#Jo Sperling
hiidenneiti · 2 months
Saippuaprinsessa (2004) luettu:
Kepeä Utrio-romaani. Laukataan pitkin 1830-luvun Helsinkiä ja Uudenmaan kartanoita. Utrion epookeille perinteisenä teollisuushistorian oppituntina toimii tässä kirjassa sokerin viljely ja valmistus; taas opitaan.
Päähenkilöt ovat Ulrika ja Mauritz. Ulrika on syntyjään epäsopivasta liitosta (isä aatelinen ja äiti porvari) ja kaiken huipuksi kulkenut pitkin Vienan Karjalaa jalkapatikassa isänsä kanssa kansanrunoja keräämässä!! Isän äkillisen poismenon jälkeen Ulrika lähetetään Helsinkiin etsimään aviomiestä kaukaisten sukulaistensa, Ekestolpien luokse. Kaupungilla huhutaan, että Ulrika on perimässä kaksisataatuhatta ruplaa, mikä luonnollisesti pyyhkii pois alkuperän aiheuttamat kysymykset. Ulrika on herttainen ja kaikki ihastuvat häneen.
Mauritz on paroni Ekestolpe, vastikaan tittelinsä perinyt stressaantunut nuori herra, joka yrittää selvitä huithapeli-isänsä veloista. Perheeseen kuuluu myös tossukka äiti, teini-ikäiset pikkusisarukset, synkkä ja ankara kotiopettaja sekä Mauritzin morsian, jääkuningatar Viktoria von Sperling.
Pelkäsin etukäteen että kansanrunous olisi näkyvämmässä roolissa, mutta se jätettiin onneksi kyydistä heti alun jälkeen. Ei pahalla, mutta ei hirveästi kiinnosta se miten aatelishahmot sympatisoivat "Tavallista Rahvasta"—tai sanotaanko näin, että ei se haittaisi niin paljon jos kuka tahansa henkilöhahmoista harrastaisi kansankulttuuria, mutta kun ne ovat aina just ne rakastettavat, maanläheiset päähenkilöt.
Kirja kuhisee sympaattisia, humoristisia henkilöitä, joiden puolesta jännittää koko sydämellään. Ja sitten ovat myös ne pahikset: Viktoria ja hänen veljensä Herman. Viktoria on täysiverinen antagonisti, hänelle ei suoda minkäänlaista mahdollisuutta muuttua henkilönä, mutta se ei ole puute: Utrio muotoilee Viktoriasta ihanan vihattavan naisen sellaisella tarkkuudella. Olin iloisesti yllättynyt hänen lopustaan! Viktoriasta tuli myös mieleen Rakas Henrietta -romaanin päähenkilö, joka oli kuin hirmuhallitsija-Viktorian esiaste ennen parannuksensa tekemistä.
Herman oli suosikkihahmojani kirjassa—luulisi, että saamattoman rappionuorukaisen sivujuoni olisi teoksen tylsimpiä osuuksia, mutta ahminkin ne innolla, niissä vallitsee sellainen hiipivä turmion kauhu. Hermanin matka Ulrikaa kosimaan oli teoksen huippukohtia—mitään ei saatu aikaan, ja silti!
Teoksessa viritellään vastakkainasettelua tehokkaan, moraalisen ja keskiluokkaisen 1800-luvun sekä huikentelevan, hitaan ja aatelisen 1700-luvun välillä. Kysymys siitä, mitä pitää uhrata kehityksen tieltä ja milloin säästäväisyys ja säntillisyys pilaa elämänilon oli ihan mielenkiintoinen, mutta siihen ei saatu pureuduttua aivan kunnolla. Syynä olivat varmaan päähenkilöiden luonteet: Ulrika ja Mauritz ovat molemmat niin käytännönläheisiä, etteivät he lopulta erotu järkevän Viktorian mielipiteistä paljoakaan.
