#Ji Sung wrapped yesterday
kimchislaphearts · 11 months
Underwear Season (2022)
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Genre: Comedy, Drama
Dae Sue was born kind, but due to his upbringing, he grew up to be cynical and apathetic. He thinks sincerity and passion are antiquated. Not good at expressing emotions, he's sassy when someone praises him or approaches him. After failed attempts in the overheated job market, he ends up in a bizarre underwear company. The owner, Mr. Tae, is like the last living Don Quixote. In the world of undies and among people who are serious about undies, Dae Sue finds himself declaring to carry them.
Cast & Crew:
Kang Seung Yoon as Ban Dae Soo
Supporting cast - Choi Jae Jub, Woo Min Gyu, Kang Sung Hoon, Jo Sung Won, Lee Yong Nyeo, Ji Joo Yeon
Director - Choi Jung Eun
Screen Writer - Lee Ji Woo
The music/sound effect was mostly inserted for comedic effect and served the purpose well. The boss and his employee Cho Rok liked to break into their own version of MOMOLAND’s Bboom Boom.
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I usually love myself a quirky comedy but this didn’t quite hit the spot. I watched it at random, so perhaps it is actually genius and I wasn’t in the right mood. 
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The story is framed as the story that Dae Soo tells when interviewed about his rise to becoming the fourth best young entrepreneur, the only one not funded by his parents. Eventually the viewer forgets this until we are brought back to the story in the end. I feel like the writer could have done a better job of the framing mechanism as in the end the wrap up and moral of the story felt rushed. 
The main story was Dae Soo’s tale of youth as he dropped out of college and attempted to enter the employment market only to be repeatedly rejected. Eventually he ends up taking a job that definitely feels like a scam at a company that is definitely going bankrupt yesterday. His co-workers are, to put it nicely, passionate about underwear. They have spent many years researching and designing the epitome of men’s underwear, that lifts, separates and keeps everything ventilated but they have absolutely zero business know how.
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Let's not forget the underwear, when you see it… even as a female it gives you the horrors. But for some reason beyond me (and apparently the writer too) comedy bad guys are plotting to get their hands on that patent. Down to his last few won after a bad investment Dae Soo realises he has to stick with the job for 6 months in order to claim unemployment benefits so he decides to give his all to underwear for now.
The highlight of this drama special is of course our male lead, Kang Seung Yoon. 
Playing the “normal” one at the company, his reactions to everything and everything are just so enjoyable. I do love an actor who can do physical comedy well. 
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It’s the kind of drama where you just have to roll with it and pay attention otherwise you will have no idea what is going on and why we are suddenly doing Squid Game at a sauna. There were probably a lot more references that went over my head too. I did laugh a lot so not a complete failure. 
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Rating: 6.5/10
Watch it:  KOCOWA 
Trailer:  KBS World YouTube
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kingkangyohan · 2 years
I want Jinyoung makes a cameo in Adamas as Suhyeon's cute and clingy junior. Woosin already has two cute boys in that villa. Suhyeon deserves one.
you are speaking the truth anon.
Jinyoung deserves to see Ji Sung wearing a turtleneck.
it's just fair.
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julietstar · 4 years
Late Night Worries - KTH
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I’m tired of being what you want me to be - ‘Numb’ Linkin Park
The remnants of screams echoed in the empty and dim-lit room as Taehyung rewatched the concert cam. The energy seemed to pulse through his screen as he watched the twentieth fan cam he found on YouTube. He knew he shouldn’t have been making himself miserable, but to be honest, Taehyung knew he was past that period. He felt numb. After all, it was now three AM, and he was still watching concert videos. He didn’t care if he was rehashing the same concerts, just with different city names in the titles. The songs being sung getting muffled over all the loud bass and cheers.
The door cracked open, and a head of pink hair peeked through, squinting towards the figure hunched over their phone. Jimin looked over at his best friend, who was currently sniffling while watching videos. Moments prior, Jimin didn’t know why he had woken up. Grabbing his phone to check the time, only to temporarily blind himself. The phone was lighting up the room, causing a very frustrated grumble to come from Jin. Quickly clicking his phone back off, Jimin decided to leave the room and get some water from the kitchen, which leads him to see Tae’s room door with light coming from underneath.
Stumbling sleepily over to his friend, he glanced over to notice that Yoongi’s bed looked untouched, which probably meant he was still in the studio. Focusing back on Taehyung, he hit the edge of the bed, nearly falling over onto him. “Are you still awake? Tae, you should be asleep!” He whispered at the boy, causing the said boy to jump and fumble to hide his phone.
