#Jikook military
kanmom51 · 6 months
Came here for a bitch rant
Because I could and because I wanted to.
I'm going to say this.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, now that we all know that JM and JK are enlisting together, going to be joint at the hip during their 18 months of military service, all I want to say is:
I friggin' told you so!!!
I did.
I told you they are ok.
I told you not to worry, that nothing has changed between them.
I told you so.
But if you still don't believe me, please explain how these 2 young men managed to secure an enlistment together, as in going through the whole service side by side. And correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know this is a first time this is done with an idol.
Only the two of them.
None of the other, as the ot7s will butt in to say, super close members.
If it's about either of their stability, safety, mental health (and not about how close they are and need each other), how is it that out of all of the members it's ALWAYS the two of them? How is it that RM isn't the one to go with JK? How is it not Tae or Hobi with JM (the best friend and 'soulmate' - yes, I did that)? But it's not, is it? Because it's about JM needing to be with JK and JK needing to be with JM. Period.
And if you don't see that, if you don't understand that, well, yeah, I guess either you are purposefully evading it (will talk about that one) or are just plain %$^&*.
Also, have to say this as well.
Now that we know that not seeing them over the past months together meant absolutely nothing about their relationship. This whole process and getting this approved, it takes time. If they haven't been wanting this for a long time and if they still at present didn't want this, well folks, it wouldn't be happening. They want this. They NEED this. And let me tell you something (been a lot of that going around today), knowing this is happening, them being together through this all, with the plus of Jin being around for the first 6 months, means that as far as they are concerned, I will definitely be sleeping well at night. Of course I would rather none of them had to go to the military, but this, my friends, is what we can call maximizing the best of a shit situation. I can sleep well at night knowing JM will be safe (we all worried about his safety, let's be honest) and JK, well, the thought of him without JM by his side. His anchor, his safe place, his catalyst, yeah. I was worried. And now I actually have a smile on my face. Kind of had it ever since I heard this was happening. Every single time I thought about their enlistment over the past few days and everytime I will after they enlist. They are together!!!
Yes folks, you heard this from RM.
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Thank you oh wise leader for letting us know those two share a bed. Can you please shout it out for the ones sitting in the back?
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Oops. Sorry. I forgot.
But seriously, the way the two were flustered at the end. Priceless.
So yeah, I guess that was my bratty way of telling off "oh ye of little faith"...
Will this change things up in the fandom?
Well, do you really want to get me started on that one? Not sure you do. I guess I'll suggest you brace yourself for this one...
I will start by saying that my daughters are convinced. I mean, they have kind of been getting there over the past year with JK's lives and behaviour and their interactions when we got them. But this, well yeah, this is GIGANTIC. And if you don't see it, or won't see it, then it's a you problem, not a them problem.
I'm 100% sure there will be those that continue to ot7-fy their relationship. And don't get me wrong here, I'm an ot7 gal all the way. Love all 7 of them to bits. But whoever does not and will not see that JM and JK, their connection, their relationship is just different, well they have an issue. And they will continue with this. Because for many of them to admit that JK and JM are closer with each other than with any other member, to admit that they are even the best of friends, is super problematic. Admitting that throws them straight into the boiling water. Admitting that means seeing it all. Seeing everything (the physical and emotional and sexual behaviours between the two). And doing that means two things. First, admitting that the two are together together, as in a couple, as in actually have sex with each other (to the homophobes among them that is a big no no). Second, to those who have this need to glorify the 7, and not understand that within those 7 are seven human beings with relationship that are not equal to one another. JK and Tae's relationship is unlike JK's with Hobi or JK's with RM and so forth. But more so, having a couple in the mix in their minds is possibly the beginning of the end, which is damn stupid, cause these two have been together for years now and are more ot7 than any claimed ot7 out there (you know, those claiming to be ot7 who constantly ignore or overlook Jikook interactions or for the matter of it, overlook JM, period). So, I kind of predict that won't be changing.
The spin-masters (TKKs, Yoonmin's etc.), well, they will keep on spinning. But not because they don't see it. No. But because they do!! And they need these stories and theories and plain ass stupidities to try and explain it away. The fun part about this one is seeing how every single time their story gets blown up to smithereens by facts, much of the time coming from the members themselves, but also from Bighit or others.
So, to sum it up, nothing is going to change, lol.
Well, maybe, just maybe, some of the reasonable ones out there, those that don't have their feet planted roots deep in the ground, those that do have the ability of critical thinking, they might just see it for what it is.
And if they don't well, wait till those two's travel show comes out, cause from what I'm seeing (from them - depends how it's going to be edited, but then again, how much can you edit out?), it's going to be wild.
Anyways, I do think I'll be back to post about the live, but in any case, will use this opportunity to wish all four of them a safe enlistment. May their basic training go by as fast and as easy as possible (it's going to be so cold...), and may these 18 months go by as fast as possible, but how ever fast or slow they go, I hope they keep safe and can be as happy as possible while serving their country.