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xpressbus · 2 years
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and one more... Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqF1LGogE2S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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compneuropapers · 4 years
Interesting Papers for Week 19, 2020
Mechanisms that allow cortical preparatory activity without inappropriate movement. Darlington, T. R., & Lisberger, S. G. (2020). eLife, 9, e50962.
Modulation of local field potentials and neuronal activity in primate hippocampus during saccades. Doucet, G., Gulli, R. A., Corrigan, B. W., Duong, L. R., & Martinez‐Trujillo, J. C. (2020). Hippocampus, 30(3), 192–209.
Differential developmental refinement of the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons from the rat dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Dougherty, K. A. (2020). Hippocampus, 30(3), 233–249.
Navigating with grid and place cells in cluttered environments. Edvardsen, V., Bicanski, A., & Burgess, N. (2020). Hippocampus, 30(3), 220–232.
Plaid Detectors in Macaque V1 Revealed by Two-Photon Calcium Imaging. Guan, S.-C., Zhang, S.-H., Zhang, Y.-C., Tang, S.-M., & Yu, C. (2020). Current Biology, 30(5), 934-940.e3.
Reactivated Spatial Context Guides Episodic Recall. Herweg, N. A., Sharan, A. D., Sperling, M. R., Brandt, A., Schulze-Bonhage, A., & Kahana, M. J. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(10), 2119–2128.
Synergy of Distinct Dopamine Projection Populations in Behavioral Reinforcement. Heymann, G., Jo, Y. S., Reichard, K. L., McFarland, N., Chavkin, C., Palmiter, R. D., … Zweifel, L. S. (2020). Neuron, 105(5), 909-920.e5.
Different coding strategy of sound information between GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the auditory midbrain. Ito, T. (2020). Journal of Physiology, 598(5), 1039–1072.
Does short-term memory develop? Jones, G., Justice, L. V., Cabiddu, F., Lee, B. J., Iao, L.-S., Harrison, N., & Macken, B. (2020). Cognition, 198, 104200.
Enabling Spike-Based Backpropagation for Training Deep Neural Network Architectures. Lee, C., Sarwar, S. S., Panda, P., Srinivasan, G., & Roy, K. (2020). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 119.
The hippocampus encodes delay and value information during delay-discounting decision making. Masuda, A., Sano, C., Zhang, Q., Goto, H., McHugh, T. J., Fujisawa, S., & Itohara, S. (2020). eLife, 9, e52466.
Cholecystokinin-Expressing Interneurons of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Mediate Working Memory Retrieval. Nguyen, R., Venkatesan, S., Binko, M., Bang, J. Y., Cajanding, J. D., Briggs, C., … Kim, J. C. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(11), 2314–2331.
Representation of distinct reward variables for self and other in primate lateral hypothalamus. Noritake, A., Ninomiya, T., & Isoda, M. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(10), 5516–5524.
Cortical Synaptic AMPA Receptor Plasticity during Motor Learning. Roth, R. H., Cudmore, R. H., Tan, H. L., Hong, I., Zhang, Y., & Huganir, R. L. (2020). Neuron, 105(5), 895-908.e5.
Excitatory/Inhibitory Responses Shape Coherent Neuronal Dynamics Driven by Optogenetic Stimulation in the Primate Brain. Shewcraft, R. A., Dean, H. L., Fabiszak, M. M., Hagan, M. A., Wong, Y. T., & Pesaran, B. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(10), 2056–2068.
Opposing Contributions of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Ventral Pallidal Neurons to Motivational Behaviors. Stephenson-Jones, M., Bravo-Rivera, C., Ahrens, S., Furlan, A., Xiao, X., Fernandes-Henriques, C., & Li, B. (2020). Neuron, 105(5), 921-933.e5.
Replay of cortical spiking sequences during human memory retrieval. Vaz, A. P., Wittig, J. H., Inati, S. K., & Zaghloul, K. A. (2020). Science, 367(6482), 1131–1134.
The case of muddled units in temporal discounting. Vincent, B. T., & Stewart, N. (2020). Cognition, 198, 104203.
