#Jeremy and scott have an evil alliance
xbrittaniax · 4 years
FNaF: The Rules have changed ch.2
They both made their quiet trek to the front of the building then came to an immediate stop when they saw Jeremy was smiling at them, Uh oh, What did he do?
“Why are you smiling like that…?” They asked cautiously.
“Uhm… Come closer, Please.” Jeremy said meekly.
Phone guy and Mike eyed him suspiciously but got closer to him.
Jeremy threw his arms around both of them in a hugging manner. “Th-Thanks for keeping me calm last night.”
“Hey, No problem Kid.” Mike smiled and ruffled Jeremy’s hair. “We’re all in this together..” “Yeah.” Scott agreed as he slipped out of the group hug. “Now Then. I need to head back home before… Um.. Before i pass out from exhaustion.”
Mike quirked an eyebrow at him. “Scott? Are you alright? You look anxious…”
“O-Oh Me? A-Anxious? Pfft… I don’t… Um… Get anxious…” He responded nervously.
"Riiiight... Somehow i doubt that." Mike snickered.
“If you’re not anxious then can i clue you in on why i wanted to see you guys?” Jeremy asked, His evil smile slowly returning. Scott gave a hesitant nod and Jeremy walked over to him, Whispering something in his ear.
The tension that was written on Scott’s face was now in the air as a smirk found it's way into his features. They both turned to Mike chuckling at his confusion.
“What?” Mike asked, Scott took a step closer, smiling as he spoke.
“You knoooow…” He drew out the word as he took another step. “You just started last night, Meaning you’re new here.”
“And we haven’t… properly ‘Welcomed’ You yet.” Jeremy smiled as he also took a few steps, Mike began to back up once they got closer.
“Yeah you did… You guys welcomed me when the shift started.” Mike replied.
“Oh but That was only part One.” Scott said lowly, Mike knew where this was heading, He took off sprinting towards the door but Scott was much faster than him, He ended up tackling him to the floor within seconds.
Mike was already a giggling mess, He didn’t know what he found so funny about the situation but for some reason his mind registered it as hilarious.
“What are you laughing about? We haven’t done anything yet..” Scott teased. Mike himself wasn’t entirely sure, So he made something up.
“I’m picturing you with a phone for a head.” He giggled more as Scott scoffed.
“Ha-ha… Very funny.” He rolled his eyes, He couldn’t help but smirk though Because Mike’s giggling was a bit silly.
“How would that work?” He snickered more. “Could you make calls with your mind?
Without any warning he dug his fingers into Mike’s sides. “That’s not funny.”
Mike let out a shriek as he squirmed around laughing on the floor. “HAhahahahahaha! It was so worth it! Hahahahaha!”
After a few minutes Jeremy finally recovered from his cackling and joined Scott and Mike on the floor. Mike was panting as Scott had just stopped tickling him. “Come on guys… Is this really necessary?”
“Yes~” Jeremy purred playfully, he wiggled his fingers threateningly as he hovered them over Mike’s stomach. He groaned as a few giggles escaped his lips.
“Oh come on guys.. Why do you have toho do this to mehe… I Hehe got caught by Freddy on my first night..”
Scott smirked as he did the same as Jeremy, Only he hovered his hands over Mike’s ribs. “While that is true… You were making fun of us all night, You even hoped that i would get caught by them.”
“Yeah because I wanna hear what your laugh sounds like.” Mike said. he quickly reached over and gave his knee a squeeze.
Scott yelped as he began tickling Mike’s ribs quickly. “Oh no You don’t!”
“Shots fired!” Jeremy laughed, slipping his hands underneath Mike’s shirt and tickling his stomach.
Mike squirmed under them and laughed hysterically, He latched onto Jeremy’s side and began tickling it, Drawing bubbly laughter from the blonde Night guard. He used his other hand to continuously squeeze Scott’s knee Which was obviously a sensitive spot as he kept trying to move away from his hand, Unfortunately for him Mike had a good grip on it..
“Scohohohohott maahahahahake him stahahahahaaap!” Jeremy squealed as Mike somehow managed to get his hand under Jeremy’s shirt and proceeded to scribble his fingers all over his side.
“I can’t really…. do... anything…” Scott struggled to say, He was trying so hard not to laugh that he could barely get any sentences out. He stopped tickling Mike and grabbed his wrists, Then held them down against the floor. “Got it.”
“Thanks..” Jeremy panted, Once calm he slipped his hands back under Mike’s shirt and began tickling his ribcage, This action drew a shriek from Mike’s lips as he struggled to get his hands free, However this was not an easy task as The tickling was taking his strength away.
“JEREMHYHYHYHY! Please! Stahahahahahahap! AHAHAHAHAHA!” He cried out, Jeremy teased as he had kept tickling his ribcage. "Aww, And here i thought you were tough~"
“Hmm, Looks like someone’s having fun~” A voice said from the door, Scott immediately groaned and released Mike’s arms.
Mike curled up into a ball as Jeremy withdrew his hands. “Morning Vincent.” Jeremy smiled.
“How long were you standing there?” Scott mumbled.
“Morning.” As he walked past them to his locker he ruffled Jeremy’s hair and shot a smirk to Phone guy and Mike. “Long enough.”
“Oh, So you’re Vincent... “ Mike thought aloud, Having recovered from the attack.
“Yes, That would be Vincent…” Scott sighed. “The man who’s never early to work Except for today.”
“Because i needed to catch you before you left.” Vincent finished putting his things in his locker and turned to face them. a huge smile played on his lips. “So on anyone on the night shift’s day off, I’m supposed to fill in…”
Phone guy let out a groan. “And since the last time you were on night shift was two years ago…”
“That’s right.” he grinned. “You’ll have to show me the ropes again.”
“This is why i wanted to leave so badly.” Scott sighed to the others. “When are you supposed to tag along with me?”
