#Jim knows the drill
respectthepetty · 1 year
I'm not saying Jim knows his way around a one-night stand,
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Jim never maintains eye contact with Wen for long.
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Seriously, he not only looks away, but he avoids Wen's attempts at kissing him.
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In fact, Wen and Jim never kiss on the lips during the act. Jim kisses all around Wen's face but never his lips.
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The face Jim gives Wen when Wen subtly tries to ask for his name is an open refusal of sharing any personal details with him.
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Jim seemed surprise that Wen was casually chilling in his house the morning after and quickly pulled the "Can I get you an Uber?" move.
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Jim gives nothing to Wen.
This is new territory to Wen.
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But my man Jim...
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He knows the procedure.
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thedeakyamp · 9 months
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emblazons · 2 years
holding onto this like a little prayer, David.
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Worth the Wait
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!LAPD analyst!reader
Summary: After too much time hiding your feelings for Street, you worry about him when someone begins targeting police officers. When he returns to HQ at the end of the day, he realizes just how oblivious he's been to both your feelings and his.
Warnings: angst to fluff, spoilers for/rewrite of S.W.A.T. 2x15 "Fallen" (except I added Hicks because he's great), softie Street at the end
Word Count: 4.0k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Jim Street Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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Being a cyber technician and analyst for LAPD S.W.A.T. isn’t glamorous, but you love it. Days when you get to work in the situation room, providing backup and support to 20-David, are your favorite. Knowing that what you do helps them, keeps them safe, and makes their case to keep criminals behind bars is all the job satisfaction you could ask for. Despite working for S.W.A.T. as a whole, 20-David quickly became your favorite squad to work with and be around. Everyone on the team is like your family, with one exception.
“Hey!” Luca greets you when you enter the situation room. “I thought you got promoted or something, it’s been a while!”
He tries to ruffle your hair, but you duck away with an amused smile.
“Rocker put in a special request, so I’ve been working with 50 squad. I miss you guys, though,” you answer.
“I’ll be sure to tell Rocker you said that,” Deacon adds, smiling as he enters.
“I told him. Threatened to quit unless he gave me a break.”
“Look who’s back,” Hondo exclaims as he wraps an arm around you in half a hug.
“Hicks told me that I could work here until I get a new project,” you explain. “So, the next few calls, you get to look forward to my voice in your ear.”
“Street will love that,” Hondo replies.
“I’ll love what?” Jim asks, his brows furrowed until he sees you at Hondo’s side. “Welcome back from the dark side!”
“Nerd,” you mumble.
Street smiles, not the friendly ‘I see you as a little sister who I also work with’ smile that the other guys give you, but a genuine smile. Your matching grin makes Luca shake his head, tired of watching you and Street move in circles around each other, unwilling to admit that you have feelings for one another. The team is convinced, however, that you’d say something if Street gave you the tiniest hint of being on the same page, but he’s an oblivious, in love idiot who can’t see what is right in front of him.
“She’s working situation room for a while,” Luca responds. “So, we get to deal with her in the field now, too.”
“You’re hurting my feelings, Luca,” you say with an overexaggerated pout.
“They’ll heal.”
Street rolls his eyes at Luca’s teasing. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t connect with you like the other guys can. Unsure about whether it’s you or him, he maintains his friendliness but refuses to push for more out of an unfounded fear of losing you. You are coworkers, maybe even friends, in his eyes, but he can’t understand the desperation he feels whenever he sees you. Desperation to be more.
“You’re so blind,” Tan mutters as he passes Street.
“Alright, guys, as happy as we are to see our favorite analyst,” Hondo begins, smiling as he shakes your shoulder. “We’ve got range time to get in. Grab your gear and let’s go.”
“Care to watch me demolish your boy over there?” Luca asks you.
“He’s not my boy,” you reply.
Standing between Rocker and Street, you watch 20-David walk through practical application shooting situations. Focusing on their accuracy and marksmanship, you don’t notice Street glancing over at you and Rocker every few seconds. You’ve spent time with Rocker over the last few weeks, and Street doesn’t understand why that makes him feel strange.
“Jam. Switch,” Hondo calls.
You watch Deacon switch hands, still ignorant of Street’s eyes on you.
“Transition drill complete,” Rocker announces. “Make your weapons safe and holstered.”
“I see you putting in work with that left hand, Deac,” Hondo applauds. “Good job. Someone’s got a little extra pep in their step today. I wonder why that is.”
20-David’s replies overlap: “Tell us what?” “What?” and “Yeah, what’s the word, Deac?”
“Well, because of, uh, what Annie went through last year, the doctor wants to induce labor to avoid risks. So I’m gonna work half a day and have a baby tonight,” Deacon answers.
“Oh, whoa. Congratulations, man,” Luca offers, high-fiving Deacon.
“Congratulations,” you add, smiling as Deacon nods.
“Sure beats what I got going tonight,” Luca says.
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Deacon inquires.
“I got roped into hitting a single’s bar with this guy as his wingman.” Luca points to Street, and you lick your lips to hide how quickly your smile falls.
“What? It’s a great way to meet girls,” Street argues.
You chew your lower lip and swear you can feel your hope and happiness leaking out. Part of you thought that Street felt the same and you’d have a chance to tell him everything, but knowing that he’s going to a bar to pick up women makes you rethink everything.
Hondo, Deacon, and Luca send Street a wide-eyed look before pointing or gesturing toward you, where you’re looking at Rocker’s tablet to review their drill scores.
“What?” Street asks.
The guys sigh, unable to deal with his stubborn obliviousness for a moment longer.
“Hey, Deac, let me know when I can visit Annie and the baby,” you call.
“You got it,” he replies as Street turns away.
Tan and Hondo discuss their plans for the night before Hondo challenges Street to a one-on-one drill.
“What do I get if I win?” Street asks.
“You might get a box of chocolates,” Hondo answers.
“Better be heart-shaped.”
“I’m gonna go,” you tell Luca.
Hondo’s phone beeps, and you stop by the door.
“Whoa, whoa. Flag’s up,” he says before the other phones in the room chime, yours included.
“Officer shot,” Hondo reads. “Let’s move.”
“Central Division’s currently looking for multiple shooters,” Deacon announces. “Search starting at Lochlyn and Pacific.”
“That’s the rec center in South LA,” Luca adds.
“They know if our guy was under cover? Vice?” Tan asks.
“Word I got is he was a patrol cop on break, just parked,” Hondo answers.
“What? Shot in his cruiser?” Street inquires.
Hondo nods and speaks into his comm to ask if you know the officer’s name.
“I can’t tell you until the family’s been notified,” you answer.
“I got you,” Hondo replies. “Keep us updated.”
“I’m with you the whole way.”
“All right,” Hondo says, turning his attention to 20-David. “On my mark we convene…”
“Do you think it’ll happen again?” you ask Hicks, standing across the table from him.
“What? Another cop? Depends entirely on the motive, but if our guys find ‘em first, they won’t have the chance.” Hicks sends you a comforting smile before saying, “I know you’re worried about the team, but they’re going to be fine. You being here for them is going to keep them safe, too.”
“I know it’s important, just- I feel like I’m removed from the case. Anything could happen out there, and most of it is stuff that I can’t warn them about.”
“You’re a good analyst, and we put you in here for a reason. Just remember that.”
“We canvassing security footage?” Hondo asks.
“Yeah, no cameras on any houses and nearby buildings picked up anything,” Detective Burrows replies.
“Mind if I have a member of my team double check?”
“Please do.”
Hondo says your name, and you rush to acknowledge him. “I need you to double-check nearby security footage, and see if you can find anything that’ll help us ID our shooters.”
“Yes, sir. You suspect that they were casing the cop?”
“Maybe, that would explain how they knew he was here.”
“Officer did volunteer hours at the rec center for Operation Progress,” Burrows says. “Whoever they are, the shooters came and left on foot. Entry gate has a license plate scanner. We already ran them from earlier today, all came up clean.”
“Then these guys are long gone by now,” Street concludes.
“Street,” you radio. “Which direction has the greatest number of houses?”
“Uh, West of the shooting location,” he answers. “Why?”
“If they left on foot, they wouldn’t run into the open. I’ll check all of the cameras I can find and get back to you. Be careful.”
“Copy that.”
While Hondo breaks away from his team to talk to the locals and get more information, you scour every camera feed you can find. None of the cameras caught the shooters, but as 20-David separates before their planned rendezvous, you can’t help but worry that they’re weakening themselves, creating openings for another attack. Only this time, you fear one of them will be the target.
“He’s gone,” Hicks says as he returns. “Officer Schwartz just passed. Now we’ve got a cop killer on our hands. We’re sending Mumford and Rocker to assist, but we need you more than ever now.”
“Yes, sir. We’ll find them.”
“Mizael ‘Tuzo’ Martinez,” Hondo says as he returns to the situation room. 
You type the name as he says it, quickly finding his file. “’El Tuzo.’ Multiple offender... the LAPD database should name a software or something after him, he’s got a rap sheet longer than this table.”
“L2D gang leader,” Hondo reads. “You think this guy’s graduated from running drugs to being a cop killer?”
You look up, waiting for an answer. When the DEA is mentioned, you return your attention to what little bit of data you’ve collected. You know the wiretap intel is good, but you have nothing to add to the conversation without hearing the recording.
Worried about Street, you try to focus entirely on the map you’ve created of possible routes from the scene, but there are too many possibilities to narrow it down to a single direction.
“We need a plan that doesn’t give them time to prepare or let lookouts warn Martinez to run,” Jessica says.
“Just walk in,” you murmur, “that’s what they did.”