I, for one, can't wait for them to come out on the other side.
See your hectic asses for Festa 2025.
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mrs-monaghan · 6 months
they're not serving together. This is just the training, right?
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They will complete training and continue to serve in the same division.
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Seems Jikook choose this themselves. They applied to serve together. Same division. The only issue is, when u apply as companions you're near the front line.
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But, remember how Armys panicked when Jin was stationed there and he is fine. He's about to be done and apart from that incident with the nurse all seems to have gone well.
They've got eo... they're going to be fine. I believed it's why they did it. They will look out for eo. That being said,
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Like, I felt it in my left nipple that they would enlist at the same time. But I had no idea they would do it at the same base. Like yeah, we are happy for them, but this is nuts, right? Or is it just me who thinks this is insane?
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(Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
To rely on each other....
To rely on each other...
To rely on-
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ggukkieisintominnie · 6 months
they chose to go together because Jimin will be treated like how taemin was is all for safety and mental health reasons
As a Taemin Stan, his military service was an emotional roller coaster to say the least. I cried of shock when his enlistment date was announced; I cried of pain when I saw his military haircut selca (his wide eyes was screaming for help), however I got to cry of joy when we were updated he joined the military band and is close friends with Sungjae of BTOB. That was relief however it was short lived when Sungjae completed because not long after I cried of anguish following the announcement of his inability to continue on heavy duty due to depression, anxiety and panic attacks.
Yes I know the words on the street is that it was caused by harassment, stalking and all but as I said those were all words on the street and were never confirmed by real sources.
Taemin debuted young, so life of music and idols are his main companions. so military was an extreme change of field, fortunately, he met Sungjae (a fellow idol) whom he was part of the military band with (music). However once Sungjae discharged, he lost his companion in an unknown territory. So most obviously that affected him mentally and emotionally becuase not long after Sunjae's discharge (Nov) it was publicly announced his moving to light duty (Jan).
So back to your statement anon, Jimin same as Taemin is moving into an unknown territory whilst Taemin met Sungjae as a companion, Jimin is going with a companion -Jungkook. And it safe to say for the 5 months spent in heavy duty Taemin's companion did provide him to keep a healthy mental and physical state.
So tell me anon, if Jimin ending up like Taemin is your worry what makes Jungkook immune to ending up like Taemin? Jungkook is equally human too just as Jimin and Taemin he debuted young and only knows of idol life and music.
Maybe you will reason with Taemin and Jimin differ from Jungkook appearance wise as they present more fem than masc. Well that baseless because it was announced mental health reasons made Taemin move to light duty. If you believe in baseless rumors with no reliable source that on you.
Jikook BOTH agree to be each other's companions so as much as Jungkook will provide Jimin safety and a good mental health remember that Jimin will do the same for Jungkook. Companionship is a two way street yall... Jungkook is human too.
Safety can be provided by the defence force after all they are their soldiers so they would be physically taken care off. About the mental health reasons well THEY HAVE EACH OTHER... Jimin has Jungkook yes but Jungkook has Jimin too.
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jmdbjk · 2 months
White Bear Artillery Brigade.
I'm not here to share anything earth shattering or reveal new information. I'm just going to elaborate on what I know and how I see it. Feel free to form your own opinions.
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Ok so, from everything I know, this is how I'm understanding it (long ramble)...
Republic of Korea (ROK) Armed Forces is one of the largest and most powerful standing armed forces in the world. At any given time, it consists of about 600,000 active duty soldiers and approximately 3 million reservists.
Soldiers are automatically transferred to the Reserve Forces upon discharge from their initial active duty service and serve four years in the Mobilization Reserve followed by four years as a Homeland Reservist. No one ever talks about this. They are not "free" following their active duty service. They are still considered reservists.
Jimin and Jungkook are in the White Bear Artillery Brigade of the 5th Infantry Division of the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA).
ROKA itself, the Army, is the largest of the military branches. The other ROK military branches are ROK Navy and ROK Air Force. The ROK Marines are part of their Navy forces.
It might be difficult to fathom the scope and size of ROKA. Here is an outline of the structure. You will need to scroll down a ways to see where the 5th Infantry Division falls. It is under Army Ground Operations and then under V Corps (Corps 5).
The White Bear Brigade consists of the: 195th, 196th, 205th and 988th Field Artillery Battalions. The 196th is also called YELLOW DRAGON.
I do not know which Field Artillery Battalion Jimin and Jungkook are assigned to.
Each of these Field Artillery Battalions are scattered in different locations but tied to the 5th Infantry Division. The 5th Infantry Division's top general controls these Field Artillery Battalions.
And the term "field" only means they are not located at the training base where Jin is.
It means they are out in the "field" in another remote, secluded strategic location, away from the main base, where if necessary, they and their artillery, can be deployed efficiently and rapidly should this action be required.
They don't see Jin any more. He is at a separate location.
