#Jeremy swayman imagines
ilyasorokinn · 6 months
what's in a name , jeremy swayman
note, i love them, i do. and i'm not even a boston fan. anyways, this fic is part of the "swinging with the swaymans" series. check out this masterlist for more. pair, jeremy swayman x reader summary, y/n surprises jeremy at practice with baby eli, where they then surprise linus (and the team) with eli's full name. warnings, babies word count, 1159 words
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(gif not mine)
“Bye Bye,” Jeremy spoke in a baby voice as he said his goodbyes to Elijah. You watched, waiting to take your son from him when he was done. It was Jeremy’s first day back at practice, which, since Elijah was born, would be the longest they had been apart.
“We’ll be okay, won’t we, Eli?” You shook his little hand softly, “Tell Daddy we’ll be okay.” you smiled up at Jeremy, who looked nervous. Elijah babbled his baby talk, whining when he was moved from his dad’s arms and into yours, but quickly settled down.
"I’ll miss you both.” He frowned, leaning in and pecking your lips.
“I’ll miss you, too. And so will Eli, even if he doesn’t know it.” You smiled, leaning up and pecking him back.
“I love you both,”
“We love you, too, Jer.” You sighed, waving Elijah’s little hand as Jeremy picked up his bags. he slung the duffle bag over his shoulder then pressed one more quick kiss to each of your heads before he stared longingly at you and waved.
“Go.” You laughed, pushing him out the door carefully. Once he was gone, you set your plan in motion. You packed your bags and got Elijah situated in the car. You were thankful that he had distracted himself and wasn't screaming his head off.
You transferred him from the car seat to the baby carrier, making sure he was comfortable and warm, making funny faces at him and smiling when he giggled at them.
You greeted the security guards, who peeked into the baby carrier, making his own funny face, and smiled when Eli giggled at him. You decided to take the long way to show Eli around, even though he wouldn't remember or understand anything you were showing him.
You finally made it to the rink and couldn't but smile when you heard all the guys laughing and skating around. You carefully got Eli out of the carrier and pointed out all the guys to him.
Eli's eyes were wide as he took everything in. From the glass to the ice to the skates to the guys, "There's daddy." You pointed across the ice over to the other side of the rink where Jeremy was in front of the net.
Eli followed your hand but no look of recognition crossed his face, which made sense. Eli's attention was quickly taken when Charlie Coyle stopped in front of you and was waving to him. You could tell he was basking in the attention he was getting from the guys because of how big the smile on his face was.
Practice had seemingly halted as all the guys had skated over to say hi, which confused Jeremy. He couldn't tell what was going on from the other end of the ice, so he skated over.
Once he got closer, he finally saw who had distracted everyone. He took off his mask as he skated closer. Once Eli saw his dad, a look of recognition finally crossed his face and he smiled. A path was formed and Jeremy skated through, a smile on his face too.
"Hi, buddy." He beamed, waving and making funny faces at Eli, which sent him into a fit of giggles and laughs which, in turn, made Jeremy smile even bigger.
Eventually, an assistant coach came over and broke up the scene. You watched Jeremy skate backward, a pout on his face as you laughed and waved Eli's hand at him again. You pointed over to the general area where you would be sitting to watch practice and that seemed to brighten his mood.
You stayed for the rest of warmups, which was only about 20 minutes, but Eli fell asleep halfway through and was out. You sat in the bleachers, even after practice was over, waiting for Jeremy to come out.
While you waited, you talked to the security guard who was always by the glass during warmups. He entertained Eli with some funny faces, joked around with you, and showed you pictures of his grandbaby who had been born just a few months before.
Eventually, after about half an hour, Jeremy came out, which you were expecting. What you didn't expect was almost half the team to come out with him. Practically the entire team had come out of the locker room to see Eli.
"They wanted to meet him." He shrugged, setting his bags down and taking the baby from you. You smiled, accepting the hug from a few of the guys. You watched as all the guys fawned over Eli. Your heart warmed at the smile on Jeremy's face as he held Eli and showed him around the circle of guys.
"So, tell us, what's his name?" You broke through into the circle, stood by Jeremy, and smiled.
"His name is Elijah Linus Swayman," Jeremy stated, a proud smile on his face as he looked over at the other goaltender, who was standing there, frozen, as he took everything in.
The guys patted him on the back and cheered for him. Jeremy handed Eli over to you as Linus pulled him in for a hug. When they pulled away, Linus turned to you and pulled you in for a hug, careful not to disturb Eli too much.
"Do you want to hold him?" You asked. The look on his face melted your heart, and once he was ready, you set Eli in his arms. Linus began cooing over the baby and couldn't stop smiling.
Eli eventually went around the circle and each of the guys got to hold him, cooing and fawning over him. While all the guys were busy fawning over your baby, Linus turned to you and Jeremy with a smile on his face.
"Thank you both for this. I'm truly honored." He put a hand to his heart as he spoke, "This is the sweetest thing."
"Well, would you pass out if we asked you to be his godfather too?" Jeremy asked, laughing at the shocked look on his face once again.
"Really?" He asked, his voice squeaky.
"Really." You both nodded, laughing when he quickly pulled you both in for a hug. Eventually, the guys started saying goodbye and began filing out to leave.
You turned to Jeremy when it was just you and him, "This was a nice surprise." Jeremy smiled, setting Eli down in the carrier and wrapping you in a hug, "I wasn't expecting to see you two until after practice."
"Wanted to surprise you." You hummed, looking up at him, "I'm ready to go home." He smiled, kissing your head.
"Let's go home. We'll take your car and I'll catch a ride tomorrow."
"Yeah?" You raised a brow at him, throwing the diaper bag strap over your shoulder while Jeremy did the same with his own bag.
"Yeah. You can sleep on the ride home." He threw an arm around your shoulders while the other pushed the stroller.
my taglist: @kolsmikaelson @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @mista-svech @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @talksoprettyjjx @tdd2323 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @beccaiscold @puckbunnyforsway @its-bitchin-belle-bitches @voidvannie @cixrosie @luvvtrent
add yourself to my taglist!
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pennylanefics · 2 months
New Job - Jeremy Swayman
a/n: hello! this is my first time writing for hockey, so please be aware :) i am a baseball girlie through and through but thanks to tiktok i now have a new obsession and new crushes, which means new motivation to write :D
summary: refer to this request
word count: ~2.6k
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A new city, a new team, and a new opportunity. It was all so exciting, but that also came with stepping out of your comfort zone.
With your new position as a photographer for the Boston Bruins, you were being introduced to everyone on the team, every manager, every coach, a ton of people. However, you were a very shy person, preferring to keep to yourself most of the time; it’s why photography was perfect for you.
But it was all part of the job, to get to know the people you are photographing and allow them to trust you and feel comfortable around you, enough for them to smile for the camera and not ignore you. And you would be absolutely crazy if you turned this offer down, sports photography is your dream, and to be able to live it every day was wonderful.
This whole process was a regular occurrence for you, as you had bounced around a few teams, so it was nothing out of the ordinary, but things felt different this time around. When it was time to finally meet the team before practice one day, you sat near the entrance where players come in, with the other photographer who was “training” you, in a sense, and showing you around the arena and such.
Everyone was very nice and friendly, asking where you came from, how long you’ve been doing this, getting to know you a little bit better, it was great. But when Jeremy Swayman walked in, everything lit up. He was on his own, a black backpack on his back, a beanie covering his hair, but he had a huge smile on his face.
“Hello, hello!!” He begins to walk you and Cindy, the other photographer by your side. “You must be new.” He stops in front of you and reaches his hand out.
“I’m (Y/N), I’m the new additional photographer for the team,” you introduce yourself, shaking his hand. Both of you pause as your hands meet, taking notice of how warm and soft his skin is, gazing into his eyes as you do.
“I’m Jeremy, it’s nice to meet you. So you’ll be the one following us around with a phone and asking us questions as we walk into practice?” He teases, nudging your arm gently, feeling comfortable doing so.
“Uh, no, not exactly,” you chuckle, looking down at your camera. “I’ll be the one up in the rafters taking aeiral shots and be on the sidelines during games,.” His eyes widen in surprise as you describe part of your duties.
“Are you serious? That’s sick.” Since no one else was coming in right now, you took a moment to show him some of your popular photos with other teams, one of which being a shot from above after the Florida Panthers beat the Carolina Hurricanes, sending them to the Stanley Cup, confetti falling all around the rink, the team crowding together to celebrate.
“Wait, I saw this photo! The NHL posted it in like a photo dump they did of that week’s games. This is yours?”
“Yeah, all mine,” your face heats up a little at how excited he is. There was no denying it, Jeremy is a very handsome man, and you had to admit, when you got into photographing hockey, he was one of the first players that you had a small crush on.
“Well, you’re incredibly talented,” he compliments, sending you a wink while beginning to walk away. “See you around, (Y/N)!” He threw up a piece sign and was off to the locker room to get ready for practice.
“Jeremy’s the sunshine of the team, literally,” Cindy finally says, the last few players finally coming through the doors, both of you pausing to snap some candids.
“He is?”
“He always has a smile on his face and is almost always in a good mood. So if you need cheering up, he’s the one to go to.”
“Isn’t that unprofessional, though?”
“Not here. I’ve been with this team for years, they do things a little differently. They enjoy getting to know the media and those that work around them, becoming work friends and such. But if that’s uncomfortable for you, feel free to tell them, or me. I’ll put a stop to it.”
“No, no, it’s alright. It’s nice that they treat photographers and others not within the actual team like human beings,” a chuckle escapes you, deciding that keeping your mouth shut regarding how a team you previously worked for outside of the NHL was like.
Your first game went quite well, the Bruins ended up winning against the Colorado Avalanche, giving you the perfect opportunity to capture the iconic goalie hug between Jeremy and Linus. With your camera lined up, Jeremy comes into view and skates right to Linus, you snap photo after photo, not taking your finger off the shutter button.
After they skate off the ice, you smile to yourself, knowing you got some good ones. Finding Cindy in all the chaos of fans cheering and trying to leave, she guides you down the tunnel and back to the makeshift office that’s usually set up for the media.