“That’s not a terrible idea, but we can’t use the front door,” Hondo responds, nodding at you. “Police presence is high in that neighborhood. With our perimeter just up the road, we’ll look like spillover from Watts. So we come in from above, we fast-rope down. I’ll lead Red Team’s staggered entry, shallow to deep. And we use non-lethal rounds for crowd control. That’ll help us get Martinez out.” Hondo looks at you to ask, “We can do that, right?”
Looking at a map of the area, you nod. “No reason I can see that it wouldn’t work. Chances of him having eyes in the sky seems unlikely.”
“Blue team will pick you up on the ground and bring you back here,” Jessica adds, solidifying the plan. “Let’s go get him.”
“Air 17 is almost to location,” you alert. “D-Team has 30 seconds to target.”
“This is 20-David to Command,” Hondo calls. “Exfil point clear on the Kerlon block, northwest outlet. Copy.”
“Roger that, 20-David,” Jessica replies. “Blue Team standing by for your signal.”
“Commander, how are we going to keep the exfil point clear? It’s fine now, but by the time they get back out…” you pause when Street’s voice comes over the comms as he lands on the rooftop and calls for the gear.
“We’re doing everything we can,” Hicks promises. “They’ll be able to exfil.”
Turning back to the computer, you watch Street’s tracker blink on the screen as he moves with the rest of the team. Keeping an eye on the exfil point via satellite, you notice several cars speeding toward it.
“Commander Hicks,” you alert, pointing to the incoming traffic.
“This is 20-David to command, we have confirmation on the package,” Hondo radios.
“Blue team’s 30 seconds out,” Jessica replies. “Proceed to Kerlon and Pacific.”
“They’re going to get ambushed!” you whisper to Hicks, who gestures for you to wait before raising any alarms.
“Hondo, we got a situation,” Rocker says. “Kerlon exit’s blocked. I count 30, 40 hostiles approaching from the north.”
Hicks nods, and you begin looking for an alternate exfil route.
“I thought you said they wouldn’t have eyes in the sky!” Burrows yells.
“I said it was unlikely, not impossible.”
“You couldn’t have done more research? I thought you were supposed to be good at your job!”
“That’s enough, Detective,” Hicks interjects. “What’ve you got?”
“30-David, repeat that?” you ask.
“There’s a lookout in the adjacent building with a two-way radio,” Deacon says.
“All right, listen up. Deacon and Chris, detain the lookout.”
“Attention, blue team. Move to the southern end of Kerlon to exfil the team,” Jessica instructs.
“This is 20-David to Command, package en route,” Hondo radios.
You press a button, switching your radio so only Street can hear you. Holding your breath, you watch the map on your screen, blue and red dots showing you the location of each S.W.A.T. member. When you see Deacon and Chris fall back and hear the shots fired call, time seems to slow down. Street moves with Hondo and Martinez, but Rocker’s updates worry you. There is no good way to get your team out while trapped between two large groups of hostiles.
“Hondo, Street,” you radio, switching frequencies again. “I need you to find a way to get through the alley.”
“Redirect armored to meet us?” Hondo requests.
 “You got it.”
You can hear Street ushering his teammates through the hole in the alley wall, but when he falls silent, you panic.
“Street?” you call, watching the trackers move forward slowly. “26-David! Come in!”
“This is 20-David, package secure,” Hondo says as they move away from the scene.
“Street, talk to me!” you demand.
“Hey,” Street replies, out of breath. “We’re all good. Headed back to base.”
You rip your comm out of your ear, relieved to hear an all-clear, before pushing past Burrows to get some air. Knowing that someone is targeting cops and feeling helpless is not helping your attachment to Street. Despite being disappointed upon learning about his plans for the night, you still care about him and need to know he’s safe. Those minutes of silence, not knowing, were pure agony.
“Makes you think about what’s really important, doesn’t it?” Luca asks.
“You mean, getting the guy responsible for putting one of us in the dirt?” Street replies.
“That, plus sometimes you take things for granted. You forget it can all be gone, in a moment. It’s been like over a month since I spent some quality time with my pops.”
“You should invite him over to the house.”
“Think I will. But you should invite someone over, too.”
“Are you referring to my mom? We’re still not talking.”
“Most definitely not who I was referring to.”
“Street,” you call when you see him walk in. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Just couldn’t answer there for a few minutes. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. I was just- it’s stressful, not knowing if everyone’s okay and when all those people showed up… I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Hey, thanks for your help out there. We wouldn’t have got Martinez without you.”
Street smiles before walking away to talk to Tan, and you sigh as you watch him go. Maybe when this is over, you’ll tell him how you feel. But then again, rejection does not seem like a good end to such a stressful day.
“Another cop just got shot,” you say, reading a new message.
“And Martinez has the perfect alibi,” Hicks complains.
“It’s the same group of shooters. Witness saw them; two of them left on foot, but the cop shot the third, winged him, and he’s held up in an office.”
“Let’s go get him!” Hondo yells before 20-David rushes to Black Betty.
Now that a second cop has been shot, you know it’s a pattern. Same MO means the same shooters, and with Street following them, you have no choice but to worry that they may target him next. Any member of the team or the LAPD could be next. With Bonnie worried about Tan and Annie getting ready to have a baby, you feel like Street is the only one without someone to go home to if – when he survives this.
Listening to the comms and digging for any information you can find, you stay quiet and do your job. Burrows hasn’t apologized, and you doubt he will, but you refuse to let him throw you off. You’re good at your job, and you are going to get every single member of your team home safe. You would not be opposed to becoming that home for Street.
When Hondo tells you that the local PD took out the third shooter, and they’re back to square one, you take a deep breath. Annie sends you a text, and you quickly reply that Deacon is safe and should return to HQ soon. Wishing you were brave enough to tell Street that you’re worried about him as openly as Annie expresses worry for Deacon, you fall back into your routine of finding information.
“I got something!” you cheer, mirroring your screen to the display in the situation room. “An ATM camera captured these men, who fit the witness description, just a few minutes ago. They run behind the auto shop, so they’re either still there or no more than a few blocks away now.”
“We’ll do a sector search,” Jessica agrees, dividing the nearby area into sections.
“But we’re blind past the auto body shop,” Burrows points out. “Thanks,” he murmurs as he passes you.
Listening in on the raid of Hector Ledesma’s house, you fail to stay calm. Letting yourself do the one thing you’re not supposed to do in your job, you worry. Removing your earpiece, you excuse yourself from the situation room and walk out, pacing up and down a hallway as you try to level your breathing.
“Hector wasn’t there,” Hicks says, raising a hand to stop you. “His dad was. Hector’s trying to get revenge, or something like it, for his brother. Died in a prison riot on what he claims to be a bogus charge, he's blaming cops for framing him.”
“So, what now?” you ask.
“We’re going to track Wong’s phone.”
“He disappeared from the office. We think he went to meet up with the others, finish what they started.”
You sit in the hallway, where the entrance is clearly visible. It’s dark out, but when red and blue lights reflect off one of the walls, you stand and wait to see who is walking inside.
Street walks in before the rest of 20-David, and you run toward him, crashing into him before wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He freezes, his arms over your shoulders as you squeeze him in relief.
“Hey, where’s my hug?” Hondo teases.
“Yeah, I want a turn, too,” Luca adds.
Street furrows his brows, confused as to why they’re teasing you about hugging him first. When you pull back but don’t remove your hands from his side, he thinks he may know what's going on.
“Glad Street’s warm and happy,” Tan muses as he walks by.
As you keep your hands on Street, looking up at his face with a relieved smile, Street can’t help but smile himself. There’s something else in your eyes, though. Able to recognize the lingering worry in how you look at him, everything clicks for Street. How you treat him, touch him, ask him to be safe, and the genuine fear in your voice when he didn’t respond earlier make him realize that the feelings he’s been too oblivious to recognize are reciprocated.
Street’s smile grows, and Hondo rolls his eyes, anticipating what’s to come. Clearly enjoying your attention, Street prepares to use his new knowledge of your feelings to get under your skin a bit before doing what he really wants to do. Despite not recognizing his own feelings until this moment, Street knows that deep down, he’s been falling for you as long as he’s known you.
“Keep holding me and I’m going to think you have a crush on me,” Street taunts playfully.
You pull your hands away but don’t move any farther from Street. Deterring you won’t be as easy as making a few jokes about how you feel for Jim Street.
“I guess I should have known, I mean, you don’t stare at everyone like this, do you?” he adds. “And the taps on the back when you tell me to be careful, those are special made for me.”
“If they are?” you ask, smiling as Street pretends to think.
“Then I’d have to say you did an excellent job creating them. Ten out of ten, they’re very good incentive to come back safe.”
“Are you going to keep teasing me, or are you-“
“I’m going to do something about it,” Street interrupts, finishing your sentence. “Would you like to get dinner with me? Just you and me.”
“Like a date?”
“Not like a date. It is a date, and it’ll be the best one you’ve ever had. We’ll be even more inseparable, and the guys will love it.”
You laugh, nodding as you agree to go on a date with him. Giddy at the idea, you can only smile when he asks if now is a good time. Glancing down at your phone, you read a new message from Annie and forget about the prospect of a date.
“Annie’s having a complication, I have to get to the hospital,” you tell Street.
“Hondo wants the team to meet him there, too. I’ll drive you, let’s go.”
When you arrive at the hospital, Street has to tap your arms to request you loosen your grip on him. He takes your hand as you walk inside together. You’re the first to arrive, and you let Street lead you to a seat in the waiting room. You pull Street’s hand into your lap, tracing the lines on his palm while you wait.
When you hear Hondo and Luca talking outside, Street pulls his hand back, winking at you as he picks up a magazine. Luca, Tan, and Hondo say hi to you as they take seats. The tension in the room is thick, but being with people who care about you and each other helps.