Efficient inverse graphics in biological face processing. Yildirim, I., Belledonne, M., Freiwald, W., & Tenenbaum, J. (2020). Science Advances, 6(10), eaax5979.
Transient Delay-Period Activity of Agranular Insular Cortex Controls Working Memory Maintenance in Learning Novel Tasks. Zhu, J., Cheng, Q., Chen, Y., Fan, H., Han, Z., Hou, R., … Li, C. T. (2020). Neuron, 105(5), 934-946.e5.
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stllimelight · 5 years
Jaunty and Joyous 'Guys and Dolls' Opens Revitalized Muny's 101st Season
Jaunty and Joyous ‘Guys and Dolls’ Opens Revitalized Muny’s 101st Season
By Lynn Venhaus Managing Editor Broadway’s glorious past merges with The Muny’s dazzling state-of-the-art present in “Guys and Dolls” for a sensational start to the second century that bodes well for the future. What an ideal show to show off the new stage and other upgrades made possible through the Muny’s Second Century Campaign!
As impressive as the changes set out to be, all the spiffy new…
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Tämän viikon blogissa tutustun kolmeen minulle uuteen ja mielenkiintoiseen sosiaalisen median kanavaan, sekä pohdin, miten yritykset voisivat hyödyntää näitä palveluita. Lisää sosiaalisen median palveluita voit käydä kurkkaamassa Overdrive Interactiven (2019) tarjoamasta Social Media Map 2019:stä, johon löytyy linkki lähteistä.
Palvelu, joka tarjoaa yrityksille vaikuttamisalustan viitemarkkinointiin (referral marketing), ja jossa käytetään pääasiassa hyväksi word of mouth -periaatetta. Periaatteen käyttöä halutun näkyvyyden ja markkinoinnin toteuttamiselle perustellaan tutkimustuloksilla siitä, miten suositukset ja käyttökokemukset vaikuttavat ihmisten ostopäätökseen. Tutkimusten mukaan asiakkaat tekevät päätöksen nopeammin ja ostavat enemmän, kun ihmiset ovat suositelleet tuotetta, kuin jos suosituksia ei olisi. (Intrado 2019.)
Ambassadorin uskollisia käyttäjiä ovat muun muassa suuret yritykset kuten Hewlett-Packard ja Hubspot, jotka käyttävät palvelua kohdatakseen asiakkaansa (Intrado 2019). Kyseinen alusta on mielestäni yritykselle helppo keino saada  tuotteilleen suosittelijoita, jotka vaikuttavat asiakkaiden ostopäätökseen suosituksillaan. Erityisesti palvelu toimisi mielestäni sellaisilla tuotteilla, joissa käyttökokemus on suuressa merkityksessä. Myös uusien innovaatioiden ja suurelle yleisölle tuntemattomampien tuotteiden markkinoinnissa Ambassadorin platform voi toimia erinomaisena markkinoijana.
My Fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal on hyvinvointi- ja terveysteemainen palvelu, josta löytyy myös kätevä puhelinsovellus helpottamaan sen päivittäistä käyttöä. Palveluun tallennetaan kaikki syödyt ateriat, joiden perusteella palvelu laskee saadut kalorimäärät ja auttaa tarkkailemaan niitä. Palvelu pyrkii suosittelemaan erilaisia ruokia, mutta myös muistamaan aiempia tehtyjä ruokia. (Under Armour 2019.)
Mielestäni terveysalan yritykset voisivat tehdä yhteistyötä palvelun kanssa suosittelemalla palvelua omille asiakkailleen tai toisinpäin. Ruokakaupatkin voisivat hyötyä palvelun avulla saaden näkyvyyttä omille tuotteilleen: kun sovellus esimerkiksi suosittelee ruokia asiakkaalle, voisi se linkki esimerkiksi viedä suoraan kaupan sivuille tiettyyn tuotteeseen. Näkisin myös, että liikuntapalveluita voitaisiin suositella ja mainostaa käyttäjille palvelun kautta, sillä he todennäköisesti ovat potentiaalista kohderyhmää.