“Whenever you get the others acquainted.” he shrugged. "So probably in a few nights."
Scott sighed and hung his head in despair, Jeremy patted his back as Mike finally decided to ask his question. “What’s so horrible about Vincent? He seems okay to me.”
“Don’t answer that.” Vincent mumbled, shifting his gaze from the animatronics to the three night guards. Scott couldn’t help but snicker at the out of character mumbling from Vince. “What’s not horrible about him?”
“I said don’t answer that.”
“Um, We better get out of here before Fritz shows up, He’ll never let us leave.” Jeremy giggled sheepishly.
“If he ever shows up.” Vince shook his head. “The man is always late.”
“Yeah that sounds like Fritz.” Scott smiled as he stood up. “I’m getting out of here, See you guys tonight-- Except you, Vince.” he narrowed his eyes at the purple haired man.
He grinned. “You know, You say you hate me, Yet you call me ‘Vince’ instead of ‘Vincent’...”
“Shut up.” Scott promptly left, The other night guards said their goodbye’s, And followed suit.
The time was ten o’clock, Which mean’t it was closing time. Vince and the rest of second shift was cleaning up the place before they left, With the history of the building they found it hard to hire help, So Vincent and Fritz normally just stayed over to fill in for the empty spots. Fritz normally stayed in the office and kept an eye on surveillance tapes while Purple guy stayed out on the floor.
During clean up, Fritz seemingly accidentally bumped one of the buttons on the soundboard, Which played Balloon boy’s laugh in the main room. Vince jumped at the sound, causing him to drop the glass he had just picked up, Making it shatter into a million pieces on the tiled floors. He slowly looked up at the security camera with a glare. “Seriously Fritz? That’s not funny.”
“Sorry Vince.” He said over the intercom apologetically. “I was trying to turn it off… I thought i pressed the power button?”
He sighed and shook his head, proceeding to pick up the broom and sweep up the glass. When he heard Balloon boy’s laugh again. He shot another glare up at the camera. “Fritz!”
“Sorry! I really am pressing the right button…”
Vincent put the broom down and went back to the guard station. “Why do you keep doing that?”
“Look for yourself.”
He came in the room and looked down at the soundboard as Fritz hit a button, The same laugh played for a third time. Purple guy was confused, Fritz had indeed hit the power button, But it didn’t turn off. “I can’t turn it off.” Fritz sighed, leaning back into the chair in annoyance.
“Alright, Lemme give it a shot, Go help Tania and the others finish up.” Vince said decisively, Fritz nodded and headed for the main room.
“Now then, Whichever one of you is locking up the power, Stop it.” He said sternly to no one in particular, He tried to power down again, but got the same response. He suddenly heard clanking coming from down the hall, His blood ran cold as he realized which room it was coming from… It was coming from the safe room that had been boarded up.
He hesitantly went towards the room, The sounds got louder the closer he got.
“Vincent, What are you doing?” Scott’s voice came from behind him, Vince quickly turned around to face him. “You hear that right? The spring body animatronic… I think it's…” he trailed off, too focused on the sound.
Scott took his coat off and threw it over the chair, Then followed Vince to the dead end of the hall. “Is it… Active?” he pondered out loud.
“Wouldn’t that be impossible?” Purple guy murmured. “It can only be active if someone activates it.”
“I know, I know…” Scott whispered, trying to listen closely. “We thought the animatronics coming after us would be impossible too, Didn’t we?”
“Valid point.”
Something slammed against the other side of the wall, Making the wooden boards shake a bit.
“S-Spring Bonnie! Stop it!” Phone guy said sternly, But the animatronic repeated this action, Not paying any heed to the veteran.
“Springtrap stop!” Vincent ordered. “Springtrap De-Activate.”
A few more clanks came from the other side, And eventually it went quiet. “How did you do that?” Scott was confused. “Also, SpringTrap?”
“I used to wear him years ago Remember? Corporate had my voice programmed into his power board… Though i didn’t think he’d actually stop…” He looked to the side. “I nicknamed him Springtrap, Because he always tried to trap me whenever i wore him… Then… well, You know… With the sister location…”
“Yeah, I remember that…” Scott quietly acknowledged.
“Anyway, I’m gonna finish up and get out of here.” Purple guy shrugged. “See you tomorrow night~” he winked with a smirk.
“Gee thanks… And here i thought you were gonna end this on a serious note.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. As Vincent’s footsteps got further away, Phone guy sighed fearfully. He carefully examined the boards that were now damaged and loose. “Heh… I-I almost kind of wish that Vince was with me tonight…” He then realized what he said and quickly shook his head. “Oh god, I’m delirious… Actually feeling safe with that idea? I need sleep more than i thought.”
He glanced at the boards one last time. “Still, I hope they last for at least one more night… Because i don’t think Springtrap will halt and go back at 6…” He let out another shaky sigh and went to each Guard room to prepare them for the night shift.
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wellhalesbells · 6 years
I see you reblogging some comic stuff an I was wondering if you have a favorite comic or favorite character or ship?
this ask is from so long ago but [DEEP BREATH IN] i’m finally going to answer it, nonny.  finally.  i kept wanting to read a little bit farther in my comics stack because.... maybe i’ll like that and will regret not having recced it, i just hafta--get--to it, see?  and, honestly, i’m still there BUT, come on, i’ll never be caught up because that would mean comics would just have to stop coming out and i would be sad forever if that happened, SO
i’m not even going to pretend like i can narrow this down to one comic.  (one ship?  sure, that’s spideypool.  one character?  sure, that’s the merc with a mouth, the regenerating degenerate, wade motherfucking wilson.  but one comic?!)  there is just straight-up too much out there to make a definitive ‘yes, this is it, this is THE ONE ™ ’ statement.  instead, uh, let’s break this shit down, yeah?  (super special secret bonus round, will note all lgbt+ rep and standalone comics.)  in no particular order, here the frig it goes!