“I-I was just checking something.” Taehyung quickly tried to cover for his apparent panic, trying to place his phone under his pillow. Jimin instantly crawled onto the bed and snatched said phone before Taehyung could put it under the pillow.
“What were you looking at?” Jimin snickered at his best friend’s panic, immediately swatting the hands away from trying to get back the device.” Something sexy?”
“N-no, Minnie, give it back!” Taehyung tried to whisper but came out louder due to him panicking. He didn’t want Jimin to look at the video, feeling the crushing embarrassment start to rise in his chest. He nearly was ready to wrestle the boy as he watched Jimin speed type in his password. “What the hell? I changed it literally yesterday?! How’d you-“
“Tae, you’re my best friend, and we’re basically psychically connected. It wasn’t that hard to guess it’d be something along the lines of ‘YeontanIsTheBestestBoy’” Jimin joked as he opened the phone. At the same time, Taehyung paused his flailing in disbelief.
“No way you guessed that!”
“What? Are you saying I’m not smart?” Jimin looked over at the black-haired boy and raised an eyebrow. Only for Taehyung to copy the action. The silence stretched for a moment, and Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes. “Fine. Kookie saw you type it and told me you changed it…Dick.” Jimin swore softly at the end, which caused Taehyung to let out a quick laugh. “Now, what video were you watching?”
“Stop Ji-“
The loud sounds of the concert burst through the phone’s speakers once again, even with the low volume. The beginning sounds of Stigma played on the screen. Jimin was even more curious, exiting out of the full screen to see the YouTube title. “Tae, were you watching-“
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I was watching concert videos. It’s just that-“Taehyung started but trailed off, feeling his throat close up again. Jimin paused the video again and sat up to face Taehyung, noticing the tear tracks on his face.
“Oh Tae,” Jimin started, but seeing his expression, he decided to just hug him. Wrapping his arms around the boy, Jimin immediately felt his shoulder’s shake.
Taehyung didn’t know what happened, but he felt the numbness that had seemingly crept into him over the past weeks get ripped away. Only for the fear and sadness that had been underneath to overflow when Jimin hugged him. His sobs felt like they were punching through his rib cage. He tried to catch his breath, but it was like he was stuck in a pit. The shadows of the dimly lit room coming to grab at him, causing him to gasp out and feel as if his life was being sucked out.
“It’s okay, Tae. Let it out. You’re safe, don’t worry.” Jimin soothed, feeling himself get choked up at his friend’s emotional outburst. Everyone was so tense, and while they were busy with everything new coming, it truly felt that they weren’t even allowed to mourn what they lost. Everything put up in the air, and they were supposed to just forget it and move on. All that hard work and tireless months went in a flash of smoke.
“I - I just can’t stop thinking that this is it, y’know. That this is like… it. Every time I look online, it’s like the world is fucking ending and I just-I just feel so lost under the surface of this status. We’re put under this pressure, and I can’t stop thinking that I’ve failed everyone and myself and I-I can’t help anyone. It’s just- fuck Minnie, I just feel fucking numb to it. I’ve become so numb- become so tired to it, and I shouldn’t!” Taehyung choked out quickly, feeling his fears flood out his mouth at a speed even Yoongi would be impressed by. All that had been swirling in his head nonstop. The constant barrage of being told ‘Yes, well after this,’ becoming ‘We don’t know when-‘. All feeding into his fears of genuinely becoming a caged animal. He listened to Jimin continuously telling him to take deep breaths, to match his, and finally feel the panic attack die down.
“I know it’s been hard, but you shouldn’t keep this all in Tae. You have to talk about this,” Jimin pulled back, holding Taehyung’s shoulders. “If we all just keep those thoughts inside, we’ll believe them, but they’re all lies.”
“But how do you know that?” Taehyung urged, feeling that the thoughts were inescapable. He had been trying, listening to his members, reading comments and posts from ARMY helped, but the voice in his head made him question if he was worth it. He felt tired from fighting the urge to hiding under his blankets and forgetting everything in the world.
“Well, I know that because one: I’ll never leave you alone, and I know that the other’s will do the same. Just cause Yoongi complains about my optimism or Jin nagging about you not wanting to go anywhere doesn’t mean they wouldn’t drop anything for either of us. Two: ARMY has stayed with us for breaks longer than this and loves us so much that I sometimes worry I can’t even reciprocate. And like y’know I’m the best at giving love.” Jimin sniffed up, which made Taehyung giggle at his best friend’s attitude. Jimin seeing his smile, made his heart warm, using the sleeves of his sweater to wipe the tears that ran down Taehyung’s face and cupping his face. “See, even you see that it’s an insane amount. And… we’ll have to work more in the future, or Tannie will kill us since we’d be around him too much.” Which caused Taehyung to gasp at Jimin’s final statement.
