What really stood out for me in Jimin's Production diary was the amount of footage that showed the actual worked involved in producing in album. I think it's quite different from the usual documentaries or Memories DVD BigHit is usually releasing. The in-house footage tends to have a lot of filler and my usual complaint was always that I don't see enough of the actual work that gets done, be it people in the recording studio or learning choreographies edited in a way that shows an evolution.
In Jimin's case, choosing to focus on how is an album being made, almost from beginning to an end is a decision that fortunately, highlighted what is important for a music fan. Yes, I enjoy the fun and the shenanigans like everyone else, but taking this route made me discover in depth Jimin's way of working with music which I don't think it's something that gets talked about that often, as opposed to his dancing skills, beauty and personality, all elements praised and part of his identity.
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To me, that entire period looked like a music camp. I know that other people got involved because we have seen the credits, but having a group of only 4 people meeting regularly, brainstorming ideas and seeing how well they worked together was a sight to see. What were they called? The Smeraldo Garden Marching Band? It is amazing to see such synergy and it shows in the final product. For a first album that dealt with more personal themes, choosing this path was truly one of the best decisions Jimin made.
Going back to Jimin and music making, despite hearing and reading about how he came up before with melodies for BTS songs, it didn't really prepare me to see the actual process. There's definitely talent there that I'm glad that it's not ignored. I loved the parts in which the producers were always ready to record any sounds Jimin was coming up because they sensed the potential for it to be transformed into a melody.
P.S. I have a couple of asks about the doc and I'll share some other thoughts through that. If anyone has other qs, you can send them. I'm also interested in what people think of it. I'll focus on that today and I'll tag my posts with Jimin's Production Diary.
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lokisasylum · 9 months
Say it with me, darlings:
"The industry" = HYBE/Bighit
If the label doesn't send your song to radio or pay$$, it doesn't get played.
If the label doesn't submit your work for nomination, it won't get a nomination.
So when we say "Like Crazy" & Jimin got snubbed, its not "the industry's" fault. It's HYBE/Bighit Label at fault.
Learn to call things for what they are BY NAME. Not excuses.
So that at-least ya'll won't sound like a broken record and actually DO something.
When Jimin started getting hate and d*ath threats by taekook shippers no one wanted to call them out by name. So the hate amplified and now there's solos of other members, other groups and even some "armys" in the mix.
Same thing's happening with the company vs Jimin. For YEARS we've been talking about unfair treatment on all platforms, getting singled out by the label and ppl said we were overrating or victimizing/babying him.
And now look what's happened in solo era.
-Got the least amount of promo time out of all the members and even when he succeeded above all the set backs. His company ignored it and shoved him aside for the faves debut.
- PAID articles to downplay historic achievements and openly humiliate him while raising another member (lets not forget that one article praising a racist).
- His work and creativity shamelessly copied for someone else' "concept".
- His streams and sales STILL being tampered with.
-His name shadowbanned from multiple imp. social medias, which in turn is affecting his Brand Reputation Ranking when Jimin had been leading at #01 for nearly 39 months and counting.
- Zero nominations in potential overseas awards since the label never summited his music, only the current company faves.
The list goes long and only getting longer.
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JM Face masterlist
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PJM1 is coming soon
Jimin IG story 5 February 2023
JM on TikTok 5 Feb 2023
JM TikTok 11 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 2
JM TikTok 18 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 3
JM new dance clip 25 Feb 2023
Face mood
JM concept photos - hardware version
JM concept photos - software version
Hard vr. Soft
JM Face emotion of the day
Enjoy it he tells us - Set me free pt. 2
The comparison - Lie and Set me free pt. 2
Hobi’s IG story 17 March 2023
Set me free pt. 2 - the visuals
JK told us
Fuck yeah JM
SMF pt. 2 - practice pic
JM Set me free pt. 2 - dance practice
Finally user j.m is promoting his song
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
JM ‘Set Me Free Pt.2’ MV Photo Sketch
Like crazy - teaser
I guess we can start sharing pics from the album, right?
Okey guys, we can now reveal the big secret
JM Like crazy - my crazy thoughts
JM Face photo sketch
JM arriving for his KBS performance recording 24 March 2023
PolyC once again
Spotify with JM behind the scenes
JM  ‘FACE’ Album Cover Shoot Sketch
Jimin after day
Like crazy dance practice
I really love this interpretation
JM IG 25.03.2023 9:09 pm KST
Is letter a song for army?
Bringing this back
JM like crazy - dance challenge
If we didn’t think already that JM was a sweetheart
JM Face playlist
Bighit official IG - JM filters
JM like crazy dance challenge up
JM and Hobi dance challenge up too
Letter - the lyrics that didn’t make it
Serendipity and Letter
JM and the new Like crazy filter
JM at the Inkigayo pre-recording 28 March 2023
JM Like crazy photo sketch
Like crazy MV shoot sketch
JM at M countdown
JM M countdown full performances
JM now fulfilling the dreams of some super lucky fans
Set me free pt. 2 M countdown fan cam
Like crazy M countdown fan cam
Like JM like crazy
JM on Music Bank
What will JM eat for dinner?
JM performances Music Bank
Jimin “FACE” Special Cut for ARMY
Like crazy (English version)
Jimin Inkigayo 2 April 2023
Jimin’s “FACE” Selfie Diary for ARMY
JM Like crazy on Studio Choom
JM no. 1 Billboard 100
Tommy part of the JM fan club
Jimin W-live 4 April 2023
JM Weverse 5 April 2023
Full English subbed JM interview at SBS radio - Like JM Like crazy
JM IG 5 April 2023
JM and Niki (Enhypen) behind the scenes
JM IG 7 April 2023 8:23 pm
JM Choreography practice BTB
A day with JM in NYC - Vogue USA
Face off - what is it all about?
JM and Yoongi on Yoo Jae Suk’s DdeunDdeun
JM-JK 12 April 2023  
JM Spotify 14 April 2023  
Jimin’s ‘FACE’ album activities - behind the scenes  
Letter is for JK.  Period.
Letter again
Serendipity is now the preface and Letter is the forever
Dear.Army again
JM ‘FACE’ Music Show Promotions Sketch  
Did JK promote other members like he did JM?
JM and the MVs for Face
Lookie what’s coming
JM Production diary
JM Production diary
Coming soon
So he does know how to use his IG story
JM Production diary keyword interview
JM Production diary trailer
JM Production diary - The truth untold
JM Production diary - JM’s favorite lyrics from Face
Nah I couldn’t wait for my post for you guys to see this
JM Weverse 23 October 2023
Just me or same vibes?
We just lost him at that point
JM production diary documentary and live 23 October 2023
Muscle memory
JM production diary - the commentary
JM fanmeet 30 October
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fromtenthousandfeet · 17 days
1. Jungkook’s fans
2. His own logo under the song name
3. And link that leads to “sign up for updates from Jung kook and bts”
So Jk as soloist is established
Before I just wondered whether they would disband or not. Sorry, now I want it. Interesting, how 6 others are doing right now…
Let's dig in!
Hopeless. Best to ignore them. Also, if Jungkook's music really resonates with them, great! Buy it, listen to it, whatever. I hope eventually ARMYs will stop supporting everything the members release out of obligation and actually consume what they think is good/to their individual taste. Otherwise, be ready for more Permission to Dance and Yet to Come-type songs.
Yeah. Look, HYBE didn't invest $100 million plus into JK's solo career for nothing. Expect to see way more of this as time passes, especially once they're out of the military. I know the trademarked label gets under people's skin, but remember that the trademark is owned by HYBE, not Jungkook! The company makes money off his merchandise first and foremost. Meanwhile, Jimin's dad/family keep all the revenue generated from ZM-ILLENIAL products. Let's hope they get international shipping up and running ASAP because buying directly from them is a much better alternative to support Jimin rather than filling HYBE's coffers with streams, music purchases, and Jimin-related merchandise.
As some smart person wrote on Twitter today, the fandom is slowly being conditioned to replace BTS with Jungkook.
Jungkook's solo career started several years ago. When he stayed behind in New York to record Left & Right with Charlie Puth it was obvious which way the company was moving. And man did he look happy. I've been watching JK's facial expressions throughout Chapter 2 hoping to see some signs that he might feel bad about the extra push, the fraudulence, the unfair treatment to the others, but I don't see it. I think he feels no guilt whatsoever. I'm not necessarily surprised because he strikes me as a pretty immature guy - especially once he started doing those lives from his apartment. He's a kid. What does surprise me is the complete lack of response from the others. Do they really not care? Are they ready to move on to their own projects? Maybe it's a relief to let JK be responsible for bringing in the cash for the company while they go off and do their own thing?
