," he shook his head, "I was kinda surprised by your abrupt leave though."
"I just..." Jensen shook his head, "I was so pissed at Y/M/N. Still fucking am. I would love to punch something. Preferably her face."
"We would be taking turns for that," Jared sighed, patting Jensen's back, "It's okay. Y/N is playing with Zeppelin, seems to calm her down a little. Give her a little bit of time."
"Yeah, will do," he whispered, "Thanks for being here man."
"It's what brothers do," he smiled, "I'll be heading out. Pineapple pizza for dinner?"
"You want to get your face punched instead?" Jensen asked, making Jared giggle and jokingly run away, "Shoo, old man."
"Your face is old!" Jared exclaimed from the doorway, closing the door behind him.
Jensen took one final glance from the window, scanning the blurry faces on the street. He sighed, walking away and into the room JJ and Arrow shared. He made sure they were nicely tucked in and leaned to give them both a kiss to their cheek before going to the bathroom.
He walked into the bathroom and washed his face. Seeing himself in the mirror scared him a little. The bags under his eyes definitely have their five minutes of glory. He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth before changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt and walking up to Zeppelin's room.
The door was slightly open and he saw Y/N and Zeppelin sitting on the floor, both of them playing with dinosaurs toys,
"Y/N," Zeppelin spoke up as he kept playing, "Why's daddy scared?"
"Uh, you remember that monster you dreamt of a while back?" Y/N asked and he nod, "Yeah, remember how I said I have dreams with monsters too?" Zeppelin nod again, "Dad is scared of some monsters of his own."
"He had a bad dream?" Zeppelin asked, looking at Y/N and stopping with playing, "But you told me daddy will protect us."
"He will, of course he will," Y/N smiled, "But daddy can be scared too. And he will still protect us, no matter what."
"He yelled at you," Zeppelin looked down, poking at one of his dinosaurs toys, "Is he mad at you?"
"Probably," Y/N sighed,
"Why?" he asked,
"I make mistakes. I've been making a lot of those recently."
"Like JJ?" he asked and she smiled,
"But JJ doesn't talk to mommy and daddy when they're mad at her, or when she's mad at 'em. You talk to daddy. Why's he still mad at you then?"
"Just because we talk doesn't mean he's not mad at me. He's scared too. You remember how you reacted when you saw the monster in your dream?" Zeppelin nod, looking down in shame, "Hey, bubba, lookie at me," she tried, crawling over to him and picking him up and sitting him in her lap, "I'm not saying this to tease you. I'm trying to tell you that everyone reacts some way when they're scared."
"So, daddy yelled because he's scared?" Zeppelin asked and Y/N nod,
"Partly, yes. That's right bubba."
"Can we help him not to be scared anymore?" he asked and she smiled,
"I think this is just one of his bad days."
"So what do we do?"
"We remind him of how much we love him and give him an extra tight hug," Y/N said, Zeppelin nodding,
"Okay. Can I do it now?"
"I think dad's asleep. But you can totally do it when he wakes up. Now, I've got a little something for you..." Y/N said, reaching under the bed and grabbing a new Lego set of a monster truck and showing it to Zepp, which resulted in a squirm and a jump right on her,
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he exclaimed, clinging to her. She smiled, hugging him and kissing his temple,
"You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome!" she responded, allowing Zeppelin to settle into her lap with a yawn, "You tired, big guy?" he nod, looking up to her, "I think it's time for a little nap. I'll wake you up for lunch and then we can start building this together. Maybe dad or uncle Jared would join us too."
"But I wanna play with you now," he said with a sad face,
"I know you want to but if we start making this truck now, I'm afraid we might get some sort of an animal instead of a truck since we haven't rested well. And also, mom said you can stay for a few days so we have plenty of time to play. And we don't want to be cranky like old man uncle Jared," she teased, making Zeppelin giggle, "Come on now, you can go ahead and pick a book you want me to read you as a nap-time story."
"I haven't heard of nap-time stories," he said,
"That's probably cuz I just made it up," you giggled, kissing the top of his head, "Go on sweetheart, pick a book. Then we can transfer the Jurassic park over on the shelf and read. Sounds good?"
"Yea!" Zeppelin exclaimed, standing up and going for the book shelf.
As Y/N stood up she saw Jensen on the doorway. He just smiled at her and nod, and she did the same. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as Zeppelin helped her bring the toys on the shelf and then watched him lie down and drift off quickly, as Y/N read him the book he picked.
As she finished, she tucked Zeppelin in and stood up quietly, picking up her bedding and walking up to the doorway where Jensen stood,
"Everything okay?" she asked,
"Yeah," Jensen nod with a smile, "Thanks for taking care of him."
"No problem," she smiled,
"You should sleep some, kiddo," he then said, making her roll her eyes, "Come on. You haven't slept any. You gotta rest some."
"I have to catch up with math that I missed last night. I don't have time for sleep right now."
"Do I need to read you a nap-time story to make you go to bed?" Jensen inclined, making Y/N smile,
"How much did you eavesdrop, old man?" she teased, making Jensen smile
"Enough to know of nap-time stories. And that Jared's the old man and not me," he smirked, "Come on sweetheart. Lunch won't be for another two hours minimum. You have a bunch of time after kids go to sleep to catch up with your math. Please?"
"Are you gonna get some sleep too?" she asked and he sighed, nodding,
"Promised Dee."
"I don't feel tired at all but okay, I'll try to," she sighed, "I'll sleep on the couch. That okay?"
"Yeah," Jensen nod, "One last question," he said as Y/N opened the door to Zeppelin's room, "You okay?" she smiled, nodding,
"Yeah. Go get some rest Jens. You need it," she said, closing the door to Zeppelin's room, going for the couch. Jensen waited for her to get comfy before approaching to tuck her in, making her giggle, "Dude, I'm not five."
"You're my kiddo, whether you're five, seventeen or seventy seven. Sleep tight," he smiled, kissing the top of her head before walking away to his room. He quietly walked over to his bed, laying down and facing Danneel's asleep form,
"Glad you came," she whispered, not opening her eyes but instead opening her arms for him, "Y/N and Zepp asleep?"
"Yup. Figured I'd come nap with my super hot wife," Jensen teased, seeing Danneel's eyes roll under the eyelids,
"You ain't getting anywhere with that. C'mere," she said, opening her arms for him, ". "You are long overdue for a cuddle. I missed you."
"I missed you too," he whispered as he cuddled up to her chest, "I love you."
"Love you too."
Your POV
"That is physics," Jensen spoke up and you giggled, shaking your head,
"Whats arrows over letters doing in math?!" he exclaimed,
"Vectors," you smiled, "Everyone asleep?"
"Yep. I'd be surprised if they weren't," Jensen said as he sat down on the bar stool next to you, "Done with school for the day?"
"Yeah. You headed to bed too?"
"I wanted to talk about today with you before I go hear Danneel snoring in my ear."
"You're the one snoring, idiot," Danneel called out as she walked out of the bathroom, "How was school today?" she asked as she came up to you,
"Good. I have a physics test next week."
"Oh, that doesn't sound very pleasing," she said, making everyone giggle, "Okay. Both of you, don't stay up too late. Night Y/N," she smiled as she hugged you softly and you returned it,
"Night mom."
Jensen kept quiet at the way you called Danneel, but you swore something shined in his eyes, but something shattered as well. Maybe you shouldn't have said it.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?"
"I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier today. Zeppelin is right. I teach them not to yell yet I do exactly that."
"Jense, I know you didn't mean for it to come out that loud. I'm not mad at you. I was pissing you off for as long as we know each other. It was bound to happen and I know that."
"But you flinched," he said and you sighed, looking down, "I saw it."
"I just sometimes get scared. That's all."
"I should have watched my tone. I'm sorry."
"And I shouldn't have pushed your buttons. I'm the one who's supposed to apologize. I've been treating you like shit and you don't deserve it at all."
"It's okay. Have you thought a bit into the whole situation? Or do you need some time?" he asked and you sighed, nodding,
Uncle Jared's right. I just… don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared of her, I'm scared for your safety, for everyone's safety, yet I don't want anyone to suffer because of me. It's so complicated."
"Yet very simple," Jensen said, "You stay with us. We finish filming, go to Texas, stay the summer there. I was thinking we could go for a little vacation somewhere. We come back to Vancouver and keep filming in November. You'll be in your third year of high-school and you'll do great."
"And what if something comes up? What if she does something?"
"Then we deal with it when it comes. We can't live in fear, kiddo. We can't live like this, afraid of taking a step. We're gonna be extra cautious, of course, but we can't lock ourselves in and do nothing. We gotta keep living as normal as we can, given the circumstances."
"You think she's not gonna do anything?" you asked, biting on your lip,
"I don't know what she thinks and what she plans to do. What I know is that we're all gonna try to protect each other. And that's all that matters. Besides, she can't keep this up for that long. She's gonna fuck up and set herself to be caught. It's just a matter of time."
"I have such a bad feeling about this all," you said, "I don't want her to be here anymore. How come she isn't arrested?"
"She's definitely hiding well. And with her connections with CPS, she's gotta have some in the federal department too. You said it yourself."
"She's gonna do something big. It's only a matter of time," you said, "She always does something big when shit doesn't go her way. She always makes some big problems."
"And we can't stop her from that. But we can make sure to act properly when it happens and stay close. It's the one thing we gotta do. We gotta stay together. She can't get through any of us when we're together. It's what she doesn't understand and doesn't know. She's powerless when we're together."
"She's never had anyone to have her back," you said, "She thinks her mom has her back but she's just using her. She always told me that I don't need any friends, that I'm better off on my own. That nobody needs friends. She thinks she's doing just fine without any friends and she tried to make me have no friends either."
"I see how well the no friends situation is coming down for her," Jensen sassed, making you giggle, "It doesn't matter. It's her life, she can screw it however she wants to. Only thing we won't let her do is screw you again."
"Yeah. But just because she doesn't understand how strong we are doesn't mean she won't try to do anything and everything to break me apart. And now you too. You understand what you're getting yourself into, right? I don't want you to get hurt, Jensen. Not you, not anyone. This is on me. If something happens to you-"
"What I've gotten myself into is a relationship with this wonderful kiddo who's got heart bigger than the sun. This kiddo who loves without limits, who cares and feels deeply, the kid who can smile, sing and joke around. You're a wonderful person and just because you have shitty baggage doesn't mean you're a bad person. Especially because you can't do anything to ship off the shitty baggage."
"Sorry for all of this," you whispered, looking down, "Sorry for being an ass to you. You didn't deserve any of it."
"It's true. I didn't deserve any of it," Jensen agreed, "But I understand that you're having a hard time with coming to grounds about things such as having a supportive family. You're still in that flight or fight mode you've been in for years and I also know you're stubborn as hell. I'm not mad at you and you're not making any mistakes or doing anything that would make me mad. You're just living the way you lived back in Y/H/C. And yes, you don't have to live like that anymore, but it's gonna take time for you to let go of old habits."
"I... I always got beaten up after an argument," you said with a sad smile as you looked at Jensen, "When something like this today came down, she'd beat me while I was sleeping. Wake me up in the process. Leave me crying quietly, sometimes beat me up again because I was crying, even though I was quiet. That's why I flinched today."
"I might lose my temper and raise my voice but I'm never, ever going to hit you. We're gonna talk it out. Whatever it is, no matter how difficult it is or how stressful it is, we're gonna talk it out. Just like we're doing now."
"Thanks for treating me like a human," you then said, smiling, "Even though you don't agree with my opinions, you still listened."
"You're always gonna be my kiddo but that doesn't mean that you're gonna be treated as a five year old when something important is being discussed. You are entitled to your own opinion and that's completely normal."
"Thanks. And sorry for being an ass. I'll try to do better in the future."
"And that's all I'm asking," he smiled at you, standing up from his stool and walking up to you to hug you, "To try."
"You're a sap," you teased, hugging him back,
"I know, Dean doesn't approve. Now, where are you sleeping?"
"I thought to sleep here, on the couch. I've stayed up for my classes anyway so-"
"Daddy," a small voice called, making Jensen turn around as you both looked in the direction where the sound came from, "I-I had a nightmare," Arrow hiccuped, approaching you two. Jensen frowned, meeting her halfway and picking her up,
"Yeah baby girl? You wanna stay with me and Y/N for a while?" she nod, leaning her head against Jensen's shoulder as he began swaying her,
"What was it about Ro?" you asked, "If you're comfortable with talking about it," she shook her head and you frowned, "That's okay. What can we do to help you feel better?"
"Sing," she whispered, ever so gently, "Y/N, sing."
"Me?" you said, surprised at the request. She just nod, Jensen nodding you to sit on the sofa with them. You followed his cue, sitting on the sofa with Jensen, Arrow still in his arms.
You began softly singing, getting Arrows full attention as she looked at you, her head leaned against Jensen's shoulder. You kept singing songs that came to your mind, basically anything on your first language that had a soft tune to it.
It didn't take her long to fall asleep, soundly held in her dad's embrace. You smiled, leaning to kiss the top of her head, Jensen' halfway asleep as well,
"I would never figure out why you hid that angelic voice from us," he said, ruffling your hair. You rolled your eyes, grabbing the blanket and throwing it over him and Arrow,
"Sleep here with her," you said, "I'll go finish something for school and then-"
"No," Jensen shook his head, grabbing your hand gently, "You lay down with us too. Cuddle puddle."
"No arguments," he breathed, "We're too tired. Let's just sleep. Come on," you sighed, knowing you're not gonna win this argument. You laid down, Jensen throwing another blanket over you and giving you your pillows, "Expect the other two to be all over us in the morning. I am not responsible if any of your kidneys decide to go on a walk when they jump on us," he said, making you giggle,
"Don't worry. My little cousin back in Y/H/C did that all the time to me. I'm trained well."
"Yeah, I can tell," he smiled, "Night, Y/N."
"Night Jens."
A/N 2: Thanks for reading! And, @crasmuna, you are so fucking far away so I can't hug you, so this will have to do <3
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jawritter · 1 year
Something About Fate
Chapter 5
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Summary:  Y/N has been homeless and living on the streets of Dallas, Texas since the start of Covid. Until one day, a handsome, green eyes strange notices her and turns her whole world upside down.
Warning: Change, even good change, can be scary, and even a little hard…
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader (eventually).
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This series is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! This series will contain mature content eventually, and therefore is unsuitable for persons under 18 years of age! Anyone under the age of 18 will be blocked for my blog! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy this series!
Main Masterlist                  Series Masterlist
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Y/N looked out of the window of the expensive looking Van that had picked Jensen and herself up from the airport as soon as they landed in LA with somewhat of a shocked awe at all the sights that slowly passed her by in the crawling, busy streets. 
Sure, Dallas had some pretty impressive buildings, but the people here were just—different. For one, there were so many of them. Which might be attributed to the fact that it was a great deal warmer here than it had been in Dallas, but Y/N doubted that. It was still very early in the day, and they were out in droves. She doubted that as the day drew on, or when night started to fall, things would get any quieter. 
Everything was so much brighter here too. Even the signs and the billboards that flashed on the side of buildings were brighter. It made the little big town of Dallas she’d come from seem so cold and outdated. 
Then it hit her. This was Jensen’s life and had been since he was a young boy. It was sooo different than the one she’d led, even if she hadn’t ended up living on the streets. Which made her wonder even more why the hell the man was doing what he was doing? Why he cared about just another blurry face on the street in the middle of what these people would probably consider nowhere and pulled her out of the life she was in with the intent to sit her back on her feet. It just made sense. 
“The place we’re staying at isn’t in town,” Jensen voiced suddenly from beside her. “And I will have a rental car waiting for us so that we can get around when and where we need to without too much assistance. I prefer the seclusion and privacy over all this noise. It won't take us long to get there after we get out of all this traffic.” 
She nodded as her eyes drifted back to the window just in time for Y/N to turn to face the window once again and see Jensen’s face just outside of her car window, plastered alongside his castmates for the series he’d recently done, The Boys.
That’s when it really, really struck her, the gravity of the difference in worlds the pair of them were from, and it set heavily, like a rock in the center of her gut. She wasn’t even sure she was breathing as she stared dumbly at his face on the billboard. 
There was a flood of emotions that settled over her like a wet blanket, fear being the primary one. In fact, when someone was to really think about it, there was a lot to fear here. Sure, they’d spent a few days in Dallas together, and sure, Jensen had promised her a lot in the time they’d spent together, and he’d already made good on a lot of those promises. He even gave her a key to his fucking car and his house! 