She goes through all the steps of how to upload the photos for the editors, and even though all of it was pretty similar to other teams, it was nice having a refresher and getting to know their way of doing things. She describes the process of what is expected after games, setting everything up that you would need, and making sure you had everything and were ready to go for their next game in a couple days.
As time goes by, you start to get the hang of things with your new team. Everything was going smoother than you expected, you were quickly finding your place here, and it was all working out so well.
One night, after a rather tough loss to the Leafs, you sat in the media room, scrolling through the photos you took throughout the game, exhaustion setting in, the long day finally catching up with you. Suddenly, a soft knock sounds, your body turning around on instinct to find the source.
There stands Jeremy, a smile on his face, clean and dressed in his post-game clothes.
“How’d the photos come out?” 
He made a small habit of doing this. On his way out of the stadium after games, he would make a stop by your office, saying hi and asking if he could see some photos. You would always tell him that the raw photos aren’t going to be the best and there would be a ton to look through every time, but he didn’t care.
He claims to enjoy your company and the peace and quiet of the office after such intense games. But you were your normal self, not very talkative, doing your job as you would if he was not beside you, and oftentimes forgetting that he was even there.
“So, what’s your postgame routine? What do you like to do once you get home?” Jeremy asks as you pack your things up, carefully placing your camera in its protective bag. After shutting your laptop down, you slide it into the case, and then the case into your backpack.
“I sometimes get food on the way home, or I head straight home, shower, get ready for bed, and  then read or scroll on social media, depending on what I’m in the mood for,” you explain softly, gathering all of your things, wanting to head home.
“What kind of books do you like?” He was wanting to make conversation, and you didn’t have the heart to tell him you were far too burnt out from running around the arena, especially since you’ve been here since early in the morning.
“Mainly romance and fantasy,” you grin. Jeremy doesn’t seem deterred by your short response, but he can tell, just by your body language, that you’d like to get going.
“That’s a nice way to escape the world after days like this. Well, I’ll see you around, have a nice night,” he smiles and waves at you as he exits the room, leaving you on your own.
That’s how things continued for every game. You ended up telling Cindy one day, and she couldn’t help but laugh; since you were with the media team, you got to room together at hotels for away games. The team was in Seattle to play the Kraken, and since it was a late game, you didn’t need to be at the arena until closer to four.
That’s how the two of you ended up sharing experiences you’ve had with the team and specific players, and Cindy lands on none other than the brunette goalie.
“Sway has actually told me that he’s been sitting with you while you browse through the photos after games,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner. Your face heats up at her statement, and you hide your face in your hands.
“He, uh, he does. I told him it’s nothing special, but he insists it’s a nice way to decompress.”
“He told me that you’re quiet,” she says. You freeze and stare at her. Immediately, her eyes widen and she feels embarrassed. “Oh! No, no, I didn’t mean to make it sound like he said it in a bad way. But he…okay, don’t tell him I told you this, but he thinks it’s sweet. I promise. And, it is pretty cute.”
“What is?” You wonder. Your heart was racing with all of this, you didn’t think Jeremy thought of you in that way, but here you were.
“You know, the sunshine, golden retriever boyfriend and the black cat girlfriend. You’re grumpy, he’s sunshine.”
“I’m not grumpy,” you defend, crossing your arms. “Just…quiet.”
“Exactly. Jer really enjoys being with you, from what he’s told me. And he said you even let him edit some photos?” You chuckle softly and look down at your hands that relaxed in your lap.
“I let him edit some of him and Linus for fun. I didn’t send them off to the actual editors or social media team, I promise, it was a little-”
“I think you should,” she cuts you off, her eyes lighting up. “That would be such a neat idea, if we let the players edit photos of themselves and send them to the admins for their socials!” She starts going on and on about the idea and how it would be such a fun concept, if the players even want to participate.
“We’ll have to ask either during arrivals or on the plane tomorrow if they’d be up for it.”
She continues on, but your mind was on Jeremy, he thought you were charming and sweet, and that’s all you cared about.
After the game ends in another loss, right on time, Jeremy steps into your little makeshift office, and you were more than prepared for him this time.
“Am I allowed to see these shots tonight? Or should I wait until they’re posted in an article?” He wonders. You chuckle quietly and shake your head. He had mentioned to you the last time that he reads articles here and there just for the off chance that your photos are included. And you couldn’t ignore the flutter in your heart when he told you this.
“I got a pretty good one of you making a save in the first period,” you say, turning your laptop towards him to show him. His left leg was stretched out just as the puck makes contact with the padding, blocking it and shoving it away.
“Shit, who knew I’d look so good making saves,” he jokes, running a hand over his slightly damp hair, having showered already.
You laugh with him and turn the laptop back, remembering what you and Cindy talked about earlier in the day.
“I think I already know your answer for this, but Cindy and I were talking and she thinks it would be fun to get you and the guys to maybe edit some photos, like you did, but they would actually be posted. With credits for the editing, of course,” you tease. Just like Cindy, his eyes light up in amazement.
“Hell yes!” He immediately responds, scooting closer to you to look at any more photos he could edit. “Can I do like five? Because one was not enough, I wanna do more.” You can’t help but smile at his eagerness, allowing him to scroll through some of the better photos you’ve taken the past few games.
“You can do as many as you’d like but I can’t promise they’d all get posted. If you want to ask the guys if they’d be interested, I’ll have one person come in here after every game and edit, and then we’ll have a collection in a few weeks to post.”
“Uh, I think it would be a good idea, but…” he starts, but pauses his train of thought, his hand coming up to tug at his lip as he silently decides if he should continue.
“But…what?” You push, hoping he would just speak his mind.
“I like this being our thing,” he murmurs, shy, almost. He doesn’t meet your eyes, and this is a different side of Jeremy you haven’t seen before.
“What?” You are very lost with what he’s trying to say, but you give him time to explain himself.
“I like having this time with you, after games. It’s become a routine for me, something I look forward to, and I really love being in your presence, especially after tough games that end in losses. It’s like you reading fantasy books, it takes you out of reality, and for a time, I can forget that I took part in a loss for my team and take my mind away from it.”
“By looking at photos of said game?” You counteract. But Jeremy sees your point. How can he be taken away from a game his team lost when he’s actively looking at photos of them losing from the entire night?
“By…being around you,” he whispers, looking up at you. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire at this point. Was he being serious? “Spending time with you, everything else disappears. And I know that sounds cheesy and we don’t fully know each other aside from talking about your work and such, but, if you are up for it, I’d like to take you out on a real date.”
Now you were beyond confused, but thoroughly surprised in a good way. And by your reaction, or lack thereof, he must have assumed you weren’t interested, because he immediately deflects.
“Or, if you prefer we keep things professional, that’s totally okay. I understand you work for the team and it would complicate things, but-”
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Sway,” you reply, a small smile stretching on your face. He slowly grins and leans closer to you.
“Really?” He asks in disbelief.
“Yeah. I think you’re a very wonderful guy and I’d love to get to know you outside of this…informal and professional setting, let’s put it that way,” you laugh, turning towards him to let him know you were serious.
“Good. Because I think you’re very cute and I need more than these after-game meetings,” he replies, a bright smile on his face as well.
“So are you going to be upset if I ask the other guys to come in here and do the same, to edit photos?” You wonder, your voice dripping with a teasing tone. Jeremy laughs softly and leans over and kisses your cheek.
“As long as none of the meetings end the way this one did tonight, I’ll be alright.”
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hughes86-43 · 2 months
Thank you so much for feeding the sway girlies🙏🙏 I feel like “I hate to ask this . . . but whenever I’m sick there’s a movie I watch . . . can we watch The Spongebob Movie?” Is something Jeremy swayman would genuinely say
(sway def needs more attention)
“I hate to ask this… but whenever I’m sick there’s a movie I watch… can we watch the SpongeBob Movie?”
Jeremy had called you twenty minutes ago on your way home from work saying that he didn’t feel the greatest. You stopped by the pharmacy to grab some medicine and snacks for him, and some snacks for yourself too.
You placed the bags on the counter and walked down the hallway to your shared bedroom to find your sick boyfriend. When you reach the bedroom, you find him shirtless in bed with the covers up to his neck and a washcloth on his forehead, while watching a random cooking show.
“Aw, babe. How are you feeling?” You walk over to him and put your hand up to his cheeks, that are a bit rosy.
“Ehhh,” is all you get as a response, but you take it.
“Okay, give me one second, I’m going to put your washcloth back under the sink to get it cold again.” He just gives you a thumbs up. As you take the washcloth of his head, you give him a small peck on the forehead.
You walk to your conjoined bathroom and run the washcloth back under the water. You turn back to the bedroom, taking off your shoes before walking back to him. You sit next to him on the bed and gently place it back on his forehead and he lets out a sigh when he can feel it cooling him down.
“I stopped by the pharmacy and got you some medicine and some snacks.” You run your hand through his hair. “I’m going to get the medicine ready for you, is there anything that you need right now?”
He nods his head yes at that. “Okay, what do you need, baby?”
He speaks so low that it’s like a whisper, but you manage to hear it. “I hate to ask this… but whenever I’m sick there’s a movie I watch… can we watch the SpongeBob Movie?”
You’re heart melts at how cute he is. You nod your head, “Of course, babe, let me go get your medicine and we will turn it on, okay?”
He gives you a small smile, and replies, “Okay, hurry back.” You get off the side of the bed and place another kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll be right back! Get comfy for me!”
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sportswriters · 1 month
dating a rival - j. swayman
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pairing: jeremy swayman x reader | suggestive, a bit smutty | established relationship | wc: 729 | warnings: swearing, dirty talking, sub!jeremy
welcome post!
dating a rival wasn’t easy. when you had to move from north carolina to boston for a job opportunity, being present as a carolina hurricanes fan became impossible. you cheered from the comfort of your home, missing the energy that only raleigh could build at the pnc arena. game day. you were split between your home team and your boyfriend’s performance. the hardest thing to deal was that jeremy couldn’t help being a fucking great goalie. the bruins weren't doing that well, but jeremy blocked every single shot from the opponent. frustrated groans left your mouth the whole game. no water, no pacing around, no hair grabbing were enough to calm you down.