Funny Or Die
Will Ferrell ja Adam McKay perustivat tämän videopalvelun vuonna 2007 julkaistakseen siellä hauskaa sisältöä, kuten videoita, memejä ja lyhyitä sketsipätkiä. Nykyään videoilla on mukana myöskin julkisuudesta tuttuja henkilöitä, kuten Selena Gomez ja Zach Galifianakis. (Funny Or Die 2019.) Videoiden jakaminen sosiaalisen median kanavissa on nykyään helppoa, minkä vuoksi sivusto onkin noussut hurjaan suosioon viime vuosien aikana (Sperling 2019).
Näen, että tätä kanavaa voi yritysten olla vaikeampi hyödyntää liiketoiminnassaan. Erilaiset sponsoroidut videot, yhteistyövideot tai vaikkapa yritykselle personoitu meme voisivat toimia hyvinä ja mieleenpainuvina mainoksina. Tämä kuitenkin edellyttää, että tuotos on erityisen hyvä, jotta sitä lähdetään jakamaan sosiaalisessa mediassa. Voi myös olla niin, että pienemmillä ja ei niin tunnetuilla yrityksillä ei ole mahdollista päästä solmimaan minkäänlaista sopimusta palvelun tuottajien kanssa.
Funny Or Die 2019. About Funny Or Die. Luettavissa: https://www.funnyordie.com/pages/about-us. Luettu 1.12.2019.
Intrado 2019. We are Ambassador: Our story. Luettavissa: https://www.getambassador.com/about. Luettu 2.12.1019.
Overdrive Interactive 2019. Social media map 2019. Katsottavissa: https://www.ovrdrv.com/social-media-map-thank-you/. Katsottu: 1.12.2019.
Under Armour 2019. Lose Weight with MyFitnessPal.com — for FREE!. Luettavissa: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/learn_more. Luettu: 1.12.2019.
Sperling, N. 2019. Funny or Die Finds New Life in the Streaming Era. The New York Times. Luettavissa: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/business/media/funny-or-die-streaming.html. Luettu: 1.12.2019.
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porcileorg · 5 years
On the ‘Various Others’ initiative in Munich (2019-09-12 – 2019-10-13)
Author: Magda Wisniowska - Munich, September, 2019.
It was Munich Open Art last weekend, opening on Friday. Various Others, a much newer initiative ran alongside.
Various Others is, very simply, about collaboration and exchange. Each space - whether institution, gallery or off-space - belonging to the initiative partners with one from outside, in order to bring new art back to Munich.
For someone like myself, this is interesting. I feel that, in the spirit of Spinoza, anything increasing our power to act, is by large a good thing. And this collaboration certainly does: galleries become more active through working with new partners, the audience becomes more active by having more art to view, the artists are more active by having new exhibition opportunities in a different city. The efforts of everyone involved should be applauded and encouraged, so that this initiative may long continue. 
Content however is a different matter. Obviously no one expects nowadays the kind of complete enlightenment - the ultimate knowledge of a true God - Spinoza would wish for, but too often the conceptual aims behind the work are left unexamined. This has less to do with the art exhibited during the course of Open Art and Various Others, but more with the type of reviews this kind of event attracts. These focus almost entirely on the idea behind Various Others, that is, on how its exchange program functions, why such a program has come to being and how it might be beneficial to those involved. The few that do review the actual shows (Frieze selects five highlights) keep to a bare paragraph each.
Of course, it is not easy to review an event that comprises of, at the very least, fourteen openings on its first night, spread across a modestly sized city, with everything closing at 9 pm. On my walk on Friday I manage to see nine things, which is more than many: the performance by Gregor Hildebrand at the Ludwig Beck department store, the exhibitions at Jahn und Jahn, at Sperling, at Rudiger Schöttle and Knust und Kunz, at Jo van de Loo, at Barbara Gross, at Loggia and at Nir Altman. So what follows will be necessarily a flawed personal account.