The front line between South Korea and North Korea is lined with hills and low-lying mountains, they will be nestled up in there somewhere.
"Field" does not mean they are living in the middle of a farm field in tents, cooking food over campfires. It means they are at a base somewhere in the hills and mountains. This base will hold lots of other soldiers, though not as many soldiers as there are at the original training base where Jin is because that's sort of a hub where they deploy the newly trained soldiers from.
Simple terms: Jimin and Jungkook are out there in the middle of nowhere near the front lines at a base where they take care of weaponry like tanks and the ammo for tanks in case they have to quickly respond to an attack. Heaven forbid.
Anyway. How many ways can I explain that? Obvs a bunch.
Military jobs.
There are probably dozens of jobs that an Army base like theirs requires.
Cooking food to feed all the soldiers is one of those jobs. Cleaning the kitchen after cooking is part of that job. There were rumors since January that Jungkook was a kitchen worker. Those in the K-military call it Kitchen Police. And then JK just said he is cooking rice and cleaning up to the ceiling so that pretty much confirms he is indeed a Kitchen Police.
In the context of him being enlisted in the military and him coming to tell us he is doing good in the military, he is telling us he cooks rice and cleans up afterward.
He didn't mean he sometimes randomly cooks rice in his room. Nor did he mean he made himself a snack. It doesn't mean he also has a second job of cleaning. Everything he does will be associated with the Kitchen Police.
Their days are very regimented and structured. He will be one soldier on a team of soldiers tasked with creating enough food 3 times a day to feed the entire base. It is a full time job.
The rumor for Jimin is that he might be in a role that involves maintenance. Maintenance of what? We don't know. But what we know about Jimin is that he was on the robotics team in school, he has leadership skills, and he made a bunch of LEGO kits and a miniature house model in front of us during several weverse lives. Is he putting together computers? Is he reassembling machinery? We don't know.
The Companion Enlistment Program.
The buddy system was created in 2003 in order to foster better outcomes and psychologically stronger soldiers. It allows those who choose to enlist under this program to be with someone who they can gain this support from throughout their enlistment. That's the whole point. To be together during their enlistment.
The age range is dynamic. Every year this range progresses one year.
For 2023, the age range for this program were those born between Jan. 1, 1995 and Dec. 31, 2005. For 2024, the age range will be those born between Jan. 1, 1996 and Dec. 31, 2006. And so on.
The reason is because only Korean men between the ages of 18-28 are conscripted. 2023 was the last year Jimin was eligible for this program.
The criteria is very specific when choosing this type of enlistment. You can't "game" the system by enlisting in this program for reasons other than the ones the military has set for this type of enlistment. It's the military... they are masters at the "game." Strategy, out-thinking the enemy, creative warfare... that's their gig.
The barracks where Jimin and Jungkook sleep will be the same. The bathroom where they wash up will be the same. The cafeteria where they eat will be the same. Their recreational facilities will be the same.
It's the same base, same facilities. They may not be in each other's faces while they perform their jobs every day, but they see each other EVERY DAY. They sleep together EVERY NIGHT.
Delulu time.
Every time I say that I go "hammer time" and think of MC Hammer and the song starts in my head...anyway... I'm a dork.
I can imagine Jungkook's day starts a little earlier than Jimin's because the kitchen will need to be ready to serve breakfast for the rest of the soldiers.
There might be other teams/groups who also begin their day earlier than others. Perhaps they all gather and do some sort of brief, early morning drills or general chores before heading off to their respective posts/jobs for the day. I don't know, just guessing.
The kitchen team would do things like take in supplies, store the supplies correctly according to regulations, place orders for more supplies, gather the ingredients to make that day's menus, prepare the foods according to specified recipes, serve the food, maintain and clean the serving area, maintain and clean the cooking appliances, cookware, cooking utensils, clean the food trays and eating utensils, clean the kitchen from floor to ceiling, plan and prepare for the next day's menus, doing any preliminary prep like thawing frozen food, etc.
Menus are not decided on a whim. The Army will have set daily menus and have contracts within the country's food industry to provide ingredients and supplies in bulk.
I used to think it was slightly odd to obsess over the food they were being served in the military. But now I'm keenly interested. Is there a jikook food tray account on X?
As I don't really know the details of Jimin's job, I can only guess that he reports to his job, carries out his duties just like Jungkook and just like all their fellow soldiers. His duties may be similar in that he inventories supplies, orders new supplies/parts. Or he might be training for a specific skill like polishing glass for gun scopes or something. I just made that up to use as an example.
Of course, duty on base would be vastly different from combat if they were to actually be activated to fight. I don't want to think about that.
Perhaps during the course of their week, they all attend classes or lectures or informational meetings or whatever. I don't know. That's just a guess. But somehow, information would need to be shared and continuing training would need to occur.
At the end of the day, they'd head back to their own barracks and enjoy their evening of free time. They'd get their phones for a short period of time. From what I understand, depending on their location, their wireless signal may not be reliable or strong.