But his life was a very public one. He’d once been married, he’d had a family, he’d had a life she’d never even begin to understand. He had a thousand girls throwing themselves at him online constantly, and the selection of that pool had to be better than anything that he saw in her. There was the fear that he’d come to that conclusion and kick her out, just as fast as this had started, it had the potential to end. 
Then there was the fear of screwing up. There were a lot of eyes watching her now, because she was working for him. Surely the public would notice her eventually, and when they did, they were going to rip her apart about everything she did, right or wrong. That was utterly terrifying to even think about. 
“Hey,” Jensen said, grabbing her hand in his own, and pulling her attention back towards him. She was so lost in her worry, she’d barely realized that they’d made it out of the city, and there was a blur of greenery flying by their window. “You haven’t said a word since we left the airport. Are you feeling, okay?”
“I’m okay,” she assured him, she could see it on his face, he was worrying over her again, and that wasn’t the first time she’d noticed him doing it either. It made her feel horrible every time she saw him doing it, guilty for making him worry about her, when honestly, she should be on cloud nine right now! She was living every girl’s dream! “A little tired I guess I didn’t really sleep a whole lot on the flight here.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry I booked us so early. Next flight we take will not be before the asscrack of dawn I promise,” he said, but didn’t let go of her hand as his pale green orbs searched her face, trying to read her. He did that a lot too.
“I’ll get used to it,” she attempted to downplay things a little to settle his nerves. “I’ve never really traveled anywhere myself outside of Dallas, I used to book things for other people, but never did it myself. There’s a big difference between booking a trip and actually traveling, I guess.”
“I moved here when I was just a teenager, literally right after high school, so I get it. Everything looks so out there and feels foreign, but after a few years of coming back and forth from different towns to different towns, it’s not as jarring anymore. This summer we’re gonna be spending some time in Vancouver. Honestly, out of all the places I’ve been, that one feels most like home to me. I spent a long time there.”
“I don’t have a passport,” she reminded him, but he just shrugged it off. 
“That’s fixable, as soon as we get back to Austin, I’ll make sure all of that’s taken care of. I'm more concerned about the fact that I’ve thrown a lot of life changes your way in a short amount of time and I want to make sure you’re okay with it.”
Y/N sighed a little in spite of herself. It was a lot. It was fast. Still, what was the alternative? Freezing to death on a sidewalk in Dallas? Nope, this was better, even if she did have whiplash and a lot of shit at stake. 
“It’s a lot”, she admitted, “I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t, but I’ll rebound, I promise—”
“Hey,” Jensen said, squeezing her hand and halting her to keep her from talking so fast that she was about to hyperventilate, which made her face burn hot with embarrassment. “It’s okay to be a little turned around and freaked out. I kinda ripped you away from everything you’ve ever known in less than 72 hours. Anyone would be a little off kilter after that for a while. I’m not mad about it, nor am I gonna be, but if you need to take five, or if it gets too much, you have to be honest with me… okay? I can’t don’t know how you’re feeling unless you tell me.”
Y/N swallowed the hug knot she had in her throat and nodded, just in time for the car to come to a stop in front of a private little house, far enough outside of town to be unbothered by prying eyes, but close enough to get a Door Dash delivery and an Uber if you need it.
Robotically, eyes still glued to the pristine white exterior with dark green shutters and a cute little front porch with a slightly weather porch swing and rose bushes lining the stone trail that led to the tiny red front door that created a very inviting, homie vibe, Y/N realized something. It had been three years since she’d stepped foot inside of a house, much less stayed in one. 
Pressure immediately started to build behind her eyes, and a hundred-pound weight set itself on her chest as her eyes shifted over every little perfect imperfection of the little cottage. This was heavy. She thought she’d never see something like this again, only in her dreams. 
Maybe it was a good thing that Jensen was taking her here first, because she was sure his home was massive in comparison to this one, and if this one was hitting her in the feels like this… she could only imagine what it was going to be like when she pulled up to her new ‘home’. 
“You coming, sweetheart?” Jensen questioned, his voice jarring her, and causing her to look in his direction. He was standing in the middle of the little path that led to the house, bags in his hands, her little bag of belongings on his shoulder, and a deeply concerned look on his face. 
“Yeah, sorry,” Y/N attempted to shake it off. But she could tell for all of her bravo acting, Jensen wasn’t convinced. Guess you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. That’s what actors did right? Bullshit you into believing they’re feeling what they’re feeling while they were in front of a camera to make it real? Right?
She knew she had some deep seeded trust issues, but apparently, she had more than she thought she had, ‘cause now she was wondering as she forced her feet to move, and began to follow him up the little trail of stone to the porch, whether she’d ever really be able to trust anyone again after all she’d been through, especially someone as good at acting as this man obviously was...
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
SAF tag list
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One Shots
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Wmhb (10) – A fresh start
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Summary: You and Jensen were always the perfect couple. Married. White picket fence. Two adorable kids. This all ends when you see him with another woman. As your world crumbles down, you need to try to move on or hold on to your past. Player's choice.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x fem!Reader 
Characters: OFC Jada, Jared Padalecki, OC Jensen Dean, OC Sofia Rose 
Warnings: angst, pregnant reader, fluff, daddy!Jensen, implied smut
A/N: Please consider the ending of the story was chosen by my followers. I had to change a few things I outlined for this story. 
While my heart broke masterlist
<< Part 9
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“That’s a nice drawing,” your marriage counselor swallows thickly as Jensen dared to hand her the naughty picture he drew of you and him having sex. “Uh-and very detailed.”
“During our last session, you said we shall draw what we are missing. I told Jensen that I miss being intimate with him. I’m awful at drawing so he drew it for me,” you nervously laugh as she folds Jensen’s drawing. “I hope this doesn’t count as cheating.”
“No-no,” she chuckles. “It’s fine. You did your homework. I’m glad you worked together to do it. That was the real goal.” She makes some notes. “I wanted you to work together. Most of the time pairs do their homework for our sessions, they start talking again.”
“Oh, you tricked us,” Jensen grumbles. “I wrote an essay! You wanted me to write a story about how I met my wife.”
“We didn’t get that far,” you giggle as Jensen looks at the few pages in his hands. “Over the last weeks, we got closer again. We…you know.”
“You had sex?” she asks, furrowing her brows. “How did it feel?”
“It was…good,” Jensen offers. His cheeks redden and he drops his gaze to avoid looking at your marriage counselor.
“Mr. Ackles, I didn’t want to know about the quality of the act,” she hastily says. “I wanted to know if it felt odd, or new…or if you were insecure. You are married for a long time and know each other well. Now things changed.”
“We were a little nervous,” you move your hand to Jensen’s thigh to squeeze it. “I think that’s normal. Right? After everything that happened.”
“I was nervous as hell, to be honest. Not about the uh-act itself,” Jensen nervously stammers. “It was that I didn’t know if it was too soon. The last thing I wanted to do was pressure my wife into having sex with me.”
“I made the first step, Jensen. We both wanted to be together again. It was a little awkward at first. Like during our first time,” you chuckle as Jensen’s face turns red. “You know what I mean.”
“I think we are on a good way,” you conclude. “We talk more and spend time with the kids and alone.”
“Last week we had a romantic dinner in the garden,” your husband finally looks at your marriage counselor again. “I cooked. Well, I think it wasn’t too bad.”
“He made chicken parmesan and pie only for me,” you grin as Jensen makes an odd noise. “Warm and wet. It was so…delicious…”
“Yeah, delicious,” he swallows thickly. Jensen doesn’t want to give away he ate the pie off of your body before he ate something sweeter.
“I think we are working things out,” she nods knowingly. Your marriage counselor can see there is still so much love between the two of you. “Oh, and we went to the next ultrasound. They are growing so fast.”
“They are going to be beautiful just like my wife. I can’t wait to welcome our baby to this world,” longingly looking at your swollen belly, Jensen smiles to himself. “I love them so much.”
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A few months later, …
“Breathe sweetheart,” Jensen whispers as you sit in the courtroom. Today is the day you were waiting for. “They will not let her get away.”
“I hope so,” you wring your hands as the woman stalking and harassing your family looks at you and your husband. Her lawyer asks question after question to make her look like an innocent angel, not the person attacking a pregnant woman. “She won’t look away.”
“Miss TBN (the bitch’s name), did you hear your lawyer? Miss, you must answer the question,” the judge exhorts her. “MISS!”
“He’s here,” she jumps up to wave at Jensen. “My Jensen is here! Look.” She points at you and Jensen. “Arrest that woman! She’s touching my man! He’s mine…I will kill you. Get off him! Get off.”
She screams. “Sit back down,” her lawyer tries to calm his client. “Miss TBN (the bitch’s name), you need to sit back down. Please don’t make things worse for you.”
“He’s mine! Can’t you see that he’s suffering? My Jensen. Mine!”
“Miss! Miss!” the judge slams his hammer down. “Get that woman out of my courtroom. Now.”
“I think she just ruined any chance to get away with her lies,” Jada chuckles devilishly. “If not, I’ll get a fucking shotgun and give her a new asshole.”
“Babe, no swear words in front of the baby,” Jared points at your grown belly. “But if you need my help, I’m game. I can’t let my wife kill our enemies on her own…”
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“Daddy why is mommy’s belly so big?” your daughter curiously watches you place a bowl with chips on your huge seven months baby bump. “I know! She’s going to have ten puppies!”
“Baby doll,” Jensen snorts as your daughter crawls onto the couch to press her head to the left side of your belly. “Mommy is not going to have puppies. She’s going to have two babies. Remember? I told you last time that you are going to get a new baby brother and a baby sister.”
“No! I want puppies,” while your daughter pouts, your son joins you on the huge plush sofa to steal a few chips.
“Mommy is having a little girl and a boy,” you coo as your daughter sniffles silently. “Next time, we can try to have some puppies.”
“What?” Jensen licks his lips as his eyes drift toward your swollen breasts. “Did you just say that you want more babies? How many do you want me to put inside of you?”
“Jensen, no!” groaning you watch your husband move closer to put his hands on your belly. “We won’t have more babies.”
“Can we have one more?” he can’t help but stare at your chest. “Damn me, you look ready to get eaten. If not for the kids, I’d have my way with you.”
Lately, Jensen is unsatiable. Any time he gets the chance to get his hands on you, he devours your body until you are a whimpering mess.
“Jensen Ross Ackles,” he just loves when you use his full name to scold him. Jensen hums as you continue to tell him you won’t have another baby. “Did you even listen?”
“I’ll get you full of puppies one day,” you laugh as Jensen purrs for you. “Do you want me to?” he gives you a longing look. “Please.”
“I’m already pregnant with twins.”
“Jada and Jared said they have good news,” Jensen sits on the sofa next to your kids to watch them snuggle in your sides. 
“I know,” not giving away your friend already told you the good news, you smirk at Jensen. “Did Jared tell you about the good news?” You search your husband’s face. “Jay?”
“No,” he lies poorly. Jensen tries to hide that Jared told him about the good news too. 
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“Phew, they are going to have a baby too,” you snuggle in Jensen's chest. “I knew Jada looked happier and, she glows.”
“I bet he wanted to beat me,” Jensen grumbles. “In his dreams. We are having twins again. Top that, Padalecki.”
“Jensen, this is not a competition,” he smirks as you lift your head. “No, Jensen! You will not turn this into a competition with Jared.”
“What if I put another one inside of you,” you roll your eyes at your husband’s eagerness. “Just one more, baby.”
Both of you start laughing as you are already heavily pregnant.
You smile, feeling your heart heal as Jensen tells you about all the plans he has and how much he loves you and your family. 
Even though, your heart is still healing, you know one thing for sure. No one will ever get in between you and your husband ever again…
The End…
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jensenismywholelife · 2 years
I can’t keep pretending
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: low self esteem, fluff
Summary: (Y/n) has loved Dean for years but could never share her feelings out of fear. Fear of rejection and embarrassment.
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(Y/n) had loved Dean for years, but could never tell him because she didn't want to get her feelings hurt. She feared rejection, so almost no one knew about her feelings for him. Sam was the only one who knew how strong she felt for him, but she trusted that he’d keep it to himself. The brothers planned on going to a bar later in the night after finishing a hunt and they begged (Y/n) to come with them, but she lied to get out of it. She didn’t wanna watch Dean have his way with other women, it hurt her bad.
A few hours later, she was sitting on the uncomfy motel bed, watching some old stupid shows on the crappy tv that they had in the motel. The brothers came back and to her surprise, they didn't seem drunk, but that was very hard for her to believe, especially when it came to Dean.
"I thought you were tired" Dean said, dropping his keys on the table of the motel room.
"I am, but for some reason..I can't sleep" She said, lying again. If she were to let Dean know how she was really feeling..damn would she be hurt, it was obvious he didn’t feel the same.
"Hey i'll be right back, I left my bag in the impala" Sam said, walking quickly out of the motel room and to the car. He could tell they both needed some time alone.
"Hey (Y/n), Can we talk real quick?" Dean asked, sitting next to her on the bed.
"Yeah sure, what's up?" She said, turning the TV off and sitting up.
"So..this is out of nowhere I know, but for a while now I’ve had this weird feeling whenever you’re close to me or whenever I hear your name, or..i don’t know, anything about you. I guess..I never really understood why, but a year ago I did.” He smiled weakly and took her hands into his own “I love you (Y/n) and I can't keep acting like I don't feel anything between us because I do. I know..I probably waited to long to tell you, but I was nervous." Dean said.
She got off the bed and laughed while walking to the fridge. She grabbed a beer and popped the cap off, taking a sip. "How drunk are you?" She asked.
Dean got up and walked over to her. “Well uh..that’s not really the answer I was expecting?” He scratched the back of his neck. “I’m not drunk (Y/n). Look, I understand this is random, but I felt something tonight, I felt so lonely without you near me”
"Yeah right" She said.
"You don't believe me?" Dean asked.
"No" She said.
"Why not" Dean asked. He got up and walked over to her “How could you not believe me? I just poured my heart out to you (Y/n).” He sighed softly and looked down at her.
"Because Dean..it's impossible for a guy like you to..love a girl like me" She said, looking down. She played with her fingers and avoided eye contact.
"How could you say that? Really.." Dean said.
"Dean i'm not like all the other girls you sleep with or find interest in. You like the blondes..the skinny girls with the perfect hips..the model looking girls. I get it..you probably found out I liked you and felt bad. Look you don’t have to do this ok? You don’t have to pretend because you feel bad for me.” She sighed.
"Look at my face and tell me if i'm lying to you" Dean said, lifting her chin and he stared right into her eyes, a slight smile growing on his face. Her (Y/e/c) eyes stared right back into his forest green ones. She couldn't say anything, he was just so damn perfect, it left her speechless. Before she knew it, he leaned in, put his hands on her hips and kissed her lips softly.
He then pulled her body flush against his and smiled. He tried pulling away, but she only pulled him back in for another kiss, running her hands through his soft, slightly spiked hair. After a few minutes, she pulled away and rested her forehead against his, her hands still lost in his locks and their bodies still pressed close together.
"I don't care if you don't believe me, I love you (Y/n)" Dean said, smiling softly.
"I-I love you, Dean" She said, a slight blush rising on her cheeks.
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wayward-dreamer · 2 years
Coffee & Chaos - Masterlist
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Pairing: Producer!Jensen x Fem!Screenwriter!Reader
Summary: Y/N starts working at Chaos Machine Productions, finding joy in the work and fitting in instantly. She knows she could really thrive in the company, as long as she doesn’t fall for her boss, the executive producer and founder, along the way. Little does she know he’s trying to suppress his feelings, for the sake of professionalism, too.
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst, bit of jealousy, mostly fluff, smut. (Full warnings will be added to individual parts).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
This mini-series is complete!
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lostgirl677 · 11 months
Revenge Part.5
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and the Winchester brothers are on the trail of a mysterious werewolf, but who knows where this may lead them? Another successfull hunt or a more serious mess?
Later in the day, we decided to keep looking for Joe and Glen Kyle by looking in Glen’s building and if possible the basement.. We were back in the car with Ramble On blasting, but Dean wasn’t singing. He was just telling stupid jokes. That was weird because usually we were his audience while he did his best performance of this song. But not here. Sam threw me a look in the mirror. Even though he was smiling like a goof, I knew something was not right. Something was definitely on Dean’s mind and it troubled him, I could tell. He was just trying to distract his mind. I wanted to confront him so bad. But it was not the right time, nor the right place. So I just asked “What’s the plan again?” Dean used the rearview mirror to look at me and said “ First, we go to the morgue and ask to see Glen’s file in the archives. Then, we go to his ancient building, we’ll tell them that we are looking for asbestos or crap like that so we’ll need to check the whole building to find clues about that son of a bitch.”