infidel, by pornsak pichetshote and aaron campbell.  in case you haven’t seen this on every 2018 best list ever, here it is.  and, yeah, it was good.  a muslim-american main character living in a haunted apartment building where the entities feed off the xenophobia of its occupants.  if that’s not a fucking modern horror story i don’t know what is.
spread, by justin jordan and kyle strahm.  THIS IS ONE OF MY NEW AND ALREADY ALL-TIME FAVORITES.  what an awesomely weird and epic story.  the spread is an uncontrollable, unstoppable monster-making force that humanity accidentally unleashed by digging too deep.  it infects everything it touches and basically all of humanity is running from quarantine to quarantine just hoping for the best.  and speaking of hope.... she’s a baby, rescued by no, and the only thing that’s ever been able to stop the spread.  also, no’s gay?  and i just DID NOT see that coming.  it seems like it’s going to be such a formulaic, bro-y story about the action hero who kisses the face off his girl (her name’s molly and she’s batshit insane and amazing) and instead, nope, it is not that at all.  lgbt+ main characters.
the black monday murders, by jonathan hickman and tomm coker.  hate capitalism?  think all the rich and powerful are evil, soul-sucking monsters?  [obnoxious, low-budget commercial sound effects] MAN, HAVE I GOT THE SERIES FOR YOU.
the beauty, by jeremy haun and jason a. hurley.  i just started this recently but so far, oh my good golly gosh, i looove it.  a sexually transmitted disease that makes you conventionally gorgeous.... at least before it explodies you.  [wide, creepy smile]  the art is gorgeous, the characters are aces and i am very, very pleased so far.  lgbt+ minor characters.
the great divide, by ben fisher and adam markiewicz.  this?  was a COOL idea.  the execution stumbled a bit but, gosh, was it neat.  it’s post-apocalyptic where touching another person will literally kill.... one of you.  the survivor then absorbs the memories of the person who dies, taking on a ‘rider.’  some people collect them, some people go mad, some form a bond, all have the side effect of dyslexia.  like i said, neat as all get out.  lgbt+ minor-ish/main-ish character.  standalone.
revival, by tim seely and mike norton.  a rural town in wisconsin experiences ‘miracle day,’ where the dead rise again.... except, they were kinda already mourned and buried and this is really just fucking up the status quo.
the woods, by james tynion iv and michael dialynas.  a high school gets picked up and plopped down in an entirely new, and wickedly hostile universe.  it’s all survival and alliances and seeing what you’re really made of when it comes down to it.  lgbt+ main characters. 
clean room, by gail simone and jon davis-hunt.  a cult, a journalist and a clean room walk into a bar...
anya’s ghost, by vera brosgol.  you think it’ll be a cute story of a girl and her ghost.  HA HA THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS AT ALL, OKAY.
rumble, by john arcudi and james harren.  SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD, SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD, SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD!!!  okay, first off, the art in this?  pushes every friggin’ button i’ve got, and many i did not know i had.  second, this book is so fucking fun.  it’s mythology that’s balls to the wall ridiculous, funny, and features a main character whose life motto is basically: ‘do i have to?’  infinitely relatable and then some.
heathen, by natasha alterici and rachel deering.  UGH, ONE OF MY FAVORITES.  the art is just horribly, horrendously gorgeous and it’s LESBIAN VIKING MYTHOLOGY, OKAY.  OKAYYYY???   lgbt+ main characters.
the wicked + the divine, by kieron gillen and jamie mckelvie.  one of my favorite ever series right here.  it’s a hella cool concept (gods reincarnating as humans every twelve years, and burning up their hosts in two), whip-smart and if you’ve ever met a human being who likes a pun more than kieron gillen i defy you to produce them.  lgbt+ main and minor characters.
batgirl, by gail simone and adrian sayaf and vicente cifuentes.  you know how people rave about gail simone?  there’s a reason people rave about gail simone.  honestly, i’ve never had much interest in babs.  i don’t tend to go for superheroes who don’t kill and i have even less interest in ‘the killing joke’ story line and i am convinced only gail simone could’ve done the recovery on that and she did a GLORIOUS job of it.
red hood and the outlaws, by scott lobdell and dexter soy.  (ignoring recent - and annoying - developments), this is my favorite of all the rebirths dc did.  scott lobdell is the only writer to have gotten the idea down of: okay, we’re starting over, i assume you don’t know anything but i also assume there are a bajillion people reading who know everything, and hit the perfect medium between those two things.  so if you want to start a jason todd run, you legitimately can here, and get all the found family, badassery, batman-teasing enjoyment there is to be had.
iceman, by sina grace and robert gill (covers by kevin wada).  classic super-heroing here and bobby’s first solo title.  he’s figuring out coming out while fighting (and flirting) with baddies.  sina really gets his humor and how truly wonder-awful it is!  lgbt+ main character.
spider-man/deadpool, by joe kelly and ed mcguinness.  watch those names there, those are your guys right there, period.  they looked at the void of a spider-man/deadpool series and filled it with absolutely everything you could possibly want for the pair (sans a hardcore make-out sesh, though they did get a few variant covers with some puckered up lips in there!)
limbo, by dan watters and caspar wijngaard.  a fusion of 80s aesthetics, voodoo elements and a noir tone.  just some remarkably cool shit in this.  the ending, for me, left something to be desired but it was more than worth it to see worship via mixtapes.  standalone.
hawkeye: kate bishop, by kelly thompson and leonardo romero.  kate bishop is, apparently???, a super impossible character for a lot of writers.  kelly thompson is not one of them.  kelly thompson is my favorite kate bishop writer, actually, and the fact that she is ever not writing her is a gd travesty.