Maybe they work out. If so, they do it together. They are accustomed to doing that so there's every reason to think they'd also work out together while enlisted.
They can decompress in the company of each other, relaxing, being themselves in the comfort of familiarity. They can talk about things that they accomplished, things they learned or situations they got embarrassed about.
They can make jokes with each other, poke fun at each other, commiserate, empathize, laugh, express frustration or joy with each other.
If they have enough moments of privacy, they can vent about assholes they had to deal with or they can hype the nice people they interacted with during their day.
Or they can just relax in the company of each other in silence and nothing else.
You know... all the things you do with the person you are most comfortable with... the person they wanted next to them sharing the ups and downs of this period of their lives. It works out wonderfully for them.
Then lights out and go to sleep and do it all over again the next day.
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Anyway. I send up my thoughts every day that they are safe, healthy, eating well, and that their bodies and minds are strong. I am thankful they have each other. It is day 97 into their service. 451 days remaining. FIGHTING!
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andy-wm · 1 month
Why is Bam on insta?
This thought flashed in my head when i saw the most recent photos of Bam.
Maybe I'm just slow and everyone else figured this out already but maybe not, so I’m sharing it.
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The Bam insta account isn't just a fun side project set up by JK while he’s doing military service. He doesn't even have an account for himself*, so why would he make one for his puppy? It's not like he needs (or wants?) more followers or influence, and he could have just used his t1ct0k, where hes already got gazillions of followers.
When bowwow_bam first appeared, many comments suggested he created it to keep in touch with ARMY while he's serving in the military. And yes he DID share the account with ARMY on weverse, but I doubt that's the reason it exists.
Bowwow_bam is not for ARMY...
The photos JK gets from the training centre let him know that Bam is happy and well cared for.
Even though Bam has been in and out of the training centre often while JK has had his schedules, those stays were brief compared to 18 months. This time, Bam will basically be living there full time, long term.
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Maybe this is why JK sent Bam to the training centre so often in the past, when he might have left Bam with friends or family instead. That way, the training centre became familiar to Bam before his long term stay.
Bowwow_bam is for JK
Bam's photos are likely sent to JK directly, so why post them to a public platform? And why post ONLY these?
Sure, it's a good way for JK to stay connected to ARMY with minimal effort. Let's not be foolish enough to think he doesn't care about that. It's pretty clear he wants to pick up his career where he left off when he comes back. (It goes without saying that BTS - and JK - will still have millions of fans after MS.)
But i don't believe thats the only reason Bam has an insta account, and i dont think it's the most significant reason either.
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There are so many ways JK could have maintained a socials presence. If he wanted to be on insta, even just reposting old content would keep him at the forefront of ARMY's mind... if he had an insta account* that is.
It also got me thinking about what JK will be doing with his time off.
He isn't all that close to his family, he tells us. And most of his friends are idols, from what we see (although that could be selective information), so probably insanely busy with their own schedules. And his Bangtan brothers, his found family, are also doing their service. And he and Jimin are apparently on different shifts (if the information we have is correct).
So who is he connecting wiith?
Who is his link to home and normality?
This doggo right here is.
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Besides letting JK know that Bam is happy and well cared for, the photos connect JK to home and give him something tangible to look forward to on the other side of his service.
They'd remind him that this episode of his life has an end date, that he has a place to return to, and that somebody is waiting for him to come home. Bam is waiting for him.
But why post them on instagram?
We know JK has a strong connection with ARMY. He's said many times that we're his safe place (debatable, honestly) and his happy place (I truly hope so). He's told us it's ARMY he talks to late at night when he's alone. He's also set clear boundaries about what he's prepared to share and how close we're allowed to come - although he blurs these lines himself sometimes... naked livestreams from his bed come to mind, but i digress...
I believe the insta account - Bam and ARMY together - is his anchor. This is his link back to his life before and after MS.
Sharing these photos from the training centre with his three (or four or five) million closest friends would validate for JK what his life has been, and will be again. It tells him we (like Bam) are still here, still waiting, without him ever having to ask.
It keeps that part of his life real for him.
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Just to be clear,
I'm not downplaying the significance of Jimin and JK serving together in the companions program.
In my mind nothing could be more significant.
Jimin is with him day after exhausting day, just as he has been for the last twelve years. While that must be an enormous comfort to them both, these long and arduous days must still seem endless.
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Getting through this difficult time with any sort of optimism would require something to look forward to, and recieving photos of Bam would give JK much happiness, and remind him that there is life outside of the camp.
They'd serve to remind him that at the end of it all he will see his beloved doggo in person...
...and that he and Jimin will go home and his little family will be whole again
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*pretty sure he does tho...
~as always, opinions are my own and all of this is conjecture~
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akookminsupporter · 4 months
Now that it has been confirmed ONCE AGAIN that Jimin and Jungkook will spend their entire military service together I want to believe that all those who spent the last month questioning their decision, believing the subgroup, accusing Koreans who explained the buddy system ad nauseam as liars, asking ChatGPT for the truth, reading articles from the Indian army and I don't know what else, can shut up and leave us alone.