I furrowed my eyebrows a bit. “Why would he still live there? He could just have left and changed his name. Are you sure it is a good idea and not a total waste of time?” His green eyes were no longer on the road but solely on me. “I know that if he’s alive, he probably won’t live in this flat anymore, Y/N. But there might be a chance that he’s still around. We can’t reject this possibility. We’ll also look for Joe and maybe Zeke, too.” His tone became oddly calm. “Okay. If we find him, Joe or Glen I mean, what do we do? Try to kill them on the spot, without questions asked?” The green of his eyes became darker. “We can’t let them live one more second knowing what they did to innocent people.” I could see his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. This time, Sam said “ Dean! We need to know their motivations, about their scheme, we need to…” It seemed that Dean completely snapped at these words. “And what your fees will be Doc, huh?! We’re not here to play shrinks! I don’t care about their motivations! I don’t want to hear about it! We have to kill them right away!” Dean was screaming at this point. For the only answer, Sam just threw him a dirty look but it contained everything he wanted to say to his brother.
A heavy silence fell in the car and the tension soon became unbearable. I regretted a bit to have asked this question. I must admit that I agreed with Dean but I couldn’t take part in this.The rest of the trip was dead silent. Even without a single word from them, each look they threw at each other seemed full of unspoken anger. I really hoped that our federal roleplay would ease the tension at least a little bit. Once we arrived at the morgue, we all got out of Baby and tried to look professional. 
As always, Dean used his charm to get us Glen’s file. Much to Sam's exasperation. They left us alone while they went for lunch.We were all seated in the archives with multiple pieces of the files in our hands. “So, it implies the 3 gunshot wounds in the chest Dean inflicted on him. And also a cicatrized bite mark on the back of his neck.” said Sam, showing us the pictures of the corpse. “It also mentions that the bullets were made of silver. The death occurred between midnight and 1 AM.”  Dean sighed and Sam put the file back on the table. “Do you think that means that he is really dead?” asked Dean. “Maybe not. The silver of the bullets could have slowed the healing process and once they were out, he regenerated himself.” said Sam. “Okay. That could make sense. But what about the forensic? He would have noticed something.” I asked. 
Then Dean replied “Except if he was an accomplice. But that doesn’t make sense. I think he is completely dead and that we wasted precious time..” We all sighed. Our main lead seemed to be a waste of time. “ It means that we are left with Joe. But we also have to find Zeke.” said Dean, rubbing his temples. “Do you really think that there is a link between these two? Joe and Glen, I mean.” I asked. “Well, maybe. We can’t be sure of anything. After all, if he knows about Supernatural, he might have read the books and took the name of a fellow werewolf to lead us in the wrong direction.” replied Dean. I saw something in Sam’s eyes, as if he was irritated that such a smart reflection came out of Dean’s mouth instead of his. I guessed that he was still a bit mad about earlier in the car. “I guess it’s time to go to his old flat. Joe might have left another ridiculous bait for us, but it could also help us.”
After a quick trip to the motel to change our costumes,  we finally  arrived in the neighborhood in the middle of the afternoon. Sam and I were already in costume to pass as asbestos inspectors, while Dean was in more casual clothes. It seemed like a nice suburban place. Not the kind of place where you'd expect a werewolf to be on the loose. As we walked, I noticed a realtor’s bench. Their names were Evelyn Taylor and Phil Bixby. “Hey, guys.” I said. Both Dean and Sam turned their heads toward me. “Have you seen this?” Dean glanced at the picture and said “Guess we might run into them. I’ll take care of this.” He flashed me a seductive smile. I couldn’t help but blush just at the sight of his smile. Sam rolled his eyes and said “Alright, Casanova. Y/N and I are going inside and we’ll tell them that we come to check asbestos.Then we go look for his apartment and the basement. While you do your ‘thing’. We’ll meet in front of the car.” As we walked away from him, I waved at Dean and, after hesitating,  he vaguely waved back. I didn’t know why but he seemed at war. Sometimes close to me, sometimes aloof. Something was wrong, it wasn’t my imagination.
Sam and I stepped inside the building. It was quite charming. But I didn’t have the time to look properly when an attractive woman came to us. I recognized her, it was Evelyn Taylor. She smiled at us and asked “Hello. What can I do for you?” “Uh, we’re Chris Holmes and Alice Cooper from American Air Testing. We’re here to do an asbestos test.” She seemed to be surprised and said “But we never asked for your services.” I was quick to say “Your colleague, Phil. He called us to schedule a test. Maybe he forgot to tell you? It doesn’t surprise me. He seems very forgetful ” She seemed to doubt. My stress level got higher when she retorted “I’m calling him and..” But she never finished her sentence. Dean appeared and threw her a bright smile. She suddenly forgot about us. She just threw us a set of keys and went all over Dean. “Hello, Sir. What can I do for you?” She was basically swooning over him. He smiled even more and said “I’m looking for a flat. Maybe you could help me?”. She giggled, grabbed him by the arm and walked away as if Sam and I weren’t even there. “So, we go to his flat first?” I asked Sam. “Guess so. I don’t know if we’ll find anything but it’s worth a shot.” He replied while shrugging his shoulders. We both headed to apartment number 1.
“Found anything?” asked Sam from afar as I closed the closet. “Squat. You?” I replied. “Same”. He said as his voice sounded closer to me. “Apparently, this flat was unoccupied for quite a long time.” I said as I tried to get rid of the spider web stuck in my hair. Sam gave me a hand to get the web out of my hair. “We already looked for every nook and cranny here. I guess we’ll have to go to the basement now.” He said. I looked one last time at the whole flat. Then I said “Okay, let’s go.”
We were now going to the basement. It was bigger than I thought. As we tried to find Glen’s box, I felt a feeling rising in me. Even though I had to stay focused on our case, I couldn’t help but feel a bit angry at this Evelyn Taylor. And Sam seemed to notice. “What’s going on?” he asked. I was about to say “nothing” but I needed to get it off my chest. “Have you seen her, simpering over him like a schoolgirl? Drives me crazy!” Sam just chuckled. “Uh oh, looks like someone’s jealous.” I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. “It’s not funny and I’m not jealous.” Sam threw me an amused look. “Okay, I’m jealous. What do you think he’s saying to her?” Sam shrugged and replied “The usual crap he uses on almost every woman I guess. But don’t worry too much, you know how it always ends up.” I sighed and said “I know. But this time, it’s different. Dean’s different. Something’s not right.” This time, it was Sam’s turn to sigh. “You’re still on that? His supposed sudden weirdness? Listen, Y/N. I know my brother. He can be weird but it doesn’t mean a thing, okay? Now try to focus, please.” This time, I was angry. I turned to face him and said “No. You, listen to me. I can feel that something changed when he came back and I can’t put my finger on it. He’s not like the Dean we know. He still does his jokes and all, but it feels different.” 
Sam looked a bit taken aback by my sudden outburst. He seemed to think for a bit, then asked “What if Dean was a shapeshifter? I mean, you said it yourself. He still acts like himself but something is weird, not like his usual self.” This suggestion surprised me, to say the least.  “You’re sure, Sam? Maybe something simply happened? But a shapeshifter? I don’t know. I mean, first a werewolf and now a shapeshifter? It would be too much. Maybe you’re exaggerating a bit?” “You’re the one who’s obsessed with his behavior. We’ll just have to be careful. Maybe something happened but that doesn’t rule out the shapeshifter possibility.” I tried to think about it but this possibility was scary because it meant that the real Dean was trapped somewhere in the city. But at least, he was still alive.”Hey! I think we’re near Glen’s box.” I said in an attempt to change the subject.
As we opened the metallic door, clouds of dust flew in the air. We both cough and put our arms before our faces. I switched the light on and discovered just a few cardboard boxes in the back. Probably stuff nobody reclaimed. I looked at Sam and said “ Time to snoop.” We then began to open the boxes. It was filled with clothes and various trinkets. But nothing relevant. “There’s nothing here.We should find Dean,” said Sam while getting closer to the door. I then noticed another box. “Wait, Sam. There’s another one. Maybe it contains the answers we’re looking for.” As I lifted it, I found something interesting. “Sam! Come here, I think I found something.” Indeed, it was interesting. It was a trap door leading deeper under the building. There were deep claw marks on it. “What is it?” Asked Sam. “It looks like a door to somewhere deeper. Hold my lamp.” I said, handing him the lamp as I tried to open the trap door. It was stuck by the rust. “Do you think you can help me open it?” I asked Sam. He nodded his head and began to try to force it to open . After a lot of effort, the trap door gave in and we were able to open it. Sam glanced at me and asked “You want to go in there? You don’t want to check that box first?” I shook my head. “We have to check this first.” I grabbed my flashlight and without another word, I jumped into that black hole.
As I landed hard, more dust flew around. “You okay?” Asked Sam from above. I managed to answer “Yeah.” between two coughing fits. I soon heard Sam jumping behind me. I switched my flashlight on and began to scan the area. There were even more claw marks on the floor and the brickwalls. But the beam of my lamp reflecting on something else caught my attention immediately. Broken chains. There were broken chains still firmly attached to the wall. Someone definitely knew that Glen was a werewolf. I turned my head and called Sam. A dim light suddenly lit the room. Sam just switched the light on. When he arrived next to me, I said “Have you seen this? Those chains were certainly to hold Glen when he transformed into a werewolf. And apparently, he broke free. Someone knew that he was a werewolf and they helped him.” He just hummed and walked away to inspect further. I was sweeping the area with the beam of my lamp when Sam suddenly arrived in front of me. ”Do you think that…” I didn’t have the time to finish my sentence. Sam’s eyes flashed with a silver glow when my flashlight shined on him. He was a shapeshifter! I tried to grab my silver dagger but he jumped at me. 
This made my dagger fall on the floor. He then tied me to the wall with another set of chains that I didn’t notice. “Tks, tks, Y/N. I’m really disappointed. And you’re supposed to be an experienced hunter? A shame, really…” He said with a sassy laugh. “Who are you?!” I spat. He came closer and replied “So, little Y/N can’t recognize me? I’m a bit upset. But to your defense, the last you saw me, I wasn’t looking like that.” He came even closer and whispered in my ear “I still remember the smell of the cocktails you almost spilled on me at the convention.” I tried to fight against the restraints. What was he talking about? Then realization struck me like thunder.  He was the guy I bumped into. “You followed us? Why? What did you do to Sam?” He smirked and said “Easy tiger. Of course, I’ve followed you. Ever since Lebanon, in fact.I didn’t want to at first but Joe was really persuasive. When he mentioned the Winchester, I couldn’t let this occasion go. And to answer your last question, Sam is somewhere where you can’t find him. At first, I wanted to take Dean. But the diner was too crowded last night. It was easier with Sam this morning. That guy comes running every morning at hours where practically no one’s around.” I looked at him in the eyes and spat on his face. His smile faded quickly and he squeezed my face in his hand, making me wince a little. He suddenly scrunched his face as if he was in pain, opened his eyes, smiled again then told me “You know, Sam told his brother about your ridiculous feelings for him. And Dean laughed his ass off. Dean recently told him how much he loved to toy with your heart, how powerful it makes him feel. I should have taken Dean’s appearance, it would have been better. Just to see your little heart shatter” I knew he was lying but it stung nevertheless. I knew that Sam would never do such a thing to me.
I finally asked “What do you want?”  “Oh, I just want to have some fun.” He replied with a demented smile. I never thought that Sam’s face could ever become scary. He came closer to me and whispered in a secretive tone ”Did you know that the books imply that your love for the elder Winchester is one-sided?” He was so close that I managed to kick him in the knee. He didn’t even flinch. He just looked down at his knee then lifted his head. His smile sent shivers down my spine. “Oh oh, it seems like I struck a nerve.” I tried to throw him the most murderous glare I could.”Don’t look at me like that. Not my bad if nobody loves poor little Y/N” I knew that he just wanted me to crumble. But I would never give him this satisfaction, not if I could help it. “You can say whatever you like, I don’t care. I know that you are here to separate us, to cause distrust and to make us lose our time. As soon as we get Sam, you're dead, asshole.” He faked indignation. “Wow, easy with the insults. Now I see why nobody loves you. You’re a killjoy.” He said as he tapped my cheek. He then checked his watch and said “Anyway, I have to go. I wasn’t glad to finally meet you. But business is business, dear.” With that, he threw me the hardest and the most painful blow I’ve ever received in my life. I just had the time to see him running away before losing consciousness.
@deans-spinster-witch @hobby27
Part.6 soon
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xlynnbbyx · 1 year
Since I had success last time I ask figured I would make another post to ask again. I need to regrow my fics list again. Maybe I can find some I lost a long time ago. So I will post below what I am looking for. Of course all are series cause once I get into a story I want to keep reading! So look below for what I am looking for guys.
Looking for:
Dean Winchester x Female Reader or Jensen Ackles x Female Reader I will even take Soldier Boy x Female Reader series
-No huge age gaps like Jensen or Dean is 40 reader is under 20 or under 25 that is too huge of a gap for me. I Soldier Boy can be a small exception cause he is older than everyone. But age limit still the same ideally love one where reader is in her 30s since I am. But nothing going under the age limit.
-Series that are written in 2nd or 3rd person please
-No series with gross stuff like weird bathroom stuff (them showering or bathing together is fine like normal bathroom things)
-No series with incest that is gross and I don’t like it.
So if you have any favorite series please send them my way please!!
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lucidlivi · 11 months
Chosen For Pleasure (XII)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67 @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world @k-slla @heavenlyackles @spnfamily-j2 @buckybarnes-1917 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @readingsins @lauraashley93 @antisocialcorrupt @anixiiee @jackles010378 @alternativeprincess @rosecentury (I love that half the battle of writing my updates is writing the tag list! I'm so grateful for all the love you guys have shown me and this fiction! If you would like to be added please send me a message or an ask so I can easily look back on them, there are too many names for me to keep track of!)
a emotional roller coaster of a chapter, you ain't ready..
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"is that.."
oh you've got to be kidding.
"Jensen?" I questioned trying to get his attention.
He has yet to take his eyes off the blonde, as she clung to an older gentleman talking to another couple.
I instantly felt jealousy burning through my entire body.
"Jensen." I snapped.
He finally tore his eyes away, meeting my own.
"are you okay?" I asked hesitantly.
He took a deep breath before plastering a smile on his face. I could tell it was fake.
"yeah, I won't let this ruin our night." He said.
Why didn't I believe him?
Jared once again gave him an apologetic look. Jensen took my hand, walking in the opposite direction of Elle.
Jensen gripped my hand tightly pulling me through the crowds of people.
"J hang on." I said stopping us.
He turned to me hesitantly.
"you're not okay, I can see it." I spoke.
"I'm fine." He was quick to defend.
"why don't I believe you?"
Jensen ran a hand over his jaw letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I let that girl ruin my life for a long time, I don't want her to ruin tonight too. I'm here with you, I want to enjoy tonight with you." Jensen said emphasizing the word you.
I felt like we were just sweeping the issue under the rug, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to enjoy the night with him too.
"okay." I breathed reluctantly.
Jensen offered me a smile as he snagged two champagne glasses off a serving tray being passed around. I sipped it hesitantly as my eyes traveled around the room, looking for the blonde girl. Jensen led me over to a table where Jared and Genevieve sat with other members of the cast. I offered Gen a smile as we took the spot next to them. Jensen conversed with Jared and Misha as if he wasn't bothered by the situation at all.
So why was I?
I felt like we were just pretending, something I'd never been good at.
I tried my best too though, I chatted with cast, sipped champagne and even picked at the fancy dinner. I felt myself start to loosen up, even if just a little bit.
"may I have this dance?" Jensen asked extending a hand out to me.
"of course." I smiled placing my hand in his.
Jensen led us over to the dance floor, a slow song coming from the band on stage. He wrapped one arm around my waist, his other hand held mine as we swayed back and forth to the music.
"you really do look beautiful tonight." Jensen smiled.
"you clean up well too." I laughed.
It was silent for a moment until I spoke up.
"I apologize if I freaked you out earlier with my confession." I whispered before biting my lip.