“Annie’s tough,” Hondo reminds everyone. “She’s gonna pull through for the both of them.”
As they begin discussing Tan’s gift for Bonnie, you glance toward Street.
“I was worried it might come off as desperate,” Tan says.
“Nah. Hitting a singles’ bar with a colleague is desperate,” Luca argues.
“Tactical,” Street replies, his eyes on the magazine.
Luca scoffs before offering, “Whatever you say, man.”
Street tosses the magazine to the side, placing his hand in your lap again. You immediately take it between yours, leaning your head against his shoulder. He hums, turning so you’re more comfortable.
“Thank you for coming back to me,” you whisper.
 “Are we supposed to ignore this?” Hondo asks.
“I can’t,” Luca argues. “When did this happen?”
“Have you ever experienced one of her hugs? They’re life-changing,” Street responds.
“No, you just finally realized that you like me,” you say against his jacket. “Idiot.”
“Now that part I can agree with,” Hondo cheers.
“You’re lucky I like you,” Street whispers in your ear.
While you continue waiting, you move closer to Street, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders as you lean against his side.
“I have so many compliments to make up for,” Street hums. “I guess I’ll start by saying that you’re beautiful.”
You sit up suddenly, squeezing Street’s hand when Deacon walks into the room, rubbing his eyes. Standing, you keep Street’s hand in yours as you rush toward him.
“Deac,” Hondo greets. “What’s the word?”
Deacon sighs before smiling to announce, “Her name is Victoria Josie Kay. She’s eight pounds, four ounces, and she’s fine, and Annie’s fine.”
“Baby girl in the building,” Luca cheers, hugging Deacon before walking through the door behind him.
You and Street step forward last, and Deacon’s eyes widen when he sees your joined hands. You drop Street’s hand to hug Deacon, but Jim takes it back as soon as you step away. Entering Annie’s room, you congratulate her on a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
“I did not think that Street would be the next one to get into a serious relationship,” Deacon whispers to Hondo, tucked away by the door.
“I didn’t think he was capable of it, but at least he came to his senses before it was too late," Hondo agrees.
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nevertheless-moving · 9 months
james t kirk walking through the enterprise for his FIRST OFFICIAL ENTERPRISE ASSIGNMENT (his first real (temporary) commission on the ENTERPRISE! baby boy's dream job! second time on this fancy deck EVER!) losing his absolute mind like is this. a thing. that ships do. and no one told me? at ANY point in The Academy??? Or is it just the flagship? I mean they ARE the best, so maybe Pike's on to something? Was that energy pulse a signal? Damn the choreography is impressive — yeah, I suppose I can see this being helpful for emergency drills, or at least morale... and it's just like being on an old Earth ship, which you have to admire. I wonder if they do historic shanties too! Wow! Commander Una really can do anything, is her vocal range also enhanced? Asking is almost definitely a microaggression, come on Jim, be better. ok, it's gotta be just the Enterprise, Farragut never... except, our command officers are somewhat considered killjoys? Maybe its like how some ship cultures tend more pants over skants? no, someone would have told me before now if this was a normal crew activity. But if it's not standard, how is everyone in such perfect harmony that's GOT to take serious practice. Unless its like an old school hazing, trial by fire deal... then I can't be the only one out of the loop on this. Oh shit, what if it's — oh good God I should have taken a music elective — Gary told me straight to my face that my course load was too narrow on command, my career councilor even said that I could benefit from more arts in my schedule! FUCK! They must have taught this in one of those easy credit intro to federation music seminars and everyone who looks at my file knows I'm an uncultured idiot who — oh I am also singing. huh. right yes of course the lyrics are acknowledging the oddity of... guess there's some pathogen or anomaly — thank the lord i haven't been missing something major for — wait no, being compelled to sing in unison is also a problem—
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
well earned reward
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jim hopper x joyce byers x fem!reader
poly relationship, threesome, d/s dynamic, casual dominance, cunnilingus, references to punishment/spanking, dirty talk, male masturbation, light cum play
You’re clearing the table from dinner, carrying a stack of three used plates over to the sink where Joyce stands washing up. Hopper’s standing at the door of the fridge, putting away the margarine. You clear your throat as you hand off the dishes, trying to sound casual. 
“You know…” the sweet, demure, lilting tone you use already has Hopper shooting you a questioning look from across the kitchen. You only talk like that when you want something. “I haven’t had a punishment in over a week.”
Hopper lets out a light scoff, grabbing a can of beer from the fridge. Joyce hums thoughtfully as she scrubs at a stubborn piece of crusted on lasagna.
“You have been really good lately, haven’t you?” She observes, turning to look at you as you make another round, now bringing her the used drinking glasses. You offer her a sweet smile and nod, very much liking where this is going. Joyce turns back to the dishes, setting the freshly cleaned plate aside before starting on another.
“She’s due a reward, Hop.”
“Joyce, are you kidding me?” He sounds incredulous as he leans against the counter, cracking open his can. “Didn’t you hear her just now?”
He looks at you, his expression hard, clearly unmoved. “You haven’t been punished in a week, kid. There’s your reward right there.”
You scowl at him, not appreciating his position on the matter whatsoever. You purse your lips, and he raises a brow, and it’s a good thing Joyce speaks up- because you’re seconds away from saying something that would blow your whole good girl claim straight out of the water.
“We aren’t drill sergeants, Hopper.” Joyce sounds almost irritated, but you recognize it as the tone she takes on whenever the two of them start to bicker. You have to bite back a smirk. It’s good to hear them bicker, because whenever they bicker, Joyce always wins. Even if Hopper doesn’t admit it.
“You got that right.” He shoots back, pushing himself off the counter. “If we were she’d get a spanking every week to keep her in line, good behavior be damned.” He gives your cheek a pat and offers you a patronizing look as he passes by you and enters the sitting room to lower heavily onto the couch. Joyce rolls her eyes, adding the last plate onto the drying rack and turning off the faucet. She turns to you as she dries off her hands, her smile genuine and slightly apologetic.
“Ignore him, honey.” She says, tossing the hand towel on the countertop. “Go ahead and tell me what you want. You’ve earned it.”
You beam at her, murmuring a soft “thank you” before you make your request. “Can I have your mouth?”
“Of course.”
You let out an excited squeal and rush to the bedroom, practically skipping in your excitement. 
“You’re spoiling her!” Hopper’s booming voice calls from the living room.
You ignore him in favor of stripping down your lower half and climbing onto the center of the mattress, legs spread and waiting.
She moves to crawl up between them, but you stop her when you say “wait.” Your cheeks warm a bit, feeling slightly shy despite everything. “Will you take your shirt off?”
Joyce smiles at your sweetness and offers you a nod, grasping the hem of her shirt and lifting it up off of her head in one easy, graceful motion. You have to remind yourself not to gawk at the sight of her bra clad chest- no matter how many times you see it, her body never fails to send a wave of arousal through you.
“You’re so sweet,” she praises when she sees your awed, adoring expression. She finally makes her way between your thighs- amused by the way your eyes follow her cleavage- and settles there, her face inches from your bare folds.You shiver at the feeling of her warm breath.
“Ready, honey?”
You nod immediately, hands clutching the sheets in anticipation.
That’s all the pleading Joyce needs to lean down and lick up your slit, her tongue just barely grazing your hooded clit and making you whimper. Her fingers come up to gently pull apart your swollen lips, further exposing your bud so the next lick has you reeling at the direct stimulation.
You allow the feeling to wash over you, basking in the sure, well-practiced movements of Joyce’s soft tongue and lips. She knows exactly what to do, has all the techniques that make your toes curl committed to memory. She flicks her tongue over your clit, occasionally latching on and sucking gently. Her eyes have fallen closed in her focus, and you reach down to gently hold the tresses of her hair.
Somewhere in your lust clouded mind you pick up on the sound of approaching footsteps- heavy and steady against the hardwood floors. You look to the doorway just as Hopper’s form appears in it. Beer can still in hand, he leans against the doorframe, looking unimpressed as he takes in the scene. 
You shoot him a shit-eating grin, feeling very smug that you’re getting a reward despite him expressing that you don’t deserve one. Hopper shakes his head at you, mouthing “fucking brat” before taking a sip of his beer.
Still grinning, you turn away from him, closing your eyes and focusing once again on the pleasure of Joyce’s mouth. You lose yourself in the sensations, feeling as though you’re practically floating in ecstasy.
You’re unaware of how much time passes before you’re snapped out of your bliss by the sound of Hopper’s empty beer can swishing into the wastebasket in the corner of the room. You open your eyes to see him stepping away from the doorframe, stalking towards the bed.
“Take off your shirt,” He gruffly tells you, gesturing at the obscuring clothing. You fix him with a confused look, and he raises his brow at you, daring you to argue. “Go on. If you’re gonna get some bullshit reward, I might as well get to enjoy the view.” 
Your confused expression morphs into a scowl. “It’s not bullshit,” you assert. Hopper’s brows shoot up, making his surprise at your rebuttal clear. Before you can say more, Joyce lifts her head.
“Just do what he says, sweetie.” She instructs, trying to keep the peace. “Take off your shirt for him, then I’ll keep going and make you cum. How does that sound?” 
You tear your gaze away from your staredown with Hopper to meet Joyce’s eye, and she offers you a pleading smile. You huff, not wanting to disappoint her.
“Fine,” you grumble, sitting up just enough that you can raise your top up off your abdomen and toss it aside. You hadn’t been wearing a bra, since you’d just been hanging around the house, so the removal of your shirt leaves you completely bare. 
“Attagirl,” Hopper mutters as Joyce leans back down to continue eating you out. “At least you’ll listen to one of us.” 