“fuck. jer, why do you have to be so good?” you muttered, answering yourself seconds after, “yeah, that’s what caught my attention in the first place. fuck.”
he texted you as soon as he finished his interview, so you called him.
“hi, baby! congrats on the win, i’m so proud of you for dealing with the canes all by yourself!”
he laughed, knowing how pissed off you probably were for the loss.
“thank you, love. how are you feeling? don’t pretend to be only happy for me.”
“it was a great game, i’m proud of my other goalie too, okay?” you sighed. “you should come over, i’m gonna get us some food. it’s gonna be delivery, though. i have no brain cells left to cook.”
“no plans on poisoning my food?” he joked.
“i have some plans for you, but none of them are deadly.” you bit your lip, trying to contain yourself. lowering your voice, almost as a whisper, you said:  “come over.”
jeremy froze on the other side of the line.
“okay. be there soon.”
after dinner, you talked about the game from two different perspectives. it was chill, a moment to catch up as a couple, some laughs and all of that. but deep inside jeremy couldn’t stop thinking about the real reason you’d invited him over. couldn’t stop thinking of having you all over him tonight after this win.
“i can see your thoughts working, jer. do you want to say something else?”
“i was wondering if you, hum, if you had something other than dinner in mind.”
you tilted your head, faking a confusion jeremy didn’t notice because of how nervous he was.
“well, in fact, i was thinking of congratulating you. but i didn’t want to jump right into it.”
jeremy nodded.
“do you want that right now?”
he was trying to put himself together, finding it hard to do such a thing when your eagle eyes were watching him like that.
“tell me what you had in mind.”
you got up from your cuddling position to sit on his lap. with a soft caress on his bearded cheek, you said: “i’m really proud of you. i’m proud of how fucking great you were out there.” you gave him a peck, his eyes didn’t lose focus once. “so, this is how it’s going to be… i’m going to give you everything you deserve, you’ll decide what it is. i’ll give you everything you want, jer, because you worked for it.”
you adjusted yourself on his lap, getting a helpless moan from him. he was gone already.
“i need you to tell me what you want, baby, i need your words.” your voice turned into a whisper as you got close to his ear, leaving soft kisses on the side of his neck. “want me to start by sucking your cock? let you go all the way down my throat? or do you want me to slide over it right now? i could let you come inside, you know? i think it’s a proper special occasion.”
you could feel him hardening. all the talking with soft kisses were leaving his mind blurred.
“jer, i need your words. this time it should be all about you, then in my turn i would get what i deserve. don’t you think that’s fair enough?” you grabbed his chin, facing his fucked up expression.
you waited for his response, noticing his every move. it was fun to have him like this once in a while, you were going to enjoy every step of the long way.
“please, just… just kiss me and we’ll go from there, okay?” he gulped. “just fucking kiss me right now.”
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martiny0rk · 4 months
Jeremy Swayman
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cowboybarzy · 4 months
could you please do D28 and D43 for jeremy swayman where you’re riding him and he’s vocal about liking how you scratch him up 🥵🤤
god I love sway so so so so much and need with such passion! thank you for the request and keep it coming
wc: 1k
cw: dirty talk, piv, somewhat rough sex; SMUT 18+
just keep this in mind while you read this 🤤🤤
28. “I want you to leave marks.” & 43. “Don’t be gentle.”
gif by @snoopyfl
welcome home, baby
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“Fuck, Jer,” you moaned loudly when you sank down on his hard cock. He groaned just as loudly, finally feeling your soaking wet pussy squeeze around him after days of being gone.
“So good, so wet for me,” Jeremy whispered and latched his lips onto your neck when your head fell back with another moan when he was buried to the hilt. His lips sucked and kissed your skin, bringing you more pleasure as you got used to his cock stretching you. His teeth scraped your neck, eventually biting you ever so softly, but enough to make you yelp and thrust your hips.
Jeremy chuckled lightly and kissed his way back up to your lips. His hands gripped your hips more tightly, urging you to start moving – and you did. Slowly at first, easing him deeper into you. “Fuck,” you moaned, as your nails scratched along his shoulders for stability. Your eyes rolled back as the tip of his cock pressed further than you thought possible. “You’re so deep.”
"Yeah," he panted in agreement, "You’re little pussy is taking me so well."
You started grinding into him faster, lifting your hips slightly, loving the feeling of him slipping back into you so deeply. Jeremy’s hand lifted from your hip and cradled the side of your head when you dropped your forehead against his. “Jer.” His name was just a whisper which he swallowed with a passionate kiss as you kept grinding against him. His thumb swiped your lips aggressively before pushing through them into your mouth. With an appreciative groan, your lips closed around it and sucked, just like you had been sucking on his cock just a few minutes ago.
“Good girl.” His gentleness suddenly vanished with hard slap against your ass. Jeremy moved from the sitting position, keeping you on top of him, so that his back lay flat against the couch cushions. His hands tightly back on your hips helped your movements, up and down, rocking back and forth on his cock, quicker and quicker.
"Oh my god, oh my god," you chanted, "it's s-so good, Jer, it feels so good—"
He bit his lip as he watched you, and you loved how it felt to have those hazel eyes looking up and down your body as you moved. Your hands supported themself on his chest and with every thrust your nails scratched further and deeper into his skin. But when you realized how much you were actually hurting him, you switched to holing onto the couches arm rest. “Don’t.” Jeremy brought your hands back to his chest. “I want you to leave marks.”
So your freshly manicured nails, which Jeremy had paid for, kept digging into his skin, leaving marks. Jeremy bent his knees and without any warning started thrusting into you relentlessly. His hands roamed your body, with one hand ending up in your hair, holding on to a bunch while he kept up his hard thrust into you. You shuddered all over as the curve of his cock rubbed against your sensitive spot aggressively and you broke down against him with a sob.
“Yes! More. Don’t be gentle.” You arched your back and his your face in the crock of his neck, letting the pleasure wash over you as you crept closer to your orgasm.
“So fucking tight,” Jeremy groaned, grunting more filthy words into your ear. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl for me, baby.”
His strong arm swung around your hips holding them in place as his thrusts somehow became faster. Moving faster, you felt the pressure building inside you, pulsing and swelling. But after a few more ruthless thrusts, he stopped and pulled your head up by your hair to meet his lips for a kiss. It was a hungry, dominating kiss, one that made you whine as he tasted all over your tongue and mouth. So close to your orgasm, you started desperately grinding your hips again and you kissed and kissed.
Eventually his hand moved out of your hair and you felt it gently curl around your neck. He didn't let go of your neck, as you kept kissing, but eventually he tightened his grip just enough to make you choke out a raspy moan against his lips, which you felt smirk a moment later.
He pushed you upright, never stopping your rocking movements, and watched as you let out small moans with his hand around your neck and his cock deep inside your pussy. He could feel you clench around him, getting tighter, so he nodded. “Yeah, show me how you make yourself come.”
You really didn’t need much more, but still you started bouncing faster and finally rubbed your clit. Just for him to watch as you chased your high, which hit you in intense waves that seemed never ending.
“You’re so good for me,” he grunted, as his hips started speeding up again, now chasing his own orgasm. Whimpering as he fucked your through your orgasm and straight into another one, you felt your walls bearing down on him as it nearly hit you — the way it was drawn out just made you sure it would build up even stronger and hit you harder.
“I’m gonna come again,” you let out in a small whimper.
“Fuck, yes, baby. Come on my cock,” he grunted, pulling you back into him and therefore slamming into you harder. “I’m so close, too.”
“I want you to come in me.” It turned him on just as much as it did you, so you repeated yourself when his grunts got more desperate and his thrusts more sloppy. “Come in me, Jer. I need it. Need to be so fucking full.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, as he finally reached his high at the same time your second orgasm came crushing in. Your nails dug back into his skin, so deeply, as you felt his cock pulse inside you, heat flooding between your legs and his head falling back onto the couch with the most gorgeous fucked-out look on his face.
"God— oh my god—" Jeremy panted out, still in the post orgasm haze, starting to catch his breath. With your last remaining energy, you lifted yourself just enough to kiss him gently.
“Welcome home, baby.”
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sc0tters · 4 months
Long Time Coming | Jeremy Swayman
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summary: you’ve been in love with each other for years, so surely you guys have picked up on it by now
request: yes/no
warnings: mild swearing?
word count: 2.21k
authors note: this is my first time writing for any of the bruins players and I have to say that this is really one of my favourites that I have written in a while. This is the softness we all deserved before I get to something a little more fiery tomorrow for valentines day!
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It was a friendship that was never meant to work. 
Jeremy was a popular hockey player and you were a journalism major who preferred spending her time in the library as opposed to the dorms. You swore that the hockey team on campus was bound to all be irritating but when you ended up in a class with Jeremy. Surprised to say that you were paired up with a hockey player for your pottery course was an understatement. 
But three weeks in to your first semester and you found your random elective quickly becoming your favorite class. The goalie made you feel alive as he brought this spark to your life. His teammates started seeing less of him at parties and they were confused until they finally met you. 
Jeremy spent weeks convincing you to finally come to his game. Of course the tale went that when you showed up it was his first shut out game of his college career. Even as the crowd chanted his name, all he wanted was to look for you. It was like clockwork when the boys saw Jeremy lock eyes with you. 
That was the first time that the boys realized Jeremy was in love. The way he spun you around, gushing about how you were his lucky charm. It was also the night that seemed to be the turning point in your relationship with Jeremy. He was no longer your classmate, he was your friend and soon to be your best friend. 
Years had gone by, Jeremy had made his way to the NHL and you had finally graduated. It was funny how you had grown attached to each other, like the moment you left college you were in Boston. Jeremy had you in the guest bedroom of his apartment which made life tougher than ever. 
It was Valentine’s Day and you ended up in his dorm after he revealed that his girlfriend was cheating on him. 
Jeremy swore you had never shown up as fast as you did there. The boy didn’t even time to fully open his door before you were in his arms  “hey Jer.” You sighed as his body clung to yours “she left me.” Jeremy sobbed as tears streamed down his cheeks. 
You rubbed his back desperate to ease his pain “you are better without her.” You mumbled kissing his shoulder as you raked your fingers through his hair “you know I’m not.” Jeremy had spoken to you of how he loved her like she was his world. 