the unbeatable squirrel girl, by ryan north and erica henderson.  honestly, i’m so tempted to just stick this under ‘contemporary,’ because it really does just feel very... normal.  doreen’s navigating college, new friendships, and y’know... the squirrely-ness.  this had every opportunity to suck and instead it’s funny as heck, never takes itself too seriously, and is just pure good-hearted entertainment through and through.
wolf, by ales kot and matt taylor.  a paranormal detective and the-possible-antichrist go on a road trip.  people hated this comic and i don’t know how you can hate a comic that has a character called freddy chtonic who has tentacles for a mouth??? 
ms. marvel, by g. willow wilson and adrian alphona.  hi, you read ms. marvel because the world is a garbage fire and people are terrible and your cynicism is at an all time high and then kamala khan waltzes in and reminds you people generally want to help each other and the world improves when we work together and that thing optimists feel?  you’ll feel that for as long as you’ve got the pages open and that’s a magical thing.  lgbt+ minor character.
monstress, by marjorie m. liu and sana takeda.  psychic links with monsters, matriarchal societies, magic and witchery, half-human/half-animal (and other ratios) characters, all through a steampunk lens.  what’s not to like about that??
inhuman, by charles soule.  i love this series, i love the idea of being a total average joe/joanne, getting smacked in the face by a cloud of mist and suddenly having to figure out how to live basically a whole new life.  also, if you don’t fall madly in love with dante pertuz, i don’t even know what to tell you, my dude.
heart in a box, by kelly thompson and meredith mcclaren.  break-ups suck, but only because of that whole pesky broken heart thing, right?  so emma gives hers away.  problem solved, no?  standalone.
i kill giants, by joe kelly and j.m. ken niimura.  i didn’t cry my eyes out or anything.  did not.  standalone.
sex criminals, by matt fraction and chip zdarsky.  having sex = stopping time, which leads suzie and jon to the only logical conclusion: let’s rob some banks!
hawkeye, by matt fraction and david aja.  honestly there are a lot of other artist combos in this run but the only ones that are worthwhile are the ones that have fraction and aja’s names on them - sorry not sorry.
black bolt, by saladin ahmed and christian ward.  saladin revived this character one hundred million percent.  there is absolutely a reason this was parading around all over ‘best’ lists when it was released.  it really, really did the damn thing.
saga, by brian k. vaughan and fiona staples.  this is the comic you recommend to people who don’t even like comics because it is that good.  like, my dad - who hadn’t read a comic since he was a pre-teen, eagerly awaits each new trade.  the world-building, the characters, the care put into every single solitary bit of all the things?  unparalleled.  lgbt+ minor characters.
frostbite, by joshua williamson and jason shawn alexander.  a post-apocalyptic story that has humanity dying from a plague that literally freezes you from the inside out.  very neat, very cold, very readable.  standalone.
descender, by jeff lemire and dustin nguyen.  this had a rough start, for me, with the main character of the first trade being tim-21, an android who is literally incapable of having the depth to be a lead BUT that does not last through to the next trade, thank god.  lots of space and found family and world-building in this to be had!  but you know how people rave about jeff lemire?  there’s a reason people rave about jeff lemire.
paper girls, by brian k. vaughan and cliff chiang.  the 80s and time travel and lifelong friendships.  it’s brian k. vaughan, you know it’s good, okay?  why do i even have to sell you here, man?  lgbt+ main characters.
injection, by warren ellis and declan shalvey.  this is another one on my list that started out a little rough but really appealed to me later on.  there was just a lot to absorb in that first trade but, once you’ve got it, the ride gets way, way smoother.   lgbt+ main and minor characters.
black science, by rick remender and matteo scalera.  this was a rocky start, because the main character is such an asshole but in a way where he can’t see he’s an asshole, he’s just a tortured genius who’s superior to all of you, don’t you know? but i am so glad i persevered because if that’s the set up?  the rest of the series is knocking him back down.  super scientist grant mckay finds a way to access the eververse, every possible reality the universe has on offer, and that’s really what causes every single problem that follows.  hard to cause the apocalypse and be an arrogant prick, ya know?
giant days, by john allison and lissa treiman.  this series is so funny and smart and warm.  these girls are so kind to each other and relatable and failing at adulting regularly and often and i love reading about them.  lgbt+ main character.
lumberjanes, by noelle stevenson and grace ellis and brooke a. allen.  this is funny and ridiculous and kind and cool and all other awesome adjectives and you should read it, fact.  lgbt+ main characters.
my brother’s husband, by gengoroh tagame and anne ishii (translator).  this is such a sweet story about acceptance and family tbh.   lgbt+ main character.
fence, by c. s. pacat and johanna the mad.  i mean... i need to see nicholas and seiji hook-up, i need that, stat.  stat means now!   lgbt+ main characters.
long exposure, by kam heyward.  so mitch and jonas are my absolute faves and i love them to death and the author is so kind in that they actually put this up in print on indyplanet so i can read it the way i, personally, love to read comics (and - bonus! - support them with the monies).  lgbt+ main characters.
modern dread, by pat shand and ryan fassett (editors).  i’ve been trying to find more better horror comics lately so i’ve been kind of half-heartedly stumbling through kickstarter on the hunt and this was SUCH a great find.  it’s an anthology but more cleverly done than any other kickstarter anthology i’ve read, with a main story line that seamlessly strings together the would-be-disjointed ones.  this was really thoughtfully put together and really well done!  standalone.
heartstopper, by alice oseman.  a very sweet story about two high school-aged boys becoming fast friends, playing rugby and falling in love.  the two characters are mentioned as an aside in the author’s book, solitaire, and she became so invested in them that she wrote their backstory as a free webcomic.   lgbt+ main characters.
the pale, by jay fabares.  JUST started this (like, just a day or so ago) but i’m enjoying it so far!