“Excuse you, Tannie would never kill me. Maybe you since last time you nearly tripped him.”
“Tripped him? He ran underneath my feet!”
Both boys laughed, falling backwards on the bed at their ridiculous argument. After the laughter settled, Jimin looked over at Taehyung and saw him with a small smile on his face. It made him smile back up at the ceiling, reaching over and grabbed Taehyung’s hand. “See? Honestly, you ain’t getting rid of any of us that easy.” Jimin started with a matter-of-fact tone.
Taehyung glanced over at Jimin’s smug face. “I guess so.”
“Just think of this as the break between the concert and encore. We’re building antici-“
“Pation!” The boys both yelled, laughing at their stupid joke to only hear the door open and get an RJ flying at their faces.
“I swear to god if you two don’t shut up, the next thing I’m throwing in is the frying pan!” Jin shouted before slamming the door shut, causing another laughing fit amongst the two.
Taehyung grabbed the blanket and threw it over them, as Jimin tossed RJ over onto Yoongi’s bed.
“Night Tae-Tae.”
“Night Minnie…Thanks for checking on me.” Taehyung whispered, snuggling against Jimin.
“That’s what soulmates are for.” Jimin whispered back, both smiling as they fell asleep.
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Twilight - Ong Seong Wu
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In which Seong Wu’s  coffee serves as a source of hope.
“Beautiful wonderful
Those are cliché words
I can’t express how I feel
With those words
Ay I feel stupid when I’m in front of you
I keep repeating the same jokes
But you still laugh
Do you feel the same way?
I smile because of you
I forget about my unclear future
Am I being too greedy?” - Twilight (Wanna One)
In celebration for Wanna One’s 1st Debut Anniversary, @ongsung an I have decided to release a series of oneshots daily, starting from today July 27th and ending on August 6th (August 7th in KST, and thus Wanna One’s anniversary).
I’ve chosen to write based on a selection of Wanna One songs, and she’ll be writing based on the individual teasers that were released for Energetic/Burn It Up. We will link each other’s stories below, so feel free to read hers after this one. See you tomorrow in our next installments :)
Seong Wu carefully poured the cream until it reached just under the brim of of the coffee cup. Selecting the appropriate lid size, he capped the cup before turning around to hand it to the waiting customer.
“Here is your order, sir. I hope you enjoy it!”
The customer thanked him before leaving, and Seong Wu turned around to tackle the next order. However, before he could, his co-worker Woo Jin called out to him.
“Seong Wu hyung, do you mind taking over the counter for a bit? I have to run to the bathroom.”
“Sure, just hurry back. Rush hour is coming up and I don’t want to be manning the counter alone.”
“Got it, will be back in a flash,” Woo Jin said before throwing off his apron and rushing to the bathroom.
Seong Wu punched his credentials into the register before looking up to see the most beautiful person enter the cafe. That might have sounded like an exaggeration, but Seong Wu truly did believe that. Something about her drew him in, and he braced himself as she walked up to the counter to place an order.
“Hello, welcome to The Bean. What can I get for you today?”
“I’ll take a small cafe latte with soy milk, please.”
“All right. Your total is $3.25...and your name?”
And he wrapped up the transaction before telling her the order would be ready in a few minutes. Seong Wu felt his heart pound faster when she smiled and thanked him before going to wait on the side.
Looking at the cup with which he was going to prepare her coffee, Seong Wu thought for a few seconds before grabbing a pen and scribbling a some lines onto it:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words - 
And never stops -at all-
He then quickly prepared her drink before slipping on a cup holder and heading to the counter.
“A cafe latte with soy milk for Y/N?”
She looked up from her phone when she heard her name and walked over to accept the drink from his hand, their fingers brushing ever so slightly with the exchange.
“Thank you so much, have a good one today!”
He smiled shyly and nodded his head.
“Thank you, you as well.”
And with that, she was gone. Seong Wu let a breath as he began to stew over the poem he wrote on the cup. What spurred him to pen a verse from a famous poem, he had no idea. He ended up hiding them with the cup holder and he wondered if she would even see it. In the case she did see the poem, would she think it was weird? Would she not come back again? Clearly he was overthinking, and mussed his hair in frustration. It was to this sight that Woo Jin came back to.
“What happened? Demanding customer again?”
“No...but I might have chased one away.”
Seong Wu then launched into a story of what happened while Woo Jin was gone, his nervousness increasing as he did. By the end of his story, all Woo Jin could do was smirk.