I was way too invested in this JM/JK solo situation as it first rolled out. The SEVEN posters across the globe, even the name of the song itself, made me so mad. Then I saw the leaked footage of Jimin and Jungkook on that boat in Connecticut and Jimin's big grin, and I realized being a member of BTS is just a job. The members are colleagues, they work for BigHit, which is a subsidiary of HYBE, whose chairman is Bang Si-Hyuk. It’s not that serious. Let it go.
Speaking of letting go. I sincerely hope that some day Jimin is represented by a different label. I hope his future trajectory is that of an indie artist and not a mega star. I want him to stay true to his values and artistic vision. I don't care if he's not a household name. I desperately wish people would stop mass streaming his music and obsessing about chart placement, but I understand why they do and I'm not judging. But he himself continues to insinuate he's not making his solo music for the charts or the money or the fame. He seems far more focused on putting out a good product. God, that must drive BSH CRAZY given how obsessed he is with all of those things.
My final thought is this. The day Jimin's fans stop comparing his stream counts, album sales, awards, and paid media play to Jungkook’s is the day Jimin is finally free! I hope fans can find a way to love him for his talents rather than his metrics. JK and JJKs can keep that shit for themselves.
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Hi BPP! Do you think the backlash to Set Me Free Pt2 is going to negatively impact Jimin’s solo career at all? I knew antis were going to bark, but I’m honestly taken aback by how widespread the hate is, to the point it’s making it back to the people who worked with him. I’m also seeing streams and sales drop a bit more than I was expecting. Now looking at places like Reddit, the hype for his album has really dropped. That’s probably a terrible place to gauge reaction, but it does have me a bit worried. I know the negativity for like Dynamite was really bad, but that was a song catered to the GP with the entire weight of all of ARMY behind it, and Jimin definitely doesn’t have that, so I’m worried this negativity will actually impact him. (The song is a straight up masterpiece to me btw, my sincerest hope is that he gets some critical recognition for it, or recognition from opinions he cares about. I really want to see him keep experimenting with music like this and to know how much so many of us love it!)
Hi Anon,
This is the last ask I'll respond to on this topic, because though I don't share the same fear, I recognize many of you feel nervous right now for understandable reasons and I don't want to dismiss your concerns outright.
Story time.
D-2 by Agust D was released on May 22, 2020. Right away the mixtape was a hit in the fandom and most ARMYs (not all, it's a solo project after all) supported it. As soon as it was released, k-pop stans went to work and I honestly found it amusing how methodical they were: they started from the top of the tracklist to the bottom - they first claimed Moonlight was plagiarized, the accusation didn't stick; then they claimed Daechwita was plagiarized, that too didn't stick. Then they got to the third track What Do You Think, and they hit the jackpot. You see, the initial recording of WDYT included a sampled excerpt of Jim Jones' speech, and once that was discovered, it was like hate bomb went off lol. The hate, ridicule, and bad faith was so intense and so widespread, I recall many ARMYs had to deactivate their accounts. Before long, k-pop stans were claiming Yoongi had told an insider that he wanted to kill black people and queer Korean people...
Anyway the point is, the backlash on Yoongi was swift, brutal, and harsh, understandably. Jim Jones has been sampled several times in music, in fact Post Malone put out an album around that time that explicitly referenced Jonestown, and it's very likely Yoongi or the people in his team were inspired by Post Malone's album and sought to include a similar feel and connection in his mixtape. In fact Agust D's Set Me Free directly pulls sonically from the album. But as with all things k-pop, cultural references get lost in translation and the weight of that decision was significant in the aftermath. BigHit released a statement and apology, and the song was re-released without the sample.
Now we're in March 2023, do you think this event negatively affected Yoongi's solo projects and career? Perhaps it did, k-pop stans still fume that Yoongi never apologized nor accepted blame for it, but by the end of 2020 I saw no indication Yoongi had been worse off for it. Partly because of ARMYs' support, but mostly because k-pop stans had gotten their pound of flesh with a humbling and an apology, and had moved on to the next target for critical discourse (which funnily enough was Dynamite by BTS).
It sounds crude and cynical to say it like this, and it's possible I could be wrong, but I've observed this pattern too many times over too many years for me to think otherwise.
Hopefully I don't have to say this more than once, but please listen when I tell you that so long as a project comes from a BTS member, the default inclination of most k-pop stans is to hate it. Nearly all the hate you're seeing for Jimin's Set Me Free Pt 2 was nearly guaranteed to begin with, the autotune just made it easy as the excuse. I mean, there's a whole subset of k-pop fandoms who believe he can't sing despite years of proof to the contrary. Since 2018 (precisely after BTS was awarded the Cultural Order of Merit award), the best case scenario from k-pop stans towards music released by BTS, is for them to ignore it. If you're expecting any other reaction from k-pop stans besides avoidance or hate, you're hoping for too much. Personally, I don't think it's a big deal, but I do think you need to calibrate your expectations to the reality of the environment you're in. It's one reason ARMYs are so fervent in their support of BTS.
There are differences between Yoongi's case and Jimin's. Firstly, Yoongi was already a respected producer outside of traditional k-pop and had avenues besides idol music to further that work, while Jimin appears to want to operate as a k-pop idol firmly within this system which requires winning over and maintaining the support of k-pop stans. So in a nutshell, Jimin is more exposed to the fickleness of k-pop stans than Yoongi is, but at the same time, Jimin does appear to have a larger committed base of solo fans than Yoongi, so let's say most of that risk cancels out for now.
The solo era also complicates things because the biggest antis of the members, are akgaes of other members. In Chapter 2 the support for each member from the fandom is more fractured now, that's true. But I think going by Jimin's case at least, the core of the fandom is still firmly supportive of their projects.
If you're still concerned, what can you do?
Remember that a lot of what you see online doesn't translate into real life. As an example, when a portion of RUN BTS (the song) was leaked last year, k-pop fans were tearing it down, saying it sounded like crap and was autotuned to death. By the end of 2022, k-pop stans were saying RUN BTS should have been the title track for Proof, that it was one of the best songs released by BTS and the song showed up in multiple stans' Spotify Wrapped...
Remember that most of these people hate as a hobby and are content to simply kick up a stink before moving on to the next thing. And in k-pop that typically happens in a matter of weeks.
Remember that your own view ultimately matters most. How do you feel about Set Me Free Pt 2? What do you like and dislike about it? How do you feel about the ideas Jimin is communicating in his song? I've said before that hate is contagious. All it does is inspire more of the same. You can counteract that spread by focusing on the music and the artist. Celebrate Jimin and the bits about him and his music that you love. Joy is infectious too, and if you're feeling his sound, people will notice. And more importantly, you'll be happier and less worried.
Like with previous solo releases, ARMYs might hit or miss their goals. There's a lot about the charts that have changed since 2021, leaving a lot of it up to chance, unfortunately. I suggest you focus on doing your part. The fandom isn't trying to sabotage Jimin, and Jimin is not releasing music to get specific chart placements to begin with. ARMYs will support as best they can, panic-buy at the last minute (lol), and Jimin will still succeed regardless of the outcome. He has already made his mark. I'm not saying this to placate you, that's what I genuinely think.
If you'd like more gp support, then share his music with those around you. Jimin's a great artist and I'm convinced anyone who listens to him without prejudice will be intrigued at the very least. They might not like his sound or his voice, but he will leave an impression. Your enthusiasm will too. And many times that's more than enough.
With Like Crazy's release this Friday, if it's a conventional pop track, expect a rebound in reactions from k-pop stans. I expect many to say things like 'he should've released this first' or something to that effect. That too has a playbook but I've rambled enough already.
What I'm trying to say is, Jimin isn't new to hate. Unfortunately, I suspect he knows, more than anyone else, the backlash he was likely to receive putting out a song like that. And that makes the song all the more powerful and perfect in my mind. In my initial review of Set Me Free Pt 2 I said I wasn't going to talk about the lyrics and message, and I still won't. All I'll say is I think it's a good idea to take Jimin seriously. There's nothing to be gained fretting about k-pop stans, focus instead on Jimin. He's worked too hard and already done such a phenomenal job, for any of us to be distracted by something as inconsequential as k-pop stan chatter.
It's only March. We still have the rest of the year and further out to leave an impact with his music.
In my opinion.
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Y.O.U (Years Of Us), Chapter 4: Decisions Made Out of Hurt
Jimin x half black/half Korean OC
Genre/Rating: 21+, established relationship, idol!AU, smut, angst, and fluff
Summary: Kamaria gets back to work on her upcoming album, runs into Jimin, and has her perspective (slightly) altered after a conversation with him. 
Warnings: Mention of drug addiction and a rehab visit. 
WC: 4.1K
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Song Of The Chapter: Demi Lovato ft Lil Wayne- Lonely
Two weeks later, Kamaria got out of her car at the HYBE building, making sure to lock the doors before she walked inside. After promotions for ‘Taming’ wrapped up, Kamaria was determined to get back into the studio. It had been two years since her fourth album and she had missed performing more than anything in the world. 