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mariajmajesty · 6 months
I'm seeing videos (1, 2) of people who ship Jungkook and Tae screaming like toddlers, crying and yelling while actively ignoring facts that could solve 100% of their problems. This isn't funny or a thing that should be ignored. Tae making a decision to go to a unit of his choice without Jungkook or Jimin is a fact. Jungkook deciding months in advance that he'd do the companion system with Jimin regardless where they'll be placed is a fact. The same people who bragged about the companion system for a year being sure they know what is going on, making fanfics and scenarios about it suddenly act like they don't know what it is and can't read and don't understand the process and how long it takes. .and it hit me that these people don't even care about the enlistment and the members going away or even about the companion system they are just mad that the pair that picked it isn't the one they wanted. And even worse, they react as if they just disovered that Jimin and Jungkook are friends... close friends.. despite a decade of bangtan bombs, vlives, dvd's, GCF's, concerts... It's completely insane and this is why not watching real content and opting to believe only to blatant lies can be so destructive years down the line. How is no ot7 big acc is concered about this? Where are Tae big accs or Jungkook big accs to talk some sense and calm these people down? Seeing in their own eyes the maknae line looking happy with each other means nothing to these people. Hybe announcment they don't like are not real to them. The members own words don't exist. Tae being captured on video with Jennie never happened. Jungkook endless footage of being close to Jimin is somehow made up. I don't know what more can be done and I feel sorry for people who react this strongly because their mental health can't be good but they brought it all on themselves and it's about time they'd be slapped with the reality that Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin are adults and only they get to decide what to do with their own lives.
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always-is-always · 6 months
Jimin & Jungkook- seeing is Believing 💜
The Vlive was far more helpful than I could have ever imagined. It was like good Medicine for the Heart..... you know?
To see Jiminie and Jungkookie, to see their energy, to hear the laughter, and to bear witness to their bond was all that many of us needed today. And, it is a clear message that they are okay, and that everything will be okay while they do their service in the military.
Good Medicine, indeed. 💜
That innate urge to touch will definitely be something that they will probably continue to have to curb. lol... It's like attempting to control the beat of one's Heart. Not easy to do.
Like many ARMYs, I feel much better at this point, after seeing and hearing them (all 4 of them, actually). Yes, it will be hard to move through the months, while we wait for them to return. Somehow it won't be quite so hard knowing that Jimin and Jungkook will navigate the experience together. How perfect is that?
I'm grateful that they all came together to go live, to say goodbye. It was a typical chaotic yet bittersweet time with them. Some how, it was not nearly as sad as I thought it would be.
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We have been blessed. Haven't we?
Yeah...... on the other side of 2025, I do believe that the best is yet to come. 💜
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starryjkoo · 5 months
It’s really funny when people are like - but JK hung out with x person 10 times this year! - and it’s like, okay, and then he chose to spend the next 18 months, 547~ days with Jimin? 😭 You might really want to rethink that argument friend. JK had other options, other people he could have gone with, other programs he could have tried for, a later date he could have enlisted on, and yet he chose JM, and vice versa. They didn’t even have to enlist with anyone, they could have gone individually like everyone else in the group. No one was expecting them to enlist together. And this is also probably the furthest thing there is from company content or fanservice considering we’re not even going to be seeing them for the next 18 months and I doubt they’ll even talk about their time in the military. It’s just so silly. “JK and JM were never together this year!” buddy, they’re literally together RIGHT NOW 😭
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seoul-bros · 2 months
Jikook Week 15 Complete (19-26/03/2024)
Their fifteenth week in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2017.
BTS was on the 2017 BTS Live Trilogy Episode III (Final Chapter): The Wings Tour. This tour began on 18th February 2017, and ended in South Korea on 10th December 2017. This week in March they gave During this week they gave two concerts in São Paulo, Brazil (19-20/03/2017) and two concerts in Newark, USA (23-24/03/2017)
19 and 20/03/2017 São Paulo, Brazil
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Jimin and Jungkook on Twitter
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The fan cams suggest that these were amazing concerts. The audience were matching BTS word for word on all the songs. Here are fan cams for Save Me, Blood Sweat and Tears and Lie. The reaction to Jimin's entrance for Lie is so enthusiastic and prolonged. I hope I get the chance to experience that in real time one day.
Run BTS 15 came out on the 21st March 2017. It was the last episode of three that were filmed at a water park in Ilsan.
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In the first two episodes the older brother's team (Jin, JHope and RM) were pitted against the younger brother's team (Jimin, V and Jungkook) in a series of water related games.
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By the time they filmed the final episode it looks like they were all physically exhausted and anxious to tuck into the food in front of them. However, they still had three rounds of games to play and identify the spy in their midst. Heads up they didn't find the spy and ended up having to sing for their supper.
