#Jimenez smt
squiggyazalea · 2 years
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my wife's been playing through strange journey for the first time and i managed to find this meme i made ages ago again
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jisuto · 1 year
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fourteentheart · 2 years
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They gave you life and in return you gave them hell
Would you believe it if I said I’ve been thinking of Strange Journey pictures and that song for a few years now... I’m pretty sure I have some sticky notes somewhere with my original drafts for lyrics + scenes, too.
Anyways, I know myself and my whims well so I kept this loose and messy! Been quite some time since I drew Serious SMT art lmao
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eerieayres-smt · 2 years
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Free handshake? Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux © Atlus Artwork © EerieAyres
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rustyburacedraws · 2 years
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( Tadano x Jimenez )
Pocky Day with the investigation team lads + a couple extras
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chocobosdungeon2 · 1 year
tfw i wanna complete the law route but it means i have to suck up to zelenin 😒
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acid-comet · 25 days
Ima try and upgrade my art style and concept designs so slow/no posting for a bit, i would LOVE advice, (real) art criticism, etc on my own art. My current inspos are gonna be:
Angry82pigeon (ConceptArtist) https://twitter.com/Angry82pigeon
Daisuke Ishiwatari (GuiltyGear Artist)
GuiltyGear (Character Concept)
Pako (FGO) https://x.com/pakosun?s=21&t=VgfwNstiKlQ8J0RaAJLVVA
SMT/Persona Series (Concept Art/ist)
Jorge Jimenez (DC/Nightwing) https://x.com/jorgejimenezart/status/1665708439035604992?s=61&t=VgfwNstiKlQ8J0RaAJLVVA
Jen Zee (Hades Game Artist) https://x.com/0jenzee0/status/1791157656855736498?s=61&t=VgfwNstiKlQ8J0RaAJLVVA
(Ill also take any notes or advice you'd notice from these artists)
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penthepoet · 6 months
"What are these Shin Megami Tensei: The Goetic characters?"
I'm gonna start rambling about my OCs here more, which means I need to make a summary about what these characters are like.
Good thing I made one sentence summaries for a bunch of the currently important NPCs that I can ramble about here!
The campaign takes place in an original setting called Kuroiyakyo - particularly, at a famous international college called Kuroiyakyo Academy for the Immaculately Gifted.
Hopefully this post helps describe a lot of the characters I'll be bringing up in rambling about SMT: The Goetic in the future.
Warning, this post is long.
Azalea: The girl who's death causes all of this. Twin sister of Amelia. Left tapes around the setting that point to a grand plan she orchestrated...
Pixie: Fun-loving party girl who holds grudges. Dating Severin. She seems to hold a grudge against Azalea.
Winston Emmett: Azalea's boyfriend. A brash but well-meaning boy with enormous mommy issues. Seems to struggle with a darker strain of thought inside himself. Obsessed with werewolves.
Amelia: Azalea's twin. A shy girl who dwells in the library. Constantly seen as a metaphorical shadow.
Soul: A mysterious fried rice cook with a lot of connections. After comforting one of the PCs, he's become a witty, indispensable friend - yet is he hiding more than he lets on?
Gaspard: A flamboyant man suspected of killing Azalea. He also appears to have connections to supernatural forces.
Seabrook: A trans girl who just wants to be a hero. She's begun to keep a journal on the goings on at the school.
Weird: The party's mentor, a werewolf-cat-witch who leads an secret society known as the Wine-Darkened, which the players become a part of.
Jurika: A girl caught up in something beyond her control. After the death of one of the PCs, she's become vengeful, and caught up in her anger.
Leah: Azalea's rival-paramour (?) A very bitter, thrill-seeking woman of horrific charm. Though her words are often hurtful, she pushes those around her to do their best.
Severin: Pixie's boyfriend. A sad boy who sees himself as a mistake. Sarneta: A trans man biker with a love of sacred geometry.
Infobroker: The setting's information-gatherer, a former mafia man that lives in the walls. Older brother of Freak. Will give you information on any rumors for the right price.
Freak: A cheerful Irish goober who's dating one of the party members. Brother of Infobroker. Formerly hosted an Occult Club that was dispatched by the Student Council.
Ellis: A headstrong girl who resents her mother Verene and wants to move away. Though she's forced to pursue Dance, her real passion is law.
Obsidian: A quiet boy with a lot of secrets. Ellis' brother.
Sydney: An Aussie girl searching for her missing older sister. Has been keeping a journal that she's been passing back and forth with Seabrook.
Victor Blackwood: The father figure of one of the PCs. An American still-life painter who keeps memories of the past close.
Himari: A rambling, adorkable fisherwoman who serves as a grounding force for one of the PCs.