The boy huffed into your neck “I brought everything we need tonight.” Your words made him furrow his eyebrows as he pulled away from you “for what?” Jeremy saw the plastic bag in your hand that had a mixed bunch of goods. 
You took the opportunity to walk into his room as you shut the door behind you “because we are going to eat our feelings away tonight.” You smiled pulling out two tubs of ice cream knowing that neither one of you were about to share. 
Jeremy couldn’t help but smile as he ran his fingers over his jaw “I can’t ask you to stay with me on Valentine’s Day.” He shook his head as it made your lips curl upright “then it’s a good thing that I’m insisting.” You shot back as you held the pint out in his direction. 
It was your kindness that Jeremy first fell in love with. The way you would think about giving someone the shirt off of your back if it could help them. Jeremy felt his heart grow full at the way you were always in the TD Garden with young fans helping them get his attention during warm ups and at the end of games. 
He had grown so comfortable with you and maybe that was his fault. Everyone treated you like you were his girlfriend because you were his partner. You might not have been his romantically but in life you were clearly his. 
That’s why it was so surprising to see you in your room getting ready for a date “you look nice.” Jeremy let his bag drop to the floor as he had come home from practice “thank you.” You smiled plumping your lips together as it coated your lipstick around your lips. 
The hockey player had to admit that he was confused as he leaned against the wall “do you think that he will like it?” You asked as you did a little spin letting him see your outfit in full. It was a blue dress that looked perfect on your skin as the springtime came in “you look perfect.” Jeremy nodded as he felt his chest pang “he?” The boy repeated your words as he froze. 
Watching you grab your phone from your table you rolled your eyes “remember when I told you I was going out with Taylor for lunch.” You motioned to the calendar that had the date and time that you were meant to see him “I didn’t know that Taylor was a dude!” Jeremy’s words brought a scoff to your lips as you crossed your arms. 
He was quick to mentally curse himself as he saw you furrow your eyebrows “why does the gender of my date matter to you?” You cocked your head pressing your finger against his chest “because.” It seemed that in that moment all Jeremy wanted was to tell you that he loved you yet he had all but forgotten how to talk. 
Your foot tapped against the wooden flooring as you awaited an answer “you want to give me an answer?” You watched him practically crawl back into himself as he sighed “have a nice night Jeremy.” He gasped at the feeling of your shoulder hitting his as you walked straight to the front door not giving him a chance to talk.
Jeremy was left wallowing in his emotions as he stared at the different pictures of you two that lived in his phone. The time he surprised you by making it to your graduation, the time you were there for his NHL debut. Even the picture of you two at one of his teammates weddings when Jeremy was caught staring at you. 
That was the day when his current teammates realised that Jeremy was in love with you “you will not believe it!” You groaned as you slammed the door behind you “you’re home early.” The boy mumbled going quiet as he was met with a glare.
Jeremy frowned as he watched you collapse onto the couch next to him “think he wanted to go on a date with you before me.” You complained resting your head on his shoulder “I’m sorry you had a bad date.” The hockey player was quick to wrap his arm around you.
Like always you melted into his touch “no you’re not.” You mumbled feeing him kiss your head “just like that I was right.” Jeremy could have lied but you knew him far too well for the chance to go unnoticed. 
You couldn’t help but laugh “you’re such an ass.” A giggle left your lips as Jeremy turned to look at you “sorry you let this outfit go to waste on him.” His hand ran along your cheek “you like my outfit.” You batted your eyelashes as you smiled. 
Jeremy nodded enjoying the feeling of your soft skin against his thumb “like anything you wear.” He mumbled beginning to turn his head to yours. Like clockwork his eyes shut and just as yours did your phone began to ring “shoot.” You groaned seeing your mom’s contact appear on the screen. 
It hit the boy like a cold shower as he watched you get up grabbing your phone “hey mom.” You tan your fingers through your hair as you sent Jeremy a sorry look “yeah I can talk.” You nodded along walking back into your room as you began catching her up on the events of your day. 
As the evening turned into night and the hours went on, Jeremy didn’t see you again as he had gone to bed. Whilst the lights in the apartment were off both of your minds were active. Truthfully neither one of you remembered what it was like to have your minds this full. 
Jeremy stared at the pictures on his phone of you two and he couldn’t help but curse your mom for calling. Especially after you called your mom this cool woman who was your best friend, that was a far cry from what he would have described as a cock block. 
What he didn’t know was that you were pacing outside of his door. You hadn’t even noticed but halfway through your phone call with your mom you were bringing up how you wanted kiss your roommate. Because of course you had been in love with him since your college days too. Yet yours came from your time in class together. 
You had been in the lecture hall for five minutes as you set yourself up in the middle of the rows. Whilst students came flooding into the cramped room, you were too focused on your phone to notice how Jeremy walked right to you “this seat taken?” The question was innocently asked with a voice barely above a whisper that you didn’t even care to look up as you instead opted to nod. 
It gave Jeremy the chance to settle in next to you “I’m Jeremy.” Even as you two had been in classes together, he had never gotten the chance to see you, especially not like this “Y/n.” You took his hand that he held out for you to shake. 
A smile formed on his lips as he couldn’t help but study your facial features that stood before him in all their glory as you woke up late with little to no time for make up that morning “I know.” Jeremy grinned seeing your lips curve upward “you know?” Your words were playful as you didn’t believe him.
The boy laughed as he nodded “think you’re real pretty y/n.” Your name sounded like honey as it rolled off of his tongue “think that’s enough flirting from you for one day Swayman.” You tucked your hair behind your ear avoiding how wide your smile had grown as you avoided his stare when your cheeks turned red. 
The memories of that day made you smile as you never thought you would fall in love with him. But you couldn’t help but come back to your dorm to gush to your mom about how different your expectations of him were. Yet all of those thoughts were pushed to the back of your mind as the boys door opened letting you be met by his chest. 
You almost fell back as Jeremy’s quick reaction time pulled you closer to him as he steadied your feet “what are you doing awake?” His voice was low as he watched you gulp “couldn’t sleep.” Your fingers ran over his bare chest as you looked up at him. 
If eyes were the key to the soul then the two of you were currently open books “you?” Your lips pursed together as the tension between you both could have been cut by a knife “couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged as he reached behind your head tucking your hair behind your ear.
Jeremy loved how you smiled up at him “what’s on your mind?” He asked noting how your eyebrow arched like something was on your mind “you.” The word came from your lips like it word vomit. 
But as his expression turned surprised it made you go quiet “me?” You nodded letting out a sigh “I try to ignore it but god I’m in love with you.” You ran your fingers through your hair as Jeremy just stared at you.
Maybe it was the shock of hearing you say that but he swore he was dreaming “and I don’t want to lose you but I can’t.” Your chest heaved “I can’t keep on going on these dates hoping it might get you to say something to me.” Tears formed in your waterline as you chewed at the inside of your cheek. 
Jeremy finally opted to put you out of your misery when he smiled “you love me?” His voice was shaky as he squeezed your hips “you’re being mean Jer.” You nodded feeling like you were on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what he would say.
A laugh left his lips “think you can answer my question f’me pretty girl?” Jeremy taunted as he smirked “I’m in love with you.” Your voice was barely a whisper as he shut the gap between you both.
The air was palpable as your heart pounded “I love you too.” Your hair wrapped around his finger as he smiled “can I kiss you?” Jeremy let his lips hover over yours “please.” You nodded letting your eyes shut when he kissed you. 
The kiss made you melt as his lips swiped across yours. Jeremy let his hands travel through your hair settling at the nape of your neck refusing to let you go. Only when you both needed air did you pull apart “wow.” Jeremy groaned running his thumb over your lower lip. 
It made you laugh “yeah.” You nodded sending him a smile “think we should do that more often.” Your words had the boy pulling you into his room “why wait?” The hockey player asked picking you up as your legs wrapped around his waist as he picked you up.
Whilst the city might have been colder as the rain came in that night with a spring storm but what nobody would know was how hot the activities were in his room. You were left twisted in his sheets as your hearts intertwined and life began to show that the only way possible for you both was together. 
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topguncortez · 27 days
Happy grad!!!
Could you please write an angst writing with reader hurting swayman using the prompt "Why would you say that? " ?
Thank you!
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Only Love Can Hurt Like This - J. Swayman
hockey masterlist || g's graduation celly
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warnings: angst, issues with body image, online bullying, cursing, miscommunication, hockey inaccuracies
word count: 3.8k
synopsis: what was meant to be a cute video taken by the Bruins social media team, turned into a never ending cycle of rude online comments and threats. What's worse, is your fiancé's in the first round of the playoffs and he can read you like the back of his hand
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Life with Jeremy Swayman was how one would think it would be. He was as charismatic and sassy as he was on the ice and in interviews. He cared for those he loved, he did everything in his power to keep a smile on your face. He was the type of boyfriend who would buy you “just because” flowers and cook your favorite meal when there was even the slightest hint of a frown on your face. He was the type of boyfriend who knew when your period was going to start, and would make sure to be stocked up on your favorite snacks and any supplies that you would need. He was the type of boyfriend who did his best to shield you away from the hate and the trolls that came along with being with a hockey player. 
Jeremy had seen first hand how hard some people could be on the internet. He did his best to ignore the comments and the tweets, but sometimes, drowning in your own despair after losing a game was much needed therapy. 
It was actually your idea to keep your relationship private. Jeremy was the type of person who loved out loud. He loved showing off the people he loved, wanted to boast about their accomplishments to anyone and everyone who would listen. He didn’t necessarily like being the center of attention. . . but he also reveled in it. But you were the complete opposite. You never were one to post about everything single thing you did on social media. You didn’t like to be the center of attention or have everyone’s eyes on you. For the first couple months of dating, you managed to fly under the radar, which was an accomplishment in itself, but one instagram story posted by your golden retriever of a boyfriend had boosted you from “internet ghost” to “who's the girl with Jeremy Swayman.” 