“Well, it’s too late to worry now, hyung. But in my opinion, it doesn’t seem that bad. I wouldn’t worry if I were you.”
Despite the poem he had so courageously (at the time, anyway) written on Y/N’s cup, Seong Wu didn’t have much hope that he’d see her again. But to his surprise, she was back again the next day. Upon entering, she searched the cafe until her eyes landed on him. When they did, she smiled and made her way to the counter.
“Hi, you’re the one who took my order yesterday, right?”
“M...me? I mean, yes I did!”
Seong Wu wanted to kick himself for stuttering. It wasn’t even a difficult question.
“Did you also write the poem on there?”
He balked slightly before answering. What would she think of him? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know.
“Yes I did...I apologize if it wasn’t to your liking.”
“Oh, no, I’m not here to complain; I actually really liked it, and wondered where you got it from?”
“Where I got it from?”
She nodded and Seong Wu really wanted to sink into the ground now. Why was he repeating her questions back to her? He felt so stupid all of a sudden.
“Uh, I read it a long time ago but I remember it because it’s one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson. Many of her poem’s are numbered instead of titled; this particular one is poem 254.”
“I’ve heard of her before! I think I also read another poem by her back in the day. Do you think you could recommend to me some other poems?”
And so he did. Each day she came in for her coffee, he’d write down a snippet of a poem and the author so she could look them up. Some days he’d write some jokes, just so he could see her laugh when she read it. They were lame, and one time he even repeated a joke by accident, but she still laughed and that made him feel better.
The sight of Y/N everyday nearly made Seong Wu forget everything else. If he was in the middle of something, he’d put a hold on it just so he could greet her when she came in. Although he enjoyed daily encounters, he found himself wanting more, but afraid to ruin what they already had, he kept his feelings silent.
One particular day, Seong Wu walked into the cafe feeling unusually nervous. The feeling of butterflies wouldn’t leave his stomach, and when Y/N came in, he pushed the feeling down to greet her.
“Same as usual?”
“Yes, but I also had something else to ask.”
Seong Wu stopped writing her order and looked up curiously to see Y/N look at him. Was she okay? She looked almost...nervous?
“What is it, Y/N?”
“I was wondering...if you had time this weekend? We could catch a movie before grabbing dinner?”
Seong Wu’s mind blanked as he tried to process her words. She was asking him to watch a movie with her, and to eat dinner with her. He wasn’t imagining things, was he? Seeing how he was not answering, Y/N began to feel embarrassed and diverted her gaze.
“Well...uh, I suppose this is awkward now...I’ll, I’ll just get going.”
That shook Seong Wu out of his reverie immediately and he frantically spoke.
“Wait, wait, don’t leave. I didn’t mean to make you wait! I was just really surprised, that’s all!”
He smiled bashfully and scratched the back of his neck.
“I’ve actually had a crush on you since the first day we’ve met. I guess I was in shock that you’d be interested in me at all.”
They both met eyes and blushed as realization sunk in. It looked like there was hope after all.
A/N: Lyric translation credited to colorcodedlyrics
Also realized after writing this that it could be part of the same universe as Woo Jin’s story from my monthly series here LOL
Poem 254 - Emily Dickinson
nothingwithoutwannaone: Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
ongsung:  Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
Master List
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howlnikiforov · 6 years
Crystal Snow
Chapter Six: We On
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2049
Summary:In a world full of soulmates that can feel the other’s emotions, one would expect to know when their soulmate is hiding a secret
On his way home, Namjoon figured he should stop by the store and grab a few things. He ended up spending more time at the store than he wanted. He just kept seeing things he thought he should buy. Face masks, a bouquet of flowers, quite a few snacks and candy were among the numerous things he bought. After getting all that, he stopped at a restaurant to get Jjajangmyeon for the two of you to share.
He knew you were waiting for him at home, so he tried his best to get home fast. He planned to take a few days off work to spend some time with you and make up for today. He hoped this would make you happy.
As soon as he walked through that door, you were jumping out of bed and sprinting to him. First thing you did was pull him down for a kiss, putting your hands on his cheeks. Namjoon dropped what was in his hands in surprise, having not expected to be kissed when he walked in. He kicked the door shut and moved his hands to hold your face. He reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion.
The more you kissed him, the more desperate you became. You’ve regretted a lot of things in your life; things like using buttermilk frosting on cheesecake and trying to paint a picture of a cat, but nothing compared to the regret you felt for having gotten so petty towards Namjoon. You really weren’t sure why you were so cruel to him.