"I'm not freaked out, flattered actually." he quickly spoke.
"a sweet girl like you being in love with a fuck up like me, I don't know what I did to make that happen." he spoke quietly.
"Jensen you don't seriously think you're a fuck up do you?" I asked grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at me.
"oh I think I'm completely fucked up." He said with a painful laugh.
"I think we're all a little fucked up." I said.
"I'm just thankful you put up with me."
"yeah well I've always liked a bit of a challenge." I smirked.
He laughed as he pulled me closer, wrapping both arms around me. I felt completely at peace slow dancing with him. It was as if we were the only two people around. It just felt so right being with him. For once I forgot about everything wrong about us and just focused on the right here right now. I held on to him tightly as if as soon as I let him go he'd float away.
I was completely and irrevocably in love with this man.
I sighed as the song ended, longing for the moment to last. Jensen leaned down, placing his lips to my forehead in a gentle kiss.
"I'm happy you're here with me tonight." Jensen spoke.
We walked back towards the group. I wore a real smile for once tonight.
"I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I said kissing Jensen's cheek gently.
I was thankful there was no wait in the bathroom. I quickly did what I came there to do before going to the sink to wash my hands. I wiped off some excess lip gloss and glanced at myself one last time in the mirror.
I could suddenly feel someone come up beside me. I saw blonde locks out of the corner of my eye. I didn't need to look at her to know who it was.
I took a deep breath mentally cursing the world.
"with the billionaire Jensen Ackles, lucky girl." she spoke uncapping lipstick and swiping it on her over lined lips.
I hesitantly turned my body to face the last person in the world I wanted to see.
"Elle, but I have a feeling you already knew that." she introduced.
"no, you know what I don't think your name has come up." I said crossing my arms.
"If only I believed that, I just had to meet the girl that Jensen was so smitten with."
"well now you have, and now I'll be going." I growled turning to leave.
I didn't want to be in her presence another second.
"he looks amazing tonight, maybe I'll have to go say hi."
I stopped in my tracks at her words. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. I really wanted to knock this girl out right now.
"as if he would even talk to you." I growled turning my body back towards her.
"I think you underestimate the power I have over him. If I wanted him to, he'd come running back to me in a heartbeat."
I felt my heart shatter at her words. I knew she was just trying to get under my skin, but part of me wondered if she was right.
"yeah well he's not a toy you can play with and drop when you get bored." I growled.
"of course not, I did love to play with him though, you know he is the best kisser."
I could feel the rage building inside of me with each word she spoke.
"oh wait I forgot, you wouldn't know, my bad."
"are you trying to intimidate me, cause it isn't working."
"intimidate you? oh no, I just want to know who my competition is." Elle said before departing from the restroom.
Competition? What the hell was she talking about?
I quickly escaped the bathroom making my way through the crowds of people. I could feel my chest tightening as my breathing became sporadic. I needed some fresh air. Jensen immediately noticed my departure as he pushed through the crowd after me.
I kept walking, even as the night air hit my face. I had to get out of there.
"wait, (y/n) please stop." Jensen called running to catch up with me.
I kept walking, ignoring his protests. He finally caught me, making me turn to face him.
"I want to go home." I said choking back the tears that threatened to spill out any moment.
"what did Elle say to you?"
"nothing just drop it." I growled.
"no I'm not going to drop it, what did she say?"
"Jensen please."
"I thought we weren't keeping secrets from each other? I thought we'd moved past all this?"
"don't you get it, we can't move past all of this until you move past her!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"do you still love her?" I asked, letting a few tears slip.
"what no of course I don't love her." Jensen scoffed.
"is that why you won't kiss me?"
Jensen looked as if I had just slapped him in the face.
"no that's not why, I thought you understood." Jensen growled
"I thought I did too, but now I'm not so sure." I whispered turning my body away from him.
"don't do this please." Jensen begged coming to stand in front of me.
I let another tear slide down my cheek as I stared at him.
"please just take me home." I whispered.
Jensen looked hurt as he opened the door to the limo allowing me to slide in. It was silent as Cole drove us back to Jensen's, a van that contained the extra security guards led the way.
I don't know why I let her have this power over me.
Actually I did.
It was because I was terrified that she was right. I was terrified that if she called, he'd go running. Jensen said it himself, he was prepared to spend his life with her. Elle had manipulated him once, something told me if she really wanted she could do it again.
"you know we're going to have to talk about this at some point." Jensen said, lifting a wine bottle to his lips taking a swig.
I didn't respond, just continued to stare out the window.
"I don't care about Elle anymore, not since I met you. God you're all I think about. Why can't you see that? You're everything to me." Jensen spoke.
I let the tears fall freely from my eyes. I hesitantly glanced at him, but he was already staring at me.
"I don't kiss you because I'm afraid that once I do, you'll realize how much better off you are without me, and I can't stand to lose you. (y/n) I'm so in love with you." Jensen whispered, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
I cried as I wrapped my arms around him. He squeezed me tightly, as if he were afraid of letting me go. It was everything I had ever wanted to hear from him. He loved me.
"Jensen, I could never be better off without you. No one has ever made me feel even a fraction of what you make me feel." I said placing a hand on his cheek.
Jensen leaned his forehead down on mine, looking at my lips. I could tell how nervous he was.
"if we do this, no going back." Jensen whispered, his lips dangerously close to mine.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Jensen's lips brushed mine slowly. I felt my pulse increase. I had waited for this moment, dreamt of it.
"Mr. Ackles, you should come look at this." Cole spoke up from the front seat sounding worried.
Jensen pulled away quickly. I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding.
"stay here." He ordered.
I watched as Jensen and Cole got out of the limo, the security guards dispersed around the property. I could see them looking at something but I couldn't see what. Jensen looked distressed. I disobeyed him, getting out of the limo.
"oh my god." I gasped.
Jensen and Cole stood in front of my car. It had been destroyed. I saw the tires had been slashed, and the windshield smashed in. I could see key marks on the hood as well as various dents. I didn't even recognize it as my car with all the damage done to it.
However the most haunting thing was the words He's Mine spray painted in white along the side.
"I'm getting (y/n) out of here, find her Cole." Jensen growled.
Jensen grabbed my hand pulling me to one of his cars. He quickly opened the door, so I could get in before running around to get in as well. He started up the car, speeding out of his garage and down the road.
"where are we going?" I asked fearful.
"somewhere nobody else knows about." He spoke.
He pressed down on the accelerator speeding up even more. I looked at him as he gripped the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white.
"Jensen slow down, you're scaring me." I said gripping the door handle and slinking back in to the seat.
"I told you to stay in the car." He growled.
"Jensen please." I begged.
He glanced over at me, seeing I was incredibly scared. He quickly took his foot off the accelerator, slowing down.
"I don't know how she got in, she shouldn't have been able to get in the garage, I'm so sorry." Jensen apologized taking one of his hands off the wheel and grabbing my own.
I took a deep breath squeezing his hand.
He kept driving, not letting go of my hand. I looked out the window to see we were getting far away from the city, and heading up a mountain. It was at least another hour before Jensen finally stopped the car. I saw we were way in the woods at what appeared to be a cabin.
"it used to belong to my aunt and uncle." Jensen whispered.
"she won't find us here?" I asked worried.
"no, I promise." Jensen said getting out of the car, coming to open the door for me.
I got out, falling straight in to his arms.
"I'm scared Jensen." I admitted.
"I know baby, I'm so sorry." Jensen said running a hand through my hair.
I stood in his embrace for awhile before looking and meeting his eyes.
"I'm supposed to be protecting you, if anything ever happened to you because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." Jensen whispered.
I saw in his eyes that he was scared too. Not so much of Riley, but scared that she could have gotten to me.
"Jensen I love you." I said leaning my forehead against his.
"then kiss me."
Author Note:
AHHHHHHH IT'S HAPPENING! I REPEAT IT'S HAPPENING! I'm done playing with your feelings tonight, but make sure you come back so I can play with them some more cause we just getting started.... please show some love in the form of a heart, comment, reblog, and a follow! I appreciate all the love!
Part (XIII)
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If I Love You Too (Part 2)
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Summary: As Jensen struggles to juggle solo parenting, Y/N becomes a safe place for him so he can be more present for his children. The more time he spends with her though, the more he has to deal with if he can or even should love again...
Pairing: Jenssen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 7,200ish
Warnings: language, angst, death of a spouse, lying, mentions of injury/death of a spouse/death of a parent, internal turmoil
A/N: Please enjoy all the torture I put poor Jensen through in this one!
“Hey, Jensen,” said Y/N the next day when she came back with her things to move in. I popped my head up from waxing Baby in the garage, Y/N giving me a smile.
“Hey. I got your house keys, credit card, garage door opener and sensor for the gate all set in your room,” I said.
“Thanks,” she said, opening the backseat of her car and pulling out a duffel. “Cool car.”
“Yes she is. Do you need help moving anything?” I asked. She shook her head and put the duffel over her shoulder, taking out a large suitcase and backpack before shutting the door. “If you need to make more trips you’re more than welcome to borrow the SUV.”
“Oh this is it,” she said with a smile, walking past and for the the garage door. She must have caught my face before I could make it blank, a little smirk appearing on hers. “I travel light.”
“Alright. If you need help with anything-”
“I got it Jensen,” she said. “But thanks. I’m just going to try and familiarize myself with everything today so I’m ready to go in the morning.”
“But you don’t-”
“You said you’re an actor?” she asked. I nodded and she adjusted the bag on her shoulder. “Do you wait until you show up on set to read a script or do you do that before hand?”
“Fair point,” I said. She headed inside and I went back to Baby, JJ coming a short while later looking for her chalk bucket. 
“Dad,” she said, bucket in hand as I finished up on the hood. “Will you play with us?”
“As soon as I’m done with chores,” I said, tossing the rag in the bucket and placing the bottle back in the cupboard on the top shelf. She picked up the half full jug of wiper fluid and I quickly snatched it out of her hand. “JJ. You are not supposed to touch anything in this cabinet and you know that. It’s dangerous.”
“I just wanna help you,” she said.
“I don’t need any help.”
“I wish you died instead of mom,” she said. She took off out to the driveway, Y/N walking back out to the garage at that exact moment.
“Jensen she didn’t mean that,” said Y/N as I put the jug away and grabbed a pair of work gloves from the bench. “You know how kids are.”
“They’d be better off with her than me. I know that’s true,” I said. I put on the gloves, Y/N walking around the car over to me. “Do you need something?”
“Why don’t I take the kids to the park for an hour? I’ll watch them. You take care of you, okay?”
“She’s seven. I know she didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yeah but dad needs to get his shit together after a comment like that. I’ve been in her shoes and believe me, all she wants is the parent she has left to be there. That’s all she wants.”
“I thought your dad…” I trailed off. She looked away and I nodded. “I’ll take the kids. I can ask the lawn service people to add a few things to their list.”
“What chores did you have left?” she asked. 
“Y/N, you start work tomorrow.”
“Jensen. What’s my job?”
“Take care of the kids.”
“Exactly. Me helping you going to play with your children, especially when one of them is upset right now, is my job. That takes care of them. Now what chores did you need to get done?”
“Water the outside bushes and plants. Prep lunches for school and daycare, snacks for the week.”
“Well I will handle the meal prep tomorrow morning. Point me in the direction of the hose and then I want to see your four tushes out of this house and coming back in a little while with smiles. Okay?”
“I’m gonna pay you for today,” I said. 
“Alright. Now go,” she said. 
“I owe you one.”
“Shoo Jensen,” she said. I took off the gloves and held up my hands. Fifteen minutes later the twins were rushing over to the playground to play with a friend from daycare that just so happened to be there and I was unfolding the blanket on the grass. “Do you want to play with me honey?” I asked. JJ stood there grumpily, shaking her head. “Why not?”
“You don’t want to play with me,” she said. She sat down and put her back to me, staring at the playground. I leaned over and picked her up, falling back on the ground and holding her up above me. 
“We can play-” I said before she squirmed and I dropped her. Straight onto my hip. I bit back every word threatening to slip out, JJ kneeling beside me as my face scrunched up.
“Dad?” she asked.
“I’m okay,” I breathed out. I forced myself to sit up, JJ hugging me tightly. 
“I’m sorry. I hurt your hip.”
“It’s alright. We have to be careful of it still is all,” I said, the pain fading away quickly. She still clung to me and I pulled her into my lap, kissing her temple. A woman walking by gave me a weird look and paused. “What’s your problem?”
She scoffed and took off, JJ quiet for a few minutes.
“Dad. There’s a police officer with that lady,” she said. I looked back over my shoulder, spotting a cop walk over to us. 
“Afternoon,” he said. 
“Hello,” I said, standing up, JJ tucking in close to my side. “Is there a problem?”
“Is this your daughter?” he asked. I glanced at the woman back on the path and gave her a glare. “Sir.”
“Yes I’m her father,” I sighed. “Those two twins over on the playground are mine too.”
“Do you have a photo sir?” he asked. I reached behind myself and got out my wallet, pulling out a picture and holding it out. “Is this the children’s mother?”
“Dad what’s going on?” asked JJ.
“A misunderstanding, honey,” I said. “Go play on the swings. I’ll be over in just a second.”
“Is this your father?” he asked her. She scowled and stepped in front of me. He knelt down and smiled. “What’s your name sweetie?”
“JJ. I want to go play with my dad.”
“I know. I just have to make sure kids like you are safe. It’s part of my job.”
“You suck at your job,” she said.
“JJ. Apologize,” I said.
“He’s being mean!”
“He’s doing his job. Apologize,” I said. She mumbled a sorry, the officer nodding as he stood up. 
“You can go play now JJ,” said the officer. She grumbled and went over to the swings when I waved her, the officer nodding. “You were seen hugging a small child. This was a welfare check on the child is all.”
“Am I free to go?” I sighed.
“Sorry for the inconvenience sir,” he said. 
“You know single fathers exist,” I said to the woman. The cop spun around and narrowed his eyes.
“You said the children’s mother was in the photo.”
“Yes she is. That photo is the last one I have of us all before she was killed in a car accident last year. Ackles. I’m sure you can look up the accident report,” I said.
“Have a good day sir,” he said. I turned around and ran my hands over my face, JJ suddenly at my side and hugging me again, two smaller pairs of arms joining her. I looked down, all three of them there and hugging my legs.
I took a deep breath. I was okay. I was okay.
“Come on. Let’s go have some fun on the swings.”
“Jesus,” I said, jumping up from my chair on the balcony that night. I walked over to the edge and looked down, Jared mid swing of another bean bag being tossed up there. “Calm down. I surrender.”
“Answer your fucking phone,” he said. I rolled my eyes and I got smacked in the face with a bag. 
“Jared! I’ll call your mom!” I shouted.
“You deserved that. I heard you had a run in with a cop earlier.”
“TMZ tell you that?”
“No. Our friend. Our friend who found out someone in his department was looking up Dee’s accident report. He found out what happened at the park and now I know and you’re being an asshole hiding away up there ignoring my texts.”
“How am I an asshole? It was no big deal. You’re the one breaking into people’s garages and smacking them in the face with their kid’s toys.”
“Because you promised me yesterday, asshole, you weren’t going to lie to me again. It wasn’t no big deal. You’re upset. I’m upset for you! Worst thing is it’ll probably happen again. I just…”
“The cop was doing his job. I just need to spend more time with the kids. Not doing chores or crap for them but being with them. Playing with them. It’s fucking getting to JJ and that kid tears my heart apart more and more every time I see her hurting like that. She grew up too fucking fast and the twins...they might not even remember their mom.”
“The things I say and do…they are children. They should never have to hear me say I don’t need help or think I’m too busy to play with them.”
“But you have been too busy and you do play with them. And you got help. She’s inside right now. Tomorrow you start fresh. You have help. You can be more of dad again instead of mom and dad. They’re tough kids. Don’t worry so much.”
“I know,” I said. I leaned against the railing and sighed. 
“Want me to come up?” he asked.
“I need to try and sleep. Y/N’s probably going to get an early start and have questions in the morning.”
“Okay. Call if you need something.”
“Night,” I said.
“Night,” he waved and I headed back inside. It was close to midnight as I locked up, checking the doors and alarm system one more time. The lights looked to be off in Y/N’s room but that was expected. I skirted upstairs quietly, checking everyone’s room, pausing at Arrow’s when she made a whimper. It was probably a nightmare. Thankfully they didn’t seem to bother her as much as Zeppelin and JJ. 