The speculation firestorm had started and it ultimately led to some tech-savvy fans finding your instagram and screenshotting all of your personal photos to post on their fan accounts. At first you found it kind of sweet, the captions on the fan accounts calling you beautiful and a queen, and “Mrs. Sway” (even though at that moment in time you had only been dating for three months). But then it all started to get weird, some people finding out your birth place, your parents names, where you went to high school, where you went to college. Then the hate accounts started to rise. The vile, awful comments about you and your appearance, how you are only with Jeremy because he’s Jeremy Swayman, and one fan went as far as commenting what apartment building you lived in. 
You had never felt so violated and at a loss what to do in your life. You loved Jeremy with all your heart. You loved everything about him. It nearly broke you in two to sit down with him, tears streaming down your face as you told him about what had been going on. You thought that he would break up with you, right there in then. If you couldn’t handle being in the spotlight, then you couldn’t be the one for him. You had been replaying in your mind how you would handle it when those five words would leave his lips. Except, the opposite happened. 
Jeremy wrapped you up in the tightest, most bone crushing hug he could muster, and cried as he tucked his face into your neck. He had no idea that his one silly instagram story of you singing karaoke at the bar would turn into a mess of this caliber. He felt horrible that his “fans” were saying awful things about you and had threatened your safety. A sick feeling arose in his stomach at thought of something happening to you because of his job. 
“I’m so sorry,” Jeremy sniffled, pulling away from you, “I never wanted this to happen, I just didn’t. . . please don’t leave me. I-I’ll say something or make a post- you can move in with me! I have a state of the art security so you don’t have-” 
“Wait,” You cut off his rambling, grabbing his hands, “Leave you?” 
“Yeah,” Jeremy said defeated, “That’s what you’re doing here right? I mean, I totally get it. You have every right to feel protected and safe and not have to-” You grabbed his face with both hands, and cut his rambling off with a searing kiss. Jeremy immediately reacted, his hands going to your hips, as you kissed him. 
You pulled back breathlessly, looking into those brown eyes that you loved so much, “Jeremy Ryan Swayman, I am not leaving you. Never in a million years would I think of leaving you. . . unless you-” And now it was Jeremy’s turn to cut you off by pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“Never,” Jeremy whispered against your lips, “Never ever. You’re stuck with me.” 
And for the past three years, that’s exactly where you have been. Stuck with Jeremy Swayman. You watched him grow as a goaltender and a player, which had to be one of your favorite things. He had gained so much confidence in the past three seasons with the Bruins. 
Since that day you broke down to him about the fans, the two of you had done everything you possibly can to keep your relationship off of social media. You deleted all your old social media, and made new private accounts. You and Jeremy moved into a new apartment together (he couldn’t stand the thought of someone finding out where he lived and putting you at risk, again.) Most fans had thought that you and Jeremy broke up, since your lack of presence on his social media, but the eagle eyed ones still spotted you at home games, sitting a couple rows up from the goalie net. Every so often a video of you at a game, down at the glass with Ully’s or Jeremy’s family would come up on your social media. But for the most part, the fans had completely forgotten you existed. 
That was, until the playoffs had rolled around. 
You were beyond excited for Jeremy and the Bruins to make another play-off run, after last season's heartbreak. You could remember the tear stained face of your lovable boyfriend as he walked out of the locker room and collapsed into your embrace. Brad and David did their best to console Jeremy, but he was in the state of mind to not listen to them. He was the goalie afterall, his one job was to block the other team from scoring and he failed. 
This year though, Jeremy and the Bruins were ready to make a run for the Cup. They wanted to go all the way, and were going to do all they could to get that Cup back in Boston. Though, Jeremy was excited for playoff hockey, he was also excited to see you in your WAG jacket. You opted out of getting one last year, not really feeling like you fit in amongst the rest of the wives and girlfriends of the players. You hated comparing yourself to them, but you couldn’t help it. You weren’t tall and skinny and blonde and a model like most of them. Hell, you were a third grade teacher, making not nearly a quarter of what Jeremy makes. You felt out of place amongst the WAGs. But this year was different, you had somewhat found your place, and you had the Ullmark family to thank for that. 
“Do you know what they look like?” Jeremy asked as he scrubbed the dishes after dinner. 
“No idea,” You shook your head, “Katrina and Rebecca handled all the design and stuff. I just had to go in and get measured.” 
“Your first WAG jacket,” Jeremy said with a dreamlike sigh, and looked over at you, that boyish grin on your face, “We should frame it after we win the cup,” You rolled your eyes, “No seriously! We can hang it next to my UMaine jersey. It’s poetic.” 
“Just another thing in this house with your name on it.” 
“Ahem,” He cleared his throat, pointing his finger at you, “It’s your name too.” 
A blush coated your cheeks as you looked at the diamond ring he had proposed to you with about three months ago. It was the most beautiful diamond that you had ever seen, a gift given to Jeremy from his grandma. The two of you had been waiting to tell more people about the engagement, but also wanted to wait until the season was over. If things could go Jeremy’s way, you’d be neck deep in the middle of wedding planning about now. 
“Soon,” You corrected, putting the last dish away. 
Jeremy dried his hands on a dish towel, before throwing it on his shoulder. He grabbed your hips, pulling you to him, “Soon enough,” He placed a kiss on your lips, “I bet you’ll look so hot in your WAG jacket. You already drive me crazy when you wear my jersey. Now you get your own custom made jacket with my name on it? I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you.” 
You shook your head, patting his chest, “You’ll have to try, big boy.” 
Jeremy let out a groan as you walked out of his embrace. You put an extra swing in your hips as you walked to the bedroom, knowing he was watching your ass the entire way until you turned down the hall. 
— — —
It felt weird driving to TD Garden without Jeremy by your side. You had never been here without him, and felt a bit like a fish out of water as you parked in his designated spot, which was right next to Moa. You felt a wave of comfort roll over you as she smiled at you, getting out of her car to greet you. 
“You’re here!” She smiled. 
“I am,” You wiped your sweaty hands on your jeans, “Is this okay? Does my hair look okay? What about my makeup? I never put any on except for important events.” 
“You look great,” Moa said, and you could tell she was genuine. You had spent a whole forty-five minutes staring at your closet and another forty-five trying on different outfits. All Katrina and Rebecca had said was to dress your best for the photo shoot, and you weren’t entirely sure what that meant. Luckily, being a teacher, you had an arsenal of clothing for business casual. But you weren’t sure if your definition of business casual met their definition of business casual. 
“I’m nervous,” You mumbled, picking at your hands. 
Moa grabbed your hands, “I know. But there’s nothing to worry about! It’s just the girls!” 
“Yeah. . .” You sighed, as Moa threw her arm around you and walked towards the locker room where the rest of the wives and girlfriends were. 
The jackets were better than you could ever imagine. The brown leather looked simple and chic, with the logo on the front and the players’ last name on the back. You couldn’t help but feel a bit teary eyed as you ran your fingers over the stitching of your fiance’s last name. He was right, maybe you should frame it when the playoffs are over. 
Donned in your Bruins leather jacket, you and the other wives/girlfriends made your way to the plaza in front of TD Garden. The girls so naturally clumped together to take pictures, as you stood somewhat awkwardly in the midst of them. It wasn’t until Katrina pulled you to stand next to her, and wrapped her arm around your shoulders that the tension in your body eased. An easy smile arose on your face as you posed with the girls in different locations. 
“Moa and Y/N, can we get a video of you two doing the Ully-Sway hug?” One of the social media interns asked. You eagerly nodded your head, getting pulled by Moa. It was easily one of your favorite traditions in Bruins hockey, watching your bubbly, happy fiance hug his best friend after a winning game. There was something about watching two grown men, donned in goalie pads, throw themselves at one another and spin around in circles that brought a warm and fuzzy feeling to your belly and a bright smile on your face. 
You didn’t even think twice as you recreated your fiance’s famous hug with Moa. Laughter filled the air as you hugged her tight and spun in a circle. You didn’t even think twice when you got the tag on tiktok, watching the video in comparison to Ully and Sway’s over and over. You didn’t even think twice when you sent the link to the tiktok to Jeremy asking “who did it better?” You didn’t even think twice as the Bruin’s comment section was filled with fans tagging you and asking if you were back and how they knew that they saw you at games. 
You didn’t even really think about the video being on social media, until the hate comments started rolling in. 
The video hadn’t been up for more than 24 hours when the trolls and the “fans” started spewing their hateful words that you had tried so hard to fight off for the past three years. You tried your best to not pay attention to the comments as the video spread across tiktok and onto instagram and twitter. But the innocent video of two friends recreating their husbands iconic hug, turned into fans posting pictures and videos of you leaving TD Garden with Jeremy, or out on a run by yourself, or even some of the photos the WAGs had tagged you in. The pictures didn’t necessarily bother you, as much as the comments did. 
“She’s still with him!” 
“Duh, gotta play the part to get the cash.” 
“Dying for one of the WAGs to give her a makeover.” 
“How well do you think she sucked d for the jacket????” 
“I thought we got rid of her” 
“It’s nice to see a midsized wag” 
“Since when did puck bunnies become wags” 
“Living every puck bunnies dream” 
“I miss his old gf, she was prettier” 
“She's probably for the team” 
“He will realize soon when she leaves him if he doesn't get the cup” 
“And how many more does he have in other cities?” 
You were sitting at your vanity, fighting with your inner thoughts when you should’ve been getting ready for the first game in the playoff series. It was a big night for Jeremy, and all you wanted to do was get dressed in your outfit that you and Moa had gone shopping for and wear that beautiful brown leather jacket with your future last name on it. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You couldn’t bring yourself to take your hair out of the curlers you had begrudgingly put in your hair, or start your makeup routine, or even get dressed as you sat in one of Jeremy’s dress shirts and panties. Jeremy was singing loudly along to his pre-pre game playlist in the bathroom, not paying any mind to the war that was going on in your head. 
The comments had gotten worse since some of the wives posted pictures of everyone in their jackets. Some fans had found your new instagram account, tagging you in the comments. You felt horrible that their nastiness was being left on other people’s posts. It made you feel as though they were growing to resent you, as no one had reached out and invited you to sit in the box, until Moa did this morning. It took all your strength to not break down and cry, knowing that you had been left out of planning of something, when you finally felt like you had made it “in” to the group. 