Well, almost anything. 
Once she had checked into the building and allowed the elevator to take her to the seventh floor, she instantly went to the fourth door on the right side of the hallway, typing the code into the keypad and waiting for the door to beep twice before pulling it open. 
“Well, well, well,” Yoongi smiled as he turned around in his chair and watched Kamaria step into his studio. “Long time, no see.”
“I just saw you in November, at MMA remember?” Kamaria chuckled. “Don’t start this dramatic shit.”
“What can I say? I have a flair for it,” he laughed, standing up and waiting until she had stepped closer to pull her into a tight hug. “How are you, kiddo?”
“I’m ok, can’t complain,” she shrugged as she hugged him back. “How are you?”
“Busy with work, as always,” he joked. “Here, have a seat.” Kamaria did as he instructed, taking a seat in the chair that had been placed next to his before she set her purse on top of the nearby table. “So, how’s the album coming along so far?”
“Well, I think I have about 50% of it done so far but as I started to think about what else I wanted to include on the album, your name popped into my mind,” she explained. “We haven’t worked on anything together since my first album and Lonely is still one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mines too,” Yoongi smiled. “But uh, are you sure about us working together? I mean, there’s a reason why we haven’t collaborated since your first album all those years ago.”
“You just had to go and bring that shit up,” Kamaria huffed. 
5 Years Ago
After fulfilling her contractual obligations to SM Entertainment, Kamaria had been looking for a change. Though the company was amazing to her and had been an amazing fit for her mother, she had realized that she wanted more creative control when it came to what messages she was putting into her music. Through her friendship with Jimin, she became acquainted with Bang Sihyuk who welcomed her to BigHit Entertainment with open arms. 
“I have to say, Kamaria, I cannot wait to get into the studio with you,” Bang PD confessed as the two of them walked down one of the numerous hallways in the HYBE building together after she signed her artist contract. “I hope that doesn’t make me sound too excited.”
“It’s fine because I’m just as excited,” Kamaria laughed. “Some of my favorite KPop songs ever have been ones that you wrote.”
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say that makes me blush a bit,” he joked, making Kamaria laugh again. As the two of them walked, they heard a sudden commotion coming from the artists’ lounge and as Kamaria listened closer, she realized that one of the raised voices was coming from Jimin. 
“Um, sorry to have to end this on such short notice but I think I should go see what’s going on,” Kamaria said.
“I think so too,” Bang PD nodded. “I’ll have Nari-ssi get in touch with you with your new schedule for recording.”
“Yes, thank you,” she nodded, doing a light bow before she rushed away from her new boss and as she rushed down the hallway, she could hear the voices of the other Bangtan members getting louder and louder. By the time she made it to the open doorway, nothing could’ve prepared her for what she saw. 
Jimin and Yoongi had their arms wrapped around each other, trying to wrestle one another down onto the ground and throwing blows at whatever inches of skin that they could reach. The other members were left trying to break the two of them up although if Kamaria wasn’t mistaken, some of them looked like they wanted to let the fight take place. 
“What the fuck are you guys’ doing?!” Kamaria shouted as she rushed forwards, instantly going over to Jimin and pulling on his shirt along with Jungkook and Taehyung. At the sound of her voice, Jimin released his grip on Yoongi and allowed himself to be pulled away. “What the hell is going on?!”
“This dumb ass has decided not to resign,” Yoongi growled and Kamaria’s eyes widened because Jimin hadn’t said anything to her about that. 
“Are you serious?” She gasped before looking over at Jimin. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to do more solo work and I can’t do that with the group constantly hanging over my head,” he explained. 
“Say it like that again and I’ll kill you,” Yoongi threatened and Jin and Hobi tightened their grips on his arms just to be safe. 
“Jimin decided to tell us about his decision after we’ve already started contract negotiations as seven members,” Namjoon elaborated. “We were very clear on our plans before Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung went to the military so we’re not understanding the sudden change.”
“The sudden change came when he had his solo debut and started smelling his own shit,” Yoongi spat.
“I haven’t been smelling my own shit,” Jimin shot back.
“Actually, you have been,” Hobi interjected. “You’ve been acting every different every since ‘Here I Am’ came out and every solo comeback you’ve had since. Nothing against you personally but it’s the truth.”
“Maybe because I want to explore more of my own artistry,” Jimin explained. “I don’t want to be held back by my commitments to the fucking group, like I have been for years now.”
“We were holding you back?!” Yoongi snorted as he began to struggle against Jin and Hobi’s hold. “You wouldn’t be shit without us and you fucking know it!”
“There’s only three of us that pack in the fucking stadiums and it’s definitely not you, hyung,” Jimin said mockingly. “So I think it’s actually the other way around.”
“Ungrateful son of a bitch!” Yoongi roared before breaking free of the hold on his arms and charging towards Jimin again, literally tackling him onto the ground. This time, it took the members much longer to break the two of them apart while Kamaria was forced to do nothing but watch and call out to Jimin, hoping that he’d rein himself back in. 
“Get the fuck off of me!” Jimin hollered as he got up off of the ground once Yoongi had finally been pulled off of him. “I fucking quit!”
“Jimin hyung,” Jungkook called out but Jimin brushed him off before he stormed out of the lounge. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Kamaria said before rushing out behind her best friend. Once she caught up to him, Jimin didn’t stop to hear her out and even eight hours later, as he paced back and forth in Kamaria’s apartment, he still refused to see reason. 
“Listen, I understand where you were coming from,” Kamaria said from her place on the couch. “Bangtan has always been insular and it’s hard to go back to that once you’ve opened up more.”
“But couldn’t you just communicate that to them without all the extra aggressiveness?” She wondered. 
“They wouldn’t hear me out, Bubs because they never do!” Jimin exclaimed. “I don’t want to be just ‘Jiminie from BTS’ anymore. Once I started making my own music, I just saw everything that I could be and it’s so much more than I could’ve ever dreamed.”
“And you really think Bangtan is holding you back from that?” 
“I do,” he confirmed with a nod. “And I know myself. Despite what happened today, I do love my members and I’d do anything for them but I also know that my loyalty to them is holding me back. Think about it. Yoongi hyung’s been back from the military for six months and what I have done solo since then?”
“Nothing but you told me you guys had discussed that,” Kamaria pointed out. 
“More like the hyungs discussed it and I just agreed to it,” he corrected her. “I’ve grown so much as an artist in the last three years and I don’t want to lose the momentum that I have going.”
“And that’s worth you imploding a 15 year friendship?” She questioned. “Because of your fucking ego, basically?”
“Call it what you want but I’ve made my decision,” Jimin shrugged as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pill bottle. “I’m going to finish another mini album and promote that for the next six months before I go to do my military service. Once I’m out, the only thing I’ll have to worry about is myself and my music.” 
Kamaria didn’t say anything else, instead just watching worriedly as he pulled a pill out of the bottle and swallowed it down dry. 
“Look, the only reason why I haven’t worked with you was out of respect for my prior relationship,” Kamaria explained. “Which you can’t blame me for. I mean, you gave him a black eye and a bloodied lip.”
“Which I’d do again in a heartbeat because he fucking deserved it for being a prick,” Yoongi chuckled. “But it must feel good to get rid of the old ball and chain, huh? I never did know what you saw in his ass.”
“Anyways,” she rolled her eyes. “Let’s get to work, if you remember how to do that.”
“Oh, I have a whole folder of beats that are awaiting your gorgeous voice,” he smiled as he turned to face his desktop. “Let’s do it, kiddo.”
Once the session started, Kamaria found herself easily slipping into the routine. Making music was like therapy for her and after the last few months, she fucking needed it. 
A few hours later, Kamaria stood next to the door of Yoongi’s studio while he locked up. 
“I’d forgotten how fucking good you are,” Yoongi chuckled. “I can’t believe we wrote and laid the entire song down today.”
“Me either but I love it,” she gushed happily. “I definitely want it on the album.”
“Good, as long as you don’t try to rope me into performing it with you,” he said as he turned to face her, motioning with his hand for her to lead the way down the hall. 
“Oh come on,” she giggled. “We’ve never performed together before and it would be fun.”
“Pay me enough and we can talk,” he chuckled. 
“Pay you enough for what?” Jimin wondered as he stepped out from around a corner, smirking when Kamaria and Yoongi simultaneously rolled their eyes at the sight of him. “Hello Bubs.”
“Hi,” Kamaria deadpanned. 
“So, she’s the only person you see?” Yoongi asked. 
“Hello hyung,” Jimin smiled but Kamaria could tell that it was completely fake. “How are you?”
“Eat a dick,” Yoongi snapped before turning to glance at Kamaria. “I’m going home. Call me if you need anything, yeah?”