hotblood!, by toril orlesky.  i mean... is it a webcomic about a centaur falling in love with his boss?  it just might be.  did i get a bound edition through a kickstarter campaign?  maybe.  maybe i did that.  who’s to say?   lgbt+ main characters.
the bay, by bbz.  life on mars through the lens of three young professionals who form an odd but lasting friendship.  lgbt+ main characters.
hard drive, by artroan.  is it a nsfw comic about a dude and a robot?  .... it might be a nsfw comic about a dude and a robot.  [coughs]   lgbt+ main characters.
seen nothing yet, by tess stone.  a nsfw comic about two amateur ghost hunters.  can’t imagine why i might be interested in that [coughs]   lgbt+ main characters.
captain imani and the cosmic chase, by lin darrow and alex assan.  i mean did i want a starship captain who can’t help but lust after the smuggler he’s chasing.  i mean, maybe i did.  maybe.   lgbt+ main characters.
taproot, by keezy young.  ghost falls in love with boy, boy falls in love with ghost, AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.  lgbt+ main characters.
always raining here, by bell and hazel.  just two boys falling in lurve.  lgbt+ main characters.
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neoraven · 5 years
NWA TNA Episodes 4+5
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All about AJ
NWA TNA Episode 4 Live from Nashville, Tennessee's Municipal Auditorium
Mike Tenay welcomes us and sells us on all the title matches and contender matches. This is the fourth show, wrapping up two down in Huntsville, and two at a big-ish arena. I swear the Asylum Years are going to make it to the TNA Asylum some time. We open with the Tag Titles.
NWA Tag Title Match AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn [C] vs The New Church (Slash + Tempest) w/ Father James Mitchell
Double champion AJ Styles leads Jerry Lynn out to that godawful Born in the USA ripoff theme. The announcers go over Tempest's history as Devin Storm/Crowbar in WCW, also put over Slash's look while Jerry Lynn works hard in the ring. AJ gets in with some crazy offense, including a smooth kip up hurricanrana from flat on his back. The champs pull off some great double team offense to come back after the goth church boys hold control for a while. AJ barely kicks out of a sick Death Valley Driver by Tempest after the New Church cheats to take control again. Jerry Lynn runs wild after the hot tag, but AJ gets a blind tag and Spiral Tap off to seal the victory after a Lynn cradle piledriver.
***1/4  This was a great old school style tag match to get the titles over, and also thankfully start us down the road to Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles. The Disciples still looked credible despite getting beaten and having all their cheating efforts thwarted.
Girls dance in cages while Mike Tenay puts over local National Wrestling Alliance action. He recaps the Brian Christopher drama from last week and threatens us with talking to Scott Hall on the phone. He mumbles over the phone about how he's getting his revenge on everyone for last week until Brian Christopher makes his entrance. Unfortunately, he has a microphone and is going to explain his actions. He leads a slow and lumbering promo up to "Screw Jerry Lawler!" Unfortunately for me, he kept going on for several minutes after I thought he was done. This is where he changes over to Brian Lawler.
Brian Lawler vs Norman Smiley
Norman Smiley's WCW Hardcore Title credentials are put over when Brian jumps him in the corner as the bell rings. Smiley takes control with a couple dropkicks and then hits a few of his signature spots. There's an immediate cut to a big guy in a hooters shirt in the crowd doing the Big Wiggle. Lawler takes control though as the fans chant "Jerry's Kid" , and wins after 5 minutes with a hip hop drop after tossing his goggles.
*  At least it wasn't a squash, and Norman looked more than okay. He calls out Hall after the match.
Goldylocks is following Jeff Jarrett who is attacking NWA officials backstage demanding his title shot. The suit suspends Jeff Jarrett, who grabs his crotch and hollers "suspend this!" Father James Mitchell yells at the New Church behind a closed door as the camera cuts out.
K-Krush vs Hermie Sadler
No rap to the ring, but we get some generous pyro. He makes friends talking about how he'd kick every NASCAR fan's ass at ringside. Eventually, this geek Sadler enters with a full pit crew entourage, including a checkered flag on a stick, a can of gasoline, and a stop sign (Raven nor Lodi sighted yet). The fighters push each other as the bell rings. The ref calls it after an extended beatdown and squash for 5 minutes.
*  Didn't make Krush look too bad, still mildly put over Hermie's effort and didn't bury the celeb.
Omori is in the back preparing for his match until Alicia comes by to get paid.
Hot Shots vs The Briscoes
Yeah, it's that Mark and Jay Briscoe. They are 18 years old.  The promising match is cut short after 2 minutes by Malice coming down and brutalizing everyone. 1/4* The New Church arrives to glower at ringside.
The Sinister Minister terrorizes everyone and threatens the timekeeper to bring Ken Shamrock out into an obvious ambush. Omori eventually comes out to save Shamrock from the bad guys to preserve his title shot later (??).
Goldylocks is backstage with The Dupps putting over their match against the Flying Elvises. Stan cuts a really disgusting promo while Bo molests their wife-sister in the background. I want to be dead. Bo takes over the mic and continues the promo about feces. ECW's Jasmine St Clair interrupts the Dupps' entrance. She talks about the TNA in TNA and gives Jeremy Borash a lap dance worthy of PPV. The crowd and commentary is extremely gross, duh. An NWA suit comes down with a suit jacket to cover up before it crosses from PG-13 to hard R. Ed Ferrara springs out of commentary to intercept him with an honestly great spear spot, but he still recovers to stop it from getting X-rated. Unfortunately, the Dupps are going to enter now.
The Dupps vs The Flying Elvises
No Jimmy Yang tonight. The Elvii jump the Dupps to start. Mortimer Plumtree joins commentary. Estrada gets the pin after a Perfect 10 finisher after 4 minutes. * Nothing great. We cut from the match quick backstage to a crazed brawl between tag team champs AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn. Lynn spikes a piledriver on a box and throws AJ's title belt onto his body.
NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ken Shamrock [c] vs Takao Omori
The Japanese photographers at ringside are a somewhat cool touch. They trade wild strikes and Shamrock DDT's for a quick 1-count. Harley Race (RIP) is at ringside as a random NWA official. They go through some decent back and forth striking and rest holds. Omori misses a top rope knee drop and the champ pounces on it to take control. The fans start turning on the slower, plodding match. Shamrock pops a sudden Ankle Lock submission, and "suspended" Jeff Jarrett causes a chair DQ at 7 minutes.
* Not a great world title match at all. Omori showed a little fire though. Jarrett kabongs Harley Race and hits the wrestlers another couple times while threatening ringside.
Goldylocks tries to get a word from Jerry Lynn, but Father Mitchell interrupts her looking for Jeff Jarrett. She follows muffled screaming to find an NWA suit duct taped up and beaten and spraypainted. The NWA Title match wasn't the main event apparently.
X Division 6 Man Elimination Match Low Ki vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Romeo vs Tony Mamaluke vs Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn
There are a lot of great moves that I'm not going to list in a row here. Everyone seems pretty great. It's going nearly 10 minutes without eliminations as they do a really great series of dives to the outside. Jerry Lynn eliminated for leaving the ring apron / a leg injury after Tony sent him flying from the top rope. Elix eliminates Tony in the ring quickly after with a Play of the Day. Last Rites by Daniels takes out Elix after a good long competitive portion. Daniels survives Kid Romeo's best shot by putting his foot on the ropes at about 17 minutes, and Low Ki takes out the celebrating Romeo to make it a 1 on 1 as the match gets just about to the 20 minutes mark. They trade some high impact turnbuckle moves and creative cradles for near falls. They trade finishers back and forth a couple times until Daniels powers out of Low-Ki's Dragon Clutch submission. Finally, Low Ki hits a great kick and flip to turn the Last Rites into the Ki-Krusher, and he wins it after 25 minutes or so.
Amazing match. ****1/2  Everyone looked great. Another cool version of the X Division 4 man earlier.
The Flying Elvises hit the ring and beat down the remaining competitors. Siaki gets a mic and says they are the X Division, shouldn't have been left out of the match, etc. In a nice spot, the eliminated X Division contenders come out to save Daniels and Low Ki from the beatdown. Jarrett gets the mic demanding his title shot and antagonizing the Tennessee Titans Offensive Line at ringside until a huge brawl breaks out. The New Church rushes and Jarrett takes a chair to everyone as the brawl spills into the crowd and Tenay says to see you next week.
A really good opening and closing. They're already hitting their familiar rhythm of every week having at least one storyline with a great match or segment. If you don't like the NWA Title stuff, there's a great X match. If you don't like the celebrity/upper mid card feud, there's two tag matches with good action. And next week they'll cycle through them again. Also next week - we finally make it to the TNA Asylum. Already tonight, I recognized two famous fans at ringside that I would grow to know and love. Chicken Hat and Braids. More on them later.
NWA TNA 5 From the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville Tennessee.
Goldylocks approaches Ken Shamrock in downtown Nashville. He bites off her head and tells everyone to back off, calling her a bitch(!!) for no reason. A video package sells top heel Jeff Jarrett as a hero fighting against the evil and inept authority. Also, I lied and am getting slightly annoyed - this is the third straight municipal auditorium show. Was the TNA Asylum a mirage?
We have a long, dumb brawl with Scott Hall and Jarrett backstage as announcers talk about their different matches against Lawler and Malice, respectively. The brawl goes wild and NWA officials break it up and say Jarrett has forfeited his number one contenders match vs Malice. The New Church makes a great entrance as Tenay is flustered. The lights go out while the Minister gloats over Malice's automatic win, and Sabu answers the open challenge. The bell rings, apparently?
NWA Title Number One Contender Ladder? Match Malice vs Sabu
It's not clear if this is a ladder match, but Sabu quickly makes it a chairs match. Malice uses his strength to take control back, and yes, it's still a ladder match. Sabu hits some extreme offense on Malice when the New Church tries to get a ladder in the ring. Malice busts Sabu's nose open throwing him on a ladder bridge, and there's also a table set up at ringside. Lots of slow plodding from spot to spot. Malice does a nice scoop slam holding Sabu and the ladder at the same time, though. Malice with a belly to belly on a corner ladder in a move that might be a shot at Ken Shamrock's finisher? Sabu plays the hits using the chairs and ladders as props, but keeps getting thrown off the ladder. However, at long last, Sabu launches Malice off the ladder and through the table at ringside to get the surprise victory at 14 minutes.
3/4*  There was some nice hardcore work in moments, but way too much slowness in between.
The Church takes apart the bloodied Sabu as he clutches the title contract. Finally, a chokeslam from the apron through a ringside table as the fans chant TNA. Backstage, Double J is getting thrown out of the Municipal Auditorium. AJ Styles comes down with a mic and steps over Sabu's dead body with a curious glance. Jerry Lynn comes out shortly after to talk shit back. Jerry mocks AJ for his three years of wrestling experience, heh. "AJ Styles, who the hell are you?" Jerry keeps talking down to the kid, and ends it with saying that he will respect him. AJ snaps and pele's the other half of the tag champions in the back of the head, then spikes a Styles Clash and leaves.
Goldylocks is backstage in front of the "Females" locker room. Oh no. Jasmine gets jumped by Francine before the interview can begin. Announcers hype Sabu vs Shamrock for the title while the girls dance in cages.
K-Krush comes out with a mic to get something off his chest. He's a big star and shouldn't be in the ring with NASCAR drivers, runs down the WWE for releasing him. He mentions being treated like a second-class citizen, says everyone is afraid of him. Mentions blowing the top off the mountain. He's not an angry black man, he's The Truth, and The Truth will not be denied. In a wild tonal shift, Norman Smiley enters.