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Post Date: 26/03/2024
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kanmom51 · 5 months
It's been over a week
And I'm still trying to digest and come to terms with it.
I know I said that I take comfort in them being together, and I got to say, that is a big big help in dealing with their departure, and yet, can't help but be sad and worry like a mom that just sent her kids off to the army.
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Watching JM's live with JK's that followed (a few hours later and after their family dinner) was heart wrenching. JM struggling with his shaved hair was heartbreaking.
This clearly was not easy for them.
JM the next day (in the BTB).
I can't help but wonder, after the initial annoyance of getting a minute or a little more from the two's enlistment day, if the whole thing was just too emotional and more than what they themselves wanted to share publicly.
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Again, seeing how JM is struggling, and JK knowing and comforting him. That look on JM's face when JK does that. Ugh, how I wish they didn't have to go through this. But they did. They are. And now it's time to come to terms with it.
I guess having lived it, done the army thing, gone through basic training and military service I have a little more insight as to what they will be going through, and that also gives me some comfort, because yes, it's going to be hard, both the physical and mental aspects of it. The structure, the loss of individuality, the harsh physical and mental training. But, a. they are 2 of the most driven people I have seen, a work ethic and a need to excel, and they will attack this (so to speak) no differently; b. they have been through so much getting to where they have gotten. Yes, the structure is a little different, but they are no strangers to being in a structured environment, told what to do, when to do it, how to do it. Basically, they are used to doing what they are told. Strenuous physical activity is no stranger to them as well. Experiencing struggles teaches you that you can prevail. Teaches you that you are strong enough to get through it. Teaches you that there is a light at the end of that tunnel. And knowing that, at times of hardship, can mean everything to the person going through that.
Their age, being mostly older than others enlisting (most do so at 18-21) has it's advantages and disadvantages. Advantages being having that insight and life experience that they have, especially starting their careers at such a young age. Disadvantage being that at this age they are all grown up, as in mostly know who they are, what they want to do with their life. Having to leave all of that at the door is not easy and takes adjusting to. But they are resilient. And their life experience and struggles they went through over the years will, as mentioned, definitley help them get through this as well.
For my sanity and mental well being I'm going to ignore the geo-political fuckery going on right now. Does willing things not to happen make them not happen? I'm going to go with yes on this. Don't you dare contradict me here. Let me live in my fantasy world at least on this one.
So yeah, it definitely won't be easy. Having each other's back there will definitley help, although having to keep their hands off each other in public will definitley be a challenge they will have to deal with. I digress. They will be ok. They have each other. They will get through this, and who knows, perhaps at some point (probably not basic training, cause that sucks) they might even enjoy their service (enjoy what they will be doing, feel satisfaction in their contribution to their country, who knows...).
And yet, knowing all of this, I'm still sad.
Because I already miss the shit out of them.
And it's kind of funny, because I know there is plenty of content coming up, including actual Jikook content, like just the two of them without the group as a buffer content, and that is definitely something to look forward to. And it's not like we were seeing them on a daily or even weekly basis before they enlisted (there were periods of time we were parched with them not to be seen or heard from for ages).
But this feels different. I guess knowing that even if they wanted to reach out, at the moment, they can't. Knowing that there isn't a chance of a JK restaurant visit popping up, or a surprise live makes it all so very real.
I'm not going to do the day counting. For me, that makes dealing with it harder. Maybe when we are down to two digits, definitely not before. I think I will just sit back, enjoy the new content they share with us, go through old content (there is so much out there, enough to definitely get me through the next 18 months, sob sob).
As for myself, well I'm not going anywhere.
Yes, I have something going on right now and am posting less often, but I'm still here, still around and will be posting and answering your messages.
We will all get through this together.
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mrs-monaghan · 6 months
there’s so much misinfo going round atm, see lots of people saying that after jk enlists with jm and does the boot camp he can apply for some special ???something and will leave separately where he is stationed or that just because jk / jm are enlisting on same day, they only will do basic training together then go to separate places ? and that they only chose the enlisting together option because it meant they could make sure they were out in time for june ?
ik it’s a bit hard to follow maybe with different sources and not real confirmation but do you know if any of it is true? my understanding was that they did the “enlisting together” scheme thing, (ie. it’s a purposeful application, they knew they were choosing this way) which meant they’ll at least be in same living quarters etc the whole time until they’re out ?
sorry for long Q! it’s ok if you dk it was just confusing D; thank you!
Hi anon. 😳 I am terrible when it comes to the serious stuff and have the attention span of a toddler when such topics arise. My mind registers them as boring and so I don't retain the in4. But my friends delved deep into this so I will gather as much as I can and do my best to explain the sitch
Let me start by correcting the biggest misinformation of them all. Thanks to fucking Mina with her fake subs and reaching conclusions, the vermin are confusing "Special Task Force" with "Special Forces"
JK said he wanted to join special forces. Well and good
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But thats not what V is doing. V applied for Special Task Force which, while not easy (he said in the live its why he enlisted there, to challenge himself) its nothing compared to special forces. Special forces is HARD CORE. Its no joke. It's for those who actually want to go to war and proper fight for their country. Not for those fulfilling a mandatory duty... One they wouldn't do if they had the choice. Special forces, those people actually wanna be there. And if u know JK then u shouldn't be surprised that he would say something like this. Of course our dare devil bunny would enjoy joining something as risky as special forces.