I pulled her door shut and went down to my room, closing the door softly, grabbing Danneel’s hoodie and putting it on before crawling under the covers in a pair of boxer briefs. I tugged up the hood and pulled the covers up, rolling into the middle of the bed. 
“Please let tomorrow be better. Please.”
“Good morning,” said Y/N, already drinking a cup of coffee and dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain maroon v neck when I walked downstairs. I yawned, no idea how she was already so together at six in the morning.
“Morning,” I mumbled. She had her hair up in a cute messy bun and I looked down at myself. Hair a hot mess and only in a pair of black boxer briefs. “I should probably put on some clothes.”
“This is your house. Wear whatever you normally would. Pretend I’m invisible,” she said. She poured me a cup of coffee into a mug, handing it over with a smile.
“Sounds like you worked for some real assholes,” I said, taking the cup. “As long as it doesn’t bother you, me walking around in my undies.”
“No, not at all,” she said with a little smile. I could have sworn for a second she looked me up and down but that was wishful thinking on my part. I wasn’t in shape like Jared and never would be was but I was fairly decent for being almost 43 years old I liked to think. Still, a very recently thirty year old was probably not thinking someone in their forties was the epitome of hotness. 
Epitome of hotness. Fucking hell. This is fucking worse than when I started falling in love with Dee and that was at least mutual.
“Would you like me to drop the kids off at school and daycare this morning?”
“Sure,” I said, popping my head up and away from what constituted as attractive to thirty year old women these days. “Car keys are on the table by the garage.”
“Okay great. I’m used to driving that kind of SUV,” she said. She seemed busy with making up food so I slipped past her quietly and got out the eggs and tossed a few into a pan. I washed up quickly and got out two pieces of bread, buttering each side and setting it down to wait for the eggs to finish. I yawned and stretched out, Y/N spinning around, staring smack dab at me. I quickly wrapped my arms around myself, shaking my head as I went back to the pan. “Would you like me to make lunch for you as well?”
“No thank you. I’m getting lunch with my manager today. You don’t have to make me coffee in the morning either, Y/N. Your job is to take care of the kids, not me,” I said. She rolled her eyes and I cocked my head.
“A cup of coffee is not difficult, Jensen. My job is to help you so if I can make dad’s life a smidge easier it’ll make theirs better too,” she said with a smile.
“You’re not like, a morning person are you,” I said, chuckling as she shook her head. “I don’t do peppy in the morning.”
“Oh no. I’m always a little nervous when I start a new job. I’ll get a rhythm down soon,” she said as I saw the eggs set.
“So what do you normally do once the kids are dropped off?” I asked, pulling a spatula out of the container on the counter.
“On a weekday I’ll review their schedule, see if anything different is going on. An average day like today I will clean their rooms, their bathroom, do some laundry while they’re at school, maybe some shopping. I’ll pick up the twins, bring them home for lunch, a little playtime, a nap. We’ll have some quiet time and maybe a craft or coloring before we get JJ from school. Then I’ll give them all a snack, we can get outside and play to get some energy out. I’ll help JJ with any schoolwork she has while the twins play and then I will start on dinner about the time you’ll be getting home. Since you have no plans currently tonight I’ll leave you guys be at that point until tomorrow unless you ask me for help.”
I blinked, opening my mouth and staring for a solid five seconds while she kept working on making baggies of snacks.
“So when do you take a break?” I asked.
“Naptime. I’ll have lunch with the twins. Don’t worry about me Jensen. That’s my normal plan but if you would like me to run some errands in the morning I can.”
“No, no. Just…” I trailed off. She really didn’t get why she was here, did she? “I still want to make them breakfast and dinner and play with them too is all.”
“We’ll figure out the right mix of things,” she said. “You just gotta tell me is all, okay? It can vary day to day too.”
“Yeah,” I said, taking the fried egg out of the pan and placing it on one piece of bread. I put the other piece on top and made a sandwich, taking a big bite. I let out a quiet sigh. I didn’t want her to do everything. Just help. But where was that fucking line? I was either going to do too much or too little and fuck everything up again. I felt her staring as I looked out the back window, taking another bite of food. “I never asked. How was your birthday?”
“Hm?” she hummed, a glance over my shoulder catching her dropping some carrots into a reusable bag.
“On Saturday you said it was your 30th. You do anything fun that night?” I asked with a soft smile. I dared to spin back around, her back to me while she worked. She probably went out with friends, got drinks. 
Maybe picked up a guy.
I looked down, squeezing my eyes shut. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stop fucking thinking about her like that.
“I got a new job. That was the highlight of my day,” she said as she spun around, my head quickly snapping up before she noticed. I couldn’t help but cock it though. It was her birthday. Her thirtieth. She was beautiful. How was getting another nanny job the highlight of it? Maybe she felt self-conscious about it. No idea why, she looked amazing. “I ordered pizza, binged netflix. My normal Saturday routine.”
“I know everybody jokes about 30 but it’s really just jokes. Wait until you’re 42,” I chuckled, Y/N smiling. “Then you really feel old.”
“Most 42 year olds would kill to look like you,” she said. She shut your eyes and shook her head but I smiled when she looked away. Maybe I wasn’t so bad after all. “I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate.”
“It’s alright. I took it as a compliment,” I said. She looked embarrassed and I cleared my throat, taking a bite of food. “So you did nothing for your birthday, huh?”
“Uh, no,” she said, mixing in some grapes into each of the snack bags. I frowned and popped the last piece of food into my mouth. Why didn’t she celebrate? Not even a slice of cake? A little lightbulb went off in my head and I started to smile, Y/N giving me a strange look.
“I’m gonna get you a birthday cake,” I said. She looked mortified and started to shake her head but I held up a hand.
“Mr. Ackles-”
“I thought I said it’s Jensen. I’m the boss so what I say goes. We’re gonna have a birthday cake for you tonight. So. What’s your favorite flavor?”
“Whatever you want is perfectly fine.” I rolled my eyes and groaned, swearing I caught a quick smile on her face.
“…I like red velvet,” she said. I broke out into a huge smile and laughed. Of course. Of fucking course she said red velvet.
“That was my wife’s favorite,” I said. “Haven’t had that since her birthday. She would have liked you.”
“You think so?” she asked. I took a deep breath and felt calm for a moment, nodding back at her.
“Yeah. You’re quite kind to me. She was always protective of me, even if she was the scaredy cat most of the time.”
“Can I ask how…” she said. The calm quickly left and I swallowed. I told her died unexpectedly in a car accident right? Or just died unexpectedly? No, I said car. Right. Car accident. Fuck, why’d I have to start saying she died in her sleep too. Because that made more sense than the fucking brain aneurysm while driving but that was our shitty luck...she’s staring idiot. Talk. Now.
“Accident. Tractor trailer versus her car. He tried to miss her but it was too late. I wanted to hate the guy too but it was an accident and I couldn’t blame him for that.”
“My father died in a car crash when I was six. It does get better with time,” she said.
“That’s why you didn’t know if he had a picture of you in his wallet or not,” I said as she nodded. She looked away and I shuddered at the thought the kids wouldn’t know things about their mother. “You’re too young to have that much tragedy in life.”
“So are you.”
“I’m not young anymore.”
“You’re young and overly generous,” she said with a smile. She was being polite. Or maybe not. Either way I’d take it.
“Misery loves company,” I said as we both heard a few feet above us running around. “Munchkins are up.”
“You want to make breakfast or should I?” she asked.
“Give me five minutes to get them in some clean clothes. Then I can show you how they like their eggs.”
“Sounds like a plan, Jensen.”
I headed upstairs, catching Zeppelin chasing Arrow up and down the hall, both of them giggling before stopping at my feet.
“Daddy you’re all smiley,” said Arrow. I looked down and shook my head, her eyes lighting up. “Yes you are!”
“It must be because you two are going to run off and get dressed this morning all by yourselves,” I said. They shared a look, that twin look, and both took off running with slightly evil laughs. “I fear the day you two are teenagers.”
“Good morning,” yawned JJ, walking out of her room dressed and giving me a hug. 
“Good morning,” I said, bending down and picking her up, giving her a squeezing hug.
“Okay?” she asked.
“Yeah. Daddy’s okay today,” I said, a thud and Zeppelin running back crying. “What hurts buddy?”
“I don’t know,” he said as I squatted down with JJ on my good hip, picking him up and settling him on the other.
“Well, that’s okay. Sometimes you just gotta cry it out,” I said. He made a face but I smiled, his confusion getting him to calm down by the time Arrow was running down the hall. 
“Daddy,” she groaned. I chuckled and spun around, Arrow climbing up on my back. 
“Who needs a workout when you got a hundred pounds on your back,” I said. “Alright, alright. We can have breakfast in pajamas today. I want you guys on your best behavior for Y/N okay? She’s new and has a lot to learn still, like your favorite eggs.”
“Hot sauce,” said JJ.
“That’s my girl,” I chuckled, feeling her hug me hard for a split second. I kissed the top of her head and went back towards the stairs. “Alright. Who’s hungry?”
“Hey handsome,” I heard as I was walking through the parking lot. I spun around, sighing as Jared walked over with a laugh. 
“Why must you do that?” I sighed.
“Cause seeing that look on your face is funny,” he said, looking me up and down. “Heading in?”
“Finished up for the day. More Batman, some video game and my manager wanted me to record an audition for some animated movie. You?”
“Walker dubbing. Again,” he said. “You’re not going strictly voice acting on me are you?”
“No. Just was kinda easy to do that while I was recovering. Drive downtown, record, drive home.”
“Excited for The Boys?”
“Yeah. Nervous. I never really made a final decision on what to do with the kids. My parents offered to stay at the house and watch them.” Jared cleared his throat and I smiled. “I know you offered too. But I just…”
“I know. You thought things were different when you took the job,” said Jared. “When The Boys is over you know I could get you a recurring guest start spot on Walker. Like anytime.”
“I know,” I shrugged, rubbing my arm. “It’s your show though. I mean we literally ended Supernatural last year. I don’t want to butt in.”
“Why would you think that?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. I rolled mine, Jared grabbing my arm, walking between the cars with me. “You are really starting to scare me.”
“Because I want to give you space and let your show be your show? Dude, relax. I didn’t say I don’t want to. I can’t wait to work with you again. But the show is new and it’s your baby right now. I’ll be on someday, I promise.”
“I just-”
“I know. But I have ideas and projects and losing Dee changed things. Maybe I do want to be able to work at home in Austin more. But let me figure that out first?”
“Fine,” grumbled Jared.
“Hey. I’ll make you a deal. I will absolutely direct in season 2 and maybe I can do a guest spot or two if you and me sit down sometime this year and brainstorm that reboot mini-series for like five years from now. Deal?”
“I was gonna do that anyways,” said Jared with a big smile, holding out his hand. I shook it, getting a quick hug. “How’s the hot nanny?”
“Shut up,” I said, pushing him away but smiling. 
“You still like her?”
“Honestly? I think I’m in deep shit.”
“Good,” he said. “I like that dumb fucking smile on your face.”
“I bought her a birthday cake. Is that weird?”
“Not unless it’s not here birthday.”
“It was on Saturday but she didn’t celebrate for some reason.”
“No, not weird then,” he said. “Find out if she’s single yet?”
“Not a clue.”
“Find out tonight buddy.”
“I’ll try. I gotta run. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Later Jackles.”
“Thanks for giving up your night with them. I didn’t mean to have that happen,” I said after Y/N finished reading the kids a bedtime story. 
“It’s no problem. It’s good bonding for us,” she said as we headed back downstairs to the kitchen. She helped pick up the plates at the table and wash them off before sticking them in the dishwasher. She looked a little tired but for some reason that made her look even prettier. I swallowed and went over to the tall cabinet and reach up top, grabbing a bottle of whiskey as Y/N covered up what was left of the cake. 
“Drink?” I asked. She smiled and pinched her fingers close to each other.
“A small one,” she said. I poured a single into a whiskey glass for her, smirking when she took a sip and made a face. “Oh that’s smooth.”
“Very,” I said, pouring my own glass. “Thank you for tonight. JJ’s been…”
“She’s the oldest. She’s gonna have a harder time with it.”
“You were about her age when your dad died you said?” I asked. She nodded and took a deep breath.
“She’ll be okay. She’ll miss her but it won’t be a deep pain. She’ll have nice memories of her mom. She’s doing pretty good, trust me.”
“Can I ask another personal question?”
“I’m off the clock. Shoot,” she said.
“Your mom ever…try again with someone else?” She waited a beat but smiled, nodding a few times.
“Yes. Years later she found a good guy. He actually is who I stayed with after she passed. He’s married now, has some kids of his own but I know if I call him up he’d drop everything for me.”
“Good. I was getting afraid you were a complete Shakespeare tragedy,” I chuckled. Whew. At least she had somebody out there to watch her back if she needed it.
“Nah. I’m not at that level of crazy in my life,” she said. “As long as we’re off the clock, can I ask if you’re asking because you’re thinking of getting back out there?”
I took a drink and smiled. Still perceptive. Still adorable. But her face looked gentler almost, like she’d drop it in a second if I asked.
“I am. My wife kind of insisted on it. When we first got serious we had this deal that we’d go try again if something happened. I mean, I don’t cry everytime I think about her now. I can smile and be happy and that ache doesn’t try to swallow me up everyday anymore. I think it’s time I could get back out there.”
“I’d say it is. The kids are ready. They’ll understand.”
“You think your mom loved the second guy as much as your dad?”
“For sure. She was a bit of a free spirit but she didn’t think you had to have just one soulmate. She told me that after she’d met Ray. She said she got two so maybe I had two out there. I haven’t found either one of them yet so I’ll take increasing my odds as best I can.”
Oh. Oh God she’s single.
Fucking yes! I swallowed, thinking what she’d just said and grinned. Two soulmates. I kind of liked the sound of that.
“Well you’re not gonna meet your soulmate sitting at home on Saturday nights, Y/N.” I said, clearing my throat.
“Just a lot of douchey guys,” she said.
“Ah. You need to meet a better kind of guy is all.”
“Yeah see I’m thirty. All the good guys are married by now.”
“Oh all of them are taken. I didn’t realize that,” I said with a chuckle. “What am I then? Another douchebag?”
“You don’t count. You’re…”
“Too old for you?” I laughed nervously. Oh how the hell any woman had ever gone out with me was a miracle. I was a fucking wreck at this.
“My boss. Plus you’re like famous. You can go get like a victoria secret model or something.”
“Looks ain’t everything.” 
“Maybe I ought to try older guys now that you say that,” she said. I took another sip and let it burn in the back of my throat. Go slow idiot. Test the waters a bit.
“Y/N, you gotta be careful with that. I don’t want to see you get taken advantage of.”
“And this is why I watch netflix on Saturday nights,” you said.
“You serious about the older guy crack?” I asked.
“I do find them more…attractive sometimes. I guess it depends on how old. Why?”
Maybe she was looking me up and down that morning...maybe.
“I got a friend my age, might be interested?” I asked, hiding behind a smile. Why the fuck did I say that? All I wanted to know was if she’d consider someone older, not that.
“I don’t know,” she said. “No offense to your friend but…I mean if he’s 42…I want kids and stuff you know? Although a dude it doesn’t really matter how old…I don’t know.”
“It was just a thought,” I said. I took another sip but she was smiling. Okay. Maybe that wasn’t two old for her.
“I’ll think about it,” she said. “He’s not a weirdo, right.”
“No. He’s an actor. Something to think about.”
“I will,” she said, sounding like she meant it. “Thank you for the birthday cake, Jensen. You’re a good person.”
“I bought a cake.” She looked down and finished off her drink, the air heavy for a few seconds, her body tense before it relaxed. 
“Yeah but I haven’t really had one of those in years. You’re a good person.”
“You’re very welcome,” I said as she slid off her seat. “You’re free to hang out if you like.”
“I’m kinda tired. I won’t be getting up that early from now on I don’t think.”
“I completely understand. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Jensen.” She headed down the hall to her room and I put the liquor away, checking the hallway after a beat, her door shut. I wanted to give her a hug but that was crossing a line. 
“Daddy,” said Arrow, walking down into the kitchen. I turned and smiled, walking back over. “Can I have a little milk?”
“Okay but just a little. Want it warmed up?” I asked. She hummed and I poured her a small glass in one of her sippie cups, heating it up before popping on the lid and handing it over. “Back to bed now.”
“Why didn’t Y/N’s mommy and daddy get her a birthday cake?” she asked.