Namjoon seemed to understand your feelings as he deepened the kiss. He slowly walked you back to the bed without breaking the kiss. You were locked together, inseparable. Neither of you paid any attention to the knock on the door, not taking notice when Jin stuck his head into the room. His mouth formed an “o” as he realized what was going on in the room. He quietly shut the door and backed away, going to warn the others to not disturb Namjoon and you.
Standing on your feet hurt, because of the blisters on the bottom of your feet, but the pain was bearable. Slowly, you pulled your lips away from Namjoon’s. At the same time, you both whispered the words, “I’m sorry.” to each other. That made you laugh a little bit. You were so in sync with each other, of course you were soulmates. You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, relishing in the feel of being in his embrace.
“Why were you so sad earlier?” Namjoon questioned in a gentle voice.
“Why were you so happy earlier?” You countered, resting your head on his chest.
He laughed, “I asked you first, so you have to answer first.” he said.
You sighed, hugging him tighter, “I was sad because you were so happy, and it was depressing to think that all I’ve been doing for the past week was make you hurt and feel like shit. Also I was watching a heart wrenching drama. You’re out of ice cream by the way.”
He chuckled, “Of course I am. It’s a good thing I bought more.” He took a step back, removing himself from your embrace. You watched as he picked up the multiple bags and bouquet of flowers from the floor.
You were now sitting on the bed, and Namjoon came to sit next to you. “Flowers for my flower.” He said as he handed you the bouquet of red and pink roses. Taking the flowers, you put them up to your nose to smell them, but also to hide your blush.
At that moment, Yoongi bursted into the room. “Namjoon,” he said out of breath, “We’ve got a problem. You need to come with me.”
Namjoon sighed and looked at you, he had been wanting to spend the night with you, but it seemed that he wouldn’t be able to do so. He gave you an apologetic smile as he stood, following Yoongi out the door.
You watched as the door closed, disappointed he had to leave. You put the flowers to the side and picked up the TV remote, turning it to a random channel. All that was on were reruns, nothing you haven’t seen before.
Namjoon followed Yoongi’s quick steps, wondering what was going on. Yoongi led him down to the basement, a place you weren’t allowed. The further down they went, the more concerned Namjoon became. Finally, they came to a stop in front of a door.
It was the only door in the long hallway, and it was on the second to last level of the basement. This was where the dead was kept after dying from torture. The bodies stayed there until Jimin could properly dispose of them.
Namjoon looked at Yoongi, “What’s going on?”
Yoongi didn’t say anything as he opened the door, revealing a body on the steel table inside. Namjoon stepped into the room, getting a closer look at the body.
Blood was everywhere, covering the body and soaking the clothes. The person had been beaten to death, their head caved in and numerous bones appeared to be broken. As Namjoon neared, he found that the body was Ahn Ji Sung, on of his top snipers. “Shit.” Namjoon muttered, looking up at Yoongi. “When did this happen?”
“His body was discovered about an hour ago. Jimin is the one who brought it in. What do you want to do with it, boss?”
Namjoon ran a hand through his hair, thinking “Let’s give him a proper send off. He deserves that much at least. Where was he found?” “Just about a mile down the road.” Yoongi answered. “He was left on the side of the road, hidden enough so that civilians wouldn’t see him, but out in the open enough so that we could find him.”
“Get everyone to the Green Room. There are some things we need to discuss. I was going to wait, but clearly I can’t do that anymore.” Namjoon stated. He turned on his heel and walked out of the room.
Namjoon’s business was dirty, he knew that. That’s why he’s kept everything a secret from you. It’s the only way to keep you safe. At least, it used to be. Now he wasn’t sure what he had to do to keep you safe. It seems like Wonsik knows that you’re close to Namjoon.
Namjoon had a reputation in the business world as someone who always got what he wanted. That was because of his work underground. Politicians feared his power, and the police let him get away with anything.
People had to go through Yoongi to get to Namjoon. Yoongi would tell Namjoon about all the people who came for help, and from there Namjoon would decide what he wanted to deal with. Very rarely did he show his face to his clients.
The only people Namjoon could truly trust were his six closest followers. Yoongi was his consigliere, always keeping track of him and making sure he doesn’t react with anger. Jimin was a racketeer, dealing with the dirty side of Namjoon’s business. Because of him, Namjoon had untraceable trust funds. Hoseok was a hacker. He was able to hack into the NIS’ database and delete any information they may have gathered on anyone in Namjoon’s group. Taehyung and Jungkook were the ones who got their hands dirty the most often. They were both skilled in martial arts, and could use any weapon given to them. They were the ones with the most blood on their hands. Jin was the head of security. He trailed Namjoon everywhere, including on dates. He couldn’t leave Namjoon alone in case he was attacked.