K-Krush vs Norman Smiley
Or is it The Truth now? Either way, Truth attacks at  the bell in the corner. Smiley hits a few of his comedy moves in a row, until Truth takes control with his series of dodges and axe kicks. Truth wins with a release/sitout front suplex after 4 minutes. *  Just a bit above a full on squash match. Smiley gets whipped, choked, and hung with Truth's belt post match. Smiley's wife comes out to save him from asphyxiation.
Goldylocks is backstage looking for Puppet the Midget Killer, who is beating off in a trash can. Yup. She walks away from that scene to find the Dupps in a den of incest and meth. Relieved that we cut to the girls dancing in cages for more local NWA shows to scroll across the bottom.
The Flying Elvises vs Elix Skipper and Chris Daniels
I'm beginning to accept that Jimmy Yang might not be coming back. For the second straight week, Siaki teases a double fist bump with a fan only to burst out laughing. A XXX preview match.  The high flying to the outside starts immediately with three or four dives before the ref settles it down into a tag match. The Elvii isolate Elix Skipper and start working him over with a few impressive moves. Siaki goes to commentary and puts over Estrada's new haircut and mentions needing to get 3 things over- "Me, Me, and Me". He gets back to the corner to tag in and work Elix over some more.  Siaki goes back to commentary and puts himself over some more while Elix comes back with a buckshot lariat in the ring. Siaki can't stop the hot tag and the good guys running wild with a flurry of offense. Eventually, Elix has Estrada dead to rights with the play of the day, but the referee is distracted by Siaki and Daniels brawling at ringside. Siaki slips behind Elix when he argues with the ref and hits the Money Clip neckbreaker to win it in 11 minutes.
**3/4   Had some good moments and stretches, and I generally enjoyed the Siaki commentary stretches, but this was a little chaotic in a bad way. The Dupps beat down Estrada afterwards when Siaki bails on him.
K-Krush threatens Goldylocks during his interview, and Scott Hall attacks him as part of his revenge quest. Teo the midget is joining the girls dancing in cages.
Midget Showcase Match Puppet the Psycho Dwarf vs Meatball
The sloppy brawling makes its way to Meatball's shopping cart filled with not weapons, but delicious Kroger groceries. Things quickly get weird. Puppet takes it after 6 minutes of watermelon shots and chair splashes. *1/2
Jasmine St Claire vs Francine
Jasmine is out to call out Francine and finish what they started in the back. They trade hair pulls and clothing tears for maybe a minute until Blue Meanie DDTs Francine. No stars.
X Division Title Match AJ Styles [c] vs Low-Ki
They trade a lot of strikes to start, going back and forth with hard hits and counters. ROH is namedropped as a hot independent show that will showcase the X Champ. Low Ki dodges an Asai moonsault to the outside, then kicks a charging AJ Styles to take control. He hooks his Dragon Clutch finisher on the apron and in the ropes for a sick spot. AJ takes control with a few moves in a row, including a great brainbuster, but he misses the Spiral Tap completely. The Ki-Krusher gets reversed into a DDT, then AJ catches Low Ki's top rope splash with the Styles Clash after 12 minutes.
***3/4   Great defense by AJ, and Low Ki still looked good and didn't lose too much momentum after his win last week.
Jerry Lynn destroys the champ with a spear on the ramp and then takes the beatdown to the ring with a ladder in tow. He hits a few moves on and against the ladder until he leaves AJ folded in a heap.
Brian Lawler vs Scott Hall
The fans boo and chant "Jerry's Kid" ahead of our main event. We get some Jerry Lawler facts in a long and boring promo. At long last, Hall's music interrupts and distracts until Brian is snuck up on. There's another good couple minutes of promo with Scott Hall sneaking behind Lawler just out of his view. Finally Hall starts throwing hands and brawling through ringside and the announce table. Lawler gets a mic to berate the crowd in between slow brawling at half speed. Hall finally runs through his signature spots in the ring. K-Krush interrupts him hitting The Edge, but he gets dumped and Hall finishes off Lawler right afterwards with it at 9 minutes.
*  Mostly a dreadful and slow "main event" style match, but it was decent to see Hall get his revenge.
K-Krush/Truth returns to get more revenge with his belt, including another choking and hanging. Hall gets another stretcher trip until Jeff Jarrett interrupts in a lazy paramedic outfit with a steel chair and starts smacking everybody. TNA was doing the angle after and during the credits before it was cool.
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1241
Monday, December 17, 2018
 I got sucked into the vortex that happens this time of year for social events that I couldn't avoid. We went out to dinner on Friday at Grow Your Roots Café in Kanata with our vegetarian friends to celebrate my and Brian's birthdays, which are two weeks apart in December. I actually enjoyed my beyond meat burger platter. Way better than A&W's, although to be fair I haven't had the fast food version yet, but Brian has. And their fries were excellent too. Saturday was date night with dinner at the Yangtze Restaurant on Somerset Street and then crossing Arthur Street to Bar Robo to see the Tony D Trio. I've always wanted to see Tony D play live and this was a great chance to do that. It was intimate and we got a great table. We stayed for both sets and got home just before midnight. Not bad for an old fogey. The rocking music helped me stay awake. Sunday morning found us at the Carleton Tavern having breakfast at 9 AM. We try to see Sam the chef before Christmas and wish him and his family all the best for the holidays. Sam spoils us. You can tell he piles a lot more food on our plates than for other diners. You get that when you've patronized a place for 40 years. And finally, I venture out tonight to go see the Aquaman movie with my Jee-Riz partner Chris. I hear Amber Heard is in it.
 X-23 #7 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Diego Olortegui (pencils) Walden Wong (inks) Chris O'Halloran (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). X-Assassin part 1. You can safely jump onto this book right here with this new story. Laura and Gabby help out the NYPD with a serial murder case and the killer is something brand new. I like the connection between the assassin, X-23 and Honey Badger and the new art team did a great job so I'm going to keep reading.