The comments were also taking a toll on yourself image. You took longer than necessary staring at your naked body in the mirror, analyzing every stretch mark, scar, and blemish on your skin. You pulled and pinched at your belly, your hip dips, your chin, and your thighs. All the places you had been insecure about the most, the fans seemed to figure out and make comments on. It was truly amazing how the comments could drive so deep into your heart. 
“Baby!” Jeremy’s cheerful voice sounded out as he came out of the bathroom, dress pants on his perfectly chiseled body. You clenched your jaw, fighting back the anger. Normally, you’d be drooling over the sight of his perfect abs on display, his pants low on his hips, but right now it made you angry. Sure, he followed the meal plan that his trainers gave him, but he’d also have his cheat days. But you’d never know looking at him. You’d never know that this man could pack away a dozen donuts like it was nothing. But you felt like you'd pop the button in your jeans if you even ate one. 
“Babe?” Jeremy asked, catching your attention, “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?” 
You blinked, looking down at your makeup brushes laid out in front of you, “I got distracted.” 
Jeremy wasn’t buying it for a second. He knew you like the back of his hand, and could sense something was off from a mile away. He walked over to you, kneeling down in front of you and grabbing your hands, “Honey, look at me.” 
You glanced at him, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. You had been trying everything that you could to hold back from breaking down. Tonight and this playoff season was too important to Jermey and the team that you couldn’t be breaking down in tears over some stupid people on the internet. But the way Jeremy was looking at you, searching your eyes for any idea of what was bothering you, the flood gates broke. 
“I’m sorry,” You sobbed. 
“Oh honey,” Jeremy cooed, pulling you into his strong arms. Your body shook as you cried, his hand on the back of your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and running a comforting hand over your hair. Hearing you cry made his heart break, and tears well up in your own eyes. He tried so hard to make sure that you never had a reason to cry like this, and he felt like he had failed you. When your sobs had been reduced to sniffles, Jeremy pulled you back gently, his hands cupping your face and brushing away the stray tears. 
“Please,” Jeremy pleaded, “Tell me what’s wrong? And don’t lie to me. I know something’s been bothering you for a few days now. Please tell me, so I can fix it.” 
You shook your head, a sad smile on your face, “You can’t fix this.” 
“Well, I can try.” 
You let out a shuddering breath as you grabbed your phone, opening up your camera roll and showing him the screenshots of a series of comments from several different posts. Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at them. You watched as he went from confused to angry to sad. He looked up at you, his brown eyes wet with tears. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
You shrugged, wiping your nose, “Cause you’re busy and it’s the playoffs and I shouldn’t be bothering you with this-” 
“Bothering me with this stuff? Why would you say that? You’re not bothering me with anything,” Jeremy shifted closer to you, “You are my life, Y/N. You are my everything. For better or for worse. In good times and bad. I might not be able to fix all this, but I will do everything I possibly can to make it better.” 
The tears fell even harder as you looked at him. He looked torn to pieces that you had kept this from him, and it made you feel horrible. You thought you were protecting him by not bringing this up, but it had made you feel even worse going through all this alone. 
“I just feel. . . I feel like I have fucked everything up,” You admitted, “They’re leaving comments on the girls’ posts, and on the Bruins’ page. I mean, it makes sense that the girls didn’t want to invite me to the box tonight.” 
“What?” Jeremy’s eyebrows rose in confusion. 
“They didn’t invite me to the box,” You said, your voice sounding small. 
“No, baby, no,” Jeremy shook his head, running hand down his face, “I. . .” He sighed, “I let it slip at practice that I proposed.” 
“I’m sorry!” Jeremy exclaimed, “I know, I know you wanted to wait until after the playoffs to say something, but. . . you sent that video and Ully said something about “our girls look good” and I said “you mean our wives,” He shook his head, “Ully told Moa and Moa told Katrina and Katrina wanted to surprise you with a small engagement type party in the box.” 
“It was supposed to be a surprise?” 
Jeremy nodded, “It was supposed to be a surprise. I didn’t know that all this other stuff was going on, but I promise! I promise. . . they weren’t leaving you out, baby.” 
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” Tears welled up in your eyes again, and this time Jeremy was confused, “That’s the nicest thing anyone has done for me.” 
Jeremy felt his heart flutter in his chest, as he wiped a tear away from your cheek, “I’m sorry I let it slip and didn’t tell you about the surprise,” He grabbed both of your hands in his, “And I am so sorry about the things they are saying, but none of it is true. It is the farthest thing from true. You are my everything. You are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I smile, the reason I get out on the ice every day. You are the reason for everything. And nothing is going to change that.” 
“You don’t care that I don’t look-” 
“I’m not even going to let you finish that sentence cause that’s just ridiculous,” He shook his head, “I want you. I will always want you. Even when we’re 80 years old, and I’ve taken one too many pucks to the head and can’t wipe my own ass, I will want you, as long as you will have me.” 
“I’ll want you too,” You said, a tearful smile on your face, “And you’ve taken one too many pucks to the head now,” He chuckled, bringing your knuckles up to his lips. 
“I’ll keep taking pucks to the head if it means that it makes you smile.” 
“As long as you have all your teeth.” 
“No promises.” You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him away. Jeremy stood up, and gently tilted your head up so he could place a kiss on your forehead, “Fuck what they say cause nothing matters. The hate they spew is because they’re jealous and miserable in their own lives. What matters is you and me. As long as we are happy, they can just fuck right off.” 
You smiled up at him, “I’ll always be happy with you.”
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tagging: @roosterdobson cause you're the reason I'm obsessed with a man who catches rubber pucks for a living
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pucked-bunnie · 1 month
bf headcanons ⎜j.swayman
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pairings: jeremy swayman x reader prompts: bf headcanons + "where my hug at?" warnings: none! word count: 1k note: i absolutely adore mr jeremy swayman and think he would be such an adorable bf.
- Is 100% the sweetest little dude in the whole wide world. 
- The kind of boyfriend who is so attentive to everything you could ever need. Would have a drawer set up for you when you first started dating in case you ever wanted to stay over. 
- Would go to your house and take photos of every type of hygiene product you use and keep it in his bathroom just in case. 
- The kind of man who is actually obsessed with you - your biggest fan in every way possible, everything that is your favourite is now his favourite. 
- Quality time is one of his top love languages, he would absolutely love to do activities for dates: hikes, bowling, waterparks, painting classes etc. 
- He was so nervous on the first date, he face timed his sister to make sure what he was wearing was appropriate and gave “boyfriend core” vibes 
- after a few weeks of dating he started making his ‘wedding day’ playlist - because it’s good to be prepared. 
- the first christmas you spend together he was adamant about not getting each other presents - he didn’t want you to waste your hard earned money on him, but trust that when you show up for lunch with him and the Ullmark family he had bought you more gifts then you can fit in your car, claiming “I have all this money and now I finally have someone to spend it on.” 
- Just everything about spending christmas with Jeremy would be magical. 
- Jeremy is a ridiculously empathetic person, when he walks into the lounge room and see you tearing up at the adoption campaigns on tiktok for the local shelter he sits a cries with you. “We can get them all, I promise.” 
- Not to mention the way his body would tense, even though his eyes soften any time you talk about how your ex boyfriends treated you - or how people were mean to you at work today, all this man wants is for his girlfriend to be happy. 
- This man is a sucker for eye contact - if you make eye contact with him for more then thirty seconds he is swooning hard.
- He loves to show that he’s paying attention and eye contact is how he does that - he is very much an active listener, just small ‘uh huh’s’ and ‘mhms’ every now and then to make sure you know he’s listening. 
- He would 100% go for a book girlie - taking you out to the bookstore every time he’s going away for a road trip to make sure you have entertainment while he’s away. 
- Love taking your recommendations and reading them on the plane or team bus and sending you his thoughts, don’t even get me started on when he figures out what annotations are. 
- Would share earbuds with you on a hike, a thriller playing the two of you gasping as you walk over rocks and hills. 
- This man is such a chatter box, he would have so much to say after a game, his hand swinging yours between the two of you, his other hand making gestures as he tells about all the goals he stopped and about the blink 182 song he couldn’t stop singing - would proceed to play that song when you get in the car. 
- I feel like Jeremy would be so private about your relationship, as much as he’d love to show you off and make sure everyone knew you were taken - he would want to wait until you were comfortable, and until you were sure that you wanted to be seen as a “bruins wag” 
- Coming back to love languages, Jeremy is very much a physical touch kind of person, his hand has to be in yours at all time, he would hold his hand behind him making grabby motions whenever he’s walking in front of you. 
- When your standing next to him, his arm would wrap around your waist, or hang over your shoulder, rubbing soft patterns on your limbs. 
- He is also the type of person to un-ironically ask “where my hug at?” whenever he see you. 
- Whenever you two go to bed, he would strip off his shirt and lie face down on the mattress, placing your hand on his bare back demanding scratches as you flick the pages of your book on your kindle. 
- His favourite game is trying to guess what shape you are drawing on his skin. 
- Is an ally for every cause you can think of - would go with you to pride parades, and show up to any kind of charity event. He gives bi-wife energy ngl. 
- He’s also an ally in the sense that he would love to have kids one day but ultimately thinks it up to his partner - it’s your body you can do what you wish with it. He’s a big fan of the idea of adoption. 
- Let’s be real for a moment, Jeremy is very serious under his goofball demeanour, he would be one of the kindest and most honest partners you could hope for. I feel like he would always be the kind of person to be in a friends-to-lovers scenario, wanting to make sure you were compatible before he committed. 
- Jeremy all round is such a cuddly teddy bear, he would do anything for his partner and would give the world to people he loves, in return he needs someone who would extend the same to him. 
- Every tough guys needs to be spoilt every now and then, despite asking you to not spend your money on him, he would blush the entire time if you took him out for a surprise date. 
- He would gush over photos of you in your wag jacket, and would giggle and kick his feet and the video of you and Moa sharing a goalie hug. 
- He loves seeing the person he loves, enjoying the things he loves so seeing you at games and cheering him on is almost an out of body experience for him. 
- Jeremy Swayman is the standard. 