Maturely, you stick your tongue out at him as you settle back comfortably against the pillows. You’re determined to enjoy your reward despite Hopper’s brooding presence, so you do your best to ignore him where he stands beside the bed. Joyce is still working magic on your pussy, and you let out a soft moan at the feeling.
She expertly works you up towards your orgasm, her dainty hands snaking up to hold you at your waist, her thumbs rubbing tenderly at the skin there. You arch against the mattress, moaning lewdly when her tongue slips inside your entrance and sweeps across your inner walls just right. You hear Hopper let out a chuckle as well as the clinking of his belt as he frees his cock from the confines of his pants. 
“Yeah, she’s real good with her mouth, isn’t she?” He starts loosely fisting at his cock, eyes flicking back and forth between Joyce’s face buried in your cunt, and your face thrown back and contorted in pleasure. Your hands knead idly at the bedding, fists clenching and unclenching, toes curling and uncurling as you approach your peak.
“Gonna come soon? Gonna make a mess on Joyce’s pretty face?” 
So close to orgasm, you’ve entirely forgotten about your internal vow to ignore Hopper, and a moaned response of “yes” spills freely from your lips. 
“I better hear you thank her as you do, brat.” He growls, his hand picking up its pace. He’s standing right above you, jerking off over your chest. “Thank her for being so damn good to you.” 
You start to spiral off the edge, your hips rising to meet Joyce’s mouth, and Hopper’s free hand plants firmly on your lower stomach to keep you still. 
“Thank you,” you gasp out. “Thank you, thank you, thank you-” it’s a mindless mantra as Joyce works you through your orgasm, your brain short circuiting with the overwhelming pleasure. 
Right as you’re starting to come down Hopper lets out a low groan above you, the sight of you cumming bringing on his own release. Thick ropes of cum shoot from his cock and paint your breasts, feeling hot even against your balmy skin. You blink lazily up at him to see his pinched brow and parted lips before he lets go of his cock and closes his eyes with a breathless yet satisfied sigh. 
Joyce raises her head up from between your legs, wiping your release from her chin with the heel of her hand. She glances from you, to Hopper, to Hopper’s cum on your chest, and a small smirk makes its way onto her face.
“Still upset about her reward there, Hop?” She taunts. “Because it sure looks like you enjoyed it.”
“I still don’t think she fucking deserved it.” Joyce rolls her eyes. “Come tomorrow she’ll be acting up again, now that she’s gotten what she wants.”
“No,” you pipe up, voice bleary but firm, a pout settled on your lips. “I won’t. I’ll be good.”
Joyce gestures to you with a sweep of her arm, looking at Hopper with a look that says “see? What’d I tell you?”
Hopper scoffs. “Don’t buy that shit, Joyce. She’s always like that after she comes.”
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sachiko1309 · 7 months
The Commanders T'hy'la
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How I imagine Spock would look at you when he finds you reading filthy smut... I wonder if they teach those kind of things on Vulcan too... 😏😜
Summary: After an eventful evening, Spock made sure to bring home Lucy savely. But what happens next, wan't planned bei either of them.
Word count: 2953
Warnings: Smut, flashback to horrific backstory (kidnapping & rape), female orgasm, rough sex, Minors DNI !!! This contains adult content
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He continued to accompany me in silence up to my small apartment. It only had a single bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen with an adjoining living room. It was maybe 50 square meters in total. When Spock went to leave me at the door, I stopped. "Please don't go. I don't want to be alone right now."
"Of course, you do. Just a moment." He typed something into his PADD, presumably letting the others know what was going on. Then he entered and looked at my little apartment. I flopped down on my sofa and kicked off my shoes. Spock sat down next to me. He obviously had no idea what to do now. So, I reached for his arm. Looking at me, almost startled, when I put his hand on my cheek, he tried to pull it back, but I held him tight. "Don't. I want you to know. Jim doesn't understand and I need someone who does."
Spock gritted his teeth and I closed my eyes as he merged both our consciousnesses together.
Pain shot through my cheek when he hit me. I fell to the ground and tried to crawl away, blood dripping from my nose and ran down my temple.
"Your captain must think very highly of you, trading you for a worthless relic like that," Hanesh's voice dripped with satisfaction. "You're nothing but a pawn to him, and now you're mine." He pulled me up by my hair, and I could hear my scalp tearing. I screamed out as he threw me across the room. Crashing into the steel wall with full force, I felt my arm break.
Hanesh slowly stalked towards me. "It's time you do your part of the bargain." He knelt in front of me and began to undress me. I was too foggy from the pain to react quickly enough, as he pulled a knife from his belt and carved something into my chest. I screamed and squirmed in his grip, but he was just too strong. "Now you're all mine," he said as he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall behind me. I struggled and kicked at him, but it hardly seemed to impress him.
"Fuck you, you bastard. Fuck you and your people. Jim will come for me and when he does, he'll kill you." I spat in his face taking another punch to my cheek. Dazed, I went down.
"He'll probably come. But until then, we'll have a lot of fun together," Hanesh hissed in my ear as he leaned over me and pulled my legs apart. I tried to resist with all my strength, but he grabbed my broken arm and pulled. My scream echoing off the smooth walls. Distantly, I heard Hanesh laughing as he forced himself into me.
It hurt. I was unprepared and totally tense, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. It might have even played into his sadistic need for pleasure. Ruthlessly, he took what he wanted. I knew that Vulcans had an animalistic and crude way of having sex, once they stopped controlling themselves, but this was even worse. Unlike Vulcans, Hanesh gave free rein to his needs. He fucked me ruthlessly and held me down by my neck. My whole body ached and I slipped further and further into unconsciousness. My field of vision went black and the pain became less and less.
But suddenly another feeling drilled itself into my head. Abysmal hatred and anger. Stronger than I had ever felt before. Startled, I opened my eyes and flinched. In an instant, the hatred and anger disappeared from my mind.
They were his feelings.
When he opened his eyes and looked at me, I saw it in his eyes. His face still stoic and unchanged, but his eyes said everything I needed to know. "I now understand what Jim meant when he implied you hated my race." His voice was studiously calm as he stepped away from me.
"Don't." Instinctively, I reached for his hand. Again, his feelings overwhelmed me. But this time it was anger and hatred mixed with desire. He looked at me with dark eyes as he sensed my attraction to him.
I threw everything overboard and climbed into his lap. Hard, I pressed my lips to his, but he turned his head away. "That's not a good idea, Miss Lucy." Tensely, he held me down, so I couldn't assault him again. "Please." I put my hand on his chest. "Please, Spock. I want to forget him. I don't want to feel his touch anymore."
He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "I don't think I'd be the right person for that."
I slid around on his lap, visibly affecting him. He growled deeply and his grip tightened. Sighing, he closed his eyes. "I don't know if I can be careful," his voice was harsh "I'm emotionally compromised."
"Then don't. I want to feel you. I want you to make me forget what he did," I said pleadingly, looking at him with hungry eyes. And that seemed to be enough.
Spock pressed his lips to my mouth and stood up. "Bedroom," he growled between kisses.
"Left door," I replied breathlessly. I felt him start to walk away. He kicked the door shut with his foot. Then suddenly I found myself under him, pressed into the soft mattress of my bed. I fiddled with his uniform with trembling fingers. Quickly, he gave in to my needs, taking off his jacket and shirt. His broad shoulders were a stark contrast to his otherwise slender, muscular upper body. Ears slightly turning green when he saw me looking at him. But the embarrassment was gone as soon as he took in my body.
I straightened up and undid the belt of my dress. Then I slipped it off and threw it into a corner. Spock impatiently pushed me back onto the bed. His lips now hard on mine again. When he started kissing my neck, a low moan escaped me and I curled into his arms. He grumbled against my neck and sucked the skin between his teeth. When he bit down, I cried out in surprise.
He immediately let go of me and braced himself on his hands. "I'm sorry. I let myself go." There was a brief flash of consternation in his eyes, but it passed as soon as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Looking at me with dark eyes he buried his face in my neck again. His long fingers moved to my back and I felt him effortlessly unclasp my bra and toss it aside.
Spock slowly kissed his way down to my breasts. Impatiently, I bent towards him. And when his mouth took my nipple in his mouth and gently slid his tongue over it, I moaned his name. My hands moved to his back and then into his hair. I tried not to grab too hard, but I failed as he tore my thong and his long fingers penetrated me.
"Say that again."
A low growl escaped his throat and vibrated against my neck.
"I didn't know Vulcans could growl," I whispered in his ear.
"You don't know a lot of things," was all he said, while looking at me. His eyes almost black, his jaw clenched tensely. At that moment, Spock's fingers hit my sweet spot. I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes. He continued to massage my insides and when he placed his thumb on my clitoris, I clawed at his back.
"Look at me!" His commanding tone elicited another moan from me. I forced myself to open my eyes. He took one of my hands from his back and intertwined his fingers with mine. As soon as the connection was made, I felt his desire next to mine. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes as his fingers continued to bring me to climax. And he knew that. He felt me twitching around his fingers, felt it through our connection, saw it in my eyes.
This moment was more intimate than anything I had ever experienced. I could feel how close I was to my orgasm. My legs trembling in anticipation. I was mesmerized by his eyes; my breathing heavy and irregular. A diabolical smile stole onto his lips and he leaned down and started kissing my neck. "Come for me," he whispered. And that was it. I slid over the precipice and fell. My orgasm came hard. "Oh God Spock." I screamed his name, clawing at him. But he didn't stop. Instead, he pulled the skin on my neck between his teeth and bit down again. I reared up as the pain mixed with my orgasm. And then the second wave hit me.