 Doctor Strange: The Best Defense #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Greg Smallwood (art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). By the Vishanti was this ever good. These Defender one-shots are thoroughly worth reading if you're a big Marvel Fan. Greg did a wonderful tribute to Steve Ditko in a two page spread and I loved his Clea. The stabby guy in the bed sheet is still killing aliens too.
 The Silver Surfer: The Best Defense #1 - Jason Latour (writer & art) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). My hopes for all of the Defenders one-shots to be stellar were dashed with this one. Norrin Radd doesn't even appear until way later in the story. It starts off incomprehensibly with a bunch of aliens and ends with a lot of new age gobbledy goop that the Surfer spouts while floating in space. The crazy knife wielding Halloween ghost only shows up in two panels so that was disappointing as well. The only thing I liked was when the Surfer's board takes off eh.
 Magic Order #5 - Mark Millar (writer) Olivier Coipel (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Peter Doherty (letters). This is the penultimate issue with many shocking revelations. It sets up next issue's conclusion beautifully. I can hardly wait to find out what happens.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1/LGY #241 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Yay! This did not suck. I was so afraid that the new Miles book would not stand up to the high standard that I put on it when Brian Michael Bendis was writing his adventures. Saladin Ahmed did an excellent job here and it helped that Javier Garron's art rocked the whole issue. You get all you need to know to enjoy this Spider-Man even if you didn't read the 240 issues leading up to this. I admit I did a little eye roll when the super villain showed up but then there's a twist that made me give a cheer. I can't wait for the next issue, and that's the magic that Brian used to make that kept me reading.
 The Batman Who Laughs #1 - Scott Snyder (writer) Jock (art) David Baron (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). I was going to give this 6-issue mini a pass because I didn't like the whole Dark Nights Metal storyline but I thought I'd give Scott Snyder another chance. He presents a very different kind of dark knight that I still do not like so I won't finish reading this story either, but that's just me. If you want to see what happens when Batman gets turned into the Joker (WTF?) then you'll want to read this.
 Goddess Mode #1 - Zoe Quinn (writer) Robbi Rodriguez (art) Rico Renzi (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). This new Vertigo book takes place in a very colourful future where folks live in a virtual reality because the real world sucks. Cassandra Price is a coder who works for the corporation that controls the VR. A glitch sends her into another reality and there she meets three other women and I think they go fight evil forces. This book is very bright and very tech and text heavy. I felt like I didn't get to know Cassandra very well before she gets transformed into a goddess and her situation is very confusing. This book is not to my taste unfortunately.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #3/LGY #11 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Gurihiru (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). A.I.M. has broken into Pym Labs to steal tech and Nadia must save her friends and keep the bad guys from getting away. These foes are quite formidable and even with the help of the original Wasp and Mockingbird, the bad guys win. I like the new A.I.M. villains and want to learn more about them.
 Avengers #11/LGY #701 - Jason Aaron (writer) Ed McGuinness & Cory Smith (pencils) Mark Morales, Scott Hanna & Karl Kesel (inks/finishers) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's the calm before the next storm. According to the cover Jason's other story in Thor, "The War of the Realms", will cross over into this book in 4 months. Meanwhile, T'Challa meets with some international super heroes to try and form an alliance to keep the world safe. Thor and She-Hulk go on a date and Phil Coulson explains why there's a Squadron Supreme of America. See, it's not always massive alien invasions and war with Namor.
 Fantastic Four Wedding Special #1 - This lead in one-shot to Fantastic Four #650 has 3 stories.
"(Invisible) Girls Gone Wild" by Gail Simone (writer) Laura Braga (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) & VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) is a silly bachelorette party at a strip joint with Alicia's friends and some of Sue's super powered buddies. I expected better from Gail.
"Father Figure" by Dan Slott (writer) Mark Buckingham (pencils) Mark Farmer (inks) Matt Yackey (colours) & VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) reminded me of who Alicia's step-father is. I was touched as I remembered asking Mr. Fowler for Penny's hand in marriage. I loved the job the two Marks did. I would have sworn Jack Kirby drew this.
"The Puppet Master's Lament" by Fred Hembeck (writer & art) & Megan Wilson (colours) was a monologue recap of Ben and Alicia's relationship. It was typical Fred Hembeck humour.
You really don't have to read this since there's nothing here that impacts the wedding much but it's a nice accompaniment to the big day.
 Sasquatch Detective #1 - Brandee Stilwell (creator & writer). This $7.99 US 64-page special continues the beloved tradition of silly funny animal comic books that used to rule the racks. Too bad it doesn't cost 25 cents like back in the fifties. You get the origin story by Ron Randall (art) Ross Campbell (colours) & Dave Sharpe (letters). This will tell you how Tonya Mae Lightfoot from the Appalachian Mountains leaves her Sasquatch family to go to Los Angeles and join the LAPD. What follows are five short stories where Tonya solves crimes. I would not have wanted to read this big book normally, but the art throughout is really good. Thanks to Gustavo Vazques (art) & Chris Sotomayor (colours) in "Sasquatch Anniversary"; Gustavo Vazques (art) & Ross Campbell (colours) in "Unsolved Mysteries", "Neighbourhood Watch", "Arrest and Relaxation" & "Smoke and Mirrors". There are even some cameos by some DC heroes as a bonus.
 Batman Annual #3 - Tom Taylor (writer) Otto Schmidt (art) A Larger World's Troy Peteri (letters). If Tom King ever leaves Batman I hope that Tom Taylor takes over the writing chores. I love when Alfred is featured but only if it's very well written and this story is very well written indeed. The relationship between Alfred and Batman/Bruce is special and this story proves just how special. If you're a Batman fan but don't normally get the annual, you have to get this one.
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