“Y/N’s parents aren’t around anymore munchkin. She lost her mommy and daddy when she was a kid too.”
“Oh,” she said softly, pausing by the bottom of the stairs. She stared, the gears grinding in her head. She��d only been three at the time but she actually understand strangely enough what it meant that mom was gone. Zeppelin was the hard case to crack but she somehow explained it to him and one day it clicked for him too. 
“Honey?” I asked, squatting down beside her. 
“Does mommy know Y/N’s parents now?” she asked.
“Maybe,” I said with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“I hope so.”
“Me too. Go on up to bed now. I’ll race you.” She took off with her cup and I smirked when she got to the top of the stairs. “That one never fails.”
“You think I’m hot,” I said to myself the next day. I hummed as I walked into the bathroom, sweating after working out. Y/N was hopefully enjoying her break. I grinned, looking at myself in the mirror and ripping my shirt off. “She was so staring. She was so staring.”
I started to undress, whistling before I turned on the water, catching myself in the mirror again. My eyes landed on the scar and I quickly looked away, getting under the stream.
“Stop acting like a fucking idiot. She doesn’t even...of course she’d stare. I stare at good looking sweaty men of course she would too.” I sighed and sat down on the shower bench, putting my head in my hands. “Dee tell me what to do. Please. Make me forget this girl exists.”
“Jensen! I’m going to the store!” called Y/N through the closed bedroom door.
“Drive safe!” I shouted back. I lifted my head and stood up, pursing my lips. “Gonna make me figure this out on my own, aren’t you.”
I tilted my head back under the water, swallowing thickly. 
“Jensen! I just took a shower!” said Dee, smiling when I pulled her flush to me. 
“Take another one,” I said, kissing her soft lips, her hands resting on my hips and squeezing them. “Bed.”
“The kids have to go to camp in less than-”
“Fine,” I groaned, throwing my head back. I jumped when she slapped my ass, slipping out of the shower.
“I’ll play with you later,” she teased. She grinned as she used my towel to dry off before she went back to her vanity to do her makeup quickly. 
“Because I’m over forty and you know how some of the moms are. Fucking little vultures,” she said, putting on some mascara. 
“I didn’t say anything,” I hummed.
“You were thinking it.”
“That you’re hot without makeup? Oh no. I wasn’t thinking that at all,” I said, giving her a bitchface. “Are you ever going to stop giving a fuck what other people think?”
“No,” she sighed. “But I am better.”
“I know. You sure you don’t want to shower with me?” I asked, jutting out my lip. She smiled and winked. “Dee.”
“Later sweetie. I promise.”
I looked over to the empty vanity. That was the last morning she stood there. Fucking worried about looking put together enough for the carpool line. I breathed deeply, looking at the pile of sweaty clothes on the floor, Y/N popping into my head.
“I like her Dee. I really fucking like her. I don’t know what to do.”
Three Days Later
“Hey,” said Jared, already out front of his when I got there. “Everything cool?”
“No,” I said. “Drink?”
He waved and I followed him around to the back table, Jared leaving and returning after a moment with a bottle and two glasses.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. I took a long sip and sighed.
“Y/N got hurt tonight.”
“Is she okay?”
“Yeah she’s fine. A scrape. But Jared...this is not a crush. I’m positive of it.”
“Didn’t we already establish that?” I turned my head and glared, Jared giving it right back. “Dude. What are you asking? Permission?”
“No. I don’t need anyone’s permission to date someone.”
“So I take it Y/N is in fact single.” I nodded, Jared leaning back in his chair. “Jensen. Dee can’t tell you that it’s okay. You have to trust that she’d want you to be happy again.”
“I know she does but...it feels wrong. I feel like I’m cheating on her with another woman.”
“Have you told Y/N-”
“No. As far as she’s concerned I’m just her nice boss. Jesus Jare, this poor girl has had a more fucked up life than me easily and she’s so nice and kind and I can’t throw my shit on top of her.”
“Jensen. How old were you when you started to date Dee?” he asked.
“Twenty nine ish. Why?”
“So for twenty nine years before that you were on your own. You dated other people but no one that you loved like that. Do you really want to go another twenty nine years, more than that, on your own?”
“I want my wife back.”
“Spit out what you’re spiraling over. What, you think Dee will love you less if you love another woman?”
“I’m not having this discussion with you.” I stood up, Jared catching my wrist. I tugged on it, Jared getting to his feet and staring me down. “Move.”
“I know you’re not used to being the one with the problems. I know I’m the one always screwing up and always needing you to take care of me but I’m the one in charge this time. Now sit your ass down and talk or I swear to God I will call up every member of your family right now and tell them you haven’t seen a damn therapist at all.”
“Don’t threaten me,” I growled.
“I say we call them anyways. You’re the one that to this day continues to check that Jared doesn’t miss therapy,” said Gen, shoving a bowl of chips on the table when she stepped out there. “Always have to be the tough one don’t you Ackles. Go to fucking therapy and let them deal with you because obviously we’re not getting through that head of yours.”
“You told her?” I snapped.
“He didn’t tell me shit. I’ve always known you weren’t going.” I stared at her and she crossed her arms. “I live with Jared. I know when someone is actually going and when someone is pretending to. I’ve kept my mouth shut because I thought he knew the whole time. Jensen, you need help. Real help.”
“Well I’m sorry. Obviously I didn’t realize how much I was bothering you two,” I said. I took a step, Jared squeezing my wrist. 
“Tell her,” said Jared. “Tell her about Y/N.”
“What happened to your nanny?”
“Jens?” said Gen, sliding a plate of leftovers in front of me a short while later. I looked up, a soft smile on her face. “I’m sorry for snapping. I thought…”
“I’m sorry for being so defensive. Honestly I’ve been hiding a lot from everyone lately, including Jared.”
“She would not love you less if you fell in love again. I can guarantee it,” she said.
“Part of me knows that. The other part of me feels so damn guilty for even entertaining the thought of another woman.”
“But why? Because you think Dee would be upset?”
“Because how is that far to her and the other woman? How can I love two woman completely like that at the same time? It’s not fair to either one of them.”
“You love JJ?” asked Jared, leaning back against the counter.
“Of course.”
“Zeppy? Arrow?”
“How can you possibly love three children completely at the same time? It’s not fair right?” said Jared. I blinked, a smirk on his face. 
“That’s…” I started, poking at my food. “Okay that actually kinda makes sense. You couldn’t have said that to me like a week ago?”
“You weren’t being this much of a dumbass a week ago,” said Jared. I pouted, getting a side hug from Gen. 
“You gonna ask her out?” she asked. I shrugged, Gen ruffling my hair. “Well maybe you can hang out like friends at least.”
“Yeah. I can handle that,” I said. 
“Gen,” said Jared, Gen leaving the room, Jared coming over to my side. 
“You’re gonna say I should go see someone.”
“I’m gonna say, try cutting yourself a break. You’re the nicest guy I know. Try being nice to yourself for a change. Deal?” I nodded and took a few bites of food before standing. 
“Jare. Sorry for...it’s just scary you know? I don’t know if I said goodbye for the last time or not to Dee and…it’s just hard.”
“I think life is too complicated for the two of us to figure out the actual answer to that. But I think she’s up there too pulling her damn hair out watching you freak out over all this. She’d be wingmanning you so hard right now. You know, forget how you feel for a second. Just be Y/N’s friend.”
“I will,” I said. “Thanks. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Goodnight lover boy,” he said as I headed for the front door.
“Gen! Jared wants you to do that thing with the little black-“
“Shut up!” said Jared, Gen smiling as I slipped into the sitting room.
“Don’t take it easy on him,” I winked at her.
“I never do,” she said. “Night Jay.”
“Night guys. Thanks for putting up with me.”
One Week Later
“Y/N,” I said, catching her washing her car in the driveway on a Saturday morning. “Got plans today?”
“Uh, I was gonna run to the grocery store in a minute but other than that, no. Need me to watch the kids?”
“No. We were going out to lunch and then going to a little car show was all and we were wondering if you’d like to join us. Totally up to you. My treat.”
“You don’t want me to watch the kids?” she asked. I laughed and crossed my arms. “I’m confused.”
“Do you want to hang out with us today? For fun?” I asked. Come on. Just say yes and have some fun. All you ever do on the weekend is chores and stayed holed away on your side of the house anyways.
“Oh,” she said. “That’s okay. You enjoy your time with the kids.”
“How do I make this clearer,” I said, walking over to her and looking down. “I want you to come with us, as a friend, to do something fun, like friends do. This is not work. Come if you want to.”
“You sure you want me to come?” she asked. I rolled my eyes and plopped my baseball cap off my head and onto hers as I walked away. She tilted the brim up, looking up through her lashes, a soft smile on her face.
“Yes. And wear sunscreen,” I said. “We’re leaving at eleven thirty.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you guys then.”
A/N: Part 3 coming TBD!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Special Moments In Life Series
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Series Summary: You and Jensen live your lives, spending time with your little family through the special moments in life.
Series Word Count: ~4.9k
Series Warnings: all fluff
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Part One: Pumpkin Picking
Part Two: Christmas Tree Shopping
Part Three: Perfect Day Out
Part Four: The Perfect Barbeque
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sara78 · 1 year
Family don't end in blood - chapter 8
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Summary: Y/N had a fun two months off filming and she's finally coming to the grounds with where she's standing and who's got her back. But once again, a few words make all hell break loose in her head and she does something that sets off a domino effect on her and people around her, but it might ultimately lead to a positive outcome...
Word count: 6.000 and probably more
Pairings: Jensen Ackles x foster!Daughter reader
Warnings: angst, so much angst, scary situation (nothing big but if this triggers you SKIP!), Y/N is a lucky bastard to have these people by her side, Y/N's brain is a bitch
Word count:
A/N: This one's a roller-coaster, please fasten your seatbelts!
It's been quite a few weeks since everything unraveled. You would lie if you said that being at Jensen's didn't help. Having three kids eat your brains out occupied you a lot, but Jensen and Danneel made sure that you had your me time. You had a lot of talks with Jensen, Danneel and Jared and thought still confused as to why are they helping you, you were extremely grateful for everything they gave you.
The best time for you was the entirety of January. You finished your first semester of school, with all A's, which made everyone so happy because they all knew you worked yourself into the ground for it and you, for the first time in your life, felt like you were actually proud of what you were doing and your grades and all things you've accomplished this semester. It felt scary, as you closed in your last first semester of high school and were going to start the very last semester of high school ever, and you didn't know what will you do after that chapter of your life is behind you. But you didn't feel any rush, as you were financially more than stable and you have all the time and no pressure to find out just what you want to do with your life. And, well, it felt nice to know that even if you mess up or don't have a plan waiting for you to jump into it, you wouldn't be beaten to death, which definitely helped.
On the topic of beating to death, you were finally letting people close to you in. You finally felt like they weren't going to hurt you. You allowed yourself to let your guards down, even a little bit, even just slightly. It meant a lot to know you could do that. Jensen, Jared and Danneel made sure you were comfortable and they gave you a safe place where you could be just who you are.
You felt like you were finally beginning to heal.
January was also your birthday month and you didn't expect your birthday to go the way it did, but if you were being honest, you haven't had that much fun in such a long time. Your birthday was always special to you, since that was one of those rare moments when your mother put down the bat and let you enjoy yourself for a day with your friends. It felt like she was an actual, loving human being for that one day of the year. You didn't expect anyone to remember your birthday in the first place, but you were a fool to think that when you live with Jensen and Jared next door.
The kids had a sleepover at their grandparents' for the weekend, leaving you alone with Jensen and Danneel. You and Dee had maybe a little too much fun beating Jensen in Mario kart, which he fully allowed. Well, half of it was him allowing you to win. The other half was him just... Not knowing how to play.
The game was interrupted with the door bell going off. You said you were gonna get it, as Danneel was in the midst of kicking Jensen's ass. You walked up to the front door and opened it, revealing a short woman with glasses and a bunch of papers in her hands.
"Hi, how can I help you?" you said with a kind smile,
"Hello, are you Y/N Y/L/N?" you nod, "My name is Jane McAllister. I work in child protective services. You have been disowned and as a minor you are required to come with me and be in the foster care until you're 18 years old."
You froze right there.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Jensen's voice rang behind you as you felt him walk up to where you were standing, at a loss of words, "How can we help you?"
"I will not repeat myself. You have to come with me now," Jane responded and Jensen immediately flew into protective mode, pushing you behind his back,
"You will very much repeat yourself. What do you want from my kid?"
"First of all, she's not your kid," she corrected him, "She has been disowned and is now a part of the foster care system until she turns 18 years old."
"Disowned?" Jensen asked, "Disowning a child is a felony in the US. What do you mean she was disowned?"
"It might be a felony in the US, but it's very not in Y/H/C. She is not a US citizen and therefore she is not falling under the laws here. She will however, as an unsupervised minor, be placed in an orphanage and into foster care until someone picks her. I will have to warn you, teenagers are almost never picked. Especially if they... Look like that," she said, eyeing you from head to toe,
"Well she is not unsupervised, she has a place to stay at and I do not allow you to take her. How's that sound?"
"I do not have a problem with alerting the police, mister..." she looked down to one of the papers for a second, "Ackles."
"Then we'll be her foster parents," Danneel said as she showed up right behind you, "And we got no problem with adopting her. Right, honey?" she said, looking up to Jensen who nod,
"As far as I can tell, you do not have any records of fostering or a profile opened, for that matter. The process of opening a profile is very time consuming and it takes months, even years in your case, since you do not qualify high, as you have three children of your own and you are celebrities. Even if you tried, your poor attempt will be seen as a publicity stunt and it'll be immediately turned down."
"Try us," Jensen growled, "You're not taking Y/N away from here. This is her home."
"I'm afraid it's not."
"I'm afraid you're trespassing," Danneel growled, "Give Y/N the paperwork and leave. You can only come back with a warrant and take her if you have actual solid proof that you got rights and laws backing you up in your action, not just small-talk us into it. Otherwise she's staying with us."
"You are aware this looks like you are forcingly keeping her in? Like you're kidnapping her? You do know that is a felony for you, even if she's not a US citizen?"
"I don't want to go," you whispered, totally out of it, Jensen looking back at you, Danneel's arm on your back, rubbing it gently, "I want to stay."
"I'm sorry honey. But what I'm doing is for the best," she smiled at you but you shook your head, turning around and meeting Danneel for a tight hug, "Expect me with officers in less than 24 hours. Until we meet again," she said, shoving papers into Jensen's hands and walking away. Jensen closed the door and leaned against it with a loud groan. Danneel let go of you and opened her hand towards Jensen,
"Give me those. I'll contact our lawyer and see what the hell is going on and what we can do," Jensen did as told, handing her the papers before pulling you in for a tight hug which you gladly took.
It seemed like hours later when Jensen finally let you out of his warm embrace and looked you in the eye.
You didn't cry. You didn't have a reason to do so. If nothing, you were happy this is happening.
It took you a hot second to realize what's going on in this whole situation. At first you were taken over with fear. But then it dawned on what you should actually do.
"I'll go."
"What?!" Jensen exclaimed, "Not two minutes ago you said you don't wanna go. Whatever happened to that?"
"I didn't understand what was going on. I now do."
"Yeah? Enlighten me, doctor Phil," he sassed,
"My mother disowned me. She wants to get rid of me. She thinks that I'm weak and I suffer when I'm alone. Joke is on her, as I never really had anyone by my side, but she still thinks it's true. Being in foster care, in an orphanage, with the way I look, I'll be isolated, on my own. And even if someone picks me, I'll be beaten, bullied, abused. That's what she wants," you explained, Jensen shaking his head, "I'm gonna make a lot of noise if the cops show up tomorrow. I'll just go turn myself in first thing tomorrow morning."
"That's a no," Jensen said, "You're not going anywhere."
"I don't want to make a scene. I don't want to scare anyone. If she wants me to be there, then so be it. It's okay. It's just for a year. I'll be free in a year and it'll be all okay. I won't have to hear about her ever again. I'll be my own person."
"You are not going anywhere. You got a life here. You can't throw away everything. That's exactly what she wants you to do! Throw away everything you've worked yourself into the ground for. What if she has some sort of a sick, twisted plan up her sleeve? Huh? How did CPS even know you were here? What if she is behind that woman, what if they're working together or... I don't fucking know, what if your mother changes her identity and comes in to foster care you? She takes you with her. Goes MIA. What then?" you gulped, looking down, "What then, when we can't find you? Who knows what the fuck she can do to you. You said it yourself. She's mental. I've seen that sinister look in her eyes. There's a big fat reason she did this and for all I know she could easily manipulate and play outside the rules to get to you. You can't risk going there. You can't risk everything you've built already, your life, your safety. Dee is on the phone with our lawyer and we'll do everything we can to keep you here."