I was so focused on my feelings that I forgot he was holding my hand. His desire crashed into my head like a train and I could feel that it was taking all his strength not to take what he wanted here and now. As I slowly came back down from my high, I took his face in my hands. "Spock..." I said and looked at him. "It's okay. I want you. I want you to fuck me."
He smirked at my choice of words, but I continued to look at him urgently. "Take me. I want to feel you. All of you."
He didn't need to be told twice. Elegantly, he swung out of bed and took off his pants. I gulped when I saw his size. But I didn't have time to think about it, because what he did next threw me completely off course. He put his fingers in his mouth. His eyes were fixed on mine while his tongue removed the last remnants of me from his fingers, he moaned with pleasure. Without me being able to fully comprehend his speed, he was on top of me again, pausing for a moment.
"Contraception." he groaned.
"IUD." I breathed and he nodded with relief.
Then he was inside me. I sucked in a sharp breath as he filled me completely. It hurt, but it was an arousing pain. Slowly, he began to move inside me and I moaned. God damn did that feel good. The way he massaged me, the way his eyes scanned me... It was perfect.
"May I?" he asked, holding a hand next to my face. I knew it was one of the most intimate moments for Vulcans to share their thoughts during sex, and the fact that he wanted me to be a part of it excited me even more. I nodded and Spock merged our consciousness.
And what I felt overwhelmed me with all its power. I saw myself through his eyes. The first time he saw me in my office, how he didn't understand why I was so upset with Jim. I saw what he was thinking when I came into the living room of the youth center tonight in my dress, felt his body craving me when he saw me like that, felt how it irritated him. Then I saw myself lying under him while he took me. But I also felt him holding back, afraid of hurting me, of it being too much for me.
I looked at him, startled. The word was still echoing through my head. He immediately took his hand away from my face, but I put it back. "Don't," I said, "nemaiyo na'ish-veh gol'nev."
My Vulcan was rusty, but I could see that he understood me, that he knew I was thanking him. And there it was again, our mental bond. I sensed that he wanted more, that he wanted it the way his instincts told him to. He did his best to hide this thought from me, but I had picked up on it, letting him know through our bond that I wanted it too.
As soon as I had finished thinking, his behavior changed. It became more animalistic, wilder, harder. He took my thigh and put it over his shoulder. The angle he created, now enabling him to hit the spot exactly where his fingers had brought me to orgasm a few moments earlier.
"Spock... don't stop, please... I... fuuuuck." my voice echoed through my room as I came again. Spock's grip on my thigh tightened, his eyes scanning my body with desire. He broke our connection and began to caress my body with his hands. The harsh difference between that gesture and the way he took me was driving me crazy.
My thigh had slipped off his shoulder again by now, giving him all the freedom, he needed to kiss my upper body. I clawed at his back, hoping to get some stability, but it was hopeless.
I was an overstimulated wreck. The places where he kissed me, sucked on my skin and little bites burned like fire as soon as they touched the air and I was sure they would be visible for days to come. My muscles ached, but I didn't want to stop. I wanted everything he could give me. In a new surge of pleasure, I clawed so hard that Spock growled in protest. He skillfully removed my hands from his shoulders and fixated them above my head. This feeling of being completely at his mercy excited me even more, if that was even possible.
"T'hy'la..." Spock moaned in my ear. Only now did I realize how close he was to his own orgasm. His movements were more uncoordinated, his forehead sweaty, the tips of his ears glowing a vibrant grass green. "Nash-veh ashaya du, T'hy'la." his voice was so quiet I barely heard it. I could feel him twitching as he poured into me, but that was beside the point. Spock had just confessed that he loved me. It was the most beautiful and unsettling thing he could have said.
I knew that Vulcans were very open and direct about it once they had made that decision, but could he even know if he loved me after such a short time?
What if it was just a slip of the tongue in this situation?
For my part, I wasn't sure myself. I felt safe and protected with Spock, more so than in any other relationship I'd ever had, but I was human. My feelings came and went faster than his. It was more normal for humans to fall in love faster, or more accurately, to develop feelings.
It took Spock a few seconds to notice my uncertainty. He tried to find out what it was and when he understood, he sucked in a sharp breath and jerked away from me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel insecure or put you under pressure. Expressing my feelings so thoughtlessly was illogical." There he was again, the cool, calculating Spock. Albeit naked in my bedroom.
Quickly. he grabbed his things and left the room. I jumped up in panic and almost tripped. Running after him, I grabbed hold of him just before he had completely crossed the living room. He looked at me emotionlessly and I shrank under his gaze. I was still naked and, unlike him, I was now uncomfortably aware of it. I quickly took the blanket off the sofa and threw it over my shoulders to at least cover myself up a little.
Embarrassed, I looked down at the floor, hoping he would speak first, but he didn't. In fact, he didn't do anything except stare at me. I sighed and tried to express my thoughts reasonably logical: "Spock... I... it's not normal for us humans to say things like that so quickly. I need time to process it all, to process us."
"But of course, if you want distance, I'll stay away from you," Spock began to get dressed.
"No, you misunderstand me. I mean I want to take things slowly and see what develops. But that doesn't mean I don't want to see you anymore. I feel safe with you and... and... I like you," I stammered, staring at the floor.
"T'hy'la..." Spock, half-dressed, stepped towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I will give you as much time as you want. It's very logical to weigh all the facts first and then make your decision."
"A relationship is not a logical conclusion based on facts. You either love each other or you don't." I had to chuckle.
"But sometimes there are other advantages to maintaining a relationship. For example, it ensures the preservation of your own race. And if you consider this point, it would be important to choose a healthy, strong and young partner to make it easier to raise the offspring."
I looked at him speechlessly. "You can't be serious."
"But I know several Vulcans who maintain a relationship for reasons of logic."
"But I'm not a Vulcan, nor do I feel the need to have children. A relationship for me is based on love and trust." I was offended. Hearing something like that from Spock shortly after what had just happened hurt. He was quick to realize, that he had offended me and hugged me uncertainly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to present different points of view." Spock held me at arm's length and I could see a small smile on his stoic face. "But since I am only half Vulcan and half human, I feel the same desire as you to build our relationship on an emotional level."
"Thank you, Spock." Was all I could say, not entirely sure if it was only an answer to his words, or to the whole evening.
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angelsdean · 1 month
totally forgot abt pastor Jim dying in this ep. and….the way John reacts 👀. first he’s angry abt it, goes into drill sergeant mode barking orders, and then he gets really quiet and somber:
JOHN nods at them and they all turn back to their cars. JOHN stops, leaning on his trunk. DEAN turns back as he opens his door and pauses.
(upset) Yeah. It's Jim. You know, I can't....(his face hardens) This ends, now. I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes.
And if this is the same “Murph” from spnwin that John was war buddies with…. Mmm.
Also this line, after Meg calls and taunts John by admitting to killing Jim Murphy and torturing another friend:
No Sam. I want to stop losing people we love.
Like yes obvs Mary and Jess, but in the context of just hearing another friend get tortured and killed and his emotional response to Jim’s death I am simply going. Hm.
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The Hand That Holds The Bread • The Anti-Monopoly War Song • The Pacific Railroad • The Song Of The Red Man • The Future America • Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill • A Laborer You See, And I Love Liberty • Out Of Work • Eight Hours • The Chinese, The Chinese, You Know • Little Ah Sid • No Irish Need Apply • Uncle Sam's Farm • Jim Fisk, Or He Never Went Back On The Poor • Kick Him When He's Down • We Never Speak As We Pass By • When The Girls Can Vote • The Fatherhood Of God And The Brotherhood Of Man • Ma! Ma! Where's My Pa? • Little Brown Jug • Father's A Drunkard, And Mother Is Dead • Crooked Whiskey • After The Fair • Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay
Submitter's note: "The Chinese, The Chinese, You Know" and "Little Ah Sid" are blatantly racist, and "The Song of the Red Man" is meant to be anti-racist but still expresses stereotypes. Based the research I have managed to do, the creators of the album only included these songs for historical recording reasons rather than endorsement of the racism
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK live 25 April 2023
Cr./creators of media used in this post.
As usual, you guys know the drill already, I wake up to stuff already gone down.
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JK went live at 4:48 KST on 25.4.2023
Don't need to work hard to see the numbers here. Coincidence again? Maybe. But here we go:
It just works.
Ok, so I'm not going to do a full live post at the moment, seeing JK was going for an hour and a half, most of which I missed. I will wait for the full translated live to talk about it in depth, if needed.
A few things noticed:
JK is fully clothed. Like Jeans, belt, shirt tucked into pants like at the premiere.
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Identical tuck of shirt and looks like similar T shirt, although neck line might be different (not sure about that, as it looks like it's folded in a little in the premiere photos).
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Also, don't seem to be same jeans/pants, nor does it look like the same belt.
Did JK come home, change to comfy clothes and then put change back into jeans for the live?
What for though? Not like he didn't do lives in PJs or comfy sweatpants before. I doubt he'd dress up for a cooking live just before bed.
Did he come home after the premiere, change, go out, come back and start the live? Or did he go somewhere else after the premiere, change pants, come home and start the live?
The one thing I am quite sure of is that JK must have just returned home shortly before the live.
Where he was or with who Idk (I can guess and have a guess to that), but he clearly hasn't been home long.
Previous lives and past statements make that kind of clear.
JK IS wearing THE necklace.
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The mood lighting without the stars.
Clearly the man was in the feels.
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He felt the need for comfort and he turned on the live for that. These aren't easy times for them. For him.
Hobi and JM. The two people that give him comfort, that ground him emotionally. Hobi just enlisted, JM is off to NY for more than a bit.
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So yeah, he's in the feels.