Gregor Hildebrand @ Ludwig Beck [click here] At the first point of call, the Ludwig Beck department store, I did not see much of the performance, the store layout allowing a full view only to a privileged few. Those standing between the rows of hip-hop CDs could see more of the (admittedly very photogenic) band members on stage than what was going on with the painting in the corner. As far as I could see, Hildebrand was making one of his magnetic tape type paintings before a live audience. Which seemed to me both very brave and very obtuse, this being perhaps the point, to reveal to the buying public how simple his production process is, a magician who indeed only uses a couple of mirrors to perform his tricks. I could overhear behind me, I never thought it would be so quick and easy.”
‘Computer and Paper' @ Jahn und Jahn, with Galerie Conradi, Hamburg, and ​Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin [click here and here] Onwards south to 'Computer and Paper' at Jahn und Jahn, which despite its somewhat threadbare title is a potentially intriguing group exhibition of six artists. It is part of the Various Others initiative but need not be, the premise of the show strong enough to be expanded and shown in a different institutional context.
Taking an art historical approach, it gathers a small number of works - many, but not all, on paper - to explore the relation between the physical and the digital, as it stands in our post-internet world. At least two sets of paper works, Laura Owen’s small intimate collages and Albert Oehlen’s more formal abstractions, are from the 90s, both artists being some of the first to question their painterly practice in relation to developments in new digital technologies. The work recaptures that moment in time when photoshop was still rare and exotic, a wondrous tool just ready to be discovered. But it does not, indeed it cannot, anticipate the developments that followed: broadband, the rise of social media, smartphones, apps. This task is left to younger and equally prominent artists like Avery Singer. In the large airbrushed paintings she presents at Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler in Berlin, she considers the impact of new technologies and social media on her own artistic subjectivity. Here at Jahn und Jahn we are offered only small glimpse into her practice with two small early works on paper. A more considered investigation requiring a deeper engagement, comes from Hamburg artist, Thomas Baldischwyler, who presents one installation piece and two collages behind glass. One work uses the Victor Burgin poster, “What does possession mean to you?” together with its double message “7% of our population own 84% of our wealth;” another is inscribed with the graffiti-like slogans “We still control computers, when will computers control us?” and “Rehearsal war and peace. They calculate stock market prices and write poems.” The installation includes the short narrative of how the artist covered his laptop camera with a sticker, and is accompanied by a wooden panel made to look like an enlarged sheet of stickers, complete with its plastic hang tag. There are clearly other references at work, and you want to know how these might connect in some overall critique of capitalism through digital culture, but the work remains - despite repeated viewing - steadfastly opaque.  More accessible, but also simpler in aim, are the utopian/dystopian drawings of Soyon Jung, a mix of etching and Letraset type transfer depicting future ruins of corporate and political headquarters. Equally direct in his critique is Felix Thiele, who showed with Jung as part of the exhibition 'Death Hoax' at Hamburg’s Westwerk. He presents three shiny iPhones replicas with crudely painted apps, a desirable consumer object made useless, but equally desirable as art. 
Augustus Serapinas and Malte Zenses @ Sperling, hosting Emalin, London [click here and here] Up the road at Sperling is the two-person show of Augustas Serapinas, who shows with Emalin, London, and Malte Zenses from Berlin. Serapinas is an exciting young artist, who deals with displacement in a very literal and unambiguous way.  For this exhibition he transported an entire derelict greenhouse from Vilnus back to Munich, and reinstalled it in the Sperling gallery. There is a socio-political element to the work, its attempt to confront the growing gentrification of Vilnus, as well as the need to preserve an ongoing process of destruction, also visible in Serapinas’s smaller framed works, in which plants are preserved in glass at the moment of their turning into ash. In this, his Munich exhibition recalls his earlier one 'February 13th,' where he famously managed to transport several still-frozen snowmen, more or less intact, from Vilnus to Emalin’s London space. In this case too, the work was about the saving of snowmen from destruction, again acting out a kind of preservation by removal. However, the London show seemed more vivid, more visceral in its impact. It makes sense that the press release referred to Julia Kristeva’s definition of installation as something on the verge of the sacred, where it asks us “not to contemplate images but to communicate with beings.” Something is missing from the Munich installation that would allow us to make such a claim of communication with being and I am not sure if it is the lack of smell (surely the greenhouse should smell of weeds and wood rot?), the very uniform indoor lighting or the lack of isolation (the other exhibited work is very close by). In comparison, Zense’s paintings are more difficult to pin down, though their abstract language is also clearly a consequence of a similar process of transposition from one context to another. They trade in displacement, both in a linguistic and Freundian sense of the term, their marks harbouring only an arbitrary relation to what they might stand for as a sign, unconscious desires put to use in the  symbol. They also allude to the process of destruction. The work consists of many layers, each erasing and obscuring a previous one, their final state again preserved in glass. Taken together, the combination of the two practices works on a conceptual level. It is pleasing to consider how one idea, such as that of destruction, shifts from one context and medium, to another, very different one.