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stars1997 · 2 months
I like it
Paring(s): Jeremy Swayman x Fem! Reader Warnings: Fluff!! Smut!! oral (F receiving), fingering, munch Swayman, swearing, nicknames (Good girl, baby, babe), porn with very little plot. (not edited) Summary: Jeremy and you finally have a day of doing nothing. He thinks that it’s a good idea to trim his nice bushy mustache, but you think otherwise.
word count: 932
Jeremy was in the shower while you were making breakfast. You're placing the plates on the table you hear him calling you from the bathroom. “Babe,” he yelled out to you.
Placing the plates down on the table, heading to your room to get to the bathroom. When you enter the bathroom, he’s standing looking at himself in the mirror. The towel wrapped around him hanging low on his waist.
“What’s up baby,” you say, confused and a little scared because you don’t know what’s about to happen. He turns to look at you, his finger pointing at his mustache.
“I think I’m going to trim down my mustache,” he says, reaching over to grab the razor of the bathroom counter.
You don’t remember your thought processes, but Your hands move faster than your brain, knocking the razor out of his hand.
“No!” is all you're able to get out. Shock covers his face for a second before his mouth moves into a smile. “Why not,” he asks, amusement very evident on his face.
“I like it,” you whisper out, not looking him in his eyes. He takes a step closer to you. He moves his hand to grab your chin, making you look up at him.
His hair was still wet, water dripping off the ends and falling onto his shoulder then rolling down his chest. “What was that?” your face blushed at his question.
“I said that I like your mustache,” you answer louder, your cheeks turning a dark shade of red.
“Oh, do you now,” he asked in a teasing tone. You nod your head. He leans down giving you a little peck on the lips, turning you around, and tapping you on the butt as a way of telling you to go sit on the bed.
You leave the bathroom and sit down on the edge of the bed. He follows right behind you. He stands right in front of you, your legs on either side of his.
He leans down to kiss you again but this time for longer. Your hands interlock behind his neck pulling him down a little more. He lets out a little laugh at your actions.
“What is it about my mustache that you like,” he asks as he pulls away from you, looking you in your eyes and moving a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I like the feeling of it against me. when you go down on me,” you tell him, making your cheeks blush again.
He slowly gets down onto his knees. Sliding his hands up your thighs. Making the t-shirt that your wearing bunch up around your waist. You had your underwear on under the shirt.
“Lean back for me baby,” he says, hooking his arms around your legs pulling you so half your ass is hanging off the bed.
The second he has you like this he dives right in. immediately his mustache rubs against your skin as he attacks your clit. A moan leaves your mouth.
He keeps sucking and licking making your hands fly to his hair. Jeremy has always been a huge fan of you pulling on his hair. Although he won’t admit it. Your fingers scratching at his head and pulling his hair, he lets out a loud grunt.
The vibrations sending a jolt of pleasure thorough you. He surprises you buy sliding in two fingers.
His mouth and tongue still working on your clit as his fingers quickly find that one spot that makes you scream his name.
“Jer! Please. Fuck your doing so good. Making me feel so good. Don’t stop.” Your voice breathy as you speak. His fingers pick up pace, this makes you start grinding on his face.
The feeling of his mouth on you, the feeling of his facial hair rubbing your skin and his fingers rubbing you sweat spot bring you right to your orgasm.
You let out a moan so loud your pretty sure your neighbors three doors could hear you. “That it. Good girl.” He says, his fingers still working you though your orgasm.
His other hand moved up to rub your clit. “Jer, please it’s too much.” You try moving away from him, but you had no luck.
“you’re going to give me another one. Do you think you could do that for me?” his fingers never stopped moving when he asked. You could already feel your second orgasm building. You nod your head to answer his question, not able to make any sound other than moans.
“I need to hear you, otherwise ill stop.” You were quick to respond. “Yes, please. I can do it. Please don’t stop.” He picks up his speed. Your right on the edge.
“Come on, be a good girl for me. You can do it.” His voice brought you right over the edge. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your ears started to ring.
You let out moans that sounded straight out of a porno. Your legs shaking as his fingers slowly working you though your orgasm. “That’s it. Good girl. You did such a good job for me.” He got up to lay down on the bed pulling you up so you’re lying on him.
He kisses your forehead. “How about I go get you a glass of water while you go to that bathroom. Ill also bring the food in here and we can spend the rest of the day in bed.” You nod against his chest. Happy that you have someone who will take care of you the way he does.
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ilyasorokinn · 7 months
can i request anything with dad!sways?
kids + post game media will always be my weakness
tw: children/kids
jeremy was on a high. the bruins won, and although it wasn't a shutout game, the bruins had won by a pretty significant number, and it was all thanks to his good luck charms: you, eli, and winnie.
it was winnie's first game, so it was special game for him. during warmups, he saw you down on the ice, and couldn't contain his smile when he saw winnie's beanie.
it was the first thing jeremy had given to you when you found out you were pregnant with eli, but eli had long since grown out of the hat. it had been in storage so you decided to bring it out and surprise jeremy.
during intermission, he briefly checked his phone and saw the photos you sent him from the bruins social media account. the bruins photographer managed to catch a sweet moment of the four of you. you were sitting in a seat with eli was standing in between your legs and winnie standing on your legs. jeremy standing behind the glass with the biggest smile on his face.
the photo was caught right as winnie had noticed her dad on the other side of the glass. he took off his mask halfway so she knew it was him, but she was a smart girl, so she knew it was him.
eli and winnie both smiled as jeremy tossed pucks over the glass for them, which were caught by a kind man. winnie excitedly slapped her hands on the glass as jeremy smiled at her.
before having kids, he didn't understand what people talked about when they talked about "dad strength", but now, after having kids, he totally understood it. going into the 3rd period, after having seen those pictures, he was on fire. not one goal was let in the entire period.
after the game, all he wanted to do was go home and spend the rest of the night with you and the kids, but because he did so well, post-game media was on the list of things he had to do before he could leave.
“jeremy, going into the 3rd period, what was going through your mind because something changed between the second and third."
jeremy couldn't help but smile, "yeah, i got a text from my fiance. i don't know if you've seen them yet, but it was pictures from warmups. it's my daughter's first game, and we got some pictures taken."
he heard some commotion from the door of the locker room, and looked up just in time to see eli running in. jeremy smiled as eli pushed through the crowd of reporters and stood in front of his dad, waiting to be picked up.
he smiled, bending down and picking eli up. he fixed the hat on eli's head before turning back to the reporters, answering a couple more questions.
"...obviously, a shootout game would've been nice, but..." eli interrupted jeremy by whinging and pointing to the granola bar in his stall, "sorry." he smiled awkwardly, grabbing the granola bar and opening it for eli, "where was i?" he paused for a moment before regaining his train of thought, "... right, yeah..." he continued on with his answer before turning to the next reporter.
mid question, eli reached up and held out a piece of the granola bar, offering it to jeremy, who smiled and took the piece in his mouth. he nodded along as the reporter continued, eating the granola bar eli kept offering him.
he finished press and had eaten half a granola bar by the end of it. with eli's help, he got his stuff packed up and followed eli out to where you were waiting, winnie was asleep in the baby carrier attached to you.
"hi." you smiled brightly when you saw him, setting your phone aside, and giving him your attention, "i tried to stop him, but he's fast and he was on a mission."
jeremy laughed, "he is fast." jeremy looked down the hallway, watching eli running down the hall, talking to himself. he looked back over to you, raising a brow.
"he had a bit of candy." you shrugged, pursing your lips when he cocked his head at you, "we were on highway temper tantrum, exit full meltdown," you explained.
"hmm." jeremy hummed, setting his bags down and snatching eli up when he ran down the hall, "oof, i got you."eli giggled loudly, before letting out a tired yawn, dropping his head onto jeremy's shoulder, "let's go home." he slugn his bag over the other shoulder before grabbing your hand.
requests are open :)
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pennylanefics · 24 days
Picnic - Jeremy Swayman
a/n: i'm not super happy with this one 😅 i struggled with it a little because i want to focus more on writing for the canes, but i still want to write all these ideas i have LMAO a real struggle
summary: jeremy takes you on a date with some free time on his day off in another city
word count: ~1k
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With a couple days off in San Jose until their next game, the guys were able to spend their first day in the city as they pleased, since tomorrow was dedicated to practice and meetings for their upcoming game. So, Jeremy decided to take matters into his own hands and plan a romantic date for the two of you.
“So, what do you want to do today?” You ask Jeremy from the bathroom of the hotel room. He was getting dressed in a casual t-shirt and shorts, collecting all the stuff he would need for now.
“I have an idea, but I’m not telling you just yet,” he calls back, making you roll your eyes. You step out of the bathroom and look at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Jer, come on,” you sigh. He just giggles and walks over to you, circling his arms around your waist and swaying you side to side.
“It’s a nice little date for us. I know I’ve been super busy with our schedule, so now I finally have time to make it up to you.” He places a single kiss to your cheek before pulling away and grabbing the bag he packed. The only things in it were a single blanket and a speaker for music. 
“Now come on. We have to make a couple stops along the way.” Jeremy grabs your hand and heads out the door, not before making sure you had both room keys with you.
He helps you into the passenger seat before getting into the driver’s seat, immediately reaching for your hand to hold. He drives through the city and stops at a sandwich place that he goes to every time they play in San Jose. 
“They have the best sandwiches ever,” he tells you. “I get a different one every time I come here, and none have been terrible.”
After looking at the menu for a short time, you quickly order and not long after, they finish up your food and hand it to you in a bad with a couple bags of kettle cooked chips, one barbeque and one regular, along with your drinks.
“Alright, onto the next stop!” Jeremy exclaims, eliciting a giggle from you, holding the bag of food in your lap.
“Where to now?”
“A bakery for dessert. Another one of my favorites in town.”
He continues driving down the road and parks in front of a cute little bakery named Pastries and More. Simple name, but the smell from the shop hits you as you step out of the car, and your mouth is watering almost instantly.
They have all of their pastries and desserts displayed, a variety to choose from that made the decision so much harder. Some were covered in chocolate, some had types of jam in the middle, there were a multitude of cakes and cheesecakes, already sliced and ready to pack up.
You end up getting a chocolate croissant that was drizzled with chocolate on top, Jeremy decided on a cream puff with a strawberry dipping sauce, and an extra slice of original cheesecake with strawberries on top to share, because it looked too good to pass up.