The man is adorable.
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His creation:
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Anyways, our emo boy, yes just look at him, this doesn't look like a 25 yo CK model, came, sat, cooked, ate and left.
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Wait, I take it back. Definitely a 25 yo CK model.
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So, man was tired. Ate and wanted to go sleepy-by, ending the live.
Well, not before realising he actually needs to wash up before sleep.
And then posted this:
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You have got to love this man.
He is definitely one of a kind.
That's it for now folks.
I'll end this here with JK's famous words (well, they will be famous):
"I'm sleepy, bye".
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy X A Tale of Thousand Stars Ep 4 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Yesterday, we transitioned into the A Tale of Thousand Stars portion of this crossover, and the mood shifted to match. There’s been a lot of consternation about the episode, and whether it represents a weak outing from Aof and friends. I have decided that it doesn’t matter for me, because it mostly worked for me. I understood the intention of having these characters get lost in the woods repeatedly no matter who they were with. I’ll have more to say this weekend, I’m sure.
Not these two coming for my man Phupha’s back during their roleplay!
I’m glad Pat and Pran got to have a cute montage before they left.
We will finally be free of the Our Skyy 2 theme.
I like that Pran made a friend out of Tian on this trip. Pran has so few friends, and I’m glad he was able to make one on his own.
Pat, please never stop terrorizing Phupha.
Unsurprised that Tian broke first on the apology, but glad to see Phupha getting flirty.
You just knew he was going to sign. I’m not even worried about the conditions. He wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t force you to meet him where he is.
I really hope tourists don’t tarnish this waterfall.
It’s not time for Only Friends yet, so we can’t have someone fondling tiddies yet on GMMTV. Mark, Neo, and Book, you are to be our champions.
Ah, Oishii tea is here. We can relax now.
Okay, I’m having fun with flirty Phupha.
We’re finally acknowledging the mosquito net as foreplay!
Finally, we the people have received what we needed. I wanted them to kiss so badly the first time they were here, and I’m finally sated.
Tian is wearing the Nong Nao sleeping mask! This is not a drill!
They did the Bad Buddy score scene. Few things make me happier than seeing older gays learn something from their juniors. Good for Phupha to get flirty in the morning.
I don’t think I mind Phupha surprising Tian in Bangkok, since it’s always seemed like a long drive. I get Phupha wanting that time to collect himself and put on his best face.
“People here let their cameras eat first.” I hate this description, but he’s correct.
GAYS IN A PHOTOBOOTH! I’m just going to pass out now.
Yes, Tian. Please upgrade this man’s fit.
Phupha is being so brave about how nervous he is about new clothes and their costs.
I’m so glad we’re getting to play dress up with Phupha like he’s a Ken.
Oh, I’m crying a little bit. Asking that Pat and Pran portray them feels like the exact restriction Phupha would apply. He would want their story told by people who know them and who they can trust a bit. I think Pran definitely gets Phupha.
Mix has such an incredible way to shift his face slightly and be suddenly so smitten.
Ink and Pa are at the play!!
This play was cute. I loved this.
Not the reversal on the finger suck into a genuinely decent kiss once again interrupted by Pa!!
White cameo!! I hope he continues to pop up in BL for the next 60 years.
Phupha and his surprises. I’m okay with it for today, but I hope his next step is being more forthright.
I love that Tian’s parents led the conversation for Phupha. He needed their approval, but respects them too much to ask for it.
His errand was a ring for a proposal. I forgive him for everything.
“We finally have a thousand stars now.” Okay, gonna lie down and cry. I don’t know what it was, but something old in me just snapped.
I really like Mix and Earth as a pair. They play their dynamic differently with each couple. Tian and Jim kiss differently than Wen and Jim.
Yes, give us the same unhinged outro that Pat and Pran gave us in episode 12.
Final Verdict: 10, Highly Recommended (Primarily for Gay Reasons). I understand a lot of the complicated feelings everyone has about Pat and Pran, but I personally loved all of this. I respect Aof telling something mildly dissatisfying with Pat and Pran, because that is honestly at the core of their dynamic. They are constantly subject to outside influences that make it difficult for them to be happy the way they want to be, and that is most evident in Pran. I really liked them crossing over to meet Tian and Phupha, because we got to see both couples really face who they are.
Part of the big difference here is that we are still seeing Pat and Pran in the middle of their story, and Pran especially still has things he needs to sort. With Tian and Phupha, we’re seeing them after their show ended. We’re seeing them face themselves with the help of the Chaos Gays that showed up on their doorstep. As a result, everyone got to see themselves differently, and we the audience got some of what we needed from both shows.
For me, I just love that both of these couples are “in repair” and are trying to be present for each other. Like Uncles Cheep and Dej said, once the infatuation fades, it’s about trust and commitment. I like that we walked away from this with me feeling like that’s the goal for both of them.
Shoutouts to @shortpplfedup @lurkingshan, @ginnymoonbeam, @waitmyturtles, and @wen-kexing-apologist for talking through episode 3 yesterday. 
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Do Something!
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader (works an LAPD desk job)
Summary: 20-David is tired of watching you and Street pretend not to be in love with each other, too oblivious to realize your feelings are reciprocated. When you distance yourself from Street, they have to encourage him to do something.
Warnings: brief angst, vague mentions of insecurity, fluff, comfort at the end
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
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When you transferred to work a desk job in LAPD SWAT, mostly comprised of completing paperwork and applying for grants and government funding, you were warned of several things. Those warnings, focused on the officers' high-pressure lifestyles and gruff exteriors, did not mention how easy it would be to fall for one of them.
The moment you met Jim Street, he captured your entire attention. Several months into your new job, you have fallen in love with him. He is a SWAT officer, incredibly handsome, and absolutely out of your league. So, you’ve decided to watch him from a distance, do what you can to help him, and hope your feelings pass like a high school crush. Unfortunately, falling in love with someone isn’t as easy to move on from.
“Hondo,” Hicks calls from his office doorway. “We need two accounts of yesterday’s raid for the paperwork. They’re waiting for it.”
“I’ll go,” Street volunteers.
“You want to do paperwork?” Hicks asks.
“No, he wants to see the girl who submits it,” Luca answers. “He’s in love with her but won’t admit it.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Street argues.
“Which part?”
“Uh, the love part. I don’t even know her.”
“Street, kid, you don’t have to know someone to fall for them,” Deacon says, patting Street’s shoulder. “But I’ll give the other account and then get out of your way.”
“Hey, try to pick up some courage on the way!” Luca calls after Street.
“You could always just tell her you like her, ask her out, send her a letter, whatever you do,” Deacon reminds Street.
“She doesn’t feel the same,” Street laments.
Deacon shakes his head, wondering what he did to have to deal with not one but two oblivious idiots who are in love with each other but won’t admit it.
“Hi, Sergeant Kay, Officer Street,” you greet. “This should be quick.”
Deacon knows the drill, and you type while he tells you what happened. When he concludes, you print it and pass it to him for proofreading and his signature. Carrying through on his promise to Street, Deacon leaves as soon as he’s done, praying that something happens while you’re alone in the office.
“Alright, your turn, Officer Street.”
“You can just call me Street,” he offers.
“Okay, Street. Just start talking whenever you’re ready. Tell me everything you remember.”
As you did with Deacon, you type quickly, keeping your eyes on the screen so you don’t get distracted by Street sitting across the desk. After you print the report, you sit back and watch him read it. You must avoid daydreaming, and luckily, Jim passes the paper back to you before you can begin.
“Thank you,” you say, inhaling deeply when your fingers brush his.
“Need anything else from me?”
Everything, you think, yet you say, “That’s it for now. Thank you for coming so quickly. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to return the favor.”
Street pauses as he stands, and for a moment, you have a glimmer of hope that something will happen, but then he says, “Thanks,” and walks out of the door.
Sighing, you slouch in your chair and take a few breaths before returning to your duties.
Street and Luca are sparring, and Luca barely misses Street’s face when he suddenly drops the punching pad.
“Whoa, dude, what the heck was that?” Luca exclaims.
Street is looking over his shoulder, so Luca turns quickly, shaking his head when he sees what made Street speechless and immobile. You’re standing with Hicks, dressed in one of your nicest outfits. Street overheard you mention something about a proposal meeting, but he didn’t consider how beautiful you would look for it. Granted, he thinks you’re always beautiful, but his mind wanders to how you’d look on a date with him, and he distantly acknowledges that he is a goner.
“Are you going to stand there and drool over her or do something?” Luca asks.
“What?” Street asks, snapping his mouth closed as he turns to Luca.
“Just ask her out, man, she clearly-“
“Is out of my league. I’m not going to ruin the little bit of friendship we have.”
“So you finally admit you like her.”
“No. I just see her a lot, I guess.”
“You guess,” Luca repeats sarcastically. “You’re an idiot, Streeter.”
Street doesn’t argue, and Luca considers actually punching him in the head to knock some sense into him.
When you return from the proposal, you are in a great mood because the private investors love your ideas and feel empowered to do something bold. As soon as you enter SWAT HQ, you begin looking for Street. The worst case scenario is he says no and never wants to see you again, which would be terrible, but you’re hoping for the best: a yes.
Hearing Street’s voice outside the situation room, you smile and round the last corner. Street is talking to Molly Hicks, though, and you freeze, letting your smile fall. Street laughs at something she said, her voice quiet enough that you can’t hear. As Street reaches up to grasp her forearm while he replies in a whisper, you realize that you misread everything you thought was a signal.
Rushing to your office, you close the door and lay your head on your desk. You thought Street liked you, too, and that’s why he was a little awkward and different around you. But, no, he chose Molly. And why wouldn’t he? She’s probably better for him than you ever could be.