But guess what? No one stopped him. He still could have gone there if he really wanted to. Just like in Winter package. No one told him to give up zip lining for beer tasting. He did that off his own volition since Jimin was going beer tasting. JK's happiness is where Jimin is. Period. (Suga's presence played a big part but we don't talk about Yoonmin)
(Edit: the whole thing takes almost 8 years to complete which again, is not something JK would actually do if he wanted to still stay a member of BTS. And of course satellite Jeon would again, never do it)
Jikook wanted to use the buddy system and they applied where Jin is on purpose because since the location is so risky, (front lines) not alot of people apply to serve there. So the chances of them being accepted were pretty high. I already talked a bit about that here.
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Coldest and most dangerous. But before we panic, Jikook love snow so... thats good. But also;
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2 things to note before we continue; 1) Tattoos are a none factor on why Jikook applied together or why JK couldn't be with V. They had 0 to do with that. And 2) All members and where they ended up it was their decision
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So, here is a Korean explaining
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They shall not be separated. They will train together and continue to serve together
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One body. Shiet.
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Nice. Even the breaks they will take together. Basically spend every minute together for those 18 months y'all.
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They had to pass 3 rounds. Applying wasn't all. They had rounds to pass before getting accepted. So as we can see this was a whole ass process. They really worked hard on this to make it happen.
Apparently there is a show you can watch that explains the buddy system. Its 8 episodes, its called real man
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The holding hands thing is legit 🤣🤣🤣
Jikook shouldn't have an issue then 🤭
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Anon, people are in denial and the other half are trying to explain this away. If Jikook only went in together just so they could come out at the same time then they could have done what Vmon did. Apply separately at the same time.
This is one tough pill to swallow for antis. It's like the biggest fuck u Jikook could have ever done but at the same time I really don't think they factored anyone else but themselves when they made this decision.
18 months is no small amount of time so let's call a spade a spade; Jikook couldn't be apart that long. Fax 💯 JK wanted to be there for Jimin, Jimin wanted to be there for JK, of course. Them in the same place looking out for each other is all I as a fan who loves them can ask for. But at the same time, they needed this.
Anon, they will be together 24/7 for the entire duration of their time there.
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Yes. Sleeping in the same quarters. It wouldn't make sense for companionship if they were separating the recruits who applied together. To be companions. Of each other.
The buddy system is there to help friends cope with this difficult mandatory thing that the government insists on doing to their young men. It's there to help them cope in any way possible. I imagine mostly mentally. So why would they train them together then separate them? ❓❓❓
It is said that you should make sure the person you apply with, is a person u get along with super well because for the next 18 months you will be together every moment of everyday. It's krazy to imagine that JK wouldn't rather do this with his actual boyfriend V, instead. Krazy. 🤯
Anygays, no need to worry my good people, Jimin and JK have got each other's back. All that's left is to wait for them and pray for them. May they always hold hands 🤭
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goldenasyoung · 4 months
I was lowkey waiting for Jikook pics. But deep inside, I have this feeling that I won't be getting it. True enough, there was none. Whatever the reason was, I am certain it is valid.
Reading Jimin's letter to ARMY evoked emotions of happiness, relief, assurance. The letter was filled with love. It was heartfelt. It was sincere. Special. So straight from his heart.
Knowing that he is alright together with Jungkook and survived with him as well makes my heart contented and proud. Inside the military, Jimin still managed to praise Jungkook and make him feel reliable and wanted.
I hope that they both can share more in the future. But knowing Jimin, he has always set boundaries in his private life and I feel this is one of those. I am grateful for their updates though. I wish them both the best in their service.
May their prepared contents soon suffice the longing in our hearts.
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jmdbjk · 21 days
Jimin and Jungkook spoiler.
Drinking. Camping. <Elbowing him in his sleep>... I think I can assume the latter is the thing everyone wants to see.
They had so much fun!
Jimin & Jungkook, coming soon!
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The anticipation! I know it will be funny, heartwarming, maybe we'll get some philosophical reflections from them. MAYBE WE'LL GET A REAL OST SONG!
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What I do know is we'll get to see their great chemistry up close again!
Jimin and Jungkook will not cancel this special thing they did for us. They were so excited about it.
If you are angry, sad, aggravated by the people who wish the Jimin and Jungkook travel thing to be cancelled, it's simple. Block those people and you don't have to see that. I know seeing it makes you emotional and your impulse is to angrily lash out at them to "fight back" or to "correct" the injustice. Ignore them. Block them. You can do it. Life is much better without trash cluttering up the view. Life is also too short to waste energy on people who take away your joy.