“Ok, and thanks for today,” Kamaria smiled softly, giving him a quick hug before he continued to walk down the hall away from them. Once he was out of earshot, Jimin narrowed his eyes at her. 
“You’re working with Yoongi now?”
“Because I’m no longer with you and don’t have to worry about bruising your ego anymore,” Kamaria shrugged. 
“Nice to know whose side you’re on,” he snickered. 
“I was never on anyone’s side in that and you know it. I thought all of you were being idiots,” she reminded him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She moved to walk past him but when she did, he reached out and grabbed onto her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. “You know, you’re making a really bad habit of grabbing me and my fist is just aching for a face to punch these days.”
“Can we talk?” Jimin wondered. “Like, really talk?”
“If you ask me about being your fucking surrogate again, I swear-,”
“No, not about that,” he shook his head. “I want to explain things to you from my side. About Hye-ja, why I did what I did, everything.”
“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” She chuckled in disbelief. “You made it very clear who and what you wanted when you married her.”
“But don’t act like it hasn’t always been you,” Jimin stated firmly. 
“It’s hard to believe that when you’re sporting another woman’s ring on your finger.”
“Have I ever lied to you?” He questioned and that had Kamaria pausing for thought. Jimin was a lot of things: an asshole, egotistical, somewhat clingy, and selfish. However, the man had never lied to her and she couldn’t deny that.
“I know I’ve hurt you. I can see it in your eyes,” Jimin murmured. “The least I can do is be honest with you, if you’ll let me?” As Kamaria looked into his eyes, those brown eyes that she had found herself getting lost in so many times before, she felt that familiar feeling washing over her again. 
“Ok,” she agreed. “When and where?”
“If you’re not busy, I’d like to do it tonight,” he told her. “Say, my place, 7:00pm?”
“I’ll be there,” Kamaria agreed, her breathing hitching in her throat when Jimin suddenly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss onto her forehead before pulling back.
“See you then, Bubs,” he smiled before turning and walking away. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Kamaria muttered to herself, grabbing her sunglasses from her bag and slipping them onto her face before making her way out of the HYBE building. 
Later that night, Kamaria found herself pulling her car up to the code box of Jimin’s house. His house could really be considered a mansion by modern standards, two stories with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a home studio, a large backyard with a pool, and even a full scale movie room. 
Rolling down the driver’s side window, Kamaria reached out and quickly pressed the numbers ‘514′ onto the keypad, her eyes widening when the gate beeped before it slowly began to open. 514 was the date of their anniversary and she was somewhat, but not completely, surprised that Jimin hadn’t gotten around to changing it. 
As she pulled up the driveway and parked her car right in front of the front steps, she had barely gotten her foot out of the car when the front door to the house swung open. 
“Bubs!” Jimin called and in spite of everything, Kamaria found herself smiling as she walked up the steps. 
“You look amazing,” he praised and Kamaria rolled her eyes.
“I’m wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt,” she scoffed. “Be for real.”
“I am,” he huffed, opening the door wider and allowing her to step inside. “And you have your hair in my favorite style.” Kamaria smiled at that, knowing Jimin well enough to know that he went weak in the knees anytime she had braids in her hair and especially when she put them up into a ponytail on top of her head. 
“Look, you wanted to talk so let’s talk,” Kamaria said once she had taken off her jacket and gotten her shoes off of her feet. 
“You’re not hungry?” Jimin asked as he began to walk backwards towards the kitchen. “I have food on the stove. Come on.”
“Jimin,” she whined but when he continued to walk away from her, she just sighed heavily before following behind him. Once she made it into the large kitchen, Jimin was already in front of the stove stirring something in a large pot so Kamaria walked over to him and hopped up to sit on the counter next to him. 
“So, where’s Hye-ja?” She couldn’t help but to inquire. 
“Not here.”
“Is she gonna be here? I mean, she does live here,” Kamaria pointed out.
“No, she doesn’t and she never has,” Jimin confessed, throwing her a quick glance before refocusing his gaze on the pot. 
“What? So the two of you have been living separately since you got married?”
“Yep. She said something to the effect of ‘”I’ve worked too hard to just give up my house and plus, I don’t even like the design of your house”,” he recited.
“She doesn’t like this house?” Kamaria gasped. “It’s gorgeous. I remember when you bought it.”
“I’d hope you would remember because you’re the one that convinced me to get it,” Jimin chuckled. “Pretty sure you threatened my life about it too.”
“Hey, a good piece of real estate makes me passionate,” she joked. A comfortable silence settled over them then, and Kamaria took the opportunity to look inside of the simmering pot. “Uh, Jimin? What is this?”
“Kimchi jjigae.”
“You sure?”
“Of course I’m sure,” he huffed. 
“It doesn’t look like it,” she observed. 
“Looks can be deceiving sometimes,” Jimin smiled. “Trust me, it’ll taste the way you taught me to make it.”
“I still don't’ know how you used to cook for me so much but had no idea how to make kimchi jjigae,” Kamaria giggled. “And it was so easy!”
“Hey, that wasn’t my fault,” he shot back. “I had my parents, you, and the hyungs so I had no need to learn.”
“You’re spoiled.”
“Loved, actually and there’s a difference.”
“Whatever,” she smiled. Not too much later, the stew was done and the two of them were sat together at the table placed in Jimin’s dining room, their full bowls, one glass of wine and one cup of water in front of them. 
“So,” Kamaria spoke up, wanting to get right down to things because she wanted answers. “How did you and Hye-ja even meet?”
“Well, I’ve always known of her,” Jimin began. “I’d see her around at different events and award shows, stuff like that. I even did an OST for a drama that she was in back before I did my enlistment. She used to flirt with me whenever she saw me but I never paid it any attention because I was in love with you, even before we officially got together three years ago.”
“When you and I broke up, I was heartbroken and I had holed myself up in this house,” he continued. “Taehyung was the one who broke me out of my funk and dragged me out to Hye-ja’s latest premiere. When I saw her again, she was just as flirty and this time, I welcomed it. She gave me her number and we ended up talking on the phone every night for weeks afterward. She gave me attention and made me feel wanted, which is the exact opposite of how I had felt when you and I ended things.”
“As we talked, it just seemed like we wanted a lot of the same things,” he told her. “She’s the same age as me and it seemed like we were on the same timeline when it came to getting married and starting a family so I thought it could work. Admittedly, I also didn’t want to miss my opportunity to have the family that I’ve always dreamed of and since it seemed like you were really done with me, I took my chance. I asked her to marry me and she accepted. We got married in Tokyo a month after her movie premiere.”
“And where does the whole surrogate thing come in at?” Kamaria wondered. 
“Once we got back to Korea and Hye-ja saw some of the bad press we got for a ‘fake and rushed marriage’, she decided that she wanted to hold off on having kids for the time being,” Jimin explained. “And after that, it seemed like everything just unraveled. We have more differences than I thought and we barely see each other because she’s obsessed with working.” 
“Wow,” Kamaria murmured, slowly dragging her spoon through her stew. Although she was still angry as hell at the way Jimin had gone about things and how he had let them play out, she still could understand his point of view. He had made a decision out of pain, only to have it all blow up in his face. 
“Tell me about it,” he chuckled. 
“I feel for you Jimin, I really do but I never told you that we were totally done,” she pointed out. 
“Can you blame me for thinking that after I woke up to all of your stuff gone and only a note left behind?” Jimin scoffed. “You said you needed space.”
“And I did need space.”
“Between that and all the times I proposed to you, only to be turned down, what was I supposed to think?”
“Your definition of asking someone to marry you changes everyday,” Kamaria responded. “Randomly asking me over cereal in the morning or over the phone or when I’m mad at you because I caught you popping pills is not a proposal.”
“....You didn’t have to throw that in my face,” Jimin grumbled. 
“And I’m not trying to but it’s the truth,” she stated firmly. “You had an addiction issue and I know you went to rehab and have been fine since you got out...right?”
“But it just made me rethink everything,” she finished. “I wanted everything you did Jimin and you know that. Marriage, kids, the whole shebang but I was not going to do it while you were using drugs and then fresh into recovery, especially not after what I’ve been through with my mama. I love you but I refuse to love you to death, and that’s something I’m standing on.”
“I understand Bubs,” Jimin said, reaching across the table with his hands out. Hesitantly, Kamaria set down her spoon and set her hands in Jimin’s, allowing him to squeeze them tightly. “When I came back from rehab, it seemed like everything was fine between us so I assumed that our relationship was one that I wouldn’t have to worry about mending. I guess I was wrong, huh?”
“I-” Kamaria began to say but she was cut off by the sound of the front door opening and closing followed by a loud voice calling Jimin’s name. Kamaria instantly snatched her hands out of Jimin’s, her eyes widening when she saw the person that the voice belonged to walk into the dining room. 