Rüdiger Schöttle [link], Jo van de Loo [link], Barbara Gross [link] More centrally, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle cooperated with ShanghART to show the abstract paintings of Chinese artist, Ding Yi with their signature 'x' and '+' crosses. Jo van de Loo presented the work by one of its gallery artists, Lorenz Strassl together with Monika Michalko from Produzentengalerie in Berlin. Both artists share a certain surrealist, dreamlike sensibility. At Barbara Gross, there were woodcuts and etchings by Andrea Büttner, shown concurrently with the artist’s London gallery, Hollybush Gardens.
'Dark Latern' @ Knust x Kunz hosting Attercliffe™, Sheffield, UK [click here and here] Beautifully selected by Paul Morrison is group exhibition 'Dark Latern' at Knust x Kunz. Among the crowd, one could find the minimalist geometry of Jan van de Ploeg; a black and white graphic drawing by Riette Wanders; a long-exposed, bleak photograph by Dan Holdsworth; slick works by artists with a Goldsmiths connection, such as Glenn Brown, Gerald Hemsworth or Glasgow based Michael Stubbs; Koen Delaere’s texture heavy black canvas; Saul Fletcher’s intriguing little photograph of a row of sticks leaning against a roughly plastered wall; a playful abstraction of Caroline McCarthy; or baroque image of a candle flame by Ralf Brög. All of the work is small and simply hung at eye level, demonstrating that an exhibition could be interesting without any grand curatorial gestures. Tim Etchells slogan, placed centrally in the space, could be the title for the show, and very good title it is: “objects in nightmare arrangements.”
Tramaine de Senna and Nicholás Lamas @ Loggia hosting MÉLANGE, Köln, and Sabot, Cluj-Napoca [click here and here] Another intriguing show could be found close by at Loggia, one of the few off-spaces in Munich that is also part of the Various Others initiative. This too is a deceptively simple two-person exhibition, featuring the work of young sculptors Tramaine de Senna and Nicholás Lamas, in collaboration with Mélange from Cologne and Sabot, Cluj. On first glance the show is almost conventional in its arrangement, a tightly grouped collection of art objects on plinths, even if the plinths are not of the square, white variety. The design qualities of Senna’s work lends the exhibition an arty feel, so that it looks a little like an abandoned surrealist installation, but in combination with Lama’s objects and their mix of the natural and artificial, the overall impression is of a modernist cabinet of curiosities - if such a cabinet was run by a dyslexic alien with a moderate interest in art and a well-established shoe fetish. Objects lose their everyday meanings in the unusual combination produced by Lamas: what looks like fossilised coral, bursts out of a neon blue sneaker, carefully placed on a gently modulating, bent car radiator grill. Cutting across familiar systemic structures in a strongly dialectical way, nature seems to imitate the unnatural, human items, planetary processes.  Senna’s work is more artful in comparison, in that it references other art, design and fashion, with a high heeled shoe at the end of an epoxy clay pedestal or bright leopard print across shaped cardboard hanging on the wall. Hers is the more familiar strategy of recovering unfamiliar meanings from very familiar everyday.  