Minhyuk had yet to gain Namjoon’s absolute trust. He was still fairly new to being a high ranked official. His job was to spy on persons of interest. He was great at his job, which is why he had gotten so close to the inner circle. However, Namjoon was still hesitant to trust him.
Walking into the Green Room, Namjoon found all six of his trustees in the room sitting at a long, mahogany table. They were all waiting for his instruction. Namjoon sat at the head of the table, taking a sip of the water that had been placed out for him before speaking.
“We’re entering a war.” He said, getting straight to the point, “Yesterday I went to Y/N’s apartment and someone had raided it. I found quite a few bugs placed around her place. Today, Ji Sung turns up dead. Wonsik is trespassing our territory. We can’t let this go on any longer.” Anger began building inside of Namjoon, but he quickly suppressed it when he felt your concern. It was no wonder why he blew up at you last week. He’s been suppressing all his emotions, so that you wouldn’t feel them. He knew suppressing how he was feeling was unhealthy, but he needed to do it. Except, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could put up with this.
“Jin,” Namjoon turned to face him directly, “I want you to put our best men on Y/N. She’s in danger, and things will only get more dangerous. As soon as we’re done here I want you to go to her apartment and inspect every inch.” Jin nodded, “Yes sir. Shall we also inspect the bakery?” he asked.
“Yes. And station men to watch the area 24/7.” Yoongi spoke up, “Are you sure you want our best men over there? We’ll need them here.” “I’m less worried about all of us than I am for Y/N. She can’t even kill a tiny spider, let alone fend for herself.” No one opposed, knowing it was futile to change his mind.
“Hoseok, I want you to hack into the CCTV and find where Wonsik and his men were last spotted.” Namjoon said.
“Yes sir, I’ll get right on it.”
The boys spent the next hour discussing plans, preparing for the war that was going to break out. Namjoon needed to work out a story to tell you before going up to see you. He’s used the ‘someone just backed out of a business deal’ excuse too many times with you. He needed something new. Judging from your wide range of emotions, Namjoon could guess you were watching a drama. What he didn’t know, however, was that Minhyuk was with you watching the drama.
About fifteen minutes after Namjoon left you, Minhyuk came into the room, looking for Namjoon. You had told him you didn’t know where he went, just that it seemed urgent. He had decided to stay with you to wait for Namjoon to come back.
You ended up watching a drama with him. He hadn’t seen it before, but you’ve seen it more than once. It was one of your favorites.
Minhyuk had been nice company while Namjoon was out. You ended up having to send him away though; you had grown quite tired and was ready for bed, so you kicked him out of the room. Politely, of course. You really liked Minhyuk, he was friendly and seemed really smart. There was just something about him that you liked.
You heard Namjoon come into the room, but you didn’t have the energy to get up and greet him. You were half asleep and not really sure where your mind was. Your mind didn’t fully register what Namjoon was saying as he got into bed with you. It was probably an apology about having to leave, but you were slipping into slumber and didn’t understand.
Namjoon knew you were tired, which made him feel bad that he had left. It was too bad it was urgent business he had to attend to. He tried telling you that he wouldn’t be able to drive you into work in the morning, that Jin was going to in his place, but you seemed to not hear his words. He sighed, frustrated with himself. He knew there were things he needed to tell you, but he was scared to say his secrets out loud. He’s seen far too many movies and shows where the significant other leaves once they find out the secret of their partner.
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withasideofeggsy · 8 years
Hwarang :: Ban Ryu x reader :: Part 2
Thank you to all those who left likes and feedback! It let’s me know that someone out there is reading the mess of words I’m throwing up here. It really helps me write :) This one is short I’m sorry but I like how it concluded haha!
Part 1
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The sun seeps through the paper blinds and I groan flopping over...into something squishy. “Wha…” I mumble prying my sleep glued eyes open. There lay Han Sung cuddled into my side, he must’ve gotten cold during the night. With a yawn I pat his soft long tresses causing him to childishly giggle. “How did you get all the way over here?” He groans and nuzzles himself into my neck, “Knew you wouldn’t get mad for cuddling.” With a thoughtful nod I shrug “That’s true, smart. Good for you Han Sung but I think it’s time to wake up.” He groans tightening his hold around my waist, I shake my head at his cuteness as I attempt to get up. A louder sigh is heard in the room gaining my attention, rubbing the sleep from my eyes I could make out a pair of lovely dark eyes glaring from the mattress beside mine. “Morning grumpy,” I hum earning an eye roll before he flops back down, rolling onto his side. With his back facing me I crawl over Han Sung towards Ban Ryu. “Hey,” I whisper poking his shoulder. “What?” “Are you excited to be humiliated today in front of everyone during sword practice?” He rolls his eyes again but this time I could see a small smirk pulling at his lips. “Is that a yeah?” I tease poking at his chest. He holds my wrist firmly before leaning close into my ear. “You flirt a lot for a man,” he lowly whispers making sure none of the sleeping men hear. I grin, “I can’t help it. You’re cute.” And that was the first time I heard him let out a low chuckle, “How bold.”