Kim Hye-ja was stunning and even Kamaria could admit that. She stepped into the room dressed immaculately in a light blue two piece suit, Jimmy Choo heels glistening in the light. Her long black hair was slicked back away from her face, showing off her stunning facial structure. 
“Jiminie!” Hye-ja exclaimed and Jimin stood up then, opening his arms just in time for Hye-ja to crash into him in a tight hug. Kamaria couldn’t help but to grimace and she had to physically turn her head when Hye-ja kissed her husband firmly. 
“What are you doing here, Hye?” Jimin asked. “I thought you were going to stay in Jeju after your photoshoot.”
“I was but I decided to come back to Seoul so that we could be together,” she smiled before looking over at Kamaria. “Oh my gosh, you’re Kamaria.”
“Hi,” Kamaria smiled softly and Hye-ja rushed over to her side of the table, bowing lightly and grabbing onto her hand to shake it in greeting. 
“It’s so amazing to finally meet you!” Hye-ja chirped happily. “I know you’re one of Jimin’s best friends.”
“Yeah,” Kamaria nodded. “It’s nice to meet you too, Hye-ja-ssi.”
“Please, you don’t have to be so formal with me,” she insisted. “Any friend of Jimin is a friend of mines.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kamaria replied. 
“I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?” Hye-ja questioned suddenly after seeing the bowls of food and Kamaria’s glass of wine. “I know you don’t get to see each other often.” 
Oh, if only she knew.
“Nah, you’re fine,” Jimin spoke up. “I ran into Bub-, Kamaria at the HYBE building when I went to record today and invited her over.”
“But I was actually just on my way out,” Kamaria announced, standing up from her chair. 
“Well, we have to plan something soon so that you and I can get to know each other more,” Hye-ja suggested. 
“Sure,” Kamaria smiled falsely. “I’ll see you around, Jimin.”
“Let me walk you out,” he offered but Kamaria shook her head. 
“I’m good, don’t worry. Stay with Hye-ja-ssi, I’m sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do.”
“That we do,” Hye-ja smiled as she wrapped her arms around Jimin. Quickly making her way to the front door, she stuffed her feet into her shoes and grabbed her jacket and purse, holding both in her hands as she rushed out of the front door. Switching on the ignition and throwing the car into drive, she fled down the driveway, flying through the gates and out onto the streets of Seoul. 
“Every time,” she muttered to herself. “Every fucking time.”
Tag List:  @dunixxd @namaslaylife @shabbamadapot
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bts-trans · 2 years
221021 Weverse Translations
Jin's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ 
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💜: Kim Seokjin shiiii…. I’m crying 😭 J: 손을 때린거에요 내려 쳤다고 표현하죠 잡은거 아님 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106613952/comment/4-181514274)
💜: Kim Seokjin shiiii…. I’m crying 😭
J: I hit her hand It's more like I slammed my hand down We're not holding hands
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS 
Jin's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ 
💜: 김석진, 제가 당신의 개가 되어도 될까요? J: 예? (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-107390101?anchor=2-211759359)
💜: Kim Seokjin, can I be your dog?
J: Huh?
💜: 방탄을 알아? J: 방탄소년단   2013년 데뷔해 국내외 신인상을 휩쓴 방탄소년단은 명실상부 한국을 대표하는 최정상 보이 그룹으로 성장했다. 전 세계적으로 방탄소년단 열풍을 일으키며 ‘21세기 팝 아이콘’으로 불린다. 미국 빌보드, 영국 오피셜 차트, 일본 오리콘을 비롯해 아이튠즈, 스포티파이, 애플뮤직 등 세계 유수의 차트 정상에 올랐고, 음반 판매량과 뮤직비디오 조회수, SNS 지수 등에서도 독보적인 기록을 써 내려가고 있다. 특히, 방탄소년단은 한 주에 빌보드 ‘핫 100’ 차트와 ‘빌보드 200’ 차트 정상을 동시 정복한 최초의 그룹이며, 통산 ‘빌보드 200’ 6차례, ‘핫 100’ 6차례 1위를 차지했다. 또한, ‘제63회 그래미 어워드’에서 한국 가수 최초로 단독 무대를 펼쳐 ‘빌보드 뮤직 어워드’와 ‘아메리칸 뮤직 어워드’, ‘그래미 어워드’까지 미국 3대 음악 시상식 무대에서 공연하는 기록을 세웠다. 방탄소년단은 스타디움 투어를 개최하며 전 세계 콘서트 시장에서도 글로벌 아티스트로서의 입지를 다져 왔으며, UN 연설과 LOVE MYSELF 캠페인 등을 통해 선한 영향력을 실천하고 있다. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106616660/comment/0-211781405)
💜: Do you know BTS?
BTS, an acronym of Bangtan Sonyeondan or “Beyond the Scene,” is a Grammy-nominated South Korean group that has been capturing the hearts of millions of fans globally since its debut in June 2013. The members of BTS are RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, and Jung Kook. Gaining recognition for their authentic and self-produced music, top-notch performances, and the way they interact with their fans, BTS has established themselves as “21st century Pop Icons” breaking countless world records. While imparting a positive influence through activities such as the LOVE MYSELF campaign and the UN ‘Speak Yourself’ speech, the band has mobilized millions of fans across the world (named ARMY), collected four No. 1 songs in a span of 9 months, performed multiple sold-out stadium shows across the world, and been named TIME’s Entertainer of the Year 2020. BTS has been nominated for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for the 63rd Grammy Awards and recognized with numerous prestigious awards like the Billboard Music Awards, American Music Awards and MTV Video Music Awards.
(T/N: Jin directly copied BTS's profile from BigHit's website.)
💜: 쫜..온 김에 신곡 스포 한 번만 부탁해유😂 J: 으음.. 춤은 없어요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107392520?anchor=2-211770654)
💜: jjwan..since I'm here can you give a spoiler for your new song?😂
J: umm.. there's no dance
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💜: Hola Jin! 호석이 아르헨티나 국기의 태양이라는 사실, 알고 계셨나요? 어쨌든 방송에서 뵙겠습니다. 행운을 빕니다!💜 J: 저건 제이홉같은데.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106623713?anchor=0-211790508)
💜: Hello Jin! Did you know that Hoseok is the sun of Argentina? Anyways, we'll see you at the broadcast. Good luck!💜
J: That looks like J-Hope..
💜: 석진아 석진이는 큐트야? 아님 섹시야? J: cute (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107397001?anchor=3-181536890)
💜: Seokjin! Are you cute? Or are you sexy?
J: cute
💜: 석진아 우떠 굿즈 기대해도 될까?💜 우떠에 푹 빠져버렸다 우떠면 좋냐고 J: 제가 또 아이디어가 기가 막히잖아요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-107402216?anchor=4-181537510)
💜: Seokjin, can we expect Wootteo merch?💜 I'm obsessed with Wootteo. Do you like Wootteo?
J: I know, my ideas are pretty amazing
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💜: 오빠 나 아파🤒 빨리 나을 수 있도록 격려해주세요🥺 J: 후루카와 나기사 인가..? (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106630639?anchor=1-211794146)
💜: Oppa, I'm sick🤒 Please cheer me up so I can get better
J: Is that Nagisa Furukawa*?
(T/N: *Nagisa Furukawa is one of the main characters from the manga 'Clannad')
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💜: 아닌데 김석진은 sexy야 J: 김석진 = cute 진 = cute and handsome jin = 큐트 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107409358?anchor=3-181547715)
💜: No but Kim Seokjin is sexy
J: Kim Seokjin = cute Jin = cute and handsome jin = cute
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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solarwynd · 10 hours
I can't be a chart obsessed and a fan of Jimin at the same time. I need to leave my obsession with charts because Jimin is not an artist with a label that support him so clearly it's impossible to give him numbers and achievements he deserves. Even artists big like Jimin need promo and help from the agency or people out of the fandom will never know that he is good. Bighit could help jimin but they don't want to, so the record we wanted to give to Jimin will be stolen by that group. This is what I have to accept, the fact we can't work like we're jimin agency. We don't have this power.
Personally, I think chart obsession should be left at the door in general. It does nothing but stress you out when it shouldn’t be the priority. And I’m never one to be like “you shouldn’t care about charts just focus on the music.” Cause that’s just impossible to do as a fan. You want to see your favorite artist to succeed. But I still believe there’s balance to be found in wanting Jimin to do well commercially while also making sure to enjoy the art he’s put out first and foremost.
Knowing that HYBE is intentionally stunting Jimin’s potential will always be frustrating, but that’s not gonna stop me from doing my part in trying to get him that win anyway. I also know that there’s only so much a fandom can do with the lack of resources and the label actively working against him, but I can’t accept defeat this early for us.
Before Hybe developed into what it is now, armys were BTS’ sole pushers. They took it in their hands to promote the group and have been able to take them to the status which they’re at now. So you really cannot underestimate fan power.