Eva Grubinger, Timo Seber and Johannes Tassilo Walter @ Nir Altman hosting Galerie Tobias Naehring, Leipzig [click here and here] The last event of the night is Nir Altman’s, another group exhibition where gallery artist, Johannes Tassilo Walter, is partnered with two artists from Leipzig’s Tobias Naering, Eva Grubinger and Timo Seber. Walter presents a new series of paintings, while Naering and Grubinger show older work: Seber, his Slave to the Biorhythm from the Not Fair, Warsaw, 2017 and Grubinger, one piece from her 2018 exhibition 'Steam,' Untitled (Petropawlowsk, Stepan Petrischenko). The combination of artists is clearly a challenging one, as the connections between them are not immediately apparent. Walter’s paintings are very formalist and process based, demanding careful scrutiny and deep engagement. Made with many layers, one has to pay attention to how the different gestures react and overlap each other and then reappear on different grounds. Grubinger’s sculptural work uses formalist devices, but has a much more pronounced conceptual, if not to say political aim. Untitled (Petropawlowsk, Stepan Petrischenko) is one work from a series of four, which imbues its seemingly modernist structures with industrial references to present little-known facts of nautical cultural history, a series of mutinies that resulted in the destruction of a dominant power, in a celebration of individual dissent. Known for his investigations into communication mechanisms of video game culture, Seber presents a set of mirrors suspended from ceiling by thick leather straps, our reflection obscured by prints of germinating seeds and block-like red marks. If there is a reference to mass culture, it is  an obscure one, this work seemingly focussing on the cultural, social and biological construction of the viewer’s self image. Together, the artists not only share a certain formalist sensibility - certainly some of the pairings of red, blue and yellow are very aesthetically  pleasing - but also an interest in the processes of construction, whether this is related to the cultural artefact (Walter), political engagement (Grubinger) or identity (Seber). 
The night ends abruptly, with everyone rushing to the Various Others dinner. I head home too, past the cemetery. 
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damnrightshow · 3 years
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All shows are done of this week. Thank you for enjoy my show through the week. Enjoyed Thursday party flavor ? Keep imagine to be back to club, but I couldn't dance with playing that is a little flastrate hahaha. Anyway If you missed to listen,please listen to on YouTube. See you next show on Monday ! Have a fabulous weekend all !!!
1. "Keep An Eye On Your Close Friend" INTENSIVE HEAT (Soul Mate)
2. "What I Know About You" DURAND JONES AND THE INDICATIONS (Colemine)
3. "In A Moment" THE INTRIGUES (Yew)
4. "Somebody To Love" OZZ & HIS SPERLINGS (M.I.O.B)
5. "If This Is Love" THE PRECISIONS (Drew)
6. "I Love You, Yes I Do" THE INDEPENDENTS (Wand)
7. "If You Didn't Hear Me The First Time" THE SANDPEBBLES (Calla)
8. "Take Me" FABULOUS SOULS (Fabulous Soul)
9. "It Ain't Fair But It's Fun" THE FABULOUS ORIGINALS (Jewel)
10. "Comin' Through Part 2" THE MIND LIBERATORS (Trump)
11. "Talkin' Loud And Sayin' Nothin'" JAMES BROWN (King)
12. "Licking Stick Licking Stick" JAMES BROWN (King)
13. "The Grunt" THE JB'S (King)
14. "Breezies" CREATIVE FUNK (Creative Funk)
15. "Dancin" JACK SASS BAND (Visa)
16. "You Really Got Hold On Me" EMANUEL TAYLOR (Bernard)
17. "I Want Your Lovin'" BACKYARD CONSTRUCTION (B.Y.C.)
18. "Doin' It Our Way" BROOMFIELD CORPORATE JAM (Mountain)
19. "Nothing Left is Real" PURE FUNK (Planet Earth)
20. "Wake Up People" HEEM THE MUSIC MONSTER (Blood Leaf)
21. "Fell Into A Bag" RIVER CITY FUNK BAND (R.D.M.)