Verene: A stern, terrifying woman who knows magic. Despite this, she appears to have her own "benevolent" goals at hand…
Victim/[unknown]/"Verse": A OSDD system/plural priest known as the Victim in Triplicate, formed from the trauma of being forced to serve a cult. Despite this, they all forge onward.
Jyoji: A teacher who seems to know a lot more than he lets on. Yes, he's exactly who you think he is, SMT-speaking.
Jimenez: A lazy professor who gets his students into trouble. Yes, he's also exactly who you think he is, SMT-speaking.
Arata: A mysterious, smooth-talking man in a suit who seeks a certain painting in the college archives.
Meli Evans: A bright girl who goes to another college in the area. Dating Ellis.
Daisuke "Touji" Arataka: Uncle to one of the PCs. Was involved with the Wine-Darkened secret society that Weird helped run, and was deeply in love with Weird before the Student Council erased his memories. Died before the campaign began, but he haunts the narrative, to an extent.
Reynard Winthrope: Father to Azalea and Amelia Winthrope. Part of the Wine-Darkened. A taciturn, gentle man deeply wounded by all the loss he's had to face.
Ishin Koizumi: A highly strict but benevolent professor who wants the best for his wife and his students.
Anzu: Former member of the Student Council, now deceased. Served as a Disciplinary Officer.
Heart: Azalea's protege on the Student Council. A frightened trans boy who finds a lot, lot more horrifying sides to himself once he's sworn into the Council.
Sonia: The main Disciplinary Officer. A car-obsessed adrenaline junkie and borderline sadist who enjoys hurting other students and gambling with them.
Tomita: The second-in-command of the Student Council. A deeply smug and ingloriously petty boy with bone-deep body dysphoria and an even deeper resentment towards the world.
Tsumiya August Mitsuhide: The Student Council President. A horrific overseer who takes great, great pains to veil himself in mysticism and secrecy. He is hated, respected, feared, loved, worshipped and revered in equal regard, his shadow looming over the lives of all in the school.
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neomedievalist · 2 years
nightmare smoke circle of smt characters go
#1 JONATHAN. he would get scared and paranoid and ask if everyone hated him and if he was going to hell he would 100% think he was seeing demons. everyone would start ignoring him because hes being annoying and then hed think that he was literally dying or a ghost or something. and then hes gonna start rolling around on the floor and saying hes a cat.
-i feel like. i feel like most smt alignment reps would be miserable to smoke with to be fucking honest because theyre just going to let the extreme political views slip out more and more and start arguing with each other like even if theyre the same alignment. do you think jonathan is agreeing with zelenin is agreeing with law hero. oh god no. however i feel strongly walter and jimenez would be bros
-had to rreally wrack my brain to remember the smtv characters oops thats embarassing. i still cant believe ichiro is the law rep. anyway he would start filming everyone and make everyone else paranoid and then he would get too high and think he was receiving a divine revelation
-mastema. can i say mastema. im going to say mastema
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katribou · 11 months
My first smt game (and the only one i have done multiple runs of) was strange journey redux and its still one of my favorites
However, i was soo disappointed when i found out we couldn't fuse with our demons (like jimenez and bugaboo did). I just wanted to lool cooler : (
ive heard such awesome things abt sj!! ill prob play the original
i feel ur pain but also it can be really funny narratively when you can fuse unique demons i.e. the divine powers in iv apocalypse
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
Kid Capes had me thinking about something. Last month he posted something about Jimenez's demon fusion form in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey that honestly fascinated. He said that the tattoos that appear on his body represent his rejection of the world.
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It's pretty difficult to tell what all of these tattoos are, though ironically we have some idea what a few of them are. One appears to be a diagram of the Mundus Archetypus, seemingly a Christian alchemical diagram representing the cosmos, while another at least looks like the Shefa Tal, the sign of the Priestly Blessing in Judaism which also appears in Kabbalah texts. The square symbol on his hand looks like a variation of the Labyrinth of Knossos, though I have seen some SMT fans think of it as a representation of the journey of the soul to God or to the divine. A little ironic considering Jimenez's opposition to the God of Law (meaning in practice the Christian God), but nonetheless the occultism of it all does suit the rejection of the world in favour of the hidden world of the divine.
I typically inclined myself to not get tattoos because, to be honest, I mostly just wanted to get tattoos after getting more musculature (which tbh I really still have yet to get around to doing), but I like the idea of having a lot of tattoos with a dark esoteric theme as well as representations of ancient pre-Christian religion and magic forming a similar artistic body which similarly represents an embodied rejection of the modern world, following the form of anarchistic Gothic Insurrection (read up on Claudio Kulesko for that concept). I've had ideas on what tattoos I might like anyway for a while now, so I guess I should draw up an "astral body" representing what I figure that should look like.