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I don’t get the obsession with charts and being on top of everything, I guess this is a kpop thing? Or it has to do with the new generation? I’m not even that old lol but I’m lost here. Personne, I honestly couldn’t care less about the charts. Seriously, let it go, some of you are seriously obsessed to an unhealthy degree. I’m happy if Jimin is number 1 because it’s a huge achievement and I’m proud of him, but at the end of day he could have the least number of fans and streams that I wouldn’t give two fucks. I love him, I love his music, I just want him to thrive and do what he wants and that’s all that counts really. As long as Jimin is happy, then it’s fine for me, and lately he seems to be happy and healthy so let’s celebrate and support him by listening to his music and watching his performances! If the hate makes you feel miserable in your daily life, in real life, then I’m sorry to say this but it’s not that much about Jimin anymore but there’s something else underneath that you should explore. It’s about you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be mad, it does make me angry when I see the hate he gets, but it’s been going on for years and unfortunately it won’t stop now. You’re exhausting yourself by obsessing over it. And honestly it only tells one thing - they hate him because he’s powerful and talented. He has something incredibly attractive and that drives people mad. His haters are obsessed with him. Block and report, send alerts to BigHit, but don’t let it get to you. Jimin is loved, he has people around him to support him, Jungkook clearly loves him so so much. I know it’s easier said than done but focus on the negativity that you see on social media, they’re loud but they’re not the majority for sure.
Hello anon,
I have no idea why people are so obsessed with records. Not just pjms but a huuuuuge chunk of the fandom.
I also don't get why people focus on comparing Jimin with the other members or how they get mad if other members get support too.
Focus on what makes you happy. If the other members don't, don't worry about their records, songs, sales, etc.
Thanks for sharing!
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bangtanitalianchannel · 9 months
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[ARTICOLO] I BTS rinnovano il loro contratto con la HYBE e la BIGHIT Music
"Gli accordi esclusivi con i BTS saranno validi dal 2025 in avanti
I BTS rinnoveranno il contratto con la HYBE e la BIGHIT Music. Dopo la delibera del consiglio d'amministrazione della BIGHIT Music, ognuno dei membri (RM, Jin, SUGA, J-Hope, Jimin, V e Jung Kook) firmerà degli accordi esclusivi con la compagnia per continuare a rilasciare musica dal 2025 in avanti.
'Con il rinnovo del loro contratto, siamo lieti di supportare le attività di gruppo dei BTS programmate nel 2025,' ha dichiarato la HYBE, aggiungendo, 'HYBE e BIGHIT Music forniranno tutto il sostegno necessario per poter continuare ad espandere ed elevare la presenza dei BTS.'
La compagnia farà firmare tutti i membri uno ad uno, tenendo conto del loro servizio militare. Suga inizierà a servire questo venerdì. Dopo Jin e J-Hope, lui è il terzo membro ad arruolarsi. Tutti e sette i membri dei BTS completeranno il servizio militare obbligatorio nel corso dei prossimi due anni. La pausa che il gruppo si è presa proprio per questo motivo dovrebbe terminare nel 2025.
Il gruppo ha esordito nel 2013 sotto la Big Hit Entertainment, poi diventata HYBE. Sotto la guida della compagnia, i BTS sono diventati un fenomeno culturale, raggiungendo numerosi traguardi con le loro canzoni da top delle classifiche e battendo numerosi record. Ad esempio, nel 2018 sono stati sono i primi artisti K-Pop ad aver avuto un album, Love Yourself: Tear, al primo posto nella classifica Billboard 200 e nel 2021 sono stati il primo gruppo interamente asiatico ad apparire nella copertina di Rolling Stones (ognuno dei membri è anche apparso individualmente sulla copertina digitale dell’uscita di giugno).
A partire dal 2022, il gruppo ha iniziato a pubblicare i propri album e singoli da solisti: Layover di V, il recente singolo di Jung Kook 'Seven' (ft. Latto), D-Day l’album solista di SUGA che ha pubblicato sotto il nome di Agust D e FACE l'album solista di Jimin che è uscito a marzo, mentre RM ha debuttato da solista nel dicembre 2022 con l’album Indigo. Invece, Jin ha rilasciato il singolo The Astronaut, stato scritto insieme al gruppo Coldplay, in ottobre e J-Hope ha pubblicato li suo album da solista Jack In The Box a luglio 2022."
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©winterflower) | ©RollingStones
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jacqthehermit · 1 year
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"The first ever Korean soloist in history to debut at #1 on Billboard Hot 100"
Yep I am late and this time I don't have any excuses. I didn't get sick like last time. I think I am just burnt out but I don't wanna fully admit it bec I don't have the right to be burnt out lmao. Anyways, I am here to talk about Jimin and not me.
Where do I even start?
I previously said that I'll start typing my thoughts again so I could get back to them in the future. But honestly, I don't know if I actually want to remember everything that happened during Jimin's FACE era. It actually gave me more heartbreak than happiness. As much as I wanted to focus on the success of the album and how the songs were carefully written by Jimin, I think there are more serious matters to talk about.
I mean yes, Jimin attained all these record breaking achievements however at the same time, he experienced a lot of injustices mostly bec he's an asian making honest music in a white dominated industry.
After hitting no.1 on HOT100, Billboard suddenly deleted 90% of his sales in the 2nd week which made him fall 40 spots down. If the sales were not deleted, he could've stayed no.1 for another week.
Spotify merged the 2 versions of Like Crazy in the first 4 days (like they usually do with other artists' songs) but when it was able to hit no.1 on Global Spotify Chart, they suddenly separated the 2 and never put them back. They even fucked up the producer credits for a time period.
Even after hitting no.1 on Global Spotify Chart and no.1 on HOT100, US radios kept ignoring Like Crazy and refused to play it. They would ask for requests and when LC acquires the most votes, they will pick another song. If the song was not paid and not from a white artist, US radios dgaf no matter how well the song is doing on the official charts.
Youtube has always been a BTS anti. Youtube does filter other artists' views too but when it comes to any BTS related videos, they filter out 1000000x harder. No matter how it is proven that BTS has one of, if not the largest fandom in the world, Youtube still considers us bots.
They usually delete a lot of views during the first few days of a BTS video then tones down after. However during Jimin's music videos (SMFPT2 and LC) they kept deleting an average of 1M views per day even 2 weeks after the release. The fact that LC was no.1 trending music video worldwide for days but it was stuck with the same views was so frustrating. Even if you compare its views to likes ratio from other Korean artists' mvs, you'll definitely see something's wrong.
When Jimin was about to hit 2M album sales in 1 day, Hanteo deleted 700k sales. They were even planning to make Jimin not hit 1M in 1 day bec they suddenly froze his sales. Luckily the fandom was able to screen record their website and posted a bunch of proofs of their anomaly. After bombarding them with emails, they gave up and brought back Jimin's 1M sales. Sadly the 700k sales were not given back.
The worst part from all this mess? BIGHIT/HYBE never said anything. Never defended their artist. Always does the bare minimum and makes the fandom do all the work, from promo, to radio spins and even in demanding for accountability from all these charts and platforms. Very disappointing knowing they are the biggest entertainment company in SK. BTS built the company from dust through their blood, sweat and tears but they can't give the same energy back? Pathetic. Tho when it comes to their rookie group they be doing the most lol.
"Bangtan are not babies, they are grown up, adult men. They are shareholders of this company. They know everything, they approved of this blah blah" 
I know BTS do have the power and voice regarding their work but at the end of the day, there are certain things that the company has the final say (Hell they can't even release certain songs sometimes if not approved by the company!). I'm so sick of people bringing up this argument just to disregard the company's blatant negligence to the Tannies. Also, me talking about this does not mean I don't acknowledge all the good they've done, there are just so many questionable decisions made by the company that needed to be addressed but the space is not enough to list them all.
"You're crazy, it's not that deep. Go touch some grass"
Tbh if I can make all of these not true I would. I would save Jimin from all these unfair treatment specially he is just facing all of these alone since this is not a group comeback. But this is the reality. All these sabotages were not conspiracy theories, they were real. Even all of us were shocked that these charts and platforms did these things in broad daylight. This is how dirty the music industry is against people of color. This is the truth.
Other fandoms usually just focus on the visual aspect and rarely their faves' music (numbers don't lie bruh). They would be making fun of our fandom bec we take streaming, voting and charting seriously. And when BTS keeps on winning and their faves don't, they'd protest lmao. Why am I mentioning this?
Sometimes after fighting all these music charts and platforms I would think, what if I didn't dive deep? What if I'm just a casual music listener and a visual stan? What if I didn't know how corrupt the system is? Things wouldn't be so stressful right?