Your computer chimes with an incoming email, and you brush your hands over your forehead and the top of your hair before burying yourself in paperwork. On any other day, you would procrastinate finishing the more involved forms. Today, you blow through them quickly, desperate to keep your mind off Street and maintain the distance you’ve put between you. If he likes Molly, who are you to get in the way of that?
“Molly, Street, to what do I owe this… pleasure-adjacent incident?” Hicks asks.
“Dad,” Molly chides.
“Sorry. What do you want? And, Street, if you tell me you’re dating my daughter-“
“Oh, no, sir,” Street interjects. “We tried once and… we’re good.”
Hicks raises his hands in a request for someone to tell him what’s going on.
“Fine, I’ll ask,” Molly says. “Can SWAT officers date other LAPD employees?”
“Depends on the person, their departments, histories.” He looks over to Street to add, “For example, a SWAT officer and a, let’s say, grant writer and secretarial employee, would be able to have a relationship. The officer just may have to give action reports to a different employee to complete the paperwork without bias.”
“Oddly specific example,” Street jokes. “But I still think this is a terrible idea.”
Molly rolls her eyes. “Jim here thinks that his feelings aren’t reciprocated.”
“You’re kidding me, right? I didn’t think you were this oblivious.”
“Rude, sir,” Street argues.
“I called him an idiot,” Molly adds.
“Yeah, that fits, too,” Hicks agrees.
“This isn’t really helping my confidence level, guys.”
“I’m sure your ego can take it.”
You usually leave around the same time as Street, but after waiting for five minutes and seeing no sign of you, Street walks out alone. Inside your office, you’re putting the finishing touches on a report, glad to work a few minutes longer to avoid Street. He may not talk to you much outside of work, but he’s incredibly perceptive and would probably catch on and ask what’s wrong.
Truthfully, you want to move on from Street, want him to be happy no matter who he is with, but you refuse to let him go, though you never really had him. 
Street’s motorcycle is gone when you exit, and you sigh, realizing it will be a long few weeks of avoiding him while your heart heals. If your heart heals.
Walking toward your office, you turn when you see Street. It’s been three days since you last saw him, more than that since you talked, but seeing him still makes you feel something. Not only the heartbreak of knowing he chose Molly but the initial happiness stemming from the joy of falling in love with him.
Luca walks by, stopping and taking a few steps backward as he realizes you’re hiding in a doorway. He sees Street down the hall and pieces everything together.
“What’d he do?” Luca asks.
“What did who do?” you reply.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s like dealing with middle schoolers,” Luca huffs as he walks away.
When you peek around the corner, Street is gone, and you rush to your office and close the door behind you.
The path to Hicks’ office goes straight past the man you’re trying to avoid, but you have time-sensitive documents to deliver. Steeling your nerves and straightening your shoulders, you walk straight to Hicks’ office without looking for anyone in particular.
After you enter the office, Street watches the door. Hondo asks a question, but Street can only focus on you and why he can’t seem to spend any time with you recently, never seeing you for more than a few seconds at a time.
“Street!” Hondo yells, finally getting his attention.
The office door opens, and Street immediately looks away again.
“Oh my- Street, just do something!” Luca exclaims, pushing him forward. 
“Like what? She clearly doesn’t like me! She won’t even look at me! You want me to tell her I love her when the most time I’ve ever spent with her alone was to finish paperwork! That’ll go well, Luca, thanks so much for the great advice.”
You clear your throat behind Street, and when he looks at you, you gesture toward your office. Street follows wordlessly, assuming this is the beginning of being let down slowly. You, however, are doing everything you can to hide your smile. It sounded like he was talking about you, and that’s all the hope you need to put yourself out of your misery. A bad answer is still an answer, and right now, closure sounds better than another sleepless night wondering why you’re not good enough.
“So,” Street begins, leaning against your desk.
“Were you talking about me?” you ask, getting straight to the point. “Let’s stop dancing around whatever this is between us, okay?”
“Yeah, I was talking about you,” he confesses. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while, but I thought you didn’t feel the same.”
“What kind of feelings?”
“I- I think I’m falling in love with you. I’ve never felt this before, but I like it.”
“What about Molly? I saw you laughing with her, and-“
“Have you been avoiding me because of that?” Street interjects, realizing that the morning before he talked to Molly was the last time he saw you.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Because you looked happy, and I didn’t- I couldn’t deal with losing you if I was still seeing you.”
“Losing me?”
“I assumed you were with Molly. You said you thought you were falling for me, but I know that I am in love with you. Seeing you happy with someone else while I was too scared to tell you how I feel hurt.”
“Molly was telling me that I was stupid for not telling you,” Street explains, his usual personality beginning to shine through the awkward nervousness.
“Now what?”
“Hicks said we be in a relationship.” You furrow your brows, and Jim clarifies, “It’s not against the rules for us to date, I just have to finds someone else to do my paperwork.”
“Do you want to be in a relationship with me?”
Street notices a shadow hovering outside the door before another joins. He motions for you to be play along, taking your hand as he answers, “No, that’s not what I want.”
You follow his eyes, smiling when you realize someone is listening in.
“Okay,” you answer sadly, interlacing your fingers with his. “Then why’d you say all that?”
“I was confused. We’re- we’re never going to work as more than friends.”
“What is happening?” Luca asks.
“This can’t be right,” Hicks answers. “They’ve both been acting like different people and now they’re not going to do anything?”
Hondo moves against the door and can’t stop it before it opens, and Luca topples inside. When he looks up, Street is sitting on your desk, and you’re standing between his legs, his arms around your waist, and your hands pushed in his hair.
“Did you pretend to break up and then start making out?” Luca asks, rolling his shoulder as he stands. “That’s messed up, man.”
“So is eavesdropping,” Street deadpans.
“No more longing looks or hiding in hallways?” Hondo asks. “You’re all good?”
“Better than good,” you answer, smiling at Street.
“Bye,” Street adds, his attention back on you. “Close the door and get away from it on your way out.”
Luca wants to ask for more information about why you hid from Street, having missed the part about Molly, but decides to ask later when he sees you leaning in again.
After the door closes, you hear Hicks inquire, “Did we make a mistake?”
“A big one. They’re going to be inseparable and intolerable,” Hondo answers.
“I think they’re pretty cute together,” Luca says.
“Me too,” Street mumbles against your lips, holding you close so you don’t slip away again.
This moment and the idea of a future being happy with Street is worth everything, you decide. The sadness and long nights have made room for a love you didn’t know existed.
“Still think you’re falling for me?” you tease.
“I may need more information before I update my claim,” Street replies, smiling lazily as he cups the back of your neck to bring you in again.
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muirmarie · 2 months
mcspirk month mYEAR planning post
idk if anyone likes these (these being planning posts), but here, it feels weird to have it tucked away in my notes when my BTHB and mcspirk bingo planning posts are on here, so. anywho. you know the drill: this is just me rambling, feel free to ignore!!
the bolded are those i still don't have a plan for <3 - as per my usual these are all tos unless otherwise noted
Day 1: Forced Proximity (“this isn’t a blessing,” mccoy hisses. “one day,” the king says, “you’ll see that is it.” - the one where spock and kirk cannot get more than an arm's length away from mccoy for 30 days w/o causing him debilitating pain)
Day 2: Touch-starved (spock and kirk cuddle mccoy out of touch starvation - this is like 75% done, I just need to finish it)
Day 3: Only One Bed (established mckirk to mcspirk. um. very nsfw. by far the most nsfw i’ve ever even considered writing lmao. currently sitting at almost 12k, probably will be around 15-17k all told. i don't even know how to describe this. kirk aggressively helping spock play gay chicken with mccoy until mccoy finally believes spock wants both of them, idk.)
Day 4: Hand Holding (maybe the one where spock & kirk slowly gaslight mccoy into holding hands with them - yes the tags are spones but i am very certain kirk would be very happy to gaslight mccoy into hand-holding as well)
Day 5: [hurt comfort or against a wall (no story planned)]
Day 6: Protective McCoy (no story planned)
Day 7: Hand Kink (the one where spock is cucked w/ hand sex lmao)
Day 8: Public Display of Affection (would you still love and/or employ me if i was a worm?)
Day 9: Spock is a Hopeless Romantic (the flirty spock one probably?)
Day 10: [Hands or a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 11: Fuck or Die (vulcan sex magic hanahaki, this is, like. I have elements of it, but it’s not nailed down yet quite how it works. it's a vulcan disease but naturally mccoy's the one who gets it.)
Day 12: Aliens Made them Do It (the plato’s stepchildren one - i've been poking at this one since. like. january lmao. it's maybe 30% done, but it's not gonna be super long, i'm just slow with it. it is. hm. not a fluffy story. the platonians decide that mccoy simply needs to learn to say yes to them. how helpful they have spock and kirk around to help underscore the point.)
Day 13: [time loop or sex in a three way body swap or a bonus (no story planned, BUT do I really wanna write another time loop fic and/or can I really handle writing another smut fic lmao. If I did do time loop tho it would be the one where Kirk refuses to leave the time loop until he can solve the no-win scenario, i just don’t know how that goes yet. The sex in a three way body swap would be the AOS mcspirkura one, probably. Or the tos spones to mcspirk one. idk idk.)]
Day 14: Tarsus IV (kirk: i always knew i’d die alone. this is....jim character study, i think? I do need to come up w/ a happy (or at least: not sad) ending for it tho. So I’m still Thinking about this one.)
Day 15: Fake Dating (the one where the royal is trying to marry mccoy in order to keep him, and spock and kirk independently decide to fake date him to save him. also sarek loves trashy romance books. background uhura/scotty.)