For a little bit I also thought about the anime Dark Myth (Ankoku Shinwa), which I think is arguably my favorite "bad" OVA just for its mesmerizing, almost Lovecrafitan magical take on Japanese religious mythology. In the anime, the protagonist is basically the reincarnation of the hero Yamato Takeru, who has eight holy marks on his body. He gets these holy marks from various parts of Japan, which all collectively form what is supposed to look like Orion in the sky.
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This all forms an elaborate astrological myth connected to all sorts of Japanese symbols and myths all converging around the idea of the Horsehead Nebula ("the dark nebula") as the appearance of the god Susano-o, and as a dark deity whose power threatened to swallow the sun and the moon and destroy the whole world, and was repelled by the divine might of Yamato Takeru, a manifestation of "the Atman", and now "the Atman" must decide to stay on earth or leave to discover the secrets of the universe, while the "dark nebula" follows him everywhere.
It's all wild as fuck but I kind of like the idea of following the basic form on some tattoo ideas. Though I'm not exactly into face tattoos.
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eirikrjs · 2 years
People always asks "what's your favorite demon design", but rarely character designs. In a series known for its "unique" character design (mostly Kaneko's). What's your top 10 SMT character designs, regardless of story? (doesn't have to be the protagonist)
I answered Aleph a number of weeks ago but to be honest? I might have to add that my favorites overall might be this ensemble.
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Add Roland, Jimenez, and Zelenin, too.
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rustyvanburace · 1 year
For the SMT ask! 3, 12, 14.
Thank you for the asks!
3: Favorite alignment
I don't care how cringe or boring this is, but my pick is Neutral. This alignment has always been the most satisfying to me and the one truest to my values. It's also often the hardest alignment to get, but I also welcome that challenge.
Sure it doesn't "solve anything" as so many SMT fans are quick to point out. But neither does Law or Chaos and I'm really loathe when people try to paint those as the be-all end-all. The cycle is always going to repeat itself again regardless of ending, but that is exactly the beauty with SMT's narrative. We shouldn't be treating the alignments as solutions when they're really not.
Mini-rant aside though, I just like Neutral the most. Other times I like Chaos to an extent, but it really depends on the game.
12: Hardest SMT
I think of all the Megaten I've played thus far, the hardest for me was Strange Journey (original). That one was my fifth SMT game, so I didn't really struggle with it too-too much, but there were definitely sone really challenging parts that got me stuck for a bit. But that made the bosses all the more satisfying. Jimenez's boss battle in Neutral was one of the hardest I've fought but was also the best one by far.
Truthfully I think I would've had a far harder time with it if it weren't for the demon keyword feature, though I didn't abuse it either.
14: Best soundtrack
This is going to sound incredibly biased of me, but hands down, it has got to be the SMT IV duology soundtracks. They are so incredibly varied and atmospheric that perfectly fits IV's tone and environments. I have quite a few favorites from IV's soundtrack alone and never grow tired of them.
SMT V's is a very close second though, for much of the same reasons. Ryota Kozuka is incredible at his craft and I'm really glad he composed for these games.
In so far as Persona games, I'm fond of P1's (original's), the P2 duology, and the P3 media.
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cum-padre · 1 year
What’s your favorite thing about strange journey, the best smt game
It has the best atmosphere imo! From the dungeon crawling and just what happens to both Jimenez and Zelenin it's truly seals the isolating feel. The combat Is also solid as it doesn't have you just create strong demons but have the same alignment so each playthrough has you change it up more often than other entries. The themes for each sector is so fun also it's just the most captivating since it's not just in city ruins.
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YAY I LOVE TALKING ABOUT SMT!! 7, 8, and 19 for the SMT asks :3
7. favorite character?
gotta say, its a toss-up. but at the end it has to be jimenez. he's charming, sarcastic, and everything he does during the story leads up perfectly to the decision he makes during the chaos route (i wont spoil it for those who somehow don't know). he's just so real, he's so well written, everything he does makes perfect sense its just. augh hes so good
8. favorite demon?
throne is cool, sure, but my all time fav has got to be Kresnik. he's just so absolutely badass. good resistences, little to no weaknesses (just dark instakills i think, dont quote me) and an absolutely stellar design. when i make a demon summoner OC (rather, when they get a proper character sheet and introduction), kresnik's definitely going to have a spot on the team.
19. favorite smt protagonist?
flynn. you can put him in silly outfits. they resurrect a sleeping god with a fancy sword. she unites the people of tokyo and mikado through the power of hope. it takes pictures as a hobby. what more do you want?
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skyonisauce · 6 months
smt strange journey is so good man genuinely such a great dungeon crawler everyone play it and meet jimenez hes so normal
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