 “Ah! Ah! See what did I tell you!” I exclaim pointing my wooden practice sword at his throat. This was my continuous win, I couldn’t help but feel extremely excited considering the embarrassing face punch I received yesterday. “Oh hohoho, you are really skilled and fast!” Exclaims Soo Ho who stopped practicing with Sun Woo to observe our match. “Ah not really, I just practiced a lot with my sister,” I smile humbly when deep down I wanted to burst into a victory dance on top of Ban Ryu’s thick stubborn skull. The famous playboy whistles while fanning himself with his hand, “Your sister sounds hot, a girl who is good at sword fighting? Can I meet her?” Blood rushes up to my cheeks, “Of course not!” “Aww how come! She’s probably adorable!” Pipes in Han Sung who also paused his training, eventually everyone gathered around me and Ban Ryu questioning about my ‘sister’. “I-I don’t think that would be a good idea haha,” I nervously laugh. “Why not?” I glare at Ban Ryu who had the smuggest smirk on his face, that little piece of-. “See even jerk face wants to meet her!” Soo Ho exclaims, “How about we meet her tonight? There isn’t much planned for the evening but etiquette lessons.” I reluctantly nod while scheming a master plan that would ruin Ban Ryu’s evening. If I’m going down I’m taking him with me.
With a yawn I stretch my tight back, sitting on the hard ground for hours on end learning etiquette was so boring. The only amusing part was that grumpy silver spoon excelled in it. Even though his gestures were elegant and smooth his resting face said otherwise which I found hilarious. The lessons finally ended when the sun started to set, and here marks the beginning of a hectic evening. Before I could even get off my numb bottom Soo Ho was already at my side with the brightest smile, “Go get your sister!” I nod thoughtfully, “Ah yeah I just remembered that she has a night job I don’t think she can make it.” The man puppy pouted, and I knew my excuses weren’t going to work, “So I guess I will fill in for her and you guys can show her around?” As quickly as the frown appeared it disappeared into his usual bright smile, “Sounds good!”
 I ran to A-Ro’s house where she kindly helped me keep my clothes. She bursts out in laughter when I told her the mess I got myself in. “Here wear this one. Since usually you wear dark colours when impersonating as a man it would make you look more different.” She was clever I was glad to have her help. I pull on a floral print pink and white hanbok and brushed my bangs across my forehead. “Is this alright?” She hums tapping her chin in thought, “Ah wear the hairpin your brother got you!” I almost forgot about it, rummaging through the wooden box that held all my belongings I found the hairpin that my brother saved up to buy for me. It was the only prized possession I had that’s why I rarely wore it, I smile feeling the carved grooves with my thumb. A-Ro braids the pieces of hair behind my ear into a small bun where she secured the pin in. “Now you are ready to go!” She proudly claps.
 This was more nerve racking than entering the palace as a Hwarang. When impersonating a man my confidence hit sky high, now that I was in my normal skin I couldn’t help but walk with my head down like I always did. As the club came into view with my friends gathered at the entrance I took in a deep breath, so ready to turn on my heels and make a mad dash back to A-Ro’s. “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!” I chant under my breath slowly approaching the tall men. “Um hi,” I timidly greet tugging at Soo Ho’s sleeve. He whips around and looks down at me with a shocked expression before his face lights up, “Oh my are you Aga’s little sister?” He reaches out and cups my face in his large hands, I pretended to be confused, “Aga?” “He meant Gun Chul,” Ji Dwi smiles warmly and I nod slowly, “Ah yeah I’m (Y/n)! It’s an honor to meet you all.” I smile bowing my head. Soo Ho wheezes cupping his own face, mumbling out an almost incoherent “So cute.” As they entered the club Han Sung lagged behind with me, he was quieter than usual which I found weird so I decided to initiate a conversation, “And you are Han Sung right? My brother told me about you. You are very kind I heard, thank you for taking care of him for me,” I smile linking my arm with his, his mouth gapes a bit before he innocently smiles with a nod.