My advice to you for the long run though, you gotta learn not to let others control your happiness. Only you control your own happiness. Trust me on this one.
To those who don’t want this show, just shut up and go. We don't care.
Jimin and Jungkook will remain unbothered and they'll be seeing the rest of us love what they did.
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sweetjikook · 4 months
My sweeties 😳💜
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I hope some people stop calling Jimin´s father names now that JK´s brother posted his pic 😮‍💨
I met Jimin´s dad last October at Magnate and that man is just a proud dad! A kind, friendly man with a sweet smile. No wonder Jimin is like that 🥰
I hate it that solos and the cult always come for the good ones just bc they´re jealous 😡
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akookminsupporter · 6 months
Being part of this fandom when your biases are Jimin and Jungkook is not easy. Forget about whether you believe there is something more between them; being a fan of them in this fandom is difficult. Every day is a new reason to feel helpless, upset, disappointed, and afraid that they see all the hatred they receive. Hatred they don't deserve, particularly Jimin.
I will never tire of saying how wonderful Jimin is and that, even though I don't know him, I can tell he is a good person, friend, and colleague. A respectful, affectionate, hardworking, dreamy person. One of those people who doesn't seem real, one of those people who are perfectly imperfect. And that's why I'll never understand why he receives so much hatred and why many in this fandom allow it.
Jimin has always been the number one enemy of Taekookers and many Solos, for different reasons but one in common: envy. These groups have always been able to say whatever they want about Jimin, and practically nothing, aside from his fans and Jikookers is said in response. And what's worse, when these fans say something to defend Jimin, they are labelled as Solos or reduced to mere shippers. Jimin cannot be defended, apparently.
The hatred they, particularly Jimin, have been receiving since their trip to Japan with Jungkook was announced is sad. What has happened since before the rumours that Jimin and Jungkook would enlist together in the army came out has crossed all kinds of limits. Jimin has been insulted in the vilest ways I have ever seen in my life, and virtually no one says anything—no one, except the usual ones, of course. When the rumours surfaced in the Korean press, the hatred intensified. Haters once again realized that they could say and do whatever they wanted, and nothing would happen to them because, once again, the fandom, in general, did nothing to defend Jimin, to silence the haters. Funny how that doesn't happen when it comes to another member.
After Big Hit confirmed that not only Jimin and Jungkook would enlist together but also that they would do it under a special program that guaranteed they would be together for the duration of their military service, hell broke loose. Disinformation became an everyday thing, insults, mockery too, and the target remains the same: Jimin.
You are guilty when you do something wrong, but you are also guilty when you do nothing when you see others doing something wrong. I believe even the latter is worse. Jimin and Jungkook decided to apply for a program that guarantees they will be together throughout their military service for reasons they only know and don't have to disclose, nor do they have to give explanations. That decision, which surely was not easy to make, must be respected by everyone, period. Not questioned, not belittled, not explained to fit into absurd narratives.
The way Taekookers always paint Jungkook as this manipulable person, incapable of making his own decisions, who always does what the company, according to them, tells him is deplorable, disrespectful, and further proof that they don't care about Jungkook. The way I've seen many diagnose Jungkook with different things, in treating Jimin as a helpless and weak being who needs a bodyguard with him to say that they applied to the program because they had to and not because they wanted to is insulting. And yet virtually no one says anything.
Jimin and Jungkook will never be the enemies that many want them to be. They will always be the two members who seem to be the closest. They will always be the ones who understand each other with just a look. They will always be the ones with the same sense of humour, who laugh in the same way, and who simply share more things in common. They will always be the ones who promised to go to the moon together and the ones who seem to have no secrets from each other. Those who comfort each other, who are there when one is sick etc.
Reducing all the hatred they are receiving right now, and that they have always received, to a shipping issue is insulting, it's cowardly. If your conclusion is to blame Jikookers only, ignoring absolutely everything that Taekookers say daily, what Solos and akgaes say daily, let me tell you that you are a hater too. And you are, in a way, worse. YOU are the problem. If you are unable to stand up for them because you think it will make you a shipper, you are the problem because it goes beyond that. If you are afraid to defend the love, affection and trust that they obviously have for each other, if you are afraid to acknowledge that they are close, that they are great friends, you are the problem too. No one is asking you to accept that Jimin and Jungkook are married or anything like that, what many of us would expect from everyone who claims to be a fan of BTS, is to defend the members of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. If you are incapable of doing that, you are the problem too. You are also a HATER.
I hope the time the boys are in the army serves to clean up this fandom from so much rubbish. I hope they find a fandom that supports all seven of them unconditionally when they return. That respects them and only wants the best for them.
But in this life, nothing is that easy, right? I'm afraid to think about what they will say when the documentary is released and what will happen when whatever Jimin and Jungkook filmed together is released. In a way, I'm glad they won't be here when all that comes out because the chances of them not seeing any of that will be high.
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