"Jensen, trust me, you don't want me to be your kid."
"Yes we do," Danneel spoke up softly, making you turn around to look at her, "You belonged here ever since you walked in through that door. And after everything you've been through, giving you a family is the least we could do to help you heal."
"How are things looking?" Jensen asked and Danneel sighed,
"We have to meet with our lawyer first thing tomorrow morning. This smells bad on so many fronts and we will discuss this scenario in more detail tomorrow. As of now, he will try to push us into the foster care system and have us take her case," Danneel said, "We hope it'll work out. But you are in no way leaving. You're not going into an orphanage. Not on our watch. Only place you're going to is the bathroom, to take a nice shower and then we'll talk some more. Okay?" you gulped, nodding as you padded off to the guest room to grab your clothes.
Your mind shifted to a dark place when you walked away from Jensen and Danneel.
Part of your brain wanted to believe Jensen was right, that your mother had something planned and she was waiting to get a hold of you somehow. It was rational.
But you couldn't think straight.
All your brain could think of is that you shouldn't be here.
You're dangerous.
Your mother is dangerous. Ways her actions would go to hurt you are dangerous.
And if she knew one thing, it's that you hurt the most when people you love hurt. That was the game she played when she wanted to control you. Hurt people you love.
You couldn't afford to be here anymore.
You sneaked out of the house, since Jensen and Danneel were upstairs in their room and couldn't see you when you walked out. You didn't even get any of your stuff. You just... Walked away.
Every step you took hurt you more, and you knew you'd be the happiest ever if you were to stay there forever and finally have a life-long dream of yours come true, but now wasn't the time for your happiness, but their safety. You kept looking back until the house disappeared in the darkness of the night. A quiet tear rolled down your cheek. Now you had nowhere to go.
You shivered as rain began to pour while you wandered to wherever this road took you. Of course it would start raining and there would be a storm brewing as well. Shows just how lucky you were. And the fact that you were in shorts and a flannel didn't help the situation much.
You were wandering down the streets, now already in a rural area of Austin. Jensen's house was already downtown so it didn't take a lot of walking before you were basically in the middle of nowhere. You couldn't see a single soul out here, besides trees and forests and the thought that something might jump out at any moment and any angle scared you. This whole situation scared you.
This wasn't your first time wandering on streets, in the night, by yourself. But never before were you scared like this. You could tell something bad will happen, again.
Every time you thought about how bad this idea was, you remembered Jensen and his family, and the thought would leave your mind. They were safe. No matter how much you loved them, they were safe without you around. And, well, just because you love someone, doesn't mean you get to stick around and screw up their life.
Cars passed by, splashing you, but the drivers didn't pay attention. Why would they? You were a nobody after all. Everyone had somewhere to go. Everyone had a home to go to. Everyone besides you.
You were wondering what to do now. You're going the opposite way from the city, from the orphanage or wherever you're supposed to be at. You left your phone back home and you knew that you shouldn't be wandering around these parts. You thought it would be a good idea to find some abandoned place and stay for the night, then make it back to town tomorrow. You were guessing that, if he was looking, Jensen was probably looking for you somewhere in town. You had to work around downtown as a whole if you were to go to the orphanage without him or any of the neighbors noticing you.
A black SUV went by you and you froze when you saw it brake suddenly. You forgot your glasses back at Jensen's place and you couldn't make out the plates, but Jensen didn't drive an SUV so that was already a red flag for you.
You swerved your path towards the forest instantly, lowering your head down as far as you could as you tried to find a bush to hide in or a tree to climb up on as you began to walk faster. You began running for your life when you heard steps grow closer behind you and you jumped on the first tree in your sight. But your legs began to slip and you felt your body slip down the tree as well, the surface wet and not very manageable to climb. Just when you were about to slip off the tree you felt arms wrapping around your waist and you began trashing as the person pulled you off the tree. You didn't let up, trying to get away from the hold, digging your short nails into the arms that tightly held you, trying to hurt and kick the man away.
"For fucks sake munchkin stop, it's me," Jared's voice rang over the rain, "It's just me. It's Jared. It's Jare, you're okay," he continued, still holding you tight and waiting for you to stop trashing.
As soon as you heard his voice, something broke inside you. You didn't know what it was. Was it all that fear, anger, sadness built-up that finally broke free? Or was it the fact that Jared is out here in pouring rain, looking for you? And if he was out here, then so was Jensen.
In reality, it was the realization that both of them were so scared that something bad had happened to you and you were gone, scared to the point where they don't care about the circumstances and would do anything to try and find you.
And then, that ear-piercing scream you've let out was some sort of a realization that you hurt people you didn't intend to and fucked things up beyond repair this time.
But you weren't going to let up.
"Stop, stop, stop," he tried, grunting as he tried to console your trashing body, "I'm not gonna let you go. You're not leaving us. You're safe."
"Let me go!"
"No," Jared shook his head, "Not gonna happen. You can punch me or the tree or yell out to the sky or at my face and do whatever you want to do to let all of that anger, sadness and fear built up go, but you're not going to leave your home and your family."
"You're not my family and that's not my home! Let me go!"
Jared put you down but he was fast to grab the collar of your flannel, almost lifting you off the ground with how strong he gripped at it,
"We're not your family?" he asked. You couldn't tell if he was crying because of all the rain but you could hear it in his voice and in the way he looked at you, "Is that why Jensen showed up on my doorstep, crying, begging me on his knees to help me find you?" he asked, shaking your entire body when tugging at your hoodie, "Is that why both of us are out here in pouring rain, trying to find you? Is that why we are both scared to death and we thought that bitch kidnapped you? Is that what someone who hates you does? Or is it someone who cares and loves you?"
"You're not safe with me around!" you exclaimed,
"We don't give a flying fuck!" he shot back at you, "You're my niece, Jensen's daughter, and whatever shit comes your way we'll solve it together! Running away isn't going to fix anything. It's only going to break everything."
"I-I can't," you sobbed, looking down, "I-I'm not Jensen's daughter. I'm a nobody."
"Yeah? Tell me then, why he's out here now, desperately trying to find you? Because he despises you from the deepest parts of his soul? Y/N, he loves you. We all love you. I don't know how long it'll take you to figure it out but we don't want to hurt you or scare you. We want to give you everything you ever needed - love. And no matter how long it takes you to understand, we will be here all the same and we will love you all the same and prove you day to day that you're worth it and that you deserve it. You need to tell me one thing - did she take you?" you shook your head and Jared heavily leaned against one of the trees, looking up to the sky as he let out a sigh in relief, but still tightly holding the collar of your flannel, "Okay. That's honestly the best news I've heard tonight."
"Best news? I ran," you pointed out,
"You do not want to know what scenarios went through Jensen's head, through my head. We were so scared she took you, Y/N. We didn't know what to think."
"I can't stay around with everything that's happening."
"Do you love Jensen and Danneel? Me? The kids?"
"YES!" you yelled out, "And that's the exact reason I can't stay! I can't put you in danger! Jared, please. Let me go. Tell dad-tell Jensen that I'm okay, and that I have to go and just let me go. It's for the best."
"You can't win this one, munchkin. I can only think of how dark and twisted your mind is because I've never seen you as a runner but you did it. It must be so bad up there if you acted like this. But everything is fixable."
"Even if I do come back, they won't want me anymore. What's the point in going back then?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna ask you again - if they don't want you anymore, why am I here right now? If Jensen didn't care you think he'd be kneeling and begging me to help him find you? If he didn't care he would have let you go, which is the complete opposite of what he did. Munchkin, I know you never had anyone stand by your side, but you have to understand this - there isn't an outcome where you win this war that has you running away from home and people who love you and people who you love. I know you want to fight this one alone and I know you're capable and strong, but this isn't a war you can win by yourself. You need an ally and you have us. You with me?" you nod, looking up into his eyes, hair falling into his sight but you could see honesty in the way he looked at you, "How about we move out of here and let your dad know that you're safe?" you approached Jared carefully before climbing on your tiptoes and wrapping your arms around his neck. He helped you by picking you up and squeezing you tightly, giving you one of his famous moose hugs as he carried you back to his car.
"Brother, she's gone," you gasped quietly at the vulnerability in Jensen's voice when he answered Jared's call, "I can't find her, that bitch took her I-"
"Brother, breathe. I found her," Jared cut him off and Jensen sobbed on the other end, "Our kid is fine. Soaking wet and scared of what's to come, but fine."
"Y/N, are-are you okay?" Jensen whispered, voice cracking,
"Yeah," you responded, hearing Jensen exhale loudly,
"I'll drive her over to you. Are you home?"
"Yeah, uh yeah. Didn't leave the car. I thought-I thought I was gonna tell Dee that-"
"Y/N is fine, Jensen. I'll be there in five. Do you trust me, brother?"
"With my life."
"Then trust me when I say I'm bringing your kid home."
"Don't mention it. Now go tell Danneel. Meet you in the garage."
You stayed quiet for the entirety of the short conversation Jared had with Jensen. You were speechless. You didn't think Jensen was going to lose it as much as he did. Part of you thought he wouldn't even go looking for you. That part of you was definitely wrong though.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Jared spoke up, "I didn't mean it to come out that loud. I couldn't hear myself, with the rain and all. Did I scare you?" you shook your head,
"Not-not with talking. I-I thought you were going to kidnap me. I left my glasses back at Jensen's and I didn't make out your licence plate. I... I thought it was her."
"You didn't hear me calling your name?" he asked and you shook your head, "You were very scared. I kept calling your name but you didn't budge and then you jumped that tree and you were going to slip and fall and... I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm the one who's supposed to apologize."
"Not really," Jared shook his head, "In my mind, you got overwhelmed, scared, and in moment of vulnerability you acted out and thought running away was a good decision. You made a mistake but that's okay. We all make mistakes."
"Why do you love me?" you then asked, Jared smiling gently,
"Can you explain why you love people close to you?" you sat in silence, trying to put it into words but miserably failing, "See? We can't explain it. I can't explain it at least. You grew to me. You grew to Jensen. We just love you with all we have."
"What do you think will happen to me now?"
"Well you are first of all going to get two bone-crushing hugs. Then you'll actually take that shower you never took and you'll probably have a sleepover in Jensen's and Danneel's bedroom. Lots of talks. Jensen will be clingy for a while too."
"Because when something bad happens to someone he loves more than himself, he gets scared. He gets vulnerable to the point where he's clinging to the person and he's just... Scared. How I know? I've been with him when he was scared. I've been in his shoes too. And only thing you can do is reassure him that it won't happen again and be by his side. He needs that reassurance. I might use it too."
"I-I won't run away again," you said as Jared pulled into Jensen's driveway, "I promise."
"Even if you do, I'll find you," Jared smiled as he put the car into park, "We'll always come for you. But I choose to trust you and the promise you made."
The door on your side is swinging open and you're picked up by Jensen in no time. He's squeezing you tightly and you swore you felt Jensen sob as he leaned against Jared's car while he held you tightly. You couldn't do much but burrow your face into his shoulder and try your best not to cry as you grabbed the back of his soaked shirt.
"Brother, let's go inside," Jared's voice rang and it seemed to pull Jensen back to reality. He put you down but as soon as he did so, both his hands are cupping your cheeks and you're looking him in the eyes, red at the edges with so many emotions in them. You can't explain the feeling his look set off in you, but you could see how terribly you've screwed up.
Danneel is grabbing both yours and Jensen's hand and she's squeezing you for a side hug, Jensen getting the same treatment on the other side, as she walks you both into the house with Jared on your tail.
You're given a towel and a fresh set of clothes and you walk away to shower without a word.
You didn't know what to expect after you came out of the shower. The entire time you kept thinking of ways to apologize, but you knew no words could put together how bad you felt.
You were plain stupid to pull this thing off and you will probably never forgive yourself for doing this to everybody. You scared everyone because you were selfish, once again.
You finally understood that this war can't be won on your own. But would you find an ally in Jensen and his family now? In Jared, Misha? Would they look you in the eye after what you've done? More importantly, would you be able to look at them?
What you didn't expect when you opened the bathroom door was to find Jensen sitting on the floor right next to the door, back leaning against the wall. He looked up at you and your gut twisted and turned at all the pain you could read in his expression. He stood up and gently took your hand, leading you to the bedroom he shared with Danneel.
On the spare bench-bed in their room you had the full setup waiting for you. Your blankie, pillow, phone, the book you read, everything. You nod in thanking as Danneel sent you a soft smile. Jensen led you to the bench and sat you down on it before he leaned down and kissed your forehead. He smiled softly at you and you smiled back,
"I think it's best to stay close tonight," Danneel spoke up as she walked up to Jensen, "For all of us."
"Is Jared okay?" you asked,
"No rain can take out our favorite moose," Danneel responded, making you smile weakly, "I think we could use some sleep before talking about it all. How's that sound?" you nod, "But before that. Are you okay?" you nod again, looking down,
"I'm sorry for-"
"We're not asking that," Danneel cut you off, "All we care about right now is that you're okay."
Jensen didn't say a word. Instead, he leaned down to kiss the top of your head, Danneel doing the same. They made a few short steps to their bed while you laid down and watched as Jensen curled on his side and into Danneel's hold, the same way you curled into Jensen many times before. You grabbed your pillow, wrapping yourself around it and making yourself as small as possible as you squeezed it to your chest, burrowing your head into the blankie resting on your pillow.
You woke up to soft whimpers and it doesn't take you a lot to figure out where you are. You looked up to where Danneel and Jensen slept and found Danneel wide awake, shushing Jensen down. You gulped, standing up and walking over to their bed. Without a word you climbed onto what was supposed to be Jensen's side if he weren't absolutely squeezed against Danneel,
"He's got a nightmare," she said tiredly, "It's gonna take him a few minutes to ride it out."
"He has them often?" you asked and she shook her head, making you gulp,
"Only when he's really scared."
Only thing you thought of doing was plain stupid but it wouldn't hurt if you were going to do it.
You lifted your left hand and let it rest on his head, rubbing reassuring circles on it with your thumb. Danneel smiled,
"He does that to you, doesn't he?" she asked and you nod, "He does it to everyone he loves. It's his way of showing he cares deeply for you."
"I told him I were often hit in the head but his head rubs helped ease my headaches after nightmares. Didn't know it was his love language."
"It is. He's a very gentle soul. Even though he plays rough a lot."
"Outside world doesn't like gentle souls. You gotta stay rough out there if you want to stay alive."
"No seventeen year old should know that," Danneel frowned,
"I'm not your typical seventeen year old," you responded,
"I know that," she sighed, "Shhh sweetheart," she cooed as Jensen whimpered, still asleep, "It's just a bad dream. Everything is okay. Whatever it is, it's okay."
You gulped, looking down. The way he curled up reminded you of yourself. You could only imagine what his nightmares were. Hell, for all you know, you were the exact reason he had them.
Your train of thoughts got delayed as Jensen sat up abruptly in bed, breathing ragged as he looked to his left, where you slept. You could see his back tense as he looked back to Danneel, his left hand pointing at the empty bench,
"She-She's gone, Dee she's missing she took her we never found her Dee I gotta find her I-"
"Jensen, I'm right here," you whispered, making him turn around completely to face you.
It took you a moment to get back from awe you were left in when you heard Jensen's voice, uttering those words you didn't expect to hear. But as soon as you realized how scared he was, you didn't hesitate to crawl up to where he sat, completely silent, and give him a tight hug he gladly took.
It took him a few minutes before he let you go. His eyes were glued on yours for a few more seconds before he laid back down and curled in Danneel's hold.
You didn't know if you were ever going to be able to fix what you've broken here.
You stayed in bed for a few more seconds, watching him cuddle up to Danneel. She looked up at you with a tired, honest smile. You pressed your lips in a line, remembering Jared's words.
Telling him that you're sorry won't fix it.
Doing something to prove him you're sorry and to prove him that you're grateful for him will maybe do a thing or two.
You tapped Jensen's shoulder gently. He rolled to his back and looked at you, eyes watery and vulnerable. You leaned down to kiss his cheek.
"I love you," were only words you could think of and as you said them stood up and went back to where you slept. You turned your back to face their bed and you tightly hugged your pillow.