“Ready to head to our final destination,” he states, as he turns his car on.
“I hope that’s not literal, like the movies, like you’re planning on killing me,” you joke, knowing full well he didn’t mean it like that. He laughs and makes a turn, heading towards a park that appeared to be pretty quiet today.
“Definitely not, I promise you,” he replies, reaching over to grab your hand and softly stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
He quickly finds a parking spot and you grab the food while Jeremy takes the drinks and bag he packed for the two of you. You easily find a nice place to sit, not too far from the gorgeous concrete fountain that was misting your way in the wind; it wasn’t too hot out, but the mist felt nice.
Jeremy lays the plaid blanket on the slightly damp grass, as a result of the morning dew that had yet to evaporate from the morning. You take a seat while he sets your food and drinks out in front of you, dropping to your side shortly after.
“I’m glad it’s quiet today,” he murmurs, looking around at the serene atmosphere surrounding the two of you.
The wind blows ever so lightly, a ton of clouds in the sky, moving in front of the sun every few seconds, meaning it wasn’t too hot or too cold; it was the perfect day for a laid back picnic, and you couldn’t be happier that Jeremy planned all this for you.
Once your sandwiches and pastries were finished, Jeremy got up to throw the trash away, returning with a sweet smile on his face as he looks up at you. Giggling, you kiss him, figuring that’s what he wanted. 
“Thank you for all of this,” you whisper, reaching your hand up to thread through his hair.
“Hm, for what?”
“For taking me on this date. I know with your crazy schedule it’s hard to plan things like this, but today has already been so wonderful. I miss getting to spend this kind of time with you when you have back to back games or back to back road trips with no downtime.”
“I know, darling, it’s why I took advantage of that today. You deserve the best and I know I can’t always give it to you, but I do try.” You could see a hunt of insecurity flash in his eyes, which was not usual for Jeremy, so you cup his cheek and stroke his flushed cheekbone.
“You give me so much, Jer. I never feel like you aren’t trying your best, you truly are incredible and I couldn’t be more lucky.” His blush deepens a little and he shyly looks away. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispers, kissing you this time. He lays down in your lap, his head on your thighs, your hands tangled in his short hair. The sun comes back out, bathing the two of you in soft golden light before disappearing behind the clouds once more.
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hughes86-43 · 2 months
˃ ❝Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!❞ with Jeremy swayman pls 🤭
❝Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!❞
150-Celly! ⭐️
over two weeks, you figured out that you were pregnant. once you figured it out, you immediately told your husband Jeremy the same day. you waited until he got home from morning skate before you told him. he walked through the door and you were standing there holding a cute little onesie that said “daddy” with the number 1 on it. he immediately dropped all his hockey bags and ran to you.
now, two weeks later, you were both sat in your doctors office with you laying down waiting on the nurse to come in. today marks your first pregnancy check-up. you were extremely nervous, but you were excited to see your little bean on the screen. you could also tell that Jeremy was nervous as well as he was twiddling with your fingers.
he whispers to you, “i can’t wait to see her on the screen.”
“hmm, her? what if it’s a boy?” you laugh.
he shrugs his shoulders, giving you a smile. “either way, I’ll be happy. however, I’m pretty sure it’s a girl anyway.”
“hmm, okay, babe,” you reply, then the door opens and the nurse walks in.
“how’s everyone doing? are we ready to see the little bean?” the nurse asks enthusiastically.
you both nod your heads giving her a smile. “so ready!”
she puts the gel on your stomach, and you breathe in because it’s cold, and then she puts the wand on your stomach. immediately your eyes swell with tears at the sound of the heartbeat coming through. turning your head, you look to Jeremy who is left speechless with tears close to forming.
“hmmm,” the nurse says which immediately has you turning your head to her.
“what? Is something wrong?”
“oh, gosh no, sorry! everything sounds good with the heartbeats.” you let out the breath you were holding. however, Jeremy seems to perk up at what she said.
“heartbeats? plural? there’s more than one?” he says looking between the nurse, you, and the screen.
“oh, you didn’t know? well, you’re having twins!” she wipes the gel off, “everything is going really well, I’ll let you two have your moment, I’ll be back.”
you let out a breathless laugh in complete shock. “oh my gosh!” you pull your shirt down and look at your husband.
he runs his hand through your hair. he has the biggest grin on his face. “well, I guess we may have the chance now to have one of each.”
you laugh at that, “yeah, I guess so, are you okay with this?” your nerves were about to catch up to you.
“baby, of course I’m okay with this! I’m so happy with this, and I get to do it all with you,” he says leaning in to give you a kiss.
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sportswriters · 2 months
sportswriters' nhl recommendations list
first of all, we love lists. second of all, we appreciate everyone who takes their time to put these works together, so we decided to do our own recommendation post. at last, these authors deserve all the love, we keep coming back to the space you created in this mess of a world. thank you, truly.
be aware of the individual warnings before reading. if the links are wrong or stopped working, please let us know.
love, namu and ella.
LAST UPDATE: 10/04/2024
guidelines | a: angst, f: fluff, s: smut, c: comedy, 💗: personal favorite
604 miles with luke hughes by @zegrasdrysdale | a, f | established relationship
canes red with jesperi kotkaniemi by @hoesforthecanes | s | established relationship
late night teasing with jack hughes by @alwayshughes | suggestive | established relationship
out with jack hughes by @babydollmarauders | f | secret established relationship
a guided hand with quinn hughes by @sweetestdesire | f, suggestive, aftercare | established relationship
gonna give it to you in capital letters with william nylander by @misshoneyimhome | a, f | secret established relationship
captain doesn't have to know with jeremy swayman by @skjeinon | s | friends to lovers
show you with mat barzal by @islesnucks | f | yearning, friends to lovers
the worst wing-woman with mat barzal by @youunravelme | a, f | co-workers to friends to lovers
yours with frederik andersen by @secretlittlerandezvous | a, f | established relationship
football recs list | list of players we write with | masterlist (soon!)
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smileysvech · 4 months
dating jeremy swayman
nsfw under the cut, minors please dni
physical touch and quality time are his top love languages, you cannot convince me otherwise
he’s always wrapping his arms around you and pulling your body into his bigger frame to engulf you in a hug
he loves a good cuddle and getting to hold you in his arms while you rest your head against his chest so you can hear his strong and steady heartbeat
he spends so much of his time out in nature, away from his phone with no distractions, so if you went on a hike with him he'd be so present and in the moment with you
jeremy talks a lot about how he wants to work his ass off to earn every opportunity he gets to play and he has that mentality in the bedroom too… he will work to please you and do everything he can to earn the reward of making you cum
part of being a goalie is having intense focus and being dialed in so he would be incredibly focused on how your body responds to his touch and his voice and he’s able to read your body so well and knows just how to make you completely fall apart
he’s so patient and usually isn’t in a rush and likes to take his time with you and prefers slow and sensual yet passionate sex over a quick rough fuck (though he’s not entirely opposed to it)
but he will ALWAYS perform some good aftercare for you
he's so attentive when he's leaving soft kisses all over your skin as he cleans you up, checking in on you "you okay there, pretty girl?" and murmuring "you did so well, love you so much", massaging any part of your body that might be sore
he also plays guitar so we know he’s skilled with his hands
his fingers are probably calloused and a little rough but it feels amazing when he rubs them against your clit or when he finally slides them into your wet and waiting pussy
he’s got a praise kink (hello?? telling ully “I’m coming handsome!” and the “fuck she’s a good girl” clip that lives in my head rent free like he’s not afraid to give out compliments and loves to worship you!!!!!!!)
he’s often described as one of the most vocal goalies so he’s gotta be just as vocal in bed
he will let you know how good you make him feel with his deep moans and groans and breathy curses when your lips are wrapped around his cock or your pussy is fluttering and squeezing him
“fuck, that’s it. right there. feels so good. such a good girl for me.”
“keep doing that, baby.”
y’all seen the way he bites his jersey???
I just KNOW he would love biting and marking you up
maybe it starts off as just soft, slow kisses but soon the two of you have moved to the couch and you’re perched on his big lap straddling him while making out
one of his big hands has found its way into your hair at the base of your neck and with an ever so gentle tug he signals for you to lean your head back so he can detach his lips from yours and trail kisses from your shoulder to your collar bone and up your neck and jaw
he lets his teeth sink into your flesh and you wince a little bit at the stinging sensation but he quickly eases any of your discomfort when he runs his tongue along the mark he left on you
god he would love leaving bite marks and hickeys all over your neck and breasts
he would be so smug about it too, just leaning back and admiring his work with a little cocky smirk when you run your fingers over the marks he left you when you assess the damage in your bathroom mirror later
you roll your eyes at him, but truthfully you love it too because it’s a reminder that he wants you and you’re his girl
and how can we not discuss his confidence and cockiness?
the way he is always smirking and winking during warmups
the man knows he's packing
I have it in my head that he loves when you sit on his lap and wrap your arms around him to keep your balance
and he LOVES when you ride him
he enjoys seeing the pleasure on your face as you take what you need from him, doing whatever it takes to get yourself off on him
and after he's sure you've had at least one orgasm, he'd take control and thrust his hips up and drive his cock into you deeper and deeper, finding your most sensitive spots to bring you to another earth-shattering orgasm
tagging a few of my fellow sway girlies: @pyotrkochetkov @senditcolton @barzysunflower @cellythefloshie
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2-fast-2-curious · 2 months
Honestly, I'd really love it if you have like a Jeremy Swayman audio cause he's slowly converting me to a Bruins fan and he is SO SO HOT OMG
I hear from the kids this man is all over hockey tiktok. I will always have a soft spot for goalies.
As a long-suffering Canucks fan I was ready to hate the Bruins too but then I accidentally found myself watching videos of Pasta being hilarious. Best of luck for the Bruins going against the Leafs.
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[M4F] Let Me Talk You Through It
[Script Fill] [BFE] [Soft Mdom] A whole lot of [Praise] [Nipple play] Tiny bit of [Begging] [Increasingly Desperate] [Pet Names] [Creampie] [Aftercare]
Creator Reddit: StrawbbyMilku
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