Day 16: Lost the Ability to Speak (bones and uhura signing in federation common sign language - yes that's vague but all i need is something to center around tbh)
Day 17: McCoy Hurt w/ Spock & Kirk Comfort (this is like 95% of what i write lmao but i don’t have a specific plot yet)
Day 18: [Jealous Bones OR Oral Fixation (no story planned but it it’s jealousy it’s not gonna be traditional jealousy, bc I’m generally not a fan of jealousy storylines (unless all parties are unaware that they’re jealous - those I find VERY funny)]
Day 19: [Kirk is Missing, Presumed Dead or a bonus - probably a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 20: Accidental Voyeurism (okay the one where mccoy wakes up and his arm is trapped underneath kirk’s head and spock’s holding that hand as he’s laying on top of kirk and making out with him. I will have to find a plot tho. a reason. a Reason. It’s not established spirk either)
Day 21: Bondage (heh established spirk discovering mccoy’s penchant for getting tied up and/or tying others up and then literally not able to shut up about their platonic friends private habits for like a solid three months. they only care platonically of course. you don’t need those other ppl to tie you up bones you’ve got us. this one’s about 10% started.)
Day 22: Mirrorverse (mirrorverse katra sharing, it’s a whole thing, this is out of my wheelhouse but i have some Ideas, but this one isn’t going to be anytime soon)
Day 23: [reunion or teasing or a bonus (no story planned) - *eta actually for teasing i could maybe do the one where spock conducts an "experiment" in a private lab where he has mccoy & kirk work on a project for him while he gets extremely handsy w/ them - he's doing a study ("study" - they're all aware this is just spock's ideal version of foreplay) about human arousal in a working environment, and they're supposed to not let him distract them*]
Day 24: Temporary Blindness (this is going to be such a long messy mccoy whump story tbh. orpheus and eurydice part two. before i can even really start it tho i have to decide on pov, because that….really affects things for this one. but i mostly know how the story goes. also not anytime soon tho, maybe not even this year)
Day 25: Praise Kink (i COULD go temporary awkward ability if i don’t want to write anything too sexy, but the planned version is, like, kirk blossoms like a bashful babe and spock is genuinely moved when it comes to praise, but mccoy turns bright red and wants them to stop? BUT they like so much the way he flushes and struggles to accept the praise that they ask him to be good for them because THEY like it, and so he’s absolutely mortified but still? allows it for them? and they of course like it because they want to make him accept it.)
Day 26: Expectations vs Reality (counseling fic! The one where spock and kirk are dating but still somehow drag mccoy to their relationship counseling.)
Day 27: Vacation Gone Awry (no story planned)
Day 28: Awkward Spock (checking for pulse over the liver instead of the wrist because he forgets where human hearts are when jim or leonard is hurt)
Day 29: Getting Interrupted (mcspirk sexy 3d chess - that’s right they’re interrupting mccoy’s WORK lmao)
Day 30: Desperate Measures (the enemy within one that’s 80% finished where kirk’s wolf and sheep sides both have to have sex w/ mccoy while spock melds with them both, all for very important science reasons - don’t worry about it.)
Day 31: Insecurity (*eta - mccoy gets out of a LDR and is bummed, and kirk tries to cheer him up by putting his name up for the underground "sexiest starfleet officer" bracket that scotty & uhura are running, to prove to mccoy that ppl find him attractive. unfortunately it turns out the crew finds him VERY attractive, kirk is having some jealously-related revelations, spock is gonna kill jim if he has to watch mccoy get asked out one more time, and mcco is yay close to having a nervous breakdown from being turned into a sex symbol*)
Bonus 1: nightmares (look this is fucked, just trust me this is a very messy thing and it is very fucked and i have to make all my maths fit together before i write it or it will feel too flimsy and fall apart, but. kirk's trapped in a nightmare by a parasite that bleeds into the waking world (there are reasons for it) that cause physical damage to mccoy. spock melds w/ kirk to try to change the dream. this has unexpected side effects. - this one WILL be written for mcspirk month i just don't know what day i'm replacing yet.)
Bonus 2: pet names (i think i might be able to fit the kiss me/fuck me fic into this prompt but i’m not 100% sure yet - aka the one where mccoy & kirk use “kiss me” as a SFW swear for “fuck me” and “don’t make me kiss you” as a SFW swear for “fuck you” and annoy everyone around them w/ this silly in joke until one time mccoy says “kiss me” w/o thinking to spock, and spock’s just. hmm. don’t mind if i do. and kirk thinks it’s so funny he starts kissing mccoy all the time as WELL. very pre-them even realizing they want a relationship (except for spock, spock has Plans, thank you). this will be written at SOME point, it depends if i need another bonus/if it fits the prompt enough.)
Other bonuses i’d consider if i need them, but no stories planned: blindfolds, misuse of the bond, uhura helps them out.
Other vague stories i have that i could rotate until they might fit a prompt: pacific rim au, space forgetties, [number]+1 of mccoy getting kissed awake/the +1 getting kissed to shut him up, spock going through the wringer re: mccoy getting hurt (that was written spones but could easily by mcspirk), empath era katra au, post-empath spock won't stop touching mccoy, katra transfer requires a kiss, this isn’t even all of them, it genuinely is absurd how many tag spirals i’ve written like this lmaoooo /sigh 
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art-ro-vert · 3 months
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AOS Jim and Spock Prime on Delta Vega
Well, you know the drill… they mind meld and Jim gets overwhelmed by all that Spock had to show him..
I just like the feels…
Jim who just discovered what he and Spock had in another universe, and Spock Prime who hadn’t touched his T’hy’la in a century…
A bit experimental as I rarely do digital coloring without line art and in painting style. But it was fun to practice!
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superwholockian93 · 10 months
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Ah something about these colours in the same frame
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Why these shots
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Why these shots!!! I'm in your walls SNW!!! I have seen the GIFs but it is still unbelievable to see them pan to her reaction [Knowing smile!!!]
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First Officer James T. Kirk really just looks at everyone like they are the most interesting thing that needs all his attention! Like he is so pleased to know them like earlier with La'An and Uhura!
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A team that is fully aware and every now and then inculcates lore into this actual, official series, won't that same team know that this is a Vulcan kiss?!!!!
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Why did they sit down looking at each other
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Baby take your eyes off him. You'll drill a hole
Also, Jim was across the bar from him earlier. Now, Spock is right next to him :) This whole scene was very HIMYM to me
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creatorping · 5 months
as prompted by @flowery-laser-blasts, super long post ahead!
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Note: Shugo Chara is a shoujo, magical-girl anime from the 2000’s. Charas have their own names and a simple color palette. They are a small persona of their owners’ dreams and reflect different selves. They provide the owner special abilities when merged. (Ex. Shown in poster. The pink-hair girl, Amu, has 4 charas: Ran: Athletic, confident Miki: Artistic, cool Sue: domestic skills, caring Dia: Idol, to shine)
These are some personalities/abilities for kp characters I can think of.
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[Shego] Tina (Teacher): takes charge, likes to correct mistakes, drills info into people, gets very proud if student reaches to her expectations.
Ability: listener(s) will believe whatever sentence Shego says as the absolute truth for 1 minute. (Once per day)
[Drakken] Ernie (Mad Scientist): reckless, ambitious, loves a good dad joke, holds grudges
Ability: complete understanding of any machinery that will help improve it immensely or create a new invention
[Kim] VivI (Cheerleader): very competitive, confident, a burst of energy.
Abilities: super strength, speed, (explains most of her physical skills during missions)
Angie (Girly Girl): loves fashion, beauty, and fun things. Often carefree & mischievous. Hates stress.
Ability: pulls out gadgets disguised as beauty products (laser lipstick, stink lipgloss, tracking foundation, etc) from her purse
[Ron] Jynx (Celebrity): reflects Ron’s wish for popularity, has unique charm, can socialize like a fish in water, improv master
Blaze (Monkey Ninja): Ron’s monkey power side, mysterious, only awakens when in rage
Ace (Athlete): prideful, tends to overthink
Ability: proficiency in any sport
Rye (Chef): calm and collected, multitasker, finds joy in sharing his creations
Abilities: culinary arts, craftsmanship
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[Yori] Tsuki (Ninja): quiet, stealthy, goes with the flow. Loyal and protects her loved ones
Ability: dual-wielding fan, short-term invisibility
[Bonnie] Reyna (Queen): Strategic, quick-thinker. Vain and often driven by emotions
Ability: Huge charisma, anyone who believes in her crown will fall towards her demands.
[Junior] Celeste (INTERNATIONAL POP SENSATION): upbeat, optimistic, knows how to hype up a crowd. Feeds off of praise and love
Ability: Make anyone admire him to the point of a crazed fan. (Dispels when they hear someone else sing); Disco dance balls that hypnotize people to gather up and dance! until….?
[Joss] Jade (Cowgirl): bubbly sweet, helpful, and hyper. Can easily forget small details.
Ability: robot horse stampede; insane control of lasso
[Monique] Jacqueline (Fashion Designer): Sassy, stands up for herself and others. Loves a good dynamic.
Ability: dress up doll (whatever outfit she draws in her book will appear on the actual target)
[Wade] Digit (Intel): always prepared with technology. knows everything about everyone, Gossip KING. thinks that all problems can be solved with science
Abilities: short-distance teleportation. can create a holographic image of himself as decoy
[Jim and Tim] Hex & Bolt (Engineers): curious pranksters, thirty for knowledge. Have inside jokes, genius little comedians. Pretty filial inside.
Abilities: makes crazy innovative technology, twin telepathy, thick thinned (less easily injured during experiments)
which ones are your favorite? (。・ω・。)ノ
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