But then again, I fell in love with BTS bec of their music. And they have proven how much they love making music. Of course as a fan, I only want the best for them. I want them to achieve everything they deserve as artists and musicians. Fighting the impossible like the music industry is indeed exhausting however if it's for an artist like BTS then it's all worth it.
I want to end this long ass rant by congratulating Jimin on his historical solo album debut. I am sorry if I didn't focus on typing about FACE. I wanted to emphasize that despite all these sabotages, no payola, no playlisting, no radio and no western collab, Jimin made it to the top. 
There might be people (mostly the ones who don't know how the charts and system work) thinking it was easy. It was never easy, always never easy when it comes to BTS.
Nevertheless thank you Jimin for making this masterpiece. I am proud of having you as a bias. You deserve all the success and praise. We will always have your back no matter what. I love you.
I cried when I first listened to Set Me Free Pt. 2. If you are a Jimin biased person, you'll understand.
I am a big fan of 80s music and Like Crazy has 80s music vibe so I love it so much.
I wanted to include every achievement of FACE and LC on every chart in different countries but there's not enough space.
There might be another Korean soloist in the future who will achieve no.1 on HOT100 like Jimin but that will never change the fact that he will always be the first (also 2nd asian soloist overall after 60 years) and I can't flex this enough.
Please listen to Jimin's record breaking solo debut album if you haven't yet~ 🙇‍♀️💓
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The difference in the content, group vs solo projects is interesting to me.
The group content was heavily focused on the bond they share, only intentionally highlighting contributions of some members. A narrative they stuck with, where every member has a certain role, and their behind their scenes were curated to fit that narrative.
So I actually like that now we are getting to see more than just that.
From a marketing perspective, the company hit the jackpot with that strategy. They saw the potential on focusing equally or more on their personalities, group relationships through the use of social media. And it proved succesful and a result, we saw the Bon Voyage series, Run BTS and In the Soop. I'm not opposed to this choice of promoting a k-pop group and I do think that most of their content of all 7 together is enjoyable to watch, especially when they're younger, but it's also not enough. I think the situation changed over time and it's noticeable once you look chronologically through all the available material.
What ended up annoying me the most was the footage on the Bangtan TV channel and the Memories DVD in which they really started to gloss over the work. The footage of them recording music became scarce and when they were in the dance studio, the footage was cut short or edited with the break time in which they were shown interacting. Not a bad technical decision, but reached a point in which it was unbalanced.
As to Jimin's documentary, I think we can compare it to the other two that were released this year. With Suga, he was shown at that ITS house with his team, working on music, but a lot of focus was on this journey throughout the US and the people he was hanging out with. The sequence with Ryuichi Sakamoto was the most valuable to me anyway, compared to 10-15 minutes dedicated to Steve Aoki. And with J-Hope's documentary, it was an extensive Bangtan TV video with half the footage already known. The weakest of all and more in line with the typical BigHit documentary.
With Jimin's Production Diary, it would have been so easy to show a lot more footage of just hanging out, drinking, talking more with Jungkook or RM like in any other BTS material, but they didn't. I'm obviously happy with that decision because it felt like I'm finally seeing something new. Another facet of Jimin, of the way he works with producers, of people who don't get their faces blurred.
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
Jimin went to music shows. Yoongi and Hobi went there to support him. Jungkook said he wanted to go to support Jimin right? And Jimin replied that it was too late because he had already filmed the last music show. I wonder, if Jungkook really wanted to see Jimin at music show, why he didn't ask Jimin the schedule like Yoongi and Hobi did? Yoongi and Hobi knew Jimin's schedule. Jungkook "wanted" to support Jimin but, in fact, he didn't ask his schedule! He didn't go. He didn't know when Jimin was filming. And Jungkook should be Jimin's boyfriend? What excuse do you have to justify this
The feisty cats are coming out, huh?
Anon, I do not have any excuses for you because I am not Jikook’s keeper.
I wish that I was their homey though. I wanna kick it with them on their off days. I know we would have an awesome time.
Now what I can do is speculate on this for entertainment purposes. Although I really don’t think anything I say is going to make you feel better.
Anyways, let’s do this. 
Prepare yourself for a lazy out of order so-called timeline.
What do we have to work with? Let’s see.
We know JK said he hadn’t been doing much and was enjoying resting sometime after BTS’ group activities ended. He then told us on his 2.27.2023 Weverse Live that he had to leave for work soon. So we know at the very least that he started to weave some work into his life again around this time.
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We saw JK visit JM at dance practice in his Bangtan Bomb prior to Face Promotions. Where Jimin, knowing his bae well, told him “Now’s not the time to rest at home”. So we know this visit was during JK’s off time. Sometime prior to 2.27.2023, maybe. But some time after he filmed with CK cause he's wearing their clothes already.
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The Weverse live you’re bringing up is from Thank You Live 3.28.2023
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Let’s see what else do we have. Oh, PJM #1 Fanboy Live was on 3.27.2023
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Wlive with Shows JK is watching
And now we have confirmation that JK has been and is working on his album.
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So here is what I’m speculating. 
Maybe, JK’s work started to ramp up in preparing for his album and their schedules haven’t been lining up. But man is still out here supporting his bae in Weverse Live as much as he can. Although that doesn’t seem to matter to you. (Or to all the other peeps trying to erase that WLive. I sound like a broken record)
Jungkook "wanted" to support Jimin but, in fact, he didn't ask his schedule! He didn't go. He didn't know when Jimin was filming. And Jungkook should be Jimin's boyfriend? What excuse do you have to justify this -Anon
Now now Anon, there is that pesky word fact again. 
I wouldn’t go as far to say JK didn’t ask about Jimin’s schedule. Both you and I have no idea if that is true. 
Maybe JK knew of JM’s general schedule but forgot the last performance was that day. Maybe that didn’t come up in conversation the day before. Maybe JK just forgot? Oops. Maybe he just made a mistake in that moment. Maybe he was being playful with JM? And maybe that’s why Jimin was laughing at what JK said. 
Look, you’re gonna get tired of hearing this. But I’m always going to talk about my experience because we’re talking about a long-term relationship. I’m in my mid-30s. I’ve been with my husband for 16 years (Married almost 4). We forget things the other person said pretty regularly even things related to work. Do I think my husband isn’t supporting me if he momentarily forgets something? No, unless I’m feeling sensitive that day and I snap back. It happens.
But Jimin didn’t look upset to me. And we have definitely seen a petty Jimin before and he was not present during that Wlive.
Before I wrap this up, I’d like to take this a little further with the speculations because I’m feeling a little spicy and you came feisty with it.
Maybe, with MS coming up, JM and JK thought it would be best for JK to not visit JM at a music show where lots of other people that aren’t a part of BigHit would be? That just maybe, JK actually meant what he said and wanted to go visit but couldn’t because of a reason like this? 
I've read in quite a few places that Jikook is considered an "open secret" in SK. Perceived as a couple by those who see them, but no confirmation.
Maybe with MS coming up, they are doing their best to control that perception by not appearing in public together. A previous Anon said something like "Nobody is forcing them to kiss in public..... jimin could go to visit jk like other members"
Can they? Are you sure?
I don't know, I don't know. But Jikook sure knows. They know the weight and level of seriousness that is the political climate in their own country. 
I personally want them to be as safe as possible. I love them.
Oh, and I will not dig up receipts on the "open secret" thing. I am interested in Korean culture and language so I seek this info out on my own. If you are interested and care to, I recommend you seek it out as well. 
I need to go be responsible and put my notes from JK's last Wlive to good use and do some laundry. 🧺
Clingy Kookie incoming...
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Credit to Lights gifs
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denimini · 9 months
You've opened up a space for people to share their thoughts and feelings which is not a bad thing. But as someone who is a longtime ARMY and JK biased, it's really disheartening to read some of these posts. I think a lot of people here are missing the part where JK is going so far out of his comfort zone on everything. He did Seven in the US, and PDogg was there but he was working with US producers. We all saw the video and how nervous and hardworking he was on that. Then the music videos are all being produced by two different US production companies. None of them speak Korean. They are completely new teams to him. Back in Korea, BTS has worked with literally the same 20 film people for 10 years. (check the credits on all their videos!) It's a true bubble for them, across the board BigHit always had *their* people doing the filming and recording - even for the Grammys in 2021. Now JK is out here working in the US, working with teams who do. not. know. him. the way Lumpens knows him and it's gotta be really scary for him. We all saw him behind the scenes at his interview at Global Citizen and how nervous and hard on himself he was being. I think this "fckboi" character is exactly that. It's a persona and one that JK has used throughout his career, we see it happen on stage often and I think he's reaching farther with it right now but it's also probably a shield too. It's not to say it's not an extension of his IDGAF side but JK is doing things right now that none of the other members have done. He's been doing it since World Cup. Sure he has his entourage but for the introvert we know JK is, he's throwing himself into new experiences (we also know he's an adrenaline junkie so he might be enjoying it too) but JK's current on-camera, on-stage persona is not the same crinkly-eyed wide-smiling JK we see in all the behind the scenes. He's trying a lot of new things and he honestly may fail in some places but that's how you grow and I am personally really proud of him for pushing himself so much in this way. Sorry to rant but it feels like some of the people writing in aren't looking at JK the way JM does and maybe they should. As you've said before - he's really a precious one.