 The Okta club looked a lot more crowded than usual. Even though I was having fun I kept searching for Ban Ryu, no matter how much he likes to dampen the mood I couldn’t help but want his attention. After about five drinks he finally arrives and boy did I feel the alcohol. Usually I barely drank since I was dirt broke but my friends wouldn’t stop offering me drinks tonight, Soo Ho contributed to at least three of them. A dull throb resonates in my skull as I let out a groan, dropping my head into my arms that rested on the wooden table. Someone sat beside me and placed a warm hand on my shoulder, “What did you idiots do to her?” Oh that deep voice belongs to Ban Ryu I thought in my swimming brain. I could already sense him rolling his eyes when the guys tried to explain how they all wanted to buy me a drink. “Come on, let’s get you some fresh air,” he says indifferently pulling me up rather gently from my spot. Surprisingly none of the guys raised their concerns letting Ban Ryu from all people to escort me away. He wraps one arm around my waist as his other hand tilts up my face towards his, and he sighs.
 Ban Ryu’s point of view
 Holding her in my arms I look down into her flush face, with a drowsy gaze and puffed out cheeks she looked rather cute. Although no one would catch me admit that, ever. “What am I going to do with you?” I groan at her carelessness while dragging her away from the unnecessarily loud Hwarang members. She lets out a small hiccup before wrapping her arms around my waist much too tightly. “I’m feeling sick…” she whines burying her face into my chest as I drag her through the crowded club, “And that’s your fault for being careless.” She looks up with tears streaming down her face, “I’m sorry!” she cries with the ugliest face I’ve ever witnessed, which was surprisingly borderline adorable. Almost out the door I heard the all too familiar squeals of my really unwanted harem of females. “Great,” I breathe turning around to see the group of annoying pests who all started talking at once: “Ahhh who’s that?” “Why don’t you spend time with me instead?” “I’m much prettier than her! Hold me instead!” “How pathetic of her for troubling you.” “Wow she’s crying look how ugly she is!” I could feel my blood boil, not only were their comments as annoying as usual they were bad mouthing this girl…this really dumb girl in my arms. I still don’t understand why I cared so much for the poor decision making female but I knew I wanted to keep her safe. With the angry thoughts running through my head I couldn’t reply to the group of fan girls fast enough before the only girl I sort of cared about shoved me off of her small frame. “So mean…” she trails off with a pout before rubbing at her tearstained cheeks, “Sorry…for bothering you.” The short (h/c) mumbles before stumbling out the exit.
 At that point I was seething and all I saw was red. I couldn’t even process what I wanted to say to those girls being so furious so I quickly chased after the waddling idiot. I shout after her but she couldn’t hear, or that dumb girl decided to ignore me, regardless I chased after her. When I finally reached her I pulled her into my arms, “I said hey you dumbass why don’t you listen for once?” Even though I was holding onto her tightly she continued to attempt walking forwards, all the while crying. We looked stupid, I could feel the stares of people entering and exiting the club, but surprisingly I didn’t care for once in my life. “Will you please calm down?” I softly ask pulling her into me, holding her tightly. She nods looking at the dirt ground, “I wanna sit” she sniffles. I nod guiding her towards the trees where it was more secluded. She flops onto the ground before I could help her, even though it was clear that I sort of cared for her over the short time I got to know her I still couldn’t refrain from rolling my eyes. She whines when her bottom hit the grass, “Ow…the ground is hard.” At that moment I wanted to strangle her.
 Flaring my nostrils I sat myself onto the ground and patted my lap, “Dummy of course it would hurt if you flop around like that.” Instead of bursting out in tears she drunkenly giggled before crawling on her hands and knees and into my lap. The messy haired (h/c) nestles herself into my chest, nuzzling her heated face into my neck as her hands tangles itself in my long locks of hair. “You are a troublesome Hwarang aren’t you? You idiot.” She looks up, long eyelashes hooding her large (e/c) eyes, “You’re mean…just like those girls!” I roll my eyes, “I’m letting you sit on me aren’t I?” The girl huffs before hitting me, hard, in the chest with a closed fist, “You keep calling me mean names!” “It’s because I don’t know your name.” “Oh,” she replies with her mouth slightly ajar. My gaze never leaving hers, a waiting for the big reveal of her name but it never came. Instead her eyes started fluttering shut as she fell asleep mid conversation. “And because you are dumb,” I sigh running my fingers through her long tresses as she contently started to snore, very loudly.
 The boy who made my blood boil turned out to be just an idiotic girl, who happened to steal my heart within a very short period of time. She was stupid, impossible, I wanted to strangle her for being so infuriating, but ultimately what bothered me the most about her is that she makes my heart skip a beat whenever she’s around. And to top everything off, I don’t even know her name.
Part 3
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