22. "Butter Nut Part 2" THE BLACK TRUTH AND (The Black Truth)
23. "Super Woman" BEGINNING OF THE END (AOE)
24. "Deep South" THE FOURTH LEVEL (MD)
25. "Skate" DEAN PARRISH (Boom)
26. "The Gigilo" GENE ANDERSON (Royal Tone)
27. "Funky Virginia" SIR GUY & THE ROCKING CAVALIERS (D.P.G.)
28. "My Young Misery" DARROW FLETCHER (Groovy)
29. "Dancing Shoes" THE CHYMES (Teako)
30. "Moving Woman" 87TH OFF BROADWAY (BGP)
31. "Hey Lancelot" JO ANN KING (Phil La Soul)
32. "You're Doin' Alright" APPLE PIE N' STOVER (Era)
34. "Help Your Brothers" CROSS BRONX EXPRESSWAY (Zell's)
35. "You Better Stop It" BARBARA MASON (Arctic)
36. "Forever" JOHN SIMEONE (TNT)
37. "My Love" A MISSIN' LINC, LTD (Swap)
38. "Special Category" THE ROE-O-TATION (Gerim)
39. "I'd Like To Have You" NORWOOD LONG (Groovy Groove)
40. "Party On The Moon" ODELL KNIGHT (Valiant)
41. "Stop Before You Lose Me" JOE ADAMS (Soul Direction)
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incantalibriblog · 5 years
26 Novembre - "SPRING GIRLS" di Anne Todd
26 Novembre - "SPRING GIRLS" di Anne Todd Link Amazon https://amzn.to/34hEQU6
Titolo: Spring Girls Autore: Anne Todd Genere: Contemporaneo Casa Editrice: Sperling & Kupfer Lunghezza: 416 pagine Prezzo: Ebook € 8,99 – Cartaceo €15,21 Data di pubblicazione: 26 Novembre 2019
L’autrice di AFTER reinventa PICCOLE DONNE ambientandolo ai giorni nostri. La versione 2.0 di un grande classico.
Meg, Jo, Beth e Amy Spring sono sorelle. Diversissime tra loro, eppure…
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babaalexander · 7 years
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Great Birthday Wishes to Actors Born on December 26 Jared Leto Kit Harington Timothee Chalamet Sean Pratt Graham Shiels Temuera Morrison Oguri Shun Zach Mills Joshua Miller Nikolai Nikolaeff Richard Widmark (1914-2008) Tony Rosato (1954-2017) Jo Jung-suk Alan King (1927-2004) Norman Towns Yu Shirota Brad Swaile Leo Wu Elisha Cook Jr. (1903-1995) Terry Michos Donald Moffat Ronnie Sperling Chad Riley Gregg Wayans Kamal Elshennawi (1921-2011) #JaredLeto #KitHarington #TimotheeChalamet #SeanPratt #GrahamShiels #TemueraMorrison #OguriShun #ZachMills #JoshuaMiller #NikolaiNikolaeff #RichardWidmark (1914-2008) #TonyRosato (1954-2017) #JoJungsuk #AlanKing (1927-2004) #NormanTowns #YuShirota #BradSwaile #LeoWu #ElishaCookJr (1903-1995) #TerryMichos #DonaldMoffat #RonnieSperling #ChadRiley #GreggWayans #KamalElshennawi (1921-2011)
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xpressbus · 2 years
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another from... Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqF0yfPA7QP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 https://www.instagram.com/p/CppjXocgH-T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppJoQuO-7W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppJhctux9m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppJaVIOM96/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppJQ6Fu4yA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Ice Theatre of New York @icetheatreofny #pop-up #performance “Of Water and Ice” Rock Center Rink @rockcenterrink Choreography: Jody Sperling @jody_sperling Music: Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky @djspooky_official Performers: Valerie Levine @valerielevine & Sarah France @sarahdoesstuff Costume constructed by Mary Jo Mecca @maryjomecca and painted by Gina Nagy Burns https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAvkY6 (at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppJK3TOt43/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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