You know, we've actually talked so much about JK already here. We discussed so much about his personal and professional life, and many people say they feel sort of disappointed by his path and find it hard to connect to JK in the way they used it. I admitted multiple times that I, too, am part of those people. I find it hard to merge the image I've had of him for years and the career direction he has chosen.
Yet, you're right that amidst all these discussions and posts, nobody, me included, ever mentioned how brave and hard these steps must be for him. I am proud of him for having the bravery to try new things in a very uncomfortable and unsual way for him, with unfamiliar people, having to communicate in a language he isn't really fluent in. Even if I don't really vibe with the end product, Jungkook must be applauded for his desire to overcome his discomfort and strive to be get out of his comfort zone, even when knowing it could also lead to criticism.
We, Jimin-biased people, shouldn't forget that no matter our personal feelings for JK, Jimin loves and cares for this boy, so, so freaking much. Despite people having critique over 3D, Jimin still supports it. Obviously, nobody should feel obligated to support JK just because Jimin does it if they have reservations, but clearly, Jimin is not going anywhere.
It was discussed here already how Jimin is a smart man and probably a good reader of character. It must be asked: If Jungkook had completely changed and had turned into nothing more than a hungry for fame, horny fuckboy, would Jimin still be so supportive and loving towards him?
I doubt it.
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jung-koook · 1 year
lol i hope seven is a s*x song idc how crazy ill get

also im late but just to add in, about the whole promo thing - i dont think its about "its gonna be MORE promo for him"
i guess its just about them (individually speaking), we know they all have a whole team but at the end its about them, what they like, what they can do, schedules we dont know about, like ..we can see its not all about music anymore (not a bad thing, i mean like they have contracts with fashion and stuff) so they have other things going on too
i know hybe can be shitty, i bet, but we cant blame them for EVERYTHING
the boys make different music between them, (just look at rapline, its SO DIFFERENT) its not the same, jimins promo was different because it had a different vibe if you may, jk's style we've seen its so street edgy idk you've seen the guy lol, and i bet taehyungs promo wont be anything like jk's either, theyre so different in style! thats it, i just think the style is different, it represents them in their own way, it cant be the same all the time, specially not after doing their solo projects, this is their chance to do whatever they want!
its jk first solo, no, it doesnt have to be about bangtan bc of a 7, maybe a reference SURE because we know how they cant live without each other, but lets give him credit, hes about to share with us something hes been working on God knows how long, these boys have experienced so much together but its time and he said so himself, its a new challenge for him, lets just support
i love this because we love them all but we get to see now a new piece of their souls as solo, its exciting!
go jk! go my boyss!!
yes, you're right. thats what I wanted to say there. but what i said did it imply that jeongguk was having more promo? if so i want to apologize because that was not what i wanted to say at all. what I wanted to say there is that we already saw that the promos will be different for each member. that from what we've seen so far, we're going to see different things for each member. I think I even mentioned that I really didn't like some things but that its "okay". like for example jimin wanted to have more mvs but that didn't happen. and I really wish that had happened. the little time difference there was between namjoon, jimin and yoongis albums. and i think the same thing looks like it will happen when tae releases his album. i really think there's a big chance that as soon as sevens promo is over bighit will announce taes album. that's all I wanted to say there. I'm so sorry if I implied something completely different from what I really meant to say.
I'm really so excited for this new challenge for him and to learn more of the details he wants to share with us about seven. this recording film made me even more excited for seven and I thought that wasn't even possible 😆😭
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Hello BPP, I’m new ARMY! I have only been a fan since hiatus 😅 and have only been in the fandom for solo era. I had been enjoying my experience so far and loving the music. But I am so confused by all the noise at present with FACE. I don’t understand what is happening with Youtube and the noise from kpop fans against Jimin’s encore performance. We have been streaming for more than a week but we cannot seem to go over 30 million? I know there is filtering happening and that it’s normal but it is weird because we keep going back to 27 million. I am not sure if you discuss stuff like these in more detail. Can you suggest an account to follow so I can understand more?
About the encore stage, I read your other masterlist posts and it does feel like a predicated response because of the success Jimin is getting. He is predicated to debut at #1 at Hot 100 by some accounts. I find the issue response to be very exaggerated though 😅 Would it be too tin hat foil if I think a big company is behind it? I had read an issue about Kakao being behind a targeted smear campaign against several girl group members a few months ago. Is it too conspiracy? I do not want to think unkindly or too tin hat foil if there is a reasonable explanation like kpop fans being threatened and being angry 😅
Thank you BPP! 💜💜💜
Hi Anon,
Welcome to comeback season.
I’ll be brief.
Nothing that’s happening to Jimin is unexpected. YouTube has been excessively filtering, freezing, and then deleting views off BTS videos since 2021. It’s not something I care much about but it’s impossible to ignore. I think there are two reasons for this:
1. YouTube now has paid options and they have been pushing users to switch to the Premium option. In reply to many direct ARMY inquiries about missing views, the customer service reps often suggest streaming from YouTube premium accounts so all views can be counted. It’s possible they’ve identified ARMY as a group of people who will pay more if it means views are counted for BTS, but even I who spends most of my working hours as a capitalist demon finds this move to be just a little perverse. Views are views and paid views should count just the same as unpaid views.
2. I’m good friends with stans in many other fandoms and they don’t often have the same complaint. Videos from other k-pop groups don’t have the same handicap likely because there are less people at once watching the videos (ARMYs are a lot of people…) and because it’s the industry norm to use ads to inflate views. And more groups using ads even more than before, is also something I’ve noticed since 2021. This is also a scenario YouTube prefers because they directly receive revenue from k-pop companies when those companies buy ads, so every view of the ad is counted.
Like I said, records of views isn’t something that I think matters all that much for BTS today. But that doesn’t mean it’s right that it happens at all. ARMYs have limited recourse here short of getting a job at YouTube and trying to change their strategy internally. What I personally do is stream as usual (checking out their videos at least once every couple of days - I’m online often so that happens easily… I love watching them), and talk more about them with people in my life. Sometimes those people go on to check out the boys, and then who knows? YouTube might be deleting records of people watching BTS but now even more people are finding out about them. A win.
Some ARMYs are reporting this to BigHit. I don’t think that will have any impact since counted views are entirely at YouTube’s discretion, but if you’re inclined to take more action, there’s that option.
Think how so much easier things would be though, if BTS and Bang PD just did what most others in the industry are already doing. The goody-goody-two-shoes thing is sometimes annoying, but I hope if you’re ARMY you respect them for making these sort of choices for as long as they make them.
About Jimin, I won’t say much. His in-ears may or may not have been working. I personally don’t care. Whatever the case it doesn’t change the fact that Jimin can sing. But remember what I said about Avoidance and Hate being the two primary responses to expect from most k-pop stans to anything concerning BTS? That’s all that happened here. Jimin had been giving jaw dropping performances, breaking records, and blowing nearly every metric of commercial and critical success out of the water, and the response from k-pop stans was basically virtual Ostrich head-in-sand. (Though many were streaming Jimin’s songs and talking about it in GCs according to some friends in other fandoms). But the minute they found something to mock, they swarmed.
It’s simple, predictable, and lame.
But there are decade-long structures that reinforce that behaviour, and the ARMY fandom is one that’s had to bear the brunt of challenging the dominant culture and behaviours. The casualties are reflected in all that’s ugly about ARMY.
Anyway, Jimin is fine. He likely wants to spend some more time with Hobi before Hobi enlists. I suspect it’s why Jimin cancelled his Inkigayo live appearance. But he’s more than okay. Didn’t you hear him on Set Me Free Pt 2?
You said you’re a new ARMY so please allow me to say one thing: pay attention to all that’s happening around you, but please try not to make it terribly upset you. Focus on loving yourself, whatever that means for you. For me, that means enjoying the music BTS makes as often as I like. I just listened to Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston play after Sexy Nukim by Balming Tiger ft RM and I almost moaned at my desk at the pleasure in that shift in sound. Sorry if that’s TMI, but like, that’s the reason I’m here writing about seven guys from Korea. I’ve said before I’m not a writer, yet I’m here. They make me loco. Anyway, another good practice is to report the really bad tweets if you see them, and focus on Jimin, BTS, and the music.
And lately, Jimin *and* Jungkook have been making it very easy to focus on them:
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Happy streaming.
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