You knew a stupid kiss on the cheek and a stupid I love you won't fix a single thing and it probably meant nothing to him. But you felt like it was the least you could do in that given moment.
Not even a minute later, you felt a finger tap your shoulder. You rolled onto your back and Jensen smiled softly at you, leaning to kiss your temple and whisper a soft "I love you too," before he walked back to bed.
You woke up again to the sound of Danneel's phone going off. You heard her talk to someone on the other end and you just grumbled as you turned around on the other side and it wasn't long before Danneel tapped your shoulder gently,
"Honey, I totally forgot the twins have a class party today and I was in charge of some treats. I'll go sort all of that out and I'll call our lawyer too to see when he can see us, since he has other clients as well. I'll let you know via text."
"Can I let him sleep in?" you whispered and Danneel smiled as she nod, "Thanks."
"Don't thank me," she kissed the top of your head, "Sit in our bed. It's a tad bit more comfortable than that bench. I'm outta here. See y'all later."
"Hey," Jensen whispered as he found you reading a book while seated in Danneel's spot, "Where's Dee?"
"Because of all the mayhem I made last night, she forgot the twins had a class party and she was supposed to bring treats and snacks so she went to do that and she'll let us-" you stopped talking as your phone vibrated, "Pardon, she just let me know that we will meet with your lawyer at 11AM and uh... Get me some family, I guess."
The smile Jensen let out felt like a huge relief, especially after all of the emotions showed last night. This smile gave you a slight hope that maybe someday this will be a rather bad memory for everyone involved.
"I'll go make us some breakfast," you said as you went to stand up from where you were seated, but Jensen gently grabbed your hand,
"Thanks for staying here last night," he whispered, "It meant a lot to me."
"I scared the living shit out of you. The least I could do is stay by your side when you were scared."
"Yet that's exactly what you refuse when you're scared," Jensen smiled sadly at you and you looked down,
"You made me a promise," you whispered, finding courage to look up to Jensen, "Months ago. That as long as you're around, nobody will hurt me. I think I should make you a promise too."
"Kiddo, you don't have to-"
"I promise you to never run away on you again. Never, ever leave you again. Last night it finally clicked for me and I let myself truly believe in you. Up until last night I was waiting for the moment where you're going to up and leave me. Hell, I was pushing your buttons and trying to make you do that multiple times too. Last night I realized that you're not here to hurt me and that I can trust you, no bullshit. The mere fact that you were outside last night, looking for me, was enough for me to understand that you weren't doing everything you've been doing out of pity. And when I heard you last night... Jensen, she didn't take me. I ran. It was just me. Me and my stupid brain."
"Tell me one thing," he said, "Did your heart stay on the other end? On the end where you wanted to stay here and not leave?" you nod and he smiled,
"Then we're good. You unfortunately got hurt so many times before because you followed your heart and you had to grow out of that habit. But you've been following your heart recently, and I assure you that you're never going to be hurt by any of us for following what's in there," he smiled softly, "You scared me. Big time. But knowing that your heart was here this whole time makes it easier for me."
"I know I scared you. I scared Dee too. Jared... I don't think I'm ever going to forgive myself for doing this. That's why I'm making you a promise to never leave you again. And I know it's nothing but it's a start. I'll prove you that I meant what I promised."
"You've got nothing to prove. Your heart was here last night, wanting to stay home. That's enough proof for me that you want to be here. Even that smart brain up there must have entertained the thought too, but it had to think more rational. I know it'll take a lot of time to get used to it and sometimes you'll feel like you're not welcome and your feelings will get the best of you, but as I promised - as long as I'm around, nothing bad is going to happen to you. Physically and emotionally."
"Do you still want me here?" you asked, a little unsure, "After the stunt I pulled last night?"
"Yes. You belong here. And mistakes will be made but we're all human and we make mistakes. And no matter how stupid those stunts you pull were or will be, I'll still love you," he smiled, sitting up to give you a tight hug you gladly took, "Let's get ready. Dee's gonna kill us if we're late."
A/N 2: Thanks for reading! And thanks @crasmuna for being my consultant and for being my biggest support 💚
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jawritter · 2 years
If It’s Meant To Be Pt. 1
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Summary: Bad things happen to good people, that’s just the rule of thumb. But sometimes, things happen for a reason, and that reason is so you can find the person you’re meant to be with...
Pairing: Alpha!Beau Arlen x Omega!Reader
Warnings: Alpha in Rut, somewhat of a dangerous situation, angst if you know where to look. Language. Multiple view points
Word Count: 2K 
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Enjoy!
My Masterlist         Series Masterlist
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Beau’s POV:
Beau glared off in the distance of the expansive skyline ahead of him. It was a gorgeous shade of darkening blue and orange as far as the eye could see as the sun began to sink low on the horizon. He was trying to will himself to make his mind as blank as possible and slow his heartbeat that would erratically take off and try to fly out of his chest and around the cab of his old jeep. If he concentrated heard enough, from his parking spot here on the top of the highest point of the highway, close to the airport, he could just see the peak that was known as Deadman’s drop, which he used as his focal point of focus in order to force his mind to focus on just that spot, and nothing else that was gnawing away at him in that moment. 
He could feel it growing, boiling in his belly like a forgotten pot on a hot stove. It just kept bubbling and bubbling to the point that it was hissing as the water licked at the hungry flames just below that happened to escape the pot. It was just a matter of time before it would boil over and out of control, and there was nothing he could do about it; it was biology after all. He thought that he was well beyond his ‘productive’ years. He guessed he was wrong. This rut was gonna happen, no matter how he tried to stop it or ignore it’s oncoming. It was the first one he’d had in years, since his divorce. 
The phone rang shrilly through the darkening cab of his solitude, and he jumped as if someone had shot him, cursing as he looked down to see Jenny’s name flashing on the screen that lay on the worn seats next to him. If there was one Alpha female, he did not feel like dealing with right now, it was her. He just wasn’t in the mood to talk this one out. He definitely didn’t feel like someone challenging his authority in that moment, and if there was something really, really wrong, Cassie and Pop could help her handle it for the next three days. He had a feeling, by the time the clock struck midnight, he was going to be nothing more than a mess of burning hormones and discomfort. So it didn't matter if the world was coming to an unexpected end, he would be of little to no help to them anyway.
As soon as the ringing stopped, it started again, and he growled low in his chest as he ripped the phone up off of the seat and answered with a seething, “what?!” 
It wasn’t that he wanted to snap at the woman on the other end of the line, he really didn't know what had gotten into him. He was never this mean on the edge of his rut, but it was almost as if it were something he couldn’t even control. When you’re licensed to carry a gun and are having trouble controlling your anger, that can be a scary thing. 
“Thank God,” Jenny’s voice sounded from the other side of the phone, seemingly relieved that he answered, and not put off by his annoyed attitude at all. “I was beginning to worry about you! Pop said you left in a hurry today after lunch, and that you just told him to have me handle things. That you’d need off for a couple of days with no explanation!”
Beau cringed at the memory. He panicked when the first strings of his rut presented themselves at the diner today where he’d been eating lunch with Pop, and he just bolted. He knew he’d hear about that one, he just figured Jenny would be so excited to be in charge for the time being that he wouldn’t have to hear about it so soon. 
“Are you okay?” The Alpha woman pressed on the other end of the line when all he could do was grunt. She just wasn’t gonna let it go. He wished Cassie would have been the one to make the call, he could have thrown her off his trail easier. Jenny was pushy, and when she got on something she just wasn’t gonna let it go until she got to the bottom of it, even if it wasn’t something she didn’t really need to dig in. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. It’s just…” Beau sighed heavily, debating on just saying his had the flu, or telling her the truth, knowing that if she though he had the flu, she’d tell Cassie and Danise, and poor unexpecting Danise would try to bring him more food, and put herself in danger with a rutting Alpha. That wasn’t something he wanted, so it was best to just fess up. Even if he didn’t really want to tell anyone. Even though he really couldn’t pinpoint just why he was embarrassed, ruts and heats were just a natural part of the biological cycle. Most everyone had them. 
“My rut snuck up on me, and I had to bolt in a hurry,” he admitted as he pinched the bridge of his freckle dusted nose, like the pressure could make the sudden uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach just go away, even though it wouldn’t. 
“Oh,” Jenny responded with open shock. Apparently, she thought he was too old to go into a rut too. Well fuck her. He wasn't that old. At least he didn’t want her to think he was that old. It was embarrassing. 
“Well, uhm, do you… do you have everything you need? I can bring you some food and supplies if you need them, and I know a number to a good Omega service that is completely incog—”
“It’s okay,” Beau interrupted her quickly. “It’s not even that bad. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few days, just… I’ll give you a call when I’m ready to come back to work. I have everything I need at the trailer, I just need to take a few days to chill so I don’t bite some poor criminal's head off,” he laughed, attempting to turn a very awkward situation into a joke, as he often likes to do, hiding behind the humor. 
“Okay, well, I’m phone call away if you need something,” she offered again, and he thanked her before hanging up quickly before the conversation could get anymore embarrassing. The only problem was, to make matters worse if that were possible, now that she mentioned food, he realized just how hungry he was.
He grunted to himself as he tossed his phone back on the seat next to him, and looked down at his dash to see that it wasn’t even seven in the afternoon yet, Tonya’s diner was still open, and if he hurried, he could go grab his last meal before he had to go lock himself away in his trailer for the next foreseeable three days or more.  He wasn’t fully in rut yet, and didn’t think he’d be a danger to anyone. So with a long slow breath, he steeled his nerves and threw his car in drive. One more meal is what it felt like, the final walk down the green mile. God he was getting dramatic in his old age. 
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Y/N’s POV:
“Y/N,” Donna called as she brought the empty coffee pot back down at the station. “Are there any more customers out front?” 
“Nope, no one here,” she responded. It had been pretty dead since the lunch rush, as it sometimes was during the week. Which, if she were being honest, made for a really long shift. She’d rather it be a rush until the end of the day and the place was ready to close, because it made the time go by faster. On nights like this, it just left room for her mind to wonder. Tonight, it was wondering about Beau Arlen, the handsome sheriff that had come in for lunch with Pop. 
He’d gotten up so suddenly when she’d brought their sandwiches to them and all but ran out the door that it worried her. She was always a little shy, and situations like that always bothered her more than most. She didn’t know if it was something that she had done? Had she offended the handsome Alpha? For some reason, just the thought of causing the Alpha harm or offense caused her chest to tighten. 
“Well, we will just stay open for one more hour then,” Tonya interrupted from her usual perch at the table in the corner of the room, ever watchful of the goings on in her little restaurant. “No reason to stay open until ten if everyone seems to be staying home tonight.”
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad that she wasn’t going to have to sit here with the Beta woman, and the strange Alpha all night long, and Donno was strange if he was nothing else. 
She was just about to start her closing rounds through the tables, refilling napkins, ketchup bottles, and salt and pepper shakers, when a bright beam of headlights showed through the glass windows lining the wooden walls of the room. She tried not to whine openly; she had really hoped to get out of here early tonight. But just because one car pulled up didn’t mean the calvary was coming. Still, she would have rather just gone home instead of one more customer slowing them down. That is, until she saw that it was the handsome sheriff she'd be fixated on all day. Honestly, she probably could have picked those handsome, long, bowed legs out of a blind lineup stoned drunk. 
She had no more abandoned her table clearing when Donno came shooting around the counter, teeth gritted, grabbed her by the arm and jerked her around the counter and into the kitchen. 
“Stay here,” Donno ordered! 
She stumbled backward until her back came into contact with the cutting block he’d been working on just moments before, preparing things for breakfast that next morning.  
“What? Why?” She questioned him, her heart stood still in her chest, and fear gripped her, because she was no fool, she knew that Donno and Toyna where in more than just food service, and her mind was concocting all kinds of illogical things faster than she could even blink as to why they might want her to hide from Beau, when they were perfectly fine when he was in here earlier that day? 
“Because he's in rut, I can smell him from the parking lot!” Donno growled as he hurried to the counter by the register, leaving her stunned and shaking alone in the kitchen. 
She was young, only about twenty-five years old, but she was old enough to know that a rutting Alpha, even when normally the Alpha was sweet, and quite like Beau, could be dangerous. Still, that did not stop her from making her way over to the swinging doors and small window there to pier out and watch as the tall, handsome Texas made his way slowly to the doors and pulled them open, Donno remained still at the register, Toyna even got up and stood behind him, a tinge of fear coming off of her light Beta scent, even she knew that a Alpha in Rut could be dangerous, but Y/N could hardly old herself to the spot she stood in hiding, wanting to do nothing more than to run out to the Alpha, even though she was breathing through her mouth, afraid to catch his scent. 
She just knew if she got a whiff of his scent, it was over. Something way deep down inside of her knew, if she caught his scent, she’d belong to him, and there was nothing no one could do about it, and fuck if she wouldn’t go willingly. She’d always had a crush on Beau, and this would be just the deadly icing on the cake that she’d jump off a cliff into. Because it would be likely that he’d claim her in a heated rut, then not want her when it was over, that was a danger everyone ran. 
One she didn’t know if her heart would survive at all. 
“What do you want?” Donna voiced loudly as Beau slowly made his way to the counter, his hands raised in a strange submission to the other Alpha, even though if he wanted to, well, let’s just say Donno didn’t stand a chance…
“You’re in rut, you shouldn’t be here!” Donno continued. “We have an Omega working here that you’re putting at risk!”
“Easy man, I just want a Sandwich to go, and I’ll be on my way,” Beau said, but Donno didn’t move a muscle, even as Beau pulled a wad of money and dropped it on the counter. “I know the Omega’s here, I can smell her, but I promise, I just want something to eat. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Beau’s eyes drifted up to the little window where Y/N was peeking through, his eyes flashed gold, and her knees almost gave out from under her. 
“You can go wait by the back door for your sandwich,” Donno agreed after a moment, “but one wrong move and you’re out of here, you hear me?”
“I swear man, I’m not gonna hurt anyone,” Beau insisted. 
Y/N could see the restraint it took to stand there, she noted the way his hands trembled as he placed his wallet back into his back pocket, and the way his shoulders would shiver slightly as he fought to breathe through his mouth and not his nose, no doubt fighting against the same fear of scenting one another as she was. 
She watched in rapt attention as he slowly made his way to the table at the very back of the wood paneled room and sat down slowly at the booth there, placing his head in his hands on the table as he waited. Donno never moved until Beau was seated, and when he turned to come into the kitchen to make Beau’s order, Y/N shot back to where she was a moment ago, before Donno comforted the Alpha.
“You, stay here until he’s gone,” Donno ordered as he shoved past her, “I’ve got to make him a sandwich.”
Y/N nodded, but slowly made her way back over the door to watch him, and so far he hadn’t moved, even when Toyna slowly made her way back over to her seat, ever watching him as she lowered herself down slowly to sit back behind her laptop. Really, if he wanted to, he could take Tonya too, but the likelihood of that happening was almost non-existent, An Alpha, especially one in rut, rarely even noticed the Beta in the room. Still she was cautious of him, and Y/N wondered why they were both acting this way, why they were both acting as if he’d snap at any moment? Beau was a good man, he would do anything to hurt anyone. At least, that’s what she’d stood there and convinced herself of. 
“You know, he wasn’t in this shape when he was here at lunch time,” Y/N stated, never taking her eyes off of the Alpha, who, if she didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was just asleep at his table. “He was fine when I took his order from him, and when I came back with their food, he bolted as if someone was chasing him.”
Donno dropped the spatula he was working with behind her, and Y/N turned to face him quickly. If she didn’t know better, she was sure she saw a tinge of fear in his eyes. But that couldn’t be right, surely Donno was afraid of no one and nothing. 
“He wasn’t in rut earlier, and then suddenly ran away from you, only to come back in rut tonight looking for food?” Donno questioned, and Y/N nodded, keeping her mouth firmly shut tight, even if her every sense seemed to be seeking the Alpha in the dining area. It was almost as if there was an invisible tether that was pulling her in his direction, and it took all she had to fight against it. It was strange, it was as if she wanted to take him home and feed him, nurture him, take care of him, which was insane, considering he was a dangerous, rutting Alpha. 
“Do you know that Montana state law states by all right, he can come in here and take you away from here, and there’s nothing I can do about it, because he has a right to take the Omega that triggered his rut home to make her his mate, if he wants to, he can claim you right here, and there’s nothing I can do about it, neither can Tonya.”
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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